Brain Surgery = Iceberg Lettuce Wedges


ABOVE: Morgan Warstler

I haven’t been over to Big Andy Breitblart’s Hollywood Buffoon Buffet for quite some time, but it appears that the site has fallen on hard times. Breitblart’s idea was, in theory, to showcase right-wing Hollywood heavy-hitters (of sorts). But apparently that was a pretty shallow bench, so Andy has had to start recruiting a bunch of D-Listers whose only connections to Hollywood appear to have been working at a Hollywood Video store. Hence, we have Morstler Warthog, or Morgnut Wartster, or whatever his name is, posting now at Andy’s site. Morgan’s bio reveals that his claim to street cred in Hollywood is that he used to make YouTube videos in his grandmother’s basement.

The post by Morgwart that caught my eye had the promisingly daft title “Public Healthcare = Reality Televison ” [sic, no really, seriously, sic, this dumb fuck can’t even spell television]. I was hoping that this post would reveal the secret provision buried in the legislation that would ration cancer treatments to patients by sending them to a remote island where they would form faux tribes and vote one another off the island until the last player standing would get chemotherapy. Or maybe a provision that would give cataract operations to seniors that could stay the longest in a box with cockroaches while eating a fricassee of slugs and earthworms in a toe jam remoulade. Scarce meds would be rationed to patients who answered the most questions on Regis Philbin’s “Who Wants To Be A Octogenarian?”

Sadly, no, since that would have at least been entertaining. The point of Wartburger’s analogy was this:

The ugly truth about the health care debate can be summed up by the nightmare created by reality television: non-union actors (who we call “scabs” during strikes) are threatening the long standing system by jumping into the pool without regard for those who have worked hard to achieve their status and benefits. Listening to Obama talk about covering the 47 million uninsured sounds great. It’s the equivalent of saying EVERYONE should be able to participate, to try out for parts, and get treated as well as the top 1% of actors.

Actually section 1232 of the House bill requires that the Medicare budget be cut in half and all the savings be paid to Joe the Plumber so that he can play King Lear at the Kennedy Center while senior citizens keel over in the audience because the death panels have taken away their meds. Seriously, what the fuck is this guy talking about?

What we really want when we talk about medical coverage for all is what we mean when we say “feed everyone.” We mean – open enough soup kitchens that no one is hungry. We do not mean – “lets go eat everyday at the soup kitchen.” Beggars can’t be choosers. Do not demean the accomplishments of the insured by giving the same care to the uninsured.

Apparently the value of being insured is that others are not. What do you want to bet that this guy works up an appetite by looking at pictures of malnourished children in Africa?


Comments: 358


If you’re still up, and it’s not cloudy, GO OUTSIDE AND LOOK UP.

Beside the odd chance of seeing the Presidential Lizard Rendezvous Ship, it’s the peak of the Perseids.


Your link to Mugwump is fucked.

[Tintin adds: Link fixed. Thanks!]


Sure, on the one hand, universal healthcare might sound good, but how silly are you going to look going to the doctor for regular checkups and having easy access to necessary treatments and advice when any old Heartland peasant welfare queen can?


non-union actors (who we call “scabs” during strikes)

Hmm, sounds like someone is a socialist union member. Get out of the way of the free market, teet-sucking parasite.


Do not demean the accomplishments of the insured by giving the same care to the uninsured.

Do not demean the accomplishments of G.W. Bush by giving plummy sinecures to persons who did not receive unearned degrees from Yale and Harvard Business School.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Whoa! Did he actually say that Union actors were more deserving, and non-union actors were “scabs?” This only applies to actors, not auto workers, right? ‘Cause if not, this is a seismic change. Or else Brightfart is going to hear from Lord Limprod tomorrow. Will he survive? Won’t he? It’s a pickle he’s in!


I think healthcare is like movies. It’s cold in hospitals just like theaters. And if you can’t buy a “ticket” you shouldn’t “live” or something. The rest of the analogy writes itself.



Unfortunately, it decided to rain like a motherfucker tonight, after days of sunny weather. My luck with astronomical events started with Comet Kohoutek in 1973, and has been pretty much downhill from there.


Has anybody read Swank lately? He’s given up and is losing his faith. He’s about to crawl in a hole and await the end of the world. I think it just sank in that Obama won. He’s been switching his gaze from fox to his wang and back to fox wondering why Beck and O’Reilly don’t stiffen the rod like they used to.


Beggars can’t be choosers.

He would know.

But wait, is he saying he’s pro union? Not very right wing of him.


Your link to Mugwump is fucked.

that made me laugh out loud.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

And your link to Fuckup is mumped. Also


Hrrmm. So much for the Perseids. I should have phrased that, If you’re still up and don’t live in a city with a streetlight every fifty fucking feet…

Ah, well. I needed the exercise anyway. Plus I got to see the more urban entertainment of bus-meets-bus-stop aftermath. Six, half-dozen.


Can someone tell me if the link to Fuckwump has been mugged?


Warstler thinks he’s hawt in this pic, but I prefer this one. The latter pic originates from Wake Forest U.

Morgan Warstler’s Education
University of Maryland College Park
Debate, Philosophy 1991 — 1993
Activities and Societies:
US Rep to World Debate Council
Wake Forest University
Debate, Communications 1989 — 1991


Get me to New York right away …


Can someone tell me if the link to Fuckwump has been mugged?

The link to Fuckwump was mugged on its way to peek at the peak of the Perseids.


Just… wow.

The guy has basically confirmed that “rationing” of health care is not only unavoidable but morally justified, so long as it’s the rich that get the health care.

Everyone else, well, tough titties, losers.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Joe Max said,

August 13, 2009 at 9:40

Just… wow.

The guy has basically confirmed that “rationing” of health care is not only unavoidable but morally justified, so long as it’s the rich that get the health care.

Everyone else, well, tough titties, losers.

Well, we all know that’s the exact principle behind the US health care system. Gotta give him props for putting it right out there.


The link to Fuckwump was mugged on its way to peek at the peak of the Perseids.

But does the flagon with the dragon have the brew that is true?


Also, sixth picture down is simply priceless.


Also, sixth picture down is simply priceless.

I like the one with the happy, smiling little girl holding up the “Obama Lies/Grandma Dies” sign. She sure doesn’t seem all that put out by the possibility of grandma’s untimely demise.

You reckon she’s seen the will?


I used to think people like Fred Phelps were an oddity but he’s in good company. Same hate, stupidity and ignorance.


Beggars can’t be choosers. Do not demean the accomplishments of the insured by giving the same care to the uninsured.

It isn’t even about giving beggars health insurance you fucking moron. It’s about reigning in insurance companies that are denying claims due to previous undisclosed acne treatments.

It’s about $2 million weekend retreats and ever decreasing coverage.

What kind of worthless fuck thinks “Hey I still have insurance, thank god I’m not one of those 47 million losers who don’t!”

Mirrors have starting spitting back haven’t they?


What’s the point of having something if everybody else has it too? Only dead fish go w/ the flow! That’s why I always promise to buy my family xmas presents but never do, I also break all the presents given by other members of my family to each other. If I can’t be the only one w/ xmas presents, then what is the point of even fucking having xmas?!


Wait a minute. Is that really a rightwinger using the wonders of closed shop unionism as a reason to oppose healthcare reform? I think my head asplode.


The ugly truth about the health care debate can be summed up by the nightmare created by reality television: non-union actors (who we call “scabs” during strikes) are threatening the long standing system by jumping into the pool without regard for those who have worked hard to achieve their status and benefits.

Doesn’t he mean that reality television freed television from the oppressive grip of the SEIU / ACORN thugs?

Is he trying to suggest that TV was better when it was dominated by the anti-business, anti-productivity union forces?

Surely what he means to complain about is not that non-union workers got benefits, but that anyone at all received benefits, since this simply robs money from the benevolent companies who provide these layabouts with jobs?


I think he’s trying to rephrase one of the most important principles of this argument against pblic health care: “Fuck you, Jack, I’ve got mine.”


There is usually a reason a person lists the years they went to a school without listing the type of degree on their C.V.


“Fuck you, Jack, I’ve got mine.” If he wasn’t such a prototypical whinger he’d have that tattood on his body. but since he’s just supported unions he has to save his $ so that he can escape the palindrones when they come for him on their souped up zimmer frames.


Re: What kind of worthless fuck thinks “Hey I still have insurance, thank god I’m not one of those 47 million losers who don’t!”

This statement implies an awareness of the arbitrary nature of the system–that it could happen to anyone, and thank god it wasn’t me or mine. While this is a bad enough “fuck you, I’ve got mine” dog-eat-dog attitude, what this guy is really espousing is the prevalent Murkin faith in the Capitalistic God, who maintains a pure and infallible system. In that Calvinistic mythology, people get exactly what they deserve. He wouldn’t be without healthcare, because he deserves it–just as those who suffer in this nation deserve that for whatever reason. It’s a fair and objective system, until it happens to them–then it’s the damn commiehippielibruhlfaggots who are fucking things up and keeping ’em from rising to the level of their potential (which is, of course, more than the mud people of the world).

Mere hoomins cannot interfere with the natural process of segregation, of reward and punishment. Even trying will cause the destruction of mankind BOOM!


It’s not that I mind the iceberg lettuce wedgies. It’s just that I named my PENIS “Titanic” and I’m worried about a collision and sinking. I may not have enough lifeboat space.



University of Maryland College Park
Debate, Philosophy 1991 — 1993
Activities and Societies:
US Rep to World Debate Council
Wake Forest University
Debate, Communications 1989 — 1991

Wait, this guy gets 5 years of schooling in Debate and writes “Do not demean the accomplishments of the insured by giving the same care to the uninsured.”? Money and time well spent, I see.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

If this guy’s Warstler, I’d hate to see who’s Warstlest.

Anyways, what the fuck is he talking about? Isn’t the current debate about having a public option? Wouldn’t independently wealthy intertrons pioneers like Warstler, who’s managed to bury his first two companies before having to cash out of “some video based learning companies”, be able to supplement their coverage by topping up with some private plan?

Oh wait, this is about how no one is praising how big his PENIS is. Well for fuck’s sake, if that’s all it takes to get health care for millions of people then I’ll step up:

Morgan Warstler, you are a huge dick.


Ya know, when the right wing has to trot out serial victim Phil Parlock to defend its position, you know they’ve got nuthin’.


It is always ugly when the right wing is finally forced to say why they REALLY want or oppose a certain policy.

This case is rather sad really. This dipshit has so little to be proud of that having access to medical care is a status symbol for him. It is all he has got left, apart from being male and white I presume.


This dipshit has so little to be proud of that having access to medical care is a status symbol for him.

My chests swells with pride when my plumbing works.


Andy Breitbart, Tintin?

Shirley you mean Kenneth Gladney?

P.S. Mr. Gladney has embarked upon “Project Liberty“.

Project Liberty will sweep across this great nation to unite people for the common cause of protecting our individual liberties.

PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online!


Project Liberty will sweep across this great nation to unite people for the common cause of protecting our individual liberties.

Oh, that must mean he found someone to pay his medical bills.

Lady Doctor Missus Marita

If you’re still up, and it’s not cloudy, GO OUTSIDE AND LOOK UP.

Well, we went outside and looked up, and it was cloudy. But then we looked ahead of us, and Chrissie Hynde was on stage kicking some serious ass. So it was all ok.

/post-concert squee-ing

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Also, as well, note: Warstler does not appear to be a SAG member (perhaps a SAG-lynaut could check the directory) as there is no indication anywhere that he acts (other than “like a prick”). In fact, his primary activity appears to be starting up companies to produce TV and video related products and then watch them fail and collapse. I wonder if these TV and video related projects he’s founded/worked on were all union shops actually no I don’t.

IOW, he’s a scab-employing “entrepreneur” who’s stroking off SAG in order to deny health care to millions of people. Class-tacular there buddy.


