Teh Dash Board

Hi all, Lady Doctor Missus Marita here. As requested, this is the Official SadlyNaut Studebaker Arrival Prediction Thread. If you’ve posted a prediction on the birth of Studie in one of the previous threads, please repost it here (and possibly link to your original comment, if you’re so inclined). Even if you haven’t posted a prediction, feel free to add one now. The due date is technically 9/15 (or 9/14 by early ultrasounds). The current Studie container has been having fairly frequent false labor contractions for nine days now. Give it a shot on date, time, weight, and length. Closest guess wins The Dash Pot — a fabulous (or fabulously horrific) prize that has yet to be determined.
Oh, and so you all know little Studie’s proper name will be Dashiell, making him Dash M. Not to be confused with an em dash.
Nice visual.
I’m gonna go out on a limb here, and submit my entry as….
Hey! I’m crazy!!
I am also Zombrist!!!!
I’m gonna say (have not yet made a prediction):
Sept. 13
7:55pm (the time I was born; just feels right)
8 lbs, 1 oz
I’m probably way off.
Within 6 hours of going out for Chinese and driving over railroad crossings.
gotta get away from the troll beating going on west of here, anyway.
Oh, and that URL in my name is wrong. It should be fixed now.
And the Gav-LDMM couple in that photo are QUITE the dashing couple, I must say.
If the kid’s even half as stylish as that car, you’ve done magnificently.
No guess, just all best wishes.
My predicted time has already passed, so I lose.
Best wishes for the labor / delivery / next however long it takes to raise the critter.
I think I’m on record for the 16th at 2:00 a.m.
But if the Doctor Missus is rolling now, I’m probably going to miss it.
Within 6 hours of going out for Chinese and driving over railroad crossings.
Worked for me. Also riding a motorboat on a lake, going over lots of other boaters’ wakes.
Haven’t made a prediction yet. I’ll go with… November 8, 9:33 p.m., 20 lbs., 15 oz., 17 inches long.
I’m not planning on birthing a bowling ball on my last day of maternity leave, Scott, but I think you’ll have no competition for that date.
I think the lawyers from Pepsico might be on their way about that logo though….
Sept. 11
10 p.m.
8 lbs. 6 oz.
“You Lie!” says the congressman. That’s my prediction, and I’m sticking to it.
scott, if you’re gonna stick with that date, you might want to go with more like 40 pounds….
What did I have?
I think it was Sept. 13th, 3:00 pm.
Well that’s what it’s GOING to be if it wasn’t before.
oops, sorry, zombie retracts that last. I blame the rum.
I’ll take the late bet: 9/19. (Sorry, DMM). As for weight and length, I’m guessin’ it’ll be a keeper, and once you’ve hit those minimums who’s counting unless you’re going for a record?
scott, if you’re gonna stick with that date, you might want to go with more like 40 pounds….
…and possibly even facial hair.
I predict it will arrive when you least expect it and at the worst possible moment. Get used to it, because that is a preview of the next 18 years. 😎
Good luck and congratulations! Love the name as a big Hammett fan.
Sept 11th
Oh, and it will be in the last place that you look for it.
Hooray for guessing games!
9/15. 1:44 PM.
7lbs, 3 oz.
And, of course, congrats!
…and possibly even facial hair.
Shit, I myself was two weeks late. I believe they pulled me out by force, in order to qualify for tax credits.
If I had my way, I would have stayed.
damn tags. I blame the trool from the previous thread. Or string theory.
I have no prediction, because I’m always wrong on shit like that. I just had to say, Damn! I was only 11 when the Avanti came out, but I wanted one then and I still do. (Not one of those Chevy-engined imitations.)
You people have good taste. Add my +1 to the props on “Dashiell” too.
15 Sept. 3:14 a.m.
Big as a house and about _this_ long.
I love being the gay uncle!
September 17
12:12 a.m.
7 pounds, 9 ounces
20.5 inches
sleek, harbor-seal-like hair
IQ 146
will pee like the Trevi fountain mere seconds after arriving; at least one nurse will applaud
Umm, just in case I win something, you all know the correct nym, yes?
Fourscore and many Troofienyms ago…
Studie: 9/15 11:03 am, 7 lb 9 oz, 21?
oh-two-thirty hours
8 goddamn English pounds
21 of them inch thingies
My mother didn’t give birth. She had something removed!
