Shorter Charles Krauthammer
Posted on April 10th, 2009 by Travis G.
Above: The world owes him a wedgie
‘It’s Your Country Too, Mr. President’
- President Obama’s flowery words will never lead to any substantial international agreements, but his remarks are capable of hastening America’s ruin.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.
These guys are really, really pissed that they missed their window of opportunity to bomb North Korea and devastate that section under Bush Jr. Really pissed. I can clearly imagine Kraphammer throwing all his toys around the room as he writes this column.
Dr. Krauthammer’s only true desire is to provide all Americans of every race, creed and color with free diving lessons. Is that so wrong?
section of the world
They really are grasping at straws now. It’s amazing.
You wanna know why the world laughs at the US when they try to mount that moral high horse? THIS IS WHY YOU FUCKING SHIT-BAG.
Hey, if Gitmo’s all fun and games, then it won’t be onerous on you at all to move there for five, six, seven years. Seriously asshole, do it.
These guys are really, really pissed that they missed their window of opportunity to bomb North Korea
And Iran! We were so close to having a splendid little war with Iran and the Bushies fucked up the opportunity. Now our neo-con dreams are shattered and we have this guy in office. Guess we’ll just have to earn our paycheck with ever more circular concern-troll arguments.
Krauthammer: the slapstick sophist. What a goof.
Fred Hiatt has to go.
Wouldn’t it be hilarious if Krauthammer’s son someday adopted some Korean kids like they were completely human and everything?
Ugh, and Ebert thinks this guy is honorable?
I honestly can’t see how.
Holy shit, is there anyone at WaPo who isn’t a pompous, unctuous, lying, and disingenuous shitbag any more?
I think I see the problem. Obama keeps doing things using words that Charles Krauthammer doesn’t know the meaning of. No wonder every time he talks, he fucks things up. Obama, I mean.
Although, he does make an excellent point. Krauthammer, that is. Obama went on his whirlwind European tour last week and NOTHING IS FIXED YET!!! He’s bungled foreign policy in the same way that he’s dropped the ball on the economy. Why, look at the DOW. Just look at it, will you?! (Ok, not yesterday’s DOW, but, you know, the DOW over the aggregate since November.)
Oh, America. Sweet dear America that I love? Why did you reject brave Sir
RobinMcCain when you needed him most?Oh wow a Travis post!
How does one make some half-coherent jibe about a “bridge partner” without working in the term “dummy”? Yet another example of failing to bring the obvious funny.
Fatuous grandiloquence, I assume you’ve met Mr Krathammer? Ah yes, I see you’re well acquainted. Seriously, dudes, get a room.
Aw, man, I would misspell Kraphammer.
To Krauthammer anything less than a full scale nuclear laydown on North Korea, preferably this afternoon, counts as “appeasement”.
Obama blew an opportunity to start another pointless, bloody, expensive war against an enemy who is no threat over an action of no consequence! How will the Republic survive?
The world owes him a wedgie
Fuck that. I’m recruiting folks for some serious cock-punching.
“Rules must be binding. Violations must be punished.”
Why is it that I find myself wanting to answer “yes, mistress” to all of this?
I can only assume Ebert was directly comparing him to O’Reilly.
Tommy Udo had the right idea in Kiss of Death.
…relying on America’s unique technological edge in missile defenses to provide a measure of nuclear safety… This is like relying on America’s unique technological edge in flying ponies to solve our energy crisis. Dr. K must have some tiny clue that our missile defense system serves only to enrich some aerospace companies, was the fever dream of a senile former Hollywood actor, and has never worked. Of all the taxpayer money ever wasted, this was the most worthless waste ever. The program should’ve been killed in 1998,
Dragon King Wangchuck said:
Hey don’t forget the wonderful bonus feature that prisoners in Guantanamo enjoy–the suspense of not knowing if they’re going to be there for five, six, seven years or fifty years or if they’ll die there. Of course now they know that they won’t be in Gitmo, but they still don’t know what they’re accused of, what the penalty for that might be or where they might end up imprisoned.
We should totally take on Iran and North Korea just to show them what’s what! I mean, it’s not like the last president bankrupted the country and ruined the military by taking on the one country in the Axis of EE-vul that didn’t have a nukular program, or anything.
I think this is my favorite photoshop EVAH.
MIght it be that the US can’t keep ex-detainees here because they don’t want to stay?
I love the thought of obsessive denigration. Like a Tourettes Syndrome where all one does is run down everyone else and say their ideas…are…shit.
Well, now that you mention it, Goathammer does do that as do most of the RW stapling machines. I guess that means something.
The global economic meltdown was sanctioned by my dad, God the Father, because He knew that with nothing else to distract the Bush Administration, a war on Iran in time for election ’08 was a given.
So as you lose your job and/or struggle to make ends meet, remember: over a million lives have been saved by your current sacrifice.
Thank you.
Does that dude have a cleft NOSE?!?
Dr. K must have some tiny clue that our missile defense system serves only to enrich some aerospace companies, was the fever dream of a senile former Hollywood actor, and has never worked. Of all the taxpayer money ever wasted, this was the most worthless waste ever.
Dr BDH, der Kraphammer would be very concerned at your distasteful failure to fellate St Ronbo’s blessed corpse.
Are you no longer aware of all internet traditions?
“Make the rubble bounce!” I think that happens every time the Hammer of the Krauts shakes his head.
Thanks for the heads up, guys. I fully expect that this column will appear in Sunday’s edition of our local wingnut rag, the Springfield (MA) Republican, since they can be counted on to recycle the dregs of the WaPo op-ed section a day later.
Since it’s Easter and all, may I say, in the spirit of the risen Christ, that this guy is like an even-uglier and way more stupid Foghorn Leghorn. And just as relevant.
I remember this article – vaguely. I think I lost interest in this man when he made some negative comments about Quebec – a Province in which he was actually raised – and went on to brag about his linguistic abilities. Eew.
His whole shtick of late is to throw barbs at the Obama presidency. I accept that he doesn’t like the man but he’s really, truly deeply making it pretty obvious that he thinks it’s something personal. His attacks are impolite and arrogant; too bad for him… too bad for him