Dan Riehl: Licking his chops (or is it soiling his pants?) for a race war

It’s only going to get funnier and more terrifying, my friends. Let’s roll the tape:
A 9/12 Experience: Dangerous Times
Michelle has a disturbing video posted. It’s of several black students beating a white student on a school bus in St. Louis. Here’s the deal. I haven’t mentioned it before.
Riding out of DC on the Metro, 9/12, there were some folks from South Dakota and also another Mid-West state I can’t recall in the same Metro car. We were talking, nothing special, really – politics, of course.
In the back were maybe ten or so black kids taking up that section of the car. There was no confrontation, just one or two of them talking loudly enough to make sure they’d be heard.
Without resorting to the poor diction it was along the lines of, these are the people who think Obama is the anti-Christ. That McCain he wasn’t chit. Obama’s going to be president as long as he wants, so these people better get used to it, etc. It went on but not really to a level that was so loud, or so confrontational that it needed to be addressed.
We just ignored them without much trouble at all.
Yeah, they were technically thugs. But the reality was they were still wannabes really, pretty young, not that big, or many. And if the several adults there for 9/12 actually needed to do something about it, the kids wouldn’t have lasted very long.
Oh, this is delightful! Riehl demonstrates how tough and rugged he and his 9/12 compadres are by bragging that they could have beaten up a bunch of children if they’d really wanted to. Now here’s the kicker:
Maybe if they were bigger, or more numerous, it might have been worse.
By “worse,” he means, “we would have left several yellow and brown stains on the DC Metro seats.”
Again, let’s consider what Riehl has just told us. He prefaced his own 9/12 story by referring to it as “dangerous times.” But what did these “dangerous times” consist of? That’s right — a couple of black kids talking smack in the back of a subway car! Dan, is there anything in this world that doesn’t automatically scare you into soiling yourself?
Of course, had there actually been over a million people at the teabag thingie there wouldn’t have been any room in the metro car for anybody BUT teabaggers. It took the rest of the afternoon and into the night to get the people home via Metro from Obama’s inauguration…
“Dan, is there anything in this world that doesn’t automatically scare you into soiling yourself?”
But you don’t understand! Those kids were totally NOT WHITE! Also, it is Obama who is the true racist.
“Yeah we almost had to beat up some black kids that we outnumbered, no big deal. We’re not just tough but we’re also have Jedi-like self control. I mean, those kids wanted a fight, so really I won by not fighting, but I could’ve won in a fight too, just saying.”
Note how he does not deny these kids’ claim that he believes Obama to be the anti-Christ.
Imagine, Brad…just imagine what might have happened if one of those children had actually…(ominous ellipse)…SHOT RIEHL A GLANCE AND SMILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“But the reality was they were still wannabes really, pretty young, not that big, or many.”
That’s some first-class writin’. Dan must still be pretty shook up.
But never mind all that. My question is, when do we get to see pix of the young thug-wannabe, Dash M.?
I sort of get this “Bernard Goetz wannabe” vibe from Riehl, except he wouldn’t be anywhere near as kewl. Probably shoot himself in the thigh, too.
Ahem, wingnuts:
So Big Bad Dan and his white comrades were apparently also talking loudly enough to be overheard, making them “technically thugs.”
Given that these were teabaggers using public transportation to get to their “boo-hoo I have to pay taxes” event, I think they got off very lightly.
Neo-cons are such sissies.
Brad, I think you owe Tor Johnson an apology.
In the back were maybe ten or so black kids taking up that section of the car. There was no confrontation, just one or two of them talking loudly enough to make sure they’d be heard.
Without resorting to the poor diction it was along the lines of, these are the people who think Obama is the anti-Christ. That McCain he wasn’t chit. Obama’s going to be president as long as he wants, so these people better get used to it, etc. It went on but not really to a level that was so loud, or so confrontational that it needed to be addressed……
Yeah, they were technically thugs
I’m not sure what the “technical” definition of thugs is but if you’re talking about people who cluster in groups bonded by common racial identity, talking loudly in an attempt to intimidate others, yell obscenities and insults about people they oppose, and make hyperbolic statements about how their side is totally gonna rule the other side…..you can see a great example in the mirror.
Of course, they’re white, so it’s DIFFERENT. Also, sizing up people to determine if you could take them on with violence? Totally not thug-like, technically-speaking.
And if the several adults there for 9/12 actually needed to do something about it, the kids wouldn’t have lasted very long.
Yes, if the loud taunting of teenagers became intolerable, our brave patriots would have used violence to make them stop.
Christ. White people, I swear. Nothing terrifies the Great American Honky worse than shit-talking black teenagers on public transportation. I bet Riehl’s talked about nothing else since. “And they made these threatening movements and laughed at us! Can you imagine? Bet they were all in gangs, too.”
Without resorting to the poor diction it was along the lines of, these are the people who think Obama is the anti-Christ.
But definitely reveling in the poor grammar is was along the lines of. Sheesh, if I wrote this badly or was this big a chickenshit, I don’t know if I’d broadcast it to the world, and especially if I was guilty of both.
Does ‘thug’ have a technical definition like is there a decibel range at which your telling jokes about teabaggers makes you a thug and then if you do it louder than that, you’re… the gestapo?
I happened to catch an early Gilbert Gottfreid performance on HBO just the other day, in which he wondered why he never heard a black person saying to a friend, “I got on an elevator the other day, and standing there was a Jew. I thought to myself, ‘there’s only one, it’ll probably be all right. If they want anything — just give it! Give it to him! Better to lose your wallet than risk your life.”
That story of the kids on the Metro is disgusting. Those “adults” shouldn’t be allowed out of doors without a minder — and as the brilliant Alexandra Pelosi has shown us, there are tens of millions of these morons.
The technical definition of “thug“.
And if the several adults there for 9/12 actually needed to do something about it, the kids wouldn’t have lasted very long.
What? The fat fucks would have fallen on the black kids?
Doesn’t Reader’s Digest pay about $400 for a Drama in Riehl Life®?
“Without resorting to the poor diction it was along the lines of, these are the people…”
Ah yes, indeed Dan – it’s far better that you not try to recapture their “poor diction.” Your writing is already bad enough without that bit of acrobatics.
Most people don’t feel the need to write blog posts when they have the experience of riding a train with some black kids. Just sayin.
I’m sure that Dan Riehl and his buddies could have totally kicked those kids’ asses if they needed to. It would give him something to talk about with his totally hot girlfriend who lives in Canada.
“Those punks had punkuation marks and weren’t afraid of using them incorrectly in a sentence!”
How much melanin before one is “technically” a thug? We all know that, say, Yaphet Kotto qualifies, but what about Prince? Would technical thuggishness encompass even a Billy Dee Williams or Dennis Johnson?
