He’s Her Backdough Man
Posted on April 29th, 2009 by D. Aristophanes
Folks, we have received confirmation that not only is K-Load horribly, horribly real … but the two lovebirds are now apparently using the Corner to schedule their booty calls:
Weird News [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
I’m en route to Los Angeles to meet up with Jonah. Odder still, when you consider that in the early years we labored to rarely be in the same room. All for the sake of The Corner, natch.
Above: Is that a Snickers bar in your pocket or are you
just happy to see me? No, seriously — is that a Snickers bar
in your pocket? Give me the fucking Snickers bar, Jonah!
Headlines and graphics.worth the purchase price of Sadly News Inc.
we labored to rarely be in the same room
No matter how many times I read this, it still says that they tried very hard to not eb near one another. Did she mean this as a compliment?
P.S. “Natch” or snatch…just askin’, K-Load.
Fucking BE. Stupid typing fingers.
When I first saw this graphic, my thought was ‘why is she dressed as Bridget? Are they into cosplay?’.
Then I was horrified that that was my first thought. If you don’t know who Bridget is, or what cosplay is, be grateful.
Shouldn’t they be using Twatter for this?
N_B – they’re like Sam and Diane on Cheers …
Hey D. instead of pouring fake gasoline on me to symbolize how I feel about seeing K Lo in K-Mart’s Martha Stewart Light Bondage(TM) line while talking about her impending trip to Fantasyland could you pour real gasoline on me instead?
I’ll bet it looks just like two lumps of bread dough rolling down a hill, or maybe half-melted marshmellows in a Kitchen Aid mixer set to “knead”. And as for the smell….
Dunno, N__B. It also works if they’ve been trying very hard not to ebb near each other. Unless you meant that they were trying very hard not to be Eb near each other. Which also maybe works.
Ok, does this mean that they labored much, but still were rarely in the same room (the reading that the pragmatics kind of suggests) or that they labored to rarely be together (the readng that my understanding of English syntax as a native speaker and linguist demands)?
Also, eww!
The thought of K-Lo and Jonah “meeting up” in Los Angeles??!?!!?!!?
Somewhere in West Hollywood, a new homosexual is born.
we labored to rarely be in the same room
I think this has to do with the size of the parties involved.
insert lubrication joke
Speaking only for myself, I was a perfectly normal, well-adjusted lad until I saw that picture at the top of the page.
Speaking only for myself, I was a perfectly normal, well-adjusted lad until I saw that picture at the top of the page.
I meant teh Sadlies, DA in particular – but anyone else who’s playing along with this is included.
Their role-playing involves Jonah acting as a doctor tempting K-Lo with abortion after abortion after sweet, sweet abortion … when it’s his turn to fantasize, she just pretends she’s Lucianne.
I’ll bet it looks just like two lumps of bread dough rolling down a hill, or maybe half-melted marshmellows in a Kitchen Aid mixer set to “knead”. And as for the smell….
GO TO HELL. You too, DA.
she just pretends she’s Lucianne.
I’m going to regret asking, but what costume and script does that entail?
“Their role-playing involves Jonah acting as a doctor tempting K-Lo with abortion after abortion after sweet, sweet abortion … when it’s his turn to fantasize, she just pretends she’s Lucianne.”
Yeah, the thought of Jonah getting Oedipal on Lucianne is more disgusting than multiple abortions.
It just is.
I’m en route to Los Angeles to meet up with Jonah.
Mr. Dough Load rising
Mr. Dough Load rising
Gotta keep on rising
We begged them to go no further, that down that path lay insanity, but they would not let us dampen… Fuck. Can’t even get through a snark sentence without the god-damn double entendre patrol popping up.
Just stop sickening us with this K.Lo’berg shit.
Would a face mullet/glazed donut joke be inappropriate?
I dunno, the thought of paddling K-Lo is kinda doin’ it for me.
We’re gonna tie Franken up in the courts for years. He’ll never be seated.
What do you think of THAT?
We’re gonna tie Franken up in the courts for years. He’ll never be seated.
What do you think of THAT?
I think you’ll have to do a lot better than the obvious if you’re trying to troll this crowd.
The only thing they argue about is who gets to wear the Ronald Reagan mask.
If someone’s fantasies involve being tied up and not sitting down afterwards, then I’m sure that a suitable professional can be found to oblige.
As long as the fantasies and role-playing do not involve paddles, bottles, poodles and tweedle beetles, then it’s all pretty vanilla.
Troll is fantasizing about tying Al Franken up. I’ll stop now.
I’m shocked that I am the first one here to speculate about the offspring of this unholy union…
I’m going to have to guess this involves spanking and diaper-changing.
This might be the worst thing that has ever happened.
I’m guessing it looks like two Brillo pads fighting over a hot dog, but not just fighting: fighting to the death.
Is that a Snickers bar in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Obviously, that refers to a “fun size” Snickers bar.
We’re gonna tie Franken up in the courts for years. He’ll never be seated.
What do you think of THAT?
Should we…. BOOKMARK it?
I forgot K-Lo got her start as the singer for The Nuns.
Knowing what cosplay is, but not being aware of this… (how you say?) Bridget, I consulted the Great Gazoogle (all hail teh editurrs), and found this little tidbit in teh Wikiwikiwiki:
In 2010, mankind discovered an unlimited energy source of incredible power, which was labeled Magic.
