It Has Begun

Grosconnard and First Pundit of Gateway
Those three solemn words — “It. Has. Begun.” — intoned solemnly by Jim Hoft at the beginning of the headline to his latest post are, as followers of Hoft’s unique brand of unintentional comedy now well know, Hoft’s signature warning of the rapid unfolding of the latest horrifying events perpetrated by the liberal hordes intent upon destroying the world as conservatives know it and reducing all conservatives to modern-day serfs, confined to their trailers and cottages, forced to do the liberals bidding by writing condom instruction manuals for first graders at minimum wage or less, unable to afford even a small stuffed-crust pizza or a can of Dr. Pepper and forced to subsist on stale whole-wheat biscuits and tepid ditch water until they at last renounce their religion and their country and sign an oath of absolute and eternal fealty to Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank and the Negro Muslim usurper in the White House.
So what is the latest manifestation of the Obamapocalypse? You need only to read the rest of Hoft’s headline to find out: “State-Run Media Now Harassing Truth Czar1 Joe Wilson’s Children.” Yes, indeedy, and a “heh” too. Obama has sent out his flying media monkeys to swoop down on Wilson’s young children and then fly them back to the Oval Office where they will be sodomized by Rahm Emanuel before being offered as human sacrifices to Allah.
No, seriously, what is Hoft complaining about now? Has the media sent reporters to Wilson’s house to peer through his kitchen window to see if he has granite countertops? Are reporters waiting outside Wilson’s door and setting upon his children as they leave for elementary school, demanding to know what’s in their lunch boxes and whether their father shouts the n-word at the TV every time he sees Obama? Are they checking to see if Wilson’s kids have ever checked out Little Black Sambo or The Turner Diaries from the library?
Er, no. The shameless harassment of Wilson’s children consists solely and entirely of the AP printing a statement of Wilson’s son Alan, who is an Iraq war veteran, lawyer, father, and candidate for South Carolina Attorney General. I think we can reasonably conclude that Alan is just a little bit older than twelve. He’s probably way on the north side of twenty-one at this point. And Alan is campaigning for public office in South Carolina. He likes to talk to reporters. He gives television interviews. It’s what campaigners do. Talking to a reporters is about as unpleasant for Alan Wilson as a a second Hardee’s Monster Thickburger is for the Doughy Pantload or as doing the ol’ fappity-fappity in the tool shed while listening to the original Broadway cast album of Annie on his Zune is for Hoft. More to the point, Alan Wilson gives interviews to reporters with more enthusiasm than Pamela Geller gives head to John Bolton. This is not harassment.
At this point, is there anything at all that Hoft doesn’t see as a harbinger of the commencement — “It. Has. Begun.” — of the Obamapocalypse? When Michigan beats Notre Dame, does Hoft see this as a part of the first wave of liberal attacks on the Catholic Church that won’t stop until the half-time entertainment for all college football games involves driving a mobile abortion clinic onto the 50-yard line, a gay marriage ceremony in the, er, end-zone, and an ACORN marching band playing L’Internationale? Does Hoft think the shortening hours of daylight each day are arranged by liberals in order to make teabaggers march in the dark and to give ACORN more cover of darkness in which to conspire with prostitutes, drug dealers and rappers? Does Hoft believe that his own shadow is a Negro hired by the White House to harass him until he quits blogging?
The answer to the first three questions is, sadly, yes. The answer to the fourth and last question is, I’m afraid, sadly, no.
1 Hoft was apparently off at white-militia target practice when the message was sent out that czars are evil, not good, things, mostly because the name is in the Rooskie language and because neither St. Ronnie, nor his acolyte, George W., ever appointed czars.
Yeah, but little Alan may have the mindset of a child, maybe even a Faulknerian Idiot Man Child — this is South Carolina, after all.
this is South Carolina, after all
um, I unfortunately have to agree.
What the FUCK is up with this state?
That’s the natural color of his lips, after feeding on the blood of the innocent/right-wing kool aid (punchberry splash flavor).
What the FUCK is up with this state?
It’s in the “south” and it has “south” in its name. So if x represents the amount of fucktardness inherent in “south” (and before anyone starts up, I’m not saying there’s not fucktardness elsewhere, I’m just not discussing that topic at this moment) then SC has x^2 fucktardness. For large values of x, this gets nasty.
Ah yes, l’Affaire du Granite Countertop. That reminds me. I’ll be a first-time home buyer this year and I am definitely a public option supporter. How do I protect my new home against peeping wingnuts?
SHAME on these parasitic media cretins stalking this man’s children looking to dig up dirt. Am I surprised? I only would be if they didn’t. That’s how bad of an opinion I have of them. Libs children are off limits. Others….not so much.
Rebecca | 09.16.09 – 6:28 am |
DOES the Wilson house have granite countertops?
There’s a reason why folks in North Carolina don’t recognize the existence of South Carolina. They like to insist that their state is just plain ole’ Carolina. South Carolina is like the embarrassing other sibling that everyone is trying to forget.
This is the “state run” media, AP? The ones who were licking McCain’s boots during the campaign?
They want so badly to be part of some epic story, don’t they?
It’s a great post title though.
It Has Begun: wrong.
State-Run Media (i.e. the AP): wrong.
Harassing: wrong. And nicely deflated too Msr. Tintin.
Truth Czar: OMFG, wrnogee-donkey-bingo-bongo wrong.
