Mighty Hoax From Little Failcorn Grows

Confederate Yankee, ibid.:
ACORN Worker in San Bernadino Video Admits to Homicide on CameraFrom tax fraud in support of child prostitution to murder, Big Government‘s James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles are exposing ACORN as a criminal enterprise more and more every day.
Oh hello, it’s us again, and we’ve brought along a few notes. [opens purple Trapper Keeper]
1) The city of San Bernardino, California is named after St. Bernardine of Siena, while the Catholic Church has no St. Bernadine, a woman after whom a hypothetical city of ‘San Bernadino’ could be named. Besides which, applying the masculine diminutive, ‘-ino,’ to a woman would be an ambiguity of gender at least officially unprecedented in the history of the modern Church, at least as it is currently written. No, ‘San Bernadino’ is simply not how it is spelled, and call us pickers of nit — call us migrant nitpickers — but aah, pff, whatever. It’s not like we’re only that.
2) Having been dropped by Pajamas Media so that they could focus on their core business of benefiting Roger Simon and Glenn Reynolds, Mr. Yankee has re-monetized his blog. Current ads include a lobbying effort from General Electric not only for government money, but for a weapons project that keeps being cancelled by the Pentagon, and keeps being revived as Congressional pork, via earmarks. Ah, but internal contradictions are unrecognized by today’s hardy breed of conservative, and therefore don’t exist and are simultaneously a plot by radical liberals to hide their own guilt in being internally contradictive according to the Bible of liberalism, Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, a book now in use primarily by conservatives, because backwards.
Then there’s Google Ads. Then within Blogads, there’s an ad for his carelessly maintained conservative ad bloc. Kicking it up even a further notch is those in-text ads with the double underlines that are always so informative to the seeker-afterer of knowledge (see the quoted link for ‘tax fraud’), whilst detracting from a site or blog only insofar as they are exactly equal to a column of molten sad blasting out of an erupting failcano.
Aye, truly does Confederate Yankee resemble un citoyen de l’ancien Languedoc in that he was born: Toulouse.
If one were to imagine a phoon, such a thing would only indifferently suggest Confederate Yankee. Except now imagine one made not of ty, but of guh-hurk.
3) Fine then, a better money-making idea? Themed package tours to Sodom. No no, I don’t like the term ‘genius’; I prefer ‘Today’s Tom Sawyer.’ Plus, guess who’s been there and knows a good hotel. Another idea? A subatomic particle, perhaps in plush and with rolly eyes, that can be flourished or handed to people. “Have a Guon,” the ad slogan will go. “Ouch ouch pelted with shoes or rocks” is what you will say a lot at first, but then it will become a craze and no one will remember or care that you were ahead of the trend, but will only know to view you with suspicion for being weird. Another idea? Sell tickets to the deer and the antelope play.
Tell me, Madame Pelosi: Why should taxpayers still fund this organized criminal conspiracy?
That’s the tone he uses when he thinks he’s got someone trapped, and is toying with them, and it would be even better with a “Hmmmmm?” at the end, with more ‘m’s being like more strokings of a waxed Van Dyke, or more grandiloquent flouncings-past in one direction and back the next with top hat and pistol. It’s like a gloaty, cruel equivalent of the tone that we use in certain…
4) Ah, so nice to see you again, Mr. Yankee. Allow us to pour the usual frosty pitcher of Sadly, No.
The build up to the sublime crash is exquisite.
Even when they have something – a rare occurrence – they have to embellish and make it all sorts of more that it isn’t, never was, and never will be. Why is this?
Paternal sleep deprivation will undoubtedly yield many more such nuggets of late-night lore. But is your grill holding up to the strain, Gavin?
You’ve been (understandably) off form, son, but this is gold. I think that secretly the Yankee inspires you like no other.
Dr. Zen, are you suggesting Yankee is Gavin’s muse?
It’s nice that the three of them found each other. Therese is clearly insane. And good G*D, that coat. The mini-sarong. Insanity. Insanity.
They’re just cranky because Mike “Spanky” Duvall blabbed about his extramarital schlonging activities into a hot mic.
However, I’m sure that if one were to infiltrate a conservative-leaning organization one would hear nothing but conversations about puppies, kittens, Jesus and people whistling songs from The Sound of Music.
Why is it necessary to still have to point out the particular crimes of ACORN? Is it not enough to clearly point out that they are black?
By the way, this is no “FAILCORN”, this really did succeed and now ACORN is very much being treated as a criminally corrupt organization based on these videos.