Obviously, BHOX used his “scary negro time travel powers” to travel back to 1998 in order to convince a metalhead game designer to promulgate the idea that magic would be possible in 2010. Librul sleeper agent El Rushbo, then convinced the Amurkin people that BHOX (pbuh) was, indeed, a “Magic Negro” who would usher in this discovery, thus guaranteeing the vote of the coveted anime/Playstation/cosplay demographic.
Q to teh E.D.
K-Lo may be slow, but I suspect that she knows Jonah
intimatelywell enough to know that the odds of his being in possession of an uneaten Snickers bar is zero.If I want disturbing photoshops of K-Lo, I’ll go to Rising Hegemon, thank you very much.
Hey, notice how the troll stopped posting?
He’ll be back in about five minutes if he paces himself.
Clem said,
April 29, 2009 at 1:54
I’m guessing it looks like two Brillo pads fighting over a hot dog, but not just fighting: fighting to the death.
See, my guess is that the Brillo parts haven’t been visible for years and years…
Years of Coleman’s AND Franken’s legal fees: who is paying for that?
He didn’t pace himself.
Some Iranian guy I think.
No matter how many times I read this, it still says that they tried very hard to not [be] near one another
Still, the way she writes about the meet up has a certain wink wink nudge nudge flava, don’t you think?
Their role-playing involves Jonah acting as a doctor tempting K-Lo with abortion after abortion after sweet, sweet abortion … when it’s his turn to fantasize, she just pretends she’s Lucianne.
D.A. needs to stop filling our heads with his imaginings. Be merciful, brother.
“Years of Coleman’s AND Franken’s legal fees: who is paying for that?”
Their campaign donors. I’m raising money for Franken.
It was John Wayne who famously wrote, “It chafes a man’s soul to look down in the shower and not be able to see his own wiener.” I think it was John Wayne.
That sounds like Tocqueville. He wrote the book on dudes checking themselves out in the shower in America, you know.
Will the rapturous meeting between K-LO and Golberg take place in a sleazy hotel? Picture Jonah and KO as they paw each other with an animal intensity…
HAHAHAHAA!! Did you see those stupid Red State New Yawkahs running around like a bunch of ants on fire??
Silly wingaz, tricks is for kids!!
That Obama, SUCH A CARD!!!!1111!!
I thought it chafed John Wayne’s soul not to see another man’s wiener in the shower.
You are gross and obscene for even putting this picture in my mind repeatedly.
That is all.
It was Flavor Flav who famously wrote, “Motherfuck him and John Wayne.” I’m sure that it was Flavor Flav.
Hey!!!! I’m in charge of the John Wayne was a fag lines around here!
It’s like my schtick, man. It’s all I got.
I’m guessing it looks like two Brillo pads fighting over a hot dog, but not just fighting: fighting to the death.
That image gives me a feeling in my brain like that of having a hair stuck in your throat.
Besides, they’re fighting over a vienna sausage.
Here in the UK, having J-Load ask if it was a Jacobs Club in his pocket would be more meaningful (I think)
Having just cleaned out the litter-studded cat diarrhea from the dirt-box, I do not want to have snickers bars on my mind right now. Thank you.
Pure wordsmithery, there
Why I will never have a cat.
Melting moments.
Smut Clyde said,
April 29, 2009 at 2:58
Having just cleaned out the litter-studded cat diarrhea from the dirt-box, I do not want to have snickers bars on my mind right now. Thank you.
That’s what you get for feeding them candy.
I used to be the sound engineer for The Nuns. This was way back in the Pleistocene Punk Era, before Jennifer got the boobs.
Sadly, I find K-Lo very attractive. It’s a shame she is insane.
Brandi – thanks, I will never be able to eat one of these again for so many reasons.
“Labored to rarely be in the same room” is wroted well isn’t it.
I guess that they would have some protocol established where they would leave when the other turned up and possibly have had meetings where one or the other would sit in the corridor and shout through the doorway, or even the door if it was real labor.
The rich are different, you know.
Rumors on the Internets
They reverb, people!
I hate to say this, but I’m feeling kind of swine flu-y. And at the same time, I’m doing that “no, you’re not coming down with anything, you’re just being paranoid,” routine on myself but still…I ain’t feelin’ right. And then a few minutes ago my co-worker calls and says “are you sick? I’m sick.” And I’m saying, then stay the hell home. Fortunately we haven’t worked together since Sunday, so there’s that. But…I ain’t feelin’ right. Low grade headache. That feeling you get when there’s incipient respiratory congestion. Like the battle just got going.
At least there’s still plenty of Tamiflu to go around.
Don’t worry; nausea is a natural reaction to what you’ve just seen.
What kind of mechanical contraption is that oddly shaped jelly donnut mattress over K-loads left shoulder? I fear it’s some sort of burrito/taco/tortilla type contraption that makes Mexican food cry with shame.
TMI. TMI. ’nuff said.
“Jonah and K-Lo, the early years…” Someone’s got to write it.
The LA meetup: From here to Doughternity
mt said,
April 29, 2009 at 3:30
What kind of mechanical contraption is that oddly shaped jelly donnut mattress over K-loads left shoulder? I fear it’s some sort of burrito/taco/tortilla type contraption that makes Mexican food cry with shame.
Looks like Las Vegas Love Suite waterbed valentine to me, mt.
But what would I know?
I am scarred for life.
The LA meetup: From here to Doughternity
It would be kinda like that, only with more baked ham.
