Meanwhile, Back In The Jungle
Freedom of speech is dead in America.
Posted by John Freeman July 29, 09 05:31 PM
I think this is a free speak issue if he wasn’t acting in his official capacity as a P.O.
Posted by pia3 July 29, 09 05:31 PM
Got it: Freak peen issue (very serious cookie) — Freep speak, not officially a previous owner or Post Office. Welp, here we go:
I guess the relevant questions are:
1) Did he write the email using department computers and using a department account or using his own computer and account?
2) What is department policy regarding these types of behaviors?
Posted by Dave July 29, 09 05:33 PM
The politically correct “thought police” are out of control. Officer Barrett has the right to express his opinion, whether people agree with or not. And he should be able to express it without endangering his job. Unless it can be shown that a police officer’s beliefs seriously interfere with his ability to carry out his duties, he should not be disciplined or fired. Nearly everyone I know, dislikes or despises a particular racial group or those of a religious affiliation. Are we going to fire everyone?
Posted by Ronin555 July 29, 09 05:34 PM
If that email was not sent from a Boston Police computer, then there is no issue regardless of the content.
Posted by Ray High July 29, 09 05:34 PM
african americans call each other the”n”word all the time, and use it all the time around each other and myself numerous times during the work day,and for some reason its ok, as soon as “the man” says anything about a african american its not tolerated, this is not fair at all, way to use the system.
Posted by nobama July 29, 09 05:37 PM
Every cop knows, don’t send it in email.
Posted by Rush L July 29, 09 05:37 PM
should be suspended for 30 days. on a side note, did this guy use company email to talk about this event? if so, regardless of his thoughts on the matter, he should get a dope slap.
Posted by Bo Bolders July 29, 09 05:42 PM
FIRE HIM?…There’s been alot worse things done than this and people still have there jobs, and they want to fire him. That makes absolutley no sense.. Suspend him sure…fire him no freakin way.
Posted by Mike Jones July 29, 09 05:43 PM
maybe officer Barrett should tell gaters that he didn’t mean it and that he is sorry and commissioner davis should give back his gun/badge and no charges should be put agains anyone don’t Barrett know the president maybe he can help Barrett out!!!
Posted by Raymond July 29, 09 05:45 PM
I’m shocked! Shocked I tell you.
Posted by toots July 29, 09 05:48 PM
Wow Barrett, I can’t believe your buddy threw you under the bus. Who can you trust?
Posted by Big Ad July 29, 09 05:52 PM
great, let’s find another police officer to vilify since the insanely biased media found a guy who did absolutely nothing wrong the first time around.
about 90% of working white males probably used similar verbage to describe Gates The Moron in an email or in conversation when hearing the full details of the story. This is a non-issue.
Posted by FJ July 29, 09 05:52 PM
First of all…what’s with the Elmer Fudd hat???…. The BPD doesn’t have uniform standards?
Second….This is a MINOR offense. These guys (and women) get away with all sorts of not really even questionable legal offenses……shooting innocent people, killing some…the girl at Fenway Park?…assaulting “prisoners”, illegal chases, not to mention shakedowns and many, many other things. Just the crime of doing nothing on “details” should offend everyone. This is a big city cop problem. In lots of other cities and states, bad cops are routinely fired. It has to change. For the safety and benefit of all.
Posted by Eye of Horus July 29, 09 05:56 PM
What about the comments that Gates made about Crowley’s mother? Don’t these qualify for dismal at the University? What does the haphazard behaviour of Gates imply about the emotional balance of their instructor?
Posted by anonymous July 29, 09 06:04 PM
Gates and Barrett are two peas in a pod. Both men are a shame to the human race.
Posted by Billy July 29, 09 06:08 PM
Haven’t we learned enough already. He did not break a law or rule only he shows how ignorant he is.
Posted by sophie08 July 29, 09 06:12 PM
It’s actually ‘Jungle Bunny’ and that refers to latinos. So yeah, suspend him for being stupid.
Posted by mark July 29, 09 06:19 PM
Pretty retarded to call Gates a jungle monkey when there are so many more colorful and accurate things to call him. Jungle monkey doesn’t even make sense. Isn’t it redundant? Like ocean dolphin? However, it doesn’t look like they can terminate him unless he was using a city owned PC. And even then they’d need more than one instance to substantiate a pattern.
Posted by Samurai Jack’s bff July 29, 09 06:20 PM
How did the liberal globe get holf of his identity? Give the guy a break he was probably a little tired from locking up primates all day.
Posted by Primate Planet July 29, 09 06:22 PM
Amazing the comments here, do you all believe exactly what you read or hear? Barrett did NOT call Gates a ‘jungle monkey’, he said Gates behaviour was like that of a jungle monkey, jumping up and down and making a lot of noise. This is hardly a case the office calling Gates the very same. If someone says to you that you are acting like a drama queen, are they saying you are? Further, this comment, regardless of the content, was sent via his private email, not through his work or National Guard email; so remember that when YOU send a private email. Imagine that – a PRIVATE email, sent via a PRIVATE account and email server. You may also want to note, and you will not see it in the Globe – his email was in response to what the officer considered biased article in favor of Gates and against the police. Food for thought…..I will reserve judgment on this until the contents of the email are actually made public, not based on some headline online or what some talking head on the boob tv says…..aren’t we entitle to private opinions?
Posted by EnoughAlready July 29, 09 06:25 PM
So a cop responds to a call of a possible B and E, gets berated for doing his job by the resident, gets called names and arrests a man for being disorderly and then another cop sends out an e-mail that allegedly contains a racial slur and this is proof of widespread racism in the country by law enforcement agents?
Posted by Mikey Badnews July 29, 09 06:26 PM
US citizens have a first amendment right to call people names. Firing him would be a violation of his rights. I guess we are only concerned with minority “rights” in this country now though.
Posted by Dave July 29, 09 06:29 PM
Why is it that we Black people are SO touchy and make eveything about race. Just becasue a White guy refers to a Black guy as a ‘jungle monkey’ everyone assumes it’s about race. Golly gheez, people – get a clue people. White police don’t see race they just see right and wrong. Now stop your bad mouthing of good people who do a difficult job. Police work under such stressful and dangerous conditions they should be respected and their behavior should not be scrutinized. And besides, if Gates were White he still would have been called ‘jungle monkey’.
Posted by A Black American July 29, 09 06:32 PM
Hi, I is be black too. Whoo-wee, I does gots to say: That Gates is like a elevator operator with a armload of goose feathers — always “bringing folks down.” As a total coal-black person, I too am tired of people questioning the actions of white policemen. Welp, stay black, you all. Slap me five.
P.S.: Rap? More like “crap,” if you ask me. Black folks love the classics, the Gershwin. Give us the Sammy Kahn, the Saul Chaplin, that’s what I’m telling you. A little Brooks & Dunn for the kids — the whatayacall, the Miley Cyrus. A nice piece of fish, maybe some varnishkes on the side, if it’s not too much trouble.
Finally! With all the digging around in a desperate search for explicit racism, I see the media finally found someone in Boston.
Now our total count of racists is up to two: Officer Barrett of Boston and, of course, the bigoted Gates himself.
Posted by chad July 29, 09 06:34 PM
Posted by Exhausted July 29, 09 06:38 PM
Oops, I’m sorry….I missed it. What day did we surrendered Article 1 of the United States Constitution on Freedom of Speech.
My Bad….
Posted by RightWing Truths July 29, 09 06:39 PM
Please help me understand — how come it is okay to use words like “idiot”, but not okay to say “jungle monkey”. Thanks. BTW, I am African.
Posted by Sipho Mabuze July 29, 09 06:40 PM
Sipho, my man, what be uppin’? How’s the career?
Hitler, that’s who!
Are you kidding???? Give me a break Aren’t you people in the world sick of all the whining??? When was the last time an ” african american” got in trouble for calling a white man a cracker, whiteboy or whatever. What more do the “black” communities want?? White people don’t have a united ” white” college fund or WET tv program, or “white” history month ect…… If they got everything and more they would still be whining about RACE. Get over it
First we gave them 3/5, but oh no, that wasn’t enough for them. Then “they” set up a college fund only for United “Negroes,” and then at the supermarket one time, this big “black” lady looked at me and said, “Buy you some peanuts there, Cracker Jack,” as if she wasn’t some black lady, walking around all totally black — just exactly like if I rubbed shoe polish on my face and went around all “Hubba-hubba, bibbidy-boo-bah,” with a loud suit and a tambourine, “Yes-suh, yes-suh, ‘Ah shoahs do declare so,’ Bre’er Rabbit sez, sezee. Beebiddy-bubbita-bah.” And still they talk about RACE. Get over it, dusky ape-creatures!
When did police lose their first amendment rights, even if we do not like what one says, we should respect their right to say it. If it was said off duty, it is none of the departments business. His actions on duty are what counts, not his thoughts. America’s thought police are very active.
What the thought police do off-duty is none of your business.
This is reverse discrimination since they can use any language to describe the white race. Yes he should not have used those terms; however, the blacks them selves use much worse in describing them selves.
I think the professor is extreemly racist and it showed in his face screeming at the police of which one was black.
Those who were once slaves now hold all the cards.
I’m right wing but that doesn’t mean I am racist. In fact Obama seems to be a little more racist than I feel I am. It’s not all about color!!
