Shorter Jim Hoft

ABOVE: Pam Geller (Atlas SHRIEKS!!!!!) and Jim Hoft (Gateway Nitwit)

Wikipedia Scrubs Dear Leader’s Page Clean of Critical Entries

  • Obama is just like Stalin and Mao because someone at Wikipedia is deleting from Obama’s entry any references to the true fact that Obama was born in Kenya and is ineligible to be President of the United States.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 182


Are those manacle earrings?


Hey man, Stalin wins the election, Stalin’s gonna kick butt.


Comparing Obama with Stalin & Mao, real classy, asshole.


And he is still pushing those Iraqi Dinar scams, so 2004…..


On an unrelated note, hasn’t Pammycakes learned to not wear white undergarments with black clothing? Jeez.


Little known fact: Stalin and Mao’s middle name?


Crazy, I know.

(To be fair, George W. Bush set a precedent as he was in no way qualified to be President.)


Some of Obama’s most controversial past affiliations, including with Rev. Jeremiah Wright and former Weathermen terrorist Bill Ayers, are not once mentioned, even though those associations received much news media attention and served as dominant themes during the presidential elections last year.

Also completely lacking is any mention of the well-publicized concerns surrounding Obama’s eligibility to serve as commander-in-chief.

Um, no.


Fill in the wingnut blank:

Obama is just like [blank] because [someone who isn’t Obama] is doing [blank].

“Obama is just like Goebbels because Mickey Kaus is doing goats.”

“Obama is just like unicorn princesses because K-Lo is eating Cheetos dipped in peanut butter.”


Also, has Gateway Pundit owned up for hyping Michelle Obama Tape II during the waning weeks of the campaign? I’m sure he has.


What happened to her nose??!!!

Ok, I’m shallow.


This Wikipedia page on Obama is full of controversial entries:

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Stalin’s gonna kick butt.
As I said before:


Is that Jonah on Hoft’s t-shirt? Certainly the slogan describes him…


Damnit! Taken in by a phop. Caught it just AFTER pressing “Submit”.


Why doesn’t that jackass just read the Conservapedia?




Stalin and Mao, geez.

Don’t these idiots know that Obama is like Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot and Lord Voldemort? He’s like the Captain Planet of Evil.


Hey! He’s ripping off the “Dear Leader” thing we used with Bush. Get your own slur you lazy bastard.


Send the ACORN shock troops to Hoft’s house immediately. Jennifer?


I don’t know why Hoft doesn’t mention other guaranteed-true controversies about Obama, including the Obama Death List, the Suspiciously-Black Helicopters, or the Obama Satanic Death Cult that kills millions of innocent cheerleaders every year.


millions of innocent cheerleaders

I question “millions”. Innocent cheerleaders are in short supply.


Oh, man, her eyes are creepy!


Barack Hussein Obama II (allegedly[1][2][3] born in Honolulu Aug. 4, 1961)…

Obama used his Muslim middle name when sworn in as President,[7][8] and chose not to use the Bible for his real, private oath. Elected by claiming he’s a Christian, Obama has since avoided attending church on Christmas and Sundays.[9]…

Obama refers to America in the third person, as a foreigner would…

To announce his trip to Berlin in July 2008, Obama used posters which show a marked similarity to posters of Lenin.[14] During Obama’s youth in Hawaii, he developed a strong, almost Father/Son relationship with Frank Marshall Davis, a known Communist…

President Obama is the first person having ties to a known former terrorist to gain control over America’s nuclear weapons.[16][17] Author and blogger Jack Cashill requisitioned a comparison of the writing style of Bill Ayers’ 2001 memoir, Fugitive Days, with Barack Obama’s earlier 1995 book, Dreams From My Father, and came to the conclusion that Ayres may have ghostwritten Dreams…

Conservapedia, serving homeschooled American youth since 2006.


President Obama speed-walks everywhere and is afraid of toilets.


Does it include the fact that he’s Malcolm X’s love-child?


Obama refers to America in the third person, as a foreigner would…

“Stand beside her, and guide her, ….”

Oops! Caught red-handed.


