Is Marie Still Stupid? Happily, Yes

Here’s a choice bit from Marie’s latest stinkbomb:


Congressman Murtha, a septuagenarian with a penchant for crying in public these days, told “Nightline” recently: “Let me tell you, war is a nasty business. It sears the soul.” So searing, perhaps, that Murtha, a 37-year veteran of the Marine Corps, has taken to discouraging Americans from enlisting into the armed services, as the above illustrates.

Whoa. Wait. Wuh,wuh, wait. Marie. Do you honestly believe that the average soldier joins the army because he thinks war is just like a life-sized version of Chutes and Ladders? OF COURSE WAR IS A NASTY BUSINESS. Why do you think so many Iraq veterans are suffering from brutal combat stress trauma (hint: it’s not because Howard Dean called the war unwinnable)? I mean, my God, are you fucking serious?

Here’s another goodie:

The parliamentary elections in Iraq on December 15, 2005, were immensely successful. So successful, in fact, that America is beginning a methodical drawing down of troops in Iraq.

Right. The 2006 midterm elections have nothing to do with it. In the same vein, the reason we’re going to stop funding Iraqi reconstruction is because the country’s already been completely rebuilt.

Because of this drawdown, Iraqi forces are taking more responsibility for suppressing the terrorists and die-hard Saddamists.

And they’ve been doing a bang-up job so far, too. You can tell because a suicide bomber just blew up 30 people at a funeral.

Like the plagues of fascism, Nazism, and communism, terrorism is in need of being exterminated; in Iraq, and wherever it thrives. Because of the sacrifices made by American and coalition forces, a once-fledgling Iraqi army is now some 180,000 strong, and growing.

I get tired of writing “Sadly, No!” all the time. I should just program it into the “F12” key or something.


Comments: 39


The words “ignorant cunt” spring to mind…


She unwittingly came up with the greatest sequel ever:

Die-Hard5 – Saddamists.


I wouldn’t call Marie the “C-word.” But she’s a sad example of someone who is completely manipulated by her party’s own propaganda. She honestly, really believes that we’re cutting down troops levels and slashing reconstruction funds because everything in Iraq is just dandy. I mean, Jesus Christ.


Thank God we still have Marie- it’ll make getting over our evil doppelganger chick site all that much easier.

Like the plagues of fascism, Nazism, and communism, terrorism is in need of being exterminated

…Except unlike those phenomena you just mentioned, Marie, terrorism is a strategy! It has been used since the first severed head was put on a stick outside of an enemy camp, or the first camp was burned to cinders. This was back in the days of Heidelburg Man, dammit!
It’s going to keep in existance for the simple reason that such tactics are effective and often extremely efficient! Hell, we engage in terrorism from time to time because sometimes, it is more effective (and even, perhaps, humane) to kill a comparative few people in spectacular fashion than kill a hell of a lot of people the regular way (see: Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Project Phoenix, etc.).
As the IRA said- it’s better to have a few bodies and a lot of witnesses than a lot of bodies.
Granted, such ruthlessness is in many cases unacceptable given our stated mission of liberating Iraq from Saddam’s regime (which is, in of itself, a noble enough cause), but to deny that we ever do it (or, in fact, to say that it should never, under any circumstances, be used) is utter blindness.


Yes Marie, it make so much sense that an ELECTION 2 weeks ago has stabilized things so much that we can now drawdown our troops over there. Because an election is such a tangible act of governance. Good lord, I can’t believe these people. They wet themselves and paint their fingers purple every time there is an election, as if the act of voting by itself is the mark of a successful transition to democracy. Just imagine how excited they’ll get if there’s ever any actual governing done by an Iraqi government.

Sorry, I just needed to get that off my chest.


Size of Iraqi army at the fall of Baghdad: 400,000
Size of Iraqi army at Jan 4, 2006: 180,000 (allegedly)

What’s the word for “fledgling” when something is starting to shrink?