If I dance a jig, people can boo, but to a black person dancing a jig a boo is racist? Hitler, that’s who! It’s not about Hitler!!!
This just another example of the double standard that now exists. It protects and favors as well as excuses anyone that is not WHITE.
We need to take back our rights, our cities, our states and our country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hehe Unided Negro Collage Fud racest!
So he MAY have “acted stupidity – hense he shuld by precident have some brews at the White House:
His ego is expanding faster than the national debt. He once bowled a 37. Honest. He lives vicariously through his teleprompter. The police often question him, just so he can say they acted stupidly. His blood smells like arugula. Every time a pitcher throws a perfect game, he claims to know them. He’s been known to cure insomnia, just by holding a press conference. People hang on his every word. They’re so bored they hang themselves. He can speak Indonesian . . . in Kenyan.
He is the Most Irritating Man in the World.
“I don’t always drink beer, but when I do, I make a photo op out of it.”
“Stay stupid, my friends.”
Say what one will, it’s reassuring to know that when something this unfunny turns up, there’s a good chance that we’ve already met the perpetrator.
RIP—U.S. Constitution
Rip, rip, goes the Constitution, by él Presidente’s will,
Pop, pop, goes the Cliquot magnum at the passing of the Bill,
Hiss, hiss, go the Zyklon-B jets, ’til the Dittoheads are killed,
Here we come, the Jet Set Junta,
Here we come, the Jet Set Junta…
such a dumb, leave the guy after a warning donot suspend the guy or else he might develop hatred towards humans and specially blacks.. might end up doinf something nasty..
Such a smart! That is how Hitler! Because what if they had suspended him, and he developed hatred toward humans and specially suspenders? Who’s belt would he have had than huh! Your’s thats who’s!
What do you mean “you can’t believe so many people are supporting the cop” this site is filtering out most of the comments that support the cop.
Gee, I wonder if the author of this articel is a liberal??? Probably drives a rice burner as well….
“Heh heh. Let’s leave this one up to confuse them. Wait, we’re supposed to mess up the punctuation and misspell something — would ‘artickul’ be too Krazy Kat? Because I think it has a sort of Steinbeck/Agee salt-of-the-earth quality, like those people in Let Us Now Praise Famous Men who never finished college.”
I hope the PC star gazers are getting a sense that all their punishing,demeaning,shaming,shouting against people who will always prefer their own race doesn’t change one tiny measure of peoples values. This will never end. Look at the news from Africa…tens of thousands of black people are slaughtered by other black people every month and the world does nothing…not even comment on it…don’t be too secure in your fantisy that only whites are racists. Forbidding unpopular speach changes nothing. No one bothers about someone being called a redneck cracker hillbillie.
I’m for RAHOWA and against the theft of White civilization’s hereditary Grail and Spear by the jabbering Mud People, but that doesn’t mean I’m racist. In fact Obama seems to be a little more racist than I feel I am. In fact, Obama seems to feel a little more White than I think I seem to. Hitler, that’s who. It’s not all about color!!!
You go Bill!!
A bunch of liberal whiners!!!!
I want a white history weak too!! Because that’s where we’re heading … history. Our white liberal brothers have sold us out.
You’re absolutely right – they can call us crackers, honkies etc. name me one time when they got in trouble for it……
There was the time when the one black guy said “Honky — that’s what geese are,” and the other white guy was like, “Woo, you’re in trouble now, Frank, because as soon as black people say “honky” 20 million times, it will make it so that slavery never happened. And that was number 19 million, nine-hundred-ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and tenty-eleven oh my God…” And the one black guy was like, “Uh, as I said, those geese are certainly fine specimens of anserine masculinity, ‘hunky’ being the term of choice for geese, or rather ganders, of such fine presentation, not that I’m into that.”
Why, Commerade Barret, how politically naaive and improper of an utterance of you to make. Obviously, your decadent burgois capitolist upbringing has caused you to believe this way…… You will be sent to reeducation Kamp #9 in Vermont tomorrow. Look for the black H3 in the driveway at 8 AM. They will take you there…..
“They call me H3,” the young man said, as a beat started up from a boom-box hidden under the forsythia bush. His severed head was tucked under his arm at an insouciant angle. “An’ ahmonna be your ex-cort to the:
“Burgois capitolist Def Kamp,
The future so bright, we made your hide inta a lamp,
Scrubbin’ Bubbas circlin’ tha drain from tha soap,
Made from paleface ass-fat, and the bitter ashes of hope,
Made from lie-la-lie like the Boxer, an’ now you’re layin’ low,
Seeking out the poorer quarters where the ragged people go,
No job but just a come-on from a 7th Avenue ho’,
‘Cause if I’m Rhymin’ Simon, you that curly guy, Garel,
Who thought he had art and funk because he couldn’t spell,
Like a dead honky without a nose: How does it smell?
Ask not for whom the bell hooks, it tolls its Little Knell,
Save a Lincoln for my man ShaRon, gonna row you to Hell,
Acme Honky Eraser make you blanker than Mel…”
The boom box stopped and the young man crawled awkwardly into the bush to fix it. After a long moment, another beat started and he emerged with a CD in his mouth. He spit it out with a flourish on the grass.
“‘H3′ stands for head, heart, hands, an’ health, ‘cept for the head,
Future Reapers of America: dead.”
The CD in the box started skipping and he tried to keep going.
“Because it’s with a left, right, left, and you’re headless,
And you be saying, ‘Goddamn, Kennedy has brain cancer, and soon we be Tedless.'”
A few solid beats went by like the slots in a revolving door that you don’t take.
“Uh, down at D-Noize Bar & Grill,
The drink will flow and blood will spill,
‘Cause if DuBois wanna fight, you better let ‘im.”
He bowed, flourishing his head like a plumed hat, and did what apparitions do, which is to vanish as though they were never there, leaving you listening closely to an ordinary silence and thinking with vivid intensity about things usually rotely overlooked.
Well, freedom of speech is not yet quite dead in America…but it IS being adjusted…Soon freedom of speech will be delivered and defended by the crack of a rifle report….Good thing so many white folks are well armed and know how to shoot straight…..The term “goonsquad” will soon have new meaning in the USA….time to stock up on more ammo. The time is nigh!
Once used to describe a squad of goons, soon it will have new meaning as goons become even squaddier or vice versa. The time is nig!
I think we should separate the races. Then there would be no more racism. No more complaining about racism. Blacks would police themselves. It just may come to that. We would have to partition part of the country for blacks based on their population. Somewhere in the southeast maybe.
Nobody has ever thought of this before. It’s like the way nobody ever thought of a book called The Turner Diaries, until boom, you notice there’s a book called that, and the really weird thing is that it was somehow written before you even noticed it.
Fired? He should of been promoted!
Thank goodness we are getting rid of the First Amendment.
I guess THAT is change we can believe in.
Freedom of speech is gone, and the thought police are out to get anyone who doesn’t march to their particular drumbeat. What a shame. . . . I remember the old days: Polock jokes, Dumb Blonde jokes, even Helen Keller jokes! It was free and fun and not meant to harm anyone and, as a blonde, I never took it personal. America needs to lighten up and leave free speech alone! Otherwise, we lose something very important to a ‘supposedly’ free society.
Gah. I’ve had it; I give up.
1. Seems to me the President should also lose his job for basically calling the Cambridge Police stupid.
2. Accoding to Thomas Sowell (a black man), police racist attitudes are greatly overblown…he cites a book by Heather MacDonald
3. Everyone should read Sowell’s latest op-ed piece…he believes the sense of racial entitlement among minorities is alive and well while perceptions of profiling and the such are greatly exaggerated.
OMG, no, now I give up. Heather MacDonald…? Bahahaha!!!
The death of freedom of speech! Everyone is entitled to there opinion even white people! He did nothing wrong! Of course the dark side will play it up as if he did a Rodney King on someone! Ridiculous!
Has the whole WORD gone CRAZY???? A policeman started out doing his duty,and look what this has turned into?If this other guy was not black this would not have happened,so do you all think it is ok for a man black or white to give the police a hard time??But now think about it~~~ Who was the first to HOLLER RACIST? It was not the cop….I think this man thinks he is to good to be arrested and that it is ok for him to act like a complete IDIOT (which he did) You all better be thankful that the policeman did his duty.Next time it may be your house and the cops might just turn the other way ~~Especially if it is a black man.God Bless the Policeman!!!!! Let me be clear I am not raciest ,my best friend is black,but this is WRONG!!!
Who was the first to HOLLER HITLER? It was not Hitler!
Next time it might be your house Gates tries to live in! And the police might just turn the other way!!!!
If your white you get fire, if your black the Messiah defends you.
Two racists …..different outcome. Change is in the air.
Well, there’s always a fire next time. But who owns a white these days? I mean, with all the health expenses.
You are all wrong! If he emails a friend on his computer on his time, then he can say whatever he wants to say to express himself. This is a free country last time I looked. Also, calling someone a “Cancer” was a description most likely of the actions of the race card player Gates and Gates’ stance against white folk. Just remember, no owes your shyt and all you get is death and taxes in this world. You have NO entitlements other than those I just mentioned. Crying wolf like Gates did is just another reason why I won’t listen to anymore Reverse Discrimination otherwise known as Affirmative Action. I set the record straight since no-one has yet. Case and point. Case closed!
