I remember way back then when everything was true and when…
TownHall, the poor man’s America’s Shittiest Website, brings you Jon Sanders:
Obama has often resorted to portraying his statist desires as somehow imbued with the Spirit of ’76, but his comments on Independence Day were beyond the pale. On that day, which he calls merely “the Fourth of July” (as if it were just some festival known by its date, like “Cinco de Mayo”)
To find out when was the last time a President “merely” called Independence Day “the Fourth of July” one would have to travel back in time to a far and distant past. The past, Conan? Yes. Michael Jackson was still alive. The Summer Olympics took place in Beijing. Apple released the fourth generation of its iPod nano. The year was 2008:
Yesterday, I celebrated the Fourth of July at Monticello, Jefferson’s home in Virginia. … So on this Fourth of July, we owe all those who wear the uniform of the United States a special debt of gratitude. … The Fourth of July is a day when all Americans take a moment to share a collective sense of pride in our country.
So let’s just go ahead and call July 7th Le Jour du Sac de la Douche aka Tag der Duschentaschen — because when even attempts at fact-based outrage turn out to be off mark, you know it’s time to do it the way they do in bizzaro Vegas:
Jerry: Showmanship, George. When you hit that
highlow note, you say goodnight and walk off.
George: I can’t just leave.
Jerry: That’s the way they do it in Vegas.
Oh, a rare first?
V. funny btw
Cap Taxes, Trade Congress
By Kyle-Anne Shiver
I’m all for cap ‘n trade; it’s a nifty idea. Simply splendid. Positively stupendous. Brilliant beyond brilliant.
I just have a different take on the whole notion. I prefer very stringent caps on taxes and spending, coupled with a 2010 trade-in of the entire U.S. Congress.
What in holy tarnation do those people think they’re getting paid to do?
While these Roman throwbacks attempt to save the planet, pagan style, so they can set up their Darwinian nirvana on earth, the rest of us have enough sense not to try to make the state our church.
While we, in the other America, use reason to guide our decisions, Nancy Pelosi actually seems to think she’s the reincarnation of some pagan goddess on a mission to save the planet. She’s in the service of a president she says was sent to us at this time by God, a god who she apparently likens to Zeus. If she were referring to the real, one, eternal, all-powerful God, she would know that stealing the liberties of Americans under utterly false pretences are two of the real God’s Big No-nos, and would have enough fear and trembling to stay clear of this pure abomination: Waxman-Markey.
But no, no, no, Imperious Nancy serves the climate gods and their chief priest, Al Gore.
Shortly after she took over as Speaker of the House, Imperious Nancy presided over passage of an energy bill, that was itself pure abomination. Tucked into the fine print was the liberty-stealing tribute to the climate gods, the phasing out of the 125 year-old incandescent light bulb. This little tidbit from the Business and Media Institute’s analysis:
The Financial Post reported in April that a broken CFL bulb cost a Maine woman more than $2,000 to clean when the state Department of Environmental Protection referred her to a cleanup company. At $5 in energy savings per bulb per month (as Davidson reported), one broken bulb could eat up 33 years’ worth of savings!
Why all the fuss over a single broken light bulb? It’s the poisonous mercury inside, a substance all reasonable people — who read their 4th grade science books — know full well is dangerous to people and their pets. But Imperious Nancy, purchaser of at least one too many face lifts, was too busy redecorating her new office, converting the House cafeteria to organic health food, ordering flower bouquets and flying back and forth to San Francisco on government private jets to bother with real science.
Judging from the looks of Henry Waxman, it’s doubtful that plastic surgery has had any ill-effects upon his brain. Waxman’s senses have no doubt fallen victim to 34 straight years in the United States Congress. Having been serially elected by nincompoops from now-broke California, Waxman has been held to the accountability of a slug. But, as all wise Americans know, elections do have consequences and this entire Nation is about to reap the bad seeds sown for 3-1/2 decades by those witless Californians.
As if to underscore his own pagan godhood, Henry Waxman sat in a committee hearing in May and declared to the people of these United States that he didn’t even know what was in his own bill.
“Well, I certainly don’t claim to know everything that’s in this bill. I know that we left it to, that we relied very heavily on the scientists, the IPCC and others, and the consensus that they have that there is a problem of Global Warming, that’s having an impact and that uh that we need to try to reduce it by the amounts that they think we need to achieve in order to avoid some of the consequences. That’s what I know, but I don’t know the details.”
If this guy were a Republican, that admission would have evoked a media frenzy the likes of which haven’t been seen since Butterfield dropped the Nixon-tape bomb in the Watergate Hearings.
Never, in all my born days, would I have believed that a bunch of so-called public servants in this grand republic would have the unmitigated gall to pass thousand-page bills, with enormous ramifications for every man, woman and child in America – without even so much as reading them.
These Democrat legislators are the very same folks, who decried with vociferous vengeance, mortgage contracts that were not fully spelled out and easily decipherable by a 2nd grader. Yet, they shamelessly proffer bills, with far more intricacies than any mortgage contract, for instant passage. They might as well declare that a cabal of lobbyists wrote their legislation.
While other western countries are dumping this fraudulent Global Warming scam as fast as they can, in an attempt to undo the grievous economic harm done by their own versions of Cap ‘n Trade, our Congress jumps on the climate-god bandwagon with pious pretense and brains of pure mush. Meanwhile, New England has just reported the coldest June on record, while the Global Warming hoax is revealed as a pile of pure poppycock by more real scientists every single day. This Congress and their pagan-god delusions have got to go.
Has ever a more witless group reigned from on high in such vainglorious fashion?
A simple question for us in this summer of our discontent: Which is the largest special interest group in this whole Country, with absolutely no representation in the United States Congress?
If you answered, “the American taxpayer,” and you are one, then you know what must be done.
That’s right.
All together now:
Throw all the bums out?
Yes, we can!
Wow, it’s like a S,N! Frankentroll.
Anyway. I actually know a guy in that John Locke Foundation. Watched their show a couple of times on community access when I lived in Raleigh. Always struck me as a bunch of glibertarian tools, not necessarily reaching this Level of Wingnut. I guess one thing leads to another.
The Fourth of July?
You mean to say that it’s more than just a song?
ClownHall probably hires all the rejects from The Corner, which indicates where they’re coming from.
I’m not sure where the rejects from TownHall go, though. Men’s News Daily, maybe? Renew America?
Roman throwbacks attempt to save the planet, pagan style, so they can set up their Darwinian nirvana on earth
Just. . . wow.
Troofy- This “Shorter” is for you.
Pere Ubu- It’s worthwhile to follow the career path of Warner Todd Huston. Started at RenewAmerica, then split time at NewsBusters and ClownHall, and now he’s a two-star general for the Red State Trike Force.
I’m not sure where the rejects from TownHall go, though. Men’s News Daily, maybe? Renew America?
Timecube, baby!
I just haven’t got the heart (or stomach) to link it…
Shorter Scroll Troll
Never, in all my born days, would I have believed that a bunch of so-called public servants in this grand republic would have the unmitigated gall to pass thousand-page bills, with enormous ramifications for every man, woman and child in America – without even so much as reading them.
Unless, you know, there was anthrax and a Republican Preznit involved.
How dare you call today the “7th of July”. Everybody knows it’s Ringo’s birthday!!!!!
They might as well declare that a cabal of lobbyists wrote their legislation.
again, c.f. Cheney’s “Energy Task Force”. Never did find out who wrote that one, did we? Or why they were passing around maps of Iraq.
Kind of obvious in retrospect though.
New thread? I was just about to order Chinese food, dammit.
Today is also the 81st birthday of sliced bread.
Guess who voted for the Bush/Cheney energy bill?
Hopey McChange himself.
Nice of Sanders to toss in a slight at the Mexican community though.
I’m not sure where the rejects from TownHall go, though. Men’s News Daily, maybe? Renew America?
American Thinker.
Guess who fucked Troofy’s mom last night?
Awww, did I make a widdle wiberal wemming all mad? Go fuck yourself, assmunch.
Eesh. I wouldn’t fuck her with Nascar McHeartland’s dick.
Guess who voted for the Bush/Cheney energy bill?
Hopey McChange himself.
Kind of amusing the way the troll can’t keep straight whether the Great Awful Obamatron is merely an extention of Bush/Cheney or is so far left he’d make Mao Tse Tung gasp in shock.
