It’s Just Like That Time Markos Begged Al-Qaeda To Nuke Us
Hot Air’s Allahpundit steps away from the ledge by sweeping one leg spasmodically over the gaping precipice of rightwing nuttiness:
Scheuer to Beck: The only chance of saving America is … another Al Qaeda attack
… What’s striking about this clip is how closely it tracks some of the key tropes of nutroots paranoia during the Bush years. Now as then, it’s assumed that the greatest threat to the country is its own government. Now as then, the “solution” to getting the nation back on the right track involves some ghoulish catastrophic failure of national security (losing the Iraq war in Bush’s case, failing to prevent a new attack in this one). And now as then, because the president acted in a legally controversial way in one circumstance — Bush on “torture,” Obama on corporate takeovers — he’s instantly suspected of ruthless designs on the Constitution itself, irrespective of whether he actually has the support he’d need to change it.
Unfortunately, with few exceptions, Allah’s commenters do not appreciate his nuance:
It may seem alarmist, but a wakeup call is needed. It’s too bad that for most of the elites, in fact, all of them, one 9/11 wasn’t enough to change how they think.
keep the change on July 1, 2009 at 6:19 PM
It sounds terrible, and it would be completely horrible, but it is going to take America on it’s knees to wake people up.
If this is what it’s going to take,I pray for another way. I just don’t see it.
portlandon on July 1, 2009 at 6:19 PM
Y’know what’s scarier than all the crazy/paranoid-seeming warnings these guys are throwing out there? That both Beck and Scheuer have track records of being right far more often than not. 🙁
aero on July 1, 2009 at 6:19 PM
I would love to take comfort in the fact that Beck is just a nut job. I have found no comfort in that assessment at all. I do not know what the tipping point will be. People are just not as pissed as I am. It does keep me awake at night, because I do not know what to do to fight this president and Congress. I do not know how to protect myself and my family. I thought I knew as of last fall. After Nov. 4th it all changed.
BetseyRoss on July 1, 2009 at 6:37 PM
Why is Hot Air so hostile to Glenn Beck?
He loves America, reveres the Constituion and bewails the collapse of our culture.
Got a problem with that?
guntotinglibertarian on July 1, 2009 at 6:54 PM
And the final word, from suzyk:
I hate to say this, but if there is going to be another terrorist attack (however, I think that Obama is a terrorist attack)I hope it happens in Washington D.C.
We have friends there and I told them to get their animals out of there to be safe and prepare.
I hope all these evil politicians are taken out. There, I said it. I have had it. This is not what this Country was formed on and what it’s all about. If it can’t be Washington, D.C. then please let it be San Francisco.
suzyk on July 1, 2009 at 10:32 PM
ok then
And you have to wonder – exactly what has changed in ole Suzyk’s life that Big Bad Obama did?
They hate America and want the terrorists to win.
Don’t dare question their patriotism.
This isn’t any different from when Michael Moore wished for “a thousand Fallujahs”.
It logically follows, then, that bin Laden received tacit approval from Cheney to attack, dudn’t it?
Mr. GOP, I call bullshit.
It is quite different. Moore was speaking for Moore. Beck is a fucking cable network news spokesman. Beck speaks for the Conservative establishment. Moore speaks for himself.
Also, Michael Moore didn’t say that, which I’m sure is central to Troofy’s point.
A wingnut flirting with sanity? Now THAT’s infotainment!
Allahpundit may want to Google DIY checkups on one’s brake-lines … & if he/she has kids, perhaps move them to a new school under an assumed name. Paranoia makes folks do “funny” things.
No terrorist holocaust for suzyk – she didn’t say “pretty please with sugar on top.”
Beck is one conservative voice, just like Moore is one liberal voice. Beck is “our” Moore.
My mistake. Moore didn’t say he would like to see a thousand Fallujahs.
He said he would “like to see a million Mogadishus.” Doesn’t really make it much better.
Regarding Beck, I rather liked ODELAY.