I wish these people would just say “nigger” and be done with it. It would be such a release for them, probably in more ways than one. I’m picturing a Frankie Goes To Hollywood/Peter North style HWAH! An Imperial pint of pent-up frustration. Then, finally having attained release, their wasted husks can return to the gentle bosom of the Earth, to nourish humanity’s successors.
Would technical thuggishness encompass even a Billy Dee Williams or Dennis Johnson?
It would probably encompass Lenny Kravitz if he wasn’t half-Jewish and therefore negates the threat aspect.
Riding out of DC on the Metro, 9/12, there were some folks from South Dakota and also another Mid-West state I can’t recall in the same Metro car. We were talking, nothing special, really – politics, of course.
Shall we indulge our imagination about the conversation that probably motivated the kids to start playing the dozens?
(And isn’t it just hilarious that Reihl and his cronies couldn’t recognize it for what it was, just a little ”yo mama”ing and some signifying?)
Shall we indulge our imagination about the conversation that probably motivated the kids to start playing the dozens?
I’m sure the words “Obama”, “black” and “socialest (sic)” were in very close proximity.
I took my fiance to New York a few weeks ago. It was her first time there. She was amazed that black people are permitted to travel in groups of more than 3 on the Subway. I explained to her that although all black people are “technically” thugs. Said black people are still permitted to travel freely about the city provided that they don’t speak to loudly or look at white people – in the eye or otherwise. Yet I had no explanation for why the black people in this particular train car were still permitted to talk at a volume we found objectionable. You see, we were talking about nothing really, and simply could not hear ourselves over the “rap hop” and “jive” coming from the blacks. New York is an imperfect city, I told her. Anyway, there is no doubt that if the blacks had made a move toward us, I totally would have been able to handle them. Still we got out at the next stop and switched cars anyway.
Dan Riehl’s strained expression in the screenshot makes more sense if you realise that he has just inhaled his dog-whistle.
Christ. White people, I swear
Agreed. Makes me embarrassed to be translucent, it does.
I took my fiance to New York a few weeks ago.
Why? Were you planning on selling her? Or merely corrupting her with exposure to Jews, scary brown people, “jazz” “music,” and ethnic food devoid of white bread?
Last time I was in New York “City” I saw negro and Mexican women wheeling White children around the park in BROAD DAYLIGHT.
I took my fiance to New York a few weeks ago.
Why? Were you planning on selling her?
We’ve been out of that business since the unfortunate Anselmo pederasty case!
Or merely corrupting her with exposure to Jews, scary brown people, “jazz” “music,” and ethnic food devoid of white bread?
And Disney. Don’t forget Disney.
Every now and then I ride the #10 bus in Baltimore from downtown out towards Catonsville. It goes through a ton of impoverished West Side neighborhoods and I’m often the only white person on the bus the entire 20 minute journey in either direction. It’s kind of eye opening in a good way because B’more is pretty segregated and my work is about 95% white, so most of my interaction with black people in B’more is on city buses.
Even with the side door broken (so everyone had to enter/exit the front door), in pouring rain, packed to the gills, humid, tempers flaring, every person on that bus was better behaved, more polite and more self-aware than ANY of the fucking frat dick fucks I have to put up with in Federal Hill (yuppieville with rowhouses and tons of bars) on any given weekend.
Just last weekend, as I was about a third across a small side street, in the damn crosswalk!, when some jackass frat dick in an Impala, on his cellphone, comes whipping around the corner. Our eyes met, I did the “hands up, roll my eyes” WTF? gesture (but did not SAY anything). Dick screeches to a halt in the middle of the street, still on his cellphone, he starts yelling “I didn’t fucking see you, you fucking little p***y ass b***h! I’ll get out of this car and kick the fucking shit out of you if you look at me like that again!!!eleventy!”. Sooooo, I stopped, turned, and did my best “Hawkeye Pierce high pitched belly laugh” for 2-3 seconds and walked on…he probably had to find a parking space or something as he didn’t follow.
I totally wanted to start a Race War with Impala Dude…him and every OTHER drunk driving, planter pissing (or smashing), 2am screaming, knuckleheaded fist-fighting, too much money (but overtaxed!), too little sense, douchebag that comes pouring in from the burbs every damn weekend. But, can I have a check from Soros first?
Were you planning on selling her?
N__B must have sold his wife in Berlin, and now he’s in the market.
N__B must have sold his wife in Berlin
She damned near ran away with a cute panda she was talking to in the zoo, but no.
I think it is HILARIOUYS that these Suburban Bad-Asses are completely clueless as to how cobaggy they appear when they say this kind of shit….
They seem to think that it some alternate universe, bad-mouthing teenagers after they get their pasty asses off the train is hardcore.
And Disney. Don’t forget Disney.
Impossible to do so, but placing the store in Times Square may have been a mistake, as I swear I saw Minnie scoring on 11th Ave.
Dan’s one of the brightest Thousand Points of Fright.
to the poor diction
This business of ‘diction’ is the sprinkles on the top of the white-bread sandwich of stupid. It seems that contrary opinions become more thuggish if a non-standard pronounciation makes those opinions harder to understand and more of a private conversation.
It seems that contrary opinions become more thuggish if a non-standard pronounciation makes those opinions harder to understand and more of a private conversation.
Nuff said.
I swear I saw Minnie scoring on 11th Ave.
Sure it wasn’t Mickey in drag?
He’s had…issues…ever since they forced him into the CGI suite.
It’s like going on safari for those of us in the rest of the states. Not too scary if you have a good guide and plenty of porters; frightening if you wander off into the bush by yourself.
As long as you stick close to Times Square you’re OK (and man, you couldn’t-a said that thirty years ago).
Sure it wasn’t Mickey in drag?
Dunno. It’s not like I was going to undo those big buttons to make sure.
I hope the ‘other Midwestern state’ wasn’t Wisconsin.
We may be fat drunkards, cryptosporidium in the water, and famous cannibals, but associating us with fraidy cat teabaggers is just beyond the pale.
I hope the ‘other Midwestern state’ wasn’t Wisconsin.
I would make a “the other white meat” joke, but I’m so fucking jet-lagged I just misspelled my own name.
not enough underscores?
Been there.
Besides, Dahmer seemed to go for… darker meat.
Is Riehl technically a chickenshit fuckhead?
This business of ‘diction’ is the sprinkles on the top of the white-bread sandwich of stupid.
Not to mention that this so-called ‘diction’ is not in evidence in teabagger signage. Leaders of the Million Moron March should not be casting stones.
I took my fiance to New York a few weeks ago.
I assume that this was a misprint for ‘fiacre’.
I say, Bates, can’t you take more care around those dashed potholes?