The Mousy Squeaks of LAME
By Bruce Walker
Feminism, that increasingly silly gaggle of aging hippies who once pretended to stand for something, is most easily understood – at least in my mind – with the acronym for its informal organization, LAME (Ladies Auxiliary of Marxist Envy.) Its function is not — Gaia forbid! — to actually help women anywhere. When Bill Clinton was accused of brutally raping a woman — a woman who had bruises and friends who corroborated her story — well, that did not deal with “women’s issues” but only women. When women like Carrie Prejean or Sarah Palin speak as strong women, well, LAME is not exactly interested in “strong women” (why else support a woman whose brain seems to work at about the same level as Daisy Duck to be Speaker of the House?)
LAME is only about power for certain women, specifically those in the offices and salons of LAME, and there is one group which promises to bring together, for the sake of power, Klansmen like Robert Byrd with black racists like Jeremiah Wright or prissy “women’s issue” senators like Ms. Boxer with men who treat women like Kleenex, like John Edwards — the Left (or, as I believe is more descriptive, Sinisterists) care about power alone and will dole out goodies in direct proportion to political loyalty.
In America, sometimes, this is so childish that it is funny. But right now the anti-women leaders of LAME are failing in a horrifying, inexcusable way. Their moral crime rivals that of American Communist Jews during the months between September 1939 and June 1941 who, faithful more to the horror of Stalin, fought to keep Hitler (the Haman of modern times) from losing to Churchill (one of the most philo-Semitic statesmen of our century.)
In the streets of Iran, women are leading the protest for true democracy. Persian women have endured a Jim Crow status since the Shah lost his throne the likes of which we have not seen. The mullahs stone women to death for the “crime” of being raped. The normal civil rights of women in the Iranian Thugocracy are nil. The leading martyr of the revolt against the mullahs, Neda Soltan, was a fearless woman who faced the truncheons and guns of misogynist bullies.
Honest and fair democracy is the best friend of women in the world. As the world sees now in Iran, when men wish to simply bully and terrorize women into third or fourth class status, men can. When the voice meets the violence, the violence wins. But democracy has been able to do some wonderful things for the status of women in the world. India and Pakistan, nations whose religious traditions once embraced the suttee and Sharia, have elected women as heads of government. In Kuwait, overwhelmingly male electorates have given victories to female candidates in parliamentary elections. The Bush-imposed democracy in Afghanistan has produced a National Assembly with which 27% of the members are women (a higher percentage than in America.) The Bush-imposed democracy in Iraq has a mandate that 25% of the cabinet members must be women.
In Iran, however, once one of the freest nations in Asia for women, bad guys with big sticks are driving Iranians — specifically the courageous women of Iran — away from liberty, away from democracy, away from even the pretense of formal equality. This is, or should be, the greatest issue of the day for “feminists.” Women, whose support was essential for the Obama victory and his continued power, ought to care more than anything about their sisters in Iran, whose blood is literally flowing in the streets, whose bravery in encouraging Iranian men to stand up with them is truly ennobling and inspiring.
We have grown used to the LAME response to the genital mutilation of young girls in nations which hated President Bush – LAME could hardly stand up to this sort of mass horror if it meant, say, supporting President Bush, could it? We have even grown used to relentlessly LAME attacks on Christianity as “misogynist” while in diverse cultures in our own nation, Moslem men engage in “honor killings” of their daughters, wives, and mothers – LAME could hardly “defend” Judeo-Christian values, could it?
But what is happening today in Iran is a quantum leap beyond even this sort of surreal superciliousness. Today — this very day — Iranian girls are undoubtedly being raped and tortured by the SS forces of the mullahs for the dual crimes of wanting true democracy and for being “uppity” women. What more needs to awaken the deaf ears of LAME? They should be leading the charge in Congress. They should forget their crush on Obama and demand that he lead the world against the mullahs.
There is a pattern, though, to LAME. In free America, among people guided by Biblical traditions which treat women incomparably better than Islam, Hinduism, or even Buddhism, living in rich communities of like minded women, LAME knows that it can safely savage those who protect them from the mullahs and their henchmen. These women are not just lame, they are gutless wonders. To the heroines of Iran, God help you. To the nebbishes of LAME, I would say “Shame!” but you are shameless.
Baloney nipples?
Please let it be fag, please let it be fag, ILU TINTIN
Can we all just make a pact to ignore this child? I mean:
Awww, did I make a widdle wiberal wemming all mad? Go fuck yourself, assmunch.
Seriously? It stopped being ironic or funny some 50+ posts ago.
For the love of God, just stop responding to him and maybe he’ll go back and finally finish junior high.
TommPUSSY, quit your damn whining. Take the heat and man-up, or get the fuck out of the kitchen, lib.
Their moral crime rivals that of American Communist Jews during the months between September 1939 and June 1941
Thus the scrolltroll invokes Godwin and we win.
Wait, didn’t Skanky Ann Coulter want to take the vote away from women? Don’t the So’urn Babists want to get women out of public life and back in the kitchen? Isn’t a woman with a job an abomination before the LORD?
Consistency, little minds, yadda yadda.
Assmunch, pussy, and fag. Indeed, a wit to be reckoned with.
Cock cock cock.
PENIS. Also.
I tried debating the issues with you. But all you libs did was make fun of typos and make penis jokes, so I thought I’d return the favor since Tintin told me this is a “comedy” blog. Just making some “jokes”.
If you want to return to political debate, I can, and will, if you do. Until then, go take a shot of Draino.
Killfile. Just once in the morning and I feel fresh all day.
Anybody who’s ranting about “feminists” and “hippies” in the year 2009 has completely forfeited the right to ever be taken seriously.
I like to man-up in the kitchen by thrusting myself into the welcoming aperture of the garbage disposal.
I thought I’d return the favor since Tintin told me this is a “comedy” blog. Just making some “jokes”.
Which presupposes something in your comments called “humor”, something sadly (or not) lacking.
And POOP again.
Read about Victoria Jackson’s shopping trip.
Killfile. Just once in the morning and I feel fresh all day.
And the badgers are pretty entertaining with some appropriate music in the background, too.
I tried debating the issues with you by throwing out a lot of halfassed talking points and lies, and then changing the subject when I was proved wrong, over and over and over and over and over and over and over…
“Read about Victoria Jackson’s shopping trip.”
I tried to use the killfile, but alas, I am too computer illiterate to make it work. Couldn’t we just try ignoring it? At this point it’s all about the attention, as pathetic as that is.
Oh lookie, a douchebag conservative male ass is dissing liberal women.
Read about Victoria Jackson’s shopping trip.
Only if she went somewhere that carries Demask or Skin Two.
Oh, and you really should read the Victoria Jackson thing. It outgodwins Godwin.
Well, at least Victoria Jackson was okay in UHF…
The Fourth of July. That’s the day George Washington surrendered Ft. Necessity to the French.
Fag? Pussy? Assmunch????
Last time I saw wit of Troofy’s caliber, it was sitting on the couch watching music videos with his friend Beavis.
Victoria Jackson: “Ignorance is Bliss”. She must be euphoric.
I seem to recall it’s also about the time of the anniversary of the Battle of Kursk.
Who the fuck actually calls the 4th of July “Independence Day”? I mean, other than the people who make calendars, but that’s just because it would look kind of stupid to have a square marked “4” on a page marked “July” labeled “The 4th of July.”
Also, is he under the impression that Mexicans just randomly decided to have an annual party on the 5th of May and it doesn’t signify anything?
Everybody knows it’s Ringo’s birthday!!!!!
Emily: You would be shocked at how many people, other than you and I, are unaware of this.
BTW I’m aware that in terms of patriotic holidays Mexican Independence Day is way more important than 5 de Mayo, but it really seems that Sanders actually thinks that 5 de Mayo was just a randomly chosen date.
The Failed Promises of Government Funded Health Care
By Frank S. Rosenbloom, M.D.
The health care debate in this country is an old story. It began in 1934 when President Franklin D. Roosevelt attempted to include government-funded health care in his “New Deal” as part of his comprehensive Social Security legislation. President Roosevelt was very concerned that the Supreme Court might rule parts of his “New Deal” unconstitutional. He tried to induce Congress to approve increasing the total number of justices on the Supreme Court to fifteen, attempting thereby to circumvent the judiciary and the Constitution by stacking the Court in his favor.
Subsequently, government funded health care has been debated in nearly every session of Congress since 1939.
Many people assume that the establishment of Medicare in 1965 was the result solely of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society legislation. In fact, the establishment of Medicare was the culmination of decades of efforts by progressive liberals, and was seen as a stepping stone to government funded health care for all. In fact, some of the tactics the government used to pass Medicare were illegal at the time, employing taxpayer money to lobby for political programs.
Today President Obama theorizes that a government “option” will increase competition, lower costs, and provide better medical care for larger numbers of people. In any scientific endeavor the veracity of a theory is determined by whether it is supported by empirical evidence and predictive of future outcomes. Therefore, we must examine Obama’s assertions in light of the available evidence.
