Nasty Business

A US soldier has killed five of his fellow soldiers in Iraq. Countdown to wild speculation about the ethnicity and religion of the shooter from Pam and Deb in … 3 … 2 … 1 …


Comments: 154


In the meantime, Pam asserts that slashing big gubmint regulation funding could have negative consequences. Who woulda thunk it?


Even if this fellow is not gay, Muslim, black and / or a LIEbrul, what does it say about such groups that we speculate that it might be?



Come now, I’m sure that our friends in the right wing would never exploit a tragedy to score cheap political points….

Tee-hee-hee-hee! I’m also sure monkeys will fly out of my butt today around noon!


Its a lie. Soldiers would never harm a dog much less there own.


That explains the squadron of monkeys that just flew past my window in tactical formation.

That or Margaret Hamilton’s in town.


That’s terrible – much sympathy to the families of the 5 soldiers.


Allow me to speculate. It would be irresponsible not to. One of the soldiers killed happend to be named Pelosi and another was named Reid. The other three were just collateral damage.

The Tragically Flip

I think they will go with the angle “this is the result of Obama’s abandoning of the mission and massive DoD budget cuts on morale…”


Oh, now, be fair. There’s lots of actual lunacy on both of those websites without you having to bash these ladies for something they might write. (Although I can see the temptation.)

Johnny Coelacanth

I just think it’s adorable how Lil’Debbie has a banner at the top of her right column that says “Weblog Awards Finalist: 2005.” It is to funny forever. Also fail.


Wow. That article goes through the two other instances of servicemember-on-servicemember murder, and I’m sort of surprised that I only knew of the grenade one in 2003. When did this second one with the National Guard guy happen?


Even if this fellow is not gay, Muslim, black and / or a LIEbrul, what does it say about such groups that we speculate that it might be?

When such turns out to be the case – I mean he’s not ___,__ etc.- they’ll pull out the old “Well it’s something one of them would do so barfledrig zoonflud…”


There’s lots of actual lunacy on both of those websites without you having to bash these ladies for something they might write.

I dunno, seems like a really really really good bet to me.

Prudence Goodwife

“Frankly, it appears to me that the Department of Homeland Security ought to be dismantled”

Pam & I agree on something?


Fact is, if obambi knew how to tie a bowtie like a good Chicago Muslim, none of this would have happened.


Bow ties are silk, not muslin. FAIL.


“Frankly, it appears to me that the Department of Homeland Security ought to be dismantled”

Oh sure, of COURSE you do, NOW!


There’s lots of actual lunacy on both of those websites without you having to bash these ladies for something they might write.

Frankly, if there’s even a 1% chance that they’ll go there we must react pre-emptively.Thousands of snarks depend on our quick unilateral action.


“Frankly, it appears to me that the Department of Homeland Security ought to be dismantled”

Pam & I agree on something?

It is to laugh. How often did the DFH lie-bruls warn them that letting a massive, unaccountable government spying system be put in place would come back to bite them on the ass someday? We warned ’em, yup, we sure did…

Oh, that’s right – they were going to be the “Permanent Republican Majority©” back then. IOKIYAR, after all.


Debdeb: (Yup, the majority of marriage fraud is by Christian Canadians, not Muslim Arabs and some Latinos, right?)

Oh if only there were some way to find out!

From ICE itself:

According to the investigation, the 10 conspired between August 2005 and March 2008 to arrange multiple marriages between Eastern European aliens and U.S. citizens


According to testimony presented during the trial, Sim began recruiting U.S. citizens in June 2002 to participate in sham marriages with Cambodian nationals so they would be eligible for United States visas, and ultimately, U.S. legal permanent residency.

How about

The operation allegedly involved recruiting U.S. citizens to enter into fraudulent marriages with Chinese nationals so they could obtain visas and other immigration benefits.


Big Bad Bald Bastard

77,100 Google hits for murder ptsd soldier.

