And Now A Word From Benjamin Shapiro Legal Consulting

Shorter Ben Shapiro:


Ben Shapiro, Human Wingnuts Online:
If You Disagree With Obama, Are You Anti-American?

  • It is only un-American to criticize a Republican President. In fact, it is your patriotic duty to criticize a Democrat Socialist President like Barack Hitler Hussein Lenin X Stalin Obama who threatened to invade the United Kingdom unless they banned Michael Savage, who plans on sending investors to concentration camps and who is going to rename our country the United Socialist States of America.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 64



I have now expressed myself as cogently and wittily as Ben. I can haz Lolcat Events colum nao?


If a wingnut fails in the forest and everyone laughs uproariously, does it make a sound?


If a wingnut fails in the forest and everyone laughs uproariously, does it make a sound?

Indede, I bleev is can be centrul to my point.


From Ben’s, um, piece:

what syndicated radio host Jerry Doyle has called “economic fascism.”

That would be Chief-Garibaldi-from-Babylon-5 Jerry Doyle, right?

Ted the Slacker

Shorter Larry from Alpine, Texas (in the comments):

I’m mad. Hey look, capslock. I’M MAD. SEE?


Lenin shooting speculators, Hitler rounding up Jews, Robert Gibbs chiding…

I dunno, Ben. Needs work.


Those who voted for Teleprompter-in-Chief should be summarily hanged for treason.

Nothing like a column on “budding tyranny” to bring out fully blossomed cyber-tyrants.

I Cried My Heart Out For Want Of My Love

Yeah, that’s Mr Garibaldi. It’s really very depressing.


Don’t MAKE FUN of Larry from Alpine, Texas!!!!! I have NOTHING BUT RESPECT for the sort of REAL MEN and REAL PATRIOTS who AREN’T AFRAID to use their CAPS LOCK KEY IN DEFENSE OF LIBERTY!!!! SPINELESS LEFTISTS are TERRIFIED by capital letters and their DREAMS OF TYRANNY will crumble when they are opposed by anyone who uses BIG THROBBING GLOBS of EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!!!!!!


Shapiro proves Godwin’s Law by the third paragraph. Short of having the headline of his article be “Obama=Hitlier” that’s pretty hard to beat.

Anyway, the main point benshapiro is trying to make is that Hitler and Obama both used the word “speculators”, which shows…something, I guess.

Shapiro is such a little turd. He makes me want to be 12 years old again and go back to the school that Shapiro went to just so I could bully him. I’ve never been a bully in my life, but something about benshapiro makes me have a renewed understanding for at least the bullies that must have bullied him when he was 12. That was last year, I think.

Anyway, thanks for the pic. I love pictures of wingnuts.


That’s a pretty disgusting chunk of poop in that toilet in the picture.


The fact is, here in the Heartland, we are excited for the new Creed album, Full Circle. You libs don’t understand what the original lineup means to the majority of this Christian nation. Scott Stapp said it best, we all live under the reign of one king, and it’s not Barack Obama Stalin.


(Obama) has spoken to cheering throngs throughout Europe.

What more proof do you need? European throngs only cheer when they can detect Leninist vibes on the astral plane.


Those who voted for Teleprompter-in-Chief should be summarily hanged for treason.

I love the hell out of the telepromptar!!! angle, because (a) it’s one of several Republican slanders which assume a priori that Obama is an illiterate goon, an impression almost nobody in the country shares whether or not they support him; and (b) it’s like if we made fun of Bush for wearing a fucking suit.

I’ve seen children roll their eyes at it. Spiro Agnew these folks ain’t.


The fact is, Shapiro is full of poop.


(Obama) has spoken to cheering throngs throughout Europe.

What more proof do you need? European throngs only cheer when they can detect Leninist vibes on the astral plane.

Kind of like one of the world’s worst cigar-smoking man-skunk hectoring a veteran for documentation of Obama’s well-attested uncle helping to liberate a concentration camp, this is one of those matters where the wingnuts’ vile little obsessions bounce off each other: they want it to be World War II forever, and yet they don’t want to confront Nazism as an ideology nor take any kind of stand against the aggressive, enthusiastic nationalism that drove the Wehrmacht in invading and brutalizing most of Europe. So they sneer about the current French being ingrates in the face of our glorious liberation, and yet somehow cheering French and German crowds bring to mind the Communazis instead of, you know, the fucking hurricane of liberation trim that defined the war from the capture of Paris onwards.

