Cold Dead Hangers

So, a long long time ago, some things happened.

Above:  dire threat to American democracy

Above: dire threat to American democracy

And then, not so long ago, and in fact so recently that it might have been sooner than yesterday, another thing, not entirely different from the first thing but really not all that similar either, also happened.

Above:  safeguard of freedom

Safeguard of freedom

It is not for us to engage in the kind of — let us be frank here — metaphysical abstraction that could make a distinction, if not a difference, between these various events. However, the time may come when you, the informed netizen, are called upon to make a decision as a member of a jury of your peers as to whether we are going to allow our children to be exposed to harmful agents, or properly equip them with the guns they need to stay far from harm. Theretofore this checkular list.

Number of U.S. Presidents killed by firearms: 4
Number of U.S. Presidents killed by t-shirts: 0 (so far!)

Number of attempts on the life of U.S. Presidents by firearms: 8
Number of attempts on the life of U.S. Presidents by t-shirts: 0 (although many t-shirts have tried to hurt the president’s feelings, which is almost like killing him!)

Number of non-U.S. presidents killed by firearms: tens of millions
Number of non-U.S. presidents killed by t-shirts: 1 (Maude Flanders)/0 (non-fictional)

Likelihood of right-wing talk show host whipping up gun owner into act of violence: slightly more likely than in past years, based on recent events
Likelihood of right-wing talk show host whipping up t-shirt owner into act of violence: slightly less likely, although Venn diagrams show some spillover between gun-owner demographic and t-shirt-wearer demographic

Probable location, one week later, of theoretical liberal protester who showed up at a Bush rally toting an assault rifle and a handgun: Camp X-Ray, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Probable location, one week later, of actual person referred to in this article: on front page of National Review Online, referenced with word “hero” or “patriot”


Comments: 321


WELL! WELL! You could RUSH UP to the President, RIP the shirt off and stuff it down his throat, thus choking him to death! Y’EVERY THINK ABOUT THAT, HUH, MOONBATS!!?!!!111

An’ after all, the Second Amendment hurr hurr hurr burp blurp *rustling of papers* ahem ahem

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

You’re forgetting that bullets are speech, hence protected by both the first and second amendments, and writing on a T-shirt is not speech, therefore not protected.

Because shut up.


The guy carrying the guns was black, so therefore, and such as. Also.


Because nobody could have predicted that calling the president a Nazi, and stating that he’s a direct threat to the country, and a traitor, and a socialist who wants to take your guns and kill your grandma could POSSIBLY drive someone to want to kill the president.

So, none of the right-wing radio nuts have any responsibility at all, see?


As we’ve seen from the political extremism on both sides, there’s an equivalency between the two sides, which is, on the one hand, equal, and on the other hand, equivalent. Clearly, bipartisanship is the answer.


Clearly, bipartisanship is the answer.

So what about all the people who were wandering around where Bush was while armed?

Oh, right we were at war then so there was nobody who hated the Preznit and 9/11 changed everything and Bush wasn’t a radical Communist Black Pantheroid (didn’t they have those in “Thundercats”?) and didn’t hate America and want to kill Granny.

And also.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Excuse me, but Second Amendment. QED.

As for your ridiculous argument, show me where in the Constitution it guarantees the right to free speech?


Holy fuck on an onion roll, I thought that this was the fuckstick from New Hampshire.

Evidently not:

Late update: CNN now reports that there were two men carrying assault rifles, reportedly AR-15s, outside President Obama’s event in Phoenix.

A man is carrying an assault rifle and a pistol outside the VFW Convention in Phoenix where President Obama will speak later today, a local newspaper reports. (Click through for a photo.)

Local police say it’s legal under Arizona law, but two officers are keeping close by him.

“If we need to intervene, we will intervene at that time,” said Detective J. Oliver.

The man, who gave his name only as “Chris”, was asked why he was armed. “Because I can do it,” he said. “In Arizona, I still have some freedoms.”

but but but I thought Mr. NH Gun Nut had to leave Arizona to keep his gun freedoms! ‘Cause they’re getting all Communistical and stuff, he said!

Not that I advocate Tasering even clueless wingnuts, but Mr. “Chris” should have gotten a Taser in the backside, and the officer wielding it should have defended himself with “Because I can do it”.


Well, thank goodness our brave Democrats are going to cave on health reform and teach these nuts the lesson they so need to learn: that by carrying guns, they can intimidate the majority into giving them their way.

I’m sure that this will end well.


Ubu, I advocate the tasering of wingnuts. I advocate the tasering of clueless wingnuts most of all.

The question should be asked, however: Is there truely any other kind of wingnut?

Additionally, one could theoretically snap a t-shirt at the president in the same way one snaps a towel in a high-school locker room. Given world enough and time, that could, I imagine, eventually become fatal.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Okay, look at it this way:

What if some stealthy super-assassin managed to sneak a sniper rifle into the town hall meeting disguised as a crutch (all Day of the Jackal style) and started taking aim at Obama…

Well if it weren’t for the diligent super-patriot exercising his CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS and of course the ultra-incisive awareness exercised by conservative patriots everywhere (heck, you libtards wouldn’t even think that there was anything wrong with a crutch equipped with a telescopic sight) – if it weren’t for heavily armed protestors, that Presidential death toll to firearms would be one higher.

But a T-Shirt? Like that’s going to deter the Jackal. He’s a super-assassin!


I wonder if the rightwads have their don’t-blame-us press releases prepared and ready to go, the way news organizations have obits on file for still-living celebs?


You don’t understand. T-shirts often say things that are naughty, thereby tending to hurt the delicate feelings of patriots and tea-baggers. Accordingly, such t-shirts violate the free speech of patriots and tea-baggers.

Lurking Canadian

Perhaps this would be a good time to mention that Canada is always welcoming well-educated, English- (or French-) speaking immigrants, and we almost never allow terrorists to dictate our domestic policy.

…and we already have universal health care.

…oh, and well-regulated financial institutions.


The bipartisan answer would be no protesters at all. Especially over a divisive issue, like health care reform. Why just look:

Republican president, Republican congress:
Conservatives want to reduce spending, Liberals want to provide affordable health care:
Answer: Medicare Part D. Blank check for pharmaceutical companies, strict limits on benefits.

Democratic president, Democratic congress:
Liberals want to provide affordable health care, Conservatives want to limit bureaucratic control over private decisions.
Answer: Mandate that everyone buy insurance from private companies, who are in turn required to accept 47 million new customers at whatever cost they think is fair.

Bipartisan compromise has an answer for everything!


Silly Mr. Pierce, a blank T-shirt is like a .50 caliber handgun without a round in the chamber.


why is it that NONE of the liberal media is covering the GROWING THREAT by illegal undocumented space alien T-shirts that are taking away the high paying job from Real AMERICAN T-Shirts!

Clearly as long as Space Alien T-shirts are allowed to spread Obamanite Terroristicalisms, all true americans MUST carry massive firearms capable of stopping space alien mother ships from taking granny away because some evil liberal death panel traded her as a taste morsel to some strange space cult!

Are you doing your Part?


There is no right to t-shirts in the Bill of Rights *indicates Declaration of Independence*.
If you would just read the bill you would see where death camps were for reperations and it says words about things–or so I am told by a FRIEND who swears that he’s read it. If you take the first letters of several of the paragraphs you can see it clearly spells ACORN! No government interference unless it’s to stop abortions or them gays from marryin! You just keep them pubic health! BTW, could anyone kick in for my hospital bills? I seem to be uninsured and not have a job…

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Also note:

American heroes who carry guns: ALL OF THEM. Except maybe Snake-Eyes, but he’s a fucking ninja. Only if you are a ninja, are you allowed to shirk your Second Amendment Responsibilities.

American heroes who wear T-shirts: NONE. Except maybe the brave young women who face the hostile fire of all those squirt guns. America proudly salutes those women.


A man is carrying an assault rifle and a pistol outside the VFW Convention in Phoenix where President Obama will speak later today, a local newspaper reports. (Click through for a photo.)

Local police say it’s legal under Arizona law, but two officers are keeping close by him.

“If we need to intervene, we will intervene at that time,” said Detective J. Oliver.

Until he commits a crime, like shooting the president, their hands are tied.

Smiling Mortician

McMonkey, you were doing great right up until this:

No government interference unless it’s to stop abortions or them gays from marryin!

This is not “interference.” It is totally hands-off strictconstructionistconstitutionalizing.

In other news, I wish there were anything even remotely funny about the topic of this post, but there isn’t.


1) Allow gun permit owners to go to events

2) Seat them all in one place, in an open area far from the President

3) Have a team of Secret Service sharpshooters in full view, clearly aiming at them

4) Watch how many conservatives pee on their pants


Comforting to know whose side all those Republicans in the SS are really on, isn’t it?


Political Animal Steve Benen (“recent events” link) is usually pretty good, but he follows the straight Media Village line in that one:

There are key differences between violent right-wing radicals and mainstream Americans who happen to be conservative. Indeed, I’m not suggesting that conservative activists are necessarily dangerous, violent people.

OK, wimp, I’ll not suggest it, I’ll state it clearly. They are all potentially dangerous as fuck. Ignorant, stupid, low-information types who live in a fantasyland of paranoia & fear of a “Kenyan usurper/foreign-born traitor” can easily be whipped into frothing madness by their media masters.

When the vast majority of their claims & fears (Death Panels, etc.) are bogus to begin w/, yet believed w/ a white-hot passion, the battle to turn them all into armed, dangerous loonies is at least half-won.

If you’ve convinced the sheep that X & Y are actual threats, and the gov’t. is unable to disprove these conspiracies (because they never existed) the paranoia is only reinforced, & the likelihood of armed you know what only increases.

Don’t think for a minute that each & every “conservative activist” is not a potential bomb about to explode.


Indeed, I’m not suggesting that conservative activists are necessarily dangerous, violent people.

Oh, lordy, no! *cough cough OKC cough Eric Rudolph cough cough anthrax cough*


Don’t think for a minute that each & every “conservative activist” is not a potential bomb about to explode.

Now, this is just unfair. You have totally ignored the very large number of them who are pants wetting cowards who never leave their mothers’ basements. Of course, they can inspire the others to violence, but they would never have the guts to do it themselves.


You know, I realize I’m just being a crazy fucking moonbat liberal socialist, but what – three guys showing up armed at Town Halls, and two people (unless I’m mistaken) detained for questioning by the Secret Service for making threats against the President, in just two weeks…

seems like we’ve made a serious jump in wingnut hatred in just a tiny short lil’ period of time. And we have another 182 weeks of this to go. At least.



Lurking, you are correct, sir.