Here is a photo evidence of one of the thuggity dangerous persons attempting to “jack” said bus: http://countrymouse.blogharbor.com/_photos/Jayvyn%20Driving%20the%20Bus.sized.jpg
CAUTION: not for the weak of heart, this.
dashed potholes
Some are dashed, some underscored. The really dangerous one blink on and off and have mustaches hovering nearby.
“Leaders of the Million Moron March should not be casting stones.”
Pretty much came in here to say this. When virtually an entire cottage industry has sprung up just to show photos and videos of the massive ignorance on display whenever more than two teabaggers show up in the same location, whining about teenagers’ “diction” doesn’t really help your case.
Of course, his use of “diction” here is just a code word for his racist brethren, but still.
Why do I get the feeling that these pear-shaped fucknuts would be the first ones soiling their already skidmarked drawers if we really did get into some sort of civil war situation?
“Obama’s going to be president as long as he wants, so these people better get used to it”
truth tellers == thugs.
I believe Technical Thug is one of those far-flung Wu-Tang Clan affiliates, like LA the Darkman or Shyhiem the Rugged Child.
Yeah, Technical Thugs is a pretty good name for a hip hop group act, especially if they have really good modern production. Maybe Natch qualifies when he works with Thievery?
dashed potholes
Speaking of Dashes (ok, this is the best I could do to pretend this isn’t completely OT), we’re home from the hospital, and the little guy is doing great. I’m sticking mostly to the bed and changing table, and Dad is working his butt off getting our freshly moved into apartment actually unpacked and habitable. More pictures soon.
truth tellers == thugs.
I was thinking “old white people loudly discussing nothing special, really – politics, of course == PATRIOTS, young black people doing same == thugs”, but yours too also.
Yay, you! Pictures will be good.
I would say that it would be hilarious if those guys actually did beat the shit of Dan and his pals, but that would be wrong.
This business of ‘diction’ is the sprinkles on the top of the white-bread sandwich of stupid. It seems that contrary opinions become more thuggish if a non-standard pronounciation makes those opinions harder to understand and more of a private conversation.
What kills me is the worship these yay-hoos have for my people, Redneckus Americanus, and Lord knows we have perfect diction down here in dear ol’ Dixie. Reckon how for Dangerous Dan McRiehl would’ve run had he heard to good ol’ boys talking about how they were going to spend their “Sa-ur-dee in Wash’tin”. Y’all, also.
The basic problem Riehl has is that the black people on the car were speaking, rather than offering to shine his shoes or carry something for him and otherwise remaining silent.
Here’s a start, tigrismus. When Gav gets back and isn’t assembling furniture or anything, maybe he can help me embed some (and help find the cable to get the non-camera-phone pictures off of the good camera). There should be plenty of cute ones on there.
All that stuff about cables and USBs and embedding is TECHNICAL THUGGERY.
Yes, but she provoked him, by asking him to be careful and not hit her daughter with the door. She probably used poor diction, to boot. Dan Riehl can sympathize.
I believe that if Dash reads this he will be well-prepared for life.
Aw! I know you’ve got stuff to do now that’s a teensy bit more important than my seeing your darling pictures, so don’t kill yourselves; I’m patient and will keep checking.
Awwwwww, soooooo cuuuuuuute.
“There was no confrontation, just one or two of them talking loudly enough to make sure they’d be heard.”
“It went on but not really to a level that was so loud, or so confrontational that it needed to be addressed.”
So they had a conversation about the president. Riehl had violent race war fantasies simply because black people on a bus had the temerity to speak about politics.
But he’s not racist because he noticed they weren’t “resorting to poor diction.”
“It went on but not really to a level that was so loud, or so confrontational that it needed to be addressed.”
So… You…
Looks like he’s devoting quite a bit of thought to whatever’s on his mind.
Funny how his type like to point out how stupid and un-educatable black people are, but REALLY hate a black person who is smarter and better spoken than they are.
Just think… Those nice young thugs might take Obama’s school talk to heart, get some education, maybe get politically involved themselves. I’m sure that if they pay even a marginal amount of attention in school they could learn to speak and write better than Riehl can.
When they are running for office in 20 years, Riehl will really shit his wussy little britches.
That is, young Dash is a-thinkin’, not sad Dan. Should be obvious, but …
Too bad Riehl doesn’t have another gay brother he can ostracize, shun, and let die a lonely agonizing death. That way he wouldn’t have to fantasize about beatin’ colored chilluns.
He could just jerk off thinkin’ how much his homosexual brother is suffering for breaking God’s commandments.
Looks like he’s devoting quite a bit of thought to whatever’s on his mind.
I think he’s working on his first blog post. I expect it to be much more coherent and well-stated than anything Riehl has ever put out. Even if it’s just a prolonged series of cooing noises and squeaks.
Looks like he’s devoting quite a bit of thought to whatever’s on his mind.
Something like “I’m going to sleep the hell out of this nap.”
Funny you should mention Yaphet Kotto; he’s a black Jewish Republican.
No, seriously.
I grit my teeth to take the plunge and clicked through to Malkin’s “disturbing video.” This turns out to be about an incident of bullying on a schoolbus, which, contrary to Malkin’s lie, police said was NOT racially motivated. Maybe all of this has just brought back Riehl’s fond memories of his schooldays when he used to beat up his brother whenever he came to close to Dan on the bus.
I thought Dash was thinking, “Christ, already with the Alzheimer’s. Okay, wait, I KNOW this, don’t tell me…”
Okay, so I’m trying to parse the confusing crazy-ass nonsense:
I think Dan’s trying to say that the black kids were accusing the out-of-town whiteys of being Birther Brigade “Obama is the Anti-Christ” whackaloons. And that JiSM3 sucks ass. And that Obama isn’t going to resign the office because Glenn Beck’s army of zillion billion glargle POOP teabaggers were marching on 912.
Let’s see – out-of-town whiteys in DC on Sept. 12, perhaps accusing them of being teabaggers was pre-mature. They could have been members of some sort of counter-protest , or just some ignorant hicks that thought that Friday was a great day to see the Nation’s capital. Then again,
Nope – clearly teabaggers. Probably saying “nothing special” like stuff about how Obama’s the Anti-Christ, or maybe just Hitler.
Next, John McCain. D00d sucks ass. And Riehl can’t say shit otherwise because even his codpiece be
flightdecked hero says so.Finally, the protest. I’ve seen reports pegging the teabaggers (pun intended, and no I am not testing to see if Rule 34 still holds) at 60K. 60K is a lot of folks. Let’s be generous and call it an even 2 million. So what? What the hell were they marching for? Their greivances are so fucked up that it’s not clear even to the eagle-eyed Perceptive McFiguresStuffOutRealGood what they actually want, let alone why they want it.
