Quick Question

Why isn’t the MSM all, ‘That was totally the best exposé in the history of EVAR!’ about that ACORN entrapment video that’s getting pimped* to high heaven over at Breitbart’s joint?

Because they can’t handle the truth, that’s why. Ask a stupid question, etc.

BONUS QUESTION: How come the ACORN loan counselors weren’t like, ‘You filthy, filthy whore!’ to the undercover chick in the video and then they totally citizens’ arrest her and put the boyfriend in a headlock and make him apologize to Jesus and then everybody has a good cry but we still totally have our eyes on that guy and like we totally need to bring back caning in the schools and also that guy has to spend a week in the stocks right in the middle of the town square and the girl has to wear a big ‘W’ for ‘Whore’ on her clothes for the rest of her life?

ALSO, TOO: Isn’t it ACORN’s job to purge the inner cities of the undesirable poor people who show up at their offices? If not, why not? Because it almost seems like the ACORN people in Breitbart’s video are interested in helping applicants from the margins of society, instead of telling them to fuck off and die quickly to spare the rest of us being bothered by their existence. I mean, what gives?

*Pun intended


Comments: 120


The GOP modus operandi: plant bomb in school, phone in bomb threat, come defuse bomb in hero fashion; repeat.


I feel the need to respond with some elaborate entrapment scheme for the wingers. Maybe something involving off-brand Cheetos and improperly taxed box wine. Or shit moats.


Remember the guy who called Planned Parenthood offices & offered money as long as it would go for aborting “black babies,” so he could use the tape to “prove” that Planned Parenthood was committing genocide?

Same deal.

Someone’s going to have to step up the sex stings on the Republican office-holders & right-wing luminaries.


I feel the need to respond with some elaborate entrapment scheme for the wingers. Maybe something involving off-brand Cheetos and improperly taxed box wine. Or shit moats.

Why not just another prostitute? That’s always worked in the past.

Indulge me for a moment in a brief digression concerning Stan Berenstain’s (of the Berenstain Bears) children’s book Old Hat New Hat… In that book, a bear wishes to purchase a new hat. And so, he goes, as hat-seeking bears are wont to do, to a haberdashery. For page after page this fashion conscious bear tries on hat after hat, and the hats become more and more elaborate. Finally, the bear finds what he feels to be the perfect hat… and it’s his own hat, the one he came in with! Quite the O. Henry twist, but also something from which I think we can learn:

For thus it is with entrapment schemes for wingnuts. We might try out scheme after scheme and idea after idea, all of them viable, involving airport men’s rooms, wet suits, crystal meth, altar boys, buxom lobbyists, Nazi memoribilia, and so forth, but, in the end, nothing beats the tried and true hooker in a hotel room. It’s simple, and like the bear’s hat, always in fashion. Also like the bear’s hat, it is perhaps best if the prostitute is found perched upon the wingnut’s head at the time of discovery.



Patrick said,

September 15, 2009 at 8:36

The GOP modus operandi: plant bomb in school, phone in bomb threat, come defuse bomb in hero fashion; repeat.”

You forgot: someone doing that is caught, cry about “false flag operation”.


Yep, I would have done much the same as the Acorn workers. I spent my working life doing that kind of off the page triage in social service agencies, and was fired from every job I ever had but I could sleep nights. What’s lawful isn’t necessarily moral. The whole kerfluffle is about avoiding that unpleasant truth.


Clearly, this is good news for John McCain.


There’s something tragically poetic about “Dan_Gainor_Acorn_Media_Ignore”….

A little more effort and it could be intertubz haiku –

Little Dan Gainor:
Acorn, whore, pimping the poor?
Media Ignore.


Because it almost seems like the ACORN people in Breitbart’s video are interested in helping applicants from the margins of society

Which is why the “greatest deliberative body in the world” voted overwhelmingly to cut off ACORN’s funding, because fuck those people.