I’m en route to Los Angeles to meet up with Jonah. Odder still
Huh? Going to LA is, in itself, odd? Meeting with Jonah is, in itself, odd? What’s odd, is that anyone gives a fat flying Philadelphia fiddler’s fuck what you’re doing.
Good Luck with the (hopefully not) Flu’ Jennifer.
Is that a
Snickers barCheetoh curl in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?Well, as we all know, K-Lo is much devotee of teh English-ness – what with her editor-ing the NRO’s. Clearly she meant weird in the Old English “wyrd” sense. As in fate – destiny – karma – kismet – all the stuff that teenage girls think about when they draw hearts in their diaries.
As for the “Odd” part, well we’re also aware of K-Lo’s editor-ing skillz. Perhaps she meant Hotter still… As in, all those years of avoiding one another (Doughbob is married you know) has only increased les tension sexuelles.
John O said: You are gross and obscene for even putting this picture in my mind repeatedly.
No shit. Didn’t the Supreme Court just rule against this or something?
And I understand what K-Lo actually *said,* but I’m not sure it’s what she meant. Because it doesn’t make any fucking sense.
Is that a hair stuck in your throat or are you just gagging in disgust?
That is, “From Hair to Ewwwwternity”.
The purge zombies begin turning upon… Rush Limbaugh:
You’re thinking of John Wayne Bobbit.
He’s the one who would know.
You’re thinking of John Wayne Bobbit.
All he had to do to see his schlong is go out and search in the garden a bit.
Up next from K-Lo: an announcement as to how far right the Pantload swings.
Really folks, we should get our minds out of the gutter. These are the blazing lights of modern conservatism we’re talking about – they are clearly not arranging a booty-call. A frenzied night of awkward gropings and bestial animal-like near-intercourse thwarted only by Doughbob’s premature ejaculatory issues…
Rather, this is a meeting of conservative geniuses. K-Lo clearly is only interested in Jonah’s astute observations, his brilliant wit, his moral and intellectual vigor. While Jonah is also motivated by conservative values and the thought of what K-Lo can do for his book sales.
It’ll be a meeting of the minds – debate and dicussion between the bright-est of the right-est…. I was less disgusted when I thought it was about sex.
Lazing blights.
we labored to rarely be in the same room
I’d spare you all the glory-hole reference. but misery loves company.
Cleanup on aisle three.
Geez El Cid, I didn’t realize Limbaugh’s listeners are even crazier than he is.
Is that a
Snickers barCheetoh curlcashew half in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?Lawsuit incoming to Sadly HQ for emotional distress caused by this picture.
Jennifer – hope you feel better quickly, and that it’s just a little cold or something. If you should spike a fever, don’t waste any time before you call a doctor. Tamiflu needs to get in early to work well.
Lesley: Well, one usually expects the carnival barker to be a good bit sharper than much of his audience. Otherwise, how could one be born every minute?
I thought K-Lo was MUCH older than Jonah. No?
Is it possible that this is some sort of plan to make sure one of them is always around to run the show? Like parents who don’t fly together in the same airplane so their kids won’t get orphaned?
Well, thanks for that. I didn’t even know I could puke through my eye-sockets – until today …
… & there they go again. Well, at least I don’t have to taste it this way.
Now that is karma we can believe in, my friends!
The best thing he can do to ease the suffering of poor dumb animals is to retire – his legions of over-wrought Dittoheads are on the verge of biting their own Neuticles off already with a black POTUS as it is.
The best thing he can do to ease the suffering of poor dumb animals is to retire
Perhaps. I’d love to see El Rushbo get in a fight with his own listeners. I imagine it ending with him in a dark, disconnected studio bellowing “You’re nothing without MEEEE!” and expecting that all of them apologize to him the way his Republican Party lackeys have.
Mr. and (Scary) Mrs Goldberg.
aaargh…now that’s a face. She reminds me of a dream about a vampire.
The purge zombies begin turning upon… Rush Limbaugh:
Christ on His Throne, they are so done. They’re thinking of kicking out Rush Limbaugh? For being too liberal?
Who exactly is “conservative” enough for them? I think the best part is that they don’t know, and possibly even don’t care. They have some vague notion that not kicking a dog to death is “liberal”, and therefore bad, and if Rush is throwing in with those liberal don’t-kick-a-dog-to-death traitors, it’s time for him to go.
My life can’t be this good. Are they really getting crazier?
Is that a
Snickers bar Cheetoh curl cashew halfpiece of lint in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?Christ on His Throne, they are so done. They’re thinking of kicking out Rush Limbaugh? For being too liberal?
Purity purges. Ask M. Robespierre what he thinks abut them…
I give up.
prompting fears that the talkster […] is aiding a group they say has a secret agenda
A secret agenda to end all hunting…
A secret agenda to confiscate all guns…
What is it about secrets and agendae? It is almost as if loudmouth talk-show hosts had encouraged their fragile-minded audience to look for hidden motivations everywhere, and to think of themselves as marginalised from the forum where policies are discussed.
(1) How come these groups are never any good at keeping their agenda actually secret, so it ends up e-mailed in a million copies across the world?
(2) What is this ‘paranoid style’ of which you speak?
(3) I am relieved that the gay agenda at least makes no attempt at secrecy, but is instead open, and indeed rather flamboyant. But don’t feel obliged to force it down my throat.
(4) If you too suffer from rhetorical questions, new double-strength ‘Rhetor’ may be right for you. Ask your pharmacist.