Here here! All in favor say ‘I’! They’re one in the same!
Gates is a raciest! But as you can see from the news, our “so called President” and the comments listed here, a white man can not speak his personal opinion as the black man (who is nuts and a racists) is able to say what he likes.
Racy? What’s wrong with being racy?
I think there would be a lot less so-called “Racism” if there was a lot less Black crime.
The numbers don’t lie my friends, no matter how hard you try.
Blacks create a tremendous amount of violent crime according to FBI statistics.
These are facts. These are facts.
What do you do with these facts?
Poor folks years ago did not create as much crime. What do you do with those cold hard facts? I din’t create those facts. They are facts.
I didn’t create this fart. It’s a fart!
So privately calling a spade a spade will get you fired? And publicly accusing an innocent police officer of being a racist will get you a party with Obama ? So we should only arrest whitee and blacks can say or do anything they want because they know if they make a big enough scene – They get a free forty with the village idiot obama!!!! Yeah YO MAMA wins again!!
I don’t understand what the noted cellist has to do with any of this, but those Marsalis brothers probably put him up to it. They’re spades delving tools, you know. Hey, who crossed out the word spades implements of entrenchment?
Blacks have shown so many times that they are the most racist group in America. This Gates is an anti-white hater, and just another of Obama’s friends just like Jeremiah Wright, and Louis Farrakhan.
I’m so sick of seeing white programmed fools who have been conditioned into political correctness as easily as Pavlov’s dogs who salivated when the bell rung, right on cue. Brainwashed, mind-conditioned whites do the same when the politically correct bell is rung. They espouse politically correct propaganda right on que.
Many of us have been subjected to the constant PC hammering our entire lives, from acdemia to the media and Hollywood, yet we aren’t so foolish and gullible as to accept anything without an objective evaluation.
PC advoacates are unable to do that. They naively accept what has been programmed into them as effectively as any cult. They’re Kool-aid drinkers who would stand in line, ready to drink the kool aid and die, because they were programmed so effectively into one single mindset by a man who espoused another type of perferted ideology.There is ungodly amounts of racism against whites in this country, but the fools who keep electing the evil Ted Kennedy are programmed to be obedient self-hating whites, and it is they, more than the blacks, we must confront as the country spirals down into economic collapse, which will cause social collapse, and, eventually civil war.
The PC bunch are in denial and will fail to see that this is going to occur. But it WILL occur as certain as the sun will rise tomorrow. And the great thing about it is we don’t have to debate the point, because the end of this year or the beginning of 2010 will make it plain that the economy will not recover no matter what is done. The game is over. Payback time is right around the corner.
Fap fap fap fap!
I’m sick of the liberals demonizing anyone who doesn’t think or feel just like they do about things. If this police officer had made a demeaning or demoralizing comment about Sarah Palin or her daughter, the libs would be completely silent. Quit being such hypocrites!
Sarah Palin is a tundra bunny.
This officer is an American hero and should be treated as such. He and Officer Crowley and all the others like them are the front-line troops who are (just barely) keeping the forces of madness & stupidity (black “culture”) from utterly overwhelming the majority of non-blacks and those few black non-adherents to black culture who want to lead civilized lives. If only there were some way to silence the leaders of this phony so-called culture such as Louis Gates, Cornel West, and Michael Eric Dyson with their absurd & useless Black “Studies” programs which waste so much time & money in higher education.
If only there were a way to make people dead with a projectile weapon of some kind. Wait, no, I am familiar with no such specific device or method. If only it were possible to machine-shoot black professors en masse with a nameless automatic projectile weapon of no definable kind!
What a bunch of jerks these governing bodies are. They are in the ultra category of idiots. This scum bag professor needs to be canned by the University that he receives money from. I am sure he doesn’t perform his duties as required. People like this continue to cause race problems in the country.
Why is it that white people, and only white people have to carry the brunt of punishment for racist remarks? It seems to me Gates committed a worse crime for charging racism where there clearly was none.
How come he’s not fired from his job? He’s teaching his racist views to our youth.
Why bother calling the professor “names” when he clearly is a communist.
IVAN: Comrade, you are blunder bum! You are oops rocket!
IGOR: I am clearly communist!
IVAN: Oh. What is use, then? I will call no more names.
IGOR: They are “names,” in quotes. Oh, I am communist for sure.
Gates should be fired, but it is hard to envision exactly what this clown does. “Black scholar” has to be the ultimate oxymoron.
823 (posted four times):
This whole thing reeks of a set-up by whitehouse media operatives.
Conveniently go out and “find” a racist white cop.
Just when you need one to cover for the “president’s” unfortunate revelation of his own anti-police, anti-white beliefs.
Gates must be avenged! Americans must not be permitted to speak the truth!
White America must be further guilted into accepting more entitlements for “minorities.”
Keep the American people fighting over this make believe racial issue.
Distract them from the unprecedented corruption of this administration.
Blind them to the destruction of their republic.
Wake up People!
This is all FAKE!
We are being OBAMBOOZLED!
asst. attorney general Lorreta King Dismissed the charges against the three black panthers intimidating voters in philly. My mother said there would be a Race War , I didnt believe it until recently.
“jungle Bunny” gets him canned? Whateer happened to FREE SPEECH?
Rappers spew out the N- word ) which I am not even allowed to write the complete N- WORD on this blog for fear of being called a racist, which today is worse than being called a Nazi) Blacks call me cracker and honkie all the time and I am to assume that it is some stinking term of endearment?
They came for our guns, now they have our speech, next they will take our healthcare. It’s 1917 Russia all over again.
In Russia, cracker honks you!
When they came for our guns, I said whateer! because nobody came for anyone’s guns. But then when the blacks came for me and called me names — like when those Haitian kids came walking by and said something the other day — there was no one left to save a million-hundred babies from INVISIBLE ROBOT HITLER.
First! Sorry, but I need this.
Oy, you could have at least linked to a copy of the emails, tho I’ve already read them.
I guess freepers forget public officials kinda have restrictions on their freedom of speech. As do military personnel and…
To summarize:
Because Free Speak only applies when you’re telling Lieberuls to SHUT UP, that’s why. Also,the fact that I can’t say the magic N word proves Obama is a fascist.
Hey, wingnut LOOSERS–nobody said the police mans was racist, they said he was acting LIKE a racist–it’s totally DIFFERENT and WHY DON’T YOU WHITEY EXTREMISTS UNDERSTAND??/? Like, he wasn’t actually in a german uniform goosestepping or nuthins he was all just HEIL HITLERING in the metaphoricals, ya dig? He was “like” a jackbooted honky brownshirt thug, not LITERALLY!!!11!!!
Nearly everyone I know, dislikes or despises a particular racial group or those of a religious affiliation.
I dislike and despise loud-mouthed morons. Are they a race or adherents of a particular religion?
I can’t believe you actually read all that shit. You are a legend, man. Matt Yglesias making the big bikkies and you not is proof the world is upside down.
Reading this post was like floating through the LSD hallucinations of 56 brain-damaged self-loathing orangutans.
After awhile all those quotes kinda blend together. Sweet yellow borders & arrows though.
I think I only got about 25% of the way through before I…well, just WOW.
Seriously. That was infuriating and depressing.
you know, we fling the “stupid” word around pretty freely, and sometimes I feel bad about that. I see I can stop feeling bad about that.
erm, anonymous was me.
I used to belong to the politically correct “thought police”, until I was sacked for sending inappropriate e-mails.
You can find plenty just as bad on Politico.
Really? Just as bad? In the same density? Unrelieved by a sane voice? In that case, the site’s gone downhill. Which is an achievement in itself.
Shorter Freepers:
Black man (‘off duty’ in his own home) communicates to White Police Officer his suspicion that the Officers motives are racial in nature?
White Police Officer (‘off duty’ in his own home) communicates his suspicion that the Black man’s motives are racial in nature?
Restore Our Alienated Rights! (and drop a dime for Noraid if you please?)
Sorry, Gavin, but finding racists and stupids on the Free Republic is like finding sand in the Taklamakan, or gay porn behind the Bible on a Republican senator’s bookshelf.
You are oops rocket!
It’s like a four-word health film describing the dangers of left-leaning thrust.
[insert snark about Dennis Miller’s unnecessarily obfuscatory sesquipedalian modus operandi here]
In russia, cracker honks you! I’m speechless. I just have to say that that was an absolute tour de sadly, no! I mean, christ on a cracker in the Kremlin that was brilliant.
I had to re-read some of those Freep comments. They’re like the written equivalent of stock footage.
Good Hitler everyone. Well now that I’ve had my morning cup of Hitler, I wonder what Hitler. Oh look, it’s Hitler.
Address my Hitler, madlibs.
You didn’t lose your freedom of speech, you just misplaced it. Try looking in Amendment One.
What is so funny is that Sonia Sotomayor ruled in favor of the cop in a case in new abortionville that was similar to this.
For additional context, the e-mail in question.
Geez, where’d everybody go? It’s not like I linked the unreadable original.
I would be willing to pay a fairly large amount of money to transport America’s racist motherfuckers to a specific location where there are no brown people at all, and they can freely drop the N-word and make fried chicken jokes, at least until they explode in the airless vacuum of space.
