Scouting Ben’s Possible Replacements

Now that Ben Domenech has resigned his position as the Washington Post’s resident conservative red-blooded all-Amur’can blogger, we should probably start thinking about his replacement.


For your consideration, Gavin and I have compiled a list of right-wingers whom we think can capably fill Ben’s sadly vacant shoes. Each candidate will be graded in several important categories that we feel are essential for anyone looking to take Ben’s place, including “Cultish Loyalty to President Bush” and “Spittle-Drenched Insanity.” In the end, though, it will be YOU, you Sadly, No! readers, you, who will decide on the winner. Once the winning candidate is chosen, we will e-mail our suggestion to editor Jim Brady and WaPo media critic Howard “Colonel” Kurtz.

[Gavin adds: We have a new mail-bombing device, you know. Hat tip to Talk Left for leaving it out where we could find it.]

And now, without further ado… let’s meet the candidates!

Candidate #1: John Hinderaker, Powerline


Pluses: Almost certainly writes his own blog entries and articles. Hinderaker’s writing has a characteristic stuffy-headed fluster-bluster, like a middle-aged Minneapolis litigator telling you what he ought to have said to that liberal know-it-all at the cocktail party two nights ago. A plagiarized sentence would stand out like a shock of orchids in a landscape of grayish Lego castles.

Hinderaker mostly avoids outright, ass-naked lying in favor of selectively misusing facts and quotations, and makes great hay from the “pretending not to know things” trick, spacing out beyond Pluto on any context or key information that would contradict his position — i.e., he knows the rules of mainstream opinion writing. He apparently has no interests or sense of humor and is not “a nice guy in real life” — i.e., supporters will be unlikely to mount an embarrassing pro-Hinderaker campaign in event of nude cocaine brawl, plagiarism, serial retail fraud, tri-state killing spree, or other public-relations headache.

Minuses: Sex appeal not a factor, needs brothers Chico and Harpo to perform many crowd-pleasing skits, has real job.

Cultish Loyalty to President Bush: So strong that it cannot be calculated with primitive Earth numbers. Hinderaker was the first to leap and catch the rubber biscuit on the Dubai ports deal, and is the author of the now-famous poem, “Hyperbolic? Well, Maybe”:

It must be very strange to be President Bush.
A man of extraordinary vision,
And brilliance approaching to genius,
He can’t get anyone to notice.

He is like a great painter or musician,
Who is ahead of his time,
And who unveils one masterpiece after another,
To a reception that,
When not bored,
Is hostile.

Was initially stunned by the Harriet Miers nomination, but quickly recovered by gulping down a fresh, red pitcher of Kool-Aid while rueing the Kool-Aid frown it left on his upper lip.

Spittle-Drenched Insanity: 5 out of 10. Sees entire world in black-and-white terms, where facts that don’t agree with his opinions are malicious lies spread by liberal evildoers. Personalizes everything. Is insecure and prone to fits of rage, and is thus easily bear-baited. In other words, scores at exactly the median for conservative bloggers.

Potential to Educate WaPo’s Latte-Drinking Readers About “Red America“: 5 out of 10. Hinderaker resembles the small-town banker in 1930s movies who tries to foreclose on Old Widow McHenry’s mortgage, and is foiled by kids putting on a show in a barn. It is impossible to imagine Hinderaker in a bowling alley. On the positive side, he is at heart a thumb-ignorant rube who is swept up by popular enthusiasms as helplessly as a gum wrapper in a Kansas twister.

Candidate #2: Adam Yoshida-


Pluses: Lives in his mother’s basement, so his low living expenses mean that he would likely work for minimal pay. He can also speak in fluent Klingon and Elvish. What’s more, he recently upgraded to 14 Strength and 16 Dexterity.

Minuses: He posts very infrequently nowadays, probably because he’s too busy defending Middle Earth from marauding hordes of orcs and level 5 rock trolls.

Cultish Loyalty to President Bush: 10 out of 10. I think this quote best exemplifies Yoshi’s devotion to the preznit:

So long as the Log Cabin Republicans and people like Andrew Sullivan remain faithful and loyal supporters, there is every reason to listen to and respect their views. But, if they wish to oppose the President, then they can go straight to Hell[.]

The bottom line: it’s OK to have sex with other dudes as long as you’re into Bush as well. Bitchin’.

Spittle-Drenched Insanity: 10 out of 10. Although there are many, many fine examples of Adam’s lunacy out there, these are my personal favorites:

1.) Called for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez as a warning to other Latin American leaders who “forget their place in the natural order of things.”

2.) Asserted that America would have won in Vietnam if it weren’t for Mark Felt and those meddling WaPo kids.

3.) Advocated the murder of Iraq war critics and opponents of the Bush Administration: “Today Kent State is memorialized as a great tragedy because a few traitors (or those stupid enough to stand near them) were killed when, in fact, one of the great tragedies of the [Vietnam] war was that there were obviously too few Kent States. 55,000 Americans ultimately died for nothing because of those people. If a few of them would have had to die to curb their disloyal behavior, then so be it. We can win the war against the enemy abroad by taking the fight to the enemy at home. Destroy the opponents of this war and you’ll convince our enemies that they have no chance of beating us either on the battlefield or at the ballot box.”