I think it’s important to understand that this is a direct outgrowth of the fundamentalist mentality — it takes punishment to change behavior, to get sinners to recognize error. Punishment is good, cleansing, etc. Nothing new about this, it’s as old as the hills.
It’s especially interesting that suzyk’s concern is for some goldfish rather than the hundreds of thousands of people in DC.
I wanted American troops to be punished.
So I’m a fundamentalist evangelical now?
A hardliner who spreads his message far and wide is exactly the definition of “fundamenalist evangelical,” so yeah.
Alas, “but but but this guy did it too” isn’t an excuse. I hate that I have to say this more than once to a grown adult, but: “he started it” didn’t work during recess in second grade, and it sure as shit doesn’t work now.
Beck said something terrible and he should be called out for it. What Michael Moore did or did not say is completely irrelevant to Glenn Beck’s googly-eyed insanity.
Accordking to suzyk
Is she aware that the country, as formed, was not about people like her (female)? The framers’ contemporaries, when it came to implementation of the framers’ ideas, envisioned white, male, property owners as what this country was about. The few jurisdictions that permitted female property owners with no male relatives to vote rescinded the franchise in the early years of the Republic. The Country wasn’t formed with her in mind.
He didn’t say that either, you flailing dork.
That degenerated into “Michael Moore is fat” in record time
What’s important is not what Michael Moore actually said, but what the GOP wants him to say.
Got a problem with that?
And if that FICKLE WHORE doesn’t stop TEASING me, with her SLUTTY FLIRTATIONS with that DUSKY BLACKAMOOR, than we’ll make her pay. Her and that BASTARD, they’ll all pay, taking my money, laughing it up at my hard work and sacrifice. She’ll see, she’ll see who LOVED her when I CUT HER FUCKING THROAT.
See, now why you gotta make me hurt you like this, baby, don’t you know I love you so much?
Let’s make it clear. Beck has an entire news network behind his words. Beck = Murdoch, Ailes, and all his sponsors. Fox News, Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes all own Beck’s words.
Moore is an independent filmmaker.
Nicholas De Genova said the million Mogadishus thing.
He had an audience of literally dozens.
Yes, Michael Moore is on the teevee every day, just like Glenn Beck.
Here’s what he has said, FWIW:
Centrist Democrat = Terrorist Attack.
All righty then.
I heard Osama was on his way to blow up D.C. but he got distracted and decided to knock up Palin’s daughter.
You know something thoroughly offensive is on its way when people preface it with It may seem alarmist, or It sounds terrible, but….
But when you see the phrase I hate to say this, you can be assured somebody is about to have megadeath wished upon them. With great sadness, of course, because it’s strictly for their own good.
It’s especially interesting that suzyk’s concern is for some goldfish rather than the hundreds of thousands of people in DC.
Yeah, I was a bit struck by that as well.
Apparently her monkeysphere can apply to animals (maybe she believes they’re incapable of the sin THOSE PEOPLE are riddled with?), but everyone else in D.C. deserves the agonizing death coming to them.
Address my posts, libs!
ghoulish catastrophic failure of national security (losing the Iraq war in Bush’s case, failing to prevent a new attack in this one)
Hang on….did he REALLY compare a strategic blunder to the vicious murder of 3,000 Americans???????
Anonymous above is me, and I forgot to add: ever notice that these “What this country needs is a good spanking” types never wish annihilation on their own city or town? It seems to me a true patriot would take one for the team.
Does Troofie have a source for his Moore quote? No? I’m shocked. Next thing you’ll tell me is that he, on the whole is a drain on this country, taking more from her than he will ever return.
No, he was referring to Obama’s hypothetical failure to prevent an attack, in the hypothetical sense of not having happened, even though it would totally prove the wingnuts right if it did, and didn’t they tell you all along?
And remember Ward Churchill and Rev. Wright, and their statements about 9/11?
I guess if Beck speaks for Murdoch, Wright must speak for Obama.
boogity boogity!