(5) What do I have to do to get bulleted lists within a comment?
What do I have to do to get bulleted lists within a comment?
Forget to wear blaze orange near an NRA member.
N__B, I got your meaning, and allow me to share one of my posting pet peeves…pointless corrections. There is no need to post “Godammit, for ‘teh’ above substitute ‘the’ instead”, or “Whoa, didn’t mean to double post!”.
The fuck you say. Thanks for clearing that up. Not picking on you specifically, N__B, but I’ve seen several of these today, and they all struck me as people being needlessly harsh on themselves.
Not picking on you specifically, N__B, but I’ve seen several of these today, and they all struck me as people being needlessly harsh on themselves.
You’ve seen several from me today. It beats my old technique of pounding on the desk with my forehead.
And as if on cue, here’s Smut Clyde berating himself for no reason. I loved your post, and was unaware there was anything wrong with it until your pointless follow-up.
I appreciate the oopses. Makes me glad I am entertained by people who are conscious of their own fuckups.
Nom de Prune complains about pun threads!
Makes me glad I am entertained by people who are conscious of their own fuckups.
We need a word for typo schadenfreude.
Gravity Well
your pointless follow-up
That’s exactly what I’m on about! No points! I demand bullet points, dognamit, and I intend to stay here nagging the management about changing their blogging software, or until the Frau Doktorin touches me inappropriately with a frying-pan, whichever happens first.
I demand bullet points, dognamit
Inserted manually or via an engine designed for such a purpose… exactly as J Lo asked Jonah!
All the cool blogs these days have the edit-your-comment afterthought feature. And numbered bulletlists.
Gray N. Thornton, President and CEO of the Wild Sheep Foundation:
Lt. Col. Dennis J. Foster, (US Army, ret.), Executive Director of the Masters of Foxhounds Association of America:
More letters to Rush at the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance’s “Rush is Wrong!” page.
RB, you’ve been following me! I appreciate the attention.
But seriously, I really love the comments in these threads. My way of showing love is to bitch about it. That’s just my way. Everybody carry on.
All the cool blogs these days have the edit-your-comment afterthought feature.
and a reply feature so you don’t have to copy, paste and italicize comments.
HSUS and Fund for Animals are more closely aligned to domestic terrorist organizations
It’s all very well for these Republican dead-enders to set themselves up in the court of public opinion against the Humane Society, but where were they when Michael Vick and the dog-fighting cause could have used their assistance? Feckin’ late-comers.
It’s almost as if some source of over-wrought rhetoric had created an environment where facts don’t matter, thus encouraging a lobby group to (1) create a reality where the Humane Society are on a par with terrorism, and (2) try and inhabit that reality — ignoring the common-sense view that the wider public are likely to side with the HS.
My way of showing love is to bitch about it. That’s just my way. Everybody carry on.
We love. We bitch,
Life is good.
Now, if there were really cool software to let me edit that “,” into a “.” ……sigh.
Not being able to handle the K-Lo /Doughy visual, I turn the teevee on only to see Chris Matthews yammering with a huge gob of spit on his chin. Does he not have any production assistants who will get him off camera and clean that damn thing up????
OT So I was skimming Freak Repugnant for schadenfreude over the Spectacular Simultaneous Sebelius Senate Confirmation & Specter Defection and discovered this pseudonym and sig, which I post without further comment:
Ya know, I actually prefer the long, un-branching threads like S,N! has.
Is CTRL-C, CTRL-V all that difficult?
No fucking way. WP ate my fake “meta luddite” tag I put at the close of my last post.
That photoshop has earned D. (checking tables) another five years and three months in Hell. I hope it was worth it.
We will control all that you see and hear.
Preview has created a reality in which the ordered-list tags [ol], [/ol] work. Will they also work in consensus reality? Testing:
As Albini sez of analog tape, “Keeps the riff-raff out.”
Oh, and about that picture?
<runs screaming>
You can all joke (and yes, one of the funniest threads evah), but the reality is that as soon as this post went up both Joberg and Klo got their google alerts, clicked through and said to themselves “I’d do that”. Now what had started out as a completely innocent gathering of of the conservative lightest blights is destined to be the genesis of the future of the conservative movement (insert bowel joke here).
thank your SN! for your part in spawning the future of the opposition, you clearly only did it to stay in business.
…Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist …
The fuck is wrong is: Today’s news reads like DFW surfaced in zombie form and wrote a screed about the zombification of Lopez and Goldberg in Atrios’s comments. Simultaneously, photos of Gingrich and Specter holding hands in a Fort Bragg bathroom show up on CNN, the Onion, and,via some hacker, on Red State.
Jonah’s about to find out what it was like for his namesake.
I imagine the end result will resemble the outcome of Eric Cartman’s assimilation with the Dawson’s Creek Trapper Keeper Ultra Keeper Futura S 2000.
Bad pie. Bad, bad pie.
I have not left a comment here before. I just wanted to, between bouts of vomiting and vertigo, to curse you for that image of K-Lo in, uh, whatever the hell she’s wearing, with the crosses & stuff. Also you are being far too kind to her with the photoshop. I realize you had to fit her into those clothes, but she has not been that unmorbidly obese since probably her early teenage years. Here she just looks like an annoying, Catholic ugly girl, rather than the morbidly obese, food-splattered fartsack virgin she is in real life. So I curse you because once you’ve seen this image of her with the crosses & stuff, you cannot unthink it. You can only try to gather the pieces of your life together and go on, one day at a time, hoping against hope for some piece of mind, someday, maybe. Thank god for Susan Boyle.