4.) Advocated creating a formal alliance with Russia and turning Chechnya into “one giant internment camp.”

Potential to Educate WaPo’s Elitist Liberal Leaders About “Red America”: 0 out of 10. Adam seems like an ideal replacement for Ben Domenech, until you learn that he’s actually Canadian.

Candidate #3: Marie Jon – Renew America


Um, the less said about that, the better.

Candidate #3: Pastor Joseph Grant Swank, Jr.-


Pluses: Pastor Swank has a prolific output that simply can’t be matched, as he publishes between five to seven 750-word columns per day. Also, his views on womb babies and homo nups would give the socially conservative voice that it’s been lacking.

Minuses: Would require aggressive drug testing. His sentence constructions are grammatical and syntactical abominations that will leave the WaPo’s editors begging for death. Here is a brief sample of his work:

-“Muslim murderers global are now taking names for suicide bomber squads who have AIDS. The Islamic fanatics have refined their murder craft now to include death by AIDS splash.”

Mr. Bush’s comments about philosophy say to me that “philosophy� equals thought patterns related to planetary existence. For the Muslims it is defined as Islam world rule with Allah in control, speaking through the Koran, using sharia for legal decisions, and controlling the world politic in a demonic theocracy underpinned by mosques and clerics. I hope I am not reading too much into Mr. Bush’s use of the phrase “bound by a philosophy.� Time will tell.

Once again, the judge does not get it that there is no parallel between the civil rights movement and homo nups push. Blacks have accented that months ago. Yet the judge appears as the time-lag leader of the pack, still in quagmire, still fogged over, still intent on playing to the homo audience for the latest applause meter blow.

You get the idea.

Sudden berserk Swank appearances in World O’ Crap comment threads suggest that enabling comments at Red America would be unwise.

Cultish Loyalty to President Bush: 9 out of 10. Swank used to be the ultimate Bush loyalist, but the Dubai port deal has shaken his faith somewhat.

Spittle-Drenched Insanity: 184 out of 10. Swank advocates deporting all Muslims in the U.S. or interning them in camps. Also, his church got infested by demons one time.

Potential to Educate WaPo’s Latte-Drinking Readers About “Red America” : 2 out of 10. There’s nothing Pastor Swank can tell WaPo readers that they haven’t already heard from that schizophrenic hobo who stands outside their local 7-11.

Candidate #4: Iron Fist – Little Green Footballs


Pluses: Possible successor to the aging Cal Thomas as op-ed columnist. Refreshing lack of Washington-insider cocktail-circuit mentality. As a popular figure at Little Green Footballs, the premier Pajamas Media site, Iron Fist comes with strong mainstream right-blog credentials and a ready-made readership. Also, plagiarism would quickly be caught by sharp-eyed readers detecting a diminished use of capital letters and “bwa-ha-ha”ing.

Minuses: Accelerated destruction of Washington Post as respected journal, Kay Graham howling from tomb, gales of laughter and high-fiving in New York Times editorial offices, left-bloggers never again bored or in need of diversion, some other trifles. Jim Brady, this might be your man.

Cultish Loyalty to President Bush: 10 out of 10. However, President Bush would be instantly forgotten if a strong, godlike figure were to rise from amongst the people, wielding a mighty hammer of justice and heralding a brutal age of victory for the people of the sacred American homeland against the weak, whiny wailings of the far-left liberal Democrat moonbats and their Jewish Muslim masters.

Spittle-Drenched Insanity: Like the universe itself, infinite yet ever-expanding. A brief selection of examples might include:

1) Purported caching of weapons by Iron Fist in preparation for Muslim invasion of U.S.

2) Persistent fantasies of liberals being killed or tortured in various creative ways, often but not exclusively by Muslims.

3) The getting of woodies from the assault on Fallujah.

4) Advocating nuclear genocide.

Potential to Educate WaPo’s Latte-Drinking Readers About “Red America“: 10 out of 10! Despite reportedly being, in real life, a fat, scrawny-limbed veal-like person with a likely history of extreme late-draft kickball-team recruitment, Iron Fist is an authentic and proud, joyously full-throated voice of majority Red America. Or, at least, that segment of ordinary America that’s been completely bonk-sozzled and brainwashed by twenty years of propaganda paid for by right-wing billionaires and directed by a panoply of fake foundations and think tanks — and that’s been told that it’s ‘a majority’ so often that it can no longer imagine otherwise. But of course, as the Washington Post explained at the inauguration of the Red America blog, that part of America deserves a voice in a newspaper of record too.

Iron Fist speaks for that majority — the really small one made up of mean, irrational dorks with talk radio constantly blaring. Make room, Dan Froomkin!

Candidate #5: Kaye Grogan – Renew America


Pluses: Kaye’s super-hot leopard-skin potato sack outfit would give WaPo’s website a much-needed dose of sex appeal. She’ll also have street cred with young people, who will be simply wowed by her rapping talents:

Christmas is under attack and we must fight back.
Without Christ there wouldn’t be a world adorned with lights.
Without Christ there wouldn’t be Christmas days or nights.
No matter how you try you can’t destroy the Christmas spirit from within.
And as we begin to unite against you — we will eventually win.

Fo’ sheezy, K-Gro.