Two things:

First, of course Wikipedia editors are going to scrub the “eligibility” stuff. Because it’s a goddamned fantasy. Because of undue weight concerns. Because it’s… unverifiable.

Second: would it kill Pammycakes to back off the tanning booth for a while? Between that and the botox, she just looks scary. (Then again, maybe she’s one of those people who are really, really paranoid about appearances. It’s not like she’s all that bright.)


Jack Cashill requisitioned a comparison of the writing style of Bill Ayers’ 2001 memoir, Fugitive Days, with Barack Obama’s earlier 1995 book, Dreams From My Father, and came to the conclusion that Ayres may have ghostwritten Dreams…

Suspiciously similar use of words such as “a”, “and” and “the.”


Rarely is the question asked, “Does anyone in the Obama family have silicone tits?”


Does it include the fact that he’s Malcolm X’s love-child?

No, but it provides convincing proof that Obama “is likely the first Muslim President:”

Obama has chosen the Secret Service code name “Renegade”. “Renegade” conventionally describes someone who goes against normal conventions of behavior, but its first usage was to describe someone who has turned from their religion. It is a word derived from the Spanish renegado, meaning “Christian turned Muslim.”


Her eyebrows look like they are going to attack all by themselves. Her whole face shrieks. Her boobs advance, pointed for battle. Her elbows are sharp. She has attained some sort of complete wholeness that you have to gape at in awe. I’m sure she’s had the teeth in her vagina sharpened, too.

The Cool Coach is GOING GALT!

Greetings from Great Galt’s Gulch, loony libs! It’s me, the Cool Coach, taking myself out of the Obummer grid and leaving you silly socialists in my dust! Just call it Coach Urban Meyer Shrugged, baby! Badoodle-boo-yeah!

I’ve already attended two Pajamas Tea Parties and am on my way to a third now that I’ve taken myself off the Obummer grid! We’re having a grand old time at these Tea Parties, even though the wacky mainstream moron media refuses to cover us. Well cover THIS, loony libs: 2012 and the Great Galt Uprising are soon upon us, complete with a victory for BOSS BOBBY JINDAL, fresh off of WOWING the nation after Obummer’s Sillytimulus Speech! Urban out.


Does it include the fact that he’s Malcolm X’s love-child?

As much as some nutters must love the Malcolm X’s love child fantasy, it has the unfortunate drawback of giving Obama two American parents and thus deprives Dr. Orly the Dentist-cum-Natural-Born-Citizen-Determinator some prime space in the spotlight.

Sad, really, when wingnut conspiracies cancel out each other.


Second: would it kill Pammycakes to back off the tanning booth for a while?

It’s heightened by the fact that she’s standing next to an albino.

Question for the Liberals **TROLL**

Hw s ths n dffrnt frm th Fr Lft cmprng Bsh t Htlr?

Ask a Stupid Question

No feedy you.


Good to see the wingnut brainwashing has moved from “wash” to “rinse.” Let me know when they get to “spin cycle.”


Zandar1 said,

March 9, 2009 at 19:25

Stalin and Mao, geez.

Don’t these idiots know that Obama is like Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot and Lord Voldemort? He’s like the Captain Planet of Evil.

Everyone knows Obama is part of the Evil League of Evil

TrollKiller3000 **TROLL FEEDER**

Question for the Liberals, AKA Troofy or RedStater or whoever:

I have answered your question, in full, on this thread. You’ll have to read the entire thing to find my answer. Take your time, please.


Pam looks like a Klingon woman. I once did a photoshop enhancing her “forehead” to prove/demonstrate she is Kllingon, and not one of the sexy ones either. Can’t find it now, sigh.


You can’t spell OBAMA without a MAO.



Don’t you be out here dissing people’s kinks, now. Some people find Klingons attractive.


As time passes, Pammy’s tops get more revealing.

At some point we will pass the Geller Breast Singularity, where the whole of reality will be consumed by Pam’s naked synthetic tits.

I’m calling late October 2010.


Pam’s naked synthetic tits.

That’s Ms. Gellar if you’re nasty!


I didn’t know that Gary Busey was the love child of Gateway pundit and Pammycakes! Jeez, you would think these things would get more exposure. Like Pam’s … viewpoints.