If I may quote myself (you can’t stop me, don’t know why I even pretend) in reference to the Right Online conference which took place in Pittsburgh over the wknd. (Same time & place as Nutroots Nation. What a coincidence.)

Having seen no reports of violence or angry confrontations in the City of Three Rivers, we can only assume that the right, dogs that they are, have quite a bark in cyberspace, but no meatspace bite. We’d pay good money for a Pay-Per-View presentation of mostly under-50 progs vs. the usual fat, balding & graying 50+ collection of basement-dwelling wing-nut welfare recipients. It would take a hell of a lot of rain to clean the streets of the blood of the wretched.

There’s a reason they’re scared & hiding in that comfy basement.


P. U.: Seen the stats on threats to the Prez? Waaaaay up since Hussein you know who was inaugurated.


So why did they wait until a Democrat was in office to let Squeaky Fromme out? Huh? Huh? Explain that one!


Ya’ll obviously haven’t read up on your gun lore.



But but I thought some random scientist with no apparent motive drove to New Jersey in five minutes with his magic flying car to mail the anthrax, and conveniently killed himself after being endlessly harassed by the FBI. Case closed. Also, al-Qaeda. Also.


Okay okay wait wait wait wait. WAIT. Since WHEN is it “perfectly legal” for Joe Shmoe to hoist an ASSAULT RIFLE onto his shoulder and just casually saunter among the crowd at an event where the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES is speaking? SINCE FUCKING WHEN???

Holy fucking cow, I mean I realize it’s Arizona, but I live in the fucking BIBLE BELT and I’ve never seen such shit. I mean, SHIT!!

Goddammit I’m starting to hate this fucking country again. We’re lost. Just fucking lost. It’s done, over.

Legally carrying assault rifles around an event where the president is speaking.

Fucking lost.


I wonder if the rightwads have their don’t-blame-us press releases prepared and ready to go, the way news organizations have obits on file for still-living celebs?

Most assuredly. And the Freepers have already prepared their “That guy was probably a leftist plant shooting at the President to make conservatives look bad” comment threads.

Northern Observer

Liberals need to go heavy. Deputize themselves as “citizen militia presidential bodyguards” and come to the freak show.
Then we can have a Matawan like finale and toast some of these pinkerton repukelican ratfuckers. Yeeeehawwwww.


And the Freepers have already prepared their “That guy was probably a leftist plant shooting at the President to make conservatives look bad” comment threads.

He was actually a brainwashed CIA Artichoke plant (get it?) put there to justify gun control and the imprisonment of white conservative Christians.

Just like McVeigh, just like Rudolph, just like the guy who fired shots at the White House back in, what, ’96 was it?, just like the guy who crashed a light plane into the White House not long after….

Since WHEN is it “perfectly legal” for Joe Shmoe to hoist an ASSAULT RIFLE onto his shoulder and just casually saunter among the crowd at an event where the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES is speaking? SINCE FUCKING WHEN???

Since the American people betrayed themselves by electing Obama X Blackenstein Praise Allah ULLLALALALALLALALA to President. And since we’re no longer at war. Also.


It is kinda starting to look like the Secret Service doesn’t give the same protection to Democratic presidents as it gives to Republicans, doesn’t it?


I, for one, am pleased to have reached the Age of Feeling, wherein you can keep all your elite “reasoning” and “logic” and “thinking.” Why all one has to do is feel that something is wrong or right and magically it is so! Imagine what a relief that is to those who couldn’t be bothered to pay attention or get an education! Just say you feel it and you are now as brilliant as the guy who actually researches and supports on opinion! It works for religion, why not for thinkin’ smarts?!


It is kinda starting to look like the Secret Service doesn’t give the same protection to Democratic presidents as it gives to Republicans, doesn’t it?

Also looking pretty much like the national news media’s cool with it, as well. Also.

Maybe if we had elected Miley Cyrus or Kim Kardashian instead…


All hail the coming Age of Mediocrity. Why strive for excellence, when you can open a beer bottle with your teeth and call liberals ‘fags’? Don’t strive to better yourself, because that’s elitist!


Well, their job description says they have to take a bullet for the Prez so if they want themselves and their coworkers fired on by gun carrying righty wackos trying to hit the Prez, it’s their choice.


Also looking pretty much like the national news media’s cool with it, as well. Also.

Just think of the ratings…

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Maybe if we had elected Miley Cyrus or Kim Kardashian instead…

I can’t figure out what kind of ellipsis that is. I’m guessing, since it immediately follows Kim Kardashian, that it’s a Booty Ellipsis.


Dear Fellow NRA member,
How is that stockpile going? Hope it hasn’t gotten too expensive? But really, what is the price of Freedom? Obama’s imminent seizure of all guns and ammunition is morer imminent than ever. Like his ability to travel back in time to nine months before he took office and issue a DoD order to cease sale of spent casings, these latest incidents only bolster the argument that you really need another couple hundred rounds.

Cuz really, what is the Price of Freedom!

Thanks! That’ll be twenty-nine ninety-five.


I think the right is playing with fire. If Obama get’s shot, the LA Riots over Rodney King will resemble a monastery prayer time compared to the riots that would ensue.

And it won’t be just blacks rioting on the streets.


Dear Lurking Canadian,

Is there a temporary housing and living allowance program for those of us who might be considered political refugees? Alternatively, may I sleep on your couch?


Desperate Uninsured American


I think the right is playing with fire. If Obama get’s shot, the LA Riots over Rodney King will resemble a monastery prayer time compared to the riots that would ensue.

And it won’t be just blacks rioting on the streets.

To be honest, the first bit of serious violence that happens at a town hall meeting will scare off 99% of the teabaggers. Most of them are hobbyists — they go scream at Congressmen because there’s nothing good on TV. They’re not in it to get faced by real, live crazy people shooting real, live guns and making them soil their real, live pants.

Still, I hope the feds are keeping damn good records of the teabaggers’ names, just so they can haul them all in for questioning…


If Obama get’s shot, the LA Riots over Rodney King will resemble a monastery prayer time compared to the riots that would ensue.

Well, when you’re convinced the alternative is standing in line for toilet paper…

…it’s still fucking insane.


It’s nice to see you around here, Pierce. I had thought you had abandoned us for the warm comfortable hearth of the AV Club.


Why does the second amendment only apply to firearms, and not swords?

It’s not like soldiers weren’t equipped with both at the time the constitution was written.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

It’s disgusting, every time a Democratic president takes office, the troglodytes come out of their bunkers, armed to the teeth. Crazy thing is, the way these cases in “Open Carry” states were handled seems to be, for the moment, the best option. If the gun nuts were dragged off screaming to a detention center, it would stir up a hornets’ nest and a federal building in the heartland would be up in flames (although I fear that it will happen eventually). When these idiots keep strutting around with their metal substitute wangs out in a setting in which children are present, the average middle of the road American is going to be appalled. Maybe the liberal media (actual, not so-called) can keep up the OKC analogies, the MSM seems to be pretty damn complacent about the whole thing (hey, a shootout would be great for ratings!).

Yeah, it seems like brinksmanship, but BHO is a pretty damn fearless guy, and he won’t let these assholes play their martyr game.

The Tragically Flip

Not to be unduly alarmist, but this is the sort of thing that could lead to an actual civil war.

I was just starting to think some gun toting liberal activists are going to have to gather peacefully outside Rush Limbaugh’s studio, or where Sen McConnell enters the Senate, but while this might get the point across to some, the more likely result is that they will literally start organizing militias to show up at Obama events.

This is a threat of violence, and I don’t know how to defuse it – backing down and escalation will only make it worse. In fact, I think they will escalate it anyway. 1 wacko got away with it, now 3 at another event, this will be right-popular with the psychos now.


These nutjobs really need to be brought to heel. I don’t understand Obama’s thinking here. I presume that he sets the rules and if he wanted say… a 500 meter NO FUCKING ASSAULT RIFLE ZONE he’d get it. I have to assume that he is cool with it all. Maybe that’s right. Maybe letting these asswipes prance around with their guns will cool things down. I doubt.

He should have legalized it. Then at least I could relax.

The Tragically Flip

It would need to be more than 500m. More like 2km.

This will get worse.


“This is a threat of violence, and I don’t know how to defuse it”

Pretty easy. Let it be known that no guns are allowed within a certain perimeter and then let the military snipers on the roofs have the first shot.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

This is a threat of violence, and I don’t know how to defuse it – backing down and escalation will only make it worse. In fact, I think they will escalate it anyway. 1 wacko got away with it, now 3 at another event, this will be right-popular with the psychos now.

I think the proper response is to show up with signs saying “We’re not scared”, or even posters of gun-toting Iraqis with the caption “Are you proud of yourselves?”. Show them up for the damaged, slinking cowards they truly are. Yeah, it’s easy for me to say, since I’m here in teh librul paradise of Northeastan, but it’s time we show them that they can’t intimidate us.


the first bit of serious violence that happens at a town hall meeting will scare off 99% of the teabaggers.

Scott: It’s not the 99 percent of yellow-bellied teabagger poseurs I’m worried about. It’s the one percenters who are the batshit racist-insane fucktarded gun-toters. That’s all it takes.

I worry because I live among these people. I read selected local news media websites’ comments every day. Until today, when I realized it was probably doing me severe mental harm, and I won’t be going back.

The purposeful stupidity, the wanton recklessness and the just plain bone-deep ignorant hatred are much worse now than ever. Yeah, these ol’ boys’d be more than happy to blow away the Nigra Muslim Pretendizent who wants to socialize their Medicare and kill granny and force their teenagers to have abortions. The stupid doesn’t just burn anymore, it flat out blazes your liberal ass off the page. Meanwhile, just any asshole at all with a fucking ASSAULT RIFLE can show up in public where the president is speaking and stroll around unimpeded.

JFK, MLK, RFK. I can’t do this again in my lifetime. Yet, as Billy Kwan typed away desperately in The Year of Living Dangerously: “What then must we do? What then MUST WE DO?” Do we lower ourselves and resort to their mindless violence? Or do we “take the high road” (a/k/a and i.e., do nothing, of course with studied, hip/ironic detachment) and watch another brother go down because of the THUGTARDERY that as usual has this country by the balls?

Go ahead USA, get all into Afghanistan’s shit now. Give up the public option on health care because of the ugly mobs manufactured by Rove Inc. No matter that Dems hold the White House and Congress. Bend over and get fucked as usual by the lobbyists, the Rethugs and whoever else owns your ass. It sure isn’t the US public. MotherFUCKERS this shit pisses me off.

Sorry for the rant, take it back, not fucking sorry for a fucking minute. Fuckall.


BBBB – perhaps that works for the keyboard brigade but for the true crazies anything less than a rifle butt to the face is considered a sign of weakness.