Minuses: Her rambling, semi-literate rants are just as perplexing as Pastor Swank’s. Plus, her, “use” of… puncutation will — make her “editors” head, blow “up.” Rumors that she’s struggling with a crippling glue addiction are sure to make her a controversial choice.

Candidate #6: Brad R.-


Pluses: Already writes for a semi-popular blog. That’s about it.

Minuses: Astoundingly unfunny and mean-spirited, Brad attacks his opponents with a mix of foul language and baseless ad hominems. He is quite fond of using the phrase “cum-guzzling ass-fuck monster twat,” which likely won’t meet the Post’s standards for civilized discouse. What’s worse, he isn’t even a conservative.

Cultish Loyalty to President Bush: -80 out of 10. Brad can’t watch Bush on television without going on a mad, profanity-laced rant.

Spittle-Drenched Insanity: 7 out of 10. Anyone who openly discusses their masturbation habits on their blog isn’t exactly “all there.”

Potential to Educate Sodomite WaPo Readers About “Red America”: 3 out of 10. Although Brad currently resides in Boston, he spent a few years living in the Midwest as an undergrad. He sorta enjoyed his time there, and he thinks that Meijer can kick Wal-Mart’s sorry ass. He really hates NASCAR, though.


Comments: 159


It is so hard to choose, isn’t it? I think picking one of those people would generate howls of liberal bias from the conservative blogosphere. Surely it can’t be that hard to find a conservative commentator who isn’t either a delusional liar or a barking mad illiterate?

(I’ll read the op-ed page of the Wall Street Journal tomorrow and be jolted back into reality. That really is the best they can do.)

I’ll vote for Yoshida mostly because his English is clear enough that you know you have divined his intention, even if it makes no logical sense.


Sweet Yoshida, oh since THYCWOTI resigned, perhaps TSecondHYCWOTI, Ben Shapiro should have a shot? Or will the inevitable interactions with groupies lead to this unfortunate headline “LIBERALS POPPED MY CHERRY”


Swank! Swank! Swank! Swank! Swank!Swank!Swank!Swank!

There can be no other.


I understand that a certain Mr. Deutsch has some time on his hands now.


Okay, I did a little research of my own in order that I might make an informed choice. Where to start, decisions, decisions. Let’s see…

Hinderaker: Middle aged male American lawyer. Yep, definitely slimy enough.

Quote: “I’m not saying there isn’t an Abramoff scandal. There might be. I just can’t figure out what it is.”

Note to Self: If I get in trouble with the law, I definitely want this guy to get me off.

Yoshida: Fascist male Canadian. That’s gotta win points at Sadly No! But not with me.

Quote: “A handful of such ships could, if necessary, wipe an entire nation off the face of the Earth. In the face of such power, most rational nations would have no choice but to accept permanent American world rule. ”

Note to Self: If he gets in trouble with the law, I definitely don’t want Hinderaker to get this guy off.

Marie Jon: Female hottie, competent writer/journalist, wingnut extraordinaire. No wonder she was disqualified, she might actually give you Bozos a run for your money.

Quote: “Literally, people are dying for the lack of honest reporting of the news.”

Note to Self: No matter what, I definitely want Marie to get me off.

Pastor Swank: Preacher, Republican kook, nut job. This guy is off his rocker, totally!!

Quote: “Frankly, I don’t have a clue what’s going on in Iraq or most of the rest of the planet…”

All right!! Ding, ding, ding. We need not look at any other contestants. We have a winner. Hands down, the man who most typifies and speaks for the right: Pastor J. Grant Swank, Jr. Congratulations Pastor Swank!! Would you like to say a few words? Okay, here you go: “…drop a huge net from the sky down over all of them. Scoop them up in that net and haul them off through the clouds, dropping them in Brazil somewhere.”

Note to Self: No matter what, I definitely don’t want to rankle Swankle.


Kure Kure Takora!


No Manshake?! Jeff has been jockeying for this position for YEARS!


Actually Jim Brady has a real opportunity here– he could hire a real, old-fashioned conservative to fill that blogging spot at the The kind of conservative who still believes in balanced budgets, sensible foreign policy, minimal government intrusion into our lives, and wise management of our natural resource base.

Good luck, Mr. Brady….


I vote for Adam Yoshida, who has sadly been forgotten since he stopped allowing comments on his site (which of course were the best feature there).

I am, however, disappointed that Floyd Alvis Cooper was not nominated.


and how could you have forgotten Jeffy-Lube Gannon????


“A handful of such ships could, if necessary, wipe an entire nation off the face of the Earth. In the face of such power, most rational nations would have no choice but to accept permanent American world rule. “

Yes, but what would Adam do if it wasn’t his turn and another player turned in a card set for 15 armies???


Kaye Grogan.

I must strongly disagree “about” her Minuses. I think, her 21st century punctuation, and grammar would be a bonus in addition to “being” the first rapping conservative, blogger.


Oh, c’mon, Iron Fist all the way.

(or should that be Iron Frist?)


What about Atlas? TITS, man, TITS! No conservative blogger makes sense, so we might as well get TITS. And they could put her on page three.


But wait, what about Capt. Ed? Surely, Capt. Ed knows enough Klingon.


Please let it be Kaye. Please.


The LGF-er. No question. Your ‘potential to educate…’ rating gets it exactly right.


I`m voting for Jesus` General


Marie! Marie! Marie! Marie!