Sorry, Gavin, but finding racists and stupids on the Free Republic is like finding sand in the Taklamakan, or gay porn behind the Bible on a Republican senator’s bookshelf.
For those who missed it, Free Republic yanked what must have been the best of their threads. The comments above are culled from the Boston Globe article on the story. Those people might be Freepers turned loose in the wild, but they’re saying this shit in the comments of the “liberal media”.
This post triggered me.
I’ll be in the safe space one post below, down with Pat Boone’s genitals in a box.
Damn good thing I’m in Stockholm right now, and I can spend the next twenty hours getting myself psyched up to return home to this shit.
The comments above are culled from the Boston Globe article on the story.
But for some reason, in my browser it’s numbering all the comments #1, when clearly the vast majority are #2.
Sadly,No delivers the Simpleton Forte (the strongest drug you can buy without prescription) to my personal hand-held device, so I don’t have to wait on some street corner to score that eye-opening, mind-numbing load of lunacy, the essence of Wingnuttia.
” Unless it can be shown that a police officer’s beliefs seriously interfere with his ability to carry out his duties, he should not be disciplined or fired. Nearly everyone I know, dislikes or despises a particular racial group or those of a religious affiliation. Are we going to fire everyone?”
Well, that’s certainly a new one. “It’s OK, because all my friends are racists.”
Yeee-gadz! Methinks the drooling wingnut morons are quickly approaching Critical Stupid! The horror! THE HORROR!
…Any day now expect something truly horrible to happen à la Timothy McVeigh.
Damn, now I feel like an idiot – I skipped to the text before the graphics loaded; I saw ‘freep-speak’ and assumed the worst.
Unless it can be shown that a police officer’s beliefs seriously interfere with his ability to carry out his duties
Your wish is my command:
Jeezus! Are these fucking people INSANE???
He wrote it! Even fucking FOX News reported that, and we ALLLLL know how reliable and unbiased they are!
Nearly everyone I know, dislikes or despises a particular racial group or those of a religious affiliation.
Well, there you go…
Smell the post-racial-ness!
I just want to point out that in the third screenshot, a Freeper includes a little quote and says “I AM JIM THOMPSON.” Jim Thompson was a member of the Communist Party and deserves better than being associated with Freepers.
Couldn’t do it. Couldn’t read all those insane, hateful remarks.
Was there some sort of special program where idiot racists and reactionaries were all given a free laptop and internet lessons?? Because every thread I’ve ever seen on any news story about race seems to end up this way…
self-awareness, they’re doing it wrong…
Holy hell.
A boooooorrrrrrring sports-oriented thread (although admittedly spice up by badger-talk), Pat Boone’s waterboarding dick, or Freepers off their meds….
Sadly No is a dangerous place to hang out this week. I believe I will start self-medicating early today.
Officer Barrett has the right to express his opinion, whether people agree with or not.
Except he IDENTIFIED himself as one of the officers involved, which means what he was writing could (and would) be used in any criminal or civil proceeding arising from the situation, in which case the CPD would be on the hook for massive amounts of settlement/damages.
Nearly everyone I know, dislikes or despises a particular racial group or those of a religious affiliation.
They all hate you too.
These qualify for dismal at the university. I can attest.
[groggy husband has fixed a few blockquotes, btw]
Everyone here is probably thinking the same thing I am as a result of these comments: “Hey! Wouldn’t it be cool to hang out in Boston?!?”. Therefore, I’m going to officially declare a time and date for a Boston SadlyFest, or it will never happen before the Birth Of Studebaker.
Sunday, August 16th at 1 PM
Hopefully he will cooperate and not make his appearance before then.
Location TBD, although as a sober person I’d like a place with food and clean bathrooms, preferably that isn’t too loud and is within waddling distance of
the place that I pass outour house. My vote is for the Miracle of Science, but I’ll entertain other suggestions.So um… let me know if you plan to be there!
Arrgh. I guess Boston hasn’t changed that much.
about 90% of working white males probably used similar verbage to describe Gates The Moron in an email or in conversation when hearing the full details of the story.
And there’s another breed of “All of MY friends are racist, so what’s the big deal?”
Nice Monochrome Set tune, BTW, even if they do use some weird Brit pronunciation of “junta.”
Also, I think you are being unfair to #346 who offers the eminently sensible “warning donut” solution. In my reading.
Nearly everyone I know, dislikes or despises a particular racial group or those of a religious affiliation.
Somehow this fact doesn’t give me comfort. I have no doubt that this is true but I also have no doubt that “a particular racial group” could be replaced by “all non-whites” and “those of a religious affiliation” could be replaced by “all non-Christians”.
I THINK #110 was intended to be heavy sarcasm, but who can be sure?
By the way, I love how, in the middle of the cop’s email he claims to like “a warm cruller and a Panamanian”, the second of which I guess is a coffee reference but I’ve never heard it said like that. I burst out laughing. Warm cruller? Really?
That was the worst post evar to read while drinking your first cup of coffee…
Also, Penis.
Pfft. Gates is a small-market bully. I can’t get arrested in this town, and I got a freakin’ byline at the Times.
I strongly suspect that 110 posted by “a Black American” is sarcasm. What gives it away for me is the coherence and the correct spelling and grammar. Coherence seems to have a left-wing bias.
Teh stupidz! They burns us, precious!
Sunday, August 16th at 1 PM
I will be in a different B place, but have one on me.
No, really. I expect it to be thrown in my face!
Who do you call when a Police Officer gets in trouble for expressing racist thoughts?
Sonia Sotomayor, that’s who.
Fucking ungrateful morons.
I think Obama is on the right track with the beer summits. What he needs to do when the health care bills come up for a vote is invite the entire Congress to one of these. Then he spikes their drinks with rohypnol. When they wake up they’ll find they’ve done the right thing in signing bills with the strong public option.
#367 has a whey with curds:
I want a white history weak too!! Because that’s where we’re heading … history.
Damn you, Gavin. We’ve been missing your stylings, and you return with a marathon obstacle course of stink and stupid.
Right. Taking the cop’s gun is PCness run amok, but arresting Gates for mouthing off on his own front porch is a reasonable response to behavior that is legal in any other venue, under many different circumstances.
Agreed on 110 being a spoof. I almost posted it as a representative sample, then read it again and thought, “Hmm, that’s a little too perfect.”
That’s pretty much what I said.
I will be in a different B place, but have one on me.
No, really. I expect it to be thrown in my face!
OK, actor, I practically begged people to give input on the date. I got mostly crickets (and a few people saying their schedules were open). Did you comment on a potential date, or are you just giving me a hard time?
Compare the effusions of Officer Barrett to those of the drunken poet Hirst, the protagonist of Harold Pinter’s enigmatic modern drama No Man’s Land:
BARRETT: You are a hot little bird with minimal experience in a harsh field. You are a fool. An infidel. You have no business writing for a newspaper nevermind detailing and analyzing half truths. You should serve me coffee and donuts on Sunday morning.
HIRST: I am sorry for you. Where is the moral ardor that sustained you once? Down the hatch. In my day nobody changed. A man was. I shall show you my library. I might even show you my study. I might even show you my footstool.
BARRETT: You need to serve a day with the infantry and get swarmed by black gnats while manning your sector. Or you just need to get slapped, look in the mirror and admit, “Wow, I am a failure. I am a follower. Who am I kidding?”
HIRST: What impertinence. Well, it doesn’t matter. Do you ever examine the gullies of the English countryside? Under the twigs, under the dead leaves, you’ll find tennis balls, blackened. Girls threw them for the dogs, their children, each other, they rolled into the gulley.
So um… let me know if you plan to be there!
Not I, sorry. I will be here in Salt Lake City dyeing my hair black for the Green Day concert later in the evening.
ObTopical: Freepers are dicks. Good thing they don’t know that THE GUMMINT IS LOGGING ALL THEIR IP ADDRESSES AND WILL COME FOR THEM SOON.
Thank you for making the horrifying hilarious. Sarah Palin is a tundra bunny. Bwahahaha!
such a dumb, leave the guy after a warning donot suspend the guy or else he might develop hatred towards humans and specially blacks.. might end up doinf something nasty..
A warning donot? COPSIST!!!
Until someone delivers to my patio the original vault copy long form version of this e-mail, I’m afraid that I cannot believe the Obamessiah and his manipulation of the Communisto-Muslimosexual M$M.
Did you comment on a potential date, or are you just giving me a hard time?
I live in NY. I had no plans to be there. 😉
I live in NY. I had no plans to be there. 😉
You know, the dedicated Sadlynauts come up for these things on the Fung Wah.
I have to question your committment, actor.
“Too Krazy Kat.”
That shit just made my day.
That shit just made my day.
Awesome, indeed.
Nothing could ever be too Pogo.
News Flash; “Freedom of Speech” is not an absolute. It does not, for example, mean “freedom from the consequences of your speech”. Furthermore, there are plenty of occupations in this country which, by taking the job, entail accepting limits on your freedom of speech. Certain kinds of speech can result in your dismissal, even if you are speaking “as a private citizen”, and not in the context of your job. Police officers, soldiers, teachers, judges and most federal employees are routinely subject to these restrictions, and rightly so. This has been tested and upheld repeatedly in the courts.