That said, I choose 2am next Sunday. ‘Cos, you know kids, they’re always fookin’ late. Better get used to it now.
*tip o’ the mug to your imminent joy*
Hrm… are we just predicting birth or going into labor time here?
11:34 PM
Seven pounds, six ounces.
9/16. 7:30 PM.
8lbs, 3 oz.
Roland, don’t you think you should be putting out the call for lawyers, guns and money?
if the thunder don’t get ya, the afterbirth will.
I hope you are paying for all of this in the free market way, not making all of us who actually do all the work pay for it in the socialest way.
I went home with a waitress, like I always do… how was I to know, she was with the Russians, too?
Frankly, you’re just lucky I’m not an excitable boy…
I stand by it. Except for the part about the year. And the degree. He’ll still have the beard, though. More of a Van Dyke, really.
Studie Pool: September 14th, 9:09 AM.
Jaybus, I had to find that again.
“Dash.” Very nice.
Nice to see the trools stop by to drop some talking points. Stay classy.
All’s I’s gots to say is this: stock up on Vitamin E cream, ‘coz sumthin’ the size of a Studebaker (even a small, stylish one) is gonna leave hella stretch marks…
Congrats again, y’all…
Oh, and it will be in the last place that you look for it.
“The Purloined Baby”.
Decide on the astrological chart you want and induce birth accordingly.
Also, does that car contain a couple of decomposing aliens in the boot?
Hmmm. Let’s say around 11:30 PM the 14th, and he’ll weigh less than 40 lbs.
Frankly, you’re just lucky I’m not an excitable boy…
Living in splendid isolation, eh?
Also, does that car contain a couple of decomposing aliens in the boot?
Oh, you don’t want to look back there…
No, that was a ’64 Chevy Chevelle, not a ’63 Studebaker Avanti.
Living in splendid isolation, eh?
A dude with no head who carries a submachine gun everywhere? I mean, geez, I might as well be a racist cracker wingnut outside an Obama event for all the action I don’t get.
I was sitting in the Hollywood Hawaiian Hotel, staring into my empty coffee cup…
Will you name the next one Avanti?
Voting for 19 Sept., only because it is my natal anniv. as well, & Twiggy, Adam West & I can share it.
OT, but vital: Is Blogspot/Bugger™ down/slow?
Oh I do hope you’re serious about calling him Dashiell.
I wondered what “studie” stood for.
I’m lousy at predicting delivery dates, but I will predict he’ll never be a Republican or a wingnut, not with those genes.
I don’t remember what I said earlier–or, rather, “I don’t recall.”
Thus: 9/16, 2:43 a.m. 7lbs 14 oz. 20 inches.
Mark it, libs.
Original Post (September 7, 2009 at 21:25):
Studie arrival prediction:
Sunday, September 13, 2:35 am EST
weight: 8lbs 11oz
length: of labor?
I’d say you start Saturday, September 12th, around 9:15 pm EST
Oh, so he’s a studie + MegaSquirt, then.
Not to mention Google & Gmail. It’s the apocalypse.
9/12, 3 a.m.
6 lbs. 12 oz.
I’m terrible at baby pools, so no prediction, but I’m sticking with StudLy as the better nickname, as in “Studly, No!” when he misbehaves. Trust me, you’ll use this.
Well, it’s hard to tell much about Gavin from his very brief profile. I can’t tell, for example, if he’s average weight and height, big, small, what have you. And of course I’d never ask a lady such questions. So I have to guess.
Sept. 15th
7 lbs., 6 oz.
05:47 AM
7 pounds 14 oz
and 19.5 inches
is this the first of the litter?
Here’s my original prediction, copied over from “Douthanasia” (sp?):
Andy said,
September 7, 2009 at 23:07
I predict little Studie (sp?) will be born 10:50 PM EDT Friday, September 11. (Yes, 9-11, although just barely.) Don’t know enough about the length or weight of an average baby to venture a guess on either.
Bookmark this!
(That prediction now looks like it’s going to be a bit early, but I’m sticking to it.)
And looking back through the thread, I see arguingwithsignposts has almost my exact same prediction, and that he (or she) is also sticking to it. Again, though, I think both predictions are probably now out of the running, so no matter.
9/16 8:32 am
I have no idea about ht. or w.t so I’ll punt with a cheer to good health.