One of my brothers is home on two weeks’ leave. This news will hit him hard. He is still upset that he couldn’t get a Chinook to pull this teenager out of a canal in time to save his life.

It was real classy in 2004 when the Republican convention attendees wore those “purple heart” Band-Aids. Is it any wonder I hate these fuckers?


Slightly longer “dismantled” quote:

Frankly, it appears to me that the Department of Homeland Security ought to be dismantled. It was established to fight Islam’s war on the USA.



Prudence Goodwife said,

May 11, 2009 at 19:18

“Frankly, it appears to me that the Department of Homeland Security ought to be dismantled”

Pam & I agree on something?

Sure, if you agree with Pammalammadingdong² that the DHS ought to be dismantled and replaced by the Department of Bombing Arabs.

² Also, John Bolton, Bill Kristol, Mad Chuckie Krauthammer, and such as.


You loony libs best be not messing with Pam, ’cause she’s a wrecking ball all over your crazy commies.


Clearly, no matter what race, ethnicity, religion or background, he was a Muslim plant.


Pammalammadingdong should be dismantled and the silicon recycled into chips to replace the hamsters running wordpress.


Uh oh, looks like L’Il Debbie is starting to sniff around the race issue again, in her own special patronizing way…


Clearly, [..] he was a Muslim plant.

We libs don’t cotton to that kind of smear.


actor212 beat me to it. When in doubt, raise the Tim McVeigh was Brainwashed defense.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

You loony libs best be not messing with Pam, ’cause she’s a wrecking ball bawling wreck all over your (sic)crazy commies.


Big Bad Bald Bastard

How could I have missed this one?

all over your crazy commies are belong to us!


she’s a wrecking ball all over your crazy commies.

I really think you ought to apologize for dragging her sex life into this.


You’re saying it’s time for Pammy to enter the Carousel, gocart?


I can hear Crazy Pammy now:

“Were any of these wounds CRESCENT-shaped? I think we have a RIGHT to know! Where’s the vault copy of the autopsy? What? Ghoul? Me? Why, I’m just a concerned citizen, you moonbat!”



Of course, Malkin will want to know if there was a countertop nearby.

John in Bucharest

Despite the fact that apparently no actual information has been released regarding the soldier responsible, not surprisingly the Freepers have already got it all worked out:

#3: “Oh dear God. Another muslim soldier gone rogue? Remember the one that went in the tent back in 2003/04 and killed his fellow soldiers?” [Obviously…]

#52: “on another thread they are saying the shooter worked as an Iman at a local mosque….waiting for a link for that one
scratch that one, its for the earlier incident (link to an old BBC article)”

#61: “Another muslim soldier gone rogue? Given our politically correct society, official channels are not likely to reveal the guilty soldier’s religious affiliation.” [Of course not, fucking Obama…]

#66: ““it will be at least 24 hours before we hear any names or units” If the perp has a muslim name we won’t hear it at all.” [i.e. if they don’t release the guy’s name then he must be Muslim]

#89: “I have a real hard time believing this was done by an American soldier, even if they were under great stress. I could even understand shooting yourself, but to shoot other soldiers just for being around, is quite unbelievable. There has to be a big piece of this story missing.” [Of course there is, the idea of an American soldier going berserk and killing people is unpatriotic…]

#97: “Terrible, but the reality is that incidents like these are so rare as to be almost statistically insignificant.
Imagine the equation: # of armed U.S. forces or citizens X percent stressed out (definition?) X # of seconds X # of minutes X # hours X 365 days = number of incidents per year
The equation may need to be tweaked, but you get the picture. These stories are fodder for anti-human being liberals and the MSM (I repeat myself) to prove:
The US is bad, as are its people, too much freedom is dangerous, and guns are inherently dangerous, so just let us manage things for you, OK?”


>>on another thread they are saying the shooter worked as an Iman at a local mosque

He worked as Mrs. David Bowie???