* 1. A government health care option will increase competition.
In order to determine whether this is the case, we must review whether government involvement has ever increased competition in the past. We must remember that the force of law attends government involvement and that the force of law gives an advantage to the government. For instance, Medicare and Medicaid employ price-fixing, which is illegal for any private organization. The government decides on the worth of medical services and the providers of those services must comply. The government therefore utilizes unfair practices to establish a monopoly, transferring costs to the private sector, artificially magnifying the cost of private insurance and hiding the true cost of government coverage.
When Medicare was passed senior citizens were promised that Medicare would not prevent them from utilizing private primary insurance if they wanted to. This assurance was false. Private primary health insurance has become all but impossible for persons over 65 to obtain.
Medicaid recipients, as well as and those on military health plans, are significantly restricted in their choices. This lack of choice has stifled competition. Contrary to the claims of the current administration, every time government has gotten involved in health care, competition has been suppressed by practices that would be prosecutable if carried out by private companies. Far from promoting competition, a government plan will eventually eliminate private health care, thereby eliminating all competition.
Tom Miller, Director of Health Policy Studies at the Cato Institute, explained:
“As fiscal pressures mount, the federal government does not ‘negotiate’ with medical providers for lower prices for covered services. It dictates below-market reimbursements with its near-monopoly power as a purchaser of health care for seniors. The full costs of such price discounts eventually reduce access to quality care and hold health care markets hostage to political exploitation.”
* 2. A government option will decrease costs.
It is naïve to believe that increased government intervention will lower the cost of medicine. All past evidence indicates that the reverse is true. In 1965, the government promised that Medicare part A would cost $9 billion by 1990. The actual cost was more than $66 billion — over seven times projected costs. There has never been a single large federal social program that has come in at budget or has performed as predicted.
Democrats have tried to pin the rising cost of medical care on the private sector. It is, however, government interference and government regulations that have caused the high cost of medical care in the past and that will continue to increase the costs of medical care in the future. Medicare increases the cost of medical care by shifting federal administrative overhead to the private sector and through oppressive regulation.[i] These practices will undoubtedly accelerate under “Obamacare” as the following chart, using data from the Congressional Budget Office, indicates:
The estimated $1.6 trillion for Obama’s proposed legislation will cover only about one third of his claimed 45 million uninsured. If historical precedents and evidence are any indication, the actual costs of the plan could be seven times higher than this estimate. Adding to the fiscal nightmare, Mr. Obama is planning on cutting benefits for Medicare and Medicaid in order to transfer funding to his new health plan. This is another example that government does not contain costs, but shift costs from one program to another.
The effect of Obama’s program will be to increase taxes on small businesses and further worsen unemployment. This loss of jobs will result in driving people into the government-funded plan. Increasing the costs of the plan would create a vicious cycle of unemployment, increasing costs, rising taxes, and unending dependence on government.
* 3. A government option will improve health care and cover more people.
Mr. Obama’s claim of 45 million Americans without medical insurance is completely unfounded. His health care plan will initially cover about 13 million people. However, nearly 100 million people will be eligible for the proposed government option. As mentioned above, nothing about the plan would promote increased competition.
Once the government has a monopoly on all health care in America and the costs to the government have skyrocketed, the government will do what it has always done: use its power to ration services and increase taxes. This will result in inferior medical care for the American people.
Once this rationing occurs, there will be no turning back. The government will be in complete control, as it is with Medicare and Medicaid. We need only ask Medicare or VA patients about the difficulties they face in trying to obtain payments for their medical care to understand what the end result will be. Denial of payment for care is simply rationing by another name. Furthermore, the evidence shows that government funded health care initiated at the state level, such as the programs in Massachusetts and Oregon, have failed miserably. We will likely have to consider the morgue as an integral part of any government health care system in the future.
Albert Einstein once defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Mr. Obama’s theories are undeniably refuted by historical fact and therefore his projections are unreliable and even dangerous. There is overwhelming evidence that his health care plan will result in a fiscal and medical care disaster. More important, his plan would result in a wider unconstitutional expansion of government control over our lives. We must demand real solutions, not the trading of unsustainable benefits for votes, the loss of our liberty, and greater dependence for our medical care — not on those trained in the healing arts — but on government and professional politicians.
Maintain my moat! Libs!
So anyway, I was watching some old SNL videos the other night and, wow, I’d almost forgotten what a total fucking unfunny dumbass ditz Victoria Jackson always was.
The twin strands of modern conservative thinking are on display for the squillonth time in this thread. They entwine in the sort of DNA which actually stands for Dreary Noxious Asshole. First the “columnist” whose searing insights prove that he can use a calender, once a year at least. Then the sad adult whose fecal artworks were punished severely by cold eyed parents, but DAMMIT, it’s attention, isn’t it.
Yes but for some reason I had a bit of a crush on her…I’ll attribute it to raging adolescence.
Wait, are you suggesting that it signifies something other than a run on tequila and avacodes at the local supermarket?
This looks like a fun game . . . can anybody play? And do we get to choose sides? Because I wanna go with the ‘liberals.’ Those ‘conservative’ guys can’t kick. Or pass. And they tackle for shit . . .
Read about Victoria Jackson’s shopping trip.
Would you leave her alone. Actually, we ought to start a home for right-wing celebrities who don’t understand how friggin’ dopey they look spouting talking points from people who hate them and their business. Get Pat Boone to shut the fuck up, anyway.
Which presupposes something in your comments called “humor”, something sadly (or not) lacking.
His comments have plenty of bile.
I always liked her. She seemed like a kook, but an entertaining one, and I like dippy uke tunes.
She remains entertaining to me, although the substance is different.
I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
John my O’Groat! Libs
My ♥ goes pitty pat lubbidy dub whenever I think of him. He’s so dreamy!
I say “4th of July” because “3 days after Canada Day” is a bit unwieldy.
So… are the wingnuts test-marketing a “War on Independence Day” perennial freakout for those slow summer months?
I mean, the War on Christmas can’t really get rolling until after we sacrifice all those fetus-Americans on Hallowe’en.
The argument against “Socialized Medicine” in a nutshell:
1. A government run system would be a hopelssly inefficient, corrupt bureacracy, incapable of providing quality service to Americans;
2. Private business would be unable to compete with it.
…wait..what do you mean “choose one or the other”?
I always liked her. She seemed like a kook, but an entertaining one
I could never figure out if she was really that dull-witted or just faking it. Either way, meh.
If he’d called it “Independence Day” this dude and all his Palinite buddies would have been all “lolwhut when’s that?!!” And then gotten teary-eyed and slightly turgid with unfulfilled yearning over the scene in which the White House is blown up.
Obama’s Demagoguery
By Vel Nirtist
“Suddenly another voice spoke, low and melodious, its very sound an enchantment. Those who listened unwarily to that voice could seldom report the words that they heard; and if they did, they wondered, for little power remained in them. Mostly they remembered only that it was a delight to hear the voice speaking, all that it said seemed wise and reasonable, and desire awoke in them by swift agreement to seem wise themselves. When others spoke they seemed harsh and uncouth by contrast; and if they gainsaid the voice, anger was kindled in the hearts of those under the spell. For some the spell lasted only while the voice spoke to them, and when it spoke to another they smiled, as men do who see through a juggler’s trick while others gape at it. For many the sound of the voice alone was enough to hold them enthralled; but for those whom it conquered the spell endured when they were far away, and ever they heard that soft voice whispering and urging them. But none were unmoved; none rejected its pleas and its commands without an effort of mind and will…”
– J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, Book Tree, Chapter X, “The Voice of Saruman”
It has always been assumed that we humans are rational creatures, and can therefore be swayed only by a rational argument — that is, an argument firmly rooted in facts, utilizing solid logic to link those facts to the conclusion. And I think this is still the case. Rhetoric, oratory, and demagoguery — these dramatic tricks of presentation — will carry you only so far, but will cost you and your enthusiasts dearly if the facts you are relying on in your well-crafted speeches are not really facts, or if logic is lost in the gorgeous flow of words. Hitler — an orator second to none, but given too much to seeing differences amongst human “races” where there were none — caused Germany plenty of grief.
Today, the best political orations come out of the change-bent America. Our president keeps the world, and a huge number of Americans, enthralled by his superb oratorical skills. His address to the Moslems sent more than one writer of newspaper editorials to swoon in sweet ecstasy; his pronouncements explaining America’s strategic inaction vis-à-vis Iranians battling their clerical overlords, or regarding the threat from the North Korea, are being lauded by the press as precious examples of thoughtful statesmanship, of wise self-restraint.