This has to peg the wingnutlickspittlemeter: As evidence of the liberal bias in the media on its reporting from Iraq she cites an article from

Too fucking funny.

I think she can survive one instance of plagarism. She’s the choice.


How about anna benson? I visited her site and i think she could give the a bit of sex appeal. Tap right into the lizard brain of red america.


Screw the conbloggers. Let’s make the WP pick a reality-based blogger!

Vote in this poll for your favorite blogger that you think deserves a six-figure WP paycheck.


Damn you libruls. Your Kaye Grogan link made me soil myself.




I think Iron Fist would make the most “interesting” choice. If we have a run-off situation, Swank is a strong choice as well.


I think Devistatin’ Dave, the turntable S.L.A.V.E., wants his mojo back.


This post reminds me that we have not seen an X-TREME WINGNUT CHALLENGE, or even a simple Swank post, for an unconscionably long time. For shame, I say.

melior (in Austin)

Katherine Harris has decided to focus her campaign efforts on the kookoo bananas Christian strategy.. hooboy, this could be fun!


I agree that Anna Benson has been conspicuously overlooked. She’s kind of local to DC now (Baltimore) and she has demonstrated her Red America credentials in spades:

From the New York Daily News, Jan. 22, 2006:

“Hell no, I’m not going to change for anybody. (Kris) loves me. I’m very true to myself and to Kris.” (To reporters, after showing up at a Mets event in a low-cut Mrs. Claus outfit to distribute toys to children.)

“You are a selfish, pathetic excuse for an American, and you can take your big fat ass over to Iraq and get your pig head cut off and stuck on a pig pole. Then, you can have your equally as-fat wife make a documentary about how loudly you squealed while terrorists were cutting through all the blubber and chins to get that 40-pound head off of you.” (In an open letter to documentary filmmaker Michael Moore.)

“I wear fur. I wear dead rabbits and dead minks and dead anything that will keep me warm. I love it. I don’t like to be cold, and nothing keeps me warmer than my dead animals.” (n an open letter to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.)

“How are they going to sit there and say it’s so controversial when they sign someone like Delgado, who turns his back on our flag?” (On new Met Carlos Delgado, who in the past has refused to stand for the playing of “God Bless America” in protest of U.S. policies.)

“I said, ‘You better put that $5,000 chip away before you get f—.’ The dealer heard me and cast me out. .. It’s bull—-, the whole thing. .. Why are they trying to get moral? I’m mean, we’re gambling. People are drinking. This is Las Vegas. I don’t want to hear this. There are no morals here.” (Describing her outburst at the World Series of Poker in an interview with the Daily News.

“I told him (Kris) — because that’s the biggest thing in athletics, they cheat all the time — I told him, ‘Cheat on me all you want. If you get caught, I’m going to (have sex with) everybody on your entire team. Coaches, trainers, players.’ I would do everybody on his whole team.” (During an appearance on Howard Stern’s radio show.


I suggested Marie Jon’ the other day, but then I got to thinking.. It can’t be a woman who is the voice of Red America, because all women are supposed to be in the kitchen or cleaning the house except for one day every 9 months when they’re allowed to go to the hospital to birth a kid. Thus Marie Jon’ is right out.

Then I thought well hey, Brian Cherry is up to much these days, he can shill, and he is properly religiously motivated. But that whole long hair thing is wrong… WRONG! I tells ya. So, if he cuts his hair, puts on a cheap chinese-made knockoff Armani suit, he just might pass as a blue-blooded red stater.

If he turns it down, then let Iron Fist have it. I’d enjoy just sitting back and watch the fun as IF hits the D.C. coctail circuit.


By a wide margin, that is the funniest blog post I have ever read. I was crying with laughter and woke up another person in the house who thought something was wrong.

Hang your head in shame!


Brad, I can’t believe you forgot Assrocket’s other qualifications.


It can’t be Yoshida. He’s subject to being pwned by level 10 n00bie Jedi. What a putz.


Yeah anna benson would be great. She’s a hot security mom who loves guns, hates liberals, and threatens violence.

She has taken the assrocket like stance of disagreeing occasionally with the president, but never telling anyone she disagrees with him because he needs and deserves our respect.

Plus she is just outright tacky. Not only does she dress inappropriately, say inappropriate things, but she flaunts her money and does not resist the temptation to tell the whole world the dollar amounts of her charitable contributions. “She is a true humanitarian with a heart of gold and is always trying to make life better for society,” and that comes from her own bio on her own website.

She is the perfect red american.


Well, my money would have been on Iron Fist, but that was funny enough that if you tell me where to direct my persistent emails, I will write often and demand they hire Brad.
(Though, I’m also going to demand they hire Doghouse Riley to head up their Blue State Blog.)


I vote for Adam Yoshida. Each of his essays contained pure nuggets of right wing wisdom. It’s a shame he doesn’t publish daily anymore. Give him a larger audience for encouragement.


I think only Iron Fist really qualifies. Assrocket is too highbrow for the audience that the WaPo is trying to reach, some of the entrants are women, and one is canadian.

My criteria is to find somebody as much like Domenech as possible, so most of them are disqualified.

Really, only Swank and Fist meet all the qualifications, and I feel that Swank doesn’t have youth appeal. He’s too grandfatherly to really get the xtreme in-your-face cyber-inter-teen demographic that I think they were really going for.