Chrissie Hynde was on stage kicking some serious ass. So it was all ok.

/post-concert squee-ing

It’s mildly terrifying to think that my first Pretenders squeeing was 29 years ago.


Do not demean the accomplishments of the insured by giving the same care to the uninsured. That’s not how Hollywood works.

You know, I usually don’t follow Sadly links because I assume the stupid is as stupid as your posters say it is. In this case, I had to make an exception, and, holy shit, he really said that.

For Moron Warbler, this is about chest-thumping baboon hill-mounting. It has nothing to do with basic decency or morality. It’s completely not about access to care or the outrageous cost of care. No, it’s about those who are entitled vs. those who are not.

Well, Moonbrain Warbot, I have to say if it comes down to choosing healthcare for me and my family vs. healthcare for you, I would cheerfully choose to bump your worthless dumb ass off, because frankly it looks like you’re standing in my way.

In other words, you want fuckin’ class warfare, then let’s bring it on, cuntface.

Guess Who's Back?

Hey Tintin, I see you tried to ban me again. Well, you FAILED, you needle dick piece of shit. I’ll always be here, just accept it. I post WHEN I want, WHERE I want, and a 2-cent lib queefbait like you isn’t going to stop me. Bitch.

P.S. Try not be such a little whiny cunt.


I’ll always be here, just accept it. I post WHEN I want, WHERE I want, and a 2-cent lib queefbait like you isn’t going to stop me. Bitch.

It’s clever, well-thought-out, reasoned commentary like this that has made the GOP and the right wing what it is today.



But does the flagon with the dragon have the brew that is true?

Sadly, No! The flagon with the dragon has the pellet with the poison. The chalice with the palace has the brew that is true.


Lawsy me! That Twoofy’s so masterful!


Morgan’s bio reveals that his claim to street cred in Hollywood is that he used to make YouTube videos in his grandmother’s basement.

…now with girl-on-girl action!


That’s the biggest What. The. FUCK? I’ve read this week. And I’m on vacation, so I’ve been spending more time on the internets than usual.


The flagon with the dragon has the pellet with the poison. The chalice with the palace has the brew that is true.

“FROM the palace,” dammit! From! The whole joke hinges on that word!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

The chalice with the palace has the brew that is true.

Wasn’t it the vessel with the pestle?

Confession time – after watching The Court Jester, I could no longer watch Murder, She Wrote because I kept getting distracted by inappropriate thoughts about Angela Lansbury.


Having just read the “Lamest edit wars” page on Wikipedia, I have a whole new perspective on troll-feeding.

To use the punchline of a very old, incredibly unfunny joke: some people just want to have their grievance.


The peon with freon has the gold that is cold.


“I post WHEN I want, WHERE I want”
Wow. Dude, I thought we could push you around before but… well CLEARLY, our bans are no match for your awesome tech skills and willpower. Your ability to post messages on an open website clearly shows that you’re not to be fucked with. We should have known better.


The ugly truth about the health care debate can be summed up by the nightmare created by reality television: non-union actors (who we call “scabs” during strikes) are threatening the long standing system by jumping into the pool without regard for those who have worked hard to achieve their status and benefits.

This guy is the Kato Kaelin to Breitbart’s OJ.

Guess Who's Back?

Yeah, that’s right. Tintin the Queefbait can’t ban The Truth. Cunt.


So the GOP has quit with the patently false “Ooooh, we’re awesome Christians” bullshit, right? No way you could advocate against universal health care while also advocating for a religion spotlighting a god of love who healed the sick and preached charity for the poor, right? Right?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

The winger has this zinger, “Fuck You” that is “I Got Mine”.


…he didn’t get it. Well, screw.

St. Lady Doctor Missus Marita

Why would Tintin want to ban a TruthCunt?


Why would Tintin want to ban a TruthCunt?

Yeah, and he won’t ban the humorless dildos! SEXIST! SEXIST! TRIGGER! WAAAAAAH



I like Trigger and respect his acting ability, but I draw the line at calling him “sexy.”


I like Trigger and respect his acting ability, but I draw the line at calling him “sexy.”

I believe Trigger was actually a female horse. A little sexier now?

Rusty Shackleford

The Truth, the Truth, the Truth is on fire


The Truth, the Truth, the Truth is on fire

We don’t need no water, let the motherfucker burn

Guess Who's Back?

BTW, that dumb frigid bitch Hillary Clinton talked down America in Africa of all places, suggestion that Jeb Bush stole the 2000 election for his brother like we’re some Third World shithole. But its good to know people STILL can’t get over the 2000 election! Hey Hillary, maybe if you put out more Bill wouldn’t have had to get that BJ and Gore would have won without the scandal. Ever thing of that? Why don’t you look in the mirror instead of blaming Jeb Bush for Algore Earthtones losing.


I’d like to see this cobag go and read his little “fuck you, I got mine” rant to the crowds here

INGLEWOOD, California (Reuters) – Inside an aging sports arena, where rows of dental chairs and a hospital smell have replaced the former Los Angeles Lakers basketball court, thousands of Americans are seeking free healthcare.

Hundreds were turned away just on Tuesday, the first day of a weeklong clinic run by the nonprofit Remote Area Medical Volunteer Corp as part of its mission to provide free health, dental and eye care in needy spots around the world.

I’m guessing he would leave with at least one crutch sticking out of his selfish ass.


no no wait. I’ve got it! The healthcare debate is just like high school! Yeah, see, the nerdy kids are all like, “hey we want to hang out in the quad at lunchtime!” and the cool kids, who, like, can do sports and stuff, and whose parents buy them, like, good cars, instead of, like barf-mobiles, are all like, no way! If you can just hang out in our quad any time you want, even though you totally drive a beat up Mazda MPV instead of an awesome Beemer like my Dad gave me after him and my Mom–who is OMG, such a bitch ever since Dad moved out–anyway, if some complete lewzer like that can just cruise into the quad any time you feel like it, well then what;s the point of being completely awesome and having a dad who will give you good stuff and has like a good job and stuff?


Do not demean the accomplishments of the insured by giving the same care to the uninsured.

The accomplishments of the insured? What accomplishments? It’s now some kind of badge of character that you were lucky enough to get a job with a good plan, or marry someone covered by one? Or lucky enough that your employer hasn’t dropped it yet? Some people deserve health care while some don’t? Kee-rist.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

…who healed the sick and preached charity for the poor, right? Right?

Who Would Jesus Rescind Coverage From?


Kingbu, I just read about the Medical clinic at the Inglewood Forum – I think these are the same folks who did this in Virginia last week. It’s wonderful that they are doing it, but of course the media seems to be ignoring it for the most part.

It’s a national shame that this is even necessary in our country. For every clip of fat-assed “I got mine, fuck you!” screamers at town halls, they ought to split-screen footage of this.


yep. America is officially Third world now.


Madames et monsueirs, pardon me a moment but I need to preserve what’s left of my tenuous hold on sanity.

The protesters against the invasion of Iraq – against wiretapping, against torture, against tax cuts for the rich – they didn’t get a QUARTER of the coverage that the fucking teabaggers are getting protesting health care.

Health. Care. It’s like protesting relaxing in the sun, for fuck’s sake. Or pizza. And puppies.

Am I remembering right or is it just me?


So the GOP has quit with the patently false “Ooooh, we’re awesome Christians” bullshit, right? No way you could advocate against universal health care while also advocating for a religion spotlighting a god of love who healed the sick and preached charity for the poor, right? Right?

Jesus would oppose single payer healthcare, since he’d be out of a job.


The Truth, the Truth, the Truth is on fire

We don’t need no water, let the motherfucker burn

Fuck water!

It’s like that old joke:

A man is sitting in an huge traffic jam, when he spots a motorist coming towards him with a gasoline can.

He rolls down his window and asks what’s going on?

“Oh, Bush is up the road a piece and he’s trapped in his car and it’s on fire.”

“Wow. Anything I can do to help?”

“Yea, can you spare a gallon or two?”


Am I remembering right or is it just me?

I think you’re over-estimating how much coverage the anti-Iraq-clusterfuck protesters got.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

It’s like protesting relaxing in the sun, for fuck’s sake. Or pizza. And puppies.

Or Mother’s Day.

Look, you have to understand that the media has a blatant left-wing bias, and thus the only way to objectively report news is by always asking “would Newt Gingrich or Hugh Hewitt be upset by this?” before publishing anything.


Chuck U. Farley, I Got Mine! Eat it, Loonie Libs!


Jesus: Chuck U. Farley, I Got Mine! Eat it, Loonie Libs!

Sure, the dead guy would say that.


Above-the-fold headline on USA Today today says that “independents” are being convinced by the teabaggers 2-1 against health care.

Like I said. HEALTH. CARE.

I don’t know why but this all just struck me. What. The. Fuck.

I mean, if it’s this easy to manipulate Americans against their own self-interest… where is it going to stop? What the fuck happened to democracy and open reasoned discussion and negotiation and all that? “Islam Trojan Horse”? “Death panels for Granny”? WTF???


It’s just a variation of the old saying that a Republican is a person who can’t truly enjoy a meal unless he knows that somewhere, someone else is starving.


Maybe I’ve missed ’em, but has anyone seen any good parody protest signs mingled in with the real stuff? (Aside from that Arrested Development one.)


Pere Ubu, I expect the USA Today’s corporate overlords would like it if independents were being turned by by teabaggers. Hence the not-so-subtle validation by an innocent lil fair ‘n’ balanced headline. This applies to most of today’s journalistic discourse. I don’t know. Maybe it applies to yesterday’s, too.

In the olden days, before even I was born, town halls and speechifying and attending debates and stuff happened all the time, on account of no cable or intertubez. Thank goodness we’ve evolved.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Everyone loves Medicare. Early in the debate, some wingers were arguing that Medicare was yucky bad – but not only were the facts totally against them (as if that would make a difference) – they suddenly realized that bashing Medicare would alienate a huge core of their support – geezebags. And now, everyone loves Medicare. Arthur Laffer (of teh Curve) worships it so much, he never wants to see how horrible it would be if the government got its filthy hands on it.

So here’s a new approach – how about giving Medicare to everybody. I mean nobody wants to deny Medicare to anyone eligible, so let’s just lower the age of eligibility from 65 years to 65 seconds (What does Dragon-King have against less than a minute old newborns? Two slices of bread and some mayonnaise).

See, the problem is no one with a far-enough reaching voice is calling out FYIGM arguments as the FYIGM’s they are. So what about turning it around? Like Graeme Frost’s statement about S-CHIP, how it helped him and he wants it to help others too.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Whups. Second link “agains them” was supposed to be for this:

Lurking Canadian

So the GOP has quit with the patently false “Ooooh, we’re awesome Christians” bullshit, right? No way you could advocate against universal health care while also advocating for a religion spotlighting a god of love who healed the sick and preached charity for the poor, right? Right?

Actually, though I wholeheartedly agree with you, at least on issues of social justice they can spew some bullshit about private charity being better than forced government spending and at least seem to have some clue what Jesus said.

I think it’s still the “If you kill one of ours, we kill 100 of yours, and then we’ll kill 100 of these other guys over here who had nothing to do with it, too” that I think is absolutely impossible to spin.


I mean, if it’s this easy to manipulate Americans against their own self-interest… where is it going to stop?

As I wrote this morning, we liberals have to stand up and start taking real action


I too was confused by a winger supporting a union. But then it occurred to me: unlike every other union which is teh evil socialism incarnate, the SAG has been given a special dispensation due to its blessing by St. Ronnie himself!

The latest incarnation of The Truth

Address my picket line, libs!


So here’s a new approach – how about giving Medicare to everybody. I mean nobody wants to deny Medicare to anyone eligible, so let’s just lower the age of eligibility from 65 years to 65 seconds (What does Dragon-King have against less than a minute old newborns? Two slices of bread and some mayonnaise).