It even made it to the Daily Show last night.
ACORN can say, correctly, that these were exceptions, but it doesn’t matter, and all their federal grants are about to be ended and the right now has successfully claimed another scalp.
And they can add that feather to last weeks 5 Billion Patriot march on Washington.
Those ACORN staffer sure did look terrified for lives to me.
“White Pimp Congressman Wannabe” sure as hell could have pulled out a gun at anytime and killed them.
How are they to know he’s just a pathological liar?
Isn’t it disgusting of Fox News to cheer on terrorism against Americans?
This seems like an extension of Bill O’Reilly’s attack schtick.
No excuses for these workers, but do we have to keep going down this road? Is ACORN really all that?
BTW, the headline on that Times article: Conservatives draw blood from ACORN, favored foe. Maybe I’m the only one who sees that as a very real disturbing possibility that at some point that headline will be less metaphorical.
The point is not to have any organizations doing anything on behalf of — god forbid with — poor people, and particularly not poor black ones.
Gavin: Enough with the usual gorgeous take-down.
We want pix of gorgeous l’il Dash. NOW please! We know you’ve got ’em, so don’t be modest, boy! Show that baby off already!
Even when they have something – a rare occurrence – they have to embellish and make it all sorts of more that it isn’t, never was, and never will be. Why is this?
Oh Lesley. Seriously? Cuz they’s DUMB.
I just saw the videos this morning and it was actually kind of funny.Like most people I never heard of ACORN until the right started obsessing about it during the campaign, so I dont think we need to be so defensive about this Howard Stern like prank.That would not only makes us look po faced, it also fits right in to their playbook. They build up some minor organization and now we have to “answer” for whatever it does.
Hmm, where are the trolls? Must be still waiting to get the appropriate talking points on this emailed to them.
Posted by: Steve at September 15, 2009 10:15 PM
What is this email?
Who’s being defensive? It’s simply a fact that ACORN has done a tremendous amount of good work, a lot of which is now going to be curtailed because they’re the current target of the screaming jackass brigades.
The San Bernadino police are obviously part of the librul media conspiracy to cover up Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s Kenyan birthitude.
Also, I’d like to say it’s pretty fucking sad that the Senate will vote 83-to-fucking-7 to cut off funding to a group based on something on YouTube. What’s next? We tear down the Washington Monument because someone posts that GW fucked a donkey on his Wikipedia page?
It’s hard to believe San Bernardino exists, even if you’re born there. God has that once pleasant desert town been walloped by the free-market stick, and then it took a whole lot of meth to make itself feel better. And that didn’t work either.
The bit I love the most how this, “JUST PROVES that a crime has been committed!”
I didn’t see anybody getting a loan.
Did White Pimp Wannabe Congressman get his brothel?
Of course, I take heart in that the biggest moral of this whole thing is that the Wurlitzer, having lost it’s grip on the government, has not nearly enough power to take on anything bigger than ACORN.
So the idiots continue to send SEEEKRIT VEEDYO KAMRAZ into ACORN offices, spew some outright BS story, film the result and treat this as some kind of horrible scandal because, you know, inner city people and all.
I mean, isn’t this whole “prostitution” thing pretty much entirely derived from fevered right-wing stereotypes about black women and men and their insatiable savage libidos, driven by the insistent jungle beat of rock music?
Basically, once again we see that all the wingnuts have got these days is out-and-out racism.
Never fucking mind the whole “scandal” part of TEH ACROM SCANDAL!!1`~ seriously lacks the “scandal” part.
So, like whoever said yesterday, it’s basically “Wingnut Borat”. And people are making government policy decisions based on it. Wheeeeeee!
That police report looks fake. Has anyone checked the kerning? I demand to see the long-form police report!
I like Failcano…would that be like an extinct El Calderon?
You and your stupid “proof” mean nothing to us.
-the thirty percenters
One good whack and you drop them into your soup, kid.
Dr. Zen, are you suggesting Yankee is Gavin’s muse?
More like his mouse.
It’s simply a fact that ACORN has done a tremendous amount of good work, a lot of which is now going to be curtailed because they’re the current target of the screaming jackass brigades.
For now.
I predict that by the end of this session of Congress, ACORN will be fully funded, quietly.
I don’t think they’ll ever receive significant federal funding again. Democrats won’t push for it and Republicans would be glad to scream that Obama’s secret underground Stasi Nazi pimp force is getting ready to steal whitey’s dollar again.
Cid, I understand your point, however, ACORN has been massive in getting Democrats elected in 2006 and 2008.
