Lunatic Factions Vie For Control Over Asylum
Have you ever been on the bus and heard an argument among crazy people?

Seems (Orly) Taitz and her supporters have decided they need to engage in attacks and making false statements in a chat room by the name of “Tavern of the Ghostfighter (Correction)” and other sites to try and keep up the FRAUD that I am now convinced Orly Taitz is engaged in.
Allow me to correct one thing being claimed by Taitz and her marks: Orly Taitz at no time was in any airport with me and never once yelled at me anywhere. Now to make such claims is a bit telling as to her motives.
Whew! This fight needs a referee:
Later today I will be faxing to the United States District Court in Santa Ana, California as well as to the U.S. Attorney’s Office an Affidavit informing Judge Carter that on September 7, 2009 Orly Taitz did knowingly and intentionally ask me to appear before his Court on September 8, 2009 and give knowingly false testimony for the purpose of obtaining “expedited discovery,” and to gain publicity for my book […]
Orly Taitz as an officer of the court engaged in behavior that if allowed to go unquestioned will harm any and all valid claims made on Barack Obama’s eligibility now or in the future. In the words of an Orly Taitz supporter, “She can’t lie and ask others to lie at the same time accusing Obama of lying. Lets get to the truth but we have to be honest in doing so.”
Indeed, some might say that’s the best way of getting to the truth! But as the song says, “honesty” is such a lonely word. (Or is it?)

(Investigating Obama) repeats the call: do you also know of significantly unethical or even illegal behavior on the part of Orly Taitz, as it pertains to the movement for constitutional justice regarding Barack Obama, by the constitutional standards for natural born Citizenship? If so, please email I want to help you.
We the People of the United States of America are owed competence, honesty, and allegiance, in this matter. Please see immediately prior I.O. article on Orly Taitz and Barnett v. Obama and its comments, for more reality.
Speaking of reality, here’s an update:
U.S. District Court Judge Clay Land (on Wednesday) tossed out a complaint by an Army captain fighting deployment to Iraq by questioning the legitimacy of President Barack Obama.
Land also put attorney Orly Taitz, who represents Capt. Connie Rhodes and is a leader in the national “birther” movement, on notice by stating that she could face sanctions if she ever files a similar “frivolous” lawsuit in his court.
For her part, Taitz took the high road, suggesting the judge be tried for treason and comparing herself to Nelson Mandela:

(I)f Rhodes is open to continuing the fight, would Taitz go along? “Oh absolutely, absolutely,” she said. “Listen, Nelson Mandela stayed in prison for years in order to get to the truth and justice.”
And Taitz brushed off the possibility of sanctions. “I’m not afraid of sanctions. Because I know this is not frivolous. I know this is extremely important — the most important issue in this country today.”
“Judge Land is a typical puppet of the regime — just like in the Soviet Union,” she said.
Whoa, pretty crazy, right? Crazy like a fox, maybe. And not just any fox – but one who’s been charged by an illegitimate regime with guarding the proverbial henhouse. Truly, the mind reels:

(A similar case in California that also involves Taitz) might still has (sic) a chance of success, if its plaintiffs were only to have counsel which does not undermine and subvert the case.
Marxist and fascist revolutions come accompanied by well planned and executed sabotage. We see that in the application and timing of the “mortgage meltdown,” in the work of ACORN, George Soros, Herb and Marion Sandler, and in my opinion, Sec. Henry Paulson, COB Ben Bernanke, Sen. Charles Schumer, and whatever other members of Congress, including Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank.
Further, we see it in the planned destruction of free America and our wealth and economy (while building the state-dependent proletariat forces) in the “stimulus act,” in “healthcare reform,” in “cap and trade,” and in “Federal Reserve oversight.”
I do not know whether or not Orly Taitz is an intentional saboteur. I only see it obvious that she behaves like one. If Dr. Taitz were not front and center, the insurrection would be remiss.
Um, indeed?
It’s nice to know that, while some of y’all cats is lounging indoors, reading FanGraphs or Hipster Runoff, for example, some dogs is outside in the yard, barking at everything that moves because, after all, it’s a free country, and they’d like to keep it that way.
Gavin adds:

And he’s gonna be in trouble…”
Robert Stacy McCain, The Other McCain:
Andrew Jackson’s mother advises this response to Charles Johnson’s lies“Meanwhile, white supremacist blogger Robert Stacy McCain (new darling of the right wing blogs) is attacking again. No linkies for him.”
— Charles Johnson, Little Green Footballs, Sept. 15, 2009“Never tell a lie, nor take what is not your own, nor sue anybody for slander, assault and battery. Always settle them cases yourself.”
— Andrew Jackson, recalling his mother’s adviceCharles Johnson’s gutless passive-aggressive act — outrageously libeling me, trying to prevent me from reporting on the 9/12 March on DC, and then falsely claiming that I am attacking him — has been permitted to continue too long. Honest people are now compelled by simple decency to denounce him as the craven, sadistic liar he is.
Contrary to anything Mad King Charles may tell his dwindling pool of yet-to-be-banned…
[backing away slowly]
I can’t address the crazy (who COULD?) so I’ll just engage in some typical lookism.
While that top pic looks like the bastard love child of John Belushi and marlon Brando, Oily Taintz looks like Zombie Audrey Landers (in other words, ‘Audrey Landers’ hurr hurr hurr).
…Oh, hell, at least one comment:
while building the state-dependent proletariat forces
A similar case in California that also involves Taitz) might still has (sic) a chance of success…
That is sic! It should be speeled ”haz”.
PDF transcript of the judgement : “Unlike in Alice in Wonderland, simply saying something is so does not make it so.”
But how do we know that Hipster Runoff isn’t part of the Government Conspiracy? I mean that federal judges being part of the sham that is this Kenyan-led Usurpation, well that’s part of the definitions. But ORLY? ORLY Taints, an intentional saboteur, part of a false flag operation, perhaps Barack’s personal white sex slave? The tendrils of the monster reach everywhere. We may as well start calling it the United States of Kenya.
Have you ever been on the bus and heard an argument among crazy people?