But are Obama’s pronouncements indeed solid pieces of political wisdom, or just tricks of a glib tongue? Does he see better and farther the rest of us, or is his leadership but a case of the blind leading the blind? Is he a first-rate statesman, or a mere top-class demagogue?
The link between words “Obama” and “demagoguery” popped in my mind in a rather round-about way, while reading the recent news item called “Report: U.S. to block Iran sanctions at G8 summit”. The title sounded more than a little counter-intuitive, not to say bizarre, given our previous experience of the US being in the vanguard of attempts to slow down Iran’s drive toward the bomb, and appealing to other nations to implement sanctions. America found but little support from the likes of Austria and Germany who were too eager to grow their economy by trading with Iran to notice that that very same trade supports Iran’s nuclear effort — which in the long run will turn against them.
So why the sudden role reversal? Why this change of heart on the part of the US administration? Why the decision to oppose the gradually emerging “general leaning [among G8 leaders] …toward sanctions”? Why putting a brake on the outburst of sanity from the previously reluctant allies? What is going on here? The article explained it thus:
“American officials expressed concern that a decision to enact harsh steps against Iran during the G8 meeting could badly hurt the prospect of Tehran agreeing to renew negotiations with the permanent Security Council members.”
Well, isn’t that the continuation of the policy of playing it safe in not vocally (or materially) supporting Iranian’s “election” protests? Remember Obama’s “strongest” reaction?
“The United States and the international community have been appalled and outraged by the threats, beatings, and imprisonments of the last few days… I strongly condemn these unjust actions, and I join with the American people in mourning each and every innocent life that is lost…The United States respects the sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and is not at all interfering in Iran’s affairs. But we must also bear witness to the courage and dignity of the Iranian people, and to a remarkable opening within Iranian society.”
Being appalled by unjust actions and bearing witness to them are of course all fine and good and laudable — but are passive activities with rather limited practical outcome for those actually subjected to the actions being witnessed. Notorious Nuremberg Laws which deprived Jews of German citizenship and severely curtailed their rights were enacted in 1935, years before the enactment of the “final solution.” One suspects that at the time the world at large was dutifully “appalled and outraged” by them and that many leaders “condemned these unjust actions,” and “bore witness” to them. Yet those condemning and bearing witness did not help one bit in preventing sellout of Czechoslovakia and the start of World War II with its attending horrors of mass murder and the Holocaust. Iran’s mullahs are clearly as little deterred from proceeding as they wish by Obama’s words as were the Nazis back in 1935, and it is highly unlikely that Obama and his advisors are so lacking in common sense that they think otherwise. So, President’s reaction at its strongest was, deliberately, but a token one. Why?
The President himself provided an answer:
“The last thing that I want to do is to have the United States be a foil for — those forces inside Iran who would love nothing better than to make this an argument about the United States.”
In other words, Obama is so afraid that ayatollahs will present the protestors as American agents and thus whip up the hate of America, that he is perfectly willing to leave them to the gentle mercies of the regime. While fearing Iranian demagoguery, Obama employs the same tactic by demagoguing the Iran issue himself.
This piece of outright demagoguery is not the first foray by our President into the fine art of, as H. L. Mencken put it when describing a generic demagogue, “preach[ing] doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots.”
His celebrated address to the Moslem world (which was so much advertised in advance and so deeply infused with America’s desperate desire to get into good graces of Moslems that it may well have given the ayatollahs an idea that there was nothing to fear from America no matter what) was itself a grand piece of demagoguery, with all its hallmarks in place: inconvenient facts omitted, supporting facts blown out of proportion, friends disparaged, adversaries patted on the back, and the whole package couched in smoothly flowing words delivered in a steady, powerful, confident voice.
Or another, though related, sample of Obama’s skill in demagoguery: loudly lauding as “unbreakable” America’s ties to Israel while at the same time dismantling them by denying validity to understandings made with previous US administrations, both oral and written.
Of course, there might be plenty of perfectly rational and, from Obama’s perspective, sensible reasons why Iranian protestors are deserving of being deserted, or given not more than token support, grudgingly at that.
The most common theory is that he may have concluded that ayatollahs need the bomb only to protect their regime, so America’s promise that she is not seeking regime change would cause them to abandon that goal; that millions of human beings would be forever enslaved, is to him a sensible trade-off.
Or perhaps he sees no real difference between one candidate and the other, and therefore sees no reason to get involved in a quarrel between the thugs.
Or he does not believe that the “reformers” have enough power to succeed, and would be suppressed anyways.
Or, as a true multi-culturalist, he simply does not see individual freedom as something absolute, lacking which people aren’t really human, but sees it rather as a cultural phenomenon — while ok for America, it does not fit into Iranian “culture,” and so there is simply nothing wrong with ayatollahs’ suppressing it.
Likewise, the President may see solid realpolitik reasons for moving away from Israel and realigning America with Moslem regimes.
But whether it be Israel or Iran, he chooses not to state his actual reasons for his stated policy, sensing that doing so might well be politically disastrous to him. Unable to use rational argument, he has no choice but to “justify” his policies through demagoguery. Like Tolkien’s Saruman, Obama cannot be open about his views and goals. Like Saruman, to achieve his goals he has to rely only on the sweet persuasiveness of his voice.
Will Obama’s demagoguery succeed? For a time, perhaps, it will; but there are several reasons why demagoguery tends to fail in the long run. For one, demagoguery is a sign of weakness, betraying as it does the fact that the speaker lacks the real argument, and is forced to resort to less-than-respectable means of underhanded trickery. Secondly, it ultimately winds up either unmasking the speaker, or bringing the disaster to his followers. And thirdly, there are many whom it fails to convince in the first place. Anyone who read Lord of the Rings knows that Saruman’s seductive voice failed in convincing others to surrender to him — besides the smooth delivery, his words conveyed nothing that a rational being would accept as a solidly convincing argument; after a while, they were recognized for pure demagoguery that they were. And it can backfire in yet another way, by eroding trust. When Obama makes a speech on a subject in which I have no expertise whatsoever, be it the economy or the environment, how am I to know that he is not being a demagogue this time, too?
Many a regime had been fostered by demagoguery, be it Soviet Union or the Nazi Germany of the past, or today’s Iran or North Korea. If we are to deflate the deadly ambitions of such regimes, we should first unmask the falsehood of their ideologies by peeling off the smoothness of the words in which they are expressed. And looking beyond smooth words of our own leaders is a wholesome exercise, too. There will be no stopping the ayatollahs, the North Koreans, and their ilk if our own President is to keep coming up with mellifluously expressed, demagogic excuses for why America should passively stand by while they continue to carry on.
Troofie’s surrogate mentioned Lord of the Rings! He MUST be cool!
On the other hand, I remember this one time that Victoria Jackson did cartwheels on the Weekend Update desk while holding sparklers in her hands. That was kinda cool.
I thought President Blackity Black Negro Negroid X was going to rename “Independence Day” to “Burn Your Flag Day”.
What’s the holdup???
Fucking Tolkien-nerd, go back to your hovel.
I’ll have you know I was INVITED, St.
Why is it whenever I try to post twice within the same hour, Word Press gets all, “Not so fast there, clicky-pants, slow down, pardner”, but the idiot scroll-troll gets to paste up huge chunks of stuff you know his Mommy hasn’t even had time to read to him?
Vel Nirtist = liver’s tint
I think the new rule for the deranged psych-ward escapees (aka wingnuts) is that they MUST use the name Hitler as often as possible in every rant that they whine to their fellow delusionistas.
Godwin’s Law is for just for libs – similar to repigs on such diverse subjects as marriage vows, service in the army, and threatening lawsuits.
The argument against “Socialized Medicine” in a nutshell:
Grassley self-pwnage
I hope the guy does get a job with the federal government- Grassley’s job.
So who’s up for calling the scroll troll Dr. Rosenrosen?
Dr. Rosenpenis?
Victoria Jackson and Willie Nelson:
The REAL Rosenpenises have always been on the left.
Man, that’s a lotta Paganism!
Maybe he’s thinking of this:
P.A.G.A.N. = “People Against Goodness And Niceness”.
Off-topic, but good ol’ Ace O’ Spades has a fiery one on Sullivan today. http://minx.cc/?post=289427
…Fair enough! So what did Ace have to say when his Chris Matthews MADE THE VERY SAME CRITICISMS of Ace’s gal-pal Michelle Malkin back in ’04? Oh. Huh. Funny how that works. http://ace.mu.nu/archives/042093.php#042093
Thank you Troll. Your angry use of sixth grade playground insults and copying and pasting the scribblings of semi literate crazy people has made me realize that feminists actually hate women and human rights more than anything.