The troops coming back with that PTSD might want to be careful on the airplanes from now on – the TSA is looking to classify them as mental defectives and put them on a watch list.

As I said elsewhere, this means they could very well have escaped a war zone only to be taken out by an over-zealous air marshal.

But I’m sure Ms. Marie wouldn’t worry her pretty lil’ head about stuff like that. That wouldn’t be Supporting The Troops.


Ginger- it ain’t 180,000, trust me. Marie pulled that right out of a Rummy press release.


Exterminate terrorism? I swear, Marie, you’re going to get a stern “does not complete assignments” on your next evaluation if you don’t meet the commitments you’ve made previously to exterminating pre-marital sex, masturbation, prostitution, drug-taking, homosexuality and shiny shoes that “reflect up.”

…chop, chop, toots. If I don’t see results soon, I’m telling God.


Considering the fiasco that was Marie’s last attempt at a site, especially considering she kept coming here and bragging about at, I honestly wouldn’t trust Marie to organize a circle jerk, let alone exterminating all that stuff.


as if the act of voting by itself is the mark of a successful transition to democracy.

Too true. They had elections under Saddam, right?


Like the plagues of fascism, Nazism, and communism, terrorism is in need of being exterminated; in Iraq, and wherever it thrives.

Wow, she’s really got a hard-on (or moist thongs in this case?) for this, doesn’t she?

If we weren’t so in love with her and her silent ‘, I’m all for dumping Marie Jon’ in China and see if she can exterminate communism and make it back to the USA alive without getting killed by the Chinese Army, the Communist Party of China, or the boardmembers of Wal*Mart.

It’ll be like a wingnut version of ?on Flux!

melior in France

Boy it’d be fun if Marie ran into Rep. Murtha in an elevator and called him a crybaby to his face, huh?


Oh, tECHIDNA, she’d make it out alive. The Chinese would send her back first-class, non-stop as soon as she opened her stupid mouth.


to quote a recent “Speed Bump”. The body may be a temple but the head is a wind tunnel…


She doesn’t have enough plastic in her face or chest to call him a crybaby to his face.


I didn’t think you could actually use words the administration made up last month, like ‘Saddamist’ with a straight face.

Maybe she’s not human? Wingbot 2000?


elemental- that’s a good theory. Marie is a grown-up version of that chick from Small Wonder.


At least she didn’t plagerize *this* piece…



I’m just shocked they didn’t make up “Saddamite” to describe the insurgency.


…Republicunts NEVER cry or throw tantrums- Especially not Ted Stevens of Alaska *waaaaaaaaaa*.

Jesus. Get a clue ‘Marie.


Just wait.

They’re going to conflate “Saddamite” and “sodomite” before long, just like with Iraq and 9/11.

Then it’ll all be the fault of the gays.


Here’s something I wrote to Marie Jon’ about, because it’s been bugging me:
Dear Marie Jon’
What’s with that vestigial diacritical thingie on the end of your name? Should I aspirate (make an h-like sound) as I tell others orally about your latest post, like, “You know what Marie Jon *hghghghghg* said . . . .?” Otherwise, why the hell is it there? It adds nothing linguistically or etymologically, and imparts absolutely no meaning whatsoever. Hmm. . . .
Or is it waiting for a possessive s which hasn’t quite arrived yet? Like, “Marie Jon’s latest . . . ?” Or is it “Marie Jon”s latest . . . “?
And, Ms. “TheConservative0″*, isn’t “Jon” a boy’s name? Does adding that little aspirator makes it somehow a feminine name? Were your parents really that ignorant?
I think you oughta ditch that pretentious little thing. Your gonna confuse a whole lot of YurpeenMurcans who already have no credible claim to be native speakers of English, who couldn’t write their way out a paper if it had directions on it, and who have no clue what the apostrophe’s function really is. As a result, they either don’t use them, or spread them inconsistently throughout their writing when the mood strikes them.
But at least those apostrophe abusers usually put an s after it. So, please, for the sake of the language, please drop it or put an s after it!