Which is why the “greatest deliberative body in the world” voted overwhelmingly to cut off ACORN’s funding

And ACORN stole the 2008 election, so now nothing can stop the GOP from dominating in every election from here on out, unless Obama secretly restores ACORN’s funding through his shadow government.


where did the “child prostitution” thing come from? I assume i’m missing something cos I can’t see the video and only read the transcript, but did she turn up in a school uniform sucking a popsicle or something?


“where did the “child prostitution” thing come from? I assume i’m missing something cos I can’t see the video and only read the transcript, but did she turn up in a school uniform sucking a popsicle or something?”

She used to be a child, which is good enough. Sometimes, you have to sacrifice the truth to make a point.


oh, ok, i read the other transcripts and it makes more sense now. although i’m not sure how trying to help a bunch of girls escape from a violent pimp is analogous to running a child sex ring


“She used to be a child, which is good enough. Sometimes, you have to sacrifice the truth to make a point.”

that’s a good point. i’m always shocked when i go outside and see men with their wives and girlfriends, walking around as blatant as you like. I want to shake them and scream “how can you? don’t you know she used to be twelve?”

Pope Bandar bin Turtle

Breitbart’s joint? I bet it’s a spunky little place whang!


Hannah Giles … became interested in exposing social injustice and the abuses of power when she attended her first conference in Washington, DC in 2007.

Call it a CPAC epiphany.


Remember the guy who called Planned Parenthood offices & offered money as long as it would go for aborting “black babies,” so he could use the tape to “prove” that Planned Parenthood was committing genocide?

Same deal.

Same guy.


Why isn’t the MSM all, ‘That was totally the best exposé in the history of EVAR!’

Silly! Because they’re too busy suppressing the fact that every single citizen of RealAmerica(TM) (Pop. 912,000,000,000,000,000) came to D.C. last weekend to call ObamaNaziPelosi a doody head.


“When I pitched the “prostitute goes into ACORN seeking housing” idea to James O’Keefe at the beginning of the summer, I had absolutely no idea how he would respond. He came back with, “Would you be willing to portray the prostitute? And if so, when can you do this?””

Its always nice to find out your friends think you look like a skanky crack whore, but I wonder how many times O’Keefe had to try the line before striking paydirt


Now Gingrich can bestow a Certificate Of Entrepreneurship upon ACORN.


I just watched Diane Sawyer on Good Morning America grilling Timothy Geithner on why the damn gubmit is spending so much, and they actually played a clip of a woman at the teabag revolution rally yelling that ‘if they don’t stop the spending, my daughter ain’t gonna have a dime,’ and this was treated as a serious question.

And of course Geithner’s an oblivious douche and no one can tell the former Nixon aide that, um, hey, you know, Japan’s been carrying debt around 3 x their GDP for quite a while now, and, you know, they’re on average better off than us, and, you know, then there was that whole New Deal and WWII spending and people in the 1950s and 1960s were the best earning generation of Americans ever.

But, you know, fuck that, because, we got footage of the Teabag Dixie Confederate Baptist Anti-Regulation Uprisin’ from Washington DC which had 800 billion Real Americans turn out to say that they don’t want Obama Hitler to sell their daughter to Kenyan Muslim pimps.


“Now Gingrich can bestow a Certificate Of Entrepreneurship upon ACORN.”

…and immediately spawn accusations concerning its authenticity.


So let me get their “thinking” straight here. Because ACORN doesn’t believe that people who have ever been touched with the shame stick become untouchable even if they have been touched a lot because they are a filthy prostitute, they are evil times eleventy billion and totally stole the 2008 election?

Am I getting this right?

In other news, it’s amazing how since Sotomayor the right has completely ran with the empathy is the devil playbook. I mean, they’ve always been holding that in the reserve and as the basis of their beliefs, but now it seems it has even taken over their public statements, the ones they release to the rest of the world to try and sell their diseased philosophy.