Suppose a black police officer had written a letter to a newspaper–on his own time, and on his own equipment–stating that he would never arrest a black man, or that he would condone planting evidence on a white suspect in order to make an arrest. Do you think he would or should keep his job? Wouldn’t you love to be the lawyer defending the next black suspect that officer Barret arrests?
I am not raciest, but the whole WORD has gone crazy! Doesn’t this merit dismal?
A Mille Bornes reference. I can’t believe it. I love that game.
You know, the dedicated Sadlynauts come up for these things on the Fung Wah.
I have to question your committment, actor.
It will cost you a first class air ticket back from Bonaire, Dr Mrs.
But I’m worth it!
Of course, if your commitment is so waning…
“Too Krazy Kat.”
Lil’ dollink, throw a ‘brick’ at his head.
Also, please help as I am severely HTML hanicapped. Any small donation wuold be a spaghetti monstersend.
Suppose a black police officer had written a letter to a newspaper–on his own time, and on his own equipment–stating that he would never arrest a black man, or that he would condone planting evidence on a white suspect in order to make an arrest. Do you think he would or should keep his job? Wouldn’t you love to be the lawyer defending the next black suspect that officer Barret arrests?
Or a, say, Hispanic justice talking about the cultural experiences of the Latina heritage contributing to wiser decisions…
transport America’s racist motherfuckers to a specific location where there are no brown people at all
Antartica is nice this time of year.
Also, please help as I am severely HTML hanicapped.
Talk to Sally
Let me join Sirius on the dole…that should have read “Sally {/Struthers}” (subtitute appropriate bracket)
Of course, if your commitment is so waning…
I am carrying a Studebaker for the cause, actor. My commitment is not to be questioned.
Nothing could ever be too Pogo.
“We have met the enemy and he is jumping up and down like a jungle monkey.”
I am carrying a Studebaker for the cause, actor.
BAH! Nine months and out? Big deal! Look who gets to carry the rugrat around and change diapers for the next 21 years!
I don’t anticipate him being in diapers for 21 years.
A mother can hope, anyway.
I’m not sure I can face another two hours sober at work after reading that. Thanks a lot, Gavin.
The race card graphic did make me SOL (smirk out loud), though.
Officer Barrett has the right to express his opinion, whether people agree with or not. And he should be able to express it without endangering his job.
So person “X” should be allowed to sit at home and trash his employer because of free speech. Of course, that’s not the way it works, but hell, First Amendment protections don’t allow us to criticize our corporate masters, after all.
There is much richness here. And we all have our favorites. Here’s mine:
“I am sure he doesn’t perform his duties as required.”
Harsh language, yes. And he meant it to sting.
I don’t anticipate him being in diapers for 21 years.
So you’re not raising a jungle monkey? 😀
Must give props to the awesome rap all up in there.
There was a beautiful little snark present in almost every line.
Brilliant, Gavin.
transport America’s racist motherfuckers to a specific location where there are no brown people at all
Antartica is nice this time of year.
Pere Ubu has clearly never visited Scott Base or McMurdo Station.
A bunch of liberal whiners!!!!
I want a white history weak too!! Because that’s where we’re heading … history. Our white liberal brothers have sold us out.
Um, wow. Complaining about whining then whining worse than a room full of hungry puppies. That level of clueless disconnectedness could be a super-power.
I don’t anticipate him being in diapers for 21 years.
That’s what Sen. Vitter’s ma thought…
(ominous ellipsis!)
If your brother sells you out it’s cool because he’s your brother. Man.
Pere Ubu has clearly never visited Scott Base or McMurdo Station.
I meant “nice” for us. Wouldn’t it be nice for all of us to have the Freeper crowd standing around on the ice in their skivvies, having been told they’re going on a late summer vacation, penguins waddling up and peeing on their frostbitten toes?
Complaining about whining then whining worse than a room full of hungry puppies.
They’d do just the same with hyperbole, if they had any idea what the word meant.
That’s what Sen. Vitter’s ma thought…
Not only will Studie be potty trained on a normal schedule, he’ll also be composing blog posts at least as coherent as anything Marie Jon’ or Mark Noonan could write by the age of 18 months.
tigrismus, can you all make the 16th?
They’d do just the same with hyperbole, if they had any idea what the word meant.
Hyperbole… hyperbole… that’s the Frnch thing with the cream sauce, right?
We should be here; Natick is so lovely this time of year, it’s hard to pull ourselves away…
Gosh, that was just SPIFFY.
Anyone with self-esteem issues here should seriously consider bookmarking this glistening nugget of linguistic magic to peruse whenever they’re feeling the Big Yuck coming over them. Unless you think it’d just make it even worse, in which case there’s always handicrafts. Or psychotropics. Or both!
Well, it’s not actually here yet … I hope … but wafting from the middle distance like brown fog, one can definitely discern the uniquely tangy pong of Peak Asshat.
Natick is so lovely this time of year, it’s hard to pull ourselves away…
Doesn’t Natick have one of those giant furniture stores with an iMax theater inexplicably plunked down into the middle of it?
I know I’d never want to leave.
I’ll be in the safe space one post below, down with Pat Boone’s genitals in a box.
I hope no-one is triggered by the word BADGER.
From personal experience, I would have to say that McMurdo station is not nice this time of year, although I found it quite agreeable in the summer. Winter in Antarctica is on my list of things not to do again. Unless I could winter at Scott Base, I’d do that just for the experience.
In any case, there is no need for racist assholes there. Unless they want to feed the leopard seals.
Ah, yes, Jordan’s Furniture. It’s designed to look like New Orleans at Mardi Gras time, and they try to hand you plastic beads when you go in. We also have A Mall! *sigh*
I have begun to believe that Peak Wingnut (or Asshat) is a flawed theory.
We can no longer assume Wingnut is finite. even though the NUMBER of wingnuts are finite, the amount of crazy from each can be expanded and/or intensified. The mistake here is thinking that the amounts or intensity are limited; it appears they are not. Frequency also seems to increase, although at this point I am willing to concede that there appears to be a limit on that, although not yet reached. In addition, individual wingnuts may expand on their own; see Limbaugh.
Also, it seems that the contribution from freelance Wingnuts, i.e. The Freep Effect, has been drastically underestimated. The expansion of the Intertrons, and the comment sections of Politico, Newsweek, and local papers have created an outlet for wingnuts who heretofore were invisible to the real world.
Plus, (TRIGGER WARNING) wingnuts reproduce. I know this is horrible to contemplate, but keep in mind they do it with the lights off so the visuals are less disgusting….
I fear the Laugher Curve will apply here, and as their influence wanes, the crazy will increase. Geometrically, if not Hyperbolically.
Seen the other day in Winchester:
p00pSCATS.From Barrett’s email:
So, upon entereing the “former English teacher, writer” phase of his life, his former employer excised those areas of competence from his brain ala “Paycheck” – and from that point on he was only able to express himself in print via the “one big racist bullying paragraph” form?
Yeah, the “former English teacher” part is really fantastic, but I’m extra thrown by this:
I can’t tell here if he’s being racist, misogynist, or just plain psychotic. Thoughts?
I neglected to mention my hot ex-pornstar girlfriend.
Jebus, Gavin, you’ve made my brain melt. Again. Also.
So conflicted. On the one hand, getting an non-clip-show Gavin post gives me a case of Matthewsean Leg Syndrome; on the other, the contents of that post make me despair for the future of the fucking species.
As for SadFest ’09 East: Prelude To A Studebakering, I’d love to be there, provided you can move Boston to the Westside of LA.
Former Teacher?
Former Writer??
Former Police Officer?
Former National Guard?
I’m voting all three.
I can’t tell here if he’s being racist, misogynist, or just plain psychotic.
As I’ve said so many times before, why choose if you don’t have to?
I’d love to be there, provided you can move Boston to the Westside of LA.
And then just scooch it up north, stopping right before you hit Canada. ‘K?
Re: The Race Card
Back in my enlisted days I knew a black guy who was an infantryman. The way the culture of the Army is, infantrymen tend to be white and Southern or Hispanics. Blacks are underrepresented in the 11B MOS.
So, this guy had a laminated card he kept in his pocket at all times. Whenever anyone said anything idiotic, insensitive, or borderline (to include actually) racist… he would whip the card out, which looked like the ace of spades but read “Race Card” in the middle.
“Guys, I’ve gotta play my Race Card now…” he would explain. Everyone would start laughing, usually at the numbnuts who made the original racist comment. This happened a lot.
I still get smile thinking about that guy.
Dear Mr. Rotten McDonald:
We are interested in your theories and would like to offer you a modest stipend in exchange for your brainz.
Come now, isn’t making fun of the freeps just a little bit like making fun of the handicapped? Or perhaps I should say, isn’t making fun of the freeps literally making fun of the handicapped?
I can’t tell here if he’s being racist, misogynist, or just plain psychotic. Thoughts?
Just a guess, but I think that might be the mysogynist bit, although with the general overtone of hate mixed with the constant drone of stupid, it’s still anybody’s ballgame.
Any chance of scooching it further east a few thousand miles to Amsterdam? You could smoke a lot of dope and receive your secret marching orders for delivering America under the wooden heel of tyranny.