John in Bucharest points out Patient Zero in the Swine Poo epidemic.


Oh please. This is clearly all Obama’s fault for the drastic cuts to the military budget that have yet to be instituted. American soldiers are so demoralized, that they’ve completely lost their minds.

This would never have happened under a President John McCain.


Terrible, but the reality is that incidents like these are so rare as to be almost statistically insignificant.



These stories are fodder for anti-human being liberals and the MSM (I repeat myself) to prove:
The US is bad, as are its people, too much freedom is dangerous, and guns are inherently dangerous, so just let us manage things for you, OK?”

Let me see if I understand this:

In FReeperland, a President getting a blow job from a woman not his wife creating megatons of newsprint and airwave filler = Great job, media!

A soldier killing five other soldiers, which if we’re lucky might make tomorrow’s front page, with follow ups on page B-26 = Traitors!


“Terrible, but the reality is that incidents like these are so rare as to be almost statistically insignificant.

Wait, wasn’t Glen Beck saying earlier that civilian cases of people going wacko with guns was just understandable, and all the fault of the liberals, given the fears everyday citizens have that the govmint’s gonna take away their guns?

John in Bucharest


Well obviously, that goes without saying.

What would the formula look like to prove the point? Something like 1,226,000,000 Muslims X # of seconds X # of minutes X # hours X 365 days = number of incidents per year…

So obviously all Muslims are blood-thirsty psychotic killers preparing to kill us all right now, or you know, something like that. Duh.


the reality is that incidents like these are so rare as to be almost statistically insignificant

Wait – don’t people like John “Makin’ Shit Up” Lott keep telling us that thousands and thousands of good citizens are defendin’ themselves with guns every day and blowin’ away perps and thuggee and suchlike?


guns are inherently dangerous

Yeah, something that propels small lead bits at speeds above that of sound using explosive, and can be concealed in one’s pocket and has no real use beyond making holes in things, most often living things – yeah, I’d say that fits the definition of “inherently dangerous” pretty fucking well, actually.

More dangerous than a car, and we have no problem with registering and licensing those.


Guns don’t kill. Bullets do.


If only those soldiers had been armed……..


If only those soldiers had been armed……..

Ouch. That’s vicious.


Wow… Debbie really is a huge douche, isn’t she?

Sorry, I have nothing more to say than that, except maybe that if I saw her falling down a flight of stairs, I would laugh every time her head thudded into a step.



If only those soldiers had been armed……..

Ouch. That’s vicious.

But a WIN!


Guns don’t kill. Bullets do Butter does.

Fixed to better reflect conservative thinking.


What a win-win-win Obama is for the military. They have first the ineffable but extremely gratifying victory of turning Obama, the “peace candidate” into a war-continuer. That feels nice, we’ve still got it!
Second, they get to go on fighting the same impossible, criminal and completely unecessary wars, which will be used to preclude any meaningful investigation of the last seven years. Might hurt morale.
And then, as the atrocities and fuck-ups and peculations pile up, comes the near orgiastic pleasure of blaming Obama! “He made us do it. We wanted to stop after Bush, but Obama wouldn’t let us”
They will screw him blind.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Guns don’t kill. Bullets do Butter does.
Fixed to better reflect conservative thinking.

Nah… something’s still- how you say- off.

Ah, yes:

Guns don’t kill. Bullets do Butter Regulation does.

Much more Reaganesque.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

I think that fellow is confused anyway.

Liberals aren’t anti-human being! Honestly, that would take a lot of work to hate and detest six billion+ people in the world.

I mean, look how much time and effort these assholes have to put into every day to do it? We’ve got better shit to do. Like floss.


Guns don’t kill. Bullets don’t kill, either. Massive hemorrhage and organ damage do.


St Trotsky,

Keep in mind the conservative mindset.

Brown people aren’t people. Yellow people aren’t people. Red people aren’t people.

Gay people aren’t people. Wimmin people are only half people. Liberal people aren’t people (else we’d be self-hating).