I really like the idea that Bush acted “in a legally controversial manner” once — on torture (gee, that’s such a grey area, I guess everybody has his or her own ideas on that one) — and THAT’s why we liberals were all against him. Instead, of course, I don’t remember his ever acting in a clearly legal, above board manner on anything important. Spying on Americans without warrants and lying about when they started doing it? Ignoring intelligence regarding an imminent attack on the country? Lying about the presence of weapons of mass destruction in order to start a totally illegal war? Need I go on? Yeah, right, there’s perfect equivalence between the way Bush approached his constitutional duties and the way Obama approaches his. In Bizarro World, that is.
Wait, Obama runs a national cable news outlet and hired Rev. Wright to anchor an hour-long show in prime time? Is it in that sense that ‘Wright must speak for Obama’ in the way that Beck speaks for Murdoch?
I guess if Beck speaks for Murdoch, Wright must speak for
Obama.Troofie.Fixed for accuracy
No, he was referring to Obama’s hypothetical failure to prevent an attack, in the hypothetical sense of not having happened, even though it would totally prove the wingnuts right if it did, and didn’t they tell you all along?
Oh, so it’s reality versus fantasy and somehow, fantasy wins in the real world. Gotcha.
No D.A., he just went to his Church for two decades, listening to and subjecting his daughters to Black Supremacist Hate Speech, only finding it offensive just as he was running for President.
Yup, total coincidence. Nothing to see here, move along, etc.
The wingers don’t really hope for* the deaths of millions of American citizens. It’s just that they cannot assimilate the election of a black president who is (a lot*) smarter than they are.
*Actually, it seems that they do so hope.
*Yo, wingers: look at my thumb…
So Beck was Murdoch’s minister, Troofie?
Wow. I did not know that!
Notice how I haven’t addressed how wrong I was about the Moore quote? Ain’t I a stinkah?
Wow, Glenn Beck is the Pope…I never knew that, Troofie! Thanks for telling us that.
My oh my. A preacher’s metaphorical call for God to censure America is the same as a news anchor wishing for an actual terrorist attack.
Silly GOP; Pat Robertson and Glen Beck aren’t the same at all.
Ward Churchill? Nice irrelevant non-sequiter you got there.
Also, WRIGHT AYERS ACORN! This is excellent news…for McCain!
Whoa! What just flew over my head at supersonic speed? It looked like the point, but I can’t be sure, it was traveling at the speed of light!
two decades, listening to and subjecting his daughters to Black Supremacist Hate Speech,
I had no idea his daughters were so old, they look so much younger.
Come, Pockyclipse, come! Free us from our horrible librual oppresers! Why Lord do you allow the horrible liberal oppressers 2 vex and oppres us so? 4 R we not UR chosen PPL and so sorly and unjusly opressd? O we long for the cleansing Pockyclipse!
An note to Mr. GOP: also, Obama has a bigger package than you do, and he wants to have sex with your sister/wife/daughter/mom. Srsly.
That both Beck and Scheuer have track records of being right far more often than not.
I don’t know about Scheuer, but as far as Blecch is concerned? Sadly, No.
That both Beck and Scheuer have track records of being right far more often than not.
He doesn’t mean “correct”, he means “fascist”.
I see Troofy Ward Churchill and raise him, well…me. Churchill, of course, was a fringe loony who was forced from his position in disgrace. I, meanwhile, can advocate genocide and pal around with such lovely characters as John Derbyshire and Instapunk and not be called out for it.
Obama has a bigger package than you do, and he wants to have sex with your sister/wife/daughter/mom.
And could attain that goal with very little effort.
Guys, it was BLACK SUPREMACIST HATE SPEECH, and bears no resemblance to, for instance, any of the major or minor prophets foretelling deserved doom to Israel for straying from God’s path. Or for that matter legions of white conservative evangelicals saying pretty much the same thing.
We need an unprecedented disaster to alert us to the dangers of an unprecedented disaster.
So let me see if I get Toofy’s point.
It’s OK that Fox News promotes an actual terrorist attack on the United States, one that kills real American citizens, because Obama used to go to Rev. Wright’s church.
So what else works this way?