I don’t think that is easily forgotten.
Having been dropped by Pajamas Media so that they could focus on their core business of benefiting Roger Simon and Glenn Reynolds, Mr. Yankee has re-monetized his blog.
Is he buying a new grill?
Do you doubt the awesome power of Democrats to ignore and insult their base? You will be punished for your lack of faith.
Do you doubt the awesome power of Democrats to ignore and insult their base? You will be punished for your lack of faith.
Your sad devotion to that ancient religion has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes, or given you clairvoyance enough to find the rebels’ hidden fortress…
Aye, truly does Confederate Yankee resemble un citoyen de l’ancien Languedoc in that he was born: Toulouse.
I want to dip that in coffee because it is just that delicious.
Aw, c’mon, it’s on an ice planet or something, and how many of those can there be?
Aw, c’mon, it’s on an ice planet or something, and how many of those can there be?
That’s the SECOND movie! YOU are out of the Rolodex, sir! Goodday, I say, good DAY to you!
Oh, you just THOUGHT I didn’t know in the first movie. Ha.
can anyone join this little dialogue, or should I take a number and wait outside in the lobby?
I just got banned by Condefederate SpankMe. I left him a comment saying that I realized he needed to keep bringing the crazy to get his traffic up to attract advertisers, but that he really needed to step up his game beyond pimping disproved stories. I think conservative bloggers are about at the point where they’ll dive into a shit moat for a quarter and a lock of Ann Coulter’s hair.
Pere, these are not the ‘rhoids you seek.
Dot, I agree, and I think Obama’s very subtle playing of the race card is a great way to get them to dig even deeper.
sup sup sadlies you be frontin on this story but im tellin you whut whut holla if you see my char-coal greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyulll
well obama is socialist and we’re pissed
teabaggers risin to stop the socializin
I think conservative bloggers are about at the point where they’ll dive into a shit moat for a quarter and a lock of Ann Coulter’s hair.
And post the video to YouTube.
I think Obama’s very subtle playing of the race card is a great way to get them to dig even deeper.
Personally it seems that Rep. Joe “Assclown” Wilson’s outburst was actually a racist two-fer – not only was he “boy”-ing the President, but what was he reacting to? Coverage for “illegals”, which thanks to folks like Loud Obbs and Malkin and Guncounter Gomer we all know are dusky funny-speaking people from down South. Wilson managed to drag in BOTH anti-Black AND anti-Hispanic racism into one two-word outburst.
Wilson managed to drag in BOTH anti-Black AND anti-Hispanic racism into one two-word outburst.
It almost makes me nostalgic for “Obama, The Magic Negro”.
I call fake rappin Bobo Wenz. There’s nothing about guns ot the second amendment in there.
[Trigger Warning – I threw up trying to get through typing this]
And don’t give me any nonsense about his insecurities being temporarily placated by the new enlarging vaccuum pump he just got in the mail. The last dozen he’s had delivered didn’t work, so why should the Ultra-Vacc-Thickenlongerator be any different?
On a completely unrelated note, holy shit:
“There are many reasons to love International Man of Mystery Mark Steyn. [idiocy deleted]. But his crowning achievement may be pitching Golden Retreiver puppies. Mark, can I have one? I’ll name her K-Lo.”
Jesus Christ on a moose.
Didn’t anyone watch Candid Camera or Punk’d growing up? The entire shows were built around the fact that people are inherently cooperative and will go out of their way to help people. The shows would regularly put clerks, admin’s and secretaries in situations where they were being asked to deal with an absurd situation and the hilarity would ensue as they twisted themselves into pretzels to accommodate the request.
I bet if you went into 10 H&R Block offices and asked the same questions about how a Pimp/Prostitute should file taxes, you would get a similar result in at least a few of them.
ACORN got Punk’d, that’s about all it shows me.
I smell a little internal dissension over at The Corner (they’re starting to arrive…).
First, she resigns, and now they’re calling her a dog. Interesting.
Hey, are there any right wing bloggers who are tax advisers or lawyers? That would be fun, to do a hidden camera experiment.
I’m also enjoying the sniping between Dana Perino, Jack Fowler (NR publisher, if memory serves), and Peter Robinson. Perino makes an asinine and manifestly incorrect comment, Robinson HOUSES her, and then Perino is reduced to suggesting that Bush didn’t use words like “ass,” in spite of the whole “major league asshole” comment. It’s a delight, I must say.