Gordon @4:23,
I thought K-Lo was MUCH older than Jonah. No?
She is. He’s just her Buoy Toy.
The idea of K-Lo and D-Load role-playing reminds me of a scene from Family Guy (inaccurately quoted):
K: Ooh, I’m a naughty schoolgirl who needs to be punished.
D: And I’m a level 12 Paladin with +4 armour and a Helm of Disintegration.
K: Paladins are Lawful Good. They can’t use the Helm of Disintegration.
D: Oh. Then I’m a black guy.
That’s a good point. However, given the options, oh, say, this:
I’d rather see Hot Ko-Lo than not, even if it’s fiction. It’s kinder, all around.
Maybe they’ll get all mellow and end up sleeping in a Banana Republic window to support torture for their honeymoon. It could be cuter than, say, the horse fucking scene in A Man in Full, and, it would, as they say, help heighten the contradictions.
If I thought only with my medulla, as wingnuts do, I’d be terribly torn. HSUS actually have speakers from PETA, which ticks me off, and now they are asking Limbaugh to help their goals?
I picked the wrong week to kick the brown acid.
H8 U.
Tutti i blog freddi attualmente hanno pubblicare-vostro-commentano caratteristica di aggiunta. e una caratteristica di risposta in modo da voi non deve copiare, incollare e stampare in corsivo le osservazioni.
This talk of backdough booties…
makes me sad that the Good Doctor is no longer with us.
I think we should just take Nom de Plume out and shoot her/him. Oh wait: puns ARE boring, and annoying. Nevermind.
Poor old Phlagsh Rimball. What’s a guy gotta do to try to rehabilitate his well-deserved reputation as being the biggest fattest jerkiest-waddy douche-tube shitbag ever? Hey, sez his PR herder, puppies! kitties! EVERYBODY loves them! HSUS dude. Except: ooops. Rash Phlegmball done created himself a monster. Lots of ’em. Now they’re TURNING ON HIM!! Not even all the cuddly fluffy bunnies in the whole USA can save him now!!!
Okay way too early in the morning for this kind of rapturousness. See? I don’t even care that I probably misspelled that word.
It’s almost as if some source of over-wrought rhetoric had created an environment where facts don’t matter, thus encouraging a lobby group to (1) create a reality where the Humane Society are on a par with terrorism, and (2) try and inhabit that reality — ignoring the common-sense view that the wider public are likely to side with the HS.
this is egg-ZACKLY what they do, create a virtual reality (then inhabit it; nice phrase), unlike us reality-based types; a la what the dubya admin fuckknob (sorry, redundancy) said to Suskind (TLTL (too lazy to link)). The virtual reality eventually frays and disintegrates, but it worked for a few decades, so they think they just need to double-down. I have some PTSD from those decades, so I tend to fear a recrudescence of their former success.
Otherwise, how could one be born every minute?
for wingnuts, I believe the frequency is a bit higher; my SWAG is about every 20 seconds
There you’ve done it MzNicky.
You broke S,N!
By the way, peeps, I highly recommend Pinko Punko, International Investigator (2).
Re: the picture –
JESUS CHRIST people, I’m trying to eat breakfast here!
Maybe they’ll get all mellow and end up sleeping in a Banana Republic window to support torture for their honeymoon.
Teabagging for Torture in public is the new Corner campaign. K-Lo and Doughload make up just the first pairing. Next up The Derb vs. Andy McCarthy. Vengeance is theirs sayeth the Load so let’s get back to waterboarding the Muslims or eventually they’ll take their act to the giant video screens of Times Square and every ballpark across the land that is so equipped.
We represent around 15,000 mounted foxhunters throughout the USA.
Now I want to open an all-you-can eat taxidermy shop and horseback cat house and call it “Stuffed and Mounted.”
…mounted foxhunters…
That has got to be euphemism for something.
You broke S,N!
Does that mean now I have to buy it?
I suspect most straight guys would rather hit on Bridget then on K-Lo 😛
When I first read the comment from the corner, my sick mind read this instead:
I’m en route to Los Angeles to meet up with Jonah. Odder still, when you consider that in the early years we labored to rarely be in the same room. All for the sake of The Corner, snatch.
But which corner of The Corner is the snatch corner??
, snatch.
And what’s wrong with the clean and jerk?
eeew. just eew.
Well, it seems backwards, if you know what I mean and I think you do.
All I can say is that the AAAAAA in that URL is fully warranted.
It would take me 3 cases of Cuervo and 8 kegs of Guinness to fuck the thing in that picture.
But NOTHING could make me fuck KLo.
Fatties need lovin’ too!
I’M BLIND!!!!!!!!!!!OH GOD, I’M BLIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We represent around 15,000 mounted foxhunters throughout the USA.
That’s like a MILF hunter, I suppose.
A taxidermist is stranded between flights for a day in NYC and by terrible bad luck the bar he happens into to drown his sorrows is where the Cornerites booze it up (this is called “research”). He wedges his way in between a beer swilling pantload whose nametag just reads “I swallowed the muffucken WHALE” and what he first takes for a short, fat gent in long hair and a mustache and a nametag that reads “The Editer And Dont You For Get It YOUR WELCOME” and asks the bartender for a gin and tonic.