Going through the comment thread (PROTIP:spittle shield) indicates a furious and very fastidious effort to delete comments that may bring some er, doubt, to the accusations leveled in the fine article above the comment section.
“No, no, mein fuhrer, there is no dissent. All are behind you.”
Is there something wrong with me that in that whole dense paragraph of insult, the worst to me was the “Zune” part?
They want so badly to be part of some epic story, don’t they?
Is there something wrong with me that in that whole dense paragraph of insult, the worst to me was the “Zune” part?
Zunes are the Jews of Apple fascism.
South Carolina was among the most intense of slave-holding states due to the particular forms of crops which were profitable to produce — particularly rice, indigo, cotton and of course tobacco. The geography favored such crop types, and slave plantation production of such crops were considered the only feasible economic model. Enslaved African Americans outnumbered whites in most every county. The type of political and social development was thus deeply affected by this sort of situation.
Sons of Confederate Veterans is about HERITAGE, not race.
OT, as usual, but I thought I should mention the most shocking part of my trip to Berlin: my discovery of the depths of S!N infiltration within the fortress of capitalism.
They want so badly to be part of some epic story, don’t they?
But they are!
They just don’t realize that they are the wimpy goblins of Moria.
You know, I think S!N looks better than SN!
What the FUCK is up with this state?
The problem goes WAAAA-hay-hay back…
“South Carolina is too small for a republic and too large for an insane asylum.”
–Congressman James Petigru, 1860
Going through the comment thread…
Who is the magnificent bastard that is Joe Steel? For a second there, I forgot that this is all rooted in Joe Wilson’s intensive hatred for dirty messicans – and that timely reminder seems to have broken Hoft’s commentariat.
Who is the magnificent bastard that is Joe Steel?
Yeah, he seems to be the one most in need to a spittle shield. He get’s nuked very quickly over there, but not before he gets the rubes all wound up. I think I need to stop by his web site with some love.
What? The dirty, lowdown harrassers at the AP quoted Wilson defending his father?
No good bastards!
Next thing you know, those lieberals are going to peer threw poor Joe Wilson’s windows to see if he has granite counter tops.
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© | Homepage | 09.16.09 – 12:25 pm |
I’m thinking my comment might survive…”lieberals” and “threw”, ya see!
Of course, if they clicky the linky…here we are.
So this gets to the big question. Can we kick SC out of the union? If we’re married to the 50 state thing, we should just split CA in half.
Mike G, one of the photographs from the Bagging said “57 states”
So it seems we’ve got a couple of extras, if the teabaggers are counting correctly.
….wait, what?
Zombie, maybe it’s hard to count with your mouth full?
So this gets to the big question. Can we kick SC out of the union? If we’re married to the 50 state thing, we should just split CA in half.
Nah. Make Puerto Rico a state, point out that it’s full of not-white people and watch Wingnuttia go apeshit. It’ll be fun.
Your post is still up as of a few seconds ago. I think, however, you were much too subtle for them to notice. But who knows?
“I got your Spittle Shields right heah!”
Sons of Confederate Veterans is about HERITAGE, not race.
Yeah – the SCV is about racist heritage, not unfocused, random racism devoid of any history.
Or, as the Onion sez: “My support for the Confederate flag is all about heritage. My hatred of niggers has got nothing to do with it.”
Can we kick SC out of the union?
Um, HELLO, some of us LIVE here, and we don’t particularly want to be trapped behind Enema lines.
Um, I mean Enemy.
No, on second thought., Enema.
BTW, anyone remember “Project Exodus” where the Christians were going to all move to SC and take it over as a vanguard for their theocratic utopia? I think 10 whole families moved here before everyone forgot about it. (Now evidently they’re planning on Panama instead. Snerk.)
“I got your Spittle Shields right heah!”
Veiled–ahem–“teabagging” reference?
Veiled–ahem–”teabagging” reference?
(Ponders the advantages of purposefulness or inadvertence)
How does the points systems work again?
“Fourth Earl of Grosconnard” — Very nice.
“When Michigan beats Notre Dame, does Hoft see this as a part of the first wave of liberal attacks on the Catholic Church that won’t stop until the half-time entertainment for all college football games involves driving a mobile abortion clinic onto the 50-yard line, a gay marriage ceremony in the, er, end-zone, and an ACORN marching band playing L’Internationale?”
– I thought it was impossible for anything to make me enjoy the Michigan win last Saturday any more than I already have. But you’ve shown me that I just had a failure of imagination. Bring on the ACORN marching band, baby!
“If we’re married to the 50 state thing, we should just split CA in half”
Or (the wingers’ll love this) admit Puerto Rico.
So this gets to the big question. Can we kick SC out of the union?
We had our chance. Twice.
Sorry, Matt T. I suffered from premature expostulation.
Said it before, say it again:
Gateway Pundit is the dumbest wingnut in all the wingnutosphere.
Gateway Pundit is the dumbest wingnut in all the wingnutosphere.
Quite the distinction when you consider the fierce competition for that title.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans is about offering succor and aide to enemies of the United States, whitewashing the history of traitors, and should therefore be considered nothing less than traitors themselves.
That’s right, I said it.
If we’re married to the 50 state thing, we should just split CA in half.
Anything to get away from those Howard-Jarvis-fetishizing State-Reps from the OC.
