The Bestest Thing EVAR?
RedState’s Erick ‘Erick’ Erickson on Sarah Palin quitting in the middle of her gubernatorial term:
I’ve had this running thought all day, perhaps because I was watching it on TV in HD for the first time, that this is kind of like Ben Kenobi letting Darth Vader strike him down. Palin is not going to run in 2012, but by doing this she can now become Barack Obama’s worst nightmare, and help rebuild the opposition to Obama.
And then Trig blows up the White House and it’s all, ‘Awesome!’ but then he and Bristol almost get it on and it’s like ‘Ewwww’ and the prequels with Hayden Christensen in blackface make a ton of money but the die-hard fans are mostly disappointed.
Also, ‘watching it in HD’ has precisely what to do with the which-what-why now?
Hanx: ignatov in comments
“Help me, Obi-wan Kristol! You’re my only hope!”
There’s a photoshop in there somewhere…..I’m thinking Trig could be Yoda.
Oh, wait … it strikes me that Sasha and Malia would be the Luke and Leia in this … which makes Erickson’s tortured analogy even stupider.
By training them in all that stuff that she knows.
Ahh … just figured out that he’s talking about watching Star Wars in HD … not the Palin ‘I quit’ speech. Makes more sense.
As usual, Palin has missed her cue. After Kenobi was struck down, he was gone – visible to and heard by only his cult followers. When her bray disappears from my TV, then the comparison is valid.
We need to figure out who the other characters are in this important and not-at-all ridiculous analogy … me, I say Jar-Jar Binks is Joe Lieberman.
Larry Craig is Luke’s hand.
Oh, come on! You thought it too!
We already know that Rush Limbaugh is Jabba the Hut.
Palin strikes me more as the Darth Maul character – right hand to the not-quite-yet Emperor, ending up as a total wet firecracker.
Is Rahm Emmanuel the Emperor then?
Yeah man, but have you ever looked at a political suicide in HD?
Which is to say I believe that among the hipster set that Mr. Erickson travels, HD is code for “huge doobies”.
Ron Paul is Jar Jar. Bookmark it, libs.
In the Star Wars series Qui-Gon Jinn teaches Obi-Wan the path to immortality, so who is Palin’s Qui-Gon in the political world?
She’s Obi-Wan. She’s Jolie. She’s every person you need to be.
Carol Burnett anticipated all this long ago
(Featuring Erick “Max” son of Erick”)
Alec Guinness on his lines in Star Wars: “Frightful rubbish.”
…And Erick ‘Erick’ Erickson? Frightful nebbish.
Yeah, after that little dust-up over Palin’s peach fuzz on the cover of Newsweek, I doubt she would let an HD camera near her, and if she did, the wingnuts would complain about how the MSM was trying to make her look ugly or some shit.
Oh, and the MSM is totes Boba Fett.
Well, I did mention this in the previous post firstest!
That’s some serious wingnut dementia there.
Obi Wan Kenobi: “That woman is our last hope.”
Yoda: “No, there is another”:
Is Rahm Emmanuel the Emperor then?
George Soros?
Han Solo? Gotta be Levi Johnston … with Todd as Chewbacca and Michael Steele as Lando.
C-3PO: George Will or David Brooks?
yabbbit yabbit!
AWS – I saw it first in the thread previous to that one … but nice catch.
@ ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© — thanks for the Carol B. Made my morning.
Mace Windu – Joe the Plumber, natch.
Be careful, I’m a wanted man. I’ve got subpoenas from two congresses!
George Will
this is kind of like Ben Kenobi letting Darth Vader strike him down
More like Vader letting Jar-Jar Binks strike him down. Or at least reducing him to tears (wouldn’t he drown in that helmet?), prompting him into running back to Giedi Prime (or whatever) to sulk and whine.
If your worst nightmare involves Sarah Palin, you’ve got it pretty sweet I’d say. Stripped of any actual power, she’s hilarious, and plus she inherently seems like the kind of lady who keeps lots of snacks and juice in her car and wet wipes in her purse. Spending time with her would probably be unpleasant, but I’m sure she’d still let you have a cookie even if you were a socialist just as long as you didn’t get crumbs all over the seat. I would hope the leader of the free world would have more to worry about.
I’d imagine Barack Obama’s worst nightmare involves an unairconditioned busload of overenthusiastic corpulent fans in Iowa somewhere. Or, you know, right-wing extremists nuking a major US city to try to make some kind of point. Probably not the crazy white lady saying more crazy nonsense on the tee-vee. I still see a grotesque and quasi-fascist 3rd act to this story, though, so maybe she could be the one encouraging the nukes.
Here ya go, g:
Baby Yoda
from something awful
Or it’s like Obi-Wan repeatedly bonking himself on the the head with his own light saber while Vader stands aside and laughs at him.
Star Wars, Sarah Palin resigning, and 4th of July fireworks? Did I die and go to atheist heaven?
Newbie McNoob for the win.
Heyddly hoeddly, loonie libs! Look out, here comes Super Sarah, the Power Palin, gettin ready to make her cool move! Just wait ’til she…
Aw, fuck it, I quit. I’m giving up on a promising career as a thread-troll and going back to collecting Smurf figurines.
Coach Urban out.
Fred Thompson – Chewbacca
Wait a micro, in this analogy, Palin is Obi-wan Kenobi? WTF? Where the fuck does that track? Obi-wan was the wise elder, and then, in the prequels, the sane, rational Jedi. This looks like Sarah? No friggin’ way. And no, she isn’t Princess Leia or Queen Amidal either. She’s maybe an ewok. Cute, in a fuzzy housepet kind of way, sure, but too empty-headed for anything more useful than pitching rocks on people’s heads. More as an irritation and distraction than any actual tactics.
More as an irritation and distraction than any actual tactics.
Sarah Palin is Admiral Ackbar.
Or a friend of Luke’s from the whomp-rat-huntin’ lodge.
It’s a Trig!
… too empty-headed for anything more useful than pitching rocks on people’s heads. More as an irritation and distraction than any actual tactics.
And this doesn’t make her Jar-Jar Binks how?
Bonus image macro (but not Star Wars-themed, sorry.)
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She’s having McCain’s baby, silly. Next stop, Viagra endorsements.
@rorycalhoun: Wrong cranky old veteran presidency-loser, you cunt.
Every time I watch Palin in HD I see Death Starbursts.
Larry Kudlow is the planet Hoth.
Frequent snowstorms, if you catch my drift.
More wingnutty goodness from the post…
Investment advice from Erick Erickson:
Absolutely. It’s not Sarah Palin that matters, it’s her ideas.
And from the comments section:
The commenter meant that to be a good thing.
So if an old white man expressed those all-important ideas, and we mocked them for their stupidity, would the Trike Force still call us rapists? Or does Palin herself maybe- MAYBE- allow them to pretend they give a shit about women while pushing for policies that prove they consider them completely inferior?
Alec Guinness on his lines in Star Wars: “Frightful rubbish.”
Harrison Ford to Lucas: “You can type this shit, George, but you can’t make people say it.”
Erick is Gold Five to Sanford/Palin’s Gold Leader:
Stay on target!
Stay on target!
Stay on target!Stay on target!
Shoulda listened to me–the enemy will take this as an opportunity to attack us.
Who in their 40s needs to see Star Wars ever again?
Oh, and go Sar-Sar Palin in 2012.
He’s got her six (th) !!!
This whole thing has nothing to do with Star Wars, instead, it is a perfect mirror of Forbidden Planet. Palin is the monster of McCain’s id (damn those frikkin’ Krell!).
If Red State Strike Force members were X-Wing pilots:
“Spacehunter: Adventures In The Forbidden Zone” And Sarah Palin is the Ally Sheedy character who is inappropriately young to John McCain’s Robert Strauss worldly wise pilot/mentor which makes Obama the Overdog. Criminently, those red-staters get everything wrong, don’t they?
Jonah could be Bespin, you know a gas giant without any solid ground to stand on.
Nah, it wont work. Bespin had a breathable atmosphere layer while Doughy is entirely toxic.
Dont knock the Krell.
The Krell are swell.
OK, I’ve watched some more disconnected snippets of her flameout now–as many as I can tolerate without Wild Turkey. She was definitely on something, or suffering withdrawal from something, while giving this “speech”. As someone said a thread or two ago, she’s dropped a group of weight in the last few months, and…did she always have that rash on her neck?
So my new theory is: “Germans love David Hasselhof!” No…”Madonna is a whore!” No…really, really, here it is: Her supplier got arrested and sang like a canary in return for reduced charges. The cops don’t exactly have any reason to protect her or her reputation after Troopergate, and they blackmailed her into resigning.
I doubt if they stay bought, though–this is just TOOOOO good!
Don’t take her lightly, people.
Yes, she’s a dimbulb. Yes, she is little more than a huckster for a product (which few people are buying these days). Yes, she has little going for her than camera presence and a Machiavellian sense of the political game. Yes, she is now and ex-governor.
But none of that stopped Ronald Reagan.
And knowing where the economy is headed, the desperation people will experience with the unemployment rate going even higher, and the millions of idiots who already just luuuuuvvv her (Malkin, etc)…
Don’t take her lightly.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m positive that fucker’s roasting in a special place they made for him in hell, put holy crap is that insulting to Nixon.
Did Ronald Reagan resign half-way into his 1st term as governor with a speech that could be charitably at best described as “free form”?
I don’t know the answer myself, but then again I’m invoking the Meghan McCain defense by saying I was barely a toddler at the time.
And knowing where the economy is headed, the desperation people will experience with the unemployment rate going even higher, and the millions of idiots who already just luuuuuvvv her (Malkin, etc)…
Michelle Malkin would vote for a dead sewer rat if it had an “R” stapled to its corpse.
Did Ronald Reagan resign half-way into his 1st term as governor with a speech that could be charitably at best described as “free form”?
No, but he certainly riffed in the debates when running for his second term as POTUS. I think that’s when the Alzheimers started to show.
“I’m positive that fucker’s roasting in a special place they made for him in hell”
Hopefully The Catheter Room. (at 2:06 mark)
Erick’s running thoughts go plop plop plop.
Don’t take her lightly, people.
Yes, she’s a dimbulb. Yes, she is little more than a huckster for a product (which few people are buying these days). Yes, she has little going for her than camera presence and a Machiavellian sense of the political game. Yes, she is now and ex-governor.
But none of that stopped Ronald Reagan.
Not a fair comparison at all. Ronald Reagan huckstered for some fine, firmly established major corporate product, with full backing of same. Though the Republican Party kept letting other guys jump the line in front of him, Reagan stayed well within the party’s tent, too, and despite his conservatism forged alliances with moderates – and it worked, too, gaining him Democrats.
Palin and her followers are all about ideologically purging the party of moderates; all about talking to the base – not at all about reaching out to moderates, much less centrists. And personally, Palin’s far more of a maverick than I gave her credit for during the campaign – although I don’t think that word means what she thought it did.
She’s a loner as a politician; she doesn’t play well with others, and she frequently turns friends into enemies. I don’t think she’s “Machiavellian” at all – she’s operating on pure gut instinct where the top priority is Sarah.
That’s exactly how I take her. She’s made it clear that she’s too bizarre to be a major political player. Josh Marshall gave the best explanation of her weird-ass behavior: “even more extreme mental instability than we’d previously suspected.”
I regard it as kind of a pity, really. I was hoping that she’d try to run for president – she’d have virtually no chance of winning, but she could’ve done a fantastic job of splitting the Republican Party. But now, even if a scandal doesn’t materialize, she’s probably committed political suicide.
(The Reagan comparison isn’t apt. Palin is a lot less acceptable to the Republican overlords than Reagan was. And Reagan could at least deliver his lines. )
Bear fruit on 20 January 2017 this plan will
Is it just my impression, or does it appear to anyone else that the word “maverick” has largely vanished from Palin’s vocabulary?
Too many syllables.
Alec Guinness on his lines in Star Wars: “Frightful rubbish.”
Harrison Ford to Lucas: “You can type this shit, George, but you can’t make people say it.”
I agree, but their paychecks sure weren’t rubbish and shit.
Palin still has her fans, and a lot of them are lurching around in Erickson’s comments section:
… There is a hearing on July 13 on the Birth Certificate. If he is found to not be eligible to be President, he get’s thrown out of office and everything he has done is undone. Who gets the Oval Office????? By law, it’s John McCain and Sarah Palin.
The left will relax tonight thinking that their “left flank” is now safe from that Alaska nuisance. And when they least expect it, she will come full force with an assault on their very center!
…half of you think there is a scandal brewing. I say there is a revolution brewing. Her day will come. Our day will come, and on that day we will put an end to the progressive socialist movement.
The two most prominent and successful Republicans right now are Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin. They’re winners and they command an audience.
I’ve listened to Karl Rove alot and I’ve said to myself, “That’s who Sarah Palin should hire.”
(Sarah Palin has) a rapier wit…
The general consensus among Erickson’s commenters seems to be that…
(a) Palin’s resignation is a very good thing. Whatever it is she’s about to do is going to be totally brilliant and will lead to complete wingnut victory.
And at the same time…
(b) Palin’s resignation is a very bad thing, brought on by the vicious leftists. Wingnuts everywhere must respond by becoming even bigger assholes than they were before.
There is a hearing on July 13 on the Birth Certificate.
Oh, I get it now! That’s why she’s stepping down – she needs a week to get ready.
I’ve listened to Karl Rove alot and I’ve said to myself, “That’s who Sarah Palin should hire.”
She can’t afford him.
Snorghagen: Yesterday on MSNBC Obergrupenfuhrer Buchanon had both those ideas within a span of 15 mins. Apparently the drug addled sex tourist wasn’t around to dispense talking points before Buchanon went on the first time.
The force is with Sarah Palin.
So if the resignation of one of the GOP’s leading officeholders strengthens the party, then having ALL of them resign would make the Republicans unstoppable, no?
I’m having waaaay too much fun watching wingnuts try to spin this flameout into a Brilliant Political Masterstroke, and telling me how we liberals should be Very, Very Scared Of Her now.
The trick, of course, is to keep agreeing with them until they get all the rest of the republicans to do equally brilliant resignations – so we’ll all be Scared Of Them, of course.
Wedge Antilles = Mittster.
She’s Obi-Wan. She’s Jolie. She’s every person you need to be.
Its such a crazy old town, it can bring you down
Till you run out of dreams
So you party all night to the music and lights
But you dont know what happiness means
I was pallin’ around with terroristers
No love around me, when suddenly you betcha, oh oh oh oh
Girl you’re every woman in the world to me
Your’re the only chance – to save the G. O. P.
Girl youre every woman in the world to me
Like Reagan – but with boobs
And I don’t mean his cabinet picks – oh girrrrrrrrrl!1!!onety!113!!
The Murkowskis will bust their family hump to keep her down.
Personally, I was unaware of the urgent moral imperative of serving out one’s full term as governor
I’m sure Kurt doesn’t see the urgency of finishing a lot of things.
He undoubtedly gets to hear “It’s okay, let’s just cuddle” a lot.
Palin is not going to run in 2012, but by doing this she can now become Barack Obama’s worst nightmare, and help rebuild the opposition to Obama.
WTF? Is this one of those
Because if it isn’t then the ambiguity just isn’t scaring me. Ass.
Porkins = Guiliani. For sure.
Kurt Schlichter is a former stand-up comic and comedy writer. He is also a civilian trial lawyer and partner at Schlichter & Shonack, LLP, in Manhattan Beach, California, where his work has included entertainment issues. He spent over 20 years in the Army on active duty and in the National Guard, rising to the rank of lieutenant colonel and commanding the elite 1st Squadron, 18th Cavalry. He also served in both Desert Storm and in Operation Enduring Freedom in Kosovo, as well as in several civilian support missions from the Los Angeles riots of 1992 to the San Diego fires of 2007. The views he expresses are solely his own and not that of any government organization.
Somehow I can’t picture this guy doing stand up.
From Obergruppenfuerher, Red-Faced Trike Farce:
Yes, yes. Jokes were made about Chelsea Clinton.
Cruel mockery of an innocent teenage girl by powerful, middle-aged ‘superior moral values’ guys only becomes bad after you’re forced to admit it, or something. (Also, note he neglects to identify one joker as future GOP presidential candidate.) Also, the joking about the Palin children originates in their abstinence-only education leading to teenage motherhood; these are both valid political concerns. The ‘jokes’ about Ms. Clinton were simply hateful personal attacks.
How many allegedly credible media organizations pursued stories that she was not Hillary Clinton’s child?
How many commenters have noted, this was the charitable interpretation of her story? The other alternative has her flying halfway across one of the world’s largest countries while in extremely difficult labor, for no good reason. Had the anti-choice side any belief of any kind whatsoever in their own over-heated rhetoric, they’d have blasted her for neglect of her unborn child.
It is naive to play basketball with refrigerator magnets and dead fish.
several civilian support missions from the Los Angeles riots of 1992 to the San Diego fires of 2007
What’s wrong with ‘militia’? Fewer syllables.
Come to think of it, ‘lynch mob’ has even fewer.
Erick just wants to share w/ us that his gov’t. job (not a real “job,” by the way) has gotten him a nice telebision set.
This entire collection of right wing morons who were of an impressionable age (pre-pubescent to adolescent) when this Star Whores shit first came out, & we guess when the Star Dreck re-runs were all over the tube) have totally internalized & adopted that as most of their world-view, haven’t they? Which says what about alleged Hollywood brainwashing? That they were too smart to succumb, or there’s not much psychological operating going on in Burbank & Culver City? Or that everyone involved is a fuck-simple moron?
Yes the wonder of the tundra
Had come up to fame and fortune
Singing his tune, my tune, your tune
Wooing daughters of the gifted
On the carpets of the courtrooms
While the tickets were expensive
The show was quite relentless in the square.
Somehow I can’t picture this guy doing stand up.
“Laugh, or I chain you up & keep you awake for a week!”
“lynch mob” has even fewer
Anybody got any lynch?
Does this mean that Ann Coulter is sarlacc?
that this is kind of like Ben Kenobi letting Darth Vader strike him down.
She’s going to become more sub-parful than we could possibly imagine?
Somehow I can’t picture this guy doing stand up.
Funny, neither can audiences.
Three words: Jonah the Hutt.
Wingnuts everywhere must respond by becoming even bigger assholes than they were before.
Is this even possible?
Is this even possible?
Surprisingly, yes. See John Cole re: “peak wingnut” and how he quickly came to decide that it wasn’t achievable.
Laugh it up, liberals. But the Democrat Party has total control now, and with total control they will be blamed for all the country’s problems.
I wonder who will be laughing on Election Night, 2012?
OMG a Palin sex tape is about to be released and I’ve seen it. Let’s just say that she was using that point guard metaphor because she can finish with both hands, and she’s definitely not afraid to take it to the rim.
Should be ROAD.
Now let’s see if you children can do something more intellectually stimulating than making cheap jokes about a mere typo.
Should be ROAD.
Thanks a fuckuva lot for making me piefilter you twice.
Sex tape? More lib hoaxes I see. *yawn*
Sexist ones, too.
OMG a Palin sex tape is about to be released and I’ve seen it.
Is it the B-side to teh Whitey tape? Does Editor Korir know?
My Internet just came back after a three hour outage. Let’s see what’s new.
Oh, hi Troofie.
Can’t you have a firecracker accident today? Please?
Sexist ones, too.
Yes, a sex tape is sexist, because sex tapes always feature women.
Yes, a sex tape is sexist, because sex tapes always feature women.
Not necessarily, but they do feature sex, which is very sexist.
Here is how it will go down in 2012. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for Palin. You’ll be disappointed, but ‘no big deal, change can’t come overnight’ will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.
My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a Palin presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.
Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.
What’s wrong wif being sexy?
Wow, did a cow shit in here since last time I looked in? There’s this horrible toxic green funk hanging in the air and…
…oh, wait, it’s only Twoofie.
Every ROAS has its THOOOOO00000rrrrnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
Hey, Troof:
If you, or any other conservative, has anything helpful, insightful, honest, decent, useful, sane or rational to add to the national debate, it is WAY past time to offer it up for public perusal.
If the tape you’re thinking of is titled “Who’s Nailin’ Paylin”, it isn’t really her. You can tell by the spelling.
g said,
July 4, 2009 at 18:22
There’s a photoshop in there somewhere…..I’m thinking Trig could be Yoda.
The….baby with Down syndrome, could be Yoda? Wow. Stay classy.
Its the McCain / Palin sex tape, you betcha, friends !11! Boy is Cindy gonna be pissed.
The….baby with Down syndrome, could be Yoda? Wow. Stay classy.
What, are you saying the developmentally disabled can’t be wise? I am so concerned right now you don’t even know.
Scuse my roAHS!
Get your light saber, Obi-Wan Palin. Monday should be fun.
What, are you saying the developmentally disabled can’t be wise?
Nicely needled.
But this is too rich – now the rightards like Troofie are concerned about developmentally disabled people? It’s about as convincing as when they wringing their hands over Iraqi women’s rights.
Or maybe they really have turned us and us into them, like we’ve all been through Sylvester McMonkey McBean’s machines.
What, are you saying the developmentally disabled can’t be wise? I am so concerned right now you don’t even know.
I’m saying making fun of a baby with Down syndrome is an asshole move. Period.
He Who Walks Behind the Roas
Becoming lost, Burt stumbles onto a circle of empty ground in the middle of the field, where he is caught and killed by a mysterious being of massive size.
This is why Sarah resigned, peoples. Can you not see it???
… a baby with Down syndrome is an asshole ….
N.C. said,
July 5, 2009 at 2:34
… a baby with Down syndrome is an asshole ….
I’m not “concerned” about anything. Making fun of a developmentally disabled child is something a dickhead does. End of story.
Is Sarah Palin honestly not an easy enough target? Why drag disabled babies into the mix?
Roas, roas, roas your boat gently down the cascade
Merrily, merrily merrily, merrily, your party’s a charade
Groups the right only cares about when Palins are involved:
-Single mothers
-Developmentally disabled children (formerly “‘tards” or “spazzos”.
-Children in general
Hey, leave me out of this.
“Why drag disabled babies into the mix?”
Hey, leave me out of this.
Groups the right only cares about when they’re pretending to care about anything other than the comfort of the tycoon class:
Groups the right only cares about when Palins are involved:
-Single mothers
-Developmentally disabled children (formerly “‘tards” or “spazzos”.
-Children in general
I’m not “on the right.” I never really think jokes about babies with Down syndrome are funny, or speak well of those who make them, not even if, gasp, the target has committed the crime of being related to Sarah Palin.
“Let’s not make fun of retarded babies” has been a far more controversial position than I’d anticipated so I’m pretty content to drop it. I’ll just say once more “I don’t think ridiculing Trig Palin, who is a real person and who will face mockery his whole life from ignoramuses for his disabilities, is all that funny.”
Notice the viciousness of liberals when someone dare crosses Dear Leader BO.
Thanks for stopping by, Danny Mason Keener.
We will always remember you.
Okay, this is another case of the whole Letterman “You were TOO saying the most offensive possible thing, even if that makes nonsensical!!!!1!” Is there some stereotype of people with Down syndrome looking like Yoda? NO. Infants are small. Yoda is small. That’s patently inoffensive, and also the only way the joke makes any sense. I DON’T believe in making fun of people with disabilities; by way of an example (since I know you’re about to bring it up) I thought President Obama’s “Special Olympics” joke was stupid and insensitive then, and I still think so now. So, in conclusion, fuck you too, Troofie Q.
Nuh-uh, PERRY Mason is keener. I will fight you on this one.
so how many wingnut columnists have mentioned the obi wan kenobi thing? three four? And they talk about the leftist hive mind over there i blast fax city…
Somehow I can’t picture this guy doing stand up.
OK, I need someone from the audience to come up and lie down on this board. How about you, sir, the swarthy fellow in the second row.
Give him a big hand, folks!
@henry lewis: I’ve got a pretty clear picture too. Okay, little background info: remember the guy who played Kramer?
“You go buy yerself some Oxiclean now, fersure!” *wink*
Trig made a sex tape? That’s awesome.
maybe it’s just this simple. Fox offered her a big pile of O’reilly type money. She knows she’s probably not going to make it as a national political candidate, and that’s a whole lot more cash than it pays being governor or even senator, especially if you’re not all that bright. But she could make it as a talking head; after all, look at Hannity, Beck, etc. how hard can it be?
Bitch best step off.
wonder who will be laughing on Election Night, 2012?
The same people who were laughing on Election Night, 2009, when a Democratic candidate was elected to NY-20, despite your assurances that a Republican win for the seat was something we ‘can take to the Bank, baby’.
She knows she’s probably not going to make it as a national political candidate…
Sorry Honus, this gives far too much credit for the lady’s ability to judge what is real and what is absurd than is in evidence.
That was some crazy talk for a Friday, July 3.
Something’s coming down.
I underestimated the racial guilt that would lead to the drunken, affirmative action-propelled Hibernian Scott Murphy taking NY-20. Bookmark it.
Questionable jokes? In MY “Sadly, No!”?
It’s more likely than you think.
—S. Palin, legal scholar
Oh, this is classic.
Hitler learns of Palin’s resignation
“Every time she winked, I thought it was just for me!”
(found at DKos)
It’s not impossible. I used to bullseye gray wolves in my helicopter back home, they’re not much bigger than two meters.