So, to check the score.
Random black “ebonics” talking teenagers – the thugs in this case because they dared to be uppity after tens of thousands of loud, rude and obnoxious idiots invaded their home town: 3
Dan Riehl with hindsight and three fucking days to figure out his snappy retort: 0.
Way to go there Dan. You sure told them… No wait, they got you there too – they told you off to your face and all you could do is quiver and quake until three days later. Awesome.
I was going to ask “Is he contemplating his first post?” but didn’t want to put any pressure on him. Take it easy w/ the expectations, at least for the first few months.
Rusty nailed it, it was the melanin level, not the decible level, that put off the teabaggers.
Heavens forfend that these haoles actually talk to these youths. Hell, I am almost always the last whitey on the train, and have never had any static (being a big bad bastard helps in this regard- I once took the four from Union Square to Woodlawn around 2AM after being “tagged” with orange glitter lip gloss by a delightfully demented date, and nobody made a peep about it). I often take the 1 train up to Van Cortlandt Park, where a lot of high school cross country meets take place, and usually make it a point to talk to the young competitors, who are invariably friendly and polite.
Maybe Riehl should view these youngsters as this country’s greatest natural resource, rather than as the greatest threat to the Heartland.
How much melanin before one is “technically” a thug?
I think the “one drop rule” applies, unless you are a Republican of course. In the latter case, you are officially white irregardless of melanin content.
The Negroes took our dates!
Bah, I bet Dash produces more useful output several times a day than any of Dan Riehl’s fetid messes.
For the love of God, I just pray that Mr. Riehl never rides the metro in a major Euro city after a big soccer match…
More pictures soon.
Of Gavin, the apartment, or Studie?
As long as you stick close to Times Square you’re OK (and man, you couldn’t-a said that thirty years ago)..
Do I need to tell you about the west side piers in the 70’s?
OK, in this guy’s defense…I live in a neighborhood outside of DC that is chockablock with black people. (No fooling.) And they are always doing thuggish things. I see them all time…
walking their dogs
mowing their lawns
driving to work
riding bikes
It’s fucking TERRIFYING. Sometimes they say “hi” to me as I jog past them. It’s hard to say a single-syllable word with poor diction, but somehow they manage. As they pass by me, smiling or waving, I seize them up to see if I can take them.
Do I need to tell you about the west side piers in the 70’s?
PeeJ, you wouldn’t even recognize the meatpacking district these days.
PeeJ said,
“Do I need to tell you about the west side piers in the 70’s?”
If it’s sex-related I’d like to hear it.
Looks like he’s devoting quite a bit of thought to whatever’s on his mind.
“black people started talking loud and i got really scared (but secretly indignant, epspecially after i got home)”
OK in this guy’s defense, I live in a neighborhood right outside of DC chockablock with Black people. They are always surrounding me and doing thuggish things like walking their dogs, playing with their kids, riding bikes, jogging, and tending to their lawns. It’s absolutely terrifying.
Sometimes, as I am jogging by them, they will say “hi” to me, using their crude, thuggish, poor diction. In return I seize them up to see if I can take them.
(If this is double-posted–sowwy!)
If it’s sex-related I’d like to hear it.
If it’s sex-related, you inevitably will, round this blog.
goatse is just a warmup for these degenerates.
I just pray that Mr. Riehl never rides the metro in a major Euro city after a big soccer match…
“It’s OK, Mr Riehl; they’re just Borussia Dortmund supporters, and that’s just coal dust.”
“goatse is just a warmup for these degenerates.”
It’s always wise to stretch as a part of your warmup.
Imagine, Brad…just imagine what might have happened if one of those children had actually…(ominous ellipse)…SHOT RIEHL A GLANCE AND SMILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Danny Boy would have had his wallet out of his pants so fast it’d have sprained his coccyx, handing the wallet over to the young *T*H*U*G* who obviously was sizing up Dan for brutality and Dan would have been all 9/12 on his melanin-enriched domestic terrorist ass but for the fact that he had a rented Revolutionary War costume on for the protest and thus couldn’t risk a confrontation as he might not get his deposit back if there was blood on the powdered wig (never mind the sweat stains but those’d surely come out with Woolite), and the kid would have been “WTF is up with that and why did this stupid white boy just hand me a wallet full of condoms and Golden Corral coupons when all I did was smile at his cracker ass?” and Dan would have fumed all the way home planning to write an even more venomous denunciation of the youths who stole his Blockbuster card and the picture of Drew Barrymore he so carefully cut out of “High Society” magazine, vowing to make a strike for liberty, justice, and doughy white guys threatened on mass (!!) transit by thuggish possibly gang-related youth everywhere.
Do I need to tell you about the west side piers in the 70’s?
The 1970’s, the West 70’s, or your 70’s?
Surely Riehl’s piece is in the running for some sort of Annie Jacobsen Memorial Award.
That McCain he wasn’t chit.
Dan Riehl is too fucking prissy to say “Shit”?
Here you go, cobag (props to Master George): Shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker tits.
some sort of Annie Jacobsen Memorial Award
Christ, I had forgotten about “AY-RABS on MAH PLANE!” Annie, which kind of shows just how influential she’s been in keeping out country safe from terrorism, heathenism, and suspiciously dusky men carrying Burger King bags.
With their poor diction and confrontational attitudes, these LOLcats are technically thugs.
Big Bad Bald Bastard said,
PeeJ, you wouldn’t even recognize the meatpacking district these days.
I’m not sure I would have recognized the area in daylight, even then.
HornyBastard said,
If it’s sex-related I’d like to hear it.
I’m sure it’s been written about – I know I wasn’t the only one there, by far. Unless everyone’ss dead now, there had to have been a few literary type queens involved. Besides, my memory not so good no more….
I, for one, have never trusted those cats.
“That McCain he wasn’t chit.”
Dan Riehl is too fucking prissy to say “Shit”?
Well, McCain’s no pert young woman, that’s fer sure.
This business of ‘diction’ is the sprinkles on the top of the white-bread sandwich of stupid. It seems that contrary opinions become more thuggish if a non-standard pronounciation makes those opinions harder to understand and more of a private conversation.
NOW they are. But back when Dubya was aw-shucksing his way around DC, people who insisted on good “diction” were elitist.
I’m sure it’s been written about
By Samuel Delany, if memory serves.
I was just looking Delany up.
goatse is just a warmup for these degenerates.
Doesn’t everyone do streching exercises?
This one goes out to all you scientists who do experiments and establish controls and develop hypotheses and stuff.
Using Scared Caucasian Math we know there were actually 3 kids.
No wonder Metro smelled of Shart du Scared all weekend.
This one goes out to all you scientists who do experiments and establish controls and develop hypotheses and stuff.