I believe Dan Riehl has.
As predicted, as with Larry Johnson and the PUMA HAKAKA movement, they are starting to eat their own in the birther movement.
Hipster Runoff
Does that make his column a Superfund clean-up site?
If anyone ever thinks I’m even thinking about clicking “Hipster Runoff” again, I beg then to at least cut off my arms. Really, you have my permission to shoot me. Dead.
So, when does Tina Turner push these two into Thunderdome to bring this matter to a close?
Because I’m betting on Taitz. She looks like she’d go directly for the throat with her teeth.
Even weirder than Orly is the reservist herself. Connie Rhodes supports the Republicans who created the damn war she’s seeking to avoid being deployed to. How does that work?
She looks like she’d go directly for the throat with her teeth
Well, she IS a zombie, after all.
She looks like she’d go directly for the throat with her teeth.
If she has the chance to put them in, you mean.
It’s a delicious irony that the judge in the case is a GW Bush appointee. Hope they choked on that one.
Now why would Orly Taitz compare herself to a Commu-Nazi-Terrorist-Insurgent like Nelson Mandela if not to secretly signal that she’s working for the other side? The plot thickens
That quote I stuck up at the top of this post is timestamped yesterday!
Who wants to bet ol’ Orally will eventually hit pay dirt with this scam? Eventually she’ll find some Bush-appointed judge from South Banjostan with a degree from Liberty or Regents, and the right combination of GOP, birther, racist and rabies, and the court will issue a “temporay stay”, or call for “additional testimony”, or agree that “questions regarding the President’s citizenship may have merit”, and that’s all it will take. “See?… See?! …SEE!!!!???!!?? It’s what we’ve been saying all along! Obama’s really a Kenyan, Muslo-hippy marxifascist satanic socialestical black black blackity mandingo, tax-n-spending liberal gun-confiscatin’ acid, amnesty ‘n abortionizing NEEEEEgro, and he gots to go NOW!”
Well, she IS a zombie, after all.
Fast infected zombie? Slow irradiated zombie? No, Ms. Taitz is clearly a stumbling hallucinogenic cucumber zombie.
Orly’s eyelashes look like they’re crafted from spider legs. I’m thinking tarantulas.
“Eyelashes crafted from spider legs” hmmm.
I thought she looked familiar
I’d like to thank Stacy for the quote of the day:
Ms. Taitz is clearly a stumbling hallucinogenic cucumber zombie.
Oh, thank you ever so much for linking the concepts “Oily Taintz” and “cucumber” in my head, prompting a vision that I shall definitely need an entire 20-mule team of borax to scrub from my brain.
Pere, maybe this will help.
linking the concepts “Oily Taintz” and “cucumber”
Better than linking dry taints and cucumbers.
Or so I’ve heard.
I’m glad to see it was not just me who was locked out of Sadly, No!
I was getting worried my tech folks had caught up with this habit too. The porn was hard enough to give up.
Oh, fucksake…the most disturbing thing about this article was the link to Hipster Runoff, which needs to be obliterated as a threat to human sanity.
The rest of it is just hilarious.
It’s a delicious irony that the judge in the case is a GW Bush appointee. Hope they choked on that one.
GWB is a Sekrit Librul, you know.
Well, she IS a zombie, after all.
O no. O no no no. We’re not taking the blame for THIS one.
Frankly, I am getting weary of every two bit whackaloon and jumped-up huckster being labeled “zombie this” and “zombie that”.
There are better, more pertinent ghouls, people. Cannibals, lycanthropes, vampires, mummies, toxic-waste taints, specters, banshees, brood, jackals, slime, poltergeists, minions, demons, haunts, mutants, mole-men, blobs, devils, and Republicans.
Orly Taitz lengthens her lashes with Michelle Malkin Mathscara.
damn it, scrubbed me cookies.
Frankly, I am getting weary of every two bit whackaloon and jumped-up huckster being labeled “zombie this” and “zombie that”.
Oh great!
You know, zrm, we liberals have enough trouble being identified with the equal rights for women, gays, blacks and Hispanics, and now you want to suddenly get all “Title IX” about the undead?????
Clearly it is time to appoint a special prosecutor to get to the bottom of these serious allegations regarding our president’s citizenship. If need be, the investigation can expand from there.
Marxist and fascist revolutions come accompanied by well planned and executed sabotage. We see that in the application and timing of the “mortgage meltdown,” in the work of ACORN, George Soros, Herb and Marion Sandler, and in my opinion, Sec. Henry Paulson, COB Ben Bernanke, Sen. Charles Schumer, and whatever other members of Congress, including Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank.
That is some serious crazy.
You know, zrm, we liberals have enough trouble being identified with the equal rights for women, gays, blacks and Hispanics, and now you want to suddenly get all “Title IX” about the undead?????
Title Z.
I just would prefer not to be associated with the likes of Orly Taitz or Jonah Goldberg.
How’d you like it if I lumped YOU in with Pauly Shore or Keanu reeves?
Sweet Jesus — don’t click that purported LGF link. At least at work.
There are better, more pertinent ghouls, people. Cannibals, lycanthropes, vampires, mummies, toxic-waste taints, specters, banshees, brood, jackals, slime, poltergeists, minions, demons, haunts, mutants, mole-men, blobs, devils, and Republicans.
We’ll take the ghouls and the mutants but we don’t want the Republicans!
Orly Taitz “received her law degree from the unaccredited Taft Law School in Santa Ana, California, which “specializes in ‘distance learning law programs to qualified students around the world'”, and subsequently passed the California bar exam.” (Wikipedia)
That would be this dump.
How’d you like it if I lumped YOU in with Pauly Shore or Keanu reeves?
You can’t make the undead unliving. Sorry.
What’s all this fuss I keep hearing about Whirly Tits? Visions of tassled pasties circling in opposite directions. Doing some kind of burlesque hootchie coochie dance. Put on your brassiere, lady. The kids don’t need to see that.
How’d you like it if I lumped YOU in with Pauly Shore or Keanu reeves?
This seems like a good spot to point out that there’s now a Cthulhu-scented cologne.