The short fat gent yells over at the fucking WHALE in a sweet contralto that reveals him to be a short fat lady with a mustache, “Jeez, Jonah, check this faggot liberal out, what kind of a sissy drink is a mufuckin gin an tonic? … buuuuuuurp!”
And the fucking WHALE turns to Our Hero and yells, “Hey! You! Yes you, you fucking liberal fascist! Gin and fucking tonic — are you some fucking kind of a terrorist or something?”
“Actually,” replies Our Hero, “I’m a taxidermist.”
“Oh yeah? What the paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrppp what the fux a taxidermist then?”
Our Hero, realizing too late that he has happened upon some brightly shining lights, adjusts his vocabulary accordingly. “I,” he says slowly, “mount … and stuff …. dead … animals.”
The WHALE slowly grins, revealing some awesome cosmetic dentistry, and yells over at the Editer “Lee ‘um alone, he’s one of us! — an beshides, I SAW HIM FIRST!”
Fatties need lovin’ too!
One time my buddy who I was temporarily staying with whilst apt-hunting brought home two ladies. I was using the living room of his 1BR to sleep in, but woke up long enough to get the gist of the situation and give him a silent high-five.
A half hour or so later another commotion woke me back up, and I saw two figures running out the door, and him closing said door (nekkid). The next morning I heard what happened.
He had picked up a fattie/cutie pair. They said if he fucked the fat one, he could have the cute one. But they bolted after he filled (heh heh) the first half of the bargain.
Obligatory caveat: sorry to talk about women in such terms, but recounting the adventures I had when I worked on Wall Street never gets old.
Speaking of laboring to be in different rooms, I thought Atrios was joking but pictures don’t lie.
On the topic of Big Pharma and headlines that promise a much better story than they deliver:
Gun owners attack Rush Limbaugh.
Obligatory caveat: sorry to talk about women in such terms, but recounting the adventures I had when I worked on Wall Street never gets old.
Susan and Elise pulled that scam on him too????
I just shrank 6.1% last quarter, much worse than expected.
Hey, pal, given the photo in this post and subsequent comment imagery, 6.1% shrinkage is not too bad.
But wasn’t that last quarter of Georgey a fucking nightmare?
This was the first quarter under Obama.
Ah Surplus, we hardly knew ya.
Fuck, I miss Bill.
Shorter “US Economy”
“Why do I post under the name of something I don’t understand”
The momentum of this thread is strong, but let me see if I can bait people with logical fallacies.
This was the first quarter under Obama.
Yes, how dare he not achieve instant success?????
The predictions in 2008 were for a drop of 6.3% in the first quarter.
Now, I’m no mathematician, but it seems to me that 6.1% is a smaller drop than 6.3%, if not by much.
Sorry sucker. Fail.
OT, but sweet, delicious schadenfreude:
“Over the first four months of 2009, the Republican Party has continued to lose adherents. Interviews with over 7,000 respondents nationwide found fewer than a quarter (23%) identifying themselves as Republicans. This is down from 25% in 2008, and from 30% in 2004. In total, the GOP has lost roughly a quarter of its base over the past five years.”
But keep banking on Palin, guys!
The reason for USA economic contraction is obvious: The lack of a strong, steady hand at the till, something your precious Messiah never comes close to achieving. We all understand who would provide this guidance- Jeb Bush, another entry into the highly excellent, peace-creating and job-creating House of Bush, who offered to America nothing less than our greatest economic expansion in peacetime, a fact ignored by liberals who merely want to give terrorists right to trials, take away our freedoms, and overtax the working class.
Poor Republicans. Drowning in a sea of Republican red ink, living a Republican lie….one day the meds might wear off.
But I doubt it.
Ken Lowery-
The reason for this is simple. Americans have lost faith in the Republican Party because the Republican Party has lost faith in conservatism, that which would install a strong monarch in the White House and reverse the statist course of socialism bequeathed upon an unwanting populace by your beloved Obama.
AGAIN with the f#@king redcoats?!
Ken, I too had a high approval rating and 61 votes in the Senate in 1977. That didn’t end so well!
I remain utterly convinced that Democrats are ashamed of Jimmy Carter.
Poll: Obama gets high marks for first 100 days
NBC/WSJ poll shows Obama’s numbers are higher than Bush, Clinton
So even if Obama botches the economy as horribly as Bush did in his first year ahead of September 11…you know, the year even conservatives were happy with his economic plan… then the worst his approval rating will go is to 50% 🙂
The token Negro in the GOP, Michael Steele, is about to be reined in.
All I can say is, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH, maybe HE’LL defect now, too!
Shorter “Jimmy Carter” Troll
“I don’t understand how politics works I just was told to hate Jimmy Crater for wearing Sweaters and trying to bring peace to the middle east”
I don’t understand how one group cna think afterlosing two elections for their failed ideology, they would try to move further into the recesses oif their failed ideology thinking america will embrace them if they become only Klansmen and Tax cutters
The thing about Goldberg is that it would be a Snickers bar.
The Purity Purges will continue until our party consists of one neutron-star density person.
This poll by Gateway Pundit shows that our turnaround is right around the cor…hey, where’d everyone go? Helloooo?
They’ve given up on trying to spit out ideas so that’s all they can do now.
If you have the time and interest, read the whole foxhunters letter. It’s worth it.
No one has pointed out that Klo and Jonah probably can’t travel together dfue to weight restrictions. At the least, they’d have to be seated on opposite sides of the plane.