I stopped by Bitefart’s and left a comment:
Any bets on life-span thereof?
J–: It’s been a while since grad school for me, but I thought social research involved theoretical underpinnings and a specific research method and statistical analysis of findings and lots of fancy graphs and tables and stuff. Oh wait, they did say “science experiment,” like 8th grade. At mine of which by the way I won a second-place ribbon. I don’t like to talk about it.
That McCain he wasn’t chit.
Dan Riehl is too fucking prissy to say “Shit”?
Nah, he’s just mixing up his racist stereotypes.
I’m not sure I would have recognized the area in daylight, even then.
I’m not sure anyone would recognize it in the daylight, even now.
Perhaps the only individuals who ever recognized it in the daylight were the eponymous meatpackers, who are long gone.
By Samuel Delany, if memory serves.
He is a thug, and wishes to destroy the institution of marriage- it’s axiomatic. His aunts were truly remarkable women.
This one goes out to all you scientists who do experiments and establish controls and develop hypotheses and stuff.
heather · 4 hours ago
THANK YOU for doing this! Praying for your safety!
Of course there’s a strong possibility (95-99.9%) that Reihl Douche concocted this story months before the TeabaggerThon because he is, after all, a cock gnawing rat bastard.
I’m sure that in the weeks and months to come many brave Teabaggers who dared to venture into the heart of darkiness that is D.C. will treat us to amazing tales of their brushes with death and feats of derring-do … that some how never made it onto a police report.
No wonder Metro smelled of Shart du Scared all weekend.
That, and Eau Shit.
heather · 4 hours ago
THANK YOU for doing this! Praying for your safety!
Moar like POOP REVIEW.
but I thought social research involved
Whoa, that’s academic talk right there, which leads to Marxism.
Ha, and anonymous too. Or maybe blind would be more apt here.
the eponymous meatpackers, who are long gone
And how I miss that eponymous meat. Just as tasty and half the fat of beef.
Where do they slaughter and sell eponyms these days?
There are two things I know about Dan The Man:
1) As he ages, he is going to look stupider and stupider. His picture, when he is 65, will be next to the word “stupid” in printed dictionaries and on Wikipedia.
2) He wet his pants with increasing agitation as members of Little League teams from the International Bracket introduced themselves to the TV cameras.
StudieDash! In addendum.[from SG’s nudge – come on!, someone has to pick up the ball]
…it says pretty much nothing about vegetarians that Hitler was a vegetarian. But it says quite a bit about Hitler that he was a vegetarian…
…if nothing else, spot the author (without clicking the link). For bonus marks, derive any meaning at all from the quote.
But it says quite a bit about Hitler that he was a vegetarian…
Yeah, it says that there was all the more roast for everyone else at dinner.
Several years ago I found myself in a subway car in London with about twenty very drunk Newcastle fans after their team had just lost the FA cup. *That* was a scary ride unlike any I’ve experienced in extensive subway riding on DC and Boston. Twelve year olde? Yeah, not so much.
Here’s a little more Big Government fun, if you don’t mind the off-topicality. Andrew Breitbart in his bountiful generosity as internet mogul has included Laurie Essig, a sociology professor, as contributor to his new project. Her one post to date compares Borat and O’Keefe and conveys her failure to be surprised by the experiment. The freaks freak out in the comments, as they do at her regular place of blogging.
PeeJ, you wouldn’t even recognize the meatpacking district these days.
I’m not sure I would have recognized the area in daylight, even then.
To quote Yogi Berra, nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded.
Several years ago I found myself in a subway car in London with about twenty very drunk Newcastle fans after their team had just lost the FA cup.
I’d say “several,” indeed 😉
Where do they slaughter and sell eponyms these days?
At the Food Eponyum, of course.
You walked right into that one…
I can’t guess because I read it already, but take it says pretty much nothing about vegetarians that Hitler was a vegetarian. But it says quite a bit about Hitler that he was a vegetarian and add the statements of his chef that A.H. loved him some squabs and sausages, i.e. was about as vegetarian as a lion is, and something is going to be central to somebody’s point.
Will you take the Internons now, or shall we deliver them?
Hitler ate sausages…
Frankfurters are eponymous meat…
I think you see where I am going with this…
Quoth Doughbob:
Ladies and gentlemen, the party of personal responsibility. I wonder what Jonah thought of the idea that the Unitarian church shooter was motivated to kill liberals by what he read in his large collection of books by right-wing pundits?
Oh, and he says Marx should be judged by the actions of “Marxists” based on the fact that he wrote a manifesto. Wouldn’t the fact that the Communist Manifesto is much different from the programs Stalin and Mao implemented actually count against that interpretation? If I say “the moon is made of green cheese” and then write a manifesto saying “we shouldn’t go to the moon because green cheese is gross,” and then someone dies trying to get to the moon for some of that tasty green cheese, wouldn’t the fact that I laid out a plan of action based on my philosophy help absolve me of responsibility?
If Ann Coulter says “liberals are terrible people,” it’s not her fault if someone goes off and shoots a liberal. If Ann Coulter says “liberals are terrible people who should be shot,” you can start arguing that she’s partly responsible, but it’s still pretty much the shooter’s responsibility. If Ann Coulter responds to the shooting by saying “good, that liberal deserved to get ganked,” that increases her culpability. But Marx didn’t get a chance to denounce Stalin, Adam Smith didn’t get a chance to denounce Pinochet, Nietzsche didn’t get a chance to denounce Hitler, and so on. I can say that Nietzschean philosophy is wrong and/or dangerous. And if I can prove that Hitler’s actions were substantially influenced by said philosophy (for the sake of argument; I don’t think he was), I can use that as a further critique of said philosophy. But it is not a valid attack to use against Nietzsche as a man. Hitler’s actions were Hitler’s, not Nietzsche’s.
Again: Jonah Goldberg, folks, and the party of personal responsibility.
Wouldn’t the fact that the Communist Manifesto is much different from the programs Stalin and Mao implemented actually count against that interpretation?
Dahhhhhh, of course not, ’cause they’re both called “Communist”. Q.E.wingnut D.
You walked right into that one…
Into the joke, but rarely the store. Just the old A&P in a prom dress.
If Ann Coulter says “liberals are terrible people who should be shot,” you can start arguing that she’s partly responsible, but it’s still pretty much the shooter’s responsibility. If Ann Coulter responds to the shooting by saying “good, that liberal deserved to get ganked,” that increases her culpability.
“If”? Cripes, didn’t she pretty much write a whole fucking BOOK on the subject?
Actor212: Ten years to be precise, a 2-0 Man. U victory over Newcastle U.