Good lord said,
September 17, 2009 at 17:53
This is one time I should have had faith in the Good Lord’s word.
I thought N__B was kidding.
Silly me.
I guess it’s still acceptable to discriminate against zombies.
We still have so far to go.
May I remind you that MLK is no longer breathing? Hmmmm?
I thought N__B was kidding.
New to the Internets, are you?
Look, zrm, not for nothing, but it’s going to be a hard sell to get Zombiequality, K?
For one thing, you guys smell worse than the French.
Maybe you could convert to Islam? It might make it easier.
Leave Orly Mandela Taitz alone!
You try running through the mall in a Keanu Reeves-suit and see how you feel.
Comrade of a bitch?
The writer left the “ag” off, I’m sure.
To All Judges!
I was thinking of it in terms of a cross between Dawn of the Dead and a daisy chain [NSFW]. Not a pretty mental picture, but at least they’d be cleaning up each other’s messes in a sort of Ouroborous-type way.
Mang! The motorbus of crazy is a dangerous place these days. Feces flingers facing off against feces flingers. Hate to get caught in the middle of that.
Larry Sinclair? Mr. I-Smoked-Crack-With-Obama-In-His-Limo-Then-Blew-Him? The one who flunked a polygraph test? THAT Larry Sinclair? Guy’s such an utter cipher that I had to Google him to know for sure.
Well, at least Teh Amurrickin Revalouschin 2: Eclectic OggaBooga is in good hands … it seems the guy who forged Whorely Taint’s second “Kenyan” Birth Certificate for her is now on YouTube outing her too – hmm, maybe her checks all bounced.
By the by, that’s the nicest picture of her I’ve ever seen, by far – she really does look like a butt-ugly over-the-hill tranny trying to do Tammy-Faye & failing. The astonishing thing is that the second she opens her mouth you forget all about her looks – & strangely enough, in this case that’s not a good thing.
As for Gavin’s addendum – it’s pretty obvious that poor widdle Stacy is just jealous of LGF’s vastly greater readership, even after he was cast out of the Wingnut Sith-Lords’ Treehouse Klub with much fanfare. He should take a tip from his hero Limbaugh: if you call yourself an “entertainer” you can BS from sunup to midnight & nobody can nail you on it (poetic license & all that cal), but if you call yourself a “journalist” it’s open season 24/7.
DISCLAIMER: The above is not meant to imply that I approve of hunting Stacy McCain with a helicopter (but it’s not like I really disapprove of such a potential comedy-video-goldmine either … rock, hard place, stuck, etc.).
J— found an awesome video filmed exclusively in sidewaysvision that shows ACTUAL FOOTAGE OF OBAMA’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE FILMED IN KENYA!!!
Also the guy calls out Joseph Farah, WorldNetDaily and Orly Taitz.
We the People of the United States of America are owed competence, honesty, and allegiance, in this matter.
That’s kind of why I voted for him in the first place.
The schaden is pretty freudy today, isn’t it?
Plaintiff’s counsel is a self-proclaimed leader in what has become known as “the birther movement.” She maintains that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States, and, therefore, he is not eligible to be President of the United States. See Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire, [1] (last visited Sept. 15, 2009). Counsel has filed numerous lawsuits in various parts of the country seeking a judicial determination as to the President’s legitimacy to hold the office of President. The present action is the second such action filed in this Court in which counsel pursues her “birther claim.” Her modus operandi is to use military officers as parties and have them allege that they should not be required to follow deployment orders because President Obama is not constitutionally qualified to be President. Although counsel has managed to fuel this “birther movement” with her litigation and press conferences, she does not appear to have prevailed on a single claim.[2] In fact, Plaintiff previously filed the present action in the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas. That Court summarily dismissed her complaint upon finding that Plaintiff “has no substantial likelihood of success on the merits.” Rhodes v. Gates, 5:09-CV-00703-XR, Order Den. Mot. for TRO 3 (W.D. Tex. Aug. 28, 2009). Counsel then re-filed the same action in this Court.
[1] Article II, Section 1, Clause 4 of the United States Constitution provides in relevant part that “No Person except a natural born Citizen . . . shall be eligible to the Office of President.”
[2] This Court dismissed an earlier action filed by Plaintiff’s counsel on behalf of a military reservist based upon that plaintiff’s lack of standing. See Cook v. Good, No. 4:09-CV-82 (CDL), 2009 WL 2163535 (M.D. Ga. Jul. 16, 2009).
Plaintiff’s counsel speculates that President Obama was not born in the United States based upon the President’s alleged refusal to disclose publicly an “official birth certificate” that is satisfactory to Plaintiff’s counsel and her followers. She therefore seeks to have the judiciary compel the President to produce “satisfactory” proof that he was born in the United States. Counsel makes these allegations although a “short-form” birth certificate has been made publicly available which indicates that the President was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4, 1961. To press her “birther agenda,” Plaintiff’s counsel has filed the present action on behalf of Captain Rhodes. Captain Rhodes entered the Army in March of 2005 and presently serves as a medical doctor. The American taxpayers paid for her third and fourth years of medical school and financially supported her during her subsequent medical internship and residency program. In exchange for this valuable free medical education, Captain Rhodes agreed to serve two years in active service in the Army. She began that term of active service in July of 2008 and had no concerns about fulfilling her military obligation until she received orders notifying her that she would be deployed to Iraq in September of 2009.
Captain Rhodes does not seek a discharge from the Army; nor does she wish to be relieved entirely from her two year active service obligation. She has not previously made any official complaints regarding any orders or assignments that she has received, including orders that have been issued since President Obama became Commander in Chief. But she does not want to go to Iraq (or to any other destination where she may be in harm’s way, for that matter). Her “conscientious objections” to serving under the current Commander in Chief apparently can be accommodated as long as she is permitted to remain on American soil. Captain Rhodes is presently stationed at Ft. Benning, Georgia awaiting deployment to Iraq. This deployment is imminent and will likely occur absent an order from this Court granting Plaintiff’s motion for a temporary restraining order.