I may be wrong, but I suspect the message of “some people just deserve to die painfully with no one to help them because they are sinners” is just not as kosher to the denizens of America as they think. Because I’m optimistic, I’m expecting this to start impacting the wingnuts as well as they start considering, wait, do they consider “me” to be one of “them” too?


I’ve got a quick question. After listening to David Horowitz on Air America yesterday, I wonder: can we refer to him as the Even Doughier Pantsload?


I’ve got a quick question. After listening to David Horowitz on Air America yesterday, I wonder: can we refer to him as the Even Doughier Pantsload?

I get tired of this bullshit with Thom Hartmann where he has a complete nutbag asshole right wing shit-head like Horowitz on to scream all sorts of unanswered allegations, and then the interview is over, and then when people call in to complain about what a crazy shitbag Horowitz is, Hartmann says ‘Well, he’s not here to defend himself, so we have to avoid criticizing him directly.’

Well, then, god-damn it, if you’re going to have an asshole like that on, and that’s your standard, then let people call in and tell him he’s a shitbag on the air when he’s on, don’t play this ‘well now he’s not on the air’ bullshit with the fake honor system.


Oh for the certainty of the demi ghods
Roger L’Estrange “That which you call persecution , I translate Uniformity”
Calvin had interesting ideas about who was worthy . Adopting his views though are a dangerous or slippery matter because despite Calvins stout philosophy , he was French .


El Cid said,
September 15, 2009 at 13:07

All that b.s. should be answered every time:

We’ve got over 11 billion in Federal debt. Most of it was just run up by G.W. Bush.

“You know, Paul, Reagan proved deficits don’t matter” – Dick Cheney

Most of the rest came from Saint Ronnie, the asshole.


Dan Gainor is The Boone Pickens Fellow and the Media Research Center’s Vice President for Business and Culture.

Boon Pickens and culture in the same title screams credibility to me.


Maybe if ACORN became a private military contractor it wouldn’t be having these PR problems.

Halliburton, DynCorp, and Blackwater are literally getting away with murder and all the Senate can do is cut funding to a community organizing group because some of its staffers (who were subsequently fired) were idiots?


Um, how about this as a possible response

client: “we’re going to use the house for prostitution”

ACORN: “I’m sorry, I can’t help you.”

Is too off base? From what I heard, that’s what several other ACORN people did when they were approached… that’s not “f*** you, stay poor.” it’s polite. it’s professional, and it’s following the law..


and yeah, the contrast with how they treat Blackwater is stunning…


From reading the whole transcript:

1. Saying you have ’10 El Salvadoran girls’ turning tricks != child prostitution IMO. Maybe I’m being too charitable, but if I hear a prostitute talking about ‘girls,’ I don’t think she’s implying underage status.

2: ACORN explicitly stated that two years of tax returns and documentation couldn’t be forged.

3: ACORN continuously expressed the need for a false organization that, while engaging in an illegal activity, would actually be paying taxes. Something tells me the Reason folks won’t have Breitbart’s back on this one.


Woodrowfan – that’s fine, but it doesn’t change that this whole thing was entrapment, and that fact weakens the importance of this episode immensely.


The GOP modus operandi: plant bomb in school, phone in bomb threat, come defuse bomb in hero fashion; repeat.

Alternative scenario: GOP plants bomb, no phone call, dozens killed, GOP uses survivors to lobby for open-carry in schools and school prayer.


Now nobody can have healthcare, thanks to ACORN. SAY THANKS TO ACORN, EVERYBODY. Don’t ask me to explain how or why. Fuck you, that’s why. Before this, we were totally set to unveil a secret plan to get single payer coverage or whatever bullshit you cocksuckers were bitching about, too. Now that’s gonna have to be postponed indefinitely. Totally not the Administration’s fault. Now shut the fuck up and raise some more money, shitbirds.