Dan certainly sounds proud that he was able to squeeze just a little more “I am SO victimized” out of his little adventure in D.C. doesn’t he?
Dahhhhhh, of course not, ’cause they’re both called “Communist”. Q.E.wingnut D.
Just like them avowed communist Czars.
You know, I grew up in the 60s reading all the science fiction I could get my hands on (libraries were very poor in it in those days, and paperbacks cost money.) I wanted to like Delany. I tried to like Delany. I really did. He kept winning all those Hugos and Nebulas and shit. But somehow I just couldn’t.
Now I should say, as a doctrinaire Whorfian (at the time) I did like Babel-17 because it fit into my prejudices. But so did The Languages of Pao, and it was much more enjoyable. (Of course, finding Vance in the bookstores was like looking for a needle in a haystack, while the walls were papered with Delany.)
Dan Riehl’s hands are as soft and unblemished as virgin silk.
actor212: We’ve been out of that business since the unfortunate Anselmo pederasty case!
yeah, but the punk got away, no thanks to you! and that’s Pederaszty for you!
Quoth Doughbob:
Jesus is to blame for the Inquisition.
The woes of Poor Dan the Git,
Being pegged as a Teabagging Twit,
His gang being spanked,
He feared getting ganked,
Filling the Train with Eau Shit
“Without resorting to the poor diction it was along the lines of”
Don’t think I’d write a line like that criticizing someone else’s use of the language.
Aha. Thanks, Djur. I’m relieved that it’s gaming-related, which means I need know nothing more about it.
Goddammit! Somebody had a baby around here, and I have to find out in a Dan Riehl takedown post?
Well, mazel tov to Gavin and LDMM, and Dash… welcome to the world. Wish it weren’t such a fucking mess for you, but I’m confident that when the time comes, you’ll make it better.
REAL Teabaggers would have pre-emptively rained lead on the back of the bus. Ya know, just in case.
With their poor diction and confrontational attitudes, these LOLcats are technically thugs.
Oh, and more Doughbob: Lennon totally deserved to get ganked, ’cause there was “something in there” in one of his songs that “was a philosophical and moral writ” for the Tate-Labianca murders.
It went on but not really to a level that was so loud, or so confrontational that it needed to be addressed.
Because Dan and friends are the legally appointed judges of “what needs to be addressed”, dontcha know.
And for some reason, I found this line funniest of all:
We just ignored them without much trouble at all.
It was close there for a few minutes, but with a lot of skill and a little luck we managed to…stand there and do nothing!
Ol Dan made it back on a wingnut and a prayer.
This one goes out to all you scientists who do experiments and establish controls and develop hypotheses and stuff.
So I tried to follow that link, and I get the following message:
“biggovernment.com is probably a waste of your time.
Blocked URL: http://biggovernment.com/2009/09/15/the-science-behind-the-acorn-sting/”
Wow. That spam blocking add-in is smarter than I thought!
Dan’s gotten pissed off and closed the comments now.
I thought the wingnuts were supposed to be AGAINST anti-bullying campaigns. Makes a man out of you, no nanny state, etc.
Oh right, it’s different when it’s black kids doing the bullying.
News flash: kids will be assholes. You don’t need William Golding to tell you that.
Yeah, Dubbia, that’s about right, since the event in question occurred on a light rail train.
That’s how I feel about Orson Scott Card. Yeah, I know he’s an insufferable wingnut, but so is Larry Niven, and I like Niven’s stuff, for the most part (so long as he stays far away from Pournelle.)
But I knew so many people, even DFH types, who raved about “Ender’s Game”, so I tried to read it, I really did. It was squirm-inducing. Worse characterizations than Pournelle, if that’s even possible.
Well I’m not sure if anyone else has posted it but the story mentioned in the first line of the spewl from Reihl turns out to not be about race and was labeled as such incorrectly by ….The Cops.
A Belleville police spokesman now says an incident where a white student was beaten by teen black assailants on a bus “may not be racially motivated.”
“It was premature on my part,” said Belleville Police Capt. Don Sax. “It was my personal and emotional comment after only seeing the video briefly.”
This will in no way change the wingnut view of the incident, of course.
And I heard Tucker Carlson beat this fag down.
We just ignored them without much trouble at all.
Really? From the gathering linkstorm I’ve seen so far you didn’t ignore them very effectively, Riehl.
Yeah. I like to think I’m a fairly astute specimen of homo moronicus but where these folks get off being so perpetually butthurt just escapes me. Ignorant or not, in terms of geography & history, they basically won the bloody Superball Lottery. What the fuck is their real beef?
Crying themselves to sleep at night at the looming spectre of falling health-insurance premiums? “Cash For Clunkers” didn’t cure cancer, AIDS & psoriasis? Obama’s tax-cuts weren’t as big as Bush’s? He didn’t offer the CIA a hanky after he was done kissing their asses over that whole “Cheney told us it was okay to torture the shit out of people for no real reason” thing? The economy starting to bounce back “ahead of schedule” means he’s incompetant? His ongoing failure to find a gateway to the Hollow Earth (with its well-known abundance of natural resources & lax labor laws) means he hates America?
The “socialism” canard is laughable – assuming more than 3 in 100 of those sign-waving twits could give a lucid definition of the word, they’d have to know Obama is LESS of a socialist than Bush was (hey, remember those $timulus cheques Bush gave out like candy? Mmm, socialism!). Dude hasn’t nationalized jack – & even Greenspan was talking nationalization last fall … gee, I guess maybe Harvard Law School isn’t a breeding-ground for hordes of rabid Commies after all … quelle fuckin’ surprise.
A Washington DC resident reported:
Yes, it’s actually a passtime to yell stuff that offends tourists on DC Metro trains. I like to do it and I’m a responsible adult and whitey. You know how it goes – you see the couple sitting in the corner with their kids looking terrified and one of them has on a University of Nebraska shirt. And my little wife will just blurt out:”You know what I hate? Nebraska. Nothing in Nebraska but steers and…” and there it goes. You can’t help it…it’s something about the cramped train and the horrified looks on the pinky pink faces of the denizens of Flyover Land who have stooped so low as to actually be seen on public transportation with the rest of us.
Dan was totally ready to crash that subway car into a hillside in Pennsylvania,
if the need arose.
But it says quite a bit about Hitler that he was a vegetarian…
and your knowing it says a lot too.
Yes, it’s actually a passtime to yell stuff that offends tourists on DC Metro trains. I like to do it and I’m a responsible adult and whitey. You know how it goes – you see the couple sitting in the corner with their kids looking terrified and one of them has on a University of Nebraska shirt. And my little wife will just blurt out:”You know what I hate? Nebraska. Nothing in Nebraska but steers and…” and there it goes. You can’t help it…it’s something about the cramped train and the horrified looks on the pinky pink faces of the denizens of Flyover Land who have stooped so low as to actually be seen on public transportation with the rest of us.
