Does Edward Daley Understand the Concept of Irony? Sadly, No.

Renew America’s Edward Daley is OUTRAGED!!!! that animal rights groups are discouraging people from eating turkeys this Thanksgiving:

If you go to the ‘People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals’ (PETA ? website you’ll find a link to an article titled “Top 10 Reasons Not to Eat Turkeys,” which begins: Pardon me, pilgrim! This Thanksgiving, how about ditching the dead bird? These beautiful, inquisitive, intelligent birds endure lives of suffering and painful deaths.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve seen plenty of live turkeys, and believe me, these animals are neither intelligent nor beautiful.

Hey, I could say the same thing about you, Ed.


In the first place, they have tiny, primitive brains, which afford them the attention span of gnats, and a propensity for freaking out at the drop of a hat.

In other words, they’re exactly like Michelle Malkin’s fan base.

Which reminds me, we haven’t seen our friend The Crescent in a while…

Aaaaah that’s better.

Sure, I know a lot of liberals who fit that description too, however, society generally frowns upon hunting them down and blowing their heads off with a shotgun.

Uhm, happy Thanksgiving to you too?

As for the assertion that turkeys are beautiful, if a mass of flesh reminiscent of a certain part of the male anatomy dangling from a bird’s face is your idea of attractive, I hear there’s a bootleg adult film for sale on the internet featuring Helen Thomas that might interest you. Of course, that may be just a highly disturbing rumor.

I’m pretty sure Helen Thomas isn’t appearing in porno movies, Ed. She’s too busy being a famous reporter and whatnot.

Whatever the case, the article in question goes on to list “10 good reasons to carve out a new tradition by flocking to vegetarian entrees,” noting that none of the recipes for such epicurean delights “require stuffing food up anyone’s behind.” Now, I know what you’re thinking, but I promise you that that last quote has absolutely nothing to do with the aforementioned movie… as far as I know.

You like talking about anal sex a lot, doncha, Ed?

And isn’t it interesting that the author of the piece decided use the term “anyone” in reference to wild animals? I don’t care how much love a person has for the various beasts of the world, animals are NOT people, and folks who go around pretending that there’s no difference between us and them are in need of serious, long-term, psychiatric care.

It’s kinda ironic Renew America is opposed to protecting animals, especially when they so adamantly defend the rights of vegetables.

Click to hear Terri laughing


Comments: 21


I don’t care how much love a person has for the various beasts of the world, animals are NOT people, and folks who go around pretending that there’s no difference between us and them are in need of serious, long-term, psychiatric care.

I happen to agree with the wingnut on this point. As an anarchist, I keep having to deal with animal rights folks who seem to be missing this important point.

Of course, liberating the humans is a pretty big project in and of itself.


Some of the animal rights crowd are kinda wacky, don’t get me wrong. But they don’t deserve to hear it from Edward Daley.


For sure.


Well, animals *are* just like people if you abstract far enough: we are warm-blooded, breathe oxygen, eat, drink, move, reproduce, fight for our young, and leave a lot of shit behind.

Although some, like Daley, leave more shit behind than others. That’s one difference.


Ya know one of the reasons i restricted myself to fish was that I could step out of this argument, then I hear PETA is going up against fishing too, saying fish feel pain the same as a mammal.
This has confusterated my liberal brain!
And Christ O’malley allow me to speak one or two words in defense of tofu-meat substitutes. They really have become quite tasty. Veggie pepperoni is a very tasty pizza topping.
As far as Edward Daley goes, I drifted off after the hunting down liberals woth shotgun thing, these guys try to be funny but they come of as a little creepy.

Patrick Bateman: Do you know what Ed Gein said about women?
David Van Patten: The maitre ‘d at Canal Bar?
Patrick Bateman: No, serial killer, Wisconsin, the ’50s.
Craig McDermott: So what did he say?
Patrick Bateman: “When I see a pretty girl walking down the street, I think two things. One part wants me to take her out, talk to her, be real nice and sweet and treat her right.”
David Van Patten: And what did the other part think?
Patrick Bateman: “What her head would look like on a stick…”
[Patrick laughs]


I’m pretty sure Helen Thomas isn’t appearing in porno movies, Ed. She’s too busy being a famous reporter and whatnot.

He’s obviously thinking of that other Helen Thomas here–what was her name again…? Oh, yes. Jeff Gannon.


Speaking of Turkee Day, I happened to be in a large grocery store today-I needed a couple of things and some chewing gum, nothing major-and it was jumpin’. All the checkout lanes were going full-tilt. OK, I get it–it’s the day before Turkee Day. But a lot of people were buying huge, frozen turkys. There’s no way in hell they can safely completely thaw those 25lb suckers out by tomorrow. So I guess a lot of ’em aren’t gonna do it safely at all. Or, they won’t manage to do it completely and are gonna wind up putting it in the oven half-frozen. Yecch. Hello, food-bourne illness! Mmmm, salmonella-y.


Um, turkeys.


In honor of PETA, I’m taking the B off of Dr. BLT for one blog entry. Happy Thanksgiving PETA!

Dr. LT


PETA is like the mildly autistic child of environmentalism.

they have poor social skills, but what they do…they do really well.


That dude kinda looks like Opie.


It’s kinda ironic Renew America is opposed to protecting animals, especially when they so adamantly defend the rights of vegetables.

Ooh, zing!


Let’s try and figure out what the motivation is for this column. I mean, PETA makes this plea or something like it all the time. And I am pretty sure they are not threatening to come to Eddie’s house and forcibly prevent him from stuffing his gob full of barnyard animals. So why is he so defensive about it? My thoughts on the subject:

A. He feels guilty about eating turkey, because deep down, he’s at least somewhat convinced that they are noble, beautiful animals that don’t deserve to be killed for his gluttonous enjoyment on Thanksgiving. Guilt leads to defensiveness leads to column.

B. He had a deadline and couldn’t think of anything to write, so he pulled a steaming hunk of verbiage out of his ass.

C. He has some really twisted sex fantasies about Helen Thomas that he felt compelled to share with the rest of the world, because who doesn’t daydream about anal sex with a respected, mature White House correspondent? Guys? Guys? Aw, come on, who’s with me?

Explain your answer. Attach additional Internets if necessary.


Dan, how about this:
Guilt leads to defensiveness leads to blog entry. I think you’re feeling guilty about those fantasies of yours, that’s why you want to know that you are not alone with said fantasies. I have never had such fantasies, especially on Thanksgiving Day. Right-wingers only have clean, pure, wholesome thoughts. All I’m dreaming about today is turkey. Will it relieve your guilt if we tell you that we too have had those very fantasies?


Aah, I see the sandwitch is back ‘on the wagon’, as it were.


I meant sandwich, obviously.




hacha macha hacha macha (dancing banana)


I’m back.. Did I miss anything extra super cool?

You know if you put Eddie’s turkey ravings alongside Malkin’s pro-caging of all brown people, it almost makes sense in a wingnuttie-goodness sort of way. If they accept that they can’t cage and kill animals, then how could they possibly justify doing it to people (even if they are swarthy and brown)?

Speaking of treating brown people like animals, now that abramoff has gotten caught srewing brown people (Native Americans), and brown people are animals, does this mean that conservatives now consider bestiality moral?

Finally, why is it that Eddie is fantacizing about anal sex with Helen Thomas, when he could be fantacizing about getting buggered up the browneye by “Manhands” Coulter??


chimera, he looks like a bad Xerox of Zombie Opie.


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