Well, At Least He’s Being Honest About It…
Nathan Tabor once again shows why he’s a rising star in the world of wingnuttery:
Move to middle leaves conservatives looking for new home: Conservative real estate in short supply
Nathan Tabor
October 17, 2005“Daddy was a veteran, a Southern Democrat; They oughta get a rich man to vote like that.”
Those lines from “Song of the South,” a legendary hit by the country-rock band Alabama, express the historical sentiment of many in the South. For many years, all right-thinking Southerners were Democrats. After all, the Republicans were the party of Abraham Lincoln and the War of Northern Aggression.
Whoa. Is Nathan implying that all “right-thinking” Southerners hated the Republicans because Abe Lincoln stopped them from enslaving black people? Sadly, yes. Sadly, sadly, yes:
The Democrats were decent, church-going, patriotic citizens who believed in God and country, in that order. They toiled in fields, factories and textile mills. They enlisted in the Armed Services in disproportionately high numbers during wartime. Their core values were what we call conservative today.
Around the middle of the 20th century, things began to change politically as the social fabric of the South was altered dramatically by court-ordered desegregation and massive school bussing, which were seen as further intrusions by liberals from up North. Most of those liberals were Democrats like LBJ.
So now we see what “core conservative values” are really about: hatin’ on the darkies. At least Nathan has the stones to admit it.
Then South Carolina Gov. Strom Thurmond left the Democrats in 1948 to run for president as a States’ Rights Democrat, or Dixiecrat. He carried four states. He was elected to the Senate in 1954 as a write-in candidate to fill a vacancy, and again as a Democrat in 1956. In 1964, Thurmond switched his allegiance to the Republican Party. He was one of the most conservative leaders of the Senate for almost half a century.
I love how Nate is actually proud to have an evil, racist sack of shit as his party’s figurehead.
Things began to unravel in the 1970s, when the national Democrat Party began to embrace a liberal social agenda by championing abortion rights, radical feminism, gay rights and anti-war protests, making many Southern Democrats feel alienated and abandoned. These radical departures from traditional moral values were clearly in opposition to what they believed in.
How dare the Democrats dishonor such treasured Heartland values as bigotry and jingoism! What a bunch of cum-gargling pigs!!!
The Republican National Committee would do well to study this history of the DNC because, as we know, history has a tendency to repeat itself. Sadly, the Republican Party leadership has begun to promote so-called moderates like Rudy Giuliani, John McCain and Arnold Schwarzenegger under its newfound “Big Tent” philosophy. Now conservatives are faced with the same challenge that Southern Democrats faced in the 1970s. But, unlike Southern Democrats from a few decades ago, modern conservatives do not have a viable option in the other major party.
All “conservatives” have a choice. We could join forces with the Southern Democrats to form a new party; we could look to one of the existing third parties; or we can stand our ground and fight for that which we built.
Say, didn’t someone try that back in 1948?
“Homo nups banned now… homo nups banned forever!”
I admire his courage. Sure, he longs for the racism, bigotry and misogny of the past, but he has courage to openly state this in the face of liberal-driven intolerance of intolerance. I salute him, however misguided and stupid he may be!
Goodness, he’s like a cat being forced to take a bath.
Yeah, I wonder what Keyes thinks about Nathan’s contention that segregation is a core conservative value… aw heck, the crazy bastard probably agrees with him…
Keyes has forgotten he is black and doesn’t have a mirror in the house, so yeah, I bet he would agree with Nathan.
But really, how could you not like Strom Thurmond? He’s so dreamy (in that racist, old-coot kind of way).
Dixie-publicans? Bring ’em on!
It’s time the Republicans showed the country just how crazy they really are.
Say, isn’t a figurehead that statue on the front of a ship with its tits hanging out? Thanks, now I’ve got an image in my head of Strom Thurmond with his pendulous, man-tits hanging out, strapped to the front of a ship.
this nut puts the ool back in tool.
I love how Nate is actually proud to have an evil, racist sack of shit as his party’s figurehead.
Now you’ve gone and insulted innocent sacks of shit. They didn’t deserve it!
Call Strom Thurmond what he (currently?) is — Satan’s man-bitch.
I’ve got an image in my head of Strom Thurmond…
Well, so much for Brad getting his erectile capabilities back.