That was YOU?
Look, I said I was sorry about the brain-eating. But not all of us in ‘flyover country’ are all a-skeeered of trains or people.
Dan was totally ready to crash that subway car into a hillside in Pennsylvania, if the need arose.
Dan was totally about to fall on the grenade
if the need arose.
It’s important to know how many children you can fight, before you go to DC:
These people really lead sheltered lives, don’t they? I mean, it doesn’t really come as a surprise to me that groups of young males are occasionally loud, rowdy, boisterous, or even obnoxious. And, honestly, it’s not just black youth. My wife and I go to NYC a couple of times a year and we have observed this on subways more than once, from a variety of ethnic groups (and sometimes from pure WASP boys wearing the uniforms of expensive private schools). Once or twice we’ve felt uncomfortable or even slightly threatened, but nothing actually bad has happened to us. But you know, when it was black kids acting up I didn’t hold all black people, everywhere (or white liberals), accountable, nor did I suggest that somehow it was reasonable to think that the first African-American president should have personally solved this problem by now.
And finally, I may have missed it, but where exactly did he describe any behavior that was actually threatening?
And ”Maybe if they were bigger, or more numerous, it might have been worse” is a great line. Makes me think of the lyric by the immortal Anna Russell, ”Things would be so different/If they were not as they are.” (Sung to a lilting Gilbert-and-Sullivan-esque tune.)
I was in the subway the other day and there were a few, say 1/2 dozen kids there, and yes they were black and they were talking loudly enough that I didn’t want to hear them and I moved to the next car.
I thought of it as a kid’s thing and not a black thing, although I am more afraid of getting attacked by some random group of black teenagers than a similar group of whites. Its not anything that’s pronounced or comes up with any frequency, but black kids in NY just have more to be angry about.
This is Great! Think of it through the eyes of the High Schooler coming back from a weekend outing with friends;
‘Here we were coming home from the movies at Union Station, when a bunch of old white folk get on the Metro, now look usually, on Saturdays the Metro is pretty sparse, – but these white folk take up all the seats- and start going ‘Obama this, and Obama that.’ They talking pretty funny for ofay, as well, and I guess they out-of-towners, touristas, what the cabdrivers call ‘Marks’. So they lucky they make it to Metro.
Well, Obama, pretty okay, but he ain’t my main man if you know what I mean. But you can’t diss him and Wayne, my side man, he start getting huffy, spitting out ‘Pat Buchanan’ this and ‘Glenn Beck’ that and it heading towards ugly, when Dijon step in and break it up saying ‘Michelle Malkin You Tube Moment, ain’t worth it!’ Besides they pretty hefty for white subway riders, and I guess they could do some damage they fall on you or have heart attack you hit ’em.
So we make it home, shoot some hoops and call it a day, Mama want me in Church tomorrow, and singing in the choir.
My mom says there’s a lot of black people in Washington D.C.
I heard you can pay them off with Cheezy Poofs and they won’t hurt you.
Now I know you will say NO WAY!! but you must Eric !!
Dammit. I did double-post. I didn’t think the first one went through. Not sure the joke was funny enough to justify it being up there twice.
But a lot of the other posts are. Enjoying the yucks. 🙂
Riehl’s little meltdown at the end of comments is awesome. Someone should tell him that, if you want to be taken seriously as a public intellectual or whatever, you shouldn’t type “FOAD.”
what really pisses me off if when the preacher comes around yelling about fornication and damnation.
I yell at him to shut up and keep moving. He dosn’t care and just keeps on with his dumb preaching. He does have to keep mocing under an agreement with the cops so I yell at him “You’re too slow!! keep walking!”
Maybe we can get some black kids to beat him up….
Actually, we should just keep showing up in his comments section posting about the kids on the subway, in each and every thread, and force him to embarass himself by closing comments over and over again.
My daughter is a student in D.C., and was coming home on the metro when all the teabaggers were leaving. She said they were all smug and pleased with themselves, still carrying their stupid signs. She was standing with a friend when one of them, with his sign and wearing a button that said “Abortion is not healthcare,” asked her if she wanted to sit down. She glared at him (I know that glare all too well!) and said “I wouldn’t sit next to you if I only had one leg!” I did something right in her upbringing!
“We were talking, nothing special, really – politics, of course.”
It would be interesting and contextually useful to know how provocative and offensive this “political” conversation by Riehl and his friends was.
Your wish is my command.
So they were going “out” of DC on the metro? Given these teabagger types aren’t likely to be going to somewhere like Prince George’s County (just over Southern Ave. from DC…where a lot of scary black people live), they were probably heading to somewhere in Montgomery Co., MD, Alexandria, VA or Arlington. All areas with incomes significantly higher than the national average.
I can’t count how many times I’ve seen groupings of young black kids on metro that were probably wearing the equivalent of at least a month’s salary for me. Or how many black families I’ve seen in areas like Rockville, MD or Reston, VA with $1 mil+ homes.
Where the fuck is Riehl from anyway?
Rusty, and I returned the favor.
actor, rusty: gratuitous zombie drive-by.
So by finding some “token conservative racists”, you’ve proven that everyone protesting higher taxes, more socialization of our economy and a trampling of individual liberty is a racist. Makes perfect sense.
Is it equally fair that if I find a loopy, dope-smoking, clueless, animal rights protester who claims to be a democrat, we can tar you all with the same brush?
I didn’t think so.
Be civil. Be thoughtful. Lose the hate and debate ideas.
So by finding some “token conservative racists”, you’ve proven that everyone protesting higher taxes, more socialization of our economy and a trampling of individual liberty is a racist. Makes perfect sense.
It might.
If that’s what we proved.
All we proved is that Dan Riehl is an asshat of the finest quality, lightly seasoned and then tenderized on the mallet of Sadly, No!’s sou chef.
“Without resorting to the poor diction it was along the lines of”
Way to end a clause with a preposition. Learn English, jackass.
Hey, what’s all this straw?
Kevin! Clean this up right now!! We told you, no more Straw Man fighting in the basement!!
Civil? Thoughtful? Debate Ideas?
Bring some and we’ll talk.
Or not. This is Sadly No; as ever, it’s hitting wingnuts on the head lessons. Debate is through that door marked ‘Egress’.
Oi think Oi pecked a fight over at Reel’s….
what’s left out of Riehl’s description of his subway ride is what HIS band of comrades looked like and how they presented themselves in that very public place… they were more than likely very provocative wrapped in their confederate flags, holding signs proclaiming Obama a facist socialist muslim nazi that wants to kill their poor white grandmas all the while talking about “how we’ve got to take back ‘Meruka for the downtrodden whites”.
so it’s very understandable that a couple of kids, no matter their color, would start talking smack back…. I believe they were exercising their first amendment rights as well.
don’t be silly, sukabi. Teens don’t have rights.
especially the darker ones. Lucky for Riehl that thugs are so handlly color coded, isn’t it?
