Prepare to Barf

NPR has audio of Bush’s staged conversation with the troops yesterday. (Via Crooks & Liars) My favorite part:

SERGEANT LOMBARDO: We began our fight against terrorism in the wake of
9/11, and we’re proud to continue it here in North-Central New York — North-
Central Iraq.

THE PRESIDENT: Let me ask you something. Were you there when I came to
New York?

SERGEANT LOMBARDO: Yes, I was, Mr. President.

THE PRESIDENT: I thought you looked familiar.

SERGEANT LOMBARDO: Well, thank you.

THE PRESIDENT: I probably look familiar to you, too.

It’s hard work.


Comments: 8


FIRST! I can go back to work now..

Does Bush do ANYTHING that’s not scripted? Besides choke on snack food I mean…


Does Bush do ANYTHING that’s not scripted? Besides choke on snack food I mean…

That WAS scripted. He was actually drunk.


Well, the lie was certainly scripted (a pretzel?? [i]riiigggghhhtttt[/i], the event wasn’t.


sorry, html brain fart.


THE PRESIDENT: I probably look familiar to you, too.
SERGEANT LOMBARDO: I could never forget someone as handsome as you Mr. President.
THE PRESIDENT:Would you like me to have my way with you soldier?


long lake, NY is now the central front in the War on Terra? Damn, it’s hard work keeping up with these things.


Is Lombardo the one who, it turns our, is a Public Affairs Officer?


Is Lombardo the one who, it turns our, is a Public Affairs Officer?

That’s RIGHT, that’s RIGHT, that’s absolutely CORRECT!!


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