Justin Darr: Proving Once Again That You Can Write About Europe Without Knowing a Damn Thing About it

Justin Darr is in particularly fine form today:

Liberals are causing a European jihad

Justin Darr
November 13, 2005

After more than two weeks of nightly violence, the rioting of Europe’s Muslim minority has finally begun to subside. While the French government and Main Stream Media may be eager to pretend that the events of the last month were an anomaly, or persist in the notion that the underlying issues that incited the violence are now being addressed, the current lull in the violence in Europe is just that; a lull. The violence is doomed to return in the future. Europe is fast becoming ground zero in clash of civilizations between two equally intolerant cultures, radical Islam and Liberalism.

Y’know, it’s funny. I remember when liberals were accused of being tolerant to a fault, coddling criminals and terrorizers because we didn’t want to hurt their feeeeeeeelings. Now we’re apparently just as intolerant as religious fundamentalists who kill their daughters for having premarital sex. We can’t win, I tells ya.

If American Liberalism has an Eden, it must be somewhere in France.

I’m more of a Swede-ophile myself. Heck, “Sweden” even rhymes with “Eden.”

France has positioned itself in the world as the self appointed “Liberal Paradise.” Large scale social programs, crippling controls over business, the complete eradication of expressions of faith in public schools, year-long prison terms for anyone who might utter a word deemed to be “offensive,” euthanasia for invalids, no death penalty, abortion pills, and a compulsive anti-Americanism, has made France the envy of liberals world-wide.

So despite having a reputation as the rudest SOB’s in Europe, the French will routinely jail people for saying offensive things.

I’ll say this about Justin’s work: it’s always full of the kind of unique insights that everyone else is too smart to think of.

While liberals may be quick to try to point out some perceived benefits of France’s Socialistic programs, they are equally quick to ignore the dark side of liberalism that is also very apparent in France: a crippled, uncompetitive economy, high unemployment, and an overwhelming arrogance and intolerance toward those who do not share their beliefs.

Y’know, even though France’s economy hasn’t been too hot recently, it’s still a damn good country to live in. They have a per capita GDP of $28,700, they have a good national healthcare system, they make some damn fine cheese, and they have a higher life expectancy rate than the United States. Sure, their unemployment is way too high (9.8% in September of this year), but that’s more a reflection of poorly-designed employment policies than of their welfare state as a whole.

But of course, not all Social-Democratic European countries have persistently high unemployment and low economic growth. Sweden, which as I mentioned earlier is a left-winger’s fantasy country, has seen its GDP grow by a respectable 2.6% this quarter. It also has an unemployment rate of 5.4%, which is only slightly higher than America’s 5%, and inflation right now stands at a virtually nonexistent 0.6%. They’re also home to the Swedish Chef, whom I needn’t remind you is the most talented chicky-slayer of our generation:


In the post World War II era, Europe has followed the standard liberal plan toward its immigrant communities. First, welcome them as long as they are elitist intellectuals like themselves, or poor and willing to do the menial jobs liberals feel are below them.

Uhm, Justin? What do you think conservative Wall Street types like to import Mexicans for?

Second, force them into social programs designed to make them dependant on the state (and liberal political parties) and indoctrinate their children into the “proper” values in the public schools. Then third, after a generation or two, urge them to completely set aside silly little cultural traditions and religious beliefs and join the larger Socialist polity. Hey, there is no law saying they cannot enjoy their cultural heritage and values, just as long as they confine it to “Celebrations of Diversity Parades,” and watching them on PBS.

For decades, this plan has had some success. Many of the issues surrounding values, freedom of speech, the environment, and religion that define the most contentious of American political debates are nonexistent in Europe.

It’s true- no one in Europe has freedom of speech, all churches are banned, and they trash their environment even worse than post-Chernobyl Belarus.

It’s amazing the stuff you learn about Europe from people who have never lived in Europe, isn’t it?

