Comedy Gold Rush!

Sneer on, you snarky sneerers, but Pajamas Media Open Source Media (ahem) the newly-renamed Pajamas Media is proving their worth every damn day. In fact, they’re totally doing our job for us.

In times past, we had to scour the WingNet for finds like this one. Today we just sit back with a big thing of V8, watch old Homestar Runner toons, and occasionally click backhandedly on their main page to see what new cuckoo birds have popped out of it.

[boing!] Yonk!*

War In The House

President bush announced today that he will soon withdraw all US troops from Iraq and send them to the House Of Representatives to fight the current war and the current bickering taking place over there.

The President was asked “which side of the aisle would the troops fight for?”

He replied “well, not on the side of despair, resignation, self-defeatism or “Murtha-ism”, I hope!”

posted by postman at 21.11.05 I Trackback (0)

authintic car horn.JPG

A veritable lolocaust like this blog — and make no mistake; conservative humor is the laffiest, daffiest humor of all, and we just can’t keep up… A blog this joke-packed yet plainly-packaged needs some of the old extra whattaya-call; it ought to pop open the big, 64-ounce can of chuckle potion. Like, when a liberal is drowning, throw him an anvil.

This blog needs a dancing banana.

“How-ard Dean/ Is a ween/ The moon-bats like to vent their spleen [Hot-cha, wacka-wacka]… Thankew, thankew!”

So that’s one of like twenty new wingnut blogs today. Look, here’s another:

[pop] Cuckoo!

No more, no more! We’re growing fat and spoiled!

* Maybe we need to try the ah-oogah horn and banana method more often: He deleted the above post and yanked all the archives from the main page this morning. Ah-oogah, Marie, ah-oogah!


Comments: 32


oh my!

those folks may have a veritable “Onion” on their hands!

of course, it would have to be funny….and insightful….and clever….

but hell, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle may actually drive one of these nit-wits into comedy territory should one of them actually happen to hold and analyze a thought for a sufficient time period……


I am that dancing banana.


These guys’ hero must be the stupid, polka-loving DJ on Good Morning Vietnam:

“In my heart, I know I’m funny.”


they gave you the ducks?

AND the barrel?

that banana needs pajama’s


Conservative humorists must find GOP talking points hilarious, because that’s what most of their “jokes” are.


shush brando you’re spoiling their act


Oh, man, you are taking a real risk linking to that site. It’s a black hole of funny, and threatens to inexorably drain funny from any foolish enough to keep the link alive. Consider yourself warned.


Oh, MAN, I hear that! Bush is all like talk to the hand, demmycats! Zing!


I like the subtle reference to the English Civil War. Proof that conservatives can be a witty as liberals!


“Maybe we need to try the ah-oogah horn and banana method more often: He deleted the above post and yanked all the archives from the main page this morning. ”

Who said OSM, sorry, PJM, couldn’t have less content if they tried? I bet they’re feeling silly now.


“America, America, God shed His grace on thee?
By Marie Jon’

America, you must be asleep. You received a letter from two men named Al; Al-Zawahiri and Al-Zarqawi, on Oct 11, 2005, laying out the full plan on just how these two world-wide known terrorists were going to win the debate in America. Unfortunately, it seems that the American public is buying into their plan. Bill Clinton is helping them do so. The AP reported: “Former President Bill Clinton told Arab students Wednesday the United States made a “big mistake” when it invaded Iraq, stoking the partisan debate back home over the war. ”

Al-Zawahiri and Al-Zarqawi want our government to cut and run and leave behind millions of innocent Iraqi people left to be slaughtered by the same Islamic fascists that are causing the trouble we are seeing all over the world. Just this week, we had a senior Congressman call for a total withdrawal from Iraq.

What is he thinking? Doesn’t he know that he is politicizing the war at our country’s and troops’ expense? The Congressman, whose name is John Murtha, sparked quite a controversy when he said: “Our troops have become the primary target of the insurgency; they are united against U.S. forces and we have become a catalyst for violence. The war in Iraq is not going as advertised. It is a flawed policy wrapped in illusion.”

He then went even further as he called for our troops to be removed from Iraq. I do not care if this man served in Vietnam. A liar named Senator John F. Kerry also served in Vietnam and made false accusations about the troops.

Just as in Vietnam, our troops are being subverted. The very same neo-communists bastions of anti-American pacifists in this country are doing it all over again. America, wake up. This is not a quagmire. Vietnam is not only past history, but a despicable one at that. Millions of Vietnamese people were killed brutally after America withdrew her presence from there. Learn from past history when it comes to being swayed by the wrong voices that do not speak the truth.

The Democrats are no longer a party that is telling the truth about Iraq. Their main enabler, the mainstream media, is doing the very same ugly spin and giving daily to our enemies more lies to help undo all the good that we have done.