Someone needs to go to each and every one of the media fuckwits who primp and preen for the right wing — both the Faux Noosers and the Em Ess Em — and ask them one simple question:

“What would have happened to anybody who brought an assault rifle to a George W. Bush speech?”

Vice-President Joseph Biden

Do it, bitches. You think just because I wear a mullet doesn’t mean I’m gonna get LBJ-Gitmo on your cracker asses? I’ve been holding my freak flag in since March May, and it wants to FLY.


“Do we lower ourselves and resort to their mindless violence?”

One should, ideally, do neither. You set up rules and strictly enforce any violation. Quick, unambiguous consequences to openly carrying a a firearm within a certain area. I really don’t understand what Obama or the secret service is thinking. You just cannot have weapons of any kind at an even like that. And ANY violation must be swiftly repressed. It isn’t just the prez I’m worried about. What about all the other people protesting? Fuck this shit.


Sorry for the rant, take it back, not fucking sorry for a fucking minute. Fuckall.

I can’t speak for anyone else here, but I don’t blame you one bit and no apologies needed.


mikey used to talk about some of the SS guys he knew. He gave the impression that they are stone-cold serious bastards, and they are probably acting under orders not to screw with these fucktards.

until they draw.

I bet the first one to try getting a shot off goes down with at least four bullet wounds before he can lay a finger on the trigger.


But; violence begets violence.

I suspect it doesn’t matter how it’s treated. Not tasering the shitheels is seen as weakness; responding in force is fascism and WILL result in a federal building being blowed up.

They’ve been worked into a perfect frenzy, and it needs to be dropped right at the fucking lap of Hannity and Beck and Limbaugh and Rove.


Well, now that it has been proven that the Obama administration is way more tolerant about guns than the Bush administration, can we lose the talking point that Obama wants to take your guns away?

Just like the fact that boneheads like Katy Abrams and the chinless wonder from Maryland were given a chance to speak their piece on national TV proves that their freedom of speech isn’t jeopardized, can we lose that talking point too?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I bet the first one to try getting a shot off goes down with at least four bullet wounds before he can lay a finger on the trigger.

That’s kinda my thought – the ones who are out in the open would probably telegraph any kind of move enough to be stopped, and I’m guessing the SS won’t let them just stand there with the gun leveled at the President.

If there are gunners in concealment, they’d be the dangerous ones. I suspect they’d be found in a pre-event sweep of some sort.


“What would have happened to anybody who brought an assault rifle to a George W. Bush speech?”

20 minutes after the person was dead or in jail, George W. Bush would’ve showed up on TV using it as an excuse to expand his powers.

Obama appears to have a different style of leadership…


Oh sure sure zombie, you’re just looking forward to all the good eatin’. Fresh braiiiiins…


Remember when Hillary was trying to win the primaries with super-delegates ?
People started to say there would be riots if Dems openly ignored their voters and just plopped Hillary there.

If someone kills Obama, the anger at having a president you voted for, who won fair and square, slaughtered by corporate greed and right wing pundits will be much greater.

Shooters might be nutjobs but we are all seeing with eyes wide in disbelief, the inciting and the lack of care being displayed by the main stream press and the right wing. We are all seeing how a TV station is putting inflammatory statements daily on the air.

If something happens to Obama, the fury at the real culprits will be immense. If they think it’s easy to ignite 65 year olds with lies, they will see how easy it is to ignite younger people with truth and facts. The fact that these bastards caused a guy respected by 70 million people to be murdered.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

can we lose the talking point that Obama wants to take your guns away?
[…] boneheads like Katy Abrams and the chinless wonder from Maryland were given a chance to speak their piece on national TV proves that their freedom of speech isn’t jeopardized, can we lose that talking point too?


Remember, rightards are comfy with cognitive dissonance. They’d see nothing odd about a 24-hour “They won’t let me on TV” channel.


mikey used to talk about some of the SS guys he knew. He gave the impression that they are stone-cold serious bastards, and they are probably acting under orders not to screw with these fucktards.

ZRM: But WHY NOT??! This is what I can’t fathom. An openly-wielded GUN in the vicinity of the PRESIDENT? That’s what I want to know: SINCE FUCKING WHEN?

Where on God’s green earth are the Secret Service, the local authorities, ANY law-enforcement body worth its existence in this hellish shell of a country, to allow this to occur?? I DON’T UNDERSTAND THIS. Please excuse the caps and retarded punctuation but my brain is leaking at this point.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

But WHY NOT??! This is what I can’t fathom.

It is a mystery. About all I can figure is that a) they think it’s not (yet) dangerous and b) letting the dipshits strut with their guns is politically more advantageous than not letting them do it.


“violence begets violence.”

No, some people just are violent will attack unprovoked. The state rules through threat of violence. For most of us it’s kind of abstract but it always boils down to someone in authority willing to kill you as a last resort for your noncompliance.


Oh sure sure zombie, you’re just looking forward to all the good eatin’. Fresh braiiiiins…

Nah. Secret Service are trained for headshots. Ever eat game with lead in it? Bleagh.


Xecklothxayyquou – I’m think I’m going to go with your idea and just hope hope hope that you’re right.


“violence begets violence.”

No, some people just are violent will attack unprovoked.

Well, I wasn’t saying that it necessarily TAKES violence to create violence. It’s just that once you start shooting, everybody starts shooting….

But I do see what MzNicky is saying. Why not just remove the guns from these idiots’ hands while the Pres is there, and tell them they can have em back after?

I know FOX will scream about how the Dems are taking their guns away, but fuck em.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I’m going to go with your idea and just hope hope hope that you’re right.

I hope so too. Again, I’m bewildered just like MzNicky is.

Their seemingly lax security sure does make Gee Dumbya look like a chickenshit, though.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

BBBB – perhaps that works for the keyboard brigade but for the true crazies anything less than a rifle butt to the face is considered a sign of weakness.

The true crazies live in a scared-shitless state. Let them know that they aren’t impressing anybody, let them know that they’d face the same fate as that creep who shot up that Unitarian church. I think the gun-toters at these events get off by thinking that they are intimidating people, that they are controlling the debate. Disabuse them of this notion.

For those of us in “Blue” America, showing up on Fox News’ doorstep in force if something happens at one of these rallies would be the thing to do. If any blood is spilled, make life impossible for the Becks and Limbaughs of this world, and their enablers.


The state rules through threat of violence.

It’s time to reform violence in this country. This state monopoly impedes market competition and is just plain un-American.


Guess who has returned under a new name? The Artist Formerely Known as *** F**** is now The Clown. Don’t all blow your loads at once!


Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist,The Clown would like to know if your asshole is a virgin.


I’m going to go with your idea and just hope hope hope that you’re right.

I hope so too. Again, I’m bewildered just like MzNicky is.

Their seemingly lax security sure does make Gee Dumbya look like a chickenshit, though.

I would imagine the Secret Service had sharpshooters marking them today.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The Clown would like to know if your asshole is a virgin.

You’re my asshole, and I rather suspect you are.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Oh, and piefilter.


Is it still a piefilter if it’s badgers all the way down?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Off-topic, but I needed a laugh to stop the slow-burn:

Violation of Poe’s Law?


It is a mystery. About all I can figure is that a) they think it’s not (yet) dangerous and b) letting the dipshits strut with their guns is politically more advantageous than not letting them do it.

No. No, No, NO. It is inherently dangerous. The “why” part is “Why are we such a thick-skulled knuckle-under idiot country that we can’t figure out how to keep the NRA and other Neanderthal-enablers from dictating public policy.” THAT’s the “why.”

WE WON, for CRISSAKES. There SHOULD NOT BE armed rightwingnutbaggers strolling around ANYWHERE near President Obama. I don’t give a flyin’ fuck HOW many SS agents are there, or WHO sucked whose uncle’s cock to get local gun-carry legislation passed, or HOW MANY teeny-penised wingtards feel the need to act out their severe inadequacy issues around my duly-elected president. This mob rule/pitchfork & torcher mentality has got to go. I’ve been there and done the post-assassination lofty hand-wringing thing. It gets you nowhere. If anything we’ve regressed mightily over the decades.

Maybe we need a new Weatherman/Black Panther movement, one that will fucking kick these tards off the planet already and let intelligent folks get on with social progress all fucking ready. Enough. Beyond.

I’m not yelling at you Xecky, just poking another vent hole in my puffed-up outrage. So weary of it; I thought outrage overload would end when our Black Messiah got elected. Stupid me.


The Clown will have it be known that The Clown fucks more bitches before 10:00 than most men do all day.

Remember: up-on-the-backtroke, bitches. It may even work for your tiny johnsons, though I can’t guarantee it.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Is it still a piefilter if it’s badgers all the way down?

I tweaked mine so that it puts in the “I like pie!” text instead of the badgers. Those badgers are cute but distracting.

I’m not yelling at you Xecky, just poking another vent hole in my puffed-up outrage.

No offense taken – I’d misunderstood you some, and FWIW, I agree with you.


The Clown prefers cream pies.

Lady Doctor Missus Marita

Perhaps this would be a good time to mention that Canada is always welcoming well-educated, English- (or French-) speaking immigrants, and we almost never allow terrorists to dictate our domestic policy.

…and we already have universal health care.

…oh, and well-regulated financial institutions.

Tell me more about this magical land! Do people actually follow anti-discrimination laws and rent housing to families with newborns?

[stomping around current apartment in rage]

Ralph Nader and the Green Party

We’d welcome your votes.

Ralph Nader and the Green Party

We TOLD you the Democrats were just another wing of the same Property Party! But nooooo, you wouldn’t listen!


I mean: How many of you have ever attended a political rally or speech of any kind — let alone one where THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES was about to appear — and just happen to have seen men armed with assault rifles wandering through the crowd? HELLO?! Is this just part of the passing carnival of wacky crazy USA life now?

Am I the only person who’s losing it over this? Are we just waiting around for some fucktard to assassinate the president? Is that ok with everyone? Oops oh well, maybe someday this won’t happen anymore? And we call the Dems pussies? They’re all bought and paid for anyway, what do you expect? WTF? Okay, I’m done.


Lady Dr. Mrs.: I’ve been thinking about you. Don’t stomp too hard, you’ll go into labor.


If the USSS were to take out a shooter before he got off a shot there would be a right-wing uproar that Obama had given orders to shoot anybody who so much as looked at him cross-eyed, and the take-down wasn’t necessary.

As I understand it, the dozen or so open carriers were actually OUTSIDE the facility at which the President was speaking, so they wouldn’t have been able to shoot HIM. However, they could easily have shot anyone carrying a sign supporting health care, and the USSS wouldn’t have had a bead on them before-hand.

It’s going to happen. Somewhere.

