Ooo Eee, Ooo Ah Ah, Ting Tang, Walla Walla Bing Bang
Posted on August 28th, 2009 by Tintin
Shorter Fred “But I’m Really White, Goddamit” Schwarz, America’s Shittiest Website™
Why Obamacare Is Going Down
- Yes, National Review may have been racist in the sixties, but the magazine, in retrospect, was absolutely right. Even though the liberals said back then that passing civil rights laws wouldn’t mean a Negro takeover of the country, that’s exactly what happened, just as we predicted. It will be the same thing with Obamacare. Even though the liberals are now saying there won’t be paid abortions, death panels, and free beaner health care, there will be. You’ll see.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Even though the liberals are now saying there won’t be paid abortions, death panels, and free beaner health care, there will be.
And evidently Obama himself will be coming around to your exam room to stick his hand up your ass, evidently. And probably anally rape you with his circumcised Negro 12 inches, before they cut off your foreskin! ‘Cause all Democrats are perverts!
Wheeee! Conservative homophobia AND hatred of Obama! Stay classy, guys!
Why Obamacare Is Going Down
For a bunch of
closetedhomophobes, that is one telling headline…Find a death panel in every car. You’ll see.
Find a death panel in every car. You’ll see.
If I’m not mistaken, Wodgin’s Law of the Intertubes says that whoever makes the the first Repo Man reference wins the thread.
Fred’s like the proverbial blind squirrel, and he’s actually got the nut in his mouth (not a tea bagging reference, honestly) and drops it.
Hey Fred, think about what you wrote there, and then try and figure out why the DoD budget didn’t shrink after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Anyways, back to your topic – about how blacks never get discriminated against, about how there is no threat to minorities exercising their right to vote. What’s the phrase I’m looking for? Oh yeah. Fuck you Fred Schwarz.
Wow … I actually clicked the link. I thought shorters were not merely to summarize but to exaggerate a bit in order to make a point. But no exaggeration here!
Meanwhile, perhaps the reason why the justice department is still acting like it’s 1965 with respect to the Voting Rights Act is because (at least as of 2004), there will still parts of the country playing dirty tricks to keep certain people from voting?
OTOH, if GOoPers can play the “Democrats were racist” card, perhaps we can play the “affirmative action” was started in part by the GOP card?
I thought shorters were not merely to summarize but to exaggerate a bit in order to make a point. But no exaggeration here!
There is never any exaggeration, stay on the fucking boat, man.
Did you ever see that Lewis Black bit where he talks about candy corn? Where you know from past experience that candy corn tastes like shit… and yet every Haloween, you see the candy corn and you think that it can’t be as bad as all that, so you eat the candy corn and OMG IT TASTES LIKE SHIT?
Such is my experience every time I click on a link to go to a shorter original.
I thought shorters were not merely to summarize but to exaggerate a bit in order to make a point. But no exaggeration here!
Every time. Don’t go there.
Yanno, I just spent all of yesterday working on an article on corporate antitrust violations, and I can pretty much say that at least in terms of corporate behaviour, “As the abuses that a law was designed to fight are eliminated, the enforcement apparatus does not shrink to match; instead it expands and finds new abuses — and when those run out, it starts inventing them” is exactly frickin’ backwards. It’s more like “As the abuses that a law was designed to fight are eliminated, the lawbreakers’ crimes do not shrink to match; intead they expand and find new abuses — and then when those run out, they start inventing them,” which is probably why we need goddamn expanding enforcement.
Cheezuz, whatta maroon…
OTOH, if GOoPers can play the “Democrats were racist” card, perhaps we can play the “affirmative action” was started in part by the GOP card?
At my blog, I have a quote I pulled from the live Presidential debate on West Wing where Matt Santos (played by Jimmy Smits) talks about the great things liberals…both Republicans and Democrats…have done for this nation.
I’d say a month doesn’t go buy that I don’t get a rebuke from a conservative telling me “Republicans passed the Voting Rights Act,” to which I respond: “Thank you for admitting that not all Democrats are liberals nor all liberals Democrats”.
They would gladly pick up that mantle, is my point
Even shorter: “If I think the worst is possible, then it’s already true.”
Looks like someone took Derrida to heart.
Unfortunately, this time Bernard Goetz found me first.
Yes, National Review may have been racist in the sixties, but the magazine, in retrospect, was absolutely right.
That, in 18 words, is exactly why that elder-statesman shit that was trotted out after Buckley’s death made me want to puke.
It’s hard to read the small text at the top of that National Review picture…Does that really say “Why Texas Succeeds”? That alone should make any sane human being take anything it contains with a huge grain of salt.’
Speaking as a liberal, I’m in favor of paid abortions and beaner health care. I’m only in favor of death panels if they force people to enter a pit and fight one another with chainsaws and rocket launchers.
Does that really say “Why Texas Succeeds”?
The nimrods can’t even spell ‘secede’.
I’m only in favor of death panels if they force people to enter a pit and fight one another with chainsaws and rocket launchers.
Why, that’s barbaric!
Especially since there’s a much more reasonable & humane alternative healthcare component already in the works.
I’m only in favor of death panels if they force people to enter a pit and fight one another with chainsaws and rocket launchers.
Waste good ammo? Let them kill each other barehanded. Winner gets healthcare. Loser gets a death panel.