(By the way, go to*/ if you want to see the plot exposed. WP can get the plague and the bird flu <– wishing diseases on someone is a very Dutch way to be really rude. I think it comes from Yiddish.)
That Monochrome Set reference gave me starbursts. And speaking of playing the race card, if black people have most of the Flat Tire cards and all of the Spare Tires *and* Puncture-Proof, white people are screwed. Je suis crevé!
That Monochrome Set reference gave me starbursts. And speaking of playing the race card, if black people have most of the Flat Tire cards and all of the Spare Tires *and* Puncture-Proof, white people are screwed. Je suis crevé!
isn’t making fun of the freeps literally making fun of the handicapped?
No, it’s virulent anti-semitism. Obama is Pol Pot. My rabbi is an Arab terrorist. I made a poopie.
You may not criticize my faulty HTML skills because I am in a wheelchair. It’s in the Constitution,
I am a former English teacher […] your written messages and material is so 4th grade level…
They is not!
It looks like when you resign from English Teachership they make you turn in your state-owned punctuation and subject-verb agreement abilities.
Whenever anyone said anything idiotic, insensitive, or borderline (to include actually) racist… he would whip the card out, which looked like the ace of spades but read “Race Card” in the middle.
Here is a link to the full email. Worse than you think.
Gee, I wonder why Barrett lost his job as an English teacher?
Come to think of it, it looks like he’s lost several jobs. I’m sure that has nothing to do with anything.
Palin/Barrett 2012! Pledge your $$$ today!
A funny complaint:
The Monochrome Set kicks motherfucking ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Firing English teachers for poor writing is a free speak issue.
Oh, come on I’ve lost several jobs and it never made me question my competence at any one of a number of different fields…
Who’s missing from the above laundry list of traditional liberal bugaboos? That’s right. Liberals.
So Bitefart thinks that because liberals aren’t afraid of being persecuted by liberals… what? All the rest are just imaginary boogedymen? Klansmen and “jihadists” don’t really kill people? Eric Rudolph and Tim McVeigh were liberals? What?
Wow, I thought I expected the worst, but the real email WAS worse than I expected.
I’m only black for the duration of this comment, you crackers.
Also, don’t forget the whole free market thing.
What I find most amazing about Officer Barrett’s email is not so much the crazy and the venom and the spewing, although those are all fine attributes of that email. No, the amazing thing is that he apaprently sent it from a BlackBerry. I’ve tried writing emails on my BlackBerry, and frankly, anything more than a couple of lines is just not worth the time and effort.
Actually I’m really more thoughtless, but let’s give it a go:
Misogynistic. With an undertone of the creepy uncle that hugs you too long.
A bit misogynistic and a bit racist. But D-KW, you really think that that’s only “a bit”? Well yes, in comparison to the staggeringly massive lack of self-awareness. Hipocrasy and irony, two great tastes that taste great together.
Psychotic would be the generous way of describing it. More like psychopathic [sick].
I believe I will start self-medicating early today.
Huffing eradicator?
OT –
BM Matt: I was expecting the Internet to bring forth a good blog post explaining how wrong Megan McArdle is about how medical research works in the United States, but I really wasn’t expecting that it would be written by Ben Domenech.
Dragon-King Wangchuck: Not to worry there Matt, it probably wasn’t written by Ben Domenech.
Thank you, you’ve been a lovely audience. Don’t forget to tip your servers.
No, the amazing thing is that he apaprently sent it from a BlackBerry. I’ve tried writing emails on my BlackBerry, and frankly, anything more than a couple of lines is just not worth the time and effort.
Meth is a hell of a drug
Huffing eradicator?
you ARE old school, aren’t you?
Hey, I’ve got a diazo machine here if you’d like to buy it….
“Hey, I’ve got a diazo machine here if you’d like to buy it….”
No thanks, I’ll just use my hectograph.
Presumably with a white cat peering over the steering wheel while driving…
You rang?
I wanna why we haven’t had a “Toonces Fast, Toonces Furious” yet.
No, the amazing thing is that he apaprently sent it from a BlackBerry. I’ve tried writing emails on my BlackBerry, and frankly, anything more than a couple of lines is just not worth the time and effort.
Well, he had plenty of free time on his hands, seeing as he was on-duty and all…
Dragon-King Wangchuck said,
July 31, 2009 at 20:09 (kill)
I wanna why…
Officer Barrett?
No thanks, I’ll just use my hectograph.
Fuck. He’s one-upped my pantograph…
at 18:38 zombie rotten mcdonald said,
I believe this is an important breakthrough in Wingnut (Asshat) studies. Perhaps we would find it instructive to consider the “Big Rip” cosmological theory which posits that, in 50 billion years or so, the scale factor of the universe will become infinite.
I conclude that wingnuttiness will expand and expand, each niche of extreme belief moving farther and farther away from other wingnut beliefs, and also away from the broader, more pragmatic perspective that approximates “reality” for most humans. At some point the beliefs will be so far apart that no interaction is possible, and wingnuttiness will disintegrate into a chaos of sub-atomic particles. Probably in about 50 billion years.
I wanna why we haven’t had a “Toonces Fast, Toonces Furious” yet.
PETA stopped production
Yep. Frackin hectograph is one step up from cuneiform in mud.
Ooops, I made a no “know”.
Also, Hitler.
Yep. Frackin hectograph is one step up from cuneiform in mud.
ever use a LeRoy lettering set?
At least monks had beer….
[font color="#FFFFFF"][/font]
Giant dicks need giant condoms
“Toonces Fast, Toonces Furious”
You know damn well we’d end up with something like “Herbie Meets Garfield”. With a CGI cat and lots of crashes and farting jokes.
oh. my. god.
Wikipedia = freakin’ NERD fest.
Jesus wept, what a post. See you in a few months, Gavin.
With a CGI cat and lots of crashes and farting jokes.
Why must you break my dreams? Anyways, this is what I envisioned:
Scene: In the middle of a large Metropolitan city at a stop light. Toonces is chilling behind the wheel of his cherry and silver modified Mazda RX-8 Shinka with a comically oversized spoiler. A jet black convertible Honda Civic Hybrid pulls up beside him, there’s a cat driving. He looks over.
Close-up on mystery cat.
Close-up on Toonces.
Ultra-close close-up on mystery cat.
Ultra-close close-up on Toonces.
Close-up on streetlight, it’s red.
repeat close-up sequence five more times as ominious music plays in the background.
Oh, gee. Now you all had to go and bring up Toonces.
Which means I won’t be able to get the “Abraham Lincoln and his Time Machine” sketch,
which was from an SNL Toonces Special, out of my head all day.
ever use a LeRoy lettering set?
Yep. Sucks.
I can’t tell here if he’s being racist, misogynist, or just plain psychotic.
Jesus Mary Mohammed and Vishnu, is that email a scary bit of fuuuucked up or what? That guy was a fucking cop?
Yes, all of the above, times infinitee!!!11!
Oh, and may I be the first to add: Serve me my coffee and donuts, libs!
Invented by LeRoy Hitler.
True story.
Dana Carvey: No Toonces! That’s Vin Dies-meow – he’s the fastest cat in the city.
Close-up on Vin Dies-meow. He nods.
Close-up on Toonces – no wearing camouflage rimmed Ray Ban Wayfarers…. He also nods.
Close-up on traffic light, it turns green.
Both cars rocket off at a three-minute quarter-mile pace. They exchange leads a number of times. Finally it looks like Vin Dies-meow is starting to pull away. Toonces flips up a panel beside on the dash. There’s a Big Red Button there labelled “win any race”. Toonces pushes it.
Dana Carvey: Oh No! Look out Toonces!
Car goes over a cliff.
Officer Barrett has the right to express his opinion, whether people agree with or not. And he should be able to express it without endangering his job.
Tell Julius & Ethel Rosenberg that free speech during your private time should have no consequences.
Also, I just want to piont out that a large number of the replies are complaining about Barrett being fired for this little bit of “free speech” but the article only says he was suspended. Hopefully he WILL be fired before he goes around spewing pepper spray at random black folks, but I’m not holding my breath on that.
Or I could point out I suppose.
Ok, I give up. My finGAHS, tell my keyboard to ‘scuse them.
Welcome to the jungle (monkey)
I got fun ‘n’ games
I are english teacher baby
Honey I know your name
But there are people that can find
Complaints whenever they need
Banana-eating monkey bunnies
They’re just a disease.
In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your ugh,uh,un-nuh-nu-nu-nu-nu knees knees knees
I wanna watch you bleed
So the Freeps are saying that, Oh, just to pick a random example–a college professor could write–Oh, let’s just say–that the 9/11 victims were–I dunno–“little Eichmanns” or something, and they would all line up to defend his “freedom of speak”?
Prof. Churchill, you’re free to go.
Alaska: Bringin’ teh whacky since 1956.
Officer Barrett has the right to express his opinion, whether people agree with or not.
that’s right. It’s not like he made a joke about Willow Palin or anything.
Well of course the right wingers would be dead set against mental health care. If they all got proper treatment there would no longer BE any wingnuts!
Justin Barrett ‘s e-mail. It’s a bit of a paradox really. There are so many lines that are just begging for a fisking:
– former English teacher, writer
– …your biased reporting is both sub standard and strictly one sided (the food is awful and the portion sizes so small)
– I might as well ax you the question
– My last point counters your last two paragraphs (something about donuts)
Really, it’s a target-rich environment. But that’s the problem – it’s so sensationally bad, so obtusely ignorant, un-self-aware, contemptuously privileged – that poking at it is pointless.