Whelp, classy as ever, I said this (*ahem!* to Nutella):
However, given the nature of first childbirth, you’d have to be in labor right about…now.
Best to you, Gavin and Studie, er, Dashiell (awesome).
Of course, Dashiell Avanti M. would make good initials….
9/17, 8:12, keeping with the automotive theme.
Hey, I don’t know any toaster model numbers.
Delurking here at last to wish the His Studiness an easy and swift arrival. No guesses, just good wishes from the liiiiberal upperLEFTcorner of the U.S.
And you can tell by the hood bulge that’s a supercharged Avanti in the pic. The inplications of that for childbirth are beyond my medical expertise, however.
Aw fuck it. It don’t matter time, weight yada yada.
All that matters is we know there’s a new human who’s got some damn fine parentage.
Best to you guys, you make us all vicariously happy.
k, i’m a fan of both Raymond Loewy’s designs & Dashiell Hammett’s hardboilers, so i’m thinkin’ he’ll have some kinda’ streamlined Humphrey Bogart private-gumshoe look, no facial hair, head hair slicked straight back w/ BrylCream, w/ mebbe a hint of a cleft to his chin. Also, given his dad, he’ll arrive w/ several footnotes attached, so make sure you read the fine-print carefully.
i’ll go w/ 9/13 @ 10:47 AM. Since i’ve no personal experience w/ these little critters, i won’t venture into guessing weight & length, let’s just say that initially he will appear ‘average’, but will advance into the ‘exceptional’ category rather quickly.
initially he will appear ‘average’
They all start off looking like little reptiloid aliens and you wonder if the maternity crew have pulled some sort of substitution. No need to worry unless the reptilian physiognomy persists for more than a year.
9/16, 5:00am. The youngster will will get an early start on giving you sleepless nights.
6 lbs. 10 oz. 18″ uncut.
New Year’s Eve, at midnight, on worldwide television.
310 lbs.
Signed immediately thereafter as second-row forward for Wasps.
li’l reptiloid aliens? w/ fnorked tongues ‘n scaly skins?
awwww – so cute
[no racial/visual prejudices vis-a-vis the soon-to-be-revealed StudieNo assumed or implied.]
[regardless of what it sez in the fnoot-notes.]
li’l reptiloid aliens? w/ fnorked tongues ‘n scaly skins?
Loose scaly skins. Like geckos.
And nictilating eyelids.I’VE SEEN THE FNORKS
New Year’s Eve, at midnight, on worldwide television.
i’m a fan of both Raymond Loewy’s designs
Damn thing looks more like an electric shaver than a car. Why aren’t the fins at the back as Nature intended?
I’ll guess 16th of September, early morning (say, 4:30).
As for height and weight, I don’t know enough of the parents to make a good guess, but my mental image/gut feeling would be “just a bit above average”, whatever that is in your area.
13 Sept, 420GMT, 3.32kg, 52cm.
I made my prediction here.
9/17 2PM. 8 lbs. 11 oz, 21?.
All this baby talk is making me want to reproduce again whether Nina Paley likes it or not.
9/12, 5:11PM (better get to it!)
Best of luck to Gavin and the Lady Doctor Missus
They all start off looking like little reptiloid aliens
With pointy little coneheads (a feature, a very helpful feature, not a bug). And purplish. Which explains why wingnuts are infantile. They got stuck thet way.
September the eleventh, 9:00pm, in the conservatory, with the candlestick.
9/21, 2.15pm, 7 pounds 14 ounces, and 19 inches tall/long.
Also, I expect to see a VAULT COPY BIRTH CERTIFICATE. Bookmark this…
All new babies look like Winston Churchill. Don’t be alarmed.
But in the morning, madam, I shall be GROWN UP.
Madam, if I were your husband, I should drink it. Then cry and throw up.
Wish I could send you a picture of my Silver Hawk. Of course after he gets here, to you guys he will be known as the Commander. Now Gavin took all og his Lamaze classes, right? So hewill be ready on September 15, at Noon.
9/12, 9:45 pm EST.
Oops. That was me with the 9/12, 9:45 pm.
Doesn’t matter what you name him, he will change it to Ocho Quatro.
9/16 4:00 am
and human.