Intellectuals aren’t people. Hell, after Nov 4, most Republicans are no longer people.

That means we hate the five people in row three of the Tecumseh Trailerpark in Bugtussel, Kentucky, and a dog named Sam who talks to John Boehner.

That’s a walk in the park of hatred!


The hemorrhage and organ damage don’t kill, it’s the hypoxia that does it.


The hemorrhage and organ damage don’t kill, it’s the hypoxia that does it.



ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said,

“You’re saying it’s time for Pammy to enter the Carousel, gocart?”

That is central to my point.



I’ll fight that to my dying breath.


Guns may not kill (on their own) but they sure make it easy and efficient. There’s a reason you don’t see too many drive-by knifings.


I love the fact that wingnuts are referring to themselves as ‘conservatives’ rather than ‘Republicans’. I’m from the UK, and anything that might hurt the Conservative Party by associating the c-word with cretinous bigots is peachy by me. Keep it up, ‘nuts!



I’ll fight that to my dying breath.

You’ll take my hypoxia when you pry it from my cold dead red blood cells.

John in Bucharest

I hate to be schmuck because of course there is nothing funny about what happened here, but I got a great laugh out of “If only those soldiers had been armed……..”



If Cornbread Yankee gets a hold of the fact they were unarmed because they were, you know, taking a dump or something, watch the fur fly.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

There’s a reason you don’t see too many drive-by knifings.

Can I help it if I prefer to drive a manual?

I hate to be schmuck because of course there is nothing funny about what happened here, but I got a great laugh out of “If only those soldiers had been armed……..”

You can either cry your eyes out or laugh your ass off. Gallows humor is a coping mechanism.


OT but I have been to Ubud and know someone who bought one of these. The penis is detachable and you bang it on the statue to call people to a party. No lie.

(can Penis ever be OT on this site?)

also, whatever happened to the catch phrase:



I don’t know what Lil’ Debbie’s banging on about. Someone who commits a stupid, poorly planned crime that can be thwarted by the intended victim slamming the door in your face seems plenty American to me.

Will Inflation Destroy Your Savings?

I see the size of the deficit was just revised upward. Yet again.

When do we run out of money, or inflate ourselves into the United States of Zimbabwe?

What do you think will be the end result of printing trillions in paper unbacked by anything of value?


What do you think will be the end result of printing trillions in paper unbacked by anything of value?

Donald Trump?


I see the size of the deficit was just revised upward.

Deficits don’t matter.

Will Inflation Destroy Your Savings?

Hopey has spent more money in the first 100 + days of his Presidency than Bush and Cheney spent the entire eight years in office.


What do you think will be the end result of printing trillions in paper unbacked by anything of value?

Wait, don’t tell me….

Is it bigger than a breadbox?

OK, I got a riddle for you:

What has four arms, two legs and lives in Philadelphia?

Will Inflation Destory Your Savings?

I see the size of my cock was just revised downward. Yet again.

When do I run out of self-esteem, or kill myself out of sheer self-loathing?

What do you think will be the end result of my psychotic downward spiral now that I am not taking my pills anymore?

Will Inflation Destory Your Savings?

I want to be fucked in the ass by a black man.


Hopey has spent more money

That’s President Hopey, you America-hating Commie pinko bastard. America, Love It Or Leave It!


What do you think will be the end result of printing trillions in paper unbacked by anything of value?

I think open social montage broken pipes value sodden meeting on the pile of blue seeming treant.

Will Inflation Destroy Your Savings?

Whoever is pardoying me is a cocksucking faggot.

Will Inflation Destroy Your Savings?

The money in your wallet is not backed by anything of value. As the Fed prints more and more of it, inflation will go through the roof.

How can you support that? It’s destroying America.

Will Inflation Destroy Your Savings?

I want my ass destroyed by a big black cock.


Whoever is pardoying me is a cocksucking faggot.