Ralph Nader and the Green Party

So when will you finally realize both parties are the same and not a “lesser evil”?

Smiling Mortician

Am I the only person who’s losing it over this?

No. But losing it manifests itself differently for me. I’m finding it difficult to type.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Maybe we need a new Weatherman/Black Panther movement, one that will fucking kick these tards off the planet already and let intelligent folks get on with social progress all fucking ready. Enough. Beyond.

If anything happens to the President, we march en masse to News Corp. If they insist inciting to riot, and violence ensues, we give them a riot they’ll not soon forget. One of the Countess’ lines in Titus Groan comes to mind (I’m looking at you, Steerpike!):

“For every hair they hurt I’ll stop a heart.”

Fuck, just typing that out makes me a little nauseous.


And it won’t be just blacks rioting on the streets.

If something like that happens, sign me up. If anything, God forbid, happened to Obama, I’d be all about a civil war. I’d be ready to burn shit down. Fuck ’em.


DC Hiker is making sense.

You never know when a huge, wild moose, or maybe even a polar bear might come charging into the crowd, right there, in the middle of Phoenix, and then where would you be without these patriots with an automatic or semi-automatic rifle?

Not to mention pelicans.


If the USSS were to take out a shooter before he got off a shot there would be a right-wing uproar that Obama had given orders to shoot anybody who so much as looked at him cross-eyed, and the take-down wasn’t necessary.

This is exactly what I mean. Who gives a flyin’ fuck what the rightwing gets in an uproar about? Since when is the side that WON THE GODDAM ELECTION supposed to tremble in its collective boots at whatever mean things the shithead rightwing gets its wringing-wet panties in a wad about next?

Are we afraid of them? Well, ARE WE? Are we afraid they’re going to shoot US? So what does that mean — we’re in thrall, and always will be, to a bunch of violent village idiots? THEY LOST. I’m starting to think WE’RE the ones that need to get over it already.

Lady Doctor Missus Marita

Thanks MzNicky. All I really want is for people to stop being such complete dicks all the time. Is that so much to ask?

Oh wait. I also want a decent place to live. And a healthy newborn. And a puppy. But people not being total dicks would be a great start. KTHXBAI.


Do you think we’re really going to make a distinction between white conservatives and white liberals when the riots come?

Hell, liberal whites will be the first to have their brains bashed in since they live closest to us!


If anything happens to the President, we march en masse to News Corp.

Actually, I like this idea a little better. It’s more focused.


the dixie chicks, also, and their death threats.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

But people not being total dicks would be a great start. KTHXBAI.

I’m with you there.

More’s the pity that trollypants squeezed out a raging racist loaf right after your comment – shows how far we have to go even here.


Boring troofus remains boring.

The Wages of Diversity

I see its already happening. And the White Liberals actually think the blacks will welcome them when the Great Race Riots start in a year or two! HAHAHAHAH!

Its going to be a bumpy ride!

The Wages of Diversity

I’m sorry, I just had to come back and say something now that the scenery is collapsing around the left-wing, and the racial tension is already rising in this country. I told you this is the end of “diversity”, soon we will be as violent as South Africa, and all because of misguided liberal utopianism that put “diversity” above all else. Soon you’re going to have to choose our side just to be safe.

The Secret Service

when the Great Race Riots start in a year or two!

Excuse me, sir, but do you have any specific reason for believing that there will definitely be race riots? Being as how we’ve been discussing threats on the President’s life and all?

The Wages of Diversity

This is all going better than i could have ever hoped.

Oh, SS, I’m just predicting an event, not doing anything to bring it about. But it is inevitable. That’s what happens to “diverse” socities–either one racial group mantains dominance over the others, or they collapse into civil war and partition. Maybe it will happen in 2 years, maybe 5, maybe 10, but soon.

The Wages of Diversity

When it does happen, the conservative areas of the country can rise from the ashes and create a New Confederation that will be an oasis of stability and order!

The Rest of the USA

<i.When it does happen, the conservative areas of the country can rise from the ashes and create a New Confederation that will be an oasis of stability and order!

Tell us what we can do to help. We’ll give you the deep South (and all you sane residents down there, don’t panic, we’ll pay to relocate you). But remember, the day you sign the Articles of Confederation, all the help stops. And I would not advise attacking us, you have a very poor record of success with that.

The Wages of Diversity

We’ll get the whole South, Texas, the Great Plains, and the Mormon states.


I’m sorry, I just had to come back and say something now that the scenery is collapsing around the left-wing, and the racial tension is already rising in this country.

Oh, I see. Ugly racist conservative rhetoric is causing “racial tension” by encouraging more ugly racism from gullible conservative racists.

I told you this is the end of “diversity”, soon we will be as violent as South Africa, and all because of misguided liberal utopianism that put “diversity” above all else. Soon you’re going to have to choose our side just to be safe.

You’re whipping up conservative racists, who will become violent, and you think that’s the fault of not-conservative not-racists and the targets of conservative racism.

uh huh.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Do people actually follow anti-discrimination laws and rent housing to families with newborns?

WTF?!?! This is lie-beral utopia, not some magical fairyland where people recognize that families with newborns aren’t exactly well suited to homelessness.

In hogtown, we’ve got tons of absentee landlords who don’t care if you’re bringing up babies or fronting some black market human trafficking operation. Downside is that your neighbours rent from an absentee landlord that don’t care if the tenants are bringing up babies or fronting some black market human trafficking operation.

But our beer is kickass, which mayn’t be awesome for a pregnant woman – but if you’re looking to be a drunken loutish mom, definitely a doubleplusgood.

The Wages of Diversity

“You’re whipping up conservative racists, who will become violent, and you think that’s the fault of not-conservative not-racists and the targets of conservative racism.”

Actually this is all Lyndon Johnson’s fault.

Smiling Mortician

I’m not a violent person. But I sure did like the feeling when I clicked “kill” next to the Wagetroll’s nym. Clicked it a little harder than necessary, I did.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Soon you’re going to have to choose our side just to be safe.

Yay, a redneck protection racket. Just what the country needs.

Didn’t we just have one of those running the USA for eight years?

The Wages of Diversity

The USA is finished. I think the Russians are right, we won’t last another 10 years.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I love how the troll thinks that we live in Balkanized enclaves, and don’t know our minority neighbors. As I asserted before, these assholes live in a constant state of fear, and that is why the badgers dance.


The Clown will have it be known that The Clown fucks more bitches before 10:00 than most men do all day.

Since most men don’t fuck dogs, I have no doubt that the Clown is, for once, correct.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

re: Obama and the gun nuts.

On FOX, the page is still allupons about autocratic secret police flaggers and the e-mail address of the Usurper’s sympathizers.

Elsewhere, MSNBC has got it, CNN has got it – we’ll see if there;s pickup in the morning papers. I thought that Stand and Shout would have been enough to turn people away from Death Panel apalooza, but I was way too optimistic. Let’s see what the images of psychos with assault rifles do to public support of AHIP.


Oh, and about that T-shirt – photoshop a guillotine on that bitch, and in no time flat Doug Watts will be around to lecture us on how the mere image of that device is the equivalent of a death threat.


the troll thinks that we live in Balkanized enclaves, and don’t know our minority neighbors

Well, to be fair, he doesn’t know any of his neighbors.


Considering the two previous confederations failed spectacularly, I’m not worried.


The badgers dance because they can. They don’t dance to eat, they eat to dance!


Political ideology aside, does anyone really think the USA is going to last as a country for 20 more years? Or even 10?


Soon you’re going to have to choose our side just to be safe.

Yay, a redneck protection racket. Just what the country needs.

Didn’t we just have one of those running the USA for eight years?

Brilliantly said


Well done! But your t-shirt hates my freedoms.


Simple Question – If you had asked “does the USA deserve to survive as a country” the answer would be no. As to whether it will or not, probably yes, though in a form unimaginable and unrecognizable to Americans who lived through the mid-20th century. And not in a good way.

USA--90% White in 1960

“though in a form unimaginable and unrecognizable to Americans who lived through the mid-20th century. And not in a good way.”

No kidding!


No kidding!

said the dumb guy who thinks skin tones are more of threat to his well-being than being owned by the Very Large Corporation of America.

USA--90% White in 1960

There weren’t any Very Large Corporations in 1960? I’ll let General Motors, Kodak, Ford Motor Company, the Coca-Cola Company, General Electric, General Mills, Westinghouse…etc….know that, Jennifer.


though in a form unimaginable and unrecognizable to Americans who lived through the mid-20th century. And not in a good way.

Because I read a lot of world history, I’ve been pondering this a bit lately. I can certainly see the U.S. collapsing as a world empire, but the country itself?

I see us more mirroring what happened to the U.K.–a once powerful global empire slowly dwindling. But you know, the U.K. ain’t too bad a place to live, or so I’m reliably told.

Housewife Circa 1960

You know what else? We didn’t work outside the home!

Top Tax Rate 91% in 1960

Yeah, bring back the good ol’ days!


Can’t tell the difference between “existing” and “raping the general population for obscene profits” can we, Troofcicle?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I don’t see the U.S.’ trajectory following the U.K.’s model, because the country is so much larger and resource rich. Even as our empire implodes, we’ll still be able to exert a lot more influence that the U.K. does now.


Yeah, we make OBSCENE profits now, unlike the 1950s! Wait, what?

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Perhaps this would be a good time to mention that Canada is always welcoming well-educated, English- (or French-) speaking immigrants, and we almost never allow terrorists to dictate our domestic policy.

We are working on it. We are SOOO close to enough points to get in! We start French language lessons this week.

Sadly no, I’m not kidding.


I see us more mirroring what happened to the U.K.–a once powerful global empire slowly dwindling.

A once powerful empire that slowly dwindled, then was bankrupted in a fight for the survival of the country. That was what put the final kibosh on the empire.

The difference is, the Brits bankrupted themselves in a fight for survival from a foreign enemy. We’re going to bankrupt ourselves in petty squabbles amongst ourselves – hell, we already are bankrupt – our fight for survival is entirely internal. Which kinda removes that urge to national unity that allowed the Brits to dwindle peacefully.

History will not be as kind to us.


A confederation of the stupidest, most immature, most excitable and gullible fools to be found in this country.

What could possibly go wrong?


A confederation of the stupidest, most gullible, most immature fools in this country.

What could possibly go wrong?


The USA isn’t going to be a Superpower in the 21st Century, but neither will anyone else. It will be like the world of the 19th Century with 5-6 Great Powers of more or less equal strength. Instead of Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and the Ottomoman Empire, it will be the USA, China, Russia, India, the European Union, and (maybe) Brazil.


Oh, and i suggest we should become BFFs with India.


does anyone really think the USA is going to last as a country for 20 more years?