Gateway Pundit is the dumbest wingnut in all the wingnutosphere.
I am assuming the scale used in differentiating “dumb,” “dumber,” “dumberer,” “dumbererest,” and “coma,” is a nanoscale of some sort. Or perhaps subatomic particle scale. How else could you tell the difference in dumbitude? Is this measured in protons? Quarks? Gluons? Morons?
Morons are the carrier particle of wingnut.
Note to DH Walker: I thought I was writing something plainly ridiculous but I guess it’s hard to tell, relatively speaking.
“Gateway Pundit is the dumbest wingnut in all the wingnutosphere.”
I’m not so sure of that. Dumber than Pastor Swank or the Ultimate Warrior? Not to take anything from Hoft, who is a great talent. But it’s truly an extraordinary individual who can take it to that level. Gateway still has a ways to go.
Dumber than Pastor Swank…
Pastor Swank definitely is in a pretty select class of incoherence, but he’s far enough out there that I wonder if it isn’t the sort of thing you need anti-psychotics for.
I’d go with Jonah for “dumbest wingnut” but there would be a long list of nominations.
I’d go for laziest, but Jonah’s smart enough to almost never commit to a position.
Can we kick SC out of the union? If we’re married to the 50 state thing
Unions are defined as one North and one South Carolina. If the Founding Fathers had wanted something else, they would’ve written it on the Tenth Amendment with a permanent marker.
I’d go with Jonah for “dumbest wingnut”
Ehh, mebbe. But Jonah appears to interact with with other individuals on some level. Once he leaves the Corner he may actually deal with sentient beings (the mailman, checkout clerk, etc). This might actually raise his IQ a bit. Or prevent him from hurting himself, at least. I suspect Gateway and Pornfed Wanker just don’t get out all that much. Base ability and environmental influences must be considered.
I think it’s a Nature vs. Nurture argument when one measures dumb in its essential form. This goes much further than simply counting the resident Moron particles orbiting any Wingnut.
Another day, another doomed comment on another wingnut’s website:
“Joe Wilson doesn’t have a racist bone in his body – yet he knowingly perpetuates the lie that Obama wants to give free healthcare to illegal immigrants … well, I guess he could just be pandering to racists & xenophobes without being one himself.
Seems to be an inconvenient little phrase in the bill to the effect of “nothing in this bill is to be construed as mandating any funding or coverage for anyone in the US illegally” … so Wilson is a Truth Czar like I’m a halibut.
State-run media? Would that be the same state-run media that John McCain invited over for beer & barbecue while he was running for office? The same state-run media that waxed poetic over Bush in a flightsuit? The same state-run media that’s made the Teabaggers into instant superstars – yet mocked &/or downplayed the exponentially larger protests against the war in Iraq?
It goes without saying that there is no freedom of speech on the Intertubes – mods can silence anyone anytime for any reason (or none) – but still, it’s hilarious to see the comments of “Joe Steel” cited with the originals all deleted. Almost as if someone was scared of anyone reading what he has to say.
Not that I disapprove of dissent per se, but I find it most curious indeed: whatever happened to “dissent against a wartime POTUS is treason” – or “if you don’t support our president, that means you want the terrorists to win”? A certain group used to hold such sentiments with great zeal – right up until last year. I wonder what happened to make them all change their minds?
jim | 09.16.09 – 1:42 pm | # “
Okay, I’m convinced now that there’s some kind of inside bet going on amongst Republicans over who can be the craziest.
Michele Bachman might just win.
Now will the White House decide how many calories we consume, or what types of food we consume?”
Bwah Hah Hah!! Mandatory Dijon mustard!
To be fair to Gateway, I actually debated him and his pals for a week back in the spring over on his blog and never got my posts edited or deleted.
I thought I was writing something plainly ridiculous but I guess it’s hard to tell, relatively speaking.
Oh, yeah. I was just elaborating on yours. 🙂
Of course, that could have been because he really thought I was being humiliated. Too bad the throwdown usually went like this:
Gateway: LOLzers, Obama’s approval rating on Gallup is only 25%!!!!!!1
Me: Um, no. That’s the percentage of people who are extremely satisfied with his performance. This doesn’t take into account very satisfied or just satisfied. Or so-so.
Gateway: Nuh-uh! It says it’s a satisfaction poll!
Me: Yes. But you’re only citing the numbers for people who are extremely satisfied.
Gateway: What else would you be?
Me: I’ve already said it.
Gateway: LOL, can you believe this guy, chaps? What a loser!
That’s gonna ruin my Bud Light.
Yeah, I gotta say, I haven’t been moderated over there yet, and I’m right up on the line telling them that they’re nuts and not very smart. Let’s see how long it takes…
That’s gonna ruin my Bud Light.
No, it really won’t, but the mustard won’t be worth half a damn anymore.
When the Obama Empire mandates Dijon mustard, I’m gonna black-market this stuff.
To be fair to Gateway
Well, maybe Jim’s post stays up (it was still there a few minutes a go), I believe the “Jennifer” posting there is a SadlyNaut as well and commits the cardinal sin of offering facts to the argument. We’ll see how long they last.
It’s an expereemint!
Mandating Dijon mustard is just the next phase in the recovery plan–it’s owned by Kraft afterall.