For years liberals have tried to portray the spread of Islamic fundamentalism across the Muslim world as a result of poverty. This is not the case. The basis of Islamic fundamentalism is a sense of inferiority due to the decline of Islamic civilization.

Islamists see the decline of their civilization as a consequence of the corruption of Islam through the sinful influences of the world around them, and the aggressive intrusion of foreign powers to steal their wealth, resources, and land. To them, there is only one answer. Fight back and destroy the enemies of Allah where ever, or who ever they may be. There can be no compromise, no peace, only total victory or total defeat.

In Europe, the Muslim population is not fundamentalist in nature, but is being pushing in that direction by the liberal societies in which they live. In traditional fashion, the liberals of Europe have chosen to attack, mock, and regulate the elements of the Muslim community that refuse to give up their beliefs as being uneducated and stupid.

You can see where he’s going with this, can’t you? Europe’s Muslims are an oppressed minority, just like white Christians in America. And if you don’t respect their religious beliefs (or if you let a near-brain dead woman in Florida die), they have no coice but to freak the fuck out.

For example, in 2004, Cheryl Benard of the RAND Corporation stated in “The Christian Science Monitor,” “Ironically, France’s new secular dress code may end up taking Islamic society a step forward by sending Muslims back to their own religious texts for review,” in regard to French legislation banning school girls from wearing the “hijab,” or Muslim head scarf in public school. In other words, Muslims in France are too stupid to understand their own faith, so they must be forced by the state to do so. Who cares that the “hijab” is a cultural norm for many Muslims and not wearing it in public the equivalent to a sexual assault on a young girl. But liberals do not like it, so away it goes. “Take your scarf off, your welfare check home and shut up,” is how Europe has dealt with the differing beliefs of its minorities. Over decades the Muslim community has refused to fall into line, so the liberals have systematically ostracized them to the fringes of society.

This should be no surprise to Americans. This is how liberals deal with anyone who disagrees with them here. The only difference is there are fewer of them and they have not, yet, managed to gain completely control of the Courts.

No kiddng. Justin, it may amaze you to learn that liberals don’t actually control any branches of the federal government. It’s shocking, I know, especially considering how oppressed you feel when we call you all those nasty names.

After years of mockery, oppression of their beliefs, and discrimination, the Muslim minority lashed out. The riots are far more an expression of frustration and hopelessness than any form of religious extremism. But they are the raw emotions from which radical Islam can spawn. And the incompetence of the French government has ensured that it will.

The first response in Europe to the riots was one of shock, inaction, and insults. The people in the street where called “scum,” Liberals were perplexed at the immigrants hostility after all the programs they created for them, and the police stood by and helplessly watched.

Indeed. You may remember all those Muslims boys who torched cars while chanting, “STOP GIVING US FREE HEALTHCARE, YOU FRENCH COCKSUCKERS!”

The second response was complete oppression. A state of emergency was declared, curfews imposed, agitators threatened with deportation, and the right of public assembly severely curtailed.

And I’m sure if Muslims start rioting in Pittsburgh for some reason, Justin will endorse giving them hugs as a solution.

The message the Muslim community received was that when they were fighting, they had Europe on its knees, and when they stopped things became worse than they were before. This is the worse case scenario for Europe. For the first time in their lives, the immigrant population of Europe felt powerful. Then when they stopped the violence, the power was pulled away and replaced more social programs, more regulations, and even less freedom and respect. There is no more fertile soil for radicalism to bloom than the one created by the French.

Islamists might ask why did the Muslims of Europe stop fighting? Soon, Europe’s immigrants might be asking the same question. Out of liberalism’s arrogance and inability to accept any ideas but their own, they have set the stage for jihad in Europe.