It’s OK that Van Brunn stormed the Holocaust Museum and killed an actual security guard because Michael Moore is fat.
It’s OK that Richard Poplowski lay in wait to kill two Pittsburg cops, because Ward Churchill got tenure.
It’s OK that Shawna Forde killed an nine year old girl, because SHUT UP THAT’S WHY!
My “Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God,” long considered an American literary classic, isn’t that far from what the Rev. Wright was espousing.
And could attain that goal with very little effort.
Already has, in her dreams…..
Shall we dredge up my quotes about Hurricane Katrina? McCain and I were pals. I do believe you were a fan of McCain, Troofy.
McCain didn’t go to his Church for 20 years, or make his daughters sit throug his sermons at an impressionable young age.
Keep trying, Troofy. One of these days you might even catch one of those straws.
Still waiting on your correction to the Moore quote.
Ask my ex-wife what I was doing decades ago.
Gooper/Twewfie just has a big roulette wheel that he spins for his wingnut tropes, doesn’t he? Round and round she goes… click-click-cl-l-l-iiiiick… BILL AYERS!
“Still waiting on your correction to the Moore quote.”
To do that he’d have to be correct about something. Na. Ga. Happen.
Never underestimate the power of the pastor! Decades from now, middle-aged men in Colorado Springs will still be spending their
hard-earnedlooted-from-the-gullible cash on meth and rent boys. Bookmark it!McCain pretending to be religious when he’s not is a virtue in Troofy’s book.
For that matter, Glenn Blecch was on teh electric radio on 3/11/2002 whining about how little the media was covering the 6-month anniversary of 9/11 and how it proved we’d forgotten TEH HEROES and the liberals hated America and suchlike also. So that’s where he’s coming from.
McCain didn’t go to his Church for 20 years
Because he was porking Cindy while his first wife was laid up with injuries from a serious accident
If it can’t be Washington, D.C. then please let it be San Francisco.
Hmmm… sounds like suzyk and bin Forgotten agree on the value of a diverse community!
McCain didn’t go to his Church for 20 years, or make his daughters sit throug his sermons at an impressionable young age.
Of course, for that matter, Rev. Wright DIDN’T FUCKING SAY IT ON NATIONWIDE TV, either. Also.
Plus he didn’t say we deserved ANOTHER 9/11. And I thought we covered the whole “saying you understand why it happened isn’t defending it happening” thing years ago.
And by all means, let’s remember John McCain and how wonderful life would be if he had won the election.
D. Aristophanes said,
It’s especially interesting that suzyk’s concern is for some goldfish rather than the hundreds of thousands of people in DC.
suzyk’s just being thoughtful. People can run a lot faster from a dirty bomb blast if they don’t have to stop and find the dog’s leash.
But it is totally not fair and mean to suggest these people are a possible threat to this nation’s security.
Some people go Galt on their own, and some have going Galt thrust upon them.
I hope suzyk’s head explodes; the world would be a little bit better and with such a small explosion there’d be no collateral damage.
and some have going Galt thrust upon them.
Please don’t talk about Gatl’s thrusting rape sequence, I’m trying to have breakfast here.
Speaking of Ayn Rand, did you know she was a rabid fan of Farrah Fawcett?
So much for “stimulus” or “green shoots”, huh?
Obama has to be getting real nervous now.
After several months of better-than-estimated unemployment numbers, they surged back. WHO COULD HAVE FORESEEN A RECESSION THAT BEGAN IN 2007 WOULD HAVE FAR-REACHING CONSEQUENCES THAT WOULD TAKE ALL OF 2009 TO MEND?
Besides everyone, of course.
Obama has to be getting real nervous now.
Wait – I thought he was deliberately crashing the economy in order to achieve his Islamosocialistfascist police state. According to you, he should be delighted! Can’t you stick to your story?
Why isn’t Obama a genie?! I thought we elected a genie, what with all the secret Muslim stuff going around. Barbara Eden would have this recession thing worked out with one bob of her head!
Seriously, by 2012, we’re going to need a Crisis of Many Worlds-style big crunch to keep the right-wing talking points comprehensible.