(uh, “his Chris Matthews” is a typo)
“Troofie’s surrogate mentioned Lord of the Rings! He MUST be cool!”
Quoting LOTR in relation to real world political issues and comparing your opponents to Hitler are two of the hallmarks of good debating. That and the word “assmunch.”
The King of Poop is dead. Long live the King of Poop.
You’d dig it the most, libs!
2 whole days he’s been at this, hour after hour… he’s not gone to work (he doesn’t have a job) , he’s not done anything fun (he’s got no real friends), he’s not upset anyone here (he’s too stupid and artless for that), he’s had little sleep (seriously, count the times he’s been posting), he’s not converted anyone to Conservatism (he’s too dumb to realise he needs a third party or independent blog for that), he’s not saved Sarah Palin’s now destroyed career (she’s seen to that, but the corruption coming down the pike will finish her off for sure), he doesn’t effect anyone or anything, he just drives himself deeper and deeper into insanity…
So who wants to take a bet, what crime will he be arrested for in the end? Murder? Shooting a stranger in a bar when he sees him nod approvingly when Obama comes on television?
Rape? Violently assaulting one of those feminists who always needed a fat, stinking, unshaven pot bellied republican to sort them out?
How about attacks on the media? White powder sent to the New York Times maybe? Or just a drive by on an abortion clinic?
Great future you’ve got their Troofus. And you could change it oh so easily. But you won’t. Because your insane. Because imagining you’ve upset us is the only joy you have in your life. And it’s not even true. But I’m sure the FBI are building a nice file on you with every single example of hatred you post… because thanks to Bush, they are watching Right Wing Terrorists like you now.
Yup, I said a Terrorist. Because that’s what you are. You want people to fear you. You want them to be terrified. You’re a dirty, filthy, anti-American terrorist. And you’ll meet the same grisly end as most of them too.
You’re last troll? It’ll be something like “I don’t care, I took some liberals with me, and the Lord will thank me…” And you’ll be making it here;
Nice fucking life, Troofus.
I don’t think the above poster gets the whole “I’m gonna troll the troll” thing.
Man, that’s a lotta Paganism!
What, they gave up on claiming everything he does is to advance the cause of Global Islam?
Put a mirror in front of his face – he might just be sleeping heavy.
From Jon Sanders’ comments section:
Well? What’s it gonna be?
Digest my toast, libs!
Do we confort ourselves in the face of tyranny
I think you can get arrested down here in the South for conforting in public.
The Pope!
Do we confort ourselves in the face of tyranny or by opposing take sail upon the “boistrous sea of Liberty”?
What was it, “Thefe Colourf Do Not Runne”?
EEE when I click over there they hit me with a Flash pop up of Glenn Beck’s punchable – God, so punchable- face advertising his new piece of shit book. They actually have the nerve to call it “Glenn Beck’s Common Sense”, which is right up there with “Safe Sex with John Holmes” and “The Quiet Dignity of Charles Nelson Reilly” for oxymoronic titles, or “Baby Huey’s Oedipus Rex” or “Carrot-Top rewrites the entire fucking US Constitution the way it should’ve been written in the first place” for pure, let’s-everybody-shit-on-the-Western-canon hubris.
OK, I was going to write some Netherlands version of the “Le Jour du Sac de la Douche” thing, but I’m too annoyed. “Dai uv de jiant düsche.” There.
They actually have the nerve to call it “Glenn Beck’s Common Sense”
I’m surprised the avenging ghost of Thomas Paine hasn’t torn Blecchh a new orifice for demeaning the original that way.
Or maybe it has and Glenn’s found a use for it. Eccch.
Always remember: even if you are a gay french boy reporter, it’s perfectly okay.
The only good line in Sanders’ piece was the hallucinatory bit about being harassed by “swarms of czars”. Sounds like he’s been dropping bad acid in the Winter Palace.
You a Europussy, TB?
Have fun when the Muslims conquer Holland.
Pere Ubu said,
July 8, 2009 at 2:17
Do we confort ourselves in the face of tyranny
I think you can get arrested down here in the South for conforting in public.
Contort yourself!
Oh, go fuck your dog some more.
He can’t keep it up. He’s what we call a Default Frotteur.
Wouldn’t it be something if all the responses to the troll were him namestealing and sockpuppeting?
And by “something” I mean “terribly, terribly pitiful”.
The REAL Rosenpenises have always been on the left.
But what of the Guildencocks?
Aye, there’s the rub, for in that death of thought ,
What words might rise – must give us pause,
Or ‘twould hadst us any shame or sense thereof
The undiscovered Birth Certificate which is bound to
Be Kenyan in origin.
Statist Rights !!!1!
But what of the Guildencocks?
They were with the Rosenputzes, not the Rosenpenises.
“the Fourth of July” (as if it were just some festival known by its date, like “Cinco de Mayo”)
Yeah, the next thing you know, people without proper respect for America will start offhandedly referring to one of the worst days in our history as “September 11th”. Or worse, shortening it to “9-11”.
that Mexicans just randomly decided to have an annual party on the 5th of May and it doesn’t signify anything?
Well, it isn’t their Independence Day, you gotta give him that. More like the Mexican Hanukkah.
I can’t believe you guys missed the best part of that column, though:
Eat out our substance??!?! That’s one a them dog-whistle thingys right? Didn’t he forget the part about how Obama would widen our political stances, cause rust to grow on our brass instruments of freedom, punch our donkeys of liberty, and so forth?
I wish I could grow government on my back, though. Beats bedsores. Or those things hippos get that the birds are always pecking off them.
Or worse, shortening it to “9-11?.
We wouldn’t want to be seen as having a pre-Fourth of July mentality, after all.
eat out our substance
You can get a nice lady to do that for you on 59th Street for about $75.
What in holy tarnation do those people think they’re getting paid to do?
It’s rare to see a case of Grizzled Old 49’er Syndrome in this day and age. Usually one is only susceptible if one has had a case of Hockeyhair in their recent medical history and, outside of a rare few Appalachian hollers inhabited by strange people born with full sets of adult teeth and eyes just a bit too widely separated… and Canada, there hasn’t been a confirmed case of of Hockeyhair since the Fox-body Mustang went out of production.
It doesn’t seem particularly chronic at the moment so for now, as your doctor, I’d recommend two aspirin and several hours of panning for gold. However, if you find yourself using phrases like “varmint”, “dag nabit” or, especially, “consarnit” seek medical assistance immediately. If you are unable to reach a hospital or doctor your only hope may be to befriend a bear.
A Grizzly Bear. Not some punk-ass Brown Bear or fucking Panda or something. That may work for someone with Vodka-soaked Cossack Syndrome or Obeisant Coolie Syndrome, respectively, but for GO49 it’s got to be a Grizzly. And even then there’s a 50% chance you’ll be scalped by the first person you run across with Grossly Inappropriate Native American Stereotype Syndrome. You want to be sure? Then we’re talking god-damned Kodiak baby.
Hey, could be worse. You could have Nanook of the fucking North Syndrome.
Let me know how much the Islamists respect “women’s rights” and “freedom of speech” when they conquer Holland, jb.
Remember Theo Van Gogh?
This is the end result of mass Muslim immigration:
In 20 years, Europe will be dead.
Or worse, shortening it to “9-11?.
I always refer to it by the more formal “Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani Day and Related Jingoisms.”
Yup, murder it’s going to be then. Probably of someone of a darker skin tone than your flabby, scabby, basement given flesh. Now watch our criminally insne friend below say something that makes no sense again… like he’s been doing for the last 14 hours.
Google Theo Van Gogh, “truthful problem with the law”. Where’s your outrage over that? Hmmm?
Theo Van Gogh? WTF?!? You got one murdered racist filmaker – and that’s the same as the death of Europe?
Are you afflicted with some sort of learning disability, or are you willfully stupid? Normally I’d believe that it was intentional, dishonest, bad faith – but this degree really does require some serious effort.
“Racist”, so you’re against free speech now?
What about the Islamist thugs who murdered him? “Racist”, too?
And since when is Islam a “race”, anyway?
I will tell you what the death of Europe is. As Mark Steyn pointed out, Europeans are having 0-1 children, Morrocans, Algerians, Pakistanis, Turks, etc in Europe are having 5, 6, 7, 8 kids thanks to Europe’s generous welfare system. Do the math!
Racist. Look in a fucking mirror shitbag. Pim Fortuyn?
I coulda used anti-semitic, in the actual sense of the word – but racist fit a lot better.
BTW, here’s a where’s your outrage question:
Finally, colours are actually flown . . .
I coulda used anti-semitic, in the actual sense of the word
In the fullness of sense, as he hated Jews, too.