First, Farrah Fawcett’s death was overshadowed by Michael Jackson’s, then the news of Dr BLT’s forthcoming country remake of Billie Jean was overshadowed by the news of Sarah Palin’s resignation. But being overshadowed is kind of cool for underdogs like Farrah and me:
Billie Jean (unedited sample only)
country arrangement by Dr BLT
The song, in it’s entirety, edited and mixed, should be available by mid-July at:
My dad was a combat vet, and I too, think that Sarah Palin is resigning her duly elected public service position for the good of the people of Alaska, and Alaska itself. (you know, the ground and the rivers and the animals, etc.) I don’t think she would be lured to a basic cable teevee show where she wouldn’t have to make tough decisions or work past four pee em or make four times as much money. She would be helping the whole country, as well as Alaska, if she did that, but she wouldn’t do that.
I like how Saracudah’s resignation has completely sucked the oxygen out of the room for coverage of the teabagging protests today. Also, while thousands of
dipshitspatriots gathered across the nation to protest teh socialism, 1.6 million register for Jackson memorial tickets. Sweet, sweet Schadenfreude.As I wrote at Jeralyns’ place:
My dad was a combat vet, and I think the lefties are scared spitless now that Sarah is free to respond to the wrongheaded policies coming from Washington, without her jeopardizing government aid to Alaska. Now she can mention G_d on the airwaves, constitutionally. So what if Todd cancelled his salmon fishing trip in the middle of it, there are other fish in the sea. There’s sailfish off Cabo, and tarpon off Palm Beach, and mackinaw off Great Gorge. If she got a new job on cable teevee, it would be better for her family.
She isn’t the droid they’re looking for.
Hitler learns of Palin’s resignation
It smells like FEAR from the left, fear of Palin campaigning full time for Cristie in NJ and McDonnell in VA this year. She will draw huge crowds, you know.
We are not as you remember (or guess), Troofie.
JESUS, Troofie. Cost me the fuckin’ election, why don’t you. This is just what Tedisco was warning me about.
There’s mahi mahi off Maui! Humuhumu nukunuku apua’a off Honolulu!
It smells like FEAR from the left…
Yes, I am deeply afraid of Sarah Palin, as are all my fellow Maoists. But there is something we fear even more… much, much more. From Kurt Schlichter’s comments section:
Sarah Palin and Fred Thompson! AIEEEEEE!!!
Palin ALREADY drew huge VA crowds, dumbass. She still didn’t carry it. It still went blue for the first time in forty years. Oops.
Bizarro-World Troll in 3 … 2 … 1 … GO:
Undress my ghost, libs!
Yes, we ALWAYS laugh our guts out like this when we’re frightened – performing all those gay abortions for Allah will do that to ya.
Palin/Bachmann 2012: Teh Left’s Worst Nightmare Just Became REALITY!
You really showed those lefties, “Road to 2012”!
We’re on a roas to nowhere
Come on inside
Takin’ that ride to nowhere
We’ll take that ride
I’m feelin’ okay this mornin’
And you know,
We’re on the roas to paradise
Here we go, here we go
Maybe you wonder where you are
I don’t care
Here is where time is on our side
Take you there…take you there
We’re on a roas to nowhere
We’re on a roas to nowhere
We’re on a roas to nowhere
There’s a city in my mind
Come along and take that ride
and it’s all right, baby, it’s all right
And it’s very far away
But it’s growing day by day
And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right
They can tell you what to do
But they’ll make a fool of you
And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right
We’re on a roas to nowhere
George Soros is [hic] responsible for all the wars in the world.
She will draw huge crowds, you know.
So does any trainwreck.
Sarah Palin’s lawyer has just threatened to sue bloggers and news organizations for “defaming her character” in reference to ongoing federal criminal investigations. This bitch is guilty as hell and she’s going down, down, down.
Keener up there: I’m concerned about your bigotry made manifest in your refusal to let Trig Palin speak for himself.
It smells like FEAR from the left
It’s the maverickiness. It terrifies us.
It smells like FEAR from the left
Uh-oh, paper cut. I got a-scared as I was bookmarking something.
I’m concerned.
I am trying to figure out what time zone the comments are in, but I can’t think of anything funny to say. Howard Kurtz.
It would be amusing if the site had a bunch of clock-faces, showing the different times all around the world. Although we all live in the same moment. Except for The Hole Truth and Nothing, that is.
The conservative movement is Alderaan.
“The conservative movement is Alderaan.”
Conservatives are the ewoks of Liberal Fascism.
It’s got to be a sex scandal.
Can’t wait.
it smells like FEAR from the left, fear of Palin
yes, that’s what you perceive. Which is why I, like many of your friends and loved ones, have been urging you to seek psychiatric counseling. Because if you are this profoundly separated from reality, we are very concerned about your well-being.
Is our children learning?
From the comments:
Many tried to give Gov Sanford the benefit of the doubt and we know how that went. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a scandal behind this. Bristol’s pregnant again, who knows. After Sanford and Michael Jackson revelations no much surprises me this week.
The very next comment:
I’m still of the opinion that if he didn’t break any laws or misappropriate funds, I don’t care.
But there is hope…
I also realize that I’m now in the minority on that.
Christ, I suppose I’ll start early and move on from there.
Reminded me immediately of this, and the variations on the theme.
RedState really is the gift that keeps on giving, ain’t it?
She’s rumored to be the sperm donor for Michael Jackson’s children.
The paternity battle would be too much of a distraction for the people of the Great State of Alaska, who deserve only the finest representation of their interests as Saint Sarah has previously provided, also.
We’ve got very strong conservatives still in the running. Mitt Romney, John Cornyn, John Thune, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush. And that’s just to start.
With a lot of hard work and a little luck, Palin might make a passable night manager at a Wendy’s somewhere.
Not day manager, mind you. She’s not ready for the big time just yet.
Palin ALREADY drew huge VA crowds, dumbass. She still didn’t carry it. It still went blue for the first time in forty years
Correlation doesn’t prove causation.
It don’t disprove it none neither, though.
We’ll need more data.
And popcorn.
John Cornyn? John Cornyn?!!!
And I honestly can’t see the American public letting another Bush NEAR the levers of power after GWB’s epic fail.
That must be some seriously good prescription you’ve got there, Road.
Roas spent all night coming up with that list.
He left out Sanford and Ensign.
“Two Wrongs Will Make It Right!”
And Mitt’s on there twice. I’m having a little bit of a sad for Roas.
Roas demonstrates the wisdom of that Republican thinker, Daniel Quayle:
it smells like FEAR from the left, fear of Palin
Those are actually PHEARamones. It’s how the 133t find each other for decadent sweaty coupling. The climax reached upon realizing Palin will never, ever be elected to any high office but numbnuts like you will continue to destroy your party and your savings by donating to her from your meager cheeto fund is called a PWNgasm.
Redstate: furiously polishing turds since 2004.
If memory serves me, one of Palin’s campaign swings through Virginia yielded Tito the Builder. Smell my fear.
…And Sarah Palin is the
Ally SheedyMolly Ringwald character who is inappropriately young…OMG, I can’t believe we let this slide for almost a whole day – well, at least it’s phaXXored now. I kinda expected that the Neal Stephenson junkies woulda picked up on this.
If you genuinely believe anyone named “Bush” is getting anywhere near the White House in the next fifty years, then you’re so far gone they’ll make a movie about your wackiness teaching an uptight yuppie the value of friendship.
I would like to congratulate Mrs. Palin on her bold decision to work for political change at the grass roots, without the actual responsibilities of being a governor. I’m sure she will make a fine community organizer.
Nuh-UH! Only darkies are community organizers!
Attention, all posters of the Sadly Federation. We have consumed the troll.
I don’t think Super Sarah could organize a slumber party in a narcolepsy ward.
it smells like FEAR from the left, fear of Palin
Yep, giggling in abject terror. Doubled over in peals of derisive panic. You know what else? Mom was right: all those kids who made fun of you at school were totally jealous.
Speaking of totally authentic grassroots driven political change – wasn’t there supposed to be some teabagging yesterday?
Re: the NJ governor’s race:
We had an incoherently folksy Palin-analogue running for governor too, but he already lost the primaries to the bland corporate moderate. He was endorsed by Ron Paul and Joe the Plumber!
Phew! I don’t know about you all, my fellow-traveler traitors, but after a hard day of burning and pooping on flags yesterday, I can barely muster any enthusiasm for getting the War on Christmas rolling today.
The liberal media must be burying the BIG! STORY! today. I can’t find a single article anywhere about the massive bajillions of patriotic Americans who spontaneously turned out yesterday for the even-more-massive-and-spontaneous-than-last-time Tea Parties that took place across the country yesterday.
The big news, apparently, is that both Michael Jackson and Sarah Palin’s political career are still dead.
You can find lots on the Tea Parties here, you smug jackass:
And yes, the MSM is burying it.
Our top story tonight: Generalissimo Fransisco Franco continues his valiant fight to remain dead.
The liberal media must be burying the BIG! STORY! today.
Just like every day! I helped them shovel a few loads of dirt on it because we so fear the power of the soopa-freedomy conservative silent majority.
power of the soopa-freedomy conservative silent majority
My 4th: making soup of conservatives.
My 4th: making soup of conservatives.
You can really taste the Freedom™!
I would like to congratulate Mrs. Palin on her bold decision to work for political change at the grass roots, without the actual responsibilities of being a governor. I’m sure she will make a fine community organizer.
Epic Win.
Wow! You’re right! From your linky:
NEW JERSEY: Thousands take part in ‘tea party’ protest against high taxes in Morristown.
TEXAS: Sen. Cornyn booed at Capitol “tea party”. “‘You’re the problem,’ a crowd member hollered.”
Also, Thousands attend America’s Tea Party protest at Southfork Ranch.
NEVADA: Fourth of July Marked with Tea Party in Reno: “The tea party, in which ‘tea’ stands for ‘taxed enough already,’ was one of five held in Nevada on Saturday and was organized locally by Republican Debbie Landis. Landis estimated 3,000 people participated through the course of the day.”
MASSACHUSETTS: Pride, concern share stage at Quincy Tea Party Freedom Celebration.
Also, ‘Tea Party’ crowd fills center of Hanoverton.
SOUTH CAROLINA: Tea Party protesters rally against big government, massive spending.
INDIANA: Hundreds show up in rain for second local tea party.
IDAHO: T.E.A. Party In Idaho Falls.
ARKANSAS: TEA Party Packs Bomber Stadium.
MICHIGAN: Genesee TEA Party holds Independence Day tax protest, plans campaign against Hurley millage.
MINNESOTA: Tea Party calls for less government, people’s rights.
FLORIDA: Apopka TEA Party Has Big Turnout.
NEW MEXICO: TEA Party Rally Focuses On Nation’s Values.
CONNECTICUT: Norwich tea party protest draws 500.
Damn…500 in Norwich, Connecticut. Just. Wow. I think there were more than that at the Denny’s half-price grand slam breakfast promo.
Damn…500 in Norwich, Connecticut. Just. Wow. I think there were more than that at the Denny’s half-price grand slam breakfast promo.
That’s only because half the people at Denny’s had to go home and take a nap after their Grand Slam.
NEW MEXICO: TEA Party Rally Focuses On Nation’s Values.
New Mexico is a nation? I overslept and missed the Reconquistador?
Sarah Palin’s weird 4th of July Message on Facebook.
My abridged and slightly rearranged version:
On this Independence Day, I am so very proud of me. I honor my selflessness and values and wonderful successes and wonderful state and values and great nation and great team and hard work and progress and values.
If I may, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the last 24 hours and share my personal destruction with you.
Those who know me know greatness. You are smaller and predictable and obvious and easier to control. I determined after prayerful consideration that sacrificing countless ordinary Americans, including your family, is in my best interests. With this decision we can achieve my higher calling.
For months now, I have been in much-needed restraint. I hope you will join me. It always feels good. Stronger restraint with few changes in positions have been my priorities and will remain my priorities.
God bless you! And I look forward to making waste – on you!
(This is the sort of thing that happens when you try to kill time to avoid doing yardwork.)
Actually I got my teabagging report here:
I dunno how you intend to spin it, but the unstoppable momentum of Tea Bagging Amerca kinda stopped once Fox stopped hyping it 24-7. Back on tax day, Nate at 538 estimated 300K. Yesterday Americans for Prosperity pulled – a tenth of that?
When’s the next Big Grassroots Uprising Protest scheduled? I wanna see if Teh Movement has shrunk to the size of a high-school basketball game by then.
Oh, I see, it’s Hanoverton, OHIO. Because insty doesn’t know there’s more than one Salem.
Laugh it up, libs, but the unemployment rate has already far surpassed Obama’s own projections. I guess the stimulus has failed. So we spent all that money for nothing, stealing it from our grandchildren to line the pockets of urban machine politicians, saving mice in San Francisco, and other wasteful “projects”.
Maybe BO can whine and blame the unemployment rate on Bush?
Oh, yeah. About that Arkansas Tea Party, I’m sure people who don’t know any better are mightily impressed that half of a high school’s football field bleachers could be filled in Kounty Klan by people who oppose our blackity-black-black president.
I’m serious. There may be a total of 10 black people in this county and the ones directly adjoining it. And just to give you an idea of exactly how stupid were the people attending…they came out in 90 degree plus weather on the 4th of July to hear this dribble, when their town is located right on one of the cleanest lakes in the Ozarks, a major tourist destination, where all of the non-insane were celebrating the holiday.
Maybe BO can whine and blame the unemployment rate on Bush?
There’s no need. All of the non-insane already know where to place the blame for the financial meltdown. The insane…well, they’re already on your side.
Oh, and…scuse mah finGAHS!!!!
Arkansas is one state where the GOP made gains last year. How does that feel, Jenny?
Or Clinton.
You don’t understand.
BO’s OWN ESTIMATES were horribly wrong! Estimates made AFTER the financial meltdown! I think the massive spending and impending tax hikes (along with the specter of Carter-style inflation) have made the situation worse.
NEVADA: Fourth of July Marked with Tea Party in Reno: “The tea party, in which ‘tea’ stands for ‘taxed enough already,’ was one of five held in Nevada on Saturday and was organized locally by Republican Debbie Landis. Landis estimated 3,000 people participated through the course of the day.”
Reading between the lines: Landis (the “community organizer” who rented the chairs and arranged for the local Republican county commisioner to deliver a speech) estimated (pulled a number out of her pimply white ass) 3,000 people (counting her family–including the ones who didn’t show up, don’t live in Nevada, and all of their ancestors) through the course of the day (starting at midnight, counting all of the people who wandered by, and all of their ancestors). I’m thinking there was never much of a line for the port-a-potties.
“estimated (pulled a number out of her pimply white ass) ”
Hmm, more liberal racism I see.
Poop is brown, brown people are brown. Any questions?
The unemployment rate is a direct result of the epic failures of the Republican party’s prime tenets, dating back to Ronald Reagan:
1) <b<Income tax cuts pay for themselves. The only thing better than income tax cuts are more income tax cuts.
2) All the rest of our problems can be solved by deregulation. The only thing better than deregulation is more deregulation.
3) Any problems that can’t be solved via more income tax cuts and/or more deregulation can be solved by bombing foreigners.
Three strikes and you’re out at the old ball game.
Arkansas is one state where the GOP made gains last year. How does that feel, Jenny?
Uh, really no different from the previous 30 years. It’s not like I woke up the day after the election and thought, “oh my GOD!!! I’m living amid a bunch of RACIST MORONS!!! I had NO IDEA!!!”
How does it make YOU feel that the one state where the GOP made gains last year is the state with the second or third lowest educational attainment in the country?
Hmm, more liberal racism I see.
Damn! ya caught me out. I’m all about keeping whitey down.
“1) <b<Income tax cuts pay for themselves. The only thing better than income tax cuts are more income tax cuts."
Tax cuts made the economy boom in the '80s and until 2007 under Bush.
Even Clinton cut capital gains taxes, making the economy heat up.
“How does it make YOU feel that the one state where the GOP made gains last year ”
We also made gains in Oklahoma, Tennessee, Kentucky, and West Virginia.
“Uh, really no different from the previous 30 years”
Heh, except that Clinton won Arkansas twice and Gore came close. Obama got his ass kicked.
Even CARTER won Arkansas.
I’m all about keeping whitey down.
After last night, I’m all about keeping cornflakes down.
Quit chiseling in on my business, troophie!!
Oklahoma, Tennessee, Kentucky, and West Virginia
Oh yeah, the beating heart of modern 21st centry America. At the risk of sounding like a “liberal racist”, you can keep banjostan.
I’m all about keeping whitey down.
And oppressing the ass-pimpled, as if those poor buttocks-pocked folks didn’t have enough to deal with.
Conservative states like Texas, Georgia, South Carolina, Arizona, Utah, and Tennessee are growing, Steerpike, and will have more electoral votes in 2012 and more representatives in Congress. People are leaving the decaying blue states and moving South because of low taxes, less regulation, and smaller government.
Hey there, our favourite obsessional dishonest freak show is back!
Are you ready to apologize for mis-attributing two different quotes to Michael Moore yet?
Are you ready to apologize for lying and claiming you don’t use different pseudonyms when here you are, using a different one again?
Are you ready to face up to getting this completely wrong;
Oh, we know why you do it; we know you lie because you can’t face The Truth. We know you change names and IP addresses constantly because everyone would have ignored you years ago if you tried to be constant, and you’d have been banned permanently years ago for making threats against posters here. What we don’t understand is, why you can’t face trying to make something better of your life… why you insist on pursuing this ludicrously self-defeating exercise in trying to just shout and rage your way through existence; it’s not as if you are changing any of it by your incoherent ranting day after day after day.
After all, even if your latest dishonest name is accurate (and that’s a big fucking if), that still leaves you with nearly 3 1/2 years of President Obama to go.
Give it up freakshow, for your own mental health, or you won’t survive even until 2012
We also made gains in Oklahoma, Tennessee, Kentucky, and West Virginia.
Well, I guess you shouldn’t have used the ONE STATE construction then, eh, dumbass? The others you noted…intellectual powerhouses, one and all. The centers of learning, research, and innovation in this great land.
Carter, Clinton, and Gore all have a couple of things in common, traits that Obama lacks. Obviously you can’t guess what they are.
If you hate your state so much, why not move to a lib paradise like Detroit? I hear Detroit is a big economic powerhouse!
Ally Sheedy and Molly Ringworld are the same person! Seriously, have you ever seen them in an episode of ‘Murder, She Wrote’ together?
Heh. I think the last election made it pretty clear that Sarah Palin already is America’s worst nightmare.
And now, of all things, the wingnuts are fantasizing that she is going to be the GOP’s salvation by basically becoming a community organizer! The irony is too rich. But, desperate times require desperate measures. And Reeps sure are plenty desperate these days.
No, that’s just to end. Those are the jackasses that got passed over in favor of Palin, remember? The guys so bad that McCain was forced to go with somebody woefully unqualified he hadn’t even vetted, because picking any of those guys would’ve been political suicide?
Well that’s enough arguing with Roas the parody troll for me.
Actual work returns tomorrow morning. Already!
If you hate your state so much…
I don’t hate my state. But since I’m not a simpleton like you, I’ve never subscribed to the idea that “being objective and critical about obvious flaws and weaknesses” = “hating”. If I “hated” the state, I wouldn’t live here. If I was an apathetic dumbass like many of my fellow citizens, I wouldn’t care whether it ever became a better place to live than it is now. Because I don’t hate it and I do care about making it better, as an adult I have to make honest assessments about what holds it back. One of the those things is racism. Another is fundamentalist religion. Another is ignorance/poor education. Another is poverty. Another is incompetent/corrupt governance, which perpetuates all of the preceeding. Now, if I followed the GOP line of thought, I would already think of this as being paradise, because it has all of the qualities the GOP promotes exporting to the rest of the nation: low wages, relatively low taxes, low funding for education, inadequate social services, low spending on infrastructure, etc. etc. etc. If I were insane, I would believe that doing more of the same will change things, like you do. Because I’m not, I stay here and do what I can to try to make things better.
Great, you make gains in Appalachia, Dixieland and the Mormon Trail. Meanwhile, McCain actually had to campaign in Arizona of all places. Most analysts agree that AZ would have gone blue if it weren’t his home state. Also, you lost Colorado, Florida, New Mexico, Indiana and Virginia, of all places. Now that your “party” has punted the fastest-growing demographic in the country (hispanics), and is purging itself of any progressives, pro-choice voices or moderates like Specter, Crist and Schwartzenegger. Good luck running the country from Kentucky.
My dad was a combat vet, and maybe Sarah Palin quit to take over as head of the RNC from Michael Steele. I think I heard this rumor over at CNN.
Ally Sheedy and Molly Ringworld are the same person!
WTF? Take that back.
This is what Ally Sheedy’s up to, and this is Molly Ringwald.
Since most of the other things I irrationally hate are people I secretly want to fuck, you will probably find me on the interstate with a “Welcome to Detroit” sign sticking out of my ass.
What bankrupted California? High taxes, high spending, over-regulation.
What destroyed Detroit? High taxes, high spending, over-regulation.
What destroyed New York? High taxes, high spending, over-regulation.
All once great places ruined by liberalism.
Is America next?
He is at this time transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the head of a civilized nation.
Well, ha ha, my Internet stayed up for all of 15 minutes after dying for the next 15 fucking hours.
I want a refund from Time Warner (why, yes, I am delusional).
There’s still a tech on the way, because it just magically appeared again like it did last time—so we’re not taking any chances.
Apparently the Internets are out in other places nearby, including those with FiOS. The power died for 30 seconds or so right around when we lost the Internet—so who knows wtf has been going on.
The Road to 2012 said,
July 5, 2009 at 18:16
Fucking HELL. Hey Troofie, I hear Ayn Rand buried some gold in your front yard. See right where it says “Call before you dig”…?
Yes, conservative patriots absolutely LOVED Detroit (eek! Teh blackz!), California (eek! Teh Mezcans and teh Gay!) and New York (eek! Teh Gay, teh blacks AND teh librul Joos!) before they started over-spending. THAT’S what killed your affection. Fuck you, Troofie, the last time cons cared about New York, Mary Rogers was still alive.
Ally oeuve:
and Moly oeuve:
I’m sorry, I can’t retract my claim they are the same people, because I could never watch either of these shows.
What bankrupted California? High taxes, high spending, over-regulation.
Oh, I know this… Proposition 13, which put a cap of 1% on property taxes.
What destroyed Detroit? High taxes, high spending, over-regulation.
Oh, I know this… The failure of the American automaking industry because the Japanese could make a better, more affordable car in the 1980s.
What destroyed New York? High taxes, high spending, over-regulation.
Oh, I know this…. Giuliani Time?
In other words, none of your bullshit.
“The failure of the American automaking industry because the Japanese could make a better, more affordable car in the 1980s.”
Because they didn’t have parasitic Unions demanding uneconomic wages and sweetheart benefits. You ever wonder why they build their plants in Tennessee, Alabama, and other low tax, right to work states and not Michigan?
California could have just cut spending. Texas did that, and they have a BUDGET SURPLUS during a recession!
Because they’re still idiots?
I do believe they’re still failing even once outside of Michigan. The unions build the cars, the executives are the ones who still think America wants another year of SUVs.
What drives women away from me? High temper, Wignut politics, over-obsessiveness.
What locks me into my home, unemployed? High temper, Wignut politics, over-obsessiveness.
What prevents me from ever learning anything or ever improving myself? High temper, Wignut politics, over-obsessiveness.
Is jail or suicide next?
“The unions build the cars, the executives are the ones who still think America wants another year of SUVs.”
And they do.
Hybrid sales are in the tank this year, and the best selling vehicle in America is the Ford F-150. Moron. Americans don’t want to drive little lawn mower golf carts. They want big, large, powerful cars.
Yeah, good work on compensating for that small penis.
What destroyed New York?
Oh, I know this…. Giuliani Time?
Trotsky – Please excuse y dragging you into this, but I put Troof on “killfile” the minute I see him, ignorance being bliss and all…
New York’s destroyed? The latest census figures show that last year another 50,000 people wanted to join the 8.3 million already sitting here in the rubble eating rats and praying to our golden statue of Marx.
Or are do we mean “destroyed for WASP privilege” in which case I think the destruction began under Big Tim Sullivan and culminated with LaGuardia.
“New York’s destroyed? The latest census figures show that last year another 50,000 people wanted to join the 8.3 million already sitting here in the rubble eating rats and praying to our golden statue of Marx.”
New York City has no middle class anymore. Its just a theme park for the wealthy and gay freaks with an underclass of peons.
Honestly, I just needed to pad the post out, and since he mentioned it, figured getting a dig at Giuliani would be good for a laugh. There’s nothing personal about it, and if New York is really doing fine, than good, brings up another point where he’s just a whinging twit.
I figure it’s just a matter of time before he descends back into his comments about selective breeding, large, tumescent penis-cars and mine shaft gaps, so bringing hard facts to the game is a bit of a waste of time.
I want to thank DK Wangchuck for steering me to this site,
and the leading to this genuine bit of dialogue from aforementioned play;
Who knew Troofie was a star?
Nudging us slightly back on-topic:
Does our troll believe Sarah’s Big Day Out is a savvy political move to secure the GOP nomination?
Does it think (should I finish that sentence?) that walking away from office when the heat is on will be a winning resume-builder for winning in November 2012?
Does the troll believe that “speech” she gave shows a calculating, incisive mind at work?
Does the troll really believe, in it’s black little heart, that “Mitt Romney, Mitt Romney, John Cornyn, John Thune, and Jeb Bush” constitute “just the beginning” of a strong field of contenders to take back the country?
Enquiring minds want to know.
The state government of New York is currently completely fucked, mostly thanks to douchebag Republican legislators and general nonpartisan corruption.
But I don’t think the city has changed all that much, economy-wise. Twoofy is just talking out his ass.