[3] The Court observes that the President defeated seven opponents in a grueling campaign for his party’s nomination that lasted more than eighteen months and cost those opponents well over $300 million. See Federal Election Commission, Presidential Pre-Nomination Campaign Disbursements Dec. 31, 2008, (last visited Sept. 15, 2009).
Then the President faced a formidable opponent in the general election who received $84 million to conduct his general election campaign against the President. Press Release, Federal Election Commission, 2008 Presidential Campaign Financial Activity Summarized (June 8, 2009), available at It would appear that ample opportunity existed for discovery of evidence that would support any contention that the President was not eligible for the office he sought.
Furthermore, Congress is apparently satisfied that the President is qualified to serve. Congress has not instituted impeachment proceedings, and in fact, the House of Representatives in a broad bipartisan manner has rejected the suggestion that the President is not eligible for office. See H.R. Res. 593, 111th Cong. (2009) (commemorating, by vote of 378-0, the 50th anniversary of Hawaii’s statehood and stating, “the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, was born in Hawaii on August
4, 1961”).
Glenn Beck has a pal in David Von Drehle at Time Magazine.
Yeah, trust liberals to take “Obama’s Nazi Youth Militia” the wrong way.
Hank Paulson, Agent of the Sixth International.
J— found an awesome video filmed exclusively in sidewaysvision that shows ACTUAL FOOTAGE OF OBAMA’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE FILMED IN KENYA!!!
That’s a parody right?
You got to give her an “A” for effort. She just keeps trying no matter how crazy she looks or how damaging this is to her reputation.
Got to love her for that.
P.s. I love the wig.
Because I’m betting on Taitz. She looks like she’d go directly for the throat with her teeth.
She is a dentist, after all.
BTW, Dr. Taint, DDS, what is your citizenship status? What is the citizenship status of your son?
Just sayin’.
Captain Rhodes does not seek a discharge from the Army; nor does she wish to be relieved entirely from her two year active service obligation. She has not previously made any official complaints regarding any orders or assignments that she has received, including orders that have been issued since President Obama became Commander in Chief. But she does not want to go to Iraq (or to any other destination where she may be in harm’s way, for that matter). Her “conscientious objections” to serving under the current Commander in Chief apparently can be accommodated as long as she is permitted to remain on American soil.
So…the plaintiff doesn’t want to quit the army, she doesn’t have a problem serving, she just doesn’t want to follow one particular order, and when that order was given, she decided that the President wasn’t qualified. So if the order is rescinded is she cool with him?
I don’t know anything about Rhodes, but it sure sounds like Orly’s playing her.
based upon the President’s alleged refusal to disclose publicly an “official birth certificate” that is satisfactory to Plaintiff’s counsel and her followers.
There is no such thing.
No, Ms. Taitz is clearly a stumbling hallucinogenic cucumber zombie.
Hmm. feeding salt to a zombie returns it to it’s senses. Good to know. I wonder if that only works on Haitian zombies.
Goddammit, I have to get my Dangling Tag Syndrome looked at.
As a former appellate printer allow me to say that Judge Land’s Order is a thing of beauty and a joy forever. In typical judicial fashion he delivers some of the worst of the smack-down in footnotes.
It’s salad dressing, kid. Enid opened a fresh jug this morning.
Clearly it is time to appoint a special prosecutor to get to the bottom of these serious allegations regarding our president’s citizenship. If need be, the investigation can expand from there.
Perhaps a birther czar, if you will.
President Taitz. I like it.
That don’t look like salad dressing.
Steerpike, where is “South Banjostan”? As a fledgling banjo player, I’d consider vacation there.
“Sex, drugs, and Earl Scruggs!”
Against trade unionists and suspected Bolshies….or do I misinterpret?
PalinTaitz in 2012
Puff has ceased his fearless roar.
R.I.P. Mary Travers.
Veeeeery interesting….
R.I.P. Arte Johnson.
I don’t know what that captain does in the Army, but I’m sure glad I’m not under her command.
The guy with the Blair Witchy video is named in this poorly filmed Orly presser and summary.
R.I.P. Arte Johnson.
Arte Johnson will never die, as long as crossword puzzle writers walk the Earth. He’s as immortal as Eero Saarinen.
Not Henry Gibson?
Never mind…. /Emily Litella
Is Orly Taitz Lady Gaga’s mother?
I’m just askin’
Look, zrm, not for nothing, but it’s going to be a hard sell to get Zombiequality, K?
For one thing, you guys smell worse than the French.
Serendipity in action: we now know of a use for Cthulhu cologne.
BDH–no offense aginst the banjo was intended. I am a big fan of Scruggs, as well as Bela Fleck, Steve Martin, John Walkenbach and Pete Seeger. Peace (and put down the claw-hammer!) Banjostan, on the other hand, can be defined as a place where the typical voter’s banjos outnumber his teeth, as a handy rule of thumb.
That’s a parody right?
Dr. Orly Taitz thinks he’s the real deal. As Substance McGravitas notes above, his affirmation about his trip to Kenya was a big part of her filing in Santa Ana. This site has images of Smith’s affidavit (including Baby Obama’s cute little footprint!) submitted to that court, which I assume is the same as the Smith affidavit filed in Columbus, Georgia (see footnote 5 from the judge’s ruling). Taitz submitted that supposed Kenyan birth certificate in Georgia as well.
Like Sinclair, Smith says Taitz wants him to lie under oath.
Goddammit, I have to get my Dangling Tag Syndrome looked at.
Uhhhhhhhhhhh, viva Viagra! Viva Viagra! Thankyewvurrymush…
BDH–no offense aginst the banjo was intended.
Pity, cuz…. 😉
Bitter Scribe said,
September 17, 2009 at 19:24
“I don’t know what that captain does in the Army, but I’m sure glad I’m not under her command.”
She is a surgeon. Sort of a female Frank Burns.
Didja ever wake up in the mornin’ with a Zombie Cuke behind your taint?
Didja ever wake up in the mornin’ with a Zombie Cuke behind your taint?
Isn’t that the premise of nearly every country song ever written?
Didja ever wake up in the mornin’ with a Zombie Cuke behind your taint?