Why do you hate America?

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

does anyone really think the USA is going to last as a country for 20 more years?

If America = white to you, it’s already gone. Not the end of the world, was it?

So calm down.

The Root of All Evil

Actually, wages, why don’t you have your race riot masturbation fantasy somewhere…i don’t know, in hell.

You goddamn losers are creaming about violence because it would make you happier than fuck all. You justify violence and hate because you WANT to believe patently false bullshit about “obamacare” or illegal immigration. It’s your bread and brie, to start shit because you are impotent and woefully unenlightened.

Fuck you, your friends and all of the bullshit you can’t prove or sustain. You don’t give a fuck about your fellow man, your neighbor, or humanity. You’re dug into your miserable fantasy about killing and destruction in the name of any lie that tugs on your cock.

Put down the gun and pick up another human being. You don’t believe me? Try being alone in the apocalypse, something that many innocent people are going through right now. Suffering is the only cause you support, jagoff. Grow up.

Shorter wages: “Humility? Kindness? Compassion? FAG0Rrtz!!”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Brian, I call “dibs” on the fleet of zeppellins!

I also call “dibs” on the zeppole!

Oh, and i suggest we should become BFFs with India.

I’ve been saying that for years. Hell, Hot Mix and hot chicks are both up my alley.


Jennifer, we’re going to survive but ONLY because we’re fucking lucky bastards, not because we have the smartest people in the world or the best government. It is just because we live on a really nice piece of real estate, have population growing at a perfect rate (whereas other Great Powers are either growing to quickly–India and China–or not at all–Russia and the EU), we’re surrounded by two weak neighbors and fish, and have a really great ability to assimilate immigrants. All pretty much dumb fucking luck.


As I understand it, the dozen or so open carriers were actually OUTSIDE the facility at which the President was speaking, so they wouldn’t have been able to shoot HIM.

Okay, what the fuck?

First it was the one guy in New Hampshire. Then I find out about the one in Arizona – which was actually TWO guys.

Now a “dozen or so”? THE FUCK???!??!qq

I’m with MzNicky. WHAT. THE. FUCK.

Of course, I seem to recall that back in ’95 after Tim McVeigh made his political statement, Nightline had the Montana Milita on to speak their piece and tell people they were just patriots and not at all violent terrorists, no nuh-huh nope nosirree not them.

But “dozens”? Near the President? When DO we stop rolling over and taking it up the ass from the NRA?


Okay, deep breath, Sadlies.

Fear is the progress killer. Years and years of in-depth research strongly show that there is a wide swath of the country whose tolerance for progress (social, racial, religious, etc) is directly tied to their sense of environmental threat. When they feel threatened they batten down the hatches and gravitate towards authoritarians like iron filings to a magnet. Its not a rational process. The rightwing freakshow isn’t shifting the debate by winning the argument, they are shifting it by scaring the shit out people. This means that by being afraid and pissing down your leg every time some dipshit whips out his full metal dildo in the parking lot outside the place where the Prez is speaking YOU ARE HELPING TO DO THE WINGNUTS’ WORK FOR THEM.

Ahem, sorry for yelling.

And, you know, I get it– part of the reason the country is in the shithole that its in now is because every. single. one. of the last generation’s powerful progressive leaders were fucking gunned down in cold blood. But if you want real progress to happen you have to be brave and project confidence. Not some bullshit wingnut swagger, but whatever it takes for you to dig down deep and grab a hold of the thing that makes you believe that people are worth giving a shit about.


You Can’t Put Lipstick On A Repig:

You probably know this already, but you only NEED French if you’re moving to Quebec.

Nothing wrong with learning French, of course. I’m doing the same – lessons in Sept. – now that I’m in Montreal.

And we could always use more libs and lefties to knock out Harper. So open arms and all that.


Oh – if the fringe of the fringe is anything to judge by, Wingnut Neo-Confederate Libertarian Christian Bossman at the pharmacy is reading “The U.S. Army Survival Manual” right now.

Fills ME full of confidence, it does.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Pere, just don’t tell him that just about every part of the kudzu plant is edible- let him get botulism from eating an old, dented can of spam.


we’re surrounded by two weak neighbors



Sorry, Canada, but your population is the size of Texas and less than California. You’re tied to us for better or worse.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

but whatever it takes for you to dig down deep and grab a hold of the thing that makes you believe that people are worth giving a shit about.


Barry must have cojones the size of those giant hamsterballs from American Gladiators, but he’s got this. I dunno what type of crazy security measures he’s taking, but he’s got it fucking covered. You’ll note that the psycho president shooters of yore (AFA I can remember) came out of fricking nowhere – not as the culmination of bizarre armed shows of force by the small dicked insecure wingnut troopers.

The whole guns at town halls thing, again provided no one actually gets seriously injured, can’t be doing anything for the anti-reform movement. It’s like shutting down discourse wasn’t enough for them, so they gotta build some AR-15 coloured spotlights to point at the crazy.


This makes the whole “North American Union” conspiracy theory doubly ridiculous, btw.


A confederacy of the stupidest, angriest, most gullible, most excitable fools in the country.

What could possibly go wrong?



This means that by being afraid and pissing down your leg every time some dipshit whips out his full metal dildo in the parking lot outside the place where the Prez is speaking YOU ARE HELPING TO DO THE WINGNUTS’ WORK FOR THEM.

I don’t think anyone here, at least, is showing fear. It’s anger at the fact that the strict security we saw during the last eight years – and let’s remember just how bad it got – seems to no longer be in effect.


BTW, if the wingnuts want to bitch and squeal about how Barry Hussein is being a big dictatorial meanie by keeping their guns away from him, I’ve got the tiniest violin in the world ready to play just for them.

Suck it up, bastards. We put up with it for eight years, now it’s your turn.



Number of brainwashed progressives whose freedom is defended by the Armed Forces using firearms: ???

Why are progressives suicidal?


we’re surrounded by two weak neighbors and fish

Ahem. We’re killing the fish, too.

James K Polk, Esq.

You can’t bring a gun to an airport in Arizona, can you?

St. Dragon-King Wangchuck


No seriously d00d, WTF? Is there some secrit anti-free speech movement full of crazy speech shutting down commandos just hovering at the edge of civilization waiting for the fucking U S Armed Forces to let down their guard? Is that really what you believe?

St. Dragon-King Wangchuck, secrit commando

Now that Obama and the traitorous Senate has finally killed the F-22, it’s time to enact our plan to steal all the Free Mumia T-Shirts nation-wide. Take that lie-beral free speech!

Also, we’ll do something terroristy over the production of rainbow flags. We’ll drive the costs up ten to twenty percent!!! Let’s see you have a Pride parade after that! ………</maniacal cackling>


What about architects?

Does Canuckistan need architects?


Number of brainwashed progressives whose freedom is defended by the Armed Forces using firearms: ???

My freedoms come from the US Constitution and are not grudgingly granted to me by some benevolent military dictatorship.

Dragon-King Wangchuck


You mean the folks who draw them pictures of buildnigs and whatnot? Dunno, there’s a bajillion want ads for architects but they all have to do with some computery shit. It must suck that IT has co-opted the name of your profession so fucking badly (says the engineer).

The Tragically Flip

My freedoms come from the US Constitution and are not grudgingly granted to me by some benevolent military dictatorship.

The Tragically Flip

Though I’m Canadian so my freedoms don’t really come from the US constitution, but they don’t come from a benevolent military dictatorship either.



You mean the folks who draw them pictures of buildnigs and whatnot? Dunno, there’s a bajillion want ads for architects but they all have to do with some computery shit. It must suck that IT has co-opted the name of your profession so fucking badly (says the engineer).

Bill fuckin Gates started that shit. When the zombocalypse comes, he’s first one in the brain frappe machine.


Are the various areas of Canadian legal activity similar enough to the U.S. that a paralegal could find a job in Canada?

I’m with MzNicky. I am beyond outraged by the shit that’s gone on the past month. I’m furious, in fact. And it’s fine to take this noble above-the-fray approach, but if those fuckers become in any way a threat to me and mine, they are going to find out the difference between a peace ‘n love liberal and a leftist, and they’re going to find it out fast.


MzNicky-everything you have said, yes and fucking yes again.

WTF. I am finding myself sitting here, punch drunk with each and every new bit that floats down the info pike past my fraying jobless (11 months and counting), health insurance-less (insurance companies telling me they’ll generously agree to insure ONE out of the FOUR of my goddamn family-as the eldest boy has asthma, spouse has asthma, and I have an underactive thyroid. All of which is easily controlled, but fuck us anyway, thank you) ass, and I…I’m just about out of the positive shit, I find. Eight fucking years-the last four of which began with me having to pull off the side of the fucking road after dropping the kids off at school to have a disbelieving cry, and ending with me having a fucking drunken cry of relief at the election of a president that seemed to possess an intellect.
And now this. Fuck me and fuck me again. I want to move. I want out. This country has jumped it’s fucking shark, I’m afraid.


Bill fuckin Gates started that shit. When the zombocalypse comes, he’s first one in the brain frappe machine.

Zombie, that really did make me laugh out loud. I needed that. Thanks.


You’ll note that the psycho president shooters of yore

Not to be nitpicky or anything, but only one President was assassinated within the last 50 years. The other progressive leaders who were horrendously assassinated, were candidates for office or public figures – lacking the kind of security detail a modern president has.

And even the attempted assassinations of Ford and Reagan happened under much less sophisticated security measures than are in place now.

During Bush’s 2004 election campaign, they were so heightened they served a fundraising meal where the menu was all finger-food, so they wouldn’t have to risk handing out knives and forks to the guests (no lie, read about it in an event planning trade mag).

I can guarantee you if those knuckleheads were anywhere near where Obama was going to be, they’d be in jail right now.


uberuber, I am right there with you. This is way beyond academic to me.

MMMMM Liberal Tears!

Cry some more about moving to Canada, libs, your tears taste so good! Should I call Whine-1-1 for the Waahmbulance?

Moonbat Tears Taste So Sweet

The last two weeks have been almost as much fun as election night 2004. Almost.


the brain frappe machine

*In Welsh accent*:

Ah, teeth not guid enouf fer ye, aye? You need a ma-CHINE! Bleedin’ elitist zombies these days! Let m’ tell you, son, when I was a zombie, we used TEETH! Nawt some fancy-ass bleedin’ machine! Those were the days, I tell yu – men were men and women were women and ZOMBIES were ZOMBIES!


This makes the whole “North American Union” conspiracy theory doubly ridiculous, btw.