“Lose the hate and debate ideas.”
Not a bad idea – maybe if the ‘bagger brigade, cons, neocons, and neoConfederates would actually TRY that instead of acting out pretty much most of the white cast of “Blazing Saddles”…
Kevin Smith, did you just call Dan Riehl a racist?
That makes you the real racist.
This reminds me of something:
… we can tar you all with the same brush?
Well I am so glad that conservatives never ever tar all of us with the same brush. It’s so nice that conservatives don’t lump vegetarians together with civil rights activists with Hitler. Although, despite the “very serious, thoughtful, arguments that have never been made in such detail or with such care” I’m still unclear on how we ended up with Hitler.
Riehl responds with incoherent rage! And threats of comment elimination!
“if you heard a group of white kids talking like that on the bus, would you find that intimidating?”
Sure, why not, if they were punks. But you morons missed the entire point in your pathetic clouded little liberal minded way. You really are pretty worthless scum. When I said Dangerous times, I meant only for America should the races end up more divided as a result of this failing black president. Or did you idiots sleep through the OJ debacle. Have you even stopped to consider what would happen if this idiot doesn’t get relected for his obvious incompent and corrupt Democrat ways?
But you don’t care. You’d be perfectly content to keep a liberal in office for eight years by trying to intimidate the population into thinking they don’t dare oppose him, or it’s racist and our cities could explode. You don’t give a damn about this country. You care about your pathetic selves and your even more pathetic liberal pet causes. FOAD chumps. I can wipe you away here just as easy as we could do it in the streets if it ever came to that. Sleep tight, morons. Buh bye.
Posted by: Dan Riehl | Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 09:27 PM
To summarize:
1) Riehl thinks that the darkies will riot if Obama is not re-elected and also OJ also.
2) Riehl is a very, very tough man who can use a keyboard to eliminate comments that make him look silly just as easily as he can use his fists to sick up his ass.
Thanks Dan, for pointing that it’s the Lefties that are the thugs bent on intimidating any dissenting views.
That’s not TECHNICALLY thuggery because shut up.
Dan must be riehlly scared of us – he’s already closed the thread. Can’t have his fans seeing how much of a minority they actually are, can he?
The thread on his page is now closed…but not after Dan had the last word.
“”if you heard a group of white kids talking like that on the bus, would you find that intimidating?”
Sure, why not, if they were punks. But you morons missed the entire point in your pathetic clouded little liberal minded way. You really are pretty worthless scum. When I said Dangerous times, I meant only for America should the races end up more divided as a result of this failing black president. Or did you idiots sleep through the OJ debacle. Have you even stopped to consider what would happen if this idiot doesn’t get relected for his obvious incompent and corrupt Democrat ways?
But you don’t care. You’d be perfectly content to keep a liberal in office for eight years by trying to intimidate the population into thinking they don’t dare oppose him, or it’s racist and our cities could explode. You don’t give a damn about this country. You care about your pathetic selves and your even more pathetic liberal pet causes. FOAD chumps. I can wipe you away here just as easy as we could do it in the streets if it ever came to that. Sleep tight, morons. Buh bye.”
Why even bother calling someone like this racist when they really don’t seem to mind or have the self-awareness to even know what it is to be racist? They’re so scared of black people they can’t even think straight.
Also, I can’t believe he used “FOAD.” What kind of holier-than-thou conservative tells people to fuck-off-and-die??!? And he has the nerve to call children thugs??!?
oh man i want to see this dude in Brooklyn.
The apocalypse is near!
Considering when we were on the metro last saturday, my brown-skinned boyfriend was seriously concerned my Irish-German self would go after some of those idiots with a heavy piece of metal I happened to be carrying…
Well, I guess it would’ve been useful if I had, because it might’ve disrupted the race war stories a bit. Because you know I could’ve said that kind of stuff as loud as I wanted (ok, I did do that) and it wouldn’t have spurred any blog posts.
So, these kids on the train knew about the 9/12 event and were able to connect the people on the train to the teabaggers and their anti-Obama protest. Given that a lot of adults didn’t even know about this event, it would seem that these kids are pretty informed and politically aware. Which, IMO, is kind of the opposite of thugs.
Is it that they’re black so therefore must be thugs? or is it their expression of an opinion different from the teabaggers make them thugs?
Finally, why did he assume their statements were for his consumption and not just a discussion among a group of friends? It seems like he assumed the teabaggers should have a public train to themselves without anyone contradicting their POV.
I would like to pretend that a Sadlynaut did not just do a little creative writing assignment in ebonics featuring “hoops,” “main man,” and a guy named “Dijon.”
But this did in fact happen.
I don’t know, those thugs do sound a bit uppity to me. Then again, at least they knew their place, on the back of the bus.
Think that’s enough to get me a show on Fox News?
Why do the negroes do nothing but whine? I am a proud white man but the negroes have MORE than equal footing and many are still whining..
I am not an rascist nor am I uneducated
I Never hung any negro not for fun nor any other reason nor has anyone I know
I never refused service in my business to a negro
I have never seen any white doctor or nurse refuse to give health care to a negro
I didn’t move out of any neighborhood because negroes moved in, fact is they have almost taken over my neighborhood but I dont complain
I KNOW of many negro cops who have brutally beat up white kids really bad it just never makes it to the papers
Negroes have affirmative action and PLEASE don’t insult the whites by saying it hasn’t helped them to not just obtain opportunity but actually take unfair advantage of whites.. Average whites without enough money to buy their way in are shut out and affirmative action does not apply to them..
I have yet to see or hear FOX NEWS or AM radio use any ploys to shut anyone up or say anything against negroes.. it’s a shame that those that only see color can’t admit when a negro like Van Jones does things wrong AGAIN it’s the white man that made him do it.. never there own racist attitude.. and please don’t say they were slaves 100 years ago that’s why they digress.. there was white slaves in America well before there were negro slaves and in much greater numbers..and they were treated just as poorly by most of their owners as the negroes… So the white man also had to overcome the stigma of slavery… Wrong is wrong, but the past is past..I would say we are even.
After the civil war and ALL the slaves were freed the whites had almost as hard a time getting going as the negroes…Now I admit the white former slaves blended in with the regular Americans as far as color goes but were not accepted even then by others..they had to painfully climb up alone.. they didn’t have anyone fight for them to be equal. so please don’t keep saying the blacks have the right to whine.. and to not bear responsibility for their actions..
Shut up, tard.
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