Why is my Nym a Question?

“There but for the grace of God…”=bleeding heart, Euro-fag, namby-pampy, soft-headed, LIBRUL mumbo-jumbo;

“FYIGM”= Compassionate Conservatism in action


Sourdough, DKW?


Teabagger redux this morning at the pharmacy.

Lady I wrote about the other day was in again, telling us that everything she told us then was true, and in addition that there was a “hundred point checklist” in the bill itself of objectionable items. (WHY???) Bossman said that if the supposed-bill passes he’ll probably be out of a job, as the gummint hates pharmacists, and told a charming story about a surgeon friend of his (no more surgeons or specialists when all doctors are paid the same!) who had a lady in a nursing home with a 10% chance of surviving if she had an operation, 0% if not. And so this “bill” (which doesn’t even exist in final form) would have let her die because a 10% chance wouldn’t have been good enough, and this surgeon knows that because shut up that’s why.

Teabagger lady is firmly convinced that with her health problems and her age (71) Obama would just stick her on an ice floe to die. Literally. She’s scared they’re going to let her die. She’s been lied to by these wingnuts and she believes it. She claims Tom DeLay told people that “old people just have to live with getting old” and this means that if anything happens she won’t get cared for.

She’s standing in a wading pool convinced she’s drowning, and flailing at anyone who tries to tell her otherwise or help her.

What. The. Fuck.


Pere Ubu, I wouldn’t call it good news, but it ain’t the end of the world the lede suggests it to be.

In a survey of 1,000 adults taken Tuesday, 34% say demonstrations at the hometown sessions have made them more sympathetic to the protesters’ views; 21% say they are less sympathetic.

Independents by 2-to-1, 35%-16%, say they are more sympathetic to the protesters now.

Starting from a baseline of 73% of those polled several months ago saying we need health care reform and they support it, you started out with a baseline of 27% opposition. I’m pretty sure every single person in that 27% would call themselves “more sympathetic” to the insane rantings of people just like themselves. So at most they’ve picked up another 7% who are “more sympathetic”. As for the figures among independents being twice as high for “more sympathetic”, quelle surprise. There are quite a few recent Republicans who now self-identify as independents; they were probably pretty much already more inclined against any kind of public health insurance or much of any reform effort interfering with the “free market” or whatever.

The thing that goes unmentioned in the sensationalist lede is that a full 45% of the people in this poll didn’t go with either “more” or “less sympathetic” but presumably with “I don’t give a fuck.” And the thing that the lede buries even deeper is that “I don’t give a fuck” was an even more prevalent number among independents than it was in the overall sample – by a margin of 49%, indenpendents indicated they didn’t give a fuck about the Whingeing Wingers.

The numbers indicate that overall, 66% of respondents say, “the drama queens haven’t changed my opinion,” with 65% of independents saying the same.


“Do not demean the accomplishments of the insured by giving the same care to the uninsured.”

Like the galaxy around the neck of the cat in Men in Black, there is a universe of moral depravity in this one sentence.

First, “demean.” In whose eyes? The “insured”? So the insured will be insulted and demeaned if someone else gets insured?

Oh, fuck it. I can’t go on.

No, wait, yes I can. Since when are contestants or subjects in reality shows to be considered “actors”? Does this inexpressibly stupid fuckhead require that a meth addict in Intervention, or an aspiring chef in Top Chef, join SAG first?

Tintin, when I first started reading this post, I thought, “Ouch, he’s making cheap fun out of the guy’s name. That’s kind of not-klassy.” I take it all back. No amount of mockery or derision will be enough for this jerk. Well done. Carry on. Etc.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

re: Universal Medicare

Look, there are bunches of really fucking old dudes (no offense intended to any geezebags in the audience) who have had Medicare for like, years. And although the ravages of time have burned out them ability to remember anything except when Matlock’s on, there is still that tiny flicker of recognition that getting Medicare was a good thing.

Seriously, how many people finally went to see a doctor sometime in their 66th year of life, got diagnosed with some easily remediable condition and significantly improved their quality of life? Tens if not hundreds of fucking thousands. An although the elderly are extremely unpleasant to be around (it’s troo, I reads it on the netertron) – I’m sure that lots of them know at least one or two people that don’t have health insurance. Would they want their family and/or friends to suffer the same way they did before Medicare kicked in needlessly?

And think about the legions of jackass boomers (no offense to any jackass boomers in the audience) out there who are, what five to fifteen years away from qualifying. I’m sure they wouldn’t be against getting Medicare five to fifteen years early. And it’s also a fact that all boomers are selfish fucktards that only think about themselves (it’s troo – it’s on teh tubes) but some of them have 2.3 kids and our Jane won’t give ’em the grandkids they’ve been nagging begging for because all their cash is being spent trying to make-up late payments on the mortgage. Man, if baby delivery fees were zero, them boomer parents would be able to push even more for babies babies babies (because the majority of the cost of raising a child is for the delivery).

I tell you, the fucking ads write themselves.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Sourdough, DKW?

Some folks live in a post-racial society, but I like to match the bread with the meat, so anything from dark pumpernickle all the way to Wonderbread.


I wonder if those worried about death-panels know they already exist (e.g. in insurance companies)?

As do waiting times. My wife has some “female” issues that don’t seem serious, but at every step she’s had to wait a month + for an appointment. What if in the beginning the issue was not a simple, functional cyst but rather an ectopic pregnancy or something else demanding a bit more immediate attention?

It doesn’t matter if your waiting time to get medical procedure X is zero-f’ing-seconds if you had to wait months/years/however long to get a diagnosis in the first place that tells you that you need procedure X anyway!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Also, Excuse my ENG-lish. The ads might write themselves, which plusly good thing because understandings of me saying words not bestest right now.


Nuff said, DKW. I just like the added tang that sourdough adds to a sammitch.

Did I just use the word “tang?”


Dragon-King, that’s what I want to see shoved in the face of the geezer protestors at every event: “Hey Jack, you’re already getting socialist government funded health care – I’m PAYING FOR IT out of every paycheck! You’re frickin’ WELCOME. I don’t complain about it because I don’t think you should lose your home and life savings paying for medical care. I don’t want to live in a country with a bunch of old people living on the street. But while I’m paying for it, and while your kids and grandkids are paying for it, all of us are out here at the mercy of these rapacious motherfuckers running the private health insurance racket, and WE could easily lose OUR homes and life savings before we ever reach retirement age – and STILL be paying for your healthcare out of every check. I just gotta ask, what kind of a selfish prick would rather see his own kids and grandkids lose everything than get the same protection he’s got, even though giving them the same protection isn’t going to cost the old bastard a dime?”


Look, I was a working actor for about a decade, and let me tell you: The “Untrained/Beautiful-but-not Talented/Non-Union/British Actors take all the JOBS!” meme is the go-to whine of an actor that can’t get work to save his life.

Oh, and $10 bucks says that this dickhead doesn’t have any health insurance right now. If you’re a union performer or director ya gots to work to be insured…and I’m not talking about working at Blockbuster.

Dragon-King Wangchuck


Problem is that no one likes getting told. Especially old farts. I should know because I give helpful advice to doddering old phaggortz all the time (stuff like ‘hurry up you old coot, you ain’t got much time left before checking out so you don’t wanna be wasting it by walking so fucken slow”) and they never appreciate it.

But if they come to the realization *all by themselves* (with perhaps the help of some words from a well-respected ancient guy with wrinkles and whatnot) – the understanding that they Medicare that they are currently enjoying could be offered to some of their loved ones – that by doing so, they wouldn’t have to go through the years from 60-65 with the constant chronic ache in their knees or unexplained (to non-medical professionals) shortness of breath or what-the-fuck-ever…

I forget where I was going with this. And that’s why single-payer is off the table and Obama is going to kill your grandmother.


I forget where I was going with this.

You’re getting old.

So the choice is Medicare or leave you out on an ice floe.


You know, folks, I really hate to disagree with youseall, but this goes ‘way beyond “fuck you I got mine”.

Oh, I’m not suggesting there isn’t a core of social conservative “if we only taught those people to be more moral and manage their budgets better” about this. This is deeper. These people, if Mizz Teabagger is anything to judge by, are convinced they’re fighting for their very lives.

That’s something entirely different. And it’s hard to argue logically with someone convinced their existance is threatened. I mean, look at what Bush & Co. accomplished with their death threats.

And this isn’t just Clinton / Hillarycare all over again. This is much, much nastier, and getting worse much faster than back then. AND it’s been mainstreamed instead of just being a factor on the LaRouche/Paul fringe.


You know, folks, I really hate to disagree with youseall, but this goes ‘way beyond “fuck you I got mine”.

You’re right. This has gone all the way to “the fuck you’re taking mine away from me just so some neegroooooes can have better health.”


This has gone all the way to “the fuck you’re taking mine away from me just so some neegroooooes can have better health.”

I hate to say it, but I think it’s even more “There’s a nego telling me what to do”.


I found no reference to a “Morgan Warstler” on IMDB Pro. IMDB Pro pretty much lists everybody who has ever made a student film even.


“A terrorist-loving Islamic communist radical negro telling me what to do”, yet.


I wonder if those worried about death-panels know they already exist (e.g. in insurance companies)?


I’m still trying to figure out why it would evidently have been better if some wanker from BC/BS had decided that the surgeon’s patient shouldn’t get treated if she only had a 10% chance. Evidently it makes all the difference. Somehow, fucked if I can figure it out.


I looked ’round da google and found this from 2000:

This high-school-with-money model became the norm at Web shops like LOADtv, cofounded by a 29-year-old junk-mail mogul named Morgan Warstler. Flush with venture capital, Warstler rented an old bank building on the Sunset Strip and filled it with staff from his native Canton, Ohio. Former and current employees say they logged 75-hour workweeks producing Web programming targeted at what current CEO Jack Kennedy calls “low-hanging fruit” — Gen Y computer nerds and skate punks. Employees, say sources at the company, were regaled with plans to topple the Hollywood studio system; one former staffer and a job applicant were told the black and white tiles in front of the building had been arranged in a pattern that resembled digital code. The secret message: FUCK YOU. (LOADtv cofounder Matt McFee says he’s “never heard that one” and that employees were under no obligation to work such long hours. Warstler did not return calls for comment.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Evidently it makes all the difference.

The difference is that government bureaucrats are lazy jerkwads that will only do the absolute minimum required not to get transferred to a less cushy job. Thus you can only expect the minimum acceptable level of competence from them. Private insurance death panels are super efficient and ultra capable as a result from having to compete in the free market and are thus optimized for denying care.


The difference is that government bureaucrats are lazy jerkwads that will only do the absolute minimum required not to get transferred to a less cushy job. Thus you can only expect the minimum acceptable level of competence from them.

Well, thereyago, as Caribou Barbie would say.

Gummint can’t do ANYTHING right, so even if they DO set up death panels they’ll fuck that up, too! Q.E. fuckin’ D.


Well, if someone’s gonna pull the plug on grandma, might as well make sure they get a nice bonus for doing it.

It’s not that death panels are wrong, bad, or immoral; it’s only wrong, bad, or immoral if no one PROFITS from the death panels.


“LOAD-TV”? Seriously? Can that have a better name, ever?


Yeah, the Private Insurer Death Panels DO seem to be more efficient….


What’s the point of having something if everybody else has it too?
Bad weather is Nature’s way of rationing the Perseids.