Sadly anna benson isn’t in the running so I gotta go with pastor swank.


wow, I’m surprised to see so many write-ins for Anna.

But not one vote for Brad R.?


The Nice Doggie!


I’m not worthy, but definately Iron Fist. Unless Floyd Alvis Cooper is available.


I vote for Brad. The WaPo already has plenty of conservatives posing as liberals on their editorial page, so why not a liberal posing as a conservative…


Well, my money would have been on Iron Fist, but that was funny enough that if you tell me where to direct my persistent emails, I will write often and demand they hire Brad.

Actually, this was a true Gavin-Brad creation. We each wrote half of the profiles.


This is no comprehensive … where are the true master wingnuts:

* Doug Giles!
* Virgin Ben!
* Vox Day!

Where are the nutbars of yesteryear?


sigh, I can’t read K-Gro without getting stupider:

“This is not comprehensive”

LA Confidential Pantload

I can almost smell the bias pretend you’re not prejudiced against honorable men of the cloth by nominating the Swanksta, yet NOT ONE WORD about that hottest of leather preachers, Rev. Doug!

Worst. President. Ever.

An impressive line-up!

But as an American who lives in Canada, I’ve gotta vote for Adam Yoshida.

And I think once Bu**sh** and his fellow fratboys read a few of Adam’s columns, they’ll grant him US citizenship retroactively before you can say “Fuck the constitution, what this country needs is warrantless surveillance”.


A plagiarized sentence would stand out like a shock of orchids in a landscape of grayish Lego castles.



C’mon, without Power Man, Iron Fist is really missing some flava.


Gotta go with Pastor Swank, for his eloquent command of a new strain of Engrish. You have no chance to survive make your time.


PP, THYCWOTI never resigned. I just took the weekend off.


I sold all of my copies of Zip Zap Rap! to contribute to Ben’s defense fund.

For naught!

Also, I vote for K-Gro, as I am convinced her columns are some kind of post-modern artistic statement about linguistics that we are simply not ready to comprehend.


I’d go with KayGro.


What an impressive collection of wingnuttery! I had to visit Anna Benson’s site to see what all the fuss was about… that may be the most obnoxious thing I’ve ever seen in my life.


I vote for this mysterious Bradley person. I hear if he just watches NASCAR in person once, he’ll be in New Hampshire every weekend from then on.


I think you owe an apology to all the hoboes outside of the 7-11s, many of whom are much more lucid and fact-based than Pastor Swank has ever been.

Anna Benson deserves the write-in support, in part because she suffered through a year in NYC and only made the papers for the Santa Comes Now outfit.

Plus Baltimore is below the Mason-Dixon line (definitionally), so she could pretend to be a Southern “almost-virgin.”

Lacking Anna, though, getting Yoshida out of retirement would, alone, be worth the effort.


general jc christian.

all those other people are just posers.


I vote for Atrios, he encourages his trollposters to steal the identities of those who speak agaisnt his hippie bullshit.

He’s way worse than Ben, and he has an army of trolls just waiting to serve his every need.

Now, considering what he looks like, how ugly must his posters be?

It’s an assured constant stream of visitors to your site WAPO! People that fat and ugly never leave the house.


Jesus General is not Christian. He likes to piss on the name of Christ and then laugh about it. He’s got a big parody alert button on his site.

He’s not funny, and oh my did he love me until I refused to join in the Christ bashing.

He’s lame and a rip off of Beliefnet’s Reverend Monkey and the Jesus Street Ministries.


I nominated this post for funniest of the year-to-date over at Wampum’s early Koufax thread.

I sorely wish you had included one more candidate, though … we know him well … he is …



Hey, word on the street is the terrorists have just come out with a new, ruby red grapefruit-flavored AIDS splash. I’m dying to get a taste.


So much more to know about “Iron Fist”!
How he “accidently” killed his “best friend Sam”, a stretch in the big house, his time as a Red Lobster “Chef”, his possesion of firearms despite (he claims) being a convicted felon… his fondness for bragging about cutting people.. on and on..

The website “Discarded Lies” has a hilarious thread on Fist detailing his many lies


Kaye Grogan – ReDnew America


So much more to know about “Iron Fist”!
How he “accidently” killed his “best friend Sam”, a stretch in the big house, his time as a Red Lobster “Chef”, his possesion of firearms despite (he claims) being a convicted felon… his fondness for bragging about cutting people.. on and on..

So Iron Fist is James Frey in disguise?


I think John Hinderaker of Pajamaline is most qaulified. Just look at his Operation Yellow Elephant Background.

He apparently gets all the Talking Points! Question is: Can he work for the Media that IS soooooo liberal???


>It can’t be a woman who is the voice of Red America, because

Well, then, examining the options given I think you are stuck with Kaye Grogan.


I have to vote for my buddy Pastor Swank. Particularly after this

melior (in Austin)

Jesus General is not Christian.

I’m sure I am not the only one of Gen. Christian’s readers who was insulted by this accusation of apostasy from new poster “annie angel”.

Oh sure, then she tries to make up by conceding that the good General is “not funny”, what next, is she going to reveal to us that he is “not homosexual” too?