Just wait until thirty years from now when these geniuses notice that Canada is sitting on top of all our cornfields.


dig down deep and grab a hold of the thing that makes you believe that people are worth giving a shit about

I’m not sure an atomic pile-driver could dig that far down in my thing-repository. Or that I could find it or use it if I did get that far down, what w/ it being rusted solid & covered in cobwebs & dust, having lain there unused forever.


Candy, wait till I get started on calling Karl Rove “The Architect”

Bastard wouldn’t know the first thing about building design. Shitstain pudgefuck weasel that can’t dance.


I like that there’s a whole Wikipedia article on the term software architect, which utterly fails to define the term except as a description of what any lead developer does, and contains hilarious bullshit like “OOP allowed ever-larger and more complex applications to be built” (Linus Torvalds might disagree) and “UML has become an important tool for software architects to use in communicating the overall system design to developers and other team members, comparable to the drawings made by building architects.” (only true if buildings are constructed based directly from a sketch on the back of a cocktail napkin)

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Cry some more about moving to Canada, libs, your tears taste so good! Should I call Whine-1-1 for the Waahmbulance?

You rightards really do copy everything, don’t you?


you folks are all welcome up here – just leave your fucking 2nd Amendment at the border.

The Public Option is Dead

We won. Suck it, libs. Suck it hard. And choke on it.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Methinks somebody wants the Libs to bookmark something!

Troofy has a great track record! He makes Kristol look like a seer.


(and of course, you can leave your retard trolls behind as well)


When the zombocalypse comes, he’s first one in the brain frappe machine.

Is this some Aztec deal in which you gain the abilities of your sacrificed enemy?

Too late, as Bill may already be one of you.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

There’s no bill yet, lardwit.

3, 2, 1, nymjack!

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

There’s no bill yet, lardwit.

I was talking to Troofie.

Bill Gates is all too existent.


This means that by being afraid and pissing down your leg every time some dipshit whips out his full metal dildo in the parking lot outside the place where the Prez is speaking YOU ARE HELPING TO DO THE WINGNUTS’ WORK FOR THEM.

kingubu: With all respect, NO. To be alarmed when “some dipshit whips out his full metal dildo in the parking lot” is not being a piss-pantsed wuss. I’m fed to the teeth with that characterization. Wake up and realize the numb-nuts fucktoid gun-wielding threat for what it is: A hatred drenched in ignorance and racism that WILL attempt to express itself via firearm ejaculation, sooner or later. I do not recall guns being permitted anywhere NEAR the POTUS since John F. Kennedy’s 1963open-limousine ride. Why now? WHY NOW? WTF? Do libs have a martyr complex, a death wish or some such?

Most of you guys don’t live down here in RethugLand. I am telling you to quit viewing this building hostility of insane rage as something to snark about and then dismiss. Maybe you’re too young to remember the toll that violent hatred of liberals in the past really brings about. I’m not.


Millions will suffer and die because we staged a world-class hissy fit tantrum! Surely, this is a victory for GOOD!


Are the widdle wiberals all scared of the big bad guns? Do widdle wiberal wussies wet their pants when they see a gun, or back away from it like its a deadly animal? Go get your blankie and run to mommie, libs.


zombie, Shitstain pudgefuck weasel is the best description of Rove ever.

You rightards really do copy everything, don’t you?

They got nuthin’.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Surely, this is a victory for GOOD!

Lots of them will be nonwhite, so in Troofie’s sickass worldview, yes.

It just doesn’t realize a lot of them will be non-rich whites, up to and including him.


apparently too stupid to fear guns


I like that there’s a whole Wikipedia article on the term software architect, which utterly fails to define the term

That was the nice thing about being a DBA. Nobody could really evaluate you because nobody really knows what the hell a DBA does.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Do widdle wiberal wussies wet their pants when they see a gun, or back away from it like its a deadly animal?

Clearly not – the Unitarians showed it. Just grabbed a shooter and sat on him ’til the cops showed up. Ha!

You’re thinking of your team.


Tom Delay is joining Dancing with the Stars. Can it get any weirder in America?


Are the widdle wingnuts all scared of the big black Negro President? Do widdle wingnut wussies wet their pants when they see how a black man has out-achieved them, or yell racist insults like “Obama is Hitler!”? Go get your blankie and run to mommie, sore loser winguts.


But, but, but… the only thing that can beat a gun is a bigger gun! Red Dawn says so!

S’matter, troll? Need a gun to feel strong and make up for the fact that your parents never loved you?

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Tom Delay is joining Dancing with the Stars. Can it get any weirder in America?

Isn’t he supposed to be on “Jail Sentences Of The Rich & Infamous”?

Where's the "Stimulus"?

Notice that Japan, Germany, and France all showed economic growth today? Growing at a healthy clip? Why not the USA? We’re still mired in recession while the rest of the world is recovering.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

S’matter, troll? Need a gun to feel strong and make up for the fact that your parents never loved you?

Oh, Troofy’s parents loved him – just not in the way society approves of.


Do widdle wiberal wussies wet their pants when they see a gun, or back away from it like its a deadly animal?

I probably have more guns than you. I’m a liberal, just not the fun kind.



St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Where’s the “Stimulus”? said,

The Redoublechins killed it by throwing a tantrum until it was all tax cut bullshit. Which doesn’t help the economy, and this was just further proof.


Where’s the “Stimulus”? said,

blah blah blah

that’s nice, dear. Have a cookie.

Typical Republican

We are brave because we own guns! Wimpy Liberals don’t own guns because they’re cowards.

In our version of logic, when you need a gun to feel secure you’re “brave”, and when you don’t need a gun to feel secure you’re a “coward”.


Let’s have a confederacy of dunces. I’m serious. Get the stupidest, most gullible, most excitable rightards in the country, shove them all into the Deep Shithole South and let them all fend for themselves. Seriously, how long would they last?


Where's the "Stimulus"?

Even Canada is coming out of recession. Too bad we don’t have a real leader like Stephen Harper instead of the second coming of Jimmy Carter.


I am now convinced that Troofie is a lobster boy. He’d have to be; you can’t grasp for that many straws without having some amazing pincer-like “hands”.

Have some more thalidomide there, Troofie. It does a body good!


…a real leader like Stephen Harper

that’s nice, dear. Have another cookie.


Japan’s been in a recession for over a decade.

And aren’t France and Germany bastions of socialist muslim liberal communism? Sounds like we need to have more of it, then.


Does racist troll semen have an extra high level of heroin or something? < 10 posts and the Sadlynaughts have latched on and are sucking away.


Awww isn’t worthy of you. Would you converse with a dried up dog turd? That’s what Aww is.


Notice that Japan, Germany, and France all showed economic growth today?

Nice to know you guys are all about the French now.

Where's the "Stimulus"?

“Japan’s been in a recession for over a decade. ”

Not anymore. They just grew at 3.4%!

And they stopped their silly “stimulus” programs that didn’t get them out of that decade-long recession.

France has a real leader in Sarkozy, and Canada has a strong leader in Harper. We have Hopey McChangey.

Troofie 2001-2008

B-b-b-but that eeevil mean Bill Clinton wrecked our economy with his peace and prosperity plan! Where’s mah gun? Where’s mah Red Ryder carbine-action, two hundred shot Range Model air rifle with a compass in the stock and a thing which tells time??!?

St. Mr. Concerned, Patron Saint of Ideological Purity

Notice that Japan, Germany, and France all showed economic growth today? Growing at a healthy clip? Why not the USA? We’re still mired in recession while the rest of the world is recovering.

Even Canada is coming out of recession. Too bad we don’t have a real leader like Stephen Harper instead of the second coming of Jimmy Carter.

It could be that the US was hit hardest by the recession because the majority of failing lenders and banks were located here, but no, it must be because of Barry Soetero “Death Panel” 0bamacare’s iron will.

Rooting Against America

Hey, troll, we should talk. We have a lot in common!


Oooooh, so pansy ass, liberal nanny states work fine, so long as the leader isn’t non-white. Gotcha.


it’s fine to take this noble above-the-fray approach, but if those fuckers become in any way a threat to me and mine, they are going to find out the difference between a peace ‘n love liberal and a leftist, and they’re going to find it out fast.

Candy: For the first time EVER in my 56 years of living in JesusLand I am thinking about acquiring a firearm. I’ve been a nonviolent Buddhish lefty liberal antiwar vegetarian practically since high school, but goddam if I am going to go along to get along anymore with these unbelievably hatebagged fucktards. We FINALLY get a decent reasonable intelligent compassionate man into office and we are STILL, for whatever unfathomable reasons, kowtowing to the lowest common denominator of fools and psychopaths in this culture.

I am OVER IT people. At any local town-hall meeting or other venue that welcomes open debate or hosts our president (and there are a few planned around here for the near future) where the thugtards will inevitably rear their ugly heads and wield their penis extenders, well goddamit I think I’ll fucking show up as well with my firearm strapped to my thigh. NRA lobbies for my right to bear arms as well, does it? Well all righty then. Bearing arms it may well be.

Okay I’m drunk, but still.

St. Mr. Concerned, Patron Saint of Ideological Purity


Brandi said,

August 18, 2009 at 4:11

Does racist troll semen have an extra high level of heroin or something? < 10 posts and the Sadlynaughts have latched on and are sucking away.

Do you subscribe to the RSS feed, feverishly scanning the comments until you can sweep in and admonish everybody for being insufficiently detached?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Okay, Brandi. Let’s talk about non-troll related shit.


Now it’s your turn.

People who hate America

Fred Phelps
Matthew Hale
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Kim Jong-Il
Boris Badenov
Tom Green


Also, since basic math is hard, it’s much easier to have growth from something that’s smaller. The US has a massive economy. If you’re walking down the street with a dollar, and you see a nickel, you just had 5% growth! If you have a $100, and you see a nickle, you’ll keep walking.


Most of you guys don’t live down here in RethugLand. I am telling you to quit viewing this building hostility of insane rage as something to snark about and then dismiss. Maybe you’re too young to remember the toll that violent hatred of liberals in the past really brings about. I’m not.

Yes! This can’t be said enough. Just because most of the lardass contingent screeching at public fora are not likely to stand up and actually get physically violent, it only takes one with a gun to wreak fucking havoc. One shooter in a crowded town hall could kill a dozen people before anyone got him or her.

And we underestimate the potential of the Eric Rudolph variety of terrorist to emerge in greater numbers. Not all wingnuts are incompetent fuckwads. That bastard was very good at what he did. We dismiss these people at our peril. As more and more religiously indoctrinated right-wing emotionally damaged military people come back from Iraq & Afghanistan this risk increases big time.

(FWIW I’m not sure the teabaggers aren’t dangerous even without guns. A group of cowards can often nerve each other up to do ghastly things.)