Zappa/Cpt. Beefheart reference. What do I win?
BDH–no offense aginst the banjo was intended.
You have forced me to ask, what’s the difference between a banjo and a vacuum cleaner?
i.e. “. . . zombie woof behind your eyes.”
what’s the difference between a banjo and a vacuum cleaner?
Dueling vacuum cleaners have never figured in the plot of a movie?
What do I win?
Fast and bulbous.
Dueling vacuum cleaners have never figured in the plot of a movie?
Spaceballs???? HULLO?????
Scrugs vs rugs?
Either way, you may not be inclined to believe what we say about numbers, according to a recent poll that found record-low levels of public trust of the mainstream media.
A new poll says that 37% of all statistics are made up.
A new poll says that 29.3% of people lie to pollsters.
A new poll says that 37% of all statistics are made up.
Part of me doesn’t believe that.
Well, hear me out.
She married an American citizen, right? Under our Constitution, that makes her a citizen. She had a son who is automatically a natural-born citizen, yes?
How is that any different than the saga of Mr. & Mrs. Barack Obama, Sr.?
Even if O RLY looked at her own circumstances, she would find her complaints have no merit.
And besides, WTF does she care anyway?
Is Orly Taitz Lady Gaga’s mother?
I’m just askin’
It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
Saw it once and have mercifully forgotten that low point in M. Brooks’s oeuvre.
She had a son who is automatically a natural-born citizen, yes?
If born on US soil, yes. If not, no.
Saw it once and have mercifully forgotten that low point in M. Brooks’s oeuvre.
Well, then….The Matrix: Revolutions???????? Come on! Billions of vacuum cleaners played a pivotal role!
What do I win?
Ask the Muffin Man.
If born on US soil, yes. If not, no.
Really? But the Constitution doesn’t say that, does it?
“Dueling vacuum cleaners have never figured in the plot of a movie?”
Obviously, you have never seen the ’70’s porno flick “Rug Munchers ElectroSuxcapade III.”
Actually, I take that back, Duros…
Current U.S. statutes define various categories of individuals born overseas as “citizens at birth,” including (for example) all persons “born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents both of whom are citizens of the United States and one of whom has had a residence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions, prior to the birth of such person[s].”
Assuming the Taitzlet was born after Orly got her citizenship, then it doesn’t matter where he was born.
I hadn’t looked at LGF in a long time. Apparently rumors that Charles Johnson has gone sane are true.
So, as the crazy goes on, we’ve picked up Sully (most of the time), John Cole and now Johnson.
They picked up Dennis Miller.
I’m fine with that.
On second thought, are BADGERS ever not on-topic?
Obviously, you have never seen the ’70’s porno flick “Rug Munchers ElectroSuxcapade III.”
Oh yea! Starring Oliver Cherry!
On second thought, are BADGERS ever not on-topic?
Needs a DJ. They look like they’re at a party.
Wait–her name is O Rly? and her co-counsel is GARY KREEP?
“Gary Kreep is representing Wiley Drake and Markham Robinson, in Barnett, et. al. v. Obama, while other plaintiffs are represented by Orly Taitz.”
I can’t keep up.
Kreeping Orly Taitz….
“Oh yea! Starring Oliver Cherry!”
Exactly, he was the door-to-door vacuum salesman.
Exactly, he was the door-to-door vacuum salesman.
“Excuse me, miss…do you mind if I show you how our vacuum…munches carpet?”
Fast and bulbous.
Bulbous, also tapered.
Some tidbits of Taint.
“Plaintiff’s complaint is not plausible on its face. To the extent that it alleges any “facts,” the Complaint does not connect those facts to any actual violation of Plaintiff’s individual constitutional rights. Unlike in Alice in Wonderland, simply saying something is so does not make it so.” (snip)
“One piece of “evidence” Plaintiff’s counsel relies upon deserves further discussion. Counsel has produced a document that she claims shows the President was born in Kenya, yet she has not authenticated that document. She has produced an affidavit from someone who allegedly obtained the document from a hospital in Mombasa, Kenya by paying “a cash ‘consideration’ to a Kenyan military officer on duty to look the other way, while [he] obtained the copy” of the document. (Smith Decl. ¶ 7, Sept. 3, 2009.) Counsel has not, however, produced an original certificate of authentication from the government agency that supposedly has official custody of the document. Therefore, the Court finds that the alleged document is unreliable due to counsel’s failure to properly authenticate the document. See Fed. R. Evid. 901. 10
On second thought, are BADGERS ever not on-topic?
Wow. That’s a lot of badgers. What struck me is the cat in the photo. I would think badgers would make a quick meal out of that little morsel.
“He is a good doctor. As good as any I know.”
“If he were any good, he would have made major. I know what a First Captain is, doctor.”
—“A Farewell to Arms”
(Note: I’m quoting from memory and so may have it slightly wrong.)
I clicked the Charles Johnson link…
What do I win?
Payback for sticking that San Ber’dino earworm in my helmet yesterday. And, no, I don’t care that it wasn’t you who planted it, gm, you still stood by and did nothing to stop it.
Wait! I just re-read my post. Orly admitted in a court of law to bribing a Kenyan official. Do we have an extradition treaty with Kenya?
Dinah-mo Hummm, Dina-moe Hummm, where’s this Dinah-Mo Cummin’ from…
Is Orly Taitz Lady Gaga’s mother?
I’m just askin’
It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
I guess it would be irresponsible not to speculate that Orly Taitz is a hermaphrodite.
“If he were any good, he would have made major. I know what a First Captain is, doctor.”
”A Farewell to Arms”
And yet Frank Burns was a Major and Hawkeye was a mere Captain and everyone knows that Pierce was a much better doctor. Also, 70’s sitcoms trump Hemingway. Also.
Dinah-mo Hummm, Dina-moe Hummm, where’s this Dinah-Mo Cummin’ from…
She has a taint that makes me faint
And I won’t be to it.
She has a taint that makes me faint
And I won’t be to it.
No, No, No, No, No.
Assuming the Taitzlet was born after Orly got her citizenship, then it doesn’t matter where he was born.