How come the “stimulus” package isn’t working?
At this rate the whole country will look like Detroit by 2012.
What a fuckin’ weak-ass troll.
Oh come now. It took Detroit at least two decades to get where it is now.
By 2012, Detroit will still look worse.
Speaking of Ayn Rand, did you know she was a rabid fan of Farrah Fawcett?
And Detroit can’t even fuck with Flint, for that matter.
Oh Hai! Luke at me!
STILL waiting on a correction.
STILL waiting on a correction.
An admission of wrongdoing from a guy who grew up loving Richard Nixon?
1930 was a great year for stocks, too.
Its called a dead cat bounce, and the rally has stalled and getting ready for another (deeper) crash.
Speaking of Ayn Rand, did you know she was rabid?
Alas, I don’t remember any dead stockbrokers bouncing against Wall Street like in 1929.
How dare you imply that I am a racist when I have not mentioned ONE THING about race for the entire 30 minutes I have been using this pseud?
I wonder what effect the impending expiration of the Bush tax cuts is having on the economy?
Is it really a good idea to have a massive tax hike in the middle of a bad recession?
Its called a dead cat bounce, and the rally has stalled and getting ready for another (deeper) crash.
It is truly embarassing how little you know about finance, Troofie.
At this rate the whole country will look like Detroit by 2012.
At this rate the whole country will look like
DetroitMogadishu by 2012.Well when do you think the recession will end, Actor? How does raising taxes help?
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.2 percent in April before seasonal adjustment. This index has fallen 0.7 percent over the last 12 months, due primarily to a 25.2 percent drop in energy prices. The year-over-year declines in March and April are the first since 1955. (May 15, 2009)
Profits from current production (corporate profits with inventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments) increased $48.1 billion in the first quarter, in contrast to a decrease of $250.3 billion in the fourth quarter. Current-production cash flow (net cash flow with inventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments) — the internal funds available to corporations for investment — increased $60.4 billion in the first quarter, in contrast to a decrease of $97.0 billion in the fourth.
Personal income increased $167.1 billion, or 1.4 percent, and disposable personal income (DPI) increased $178.1 billion, or 1.6 percent, in May, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Personal consumption expenditures (PCE) increased $25.1 billion, or 0.3 percent. In April, personal income increased $78.3 billion, or 0.7 percent, DPI increased $140.0 billion, or 1.3 percent, and PCE increased $1.0 billion, or less than 0.1 percent, based on revised estimates. The pattern of changes in personal income and in DPI reflect, in part, the pattern of increased government social benefit payments associated with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
Looks kinda like a recovery to me…
…expiration of the Bush tax cuts…
The tax cuts for the wealthy, you mean? Sure why not make them pay their fair share again. Are you rich Troofie, or do you just like to kiss rich ass? The rich don’t give two shits about you, ya know.
How does raising taxes help?
Two words: Keynsian spending.
Don’t bother, guys. His idea of a reasoned defense of Glenn Beck is a misattributed Michael Moore quote.
Keyensianism was a failure, it led to the economic disasters of the 1970s.
Going off precedent, both in our nation and in recessions abroad, if we handed out shovels and paid people to dig ditches, we’d be out by, oh…. 2015, at the earliest.
Because ultimately, the way out is through. Keeping the government and belief in money solid helps bring our system back together, as opposed to just jamming another billion dollars in a safe to rot.
US economic growth has always been strongest when taxes were high.
Now stuff it, Troofie.
Gosh, maybe if we had major corporations pay their fair share of taxes as well, like they did back in the 60s, that might make a difference as well… and raise the top tax rate back to where it was in TEH MARVELOUS FIFTIES that the GOPers love so much – ie. about 80-90% or so.
Ugh. Let me try again.
Check out the blackest material ever created. And it’s not Obama’s soul!!!
Wow…do you think, Pere? If corporations, those mindless, heartless bastards, were forced to actually pay real taxes on income, the average American might live a better life?
Wow. What a concept! “Of the people, by the people, and for the people” we could call it!
