JB has logic on his side
Well, pretty close in any case. The Rant’s JB Williams argues:
Rhetorically, they drew an immediate distinction between Representative Murtha?s call to withdraw troops in six months and Republicans call to withdraw them right away. But get real ? if pulling our troops out of Iraq in six months is good, then pulling them out right away is even better.
Rhetorically speaking? Sure. Logically?
Good evening. The last scene was interesting from the point of view of a professional logician because it contained a number of logical fallacies; that is, invalid propositional constructions and syllogistic forms, of the type so often committed by my wife.
Maybe not.
When Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-Ohio), recounted a conversation with a Marine colonel on the House floor telling her colleagues
JB’s breathless words of naivete at the Senate’s thrilling gamesmanship would be touching, if he were my 6-year-old niece.
if pulling our troops out of Iraq in six months is good, then pulling them out right away is even better.
When you attack this logic, you’re also attacking my “if studies show that one glass of wine per day is good for your heart, then 20 must be fan-TAS-tic” logic. I gotta go with JB on this.
By the way, Happy Drinking Season (Thanksgiving Eve – New Years Day) to everyone!
Rum and eggnog!
Rum and Turkey!
If having the baby in 9 months is good, having the baby in 3 months will be great!!!
If cooking infected meat for 90 minutes is good then cooking said meat for 5 minutes = delicious.
If smacking JB Williams about the head and neck with a plastic whiffle-bat for an hour=fun, substituting a Louisville Slugger=*bliss*.
…not that I condone violence in any way.