Weight: yes
Length: yes
And I have never seen the attraction of the Avanti, both ends look like the rear to me.
how about 9/13 @ 9:13?
Will Studly be a “shorter” Gavin and LDMM?
If only I were as funny as I think I am…
9/15, 9:56 a.m. (Central U.S. time) — a good punctual Virgo, slightly louche with late morning arrival. Will sneeze twice, firmly, upon first breaths.
Congrats, old bean!
9/14, 5:42 PM (EDT)
Name him/her Chrissie Hind. PETA will be proud.
I’m going to be all mathy-science and go with the average.
Weight: 7 lbs 6 oz
Length: 19.75″
Time/date: damn, this is tough, because I don’t know whether to pick midnight on 9/14 (i.e., the middle of 9/14 and 9/15) or noon on 9/15. I also don’t know if the predicted due date has been adjusted for the fact that first babies are typically a bit late. I’m going to assume that it has been, and I’m going to discount (but not entirely reject) the original 9/14 estimate. By making these adjustments to the mathematical model (“taking a wild-ass guess, for short) I’m going to predict 9/15 at noon.
11:30 a.m. on 9/18. Will demand an agent and a pomegranate martini. Has things to do, people!
And I have never seen the attraction of the Avanti, both ends look like the rear to me.
Veiled BUTTOCKS reference.
Congratulations! You’re almost there.
7 lbs 2 oz
20 inches
By making these adjustments to the mathematical model (”taking a wild-ass guess, for short) I’m going to predict 9/15 at noon.
Did you account for tides and more important, windspeed?
Did you account for tides and more important, windspeed?
Moon’s waxing gibbous, but Neptune’s in Aquarius and Uranus is in Pisces, so it’s a wash.
Washing and waxing, huh? Are we talking about a car or a baby here?
And who’s Gibbous?
Hmmm … having never seen Lady Doctor Missus Marita makes this difficult, but here goes:
Sept. 15th
2 a.m.
7 lbs, 15 oz
19.33 inches
And he’ll have a …
(wait for it)
Haven’t you heard?
PENS is the new PENIS!
Okay, so I apparently need to read comments more often …
My fault.
9/12, 5:52PM, 7lb 5oz, 19.5 inches
Sept. 19 @ 6PM.
6 pounds, 14 ounces & … oh smeg … uhh … 16 inches (can you tell I’m pulling these out of thin air?).
Hope if I somehow miraculously win* something for a change, the prize isn’t something either fragile or bulky that it puts you to a load of hassle to send, & that other Sadlys won’t resent me. (/canadian)
* The one real sporting trophy I ever won in my life was an annual fishing-derby prize for catching the biggest pickerel in Saskatchewan … let’s just say I was in no serious danger of getting pulled into the murky depths, & I was about 6 at the time. Unless he’s on the Kate Moss Fetal Diet, Studie will easily top the scales at double what that mighty lake-beast weighed.
And who’s Gibbous?
Isn’t he in ZZTop?
The one real sporting trophy I ever won in my life was an annual fishing-derby prize for catching the biggest pickerel in Saskatchewan
How did they know?
Prolly cuz it was the ONLY pickerel in Saskatchewan…
No predictions as to date and time, however I do think the delivery crew needs to be prepared : Studie is going to come out in full gear and swinging a gaolie stick.
I like this thread. Babies are cool. That is all.
Was the kid designed by Raymond Loewy? Bound to be a classic.
I keep coming back to this thread to see what best wishes the Lunch Lady will bring. I’m worried that she’ll turn up late and angry that she wasn’t invited, and curse Studebaker with Brussels Sprouts.
Doesn’t matter how hungry you are; you have to wait ’till lunchtime, kid.
Aw, come ON Lunch Lady (alt)! Can’t we have some stewed Studie already????
18th. 3.54 PM. 23 in. 8 lb 8 oz. You go grrl and deliver a big healthy boy 🙂
Hey, don’t laugh. That’s still not huge … the youngest of my two daughters was like 22 in. 9 lb 8 oz when she was born – and she was dwarfed by her big sister. She was 23 in. 10 lb 13 oz – never got to wear any of the normalish sized stuff people had bought as gifts in advance 🙂
He will come out when it’s safe from the fucking pelicans.
Good luck!
9/18 2:45 AM
He can share my #1 son’s birthday.