The rich don’t give two shits about you, ya know.
Hey, don’t knock the serfs. At least they know their place.
Check out the blackest material ever created. And it’s not Obama’s soul!!!
Troofie’s underwear? No, wait, his heart!
Wow – you guys have been arguing with me for months!
I don’t know whether that’s sad or just really damn funny. Just… wow.
I think I’ll stick to my pattern of checking in every few months.
Keyensianism was a failure, it led to the economic disasters of the 1970s.
Ell-to-the-motherfucking-oh-ell. Three decades of steady, stable growth is so unappealing at the moment. Five-year boom-and-bust cycles are so much better. Especially when each successive boom increases wealth disparity further and each successive bust brings wider and deeper pain.
Scuse my finGAHS!!!!
Sigh. Don’t worry Troofie. The Dems will clean up after Chimpy just like they did after his Da
d, just like they did after Hoover. It will take more than 5 months, but it took Clinton and FDR more than 5 months. Don’t worry. You’ll get your job at Burger Barn back. Now, could you just go ahead and admit you lied about the Moore quote? Kthnxbai.
Quick pop quiz; During which of these years were the top rates of Income Tax lower than under current President Obama? Including lower than Obama’s proposed increase to 39.9% in 2011?
A.) 1961 – 1963 under John F. Kennedy
B.) 1969 – 1974 Under Richard Nixon
C.) 1977 to 1981 Under Jimmy Carter
D.) 1981 to 19856 Under Ronald Reagan
If you answered years B and D, then your name is Mr GOP/Unemployment, and you’re a fucking idiot. You’re also an unemployed obsessive loner who is racist and misogynistic and just generally unlovable… but today’s little lesson is that in ALL the years above the tax rate was HIGHER than even Obama has merely proposed. You’d also have got points for pointing out that in 1993 when GWH Bush left office, the top tax rate was also higher than Obama’s proposed level. But that would require you to be honest, and reading what actually happens in history rather than trying to warp it to fit your own warped and vicious understanding of life.
Y’know… like trying to make false quotes about Michael Moore twice. Hey remember that time “The Truth” when you were so “truthful” you even tried to claim “Heck of a Job Brownie” was a quote from a democrat, when it was George W. Bush who said it?
Hey, remember the time you said this, you pitiful unloved weasel?
And you actually DID say that, didn’t you hmmm?
And we’ll know they are Christians by their love.
at 17:57 Michael Moore’s non-existent quote said:
The problem is, it’s usually impossible to prove a negative statement, such as “There are no unicorns.”
How can Troofy prove “Michael Moore did not say ‘I wish for a thousand Fallujahs” or “a million Mogadishus would be neat”? I mean, maybe he said it when only Democrats were around and none of them documented it. Or maybe he said it in a foreign language, so non-liberal could understand it.
So it wouldn’t be right to say “Michael Moore didn’t say those things” when he couldn’t support it with a link. Troofy is searching the intertubes diligently right now for proof that Michael Moore didn’t say those things.
BTW, did you know that McCain said Sarah Palin was terrible in bed, and Todd wasn’t much better?
Teh W-Post has now canceled their little pay-to-play dinners.
Oddly, somehow the “we’ll play the whore for anyone with twenty-five large” bit strikes me as a step in the egalitarian direction from where things stand now.
“good name of The Washington Post.”
I finally took a closer look at Señor Verdadero’s election prediction. I knew he was wrong, but I didn’t know he was so perfectly, completely incorrect: VA, NC, FL, OH, CO and PA all went for Obama. That is clutch.
Here’s a suggestion for these nutjobs. They should rent a small highrise, move the sane people out and move themselves in, then notify the terrorists of their location and invite them to drive a plane through it.
Since it’s for the benefit of the country and their stern recommendation, they need to step up and volunteer to be the victims of the next attack.
But when you see the phrase I hate to say this, you can be assured somebody is about to have megadeath wished upon them.
America, bless her heart, but…
Check out the blackest material ever created. And it’s not Obama’s soul!!!
