Hey, why isn’t anyone paying attention to me?
Crazy chick walking around on sidewalk wonders why she isn’t getting more attention from the news media:
And why did the mainstream media ignore these devastating photos, [* Not the photo where she is fondling her breasts while rubbing up against Glenn Reynolds btw,] first posted on my blog October 30th? These photos in and of themselves are a declation [sic] of war.
The post bears the headline “Iran: WTF are we [sic] waiting for?” In the land of the 101st Keyboard Brigade, there is always money and never a shortage of soldiers to fight another battle in their internet game of Risk (…a game of world domination being played by two guys who can barely run their own lives.) Speaking of which, here’s Michael Ledeen:
Moving step by step ? first Iraq, then we’ll see ? gave the surviving terror masters time to organize their counterattack before we liberated Iraq, and, as I predicted [!!!], the extra time was also used to develop the weapons of mass destruction
What weapons of mass destruction have been developed by Iran since the start of Operation Michael Moore is Fat. Please be specific.
why do people think ayn rand is anything more than a semi-intelligent reactionary?
man….her writing sucks…and the depth of her concepts….i can almost wet the tops of my toes standing in them…..
and whats up with randites’ affinity for trannies with big boobs?
“Or do we go from Iraq straight into Iran via Syria. ”
Her geography is a touch lacking.
Poor writing, shallow analysis… No matter which side of the ideological divide, it is a mystery to me why a blogger like this has any audience at all. She’s obviously popular. I see references to her everywhere. How did this happen?
Ummm… I don’t understand the fondling thing.
“as”, awesome comment. I will mostly likely steal from it!
“Her geography is a touch lacking.”
You misunderstand, Bob. Clearly she means to route FORCE:ground troops through a local farcaster.
She lost more credibility by calling Chazmo an “uber mensch” than the fondling bit, in my opinion.
The Kennedy quote she has on the righthand sidebar is utterly retarded- I could find in a moment some grieving war mother of Iraq saying the very same thing about Bush (and it would be equally asinine for me to do so, as either statement is a vast cheapening of either event).
Why was she even worthy of the PJM/OSM! thing anyway? They need a semi-attractive (though apparently egomaniacal) lady to lighten up the wrinkle/sausage-fest?
She is way insane. and touchy too. I think lgf watch accused her of throwing herself at Chazmo, or maybe it was JG and she completely lost it. Then Wolcott teases her on her shto with Insty- she’s clearly not fondling herself, but it kid of looks like it, and she went ape.
Ayn Shmayn. Of course she’s not interesting anymore – you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a sociopath devoid of empathy anymore.
Here’s what we need to keep in mind: Trannies without big boobs are just dickless guys.
Quoth the Raven, “Anymore.”
That was me. Don’t know why it posted as ‘Anonymous”. You think I’m embarrassed about repetitious word use?!?
I’d imagine that in this day and age of global nuclear proliferation, a peace prize is more relevant than ever.
Ol’ Pammy is definitely November’s Hooting Mad Randian of the Month. It was worth every penny of Old Soaks and Mediocrities’ $3.5 million in venture capital just to bring her to our attention.
There’s am article on Rand in the latest London Review of Books. It’s ostensibly a review of the latest biography (by the former archivist of the Nathaniel Branden Institute), but it’s really a potted biography in itself. I doubt it says anything that non-fawning Rand watchers didn’t know already, but I found it informative.
“What weapons of mass destruction have been developed by Iran since the start of Operation Michael Moore is Fat. Please be specific.”
Why don’t we just wait until they use them on us before we try to figure that out? No use rushing in there like a bunch of idiots.
Not going to answer the question then, are you? I guess there are only so many countries the US can rush into like a bunch of idiots.
“Clearly she means to route FORCE:ground troops through a local farcaster.”
yay, points for a hyperion reference. FORCE had to destroy bressia to save it. sounds familiar.
blt is here? i’m not really a regular, but i know i’ve seen you quit this site at least twice.
Seb, let me rephrase that.
None that we know of. I’m sure they have no evil intentions in mind. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt. The worst that could happen is that we were wrong, and they use them on us. No use rushing in there like a bunch of idiots.
BLT, how on earth do you suggest we invade Iran right now? Where the hell are we going to get the troops? Even if Bush had the stones to start a draft (which he doesn’t), it would take probably at least 12-18 months to get those troops ready for a difficult Iranian invasion.