Even worse than Blackwater, where at least the claims are somewhat unsubstantiated. Bechtel still gets government contracts and they have pretty much straight up been caught killing American soldiers through their negligence.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

…this whole thing was entrapment…

Isn’t that the one where Catherine Zeta-Jones crawls around the floor in a catsuit?


The ACORN police…interesting trope. Like some kind of “community organization” police watch or something Hitleryouthian…


…this whole thing was entrapment…

Isn’t that the one where Catherine Zeta-Jones crawls around the floor in a catsuit?

No, that was my sex fantasy.

Oh wait. Was there a dwarf in it? Maybe someone filmed it.


I’ve been wondering why the wingnuts have been screaming, “ACORN is into PROSTITUTION!” Now I know: some girl posed as a prostitute, and (after several failed attempts) somebody at ACORN told her how to get a housing loan.

I didn’t read in detail through the whole transcript, but do they actually tell them how to commit fraud? I know the guy running the scam would claim so, but it sounds like he has a history of claiming that he’s uncovered illegal activities (“statutory rape at Planed Parenthood”!?!?), conspicuously followed by a lack of actual charges being filed.

Also: is this Entrapment Week or something?


To be fair, Jesus totally hated and shunned prostitutes, too.


…the one where Catherine Zeta-Jones crawls around the floor in a catsuit?

Best Seinfeld episode EVAH.

Newsletter. Newsletter, dammit!!


“Planed Parenthood”?

Is that smoother than the regular kind?


Child prostitution will cease to be an important concern for Republicans when Joe Wilson inevitably gets caught with child prostitutes.


Ah, it was some sort of workout pants. And a blindfold.


I didn’t read in detail through the whole transcript, but do they actually tell them how to commit fraud? I know the guy running the scam would claim so, but it sounds like he has a history of claiming that he’s uncovered illegal activities (”statutory rape at Planed Parenthood”!?!?), conspicuously followed by a lack of actual charges being filed.

Sounds like Rudy Giuliani.


I tried to read the foxnews link but when I clicked, a dessicated, hairless head with big ears and oozing sores emerged from my monitor, shrieked something about scary black people, and ralphed caustic slime all over my keyboard. It’s too early in the morning for that shit.


You know, the “Also, Too:” bit is one of the few things I’ve read in the blogosphere demonstrating an actual understanding of the Christ of the gospels.

Sorry, back to snark. How come Blartblart has managed to stay sober on all his TV shills for this piece of shit?


I tried to read the foxnews link but when I clicked, a dessicated, hairless head with big ears and oozing sores emerged from my monitor, shrieked something about scary black people, and ralphed caustic slime all over my keyboard.

I see they still haven’t perfected the “John Stossell in 3D” motif…


Coming soon to Breitbart:

“Soup Kitchen or Gravy Train? Our fearless reporters go undercover in the ghetto to expose the outrageous truths about feeding the homeless.”

“Red Cross or Red Menace? We bring you an exclusive report on the politics of disaster relief, where altruism runs wild.”


“Soup Kitchen or Gravy Train? Our fearless reporters go undercover in the ghetto to expose the outrageous truths about feeding the homeless.”

“Red Cross or Red Menace? We bring you an exclusive report on the politics of disaster relief, where altruism runs wild.”

“Church or Domicile For Sinners?”


So let me get this straight?

A white guy with a camera walks into an Acorn office staffed by black women and lays out his plans to someday run for congress and hopes to pay for it by opening a brothel?

I can totally understand how those staffers were completely fooled by that clever ruse…

I am quite certain that wasn’t the first White Republican to walk through that door looking for ways to illegally raise some fast cash for a Congressional run.


See if I got this straight.

A white guy with a camera walks into an Acorn office staffed by black women and claims he plans to run for Congress and wants to open a brothel to finance his campaign?

I can totally understand the staffers falling for that clever ruse…

I am quite certain that wasn’t the first white Republican to walk through the door looking to illegally raise some fast cash for their Congressional run.