Now I’m going to need the finest in hentai and amateur porn to recalibrate my libido. Kisama!
Goddamn, Son of Potsie, that’s some fine revisionisming.
Just a note to remind everyone: This cobag does not speak for everyone in the south. Or even most. He speaks for STAGMC republicans and not southerners.
The more I read, the greater my impression that RenewAmerica is really a parody…A very keen and subversive parody.
How dare he defile a kickass song like “Song of the South”! :grrr:
It’s the “they ought to get a rich man to vote like that” that Nathan seems to be ignoring, like the asshat he is.
You don’t see me making up shit from the Skrewdriver lyrics, do you?
GG, you’re right per usual…
“Well somebody told us wall street fell
But we were so poor that we couldn?t tell.
Cotton was short and the weeds were tall
But Mr. Roosevelt?s a gonna save us all.
Well momma got sick and daddy got down.
The county got the farm and they moved to town.
Pappa got a job with the TVA.
He bought a washing machine and then a Chevrolet.”
Mdhatter, I’ll undoubtedly be stealing that comment in the near future.
Yosef best usage of “Cobag” and “STAGMC” in one sentence ever!
Special shout out to GG in the flaming sword thread comments at 3Bulls!
Wow! Check out his snappy Pat Robertson, Jr. haircut!
Catty comment warning! As I am a biatch.
Um, didn’t Yosef use “Cobag” and “STAGMC” in two separate sentences divided by a third, unrelated sentence?
Oh, and optimus? Har! That’s how everybody tells conservatives from roadkilled skunks!
Sadly Alert : Sadly Spotted at ICH :
“Sadly, the Good Americans aren’t blind. They are not in denial, nor are they deluded. They know about US prison camps during World War II, when Japanese American citizens were rounded up and detained for the duration of the war. Perhaps they even know how easily German detention camps become concentration camps and, ultimately, extermination camps. They may remember that extermination began with ill and handicapped German citizens and, when Good Germans who witnessed the atrocities said nothing, it then moved on to the Jews. But they don’t care. Because they don’t believe it can happen to them.” (Sheila Samples)
which were seen as further intrusions by liberals from up North. Most of those liberals were Democrats like LBJ.
North Texas?
The Republican National Committee would do well to study this history of the DNC because, as we know, history has a tendency to repeat itself.
Yeah; people who want to live 50 years in the past keep finding themselves left behind. Tragic, ain’t it?
I dunno, bob-the idea of Strom being strapped to the front of a ship has a certain appeal, especially if it’s in the path of an iceberg.
I’ve always been a fan of pretentiously quoting song lyrics like they’re poetry or something (I’m doing it right now!), but it must really take a hefty pair to send off an essay that opens by quoting Ala-fucking-bama. Especially when you’re a pasty little pencil-dick like Nathan Tabor. Does this guy even have pubes yet?
Anyway, I’m really excited about his proposed National Alliance of Hillbilly Jackasses (Motto: “Yer Rights Is Oppressin’ Us!”). Such a strategy would compress the hicks and rubes into one convenient container for easy ejection from mainstream American political discourse. Then we could all go back to circa 1960, before the Christ-besotted hill-folk invaded American politics, and we left off maintaining a free society in favor of preparing for the second coming of Jesus.
We could join forces with the Southern Democrats to form a new party;
Hey! What’s Zell Miller gonna do if he can’t rely on his “Ah’m a Demmycrat what jes’ happens to agree with the most rightward Republicans on dang near everything” shtick to sell his jeremiad-filled books?
The best thing about how all those Southerners continued to simultaneously love segregation and hate how rich those damn Yankees were is that the two are related.
Why did industrialization come quickly and easily to the northern U.S. and not the southern U.S.? Could it have anything to do with the fact that the North had a large population of dirt-poor people who were legally free to accept any sort of employment they wanted to, and the South didn’t? And then once industrialization planted its roots in the North, it’s not hard to understand why the railroads followed along the same path.
Incidentally, the story of how LBJ got the civil rights act through Congress is pretty damn funny. There are reports of him calling up the black mistresses of Southern senators and putting the mistresses on the phone with their white-meat boyfriends. The Congress-end of those phone calls inevitably went something like “But…but….but baby, I didn’t know it was so important to you. But…but…stop yelling now, darlin’…..”