Hey, something is going to pass. Probably a watered-down, middle-of-the-road bill that provides a basic safety net along the lines of social security- bare-bones, bottom-line security. The bill will grease Big Pharma for sure, and there will be a provision that provides some greasy cash to the private insurance companies. And when that happens:

-Obama’s approval rating goes up, as disaffected lefties and moderates jump on the “Well, at least we won something” bandwagon AND

– As the months turn into years, the wingnut right (which at this point is almost all of them) will seem more and more like Chicken Little, running around with a teabag and a fake birth certificate. Nobody’s grandmother gets the chair, and nobody gets rounded up into Manzanar Redux. They’ll lose more and more credibility, we’ll keep the majority in 2010 (though we may lose the 60 seats), and Obama will be elected for another term.

What happens after that is anybody’s guess. Probably the Dems will get lazy with too much control and the pendulum will start to swing the other way, but in the meantime we’ll have a system that is marginally more humane, and something like cancer will only affect your body, not your finances. Mission accomplished, I guess. I wish we could go further and get a real national health care system, but the way politics work now, that was a pipe dream from the start.

Not concern trolling, just cynical here.

Oh, and fuck you, Troofus, if you’re reading this, you idiot dupe. You and mouth-breathers like you are a HUGE part of the problem. Don’t bother responding, though- I’ve killfiled you before, and I’ll killfile you again, without reading your little one-note essay. You’re irrelevant, you see.


sorry, been too busy actually doing production lately to weigh in around here.

the thing about this guy’s analogy is…it’s not just that it is a bad analogy. it’s not just that it’s a false analogy. it’s that the actual description of the underlying facts that make up part one of the analogy are just…wrong. hideously so. there aren’t a bunch of “actors” getting SAG cards from working on reality shows, there are a bunch of people working with a part of the business (reality TV) that has only slowly been unionized. in the main, it is unionized now (minus in part some of the writers [yes virginia, these shows are WRITTEN, as i can tell you from having been around hell’s kitchen and nanny 911 quite a bit] but even that is changing), and this is the shit you fucking morons in our country want to watch, so once in the union these people get the benefits the union has fought for over the years, including a decent health care plan, actually it’s a pretty great plan.

but you don’t qualify by “jumping in”, you qualify by getting enough hours of work.

what’s the point? that fucking bighollywood website is just completely insane. i work in a business of people who in the main are liberal and/or progressives. much like with academia, where the vast majority of PhDs are liberal, i wonder if this EVER causes a conservative to look inward for even one minute and think…wait a second–smart people are mostly liberal?

we all know the answer to that one.


Government-run death-panels would be bloated, heartless bureacratic boondoggles, incapable of delivering efficient euthanasia to a demanding market… AND, they would make it impossible for private death-panels to compete, driving them out of business and such as. Also.


Do not demean the accomplishments of the insured by giving the same care to the uninsured.

OMG I’M ACCOMPLISHED! And to think I was feeling down about myself today!


in the meantime we’ll have a system that is marginally more humane, and something like cancer will only affect your body, not your finances. Mission accomplished, I guess.

Sorry, I’m even more cynical.

If something gets passed, and it doesn’t have the imprimatur of Beck/Limbaugh/Coulter/Malkin etc. we’re going to see outright violence. ‘Cause these shits have convinced people the bad stuff is carefully hidden away in the bill (yet accessable to all these people on Teh Internoobz), and will convince them that whatever does pass, no matter how innocuous, still contains TEH SEEEKRIT death panel and mandatory ID mind control chip legislation.

There’s no convinvcing the paranoid mindset that the worst isn’t going to happen, because if you try you’re one of THEM.


Asshat Warstler does not get his health insurance from SAG or WGA. Possibly under the Producers guild program, but I’m beginning to think the warstler is a po. I think he slipped into Bog Howlwood under false pretenses and fooled ’em into this baldface confession of right-wing reality.

I could be wrong as the fun-house mirrors seem to be multiplying lately. But I guess it always seems that way when the world goes crazy.


More on Moran Wartster here:

Raise your hand if you believe his tale of how he made the captain of the Yale Debate team cry.

Doctor Missus Marita

and this is the shit you fucking morons in our country want to watch,

Can I just watch old episodes of the Young Ones and Bottom over and over and over instead? KTHXBAI.


OK I was wrong. Not a po. Wingnut welfare recipient du jour.

And a typical Producer. Evil.

Doctor Missus Marita

OT: RIP Les Paul


It gets even worse: Morgan is a spammer! Or at the very least, one of those wankers responsible for paper junk mail.

So this is his what his real job history looks like.. First he dropped out of college without getting a degree, then he worked as a junk mailer, and then was a venture capital burning dot commer with no business plan, and no sense.. unless you count his sense of entitlement.

Ever since then he has started up lame duck internet companies in the hopes of bringing back the glory days of the dot com boom.


Raise your hand if you believe his tale of how he made the captain of the Yale Debate team cry.
:raises hand:
I believe he made the dude cry, but I bet we differ on the reason why the dude cried. Being called a dildo isn’t usually a reason (unless it’s obvious you’re a buttplug.)


Oh my god:

“I deal in ideas” Warstler continues. “People are hosts to ideas, like viruses. When two people meet, ideas jump out of their heads, looking for new hosts. What I’m after is for my idea to jump out of my head and crush the ideas in someone else’s head.”

You’d think that would be the peak of the arrogance. Warstler’s ideas are sub-neanderthal STUPID. But get what comes next:

“There is a whole, vast untapped market of Americans who don’t know shit about geopolitical bullshit, but who want this war to succeed,” Warstler says. “Those people need arguments. So if they’re in a bar somewhere arguing with somebody, they can just hold up their cell phone, play the latest installment from you, and be like, ‘End of argument.'”

Yeah, the argument would end there, shamblewits. Because I’m seeing it like this:

ME: “So I think the Iraq war has cost the United States over a trillion dollars and has no goals and no chance of achieving anything except wasting money.”

MORGAN ‘MORON’ WARSTLER: “Oh YEAH! Lemme dial this phone number and play a segment from this guy I know and I’m TOTALLY gonna make a fool of you.” (dials number tap-tap-tap-tap)

ME: “HA-HA-HA-HA-HA Jackass! ” (Shoving Warstler off his barstool and dumping the warm remains of his Michelob all over his stupid face). “Barkeep, another Bourbon Barrel Stout for me!”

Dragon-King Wangchuck

What happens after that is anybody’s guess.

Here’s my guess:

Even with a weak public option, millions of people will start having access to basic medical services. This is going to be popular – very fucking popular. Better than sliced bread even.

AHIP and other industry lobby groups will try and dismantle or re-build the watered-down public option to their best benefit. The super-diligent “press corps” will continue to EPIC FAIL so the odds of finding out about harmful changes to the system are going to be slim.

So it’ll be a battle between private interests trying to milk or destroy the system and the handful of folks actually inside the system, with actual knowledge of the circumstances and situation, trying to defend it.

And then the fucking Southerners and Heartland phaggortz are finally going to elect some bible-thumping GOPper who will shove his pestulent PENIS into the civil service and splooge cronyism and nepotism all over the fucking place (see Administration, George W. Bush).

But the EPA ain’t dead yet. Or Social Security. Justice is on fucking life support, but that’s where the neo-cons ass-raped hardest.

So even a watered-down weak-tea public option is enough. Because it will create an institution and cement the basic notion that “promote the general Welfare” includes keeping people from dying of easily treatable conditions. So it’ll be another win in the progress column with more and more things getting included as “basic coverage” – but it’ll be fucking slow, and take too much time to be of any use to people who had to endure NKOTB – which is proof that God is an evil and vindictive bastard.


slippytoad, you could shorter that with:

“Oh, yeah? Well, this pre-recording at this number is so totally gonna PWN YOUR ASS, LOOSER!!!11!!!elventy!1”


Pere Ubu, it’s written in code, in invisible ink, in between the lines and in the spaces between letters.

If you hold the bill up to a fire, squint, and take all the acid you can get your hands on, YOU’LL SEE IT TOO.


To be preceded by this shorter:

“Stupid people want this war to succeed.”


If no-one organises a Vancouver Drinking Sadly within the next two days, I shall be forced to organise one for myself. Allegedly there is beer here.
That is all.
Apart from PENIS.


Shorter Me:

If you have to stop during an argument to go get your rebuttal from a Wile E. Coyote contraption, you are NOT WINNING.


Hey, something is going to pass. Probably a watered-down, middle-of-the-road bill that provides a basic safety net along the lines of social security- bare-bones, bottom-line security. – Tommmcatt

Unfortunately, this isn’t the only sort of watered-down, middle-of-the-road bill that could pass. The media, obsessed with “balance” and “bipartisanship” will cheer on a health care plan that will include many (necessary to be sure) regulations but without any real public option, requirements for cost savings or restrictions on rescissions. The bill will pass with “bipartisan” support (from so-called RINOs as well as most Dems). Of course, the whole “motivation” for having a “compromise” bill will be that “we want to address even the concerns of our conservative friends who have showed us how strongly they felt, e.g., at Health Care Town Hall meetings”, but precisely because the bill does not include a public option or really anything to force insurance companies to behave (but rather will give insurance companies more excuses for not behaving), what will end up happening is even fewer people will have health care and it will be more expensive.

Of course, the American people won’t be smart enough to figure out exactly how this happened and the role which pseudo-centrism has played in all of this. They’ll essentially recognize however that both the Democrats and the Republicans played a role in this fiasco (correct but essentially re-enforcing “the truth is somewhere in the middle with compromises” dynamic that will have led to the fiasco in the first place). Moreover they’ll blame the Dems. for starting this whole thing and be more against “liberal reforms” for the next round. Additionally, since the media will have cheered this “Democratic reform” on, they’ll further see the media as having “a liberal bias” so anything the media does say against GOoPers will get dismissed while every criticism the media makes of Dems. will get an “even the liberal media says” sort of affirmation.

While I really wish the Dems would stop trying to be so waffling with their 10 dimensional chess and just catch the football rather than kinda, sorta catching it with the tips of their fingers (which will thus get broken) and just realize we gave them more of a mandate than GW Bush or Newt Gingrich ever had and pass real #@$!ing health care reform already, that ain’t gonna happen. Short of that, I do hope that whatever watered-down compromise happens it’ll look like the one Tommmcatt thinks will happen rather than what I fear.

But given the Dems’ history of fondling the duck, one can’t be too sure.


Dragon King, I may need to eat your brains for insufficient cyncism.

Just where do you think you are?


I don’t think Wartsler’s latest bussiness venture is really about arguing on behalf of rednecks in bars who can’t string together a complete sentence or two to justify their prejudices.

It is really just a phone sex line for chickenhawks.


All’s I’m sayin’ is, I was looking at the militias / “patriots” back in 1993 and thinking “There’s no way this could end well”. Then April 20, 1995 I was unfortunately proved right.

I’m getting that same 1993 feeling from the teabaggers. And like I said, it’s mainstream now.

I’m afraid we’re in for a world of hurt.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Just where do you think you are?


Trust me, even very basic medical coverage will be more popular than hawt bi-curious co-eds. Being able to see a doctor when you are sick or ailing – that should be a fundamental human right.

And yes, all civil servants are idiots and mouth-breathing morans incapable of anything but losing forms (it’s troo, I reeds it on mah ‘putter screenies). But even those parasitical government apparatchiks, well at least some of them, will stand up for not letting people just die from easily treatable conditions. Fuck, even John fucking Ashcroft made some attempt to slow down the torture regime.

It’s going to be okay, the next generation’s got this one. It’ll be universal health care eventually. But all you ancient geezebags will be dead by then. That’s okay though, it’ll be there for your children and your children’s children – and after all, leaving your kids a better life – that’s what the American Dream is all about.

IOW, fuck you childless people. Seriously, I ain’t got nothing but bad news for if you if you aren’t young or have kids.


I get the impression that some of these folks believe that if the government “denies care” then it will be illegal for anyone to provide care. As opposed to the government not being willing to pay, but you can still buy the operation out-of-pocket. You know. They way it has worked with the current insurance carriers.