I see what you did there.
The Purity Purges will continue until our party consists of one neutron-star density person.
“Neutron-star density” is too broadly applicable: how would they ever be able to narrow it down to only one?
Really. Lt. Col. Dennis J. Foster (US Army, Ret.) and also executive director of “Masters of Foxhounds” is wetting his olive drabs because the vegans are taking over. It’s hysterical. I mean, he’s hysterical. The whole business is hysterical.
PS – “Masters of Foxhounds” sounds a furry club, doanit?
And don’t even expect me to make another comment with a correction and apology. Fuck that noise.
Makes goatse downright pleasant.
And as far as Carter goes – well, at least he had the fucking common courtesy, when the Desert One mission went all pear-shaped, to personally apologize to the survivors. Meanwhile, Bush used Iraq casualties for photo ops. Hmmm, which one would I prefer? Which one… hmmmm….
the vegans are taking over
They’ll turn the whole country into a family-freindly casino!
Oh my god. Obama is the messiah. He actually IS the fucking Messiah! Holy shit! Thank you Lord!!
Torn between my loathing for Teh Pantload and my general aversion to fat jokes.
Oh well, at least there isn’t a GIANT SAMMICH in the bed.
WOOOP! WOOOP!! WOOOP!!! Troll convergence alert!
Pantload himself:
the vegans are taking over
They’ll turn the whole country into a family-freindly casino!
The bad news is, it will be in Branford, MO
But it’s going to happen. Mark my words, or if you prefer, bookmark this link.
He has weasel room, of course, since he says Obama’s numbers will “fall back to earth”.
He’ll merely define “earth” as 78%.
And oh by the way, no one is expecting Obama’s numbers to stay as high as they are for eight years. Only one President has left office in the past thirty years with approval ratings above 60%. Some guy named Clinton.
PENIS. And such as. Also.
This thing that NR has at the top of its page:
Does that mean they’re “standing athwart Washington liberals,” and that they’re yelling at the Washington liberals to “stop”? Or does it mean they’re standing athwart Washington, and liberals are yelling at them to stop? Or what?
Huh? Liberals yelling “stop” about what?
it will be in Branford, MO
I thnks you means “Branson”.
Anyway why should we be trusting vegans, after all? I mean, sure, they’re from closer to the Sun and all, but all that CO2 and sulfur can’t be healthy.
it will be in Branford, MO
I thnks you means “Branson”.
No, Branford. Even Branson wouldn’t accept it.
I mean, sure, they’re from closer to the Sun and all, but all that CO2 and sulfur can’t be healthy.
I think you mean “Venutians” and gesundheit!
Huh? Liberals yelling “stop” about what?
The idea of the concept of the outside chance of the snowflake-in-hell probability of the remote likelihood of fucking K-Lo.
I think you mean “Venutians” and gesundheit!
Aaaaaah, you ain’t fooling me, you’re talking about those people who live in that city with all those canals. Good try, though!
you’re talking about those people who live in that city with all those canals
oh man i don’t know why but i am laughing really hard right now help i lost my grammar
Sure, their mouths may yell “stop” but their athwarting says “OH GOD YES.” We’d put on the spurs, but we’re all vegan Humane Societarians now.
Of course I’m yelling stop. Washington is biting my, um, teabag.
I’M BLIND!!!!!!!!!!!OH GOD, I’M BLIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Huh? Liberals yelling “stop” about what?
g: I guess yelling “stop” at the NRO-ers’ Washington-standing-athwartedness?
I sure hope that no one remembers whose mess this is.
roll’m in flour and aim for the wet spot…
The LA meetup: From here to Doughternity
And once ensconced in the motel room: The Dough Also Rises
Bill Buckley must still be yelling “Stop” from athwart his grave. The worst of it is that the Washington the foxy liberals have mounted athwart is lying on the Credenda – and you know how hard it is to get stains out of Credenda.
Huh? Liberals yelling “stop” about what?
“Stop it! You’re killing me! Bwahahahaha…Carbon Dioxide is harmless…Teeheeheehee…Arlen Specter is a pinko..Hahaha..no, stop, I can’t breathe…”
And everybody knows that Bridget wears a blue and white outfit, not black and red.
Everybody knows that…right?
Oh. Perhaps I’ve said too much.
If you don’t know who Bridget is, or what cosplay is, be grateful.
Interviews with over 7,000 respondents nationwide found fewer than a quarter (23%) identifying themselves as Republicans.”
That fucking 23% again! Will no one rid me of this troublesome percent?
Carbon Dioxide is harmless…
See? That’s why those vegans breathe it!
The GØP big tent.
OK, a surplus of posts yesterday, a dearth today…..can we please have a new post so we don’t have to look at that picture?
Aaaaaah, you ain’t fooling me, you’re talking about those people who live in that city with all those canals. Good try, though!
OK, a
surplussurfeit of posts yesterday, a dearth todayFixed your post. Sorry, but if you’re going to use a liberal-pedantic word like “dearth”, you must go whole hog.
Neutering Steele
This is good news for Republicans, as is the news that senators Snowe, Collins, Lugar, McCain and Graham are moving to the Democratic Party.
In other good news, RNC committeeman James Bopp Jr. presented a resolution to preserve the legacy of G W Bush by redefining the word “success” to mean “failure,” and vice versa.
surfeit of posts
I was wasting away in Altoona, PA
with boils, carbuncles and such
My doctor, ’twas true tried to lance on or two
But gave up when the job proved too much
the atcetyline torch that sat on my porch
I ignited with one small regret
With a surfiet of boils and excess body oils
I burned up like charcoal briquets
Burn Baby Burn1!