Oh my, poor Pammy looks like she has drug issues. I’m not saying she has them, she just looks like a junkie.


Paul T Lazaro said,

March 9, 2009 at 19:46

You can’t spell OBAMA without a MAO.

You mean the cereal, OBA-MAOs, with little marshmallow Maos and BHOs in every box? It’s what socialists eat for breakfast.


I think Mr. Gateway Pundit neglected to use the term “Islamic Terror Hitler,” which is crucial to his point.


Quit making pejorative references to home schooling. My dog was home schooled.


Her boobs are several inches below where I’d expect them to be. I guess when the weather warms they’ll migrate back north.


You mean the cereal, OBA-MAOs, with little marshmallow Maos and BHOs in every box?

The Little Red Box!


don’t them things get stretchy when they’re warm?


What I have learned at Sadly, No: Republican women have big knobs, while Republican men simply are big knobs.


Sad, really, when wingnut conspiracies cancel out each other.

Kind of like a Muslim having a crazy America hating Christian pastor.


“OBA-MAOs : It’s aborted fetus toes and ground-up rich people that makes ‘m crunchy!”


I’m only guessing, not going to check, because it is breakfast time here and I don’t want to hurl on the keyboard, but I’d say that Conservapedia would have no such interference from the socialist overlords.


Creepy…She looks like a (slightly) younger Endora.


“OBA-MAOs : It’s aborted fetus toes and ground-up rich people that makes ‘m crunchy!”

And a surprise in every box. A check of redistributed ground-up rich people wealth!


Question for fans of SEC football…does the actual, real life guy Urban Meyer really talk like that? No, not the wingnuttery, the “Ned Flanders meets Larry the Cable Guy on Meth” thing.


You mean the cereal, OBA-MAOs, with little marshmallow Maos and BHOs in every box?

The Little Red Box!

Now with extra hallal frosting!


Pray it is so

The party of Lincoln, of Eisenhower, of Reagan is in disarray. Its leadership is divided, its base of support is shrinking, every poll, statistic and projection points to a looming permanent Republican minority.


Methinks the wingnits are terrified if Obama succeeds as gloriously as GW Bush failed. If Obama succeeds even a little, it would not only condemn their insane right-wing/libertarian political ideology and Chicago School economic theories to the bottomless pit of history, it would also mean their lives have been epic failures–well, at the least intellectually. Which of course we know to be true already. Part of being a wingnut, however, is the complete lack of self-criticism that comes along with being a real intellectual and person of reason.

Therefore, boy, oh, boy do they want him to fail!


Why is Edgar Winter standing next to Pammycakes?


Sad, really, when wingnut conspiracies cancel out each other.

You’d think so, but all wingnut Conspiracy’s occupy form a sort of quantum super-position of insanity. It’s impossible for any one crazy theory to cancel one other out. Instead it just means that all other theories are just displaced by the new theory and have to be adapted. See if he’s Malcolm X’s love child THEN he still is constitutionally ineligible because he moved to Indonesia and holds an Indonesian passport because he travelled to Pakistan in 1981, probably (though we can’t be sure since his Occidental College records are sealed) to sell Osama bin Laden the plans for the twin towers. And IF that turns out to be false, it doesn’t matter because a dentist with an online law degree and a professional poker player will explain how the founding fathers only intended people who were born to two parents who both didn’t hate America are natural born citizens per the constitution. IF that gets rejected by the obot Supreme Court, then it’s probably likely that Stanley Ann Dunham gave birth to Malcolm XI in Kenya to obscure his evil parentage, but Mohamed Hussein Stalin Hitler Mao Lex Luthor Creed XI’s father insisted that the newborn Antichrist be able to run for President so they faked an American birth. We can’t be sure until all of Obama’s records are handed over to any random critics that inhabit the interweb, otherwise he must be removed from office for failing to prove his own eligibility.


One of Hoft’s commentors:

Obama has lived for 48 years without leaving any documentation, no records, no paper trail, nothing. He has no footprint.

zomg!! Obama is a Cylon!