They can put themselves in the shoes of a strapping Aryan conflicted about which wogs the Fuhrer wants to kill but forced to go along with the crowd, and yet they can’t even for a minute put themselves in the shoes of our own soldiers. (Of course, the nature of a conscript army means that they were no more WASPy or conservative than the general public, but empathize my ass.)


“If a wingnut fails in the forest and everyone laughs uproariously, does it make a sound?”

Now now. Laughing at wingnuts is tantamount to violating their first amendment rights. See also, Hitler, Stalin, etc.


Mommy, why does the nice toilet bowl have such scary eyebrows?


Man, on the subject of Babylon 5…

I saw Tron the other day. It was very trippy to have the Dude team up with Captain Sheridan to fight 80’s glasses man.

Also, my post, since it isn’t Godwinning itself in this critical third paragraph is superior to Shapiro’s exegesis.


Mommy, why does the nice toilet bowl have such scary eyebrows?

1. Because wingnuts need somewhere to poop too.
2. Because you touch yourself, (perhaps no longer) virgin Ben sprang into being from your discarded seed. Bad! Very bad! Feel shame!


If you attack President Barack Obama’s policies, are you attacking America?

According to today’s left, the answer is yes: Barack Obama is America. And opposition to Barack Obama or any of his policies is therefore, by definition, anti-American. Just listen to alleged comedienne Wanda Sykes at the White House Correspondents Dinner this past week: “Rush Limbaugh said he hopes this administration fails … He just wants the country to fail. To me, that’s treason. He’s not saying anything differently than what Osama bin Laden is saying.”

One of these things, etc.

That’s good lawyering!


Is that Ben’s real office? Because I’d like to know what “legal consulting” is. Perhaps it’s a step before actually retaining a lawyer to actually pursue a legal matter. If so, and Ben’s legal consulting is of the same quality as his opining, I pity those who seek his advice.


That is absolutely precious:

According to today’s left, the answer is yes: Barack Obama is America. And opposition to Barack Obama or any of his policies is therefore, by definition, anti-American.

George W. Who? Never heard of the man.

It’s amazing how these people can turn on a dime.


So that consulting thing. Is this the sort of gig where you get $300 / hour to tell your client, “Yeah you’re fucked, I’d plead guilty if I were you”? Or is Shapiro one of those idiot savants that will give you advice you should perform the exact opposite of to win?


I love the hell out of the telepromptar!!! angle,

I love it too, because it’s so ridiculous as soon as someone pulls it out, you can cheerfuly dismiss everything they say. If they sign on to that gag, they’re disqualified from rational thought.


And opposition to Barack Obama or any of his policies is therefore, by definition, anti-American. Just listen to alleged comedienne Wanda Sykes at the White House Correspondents Dinner this past week:

Being made the butt of jokes is the new Opression!


Barack Hitler Hussein Lenin X Stalin Obama

Omigod that is a low, low blow. To even insinuate that Obama has anything to do with a band as crappy as “X” — a band that, like the genre it comes from, sucks as much ass as “X”? At long last, sir, have you no sense of decency?


Those who sign up for “Organizing for America” are instructed to go door to door to persuade neighbors to sign petitions in favor of the Obama agenda — not because they believe in Obama’s policies, but because Obama is asking America to “believe … in my ability.”

Will there be donuts for our door-to-door neighbor canvassing? With sprinkles?

Seriously, have I missed the annual door-to-door household accounting and petition drive? Where are they getting this shit from?

And that’s some mighty fine use of ellipses there, Benjy. It’s like he picked the word “believe” from page 24 and then elllided everything else until he got to page 239. It’s about as meaningless a quote as “I……am……a……tyrant.”


Often, such economic fascism begins with talk about speculators. “Until we apply terror to speculators — shooting on the spot — we won’t get anywhere,” Lenin said in 1918. Hitler directed the Nazi electoral platform against “Jewish speculators” in 1928. Today, Obama derides investors in Chrysler as “a small group of speculators,” bluntly stating, “I don’t stand with them.”

I think we all remember the hell of Lenin’s civil war Russia in which fantastically rich speculators demanded to be paid for their investments in companies which went bankrupt.

Lenin had them all lined them up against a very nice mahogany wall in a meeting office and had a staffer say to them, “No, we already had negotiations and you refused the earlier offer of partial remuneration with ownership in future stocks.”

And then the speculators walked away, condemned forever to live in shame and astounding wealth.


Cid, you may be a douche, but that’s a pretty funny post there. Bravo.


From the comment squad:



Finally, YES! I KNOW ‘CAPS’ ARE YELLING! WE ‘REAL AMERICANS’ NEED TO YELL!Larry, Alpine, TX | May 14, 2009 @ 06:47 PM

Was this one of you people?