What’s all this I hear about pitching Golden Retriever puppies?! Why I never heard of anything more horrible in my whole life. Why on earth would anyone want to throw a sweet little puppy toward home plate? Isn’t that what baseballs are for? Pitching puppies!! That’s just the most despicable thing I ever … what? What? You mean ordinarily this phrasing would refer to “selling” puppies, but in the case of NRO that’s what’s actually happening? Really?! Those slime-swilling asshole motherfuckers!! Where’s my baseball bat?!
I smell a little internal dissension over at The Corner…
How can you detect anything through the reeking of FAIL? Consider this wonderful tidbit from Veronique de Rugy:
Really? Two wingnuts dressed as the Statue of Liberty posing in front of a sign that’s warning us of Obama’s plan to gas chamber people? Awfully clever that is.
I hate to say it, but El Cid is probably right.
Hopefully though, ACORN will sue on the basis that a) no actual crime was committed (no federal funds went to the hypothetical criminal operation) and 2) those responsible for even discussing ways that federal funds could be use to support hypothetical criminal operations were immediately fired. There’s zero evidence to suggest that it’s ACORN policy or standard operating procedure to advise people how they can lie in order to receive federal funding for running a brothel.
How many military contractors can say the same (not about running brothels, though we know they did that in Iraq, but in terms of criminal fraud)? And yet they continue to receive contracts, and not just ones in the piddling millions, but in the multiple BILLIONS.
And now we get to point 3: the people who posed as the pimp and prostitute, if they filled out any forms inaccurately so as to keep up the front, actually are guilty of committing fraud against the federal government. When are they going to be charged?
Or even funnier, Peter Kirsanow tying himself into knots so he can get a dig in at Jimmy Carter.
Is the whole “Osama loves Jimmy Carter” thing meant as some sort of satirical parody? Not to put too blunt a point on it, but if it is you not only FAIL, but you’ve also neglected to factor in your audience – people who believe that Osama loves Jimmy Carter.
I guess that’s okay, after all you’re fighting the good fight, against that void-spawn of evil, Jimmy Cart’hulu.
PROTIP: “(contrary to considerable objective evidence)” is a good place to put a hyperlink to some considerable objective evidence. Not doing so indicates that the “objective evidence” you’re talking about is as considerable as your shrivelled and tiny little microPENIS.
Down the San Ber’dino freeway
They got some dark green air
An’ you can choke all day
That’s right!
I keep wondering when one of these wingnuts bloggers is going to slip up ala Charles Johnson and turn the mob back on themselves. It’s not easy keeping the “double down on krazee” krowd placated. They always howl for more. I have to believe that all of the double helix, reverse Immelman turns of logic and fact bending are going to trip them up, perhaps in a domino effect as they race to defend a member of the tribe. The Pantloads and Cornfeds of the world keep feeding the tiger but the tiger is insisting they get ever so closer with each lump of flesh.
The again, I could be wrong. Really stupid people being led by really careless and stupid people. Could be a recipe for long-term success.
My “n” key is in and out of the office.
Hey, are there any right wing bloggers who are tax advisers or lawyers?
No. Those are jobs.
Re:un citoyen de l’ancien Languedoc
—Thomas Jefferson “TJ” Hooker
She lives in Mojave in a Winnebago
His name is Bobby, he looks like a potato
She’s in love with a boy
From the rodeo
Who pulls the rope on the chute
When they let those suckers go
He’s a slobberin’ drunk at the Palomino
They give him thirty days in San Ber’dino
Well there’s forty-four men
Stashed away in tank “C”
An’ there’s only one shower
But it don’t apply to Bobby
You may think they’re
Dumb an’ lonely
But you’re wrong
‘Cause their love is strong
Stacked-up hair
An’ a cheap little ring
They don’t care
‘Cause it don’t mean a thing
She lives in Mojave in a Winnebago
His name is Bobby, he looks like a potato…
GodSpag bless your pointy little head.I have to believe that all of the double helix, reverse Immelman turns of logic and fact bending are going to trip them up,
I’d have to see the long-form electron-microscope output before I believed any of them actually posses double helices.
She lives in Mojave in a Winnebago
His name is Bobby, he looks like a potato
First thing I thought of when I heard “San Bernardino”.
Even went looking for a video to link, but naw luck.
I’d have to see the long-form electron-microscope output before I believed any of them actually posses double helices.
That sounds like some kinda expereemint. You got a
labpimp coat to do thet in?I’m from California, San Berdoo, Yeah. Utah is part of my route… Say, you folks don’t mind if I ask you a couple of questions, do you?