“The hue fuligin, which is darker than black, admirably erases all folds, bunchings and gatherings so far as the eye is concerned…”
It’s cuz the President and his wife are black,
Because we have a blackity-black black leader, and a high fallutin’ congress filled with teh gay Barney Frank and that soon to be mexican Supreme Court LaRaza chanting Maria Sotomayor, our country is going to hell in a hand basket.
And it makes the old grumpy, crochety white men cry.
# Smut Clyde said,
July 2, 2009 at 22:18
Check out the blackest material ever created. And it’s not Obama’s soul!!!
“The hue fuligin, which is darker than black, admirably erases all folds, bunchings and gatherings so far as the eye is concerned…”
Next thing you know, Babs Bush will be painting her face with the stuff. And . . .
Well, there probably wouldn’t be much for anyone to say after that.
One has to wonder at the cold winds that persuaded Allah Pundit that mebbee it might be an idea to ratchet back teh crazee. Sadly the wind-up audience is, well, wound up.
1 million Mogadishus = 1 femto-Fallujah = 1 yotto-Yugoslavia = 1 Chile-meter = 1 tera-War-on-Terra.
Ah the Great Liberal Freakout. Just like the Great Liberal Cookout, except death is on the menu!!!!!!!
Smut, man, ya beat me to the punch with the fuligin.
Dumbass Troll/Mr GOP
he’s been on the thread
and i’m tired of his “bookmark this”
he’s been with on the thread
And the Sadlies take the piss
afraid nobody around here
understands all his zingers
guess he’s only a pudboy
so excuse his fingers
he’s the dumbest troll
nowhere to go
exburban robot that nullifies reality
common stock
he loves to flog his cock
we shove the poles in the trolls
wait a minute
something’s wrong
he’s the man from the past
he’s here to supply us with a bookmark
a little self sacrifice
it’s just supply and demand
mr. freakin’ nazi mr. GOP
he’s an altruistic pervert
mr. GOP mr. friggin nazi
he’s here to spread some crap
wait a minute
something’s wrong
he’s a man with a plan
his finger is pointed at libruls
now we must sacrifice DC
that the country may live
ok we’ve got a lot to give
this troofie chucks a turd at you
A little inelegant, a little rushed…
Well these wingnuts are clearly pro terrorist (no “objectively” about it) so can we send them off to Gitmo for some enhanced interrogation yet? After all, freedom isn’t free and the constitution isn’t a suicide pact etc.
both Beck and Scheuer have track records of being right far more often than not
I think that should read “have track records of being far right more often than not”.
Regarding Beck, I rather liked ODELAY
Soy un perdador
I’m a loser baby,
So why don’t you kill me?
Damn people this thread was so freakin funny I nearly choked on my enchiladas! And oh by the way Glenn Beck isn’t qualified to lick the organic turd balls out of Michael Moore’s big, hairy ass. Also.
“… then please let it be San Francisco.”
Why does susyk want me dead? What did I ever do to him?
True story: I went a fairly long time without knowing who Glenn Beck was, and one day I decided to start reading Media Matters. One of the items was “Beck (says some sort of horrific thing).” For a brief, terrifying moment, I thought Beck Hansen had expanded from just being a lunatic scientologist to being a wingnut too.
Nicholas de Genova, an assistant professor at Columbia. THAT’s who yapped about “a million Mogadishus”. Not Michael Moore.
You’re welcome…
Well, yeah, but then Michael Moore was reading the newspapers, and he came to something about this guy, and he said, out loud, “A million Mogadishus? Is this guy serious?” and then if you ignore the last part of that and the question marks, he really said it, so bookmark that because it means that Beck is right and Wright is wrong and wrong is right and bleck is white.
Why do Republicans hate America?
Scheuer and Beck are freaks, plain and simple. Anyone who would want that kind of horror visited on this country for any reason, but especially to make a political point, is a freak.
This isn’t any different from when Michael Moore wished for “a thousand Fallujahs”.
No, no, no. That was ” a thousand FAJITAS.”
See, cuz he’s fat and all.