I’m Proud to Say…

…that my home state only gave Bush a 29% approval rating.

And incidentally, what the hell is wrong with y’all peoples in Utah? 58% of you still like Bush? C’mon, guys, what’s it gonna take?


Comments: 30


Bush would have to sodomize a dog on national TV in order for his approval rate to dip below 50 in Utah.


…And it would have to be a male dog, or a dead one.


Reminds me of a similar rundown I saw once…

Funny how a triple digit IQ was the cutoff.


The douchebag WaPo had an article a couple o’ weeks back where they were talking about a small Utah town and how the residents were “I can’t think of any reason to not like the guy”- but of course instead of the article being thoughtful or serious- i.e. discussing the deep Utah culture of doing what you are told, they discussed it in terms of a waitress at a cafe not knowing what the fuck dijon mustard is.


Reminds me of a similar rundown I saw once…

Funny how a triple digit IQ was the cutoff.


Grrrrr, new server, new site, same old problems…


OK, my state gives him 33%. But…
We don’t have a dipshit Republican Governor. And our legislature is in Dem hands. Admittedly, our Dem Governor is a dipshit, too. But, not as much of a dipshit as a Rethug would be.
On the plus side, you’ve got same-sex marriage. Feh.


go 30% in California. and we do have a dipshit governnor! and we should have same sex marriage soon too. (unless I just jinxed it right there – sorry gay people!)


They discussed it in terms of a waitress at a cafe not knowing what the fuck dijon mustard is.

I know; I was struck by that when I read it. I’m starting to understand where this red state resentment is coming from. There doesn’t even seem to be much of an attempt by the cosmopolitan press to at least try and explain something it’s covering.


38% in grand ole’ Iowa.
Impressive, considering one of our 5 congressional districts is as red as most of Nebraska.


“…C’mon, guys, what’s it gonna take?”

For Bush to dress up as an Injun and scalp some pilgrims at Mountain Meadows?


a time machine.


Looks like Ohio is having some morning-after regrets.


“…C’mon, guys, what’s it gonna take?”

Talking smack about Joseph Smith oughta do the trick.


Looks like Ohio is having some morning-after regrets.

What, “Cap’n O”, you really think the election results reflected the will of the population of Ohio? I seem to recall people having to wait long into the night in certain districts, among other irregularities.


I think Bush would have to sodmoize Karl Malone on live TV. But other than that, there’s nothing he can do to lose their approval.


In the Bush/Karl Malone dynamic, I don’t think Karl Malone would be the catcher.


Utah at 58%? There must some hard core mind altering drugs at work…


Oh, I think a dog would do- but he would have to be doing it on a stack of Books of Mormon to a dog named “Joseph Smith” while drinking gin and signing legislation to ban firearms in states with names starting with the letter ‘U’


Good one, teh l4m3.


Even Texas is under 50% (just barely at 49%).

You have to be a real class A screw up as a Republican president and the former governor of Texas to be under 50%.


C’mon, guys, what’s it gonna take?

To drop under 50% in Utah, as well as everywhere else. it would have to come out that Jenna and NotJenna had had multiple abortions since Shrub took office, and that said abortions had been performed by Government doctors, at taxpayer expense. And that Shrub had not only approved of these abortions, but that he had provided the reason for a few of ’em. That’s what it would take.


In other words, it can’t happen. As the RudePundit observed, Bush fucks a fruit bat in front Americans on a daily basis and so many people think that’s mighty fine presidentin’

Sorry. I just got back from church and I’m really pissed off.


What would George Bush have to do to drop under 50% in Utah? As a native Utahn, I think it’s obvious.

Come out of the closet.


I’m a little shocked that it’s 52% disapproving, 46% approving in GA.


34% approval in Maine.

What would George Bush have to do to drop under 50% in Utah? As a native Utahn, I think it’s obvious.

Come out of the closet.

That’s probably it.


Damn, my beloved Idaho (55%) dipped below Utah? I’m going out tonight and doing some personal campaigning … I’ll get’er back up above 60%.


Brad- So 3 out of every 10 people you will pass on the street today is for President Bush?
Have a nice day!


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