Honestly, I just needed to pad the post out, and since he mentioned it, figured getting a dig at Giuliani would be good for a laugh. There’s nothing personal about it, and if New York is really doing fine, than good, brings up another point where he’s just a whinging twit.
No, let me apologize for my unclear comment. I figured the “destroyed” comment came from the brain-dead troll, not you, but since I don’t see his posts, I quoted you. NYC is doing near the nation’s median during this recession. Our housing prices are ridiculously high, but not a true bubble (there’s an overall shortage, so even if the top end is inflated, prices can only fall so far) and our share of layoffs have been bad but not as bad as elsewhere.
Concern trolls who long for the “good old days” in NYC piss me off no end. They’re inevitably the tourists who go to the Olive Garden in Times Square because they’re too chickenshit to walk two blocks to the really good restaurants on 9th Avenue; the ones who take buses around Manhattan and see nothing because they’re too fat and lazy to walk and can’t bring themselves to get on the subway like everyone else; the ones who clog our limited sidewalk space taking pictures of pigeons (seriously) and think we’re rude when we walk past and mess up their shots. Tourists are welcome here. Racist assholes who think we’re poor because we don’t own cars are not.
Besides, my grandmother was a Trotskyite in 1910 when she emigrated, so how could I not like you?
New Mexico is a nation? I overslept and missed the Reconquistador?
Nah, it was just a bit of reminiscing about how ghey-bashing managed to push the republicans barely over the top in ’04.
Reconquistador, your stallion stands in need of the ghey
And like some wingnut’s stained frito-lay
You reek of reekiness
Now I know why I keep coming back here to blither at random computer-users through my pinkies day after day – even when I should be cleaning up the vortex of madness that is my apartment, going to sleep or getting ready for work:
This thread has so. Much. Fucking. Win.
“Does our troll believe Sarah’s Big Day Out is a savvy political move to secure the GOP nomination?”
No, now I believe she will use her popularity and political skill to work behind the scenes and elect strong Republicans all over the country.
“Does the troll believe that “speech” she gave shows a calculating, incisive mind at work?”
I believe she was saddened and hurt over the vicious attacks by the left-leaning MSM on her and her family over the last 10 months.
“Does the troll really believe, in it’s black little heart, that “Mitt Romney, Mitt Romney, John Cornyn, John Thune, and Jeb Bush” constitute “just the beginning” of a strong field of contenders to take back the country?”
Yes, a very strong field to take on Hopey McChange.
“Romney/Romney ’12!” I can’t wait to see the yardsigns!
No, now I believe she will use her popularity and political skill to work behind the scenes and elect strong Republicans all over the country.
Because her humility demands nothing less than avoiding seeking power for herself.
I believe she was saddened and hurt over the vicious attacks by the left-leaning MSM on her and her family over the last 10 months.
Thus displaying the steely, pit-bull-with-lipstick resolve she would bring to bear on Teh Terrorists and Putin.
Yes, a very strong field to take on Hopey McChange.
They’ve only lost to the guy that lost to Obama once so far.
Thumb! Sit.
You named your dog “Thumb”? How very dada of you.
Palin will do for us what Howard Dean did for the Democrat Party.
“Romney/Romney ‘12!”
It’s rather brilliant, in a certain stupid way.
By being both the Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidate, Romney can then speak out of both sides of his mouth, blaming whatever rhetoric doesn’t fly at the time on the “other” Romney, and therefore market himself as a “fair and balanced” administration, willing to take both sides of the issue and work together to get Romney elected.
Of course, the issue of executive succession might be a bit of a bitch to handle.
Which is why we should have the Mitt Romney also run for Speaker of the House, so there’s no intermission should President Romney and Vice-President Romney be rendered incapable of doing their duty.
Palin will do for us what Howard Dean did for the Democrat Party.
The “Dean Scream” will be replaced by the “Palin Whimper”
Jeb Bush/Cheney 2012.
Even CARTER won Arkansas.
Has Troofie really been reduced to chortling because Arkansas – ARKANSAS, the sister-fucking capital of North America – didn’t vote for Obama? How sad.
Obama/Bid…oh, wait.
This is the liberals’ worst nightmare.
Bookmark it!
I believe she was saddened and hurt over the vicious attacks by the left-leaning MSM on her and her family over the last 10 months.
If this were a Democrat we were talking about the right-wing talking point of the week would be:
How does she expect to stand up to (pick one) Ahmadinejad, Kim Jong Il, Putin if she can’t stand up to the media?
..I come here every day to regain/maintain my sanity from posters so much more clever than I. Gosh I love you all!!11!!
Why do I think that if Ben Franklin were alive today, he’d be here.
Wow, the wingnuts are now admiring the work of Howard Dean. Just as they imagined that Reep salvation would come in the form of Tea Parties (which try to emulate the massive public turnouts during Obama’s campaign) and Twitter (which emulates the energizing and organizing effect of grassroots activists through blogs) and Michael Steele (see, the GOP is dee-ohh-pee. Eee.), they hope that Sarah Palin is now going to magically lead them to the electoral promised land. No concept of course of just how any of these things would actually work in practice, just basically chanting Reagan-era slogans as if they were out of a witch’s spell book.
The Reep cargo cult mentality knows no bounds.
How does she expect to stand up to (pick one) Ahmadinejad, Kim Jong Il, Putin if she can’t stand up to the media?
Indeed. But since she’s a Redoublechin, she can take advantage of the rewritten piece of Orwell:
Ignorance is a Given
Turning Tail and Running from the Media Leaving a Trail of Bitter Tears is Strength
Fair or unfair, I think she (Hilary Clinton) does herself a disservice to even mention it…When I hear a statement like that coming from a woman candidate with any kind of perceived whine about that excess criticism or, you know, maybe a sharper microscope put on her, I think, man, that doesn’t do us any good. Women in politics, women in general wanting to progress this country. I don’t think it’s, it bodes well for her — a statement like that…It bothers me a little bit hearing her bring that attention to herself on that level.”
The fact is, Palin gives me a Troofy Boner.
So was I wrong about Hilary, troofy? And yes, this is the real Sarah. I am really talking to you right now. Don’t freak out.
The fact is, Palin gives me a Troofy Boner.
I thought the doctor said you weren’t going to have those anymore, you know, after the accident.
Although, not as much as Bob Owens does when he does that thing with his tongue.
Bookmark this troll(s).
Sarah Palin won’t be the frontrunner in the repub primary. In fact, she’s not going to be a candidate AT ALL. SHE*S THE SUSAN BOYLE OF AMERICAN POLITICS.
In a way … but Susan Boyle has a nice singing voice.
Mooseburger won’t sniff the top 3 in my primary. She’ll get sunk in NH, and after that, see ya.
Sorry, Troofy. There’s always those Runner’s World pics to masturbate to.
Mark Sanford is running out of thank-you notes to send to everyone who has kept him off the front page this week
And Susan Boyle likes her cat. I’m pretty sure Sarah Palin doesn’t like anything but herself.
Alright, libs, who will be the nominee then?
Give a serious answer, that is even if you can handle an adult political discussion.
Go now,
Don’t look back we’ve drawn the line,
move on,
Its no good to go back in time,
I’ll never find another girl like you,
for happy endings it takes two,
with fire and ice, a dream won’t come true.
Sarah, Sarah
storms are brewing in your eyes,
Sarah, Sarah
no time is a good time for goodbyes
in the game when the stakes are high,
my heart was branded while my senses stood by,
I’ll never find another girl like you,
for happy endings it takes two,
with fire and ice, a dream won’t come true.
Sarah, Sarah
storms are brewing in your eyes
Sarah, Sarah
no time is a good time for goodbyes
Hey, Sarah,
Love me like no one has ever loved me before,
hey, Sarah,
hurt me no one could ever hurt me more.
Hey, Sarah,
Hey, Sarah
the way you loved me before
Hey, Troofie: WE DON’T KNOW, and unlike you, we DON’T welcome the opportunity to make asses of ourselves by crowing about How It Will Go Down before the fact.
Hybrid sales are in the tank this year, and the best selling vehicle in America is the Ford F-150. Moron. Americans don’t want to drive little lawn mower golf carts. They want big, large, powerful cars.
As always, I decided to dig deeper and look at the data. In the month of May, the top 10 cars in America were:
So, there are two trucks on top, but then the following 8 cars are all small or midsize sedans (Camry, Corolla, Accord, Civic, Impala, Altima) and hybrids (options on the Silverado, Camry, Civic, Fusion and Escape). Looking only at the top 10 cars, sedans outsold pickups 135,338 to 64,844, about double.
You want us to decide who is the least-nutty candidate in your shrinking file of Republican contenders? Fine. By all means, go with Palin/Wurzelbacher. Roney/Huckabee. Jebby/Jindal. Cronyn/Hutchinson. Whatever. You’re the ones who have to make some combination of these loonies look like contenders, not us.
Butter my toast, libs!
Give a serious answer, that is even if you can handle an adult political discussion.
“no cussing or name-calling, either, you fucking morons.”
Alright, libs, who will be the nominee then?
It’s three and a half fucking years from now, you lackwit.
It could be Frank Stallone, fresh off his Oscar-award-winning role as a mentally challenged balloon salesman and Gulf War I veteran finding love in Trenton.
All we can tell you is it’s not going to be someone who couldn’t even hack it through one term as an elected official against David fucking Letterman.
Alright, libs, who will be the nominee then?
My random guesses are Pawlenty, Barbour or Huckabee. Maybe Crist or J. Bush.
(Insert generic snarky remark about asking for serious discussion on a snark blog)
In all seriousness, it’ll probably be Romney. At least, if I were to choose the least damaged/most viable candidate from their file.
I think enough people will be scared of the Crazy Moose Lady of the North that she has no serious chance. Romney, on the other hand, I think has the possibility to run a campaign that could be taken seriously.
Frank Stallone, fresh off his Oscar-award-winning role as a mentally challenged balloon salesman and Gulf War I veteran finding love in Trenton.
I’d watch that. But I liked “Max Payne.”
Nominee? Pfffttt.
Executive privilege, bitches!
Doesn’t matter. My asshole stands a better chance, you micro-penised shithead. Say hi to your mom for me, fucknugget.
Well, some of us who pine for the “good old days” are thinking pre-Giuliani, but I guess those were the “bad old days.”
Back when Times Square was smutty and Alphabet-land was Avenues Adventurous, Brave, Crazy and Dead. Y’know, when NY was fun.
Giuliani took err jerb!
Alright, libs, who will be the nominee then?
Whose turn is it? It’s really as simple as that.
The Republican party is all about Establishment. There is no grassroots on that side. You peasants will sit down and shut up and beg to be fed more dung. If you didn’t secretly or not so secretly love that, you wouldn’t be Republicans.
Shorter Roas:
Help me, Mitt Romney’s magic undies. You’re our only hope!
“You ever wonder why they build their plants in Tennessee, Alabama, and other low tax, right to work states and not Michigan?”
Because Southerrn governors are willing to squeal like a pig and sell out their own constituents by giving car companies sweetheart deals to build plants in their states?
Alright, libs, who will be the nominee then?
I think it’s safe to say it won’t be Bailin’ Palin.
“The Republican party is all about Establishment. There is no grassroots on that side. ”
Eisenhower, Goldwater, and Reagan were grassroots, fuckstick.
Oh, and Mondale? Dukakis? Gore? Kerry? Yeah, “real grass roots” there, libs.
Eisenhower, Goldwater, and Reagan were grassroots, fuckstick.
Reagan was grassroots, right. Nothing to do with political establishment. And Eisenhower? Sure.
Goldwater, I’ll agree with. However: FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL
And what’s with “fuckstick”? Are you a liberal, to be speaking such fainting-couchable gutter ghettospeak?
Reagan? Grassroots?
You can do better than that.
Sure, he was a fuckstick, but grassroots? Nah. He waited his turn. Got passed over a couple of times, too, but like a good Republican he toed the line.
Ooh, Troofy, while pretending to nurse from Michelle Obama in the desperate attempt to get a boner, squeals and cries like a bitch when someone shits all over the precious, precious GOPee.
Reagan was grassroots? Let’s see…supported Goldwater in 1964, ran for the nomination in 1968 and 1976 and was Governor of California between those two runs. Wow, yes, he sure came out of nowhere to seize that nomination in 1980. Eisenhower? Thomas Dewey and Henry Cabot Lodge headed the draft Eisenhower movement and those guys certainly were political outsiders. Goldwater? Maybe, but he had to sell his soul to conservative Southerners, which leaves the GOP pretty much where it stands today.
Oh, and, my bad: Baxter County, Arkansas doesn’t have just 10 black people.
According to wiki, it has about 42. Out of a total population of over 38,000. Yeah, that’s the “real Amurka”.
“Troofkiller”, keep it up, child. Your silly and childish responses only signify that my superior debating skills must drive you over the edge. It only increases my pleasure to see you be driven insane by the truth.
Ha ha, every time Troofus gets even a tiny bit aggressive he’s slapped back into place. What a miserable life you must lead.
Eisenhower, Goldwater, and Reagan were grassroots, fuckstick.
I’ll bet your cheeks are burning with rage right now, aren’t they, Troofy-woofy? Eight years of trolling liberal blogs and nothing to show for it? Well, bookmark this, liberals: one of these days in some podunk town newspaper, towards the back of the “Lifestyles” section, there’ll be a tiny little article about some reclusive loner found dead in his basement, over his computer keyboard.
And nothing of value will be lost.
Which one of these two job titles is accurate as of July 5, 2009?
I don’t want to make you look anymore silly than you already do, 22:08, but the answer is “A” since Palin’s resignation hasn’t taken effect, and Franken has not been sworn in. Do try to look up facts next time before you run off at the mouth.
So the other day, I was going to take a piss in a public bathroom, and bam. There’s Troofy and Bob Owens, tugging at each other’s pencildicks. I didn’t know whether to call the cops or just die laughing. And then…oh crap….Troofy started role-playing as Gateway Pundit! And Bob starting screaming “Bananas in Pajamas! Bananas in Pajamas!” And I just fucking lost it.
Hey, Troofy. Say hi to your mom for me. I’ll try to not rub it out in her eyes next time.
And nothing of value will be lost.
Yeah, there’s what? A FEW MORE WEEKS where you are right, and that makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD.
Likewise, your famous bookmark-able prediction had some non-zero chance of coming true before November 2008, but that has done what for you?
That’s seriously got to be the most pathetic defense I have EVER seen. Even for you. Christ.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! I can actually see your micropenis shrink in real time! LOLzers!
God bless the man who invented the electron microscope.
Well, some of us who pine for the “good old days” are thinking pre-Giuliani
But by recognizing that there might actually have been such a thing as a pre-G NYC, you take yourself out of the category of “concern troll.”
Hey, I long for the days when the subway stations were lit by 40-watt bulbs every ten feet. Separated the men from the boys, that did.
Mommy, the libs are being mean to me! Waah! Waah!
Any of you lib fucksticks adult enough for real debate? Sarah Palin is not like Obi-Wan because she wasn’t killed by Dick Cheney, she is more like Jesus, but better because he was kind of a commie. ASSESS MY RIPOSTE, SIBS.
The Authentic said,
Nym switch! Point to Sadly.
“Debating skills”. Troofie? Debating Skills? I guess in GOP-speak, that means “Lying your ass off”, Hmmmm? Tell us again who wished for a Million Mogadishus, Troofie. Humble us with your “debating skills.”
Fucking address this lie or shut the fuck up!
What is so funny about “address my post” anyway? Is that the best “joke” you children can come up with? Maybe the public schools DO need more funding then.
Keep trying, “troofkiller”. Surely you can do better than these sad, pathetic attempts at humor.
You know, coming to S,N! is sometimes like watching someone go swimming in a pack of piranhas, or a really good fiery crash at the Daytona 500, but with more purpose. I’ve gotten to where I really enjoy watching Troofie get his ass handed to him, over and over and over again. Kind of like gangbang porn, but somewhat less edifying.
The Road to 2012 said,
July 5, 2009 at 22:38
Really? REALLY? You take an hour to show your sorry ass after getting it so roundly raped, smacked around, and handed to you on a fucking silver platter, and THAT is your grand comeback?
Good God. Go kill yourself, now. You owe it to the world.
And that’s one more bold statement from That’s the Double Troof, Ruth, that he’ll refuse to ever address again. The list now comprises:
-The object of my necrolust Ronald Reagan was Teh Grassr00ts!!!
-Michael Moore said Fallujah was GOOD!!!!!!!
-NY-20 will go to Tedisco! Bookmark it!!!!!penis
and the immortal Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.
My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.
Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.
Am I missing any? I still don’t remember verbatim that time he stormed off, never to come back, and the next day claimed he’d been spoofed.
Don’t listen to that honky, everyone. Soon Obama will pay all our mortgages and gas bills like he promised, and then we can show our open leftist solidarity with Castro and Chavez.
Go Castro! Go Chavez! Go Obama!
Yeah, Obama will finally take property from whitey and give it to those who deserve it. He will redistribute it like Mugabe did. I hope he gets a third and forth term! Rev. Wright was correct–this world is ruined for people in need by the White Man’s greed.
Sotomayor will show these stupid whitey hicks when she is on the Supreme Court, too. Maybe she can finally help us tax Christian Churches and give us totally open borders and immigration, too. That will show the Rethugs.
Wasn’t I saying spoofing was immature and gay a few threads ago?
Although it’s always fun when my pants-pissing terror of minorities comes out to play.
Will post-governorship Sarah Palin able to keep up with Levi Johnston? According to his bodyguard/agent, Levi’s star is rising fast.
Your move, Obi-Wan.
be able to
My dad was a combat vet, and he would be proud of current Governor Sarah Palin and her plans to skip out on the job she told tens of thousands of Alaskan voters she wanted and for which she was the best person. If she says she’s quitting to perform some higher public service, I’m supporting her all the way up to the moment she quits that job too.
Our capitalist, decadent pig society got what it deserved on 9/11. Our support for Israel and our overconsumption was to blame. It was American’s chickens coming home to roost.
Damn, I am REALLY getting sad.
I hope Iran nukes Tel Aviv, those Zionist colonialist occupiers will finally get their due! I’m so glad Obama is finally stopping full American support of Israel and opening up to the liberators in Iran. End the occupation!
I’m the only one who debates like an adult!
I’m so glad that stupid bitch Palin got her due. That will show the Republicans if they try to run a Christian, conservative mother to high office again! I love our MSM allies.
I’m going away until October! I swear! In fact, only like one of these eight thousand sockpuppets are me! Address my post, libs!
Yeah, and fuck that stupid mongoloid retard “Trig” and the whore Bristol.
Address my strawmen, libs! ADDRESS THEM! ADDRESSSSS THEEEEEE
oops, pooped myself a little. Clean me up, Gateway Pundit!
So is this namestealer troofie or really organized troll-baiting?
Who elects cunts like that anyway? Oh yeah, the honkies in Banjostan. Stupid whitey rednecks.
Troofy Troofy Troofy Troofy Troofy Troofy Troofy Troofy Troofy Troofy Troofy Troofy Troofy Troofy TroofyTroofy Troofy Troofy Troofy Troofy TroofyTroofy Troofy TroofyTroofy Troofy Troofy Troofy Troofy Troofy Troofy Troofy TroofyTroofy Troofy Troofy Troofy Troofy TroofyTroofy Troofy TroofyTroofy Troofy TroofyTroofy Troofy Troofy Troofy Troofy Troofy Troofy Troofy TroofyTroofy Troofy TroofyTroofy Troofy Troofy
Soon hispanics will replace those stupid white rednecks anyway. Open borders, here we come!
This grand undertaking is SO getting me laid tonight.
Aww. We’re getting another little Troofy WATB freakout. These are always so good.
I also hope now that the government runs the car industry that we ban any engine size over 4-cylinders, and restrict access to pickup trucks. Rationing electricity to stop global warming would be good, too.
How about we ban fast food and sodas, too? And mandate exercise. Americans are too fat and the government should do something about it.
Troofie, we have a new Sekrit Mission for you.
“Got her due”? She resigned of her own accord, sweet pea, a year after calling Hillary a whiner because Hilary remarked on her own bad press coverage. She’s a dishonest, mean-spirited, thin-skinned quitter with few skills and fewer brains, and it obviously chaps your hide.
Ooh, that’s a good one, Troofy! More, more! I’m sure you’re getting NRO JonahPoints for this.
“Liberals are racist against fat people”? Is that really all I’ve got left?
Troofie said:
Cute, Troofie! Your debating skills are too much for me! A million Mogadishus Troofie! Who said it, Troofie?
Um…Zimbabwe! Zimbabwe said it! Do I get a No-Prize?
Thanks for answering that, Troofie.
Nice of you to take advantage of the Sadlies being away from their moderator posts!
It does amount to admitting defeat, though.
Americans, especially whites, are fat, stupid, and arrogant. They need to be reeducated by the government.
Awww. That I rate for namestealing tells me I really got under your scaly, paper-thin, dry, and dead skin, Troofus.
That’s so adorable!
Now dance, you worthless little cunt!
What the hell do NRO JonahPoints buy?
The opportunity to google shit for him, since he’s too lazy to look things up for himself?
Exactly. Mandating a vegan diet for public school children would be a good start, and we need to make sure they know from an early age that being transgendered is an acceptable lifestyle choice. Anything else would be heterosexism.
I am fat, stupid, arrogant, misogynistic, narcissistic and a white supremacist. I need a job.
“Americans, especially whites, are fat, stupid, and arrogant. They need to be reeducated by the barack obamas black pimp hand”.
Come on, not even TRYING here.
Annoying. Can’t killfile all this stupid trolling because it’s using people I like reading as cover. But it *certainly* wouldn’t stoop so low as to lie about not being The Authentic, really, c’mon, you gotta believe me here, libs.
Legalizing marriage to underage children would be good, too. After all, pedophilia is just another alternative lifestyle choice. I hope NAMBLA is welcomed into the wider GLBT movement.
Actually, it has been established by the Sadly mods that I make all my posts, no matter the day or time, in my house.
I hope NAMBLA is welcomed into the wider GLBT movement.
You’ll have to pry it out of the Republicans’ cold, dead fingers.
Shit, 23:13 is my actual opinion. That was an accident.
I believe the countdown to “LLLLLLLLLL” has begun. I’m popping some microwave abortions NOW!
Fourth of July is stupid. Who cares about a bunch of dead, slave-owning, racist, heterosexist, white males? We should abolish it and have an International Multicultural Day instead that celebrates all the cultures of the worl equally, and apoligizes to the world for our racist, sexist, classist, and heterosexist past.
Shit, this freakout is as bad as the LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL incident. I think his mom’s basement is about to have trollbrain all over the open studs.
Keep it up, Troofers. In the words of a great man: “Your silly and childish responses only signify that our superior debating skills must drive you over the edge. It only increases our pleasure to see you be driven insane by the sadlynauts.”
I can’t even make Fourth of July comments on the Fourth! My penis is SO SMALL.
Moses killing the innocent Egyptians with the Red Sea is just another example of white supremacist imperialism. We should go back in time and kill Moses.
Not to mention all those fireworks displays and BBQ pits emit a lot of carbon, which contributes to Global Warming. They should either be banned, or the government should mandate that they be offset by mandating the buying of Carbon Credits.
If anyone’s going to post comments under my nym, something involving trebuchets, please. And a shrubbery.
Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.
My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.
Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.
I hate America, but I love fireworks because they were invented by the Chinese, who are superior and the natural master of the hated white man. What can I do?
I hate Asians too? Wow. I’m just full of surprises.
Can’t write St., huh? What, it burns your fingers?
Guess what, dickface, I agree with the words you stuck in my mouth.
Fourth of July is a stupid holiday mostly used as an excuse to light off fireworks, having otherwise forsaken everything the holiday was a celebration of because idiots like you won’t pay attention in social studies.
Therefore, an international day celebrating humanity’s culture, acting as a teaching tool to further acceptance of many nations and denigrating xenophobia and nativism, plus fireworks, would be awesome.
So sad for you, I don’t care.
I believe the countdown to “LLLLLLLLLL” has begun. I’m popping some microwave abortions NOW!
My abortion has a first name, It’s L-L-L-L-L
My abortion has a second name, it’s L-L-L-L-L
I love to ‘bort them every day, and if you ask me why, I’ll say:
Please climb into this nice comfy white jacket. It would annoy the libs so much if you did that.
Then it will annoy the libs if we drive you away in this van.
There’s a big house in the country where we annoy the libs all day every day. There’s a huge garden — full of straw for you to play with. You can make your own enemies with it. It’s fun! And the libs don’t want you to do that!
If anyone’s going to post comments under my nym, something involving trebuchets, please. And a shrubbery.
The fake comments are sadly lacking in p00p, PENIS, and teh Buttocks too also.
Christmas should be banned, too. It is an imperialist holiday. We should bring back the Winter Solstice instead of celebrate the Mother Goddess.
But Ramadan should be a national holiday.
I’ll even wear my novelty Sarah Palin glasses if you want, hot stuff.
I have to say, I’m pretty leery on this whole Fourth of July thing. The white man living in freedom makes my Jewy blood boil.
I think Ramadan is a single day.
Israeli Jews are imperialist pigs who deserve to die at the hands of the Palestinians they colonized.
Oh boy, I got to be the one saddled with the War on Christmas rhetoric!
This is so great!
My parents disowned me because I’m a pro-abort. But I think they should have aborted me, because white people shouldn’t reproduce. White people should all stop breeding or kill themselves so the Indians can take back their land and live in harmony with the earth and treat it with homeopathic remedies, and then Atlantis will rise again.
I’m pretty heavy into the anti-Semite strawmen today. Projectamundo!
I’ll celebrate LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLadan when the decadent liberal Moslems stop perverting its beautiful, natural expression, which probably has something to do with sexually assaulting Christian babies.