“…those lieberals are going to peer threw poor Joe Wilson’s windows …”
I first read that as “liberals are going to PEE threw Joe …windows…”
Did you see the comment from the “Anchoress” on Jim’s site? Purporting to be Obama’s words? Worthy of a whole post in itself. The racism is getting more and more blatant.
“If we’re married to the 50 state thing, we should just split CA in half…”
Sideways or up’n down. Ah, that is: cut in half North vs. South or East (mountains) vs. West (lots of beaches)
Actually, if the “Jennifer” over at CrazeeTown Comments is the same one posting here regularly, folks should consider giving her some sort of sustained, appreciative golf clap. That’s Spag’s work, right there.
“That’s gonna ruin my Bud Light.”
How? By giving it some flavor?
“If we’re married to the 50 state thing, we should just split CA in half…”
Sideways or up’n down. Ah, that is: cut in half North vs. South or East (mountains) vs. West (lots of beaches)
Donut and donut hole. The Central Valley becomes its own state…flyover within Outer California.
@ cyntax: dijon is a mustard style, not a brand. you are thinking about grey poupon.
myself, i prefer maille old style. lots of seeds.
Perhaps when the seas rise, the SF Bay will burst into the Central Valley, cleaning the bay out nicely, and changing the Valley from “America’s fruit-basket” to “America’s Fish -something”. Think how the property taxes would rise in the mountains! And Reno (where I live tho I never shot a man to watch him die) might be cooler and a little more rain. Sigh. Of course all the conservatives who live in the Valley would have to go somewhere. I nominate Idaho.
No! No! I mean I NOMINATE SOUTH CAROLINA! sorry, sorry…
NiBS: Sideways or up’n down. Ah, that is: cut in half North vs. South or East (mountains) vs. West (lots of beaches)
You’re the only person I’ve ever heard describe a beachindectomy of Cali. I was thinking the usual North versus South. But having to choose between making Puerto Rico a state or splitting California, I’d have to go with Puerto Rico. It’s just too perfect.
For DH Walker and Substance McGravitas – your moment of zen.
The Conservapedia entry for Poe’s Law.
That needs some editing.
Um. There are BugMeNot entries for that too.
Ding a ling dong dilly dally loony libs! The Cool Coach is sizzlin SPREADIN da SPREAD all muggin your mug, if you know what I’m sizzlin, ya hear? Urban out.
Sideways or up’n down.
You apparently have no experience in GOP gerrymandering. The two new states will be Orange County and Dirty Fucking Hippie Land. Enjoy your two new Senators (R).
There is not a racist bone in my dad’s body,” said Alan Wilson, an Iraq veteran who is running for state attorney general in South Carolina.
Come to think of it, he does look kinda boneless and doughy.
Funny, when these teabaggers go on and on about white exceptionalism, they never seem to realize that conservative white folks have never been on the right side of progress. Yeah, the conservatives were the ones putting Galileo under house arrest, opposing Darwin and Copernicus, maiming Turing… need I go on? Where the fuck would the accomplishments of White Culture (so called) be without the iconoclasts, the heretics, the- how you say- liberals?
Conservatives got nothing- never did.
Enjoy your two new Senators
Why do Senators always come in twos? Is it a Jehovah’s Witnesses sort of thing?
All I know is, they better stay off my lawn. It’s like those darn two million teabaggers right outside the window the other day.
So Hoftstradamus has got his panties in a wad about what now?
Awright punks, I’m going to say it only one more time. Fuck the store bought mustard. Figuratively, unless your kink is wierder that we care to hear about.
Buy mustard seed in bulk. I buy mostly brown but it’s important to have some yellow on hand as well. You may use a mortar and pestle but I find it tedious. If you do not already have a coffee grinder dedicated to spices, get one. No, I’m not going to wait for you; you can do it later. You lazy, cheap fucks may use a blender but I don’t want to hear about that either.
Grind mustard to preference. Coarse, fine whatever. Transfer to small (yes, I do presume) bowl. Add likwid of choice – vinegar of various flavors, water, beer, wine, fruit juice, some combination or, and here’s a bizarre thought, any fucking thing you like! You’re looking for a cats
oupish consistency. Amendments as desired – spices, horseradish, the possibilities are literally endless.Ready to use in 10 to 15 minutes. Keeps for weeks in fridge. Will continue to thicken as it ages.
This is the last time, bitches, so bookmark it!
So Wyoming can keep California honest.
PeeJ, thanks! It never occurred to me to “do it myself,” but I’m surely going to give it a try. We usually have 4 or 5 different types of mustard slowly drying out in the fridge, so anything freshly made will be an improvement!
If you do not already have a coffee grinder dedicated to spices…
But won’t that make my mustard taste of cumin?
So Wyoming can keep California honest.
This is like saying (fill in the blank)
I came up with: “WC Fields keeping Mae West virtuous”
if you know what I’m sizzlin, ya hear?
This is the last time, bitches, so bookmark it!
But won’t that make my mustard taste of cumin?
I don’t you’re supposed to use that as a thickening….oh hell, even I can’t go there!
So PeeJ, do you toast the mustard seeds before grinding them up?
I don’t you’re supposed to use that as a thickening….oh hell, even I can’t go there!
Actor, decision, comments from the group, etc.
Conservatives are on the wrong side of history by definition. It’s what happens when an ideology is defined as ‘standing athwart history, screaming ‘stop.”