In Iraq and where ever else they hang their turbans and call home, terrorists are listening to a very unseemly and troubling disingenuous debate. The enabler of the Democrats, the mainstream media, are 90% far left in their political beliefs, and are eager to give America the shaft for the political gain of their preferred Party.

These men and women of the old media have become a menace. They are a powerful group who has no conscience to the health and well-being of a nation. There is not much truth being told in the old media. America is fed disinformation and leftist propaganda. The media in many ways seems to be running the country. They are poisoning the well of truthful information regarding winning the war on terror by trying to depose a sitting president.

At the same time, the media helps humiliate our brave and courageous troops by printing the lies about them. This all started with Abu Ghraib. Abu Ghraib is not an accurate reflection of our awesome troops who serve their country bravely and willingly. Those few who disgraced the uniform and the country were dealt with, and are serving time. But the media could not wait to tell you ad nausea what went on. The New York Times alone ran a streak of Abu Ghraib stories 37 days in a row.

We all know the many lies about the troops that have been generated by the American media. Those lies have also caused more hate towards our troops. We were also told lies about Koran’s being flushed down toilets and other falsehoods about Gitmo. Our troops are being told daily that our president lied to them about why they are in Iraq.

The Democrats and the media are the villains and the real problems as to why America is loosing her will to do what is noble and good. America has a strategy, and an exit plan. We will leave when the Iraqi people are able to take care of themselves–and when we are asked to do so by the Iraqi government. The Iraqi’s will hold another election on December 15th, 2005.

America has done a more-than stellar job in Iraq. A real democracy is blooming. Be proud that freedom is on the march. America, God shed his grace on thee with patience and fortitude to stay the course. Remember, we got a letter from two men named Al. Al-Zawahiri and Al-Zarqawi are nodding their heads with agreement as the shameful Democrats spew the same gutless dribble to undermine a president and weaken his ability to lead our nation to victory. The patriots of America will not let them prevail.

Related Articles:,2933,171944,00.html

Here my mad dogs is a perfect copy.
Happy Thanksgiving
MJ 🙂


“America, America, God shed His grace on thee?
By Marie Jon’

America, you must be asleep. You received a letter from two men named Al; Al-Zawahiri and Al-Zarqawi, on Oct 11, 2005, laying out the full plan on just how these two world-wide known terrorists were going to win the debate in America. Unfortunately, it seems that the American public is buying into their plan. Bill Clinton is helping them do so. The AP reported: “Former President Bill Clinton told Arab students Wednesday the United States made a “big mistake” when it invaded Iraq, stoking the partisan debate back home over the war. ”

Al-Zawahiri and Al-Zarqawi want our government to cut and run and leave behind millions of innocent Iraqi people left to be slaughtered by the same Islamic fascists that are causing the trouble we are seeing all over the world. Just this week, we had a senior Congressman call for a total withdrawal from Iraq.

What is he thinking? Doesn’t he know that he is politicizing the war at our country’s and troops’ expense? The Congressman, whose name is John Murtha, sparked quite a controversy when he said: “Our troops have become the primary target of the insurgency; they are united against U.S. forces and we have become a catalyst for violence. The war in Iraq is not going as advertised. It is a flawed policy wrapped in illusion.”

He then went even further as he called for our troops to be removed from Iraq. I do not care if this man served in Vietnam. A liar named Senator John F. Kerry also served in Vietnam and made false accusations about the troops.

Just as in Vietnam, our troops are being subverted. The very same neo-communists bastions of anti-American pacifists in this country are doing it all over again. America, wake up. This is not a quagmire. Vietnam is not only past history, but a despicable one at that. Millions of Vietnamese people were killed brutally after America withdrew her presence from there. Learn from past history when it comes to being swayed by the wrong voices that do not speak the truth.

The Democrats are no longer a party that is telling the truth about Iraq. Their main enabler, the mainstream media, is doing the very same ugly spin and giving daily to our enemies more lies to help undo all the good that we have done.

In Iraq and where ever else they hang their turbans and call home, terrorists are listening to a very unseemly and troubling disingenuous debate. The enabler of the Democrats, the mainstream media, are 90% far left in their political beliefs, and are eager to give America the shaft for the political gain of their preferred Party.

These men and women of the old media have become a menace. They are a powerful group who has no conscience to the health and well-being of a nation. There is not much truth being told in the old media. America is fed disinformation and leftist propaganda. The media in many ways seems to be running the country. They are poisoning the well of truthful information regarding winning the war on terror by trying to depose a sitting president.

At the same time, the media helps humiliate our brave and courageous troops by printing the lies about them. This all started with Abu Ghraib. Abu Ghraib is not an accurate reflection of our awesome troops who serve their country bravely and willingly. Those few who disgraced the uniform and the country were dealt with, and are serving time. But the media could not wait to tell you ad nausea what went on. The New York Times alone ran a streak of Abu Ghraib stories 37 days in a row.