I actually think Obama is probably as safe as they can make him. He spent a lot of time here in Des Moines, and even before he was elected, when he did an outdoor event, there were snipers on every rooftop. Security was friendly but thorough. It’s us average non-lunatics and liberal congress critters who are in danger, but I’m not backing down from those fuckwits. I’m just not. I’ll go where I please and exercise my rights, and I’ll say what I want. I hope we all will. We can’t give in to this intimidation. The bullies get their way, they never stop. Any school kid will tell you that.


Everything the right does is counterintuitive. First they show off their guns to demonstrate, that, um, their guns are being taken away, and now they’re arguing that the quasi-socialist states of Europe should be the economic model.

I say, keep it up. Christ, at this rate they’ll be shouting viva la France any moment now.


That’s what libs have been doing on this entire thread.

But no, I don’t think america has much left. We’re finished as a nation if we don’t unseat Obama in 2012, that’s for sure.

Adults famous for wearing diapers

Sen. David Vitter

The Tragically Flip

November 2008:

Major War Hero John White Christian McCain: 59, 934, 814
Barack Hussein Islamic Obama, Kenyan Citizen: 69, 456, 897

Suck on that, conservatives.


…it’s much easier to have growth from something that’s smaller

Hey, now! that’s a low blow!! (….What!?)


Not anymore. They just grew at 3.4%!

Japan’s PM isn’t expecting this growth from gov’t stimulus to last, but I guess it’s convenient to leave that out.

People known for breaking promises

Republican congressmen
FOX News
The Bureau of Indian Affairs


Who has been threatening to move to Canada this whole thread? Hmmm?

Trafically Flip, so what? They won the election, but they can’t govern for shit. The Democrat Agenda is stalled. And Hopey’s approval numbers continue to tank.


Christ, at this rate they’ll be shouting viva la France any moment now.

Didn’t Bill “I’ll Apologize If We Don’t Find WMD” O’Reilly already do that?


soon we will be as violent as South Africa, and all because of misguided liberal utopianism that put “diversity” above all else. Soon you’re going to have to choose our side just to be safe.

As a white male, I confess that in the extremely unlikely scenario that:

A) The United States becomes as diverse as South Africa
B) White people overwhelmingly join “your side”
C) The political landscape is polarized into “protect whitey” and “kill whitey” factions.

I would vote to kill whitey.


cripes, the badgers is gettin’ a workout tonight for sure.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

It could be that the US was hit hardest by the recession…

Actually I saw somewhere that Germany was hit way harder, and that in part is why they managed to post marginal gains last quarter.

As for Harper being a strong leader. BWAHAHAHHAAAHAHAHHAHahhahahAHAHHAHhahaH!!!!111one1!

Canuckistan’s in relatively okay shape because of financial institution oversight and regulations, something Harper ain’t too keen on. (Also, lots of oil – but don’t tell the Americans.) The reason he hasn’t boned us over completely is that he’s got a minority government. You might recall that it was a little less than a year ago that good ol Stephen Harper was claiming that there was no financial crisis or looming recession. And his strong leadership lead to a near coup by opposition parties, averted only by claiming that parliament had no more business to conduct before even meeting for the first time.


What did Obama do with the public option? Isn’t that a broken promise now?


Didn’t Bill “I’ll Apologize If We Don’t Find WMD” O’Reilly already do that?

I don’t watch Bill Orally, so I don’t know. But seriously, I am all in favor of a civil war between smart and dumb people. The dumb people probably have more guns at this point, but they’re dumb. We win.


You might recall…Stephen Harper

oh, I think not. (we’re all alone here)

The Health Care "Bill"

I suppose this ought to be obvious to sentient beings, but I don’t exist yet. Nobody has voted on me, and the President hasn’t signed me. ‘Cause, ya know, I don’t exist yet.


We won.

Yes, the health care reform bill was voted down…… Your track record of calling them is great.

Oh, wait.

People famous for their horrible predictions

Jean Dixon
Micki Dahne
Edgar Cayce
The Amazing Kreskin
Uri Geller


“Yes, the health care reform bill was voted down…… Your track record of calling them is great.”

Hopey will pass something and say it was his plan all along, I’m sure. But there wil be no public option in it. The insurance companies will love it. They will be smiling from ear to ear, continuing to rake in record profits in the marketplace. That’s what will happen, libs. Suck it.

The public option is dead. Dead, dead, fucking dead. It will not get to the President’s desk. Suck it hard and choke on that!


Yes, I’m certainly bookmarking that.


Yup. Millions will suffer and Insurance megacorps will continue to fleece the people for massive profits off of it. Nice job there, Judean People’s Front.


Thank GOD there are so many willing stooges willing to take up arms on my behalf!

BTW, your coverage is denied. HA HA HA HA HA HA. Thanks for all you help, dupes.


The insurance companies will love it. They will be smiling from ear to ear, continuing to rake in record profits in the marketplace. That’s what will happen, libs. Suck it.

Now I’m [pretending to be] confused. Is the troll really dense enough to be arguing for record profits for insurance companies at the expense of health care reform?


The insurance companies will love it. They will be smiling from ear to ear, continuing to rake in record profits in the marketplace. That’s what will happen, libs. Suck it.

Now here’s an interesting phenomenon. Toofy seems to agree that the insurance companies are the bad guys, yet he’s cheering for health care reform to fail, allowing the bad guys to win. Simply because…well, I don’t even think Toofy’s actually opposed to Obama for any reason at all, but liberals like him and he just wants liberals to “lose.”

Toofy’s all about the other team going down in flames. He’d bankrupt his own employer, destroy his own health, poison his children, and shred his own constitution, if it would only result in “liberals” feeling bad.

What a fucking loser. What a fucking morally bankrupt, compromised, pathetic excuse for a human being. Must suck to be him.


The US has a massive economy. If you’re walking down the street with a dollar, and you see a nickel, you just had 5% growth! If you have a $100, and you see a nickle, you’ll keep walking

That analogy assumes that both economies have an equal number of actors. If the red team has one member with one dollar, and she finds a nickle that’s 5% growth. If the blue team has one hundred members who each have a dollar, and each of them find a nickle – still 5% growth.

There is such thing as a low starting point. Sometimes it is easier for poor countries to have growth that would be impossible in wealthy countries by doing simple things like treating preventable diseases and staving off starvation. But that is also an example of the way that real growth depends on infrastructural investments.

One big difference between the US and Japan is that we’ve been building a house of cards out of borrowed money and speculation, while Japan has been investing in infrastructure.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Does racist troll semen have an extra high level of heroin or something? < 10 posts and the Sadlynaughts have latched on and are sucking away.

Wow, never thought we’d have one of our own using FAG0RT as a shaming technique!

Must be a nymjacker.


Yes, I’m arguing for big fucking obscene profits.I love profits. The bigger the profits for corporations, the stronger the economy.


Thinking of the enormous profits that my Republican brothers help give to the already rich insurance executives makes my little tiny manhood grow hard.


Now that we love the French, is it cool to call ’em French fries again?

Also, about that Freedom kissing thing . . .

I was staying with a friend when that whole freedom fries crap came along. My friend, though nominally a Dem, was all het up by the rapidly oncoming war. I came into the house after work, cold and ready for some peace and quiet before bed, but no! My friend was watching Faux, and she starts jabbering excitedly about how we’re all supposed to call French fries freedom fries now, because those damned surrender monkey French were dissin’ us.

This pissed me off. I started raving about how I was going to be calling them pommes de fucking terre frites and I’d be drinking vin rouge to wash the pasty little sticks down. She was quite taken aback. I didn’t stay there much longer.


The bigger the profits for corporations, the stronger the economy.

good luck with that.


Do you really think it would be good for the economy if all corporations started LOSING money? You’re a bunch of economic illiterates.


We saw how the obscene profits that corporations had from 2002 to 2008, due to Republican tax cuts, resulted in the glowing economy we have now!



The free market takes those big profits and invests them in new ventures that spur economic growth. And it is invested much more effectively than a central planning board could do (Ask the USSR)!

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Now that we love the French, is it cool to call ‘em French fries again?

We never called them anything else, and we’ve been at war with Iran since 1979 (but Reagan wasn’t a traitor for selling them weapons in the 80s).

But seriously, we should run Kerry again, since he looks French, all the righties will vote for him in droves.


When you’re arguing the total GNP of each individual country, I think my analogy works.

No, the bigger the profots for the companies, the more money the CEOs make. The rest of the population (95%+) have seen their actual earnings decline for two decades.

In short, you’re working harder for less, while the super rich get richer and the middle class dies slowly. You see this as a victory for the people. Right-o.


More fun from the KTAR comments.

Whether you like it or not it it is your requirement as an American to take arms against those who are against true freedom. Obama and his cirle of friends, republican and democrat are enemies of freedom. The only diference today is we “think” we can reach an agreement with civility, but the truth is that you can’t reach any agreement with people who don’t want one.

That’s Jason S., internet tough guy.

St. Dragon-King Wangchuck

I still think a public option is going to pass, but let’s take Troofus’ crazed rant as correct. Yup, it’s another “I’ll accept your stupid argument as true just to show you that you are still wrong anyways” deal.

Why is he so happy then? I mean “The insurance companies will love it. They will be smiling from ear to ear, continuing to rake in record profits in the marketplace” – that doesn’t really sound like it’s good for America, does it?

Seriously, the anti-reform argument has shit and fuck all going for it, and the quality of shit its got is pretty low.

No, all that Troofie is happy about is that the scary negro president and all the lefty lie-beral terrorists he pals around with have been defeated. Hoorah! Then he gets to hope that the insurance bureaucracy recognizes that Troofus was a loyal foot soldier when the time to determine if he qualifies for recission comes around.

PROTIP for Troofus: They don’t fucking care what your ideology is, if your insurance company can find a way of not paying for your care, that is what they are going to do. They sure as shit ain’t gonna send hookers and coke to your Mom’s basement for you.


Do you really think ,,,



IFC is currently showing “CSA: Confederate States of America”, a mockumentary about what would’ve happened if the South had won the Civil War. They just got to the part where Hitler addresses a joint session of Congress.

I would encourage our resident troll to, um…how do I put this delicately…occupy himself for a while.


Troofie is in the intersection area of the Venn diagram for teabaggers, two circles, one being “evil” and the other “stupid.” He has lots of company, as there is significant overlap.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Also, about that Freedom kissing thing… I didn’t stay there much longer.

I was expecting lefty lesbo tongue wrestling.


Canuckistan’s in relatively okay shape because of financial institution oversight and regulations, something Harper ain’t too keen on.

You got that right. Flaherty (Harpo’s finance minister – the asshole who shanked Ontario’s finances) introduced subprime and financial deregulation to Canada in 2006, then quickly backtracked in the summer of 2008 when the crash hit. About 50% of subprime mortgaged properties are foreclosing in Alberta and BC (where Harpo is most popular).