Jews in Iran have real freedom, Ahmadenijad is the friend of JEWS, just not the ZIONISTS.
Please have patience, everyone. Since the resignation of a certain someone, he’s been just a little bit… troofier than usual.
Children should be limited to two Holiday Gifts a year, including their birthdays, made from fully recyclable and organic materials. Anything more is unsustainable overconsumption that murders our planet.
You fool, what will the blacks we are too cowardly to admit are subhuman do without white scum to support them??? THIS IS WHY YOU PEOPLE NEED THE INTERNATIONAL JEW IN CHARGE
Christmas has come early to Sadly, No!
Ooh! Do me again! I want something about hating industry and/or Jesus.
You mean Festivus. Christmas is a gauche thing unfit for the chosen people. Also, LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
I think that hamburger should be made illegal, fur should be punishable by death, and rich people should be forced to buy organic oat cakes for everyone except themselves.
Then in the interest of Democracy we should outlaw every political party except the Green Communist Revolutionary party and nobody can vote except for gay non-white Muslims.
Troofie, or real liberal? You decide!
Great idea! And Thanksgiving should be abolished and replaced with an Apologetic Day of Mourning to remember the bloody genocide of the First Peoples.
The Pilgrims were just white, imperialist, genocidal Christian fanatics. They should be despised, not celebrated.
Now now, I resent that one, troll.
I think hildren should have only three gifts on the holidays. A sock, and another sock. Made from hemp. And if they’re really good, they get a dreidl.
Anything else will make them dependent on the welfare culture, asking for handouts.
You Menshevik scum, how dare you press your capitalist deceptions upon our noble working class children? Each child shall receive a single potato and an AK-47. The former to remind them of the perfidy of the degenerate Gaelic race; the latter to aid them in taking up arms against the illegal occupying lizardoid regime that rules England with an iron fist.
Call the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, we have a Chernobyl-class meltdown to clean up here.
In all my years online that’s the first time someone hoaxed my nym. I feel so used.
Troofie, or real liberal? You decide!
Well, geez, you already gave it away by asking.
I think I was in a band called Degenerate Gaelic Race at some point.
Pro-abort? Do non-imaginary people ever say that?
Maybe this Apologetic Day of Mourning we could surrender the Southwest to Mexico as a free gift, and officially apologize for the aggressive, racist, imperialist, heterosexist Mexican War. Santa Anna was just an indegenous hero resisting the white man’s imperialism, after all. And fuck the Alamo!
Shane McGowan said,
July 5, 2009 at 23:30 (kill)
How weird! I was once part of a band called Gaelic Perfidy.
I rate for Jerry!
And akvavit.
Well, geez, you already gave it away by asking.
That’s why my missions to infiltrate the Minutemen keep ending with me being chased over the border by huffing rednecks with guns too heavy for them to lift.
Hey guys! I’m a new poster, and I’m a dirty liberal! I hope no one hijacks my nym! That’d sure be embarrassing for ME.
tigrismus: Ask and ye shall receive. Of course, I apologize for linking to Google, which is one of the many useful inventions I secretly resent white people for creating.
Sure, sure, but we must be ever vigilant about the fertile cholo destroying our gay plot for America’s private schools, no matter how enthusiastic we might be at welfaring them in in order to pervert the course of white justice. ¡Ay yay yay, no hay sufficiente I.Q. para votar! ¡Chinga tu madre, Bell Curve!
We should outlaw all non-organic, non-sustainable agriculture. If a bunch of white pigs have to go hungry, so what? Maybe then they will know what Africa is like, and the Earth would be happier.
Down with Israel! Down with the JEW!
My dad was a combat vet, and I don’t approve of all this namestealing going on here. If temporary-Governor Sarah Palin wants to quit because, she says, she’s going to perform a higher service to the United States of America, then we should use our own names to cheer her on in her quest to make our country fiscally responsible by talking on cable teevee to an ever decreasing number of desperate, elderly, white, bigoted viewers of Fox News.
Yay! It’s everything I hoped for, but more so!
Jek, Jr.
I’m just a little curious: was your dad a combat vet?
International Bankers (especially the Jew Zionists aliagned with George W. Bush) caused this financial crisis. Banking should be outlawed.
Here, troofie-woofy-woofy! Here, doggy! I’ve got something for you to book-mark! There’s a good boy!
Maybe this Apologetic Day of Mourning we could surrender the Southwest to Mexico as a free gift
Did somebody forget to mention our long-term plan to liberate the Louisiana “Purchase”???
Officer, deduct 50 OBAMA Credits from Simba’s account.
Weak, Troofie. I’m not the one who rants about George Soros controlling the media every chance I get.
Poopy doo doo diarrhea ass shit!
Laws should be outlawed, as they are a tool of the White oppressors.
Tools should be outlawed, except big huge throbbing black ones I can’t stop thinking about.
Every white person should have to give 10% of their paycheck to blacks for Slavery Reparations, and 10% to the First Peoples for Genocide Reparations. Jews should have to pay an additional 10% to the Palestinians for the suffering they caused the Occupied Peoples of Palestine.
Well, no, I meant do any real people use it to refer to themselves, as above. I know the nuts use it to describe people who are pro-choice.
Smut, nym-jacking you would be too hard a job, what with the need to link appropriate illustrations and all.
me being chased over the border by huffing rednecks
I was under the impression that huffing was a respected US tradition, ever since the original tea-partyers dressed up as Redskins because they already had paint all over their faces.
Hmmmm… an impotently raging troll using regular poster’s names to “show them”. He’s either very smart or very dumb.
When Barack Obama has the despicable white Joe Biden killed and replaced with Pootie Tang, it will then be time to implement Plan Squanto’s Revenge. Every red squirrel in England shall become our thrall, and they will slave forever in our vast organic tempeh mines.
Also, Barack Obama will change his name to Squanto Obama.
Not so much ‘liberate’ as ‘sell to ACORN at a discount’, but yeah, can you imagine how fucking angry those awful patriots are going to be when they’re ruled by blacks, Jews, and the gay mafia? Oh, wait!
Particularly weak when he could have suggested that from now on, all banking shall be held to Islamic banking regulations, putting an end to usurious Venetian Jew banking policies.
Two for one, man, suggest handed the reins of economics to the Muslims, while utilizing some old-school terrified of Shakespearean depictions of the Jewish people anti-Semitism.
International Bankers (especially the Jew Zionists aliagned with George W. Bush) caused this financial crisis. Banking should be outlawed.
I agree.
He’s either very smart or very dumb.
Based on its other output, I have to say “very dumb”.
Or very smart at playing dumb.
Okay, dumb question.
I looked on urban dictionary, and I still don’t get what’s with all the LLLLs.
Help a dorky Oregonian-who-lives-in-Hawaii out?
Hawaii should secede and be returned to its First Peoples. The American takeover of Hawaii was an illegal genocidal coup!
Guuuuuys, I’ve got a well-researched opinion slightly different from yours. Why don’t we talk about this like civil adults so we can all move forward as a country? C’mon, guys.
Oregon Guy is really a dorky Oregonian-who-lives-in-KENYA. I had proof, but I eated it.
Help a dorky Oregonian-who-lives-in-Hawaii out?
On troofie’s craziest night, he started bashing randomly on the keyboard and posting the results. One such was “LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL”.
Deleted by mods, sadly.
Oregon Guy: On his last epic faildive, at one point he just banged out LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL in response. This was, to be blunt, comic gold as he couldn’t even put a sentence together.
But it’s cool, we’re taking it back.
Started and has not spread beyond here. Something to say or fuck around with the effluent of trolls using. Has a deeper meaning: lllllll.
Every black person should have to give 10% of their paycheck to whites for Slavery Reparations, and the First Peoples should give 10% for Genocide Reparations. Palestinians should be subject to travelling restrictions for the suffering they caused the Peoples of Israel.
You know, Troofy is providing a valuable service to us Sadlynaughts. We don’t have to comment anymore, we just sit back and watch ourselves carry on, responding as The Truth wishes we would respond.
It’s kind of weird to watch myself have a conversation with a troll regarding something I don’t give a shit about.
I looked on urban dictionary, and I still don’t get what’s with all the LLLLs.
Last time Troofy melted down like this, he must have had a seizure or something ‘cuz he posted some comment with was full of LLLLLLL. It’s since been added to the Troofy Meme Hall of Fame.
Real gangsta-ass LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLs don’t talk much;
All ya hear is the black from the gun blast.
Real gangsta-ass LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLs don’t run for shit,
‘Cuz real gangta-ass LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLs can’t run fast.
Okay, that’s fairly awesome. Sorry I missed it.
First time I’ve ever been spoofed, also.
Also awesome.
Its a good day. Maybe I’ll go to the beach.
he must have had a seizure or something…
And been using speech-to-text software. Might explain his usual punctuation, too.
And been using speech-to-text software
“The Castle ArrrrLLLLLLLLLL.”
Ooh! I actually HATE the beach, because white people go there, and the concession stand makes money! How WICKED of me!
…that’s all I got.
Oooh me me me! Pick me! Here Troofers! Over here!
“The Castle ArrrrLLLLLLLLLL.”
Ha! That scene occurred to me too.
“Perhaps he was dictating!”
“Oh, shut up.”
As a happily married small business owner, I’ve recently found myself in a position where I’m making just enough that Obama’s tax policies have slightly hurt my bottom line. I know that society would fall apart if everyone thought about nothing but their own wallets, but is there really no other way we can deal with the current economic crisis and dig ourselves out of the mess Bush’s fiscal incontinence caused?
Oh man, Bush. He was an awful president and we got taken for a ride. Hindsight and all, but we’re really sorry and we’ll be more careful next time.
Wait your turn! Doesn’t the shape of my nose just make you SO mad, Troofie?
Hey libs, remember when I said this?
You’re welcome!
I can’t decide which of my lusts is more overpowering — my overt desire to horp down dusky wang, or my deep forbidden want for the Truth’s white and delightsome phallus.
Perhaps sending Planned Parenthood some money — earmarked for clinics in black neighborhoods, of course — would make take my mind off these things. Or perhaps calzones.
The Truth said,
July 5, 2009 at 23:52 (kill)
As a happily married small business owner</em
Oh man. I gotcher comedy gold right here.
So, guys, over/under on when he gets tired of accusing us of being homosexuals, and doubles down into personal threats?
I give it until… 8:32 EST.
I only like calzones because they remind me of the I-talian hoodlums’ stranglehold on unions! Which I like! Because they’re bad! I am bad too also! The Truth is more smarter than me!
One of my favorite recipes; copy this down, libs!
1/2 cup dry white wine
1 medium onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1 pound sliced fresh mushrooms
1 tbsp paprika
2 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp Dijon mustard
3 tbsp flour
2 cups soy milk
1 cup vegan sour cream
salt and pepper to taste
Heat the wine, onion and garlic in a saucepan over medium heat until the onion begins to soften, about 5 minutes. Add the mushrooms and continue to cook for 2 minutes.
Add the paprika, soy sauce and mustard and stir well. Slowly add the flour, stirring constantly, until you have a smooth paste.
Add the soy milk, bring to a boil, then turn heat to low and simmer until the mixture begins to thicken, about 5 minutes.
Add the vegan sour cream, salt and pepper and heat throughly.
Serve over pasta, rice or baked potatoes
My dad was a combat vet, and yes, my father was a veteran of combat, thanks for asking. If impromptu-interim-Governor Sarah Palin’s family took a vote for her to quit her job, and she did it, I think its perfectly acceptable for her to hold a family vote every night so dinner will always be ice cream and cheeseburgers and never any brussels sprouts. I suspect that this isn’t the genuine Troofie, as spelling and grammar are suspiciously competent. I agree with Sarah that it’s unfair for Alaskans to disparage her quitting when she says she’s doing it for them but won’t tell them any details. Troofie’s mom is always telling him to do things without telling him why.
Needs more arugula.
Best thread ever, or best thread EVER? Discuss.
Given how she acted at her announcement, I’d say that Sarah traded the governorship for a bottle of Diprivan.
Hey libs! Your pathetic whining reminds me of the lyrics to one of my favorite songs. Download this, liberals!
I wanna take you to a gay bar,
I wanna take you to a gay bar,
I wanna take you to a gay bar, gay bar, gay bar
Let’s start a war, start a nuclear war
At the gay bar, gay bar, gay bar
At the gay bar
Now tell me do ya?, but do ya have any money?
I wanna spend all your money,
at the gay bar, gay bar, gay bar
I’ve got something to put in you,
I’ve got something to put in you,
I’ve got something to put in you,
At the gay bar, gay bar, gay bar
You’re a superstar, at the gay bar
You’re a superstar, at the gay bar
Yeah! you’re a superstar, yeah at the gay bar
You’re a superstar, at the gay bar
Super, super, superstar!
Best thread ever, or best thread EVER? Discuss.
Contender, but still edged out by that 48-to-52 one.
Guys, I think it’s time we stopped debating with The Truth. Let’s face it…he’s really got a number on us, just like Coach Urban Meyer does. Da Cool Coach tears us everytime he comes here, so I think we should just ignore him!
Now, I’ve got to admit, that the logic of The Truth is impeccable this time;
Step 1.) Spend 8 years impotently trolling Liberal Blogs
Step 2.) Have multiple, public break downs on Sadly No as part of that wasted life… including name-stealing.
Step 3.) Proceed to name-jack everyone you can today again because, apparently, liberals believe what conservatives think about them. No, seriously. You do!
Step 4.) Pat yourself on the back because no one coming to this blog would ever, ever think it was the same idiotic fucknut whose been here for so many years already, and done exactly just this before, and in an equally stupid and incoherent way.
Step 5.) Do it all night, just in case anyone was having any doubts about how “insane” “Liberals” are. Totally fooling the observers, most of whom’s names you’ve taken by now!
Step 6.) Then, go on Truthie, take this name too! And start repeating a nym which is just a daily variant of whatever psychosis you most recently showed; in today’s case, it’s about how you linked to your own YouTube account, and revealed you are a 40 year old loser who favourites a film from the 50s called “The True Problem With Women.” So go on, make all sorts of comments under this name… that’ll ABSOLUTELY fool people into thinking you’re controlling the commentary here! Everyone’s bound to side with someone who thinks women are too simple and emotional to do anything!
Step 7.) Underpants on head time.
Step 8.) ???? LLLLLLL!
Step 9.) Profit!
Best thread ever, or best thread EVER? Discuss.
YOU CAN’T FOOL US FAKER!!! Real Simba would know it’s spelled “EVAR”!!!
I dunno, Xecklothxayyquou. The Prussian Blue neo-Nazi fest down in the basement has always been one of my secret loves, given that I didn’t have to feel a single second of regret in laughing at those white supremacist pinheads.
The Prussian Blue neo-Nazi fest down in the basement has always been one of my secret loves…
Good choice. I haven’t had the stamina for that one, tho.
I don’t know who this “Truth/Authentic” person is, but I like the cut of his jib. In fact, in the spirit of camaraderie, I will offer my own lyrics, inspired by my brusque admiration for this wonderful, obviously well-endowed man who shares so many of my common, mature, adult core beliefs:
I am what I am
I am my own special creation.
So come take a look,
Give me the hook or the ovation.
It’s my world that I want to take a little pride in,
My world, and it’s not a place I have to hide in.
Life’s not worth a damn,
‘Til you can say, “Hey world, I am what I am.”
I am what I am,
I don’t want praise, I don’t want pity.
I bang my own drum,
Some think it’s noise, I think it’s pretty.
And so what, if I love each feather and each spangle,
Why not try to see things from a diff’rent angle?
Your life is a sham ’til you can shout out loud
I am what I am!
I am what I am
And what I am needs no excuses.
I deal my own deck
Sometimes the ace, sometimes the deuces.
There’s one life, and there’s no return and no deposit;
One life, so it’s time to open up your closet.
Life’s not worth a damn ’til you can say,
“Hey world, I am what I am!”
Da Cool Coach tears us everytime he comes here, so I think we should just ignore him!
Now, now I feel used.
Oh my god please tell me that Youtube bit is true.
The real Best Thread EVER said,
Holy crap! Seriously, someone should put ten more posts into that baby just to make it 2112. Then we can go Galt on it!
But can you _really_ call a thread “best” until it gets into the over-600-posts range?
When you get 600 posts they make you a capo.
You sloppy fuck, I’m tired of posting your links in this bitch.
Oh my god please tell me that Youtube bit is true.
A while back D. Aristophanes made a YouTube video with that website and posted it here. For a couple of weeks after that Troofie made several of his own, dropping links into random threads. I never bothered to look at the YouTube account profile (or the videos for that matter), but it sure makes sense to me.
“Texas, Georgia, South Carolina, Arizona, Utah, and Tennessee are growing”
I thought we were talking about Arkansas and West Virginia.
BTW, Virginia and North Carolina are growing, and you got your ass handed to you there. Right down the line. In Virginia for the first time in 44 years. Hell, even Ford and Dole carried Virginia. Even your boys George Allen and Virgil Goode are history. We have two democratic senators now, for the first time since forever.
Here is the account in question, and while it does say he’s 40 it doesn’t say anything about his favorite movies, although I’m sure no one would be surprised if he removed that little embarrassing bit.
Anyone able to identify the school logo he’s plastered all over that page?
what with the need to link appropriate illustrations and all.
The only sufficiently-disturbing illustration for this thread is on page 430 of “Surgery in Infancy and Childhood [Dennison, 3rd edition], and I can’t be arsed scanning it in. Maybe it’s on Google Books. I’ll get back.
Oh, wait. He’s favorited a clip from the above mentioned movie.
Anyone able to identify the school logo he’s plastered all over that page?
Auburn University, way down yonder in Alabama.
Looks like, at a guess, Auburn University.
I always kinda thought this
was one of the bestest S,N! threads EVAR.
Another favorite:
although I think it was better in the original sammich.
Unsurprisingly, RedState has a pole up for Sarah.
Sarah Palin — All In
By Jay Valentine
There is a point in tournament poker where one player doesn’t have the chips to play out the next raise, but they have great cards, so they call “all in.” At that point, nobody can raise them and the hand gets played out — either to a game changing win or a total loss for the person who made the call.
It appears Sarah Palin decided she and her family could no longer deal with the thousand cuts, so she is “all in.”
Palin may well decide to stay home and make macaroni and cheese for the kids, but history may not let her. She has already established herself as a major player — candidate or not. More importantly, the wildly critical left has put her in a financial position where she has no choice but to speak out, perhaps do a book, and make the money she needs to pay legal bills for 15 unwarranted “ethics” investigations, all of which she handily won. The legal bills remain.
One doubts that when she speaks out, it will be about how to field dress a moose. Rather, she will take positions in speaking and writing about her core beliefs. That is a problem for the radical left of their own creation.
Palin enters the arena where the fight is not between liberal and conservative; nor is it between Republican and Democrat. The fight is between elite and the common person who works every day and continually asks how Washington D.C., under both parties, is so out of control.
Elitism has never been popular in America. Major American critics from H.L Menken to Rush Limbaugh made careers poking fun at elites.
Elitism is on display today as never before. Senate and Congressional seats are passed down in the family. Just look at the family members lining up for Ted Kennedy’s seat or Caroline’s assumption that she deserved the New York Senate seat. Vice President Biden’s Senate seat is being kept warm for his son, now serving in the Middle East. Lots of talk that Michelle Obama may be the next Illinois senator.
Hereditary government on display. How much more elitist can a nation become?
The fight is between an out of control government led by media and government elites and common sense Americans, of both parties, who have had enough. Sarah Palin is in the enviable, although personally painful position, of being the “anti elite” voice of common sense and shared American values.
The vicious left put her there and now they may live to regret it.
When informed of the invention of “poison gas” by Admiral Cochrane, the Duke of Wellington cautioned that “that is a game two can play.” He wisely chose not to go there because it would certainly be used by both sides.
The parallel exists with Saul Alinsky, the progenitor of much radical leftist smear techniques. His key dictum was that ridicule had no antidote. Sarah Palin was wildly successful heaping ridicule on Obama during the campaign, when he was at his best.
Nothing is more easily and cogently ridiculed than elitism.
Obama even appointed an elite college professor who posits that animals should have legal rights to sue their owners. Can one imagine Sarah Palin foisting this foolish, elitist intellectual on the question: “well, then professor, shouldn’t a 6 month, developed fetus have the same legal rights as a chicken?” Make Obama defend that position.
Now Obama is finding the treading a bit harder. Rasmussen polls show a weakening of his approval numbers and all polls agree that most Americans do not support cap and tax, do not want illegals to get health care funded by taxpayers and now are becoming pro life. Wide swaths of informed citizens are coming to understand man made global warming is a hoax used to heap new energy taxes on them. Only elites, from both parties, can propose such nonsense.
Even Colin Powell, the truest weathervane of elitist thinking, is openly questioning Obama’s spending. Certainly he did not get these doubts from listening to Rush Limbaugh. Perhaps, Colin Powell senses where this is going, and it is not going his way.
Sara Palin takes on the “fancy people” from a position, eagerly given to her by her enemies, of being a “common” person who went to an ordinary college, has typical family problems, is married to a guy who works in an oil field, buys her kid’s diapers at WalMart. If the fight is with the elites, what better background could one have?
Ayn Rand said that there is right and there is wrong, and everything in the middle is evil. Sarah Palin is not a person from the middle. She has her beliefs and lives them in her daily life. Her children are her life’s work, they are not accessories.
Nobody is better positioned, as a candidate or commentator, to take on the elites and the nonsense they put forward.
What an irony if the only American President who can make a 3 point shot were taken out by a point guard who came up to his shoulder. And if the guard was a chick — who went to a no name school?
Oh, wait. He’s favorited a clip from the above mentioned movie.
Oh yes he did, you see? He’s just too unimportant for me to bookmark every dumb thing he says… but unlike “2012/The Truth”… liberals don’t lie We don’t need to lie about our totally fucked up opponents 😉
Reasons one and two would mean she’s nuts, reason three means she’s bad, reason five means “enough already” so I can see some positivity there in reason five.
“Americans don’t want to drive little lawn mower golf carts. They want big, large, powerful cars.”
4 year olds want big, sweet, ice cream cones and chocolate candy bars three meals a day, too.
YES! Scrolltroof ACTIVATED!
Oh, and, um, Jews and whitey, the hating thereof.
Kid – yeah! Phase III achieved, scroll troll mode ACTIVATE!
Next up, LLLLLLLLLLLLLL? Or is there one I forgot?
Woo-hoo! All aboard the…
There’s the fight with the weird Judeo-Christian angelology symbolism, where he gets a single wing covered in blood or something, right?
Obama’s Three-legged Stool
By Kelcy Allen
When I was a kid, my grandmother had an old three-legged stool. I used to sit atop the stool in the kitchen nook of our small island cabin, and gaze out through a tiny four-pane window onto the waters of Washington’s rugged Puget Sound. One morning as my grandma cooked pancakes for the kids, my grandpa leaned to me and said softly, “You know son, as long as you are on that stool, you can look out there and become anything you imagine.” I thought I was sitting on a magic stool.
My grandfather bless his soul, taught me to imagine, but it didn’t take me long to realize human achievement isn’t due to magic. Or is it? The frenetic pace inside the new Obama White House and the stunning speed with which decisions are made, juxtaposed with a quizzically invisible opposition, have me asking, “Does President Obama have his own magical three-legged stool?” The perplexing answer is that he has one, but it’s not a real stool and it’s not magic.
Whether it pertains to programs, strategies, or goals, all administrations rest their hopes and agendas on a design. When we allude to a proverbial three-legged stool in politics, we’re merely using a common rhetorical phrase used to describe a three-pronged design. Here is the distinct design triad President Obama is using to forward his agenda — the three supporting legs of his political stool.
Note, the intent here is not to focus on the administrations’ programs or goals per se, rather it is to explain the three distinct ‘strategies’ he’s using to implement his programs and achieve those goals. Whether you voted for him or not, or whether you think his end goals are liberating or repressive, we can fight those battles another day. These are his strategies. See if you think they are honest and sincere.
The Politics of Distraction
Rahm Emanuel is proud to be known as the man who gave us the opportunistic aphorism, “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. President Obama promised to be transparent, but there’s no real need for him to do so. This presidency understands the 24- and 72-hour news cycles, and the distractions they engender. With all the available crises nowadays, if someone wanted to actually skateboard down the hallowed corridors of the White House, I doubt anyone would ever notice.
President Obama’s staff immediately kicks into overdrive whenever average citizens are focused on calamity or sleaze. Whether it’s dirt-clod-stupid idolatry gone creepy, as with Michael Jackson-a clinically troubled but magical musical genius, or whether it’s a nonchalant, suicidal disregard for anything uncomfortable-like a double-nuclear threat of vaporization, the Obama team capitalizes on it. Maybe Newsweek was wrong when they said we’re all Socialists now. The president and his staff are uniquely capitalistic, in that they capitalize on every news cycle, each world catastrophe, and all of our major corporate failures. While Americans loudly martyr foreign protestors and rave over maladjusted Perez-type irresponsible misfits, life-altering legislation moves quietly and steadily through Congress. Two voluminous legislative tomes, one called Stimulus and the other called Cap and Trade, have the distinct possibility of being the two most influential documents in American history, replacing even our endeared Constitution and Bill of Rights, and they haven’t been read yet.