Look, if it makes Mus-Coms like annie’s day to come to this fine site and slander the good General, we should consider just deporting them all to Afghanistan where they can practice their hatred of fine American upstanding heterosexual Christian leaders like the General with their burkas on.

annie, shouldn’t you be in the kitchen?


I gotta vote for my main man Yoshida on this one. Sure, he’s Canadian, but he so desperately wants to be American that it hurts.

Besides, if he gets a gig at the WaPo, maybe he’ll bust out another couple columns on how the US should develop space-based weapons and conquer the galaxy. That shit is just intense.


Beautifully done. How much is WaPo paying you? It isn’t enough, darings.



Are you on glue? Patriotboy is not a real Christian, he trolled my blog, he had his trolls troll my blog, my goodness, if you read that blog, search out my name, I was there defending Christ and I was flamed, abused and then banned for it.

Because I refused to piss on the name of Christ.

Patriot boy is a lame joke. I’m sorry you didn’t see his advertizing or his disclaimer.


Hire Shoe!!! He’s the best.


SN!, your bog is now being graced with one of the trolliest trolls on teh internets-AA, and her sidekick ShoeLimpy (TM). I really recommend clicking on the link and visiting her blog. No, really. You’ll thank me later.

Let the games begin!


I’m not a troll, celticgirl, but then again you kbnow that and are here to try and ruin my reputation.


Celticgirl, it made my teeth throb.


I think it’s rather presumptuous of anyone to suggest that Jesus did not enjoy the occasional round of piss-play…

And I’m pretty sure the punishment for presumption is stoning, IIRC my Bible…


Annie Angel is an anagram of analingus.


Annie Angel?

Is that like Annie Christian? My least favorite Prince song?


The punishment for mocking God is an eternity burning in the lake of fire.

I’ll be in Heaven on my little fluffy cloud, watching on pray-per-view and lauging my cute little ass off.


this is the greatest S,N! post ever.


The punishment for mocking God is an eternity burning in the lake of fire.

I’ll be in Heaven on my little fluffy cloud, watching on pray-per-view and lauging my cute little ass off.

What’s the punishment for self-righteously proclaiming to know the mind of God and sneering at others who are “less pure”? Wasn’t there a parable in the Bible about that somewhere?

And I’d be careful about how you describe your ass on this site; after all, if it’s really as “cute” as you say…

Religious Hypocrisy Smackdown

Hmm. Isn’t Schadenfreude a sin of some sort?

I just love it when self-righteous alleged Christians smugly insist on flaunting Christianity with such un-Christian sentiment. Methinks someone kind of skimmed over that last Testament there.


It’s not a sin to tell the truth, it’s a virtue. My ass is cute. My legs are possible the best in the world, definately on the net.

My soul is saved. There is no punishment for telling those who piss on Christ exactly what is coming to them….there’s reward for it!!



Annie honey, have you been drinking again?

Really, I don’t have to ruin your reputation. Just keep on doin’ what you do…Just remember, I’ve seen you in action elsewhere.


Bullshit. You don’t know me. If you knew me you’d be more than happy to say where you knew me from.

I don’t recognize your name, pagan.


It’s not a sin to tell the truth, it’s a virtue. My ass is cute. My legs are possible the best in the world, definately on the net.

Oh, man! Too bad I’m married – I guess I’ll just have to let the rest of the single men (and lesbians) here tell Annie what they’d like to do to that ass (and those legs!)


Bullshit. You don’t know me. If you knew me you’d be more than happy to say where you knew me from.

I don’t recognize your name, pagan.


Ben, don’t sexually harrass me.


Annie really has the Christian spirit.

wasn’t it in the Gospels of Mark where Jesus gleefully predicted how he would be laughing at all of the suffering of sinners in hell, and then talked about His ass? or was that a letter from Paul to the Ephisians?


Wow, she doesn’t know me, but she knows I’m a pagan. Lucky guess, or deeply in denial, which one could it be? Hmmmmmm…

AA really stepped on it over at the General’s and got her “cute” ass banned, along with her Limp friend, with a nice combination of blog whoring and bible thumpin’.

Keep talking Annie…


I’m getting the distinct feeling Annie is no angel.


Oh, and Annie? I’m not mocking your God, just you.


Annie’s a tourist and a fake … just a guess.


My guess is that everybody here has a cuter butt, too.


what about pooping on Christ? Is that bad also? Because I had a bunch of buffalo wings and I feel a hot one brewing.

Or is it only pooping on his name that would be bad?


Oh you’re one of the JG Christ pissers…funny don’t recall seeing you there. It’s not unusual though, most people see me post and thnk they know me, it’s a wish kind of thing.

With a name like yours, pagan is a good bet, sugar.


They loved me at Jesus General until I refused to join in their mocking of Christ. They never had as much traffic as they did when I was there.


aa – you are one messed up dude!


Word Annie: nobody has the right to act all holier than thou except your pal Jesus. You would do well to remember that.

I would never piss on Christ-he’s a relative of mine (yes, I’m one of THOSE people, a Merovingian on top of being a pagan.)

Oh oh, watch out. I think her head’s gonna ‘splode now!



Why do you assume I care what type of pagan you are? It’s all the same to God…..a sin. I could care less about you, you are the one who came on here all like,

“OMG!! It’s AnnieAngel! She’s like soooo cool and everything!! Check out her blog, I wish I were her!!!”