Is it me, or does Pammycakes look like those lizardlike aliens from the 80s TV show V?


Obama has lived for 48 years without leaving any documentation, no records, no paper trail, nothing. He has no footprint.

Imagine no footprint stamping into your face forever.


He has no footprint.

That’s because Jesus was carrying him.


While Im not going to get into the ‘pammy looking rough’ shkit (although she does look a bit rough, but hangover rough, I’d say), old Gatewaypundit (where tf do they get the names) needs a fair bit of work too. The look on his face is like a startled rabbit, eyes focussing on the middle distance, looking for an escape from this overtanned mad woman that has just jumped him. Personnally, I’d be running from the door,but all the wingnut bloggers are attention whores……


I was walking along the beach with Obama…


Her boobs are several inches below where I’d expect them to be. I guess when the weather warms they’ll migrate back north.

I reckon they’ll be stuck in the south 40 from now on.


Geller’s face is shiny because it’s being plasticized by Restylane, botox and face lifts. Soon she’ll have an inanimate mask like Joan Rivers.


The fact is, the niggers, spics and homos are ruining this country. America was great before the 1960s when the niggers were segregated, the spics were kept out of our country and the homos were beaten down if they dare spoke openly of their perversion. America the beautiful, O’ how I mourn for thee.

Judas Peckerwood

Christ, look at the pair of them — they absolutely radiate that “most awful restaurant patrons in the universe” vibe. Anyone who’s ever waited tables knows what I’m talking about.


Wikipedia actually created a whole page for the “not a citizen/not valid president” crap: Reality…


Obama has lived for 48 years without leaving any documentation, no records, no paper trail, nothing. He has no footprint.

OH if only there was a device that would allow you to search for documents! It could be a small box that fits on your desktop and allow you to search the wide world for information and documents. Why hasnt someone invented something like that?!?


The fact is, anti-personel landmines should be deployed along the southern border. Then lets see the beaners try and sneak into our country. The little fuckers will be blown to Kingdom Come.

Watchmen RULZ!!!


President Obama speed-walks everywhere and is afraid of toilets.

But he doesn’t eat cats. Alf ate cats.
/”30 Rock” refs


O Gary my Gary, how can I miss you if you won’t go Galt?

PeeJ (now 100% blart free)

All your wikis are belong to us!


Exploiting the Ruppert firewall exemption.

That’s just low.

The Looney Left **TROLL**

W lvd cmprng Bsh t Htlr.


Hey, looks like there’s some disemvowelling going on! Awesome.


I’d like to buy a bowel.


John Boehner = Pammycakes


Spics, niggers and homos

The fact is, the niggers, spics and homos are ruinning this country. America wasn’t great before until the 1960s when the niggers were segregated finally rose up and started shooting the whitey oppressors, the spics were kept out began the mass invasion of our country and the homos were beaten down if they dare spoke openly of their perversion started fucking in the streets. America the beautiful,



Judas Peckerwood: Although I’ve never waited tables, I think your description is perfect.


O Gary my Gary, how can I miss you if you won’t go Galt?

I’m getting to it. Give me a minute.


Sir Allen of Stanford hired a mathlete to be his CIO:

The 35-year old, who ranked as one of America’s most senior women in the money management industry, got her start in a position that paid about $1 million a year through a connection made at church.

At a church in her hometown of Baldwyn, Mississippi — population 3,300 — Pendergest-Holt met her mentor, Stanford’s chief lieutenant Jim Davis, as a teenager. He recruited her to work at Stanford in 1997 after she earned math degrees from Mississippi University for Women and Mississippi State University…

In a deposition with SEC lawyers, Pendergest-Holt lists her duties as overseeing about 20 research analysts, helping to produce the Stanford investment model, and editing newsletters published by the research group.

But under intense quizzing from regulators, court documents show that Pendergest-Holt was unable to answer questions about where the firm’s assets were allocated, Allen Stanford’s role in certain businesses and her position on the investment committee of Stanford’s Antigua bank.

In one instance the regulators asked her about her role in preparing the Stanford International Bank quarterly report. She replied it was her job to edit the report, checking the report’s pie charts “to make sure they equal 100.”