The Politics of Inundation
Initially, I never had a beef with ACORN, Alinsky, or even Ayers. They all began with sincere, if not noble, motives-to aid the poor and disadvantaged, to give the disenfranchised a say in our democratic process, to provide an opportunity for all to live the American Dream. Who wouldn’t have helped Saul Alinsky fight oppressive landlords or help workers beaten back by a brutal union boss? Bill Ayers even began by working for the common man. Or who wouldn’t have assisted ACORN in their drive to help the downtrodden get a piece of the American pie? I’m sure ninety-five percent of ACORN members today are decent good intentioned Americans, but they are run by corrupt politicians and old Chicago community organizers, and have been infiltrated by dishonest street hustlers and Black Panther thugs. It never changes-power corrupts, being a victim beats working, and a lack of gratitude is as innate as blood.
“United we stand, divided we fall”, is the preeminent rallying cry of our republic. ACORN, Alinsky, and Ayers, for whatever reasons, chose a strategy based on the latter half of that patriotic pledge. A focus on division, rather than unity, became their modus operandi. During the last presidential election, ACORN also used a negative, divisive strategy. They sought to inundate the electoral system-to over-register voter rolls and massively overload the process to the point, where simple vote tallying would be mind-boggling and recounts virtually impossible. The results of an entire election would then be placed in the hands of one person-a judge. This is the Obama strategy. Unseen bills, un-vetted appointments, and questionable policy changes are lined up like planes on the O’Hare tarmac, flying off to ‘who-knows-where’, with all of our lives in the balance. And this is happening at a confounding, un-scrutinized, breakneck speed.
There was a time when a ‘major bill’ might be passed in a month. Now it seems, it’s closer to a week. You can’t keep track. Do you know what bill went through just today? Three days ago? How about a week ago? The answer is: You don’t know, and I don’t know, and we’re not meant to know. I don’t care if you’re a conservative, a liberal, or a red-headed, androgynous salamander from Plato, you should be deeply insulted and thoroughly provoked.
The Hurry-Up Offense
Many citizens are going so far as to call Obama a Marxist. That might be a stretch considering Marxists don’t ‘Bail Out’ their citizenry, they take it over. A bailout is deemed helpful, and Marxists seldom help their lowly vassals. Besides, a bailout has a good reputation in America. Lee Iacocca and Chrysler were bailed out by our government in 1979 and everyone survived nicely. Maybe that was because Chrysler was allowed to pay the government back, reclaim its renewed operation, and return to business as usual. But that’s not happening today. After a bailout, our government now resists repayment, they have reserved portions of said private enterprises unto themselves, and they require those private companies to operate according to narrow restrictive requirements. This begs the inevitable, “Is America getting bailed out, or are we being taken over? Which is it? Recall the expression, “it’s best to err on the side of caution?” This phrase is vitally imbued when freedom itself could be at stake.
Almost daily, the president speaks with an urgency found only in sci-fi movies where the mother ship is about to barbecue the earth. Every request is a dire emergency and each situation is a doomsday scenario. It’s always the dreaded apocalyptic endgame and immediate action is required. It’s a classic page right out of pro football. It’s the ‘Hurry-Up’ offense-we need to score quick or life as we know it is over…Distract…Try and catch them without all their men on the field…Shorten the count…Run the play before they’re organized…Initiate rapidly! The American public is being left completely out of the game, or at best, is constantly placed on the defense and is not being allowed to help develop any of the more important plays.
I’m pretty sure the YouTube spoofer is AoSHQ’s Goober, not Troofy.
I’ve also noticed that Goober hasn’t done any Xtranormaling in a while. Everyone ignoring you will do that to you.
Scrolltroll, AND quoting that fucked up bitch Rand. The poster in question has not yet seen his tiny, tiny balls drop.
I won’t sugarcoat this letter. This is a very bitter letter. Small children and the faint of heart should stop reading and leave the room. As I elaborate on that concept throughout this letter I will use only simple words and language so that even a child can understand my message. Yes, even a child should know that Barack Obama has written volumes about how he has mystical powers of divination and prophecy. Don’t believe a word of it, though. The truth is that our battle with him is a battle between spiritualism and sadism, between tradition and subversion, between the defenders of Western civilization and its enemies. With the battle lines drawn as such, it is abundantly clear that I can say one thing about Obama. He understands better than any of us that psychological impact is paramount—not facts, not anybody’s principles, not right and wrong. I’m not suggesting that we behave likewise. I’m suggesting only that what we’re seeing is a domino effect of events that started with Obama stating that he has the linguistic prowess to produce a masterwork of meritorious literature. That prevarication incited his brethren to distort the facts. Dirty schemers reacted, in turn, by turning used-car salesmen loose against us good citizens. The next domino to fall, not surprisingly, was a widespread increase in ethnocentrism, and that’s the event that galvanized me to tell everyone that Obama holds onto power like the eunuch mandarins of the Forbidden City—sterile obstacles to progress who support hostile governments known for human rights abuses, wrongful imprisonment, and slavery.
In retrospect, Obama has always been more nutty than most foolhardy opportunists. I am more than merely surprised by his willingness to break down the industrial-technological system. I’m shocked, shocked. And, as if that weren’t enough, Obama’s a psychologically defective person. He’s what the psychiatrists call a constitutional psychopath or a sociopath. At no time in the past did mischievous half-wits shamble through the streets of cities, demanding rights they imagine some supernatural power has bestowed upon them. According to Obama’s distortions, distractions, and outright deceptions, taxpayers are a magic purse that never runs out of gold. Fortunately, most of the people who are seriously interested in preserving our civilization know that the reality is that if I had my druthers, Obama would never have had the opportunity to go to great lengths to conceal his true aims and mislead the public. As it stands, if Obama honestly believes that some of my points are not valid, I would love to get some specific feedback from him.
If you were to ask Obama, he’d say that he doesn’t remember breaking down our communities. Not only does Obama have a very selective memory, but he maintains that he can succeed without trying. This is hardly the case. Rather, there is growing evidence that says, to the contrary, that he should not rot out the foundations of our religious, moral, and political values. Not now, not ever. The bottom line is that I am sick to my stomach of Barack Obama’s pettiness and simple ignorance.
I am tall and I am thin
Of an enviable hight
And I’ve been known to be quite handsome
In a certain angle and in certain light
Well I entered into O’Malley’s
Said, “O’Malley I have a thirst”
O’Malley merely smiled at me
Said “You wouldn’t be the first”
I knocked on the bar and pointed
To a bottle on the shelf
And as O’Malley poured me out a drink
I sniffed and crossed myself
My hand decided that the time was nigh
And for a moment it slipped from view
And when it returned, it fairly burned
With confidence anew
Well the thunder from my steely fist
Made all the glasses jangle
When I shot him, I was so handsome
It was the light, it was the angle
Huh! Hmmmmmm
“Neighbours!” I cried, “Friends!” I screamed
I banged my fist upon the bar
“I bear no grudge against you!”
And my dick felt long and hard
“I am the man for which no God waits
But for which the whole world yearns
I’m marked by darkness and by blood
And one thousand powder-burns”
Well, you know those fish with the swollen lips
That clean the ocean floor
When I looked at poor O’Malley’s wife
That’s exactly what I saw
I jammed the barrel under her chin
And her face looked raw and vicious
Her head it landed in the sink
With all the dirty dishes
Her little daughter Siobhan
Pulled beers from dusk till down
And amongst the townfolk she was a bit of a joke
But she pulled the best beer in town
I swooped magnificent upon her
As she sat shivering in her grief
Like the Madonna painted on the church-house wall
In whale’s blood and banana leaf
Her throat it crumbled in my fist
And I spun heroically around
To see Caffrey rising from his seat
I shot that mother fucker down
Mmmmmmmmmm Yeah Yeah Yeah
“I have no free will”, I sang
As I flew about the murder
Mrs. Richard Holmes, she screamed
You really should have heard her
I sang and I laughed, I howled and I wept
I panted like a pup
I blew a hole in Mrs. Richard Holmes
And her husband stupidly stood up
As he screamed, “You are an evil man”
And I paused a while to wonder
“If I have no free will then how can I
Be morally culpable, I wonder”
I shot Richard Holmes in the stomach
And gingerly he sat down
And he whispered weirdly, “No offense”
And then lay upon the ground
“None taken”, I replied to him
To which he gave a little cough
With blazing wings I neatly aimed
And blew his head completely off
I’ve lived in this town for thirty years
And to no-one I am a stranger
And I put new bullets in my gun
Chamber upon chamber
And I turned my gun on the bird-like Mr. Brookes
I thought of Saint Francis and his sparrows
And as I shot down the youthful Richardson
It was St. Sebastian I thought of, and his arrows
Hhhhhhhhhh Mmmmmmmmmmmm
I said, “I want to introduce myself
And I am glad that all you came”
And I leapt upon the bar
And shouted out my name
Well Jerry Bellows, he hugged his stool
Closed his eyes and shrugged and laughed
And with an ashtray as big as a fucking really big brick
I split his head in half
His blood spilled across the bar
Like a steaming scarlet brook
And I knelt at it’s edge on the counter
Wiped the tears away and looked
Well, the light in there was blinding
Full of God and ghosts of truth
I smiled at Henry Davenport
Who made an attempt to move
Well, from the position I was standing
The strangest thing I ever saw
The bullet entered through the top of his chest
And blew his bowels out on the floor
Well I floated down the counter
Showing no remorse
I shot a hole in Kathleen Carpenter
Recently divorced
But remorse i felt and remorse I had
It clung to every thing
From the raven’s hair upon my head
To the feathers on my wings
Remorse sqeezed my hand in it’s fradulent claw
With it’s golden hairless chest
And I glided through the bodies
And killed the fat man Vincent West
Who sat quietly in his chair
A man become a child
And I raised the gun up to his head
He made no attempt to resist
So fat and dull and lazy
“Did you know I lived in your street?” I said
And he looked at me as though I were crazy
“O”, he said, “I had no idea”
And he grew as quiet as a mouse
And the roar of the pistol when it went off
Near blew that hat right off the house
Hmmmmmm Uh Uh
Well, I caught my eye in the mirror
And gave it a long and loving inspection
“There stands some kind of man”, I roared
And there did, in the reflection
My hair combed back like a raven’s wing
My muscles hard and tight
And curling from the business end of my gun
Was a query-mark of cordite
Well I spun to the left, I spun to the right
And I spun to the left again
“Fear me! Fear me! Fear me!”
But no one did cause they were dead
Huh! Hmmmmmmmmm
And then there were the police sirens wailing
And a bull-horn squelched and blared
“Drop your weapons and come out
With your hands held in the air”
Well, I checked the chamber of my gun
Saw I had one final bullet left
My hand, it looked almost human
As I raised it to my head
“Drop your weapon and come out!
Keep your hands above your head!”
I had one one long hard think about dying
And did exactly what they said
There must have been fifty cops out there
In a circle around O’Malley’s bar
“Don’t shoot”, I cried, “I’m a man unarmed!”
So they put me in their car
And they sped me away from that terrible scene
And I glanced out of the window
Saw O’Malley’s bar, saw the cops and the cars
And I started counting on my fingers
Aaaaaah One Aaaaaah Two Aaaaaah Three Aaaaaaah Four
O’Malley’s bar O’Malley’s bar
“You ever wonder why they build their plants in Tennessee, Alabama, and other low tax, right to work states and not Michigan?”
Actually, Honda and Toyota have plants in the traditionally strong union states of Ohio and West Virginia, as do Yokohama and NGK. The Germans are in Alabama and South Carolina.
Comparing the President to a three-legged stool… that’s supposed to be an insult, right?
By Stuart Schwartz
“Them Jews aren’t going to let him talk to me.”
That’s the complaint of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the anti-Semitic, radical minister who was Barack Obama’s spiritual mentor for two decades. In other words, a nefarious group of people around Obama are forcing the president to behave contrary to his interests and instincts. Such are the Sauron-like powers ascribed to Obama advisors who, having eaten of the fruit of the matzo, now control the president and vast swaths of the nation.
“Them Jews” around Obama have been the object of much attention, especially eliciting the adoration of secular Jewish liberals who comprise roughly half of the American Jewish community of five million. One observer from the Jewish counterpart to Reuters was moved to kvell (Yiddish for “to feel delighted and proud to the point of tears”) during the presidential campaign “am I the only one noticing that Obama and Biden are not so much assembling staff, as gathering a minyan?” A minyan is a quorum required for Jewish public worship.
But pride has turned to alarm as even some liberal American Jews are getting it: the Obama administration, including “them Jews,” is uniquely hostile to Israel. For the first time since its founding, Israel is viewed by a U.S. president as the impediment to peace in the Middle East. And “them Jews” around him are working hard to make sure the anti-Israel views of the president are carried out in policy. Rahm Emanuel, for example, the president’s Jewish chief of staff, has been reported by Richard Baehr to be behind the effort to force Israel to submit to Palestinian demands while the president cultivates Arab despots. And there is ample evidence that Obama, assisted by his minyan, will put more pressure on a Jewish state that is anathema to his radical allies.
As a result, the attitudes of American Jews are changing, however slowly. Kvell has turned to kvetch (the wonderful Yiddish word for whine or complain) as even the Jewish press, which spent the past year vying with Newsweek and mainstream television networks for a place at the Obama altar, realizes the truth of one of those rules around which God centered his scripture: “They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.” One prominent Jewish weekly did not need the Weather Channel or Winston Churchill to note the gathering storm at the six month mark of this radical administration, asking frankly “Will U.S. Jews Stand With Israel — Or Obama?”
Reality beckons. “Them Jews”, it turns out, are a collection of individuals afflicted by the overweening pride and ambition of much of inside-the-beltway Washington, but more so. And for whom Judaism is not a description of a special relationship with God, but a tool to leverage in the pursuit of power.
They share a single, irreligious characteristic: a self-centered worldview that focuses upon personal ambition, gain, and the applause of the media and cultural elite. “Them Jews” are not so much a sinister cabal as a motley assortment of garden-variety, leftist politicos. Forget spirituality and the splendid notion of “tzedakah”, the Hebrew word that denotes the doctrine of adherence to moral principles that Jews introduced to civilization. Instead, we have a combination of John Dean and Sammy Glick (What Makes Sammy Run), leavened with the charm of Martha Stewart.
The distinguishing feature of “them Jews” is not their Judaism; rather, it is the successful pursuit of personal power. Power is what motivates David Axelrod, whose manipulative abilities were approvingly described by the New York Times as his “unique West Wing kind of way” (the Grey Lady and Hollywood, a liberal twofer); Rahm Emanuel, who the Times compared to “a different Emanuel” and the United Church of Christ hinted may be “a higher power” (classic liberal, not Jewish or Christian theology: Rahm as Jesus or, perhaps, part of the Trinity with the boss a Newsweek editor declared “sort of God” (and, perhaps, Michelle); and Dennis Ross, an adaptable Middle East policy butterfly flitting from administration to administration, whose latest tome on the Middle East does not recognize anti-Semitism, preferring instead to use the expression “ideological animus,” and referring to the predilection of Arab despots to slaughter Jews as “very troubling” (rather Obama-esque).
Obama’s Jews are nothing if not flexible. That’s what happens when your moral compass is set to True Obama. You want them to be for Israel? Dennis Ross assured Florida Jews during the campaign that “preventing Iran from going nuclear is a very high priority” for an Obama White House, that the candidate’s love of Israel was a “commitment of the head and heart.” After the election, however, Ross was a key player in developing a policy that culminated with the announcement of Obama, as head of “one of the largest Muslim countries in the world,” that he would not oppose Iran’s development of nuclear energy.
Rahm Emmanuel worked his Jewish connections with the kind of single-minded intensity that the Democrat left showed in attacking them. He assured the largest pro-Israel lobby in the U.S., the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), that “the bond between the United States and Israel is unbreakable today, tomorrow, and forever.” The passing of forever was marked by the New York Post six months later in “Israel Betrayed: President Obama Is Treating Our Friend Like A Fiend, And Turning Public Opinion Against An Ally”. End of story.
David Axelrod cemented his Jewish credentials by engineering an image of himself as a friend of the underdog. He arranged adoring profiles such as this one by the reliably left Guardian newspaper in the United Kingdom, which noted that Axelrod “was smitten by John F. Kennedy, then saw his hero reborn” in Obama.
But the real Axelrod was simply another cynic — albeit a talented one — on the political scene. He had no apparent moral qualms, for example, about helping Michelle Obama steer poor patients away from her employer, the University of Chicago Medical Center, which then cornered the market on high-margin private insurance patients. In what has become a classic Axelrod approach, he used a public relations campaign to misrepresent the program to the community, assuring them that inner city residents would have better care by avoiding the best hospital in Chicago. They didn’t — but so what? Axelrod won.
He used the same approach with American Jewish organizations. I’m a Jew, he assured them. The result, as one blogger — self-described as a purveyor of Talmudic analysis and liberal opinions — put it, was to empower “a (real) Jew” who can be trusted — read my lips — with the best interests of the Jewish community. The prestigious Jewish Daily Forward chronicled the joy: “At Jewish Inaugural Gala, Axelrod ‘Kvells'”, while Axelrod reaffirmed “Obama’s willingness to work closely with Israel upon taking office.”
The election won, however, he did to the American Jewish community and Israel what he did to Chicago inner city residents: turned around and pressured Israel to submit to the demands of Iran, Hamas and other terrorists and thugs in the Middle East. Obama declared Israel to be the chief obstacle to peace and Axelrod, true to form, used his public relations prowess to pressure dissenters in the Jewish community. It was evident, as one Israeli newspaper noted, that Axelrod was behind the clash between the administration and Israel.
So what have we learned? If you are Israel, last names do not matter. Classic American Jewish street creds do not matter. Morality, a dedication to Judeo-Christian traditions, does matter — in other words, “do what is right and good in the Lord’s sight,” as Moses (a hopeless moralist who would have never made it into the Obama inner circle) put it. And strength matters. Israel must stay strong and resist an administration that embraces totalitarian thugs and murderers (who are, as Dennis Ross might put it, “humanitarian-challenged”).
And there is now another Yiddish word for what Israel and its supporters might expect from “them Jews” of Obama: bupkis (rough translation: “goat droppings” — go figure!).
@RBoC: Nope, Troofie just can’t stop Freudian slipping his desire for Obamacock even when he’s scrollspamming.
‘Them Jews’ of Obama
You’re thinking of Roscoe P. Coltraine and Them Dukes.
Daisy, for prefs.
Black men scare me!
Heh. Indeed. Tea Party pics! TigerHawk has more. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Tea Party pics! TigerHawk has more. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Tea Party pics! TigerHawk has more. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Tea Party pics! TigerHawk has more. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Tea Party pics! TigerHawk has more. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Tea Party pics! TigerHawk has more. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Tea Party pics! TigerHawk has more. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. [etc etc etc… -S,N!]
First, what the heck is going on in this comment thread?
Second, if Alec Guinness was still alive, reading Erick’s post would have driven him to suicide. I wonder if Erick was the kid who got that autograph — because this is exactly what Guinness warned him about.
So, in Star Wars terms, Troofie is the Ice Cream Maker Guy from “The Empire Strikes Back”
Shalom, gentlemen.
That depends on just which station you’re talking about.
Obama = Judeo-Muslim nigger for Jesus.
Also, faggot and marxist.
Okay.. any boxes left to tick….
Well, thank God he isn’t a lesbian. Or IS he…
where is that birth certificate!
Americans don’t want to drive little lawn mower golf carts. They want big, large, powerful cars.
Apart from their Droves, in which they are leaving the Democrat party.
Well, thank God he isn’t a lesbian. Or IS he…
Not yet, but in his second term he’ll get a taxpayer-funded sex change op and declare Lesbian Muslim Feminist Dystopia. Then he’ll be a dyke.
By Jeffrey Folks
A charismatic young leader, supported by a coalition of intellectual elitists on the one hand and a dependent underclass on the other, has gained control of the country. With each month that passes, the leader and his court reveal themselves to be more hostile to the interests of the middle class. Vast new spending bills are introduced to fund an extension of government power. New taxes of all kinds, the extension of old taxes to cover a broader array of goods and services, the introduction of stealth taxes and special emergency levies, the borrowing of vast sums of money: all of these excesses deeply disturb the public, especially the middle class who are asked to bear all the burdens, even as the abuses are cheered on by an foolish elite and an acquiescent underclass.
As if this were not enough, our young monarch has decided to conduct foreign policy in a suspiciously conciliatory manner toward declared enemies of the nation. Regimes with a history of supporting violence against the interests of the country are suddenly courted as if they were long-time friends. Organizations driven by ideological and religious extremism are “engaged” as if no stigma attached to their past and continuing conduct. Emissaries are dispatched to the most unlikely of foreign capitals to negotiate a policy of appeasement and conciliation.
Along with this, there is the troubling sense that the young prince’s values are alarmingly out of line with the moral and cultural views shared by most of the public. There are reports of lavish expenditures for entertainment, pilgrimages from the capital carried on at public expense, questionable advancement of favorites. There is the suspicion that, when he is not in public view, the young leader is indifferent at best to the deeply held opinions on faith, family, and patriotism that the public holds dear. Many would go further, believing that, when not on show, he and his consort mock these ideals.
Gradually, as further taxes are levied, properties expropriated, and liberties curtailed, the conviction grows that the young ruler’s actions are unconstitutional. His regime reveals itself to be greedy for funds necessary to underwrite its new spending. Even as it is criticized, this reckless spending and the arbitrary taxation that accompanies it only increase. Private resources are commandeered to reward the young ruler’s political supporters and to secure his permanent power. The public now understands, as it did not at the beginning, that the young man is intent on governing in opposition to the will of the people. On top of all this, the new ruler arrogantly insists that he is beyond criticism because of the “historic” nature of his rule-a “divine right of kings” argument that no one would now credit.
Unfortunately for the middle class, the young prince is supported by an obliging court of elitist aristocrats, educated men and women who believe they possess the right to control public opinion. The courts, dominated by a generation of judges taught to think that their authority should prevail over the will of the people’s legislatures, act in a similarly self-important fashion, issuing opinions popular only among a small elite. Increasingly, the administration, supported by its agents in the national legislature, the media, and the courts, begins to enforce limits on what the public can discuss, what they can publish, and how they can manifest their moral or religious values. An enforced conformity settles over the land as the hand of a centralized government reaches deeply into the life of every household.
In response to this tyranny, conservatives in the legislature attempt to block the more extreme proposals of the new leader. Public protests erupt throughout the land, but the young prince and his supporters dismiss them as tempests in a teapot. Representatives of the public attempt to present their grievances, finally setting forth their complaint in a grand remonstrance, but the king refuses to listen. Instead, he grows more and more arrogant, more and more cut off from the views of the middle class. Finally, once conservatives in a newly constituted legislature have reasserted their control of the public purse, the young ruler is driven from office in 1649.
So it was with that most blind, foolish, and arrogant of tyrants, King Charles I.
We, of course, have come a long way since the days when both Royalists and Independents tossed members of the opposition into the Tower, never to be heard from again. Yet the American people, like those who suffered under Charles I, have become restive as they watch the explosive growth of government spending and expansion of government powers. The American people hunger for a great conservative leader, a Reagan if not a Cromwell, who will speak for them in Washington and stand up against the state-sponsored (or state-sponsoring) media.
Today the power of the political elite in Washington far exceeds that of the court of Charles I., and we are in even greater danger of losing our liberties. John Milton was the great spokesman for the opposition during the days of Charles I, and Milton knew well enough what a tyrant was. “A tyrant,” he wrote, “is he who regarding neither law nor the common good, reigns only for himself and his faction.” Could there be any better characterization of the actions of the present administration in Washington?
Ol’ Adolf sure pulled a fast one on them Duke boys, and no mistake.
*pokes troll with pointy stick*
I’m out of vino and my troll broke. Pity me.
Ahhh, lovely. The American people hunger for a Cromwell?
Well, okay. At least he would kill off all the micks. But that “war on christmas” thing? Yeah, he has opinions about that…
Awww. Troofy’s freakout is over; now he’s just being (typically) tiresome.
The Squandered Emancipation of Iranian Women
By Andrew G. Bostom
Women’s liberation is not a one-way street. Iran’s women once before were freed from theocratic repression.
When Iran was returned in 1979 to its longstanding status as a Shi’ite theocracy, (i.e., from 1502 to 1925; interrupted by a period of Afghan invasion and internecine struggle, from 1722-1795), following its relatively brief flirtation with Westernization and secularization under Pahlavi rule from 1925 to 1979, one notable commemoration, Women’s Emancipation Day, was abolished. The holiday’s original date, January 7, commemorated the anniversary of the day in 1937 on which Reza Shah announced at a Girls’ High School prize-giving that Iranian women would be forbidden to wear the chador, or veil. Later, the date was moved to February 27th, the anniversary of Muhammad Reza Shah’s 1963 speech to the Iranian Senate, proclaiming that women’s traditional Shi’ite Islamic legal disabilities would be removed, and most notably, that women would receive the right to vote.
Nearly 20 years before Rezah Shah’s 1937 announcement, in 1919, Sadiqeh Dolatabadi (d. 1962) published the first women’s periodical in Isfahan called Zaban-e Zanan (The Women’s Voice) which (unsurprisingly!) faced opposition from the local Mullahs. After ending the publication of Zaban-e Zanan in Isfahan, she went to Tehran and once again started publishing the periodical as a monthly magazine. Dolatabadi completed her education in Europe, receiving her B.A. from the Sorbonne University. In the spring of 1926 she represented the Iranian women in the International Alliance for Women’s Suffrage.Returning to Iran in 1927, Dolatabadi started her cultural activities, and refused to wear a veil — even as a government appointed supervisor within the Ministry of Education, before the enactment of the 1937 law.