Of course ‘Cinco de Mayo’ is ALSO known as ‘Independence Day’. In fact, there are quite a few dates called that around the world. To specify THE Independence Day of the United States by referring to it as the Fourth of July just seems logical.
Logic has never been one of the right’s strong suits though….
Come on people.
Do you think the moron you are responding to merits the attention?
Can’t you think of something better to post?
Here’s a music video.
Was that difficult?
So who does Troofie secretly want to be fucked by more, every Muslim in Holland or every black man in Zimbabwe? If we don’t speculate, the terrorists WIN.
Jews were productive members of European society. Muslims are just parsites who will destroy their culture. What do you think will happen to France when North Africans are the majority, hmmmmmm?
Tofu Sushi said,
July 8, 2009 at 3:30
Mwahaha, you have been totally assimilated into teh Sadly, Borg.
You know, at some point in one’s life, one just has to face the fact that roughly 85% of the world’s population is non-white, with an unknown number of that remaining 15% of mixed race.
In other words, it’s a non-white planet (and mostly non-Christian). That’s just how it is, and one can either accept that fact or rage endlessly against it, as if that will somehow change the reality.
What am I talking about now? The death of Europe? I thought I hated Europe; shouldn’t I be glad that it’s going to die? I can’t tell anymore.
What was I talking about before that? Let me go back to that. Something about health care, or the economy, or Sarah Palin being qualified compared to Obama and Biden. Wait, someone proved me wrong about the qualifications, so I dropped it… wow, I have got to get organized here, maybe start using index cards or something.
“In other words, it’s a non-white planet (and mostly non-Christian). That’s just how it is, and one can either accept that fact or rage endlessly against it, as if that will somehow change the reality.”
All the more reason for white countries, then. At least illegal latinos are Christians. Latin American is a shithole but I’d rather live there than Saudi Arabia, like the Europeans will have soon.
For the life of me, I can’t understand why a knuckle-dragging wingnut would give two shits about what happens to Holland.
Here’s my bet: someday they’ll find Troofie in his basement, hanging by his neck from a ceiling beam with knotted bedsheets, a stool lying on it’s side on the floor, with the walls and ceiling covered with “bookmark this libs!!!” written a thousand times with his own shit. Is there a pool going yet?
Aryans were productive members of European society. Jews are just parasites who will destroy their culture. What do you think will happen to France when Jews are the majority, hmmmmmm?
Hey dirtbag – Theo van Gogh, akaMr. “They’re only burning diabetic jews”. You’re poor lamented racist scumbag who was also a racist – hated da joos. How you gonna reconcile that with getting into Pam Fake Tits pants?
You have fun your way, ifthethunderdontgetya, we’ll have it ours.
one can either accept that fact or rage endlessly against it
Ooh ooh, pick impotent rage! Acceptance is for Freedom Cigarettes!
I hate Jews too… I never met a “Soros controls whatever” conspiracy theory I didn’t like.
Jews were never in danger of being the majority, anywhere in Europe. Muslims, on the other heand? Again, do the math. Also heres some informative reading that will help you libs break out of your complacency:
Read them. If you have the balls, anyway.
I likez the balls, any way.
Sorry for the troll feeding. And here on that holiest of holy days – Roswell UFO incident day. And some people dare to call it the seventh of July.
9/11 was an inside job! Booga booga Muslims! Never mind that the Number 8, again, sums to 36, or that the 8th sign of the Zodiac (Scorpio = Score Pi X 10) appears as it does in the 10th month, which is appropriately named “October” and thus contains the root OCTO for 8, all this is just right before your eyes, caste into the structure of the language awaiting for the interested seekers to gain access to the inner secret that it all was constructed.
None of this was intended for you to know.
…and there, in the passenger door, was an iron, crescent-shaped Negroslamic hook!
Address my ghost story, libs!
Anyway I’m finished here for good.
Read those books, libs.
I know that Tintin, since he is French (or Belgian, or German, or whatever the fuck he is) understands deep down inside that someday the Morrocans/Turks will take over his country but he is too chickenshit and P.C. to say it and/or do anything about it. JB knows it too. Have fun being, Dhimmis, guys!
Fuck you all. I’m done.
If “Jews were never in danger of being the majority” (the implication being that if they were you would support their mass extermination too), why are you holding up a Jew-hating shithead like Theo van Gogh as your martyr?
Do the math!
Uh… one fifth of nothing is… carry the two… shift decimals… Got it!
You’re a racist. Remainder, you glorious shitheel.
A whole article could be done on the transpositional nature of the Letters H and P. Suffice it to say that they are often transposed and so are one and the same. Nevermind that the Greek Letter for P is Pi and that this shape shares equivalencies with the Letter H, or that when combined as PH, the Letters H and P share a value of 6, or a sound of “F”, as in the word “phonetics”.
All of these things you are not supposed to know for they are key to the Letter Number Philosophical system of the
IlluminatusMuslims.Troofie is every bit as sincere about shutting his fat trap as I am.
Anyway I’m finished here for good.
Jews were never in danger of being the majority, anywhere in Europe. Aliens, on the other heand? Again, do the math. Also heres some informative reading that will help you earthlings break out of your complacency:
Read them. If you have the pineal gland, anyway.
Anyway I’m finished here for good.
This may be the nastiest thing you’ve ever posted, because you’re a liar and you’re always wrong about everything, so I know this can’t be true.
That is just mean.
July 8, 2009 at 3:52
Fuck you all. I’m done.
Yeaaaaaahhhhhh… I’ll just bookmark that for future reference.
…someday the Morrocans/Turks will take over his country…
Just look at what happened to the USA!?
Here we went to the trouble of wiping out every last redskin in the west and what do they do? They elect a man president who’s darker than any injun!
Great. Be sure to use square knots when you tie the bedsheets together to make the noose. Granny knots can slip. And here’s another tip: the higher the stool the better, because the sheets always stretch a bit.
Aliens, on the other heand?
Man, xenobiology is hard work. Anyways, Roswell UFO Incident Day! I’m having Romulan Ale to celebrate.
I’m done.
And if you kept your promises at all, instead of just fabricating a new pseudonym tomorrow and later this evening, I’d even believe this.
Actually, in the coming decades, the Europeans are going to be SOOO thankful for that extra melanin.
Yes indeedy!
“That was someone spoofing me.”
PAUL SHAFER: Heh, heh, he was… he was pretending he was you.
I can’t remember what external event set off Troofie’s “LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL” freakout, but this Palin shit really hit him where he lives, dinnit? He must have really been fantasizing for the last 8 months how Sarah was going to show us libs in 2012, you betcha! Now even he can see that arrest or extremely embarrassing revelations, probably both, are coming down the pike, and it’s driven him completely nutzoid.
I wonder whose star he’s going to hitch his wagon to now. Is there anybody crazier in the offing? I’m drawing a blank, but I’m sure he’ll find one.
Well, hello.
Again, a reminder to all: Today is Ringo Starr’s birthday. He’s 69. Yeah, that’s right.
Happy Birthday fabulous Beatle man, and many more!
I’m from Alaska! And I already had my fall from grace! Vote for me!
Illuminatus = muslin at lui, which PROVES the Islamic hordes are totally going to take over France, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Belgium! OH NOES TOO ALSO = muslin ail tu, so they’re gonna give the Frenchies the plague! EUROPE IS DOOOOOOOMED!!!!
Another Beatles reminder, today, Ringo Starr is the last Beatle left alive. Well, aside from the guy they replaced the first Paul McCartney with.
Whew! man, I’m glad Truth left. I was really bothered his threats to destroy the Obamas and kept getting frustrated trying to refute his airtight logic and reasoning supported by indisputable facts in his criticisms and debating skills undermining my political philosophy.
plus I was jealous of his hot ex-stripper wife.
Honus wins.
Ha ha! He’s gone! Now we can wreak vengeance on the honkies without his scrutiny! Because that’s what I, or any black person, call them!
plus I was jealous of his hot ex-stripper wife.
from Canada.
Again, a reminder to all: Today is Ringo Starr’s birthday.
I’m still celebrating yesterday, which was the 52nd anniversary of John meeting Paul. I’ll get around to Ringo eventually.
Do you ever get that….not so fresh feeling?
Bookmark it, libs!
As if.
St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon: Hey man, don’t be disrespecting Sir Paul. That’s all.
Teasing/trolling/engaging Troofy on this blog is like going out to a nice restaurant and filling up on the breadsticks– just because its free and they bringin’ ’em doesn’t make in a good idea.
Teasing/trolling/engaging Troofy on this blog is like going out to a nice restaurant and filling up on the breadsticks…
And they’re ipecac breadsticks which just keep coming back.