Here on S,N! that’s fairly likely. And not so much an insult.


The money in your wallet is not backed by anything of value.

It hasn’t been since 1973, son.

It doesn’t seem to have hurt us much.


It looks to me that those in charge made a serious mistake by allowing moslem immigration into the United States. Now these evil cretains are infiltratitng every aspect of American society, included our armed forces.

My suggestion is to ban all immigration from moslem majority countries. We may not be able to prevent the savages from practicing their religion of hate, however we can certainly prevent more savages from coming in, and thus containing those already here.

Will Inflation Destroy Your Savings?

I love the taste of Cheney taint.

Will Inflation Destroy Your Savings?

“It hasn’t been since 1973, son.”

And it’s leading to our decline. Actually FDR started it, Nixon just put the final nail in the coffin of destroying our money.

Will Inflation Destroy Your Savings?

Before we went off the gold standard, we didn’t have to worry about hyperinflation and government spending was constrained.


Whoever is pardoying me is a cocksucking faggot.

Funnier and better speller too, also.


What’s a cretain? Is it like a moran?

Will Inflation Destroy Your Savings?

Ron Paul has shitloads of good ideas. That’s why he has been so successful in the marketplace of public opinion.


Will Inflation Destroy Your Savings? said,

“Whoever is pardoying me is a cocksucking faggot.”

Pardoying? Is that what the kids are calling oral sex these days?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Whoever is pardoying me is a cocksucking faggot.
Here on S,N! that’s fairly likely. And not so much an insult.

Yeah, “cocksucker”, unlike “Republican”, is an honorific. In fact, Congress should institute Cocksucker Day as a federal holiday, and it should take place on 9 June.


That’s why he has been so successful in the marketplace of public opinion.


Ron Paul has shitloads

Fixed yer post.


Before we went off the gold standard, we didn’t have to worry about hyperinflation and government spending was constrained.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, because tying us to a monetary value less than the currency already in circulation would have no significant economic impact at all….it would only guarantee a permanent depression and economic growth resumption sometime around the time Star Trek takes place.


Will Inflation Destroy Your Savings?

The Ron Paul rEVOLution isn’t over yet. Fiat money, the federal reserve, and states’ rights are at the most pressing issues in the minds of most Americans these days.

You liberal cocksuckers just wait. Suck some cocks while you’re waiting.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

I agree!

We should also ban immigration from Asian countries, like back in the 1920s when we were all ‘yellow panic’ up in here. And we should ban those swarthy European types from south Europe, like we did back when we didn’t even consider Italians white, and we should ban those green-blooded Papist-worshippers like back when the nativists were all up in arms about it during the Civil War.

And we most certainly should ban any British loyalist shitburgers what betray our nation to the King, name themselves ‘lords’ and cheered when our estimable White House was burnt to the ground by Canadian and German mercenaries.

After all, we are a nation of freedom and of immigration, and what better way to show that than to ban all immigration to here and curtail all freedoms in here.

Will Inflation Destroy Your Savings?

Laugh if you want but Austrian Economics predicted this crisis before it happened!



May 11, 2009 at 23:06

Now now, in fairness to Paul, he raised in three months online what Obama raised in three weeks!


Laugh if you want but Austrian Economics predicted this crisis before it happened!

So did Jeanne Dixon, but I wouldn’t let her hold my money hostage either.

So did I, come to think of it, and I wouldn’t let ME hold my money hostage.

Will Inflation Destroy Your Savings?'s mother

WIDSY, get off the damn computer and come shave my ass!


Yes, they laughed at Austrian Economics.

They also laughed at the Three Stooges.


The mohammedeans will only surrender if faced with overwhemling destruction, just as the Japanese did during the Second World War.

Nuke one or two moslem cities and you’ll see how fast those cowardly cretains surrender to the forces of Western Civilization. The Japanese were once just as fanatical as the mohammedeans, and yet they surrendered after Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nuked.