Fascinating. Here’s something that Justin Darr, ambassador for cultural sensitivity, wrote last year:

George Bush is partially to blame for allowing this fifth column attack on our troops. In the wake of 9/11, Bush made great efforts to portray Islam as a religion that did not incorporate violence as one of its tenants of faith. He did this largely to prevent a public backlash against American Moslems (after all, we cannot have our citizens treating Moslems in America like. well, how Moslems treat people in their own countries). However, this pattern of pandering to Islamic activists did not stop there. The original name for the invasion of Afghanistan was not Enduring Freedom, but Operation Infinite Justice. The name was changed due to complaints from Moslems that the term “infinite” was offensive to them when applied to any term other than “Allah”. Not to be argumentative, but the destruction of the World Trade Center was pretty offensive to me, and I did not see our enemies caring about it. If Moslem leaders have enough time to worry about the names of our military operations being insulting to our enemies, then they should have ample time to condemn Islamic terrorism without the inevitable “but” that seems to always follow (i.e. the attack in the Pentagon was terrible, BUT Israel fights back when we blow up a bus full of their school children.)

Amazing how quickly things change.


Comments: 43


“people … where called ‘scum’?” Makes as much sense as the rest, I suppose. I’m loving the “those fucking pinko LIEberal America-hating DemonRat traitors are so vicious!” meme that’s ubiquitous right now.


I remember, not a week ago these dumbasses were going on and on about the “French Intifada” and how it was never going to end, just get worse and worse until the rapture or the REAL war on terror or whatever, and how it’s all those evil liberal’s fault. Now that it’s all over, they’re all bending over backwards to save face and blame this on the welfare somehow. First it was racial, now it’s economic? Make up your minds. Could it be that the issue is a little more complicated than Justin Darr makes it out to be? Inconcievable!


Nope, Timmah. It’s all because World O’Crap and Sadly, No! make fun of Justin’s columns. That’s the reason for the French riots.


broken italics tag in your post!

that darr dude’s ‘logic’ looks like something jonah goldberg chewed and spat out.


It’s true- no one in Europe has freedom of speech, all churches are banned, and they trash their environment even worse than post-Chernobyl Belarus.

Haha, yep. I constanly read shit from the wingnuts that has no relation to the Europe I’ve visited so many times. It’s that pesky old insular American exceptionalism again, that idea that EVERYTHING that’s ever been good was invented here. Um, no….I mean, England *somehow* has managed to avoid turning in to a fascist police state despite not having had a written Constitution in its entire history.


I think Justin’s earlier column is much more fun than his current one. After all, he talks about “tenants of faith,” and you all know how tough it can be to be a landlord when the people you rent to have got the religion.

What a fruitbat. He can’t even get straight the issue over “Operation Infinite Justice.”


“Europe is fast becoming ground zero in clash of civilizations between two equally intolerant cultures, radical Islam and Liberalism.”

hmmm….”clash of civilizations”…where have i heard that before? ah yes, it was the title of Samuel Huntington’s mid-1990s realist manifesto in which he simplifies human existence into a series of broad “civilizations” and says that the major conflicts of the coming era will be civilizational rather than primarily related to nation states. What confuses me is how Darr is using “Liberalism” to denote a civilization that is able to clash with anything. Let’s see here, we have the Western civilization, the Islamic civilization, the Hindu civilization…and the liberal civilization. Bravo, sir.

Also, even if I accept that the French exhibit “an overwhelming arrogance and intolerance toward those who do not share their beliefs” (which isn’t necessarily the case) I could easily say the same about the Bush regeime. Except Bush et al like to settle these issues with depleted uranium munitions and white phosphorus while the French mainly deal in snide remarks.


of course, the frenchman who referred to the rioters as scum was nicholas sarkozy, probably france’s most conservative politician and the closest thing france has to american-style conservatism. funny how darr left that little detail out.


Justin Darr CAN NOT be real. He has to be a mean liberal, the meanest liberal I ever saw, pretending to be a conservative and making conservatives look REALLY DUMB by writing the biggest bunch of blatant nonsense that only the most dead-brained fucktard could believe.