We all know the many lies about the troops that have been generated by the American media. Those lies have also caused more hate towards our troops. We were also told lies about Koran’s being flushed down toilets and other falsehoods about Gitmo. Our troops are being told daily that our president lied to them about why they are in Iraq.

The Democrats and the media are the villains and the real problems as to why America is loosing her will to do what is noble and good. America has a strategy, and an exit plan. We will leave when the Iraqi people are able to take care of themselves–and when we are asked to do so by the Iraqi government. The Iraqi’s will hold another election on December 15th, 2005.

America has done a more-than stellar job in Iraq. A real democracy is blooming. Be proud that freedom is on the march. America, God shed his grace on thee with patience and fortitude to stay the course. Remember, we got a letter from two men named Al. Al-Zawahiri and Al-Zarqawi are nodding their heads with agreement as the shameful Democrats spew the same gutless dribble to undermine a president and weaken his ability to lead our nation to victory. The patriots of America will not let them prevail.

Related Articles:,2933,171944,00.html

Here my mad dogs is a perfect copy.
Happy Thanksgiving
MJ 🙂


“America, America, God shed His grace on thee?
By Marie Jon’

America, you must be asleep. You received a letter from two men named Al; Al-Zawahiri and Al-Zarqawi, on Oct 11, 2005, laying out the full plan on just how these two world-wide known terrorists were going to win the debate in America. Unfortunately, it seems that the American public is buying into their plan. Bill Clinton is helping them do so. The AP reported: “Former President Bill Clinton told Arab students Wednesday the United States made a “big mistake” when it invaded Iraq, stoking the partisan debate back home over the war. ”

Al-Zawahiri and Al-Zarqawi want our government to cut and run and leave behind millions of innocent Iraqi people left to be slaughtered by the same Islamic fascists that are causing the trouble we are seeing all over the world. Just this week, we had a senior Congressman call for a total withdrawal from Iraq.

What is he thinking? Doesn’t he know that he is politicizing the war at our country’s and troops’ expense? The Congressman, whose name is John Murtha, sparked quite a controversy when he said: “Our troops have become the primary target of the insurgency; they are united against U.S. forces and we have become a catalyst for violence. The war in Iraq is not going as advertised. It is a flawed policy wrapped in illusion.”

He then went even further as he called for our troops to be removed from Iraq. I do not care if this man served in Vietnam. A liar named Senator John F. Kerry also served in Vietnam and made false accusations about the troops.

Just as in Vietnam, our troops are being subverted. The very same neo-communists bastions of anti-American pacifists in this country are doing it all over again. America, wake up. This is not a quagmire. Vietnam is not only past history, but a despicable one at that. Millions of Vietnamese people were killed brutally after America withdrew her presence from there. Learn from past history when it comes to being swayed by the wrong voices that do not speak the truth.

The Democrats are no longer a party that is telling the truth about Iraq. Their main enabler, the mainstream media, is doing the very same ugly spin and giving daily to our enemies more lies to help undo all the good that we have done.

In Iraq and where ever else they hang their turbans and call home, terrorists are listening to a very unseemly and troubling disingenuous debate. The enabler of the Democrats, the mainstream media, are 90% far left in their political beliefs, and are eager to give America the shaft for the political gain of their preferred Party.

These men and women of the old media have become a menace. They are a powerful group who has no conscience to the health and well-being of a nation. There is not much truth being told in the old media. America is fed disinformation and leftist propaganda. The media in many ways seems to be running the country. They are poisoning the well of truthful information regarding winning the war on terror by trying to depose a sitting president.

At the same time, the media helps humiliate our brave and courageous troops by printing the lies about them. This all started with Abu Ghraib. Abu Ghraib is not an accurate reflection of our awesome troops who serve their country bravely and willingly. Those few who disgraced the uniform and the country were dealt with, and are serving time. But the media could not wait to tell you ad nausea what went on. The New York Times alone ran a streak of Abu Ghraib stories 37 days in a row.

We all know the many lies about the troops that have been generated by the American media. Those lies have also caused more hate towards our troops. We were also told lies about Koran’s being flushed down toilets and other falsehoods about Gitmo. Our troops are being told daily that our president lied to them about why they are in Iraq.

The Democrats and the media are the villains and the real problems as to why America is loosing her will to do what is noble and good. America has a strategy, and an exit plan. We will leave when the Iraqi people are able to take care of themselves–and when we are asked to do so by the Iraqi government. The Iraqi’s will hold another election on December 15th, 2005.