I, for one, was not aware that Doug Giles daughter was a prostitute


I can’t fucking believe it. The guy who made these videos, James, was one of my friends from high school.


N.C., surely you must have some dirt on him, like he was the resident redneck or was caught smoking reefer in the john.


Hell, nothing like that. He was completely apolitical and very levelheaded. I think he went a little coo-coo after 9/11, got a whiff of the wingnut welfare gravy train in college and latched on tight.


He was completely apolitical and very levelheaded.

So was Jeffrey Dahmer.


Well, then let’s make shit up!


OT, but here’s a generous dose of wingnut buffoonery…

Pointless discussion breaks out on Murkah’s shittitest website around Bin Laden’s reading list.

Enter Doughbob, who leaves a typically ginormous liberal fascist skid on the intertubz. Shorter Doughbob is that words have consequences. But that is today. A couple of months ago however, back when George Tiller breathed his last, Doughbob was obviously not making the same argument.


Bin Laden’s reading list

I bet Liberal Fascism is on it.

You know, for shits and giggles.


You know, for shits and giggles.

But mainly shits.


So let me see if I understand this. Someone walked into an ACORN office, asked about getting a totally legal benefit for a proposal that might have been illegal, and instead of …..er…..shooting them?…..the workers gave them advice about how to legally apply for it, figuring the authorities would determine whether they were qualified or not.

Clearly, the ACORN workers were in the wrong. They should have shot the people masquerading as brothel owners the minute they even alluded to such disgusting ideas.


Y’know, I could see this “controversy” having some legs if one of the ACORN workers said, “Man, what a GREAT idea! We totally support ripping off The Man! Here, here are some addresses that ought to rent you an apartment, even!”


I’ve been extremely sympathetic to ACORN and there mission, but the people who are defending what’s going on in that video are way off base. The ACORN staff are trying to help these guys set up there cat house in a residential home. I can guarantee you that if this was for real that house would end up being in a poor neighborhood. Great. So now the neighbors get to deal with and endless stream of johns coming in and out of the house at all hours, in addition to whatever other crime issues that tend to crop up around prostitution.

And don’t get me wrong, I don’t have any moral problems with prostitution. I think it should be legal and regulated. But it’s not, so when prostitutes set up shop in a neighborhood it’s going to cause grief for the families living there.


If you’re (or you’d probably say your) going to say “there cat house” then in order to be consistently wrong you MUST say “the families living their.” Sheesh….


So now the neighbors get to deal with and endless stream of johns coming in and out of the house at all hours…

It’s true. You won’t believe how disruptive johns can be when they are sneaking into a brothel.



All due respect, but do you think it’s possible the ACORN staffers said “who the hell are these guys kidding?” and then knowing they weren’t serious, went ahead and parodied them?


I youstabee a supporter of ACORN, until this video came out. Imagine, these community workers trying to help out inner city hookers. Ones trying to spring their co-workers froman abusive pimp. It’s shockingly immoral behaviour.

Let this be a lesson to all you left libs, advising people to pay taxes is wrong.


Any odds on the Acorn folks, being somewhat sharper than the average wingnut, saw these obviously not-for-realz characters and played them a bit? You know, for shits and giggles? if ind it hard to believe that a tight-assed wingnut could pull off this masquerade.

It blew up in their faces of course, but really, it’s not the first time someone got fired for hijinks.

One wishes, in fact, that more elected officials got fired for hijinks.


I too, used to be a defender of ACORN, until this video was released. Now I am extremely outraged by Chappaquiddick.


I can’t BELIEVE actor beat me to that one.

Damn you.


some girl posed as a prostitute, and (after several failed attempts) somebody at ACORN told her how to get a housing loan

Huh? That’s it? I’m not exactly feeling a need to unwad my panties over here, y’know? Christ, if she stays clean & takes care to look good, the fucking loan gets paid back, interest included. Happy girl, happy loan-agency. Aren’t the rightwingers all about the personal responsibility thing, not to mention the fiscal integrity thing (in their own minds)? Not exactly in keeping with “the Invisible Hand of the marketplace” that’s such a sacred cow of Free-Market-Moonies either. The ghost of Adam Smith is having a sad now.