Isn’t Lopez a Mexican name? She might be next on the purge list unless she can produce the vault copy of her Citizenship Certificate.
Bachmann/Perry 2012!!!
What happened to everybody? Swine flu getcha?
What happened to everybody? Swine flu getcha?
I think everyone’s on lunch break.
“Randy Pullen” is that his porn name?
is that his porn name?
Ha ha! Thank you – I was trying to think of a joke about that and you saved me the trouble.
Oh, thank god.
I thought my poem might have killed everyone.
Back to the disturbing topic at hand:
Re: when it’s his turn to fantasize, she just pretends she’s Lucianne.
I picture their liaison going like this:
DP: Babycakes, I want you to put this on.
Hands K-Lo small box
KL (opening box): What the heck is this? Looks like some orange powder.
DP: Oh yeah, baby, put it on. Sprinkle it on… dare I say? Liberally!
KL: In a fascist manner? This stuff’s slightly greasy.
DP: Deliciously so!
Hey, if DP dumps his wife and marries K-Lo, they’ll be the first couple to ever register with Frito Lay.
I thought my poem might have killed everyone.
Thinking about Altoona damn near killed me. I got better.
Any NY area Sadlynaughts interested in getting together to see this? And then maybe having a brawl in the streets afterwards?
…oh my dear Lord.
Hands K-Lo small box
The one she brought is big as a house
“I thought my poem might have killed everyone.”
dude, that pome was awesome.
The Pantload and Mighty K-Lo
Met in LA to “tend NRO”
Kathy’s costume hoodwinked
Jonah’s baser instinct
And they combined to make sourdough.
Any NY area Sadlynaughts interested in getting together to see this? And then maybe having a brawl in the streets afterwards?
I dunno, this is more my speed, with the koninginnedag drinking binge afterwards.
Koninginnedag drinking binge:
Any NY area Sadlynaughts interested in getting together to see this? And then maybe having a brawl in the streets afterwards?
As a circumcision-challenged person, or person of enhanced epidermis, to use the politically-correct term, I’d be interested.
Hey, if DP dumps his wife and marries K-Lo, they’ll be the first couple to ever register with Frito Lay.
Catering by Aramark.
OK, so who’s the dress by? Glad? Hefty? All American Tent?
The LA meetup: From here to Doughternity
And once ensconced in the motel room: The Dough Also Rises
How ’bout Kiss Me Doughy?
Royalist Republican said,
April 29, 2009 at 17:04
“The reason for USA economic contraction is obvious: The lack of a strong, steady hand at the till, … ”
at the tillER, I presume. The Bush Crime Family is more like hands IN the till.
The LA meetup: From here to Doughternity
And once ensconced in the motel room: The Dough Also Rises
How ’bout Kiss Me Doughy?
And after he quietly gathers his clothes at 3AM while K-Lo rattles windows snoring, and then slips out, it will be “The Hunt For Red Doughtober”
And after he quietly gathers his clothes at 3AM while K-Lo rattles windows snoring, and then slips out, it will be “The Hunt For Red Doughtober”
The “Waddle of Shame”
And after he quietly gathers his clothes at 3AM while K-Lo rattles windows snoring, and then slips out, it will be “The Hunt For Red Doughtober”
The “Waddle of Shame”
“I Am A Fugitive From A Shame Gang”
Y’all are just mean. ‘course they’re meaner, so.
Back Dough Man? You mean he’s checking out her crescent rolls? Dude, that’s sick….
Koninginnedag drinking binge:
Danish equivalent was two weeks ago, and is now my retrospective excuse for any excessive drinking and boisterous misbehaviour on that day.
The one she brought is big as a house
Ladies and gentlemen, Shane Black!
Jonah: “Shake for me, girl, I wanna be your back dough man…”
Headline: “LA was shaken last night by magnitude 6.4 earthquake. Seismologists are puzzled as the epicenter was nowhere near a known fault line…”
Doughbob eats his dinner, eats his pork and beans
He eats more chicken than any man ever seen
Yeah! cuz he’s a backdough man.
MzN, you mean chicken in the bread pan pickin out Dough?
Uh … no, I was thinking more of Jim Morrison.
Doughy’s the texture, in my true love’s pants
His lips are red, like fire ants.
Mullet on his face, bile in his heart,
He’d even swear, that Bush was smart.
OK, so who’s the dress by? Glad? Hefty? All American Tent?
Don’t be silly. Dress Barn, of course.
Jonah tackles the Mexican Swine Flue.
Yeah, K-Lo is a terrible person. But, you know, the fat jokes are really unfortunate. Is that your best shot? Is it an equally valid and trenchant criticism of Michael Moore or Al Gore to observe that they could make it to the gym more often?
“Seismologists are puzzled as the epicenter was nowhere near a known fault line…”
Jonah and K-Lo are walking fault lines…actually is that possible since they’re always blameless?
Is it an equally valid and trenchant criticism of Michael Moore or Al Gore to observe that they could make it to the gym more often?
Is it an equally valid and trenchant criticism of Michael Moore or Al Gore to observe that they could make it to the gym more often?
As long as it’s funny.
You DO realize that “Sadly,No!” is wholly responsible for their mating?