Johnson is the only man in America who could have actually gotten that civil rights legislation through Congress. It was said at the time he did it that he cost the Democratic party the South for the next hundred years – and I think that’s probably true.
Sometimes I think fighting the Civil war is the worst mistake this country ever made. I’ve taken to wondering lately if we couldn’t trade Texas back to Mexico in exchange for a refund of the indemnity payment we made them. We could make up a bunch of tshirts that say things like “Forget the Alamo!” and start a campaign.
Wow! Check out his snappy Pat Robertson, Jr. haircut!
Funny you mention that. He actually graduated from the Pat Robertson School of Government at Regent University (seriously, he did).
Zell Miller is lobbying hard for the role of The Next Strom Thurmond. I think he really wants the antithanatic* drugs that kept Strom going for 320 years. His only problem is that he won’t come right out and say he hates the Negro. Maybe he could get Nathan on board as his speechwriter; that could turn his whole campaign around.
“Submitted for your consideration….”
*Oops. Forgot to delete the asterisk when I decided not to bother footnoting “antithanatic.” But I think I’ve coined a cool new term, and I plan to sue Big Pharma if they ever try to use it.
Hmmm, I Googled it, and it seems someone even more nerdy than you or I managed to make it up first… unless of course, you are that gamer Dan…
Wow. I love the “newfound” big tent idea.
And those dastardly “so-called” moderates the party has only begun to promote. I long for the good old days of those rock-ribbed conservative republicans like Nelson Rockefeller and Dwight Eisenhower. (Side note: what DOES he mean by “so called” anyway? Does he think they’re really radical lefties?)
massive school bussing
Yes, all that kissing in the schools is awful! My son’s soccer teammates were talking about their “smooching spots” at their high school. I’m sure it’s all the Democratic Party’s fault. They should be checked for hickeys.
Side note: what DOES he mean by “so called” anyway? Does he think they’re really radical lefties?
Do you really have to ask? Anyone to the left of him is a commie. Yes, that includes Genegis Khan.
“He actually graduated from the Pat Robertson School of Government at Regent University.”
That’s a clown college, right?
Curse you, GG. And curse you, too, Google, unstoppable finder of arcane neologisms!
But still. Maybe I can register a trademark for Antithan and sell that to Pfizer when they start marketing their secret death-defeating drugs to the plebes. Oh wait, that’s never going to happen.
My Google-fu is strong, Bwahahahahah!!!
Hey, that’s “evil, racist sack of shit with a black daughter” to you, Mr. R.!
Jillian: Here’s one for you.
Hmmm, I Googled it, and it seems someone even more nerdy than you or I managed to make it up first…
I think that at this point I should admit that I didn’t need to Google it to know where it comes from. Google actually doesn’t give the correct reference. The term “antithanatic” was coined by Poul Anderson in the sci-fi book World Without Stars. At first I thought it was pretty cool that the book was well known enough that someone was referencing it without needing to explain its origin. 🙂
Bah. I haven’t read any Poul Anderson in years, and my memory is certainly not that good. I made the term up based on my extensive* knowledge of linguistics** and Greek roots***.
**Technically, I am a trained linguist****.
***Not to mention the Marvel villain Thanatos.
****Not to be confused with a cunning linguist, which is a stupid and obvious joke that my first linguistics professor told an entire lecture class, well before the days when that kind of talk would have a professor up on sexual harassment charges in a New York second.
****Not to be confused with a cunning linguist, which is a stupid and obvious joke that my first linguistics professor told an entire lecture class, well before the days when that kind of talk would have a professor up on sexual harassment charges in a New York second.
Jeez, Dan, I think you need to read more of the site: We like stupid and obvious- it’s the backbone of our humor!
Actually, the old Marvel villain was named “Thanos.” He was romantically involved with the physical manifestation of Death herself.
Hey Yosef… Are You Ready for Senator Nathan Tabor???
Nathan Tabor is one of my all-time favorite wingnuts. In the past, he has advocated for outlawing divorce; he has blamed abortion for illegal immigration; he has attacked Abe Lincoln and Lyndon Johnson while standing up for segregation; and he…