This highlights the whole strategic stupidity of the Iraq war. Why do you think Iran is making noise now? Because they know we’re occupied in Iraq and can’t do anything. Bush’s tough-talking nonsense has done nothing to curb Iran’s nuclear intentions. It amazes me that conservatives can accept that five years of cowboy foreign policy has us in a worse strategic position with regard to nuclear terrorism than ever.
None that we know of. I’m sure they have no evil intentions in mind. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt. The worst that could happen is that we were wrong, and they use them on us. No use rushing in there like a bunch of idiots.
Yeah, right. Iran, all by itself and without provocation, is going to develop and launch nuclear ICBM’s to hit your arse all the way over in Sacramento (..or wherever the hell it is that you live).
More thorazine for BLT, stat!
BLT, how on earth do you suggest we invade Iran right now?
He doesn’t have to. Suggesting grandiose and far-reaching policy suggestions without thinking them through is the right of every conservative. And then when things go awry they can blame libruls and the EmEssEm.
The notion that Iran will use WMDs against the West, or that they will supply terrorists with the means to do so is absurd.
The mullahs aren’t stupid- they know very well that if we get nuked, they recieve a visit from the business end of Mr. Peacekeeper’s 10 IRVs within the hour.
No government in the world is stupid enough to assure their own total destruction for what amounts to a severe bitch-slap in the grand scheme of things.
Certainly the potential of several million casualties is terrible and should be guarded against, but preemptivly invading those nations is actually the most likely scenario for nuclear weapons to be used. If Iran’s government believe’s they will topple to US conventional military power, they may use their nukes in a tactical capacity against our troops. That’s why we haven’t invaded North Korea, and in a larger, conceptual sense, it’s also why we never invaded the USSR: open war is the best chance of the deployment of nuclear weapons by an enemy force.
Don’t bother with the Randites either, Doc. I don’t like to throw around the word “evil” to describe philosophies, but if I had to describe any semi-mainstream philosophy here in the US as such, Objectivism would be it. It is perhaps the worst of the atheistic philosphies outside militant anti-theism, and anti-Christian through and through.
Brando, ever hear of strategic bombing?
Mal de mer, How was your Thanksgiving? Pass the thorazine please.
Big Worm: Grandiose, moi!? That’s just the lack of thorazine talking.
GuinnessGuy, don’t make me think so hard right after the Thanksgiving weekend, you’re giving me a headache.
elendil: She’s obviously popular. I see references to her everywhere. How did this happen?
She’s an outspoken, more than halfway attractive woman who plasters photos of herself everywhere, wraps herself in the flag and parrots wingnut talking points. It’s not hard to see how some folks find her interesting.
GuinessGuy: The problem with your argument in regards to these folks is that pretty much the same argument did nothing to slow them down from their rush to war in Iraq. You see, the key here is reason, something that has been driven out of their heads by the pants-wetting fear they have of being killed in their sleep by islamofascist terrorist ninjas.
Their working strategy seems to be “better nuke them from orbit just to be sure.” Now, this is a good idea when dealing with acid-bleeding, man-eating, superhuman extraterrestrials on a dead alien world in a sci fi setting. Here in the real world however, not so much. There’s that whole collateral damage and civilian population thing.
The kernel of truth embedded in the midst of all that shite:
“Big Worm: Grandiose, moi!? That’s just the lack of thorazine talking.”
Dr. BLT,
Strategic bombing? How Clintonian of you.
If strategic bombing is good enough for Iran, why wasn’t it good enough for Iraq?
Honestly, I’m trying to see if someone who supports Bush can make sense out of this foreign policy.
Brando, ever hear of strategic bombing?
BLT- Ever hear of Bunkers? Any state seeking to develop nuclear weapons knows by now that cenventional bombs won’t get anywhere near a deep bunker, that’s why the government commisioned a study of low yield bunker-busting nukes, ones that don’t go past the first few stages of ignition, so as not to be a full nuclear explosion. Even those were colossal failures on very deep bunkers, therefore, nothing short of a full scale invasion or a pre-emptive nuclear strike would be sudfficient to make sure the weapons were destroyed.
And if you stop to think about it, which it seems you haven’t, just how good do you think american intelligence on weapon sites are going to be? Considering the colossal fuckup that was disarming a broken unarmed dictator, using stacks of satellite photos and unmanned drone footage as “proof” it’s likely they’ll be “Strategic bombing” every asparin factory and orphaninge in the country.
If strategic bombing is good enough for Iran, why wasn’t it good enough for Iraq?
Because we know Iran actually has honest-to-God Nukes, whereas Iraq only might have had some outdated tactical chemical or biological weapons left over?
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