I once read such an article it was written by P.H. Lovecraft
I’d like to put in my request now to be overrun by Queen Noor.
Teasing/trolling/engaging Troofy on this blog is like going out to a nice restaurant and filling up on the breadsticks
I’ll stick with the classics: Arguing with a troll is like playing chess with a special-olympics pigeon. The dog won’t learn algebra and the pig likes it!!
You been playing with my pig again?
Sure sign of a stale thread:
The Pope urges the establishment of a “true world political authority” to oversee the economy and work for the “common good.” Which is great, really. Perhaps the Vatican can get the ball rolling using some of that Nazi-looted gold, if there’s any left.
That Victoria whatsit article is incredibly good value for, well, for free. Shorter Vickie: “Health care means killin’ off the ole folks!!!!!!!!!”
Wow. That ‘clunk’ you hear is my jaw hitting the desk. She really said that. She really also went into a shop and harangued some poor innocent shopkeeper with her “Obama’s gay-abortin’ good white bebbies and he wants to take all our righteous money and kill us all, and then oppress us in a Mooslimmy way!”
I tell you, if I ever meet a god, and get offered one wish, it won’t be for money or immortality or any of those wimpy things: I’ll be begging for the chance to be standing in that shop and hear her whining at that poor woman in tones that would cut glass, and see the staff’s eyes goggling. It would have been worth any amount of money to see and hear that – I’m giggling like a Bedlam inmate just thinking of it.
She’s the gift of crazy that just keeps giving.
Why do nerds dress up as Santa for Hallowe’en?
Because 31 OCT = 25 DEC
Sankyou, I vill be here all ze veek.
Why do nerds dress up as Santa for Hallowe’en?
Because 31 OCT = 25 DEC
Thank you.
Aw, Dr.B, you gave it away. Yer s’posed to make it a riddle to cull out the true geeks.
What, did they release Adam Yoshida from the Fartacus Youth Camp? You actually can smell this troll through the screen: E. coli, Dr. Pepper gone flat, and unwashed ball sac.
You know, I have to say something about the use of the term “statist”. I really don’t get how libertarians can stand there with a straight face and conflate statism with authoritarianism. It’s so transparently dishonest, and yet the entire concept of libertarianism requires the two to be equivalent.
After reading that column and watching a few videos of her spouting her political views, I’m convinced that Victoria Jackson is a not-subtle-enough-to-be-clever parody.
“Durr, I’m only going to post as ‘The Authentic’ from now on, and I promise I’ll stop trolling and making personal attacks.”
Complete fucking bullshit. He’ll be back.
Say, don’t she have this blog called “Five Inches of Furry”, or sumthin alike to that?
Yeah, man, she’s a hottie, alreety-righty.
(About that five inches, though…some folks have been known to exxxagerate about the blessin’s what the Good Lord done gave ’em! Jus’ sayin’.)
“Statist” = Anybody to the left of Generalissimo Francisco Franco
(who, by the way, is still dead)
The King of Poop is still dead.
Since things are so slow, please indulge me in a bit of maudlin nonsense. Our beloved Vasco, who had been with us for just shy of 17 years, went to doggy heaven the other day.
RIP Vascodog.
If only people could be as reasonable and loving as dogs.
Indeed, RIP Vasco.
I’m feelin’ for ya PJ, you and the ho.
Oh, PeeJ. I’m so sorry about your doggie. Hugs.
Sorry PeeJ, it is a wrench when that happens
Is that like that movie, “Rosenputz and Guildencock Give Head?”
A brand-new thread with 200-plus comments? UH oh. That can’t be good.
Perhaps all this thread needs is a nice little tune to mellow out with … but probably not this one.
Scuse my finGAHs.
Stay classy, NR.
What got me was the reasoning(?) that somehow putting people on government healthcare was just a ploy to get them off medicare. By killing them with government healthcare. As opposed to medicare, which is… wait.
Where did I put the Advil again?
Somehow, I have little doubt that she is quite familiar with a slackjawed audience and the sound of crickets after she delivers a line.
We already settled on what to do:
To troll, or not to troll: that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The stupidity and insanity of outrageous Troofie,
Or to take arms against a babbling fool,
And by disemvowling end them?
What do you think will happen to France when North Africans are the majority, hmmmmmm?
All the vineyards will be turned over to raisin production?
Clown hall’s site makes contact almost impossible. To email this Jon asshole to alert him to his mistake, you have to register, then be approved before you can get any information to him. And they call themselves journalists.
How convenient. They can post a shitload of lies and never have to account for them.
I’m surprised that Troofie in his latest Tintin crazed pseudonym is not seeing the real thread; NO real Patriotic American would give two cents (equivalent to about 1.5 euro cents) about the doom of Europe. But the same thing is happening in US; and there has even been a waning movie about it. Something must be done to stop the huge birth rates, or US will end up like described in the movie ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808)
Based on his character, I’m sure Troofie is already doing all he can to stop this future from happening atleast because of him.
But we need some real answer people…
The claim that a high birth rate among Europe-resident Muslims will lead to an Islamicised Europe is false.
The birth rate among Europe’s very small Muslim minority is already dropping, and heading towards the norm of the host society:
Next to be shaved, please!
Did someone mention America’s shittiest website?
Shorter Andy McCathy this morning:
Why can’t Obama dance in the end-zone? Why?
Wow. That Andy McCarthy post is a keeper. I oughta bookmark it.
Apparently what Obama should have told the Ruskies is “We kicked your asses once, and we ain’t afraid to kick it again. So shut up and do what you’re told. USA! USA! USA!”
Let me quote the sentence that was so blatantly offensive that Andy’s outrage-o-meter went all the way to “Letterman”:
Clown hall’s site makes contact almost impossible. To email this Jon asshole to alert him to his mistake, you have to register, then be approved before you can get any information to him. And they call themselves journalists.
Log in under another name, I was ‘Miss Shanaia’ for 2 year till they kicked me out just after the presidential election last year for crowing too much.
And, fuck, man, can we stop feeding the troll, he has loved the last few days, despite him being a sad twat.
Speaking of Andy McCarthy, did anyone read the post where he tried to use the riots in Urumqi to prove that Guantanamo Uighurs were guilty. Because it’s such a short post, the bullshit to word ratio has to be astronomical.
Nearly every McCarthy post is a keeper.
This one however is from the classic “Why won’t Obama be more like Bush” vintage.
However, it has to be said, the muslim revolution here in Holland is gathering pace. When I picked up my Islamic carpets after cleaning this morning, the Turkish guy winked knowingly. Adding this to the extra portion of nasi goreng I got in the Indonesian restaurant last night, it would be irresponsible not to speculate….
Anthony, you mean this one?
The shorter version being:
The Chinese state controlled-media totally vindicates my Islamophobia.
That one exactly. Now all we need is for someone to dig up a column about how China is the next evil empire and we’ll have completed the neo-conservative circle.
What gets me about the right’s “Reagan defeated communism” narrative:
1) Not only was Reagan not in office when it happened, he was only a few months away from announcing his Alzheimer’s. Somehow the scariest threast ever to freedom and democracy (until Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein) was so weak that it could be defeated by an 80 year old Alzheimer’s patient who didn’t even hold office.
2) Given the Republicans’ crucial role in destroying the Evil Empire, it was a bit curious that the destruction of said Empire came as a total surprise to them. Even their crackerjack intel gave no indication it was coming.
3) Considering that we’re now owned lock, stock, and barrel by the world’s only remaining communist superpower, and that such ownage came about thanks to Republican policy, it seems a bit premature to crow about how anyone “defeated” communism. We didn’t “defeat” anything; it bought us.
4) The great irony is, Osama bin Laden and others like him defeated the Soviet Union. Afghanistan broke them, utterly. And the Republicans who took no note of that reality repeated their mistake a scant 10 years later. Someday it may be written that Saddam Hussein defeated the US. It seems that the hubris of high office blinded our tough daddy Republicans to the historical reality of superpower seppuku.
PeeJ, so sorry about Vasco. Seventeen years is a good long doggie life. Lucky little guy.
Yes, I’d much rather hang out with dogs (and even cats) than with most people I know. I’m still not over Willy (put down last year, age 15) and Mingy (put down four years ago, also aged 15). Currently restocking the Animal House.
PS PeeJ: NOT “maudlin nonsense.” It’s a heartbreaker.
Anthony, you mean this one?
Asshole. And Tiananmen Square is just a lovely plaza.
Sorry about your pup, PeeJ. 🙁
Certainly the future for business investment is in China and Insia.
No business will inves in the USA when Obama is done with us.
All of USA will look like Flint and Detroit.
RedCon, can you educate us about the danger of hyperinflation. I already can tell you have very strong and educated opinions on US monetary policy.