White mustard is the Jew of liberal condimency
I suppose one could toast the seeds for a different flavor. I never have because I think the maceration brings out what I’m looking for. I may be naive but toasting spices – which I do frequently – is mostly useful for getting big flavor quickly.
I admit that I am now intrigued by the idea. Also ashamed that I never tried it before. I’ll experiment and let you know.
FYI, I had included a reference to semen and specifically metnioned cumin in my orginal comment. But then, even *I* thought better of it and deled them.
What if you’re also naked and doing the Hully Gully?
There must be some shibboleth in The Bible about toasting and GRINDING one’s cumin seeds, rather than inserting them freshly made into a womb to make womb-babies.
They always tell you to have one coffee grinder dedicated to spices only, but I just whiz some bread mine in periodically and that seems to clean it out pretty good. I still grind coffee in it and don’t notice any lingering flavors. Or maybe I just like the lingering flavors, who knows?
FYI, I had included a reference to semen and specifically metnioned cumin in my orginal comment. But then, even *I* thought better of it and deled them.
Peej, I appreciate the homemade approach, but I’m just down the road from an actual mustard MUSEUM.
Whizzing, cumin….there’s a few veiled penile refernences here today.
Gateway may or may not be the stupidest, but I will not HAVE you traducing Swank by putting him in such company.
Swank is performance art/genius! Swank is Dr. Bronner’s evil twin! What am I if I allow Pundit-Malkin-Pantload-Riehl-Brightboy-Renoo America-Ma’rie’J’on’- K-Lo-that idiot chiropractor-et al to be compared to Swank? Evil-wrong-anti-Life? Not OK!
Mustard idea sounds great, PeeJ. Mustard flavored with cumin = yes, pls.
What if you’re also naked and doing the Hully Gully?
Did I leave the webcam on again?
I just whiz some bread
Your urethra must be really dry.
For the spice grinder as well as the marble mortar and pestle I use, I always finsh with salt. It grabs a lot of the flavours and cleans up pretty nicely, and also you’re probably going to need that salt anyways.
Sumer is i-cumin in, lewd sing cuckoo!
He likes me! He really … ah, who am I kidding – he just likes my name.
My sincere apologies to the two-faced rat-bastard if he actually does leave my steaming pool of black bile on his site … as I stated in the comment itself, he’s got absolutely no obligation to do so.
I tend toward the old-school method of trolling: single-headshot snark & run … that way you don’t have to waste time arguing with people whose EEG can be drawn in 0.5 seconds with a pen & a ruler, & there’s always the (admittedly dim) chance that your seed of doubt may one day grow into a beautiful thinking-tree. That & the fact that I’m lazy as hell.
Arguing your point is seen by some as evidence of its inherent weakness & usually just hardens someone’s existing POV (a fact that certain trolls might want to keep in mind, if they ever intend to get anyone to change their mind & aren’t just pulling chain for cheap thrills).
I don’t you’re supposed to use that as a thickening….oh hell, even I can’t go there!
Sheesh, you just can’t rely on liberals to see things through. Glenn Beck would have finished that joke and wiped a tear from his eyes, close-up on camera 2. Rush would have finished it, and furthermore his would have demeaned immigrants, women, everyone in academia and most of our elected leadership.
“Michele Bachman might just win.” [the crayzee award]
She has some competition too.
That said, I urge the teabaggers to show just how anti-Obama-administration they are by stuffing themselves with every sort of junk food they can lay their hands on. Go ahead! Clean out the Circle-K! Pop day-old hot dogs and twinkies and wash ’em down with cheap wine and energy drinks! Don’t stop until you’re obese, diabetic and / or dead.
That’ll show ’em.
Sheesh, you just can’t rely on liberals to see things through.
In fairness to me, it was as incomprehensibly written as anything Glenn Beck has ever said.
It never occurred to me to “do it myself,”
I stopped reading at this point when the thread degenerated into such implausible claims.
He likes me! He really … ah, who am I kidding – he just likes my name.
True, great name. But I applaud the effort because I just think it is much, much harder to hone an argument for stupid people. With that group, that task is downright unpossbile.
In fairness to me, it was as incomprehensibly written as anything Glenn Beck has ever said.
Sheesh, the meaning is as plain as day: He doesn’t mean to deny that you can never avoid not relying on liberals to fail to not see things through. Or not.
I suppose one could toast the seeds for a different flavor.
Contemplating making some mixed veggie poriyal. Most recipes instruct the cook to oil roast the black mustard seeds until they pop like popcorn.
Yesterday, at a library sale, I picked up a copy of a “Spices” book and John Wyndham’s The Midwich Cuckoos for a buck.
Come to think of it, he does look kinda boneless and doughy.
Joe Wilson’s attitudes may be racist as hell, but the non-sentient calcium in his body isn’t. I defy any of his detractors to get his femur, or even his ulna, to say anything offensive.
The sad thing about that whole “Not a racist bone in his body” quote is that I’m sure both Wilson and his son believe it to be true. In fact, I’m sure they would be hard-pressed to name anyone they know as being a racist. They would probably say things like “Why, OUR nigros are perfectly happy here in Cletusville! They aren’t like those uppity rabble-rousers in the big cities, always stirrin’ up trouble….You’ll nevah hear one of them stepping out of line. They know their place, and they’re all puhfectly happy–isn’t that right, Randy? (Randy’s been part of the family for years, haven’t you Randy?) Honestly , I don’t know how we could possibly have gotten along without him all these years.”