Harper has been dishonest and stupid about the economy. In mid September ’08 he said he expects continued slow economic growth, but played down the possibility of a North American recession.

“While it has slowed down considerably, and while there remains this considerable instability, the American economy has not crashed, has not itself entered into recession,” he told reporters in Ottawa.

“My own belief is if we were going to have some sort of big crash or recession, we probably would have had it by now.”


The free market takes those big profits and invests them in new ventures that spur economic growth.

No. The money that is invested is called a capital expense. Profit is what is left for the shareholders.

Thank you for playing, you’ve made a mildly entertaining effort.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The free market takes those big profits and invests them in new ventures that spur economic growth.

…in China and India.


“…in China and India.”

So what? The economy knows no borders.

BTWS, if Socialism works, why wasn’t the USSR a worker’s paradise? Hmmm?


I was expecting lefty lesbo tongue wrestling.

I’m sorry to have misled you. Perhaps if it had been another of my friends . . .


The free market takes those big profits and invests them in new ventures that spur economic growth.

…in China and India.

…not that there’s anything wrong with that – (oh, my, that’s a big gun you have there!)

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

So what? The economy knows no borders.

It’s being sold as good for America, and it isn’t, really.

Was it Strawy himself that said there were no borders, or was it some other strawman?


lefty lesbo tongue wrestling.

…is it like chess?


Say what you want about us, we managed to scare the fucking shit out of the USA for over 50 years.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

we managed to scare the fucking shit out of the USA for over 50 years.

And are still scaring some of our weaker, shakier cowards. Well done!


Yup, it’ll be just like South Africa, because the (What, 12% or so?) African-American part of the U. S. is going to kill the majority population group. We suppose in this conspiracy theory that Justice Sotomayor & The HisPANICs will be waiting on the sidelines for the dust to settle & the Reconquista to begin.

In reality news, I’d bet that some of the anger here may be reflected by a lot of the larger population (the squares) who are not going to be happy about louts w/ fire-sticks wandering loose where politics is supposed to be going on.

Tweety seemed extra upset on “Softball” today, & kept asking Congressmen, “Why bring a gun somewhere the President is?” to which the critters would only reply, “It’s their right,” over & over. None of this is going to go over well w/ the masses.

So do whatever it is y’all do, & relax a bit. The loons have probably overplayed their hand.


The free market takes those big profits and invests them in new ventures that spur economic growth.

Yeah, see how good that worked out in the last couple of years?


The loons have probably overplayed their hand.

That’s a given.


The loons have probably overplayed their hand.

We live in hope.


“When it does happen, the conservative areas of the country can rise from the ashes and create a New Confederation that will be an oasis of stability and order!”

That’s pretty much exactly what Charlie Manson thought too.

“We’ll get the whole South, Texas, the Great Plains, and the Mormon states.”

Please take ’em and good riddance. Especially Texas. As for the great plains, you’ll get shitholes like Oklahoma, but I don’t see say, Minnesota going with you.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Please take ‘em and good riddance.

Can I apply for political asylum as a non-rightard from a Mormon state?


The loons have probably overplayed their hand.

This is my opinion as well. We already know we’re mostly dealing with overcompensating pants-pissers. Shit, real “rebels” would spit on these pretenders. The Confederacy, whatever else you can say about it, was made up of people with balls behind their convictions. Not so our current crop of backwards traitors.


….the conservative areas of the country can rise from the ashes

tomorrow is another day!!!


Can I apply for political asylum as a non-rightard from a Mormon state?

Free relocation for all sane, loyal Americans. I have relatives in Texas, and I certainly don’t wish a certain-to-fail Confederacy on any of them.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Perhaps if it had been another of my friends . . .

Your elipsis is not making this sticky August night any less hot.


The free market takes those big profits and invests them in new ventures that spur economic growth.

More like the CEO and shareholders take those big profits and invest them in mortgage-backed securities, McMansions with granite countertops, Hummers, and $40,000 designer handbags.

Meanwhile, 750,000 who are booted from coverage/denied payment for treatment/charged out the ass in co-pays, etc go bankrupt, lose their homes and life savings, but maintain their freedom to die in the street like stray dogs.

Hey, sounds like a plan…to turn us into the Phillipines.


If conservatism was so awesome, then why aren’t we still operating under the Articles of Confederation?

Northern Observer

I want to apologise for earlier, I spelled Matewan wrong, so perhaps you couldn’t find it, be methinks the US of A is getting back in touch with its turn of the century roots, this little clip from this American classic film shows the bloody climax where the local sheriff and the union men face off against the hired guns. Ugly and possible, because my sense is that if any right winger tries anything on any democrat, be it party member, senator, congressman, President or dog catcher, there will be a liberal response. And then things get nutso

Northern Observer

Humm that didn’t work. Link here:


Sorry, Dragon King. I’ll cool it down . . .

Scary thing about the loons overplaying their hand: That may be so, but as Sara and Dave at Orcinus have pointed out, there is a growing element of neo-Nazi and other nutbar racist, right-wing groups at these teabagging events. Some of those people are genuinely dangerous, especially when they have you outnumbered. Now, this is probably a good development for scaring away not-insane conservatives from supporting the ‘baggers, but I have a feeling they don’t really care about the normal people. They are all about solidifying the base element. (pun definitely intended.) And even 15% of the voting populace being radicalized by the likes of Stormfront does not make me feel particularly comfortable. I think they’ll do something nuts before they they fade away, if they do fade away. I don’t think they will.


Are you kidding? That US Constitution has like 1000 pages, and such. You betcha.


OT but a challenger has emerged to boldly take on Senator for Life Chuckles Grassley. Anyone with interest in seeing the Grassbag unseated can check out Thomas Fiegen for Senate here.

I understand there’s another challenger in the works as well.


I’ve seen hate and I’ve seen panick, and its all on this board. There is AS MUCH or more frothing hate and gaping eyeball crazylook hystrionics against “Righttards” as the Right have in Freeperville against the “Lefttards”. All this talk about BLOOD in the street and the greater majority of the left in this country don’t even own a suitable knife. What are you going to do? Throw harsh language at the neo-knuckledragger-guntotin-Bible clingers? LMMFAO!!!

Intarweb annonimity sure brings out the bravado.

Now where’s my chips and guacamole?


I’ve seen hate and I’ve seen panick, and its all on this board.

I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain, and its all on this board.

I’ve seen all good people turn their heads each day, so satisfied, I’m on my way, and its all on this board.

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord, and its all on this board.


Wake up and realize the numb-nuts fucktoid gun-wielding threat for what it is: A hatred drenched in ignorance and racism that WILL attempt to express itself via firearm ejaculation, sooner or later.

I do realize that. Just like I also realize that its only a matter of time before some ultra conservative nutjob who wants “his Pakistan back” tries to blow some Americans up somewhere. And my reaction to both is the same: you take it seriously enough to get a realistic assessment of the actual threat and you take all possible steps to thwart that shit before it happens– but you do so in a way that does not spread panic and disorder because that panic (and the over-reaction that it inevitably leads to) is precisely their despicable fucking goal.


I’ve seen all good people turn their heads each day, so satisfied, I’m on my way, and its all on this board.

Rent-a-Trolls checking off all the boxes on their daily script? Meh, I can deal with it. POOP, PENIS and DILDOS of varying degrees of humor? Shit, that’s why we come here. But I will not abide another Yes reference.


But I will not abide another Yes reference.

I’ve seen the light and I’ve seen the error of my way, and its all on this board.


The contrast between 2009 & 2004 as pointed out by MLP is truly an overflowing bucket of Campbell’s Cream Of LOL (damn, Bush really WAS a stoneless little girly-man) … but the amber waves of grainy angst & woe underneath it? Not so much so.

Considering how many folks on the Intertrons (not all of them wingnuts or the recently-deinstitutionalized) were predicting that there’d be a generous surplus of corpses strewn in the streets & that numerous government facilities would be piles of smouldering rubble by now as the result of those devious New-World-Order ACORNuminati Star Chamber cadres electing a liberal secret-gay Muslim Satanist fascist socialist baby-eating arugula-fetishing Kenyan usurper, I’d venture to say there’s a teeny-tiny bit of pearl-clutching going on here.

Not to mention that one might want to wait until there’s a health-care bill on the table before lamenting its level of inadequacy, let alone signing its death-warrant (as usual, logicfail-troll fails at logic) … & if I’m not mistaken, it’s not illegal in the US (yet) to use little-known rituals so as to introduce strange magical things known as amendments to bills – for instance, to beef up weak provisions … so can everyone please back away from the hemlock-tea & the emocore mixed-tapes now?


St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

For admitting that I was actually overly cautious about attending the Tampa town hall meeting, thereby providing the feckless little tool with new material and in the process proving that it’s got the same exact sort of mentality that drives Iraqi militias to ethnically cleanse neighborhoods in Mosul, I would like to repent.

Also, what the fuck happened in this thread? We got trolls of all stripes and varieties. There was even some fuckhead talking about Nader. Was Monday some International Act Like A Fuck On The Internets Day or something?

Enraged Bull Limpet

Whoa, I just spent the better part of an hour reading over 300 overwrought nuggets of madness, finally hit the reset button, and nothing new has shown up in the interim? Slackers.

And Stephen Harper wouldn’t survive a month in Canada, despite his prodigious scientific gifts. His severe physical handicap would have the Canuck Death Panels plunking him on a floe in a jiffy.


Was Monday some International Act Like A Fuck On The Internets Day or something?

Thusly, but for the starting point.

Colonel Richard Hindrance (Mrs)

Key quote: “The thing you must always remember about the American right wing is that they are basically the baddies in a film.”


Maude Flanders was killed by a t-shirt cannon. Don’t blame the t-shirt. Besides t-shirt cannons don’t kill fictional people. Fictional people kill fictional people.

St. Xecky Gilchrist

Now where’s my chips and guacamole?

You left them in the kitchen with your spelling and coherence.


Oh, I just have to know, is that RK-95 TP? (the gun that is)


“Guns don’t kill people. Bullets do.”


The thing that bugs the hell out of me about these armed idiots is that they draw inordinate attention by officers. Instead of scanning the crowd for threats, officers will be continually drawn to watching these clowns. Snipers who should be scanning their zone will be locked on to the armed morons.

It’s classic distraction/diversion technique and they’re hoping the “lone wolf” will do the job they want done.


Sheriff Joe Arpaio was cool with having the Viper Militia in Obama’s proximity. That would not even be allowed in Pakistan, where carrying assault rifles in public is illegal.


(comments are closed)