Get a life, it’s pathetic that you are trying to make yourself noticed by me by attempting to set your religion up to be flamed.



No one is looser than you aa.


I wanna be a pseudo-religious walking, talking, contradiction in messed up messianic messages, baby!!


*psst, let her talk mr. x – she’s just gettin’ warmed up*

She’ll start off by telling us how sexy she is, but then scold anyone who rises to that bait.

Then she’ll go all fire and brimstone and pull out the Old Testament treatment on all of us heathen sinners.

Finally, she’ll pass out in a drunken stupor until she wakes up and starts all over again.

Really, like MJ’, AA is a gift that keeps on giving…


AA: Merovingian. Go ahead, Google it. Hint: it’s not a type of pagan…think “DaVinci Code”.


Iron Fist. He’s a much better representative of the Redstate self-loathing in the closet demographic than Buttmissile.

Marie Jon’ is a little too French to go over with the true wingnut…


Kaye Grogan! Kaye Grogan! Kaye Grogan!

Animal print “unitards” are in style. everybody knows that? don’t they! Beside you guys are “meaner” than a nest full of stuck pigs for “making” fun of kaye? period?



Calm down. You don’t know me. You’re making a fool out of yourself acting like a 12 year old with a crush on a movie star!


Calm down. You don’t know me. You’re making a fool out of yourself acting like a 12 year old with a crush on a movie star!

Terroristic threats against other posters and their children and/or pets are not tolerated on this bog.

We are prepared to notify the New York Law Firm.


Notify your mama her son’s going to Hell. I’m sure it will break her heart, but then again, what do you care???


Whoops, you seem to be the dude in charge, sorry, I’m sure your mama is a very nice lady.

But that doesn’t take away from the fact you are going to Hell. You still need to repent.


Did it work? It’s sure quiet around here all of a sudden.

-The Real, Not Fake Attorneys


Hi! I’m Annie….tell me about your portfolio….


Gavin, beware of false prophets, they come to you in sheep’s (or angel’s?) clothing, but inside (in their butts?) they are ravening wolves.

a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, yet what kind of fruit has this ‘angel’ brought us?

PS I vote for Brad R.


The real annie angel got fucking shot in the fucking face by fucking Atrios three fucking days ago.

This is obviously the anti-annie angel, trying to trick us down the path to Hell. Nice try! Get behind me, Satan!


what the hell is going on? what sort of threads do I have to be in to cross annie angel? I haven’t crossed her path before. She doesn’t want to sinko the pinko. she’d better keek her junko in the trunko!


I don’t get it.

Repent? Christ? Piss?

I’m not sure I get the reference. Is it from a comic book?

Frankly, I also don’t get the joke.

Bentley Stanforth III

This is the funniest post I’ve seen in a long time.

I nominate the Pastor.


It’s not a sin to tell the truth, it’s a virtue. My ass is cute.

Annie… Fannie?!? Oh, sorry, hon–wrong kinda ass. I love how annie implies that celticgirl just sorta wandered in here to attack her. Here’s a hint, Ms. angel–celticgirl has been a regular here for a very long time. The interloper is you! So, you managed to get banned over at Jesus’ General, eh? Impressive. If you can swing getting banned here, I’ll really be impressed.


Because I refused to piss on the name of Christ.

if you’re not up for the job, I am.


Yeah, what Marq said! One of us got a custom SN! Holiday BlueStocking (TM) and one of us is an interloper!

(OK, that *was* juvenile, I admit it)


You have all been reading too much Pharyngula lately, I think, which would explain the Godless behavior I see around here.

Frigging heathens.


Shorts, the non-Bermuda Variety

* Liberal recommendations for the Conservative media… or Benny Panacea. * The bitch lied. Period. * Corruption corrupts and absolute corruption corrupts absolutely. * Protecting your freedomses here so we don’t have to protect them overseas. QOTD THE…



yes, do taunt happy fun ball.


I feel compelled to warn people that interloping outside of marriage is a sin, and could result in being cast into an eternal lake of fire or piss.


“They loved me at Jesus General until I refused to join in their mocking of Christ. They never had as much traffic as they did when I was there.”

Posted by: annie angel | March 27, 2006 10:52 PM

“Christ WHORE!”

(think LEPER WHORE and Sam K.)


I didn’t say pagangirl wandered here to find me…I said she got all excited like a little girl who is getting to meet a movie star. I’m glad she’s a long timer here, well actually I’m feeing pity, but whatever.

You have to admit she’s a great big fan of mine who can’t wait for me to show her attention.

Now Marq, either treat me with respect or ignore me, and while you’re at it, find Jesus.


Oh, I was banned at JG for being Christian.

Marion G. Paquin

Pastor S. However, if he’s deemed to old to appeal to the younger, swingier wingnut set, how about Annie Angel herownself? I just dropped over to her site and WOW. Just a thought, although I still think Pastor’s the way to go.


Annie, I thought you were all about being truthful. You got banned from the General’s for being a jerk. Period.


I was banned from JG for being Christian. See, they thought I was a fake like they are. They loved me. They thought I was the best thing ever.

Then the whole board started flaming me, it’s disgusting, you can read it there still. And not only that,they had a call on JG to troll my website AFTER I had been banned.

Which they actually attempted. The loosers.