Oh yeah, I forgot. Every time some guy pays for a hummer, God strangles a puppy.

Except in Nevada.

OT(?): a not-so-humorless dildo for a brave new world of GreenFapping.


Oh yeah, I forgot. Every time some guy pays for a hummer, God strangles a puppy.

As far as I have heard, the Clenis-hummer was uncompensated.

So that one’s OK, after all?


I can’t BELIEVE actor beat me to that one.

Oh, so you’re one of the slow zombies, hmmm?


I too, used to be a defender of ACORN, until this video was released. Now I go around concern-trolling websites at the behest of the Republican ghoul-lords.


I used to be a supporter of ACORN and all other organizations named after items found on the floor of a forest, but WOLVERIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINES!


You’d think ghoul-lords could find minions who could spell and knew grammar…


As far as I have heard, the Clenis-hummer was uncompensated.

She got her own handjobbag line!


I used to be someone who pretended to be a hooker for amateur film-makers, but… um… pretend you didn’t hear that.


I used to be for ACORN until I approached them for a loan to get my “One Stop Torture Shop” opened–and they wouldn’t give me the funding!


I used to defend ACORN but now I defend OAK TREE.


I think for Halloween, I’m going to dress up as an ACORN hooker.


I used to be a supporter of ACORN ’til I found out they grow into Oaks and those motherfuckers oppress the rugged individualist Maples.


I’m going to dress up as an ACORN hooker.

Are you familiar with pine nuts?


ACORN: My people call it “A MAIZE”


N.C., surely you must have some dirt on him

Actually, I did find he wrote some pretty hilarious conserva-slam 9/11 poetry.

Tolerate This

By James O’Keefe

Note: This is an authentic “slam” poem written in the Winter of 2003 in my passionate, reactionary response to Annie DiFranco.

It is to be performed in the spoken-word/hip-hop format.

Very few people at Rutgers are about to agree with what I have to say
But because you believe in acceptance and diversity
I’m ‘bout to say it anyway
You think you’re all Peace?
You think I’m all war?
You don’t know what it is we’re fighting for
It’s kill or be killed and we’ve been killed before
You don’t seem to understand the fundamentals of war
Like anxious butterflies behind closed doors
You imply utopia, logic you ignore
You disagree with dieing hard likes its
Some choice to make
You defy society like it’s some claim to stake
Hurry up and bitch because tolerance won’t wait
But we can’t let impatient hippies determine our fate
You blame this nation
For what madmen have done
On the Eleventh of September, 2001


It’s kill or be killed and we’ve been killed before



No, kingubu, it is the Maples who are oppressing the Oaks by hatchet, axe, and saw.


I know, I know concern troll etc. I’d just ask people to think about the reality of having multiple prostitutes working out of the house next door. And again, they wouldn’t be buying a house in Towson or Roland Park. They’d be getting a house in a neighborhood like Park Heights or Highland Town, and the people living there already have enough shit to deal with.


I think that I shall never see
a poem so filled with stupidity…


I used to support ACORN but then they strangled my puppy.


I’d just ask people to think about the reality of having multiple prostitutes working out of the house next door

HAWT! Newsletter?

No seriously, WTF are you talking about? Are you afraid that spontaneous song and dance numbers will break out on the lawn? Let’s take the BS story as real and think about the situation. Hooker leaves abusive pimp and takes several other girls with her. They set-up shop in a poor neighbourhood. I’m thinking that they probably do NOT want any extra attention and would probably go out of their way to be non-obtrusive.


I’d just ask people to think about the reality of having multiple prostitutes working out of the house next door.

Well, if you’re trying to protect your job and your organization you hustle the aspiring prostitute out the door. If you’re actually trying to get people housing you get ’em a house.