Liberals really are soooo mean. The Mean Liberal Conspiracy is vast and scary and made up of Ann Couler, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, George W. Bush, Scott McClelland, Sean Hannity, the guy who does Mallard Fillmore, and so many more liberals who get their kicks from making conservatives look stupid, heartless, dishonorable, irrational and ill-informed.



Wow, they really think everything in the world has to be attached to America somehow, huh? Dude, France has nothing to do with American liberals. Just typing it over and over doesn’t make it true.

a crippled, uncompetitive economy, high unemployment, and an overwhelming arrogance and intolerance toward those who do not share their beliefs

Hey, now, let’s not get too uppity about all that stuff, Justin. *cough*

For years liberals have tried to portray the spread of Islamic fundamentalism across the Muslim world as a result of poverty. This is not the case. The basis of Islamic fundamentalism is a sense of inferiority due to the decline of Islamic civilization.

Um, I’ve never heard “liberals” try to blame Islamic fundamentalism on “poverty.” However, I thought it was pretty accepted that some Muslims are upset about having lost status in the world (although it’s taking them like 500 years to get over it) — remember, they were once big leaders in science, math, and trade. I think that’s the only thing Justin gets right, which means he probably copied it from somewhere.

But liberals do not like it, so away it goes.

Seemed to me like it was a particularly conservative, intolerant move on the part of the French; doesn’t seem liberal at all. Justin must have really strained something trying to sympathize with brown girls wearing hijabs.


Looks like Darr is consulting the definition of “liberal” and “liberalism” from Ann Coulter’s books again.

Never mind that most European liberals would laugh at how our so-called “liberals” in government are quite right of center in Europe, and it can differ from country to country. IOW, (American_Liberalism) != (${EUROPEAN_COUNTRY}_Liberalism).

Or, you can simply pull random shit outta your ass and mix the metaphors in your mouth before barfing it on paper.

I knew it was over when he accused the Bizarro Liberals of ripping off girl’s religious headscarves and telling them to take their welfare check and get back in the kitchen.

I think it’s time to bring back the church signs “Justin Darr is a Loony-Maroony” and “Darr Blows Goats — All May Worship Freely” with every Darr post.


“…an overwhelming arrogance and intolerance toward those who do not share their beliefs…”

‘Nuf said.


We fart in Justin Darr’s general direction.


What are you doing in England?


I agree with the other poster that the first column, the one in which he favors “Moslem” (just a step from Mooslem!) over Muslim.

And did I, too, just read that correctly? Is he in fact excusing the behavior of the rioters, and expressing sympathy for what he perceives their reasons to be?

Off to Gitmo’s Gitmo with this Islamofascist-coddling bastard!!!


Off to Gitmo’s Gitmo with this Islamofascist-coddling bastard!!!

Indeed. He should be waDarrboarded.


“…favors ‘Moslem’ (just a step from Mooslem!) over Muslim…” is more fun, I meant to say.



Amen, tECHIDNA. I’ve always been awestruck by the ability of certain conservatives to conflate vast swaths of people under the blanket label “liberal.” As if American progressives = European liberals = Communists = in some cases, Muslims.

I think they live in a different universe than the rest of us. I picture it like the setting of Illuminatus, but without the sense of humor. Or the acid trips.


Let’s face facts. It just happened to be France’s turn to have a bite of that shit sandwich called life on planet earth.


So how does Justin deal with the inconvienent fact that the liberal French party has been self-destructing for years, leaving the French Gaulist conservatives in charge?


But but they’re French! They can’t NOT be liberal! French!


To be fair, Cap’n, Darr has a point- right-wing French politicians like Chirac are much more like centrist Democrats than they are like Republicans.


WHOA WHOA WHOA WHAO Cap’n O, if that is your REAL NAME. What Navy be ya hailin’ from, and how scurvy be the lot of ya?

LET’s HEAR THE CALL SIGN OUT OF YOUR MOUTH if you want to be Trolling these BOARDS as a CAPTAIN!

F.M. ASSHAT, fetch my cutlass of woe.


