That’s Not A Finger, Ed
“Special” Ed Morrissey, HotAir:
Video: Frank in 2005 — Bubble? What bubble?
- Outrage: Barney Frank used to say what we were saying. Irony: Now he’s saying what we say!
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Maybe this is like a black fly in Ed’s Chardonnay, but while a realistic assessment of Frank’s role in the financial crisis (i.e., one of the kind that the perpetual-wrongness machines on the right keep trying to chatter away with new wrongnesses) must include the fact that Frank was an enabler of the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac collapse as well as a minor one of the larger housing bubble, it must also put that fact in context with the Republican effort to regulate the Democratic strongholds of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac while deregulating everything else.
This goes against the wingnut consensus, which seems to be shaking out into a vague but firm conviction that the Bush years were actually a time of increased regulation, as measured by the 1,000 pages per year that were added to the Federal Register, never mind what’s on them or where they’re from. This hobbling of small business and also big business was exacerbated by Democratic malefactors and their affirmative-action housing loans to black people via Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — if not outright treasonous sabotage. And there you go! The notion that Obama created a fake crisis in order to impose socialist rule on the US is a minority one, but stands ready in case the current story somehow unravels.
Which is what happened to the last one — right, Ed?
This is indeed a conundrum for Wingnuttistan. When desperately clinging to the notion that deregulation was a massive success fails to bear fruit, they do an abrupt about face and point out that many Democrats were complicit.
Of course, cognitive dissonance has never been too great a roadblock for them.
They live on cognitive dissonance.
For instance, what they do isn’t torture. So why did they hide it?
For instance, what they do isn’t torture. So why did they hide it?
Umm… they didn’t want to spoil the surprise?
reminds me of what an old guy said to me about masturbation 40 years ago: “If their ain’t nothin’ wrong with it, why do you go off by yourself when you do it?”
f their ain’t nothin’ wrong with it, why do you go off by yourself when you do it?
Umm… you don’t want to spoil the surprise?
Shorter Shorter Capt. Ed:
I believe in Miracles
You sexy Thang…
For instance, what they do isn’t torture. So why did they hide it?
Or even better, what they do isn’t torture, in fact it’s little more than a harmless frat prank. So why do they bother doing it?
The appearance of Ed’s Big Afro is always a fun surprise.
“If their ain’t nothin’ wrong with it, why do you go off by yourself when you do it?”
Well, I’m pretty sure there’s nothing wrong with taking a shit, and I prefer to be by myself when I do that.
Well, I’m pretty sure there’s nothing wrong with taking a shit, and I prefer to be by myself when I do that.
Your crap is between you, your toilet, and the NSA.
Your crap is between you, your toilet, and the NSA.
Oh no, do you think they’ll understand that it was only black because of the Pepto?
Oh no, do you think they’ll understand that it was only black because of the Pepto?
Black? Pepto? I said “NSA” not “NASA.”
Ah. I guess that wasn’t a 1201 alarm after all.
One of the best blog pastimes of late has been folks digging up all the juicy quotes from Republicans screaming about “rule of law” and such.
Of course, they were talking about Clinton.
It’s different when it’s one of their own.
“So many stock bargins, so little time.
spec_ops_mateo on June 27, 2008 at 2:20 PM
Just picked up some more Sirius myself.
RightWinged on June 27, 2008 at 2:26 PM”
Sirius share price on June 27, 2008 – $2.10
Sirius share price today $0.43
The wingnuts who listened to their idiot leaders paid the price.
Hopefully, more than the rest of us di.
Read an article on Cheney, on Rolling Stone back in 2004.
If you had bought Halliburton before Cheney’s tenure, you would have lost at least 40% by now.
So it’s a consistent pattern with the party of business. What they don’t tell you is that it’s about giving you the business.
Your crap is between you, your toilet, and
the NSAyour Groom of the Stool.I’ve spoken with a lot of right wingers and heard a lot of AM radio show righties play this bullshit game where you ignore the real, major, and substantive deregulation of the past 30 years, and you just count up numbers of regulations or number of pages published or number of bureaucrats employed and PRESTO! all the damn libs are wrong about so-called “deregulation” because I’ve so firmly jabbed my head up my ass.
Your crap is between you, your toilet, and your Groom of the Stool.
Depends on my recent drinking. Sometimes it’s simply between my toilet and the wall.
“If their ain’t nothin’ wrong with it, why do you go off by yourself when you do it?”
Not everyone does.
lol! i love his hair
Unless, of course, you’re building a shitmoat.
I just got the DVD of Black to the Future 3: Obamao. The deleted scenes feature is great- in order to get a PG-13 rating for the theatrical release, they had to drop the bit in which Karl Marx tells Barack Obama:
“I used to eat so much pussy, my beard looked like a box of glazed donuts.”
“If their ain’t nothin’ wrong with it, why do you go off by yourself when you do it?”
Because it’s NOT MASTURBATION if someone else is helping.
The rightwing does all of their masturbation in full public view.
It’s only fun if it’s dirty & private; other wise it becomes a competition, & the sheer joy & spontaneity is taken away.
I could not have put the argument for blogging anonymity better myself.
Oh no, do you think they’ll understand that it was only black because of the Pepto?
Uh oh. I had beet salad for dinner.
This hobbling of small business and also big business was exacerbated by Democratic malefactors and their affirmative-action housing loans to black people via Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — if not outright treasonous sabotage.
Don’t forget! It was The Maori who forced General Growth Properties, Inc. into bankruptcy.
reminds me of what an old guy said to me about masturbation 40 years ago: “If their ain’t nothin’ wrong with it, why do you go off by yourself when you do it?”
because if you don’t, you get arrested for indecent exposure?
That “if not outright treasonous sabotage” link is HILARIOUS. Excuse me while I go kill myself.