The new phone book’s here! The new phone book’s here! I AM SOMEBODY!


well, if I was the government, I can think of a few motherfuckers I would make it illegal to treat.


The new phone book’s here! The new phone book’s here! I AM SOMEBODY!

Stop fooling yourself.


OT: RIP Les Paul


(moment of silence)



For a moment that registered as Ron Paul and I thought the wingers’ Reichstag fire had arrived.


IMDB Pro pretty much lists everybody who has ever made a student film even.

According to Troofie, it’s missed me.

Gee, I’ve only appeared in a half dozen actual Hollywood movies…


Stop fooling yourself.

Spoken like a man who thinks Old Spice masks decomp.

St. PeeJ of PENIS

What the fuck is wrong with you liebrulz? Don’t you understand? They want their country back. From the duly and democratically elected um…..




Dragon-King Wangchuck

Also, nothing but bad news if you do have kids, but hate their fucking guts.

So for your own mental well-being, start accepting the social network-sexting Jonas brother loving twitterbots – because they are going to inherit the post-racial, gay marriage legal in Georgia, universal health care, liberal fucking utopia you are all struggling and sacrificing for.


I get the impression that some of these folks believe that if the government “denies care” then it will be illegal for anyone to provide care.

That’s pretty much the impression I get, as well. Those death panels will have death squads out there making sure 59+ year-olds don’t even take daily aspirin for their heart.


For a moment that registered as Ron Paul and I thought the wingers’ Reichstag fire had arrived.

You too?

I was all like “YES! THERE IS A GODDESS!” and then I saw it was LES and not RON… ugh.

We’ll all have to settle for Les, now.


And yes, all civil servants are idiots and mouth-breathing morans incapable of anything but losing forms (it’s troo, I reeds it on mah ‘putter screenies).

What is up with the whole government-is-no-good-at-anything-complicated meme? These are the same people who think it’s perfectly fine to trust the government with nuclear warheads but not healthcare?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

…with nuclear warheads but not healthcare?

Plus MOAR standing army with experimental death rays and stealth 22’s or something!!! Go Libertarianism!


LOADTV ?!? Seriously, LOADTV ??????

That’s hilarious!


IMDB Pro pretty much lists everybody who has ever made a student film even.

hell, it lists my kid, who once played a musical instrument in a student film.


These are the same people who think it’s perfectly fine to trust the government with nuclear warheads but not healthcare?

That’s different ’cause supporting the military is in the Constitution and if we don’t the BAD PEOPLE will come and saw our heads off and you gotta support the troops cause they’re heros and liberty’s not free and URAAAAAH and all that shut up that’s why.


Stop fooling yourself.

Spoken like a man who thinks Old Spice masks decomp.

Hey, if it’s good enough for Bruce “Mr Zombie Fighter” Campbell, it’s good enough for me!


the BAD PEOPLE will come and saw our heads off

Then watch those cracker bastards scream about national healthcare!


We’ll all have to settle for Les, now.

Which is central to the right wing’s point: Les is (no) more.


Okay, I knew this guy was human filth from standing downwind of the pile of decaying smegma he calls an “opinion” … but this:

LOADtv, cofounded by a 29-year-old junk-mail mogul named Morgan Warstler

… makes me want to get a passport & take a week off work so I can kick him in the stones in person.

Hey Tintin, I see you tried to ban me again. Well, you FAILED


Actually, one of the reasons I’m not so big on answering trolls any more is that MODS=GODS, so they can delete every idiotic word a troll vomits up as soon as it’s posted, in addition to banning IPs, which leaves me potentially making a witty rejoinder to a big empty space.

PROTIP: truly mean & devious mods will very pointedly NOT ban a troll, but simply delete their spew on sight, knowing that their infantile attention-whoring won’t let them stop trying vainly to wag their willy in everyone else’s face for a looooooooong time – & thus thoroughly trolling the troll.


IMDB Pro pretty much lists everybody who has ever made a student film even.

It lists me, for fuck’s sake, for a 90-second interview in a documentary. And yes, I have so little self-respect that I searched for myself.


What is up with the whole government-is-no-good-at-anything-complicated meme?

I thought Obama’s meme the other day of the USPS was spot on.

After all, it’s competitive with Fedex and UPS, but it also has a federal mandate to deliver mail to any address in the United States, something neither Fedex nor UPS is required to do.


I don’t think Ash was the first to take a chainsaw to zombies, but he was probably the most egregious about it.

We hates him. He’s like a Zombie Hitler.


PROTIP: truly mean & devious mods will very pointedly NOT ban a troll, but simply delete their spew on sight, knowing that their infantile attention-whoring won’t let them stop trying vainly to wag their willy in everyone else’s face for a looooooooong time – & thus thoroughly trolling the troll.

A really kewl WP plug in would be one where the troll posts, sees his post is up, but no one else can.

I can imagine Troofie sitting there, waiting for replies and…..*crickets*





This post title just keeps “Brain Salad Surgery” in my head every time I read it. Please post a new one.


“There is a whole, vast untapped market of Americans who don’t know shit about geopolitical bullshit, but who want this war to succeed can be easily manipulated for a price,” Warstler says. “Those people need arguments. So if they’re in a bar somewhere arguing with somebody, they can just hold up their cell phone, play the latest installment from you, and be like, ‘End of argument.’”

It’s the traveling version of Troofy. Storing the talking points on your cell phone.

Wonder how well Warstler did with that enterprise. It’s one thing to email talking points to boneheads so they can cut-and-paste their troll-posts. It’s another thing to have the boneheads let you watch them doing it. Cuts into the credibility a wee bit, don’t you think?


I thought Obama’s meme the other day of the USPS was spot on.

It’s a totally accurate meme. The USPS provides the best value for your dollar for a specific service. No other postal system in the world delivers mail as cheaply and as quickly, across a country the size of the US.

It’s also a completely rationale meme that won’t get anywhere near the headlines of the granny-killing meme.


at 19:16 Dragon-King Wangchuck said,

Here’s my guess:

Even with a weak public option, millions of people will start having access to basic medical services. This is going to be popular – very fucking popular. Better than sliced bread even. . . .

So even a watered-down weak-tea public option is enough. Because it will create an institution and cement the basic notion that “promote the general Welfare” includes keeping people from dying of easily treatable conditions. So it’ll be another win in the progress column with more and more things getting included as “basic coverage. . . .” (pedantic ellipsis)

And THIS is why the insurance industry and the fat cats of the world are throwing everything they’ve got at this bill. And among the things they’re throwing are confused and terrified old people, who are so afraid of being refused care that they’re forgetting about the grandkids who can’t get 40 hours at McWaleirs much less health benefits. They’re also throwing the pro-lifers at it, who gibber compulsively at thought of a woman making her own reproductive choices. These folks, bless their hearts*, have gotten out there and blarted passionately and irrationally.

Like you, I think a weak version of the bill with a public option will pass. I mean, what is a Congressperson to make of a constituent who says “Keep your government hands off my Medicare?”

But I can’t help wondering, did the pro-reformers manage to orchestrate the opponents into creating a firestorm over stuff that isn’t true? I can imagine Obama and the Congress making a big show of compromise by removing the reimbursement for physicians participating in end-of-life consultations and by adding a provision that says tax dollars won’t fund elective abortions. The left-wingers will protest and the Blue Dogs will point piously to the amended bill. Nope, no grandma or babykilling there. Then are the opponents going to try to re-energize the “base” by saying, “It was the principle all along, you dumbf*#ks!”?

*Don’t leave them out in the rain. They might drown when they look up to see where the water is coming from.


STILL HERE! God, you just can’t win, can you!

Wow. You are the king of phyrric victories, aren’t you? Have at it…


Poor Troofie.

What’s the matter, mommy’s on the rag? Again? Second time this week, is that what she told you?


He’s posting the thread?



Manic troll is acting manic. This must be the uptick of the bipolar cycle.


Manic troll is acting manic. This must be the uptick of the bipolar cycle.

I just wish he would Perseid other interests.


hey, I was on the Grand Prize Game with Frasier Thomas back circa 1978.

I demand an IMDB pro citation!!!!!


What I like is that the troll undoubtedly spends more time working around the bans than the mods do in banning it.

So who’s the loser? And yes, my self-respect does not allow me to misspell that, even to mock the trool.

I can imagine Troofie sitting there, waiting for replies and…..*crickets*

Unfortunately, that’s not the MO of this particular mental aberration. All he wants to do is interrupt the discussion. So he will post and post and post regardless of how people respond.

Unlike me, of course.


I think its spelled “looser”


He’s posting the thread?


I know. Lamest stunt evar.


oh, sorry.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Heh, first and last posts of the bizarre self-thread copy pasta are mine. I surround you Sadlies.


So he will post and post and post regardless of how people respond.

But that’s the beauty of my hack proposal. He can post away to his heart’s content, and no one, and I mean NO ONE but him will see anything he posts.

Meanwhile, he will see them and wonder how in the hell no one’s biting.


Heh, first and last posts of the bizarre self-thread copy pasta are mine. I surround you Sadlies.

I, for one, welcome my Dragon-King overlords…


Unfortunately, that’s not the MO of this particular mental aberration. All he wants to do is interrupt the discussion.

Exactly. He got out ahead of the town-hall protesters, months ago. Cutting edge trollery.


I just wish he would Perseid other interests.

Satellite of Hate. Oh, Satellite of Hate…


Bless you, TinTin.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Or not. I guess I was pushing Page Down to hard. Sorry Page, you can get back up now.

cowalker @ 20:29, who confused me into surrounding something,

No. I strenuously doubt the n-dimensional jiujitsu of pre-reformers rabble-rousing the mouth-breathers. Because I think the pro-reform faction has actual morals, and the idea of riling up 2nd amendment wingnuts while town hall meetings are being held nation-wide, that’s just wrong.


Unblock my proxies now, I will get around it, anyway. Bitches.

But of course, you do all this for free, right?


Dragon-King Wangchuck

Ummm, there’s an unfortunate comment line-up. I have no objection to blessings being bestowed on Tintin. In fact the very idea of frenching faggots is HAWT (and I mean that in a totally heterosexual way).


Djur at 2022 stole my post.


Maybe we’re seeing a preview of the next strategy to be employed at town hall meetings.

Congressman X: “I represent your district in the House, and I’d like to explain the healthcare reform initiative and answer any questions you have.”

Wingnut: “I represent your district in the House, and I’d like to explain the healthcare reform initiative and answer any questions you have.”

Congressman X: “There will be time at the end for questions. Please don’t interrupt me and prevent all these people from hearing the information I came to present.”

Wingnut X: “There will be time at the end for questions. Please don’t interrupt me and prevent all these people from hearing the information I came to present.”

Officer: “Please step out into the hall. You’re creating a disturbance.”

Wingnut: “Please step out into the hall. You’re creating a disturbance.”

Officer tases the Wingnut into silence.


Maybe we’re seeing a preview of the next strategy to be employed at town hall meetings.

Officer tases the Wingnut into silence.

Fixxored for wishful thinking.


Damn, TinTin, you’re goddamned fast today!


I sense melt-down approaching.

Guess Who's Back, AGAIN!

Give up yet, you little needle-dicked bitch?


Frankie Valli Fights Back

A deaf guido has an opinion about healthcare, and this is the best you got, chump?

Who’s next, Mr. fucking T? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAH!!!!!


Why do these Libertarian fruitards always remind me of MMO lifers?

“Do not demean the accomplishments of the insured by giving the same care to the uninsured.”

Translates roughly to:

“How DARE Blizzard offer n00bs mounts at level 20, for a measly 5 gold!?! I had to grind mobs for weeks before I could afford a mount!”

They’re not angered by the thought of 47 million of their countrymen going without healthcare. No, they’re angered by the thought that the n00bs haven’t earned it.

Sometimes I wonder if we’re even all part of the same species.