Ah HA! So then her frivolous lawsuit is, in fact, frivolous! QED!
Taitzlet. Awesome.
What struck me is the cat in the photo.
Me too. And the badger on looking at it, going, “What’s up? Where’s the kegger?”
I guess it would be irresponsible not to speculate that Orly Taitz is a hermaphrodite.
She impregnated herself and then gave birth to Lady GAGa, already fully formed!
I clicked the Charles Johnson link…
Charlie’s still using that nugget, eh? Needs some new material.
I don’t mean to be a total spoilsport, but them BADGERS certainly don’t cast much shadow. Anyways, the cat’s doing fine because the BADGERS already filled up on her siblings.
I heard that Glenn Beck paid for Orly Taits sex change operation in 1990. I am not saying its true, but it would be so easy for her to dispel these rumors. I find her silence to be, how should I say this . . . interesting, quite interesting.
God, the sheer crazy->hate, hate->crazy of that site is stomach-churning. It’s metaphysical sickness on display.
Is that level of delusion a choice? I think so – but it’s getting closer and closer to the sort of madness that is hard to distinguish from demonic possession. They’re letting the demon in because it whispers little bits of comfort to them – and soon enough it will take them over.
What struck me is the cat in the photo. I
Zombie Cat. Eatin Badger Branes.
They’re letting the demon in because it whispers little bits of comfort to them – and soon enough it will take them over.
I’m worried. You’ve just described my relationship with Szechuan food.
PeeJ, ya need to get them Badgers over to Substance for some animatin’
And now, for something completely different: South Carolina finally gets something right.
This is a sop to Pere et. al. who have suffered more than their share of embarrassment over their homeland lately.
Is Taitz silent because she knows something about a woman Glenn Beck may have raped and murdered in 1990?
Is Taitz silent because she knows something about a woman Glenn Beck may have raped and murdered in 1990?
Beck has a functioning penis?
Zombie Cat. Eatin Badger Branes.
I’ve been around here long enough, I should have known that.
Beck has a functioning penis?
Yes, he’s a dickhead. By the clear fact that his (dick)head is disfunctional, we conclude that it is functioning in some manner,
hais a functioning penis?Fecksed but still quite debatable (the functioning part).
Is Taitz silent because she knows something about a woman Glenn Beck may have raped and murdered in 1990?
Isn’t it obvious? Orly Taitz is the woman Glenn Beck raped and murdered in 1990.
Orly Taitz is the woman Glenn Beck raped and murdered in 1990.
It certainly would explain the zomblance…
It certainly would explain the zomblance…
ZRM might rezombla that remark. Just sayin’.
“Orly Taitz is the woman Glenn Beck raped and murdered in 1990.
It certainly would explain the zomblance…”
I demand she release the long form copy of her death certificate.
She married an American citizen, right? Under our Constitution, that makes her a citizen.
No it doesn’t.
You just get a green card if you marry a citizen (and it’s a damned hard process, too, as friends of mine just learned.). The only way an immigrant can become a CITIZEN is by going through thecitizenship program.
Is Orly a citizen? Or is she a legal resident? There’s a big difference – although it doesn’t change the fact that if her son was born here, HE’s a citizen.
Is Orly a citizen?
Or a zombizen?
Anyways, the cat’s doing fine because the BADGERS…
Too funny. Love this one, too.
In somewhat related news, Camille Paglia is evidently a Birfer.
Isn’t she required to be a citizen to practice law in California?
There’s a Zombie Lou Dobbs joke in here somewhere.
OK, I know I’m just a zombie, and Imma letcha finish, but I think for all the ‘trigger’ ridicule around here and the good natured mockery of Shakesville, they have kinda have a point about the “Glenn Beck raped and murdered…” website.
I will not be surprised at all to find out that Beck is capable of, and has committed, heinous crimes against humanity, reason, and badgers, but I find myself in agreement that this kind of trivializes rape. And murder, for that matter. It’s treating it as a partisan point to be played, and being ZOMBIE LIBRUL, I Kind of find it off-putting. even if I did initially snerk at it. It’s the basic attitude that winds up with things like rescinding health care by treating spousal abuse as a pre-existing condition.
I kind of hope we could leave the inhuman desensitizing to the trogs, yanno?
Back to the ridiculing of crazy russian immigrants.
There’s a Zombie Lou Dobbs joke in here somewhere.
Stop it. No self respecting zombie would have touched his branes, no matter how hungry.
He’s obviously a troll, pertecting his bridge.
Dude, that photo isn’t Orly Taitz, it’s Lady Gaga.
Isn’t she required to be a citizen to practice law in California?
Too funny. Love this one, too.
Now that’s some fine zombie action.
I will not be surprised at all to find out that Beck is capable of, and has committed, heinous crimes against humanity, reason, and badgers, but I find myself in agreement that this kind of trivializes rape. And murder, for that matter.
Assuming he didn’t actually did that, of course.
…to practice law in California?
How long does she have to practice before she can perform?
A fair bit more, ‘zall Immasane.
holy crap, I must have eated some Kanye Branes.
I agree with the zombie at 21:54.
Chicken-fucking would have been funnier.
Assuming he didn’t actually did that, of course.
Actor’s showing a bit of Kanye too.
Ernie musta been hitting the sauce last night. It’s Fox, so nobody saw it.
Actor’s showing a bit of Kanye too.
Does this do make my butt look big?
while building the state-dependent proletariat forces
My state-dependent memory — i can haz government subsidy?
Feces flingers facing off against feces flingers
Oh noes, it is apparently tongue-twister time and I have not had enough coffee.
I’m not the finger fleecer, I’m the finger fleecer’s son,
so I’ll sit here fleecing fingers till the finger fleecer comes.
How do we KNOW Glenn Beck isn’t a chicken-fucker?
After all, Mickey Kaus Blows Goats.
Beck LOOKS like a chicken fucker.
What exactly constitutes illegal employment for a zombie?
Food services, health services, day-care worker, the list goes on.
Orly Taitz is the woman Glenn Beck raped and murdered in 1990.
No way. Beck wouldn’t stand a chance against her.