Yes, we should let Lynndie England drag him around in a Darrg collar.


Liberals tolerant? I don’t ever remember a time when liberals were tolerant. Of course when one is suffering from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder after being subjected to torture at the hands of loving liberals at Sadly, no! the first thing to go is one’s memory. Just kidding you guys, you know I love you!

Besides, shrinks have never been very good at diagnosing themselves. Just because I have recurrent distressing memories of abuse I received here, nightmares containing content of the abuse, just because I’m hypervigilant, and just because I display persistent efforts to distract myself from memories of the abuse, doesn’t mean I have a full-blown case of PTSD.


Hey, he’s a combat wounded vet you know. Personally, I think the chickenhawk was fragged. Or, he’s lying.


Hey, there is no law saying [Europeans] cannot enjoy their cultural heritage and values, just as long as they confine it to “Celebrations of Diversity Parades,” and watching them on PBS.

Umm, Europeans watching PBS? Anybody want to clue Justin in just a little bit on this egregiously simple point?


Brad R.

Hmm…must be a cross-cultural thing…here I, a foreigner, was laughing at the idea that Jaques Chirac is somehow a liberal.


The next time some winger complains that liberals think conservatives are stupid, point them to anything Justin Darr wrote as “Exhibit A”


Huh. I could have sworn that the conservative complaint about the stereotypical liberal, supposedly European style multicultural approach to immigration was that it didn’t force immigrants to assimilate enough and allowed them to keep their own culture. Clearly my mistake.


Random Guy- In most other countries, moderate Democrats would be considered solid right-wingers. Scary, I know…


France has positioned itself in the world as the self appointed “Liberal Paradise.”

Why, they’re so liberal, the last presidetial election was a runoff between pretty conservative Chirac (think McCain/Lieberman country*) and the completely apeshit Le Pen (The bastard lovechild of Malkin and O’Reilly, aged a million years).

*Brad R’s comments duly noted, but I think Chirac has only moved a bit to the left over the last few years, to distance himself from Sarkozy, among other things.


Yeah, that’s true- LePen is a legit right-wing crazy. A French Pat Buchanan, if you will.


Wow, France is lot more like America political then I thought.


Justin! JUSTIN!! Get up and here give me my sponge bath. You can play with your Internet friends later.

Don’t you give me none of that sass, boy. Get up here NOW! I’m getting all itchy in my unmentionables.


But Brad, it’s TOTALLY true that European laws are bad for business! Just look at Airbus, Nokia, Nestle, and so many more . . . all went under in the past year, right? Wait, you mean they didn’t? Oops!


Random Guy- In most other countries, moderate Democrats would be considered solid right-wingers. Scary, I know…

Yeah–my right pinkie is five times more leftist than the entire Democratic Party in modern America. Sad, but true. It was damned funny when various pundits were trying to make out Howard Dean as some leftist, Marxist liberal loonie when you compared him to Dem politicos from just 15 years ago, let alone the actual loonie-left fringe of the time.


Remember how Carey Roberts insists that Hillary Clinton is an extreme left-wing Marxist feminist?


I’d catagorize Chirac more into DLC territory myself, but for French politics, he’s pretty conservative (I’d probably vote for a guy like him here, anyway before the guy from the Socialist party or Le Pen, but that’s just me). Le Pen is captain of the French Tinfoil Hat Party, and is very much a Buchanan-like nutjob.
But that spin is just the liberal media talking, right!?
Just ask Marie, as she asks in her new poll on People Political:

“Poll numbers have fallen for President George W. Bush because the left-wing media doesn’t isn’t fair?”


Guiness guy I didn’t believe you. Then i went to pepo myself.
Incredible, made for an excellent sceenshot


If American Liberalism has an Eden, it must be somewhere in France.

What the fuck is he talking about? Where did the wingnuts get the idea that the American Left idolizes the Napoleonic Code? I mean, really, WTF?


Yes.. I agree ..8




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