Really, the teabaggers disrupting these meetings are simply meatspace versions of internet trolls. The message is the same:

Look everyone, I’m playing with my poop!!!


So Franki Valli, wealthy man and old geezer fucking Medicare leech, wants to deny the protections he enjoys thanks to socialized medicine to the rest of us? Mr. Valli can go fuck himself.


OT: RIP Les Paul

Rest in peace, Les.

Though he’ll be remembered as one of the world’s great guitarists, Paul is the man who invented multi-track recording as we know it today. Without it, there would have been no Sgt. Pepper’s, no Dark Side of the Moon, no Innervisions, no Menudo’s Greatest Hits…

Well, OK, but the good outweighed the bad…

Here’s a tribute that says it all:

Big Bad Bald Bastard

This dipshit has so little to be proud of that having access to medical care is a status symbol for him.

The irony here is that, as soon as he gets a polyp, his insurance carrier is going to find out that his head has been planted up his ass for years, and deny paying his colonoscopy bill due to a pre-existing condition.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Officer tases the Wingnut into silence.

As much as I think the SHOUT EM DOWN crowd deserve whatever they fucking get, I am opposed to tasering. Even for these fuckers. Plus the whole martyr thing would totally suxxors.

Much better they get escorted outside, gently and politely, and then ignored by everyone until they die bitter and alone.


at 20:45 Dragon-King Wangchuck said,

cowalker @ 20:29, who confused me into surrounding something,

No. I strenuously doubt the n-dimensional jiujitsu of pre-reformers rabble-rousing the mouth-breathers. Because I think the pro-reform faction has actual morals. . . .

Does that faction include Rahm Emanuel? Maybe, maybe not.

Yeah, I know, it’s an impossibly Byzantine conspiracy, and yet, are the opponents really that dumb? Occam’s Razor says yes. (adding foil rosette to tin cloche hat)

The Truth About Leaving Sadly No

I think I’ve made my point.

Now I will leave here, forever, no longer visiting or posting, but I’m doing this voluntarily out of my own desire.

And this is not a spoofer. This is the real Truth/Authentic.

By, fuckers.


The troll seems to have come a little unhinged.

I kind of hope this is some pimply late teens, early twenty-something posting from his parents’ house, cause otherwise the idea that a grown man would bother with this sort of thing just speaks to how shallow the gene pool has become.


Now I will leave here, forever, no longer visiting or posting, but I’m doing this voluntarily out of my own desire.

Troll ass kicked?


Nice job, TinTin


Much better they get escorted outside, gently and politely, and then ignored by everyone until they die bitter and alone.

I agree with the first clause.

The sanity clause, no. After all, there is no sanity clause.

Take ’em outside and kick the everliving shit into them.

Away from cameras, of course 😉


Now I will leave here, forever, no longer visiting or posting, but I’m doing this voluntarily out of my own desire.
Would it be that we get that lucky?



FWIW, I hate the way the police have come to fall back on tasers in situations where there is no threat to themselves or others. In too many cases it looks like punishment for talking back (aka known as unimportant person giving them lip).

But I was thinking that a disturber of the peace who maddeningly repeated everything he/she said might drive a police officer to Wrong Behavior. Even though in all the videos I’ve seen, the police are far more polite and conciliatory to white people shouting in a public space than they were to a black man shouting on his front porch.

St. PeeJ of PENIS

OT for the thread but not the site, Neanderthals hated brussells sprouts.


So for your own mental well-being, start accepting the social network-sexting Jonas brother loving twitterbots – because they are going to inherit the post-racial, gay marriage legal in Georgia, universal health care, liberal fucking utopia you are all struggling and sacrificing for.

Eh, they’ll grow out of it. Not like any of our generations weren’t a bunch of idiots when they were young – even the Boomers.

St. Xecky Gilchrist

By, fuckers.

Of the fuckers, by the fuckers, and for the fuckers.

Let the door hit you on the dick as you turn around halfway through to come back and say “and another thing!”


Well, maybe Troofie was posting from his car and had a more pressing engagement:

WESTWOOD — A man accused of making threats against the White House led officers on a wild freeway chase that ended in a standoff outside the Federal Building.


I talked with one of my co-workers this morning who has spinal stenosis, a thickening of the bone channel around the spine, and she’s had to go in a couple of times in the past 6 months to have nerves in her neck burned to get some relief. And the insurer is refusing to pay for any of it. Not only that, they denied payment for a trip to the doctor she made in Feb when she had the flu, under the excuse that it wasn’t covered because it was a “pre-existing condition.”

Shit, these medical insurance tools have long since stopped trying to pretend there’s any reason for denying claims other than “it helps our profits.” But if we don’t allow them legal latitude to continue committing fraud upon all of us, death squads are gonna start hunting down old, disabled, and sick people, just like they do now with the evil socialist government funded healthcare we’ve got with Medicare, Medicaid, and the VA? Is that about right?

Stupidity of this magnitude beggars belief. It can only be sustained when it’s being used to prop up irrational suspicions, grievances, and hatreds.


Plus the whole martyr thing would totally suxxors.

exactly. Look at the snit-fit they had when Fainting Goat Gladney skinned his knee.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Of course, PeeJ, Brussels sprouts being a domesticated breed of Brassica oleracea, the Neandertals would not have been adverse to eating Brussels sprouts per se

OW! PeeJ, stop throwing Brussels sprouts! I’m telling!!!

By, fuckers.

Too funny, he even misspells “bye”.


the idea that a grown man would bother with this sort of thing just speaks to how shallow the gene pool has become.

Dammit, I’m not going to allow you to say that about N__B.


By, fuckers.

Too funny, he even misspells “bye”.

I was thinking it was an unnecessary comma and he was describing how he signs his work.


the idea that a grown man would bother with this sort of thing just speaks to how shallow the gene pool has become.

Dammit, I’m not going to allow you to say that about N__B.

I don’t swim. I’m more of a gene roller-coaster man.


The fact that brussels sprouts are TEH SUXXOR is so simple and elemental…even a caveman can get it.


she’s had to go in a couple of times in the past 6 months to have nerves in her neck burned to get some relief.

Yeah and the key word there is “some” relief. I know someone who has chronic spinal pain and the nerve burn option tends to be one of the more last ditch ones. Works for some people but for others the pain (which is not insignificant) comes back. All of which is scary enough to deal with but when you have to fight with the insurance agencies–that’s just despicable.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

So for your own mental well-being, start accepting the social network-sexting Jonas brother loving twitterbots –

Start accepting? Hell, I’m trying to lure them into my boudoir.

because they are going to inherit the post-racial, gay marriage legal in Georgia, universal health care, liberal fucking utopia you are all struggling and sacrificing for.

Some would say they’ll be the ones stuck with the bill.

St. Dragon-King Wangchuck

…but I’m doing this voluntarily out of my own desire.

I guess it wasn’t millions of proxies. More like dozens.


The fact that brussels sprouts are TEH SUXXOR[…]
I’ll have yours then. I’m having sprouts, sprouts, sprouts, sprouts, sprouts, BLART, sprouts, sprouts, sprouts, sprouts, sprouts, with PENIS.

You can have my lima beans (which look like smooshed testicles to me.)


Why do these Libertarian fruitards always remind me of MMO lifers?

“Do not demean the accomplishments of the insured by giving the same care to the uninsured.”

Translates roughly to:

“How DARE Blizzard offer n00bs mounts at level 20, for a measly 5 gold!?! I had to grind mobs for weeks before I could afford a mount!”

They’re not angered by the thought of 47 million of their countrymen going without healthcare. No, they’re angered by the thought that the n00bs haven’t earned it.

Sometimes I wonder if we’re even all part of the same species.

Oh dear god. That’s so spot on. Now I know why reading wow forums pisses me off so much.


I guess it wasn’t millions of proxies. More like dozens.

I feel a song coming on…

Ding dong the witch is dead!

Which old witch? The wicked witch!

Ding dong the wicked witch is dead!


One of my oldest friends has been unemployed for some time, and has environmental allergy issues limiting his options. He developed spinal cord compression, which made him unable to walk, and eventually had to go to the ER for a cervical laminectomy. Yes, it is just as invasive and nasty as it sounds.

Point being, in a civilized country, it could have been treated before it reduced him to crawling. And cost a lot less too.

But that’s really what these anti-health care fucks want, isn’t it? For everybody to have to crawl before receiving whatever meager treatments the rich decide to dole out. and sometimes not even that.


Seriously, I don’t know how anyone could bring themselves to put something that smells like a brussels sprout in their mouth. Maybe my gag reflex is just too sensitive to bad smells.


Cook the piss out of them, Jennifer. They’re tasty sweet after that.


Brussel sprouts: they look like zombie testicles and smell far worse.

roast beef kazenzakis

I think we just got an official babyfur pantswetting BAWWWWW moment from Troof. SomethingAwful goons will recognize the terms.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Ding dong the wicked witch is dead

Witch, witch, the ding dong’s dead!


Brussel sprouts: they look like zombie testicles

OK, how do you know that?!


What Mizz Teabagger has her panties in a wad about: HR 3200.

This is the “1000+ page bill” that she was ranting about – she just dropped off a summary for Bossman.



Brussel sprouts: they look like zombie testicles and smell far worse.

*ducking into panic room*


I don’t swim. I’m more of a gene roller-coaster man.

Then you’ll need the roller-coaster DB. Apparently under advanced serach one of the options for ‘design’ is 4th Dimension. Who knew?

St. Dragon-King Wangchuck

Tangential to the topic, but the Isakson Death Panel Provision has been Death Panelled. But more importantly, while reading up on Death Panelling and Johnny Isakson I discovered this:

[Debbie] Moon is chairman of the Butts County Republican party.


Big Bad Bald Bastard

But that’s really what these anti-health care fucks want, isn’t it? For everybody to have to crawl before receiving whatever meager treatments the rich decide to dole out. and sometimes not even that.

I think it’s the permanent debt-indenture that really makes their motor run, their motor run. Yeah, they’ll get blood from a turnip, which is a Brassica, much like a Brussels sprout, which is central to my point.

Problem is, you are the turnip.


OK, how do you know that?!

Who doesn’t know?


Jennifer, some people have had worse things in their mouth(s) at some point. Far worse.


Funny how Wikipedia is your friend.

Wendell Potter, who has been an executive of Cigna, a for-profit health insurer, stated that health insurance companies “are very much behind the town hall disruptions that you see and a lot of the deception that’s going on in terms of disinformation that many Americans, apparently, are believing.”

roast beef kazenzakis

So any theories on what Tintin did to scare Troofy so bad?


Just wondering where u get to view/sniff zombie balls…ZRM notwithstanding.


brussels sprouts = brassica balls = teabgger’s delight


Funny how Wikipedia is your friend.

Or how deathers don’t have any information channels that aren’t fed by corporate interests. So funny I may have to start drinking at lunch.


Jennifer, some people have had worse things in their mouth(s) at some point. Far worse.

PS – subscription information after the jump…


So any theories on what Tintin did to scare Troofy so bad?

Threatened him with Brussel sprouts?


So funny I may have to start drinking at lunch.

I may have to stop.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

So any theories on what Tintin did to scare Troofy so bad?

I don’t think it’s Tintin’s doing- I am afraid that Troofulus will become a nationally-known figure real soon.


I may have to stop.

Things are getting bad…


zmr – shit, I can even top that one.

A woman I worked with at the construction company was having recurrent episodes of bleeding out. Once every 9 months or so, she’d end up at the emergency room with tachardya, white as a ghost and in need of 2 pints of blood. But because of the bankruptcy of a family owned business, and the resultant loss of home and pretty much everything, she didn’t have and couldn’t get health insurance, and couldn’t find a job that offered it. So already her options for treatment are: go to the emergency room of a state-owned hospital where they have to treat you.