You have to wonder what Frank would have to say about today’s doin’s. Or maybe that he actually said it all, way back then.
“But I have the crystal ball, he said, and held it to the light.”
That sounds like some kinda expereemint. You got a lab pimp coat to do thet in?
I prefer calico coats to lab coats. Softer fur.
Next stop for O’Keefe and Giles: the ACORN office in Winona.
And in the end, that’s all it’s ever really about. Truth is irrelevant and Justice is simply how much they can hurt the other guy.
ACORN’s response
This is trivially plausible, as, having seen that dweeb through clips on the Daily Show last night, he is not believable as a pimp and I doubt his girlfriend made a convincing prostitute either. I’m pretty sure if you work with the poor and downtrodden constantly, you can spot middle class poseurs pretty quickly – even age old things like their unblemished hands would be a give away.
Tragic, that was the point people were making yesterday: how could anyone take a guy in his mom’s bathrobe and a girl in a too-tight minidress with perfect skin seriously as a hooker and her pimp?
Heh, he updated his site redacting the whole murder thing. Of course, he just followed up with [accuse]They are still all selling children into sex slavery!!![/accuse]
Shocked, I tell you. Shocked!
Hmm … you know, for some strange reason, that phrase – “criminal conspiracy” … it just rings a bell for me.
That would be the way of business with the GOP. Blame mysterious conspirators and unseen plots to distract from their slightly more conspicuous blots.
“Of course you can’t see them That cause
they don’t existtheir…INVISIBLE!!!1!”Wandering around this asshat’s site I found this bit of cleverness:
How long did he work on that little gem, I wonder? Annnnddd, whydoIfindthatreallycreepy?
Oops. I meant plots. ‘Blots’ works though.
how could anyone take a guy in his mom’s bathrobe and a girl in a too-tight minidress with perfect skin seriously as a hooker and her pimp?
Obviously a senator (R – anywhere) and his closest aide.
Obviously a senator (R – anywhere) and his
closest aidemost generous lobbyist.I have fecksed this, I have.
It probably didn’t take him much time at all, if the pedosmile he’s sportin’ is any indicator. Probably just pissed that they got to the acronym before him.
Wait, that was a baseless and rude accusation, wasn’t it? Am I becoming one of them?
I have fecksed this, I have.
If she’s so generous, how come her dress don’t fit? Oh wait…
Unseen blots are everywhere, you know. All around us.
Aw, Bobby, I’m sorry you have a head like a potato. I really am.
I don’t know, most of the potatoes I’ve seen have had bigger chins.
The only thing missing from this post is a Q.E.D. at the end.
Well done, poppa.
Besides which, applying the masculine diminutive, ‘-ino,’ to a woman would be an ambiguity of gender at least officially unprecedented in the history of the modern Church, at least as it is currently written.
Patron Saint of Pre-Op Trannies.
This is trivially plausible, as, having seen that dweeb through clips on the Daily Show last night, he is not believable as a pimp and I doubt his girlfriend made a convincing prostitute either. I’m pretty sure if you work with the poor and downtrodden constantly, you can spot middle class poseurs pretty quickly – even age old things like their unblemished hands would be a give away.
I think the ACORN employees sussed this out pretty quickly (the fact that the d00d dresses like a cartoon pimp is pretty glaring), and they gave them some advice that would be sure to land them in trouble if they actually wanted to start a brothel (send the girls to school, list yourself as an “entertainer” on a tax form- guaranteed to engender scrutiny from various authorities on the local, state, and federal level). They probably played along with them in order to ensure a “scared straight” moment.
Added bonus- anyone else spot some glaring spelling/usage errors in the subtitles?
This thread is a good antidote to my ill-advised reading of comments threads on my local newspaper’s blog. The howler monkeys that fling poo on the paper’s blogs were all howling and flinging about the ACORN story.
I had sworn off reading those threads, got sucked in today, and will now have to swear off again. Not worth the time and head-space.
No, ‘San Bernadino’ is simply not how it is spelled, and call us pickers of nit — call us migrant nitpickers — but aah, pff, whatever. It’s not like we’re only that.
My canonical sources disagree with you:
Beneath the freeway at the cloverleaf junction
The symbol of good luck emanates darkness
The shadow will grow to cover California
Somewhere on the road from San Bernadino
Its future is stirring the past from that pass
His name is not Joe, his name is Addison Graves Wilson, how do get Joe out of that.My own senator and raging queen Mitch is also named Addison, coincidence I think not.