America has done a more-than stellar job in Iraq. A real democracy is blooming. Be proud that freedom is on the march. America, God shed his grace on thee with patience and fortitude to stay the course. Remember, we got a letter from two men named Al. Al-Zawahiri and Al-Zarqawi are nodding their heads with agreement as the shameful Democrats spew the same gutless dribble to undermine a president and weaken his ability to lead our nation to victory. The patriots of America will not let them prevail.

Related Articles:,2933,171944,00.html

Here my mad dogs is a perfect copy.
Happy Thanksgiving
MJ 🙂


I can see what the Thanksgiving tradition is in the Jon’ household: Stuff everyone full of cold bologna until they want to puke.


I MIGHT take MJ’s comments seriously if she ever learned the basics of using an apostrophe. Don’t most people learn that in grade school??

Koran’s is a Possessive.
Korans is plural. sheesh.


I dont think’ we can hold Marie Jon’ responsible’ for her use apostrophe’s. Its ap’parent that she was mis’lead at an early age’ by Mr’ and Mrs’ Jon’.


Drivel, not dribble.


Looks like the blog is gone entirely now. Google still has a page cached. Kofi Annan jokes! What a yuk-fest.

Google Cache Link


This is more than slightly OT, but I had to share (’cause sharing is good, and I just used an apostrophe). I occasionally fry a few synapses by checking out Chazmo and gang, and while looking at the comments of one entry (doesn’t matter which one, does it?) there was this gem:

Infidel Crusader 11/19/2005 10:04PM PST
If it was not so common I might be shocked. The only way we can win the war is if the people quit watching/reading the msm

Finally, someone with a plan to win this damn thing.
To the MSMmobile!


“We will leave when the Iraqi people are able to take care of themselves–and when we are asked to do so by the Iraqi government.”

so mj’ is saying we’re halfway there?


Although it doesn’t directly reference us (being in actuality dancing banana slugs, we are still a bit wounded. After all, we’re doing our bit to lower the level of discourse, especially with today’s discussion of Bush’s genitalia.


Apparently my punctuation skills have deteriorated after reading too much Marie Jon’. )–forgot that in the last bit, sorry.


Oh, my God…..

Marie thinks that the “Al-” prefix on an Arabic surname is like the first name “Al”? Like short for “Albert”?

That is the funniest, funniest, funniest thing I’ve seen in weeks!

Maybe it’s only because I’m a language geek, but I really haven’t laughed that hard in ages. Did she study that really difficult math Albert Gebra in high school? Does she think David ben-Gurion had two first names – David and Benjamin? Did they maybe call him “Ben” for short? Let’s hope no one ever introduces her to the patronmyic “ibn” – she’ll have a heart attack. Her favorite actor must be Peter O. Toole.

This explains her apostrophe aphasia – she can’t tell the difference between a prefix, a plural and a possessive.

Thanks, MJ. It’s been a long week, and I needed that.


Who will protect us from the little-known terrorist threat posed by al-Bundy?

I’m sorry; I’ll stop now.


You laugh, Jillian, but she probably *does* think al-Gore is at least a terrorist sympathizer. *sigh*


Al-Abama? It all makes sense now. Thanks Mary Jong Il.


Jesuroni. Triple post. AWESOME.

Kind of makes me want to go around the internet leaving open italics tags. Or kill myself.


We’re ah-oogahing as fast as we can!

So it looks like we completely chased this blog off the Internet with one honk of an ah-oogah horn. Nothing left; nobody home. Crickets. A lonely train whistle sounds in the distance. A breeze sighs through the pines. Golly. Ladies…


No, no, no. It isn’t triple posts. It’s the beta-version of the PePol Horny o’ Plenty?, a.k.a. the thong v2.0. Mmmm, elastic.


Holy shit, can we keep that banana a regular fixture on the page?

MJ, wow. First of all, hang their turbans? That’s brilliant, you should take that shit on the road.

The enabler of the Democrats, the mainstream media, are 90% far left in their political beliefs
And i’m basing that statistic, on absolutely nothing. Hell, fox news alone would throw that balance to 50/50 if there really was a “liberal media”.

Next, that letter from the “terrists” is very suspect, and appears to be a forgery, given the various choices of terms used, which seem like hamfisted american reflections of what a terrorist would write.

America has done a more-than stellar job in Iraq. A real democracy is blooming. Be proud that freedom is on the march. America, God shed his grace on thee with patience and fortitude to stay the course.
Can’t you all just see Marie holding her hands to cover her ears and singing God shed his grace on thee while writing this column.

So if this pack of dogs in the media are lying so much, where are we to turn for the real news? Oh wait let me guess, your newly launched Bush cult of personality site! Haha…


So if this pack of dogs in the media are lying so much, where are we to turn for the real news? Oh wait let me guess, your newly launched Bush cult of personality site!

But it might well have news… and thongs!


(comments are closed)