Hey, look who’s back!
Anthony printing many dollars backed by nothing lead to hyperinflation. It is Zimbabwe School of economics that Obama know so well.
It is Zimbabwe School of economics that Obama know so well.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is what we, in the business, call a “tell”. And when it comes so early in the game, we also call the subject a “tool”.
I guess I would worry about “hyperinflation” if prices were going up. But other than the speculators in oil bumping up gasoline for that all-important summer vacation season, I’m not seeing any prices going up. Unlike the Bush years, when my grocery bills increased by something like 35 – 50%.
But what do you say to communists who believe printing money is necessary to avoid a deflationary spiral?
What, they sent in the second string troll team?
NIGGERS. There, I said it.
By the way, I am The Truth, and I see I’m still making you liberals mad.
I see I’m still making you liberals
Zimbabwe School of economics
As opposed to that Austrian School which is NOT KOOKY AT ALL.
Anthony printing many dollars backed by nothing lead to hyperinflation. It is Zimbabwe School of economics that Obama know so well
“It is Wingnut School of Grammer that enable me write so well”
Ahh, Anthony and Red Con – your call and answer schtick is a classic use of Socratic method in the style of Abbot and Costello. Allow me to give you a hand:
Obama’s reverse racism affirmative action regime is all about giving more rights to blacks and hispanics than god-fearing white evangelicals get. Sure in the communist-socialist totalitarian society that Mao-bama is ushering in, everyone gets their turn on the trough of stolen goods – but answer this Who’s on first?
The Truth—stupidest man alive, or stupidest man alive? Discuss.
Ohmigod! The wingnuts have discovered nuance!!
Jay Nordlinger is now taking offense at “implications” – see, any praise of Obama is, naturally, an unspoken rebuke of Bush.
Jay goes to a Pops concert and the conductor’s comments drive him into a wingnut tantrum.
Tovey always presides over the Fourth of July concert. And, as a Brit, he makes some charming remark about how all is forgiven: The colonists can go ahead and have their country. This year — last week — he made an anti-Bush, pro-Obama comment. He did this by implication, but his meaning was unmistakably clear. Naturally, the audience cheered, and so did some members of the orchestra. You’re a real profile in courage, when you make an anti-Bush, pro-Obama comment in Lincoln Center.
So, what did Tovey say, exactly? He said that, with Obama in office, Anglo-American relations are going swimmingly, and “we are very pleased” — that’s Tovey claiming to speak for all Britons.
What will those liberals stoop to next?
The <a href="http://pajamasmedia.com/instapundit/81495/"Ole Perfessor kicks it up a notch:
I’m sorry, but the only way to fix this is to be an asshole, complain loudly, and make things even more unpleasant for the perpetrator than for you.
I can imagine the assault on the Philharmonic phone banks!
Operator: “And what exactly did he say that was offensive, sir?”
Frothing wingnut: “He said ‘we are very pleased’ about Obama!”
Operator: “um…anything else, sir?”
Frothing wingnut: “Arrghhh Blargh….ssssploit…..yoiks….Blargh…”
If only people could be as reasonable and loving as dogs.
Amen, compadre.
My condolences – I lost my cat a couple months back (I think I had mentioned on a thread here she was sick), so I know how you feel.
My theory is that they don’t live as long as we do, so they love us all the more to make up for it.
Certainly the future for business investment is in China and Insia.
Ah, yes, the mythical faraway land of Insia.
Do you hear that silence? That’s the sound of a troll reading the wikipedia article on deflationary spirals. And that’s time he’s not here.
Condolences, Peej. My two-year-old snowshoe cat Linus disappeared last week (he never stays outside more than a few hours), and I’m driving myself crazy, hearing meows that aren’t there and looking out the windows constantly, hoping against hope.
Has anybody else noticed that Toofie has started posting nonstop right after the school year ended?
Future College Republican or current College Republican? Hmm. Wait, I don’t actually care.
Definitely not a member of the debate team though.
America’s Shittiest Website, pukin’ it up…
Shorter typical resident sand-coon hater:
Persecuted Palestinian refugees in Iraq should go somewhere where they’re not wanted, and not come to America where I don’t want them. Hey, you remember back when we goat-fucked Iraq, why didn’t just make these people Iraqis and so prevent xenophobic attacks?
What an asshole.
Speaking of the Children of the Corner, our favorite son has puked up another gem.
Wow. Nice one Doughbob. That’s gonna leave a mark.
I’ve always said Iraqis are the Jews of liberal- ugh, too easy.
This tread is getting a bit threadbare.
I Kan Haz Nu Thred Nao?
Don’t give up the ghost, libs!
Oh, this is rich – from the Doughy Pantload’s USA Today column DKW linked to above:
By posting a comment, you affirm that you are 13 years of age or older.
Evidently they’re only counting physical age and not mental, from the looks of Pantload’s writing.
Hint: President Zelaya (sp?) was NOT trying to violate term limits; he was suggesting re-writing the Honduran consitution, and any changes in term limits would have taken effect AFTER he had left office in the first place. AAaaand he was in opposition to Honduras becoming involved in a NAFTA-type “free trade” agreement; surprisingly enough, his “successor” is a pro-bid’ness conservative type who thinks the agreement is just hunky-dory.
Today’s soup is menudo, kid. Good for your hangover.
Hmm, a conservative religious minority group persecuted by an abortion-supporting Commie-run nanny state… sheesh, the Uighurs actually are everything the wingnuts claim to be.
Digest the host, libs!
OT, but Tucker Carlson says DC isn’t ready for democracy:
What a privileged white upper-class dick in a bow-tie!
Pantload’s whole column is Snaughtworthy but this was an especially curious line of argument: “those old ideological debates often involved America championing democracy against those who pushed for socialism.”
Doughbob, there, rewriting history to make his crappy book look less stupid.
Condolences on your faithful companion, Peej.
The city’s not ready for democracy, much less statehood.
Ah, the White Man’s Burden.
My new fave word o’ the day! Will try to work it into conversation soonest.
I wish I could get paid to write complete shite like Doughboy does. Guess I wasn’t born into the right family.
involved America championing democracy
q.v. Iran, Indonesia, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Peru, El Salvador, Greece, Uzbekistan, China, Burma, Egypt, Congo, South Africa, u.s.w.
All of USA will look like Flint and Detroit.
Oh, you mean consolidating to get rid of urban blight and replacing sprawl with forests, wetlands, and parks? Brilliant idea, actually. A friend of mine talked to the Genesee County Treasurer, and he’s really sharp. I hope he can pull it off; it’ll be a great pilot project for cities around the world.
It’s about time we started replacing car-centric urban wastelands with walkable cities with functional mass transit and sustainable landscapes. (After all, it’s no wonder Detroit sucks so badly now, a few decades after a bunch of all-white urban planners drove major highways right through the middle of some of Detroit’s oldest and most thriving neighbourhoods — which also just so happened to be majority-black. Nope, no racism there. None at all.)
q.v. Iran, Indonesia, Kuwait etc etc
I was thinking more, say, Sweden, who got democracy and socialism. Perhaps Doughbob could explain how this came about.
Today’s soup is menudo, kid. Good for your hangover.
Young, nubile Hispanic people. Also.
Mr. PJ (if I may call you that, being somewhat new around these parts). Sorry to hear about the loss of the ol’ dog. The Tart had to put her 14.5 year-old Corgi to sleep a few months ago and she was kind of a wreck for a few weeks, complete with sporadic crying jags at the slightest reminder of the ol’ Chunkster. But a new pup has arrived and things are smoothing out quite a bit. Lots of dogs (and cats and horses, etc.) being left in shelters these days. Just sayin’.
Jacob Singer: I hate it when the cats go AWOL. Have you checked the local shelter, put flyers up on telephone poles, etc.? The little doo-doo heads. They wander off, they stay gone a while, then they tend to saunter back in all casual-like.
Ethel Mertz II did this once. Was gone for two weeks. I thought the kids and I would go insane. Finally one morning here she comes strolling through the back yard like whatever, I’m bored, leave me alone. I hope yours does the same soon!
what do you say to communists who believe printing money is necessary to avoid a deflationary spiral?
These aren’t the capitalists you’re looking for?
PeeJ, sorry to hear about your canine companion. And Pere Ubu, since I missed offering condolences at the time. And Jacob Singer, hope that kitty saunters back soon – as Mz Nicky said, they do go walkabout sometimes, and just turn up days later with a “What’s for dinner?” expression. My old cat Mercury did that once – gone for a week, then strolled in looking a little the worse for wear, and pretending she’d just been napping. My current kits are indoor kits, so they don’t get the opportunity to disappear.