The impact of Dolatabadi’s efforts were apparent by 1941. Despite the expected opposition of the irredentist Shia clergy, Sir Clarmont Skrine would record in his World War in Iran (London, 1962, p. 109), that the announcement of Reza Shah’s abdication,
…was received with gloom by the governing class and the younger generation who feared a return to the medieval, mulla-ridden Persia they thought they had left behind for good and all. This fear received some confirmation from the fact that very soon, for the first time in years, women appeared in the streets of Meshed in the chador enjoined by religion but forbidden by the late Shah.
Reza Shah’s abdication was marked by a revival of Shiite Iranian clerical influence which reached its apogee during the premiership of Muhammad Mosaddeq (1951-1953). Allied to the clerics, who were also against external “domination,” Mossadeq’s regime, was punctuated, as F.R.C. Bagley notes, by
…sermons broadcast from loudspeakers in mosque-minarets [which] not infrequently denounced foreign manners, and many well-educated Iranian ladies resumed the veil…”
Bagley goes on to summarize three primary reasons why most clerics view with “hostility…any sort of women’s emancipation”:
* It is regarded as contrary to Islamic Law, the Sharia
* It represents a move toward “Westernization” of manners
* It was preached by non-Muslim infidels in Iran, notably the Bahai. and Christian missionaries, and advocated by Iranian freethinkers, such as the poet Iraj Mirza (d. 1926)
Following the restoration of Iran’s own constitutional rule — suspended by Muhammad Mossadeq — Muhammad Reza Shah returned to his throne, and Mossadeq was replaced as Prime Minister. The Shah’s subsequent “White Revolution,” which emphasized women’s suffrage, was in turn denounced by the Shi’ite clerical hierarchy who felt women’s suffrage was “un-Islamic.”
And the retrograde 1979 Khomeini “revolution” has marked a brutal re-imposition of Islamic Law even worse than what the Iranian women of 1941 had feared, and characterized then as “a return to the medieval, mulla-ridden Persia they thought they had left behind for good and all.”
Despite the overwrought hyperbole of some “analysts”, a very staid assessment by A. Savyon, Director MEMRI’s Iranian Media Project, notes that the current protest movement’s leaders, Mir Hossein Mousavi, Mehdi Karroubi and Mohammad Khatami, “…are not interested in a change of regime in Iran, and have never called to topple Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.” Furthermore, Savyon reports that Khatami and Rafsanjani, who have operated behind the scenes of the protests, “…have not managed to recruit the support of any senior ayatollah against Khamenei.” He adds that Hashemi Rafsanjani, the second most powerful figure in the regime who heads two of its most important bodies (the Experts Assembly and Expediency Council),
…has never purported to lead a movement presenting an alternative to the regime. Despite his blatant disagreements with the Supreme Leader, he hasn’t openly challenged the latter’s decision to accept the election results, though, according to reports, he has sought to recruit senior ayatollahs to join his camp within the regime.
Savyon concludes, “…the protest movement leaders never advocated a regime change in Iran; their campaign is part of a struggle between two streams within the regime.”
University of Connecticut Professor Kazem Kazerounian’s expose on the faux “populist” leader and butcher of political prisoners (including students) former Prime Minister Mir Hossein Mousavi, includes this revealing observation about his wife, Zahra Rahnavard (the author of the “Beauty of Concealment and Concealment of Beauty”),
…was key in enforcing the strict Islamic dress code (Hejab) on women. She had a major role in forming “Gasht-e Khaharan-e Zeinab”, the female street police units that harass women to enforce “Islamic behavior.”
Diana West found an online English translation of Mrs. Mousavi’s “opus” which extols women’s oppression under the guise of treacly Islamic piety, while expressing virulent anti-Western xenophobia. Rahnavard opines the following:
…Today most of the young women and girls, who have adopted hejab in toto and have been completely enamored by it, have reached the truth that concealment in entirety is beautiful.”
…At one time they raise the question of inequality of man and woman in Islam, and at another they harp on the issue of hejab, and so on.
…In fact, however, (under the illuminating and guiding leadership of Imam Khomeini), millions of common womenfolk have returned to their divine nature, to the dignity of their own Self, and under the loving patronage and protection of the Islamic Republic of Iran we are advancing towards preparing the ground for new legislation, so that on the basis of the Islamic laws and precepts suitable laws may be framed for this period of time for the rights and true worth of the womenfolk in order that all the oppressed women of the world may come to realize that the only way of their deliverance is the path of Islam and not the Capitalist, humanist or Communist ideologies, and that the only guarantee for materializing this objective is the Islamic revolution.”
…I have understood Islam. I have upheld hejab, You, bloodsucking Oppressors have lost an anti-people stronghold, namely, the woman of the type you had yourself forged, you had yourself trained, you had yourself taught the ideals, the way of walking, talking, laughing, wishing and longing. Of course you had yourself taught all these things to her.”
…You have now lost such a woman, such a stronghold. How sensitive a stronghold! Hence by the Grace of God and our efforts, this stronghold shall never fall into your hands. Myself and my people, women who form half of the population, and. men who form the other half of the population, have got hold of a stronghold against you and for crushing you. My hejab which is by itself now an Islam personified says that it will crush you. It tells you that it is an avowed enemy of you, the ruling regimes, you the corrupt politicians, you the chosen of the strong, you Pharoahs, Croesuses, imperialists, and (their) stooges. It [my hejab] warns you that in this world you shall be punished by the weak masses and on the Day of Judgement shall be subjected to eternal torture of Hell.”
…With my Islam, my hejab, and my struggle every day I bring closer the death of you, of your class and of your system…
These illuminating extracts make plain that Mrs. Mousavi’s “vision”-like her husband’s-will continue to deprive Iranian women of their liberation from Islam’s oppressive, misogynistic strictures-which they had already attained under Pahlavi rule, beginning back on January 7, 1937, thanks to the courageous efforts of true reformers like Sadiqeh Dolatabadi.
The ol’ scroll trool remaneuver.
Who’a thunkit, eh? WHO?
I just have to wonder what Google terms Scrolltroofie is using to find these.
And is he furiously masturbating to Obama/Pelosi slashfiction while he’s doing it?
The Squandered Emancipation of Iranian Women
Puh-LEEZE. Nobody believes conservatards actually give a shit. Iranian women are women, and brown, and Muslim. All you care about is a club to beat liberals with.
Not yet, but in his second term he’ll get a taxpayer-funded sex change op and declare Lesbian Muslim Feminist Dystopia. Then he’ll be a dyke.
Not only that, but he’s getting the preserved heads of Ayatollah Khomeini and Mao Zedong attached to hir shoulders, so as to properly subjugate American patriots to the Persian/Chinese/Indonesian/Kenyan Fascio-Communist-Islamist TransFeminist Lesbian U.C.A.S Federation of Latin American Provinces.
Then he/she’ll marry Chavez and Raul Castro, proclaim hirself Man-Queen-for-Life, and throw everyone who makes more than 8,000 a year into reeducation camps.
Also, Bill Ayers.
He’s C&Pin’ from the American Stinker, of course.
Hey guys! Charles I is the new Hitler!
Also, by extension, Rahm Emanuel is the Rupert, Count Palatine of the Rhine of Liberal Fascism.
And yes, the acronym is P/C/I/K FCITFLUCASFLAP.
The fact is, you’ll never match up to me, Troofy.
out of vino and my troll broke
Best hand-lettered panhandling sign evah.
“Give the poor man a quarter, darling.”
Via tbogg, a sweet, sweet tweet:
“Critics are spinning, so hang in there as they feed false info on the right decision made as I enter last yr in office to not run again….”
Wow. That’s some scribblin’ boy howdy.
Of all the egregious grammatical errors and the fundamental lack of command of the English language displayed by that sentence, I think my favorite is the four dot ellipsis.
Simple. Elegant. A perfect end to a perfectly awful sentence.
Gonna miss her if she’s really gone….
Smut Clyde, I can hardly wait for the blog you’re about to start.
*waves hello*
I used to do this at Eschaton too, when I wasn’t in control of myself enough to write my own words any more… 8 … wasted… years!
Please let Swank write something about the resignation. PLEASE.
I don’t know what everyone is making such a fuss about. Palin simply resigned so that she could spend more time with her ego.
The fact is, you liberals are afraid of Sarah Palin and the Heartland she will rouse, I can feel your trembling and your hate as a wind of REAL change sweeps USA.
The fact is, you can keep your Change. I’ll keep my money and not go into debt like never before in History like USA is under the Usurper
The fact is, the liberals media ias just asking to be taken down with The Truth and Unbiased Facts
The fact is, fake Gary. Real Gary wouldn’t know what the original subject of the thread was. Also, no plug for his Twats.
The fact is, I have no sympathy for the downtrodden or the poor. They deserve it. They should have worked harder, or been lucky like I am. Screw them. I’m alright Jack.
Please let Swank write something about the resignation. PLEASE.
Well, checking his blog, he hasn’t yet. However, he has blogged about Michael Jackson. A few Swanky morsels:
Yet is not this the one who placed his body mid-section of the bed with young boys gathered around—eating cookies, telling stories and only God knows what else?
This is utterly off the wall.
I thought America was an intelligent nation. Its brain has slipped far below normal.
Once the United States of Entertainment succumbs to adoring these kinds of situations, mesmerized by these personages, we are truly on the dark skids.
That leads me to Barack Obama, naturally.
That fellow got where he is because he was considered, especially by the young, as a celebrity. A twinkling celebrity, not a wise statesman, got elected to the Oval Office.
Now we are faced with the socialist, left of left, anti-Christian heritage, relativistic immoralist demolishing our country in high speed.
As I turn on the news to watch one more twitch regarding Jackson, I cannot help but merge Obama into that profile. By that I mean that the Republic has become swooned by a celebrity mindset so as to be absolutely frightening.
When I saw the “Off the Wall” reference, I was sure that the Swankster would throw in a few more clues that he was a Seekrit Jacksonian. Alas, Sadly No®!
“They should have… been lucky like I am.”
It’s for sure a black man’s world in America. Look here: I raised that boy since he was the size of a piss-ant. And I’ll say right now, he never learned to read and write. No, sir. Had no brains at all. Was stuffed with rice pudding between th’ ears. Shortchanged by the Lord, and dumb as a jackass. Look at him now! Yes, sir, all you’ve gotta be is black in America, to get whatever you want. Gobbledy-gook!
Well, you know why Jackson “died” don’t you? because he needed to devote all his time to his “Obama” persona. Yes, Jackson found a GOOD plastic surgeon at last!
Imagine a World without the Islamic Republic
By Arash Irandoost
It is not a secret that Iran’s Mullahs are engaged in developing a nuclear program to get their hands on the bomb, so that they would feel invincible and continue their control over the unarmed Iranian people, and ultimately export their version of Shi’a Islam and terrorism around the globe.
It is not a secret that the Islamic Republic has supplied their mercenaries in Iraq with armor-piercing projectiles for killing and maiming the coalition forces in Iraq. They have killed by proxy, using roadside-planted bombs, that have taken the lives of nearly 200 American soldiers.
The Mullahs’ support for overseas terrorism constitutes a high priority. It extends not only to the neighboring countries, but also as far away as Latin America. Hezb’allah in Lebanon was nurtured with funds, weapons and training. Hamas and the Islamic Jihad were assisted in numerous ways, and a professional army of Shiite Iraqis was trained and armed to be used in the present Iraqi theatre. Separately, Muqtada al-Sadr and his militia thugs — the Mahdi Army — is directly funded, armed and controlled by the present Islamic regime, a gift of former President Khatami to his successor, the rabid Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
The Mullahs presently ruling Iran are faced with monumental threats:
Internally, the great majority of the populace is strongly against their misrule. Labor unions, teachers associations, student groups, religious and ethnic minorities, journalists and many others have suffered and continue to suffer inordinate hardship under the heavy-handed Mullahs and their front men. The Iranian authorities have intensified their crackdown on communications by blocking access to many internet sites. Just last week, Mullah Khamenei, the supreme leader of the Islamic regime, officially declared war with the Iranian nation and his intention of forming a pure form of Muhammadan Islamic country.
Externally, they are engaged in brinksmanship with the United States and Israel and now a tug of war with the great Britain, while trying to wrestle the mantle of Islamic leadership from the Sunni Saudis and their Wahhabi cabal. President Obama persists on negotiating with these criminals rather than the legitimate owners of the country, the Iranian people. He will also fail miserably as did his four predecessors.
Awash in and intoxicated with petro-dollars, the Mullahs have become a major power in the Middle East. Equipped with a Holocaust denier, pathological liar, arrogant and an apocalyptic zealot such as Ahmadinejad, the Islamic Republic is determined to extend its version of “pure Muhammadan” Islam throughout the world. This is conclusive in many speeches Ahmadinejad has given during the last four years of his presidency and his recent June 13th secret meeting with Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi in Qom, aimed at afflicting the world with the light of Islam soon after a favorable aftermath of the unrest.
Rational citizens of the world are baffled as to why the cries of the Iranian opposition have not been heeded by the leaders of the world imminently endangered by the Islamic Republic. The Taliban, armed with Saudi financiers, Pakistani ISI backing, and fertile poppy fields, posed a similar threat. The women being barred from going to school, and the public killings, rape and torture of innocent Afghanis, should serve as a reminder that such a danger has been lurking for the past 30 years in Iran. Lucrative oil and trade contracts are perhaps one reason. But the world needs to jump off the fence and act before it is too late. There is indeed no better time for it than now.
Angered by so-called sham elections (selections if you ask me), the so patient, hospitable, gentle, and tolerant Iranian men and women, young and old have found a common cause and pretext to stage rallies and bravely have been defying heavily armed Hamas and Hezb’allah and Sudanese trained militias and mercenaries who are paid $200 (by some accounts) a day to beat and kill pro-democracy demonstrators.
It is time to get off the fence and not waste such a golden opportunity. Timing is everything. The people of Iran are fed up with this brutal and medieval regime that daily hangs its youth, shuts down newspapers, jails and kills bloggers, silences its dissent at any cost and by any means. Addiction and prostitution is at all time high in Iran. Unemployment is at 25% – by the government’s own figures. Despite being one of the richest countries in the world with abundant natural and human wealth, and being the 4th largest oil-producing country, more than half of Iranians live below poverty level. Iran is still a Third World country. The time to act is now. This is much bigger than Ahmadinejad and Mousavi. At stake is the future of this great nation with over 8,000-year-old history and civilization.
The Iranians are an exceptionally mature, productive, creative, and politically proactive people in a region that has for long been identified with tyranny and suppression. Iranians do not need arms or military intervention. They just need moral and some logistical support.
A word of caution to our Arab neighbors: never think that you are safe from the Shi’a Mullahs and they are only after the West. On the contrary, for the past 1400 years, the Shi’a world has been bitter about Imam Ali who was denied of his “rightful succession” after the Prophet Muhammad. In their eyes, Sunnis have committed the most punishable crime, depriving them of their rightful place. I do not want to be an alarmist, but you connect the dots.
With our Arab neighbors standing up with the Iranian people against this injustice, with the Mullahs out of the way, there just might be a prospect for peace in the area and the world for that matter. Without Iran’s backing, Hamas will be forced to talk with Fatah and recognize Israel. They have given hint of this when things have been made tough for them. And Fatah can begin to negotiate with Israel without any distraction. Hezb’allah cannot bully the Lebanese government and will be forced to lay down their arms and behave like civilized people.
Nouri Al-Maliki will be motivated to pay attention to his country various minorities’ demands and reconcile their differences and form an independent democratic Iraq. Muqtada al-Sadr can seek refuge in a mosque and continue his religious studies.
Iran and Israel can finally find peace and live as examples of flourishing democracies for other countries to emulate.
And with Iran as a free and democratic nation, the 70 million people of Iran who have suffered so much in the hands of these killers will finally regain their pride, find their rightful place in the world, join the community of civilized nations, and live in peace with the rest of the world.
During these serious challenges; battered by two wars, ballooning debt, and a faltering economy, the United States under President Obama appears to have lost its capacity to think clearly. But, we are reminded by Winston Churchill who once said, “Americans ultimately do the right thing, once they have exhausted all the wrong things.”
We encourage and implore Europe, the United States of America and the United Nations to ultimately do the right thing. After all, for the past 30 years, if there has been any strong indication for anything, it sure has been a misguided policy and wrong approach towards Iran. So, this time around, let us hope we do the right thing!
Scuse my finGAHS!!!!
Imagine a World Without Scroll Trolls
By Paul Hewson
It’s no secret that the stars are falling from the sky
It’s no secret that our world is in darkness tonight
They say the sun is sometimes eclipsed by a moon
You know I don’t see you when she walks in the room
It’s no secret that a friend is someone who lets you help
It’s no secret that a liar won’t believe anyone else
They say a secret is something you tell one other person
So I’m telling you, child
Love…we shine like a
Burning star
We’re falling from the sky
A man will beg
A man will crawl
On the sheer face of love
Like a fly on a wall
It’s no secret at all
I hate to see this great country of ours suffering from dark skids.
Obama’s Future Memoirs
By Miguel A. Guanipa
One thing that Obama will probably do when he leaves office is start to write his memoirs. He may probably even have started already; Obama likes to write books.
I wondered if these memoirs would include the things we hope he will learn, as every other president has, while he held the most powerful office on earth. I only wish that he had learned them before he took office.
Nevertheless, I now present you with a suggested first draft about some of the lessons he learned in his first half year in office, written in the first person:
Hello, this is Barack Obama.
I wanted to share with all of you some of the things that I have learned while I was in office. I will call it: Things I Learned When I Was President.
Like some of you, I used to believe that there is nothing I need to learn. Let me say that you have provided me with my first lesson; and that is that there are people out there who are in such a dire need for a hero to worship, they will not let their brains get in the way once they find one.
I have also learned that a refrain which everyone used to badger my predecessor can also be used against me. For example, if I say that the economy is going to rebound, someone could just retort that simply saying something doesn’t always make it so.
I learned that tyrants are mean people, and are only interested in dialogue as long as it furthers their own agenda. They are not interested in taking advice; even if you are nice to them, and preface your overture with an admission of collective guilt as the imperialist, arrogant superpower that we are.
I learned (and boy this is a big one) that you can fool most of the people most of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time; unless they are people like the ones I mentioned at the beginning of this chapter.
I learned that though there’s no substitute for the best laid plans, even the best laid plans can sometimes be beaten to a pulp by a brutal gang of facts.
I learned that you should never let your guard down; especially if you are talking to fans who are constantly stroking your ego and making you feel like a super star. You may just slip and say something really stupid; pull a Biden so to speak. (Note to self: consider deleting that last sentence from final draft)
I learned that, no matter how much you wish, some people will just never – I mean NEVER – go away.
I have learned that the world is actually a scarier place than I once thought it to be.
I learned that I should really brush up on my history before I give another international speech; there may be people listening who actually know what I am referring to and point out my utter ignorance on the subject. I need to have a talk with my speech writer about that. I guess that’s what you get when you have a 27 year old writing your speeches.
I learned that what I say regarding a conflict in any part of the world is of greater importance than any of the accolades I used to revel in for being such a great speaker; because what is said — as well as what is left unsaid — will affect many people whose lives could very well hang in the balance.
I learned that there are times in our lives when we need to take a sober look at what we have always considered to be our must fundamental beliefs, and perform an honest appraisal of them, to see if they can are at least, still aligned with the truth. And if they’re not, it may be time to reconsider one’s position.
I learned that some ideas that look grand in theory — some are darn near laughable — are pretty darn hard to actually put into practice; even if it’s something simple like closing a detention center.
And finally, I learned that timing is very important. And the worst regrets do not always come from speaking too soon, but more from not really thinking before speaking. Oh, and that there is also such a thing as not speaking soon enough.
I think I’ll take a break from writing and go walk my dog now.
Does anyone remember Lonny Martello? Now there was some quality troll.
Scroll troll is scrolly.
Does anyone remember Lonny Martello? Now there was some quality troll.
Actually, I was looking at one of the ‘epic’ threads linked above and saw annieangel in one of them. Now THAT was some high-klass trolling!
Iran just needs some strong virile holy white men to rescue their women and make sure they don’t hurt themselves. They have no idea how to be civilized and really need brave civilized christians to show them how get into heaven.
And if they won’t listen to us wizened white men of worldly wisdom we should fucking nuke ’em into the stone age.
The fact is, you liberals are afraid of Sarah Palin and the Heartland she will rouse, I can feel your trembling and your hate as a wind of REAL change sweeps USA.
When your Heartland gets roused by Palin, will we be able to tell? Also, please turn the vent on next time you feel a “wind of real change” is going to sweep through you.
Also, just so you understand where I get my authority, my god’s dick is 30 times bigger than your god’s can ever hope to be.
Simba B said,
July 6, 2009 at 2:02
Does anyone remember Lonny Martello? Now there was some quality troll.
Lonny Martello said,
August 11, 2008 at 15:05
Lonny Martello is a whole ‘nother animal.
Please do not compare Lonny to the witless boring scroll troll who deserves to be banned times 8³² times.
As I turn on the news to watch one more twitch regarding Jackson, I cannot help but merge Obama into that profile. By that I mean that the Republic has become swooned by a celebrity mindset so as to be absolutely frightening.
Oh God, that’s awesome. No more twitch! No more twitch!
That depends on just which station you’re talking about.
81st on the C (CC back in the day) is stuck in my memory as the dimmest place I’ve ever been except for walking in the wrong door at the student union and finding myself surrounded by Young Republicans.
Just the numbers alone make me know that trolls have been here.
I just came back from a visit to a great Culver City pub with wine, beer, and great food. And I am not letting the trolls harsh my buzz.
OK, Troofie, you can relax your sphincter… someone has finally apologized to Sarah Palin for making her resign.
Shorter Troofie:
“I can find more anti-Obama stuff to demonstrate I’m not crazy in my anti-Obama rage.”
Here’s my contribution to YouTube and the special madness that is Troofy.
Why McCain Lost
By Jewish Odysseus
John McCain’s incoherent, C- campaign did not deserve to win the Presidency this year. On the other hand, America doesn’t deserve the punishment an Obama presidency is about to inflict upon us. Unfortunately, as a great Democrat once said: Life isn’t fair.
John McCain, a genuine American war hero with a long, moderate-to-conservative voting record, has just been trounced by the callowest, least-accomplished, most far-left candidate in modern history. It is important to understand how we got here.
The first thing that needs to be said is this: John McCain is really a Reagan Democrat. He joined the Republican Party in Arizona years ago because people like him (patriotic, military background, self-consciously anti-Communist) had no future in the Democratic Party, and he remained a Republican since then, but anyone who watches his demeanor and speeches cannot avoid the conclusion that this is a man much more comfortable with traditional lunch-bucket arguments and policies than the generally more abstract, data-based analyses favored by Republicans.
Conservatives must understand McCain’s candidacy in its full context: McCain’s nomination represented the joint successes of two independent and mutually hostile projects — the Media/Political Left’s project, and McCain’s own.
McCain represented a shrewd strategic choice by the leftist “hive”-he nearly won the nomination in 2000, when he had half as many GOP votes in the GOP primaries as Bush did. That near-death experience should have been a wakeup call to our slumbering “state party activists” to vaccinate their parties against any future Democrat pollution/manipulation. But, unfathomably, they stayed in their comas, and, sure enough, in 2008 the GOP primary candidate who got the 2d most GOP votes became the GOP candidate. He repeatedly positioned himself as “the anti-Republican Republican.” And now we wonder why he had trouble making Republican arguments while running as a Republican?
McCain’s own project planned to draw massive numbers of “moderate” Democrats and independents over to the Republican side. He had been calculating and executing this strategy since at least as far back as the early 1990s (when he and John Kerry were allies in normalizing relations with Vietnam). McCain’s uber-rationale was this: America wanted a moderate leader who would seek out support from the other side, a task which in theory should have been made much easier if the Democrats nominated a far-left candidate.
Sure enough, the Democrats did. Unfortunately, the far-left candidate had two unusual, (but by March 2008 easily foreseeable) advantages: he had no recognizable voting record in higher office to hang around his neck to define him; and he had a gigantic money advantage (well over 2-1) with which to savage McCain and glorify himself. This was a completely unprecedented situation, since by definition newcomers are generally unable to drum up the funds to compete with entrenched powerful pols. Obama in fact outspent McCain by a ratio heretofore reserved for shoo-in incumbent Presidents over mismatched challengers.
With these advantages, Obama was able to attack McCain’s strategy directly, by in fact making McCain out to be the “risky,” even “ideological” choice versus the reasonable, moderate, bi-partisan Obama. Result: McCain was unable to get independents or centrist Democrats not named Lieberman to support him (or at least get them known!) And, quite foreseeably, the media hive has been bursting with stories about “lifelong Republicans who are planning to vote for Obama.”
Speaking of the hive, it needs to be said the 2008 election actually saw the culmination of two of their long-term projects, with McCain’s nomination being the first. To a lot of media/political types, the Clintons represented a heart-breaking concession to evil capitalism. The Clintons gladly partnered with big business, and almost never manifested the type of red-meat soak-the-rich attitude that had energized the Democrat left for decades. Not only did the Clintons win twice, but they explicitly, smugly, repeatedly lectured the Left that that was the only way Democrats could possibly win. The Left hates, hates, HATES being told that undiluted Leftism is a political loser. Therefore, their second project was to ensure the nomination of a genuine leftist for the Democrats.
History will show that Hillary Clinton was an eminently suitable candidate for the Left, but through a combination of shrewd analysis and execution by Obama’s campaign and frankly astounding incompetence, over-confidence and lack of discipline by her own, all topped off by some mischievous and fickle big-money Hollywood backstabbing, the Hillary candidacy finished as nothing more than high-priced roadkill: the most inevitable nomination in modern times was aborted, and the far-left was energized in a way not seen since LBJ withdrew in 1968.