Nuke Tehran and Damascus, and you’ll see how fast even the most fanatical moslem savage will surrender. They won’t necessarily surrender their relict belief system. But they will surrender their efforts to destroy the West, as they will realize their efforts are futile.

All we need now are leaders with the courage to do whatever it takes to defend Western Civilization from this new age of barbarism.

Will Inflation Destroy Your Savings?

So what’s the limit to what the federal government can spend, Actor? Is there any limit at all? Why stop at a $1.9 trillion deficit. Would $5.2 trillion not hurt, either, according to you?

Austrian Economics

I predict that my followers will be nothing but engineering nerds and other social misfits.

Hey, I’m two-for-two!

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Laugh if you want but Austrian Economics predicted this crisis before it happened!

Given that it’s always the same troll, he also predicted landslide victories for McCain (which he told us to bookmark), and probably several other Republican primary front-runners along the way since he has absolutely no standards or principles.

Or wait, did you mean the actual economic theory? Why are you paying attention to anything a European would tell us? What’re ya, some kind of European faggot?


So what’s the limit to what the federal government can spend, Actor?

It would depend on what we as a people are getting for that money, dupe.

If it’s buying me healthcare and a decent nation that truly fulfills the pledge of the Declaration…you know, LIFE, liberty, pursuit of happiness…then I don’t give a damn, because no country in their right mind is going to call in our debts unless assholes like you cripple this nation by demanding we kill our own people to service the Chinese?

Get it? Good.


I predict Bride of the Atom will be the biggest moneymaker of all time!


I predict WordPress can blow me.


Ron Paul REVOlution.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

The Japanese were already in the process of surrender when America bombed them. The bombing were a message being sent to Stalin and using Japan’s cities and civilian populations as nothing but props.

Nuke a city in a Muslim-dominant country, and what you’ll see is not surrender but a hardening of fanaticism and a clarion call for once-moderate people to join terrorist organizations to attack a nation and people stupid enough to think nuclear weapons are anything but a war atrocity.

Or you can just continue thinking with your pathetic weiner.


Nuke Tehran and Damascus,

just remember, if you broke it you bought it.


I want that big black cock when the other guy is done with it, please.


Ron Paul has shit ideas


And why not go all the way and go back to the good ol’ Free Silver? After all, that’s where our problems started, when we gave up bimetallism!

Wheee! It’s fun being a money crank!

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Ron Paul REVOlution.

We are not men, we are REVO!

43-year-old Libertarian

Has anybody seen my 23-sided die and wizard hat?

Will Inflation Destroy Your Savings?

Government should live within its means. This crisis can be solved easily:

1) Shrink government at the rate of inflation minues one percent.

2) No new spending, no new taxes.

3) Halve the corporate and income tax rates.

4) Kill regulations (like the CRA).

5) Do away with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.


So what’s the limit to what the federal government can spend, Actor?

So I don’t know, killfile and all. Does he contribute anything useful beyond troll-feeding. Obviously I don’t think so but cripes, it’s like a primal urge for you, innit?

That Dumbass at Big Failywood

Shrink government at the rate of inflation minues one percent.

And do it at the speed of gravity.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Government should live within its means. This crisis can be solved easily:

So, after the three months of bureaucratic inertia are up, how’re we supposed to catch the rabbit for supper in this post-apocalyptic wasteland you’d create?

Rusty Shackleford

Every single one of our problems would be neatly solved if we just took some insane extreme action. Always works.


Lord Harry, If you really wanted to reduce the amount of barbarism in the world, wouldn’t it be easier to just kill yourself?


The Japanese were already in the process of surrender when America bombed them. The bombing were a message being sent to Stalin and using Japan’s cities and civilian populations as nothing but props.

Sorry, but that’s just wrong. Prime Minister Suzuki had just firmly turned down a surrender demand.

The only alternative would have been a massive, bloody invasion of Japan’s home islands. (I suppose continued firebombing and blockade would have been another, but it would have killed more civilians than the atomic bombs and would have been by no means sure of success.)