I know, I know concern troll etc. I’d just ask people to think about the reality of having multiple prostitutes working out of the house next door. And again, they wouldn’t be buying a house in Towson or Roland Park.

Look, I get your point, but last time I checked, it wasn’t ACORN’s job to enforce the anti-pros laws.

It’s not illegal to give someone advice for obtaining a government service. Someone comes up to a library, say and says, “How do I apply for unemployment?” Librarian tells them where to look, maybe even looks up the office address on the web and prints ’em a map, print them a form, tell them how to fill it out, let’s them borrow a pen. They’re not responsible if the person files a fraudulent claim. They file a fraudulent claim, they’ll probably be turned down.

Even crooks are allowed to apply for loans, buy cars, get bus passes. Someone calls an office looking for info, they don’t typically run a criminal check on them before giving it to them.

Personally, if someone volunteered they were planning to apply for a loan to use a house for an illegal activity, I might say, “OK, right, well, here’s how you do it – make sure you write down your plans in detail, and good luck with that!”


I’m opposed to the Maple Leafs who SUCK!

Also, too, it’s Ani DiFranco.


Its always nice to find out your friends think you look like a skanky crack whore, but I wonder how many times O’Keefe had to try the line before striking paydirt

Among *HIS* friends? No more than twice.


feral, you ARE aware that the whole thing was a put-on? Not just a hypothetical scenario, but an implausible one?

I mean, I could ask everyone here to think about the consequences if they all sent me 100 bucks, and I used the money to go on a cross country trip delivering kitties that poop cocaine and jelly beans, but that doesn’t mean that it would ever happen.

Not, of course, trying to dissuade anyone from sending me 100 bucks, cuz, you know.


Not, of course, trying to dissuade anyone from sending me 100 bucks, cuz, you know.

Fuck, man, the life insurance has paid out and you’re still begging?


I’d just ask people to think about the reality of having multiple prostitutes working out of the house next door.

Website, newsletter, subscribe.


I supported ACORN until I discovered that Michael Moore AND Al Gore are fat!


Fuck, man, the life insurance has paid out and you’re still begging?

Substance, the policy doesn’t pay out to THE DEAD GUY


Substance, the policy doesn’t pay out to THE DEAD GUY

Financial planning, my friend: choose your beneficiary wisely.


Substance, the policy doesn’t pay out to THE DEAD GUY

That’s your fault for not being born Republican.


“The staff we dealt with in Baltimore had no problem offering their time to James and me, not because we were two white kids undercover looking for a big story, but because of the mess we claimed to be in and wished to create.
We connected with these people on a level they were comfortable with. We came off as troubled, torn, innovative and devoted individuals who couldn’t skirt the system unless the system helped us along our journey.”

So these two republican white kids exploited the instinct of ACORN workers to help “troubled” kids “in a mess”. (and regardless of their race and obvious cultural differences) And of course Glenn Beck and his viewers find this unbelievably scandalous.
It’s also interesting from Giles own comments and the commenters on her site how brave and dangerous they consider this action to be:
“However, not all are capable of action because not all are comfortable with action. Many lack the desire for truth and justice, most don’t even know to want it. But on occasion, the previous join forces. The right people with the appropriate calling unite against a common enemy, then the sky is the limit and hell is the target. There will be no compromises, only adaptation and infiltration.”

Wow! “Adaptation and infiltration” with “hell as the target” James and Hannah were the modern equivalent of Carlson’s Raiders on Makin Island. If you think the danger isn’t real, just listen to these guys:

“I am awed by your two showing such bravery. It makes me think that not all honor isnt dead. I feel what you have inspired will multiply hundreds of times over. It will have to make that organisation tremble. Their men go to bed tonight in a shocked state. Now they cant continue exactly business as usual. They are vunerable because their street level employees are just dumb.
Let this be the beginning of hundreds of amauter reporters going out in a wave to save our constition.”