I just whiz some bread
Doesn’t that belong in a previous thread?
people whose EEG can be drawn in 0.5 seconds with a pen & a ruler
Oddly enough, EEG nomenclature does not yet recognise this phenomenon of the Omega wave.
I’ve found that putting some (raw) rice in the grinder and whizzing for a few secs will help clean out the spice flavours (plus you get yummy rice flour!)
I bet the liberals commit random sock thefts inside the Wilson’s washing machine. I bet those evil liberals sneak in and leave dried out felt-tip markers in Wilson’s desk. I wouldn’t be surprised if the scary liberals sent emails advertising V1@gr@ to the Wilson’s primary email account.
I just whiz some bread
That’s one out-of-control yeast infection there.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the scary liberals sent emails advertising V1@gr@ to the Wilson’s primary email account
Nah, that would be “Internet Advertising Entrepreneur” Tw00fie.
at 22:12 Steerpike said:
OMFG, did anyone hear Rush tell his own non-racist-certifying anecdote yesterday? His family had a black maid, who was “like a grandmother” to him and his brother. When he was six, he had a sad when riding along in the car when his mother drove the maid home. Her neighborhood was poor and run down. “Why does she have to live there, Mommy?” In some unspecified way his father helped the maid get a job at Woolworth’s. He and his brother fondly called “Alberta”–a woman old enough to be their grandmother–“Bertie.”
So how can anyone claim he is a racist?
Apparently his listeners are tin-earned enough to buy that condescending, paternalistic shit.
Hey, poking them in the eye with a sharp stick is fun! Thanks for the tips, jim, Looch et. al.!
What up commie pigs? The 9/11 Avenger is back to lay the smackdown on your sorry asses!
Your boy Obama ain’t doing too good in the polls right now. Last I checked his approval rating is much lower that Bush’s at this same length of time in his Presidency.
Looks like the American people are sick of communism after your Comrade in Chief conned them into think he was centrist. But the American people ain’t fooled you punk ass commie bitches!
You will see all of the traditional red states unite behind the Republican candidate in 2012. And a few surprises as well.
Joe Wilson to the White House in 2012. Whoo Yeah! I can hear you commie rat bastards crying already!
It’s sad that you guys would attack Wilson’s son. But you guys also attacked W, who is the child of a president. Off limits idiots.
Sorry to go OT, but this needs some attention:
Who is your LEAST favorite President of the United States in the last 40 years?
* Nixon (2.0%)
* Carter (21.0%)
* Reagan (1.0%)
* Bush 41 (0.0%)
* Clinton (3.0%)
* Bush 43 (6.0%)
* Obama (68.0%)
Interestingly, a person can vote repeatedly. But that would be wrong.
…Peace unto you, ministering angels, messengers of the Most High,
the supreme King of kings, the Holy One, blessed be He….
Now the wingers and the Israelis think Obama is the ONE. HE’s not going to return, he’s already HERE!
Oh, mare’s eat oats and doe’s eat oats, and little lambs eat ivy, a kid’ll eat ivy too, wouldn’t you?
I suspect that Doktorling Sonja has been borrowing my coffee grinder to munge up morning-glory seeds again.
Ruh Roh:
Rod Dreher headed for a John Cole moment?
Via Great Orange Satan
Rod Dreher headed for a John Cole moment?
I dunno, not sure I want him on our side.
Cole had creepy sex issues to conquer?
From teh comments:
The mere fact that people are taking [Limbaugh’s] satire [sic] at face value and writing, in bold no less, that he is evil, is proof of what a savvy social commentator he is.
Ah, but they laughed at the Wright Brothers too, until one of THEIR listeners shot and killed a black President!
I dunno, not sure I want him on our side.
Hey, if it pisses off conservatives… I don’t think he’d ever come over to “our side”, but it wouldn’t be bad to have some opposition that operated on a Neanderthal level, in contrast to the troglodytes we now see with their ‘baggin’ and slaggin’.
Cole had creepy sex issues to conquer?
Who knows? Even if Cole had been a member of the Confurvatives, would that have any bearing on his current body of work?
If it weren’t for Charleston–city of my birth and routinely voted the most polite city in the nation–I’d say carve SC out and let it float into the Atlantic.
Sort of OT but does anyone else think that its great that Obama can have all these Czars and communist in the same administration without them trying to kill each other. Team of Rivals, Fuck Yeah! The man’s a diplomatic genius. After this, solving the Palestinian/Israeli conflict should be a cakewalk.
did anyone hear Rush tell his own non-racist-certifying anecdote yesterday? His family had a black maid, who was “like a grandmother” to him and his brother.
Bet she spit in his Ovaltine.
Sort of OT but does anyone else think that its great that Obama can have all these Czars and communist in the same administration without them trying to kill each other.
He’s got Czars!! Just like they did in the USSR!
Rod Dreher: Zombie conservatives at the schoolhouse door
He seems to realize there’s something wrong, but his Orthodoxy, & continual bone-picking w/ The Enlightenement, are going to keep him on some margin somewhere.
As an owner of no less than 5 iPods so far (the last one being my Precious* iPhone), that was the part I found most “Oh no he di’in’t!” about it.
*said in the voice of Gollum
Preferable, I think, to being open to old religious crazies with multiple lolita wives while being scandalized at kids wearing tube tops.