I take this slightly personally because my father fought with the Marines in the South Pacific, meaning I might not be here today if Truman hadn’t used the A-bomb.


If the West shows it’s willingness to use nuclear weapons, then even the dumbest of the goat-fucking mohammedeans will realize that their jihad is a lost cause.

If the West shows enough tenacity, the Imams leading the jihad will realize that if their ill-fated jihad continues, then their entire goat-fucking people will be destroyed from the face of the earth.

How can allah’s will be established if he no longer has any followers to fight for him?


St. Trot: Of course the second part of your post is completely correct.

Rusty Shackleford

If our enemies fuck goats perhaps we should try a more creative approach, such as bioengineering a goat-to-human venereal disease and infecting lots of goats with it. Nature will take its course and we’ll win a bloodless victory. It’s a goat-fucking neutron bomb.


The right wing has passed through Reagan, is now into Hoover and pretty soon will be arguing for this guys ideas. I give you the future of the Republican party. read it and weep.


The only alternative would have been a massive, bloody invasion of Japan’s home islands.

There are different theories regarding the A Bomb and its use. I lean towards the war crime interpretation.

This was a good thread.


43-year-old Libertarian said,

May 11, 2009 at 23:25

Has anybody seen my 23-sided die and wizard hat?

Now, now, some of us Commie socialists play D&D too.

Wizard hats at the gaming table, though, not so much.


Some historians think that even the two atomic bombs wasn’t enough to get the Japanese to surrender but that the highly successful Russian offensive against the Japanese army in Manchuria was probably the final straw. Or at least some combination of the two.


If the West shows it’s willingness to use the goat-fucking neutron bomb, then even the dumbest of the goat-fucking mohammedeans will realize that their jihad is a lost cause.

If the West shows enough tenacity, the Imams leading the jihad will realize that if their ill-fated jihad continues, then their entire goat-fucking people will be destroyed from the face of the earth.

How can allah’s will be established if he no longer has any followers to fight for him, because they’ve all died from goat-fucking?


How can allah’s will be established if he no longer has any followers to fight for him?

Secret solution to The War Against Terrorism: convert all the Muslins into Paulistas, Randroids and LaRouchians.

Since by definition none of those people will work together, none of them has any ideas worth speaking of, and none of them as a whole has every accomplished anything, problem solved!

I like to call this “Operation: Fountainhead & Heinlein”.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Bitter Scribe:

Fair enough, I was being slightly glib because I’m dealing with this twat.

But it’s more a situation of complex political and cultural issues at play. The Japanese military was still rar’ing to go, while the Japanese royal family was looking for some pretext to quit, particularly after their allies had folded under the Americans and Russians.

The Prime Minister turning down an offer to surrender is to be expected. Ultimately, the bombs succeeded in this one particular case because their use allowed the royal family to have a big irradiated pretext to wave the white flag, while the military and Minister couldn’t say shit.

And ultimately, the Emperor’s abdication of divine status was more of a military demoralizer than dropping nukes 24/7 would’ve been. This is, due to Islam being, y’know, decentralized as fuck, not going to work again in making terrorists give up.

Without someone already looking for an out, Japan would’ve just become a slightly irradiated war zone and your father probably *still* would’ve had to invade.

It was still an atrocity, and wanting to unleash that bullshit because your dick is too small is nauseating.


If you leave us out of this we promise to stop eating your cans.



“We tend to look on Europe in the middle ages as a society lost in a dark age, a period of torment and misery. But in doing so we lose one of the most important effects of the middle ages. On the other hand, if we think of the period as the birth pains of a new world our vision is of an entirely different kind of period. The idea of free men interacting together out of free choice is a concept totally alien to any non-European culture in past history. The building of a new world out of the chaos that resulted from the disintegration of the Roman Empire had to have been an arduous task. In the anarchy that prevailed over most of Europe nobles of all descriptions held their domains from each other and from the marauding bandits of the forests by developing armed retainers to protect them and their lands. But these were selected from men who considered themselves free. This goes as well for those who tilled the land. Of course there were slaves, but the majority of men who made the middle ages work were free men bound together by mutual agreements and obligations. This was the system we call “feudalism”.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Wizard hats at the gaming table, though, not so much.