Spiro Agnew these folks ain’t.

They could at least take the time to work up something properly alliterative like “Teetering Teleprompters Of Tyranny”

Ted the Slacker

Was this one of you people?

If it is, someone should take a bow. That was extended vault copy wingnut rage, not easy to forge.


Does it need to make sense?

The Antagonising Anteaters of Anti-speculating.

Shorter Larry Johnson



It doesn’t need to make sense, but it’s funnier if you can tie it to one or more of their major obsessions, like “abetter of ACORN atrocities”.



Tangent: I’ve been predicting a golden era of epistolary writing for some time now. Since the development of the telegraph, telephone, and mass transit, the formal purpose of letter-writing has essentially evaporated; for all intents and purposes the letter, and its various associated forms (the essay and the short story especially), have been more or less living on borrowed time since. The writing of letters and essays, once to some extent an inseparable part of the literate experience, has become basically a situational obligation in which the main criterion is fulfillment – write a thank you letter, prove you can write an essay for school. Winning favor or arguments with them has not been feasible for some time.

With the development of the Internet and the cell phone networks (which are a fogeyish way of saying ‘mobiles’ and ‘SMS’), and their favoring of text-based communication for various reasons, we have had a great revival in communication skills with letters. While popular abbreviations might seem like a violence to language, it’s worth comparing the tremendous number of informal abbreviations in use when the letter was alive to the epistolary of the post-telephone era, dominated by longhand and impossible to flow.

The most incoherent e-mails come from the generations between Obama’s and McCain’s – it’d be unfair to blame it on age alone, because at some point you have to choose to treat every new piece of technology with default hostility. But they do suffer the misfortune of having to use the tools given to them by a largely oral society to communicate with people who have been actively corresponding in letters since their childhoods.

I bring this up because one of the many usage problems that people whose relationship to written language is arbitrary and distant is a poor grasp of why the basic rules of style matter. Whether REAL AMERICANS NEED TO YELL or not, it probably doesn’t make intuitive sense to Paternity Suit Larry that some words take capitals and some words don’t.

I remain rolling on the floor laughing my ass off about being an obedient servant – Colt Ruger-Hunter, KBE.


“Yeah, that’s Mr Garibaldi. It’s really very depressing.”

I met the guy who played Zack his security second in command at an airport. He mostly wanted to talk about his christian rock band. I was pretty sad. I figured Doyle was a republican (He was essentially made-for-tv-Bruce-Willis(yeah, its two jokes in one)), but I didn’t think he was an idiot republican.



TO: Ben Shapiro
RE: Blogging

Shut up and get laid


Somebody pay attention to me! I’m cute and smart and oh so nihilistically amusing! Your favourite band sucks! Hello? Is this thing on?


Bookmark this, liberals: The new Creed album is going to be awesome.


(Obama) has spoken to cheering throngs throughout Europe

I know my thong cheers when I see Michelle.


Somebody pay attention to me!

Mission Accomplished.


Mission Accomplished.

Time to kick back with a doob and listen to some Foghat.


It doesn’t need to make sense, but it’s funnier if you can tie it to one or more of their major obsessions, like “abetter of ACORN atrocities”.

I like how No Quarter’s commenters are still slinging around the Prop 8 lie.

In retrospect, I should have caught the central absurdity of the affair – namely, that the relative implausibility of either Wright or Obama, both pretty firmly in the Christian and economistic camp, having anything to do with Farrakhan, the crown prince of the racialists and the leader of the fucking Nation of Islam.

It’s not even that you have to be fundamentally ignorant about how the internal politics of the civil rights movement work, nor that you’d have to have completely and uncritically absorbed the right-wing memes affiliating Obama simultaneously to Crazy Black Jesus and the hated Moor. It’s that you would have to be totally ignorant about Louis Farrakhan, one of the more infamous men in the country, as anything but a racist bogeyman. I don’t even mean ignorant about his opinions or impact – I mean the most basic facts of the man’s background and notoriety. And you’re doing all that in service of people who spent the last ten years hoping to get someone crazy angry enough to kill your Fuhrerin?

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. I don’t think in the course of human history anyone has fucked up being a bigot that badly. Momma Flowbee must be proud.


Oy. Is Larry Johnson having an imaginary dialogue with Barack Obama via time-travel?

PFC Dick Simmons

I hate Creed, and I hate the bands that you like!


Time to kick back with a doob and listen to some Foghat.