With both the media/political hive projects of 2008 successfully completed, the media/left effectively held a “checkmate” position since March — no matter what happened, they would get their way in November. Of course, they would do everything to make sure their true choice was elected, but even a docile McCain “who knew his place” and would sign off on Democrat legislation would be acceptable to them. This understanding was what had conservatives so dispirited until August 29.
Enter Sarah Palin. The Palin choice represented an unthinkable occurrence to the hive: McCain had forgotten who his benefactors were, and was instead listening to Republicans. The energizing of the right and the demonizing by the now-wounded hive were almost physically equal-and-opposite effects. The Palin choice restored a strategic parity to the campaign, wherein McCain had a strong, viable shot at repeating Bush’s previous electoral wins, and appeared to even open up a few Dem-leaning states such as Pennsylvania and New Hampshire.
But McCain the Reagan Democrat zoned out and failed a critical test a few weeks later. What was he thinking when he declared on September 15 when he declared the US economy “fundamentally strong”? What was he thinking when he announced on September 24 he was suspending his campaign, including the upcoming September 26 debate appearance, after the financial crisis broke? Did he think the majority democrats would cave in and make him a conquering hero? Did he think it was a one-day crisis that would blow over, and make him look as if he had worked some magic on it? Indeed, as the Obama ads relentlessly drilled, he appeared confused, erratic, and out of touch — his big moment of crisis in the middle of the campaign, and he blew it. He choked. And everyone forgot about Obama’s horrendous response to Russia’s Georgia invasion just a month earlier.
At that point, McCain had a month to restore his campaign, but being avalanched by paid Obama ads and the unpaid hive ads (remember the 2004 comment by Newsweek’s Evan Thomas that the liberal media support is “worth maybe 15 points” in the polls), he would need to do it the unfamiliar way — he’d need to argue for it, using information and persuasion, and punchy confrontations in the remaining debates. So how did he use those weeks?
– 3 debates, 4.5 hours on national TV face-to-face with Obama, McCain never mentioned Obama’s “bitter clingers” comment
– 3 debates, 4.5 hours on national TV face-to-face with Obama, never mentioned Jeremiah Wright’s incendiary sermons.
– 3 debates, 4.5 hours on national TV face-to-face with Obama, never mentioned Obama’s breaking his word to use public campaign financing (a McCain signature issue on which he had relentlessly beat up fellow Republicans!)
– 3 debates, 4.5 hours on national TV face-to-face with Obama, never mentioned Obama’s plan to “bankrupt” the US coal industry. (and where was McCain’s research staff on that San Francisco interview, which had been posted on the internet for 9 months before they noticed it?! Simply inexcusable.)
– 3 debates, 4.5 hours on national TV face-to-face with Obama, never mentioned Obama’s “price of arugula” comment, a nice populist dig waiting to be made.
– 3 debates, 4.5 hours on national TV face-to-face with Obama, never cited the Clinton campaign’s many tough arguments against Obama — he could have just quoted Hillary!
That was McCain’s (and our) downfall: You can’t bring moderation to an ideology fight. An honorable, sincere moderate who is behind really hasn’t a chance against a cynical ideologue who is ahead. Obama simply dissembled at the debates, while McCain’s tongue-tied references to Ayers, ACORN, Khalidi, “most liberal senator,” etc., sounded unfairly abrupt, even desperate. Maybe they were? To the bitter end, McCain refrained from “bringing Jeremiah Wright into the campaign,” even though Hillary had…Why not?
It wouldn’t have looked moderate enough.
So here we are, on the verge of the greatest accomplishment by the American Left since…Well, maybe ever. To them, the Clintons represented the Menshevik phase, while Obama represents the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks. So, to quote the original Bolshevik himself, what is to be done?
First, the Republican Party needs to relentlessly reform its state electoral rules to ensure that those voters choosing the Republican candidate are genuine Republicans who have the best interests of the Republican Party at heart. This self-evident corrective of course should have been completed by early 2001. It wasn’t, so here we are, with a self-admittedly weak-on-economics candidate trying to talk his way through a financial meltdown. It has been pathetic.
Second, we as voters and activists need to re-examine the emphasis we place — or don’t place — on communication skills. Conservatives need to rediscover the importance of communication and argument in our representatives. It is important to note that the only Republican in recent history who received any compliment from the media hive was Ronald Reagan, who they labeled “The Great Communicator.” This was of course an apparent put-down, since they were writing off Reagan’s successes as the result only of his hypnotic, inscrutable speeches. But that non-compliment-compliment was the hive’s acknowledgment that Reagan had been effective against them.
Going back to Bush 41 in 1988, the Republican’s have nominated a string of candidates who have been at best “poor” in communications. As the 1960’s Left demographic takes its seats in the highest offices of the media, academia, entertainment, arts, “public policy” think tanks, polling organizations, even business and finance, we have to assume that every one of our initiatives will be maligned, marginalized and targeted for oblivion, while the most crackpot schemes of the Left will be given respectful and favorable commentary. In this environment, we simply cannot afford any more tongue-tied leaders who are unable to argue their way out of a paper bag.
You know, reading Parsons’s excellent screed, I kind of came to a horrible conclusion. You know how Bristol Palin is fucked-up beyond all belief? How she goes on People to talk about how sex is a terrible thing that will ruin your life and the only consolation there is in the world forcing it on you is pretty, pretty babies? I mean, just mentally take that into account.
That is something that started during the election season. It’s gone from your standard flinching-like-a-struck-dog when it comes to sex to the full-on proper-fucked oblivion of proper sexual response you see in recent rape victims. Bristol is why mommy isn’t President. It can’t be Sarah’s fault – nothing is. It is because her daughter is a whore and God hates her.
So. You know how her sanctity-of-life shtick revolved around keepin’ the babby? When 2012 comes around and she doesn’t have the political or literal capital necessary to maintain full FOX saturation and thus come anywhere close to winning the primary, that babby will be three and a half years old and still have Down’s. And because Palin and the people closest to her are somehow among the most crass, horrible politicians in America, he’s going to be the centerpiece of her fucking campaign. A retarded toddler requiring special care will be why Mommy isn’t President.
So yeah, being Trig Palin post-2012 is not quite the worst thing that’s ever happened to anyone, but it scratches the 90th percentile pretty easy.
Why McCain Lost
By Jewish Odysseus
Symposium: Why do so many Jews still vote Democrat?
By Symposium
Several AT writers share their thoughts on election eve.
More and more often, I am getting asked by Jews (conservative) and non-Jews alike: Why are American Jews still aligned with the Democratic Party, why are they backing Obama so fervently, and why are they so incredibly hostile to American Christians, who have never harmed them? I’ve run out of ideas for answers. I can easily trace the history of the Jewish allegiance to the Democratic Party and I can explain the traditional, pre-20th Century Jewish wariness of Christians, but I cannot explain how, in the 21st Century, these views still hold.
The 20th Century (especially the late 20th Century) showed us that American Christians are mostly our friends; the 20th Century showed us that the socialist state is hostile to Jews, often genocidally so; this campaign is showing us that Obama’s default friends and advisors, the ones to whom he automatically gravitates, are anti-Israel and anti-Jewish; and this political season has shown us the Left increasingly casting off the illusion that it isn’t wildly antisemitic.
Are either of you interested in taking a stab at answering this question? By now, all I’ve come up with are two Biblical answers (that the Jews are a “stubborn” people and that the Jews have a historical knack of making stupid political decisions) and one nasty answer (that American Jews are just stupid).
I also wonder whether it’s an intellectual snobbery thing. An ongoing sense of pride for Jews has been that they’re smart — but too often they confuse smart with “intellectual” or “possessing a degree.” They’ll sneer at the incredibly intuitive, competent, successful plumber (or governor), but fall all over themselves lauding someone who has a degree from an Ivy League University, regardless of that person’s actual merits. I was certainly raised that way, but I managed to figure out that there’s often a huge chasm between being smart (and, one hopes, moral) and being educated (and, sadly, so often immoral or amoral).
Sign me frustrated.
Richard Baehr:
I think the biggest problem is that liberalism is a core part of the identity of most secular Jews, more than Judaism. and in fact, Judaism is believed to be supportive of liberalism-hence the effort to find some biblical passages to support tikkun olam and fixing the environment, and helping the poor. Jews would sooner give up their Judaism (which happens all the time), than their liberalism. Asking Jews to give up their liberalism is to ask them to become new people.
Clarice Feldman:
You ask why do (so many) Jews vote for the Democrats? It’s a good question because in so many respects the party no longer-if it ever did-reflects their views or advances their interests.
I think you can’t answer this without acknowledging that these voters are not a single bloc.
Orthodox Jews are less likely to vote for the Democrats. This is largely a reflection of their place on the cultural divide and their recognition that the Democrats are less likely to support the strong foreign policy and defense initiatives necessary to really protect Israel.
Older people, still enamored of Roosevelt and stung so badly by the anti-Semitic attitudes and actions of the upper class when they were young, cannot see or acknowledge the shift in the two parties since at least the moment Buckley kicked Buchanan and his ilk to the curb and the Democrats were seduced by the pro-Palestinian European left. It is hard to see that there is much anyone can do to change this.
As for the rest, so many live in urban areas. And our large urban areas are quite solidly a leftish coalition of the very rich and very poor who have left behind-if not denigrated-the middle class views and lifestyles of the present day Republicans. It takes a determined effort and independent thinking for an urbanite to think outside this ideological box. It takes a great deal of time because most of the major press in those areas is utterly in the tank for the left.
I think the best we can do to change this pattern is this: We at American Thinker must continue to boil down the facts these people need to make independent decisions into a form that busy but smart people can grasp. I must say that with few other rare exceptions-Commentary, for example-too many bloggers and online publications on the right spend far too much time on silliness (responding to the clearly demented Andrew Sullivan, for example) and insider ephemera instead of providing in pithy format news urban Jewish voters need to know to make better political choices.
Marc Sheppard:
Jewish loyalty to the Democratic Party is legendary, and often attributed to FDR, whose New Deal social reform package fit snuggly with the principles of social justice Jews had acquired through centuries of both religious teachings and oppression. Indeed, Jews supported Roosevelt by an overwhelming 9-to-1 in both 1940 and 1944, and have been voting largely Liberal ever since. But similar progressive political concerns notwithstanding and with one unique exception — LBJ — Democratic presidents have proven anything but simpatico with the broader interests of the Jewish people.
In fact, they got it wrong right from the get go. As President during history’s once greatest threat to the survival of the Jewish people, FDR was by no measure an ally. To the contrary – In 1939, while his anti-Semitic secretary of state, Breckinridge Long, worked overtime to stop Jewish immigration, it was FDR himself that denied the SS St. Louis — a German ocean liner carrying over 950 Jewish refugees fleeing Hitler — entry to our shores.
It turned out that the dearly beloved Democrat actually refused virtually every opportunity presented him to stop the Holocaust. Just one example: Beginning in August of 1944, American bombers regularly targeted industrial complexes within five miles of Auschwitz’s gas chambers. Yet, not a single bomb ever fell on it or any other southern Poland death camp or on the railroad tracks leading to them, even though their precise locations were well-known. We’re left to wonder how many might have been spared the ovens had the abattoir where 1.6 million Jews took their final anguished breathes been decommissioned a full 10 months before V-E Day.
Now, 64 years later and facing the threat of a new madman bent on exterminating them in greater numbers than the last, a preponderance of Jews appear poised once-again to overlook what’s best for their very survival to affirm their Liberal mettle. As Ahmadinejad swiftly spreads his nuclear wings, the candidate Jews favor 2-to-1 proposes to engage him with “tough-minded diplomacy.” And if that doesn’t scare the deranged little tyrant – who threatened to “wipe Israel off the map” after calling it a “stinking corpse” – into submission, President Obama promises to really let him have it by imposing “stronger sanctions.”
Bad enough Obama’s weak-kneed policies will do less than zero to impede Iran’s nuclear-weapons aspirations. But by refusing — and refuse he will — to covertly green-light any preemptive operations, he’ll also represent a major obstacle to Israel’s only self-defense against prospective annihilation.
You’d think that even if the indictment against Jewish support for an Obama presidency ended there — he’d never be the choice of the greater part of the chosen.
And yet, it doesn’t end there — not by a longshot.
Fortunately, as a voting block, Jews appear to be gradually wiggling free of the Democrats’ half-nelson. While both Clinton over Dole and Gore over Bush went 5-to-1; Kerry dropped to 3-to-1, and Obama will lose more ground still. That said, he’ll likely receive almost 3 of every 5 Jewish votes in an election that may decide the fate of Iran’s bomb and with it, that of the Jewish people.
What ever happened to the oath of “never again?”
C. Edmund Wright:
The overwhelming political support the Jewish community gives liberal Democrats is one of the many political astigmatisms plaguing our electoral process. As one who has been personally involved in uncompromising, Bible believing and somewhat charismatic church bodies for a couple decades, it is clear to me that there is no group on the planet as “pro-Israel” as the American Religious Right. It is palpable in thousands of churches every week. And while the religious right includes a good number of “Messianic Jews,” their support for the state of Israel is by no means dependent on Jewish conversion to Christianity.
The “threat” of conversion and some Catholic history in Europe, however, seem to be at the root of the knee jerk reaction for Jews to shun the party of the religious right. Ironic that this throws them into the party of the Islamic right.
This particular issue is so pervasive and frustrating that it is the founding tenet behind the ministry of Rabbi Daniel Lapin and two different organizations he operates out of ultra-liberal Mercer Island, Washington. In his words:
Jews and Christians need each other if Biblical civilization is to survive, which is why I started the American Alliance of Jews and Christians.
Because it is so unusual these days for a rabbi to say nice things about Christians, I consider it necessary to explain that I am not now, nor have I ever been, a Christian.
I do not believe a devoutly religious Jew can also be a born-again Christian. One faith has produced Judaism, the longest-lasting, continuous culture in the history of the world, while the other has been responsible for the founding of America, the greatest civilization the world has ever known.
In making the case for Christianity in America, I am not suggesting that Jews ought to embrace the Christian faith. I believe that Jews should actively embrace traditional Judaism; I have spent many years of my life helping to bring that about.
But I am suggesting, at the very least, that Jews should stop speaking and acting as if Christian America is their enemy. I feel that all Americans who love freedom, whether or not they are religious, should welcome the reawakening of earnest Christianity throughout the land. I shall try to establish that Jews as well as other minorities have the most to fear from a post-Christian America.?
Lapin is often a guest on Christian radio, and there appears to be a genuine friendship between him and Dr. James Dobson. The Rabbi understands that while he and Dobson will never agree on the tenets of their respective faiths, the future of both America and Israel depend on these two faiths working together for common goals in the secular culture. For both of these men, and frankly anyone who studies the issue in a sober and intellectual manner — it is obvious that while Orthodox Jews and Born again Christians differ on the eternal – these two groups have the same vision for the temporal and the same enemies as well.
As he states, to not realize this is destructive:
Quite frankly, if it is appropriate to blame today’s American Christians for the sins of past Europeans, why isn’t it okay to blame today’s Jews for things that our ancestors may have done?
Clearly both are wrong and doing so harms our relationships with one of the few groups still friendly toward us today. Jewish groups that fracture friendship between Christians and Jews are performing no valuable service to American Jews.
Ed Lasky:
The demographics of the Jewish community have always elicited discussion in the community. Normally this involves declining birth rates and increasing intermarriage rates: a dynamic that will lead to a smaller Jewish community in the years ahead. This has been less of a factor in past years when immigration from the Soviet Union replenished the community. However, that source has been “tapped out” for all intents and purposes and the looming demographic deficit is again rearing its head.
However, a different dynamic is at work within this larger dynamic. The proportion of the Jewish population that hails from its Conservative and Orthodox sup-populations is climbing and will continue to climb in the years ahead. Simply put, Conservative and Orthodox Jews have children at younger ages and have more children on average than their brethren in the Reform community.
The consequences will be manifest and game-changing in the years ahead.
Orthodox Jews lean to the right politically. They share a conservative morality that is sympathetic to those within the Republican Party that have the same adherence to a common Judeo-Christian culture. They are more receptive to working with Evangelicals (who favor Republicans) than those in the Reform community have been. They tend to be more sensitive to national security concerns than reform Jews. A study was just released that indicates they tend to take a more hawkish approach towards Israel and the threat she faces than do those in the reform community. The “peacenicks” within the Jewish community (the crowd around J Street, the Israel Policy Forum) may lose influence as the numbers of Conservative and Orthodox Jews grow.
Politically, we already have seen glimmers of a political alignment in its early stages: Orthodox Jews support John McCain over Barack Obama. As their population increases relative to the Reform community (which tends to be Democratic) they will begin to exercise more influence at the political level. Furthermore, these communities tend to be tightly knit. Political parties will come to realize the electoral influence of a well-organized community whose numbers are growing.
We have seen a slew of rabbis come to the aid of Barack Obama; in the years ahead, we may see a more visible and audible manifestation of this support coming to politicians from leaders among Conservative and Orthodox Jews.
How will established Jewish organizations adapt? Will they recognize that the community has changed? Will they be more receptive to the contributions of Orthodox Jews? The media and political parties give a lot of coverage to the pronouncements (some of them controversial) of the leader of the Union for Reform Judaism, Rabbi Eric Yoffe, who have become de facto “leaders of the Jewish community” when journalists look for a supposedly “representative” quote about how the Jewish community feels about a wide variety of issues?
Will sheer numbers alone compel the media to listen to Orthodox leaders in order to get a read on the community’s views.
One hopes that will occur and that their megaphone will be effective in conveying an essential truth: the Jewish community is far more varied (and multi-colored, red and blue) than is commonly perceived.
This is important.
For far too long, people have stereotyped Jews as being lock-step liberal Democrats. Like all stereotypes this is not only false but is potentially harmful. A broader chorus of voices makes the music resound more richly.
Otis A. Glazebrook IV:
Once one accepts that Liberalism is a Religion this becomes a simpler question.
Jewish merely describes a Liberal Jew’s Race, it has nothing to do with his/her moral compass.
Liberalism and all its tenants will come first.
How else does one explain the Kapo mentality of some Jews in the concentration camps.
Some Kapos were Rabbis ..
That’s gotta be out of Righteous Bubba’s JanusNode machine.
Shorter Scrolltroll: The only way Jeremiah Wright exists is if John McCain mentions him!
I like the writer just assuming that Jews hate Christians, and also that the latter group are the only real Americans. In an article about why Jews don’t vote for their candidates. It kind of sums up the kind of person writing it, doesn’t it?
Why McCain Lost
There is one useful insight in this piece of nonsense: MCCAIN LOST.
Yup, McCain lost. We did our work really well.
I can just imagine Troofus right now, so incredibly seething and shaking with shame and rage that he can barely operate the freakin’ computer mouse to copy and paste these American Thinker TP-fodder articles. His eyes are watery but the tears don’t come. He feels like he could explode, and it would be a relief, in a way. Yet there’s no release, and the world just continues to mock him, then ignore him.
And so it goes. He’ll probably fall asleep in his computer chair tonight, and by the time the morning comes, his ears won’t be burning anymore, but that hole in the wood-paneled wall will still be there, reminding him of what a failure at life and waste of space he is, and will always be.
Some day, given the transience of the Internet, Atrios will be offline, and so will this place. Maybe will still be around, maybe they won’t be. The worthless sack of fertilizer we have come to know and love as The Truth will be dead, his funeral sparsely attended, and his grave visited by no one. No one will ever know that a troll who spent a decade on liberal blogs ever existed, because no one will care to remember.
Life is measured by the positive difference you make in others’ lives, Truth. And by that measure, you’re life has been an abject failure. Congratulations.
We gave McCain donuts and completely bought into the “maverick” bullshit, you little fuckin’ crybaby.
Oh yeah? Then what was that Great Liberal Freakout I heard out in the streets the day after Election Day? On that day, all I could think was “I be wonder, how the hell The Truth was able to do it?”
I love sucking cock. MMMM…..cock.
Well, let’s be fair here, balls are fucking delicious.
By Bruce Walker
When we celebrate the Fourth of July, we are celebrating one of the most important political documents in the history of the world. The Declaration is a statement to the world — the people of the world was the audience — about the very nature of government and its relationship to men. Sometimes we appreciate what this document was, but perhaps we need even more to appreciate what it was not.
It was not a poll-driven summation of current opinion. The men who gathered in Philadelphia did respect each other’s talents and knowledge, but the document they signed was not not driven by the latest Gallup or Zogby poll results. What was right and true was not dependent upon popular opinion.
The signers did not even seek a vote of the people. No referendum was necessary for the Declaration of Independence and it might well have failed in some of the colonies. The “will of the people,” so precious to demagogues, did not determine what was right and true. The people can fall for Hitler, adore Obama, and be enchanted by silly or wicked men. The purpose of government, as the Declaration clearly states, is to secure liberty and not to implement that dubious, inconstant sentiment “the will of the people.”
The men who signed the Declaration of Independence represented the absolute opposite of “interest group politics” so slavishly worshipped in political science departments. They pledged their lives, their wealth, their liberty, and their honor — everything — on a toss of the dice. Often, even if the revolution won, these men personally lost. The game was not about them, their economic interest, or their political ambition. They won if America became a new order of liberty in the world. Interest politics would have led them all to make peace with the Crown. Moral principles led them to what Churchill would later call “blood, toil, sweat, and tears.”
The brave men in Philadelphia were engaging in unconstitutional action. Britain had a constitution, albeit a largely unwritten one, and Jefferson knew that he was defying our equivalent of the Supreme Court. He and his colleagues defied the moral power of a system which no longer treasured liberty above advantage or caprice. Rulers making decisions which did not really affect them, living thousands of miles from their subjects, lacked the moral authority to wield law.
Moral authority was the heart of the Declaration as well. It lacked a separation of church and state and instead there was a unity of God and government. All men were created equal by God. That is the foundational point of the Declaration from which all else flows like the spring of liberty. If all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, politics is clear and simple. If that is true, then — of course! — protecting these inalienable rights is the only reason that governments are instituted among men. These were truths which, in the magical pen of Jefferson, the brave authors and signers held to be “self-evident.” There is a Creator. He made us. He made us, specifically, free in body and in conscience. We are not sheep or some sort of oddly self-domesticated animals. We are creatures in the image of a Creator, unique in reality, and given the power to choose.
The men who wrote and signed the Declaration are all dead, long, long, dead — they never expected otherwise. If we met their ghosts today, they would not ask about our technological marvels or our global economy or our medical breakthroughs or space travel. If we told them about our partisan debates or the new King in Washington, they might cringe like a father over an addled child.
But when speaking of what they wrote in 1776 — signing their own death warrants, in some respects — they might ask us this: “We did not mean to confuse you. That is why the words we chose were so clear. You are free creatures of God. Government is your creature, your chattel, your tool — nothing more. We studied history long before we wrote our brief statement of liberty. You own government or rather the spirit of free men owns government. You fret about ‘stuff.’ Why? We are all dead now, as we knew we would be. But we chose to die free, following our consciences – that is the only real choice in life. What confused you?” The principle of liberty is easy. All it requires is courage and honor.
Can I slob on your knob, Alec? Please?
Everything I, personally, approve of, nothing more.
Can I slob on your knob, Alec? Please?
Aha, the real Truth is coming out.
So to speak.
My penis is sooooooo small. About 1 1/2 inches, when fully erect.
Hey, Troofy, didn’t ya hear? Bill Ayers wrote Obama’s books. Get your wingnut trollery together, man.
I do believe you and your fellow rumpsniffers declared that a master stroke, Troofy.
I really, really, really, really, really have some fucking issues.
My penis is sooooooo small. About 1 1/2 inches, when fully erect.
Yep, that’s ol’ Troofie alright.
I castigate the regulars at blogs I troll for not being “adults”. Then I impersonate them to insult their dick size.
So, how ’bout a date?
Seventy-Five Years after the Night of the Long Knives
By Bruce Walker
June 30, 2009 is the seventy-fifth anniversary of a ghastly reminder about the nature of evil in the modern world. The Night of the Long Knives showed, for those who still needed to be convinced, that the only object of totalitarianism is power. Adolf Hitler ordered the extermination of those who he considered a threat to his power. Bland histories of Nazi Germany portray this as the destruction of the SA (the Nazi paramilitary force commanded by Ernst Roehm) as a way of placating the German Army or the liquidation of the Left wing of the Nazi Party, led by men like Greggor Strasser, once the second most powerful Nazi.
Hitler did murder these Nazi rivals, but he did much more than that. Nazi persecution of Christianity began long before the Night of the Long Knives. In Prussia, the Gestapo began arresting Protestant clergymen from almost the beginning of Nazi rule. On June 11, 1933, Nazis savagely beat with steel and rubber truncheons priests who had addressed the Catholic Workers Union. On January 22nd, 1934, Nazis broke into the study of Pastor Jacobi and beat him up. Eleven days before that, Pastor Rzadki had been sent to a concentration camp.
The Night of the Long Knives was as much a radical expansion of the Nazi War on Christianity. On that bloody night, Hitler had his henchmen murder Dr. Klausener, the head of Catholic Action in Berlin, Adalbert Probst, Director Catholic Youth Sports Association in Germany, and also Fritz Gerlich, one of the leading Christian publishers in Germany.
