And this is better how?
Marie Jon’ writes:
Witness the truth as being told by Saddam Hussein’s former no. 2 man in the Iraqi Air Force, General Georges Sada. As U.S. were troops were preparing to liberate Iraq and it’s people from Saddam’s torture chambers, General Sada states in his upcoming release, “Saddam’s Secrets, that the WMD’S were being moved into Syria.
Assuming you believe Bush was right to attack Iraq on account of its WMDs, how does learning that Iraq managed to pass them on to another country, undetected, manage to make you feel any better about Bush’s policies and accomplishments? Seriously you guys.
(As for Syria, World O’Crap is on the case.)
Bradrocket adds: I see that we’re conspicuously absent from Marie’s “Friends on the Web” blogroll. C’mon, Marie, where’s the love? We’re responsible for, like, half of your following!
As U.S. were troops were preparing to liberate Iraq and it’s people from Saddam’s torture chambers
And put them into our own.
Russians were transporting what would presumably have to be tons of chemicals accross multiple borders while we had 130k troops on the border and control of their air space and nobody knew about it except for (yet another) #2 guy? I don’t think so.
Whoa, that’s too much crazy for one sober man to take. Get back to me after dinner and a night cap.
Soon, they’ll be running out of pitches to call these playahs. What’s this guy, Slider? Knuckleball?
Sure, the story makes sense, I mean, why wouldn’t the Russians be behind it? And, naturally, the Bush White House would be mum on such a plot because, um, because!
The great snipe hunt continues. Next stop, Odessa!
I always thought the same thing about the Syria argument. We had to be watching Iraq like a hawk during the run-up to the war.
(Satellites, spy planes, maritime surveillance, special forces, electronic surveillance.)
How could the Iraq government smuggle out weapons under all that scrutiny without us catching at least something?
And it always amazes me when people try to justify the war by saying “I bet they sent the weapons to Syria.”
Believe that all you want, but it’s a crappy justification since it’s just a theory (and a bad one at that).
It’s interesting. They also reported an ‘exclusive’ about the Saddam tapes last week on ABC radio news. Within an hour, it disappeared from the broadcast. Apparently someone called bullshit on it shortly after it played.
The wingers are slipping – a real nutter would have said Hugo Chavez personally muled the WMD in his butt.
Marie Jong Il…has anyone used that yet?
The World O’Crap link is choice. The Russian commies helped smuggle WMDs to Syria. After all, as Karl Marx famously said, non-Islamic religions are the opiate of the masses.
Their paranoid attempts at finding a bad guy for their 2-minute hate are reaching WWE levels…
Assuming you believe Bush was right to attack Iraq on account of its WMDs, how does learning that Iraq managed to pass them on to another country, undetected, manage to make you feel any better about Bush’s policies and accomplishments? Seriously you guys.
Yep. Were this to actually be true, it’d mean that Bush took Saddam’s weapons and basically handed them to Hezzbollah. Not. Very. Bright.
WMDs aren’t just things you can haul around with ease. You need trucks, planes, ships just to move the stuff. Plus scientists and techicians to ensure that you can move it SAFELY and without incident.
Even if we are to buy the argument that somehow the mightiest and most technologically sophisticated country on this planet failed to detect this mass exodus of dangerous materiel and for some insane reason the Iraqis were able remove all traces of ANY programs (including factories that made WMD, storage facities, maintenance facilities, and all the paperwork required to run everything) so that here was no physical proof of anything happening, you still have the problem of Bush’s plan rather than eliminating the threat of WMD from Iraq spread it to (at least) another country.
And if we are to believe our Wingnutt bretheren that the CIA/DIA/NSA are so screwed up as to not detect the mass transit of WMDs out of Iraq, then if the US invades Syria/Iran, how the $#@$@#* do they expect to keep the WMDs THERE?????
I know it’s akin to blasphemy to even think this here, but did y’all notice that Marie Jon””s photo on her new website makes her look a little… peaked? Run-down? I think it’s the same photo we’ve all come to grow and, in some instances, unnaturally love; but on her new blog, there are what appear to be creases around her mouth and lines under her eyes. I think maybe there used to be some Photoshop airbrushing going on, and she has abandoned that for reasons passing understanding.
Also, what is with her putting quotation marks around the titles of all her posts? I checked, and the words in her titles do not appear in the body of her posts. Is she quoting somebody else? Is she “vying” for the, Kaye — Grogan a”ward”?
I fear for our little rightwing sexpot.
I just hate that you can’t leave comments or trackbacks. That’s such a… wimpy way to have a blog.