So…these pieces of shit last how long?
Maybe we should give out a series of Wingnut Awards. Why, there could be one for
Most Psychotic
Most Incoherent
Most Paranoid
Most Racist
Biggest Pile of Dung in Pants
Most Likely to Fantasize about Two Dudes Kissing
And so on!
“He’s got Czars!! Just like they did in the USSR!”
Uhm, there were no Czars in the USSR. The Bolsheviks killed them all. This is central to my point.
I upgraded one.
I ruined one by running with it in the rain.
I had my main one for 5 years. I think it just wore the damn thing out.
I think they’ve served me pretty well, overall.
Sorry… that was to Mr. McGravitas.
I’m probably biting the bullet and getting one soon just for organizational purposes.
I don’t think you’ll regret it. I’m find it very handy.
Rod Dreher is making sense. Is this a sign of the coming Obamacolypse?
RE: the ipods: I still don’t have one, but see it in the near future. I’ve finally gotten most of my music digitized – still a lot of vinyl I haven’t digitally recorded but I’m working on it – and really, when you think about it, how great is it that instead of milk crates full of albums (or cds) and a stero rack system, these days all of that can be condensed into a little device that fits in the palm of your hand? Don’t get me wrong, the ipod will never match the richness of good vinyl spinning on a good system, but no one does much good vinyl anymore anyway, plus with advancing age I’m not sure my hearing really can discern all that much difference to make the roomful of equipment & storage a reasonable alternative to an ipod.
I’m probably biting the bullet and getting one soon just for organizational purposes.
A real conservative would have specified the calibre & grain, Mr non-substance.
Preferable, I think, to being open to old religious crazies with multiple lolita wives while being scandalized at kids wearing tube tops.
Apropos of this comment, if nothing else, the situation at work has proceeded from lending me Christian books to “accidentally” leaving creationist magazines around the pharmacy to playing (ONE OF!) the local Christian pop station on teh electric radio.
Bossman Wingnut is a nice guy, really, so I’m just letting it wash over me. At least it’s easier to ignore than Glenn Blechh and The Pigman.
Obamacolypse? Sorry typo, that should be Obamacalypse.
Yes. This has been the nefarious plan from the get-go. As the teabagging zombies get crazier and crazier, eventually anybody on the right with even one functioning brain cell will have it fire and say something like: “You didn’t just say that, did you?”
They will be expelled from the herd and finally we can just stun the brainless remainder like mackerel and send them to the cannery.
(Yes, I know “herd” is wrong for fish, but “school” sounds much too inter-lekchural.)
If Wilson’s son is a WATB like his father, would that not mean that the media is wrong for picking on little babies? Ergo Hoft is right! Suck on that libtards.
I’m probably biting the bullet and getting one soon just for organizational purposes.
Join us! JOIN US!!
My current pod is named “The Magnificent Seven”. In its defense, it is sporting an H.R. Giger skin.
Previous ones (except for “You Are Number Six”, which apparently read some Burt Prelutsky and lost its memory) were all handed down, the upgrades were necessitated by capacity needs.
Bossman Wingnut is a nice guy, really, so I’m just letting it wash over me. At least it’s easier to ignore than Glenn Blechh and The Pigman.
Pere Ubu, you should loan him some Terry Southern books, or leave some Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers comeeks laying around.
Pere Ubu said,
September 16, 2009 at 23:46
Apropos of this comment, if nothing else, the situation at work has proceeded from lending me Christian books to “accidentally” leaving creationist magazines around the pharmacy to playing (ONE OF!) the local Christian pop station on teh electric radio.
Bossman Wingnut is a nice guy, really, so I’m just letting it wash over me.
… Yeah, they are technically thugs. But the reality is they are still wannabes really, pretty young, not that big, or many. And if the several adults there actually need to do something about it, the kids won’t last very long.
In its defense, it is sporting an H.R. Giger skin.
Hopefully not the one that got the Dead Kennedys in all that trouble.
And what is this “eye-podd” you speak of, that I should pass up a $10 cheap combo 1-Gb flash drive & MP3 player at Target for it?
So…these pieces of shit last how long?
I’ve had mine for going on five years now. Amazing how long stuff lasts if you actually take care of it and put a little effort into, you know, not dropping it in a deep-fat fryer or something. It’s awesome. Seriously, I have like eight hours of zydeco and Cajun music on it, just for exampe, and I’d otherwise have to tote all those Balfa Brothers records all over the place with me. You can even get a doo-dad to transfer vinyl onto an iPod.
Picture it, I have a full working day of accordians and two-step beats in my pocket, and that’s before I get into the Elvis.
The thing is, I’m probably not using it for music at all. When I walk around I like to hear what’s outside. My car’s not equipped unless I buy a radio transmitter and those are kinda sucky. Nevertheless I really like iCal and carrying it and an address book around would probably better my life and save me money as I’m kind of an idiot about planning.
people are taking [Limbaugh’s] satire [sic] at face value
!!! The one word that never comes to mind re Limbaugh, in any sense, is “Swift.”
The thing is, I’m probably not using it for music at all. When I walk around I like to hear what’s outside.
Ya know, you can buy stereo equipment and bases and whatnot that make it so’s you don’t have to use the ear phones. Hell, mine spends most of its time either plugged into my boombox at home or into the stereo at work, meaning I don’t have to lug in CD’s when I got cut onions all day. Which is nice.