That’s for the bedroom, right?


Goats eat oats
and does eat oats
but little lambs eat ivey


Goats eat oats

That’s “MAIRZY dotes”, slacker!


Which one of us is little bo-peep dickwad.


Wizard hats at the gaming table, though, not so much.
That’s for the bedroom, right?

You seem to be on the same wavelength as Mr Vaughn Bode.

John in Bucharest

“Shrink government at the rate of inflation minues one percent.”

I strongly agree with at least this one idea as long as 100% of this “government shrink” comes from the Pentagon and “Defense” budgets. Every single one of our country’s major economic problems vanish overnight if we slash military spending to virtually nil.

Of course this would never happen, but then again, neither will any of Ron Paul’s silly libertaritard fantasies either.


Further research (i.e. teh Great Gazoogle) reveals that Vaughn Bode’s estate has licensed the ‘Cheech Wizard’ brand to sports shoes, hoodies and aerosol paint.
That quite spoiled my day.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I suck

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Plus sandwiches, also.


what’s with all the hating on cocksuckers? If we get rid of the cocksuckers, then who’s gonna suck all the cock!? You think douchebags will do it? No! You ever get your cock sucked by a douchebag? It’s like a chore to them. Is that how you want to live?

Will This Inflatable Ron Paul Destroy My Balls?

I know I said I was running away from home FUREVAR!!!1! but then I realized the alternative was making friends, and other people are insignificant insects. So I’m back here to fantasize about you all gangbanging me.


I’ve laughed my ass off at this thread. But St Trotsky, I fear you’re maligning actual twats by comparing them to fucktard trolls.


gocart mozart said,

May 11, 2009 at 23:45

The right wing has passed through Reagan, is now into Hoover and pretty soon will be arguing for this guys ideas. I give you the future of the Republican party. read it and weep.



Pere Ubu said,
May 12, 2009 at 0:16

Goats eat oats

That’s “MAIRZY dotes”, slacker!

Where is that from, exactly? My grandmother used to sing it to me when I was really young and I had no idea what she was going on about. Until now I wasn’t totally sure she wasn’t just making the whole thing up.


Mairzy Dotes

Words: Unknown
Music: Unknown
Performed By: The Pied Pipers (1944)
Copyright: Unknown

Mairzy dotes and dozy dotes and little lamsy divey,
A kiddly divey, too – wouldn’t you?
Mairzy dotes and dozy dotes and little lamsy divey,
A kiddly divey, too – wouldn’t you?

Now if the words sound queer, and funny to your ear,
A little bit jumbled and jivey,
Just say, “Mares eat oats, and does eat oats,
And little lambs eat ivy.”

Mairzy dotes and dozy dotes and little lamsy divey,
A kiddly divey, too – wouldn’t you?
A kiddly divey, too – a kiddly divey,too,
A kiddly divey, too – wouldn’t you?


So I don’t know, killfile and all. Does he contribute anything useful beyond troll-feeding. Obviously I don’t think so but cripes, it’s like a primal urge for you, innit?

And yet you rise to the bait every fucking time, Simba. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!


Let the record show that the Pam and Deb referred to in the original post of this thread, are madder than shithouse rats.


I thought it was “crazier than shithouse rats” (although the ‘shithouse rats’ imagery is so fitting for the Paminator and Schlussosian regardless).


On reflection I think “crazier” may be the better descriptor as it denotes a certain willingness to indulge in shithouse rodentiary.
Well said Lance (loved your last movie by the way. Now that’s a pepperoni pizza).


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