But fear not. There’s always the new perspective opened up on the egomaniacal sociopathic thought pattern. That’s educational – also it might help explain in part why our reactions to it are so strong (aside from the blatant disregard of civil liberites and human decency in general).
And then, there’s also this fucking creepy as hell bit:
Creepy? Yes. Earlier in the screed he says that the column is 4th Grade level – so here he’s trying to walk-back some of his criticism of Yvonne Abraham. Plus “Catholic School?” Are Catholic schools especially famous for poor language skills? No. Catholic schools are famous for one thing – Catholic schoolgirls.
And let me remind you once more – 5th Grade Catholic schoolgirl.
I know this is like trying to empty the Atlantic with a turkey baster, but I really, really wish people would stop bringing up “freedom of speech” whenever a racist sayis something stupid.
Freedom of speech means you can say what you want, with certain narrow exceptions (like libel), without being either censored beforehand or jailed afterward. It does not, repeat NOT, mean you can say anything you want to anyone you please and suffer no adverse consequences of any kind.
If I were to tell the CEO of my company what I think of him, I would be protected by my right of free speech. But all that means is, he couldn’t have me arrested. He’d be within his rights to say, “Oh, yeah? Well, your 25% pay cut just became 100%. See ya.”
Hey! Put the Bronner down, ya wingnut!
Hang on, did you say ‘Justin Barrett’? Here in Ireland there’s a tool of that name who’s a big cheese in the extremist anti-abortion outfit ‘Youth Defence’, and appears to be an actual fascist of the Franco/Salazar variety – I remember him giving an interview where he dropped hints about world history being manipulated by bankers who all happened to have Jewish names. You don’t have to work at Bletchley Park to decode that one.
Rugged, I hope you dilute before you wash your beautiful white Butte with that stuff.
I hope you dilute before you wash your beautiful white Butte with that stuff.
Es-pecially the peppermint stuff. I tried using that shiznit straight and let me tell you, keep it away from the bikini area. A little TOO refreshing.
What I find so disturbing about this post, is the fact that Gavin actually read all these Freeper comments. How did you do it? My eyes started bleeding round about the third comment. If I had continued, I would have passed out for lack of blood.
Sadly, No! — reading mindnumbingly-stupid crap so you don’t have to jump off the nearest ten-story building.
And you’ve never shown he has NOT sent an email saying colored are monkeys, so it would be irresponsible not to speculate.
Es-pecially the peppermint stuff. I tried using that shiznit straight and let me tell you, keep it away from the bikini area. A little TOO refreshing.
Hey, I did that, too. Once. Once was enough. Very… cooling.
OK. Let me get this straight: Zombie R. postulates peak Wingnut cannot be reached and that the Wingnut Singularity is almost certain. Do we have a time frame for Wingnut Singlarity? 2012 perhaps? I’m somewhat comforted by cowalker’s Wingnut Big Rip theory, but what is the maximum density of Wingnut that must be achieved before the Wingnut Big Rip becomes operable?
Can the human body withstand the density of Wingnut necessary before we are all saved by being ripped apart?
Please advise.
“You should serve me coffee and donuts on Sunday morning…”
That sentence really stood out for me. Was he saying the writer should work at a Donut shop, or be his servant, or what?
Whatever it meant, I always smirk when a policeman says the word “donut”.
Do we have a time frame for Wingnut Singlarity?
Maybe THAT’S what the Mayans were trying to warn us about.
Please advise.
should a sizable Research Grant be in the offing, I am willing to suspend development of the Wingnut Processor….
Do we have a time frame for Wingnut Singlarity?
Maybe THAT’S what the Mayans were trying to warn us about.
So, if I understand this correctly, we should be throwing wingnuts off the tops of jaggedy pyramids….
“Es-pecially the peppermint stuff. I tried using that shiznit straight and let me tell you, keep it away from the bikini area. A little TOO refreshing.”
I did that just this morning. It’s kinda nice, actually, when you live in the desert. I like that “icy undercarriage” feeling when it’s {checks} 106 degrees outside.What are these words and how did they get in my email?
Maybe the Holy Spirit flew in on a celestial surfboard and plopped them on his keyboard.
At least he didn’t use the “some of my best friends are black” line.
Oh, never mind. That’s “some of my best friends” on steroids.
As bad as this is, what really gets me is that Obama hosted a Beer Summit and drank Bud Light.
we should be throwing wingnuts off the tops of jaggedy pyramids
Couldn’t hurt to start.
OK. Let me get this straight: Zombie R. postulates peak Wingnut cannot be reached and that the Wingnut Singularity is almost certain. Do we have a time frame for Wingnut Singlarity? 2012 perhaps? I’m somewhat comforted by cowalker’s Wingnut Big Rip theory, but what is the maximum density of Wingnut that must be achieved before the Wingnut Big Rip becomes operable?
Can the human body withstand the density of Wingnut necessary before we are all saved by being ripped apart?
There is the concept of Dark Matter and Dark Energy to take into account before you go getting all quantum on us
And that’s before we take String theory into account
String theory, hmmm… so we should tie them up THEN throw them off the top of a pyramid?
“There is the concept of Dark Matter and Dark Energy to take into account…”
Next thing you know you’ll be all about the “jungle monkey” energy and “spearchucker” matter. Sheesh.
so we should tie them up THEN throw them off the top of a pyramid?
OK, I have to object to the OBVIOUS industrial espionage. SOMEONE is spying on my development of the Wingnut Processor.
ALL OF YOU can expect to be contacted by Milwaukee Law Firm and Craft Brewery …
OK, I have to object to the OBVIOUS industrial espionage. SOMEONE is spying on my development of the Wingnut Processor.
Maybe using was YOUR fault????
Oh, Zombie, you shouldn’t have put your own brain into the brain bites appetizers, now we know all your deepest thoughts. That said, go wash your cranial cavity out with soap you naughty boy.
Oh, Zombie, you shouldn’t have put your own brain into the brain bites appetizers
You told me that was TOFU, you bastard!
Tofu? Come on! Dude: Pickled zombie brain tastes like scotch. How could you not tell the difference?
Oh, sure. Anti-zombie bigotry is still OK, apparently.
For now. We’re taking names, you bastardos.
A bit off topic, but has anyone else received this piece of crap in their email yet?
“Have you been made aware of the massive roadblock plans to stop all travelers for a vaccine bracelet (stainless steel band with a micro-chip on board) that will force you to take the shot? Refuse it? You will be placed on a prison bus and taken to a quarantine camp. What will you do when your children are NOT allowed into school without the shot? What will you do when you are not allowed into the workplace without the vaccine paperwork? Buy groceries? Go to the bank? Shop anywhere?? Get on a plane, bus or train? Use the toilet in the mall? Nope. Police officers will become loathed, feared, despised and remembered for their “official” duties.”
Excerpted from:
I for one welcome our new zombie overlords.
“Tofu? Come on! Dude: Pickled zombie brain tastes like scotch. How could you not tell the difference?”
Clearly somebody hasn’t tried my special tofu-scotch chow mein recipe.
Gaaah waggle ooga-huh-wow argle-bargle!
First reaction on reading most of the post. Hokey Fuggin’ Smokes.
I’se jes’ flabbergasted.
Have you been made aware of the massive roadblock plans to stop all travelers for a vaccine bracelet (stainless steel band with a micro-chip on board) that will force you to take the shot? Refuse it? You will be placed on a prison bus and taken to a quarantine camp.
From 1956:
The advocates of world government, who regard patriotism as the symptom of a diseased mind, took a step closer to their goal of compulsory asylum ‘cure’ for opponents of UNESCO, when, on January 18, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Alaska Mental Health Act.
Stupid wingnuts continue to bwe stupid.
“You will be placed on a prison bus and taken to a quarantine camp.”
Is the camp all-white or mixed race?
Police officers will become loathed, feared, despised
Just remember not to jump up and down when they come to arrest you.
Just remember not to jump up and down when they come to arrest you.
or be brown.
“You will be placed on a prison bus and taken to a quarantine camp.”
Silly me. I took the quarantine bus to the prison camp, and now I’m all fartootst.
I went to quarantine camp last year. It wasn’t that fun.
If either party needs a lawyer my attorney’s are taking new clients and is highly recomended Lyon Cheatum and Howe.
Whatever it meant, I always smirk when a policeman says the word “donut”.
One of the nice little cultural-brotherhood bonds I encountered in London some years ago was when I asked for directions from a cop near the British Museum. He gave me very precise and detailed directions that got me exactly where I needed to be, but I got a big grin out of the fact that the first landmark he had me look for was a doughnut shop.
… tastes like scotch.
Ya know, that don’t narrow it done too much. Like a cheap blended that you wouldn’t mind watering down with some mixer? Like a peaty Islay that makes you think you’re licking out a humidor? Perhaps a delictely aged Speyside that teases with nuance you’re not picking up, but you know must be there considering the ridiculous amount they’re charging for it.
I suppose it depends on how you smoked the zombie.
Lyon Cheatum and Howe
Dewey got bought out?
it depends on how you smoked the zombie
Is that what kids are calling it these days.