The Night of the Long Knives was not an attack on the “socialism” in National Socialism, as it is so often suggested. Two weeks after the Night of the Long Knives, Graf von der Golz, Deputy Commissar in the Ministry of Economics in July `5, 1934 speech to businessmen said: “Any organization that represents the interests of the employer will be regarded as illegal and disbanded and the guilty parties will be prosecuted.”[i]
A few months later, on October 16th, Nazis raised the highest income tax rate from 40% to 50%. Income tax rates were raised twice again, on February 17, 1939 and September 9, 1939, but exempted incomes of 2,400 Reichmarks a year or less.[ii] The Nazis removed the exemption on business taxes for many types of businesses and it increased the progressivity of the business taxes. The Loan Stock Law of December 4, 1934 virtually confiscated all dividends of six percent or, in some cases, eight percent by ordering the beneficiaries of stock dividends to invest those monies in state bonds.
An act of August 27, 1936 raised the general business tax rate from 20% to 25% and to 30% for each year thereafter; then on July 25, 1938 corporate profits of more than 100,000 Reichmarks per year were subjected to an additional tax of 35% with that rising to 40% for each year thereafter; and on March 20, 1939, the Nazis imposed an excess profits tax.[iii]
It is not just that the Nazi state raised taxes (Leftists like to argue that this was just to fund the Nazi War Machine), although in four years, Nazis had raised taxes to approximately one fourth of the national income.[iv] No wonder Fritz Thyssen, one of the industrialists who did help bring the Nazis to power, said in 1940: “Soon Germany will not be any different from Bolshevik Russia; the heads of enterprises who do not fulfill the conditions which the ‘Plan’ prescribes will be accused of treason against the German people, and shot.”[v]
The Nazis specifically placed higher tax rates on the rich and not the poor. Why did the Nazis, like all totalitarians, embrace draconian socialism? Totalitarianism has everything to do with crushing all sources of opposition and nothing to do with any notional “ideology” (power is the only ideology of any totalitarians.)
The Night of the Long Knives is a reminder that totalitarianism is all the same, everywhere, all the time. It is a reminder that every totalitarian leader is a jealous god. Hitler murdered not to prevent socialism but to make sure he had power. He murdered religious leaders, like he enslaved businessmen, to make sure he, alone, had power.
As we watch our Leader’s face everywhere on television, his words as answers to every problem, and his inspectors general fired when they find malfeasance, his legislators asked to vote for bills they have not read, our media practically scripted in its treatment of him, is it not prudent to ask how little the lust for power has changed in the last seventy-five years?
If Troofie showed any courage or honor, he wouldn’t be control-C and control-V all these inept essays in place of his childish, insulting, usually brainless comments.
You can take it to the Bank! Bookmark this, Troofie!
Yep, that’s ol’ Troofie alright.
Well, it could have been me, but how does Troofie even know Xecky is a man’s name?
I think American Canker is now writing columns purely so Troofie can copy-paste them. It sure as hell isn’t because their readership demands it.
By Randall Hoven
The current narrative of the Bush Presidency is that it is a failure (believed by 107 of 109 historians surveyed) and that George W. Bush is the worst President in history (believed by 61% of those surveyed historians). Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said, “The president already has the mark of the American people — he’s the worst president we ever had.”
That’s one narrative. I have another.
Despite being handed one of the worst situations in history from President Clinton, and being fought tooth and nail by his opponents in government and the media, literally from the day of his election, President George W. Bush persevered to restore prosperity at home and to make the US and the world more free and secure.
The 2000 Election and Transition to Office
On November 7, 2000, voters went to the polls and elected George W. Bush to be President of the United States. After initially conceding defeat in a private phone call to Bush, Al Gore decided instead to contest the outcome in Florida. He sued for various recounts and was joined by the Florida Supreme Court, while Bush fought for counting votes per the rules in place prior to the election.
Complaints that Bush “stole” the election boiled down to two: (1) we should use a method of determining the winner other than the one in the Constitution, and (2) we should use a method of determining “voter intent” other than by counting legally cast ballots per the rules in place prior to the election.
Later recounts would show that George W. Bush would have won the election in Florida under any method considered by either Al Gore or the Florida Supreme Court.
“The Miami Herald and USA Today reported George W. Bush would have widened his 537-vote victory to a 1,665-vote margin if the recount ordered by the Florida Supreme Court would have been allowed to continue.”
Al Gore would not concede in public until December 13, more than a month after the election. But the Clinton administration denied the Bush team the keys to the transition office set up two blocks from the White House and waiting since November 8, until December 15. Normally a newly-elected President is provided a transition office the day after the election. George W. Bush was finally allowed to use his just 36 days before being sworn in as President, or less than half the transition time allowed other Presidents-elect.
The Pre-Bush Situation and His First Eight Months
A year before Bush took office, the stock market peaked and subsequently declined 8% by the end of 2000. The last four fiscal quarters under President Clinton showed steadily declining GDP growth rates of 4.8, 3.5, 2.4, and 1.9 percent, respectively. When Bush took office, the US Government was still operating under the fiscal budget signed by President Clinton, and would remain so for more than another eight months. Within six weeks of Bush being sworn in, the economy was officially in recession.
On the defense front, President Bush was handed a smoldering crisis that had been brewing throughout President Clinton’s two terms.
* The World Trade Center was bombed by Islamists in 1993, killing six and injuring 1,042.
* We lost 18 US Special Ops forces in Mogadishu while fighting Islamist allies of Osama bin Laden.
* Osama bin Laden declared war against the U.S. in his fatwa of 1996.
* The Khobar Towers used to house our servicemen in Saudi Arabia were bombed by Islamists in 1996, killing 19 US servicemen.
* Our embassies in Tanzania and Kenya were bombed in 1998 by bin Laden supported Islamists, killing at least 223 and injuring thousands.
* Pakistan and India both successfully tested nuclear warheads in 1998, to the surprise of our CIA.
* The USS Cole was bombed in 2000 by Islamists, killing 17 US sailors.
* In Israel, the Oslo accords had broken down, the PLO had rejected the most generous “peace for land” deal ever offered, and the intifada was back in business by the end of 2000.
* Nations pursuing nuclear weapon capability (beyond Pakistan and India, who had it by 1998) were North Korea, Iran, Iraq and Libya.
Saddam Hussein’s Iraq had kicked out the UN weapons inspectors in 1998 and was in defiance of multiple UN resolutions from 1991 through 2000. Saddam’s Iraq had tried to assassinate former President Bush and fired thousands of times at US and coalition forces enforcing the resolutions of the United Nations.
Throughout this time, President Clinton’s administration forbade communications between the CIA and the FBI regarding terrorists or terrorist activities. Clinton withdrew US forces from Somalia shortly after the Mogadishu incident. And he treated the terrorist incidents as crimes to be dealt with by our legal system.
When he did send missiles into Iraq, he made sure it was at night so no one would get hurt. According to the Washington Post,
“Clinton ordered the attack Friday, but the raid was delayed a day so it would not fall on the Muslim sabbath… The missiles struck late at night — between 1 a.m. and 2 a.m. Baghdad time — because Clinton wished to minimize possible deaths of innocent civilians.”
I’m thinking a strike at 2 am would also minimize possible deaths of guilty Baathists.
On September 11, 2001, or less than eight months after President Bush took office, Islamist terrorists perpetrated the worst attack by foreigners on US soil since the burning of Washington, DC, in 1812, killing almost 3,000 civilians. The attackers had been planning and preparing it for five years.
That was President Bush’s welcome to office. A recession within two months. The 9/11 attacks within eight months. And an Iraq in continual defiance of its terms of surrender, multiple UN resolutions and WMD inspectors. And this after being given only half the transition time as usual.
The Following Seven Years
By November 2001 the recession was officially over, just one month under Bush’s own budget, weeks after 9/11 and just 10 months into a Bush Presidency. It was an historically short and shallow recession. From 2003 through 2006, all under President Bush and a Republican Congress, real GDP grew over 3% per year, considered a healthy and sustainable pace. By early 2008, the real economy had grown about 20% since Bush took office. Since President Bush took office, the economy has grown in every single fiscal quarter; there has been no quarter of negative real growth.
Are you better off now than you were eight years ago? If you are anywhere near average, yes. Personal, disposable, inflation-adjusted income grew 9% in the first six years under Bush. Since Bush has been President, the unemployment rate has remained under 6.3% and averaged 5.2% (In Clinton’s eight years it remained under 7.3% and also averaged 5.2%.)
On the foreign front, President Bush used “aggressive diplomacy” to convince Pakistan to support us in fighting against Osama bin Laden and the Taliban and to allow us insight into the status of its nuclear weapons. India, the other new member of the nuclear club, remained on good terms with us throughout.
President Bush, with Congressional support, our NATO allies and our first-rate military, freed the people of Afghanistan from the Taliban warlords, helped install a democracy there, captured or killed hundreds of al Qaida there and drove those remaining, probably including Osama bin Laden and his top commanders, to remote mountains and caves. By also cutting off funding sources and communications channels, al Qaida appears to have been rendered ineffective as a coordinated network of terrorists under any kind of effective command and control. It’s possible ad hoc “cells” of those sympathetic to al Qaida might still do some damage on US soil, but none have so far.
President Bush, with large and bipartisan majorities in both houses of Congress, support from more than 45 countries and our first-rate military, freed the people of Iraq from Saddam Hussein, helped install a democracy there, and captured or killed hundreds of al Qaida, radical Islamists and other terrorists there. Saddam’s WMD capabilities, programs and remaining weapons were removed from an outlaw regime. I have written elsewhere on the justification of the Iraq war, which was supported by both pre-war and post-war intelligence.
President Bush, with diplomacy, the example of Iraq and the assistance of foreign allies, convinced Libya to cease its pursuit of nuclear weapons.
President Bush, using diplomacy and working with China, Japan and South Korea, appears to have reached a breakthrough with North Korea, getting it to dismantle its plutonium creating sites and to allow intrusive inspections. While this all needs to be finalized and verified, such progress illustrates President Bush’s skill at effective diplomacy – one that has real results, not paper promises quickly broken and never verified.
Iran is still a problem, but even there President Bush is waging diplomacy in concert with our allies and the United Nations.
In short, all the new and major WMD proliferation threats were dealt with one way or another: Pakistan, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Libya. They are not all put to rest, but about three-and-a-half of the five biggies appear to have been dealt with sufficiently. And terrorists, even those inside Iraq and Afghanistan at this point, seem to be kept at bay for now as well.
I think these are tremendous achievements, and ones that would not have occurred under either a President Gore or President Kerry.
But what have been the costs? In dollars, defense spending has gone from 3% of GDP to 4%. That’s it — a level that is still below where it was for over 50 years, from World War II through 1994.
In US lives, 4,147 servicemen lost their lives due to hostile or non-hostile action in Iraq to date. Each lost life is a tragedy, and I am deeply grateful to our lost troops and their families. From 2001 to 2006, the worst year for active military duty deaths was 2005, with 1,941 deaths due to all causes. In 1980, President Carter’s last year, there were 2,392 such deaths in a larger military establishment. Each year in which we had troops engaged in both Iraq and Afghanistan saw fewer US military deaths than any year from 1980 through 1987, all years without major conflicts. The major conflicts of World War II, Korea and Vietnam had 405,399, 36,574, and 58,209 fatalities, respectively.
Judging A President
“However tempting it might be to some, when much trouble lies ahead, to step aside adroitly and put someone else up to take the blows, I do not intend to take that cowardly course, but, on the contrary, to stand to my post and persevere in accordance with my duty as I see it.”
If we use these words of Winston Churchill to judge our presidents, did President Bush “step aside adroitly” or did he stand his post and “persevere”? He has surely taken the blows.
Well, it could have been me
But just to set the record straight, unlike Troofie, I am a man with an only slightly-larger-than-normal penis. It’s about 1/10 the size of Barack Obama’s dong.
You know, Troofie has copied and pasted some demented shit over here before, but this latest batch is on a totally different plane. That is some brain-destroying drivel there!
Troofie, if you’ve actually read all this steaming crap you dump off here, it’s no wonder you’re such a crazy fucker. But you know what? If you put the same effort into reading articles by people who have any idea what they’re talking about, and aren’t…you know, totally out of their fucking minds, you might conceivably learn something, and stop being afraid of the imaginary monsters hiding under your bed. Instead, you could join us sane people in being afraid of the real monsters you’ve been voting for all these years. Just a suggestion.
Now watch me put Dumbya’s balls in my mouth. Heh indoozle!
Troofie keeps me in his basement. Halp.
(don’t tell troofy about the new thread.)
The what?
I said roofies will put you to bed.
I wonder if Truthie will be stopping to either masturbate or eat dinner soon.
I am a man with an only slightly-larger-than-normal penis. It’s about 1/10 the size of Barack Obama’s dong.
Length, diameter, circumference, or volume?
Length, diameter, circumference, or volume?
Length. I think that’s what Troofie considers most important, so is the most salient to discuss here.
Correct me if I’m wrong, troofus! What is it you find most compelling about Obama’s dick?
No he didn’t.
Ha-ho! Me am SMALL FAN of 3:20! Hello!
Troofie is correct; when he was sworn in in January 2005, Bush had soundly defeated the surplus menace.
We should all apologize, just as Parsons did. I know I should – I’ve said some hurtful, meanspirited things about Governor Palin and I feel really, really bad about it. Really.
When I think about, it’s not just about Palin. I’ve made a lot of horribly disrespectful comments about dozens of different rightwing nosepickers, jerkoffs, shitsniffers, and turdbiters. I hope I haven’t offended any of them. Should any other miserable reactionary fuckwit be driven from public life by relentless mockery, I’d like to take this opportunity to offer a preemptive apology to them: I, Snorghagen, truly regret that I ridiculed your sorry ass and I can only hope you find happiness as you descend into the depths of well-deserved oblivion. Now go fuck yourself.
There – I feel better now.
There – I feel better now.
That was truly beautiful.
This thread is another step closer to BEST EVAR for your efforts.
I have to admit, I’m more amused than is probably fair by Troofy being in his 40s. The least accomplished man that age I know is a professional locksmith with a decent apartment. The President of the United States only turns 48 this August.
Does he know that most of us are in our 20s? See, that’s the thing – most guys that age who suddenly decide to get up close and personal with twenty-year-olds are using their assistant manager money to get aimlessly hedonistic twinks E with strings attached. We sometimes go on about the guy having some kind of prurient interest here, but at least, however creepy it would be, that would be normal. Is this one of those things where not only does your dick not work but you can’t get yourself to care? You need a doctor, not the blogosphere. Jesus Christ.
Sarah Palin Has Resigned, Will Never Be A Bother To Liberals Again, And Is Shitting Her Pants About Forthcoming Legal Action
As speculation swirled that her decision was connected to a pending corruption investigation, Mrs Palin’s lawyer issued a four-page letter warning legal action against bloggers and US publications that reprinted the allegations, which she strongly denies.
“To the extent several websites … are now claiming as ‘fact’ that Governor Palin resigned because she is ‘under federal investigation’ for embezzlement or other criminal wrongdoing, we will be exploring legal options this week to address such defamation,” said Thomas Van Flein, her lawyer, in a statement.
Since her selection as Senator John McCain’s running mate in August 2008, Mrs Palin has provoked a love or hate reaction. She has been regularly criticised in the mainstream media for combining inexperience with ignorance and overconfidence, and, her supporters would claim, for being a maverick and the wrong sort of feminist.
On Friday Mrs Palin said her decision was motivated partly by pressure on her family from the press.
Her resignation has prompted critics merely to sharpen their knives further.
“Sarah Palin showed … that in one respect at least, she is qualified to be president,” wrote Maureen Dowd in the New York Times, noting that the job often drove people mad. “Caribou Barbie is one nutty puppy.”
Ruth Marcus, in the Washington Post, wrote: “Note to soon-to-be-former Gov Sarah Palin: Big girls don’t quit. Just ask Hillary Clinton… Just ask Serena Williams.”
Even leading Republicans have struggled to fathom the logic of her decision. Mike Huckabee, who failed to win the Republican nomination last year, said a reason Mrs Palin cited for resigning – that she was dogged by critics who cost her state millions in legal fees – would be a liability if she sought the White House in 2012.
“If that had been the case for me, I would’ve quit in my first month,” Mr Huckabee, a former governor of Arkansas, told Fox television. If she was looking to be a national political figure, the pressure would not get any easier, he added.
Does he know that most of us are in our 20s?
I had thought this was an older crowd – I’m just a few years younger than the prez, myself. But I do have my own house and one of those commie gubmint jobs, so I think I’m more accomplished than the locksmith. Hard to say.
To quote:
From Wikipedia’s Fiscal Policy of the United States:
“In 1998 – 2001, however, gross revenues exceeded expenditures and a surplus resulted. In 1998, the Federal budget reported its first surplus ($69 billion) since 1969. In 1999, the surplus nearly doubled to $125 billion, and then again in 2000 to $236 billion.”
“However, after a combination of the dot-com bubble burst, the September 11 attacks, a dramatic increase in government spending (primarily in defense for military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq) and a $1.35 trillion tax cut, the budget returned to a deficit basis free-falling from a $236 billion surplus in fiscal year 2000 to a $413 billion deficit in fiscal year 2004.”
But yeah, continue telling us how Clinton left Bush in a recession, please.
By Internet standards, yes – the average elsewhere seems to be somewhere around 16.
I don’t know.
Does he know that most of us are in our 20s?
Really? I’m 44, mentally 12.
For some of us, watching the Watergate hearings was a formative event. We never ate anywhere but the kitchen table until that started on the TV…then we ate on the couch while my mother, in her words, “wallowed in it.”
Ahh, yes. It amuses this True Democrat greatly to see the giggling Obots at Sadly, O! playing with their beloved “Truth” sockpuppet, creating ridiculous and juvenile men of straw in lieu of actually addressing the serious concerns TDs have about their beloved Messiah, a man who was never fit to even be considered for the top job in this country, a man who told the Blue Dogs and Bubba voters and Reagan Democrats and women- all women, of all kinds- to go away as he continued his march- no, ASSAULT- on Washington. An assault on Washington it was, as well as on women and TDs, slammed to the floor in Obotic misogynist ravings. Shame on you all. But yes, keep playing with your Truth. The rest of us are quickly turning our backs on the Obot Party.
Honestly, I had figured us for something of a gap in general age. There’s a sizeable percentage of early-to-mid-20s (such as me) reaching to folks I’d guess to be in their 40s or 50s, maybe?
Still, I had the troll pegged for in that 16-range (though obviously he must’ve gotten older as he’s wasted more and more time here).
the average elsewhere seems to be somewhere around 16.
If you count YouTube, the average drags down to about 3.5.
Are the True Democrats any relation to the True Scotsmen?
Just curious.
Shorter Iris: I’m totally not Troofie. PLEASE believe me. I looked up a lady-name and everything.
There’s a sizeable percentage of early-to-mid-20s (such as me) reaching to folks I’d guess to be in their 40s or 50s, maybe?
More young people than I’d thought, then, and you all are much smarter than I was in my 20s. Shit. What was I doing in my 20s? Stuff like voting for Dukakis.
I’d’ve pegged the average at between 26 and 30, but I could (of course) be wrong. The important thing is that those of you who have ever known America as anything but what Reagan left of it typically have other, better things to do and are not obviously exerting yourselves in order to harass anonymous Internet people about a powerful black man’s mysterious boner in an exasperatedly asexual way.
I was in my 20s during the Spanish-American War.
Me, I’m an idiot low-information voter. I mean, there’s a reason I talk politics here, where I’m free to curse and make off-the-cuff remarks and generally just say stuff with passion and ideals rather than one of the bigger blogs like Kos or C&L where people seem to be posting polisci theses on a regular basis.
Now, alec, alec’s smart as a whip.
The important thing is that those of you who have ever known America as anything but what Reagan left of it typically have other, better things to do…
….sometimes. Heh.
I was in my 20s during the Spanish-American War.
John? John McCain? Haven’t seen you in months, old buddy.
I’m not as old as McCain, but now that I think about it I may really be one of the most ancient geezers here. Mikey (who doesn’t seem to be around anymore) had to have been a few years older – I was just slightly too young for Vietnam, though I didn’t realize that until later.
True story: the mild time in early spring in Vegas, during one of our seasonal rainstorms, and my mom (who just learned to drive) is taking my grandma (who hadn’t yet) to the supermarket. They’re getting out of the parking lot and they get bumped by these girls about a decade older than her, who they see immediately laughing their asses off. The fucked-up thing is that they’re all hippied out and shit, in spite of it being 1980, so twigging why they were so fucking amused was easy.
She pops up her hoodie, gets out the car, and strides purposefully towards theirs. Their looks of amusement swiftly change to abject terror, because she was a pretty enough person but a track runner, raw-boned and raven-haired.
She knocks on the window. They’re in tears. “I am the Angel of Death,” she says. “Oh God, no! Please, we’ll be more careful, I swear!”
“Tell your parents you love them.”
“Okay! Soon as we get home! Oh, thank you, thank you -”
“Are you registered to vote?”
“No, but we…”
“Do it. Register as soon as you can. The caucus is coming up.”
“But I don’t know who to vote for.”
“Kennedy. Now go home and stop driving stoned.”
She gets back into the car and, on their way out, she swears she made one of them out in the rear-view mirror saying “Isn’t he dead?”
(And for the record, at least your first vote wasn’t for Jack Carter.)
she swears she made one of them out in the rear-view mirror saying “Isn’t he dead?”
Goddamn, that’s rich. I LOLed.
But of course the Angel of Death would vote for the dead guy!
No, indeed, but I did send him some cash.
Got back a hand signed postcard of thanks. It had full first class postage attached.
Oh, poor Jack.
Funny thing is that if he had just held his horses a while he’d have the race on a silver platter right now. If nothing else, it’d give the Republicans (such as they are now they’ve lost Reno) conniptions for years. Oh, Jack. We just weren’t ready for a second peanut smuggler in the Senate.
I was just slightly too young for Vietnam, though I didn’t realize that until later.
Major Kong served, so he might get the patriarch spot. He seems to be absent today, which does hint at some wisdom on his part.
Wow. That is some crapola to scroll through. I picked out words at random in a couple of them, and then stopped to try to trudge through a few grafs of one of Troofster’s steaming piles. I think I was smarter & more well-informed by only skimming a few random words.
Meanwhile, Palin is gone and the GOP leaders are starting to do what they do best – which is to attack & savage a helpless victim. Kinda like the buzzardbeasts in The Dark Crystal.
Of course, that won’t really matter, because as soon as a tipping point of authority figures pecking out St. Sarah’s eyes is reached, the narrative of the wingnutosphere will change to reflect the new reality.
We have always been at war with EastAsia. Sarah Palin has always been a gutless quitter.
Alec’s story is why I still read the comment threads even after the trolls have pooped all over the place.
Having consensual sex is rape, questioning them is gang rape. Where do they go from here? The US public voting for them is (the black part of) the public super-duper gang-plang raping them!
1) mega rape (consent only makes it worse)
2) meta rape (touching sexual violence in its bathing suit area)
3) metro rape (the horrible, mutually enjoyable sex people who are not Real Americans have)
4) In all honesty I think where they go from here probably involves forcing themselves on youths and subordinates, because that’s where they go from everywhere
this is kind of like Ben Kenobi letting Darth Vader strike him down. Palin is not going to run in 2012, but by doing this she can now become Barack Obama’s worst nightmare
A blithering unintelligible idiot?
The only way she’d be his worst nightmare is if she ended up his Veep.
Posting (late) in an epic thread.
My worst nightmares usually come after eating botulism infected rotted meat – but mmm mmm mmm! So worth it!
I’d’ve pegged the average at between 26 and 30, but I could (of course) be wrong.
I had always thought it was an older crowd, but there you go…
57 here. Do I qualify as the official SN Auld Phart, or can anybody else beat that?
You kids are okay, as long as you stay the hell off my lawn.
Close here, Realist: 51
Hey, here’s a fun blog:
…She is getting into the fight to save America. … Obama’s treasonous presidency has made this struggle necessary. Palin, like all patriotic Americans, is shocked by what is happening. Obama is destroying this country. She knows it. We all know it. We need a leader…
Palin is that leader. On Friday she assumed the mantle. She delivered a campaign speech…
…best of all, she is not a product of the limp-wristed, spineless GOP of the Age of Obama. There is a struggle in the Republican Party for the heart and soul of our future: the RINOs (McCain, Romney, etc.) versus true individualists and conservatives like Palin. She is outside the box. She has grit. She has guts. That is why she so frightens the RINOs, leftopaths and freedom haters. The Democrats despise Palin because she best embodies everything they are not. She is principled, true, hard working, smart and honorable. She embodies all that is good and fine and decent – you couldn’t have written a more charismatic, honorable character in a Victor Hugo novel….
Yeah, I thought it was satire at first too but sadly…
37. Going on 14.
I read here much more than I comment, but for what it’s worth: 52. Not the Oldest Farte, but no spring chicken either.
Also, after seeing the above “sculpture”, I think John Mc Enroe should have stuck to tennis. (I know, not the same person–or is it?)
I’m 63 1/2 years old. PpbbbbbbbT!
Missed this thread – busy curing the plague. Sorry.
48 meself, for what it’s worth.
Rats, just missed the Post of the Beast (Jacob Singer got it).
I’ll be 57 the end of the month. For what it’s worth, I assumed most people on here were younger than me, but then I assume everybody is younger than me.
…I assume everybody is younger than me.
Yeah, what you said. I’m 50 and watching the numbers ahead of me in age dwindle…
I’m at an age (24, 25 next month), and in a situation (in school later than most of my cohorts), where I’m starting to see ages and birthdates of people who look just as adult as I do, yet I have vivid memories from the year of their birth.
I’m at the edge of the “I assume everyone’s older than me” bloc.
I think my favorite is the four dot ellipsis.
The extra E….
I can’t believe that Sanfolo did the Appalachian Run in five days!
Frequent reader, rarely comment. FWIW, turned 50 last week. I pretty much assumed that was about the median age around here.