Immortality Is A Two-Way Street
Posted on July 25th, 2009 by D. Aristophanes
Thanks to free-market health care I have enjoyed no visits to the doctor in over five years but plenty of French wine and Japanese sushi so now I will live forever but I growed bored with it, so please Obamacare kill me in my tracks … it will be worth the better standard of living. Also, insofar as whereby lager, such as.
PS DID YOU KNOW – if you averaged eight hours of sleep over your lifetime, but I average seven, I haved live an average of 13.6 years longer conscious life than you, but you were better rested.
Hate to tell ya, but it’s call beauty sleep for a reason…there’s no way you’re leaving a good looking corpse…
From my hospital bed you can see healthy people. Also. And when Cuba rears its ugly head, where are they “ahead?” Child mortality. Which just goes to show what a blessing Trig is for all of us.
Hoo boy. That French wine.
I’ve lived entirely too long already. Is that like immortality?
I’m too tired to go to sleep.
What should I do?
You should sleep it off with eyes wide open, pal.
You should sleep it off with eyes wide open, pal.
The last time I tried that, I dreamed about ceilings.
Those extra hours are all sex dreams.
You should have gone for the dirigible attachment. Those tracks really tear the shit out of the carpet.
Hmm, read this tutorial or not?
I feel as if we are geographically distant and yet close … it’s like I don’t know where I end and you begin, other than the 3,000 miles that separates us.
You should have gone for the dirigible attachment.
O! The insanity etc
Scuse my finGAHS while I kiss the sky.
Holy shit the tutorial helped.
Your password will be mailed to you. It is not XwWZ45Ty.
B-b-but, how can one grow bored wish sushi? I scarf it down as often as possible.
Not bored – and in fact, I have a couple pounds of albacore in the freezer at the moment, if anybody wants to swing on by and unfreeze some albacore for searing plus a bit of garlic and teriyaki and rice (I will not create sashimi out of frozen fish, though)
sleep good
What is this thing you call ‘conscious life’?
Mostly meth, actually
And a bit of paint huffing but who’s counting?
..and my sleep is so near waking it’s hardly worth a name. I seem to exist largely on heat like a new born spider.
‘To sleep, perchance to cream’ (the Ben Shapiro story)
PS Pere Ubu-slash-KKKK, you proto-absurdist, jump into this thread or may Jarry curse your soul
Take-a-poo, I choose you!
I am actually a bit of a Naruto purist, myself
I have a couple pounds of albacore in the freezer at the moment, if anybody wants to swing on by and unfreeze some albacore for searing plus a bit of garlic and teriyaki and rice
Where do you live again?
Cole Valley
415 681 5417
SAIMIN, Haole!
PS Sexy Jutsu – look it up
I was in San Jose and missed a chance to visit SF, idiotically of course. Went to Monterey instead which was prob. farther and kinda boring/
You should sleep it off with eyes wide open, pal.
At first I thought that was a gratuituous Creed reference.
You can have the sushi. I’ll take the wine, though.
I was in San Jose and missed a chance to visit SF, idiotically of course. Went to Monterey instead which was prob. farther and kinda boring/
There’s an old saying: Even though the moon is only one third the size of the Earth, it’s farther away.
Goodnight folks. See ya in a few days.
Some thoughts on health care:
You should have gone for the dirigible attachment.
Steampunk e-mails.
I, too, am tired of living, but less & less scared of dying, if it ever really scared me.
I’m not even sure a robot body would make it worthwhile any more.
In Socialist New Zealand Healthcare, life leaves you!
Nothing left to life but a pair of glassy eyes, also.
So we are still on the MASH theme?
At first I thought that was a gratuituous Creed reference.
Any Creed reference is gratuitous.
I’m lost. I felt like wine but only had a cheap LBV. Still drank half the damn thing and burping woody raisins
Good night already. Can’t you people take a hint?
Can’t you people take a hint?
I took two hints, but my breath is still a little funky.
if you averaged eight hours of sleep over your lifetime, but I average seven, I haved live an average of 13.6 years longer conscious life than you
You’re HOW OLD?
One hour of sleep gives you 13.6 extra years? Say you didn’t sleep at all, then you’d haved live[sic] 13.6*8 (~109) years more conscious life than me.
I guess there is something to being frenchified.
If one hour per day will add up to 13.6 years, then your projected life expectancy would have to be 24 * 13.6 = 326.4 years.
Oh, I thought it said Immorality Is A Two-Way Street. Now I’m all disappointed.
My life in dreams is infinitely more varied and interesting than reality. To describe sleep as merely being unconscious really doesn’t do justice to the experience of dreaming. Also.
Immorality is a three way street actually.
Nice. I’m all about three way.
There can be only one. You cannot defend against my GOLDEN GRAPEFRUIT SPOON!
Immorality is all about the parallel parking.
I’m all about three way.
I never know which way to turn on a three-way street.
Go up the street, go down or go the other way.
Or you could just back in.
Every since I found out that Feynman defined a positron as an electron going backwards in time, I have been very calm about the prospect of death.
Well, that factoid, plus lots of meditation upon it while drinking a lot, anyways.
Nice Chandler quote, “General Sternwood.” I view that scene a little differently since I found out that the old man was based on E.L. Doheny, the malefactor of great wealth who was acquitted of paying the bribe that Albert Fall was convicted of taking.
“To the memory of Mr. Stan Phillips,” I said out loud.
Huh. Fas–kinating. Beer has enabled me to appreciate a substantially grape dominated monoversation. The existence of Sadlynauts enables ongoing thought; now, all I need to figure out is whether that’s a good thing. Further application of sorta midwestern (Colorado) sinister (left hand) brewer’s stout seems indicated. Rave on.
When you come to a fork in the road, take it.
/Church O’ Teh Pic-A-Nic Basket
Every since I learned about Quantum Physics, I haven’t had the heart to copy-editor-nazi that typo.
Forking in gardens is also good.
As someone intimated above, this number makes no sense. Unless, that is, you assume a life span of approximately 326.4 years. This will not be achieved even under socialism, but will have to wait until the advent — some would say well after the advent — of fully realized Communism!
Time well spent, if you ask me. I wish I could sleep like a sloth.