TOB-3:15 AM
LOA-5.55555556e+18 Angstroms
Displacement-0.585714 Stone
Makes first Sadly,No! post 8/22/12 on the Republican Convention nomination of the Palin/Bachmann ticket. (Precosious Lad!) Hilarity ensues.
September 16th, 10:17 AM.
I predict he’ll be born with tats- His right knuckles will read “BOOK”, his left knuckles will read “MARK”, and his forehead will read “THIS!”. At the age of seventeen, he will make history by venturing into the wild and subduing the last living Republican with a jab-cross combo followed up with a Glasgow Kiss. He will then bring the last living Republican on earth to the San Francisco Zoo to be put on display, where it will die without issue, there being no female of the species in existence.
Good luck with the delivery, and excellent choice of name!
So what’s with this stupid baker you’re all carrying on about?
It’s not “srupid baker,” it’s Stew the Baker.
September 18
1:07 PM
7lb 10oz
That is really just a pussy on wheels, isn’t it?
Hmmm. A prenatal tatoo artist with dyslexia. Those are rare animals.
Hmmm. A prenatal tatoo artist with dyslexia. Those are rare animals.
Not dyslexia- picture it from the perspective of the guy on the receiving end.
On the knuckle-tattoo issue, I opted for “RIGHT” and “LEFT”.
That’s one less thing I need to remember.
OK, Dash. But really? If Dashiell gets shortened to Dash shouldn’t STUDebaker get shortened to Stud?
I made a bold, courageous prediction previously and I stand by it*:
So in english that’s let’s see 2.9 okka * 2.821 916 956= 8.183 559 172 3 pounds and Saturday at 01.30 UMT, subtract 5 for Boston time DEAR GOD WOMAN HE”S CROWNING NOW!!!!!
*valid for certain values of “stand”; may involve mandated triggers. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
LOA-5.55555556e+18 Angstroms
That’s about the circumference of the Earth’s orbit, I think.
Does anyone still use Ångström units? These days all the cool kids seem to measure wavelengths in nanometres.
I win! I had the baby already! I predict the infant will enter the world and exit the minge at exactly 2200 hours tomorrow.
whoa. wait! what? There’s some other horse running around….
nevermind. Wrong hippo.
I was wedded to the idea that Dash would arrive on Labor Day, lustily singing the Internationale. Since my date has passed, I won’t pick another. (I like the idea of 9/9/09 as well, but that day came and went too).
I was interrupted in writing this comment by one of those cat-related disasters that prove that feline grace is highly overrated. The cats, in the midst of one of their heated battles, leapt on to the counter. We’d just returned from the store not long before, and an open paper bag was sitting on the counter. Apparently, our 15 pound ginger female decided that the best way to get away from the svelt bombay – a much faster pussycat – was to jump into the bag and hide. Bag containing cat hits the floor with resounding thud! Water dish, filled by Candy just minuts before, goes flying! Hilarity ensues, for anyone not Candy, who gets to clean up this mess.
The mortified cats are now retired to their respective corners. I’m going to bed.
Well since Studie’s tainted with that librul gene, it sure as heck aint gonna be September 15th. I’m guessing September 16.
6:66 AM
6 lbs 6.6 oz.
6+6+6 = 18 inches.
And Pastor Swank feels a disturbance in the Force.
Does anyone still use Ångström units? These days all the cool kids seem to measure wavelengths in nanometres.
Bohr radii – conversion is tougher than just diddling an exponent. Unless you’re fixated on powers of ten and don’t mind big numbers – then root Barns.
re: hippocampus.
wrong thread. must not post when brain dead.
Haven’t heard otherwise, so I assume the blessed event is still to take place–that means it’s now almost 3 hours past my prediction. Congratulations to whoever finally wins this thing.
Re: Angstrom units–I remember learning that the wavelength of visible light was between 4000-8000 Angstroms, back when I was young (a long time ago), but I’m pretty sure nanometers are the preferred unit now. Unless you’re talking about microwaves or infrared waves, which are now measured in micrometers (or “microns” in my day).
What are the late fees if Dash is overdue?
After much calculation, my prediction:
September 17th
17:25 EDT
7 lb. 2 oz.
19 inches
Tiebreaker (total score in championship game): 17
And so, I feel confident that . . . wait, what?
Let me just say congratulations to the new parents, and best wishes to Mr. Dashiell!