Thank you
A concerned English speaker and writer.

*Is that O as in the letter or TheConservativeZero?


reverter, I concur. Marie’s name sounds awfully … French.


Marie is a grown-up version of that chick from Small Wonder.

Posted by: Brad R | January 4, 2006 08:23

Holy crap. You’re right! They manufactured a Wingnutbot!


“Let me tell you, war is a nasty business. It sears the soul.”

I can find a dozen quotes harsher than that from just about any American military commander from Washington to Schwarzkopf. Marie should try reading a bit of American military history.


Otherwise, why the hell is it there? It adds nothing linguistically or etymologically, and imparts absolutely no meaning whatsoever. Hmm.

Oh, come on! You know as well as I how to pronounce it. Clearly, it’s a transcribed hamza. You know, as in:


Pronounce it like a glottal stop and it’ll be fine!


Like the plagues of fascism, Nazism, and communism, terrorism is in need of being exterminated; in Iraq, and wherever it thrives

While criticizing linguisitically incorrect and nonsensical apostrophe in her name, or the confusion of ideaology and a tactic, why not bring up this egregiously inappropriate use of the passive voice??

Get that girl a Strunk & White, stat!


Do we honestly know that this is Marie’s picture, or is some weirdo just funning us?


Because of this drawdown, Iraqi forces are taking more responsibility for suppressing the terrorists and die-hard Saddamists.

And they’re doing such a good job of it, replacing our “hood over the head, electrodes to the genitals” interrogation method with the much more creative “hood over the head, electrodes to the genitals, electric drills to the knee-caps”.

Putting an electric drill through a detainee’s head also saves on bullets (those thrifty Arabs!)


“Murtha, a 37-year veteran of the Marine Corps, has taken to discouraging Americans from enlisting into the armed services, as the above illustrates.”

But I bet he can’t discourage true patriots like Marie Jon’ — oh, wait. Has she enlisted yet?


Charlotte: We have Gav’s assurance that, while the name and pic are not necessarily holding, “Marie” actually exists… which causes me to have trouble sleeping some time



Dang right, it’s her…and anybody who can put on make-up like that and hire a photographer to get that special cheesecake effect can’t be all that stupid. So we should all quit calling her that (watch out, Michelle/Jesse might be lurking about).
Willfully ignorant.

OK, maybe more helpless than willful.

On a more thoughtful note (that excludes you Marie, Michelle, and Jesse), Yosef raises an interesting question: does the holding of elections necessarily qualify a country as a democracy? Whose moralistic correctness gets to make that determination?


I think rather than reminding me of the “Small Wonder” robot, Marie more closely resembles one of Warren’s androids on “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” such as the infamous Buffybot. If so, look out fellas–she’s strong enough to toss you through a concrete wall!


I once wrote to marie questioning one of her wild assertions. She told me when “Sgt. Roque” (get it, sgt rock?) comes back from Iraq she was going to send him after me. HAHAHA


“that America is beginning a methodical drawing down of troops in Iraq.”

No, it isn’t. The deployment was bumped up before the election and is now being bumped down to previous levels, but the Bushies have painted this as a draw down with the aid of their MSM allies.


As for the “‘” (click) where(click)s Victor Borge when we need him (khhhht pfwt)


Am I confused or wasn’t she on O’Reilly the other day? Either way, yeah, Murtha is the one undermining our national prestige, yeah… that’s the ticket. It’s all about the terror, oh the terror, god help me, I’m so afraid of the terror. It’s not about oil, it’s the terror, yeah, that’s it. For a bunch of people who claim to believe in God they sure do fear death a great deal. Bible in one hand, stealth bomber in the other. Does it feel like a change of weather to you-all, I think it might irony in here later.


No, I think it wuz Michelle. Never mind, ooh my brain hurts!!!


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