I’m not up on the dietary needs of zombies but if brains are their staple, I’m guessing wingnut brains would be considered junk food. i.e. they a certain brainy flavour but lack any meaningful nutrients.
Food services, health services, day-care worker, the list goes on.
Fortunately, professional services are A-OK. Although if you’re talking financial industry, you might have better luck as a ‘blood-sucker’ type of ghoul….
No way. Beck wouldn’t stand a chance against her.
He might have faked her out by sticking the head with the branes inside her.
I’m guessing wingnut brains would be considered junk food. i.e. they a certain brainy flavour but lack any meaningful nutrients.
Wingnut branes are the Cheetos of th zombie world.
I’m not up on the dietary needs of zombies but if brains are their staple, I’m guessing wingnut brains would be considered junk food. i.e. they a certain brainy flavour but lack any meaningful nutrients.
Nah. wingnut brains are usually stunted, tainted, and curdled. They are too small to make a decent meal and taste bad.
I hope that the judge in this case gives Orly a choice. She can go to jail and pay a fine for frivoling with the law in his court, or she can agree to be examined by a psychiatrist to determine if she is competent. Given that she has to be in this for the attention, I’d be very interested to find out which option she would choose.
Of course if she were labeled insane, she’d claim that the psychiatrist was being paid off by the same omnipotent Obama who commits random sock thefts inside the washers of known conservatives. She’d also write it on the twelve thousand three hundred and eighty-eighth little note to be tacked up on the walls of her secret planning room.
He might have faked her out by sticking the head with the branes inside her.
You’re SICK, man. Seriously, what kind of person comes up with these images? Seek help, dude.
What exactly constitutes illegal employment for a zombie?
Food services, health services, day-care worker, the list goes on.
Typhoid Mary was a cook…
Seriously, what kind of person comes up with these images?
The same kinda guy who talks to zombies as equals!
Typhoid Mary was a cook…
Seriously, clean up the actions of the living before taking the chainsaw to us deaders.
But not, after a certain point, legally.
Substance has a point.
By the same metric, Jeff Dahmer was also a cook.
And Ed Gein was a tailor.
But not, after a certain point, legally.
By that point she was isolated on her own island in the East River.
Estoy estrangulando un pollo aquí.
Substance has a point.
By the same metric, Jeff Dahmer was also a cook.
No, she really was a cook. Before, you know, people started dying.
Fuck the question of citizenship to practice law in CA. I’m certain one must be human and on that count she fails. Not even ex-human (as in zombiefied).
No, she really was a cook. Before, you know, people started dying.
And after she was released from quarantine, she became a laundress.
And killed 25 more women.
And after she was released from quarantine, she became a laundress.
And killed 25 more women.
Hence the final quarantine on South Brother Island.
On second thought, are BADGERS ever not on-topic?
Needs a DJ. They look like they’re at a party.
Badgers CAN’T DANCE. Even I know that.
What struck me is the cat in the photo. I would think badgers would make a quick meal out of that little morsel.
They know better. Kitteh has friends.
Wikipedia sez
This was after she was not allowed to cook.
Hence the final quarantine on South Brother Island.
See? It was always about the Brothers…
Wingnut Branes are the Jews of cerebrophagous fascism!
Typhoid Mary was a cook
Sounds like the start of a nursery rhyme.
Typhoid Mary had a look.
This was after she was not allowed to cook.
Yeah. I read a bio of her years ago which had two theses: (1) that when she was effectively imprisoned in quarantine later in life there was evidence that she was a less dangerous carrier than she had been, but was not retested or released and (2) that her story is a feminist archetype. The first has the ring of truth to me, since I am not an architect I am not qualified to discuss the second.
See? It was always about the Brothers…
Doctorow’s new novel is about the Collyer brothers! Woo fucking hoo!
Orly Taitz’s makeup puts the scare in mascara…
Oh noes, it is apparently tongue-twister time and I have not had enough coffee.
The first has the ring of truth to me, since I am not an architect I am not qualified to discuss the second.
Right, but you feel perfectly qualified to chime in on badgers!
Taitz states:
So Obama senior was also an ungrateful traitor. He had no love for the Brits who graciously agreed to occupy his country. I wonder which founding father’s voice Taitz hears whispering in her ears when she lifts up the side flaps of her wig.
It is reasonably certain that the men who framed the constitution did not anticipate the election of a black man
as a president who appears to have prevaricated about his place of birth and then ordered his loyal followers to ridicule all those who questioned the contradictions inherent in his own biography, such as the obvious fact that his father was an (admittedly disloyal and possibly treacherous) subject of the British Crown when he was born, even though this fact alone would disqualify the president as a ‘natural born citizen,’ regardless of his place of birthEdited for clarity and brevity.
Right, but you feel perfectly qualified to chime in on badgers!
I never said a word about badgers. Oily Taint, Typhoid Mary, Szechuan food yes, but badgers no.
I never said a word about badgers. Oily Taint, Typhoid Mary, Szechuan food yes, but badgers no.
Szechuan word about badgers, and I’ll be all over your ass like an Oily Taint.
Well, what are your opinions regarding badgers? Your silence on this issue speaks volumes. It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
Szechuan food is the Jew of Chinese culinary fascism.
Well, what are your opinions regarding badgers? Your silence on this issue speaks volumes. It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
You will have my opinion on badgers when you pry it from my cold, dead, clenched sphincter.
Psst, N__B stores his badgers in his butt.
Psst, N__B stores his badgers in his butt.
And I’m still more attractive than a winger.
Well, badgers like small, damp, stinky enclosed places.
Well, badgers like small, damp, stinky enclosed places.
Shouldn’t we rename them to “buggers”, then?
If you love something, sett it free.
Well, badgers like small, damp, stinky enclosed places.
We don’t need no stinking badgers!
I said that to an old couch I was throwing out: If you love something, settee free.
“It is reasonably certain that the men who framed the constitution”
I’m innocent I tells ya
“such as the obvious fact that his father was an (admittedly disloyal and possibly treacherous) subject of the British Crown”
Like Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton, Franklin and so on and also.