I was banned from JG for being Christian. See, they thought I was a fake like they are. They loved me. They thought I was the best thing ever.

Then the whole board started flaming me, it’s disgusting, you can read it there still. And not only that,they had a call on JG to troll my website AFTER I had been banned.

Which they actually attempted. The loosers.


Um, annie, dear, that’s not how “losers” is spelled.


I’m not your “dear” please stop sexually harassing me.


This was an hilarious re-organization of Hindey’s words into poetry.

“A Stroke of Genius: Hyperbolic? Well, Maybe”

by John Hinderaker AKA “Hinderocket”

It must be very strange to be President Bush.
A man of extraordinary vision,
And brilliance approaching to genius,
He can’t get anyone to notice.

He is like a great painter or musician,
Who is ahead of his time,
And who unveils one masterpiece after another,
To a reception that,
When not bored,
Is hostile.

And a poetic reply:

“Hinderocket’s Lament”

by R.S. Janes

It must be very strange
to be a Hindrocket
a square man desperate
to fit into someone’s
round socket.

Ah, the fake Texas twang,
the cowboy hat, the nasty chuckle —
If only “Hindey” could delve
more closely beneath his idol’s
belt buckle.

But mere words must
supplant the physical act,
a warm leakage of odious verbiage,
if one can’t fellate one’s god
in flesh and in fact.


I just talked to Jesus.

He told me that Annie is exactly the kind of self-righteous hypocrite that “makes Me puke My guts out.”

He also said that he’d seen her ass and described it as a “cellulite magnet”.


I’m not your “dear” please stop sexually harassing me.

Oh, believe me, I wouldn’t do that. Not even if we were the last two people on earth. Hon.


Marq, you find it funny to make women uncomfortable?


Hey, annie, you know what to do if the comments to a blog make you uncomfortable? Stop reading them.

Ot at the very least, you might stop trying to make this entire comment thread all about you.


Dammit, I promised myself I was not going to feed this particular troll. Bah.


annie, all this talk about your ass and legs makes me uncomfortable and therefore constitutes sexual harassment. not even the NY Law Firm with its impressive “portfolio” could credibly argue that it is not.


Wow, Dan Someone is so not talking to me that he’s trolling my blog. *eyes rolling*

Glad he’s not focusing on the aspects of this thread that deal soley with me.



Actually Danny Devil, the fact that you are interested in my legs and ass, which all women have, and are talking to me about my body parts in a way that objectifies me IS sexual harrassment.

I trust the New York Law Firm will deal with this forthwith.


I’m not interested in them at all. Rather, as made clear in my comment, I’d prefer you not talk about them as it makes me uncomfortable. Unfortunately, a partner at the New York Law Firm told me that I couldn’t sue just because something makes me uncomfortable, though the term “dear” is so objectionable that he might change his mind if you talked to him. Make sure you ask about his portfolio.


My work here is done.


YAY!! Pagan girl is leaving!!

Danny Devil,

I can talk about my body to the board in general, it’s when you get private with it and talk privately with me about my body parts and start objectifying me that it becomes wrong.

The NY lawyers told me that yur response is typical, but that you are ignorant of the law.

We’re suing you, this site and Bill Clinton.


God girl, get a fucking CLUE – and get over yourself while you’re at it.

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


who’s talking privately? i just asked that you quit making this board into a hostile commenting environment with incessant references to body parts. i eagerly await your complaint. if it is not well-pleaded i will unfortunately have no recourse but to move for Rule 11 sanctions.


Danny Devil,

I’m not spamming this board. Is that your accusation? I am replying to posts written to me.

The hostile environment is being caused by those ,who, like yourself, don’t seem to know how to be polite and have decided to use this opportunity to be sexually harrassing to a pretty girl, me.

All further contact with me should be through my lawyers at Willkie Farr & Gallagher.


Notice: We are hereby authorized to file under Section 11.


Do you deny the factual contentions I have presented here are warranted?


Ahem, *some* of us might feel like we’re being harassed because of our beliefs, like being told we’re going to burn in an eternal lake of fire and stuff while *others* are watching on pray-per-view and laughing their “cute” (a subject term, surely) asses off.

Do you deny the factual contentions I have presented here are warranted?


I don’t care what your beliefs are, you could worship a pink unicorn for all I care.

But you will go to Hell.


‘elp, ‘elp, I’m bein’ repressed!


I’m tired of you being my nemesis on this board, you’re just too witty and original and I can’t handle it.

Let’s just be friends. I’m serious, pagangirl, I can’t fight with you anymore, it’s making me too sad. I’m a very sensitive person, you know.

Hershcel Belitsky

Oh my! Where should I start…

Iron Fist is a close personal friend of mine and I believe it extremely unwise to belittle him.

I have seen this man in ACTION. Mock him at your own risk.

Will I notify Iron Fist of your insults?

I think you know the answer..

Hershcel Belitsky

Oh my! Where should I start…

Iron Fist is a close personal friend of mine and I believe it extremely unwise to belittle him.

I have seen this man in ACTION. Mock him at your own risk.

Will I notify Iron Fist of your insults?

I think you know the answer..





I’m just amazed you left out Mike “hoo-hoo dilly” Adams.


“But you will go to Hell.”

awesome! See you there!


(comments are closed)