They wouldn’t be high on MY playlist, but I can think of worse ways to spend a Tuesday morning…


Wow, there are some serious nut-cakes over at No Quarter. I like this rejoinder in the comments – it kind of completes the circle:

If you support Obama, it automatically disqualifies you from any accurate sense of judgment.

Case closed! They are just a collection of about a dozen people over there, reinforcing their own nutty theories. They’ve created a language of their own, too – I could barely follow some of it, as they’ve descended into some internal dialogue with inside slang and abbreviations.

It’s like they’re a set of feral children that have been locked in an attic for decades.


A good metaphor for der Weisseyvideokassettendämmerung, sprung into my head fully-formed against my will, is Larry Johnson, in response to one outrage too many, burning a Star of David on Ludacris’s lawn.



I met the guy who played Zack his security second in command at an airport.

Oh dear. Well he was a really, really bad actor who got way too much screen time.


Yeah, even the wingnutty of wingnut safe zones- Gateway Pundit, Pammycakes, Schlussel- seem to be grounded on firmer ground than Agent Larry n’pals. The comments are that post are remarkable- yep, PUMAs, you’ve still got us right where you want us.

I’m guessing NoQuarter, like Hillaryis44, has about eight full-time posters with a Troofy worth of aliases.


Anyone else see Larry from Alpine’s comment over there and think of L. H. Puttgrass?

(signing off and heading for the tub!)


Mommy, why does the nice toilet bowl have such scary eyebrows?

I believe you mean eyebrow, singular.


I saw Tron the other day. It was very trippy to have the Dude team up with Captain Sheridan to fight 80’s glasses man.

The Big Lebowski is one of my favorite movies, and Jeff Bridges does some of his best work in it, but it seems a bit reductionist to identify one of the best actors of his generation by a single character.


Comment regurgitated For Greatest Justice (& because I have no idea if or how soon it’ll have a date with Debbie Deletion):

Dissent is indeed a worthy activity – but slipshod dissent negates its own purpose, distracts both sides from more important issues & degrades debate. Comparing Obama over & over again to Hitler & Stalin, with a formal disclaimer that his administration is so far only showing signs of “incipient tyranny” to cover your tracks? That’s ad hominem nonsense more worthy of a playground or a fraternity-house than a discussion among adults.

If the writer had bothered to address Obama’s REAL failings – like his support for many of Bush’s juridical disasters like State Secrets & the FISA bill, or his kid-gloves approach to the political obscenity of Cheney using state-sanctioned torture to gin up fictional “evidence” connecting Saddam Hussein & Osama bin Laden – he would be moving the discussion forward. This marathon of rhetorical onanism does nothing but confirm the intellectual penury of the American conservative movement in 2009.

Where’s The Tidy-Bowl Man when you really need him?


When in the course of Human Events, a Democrat President takes office, it is our duty to whine and bitch and moan and baseless compare that particular President to dictators.

Goddammit I just wanna give that little fuck a wedgie. And this kid got into Harvard? How the hell did that happen?


Mission Accomplished.

Time to kick back with a doob and listen to some Foghat.

I believe that’s how our erstwhile Preznit marked the occasion.

Stag Party Palin

“And this kid got into Harvard? How the hell did that happen?”

Are you talking about Virgin Ben or The Shrub? Other alumni must be weeping bitter tears.

Fight fiercely, Harvard!
Fight, fight, fight!
Demonstrate to them our skill.
Albeit they possess the might,
Nonetheless we have the will*.

*No they don’t. George Will only taught at Harvard. He’s a Princeton Man.

Wernher von Braun

Fight fiercely, Harvard!
Fight, fight, fight!
Demonstrate to them our skill.

I thought I told you to shut up!

I Cried My Heart Out For Want Of My Love

Yeah, I thought Garibaldi was a relatively normal Republican until today too. Jeff Conaway, though, that dude is from circumstances.

The Goddamn Batman Believes That Living Well Is The Best Revenge, Besides A Good Ass-Kicking, Of Course

Poor Ben is just pissed that Hoo-mon Events is still billing him as “a student at Harvard Law School”, plus of course Mrs. Ben won’t give him enough allowance to get a massage with a happy ending. It’s so frustrating.


Mommy, why does the nice toilet bowl have such scary eyebrows?

One of my home-decorating projects here at Maison d’Etre is to construct a papier-mache-&-chickenwire shell around the toilet bowl so it looks like a giant head sitting on the bathroom floor, and you lift up the top of the skull to reveal the scooped-out brain-pan when you want to use it.
The Frau Doktorin has been less than enocuraging about this plan.


“The Frau Doktorin has been less than enocuraging about this plan.”


I suppose it depends on whose face you put on the head, yes?


(comments are closed)