So that’s where she goes in the first episode. Based on really nothing, the doctors decide a hysterectomy is what needs to be done. Yanking the uterus is less expensive than doing a bunch of tests to try to determine what’s really going on, and the hospital already knows they aren’t going to get paid for this treatment. But more on that later.

So anyway, they take the uterus, and 9 months later, she’s back at the emergency room needing 2 more units of blood. They decide maybe colonscopy is in order, and endoscopy. But since she doesn’t have insurance, there’s no priority in getting to that right away. Two months later she goes in and they find…nothing. Which is kind of what you might expect since the bleed obviously wasn’t going on all the time. So 9 months go by, and she starts dragging around at work again and literally is white as a sheet – her inner eyelids are frickin’ white and her cheeks are bluish, and she’s resisting doing what everyone knows has to be done and going to get the blood because since the last time she went in, she’s gotten a bill for $10,000 and she still hasn’t gotten it worked out with the hospital if they’re going to waive the charges or not. She left – not to go to the hospital but to go home – and I finally get on the phone and call her husband (bad alchoholic, sad story all around) and more or less say, look you dummy, she’s not in any condition to be making a decision about refusing medical care – she’s in SHOCK for god’s sake because she’s so low on blood, and if you do not take her in NOW she will not be alive in the morning.

So they take her back for another refill. This time, they decide they need to run a test where you swallow a camera pill and it videos the entire GI tract as it moves through. But again…they put off the test for a couple of months. Again, they find nothing.

There is some good news; the hospital did finally agree to write off all the bills. But now she’s starting to get that feeling she gets right before a bleedout. And still, no one is going to be looking at what’s going on while it’s going on, and so, it will be another $10,000 trip to ER with two units of blood and an overnight stay. And then in a couple of months, they’ll run another test and again, find nothing because they’re not looking when it can be seen.

Of course, every time she goes into ER, a different person is handling her case. No one is managing her as a patient – only people with insurance have regular doctors – so no one owns the responsibility for figuring out what her illness is or her ongoing care or monitoring. So when the tools point out that “anyone can get care by going to an ER,” this is the kind of care they’re getting – terribly expensive and ineffective. So far with my friend’s case, we’re $40,000 into it and still no one knows what the problem is – and worst of all, that $40,000 didn’t even pay to find someone whose job it is to find out what the problem is.

This is a stupid, wasteful fucking way to handle health “care”. It guarantees higher costs and worse outcomes.


I think I’ve made my point.

To be fair, “I’m a racist doucebag” is not exactly a point, but to each his own, I guess.

Now I will leave here, forever, no longer visiting or posting,

Except in a few minutes time to see who horribly justifiably insulted me.

The “Troofie comeback” pool begins now. Guess when he comes back, and under what horribly transparent guise he will post first.

roast beef kazenzakis

I don’t think it’s Tintin’s doing- I am afraid that Troofulus will become a nationally-known figure real soon.

Ooh. I think I know what you mean. Well, wouldn’t put it past him. He seems that crazy.


The “Troofie comeback” pool begins now.

8:00 Eastern Time, “Reality,” in the ball[s]room with a Brussel sprout.


Guess when he comes back

I’m going to go with the next time a poll comes out.

And I don’t know what guise, but in the first flurry of trool kicking, he will say something like “stop calling me troofy. Who is that?”


The “Troofie comeback” pool begins now. Guess when he comes back, and under what horribly transparent guise he will post first.

I got one week and “Racist Scarecrow”.


Re: Les Paul, may he rest in peace

Mark Hemingway wins the The Corner race to post on Paul, with a vapid entry that opens with some perfunctory links on the man and then settles into a thrilling story about Hemingway and a friend.

Rusty Shackleford, are you around? You may want to consider changing guitar models, because it looks like you and Hemingway are BGFF.


Obviously, only those of us who are more evolved can actually appreciate the flavor of well-prepared brussel sprouts.

Suck it, neanderthals!


Unblock my proxies now, I will get around it, anyway. Bitches.

Hmmm, this reminds me of something…

Troofie: There’s a bomb on board this plane, and I’ll tell you where it is for a thousand pounds.
Second Pilot: I don’t believe you.
Troofie: If you don’t tell me where the bomb is… if I don’t give you the money… Unless you give me the bomb…
Stewardess: The money.
Troofie: The money, thank you, pretty lady… the bomb will explode killing everybody.
Second Pilot: Including you.
Troofie: I’ll tell you where it is for a pound.
Second Pilot: Here’s a pound.
Troofie: I don’t want Scottish money. They’ve got the numbers. It can be traced.
Second Pilot: One English pound. Now where’s the bomb?
Troofie: I can’t remember.
Second Pilot: You’ve forgotten.
Troofie: Aye, you’d better have your pound back. Oh… (rubs it) fingerprints.
First Pilot: Now where’s the bomb?
Troofie: Ah, wait a tic, wait a tic. (closes eyes and thinks) Er, my first is in Glasgow but not in Spain, my second is in steamer but not in train, my whole is in the luggage compartment on the plane… (opens eyes) I’ll tell you where the bomb is for a pound.
Second Pilot: It’s in the luggage compartment.
Troofie: Right. Here’s your pound..

roast beef kazenzakis

The “Troofie comeback” pool begins now. Guess when he comes back, and under what horribly transparent guise he will post first.

Two threads from now, and called “real midwestern american”.


WESTWOOD — A man accused of making threats against the White House led officers on a wild freeway chase that ended in a standoff outside the Federal Building.

Holy Jeez, I was just over there this morning at the dentist’s office. I think I left the area about 10 minutes before any of that happened.

What kind of bonehead goes on a “wild freeway chase” in a Volkswagen beetle?


So any theories on what Tintin did to scare Troofy so bad?

Hmm….does Troofy drive a red Volkswagen beetle?


What kind of bonehead goes on a “wild freeway chase” in a Volkswagen beetle?

You can see why I thought Troofie might be involved.


Everybody knows you roast brussels sprouts. With bacon.


g said,

August 13, 2009 at 22:10

Everybody knows you roast brussels sprouts. With bacon.

I’ve heard that but always chose to skip the brussels sprouts


The “Troofie comeback” pool begins now. Guess when he comes back, and under what horribly transparent guise he will post first.

Later today, puling that that post was a nym-jack.


What kind of bonehead goes on a “wild freeway chase” in a Volkswagen beetle?

Paul Newman. I’ve always loved that story.


you got it, g. Pork spare ribs and sauerkraut with sprouts. Bake the hell out of it until the kraut and sprouts taste sweet, the meat falls off the bone. ::Drools:: OK, I’m hungry now.


FYWP. You know that was supposed to be italicised.

St. Xecky Gilchrist

Guess when he comes back, and under what horribly transparent guise he will post first.

Later this afternoon, pseudo-earnest granola liberal who attacks Obama from the left for a few comments before settling into the usual racist whine. Ditto whoever said it’ll be saying “who’s this Troofie?”

Rusty Shackleford

Rusty Shackleford, are you around? You may want to consider changing guitar models, because it looks like you and Hemingway are BGFF.

I’ve had two Gibson Les Pauls (only have one now), plus an Epiphone Elite LP (still have). You can get decent used LP Standards right now for $1500 or so. Yet Hemingway claims he could “never seem to afford one.” Hmmm.


People eat a lot of stuff that smells nasty. Brussels sprouts are not one of those. Brussels sprouts smell fucking delicious. And you don’t need to do all of this fancy shit like soaking it in pig fat. Steam them, roast them, fry them, dip them in butter, dip them in soy sauce, whatever. Brussels sprouts are delicious little bastards, and anyone who dislikes them is genetically inferior and should be forbidden from breeding for the good of humanity.



People eat a lot of stuff that smells nasty.

must resist comment… must resist comment…


People eat a lot of stuff that smells nasty.

Why does Criss Angel immediately come to mind when I read this?




Pere Ubu said,

August 13, 2009 at 22:31 (kill)

People eat a lot of stuff that smells nasty.

must resist comment… must resist comment…

Yeah, I feel like Jennifer was setting us up the bomb with that comment.

The Sun Hates Your Haircut

Now that we’ve moved on to Brussels sprouts, can the thread be renamed “Brain Salad Surgery?”


Getting googly with junk mail mogul Warstler who says

“I deal in ideas” Warstler continues. “People are hosts to ideas, like viruses. When two people meet, ideas jump out of their heads, looking for new hosts. What I’m after is for my idea to jump out of my head and crush the ideas in someone else’s head.”

finds this at BigThink

Ideas by Morgan

There is nothing here yet. Please check back later.

That’s about right…


Trying to catch up here. The basic gist is that Troofie threw a hissy when TinTin ripped off his balls and fed them to the resident zombie who sprouted a VW car bomb and drove to Brussles to star in a student film? I admit, I skimmed.


Kingbu, I just read about the Medical clinic at the Inglewood Forum – I think these are the same folks who did this in Virginia last week. It’s wonderful that they are doing it, but of course the media seems to be ignoring it for the most part.

Sixty minutes did a documentary on them last last year


We were guilted inspired into becoming vegetarians by our more evolved offspring. But I used to cook a dish with spareribs, sauerkraut, sliced Granny Smith apples and a slosh of cider that was pretty darn good served with mashed potatoes. No brussels sprouts, though. They were done sauted in butter in the frying pan.

Now spouse refuses to eat bad, bad saturated fat. Sigh.


Kingubu- yes, precisely. Now hide that comment forever lest Micheal Bay try to make a movie out of it, although if Oliver Stone gave it a shot, it might at least be watchable.

a concerned citizen

From the comments over there:

Water is essential for life. So why doesn’t the government provide it for free? Because ever nation that does that RUNS OUT OF WATER. The same with nations that over regulate or over subsidize water. Some feel that water is so important that it must be rationed from the start. All those nations RUN OUT OF WATER.

Examples, Algeria and Egypt come to mind. Only nations that charge for water and treat it like a business have adequate water supplies. That is the only reason Los Angeles, a desert and the largest city in America, has water.

Because I’m an optimist and it’s Big Hollywood, I’m going to assume that’s a clever satire on Chinatown or Quantum of Solace or both. (If that shitty Batman movie proved that Bush should be allowed to violate the Constitution, what does QoS say about regulation? Or does the fact that (the goddamn) Batman could kick James Bond’s ass negate that line of argument?)


I admit, I skimmed.

Yeah, yeah, we know: None of you Hollywood bigwigs read the script.

Still that pretty much is it.


I give him 2 hours at the outside and I bet it starts as a nym-jack. I’ll go with “Big Bad Bald Bastard”

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Cook the piss out of them, Jennifer.

So is that why they smell so bad? Stop urinating on greens! Unless that’s what they’re into.

Also, can I enter the pool at : three hours from now, under some rhetorical question passed off as a nym.


Fucking link didn’t stick…



Troofy will return as “Guess who’s back–no, not Troofy” after the temperature goes down to 67 in his basement tonight.

BTW, the real name of the columnist at Big Hollywood is Moisten Wartwrangler. You see why he changed it.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

largest city in America

I’m assuming he’s talking in land area, because NEW YORK, MOTHERFUCKER.


Only nations that charge for water and treat it like a business have adequate water supplies. That is the only reason Los Angeles, a desert and the largest city in America, has water.

Holy crap! The wingnuts are evolving at a rate we never could have imagined! Someone get Michael Crichton: they’ve become self-satririzing.

I mean WTF does being able to build a city in the middle of a desert tell me about how the free-market works (or not) for helathcare? Other than to suggest backroom politics will win out and create something that sucks up a limited resource.


largest city in America

I’m assuming he’s talking in land area,

Measured in acres per pound of branes.


TinTin ripped off his balls and fed them to the resident zombie

ewww, NO. I’d rather eat brussels sprouts.