Wait wait wait…we’re discussing zombie brain here. Do you really think it’s gonna taste like a fine single-malt?
More like the cheap well scotch in a cathouse.
it depends on how you smoked the zombie
Pass da zombie ‘pon the left-hand side.
Wait wait wait…we’re discussing zombie brain here. Do you really think it’s gonna taste like a fine single-malt?
I would think that would depend on the provenance of the zombie. I mean, if it’s some elitist Ivy League zombie, I could see some quality scotch-brains.
All I’m going to say is they tasted thoroughly pickled but only half-baked.
And that’s before we take String theory into account
Time for the classics.
Just remember not to jump up and down when they come to arrest you.
This is a trigger for many grannies.
Oddly enough, as a Nerd-American, this is the quote that bugged me the most:
Jungle monkey doesn’t even make sense. Isn’t it redundant? Like ocean dolphin?
Makes (Macaques?) me wanna HOLLER!
And what’s up saying “well the black guys at work use the n-word all the time” as if it were some privilege that was denied to the commenter?
“Yeah, the help-desk guys play Unreal when things are slow, and the black guys use the n-word- why am I denied these perks??!!?!?!”
…provenance of the zombie….
Is that, like, where s/he was buried? I’ll grant you might get a more peaty taste from the right zombrain but I still say it’d be overpowered by the decomposition.
But perhaps my pallete is too delicate.
String theorists respond
I think I am offended
unless I misunderstood and someone is offering to buy me scotch drinks
Useful party hint: if you run out of dip, zombie brains in the blender make an excellent substitute.
— What flavour dip?
scrapieSheep dip, obviously.Or try something from my new line of vegetarian “brain” treats, “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Zombie!” So good you’ll sell your soul to Seitan!
As bad as this is, what really gets me is that Obama hosted a Beer Summit and drank Bud Light.
Finally, incontrovertible proof that he is a real American.
Suck on this, birthers!
The words…they have no meaning
I shared this post with Geddy and Alex and we all approve.
Late in asking, so I may have to ask in a future post, but:
What is the origin of “Also”? I see it appended like Miss South Carolina’s “Such as.” Where’s it from, what does it refer to, and why should I, as an American, use it? TIA.
“What is the origin of “Also”? ”
It comes from Tundra Spice’s interview with Katie Couric, IIRC.
I’ve had Sheep Dip, and that flowery prose they’re describing it with is bonkers. It don’t smell like no froots of any sort. Malty? Yeppers. Medium low on the smoky side. I remember thinking “oranges” as I was drinking it, but it didn’t taste of oranges. I’d give it a thumbs up, but the Dalwhinnie is still my favourite Highland, Speyside or not.
Y’all back from picking up a fifth of Dalwhinnie? Like honey, only without the sugar and with tons of booze. Mmm mmm.
Anyways, where was I again? Oh right.
More from the email:
“I am not a racist, but I am prejudice [sic] towards people who are stupid and pretend to stand up and preach for something they claim is freedom when it is merely attention because you do not receive enough of it in your little fear-dwelling circle of on-the-bandwagon follower.”
Wow. This was a tour de force of Sadly No! wingnut takedown techniques. Great post.
Have you been made aware of the massive roadblock plans to stop all travelers for a vaccine bracelet (stainless steel band with a micro-chip on board) that will force you to take the shot?
The chip makes you drink fluoridated water.
From 696: “right on que” and “perferted [part perfected, part perverted] ideology.” But really, this is depressing stuff. You can make a laughingstock of them, which you do expertly, but no one can make them intelligent. As long as they’re confined to this bastion of the circle jerk, they remain harmless. God help even them with the slightest bit of power.
It’s been mentioned, but I just wanted to say that the repeated use of “ax” in place of “ask” annoyed me more than anything else in that email.
The clear instability of the mind that composed (decomposed?) it just made me happy he’s not out policing right now.
I wouldn’t mind taking a shot before getting on a plane. Hell, I’m happy to take several shots before getting on a plane, if anyone doesn’t want theirs.
“…peak Wingnut cannot be reached…”
Is peak Wingnut comparable to reaching the Speed of Light, then? The closer they come to “peak” wingnutting, the denser their thoughts & opinions become? Or something?
If it is, that explains a lot. The only particle that can reach the speed of light is the massless photon. Particles with mass, such as electrons and hadrons, cannot ever quite reach the speed of light.
Since your average wingnut is most certainly not massless—quite the opposite, in fact—it follows that the asymptotic peak wingnut, like the speed of light, cannot be reached.
Hey all, I think I know what my thesis project will be…
They’ve already been in power – and we were almost toast. Just prevented somehow from invading Iran, IIRC.
Just prevented somehow from invading Iran, IIRC.
I thought we were just going to bomb them until they loved us?
Why I love Sadly, No! #107
People who use the em dash—I’m looking at you, Valkyr of Science. Good work, fellow.
My theory is we reached peak wingnut when McCain nominated The Alaska Pipeline of All Mothers. Since then it’s been aftershock and residual static.
Maybe living in a basement and covering yourself in orange powder is a protective maneuver.
The time is nig!
See, these are the gems of wit I come here for. This shit would be funny even if it wasn’t. That’s how funny it is. I’m in love with love, gang, and I owe it all to you.
Michelle Malkin is a cunt. CUNT!
…cunt. Cunt.
Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt…
…Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt. …
Slow down there lad, you’re bound to injure something
Life for me would be impossible to bear if it wasn’t for Sadly.
Everybody here is smarter than me, and quicker, and funnier.
It’s like getting in trouble at school and going to detention and finding out that all the best people are there.
twasntme sums it up nicely
I would like to complain about UK pubs. Especially the sports bars. They have signs on the windows offering “Large plasmas inside”, but go in and ask for a large plasma, and they’re all “We don’t serve your kind here”.
conservatives say such stupid things, only because they know they can’t be honest without looking like douches. a liberal can be honest and not douchey, only because the liberal deludes herself into believing things that aren’t true.
conservatives can be anti-immigration, for the sensible reason that they want to share limited resources among fewer people. limits are taboo, however, so their stated reason is some wingnut thing like swine flu. liberals, however, simply won’t admit to themselves that such limits can exist, because limits are douchey.
the conservative lies to others, and the liberal lies to herself.
Is peak Wingnut comparable to reaching the Speed of Light, then? The closer they come to “peak” wingnutting, the denser their thoughts & opinions become? Or something?
The Goldberg Certainty principle (Knowledge inhibits intelligence) has to come into play here.
Thanks for all this (I think). Could Ralph Ellison have done a better job?
Centuries of white love and and concern have made African-Americans nervous for some reason.
Suture Self lies to him/herself thus:
“conservatives can be anti-immigration, for the sensible reason that they want to share limited resources among fewer people. ”
…except when liberals invoke “limited resources,” at which point conservatives (or, as always in discussing U.S. “conservatives,” “conservatives”) indignantly cite the endless inventiveness of capitalism (but only if “the market is allowed to work”) and pooh-pooh the idea of limits.
But thanks for playing our little game.
Michelle Malkin is a cunt. CUNT!
Puh-leeze. She has neither the depth nor the charm.
Officer Justin Barrett…free speech crusader for the semiliterate and the fully stupid. “[Y]our written messages and material is so 4th grade level” would have gotten him flunked from MY fourth-grade class for lack of subject-verb agreement.
Hey Officer Bitchett, get me my coffee and doughnuts, dammit, you dumb honky motherfuckin’ cracker!
Also, FYWP.
Unless, you know, we’re talking about fossil fuels (of which there is only so much on Earth), or potable water, or atmosphere to absorb pollutants and greenhouse gases or… well… anything where there actually is a physically limited amount.
Things like jobs and money supply depend on economic conditions. Not to mention how “they’re taking all our jobs/land/whatever” has been used as an excuse to hate on immigrants for centuries, when the real economy-killers tend to be MBAs with fancy ideas.
Actually, the LSD was vastly more pleasant.
Groovy, even.
Yep, did it once myself.
However, uh, I’m living in Berlin, and as they say, the commute’s a bit long.
Cheers though. I hope to make another one o’ them shindigs sometime.
Valkyr of Science, when you speak of how “the real economy-killers tend to be MBAs with fancy ideas”, you remind me of the military adage that there is nothing more dangerous to an infantryman than a second lieutenant with a map.
you remind me of the military adage that there is nothing more dangerous to an infantryman than
a second lieutenant with a mapa Republican administration filled with war criminals.Fizzelated.
US citizens have a first amendment right to call people names
That thread is the wingnut version of an Uncivil Rights March.
By the time I got to
I was idly rubbing my eyes and wondering why Gavin hadn’t put it in block quotes like all the other insane comments and then I realized Oh it’s Gavin poking fun again, but seriously the first few words could have come from any of those nutcases.
a tour de force, Gavin. or we should just start calling them Tour de Gavins.
I am a Boston-ish (Watertown) resident and I frequent the comment section of for some unknown reason. The commentary for this whole incident has been gone way beyond insanity and it disturbs me quite frankly. I really can’t believe that any of these nuts actually live in MA, but it’s just that has attracted an out of state contingent of nutballs (maybe from NH?). Or I could just be delusional.
35. No, ronin555, not everyone. Just everyone you know.