Whew, that’s good to hear.

Victor Davis Hanson earns his Hoover Foundation money once again, returning from a trip to Iraq during the week that open civil war seems to have broken out there, and explaining that things are actually going pretty well.

Former respected historian Victor Davis Hanson

The Americans I talked to this week in Iraq — in Baghdad, Balad, Kirkuk, and Taji — believe that a government will emerge that is seen as legitimate and will appear as authentic to the people. Soon, ten divisions of Iraqi soldiers, and over 100,000 police, should be able to crush the insurgency, with the help of a public tired of violence and assured that the future of Iraq is their own — not the Husseins’, the Americans’, or the terrorists’.

And it’s not like Hanson has ever been wrong about Iraq before. (Link selected nearly at random.) Well, maybe a few times. Okay, maybe every single time about everything, always, to mega-infinity forever like an infinite, exploding stupid-cano showering infinite molten Stupid all over the entire universe. But this time he was actually, like, seeing things first-hand. Hanson concludes:

After visiting the country, I think we can and will win, but just as importantly, unlike in 2003-4, there does not seem to be much of anything we should be doing there that in fact we are not.

Oh. Well, then. What were some of these things in 2003-2004 that we should have been doing there, but didn’t?

[Update: Hanson seems to be echoing an emerging propaganda-punditry consensus on Iraq. We’ll know for sure if the me-too guys at Powerline pick up on it, probably a day or two late and with an embarrassing geeky enthusiasm.]


Comments: 13


Where’s the file footage of the stupid-cano????????

COME ON!!!!!!!!



“Thucydides’s harsh schoolmaster” sounds like either a code phrase or an impossibly dirty anagram, possibly both.


I’ve always loved classical history, language, and thought. What a total bummer that the only classical scholar most people will ever hear of is this loser. He makes the entire field look bad.


Where is that Counterpunch article about “The Bard of the Booboisie”?-

I will find it and put th elink in this thread. It is to die for.


Earthquake in Ottawa…aiiie!!

…maybe Kaye’s stupid-cano opened a new fault.


What I’m going to find fascinating is seeing the wingnutosphere spin, spin, spin any horrible, disastrous, civil war-type result in Iraq into a big plus!
Oh, look–Fox is already on the job!


Here it is!

Let’s have a little taste….

Let us stipulate straightaway: Victor Davis Hanson is the worst historian since Parson Weems. To picture anything remotely as bad as his pseudo-historical novels and propaganda tracts, one would have to imagine an account of the fiscal policies of the Bush administration authored by Paris Hilton….

LA Confidential Pantload

Dunno about those thousands of Iraqi troops – US military just downgraded the only Iraqi outfit that was supposedly able to fight on its own.


Victor Davis: Soon, ten divisions of Iraqi soldiers, and over 100,000 police, should be able to crush the insurgency.

Darth Vader: Today will be a day long remembered. It has seen the end of Kenobi, it will soon see the end of the Rebellion.


Okay, maybe every single time about everything, always, to mega-infinity forever like an infinite, exploding stupid-cano showering infinite molten Stupid all over the entire universe.

I nominate that as one of the greatest sentences this blog has ever produced.


HH, only if it has a little animated GIF spewing stupid lava.


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