“Wow. This chick has b*lls. Every POS lefty is going to target her for the rest of her college career – professors, administrators, mean girls, and creepy guys.

For the next two years girl-
1) do not accept *any* drink at a party you didn’t open yourself
2) don’t eat any food unless its serving a common group of people
3) don’t don’t Do NOT get romantic with any guy unless its your room. There are a million and one places to hide smaller than ever videocams

Cause seriously – these people don’t forget. They’re going to be coming for you.”

No wonder they think Jack Bauer is a real person. hell, they probably think Austin Powers is only mid exaggeration


And projection, too from that guy talking about not going to bed with anybody for the next two years.


And projection, too from that guy talking about not going to bed with anybody for the next two years.


“Save yourself for me, baby! I’ll show you the best three seconds you’ve ever lived!”


It’s also interesting that in spite of the fact that the “pimp” and “hooker” were white, the notoriously racist anti-white ACORN employees offered help without reservation.

The wingers would have likely damned ACORN if they were turned away for help. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

I want to ask the little snot who is posing as a pimp if he thinks real pimps and prostitutes should be denied access to tax prep assistance or better housing options.

It’s also terribly dishonest for the winger blogs to lead the posts about these videos referring to ACORN as “child-sex-trafficking,” “pimping,” “whoring,” etc. Nobody did any of those things.

Finally, I read something that sounded like the pimp and hooker duo did their performance at several other ACORN locations above and beyond the three from which they were able to produce the footage we’re all familiar with now. Has anyone else heard this? Any idea what happened at those other visits?


It appears the right wing’s position is that agencies offering public assistance should allow staff in gate-keeper positions to make judgements on potential clients, based on personal appearance and verbal comments, turning them away if they are at all icky.

I can see this applied to, say, our local transit agency’s downtown customer service kiosk. “Sorry, sir, I refuse to tell you about the rates and schedules of the Number 45 bus, because you appear to be planning a journey to engage in activity I disapprove of.”


I confess I made the mistake of being born to non-rich parents.



Many lack the desire for truth and justice, most don’t even know to want it. But on occasion, the previous join forces. The right people with the appropriate calling unite against a common enemy, then the sky is the limit and hell is the target.

Because nothing is worse than helping poor people get and keep affordable housing.


Except maybe helping them register to vote.


Every time someone donates to ACORN, a blowjob gets its wings.


Or feeding them.


No, definitely helping them to stay healthy. That’s the worst.


How can I get hookers and johns next door? This hood is lousy with Republicans.
In lieu of candy, I’m promising tax cuts to trick-or-treaters this year.
I’d think having hookers come in is like Bush’s “terrorist flypaper” strategery.
By the way, is having tasty brains a pre-existing condition?



Je support les troops said,

September 15, 2009 at 19:49 (kill)

Finally, I read something that sounded like the pimp and hooker duo did their performance at several other ACORN locations above and beyond the three from which they were able to produce the footage we’re all familiar with now. Has anyone else heard this? Any idea what happened at those other visits?

Well, the head of Acorn had this to say.

This recent scam, which was attempted in San Diego, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Philadelphia to name a few places, had failed for months before the results we’ve all recently seen.

Being a Florida resident, if James O’Keefe shot footage in Miami then he violated the Anti-Eavesdroping law. In Fla you cannot surreptitiously record another person.
You must have their permission. Don’t know if it is a felony or misdemeanor, but Acorn might have a case against him.
O’Keefe is a member of Live Action, an anti-abortion group that operates stings against abortion clinics.

a young conservative activist named James O’Keefe came up with the idea to infiltrate clinics.

Among his other works is Brokeback Priests. Are we seeing a pattern here?


How can I get hookers and johns next door?

Personally, I leave a bowl of condoms out on the front walk.


There is only one party which is threatened by ACORN. If you want to see why, Google “GOP voter suppression” Don’t cage me, bro!


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