Has anyone seen the above Anderson Cooper clip? One of the organizer of the “million moron march” calls Obama a Muslim, welfare, racist, thug. Gergen’s jaw drops and Carville just can’t stop laughing. Good times.
And do not waste money on a radio transmitter. They are sucky. I’m told that if one drops a serious chunk of change on one it’s worth the effort, like a hundred bucks, but if you go that far, you might as well get a new car radio that’s adapted for an iPod.
Well, if you are looking for a high-tech, state-of-the art solution, you could do worse than the Samsung Techwin SGR-A1 robot sentry automatic area interdiction system.
In fact, if my budget could handle it, I’d put in two SGR-1A’s and then install solid platinum countertops, just to see if I could entice MM & Co. into a little “citizen journalism” — as a public service, natch!
you could do worse than the Samsung Techwin SGR-A1 robot sentry automatic area interdiction system.
Indeed, you could get an ED-209 and do much worse.
Uhm, there were no Czars in the USSR. The Bolsheviks killed them all. This is central to my point.
FYWP – where’s my sarcasm emoticon?
Obamacolypse? Sorry typo, that should be Obamacalypse.
Obamapolyps would be really bad.
How do I protect my new home against peeping wingnuts?
I am thinking a ring of Cheetos might be distracting enough to keep them from the windows. Of course, you could hire WPSS* to keep your home secure. They have patrols.
*Wingnut Processor Security Services. Patrols of modified self-propelled combine harvesters available.
How do I protect my new home against peeping wingnuts?
Need you ask?
Shit moat. Obviously.
Did Gunner Hoft join in the attacks on young Graeme Frost during the S-CHIP furore?
Magic 8-Ball says ‘Yes’.
Not being an Apple zombie (no offense to any actual zombies posting here!) I always thought Ipods were just a bunch of hype. I mean you can put tracks from CD’s on any player, right? But if you don’t use the piracy sites like limewire etc to download tracks, you have to actually pay per song (at least 99 cents per) on Itunes just to put one on the Ipod. What I have is a Sansa View MP3 player, 16 GB, that I use on napster, and I pay $15/mo and I can download as many tracks as I want to the player. Yeah i still gotta pay for the tracks if I want to burn them but it’s an excellent way to try new music out before I buy it. I truly think Ipods are for suckers (no offense to any actual suckers posting here.)
at 1:43 Looch said,
One! One poppy seed! Ah ah ah!
Two! Two poppy seeds! Ah ah ah!
Three! Three poppy seeds! Ah ah ah!
Four! Four poppy seeds! Ah ah ah!
Five! Five poppy seeds! Ah ah ah!
Six! Six poppy seeds! Ah ah ah!
A charming comment from that link:
“Racism is an empty charge.”
the fact is, i wouln’t mind being sodomized by rahm emanuel, actually.
What I have is a Sansa View MP3 player, 16 GB, that I use on napster, and I pay $15/mo and I can download as many tracks as I want to the player.
Cancel your subscription and watch how many of those songs you lose. All of them.
With the 99 cent option, it’s yours in perpetuity.
The biggest Sansa is 32gb and costs the same as the 160gb Ipod, on which I can get all my music in a lossless format, plus throw on several movies, which means I could travel with my entire CD collection and favorite movies.
Of course actor, I realize I’m essentially “renting” the napster tracks that I haven’t bought–and I have bought a lot over the years also–but man I’m sorry being able to listen to as many songs as I want and being able to load and reload the player as often as I please is f’in priceless. So if something new comes out, or if someone says you gotta hear this jam, you can put it on your player and if you like it you can still do the 99 cent per thing, or buy an album for ten bucks. And yeah tigrismus that capacity for the price of the 160 gb pod is awesome but you gotta fill it completely with things you bought (or pirated.) What if you could put like 10 CD’s you own on it and 10 you don’t and listen to them whenever or wherever, and then change to 10 more next week, etc? Even with my little 16gb my music options are so much more varied than yours, and I ain’t tied to the gd apple store either. So I gotta keep a $15/mo subscription to have that flexibility? man that’s nothing for what i get. (An I realize that I’m probly just typing this to myself, but I had to get it off my nut!)
If I’m ripping my own CDs, which is what I did, how am I tied to the Apple store? I have hundreds of CDs on there, in CD quality files, not mp3, it hooks to my stereo, so could get rid of the huge jukebox, and the car stereo, so my entire CD collection is always available on the road. I’m not badmouthing your choice, it sounds like it works perfectly for your life, music purchasing preferences, etc, but I’m not a “sucker” because just your choice doesn’t work for me.
“just because”
You are tied to the apple store if you want music other than ripping your own. I mean cool if you like the pod for your storage, that’s great. But I’m just saying I can do basically the same thing with my setup and also listen to anything I want. Hey, sorry bout the sucker thing though, you all are hypercool on here and I meant no offense. I guess I just get a little weary of defending napster to all the “pod people” out there!
I’ve never bought anything from the store, though I have kifed the odd mp3 from the ‘tubes and put it on, you just have to save it in the folder and sync it. I don’t use napster, but I’m sure it could be done easily enough. But you know, whatever; they’re all just blobs of plastic and people should get the one that best and most easily fits the way they want to use their plastic blob.
You’re really not.