Psst, N__B stores his badgers in his butt.
Dancing badgers? Boogy, badger bougies.
Oily Taint, Typhoid Mary, Szechuan food
Suddenly I have lost my appetite for breakfast.
Orly Taintz says I’ve been framed!
I’ll have you people know, last night I had a dream about zombies.
even though this fact alone would disqualify the president
I am at a loss to understand why “this fact alone” (i.e. Obama senior’s British citizenship) would disqualify the president. Is it that she means specifically because he was British? or is she disputing the citizenship of all US-born children of non-citizens? If that’s the case, Michelle Malkin better figure something out.
I’ll have you people know, last night I had a dream about zombies.
Let’s hear more about Jennifer’s sexy dreams.
Wikipedia says Dr. Orly Taitz has a black belt in tae kwon do, so don’t fuck with her.
The zombies in my dream were fortunately stupid and slow. I only got to the part where the door to the outside stairway was bulging in from the zombies pushing against it. Curiously, this was not so much terrifying as just kind of a mental note, perhaps because there was no actual zombie biting or gorging on the flesh of the living in the dream. Then I woke up, so the zombies lost.
Don’t fret yourselfs none, one good scare and they’ll all circle together for the jerk.
Wait, wait, wait. Hold on a second, buckaroos. I won’t stand for this:
It is reasonably certain that the men who framed the constitution did not anticipate the election of a man as a president who … ordered his loyal followers to ridicule all those who questioned the contradictions inherent in his own biography…
Someone needs to tell this whack-a-doodle Tammy Faye wanna-be that ain’t nobody told me to do a damn thing. I point and laugh at the birther dingbats of my own violition. I resent some walking example of every shifty lawyer AND crooked real eastate age cliche – I don’t know about dentists – implying otherwise. If she and the rest of the birther rat’s nest don’t want to be mocked they need to stop being so fucking funny, is all I got to say.
Exploding Head Syndrome. Not as exciting as it sounds.
And, truly, far be it from the likes of someone as dignified as Benjamin Franklin to call for ridiculing someone. Why, to believe that, you’d probably believe he likes fart jokes.
It is reasonably certain that the men who framed the constitution did not anticipate the election of a man as a president who … ordered his loyal followers to ridicule all those who questioned the contradictions inherent in his own biography…
“Don’t know much about history…”
Candidate’s supporters responding to idiot claims about a candidate’s writings: reasonably certainly anticipated.
Marxist and fascist revolutions come accompanied by well planned and executed sabotage.
Hear that, fellow communofascist subversives? We need more sabotage, so VOTE REPUBLICAN! They’re tearing this country down so we don’t need to.
Speaking of crazy people battling each other, Burt Prelutsky thinks there’s something insidious about him being dropped from Clownhall.
“Honest people are now compelled by simple decency to denounce him as the craven, sadistic liar he is.”
OK, OK! I denounce him!
What struck me is the cat in the photo. I would think badgers would make a quick meal out of that little morsel.
Um, I was going to make sure that everyone knew that I knew that there was something extremely fishy about that photo of the badgers but was on a deadline. Which is pointed at my central.
I’d just like to point out that the Oklahoma results could have been much worse. For six of the ten questions, the correct answer and “Don’t Know” are the leading answers. How to interpret “don’t know” is difficult with high schoolers. I was a smartass in high school and I would have considered drawing a line straight down the “don’t know” column in a quiz like that.
Second, a decent number of the incorrect answers are so blatantly incorrect that they should be considered “don’t know” or joke answers. Nobody thinks Barack Obama or George W. Bush was the first president, and they got 10% of the total for that question. These kids didn’t take the test seriously.
Interestingly, the questions where the second highest answer was wrong are the “first president” question, which has the lowest “don’t know” in the survey (and a correct most popular answer), the two questions which request a number as a response, and “Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?”
To be honest, I think you’d have a pretty low correct response rate with any demographic group of Americans other than recently naturalized citizens and the heavily politically engaged with the questions “how long does a Senator serve?” and “how many Justices are on the Supreme Court?” People tend to do poorly with multiple-choice questions with numeric answers, and most people have worse memories for numbers than for names.
The authorship of the Declaration of Independence is probably, of all the question, both the least commonly-known and the least useful. It doesn’t really bother me that much that kids don’t know it.
Obviously, I’d prefer everyone to have a comprehensive understanding of their country’s history. But the “Idiocracy” references are going too far — I know a lot of very intelligent, productive individuals who would have done fairly poorly on this test.
Feck, wrong thread.
Feck, wrong thread.
I was just over there. I thought I was having deja vu all over again.
Burt Prelutsky thinks there’s something insidious about him being dropped from Clownhall.
Fortunately, he has his own blog, the House of Substance.
Heh, I wonder if that had anything to do with it. Some of those norberts were absolutely CONVINCED Burt was a “secret liberal”.
I’ll be goddamned!
The birthers, the tea baggers, the screamers, and the deathers continued extreme minority presence will become tiresome to mainstream America, if it has not already done so. To all the birthers in La, La Land, it is on you to prove to all of us that your assertion is true, if there are people who were there and support your position then show us the video (everyone has a price), either put up or frankly shut-up. I heard Orly Taitz, is selling a tape (I think it’s called “Money, Lies and Video tape”). She is from Orange County, CA, now I know what the mean when they say “behind the Orange Curtain”, when they talk about Orange County, the captial of Conspiracy Theories. You know Obama has a passport, he travel abroad before he was a Senator, but I guess they were in on it. In my opinion the Republican Party has been taken over the most extreme religious right (people who love to push their beliefs on others while trying to take away the rights of those they just hate) and that’s who they need to extract from their party if they real want to win. Good Luck, because as they said in WACO, “We Ain’t Coming Out”. I heard that she now wants to investigate the “Republican 2009 Summer of Love” list: Assemblyman, Michael D. Duvall (CA), Senator John Ensign (NV), Senator Paul Stanley (TN), Governor Mark Stanford (SC), Board of Ed Chair, and Kristin Maguire AKA Bridget Keeney (SC).
Hey, thanks for the proofread.