1 and a half quatl – er, hours and it’ll be either a racist comment or an accusation of anti-Semitism, either under one of his “creative” nyms like “Libs Eat Shit & Die”.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Oh, or “Tintin = Faggot”


Oh, or “Tintin = Faggot”

I dunno about that. He’s never been that correct.


Some of us have always been to poor to own a real Les Paul.

I have a copy in ‘Tobacco Sunburst’ but my socialest government is trying to ban all forms of tobacco, so I may have to go underground for a while. See when you have a socialest government you are forced to make alliances with the badgers and FUCHING FERRETS. Careful what you wish for loon libs!

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

I dunno about that. He’s never been that correct.

I suppose. I’m just remembering when he got focused on Tintin as either a Frenchman or a faggot, or both.

It’s possible making the mistake of Tintin as French devalues any possible correctness in labelling him as gay, but there’s certainly going to be some degree of grudge-fuckery going on with the troll’s naming scheme when it returns.


That is the only reason Los Angeles, a desert and the largest city in America, has water.

Well, that and the fact that we stole someone else’s water.


Also inspired by DKW’s intrepid foray in investigative reporting, has anyone re-read THE Prussian Blue thread lately?

You might spot an interesting commentator !?


I’m assuming he’s talking in land area, because NEW YORK, MOTHERFUCKER.

Of course, New York has plentiful fresh water because of its massive publicly-funded capital construction projects, which of course doesn’t count because shut up.


Los Angeles, a desert and the largest city in America

Sadly, no.

Jacksonville, Florida is the largest city in America, geographically.


Woo hoo, fuck you Abercrombie & Fitch!


Wow, the Abercrombie & Fitch story is appalling. It’s hard to believe that a business would be that stupid nowadays.

Abercrombie’s strict “look” policy on how staff present themselves was set out in a 45-page company handbook listing everything from acceptable hairstyles to fingernail length

Would love to see this!

True story – I once worked short-term for a University theatre department, and we had a block ticket sale for one show to a school for the deaf. We hired a sign language interpreter for that show only (!) and in a staff meeting discussion of where we would have the interpreter stand, the department chair said, “Jeez, have him stand in the balcony and put the deaf kids up there. We don’t want normal people to have to look at that kind of thing.”

I could not believe I heard someone say that in this day and age. Ivy League university, too.


Someone needs to plant a flaming bag of SAMMICHES on the doorstep Addazombie & Filch’s corporate offices.


All honor to Les Paul for the great music, but Jascha Heifetz multitracked himself in a Bach concerto a year before, and a singer did the same with a duet from an opera back in the 30s. There are enough real reasons to doff our collective hat to the man.


the standoff in Westwood is apparently still going on. LA Times has a photo of the guy in his Volks, windows steamed up, blocked in the parking lot entry drive by a Humvee.

Man. It’s August, and though it’s unseasonably cool, it still must not be fun to be locked in a car in the hot sun.

Poor ole Troofy.

The Truthful Problem With Liberals

Here’s The Truth earlier today, which may explain why he was so enraged;

*Alarm rings at 10am, The Truth rolls over, punches the alarm and goes back to sleep, unable to face another day with a black liberal President*

* 11am, and The Truth wakes up again, his distended gut rumbling for food *

* Whilst waiting for his mac and cheese to heat up, The Truth (still in his pyjamas) decides to try and vent some of his spittle flecked rage on liberal blogs *

“I know” he thinks “I’ll start with where I’m posting as “The Unlovely Truth About Liberals”… I’d previously been banned as “The Unlovely Truth”, and the fuckers make me re-register every time, banning my fake email addresses as well as my proxy IP addresses (which I’m so smart googling up!)

* Tries to log into, finds he’s been banned again*



“Right!” he declares, “I’ll teach those liberal fucks a lesson… by having a complete emotional break down on Sadly No! again!”

“Queef! Queef! Misogyny! Insanity! Stupidity! YOU CAN’T BAN ME!!!!”

“And now I’m leaving again! Forever!”

*And then, staring out his window into the world he was too damaged to enter himself, he saw a black man give a white woman a smile and a hello, and so he went back into his room to punch the picture of President Barack Hussein Obama he has taped to a pillow…*


Yeah, A&F is a dickish company but I used to enjoy their catalogue. Before they took the homoerotica out, that is. Then I started hanging around at the local store and ….


(how’s that for an ominous ellipsis, eh? They don’t get any ominouser)




That was for you, PeeJ.


Was that a report, a request or a suggestion?




Do I smell burning troll?

So, I’m on the internet, and I’ve got this Python bit looping in my head, and I google it…”bull limpet:”, and first thing that comes up in the entire universe of google is a comment thread here.

You guys are friggin great. Also.


I enter the fray at 314 comments so here goes my two cents, brussel sprouts are delicious, steam them, salt, pepper, butter. Once there was a discussion at work about toe sucking and a young guy asked if I would suck my husbands toe. “Of course I would, I suck his dick don’t I?”.


One Eyed Willie?


Dick Morris porn, Colleen? Really?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

“Of course I would, I suck his dick don’t I?”

non-veiled PENIS reference.

Aside for Euripides @ 23:30,
Too much investigative, not enough reporting. You have to say liberals are just as bad, or it don’t count.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

And brussel sprouts can go and roast themselves with oil, salt and garlic for all I care, I ain’t eating them – with or without sour cream.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Man. It’s August, and though it’s unseasonably cool, it still must not be fun to be locked in a car in the hot sun.
Poor ole Troofy.

And yet, he will still insist that GLOABUL WARMUNG IZNT REEL!@!!


Colleen, I know it sounds weird, but I despite the acquaintence I have with other parts, the toe is definately a no for me.


I think ahmagunna make Brussells sprouts tonight. With cilantro. NOM NOM NOM


Depends on the toe, I’m talking straight out of the bath tub kind of toe, no fungi or anything. Geeze.


And sour cream on a brussel sprout? Ew


Hmm…after a pedicure, maybe, but….

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Dick Morris porn, Colleen? Really?

It was the only erogenous zone he could find on a woman.


Um, G, did I mention that drinking is a big plus whilst sucking toe? Thought that was a given.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Hmm…after a pedicure, maybe, but….

What, sour cream on a Brussels sprout?


So what did happen to Troofie today on here. I had read some comments earlier and then popped back on and some sort of shit went down apparently that caused him to swear off sadlyno! Do I need to just go read this thread?


I meant the whole comment thread. Shit, I can’t stand the fucking trolls on this site and always scroll past their blathering but some of these loons are just going to end up in jail aren’t they?

Not Troofie, who is never to return

Brussels sprouts and toe cheese–is that what I’m reading about here? Come on, it’s fucking almost dinner time, will ya?


There was a serial toe-sucker/foot fetishist on the loose around here 10 or 15 years ago, and I kept having all these 1-or-2-degrees of separation from the toe-sucker encounters. He struck at Baptist hospital while a friend was there; she and her roommate kept hurting themselves laughing about it. And then, I go to dinner a few months later with some friends and one of the people joining us is the actual Baptist hospital toe-sucking victim. How the topic came up I have no idea, but after it did, I asked her, “yeah but…how is it you had your shoe off?” So she tells about how he came into her office and was chatting her up, then starts admiring her shoes and talking about how he used to be a shoe salesman (Al Bundy?) and then asks if he can touch them. So next thing she knows he’s got her foot in his lap, takes the shoe off, and starts sucking on her toe. At this point in the story, her husband fairly screams out “he had his MOUTH on your TOE?!!?” I would have thought he would have known about a little detail like that by then but anyway…she goes on to tell about how she had to testify against him in court. So I said, ok, well, I know it must have really freaked you out to have some weirdo stranger come in and start sucking your toe, but…court? And she says, “Oh, no, that wasn’t over MY case…he walked up to this woman at the airport and told her how beautiful her feet were and how he wanted to CUT THEM OFF and take them home with him. That’s why he was in court.”

Well, anyway, she goes on to say how it’s a mystery why this guy is running around sucking anonymous toe, that he was a good-looking guy and she had friends in Conway who knew his family and said he had a pretty wife and a couple of kids….unable to resist, I noted that maybe sometimes he felt like he “just had to get some STRANGE TOE” which pretty much ended that conversation.

But then later I learned from my friend Valerie that she, too, had a toe-sucker encounter – this would have been after the Baptist hospital incident but before the airport incident…in her case he was unmasked before he managed to get her shoe off and her foot in his mouth. Valerie fessed up to her complicity in the matter; she said she HAD been wearing open-toed shoes and had just had a pedicure, so it was like she was just asking for it….

So yeah, laugh about toe-sucking all you like, MFs, but let me tell you, toe-sucking can be a serious business….

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Crap! Being a left-coaster and having a job where I’m not in front of a computer all day, I always miss all the fun. Did Troofus have another psychotic break? And the mods deleted all the comments? Assassins! What am I going to do for entertainment now? *Grumbles*

Toe Sucking Troll

‘Scuse Mah Toe-SIES!!!!


yeah, colleen, going back and reading the thread won’t help, because Tintin has been quick with the banhammer all day, and most Troof-spew is gone.

That seems to be part of it. He was running out of proxies.


Just around the time Troofy was starting to melt down, this story happened in LA:

Car chase and police standoff

And we haven’t heard from Troofy since. It would be irresponsible not to speculate, no?


Another link with some fun details.

“He’s got issues. He doesn’t take his medication, he doesn’t do that well,” a neighbor told the newspaper.


Just around the time Troofy was starting to melt down, this story happened in LA:

Twoofie strikes me as definitely the kind of person who’d blog-comment from the driver’s seat of a moving vehicle.

I just can’t see him in a Beetle, though. Hummer H2, maybe.


Oh no, can tintin reveal if troofy was posting out of LA? Damn. This shit pisses me off. See, we don’t need health care. MF’s Could I also add that I am not a serial toe sucker.


I just can’t see him in a Beetle, though. Hummer H2, maybe.

H3, I think. The man has size issues.


I just can’t see him in a Beetle, though. Hummer H2, maybe.

Um, well, he’d wish. I think Toofy’s like that kid in the “Free Credit Report dot com” ad, driving a used compact with the vinyl sticking to the back of his legs.


I just flipped on the tv thinking how much the cable news loves them a good standoff and nada. TV getting shut off now.

Toe Sucking Troll

I just can’t see him in a Beetle, though. Hummer H2, maybe.

Rusted out mid 70s Dodge Dart.


I lied, the Tigers are playing the Red Sox so I’m going to go join hubby and watch the game and ah, suck his toe. Good night all.


Rusted out mid 70s Dodge Dart.

An old friend had one of those in college and for a few years afterward, until he forgot to add oil and the engine seized. He’s perfectly normal, otherwise.


The Truth has moved on to bigger and better things. He stars in videos now.


The over 65s are having a ball calling for their own children and grand children to be put to a slow and painful death by deliberate deprivation of medical treatment.

When are the under 65s going to strike back by moving to abolish Medicare and Social Security?

Revenge is a dish best served by putting the senile generation in the freezing cold.


I think reality TV and health care are a great match. Every week sick people could appear in front of a celebrity “Death Panel” which would decide who gets to continue on in thier quest for health care on next weeks show. If you make it to the quarter finals it will then be up the the viewers to vote wether you live or die. That would keep government out of the decision making process.


I lied, the Tigers are playing the Red Sox so I’m going to go join hubby and watch the game and ah, suck his toe.

You married Dick Morris?

humbert dinglepencker

Damn shrimpers.


In addition to his moral idiocy problem, this person doesn’t understand the proposed reforms. They introduce a floor, not a ceiling. The top 1% he frets about is rich, & rich people will continue to be free to buy fancy live-in cardiologists & whatever other super-deluxe health services they want. I repeat, there will continue to be vast disparities in wealth, & nothing in the legislation prevents anyone who’s got the means to translate those disparities into more expensive health care.


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