I had this argument with a troll on another blog. I asked what to me was the obvious question: If Saddaam had all these WMDs, why didn’t he use them against the invading troops? Why would he ship them out of the country when faced with the the very reason he spent all that money on them?
The troll’s response: “Saddaam wanted to make Bush look bad!”
Yes, cause it’s all about Bush’s popularity, isn’t it?
That is funny Dorothy! that reminds of this I saw today at the Daou Report:
The Democrats Get One Right
Finally, the Democrats get on the right side of a war-related issue: They’re planning to block the UAE from taking over several US ports… Well, three cheers for Hillary Clinton. Or maybe one cheer. She is right on this issue, for now anyway. Putting on my devil horns for a minute, do you suppose the Bush administration let the Dubai deal go through just to get the Democrats to move against it and take some responsibility for homeland security?
That made me laugh
Soon, they’ll be running out of pitches to call these playahs. What’s this guy, Slider? Knuckleball?
He’s either “Split-finger” or “Two-seam”, I forget which.
How nuclear weapons haven’t shown up in more countries run by wacko Islamic fundie nutjobs at this point in time is beyond me.
As far as I can tell, a lot of nuclear technology went from the Muslim republics of the former Soviet Union after its collapse to places like Pakistan, and it seems likely enough that Pakistan is the place where Iran got its little nuclear booster seat.
Part of me hopes that for once in its life, the CIA actually did something useful and actually stopped that information from spreading to unstable areas of the world.
C’mon, Marie, where’s the love? We’re responsible for, like, half of your following!
Okay, sure, but it’s the half that calls her a crazy bitch. I’m not sure why you think she’d be grateful.
Marie Jon”s writing (extra apostrophe intended) is the pits.
Once again playing the role of the selfless and sacrificing guardians of society, the media–in this case the Washington Post—again placates to anyone who is in opposition to the Bush administration.
“Placates to anyone?” What the motherfuck are you talking about, woman?
Oops, forgot to add tags. Let me try that again.
Marie Jon”s writing (extra apostrophe intended) is the pits.
Once again playing the role of the selfless and sacrificing guardians of society, the media–in this case the Washington Post—again placates to anyone who is in opposition to the Bush administration.
“Placates to anyone?” What the motherfuck are you talking about, woman?
Isn’t it interesting how all Iraqis, and arabs in general, are great lying wads o’ fuck unless they happen to say something that supports Shrubco or some random wingnut conspiracy or cause. Then, they’re suddenly Mother Theresa or something. And, as usual, the matter of any proof behind whatever wild allegations that have surfaced is moot.
I would ask her, but she blocked my email address.
“I fear for our little rightwing sexpot.”
Little old me?
Math is hard, let’s go have anal sex!
How dismally sad for all America dare these demigod Democrats would use a service for Coretta Scott King to sully what was intended to be a glorious uplifting celebration of this great woman’s life.
What was that about her writing starting to make sense? It looks like she bought a copy of MS office, but the sentence structure is still all over the place.
Regardless of the continuous threats echoed daily by terrorists, many try to deny world’s possible fate. They remain argumentative and combative. They would rather harness what energy they possess and accuse President Bush of illegal wiretapping and various other media-hyperventilated matters, regardless that their efforts may undermine the war.
Still, there are many thoughtless Americans do not see the impending dangers.
Yes, yes, threats, impending dangers, we get it. No need to drive it home with a bloody hammer.
I would ask her, but she blocked my email address.
Me too, when you start proving a point to her that doesen’t jive with her pre-concieved notions, her brain just preforms an emergency shutdown and she hits “block”.
Jillian, Iran’s nuclear program is from Russia, it was done on the surface and wasn’t really questioned until recently.
But they got the centrifuge plans that the IAEA’s getting the vapors over from A.Q. Khan.
It’s just bugging the hell out of me how much all the “Iran has a nuclear progam” rhetoric sounds like the “Iraq has a nuclear program” rhetoric. I swear to God the WH speechwriters must be using the “find and replace” function on their word processors to write this crap.
But, Jillian–Iraq turned out so well for them, of course they’re cribbing from that playbook! (the sad part is, sarcasm aside, I think they actually think that. yecch.)
The point, dumb-asses, is that Bush didn’t “lie” like you libs are fond of saying. True, there were enough reasons to overthrow Saddam without the WMD, but that was a major one. His ties to terrorism, and the fact that he said that the U.S. would be attacked by a WMD but “not by Iraq” (translation: he’d let terrorists do his dirty work for him) are major, major reasons we did the right thing by kicking him out.