Smut "Pangolin-forehead" Clyde

Some people find Klingons attractive.
What Snowwy said.

I’d like to buy a jowl.


without leaving any documentation, no records, no paper trail, nothing.

Mr. Cheney? Sir? The shredder broke down again.


Cage Match: Not-Joe the Not-Plumber vs. The Real Michael Steele!!!1!1!1!

That sentiment was expressed most bluntly by Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, also known as “Joe the Plumber.” He called on conservatives to be persistent and warned of a “long road ahead” with four years of Obama and a Republican Party that he said lacks leadership and direction.

“Unfortunately we have a chairman up there who wants to redefine conservatism; he wants to make it hip hop, put it in a new package and sell it,” Wurzelbacher said, knocking Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele, whose recent statements, including a dismissive comment about talk show host Rush Limbaugh that he’s since apologized for, have drawn the ire of some conservatives.

“You can’t sell principles; either you have them or you don’t,” Wurzelbacher said to applause from most of the 800 in attendance.

“‘We the people’ have to stand up and get busy,” said Wurzelbacher. “American citizens need to be their own lobbyists.”

No to Appeasement

JtP would make a great RNC Chair.


Lks lk bm blvs n m.

Fck y, mthrfckr.


“You can’t sell principles; either you have them or you don’t,” Wurzelbacher said to applause from most of the 800 in attendance.

The book tour is a data point in favour of this view.


Isn’t, like, the founder of Wikipedia some conservocraptacular artist who was dating that stalker chick from


The book tour is a data point in favour of this view.

Joe the Plumber: Fighting for the American Dream Sales Rank: #185,640 in Books


Oh my god, she’s the Other Mother from “Coraline!!”


I’m getting pwn3d!


General J.C. Christian reviews Not-Joe the Not-Plumber:

RINO spinmeisters, aided and abetted by the liberal media, have promoted Joe the Plumber as being an everyman, the archetypical “average American.” This book shatters that image.

Joe the Plumber is not the “average American.” He’s the “average conservative,” and I thank God for that.

Last year, the “average American” elected an Harvard educated constitutional law professor to the presidency. Average conservatives knew better. They rallied behind Joe the Plumber and Sarah Palin, people like ourselves; people I proudly call “mediocre Americans.”

And that’s why Joe is still so immensely popular. He’s angry, vicious, ignorant, and intellectually incurious. He’s one of us, and like us, he didn’t learn about public policy and international relations at a university or from books or journals; he learned everything he needed to know by tuning into Rush, Hannity, Savage, and Ingraham.

This is a great book, one every true conservative should buy, and more importantly, read. Yes, I know that sounds like a tall order, but it’s an easy read. Joe uses one and two syllable words (many of them, written forms of various grunts) almost exclusively. If I have one complaint, it’s that the publisher, Pearlgate, printed it in ink rather than crayon like the original manuscript. Other than that, I think it truly is the perfect book for the average conservative.

Drgn-Kng Wngchck

dsmvwl ths MF’rs


The Authentic Truth Before His Dishonor

Didn’t The Truth make a huge post declaring, after he’d finally crossed so many moral lines that even a comedy blog was having to censor his posts, that he’d come to an agreement to stop being a compulsive and obsessive racist asshole, and he’d post under one name only, because he was so desperate to post here again? And look! Now he’s running under different names again, and once more being an asshole, so his posts are being messed with again! Gosh, who would have guessed that The Truth/The Authentic/White Night/The Man With A Thousand Names But No Life would last about a week before proving himself a liar yet again! Bet he’s perma-banned from Wikipedia like the subject of this thread too (which like every other thread he posts on, he’s paying no attention to the subject but only his own inner demons). So let’s just go with that old classic again; Bookmark this liberals!

It is not going to happen, liberals. Your echo chamber is reverberating now with your shouts of victory before you’ve won a single state. I almost feel badly for you, because when McCain wins, your astonishment will be overwhelming. I say “almost” because your ideology is nasty, anti-free speech, and absolutist, and every decent person will sigh in relief when it goes down to defeat once more.

Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.

My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.

Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.


Guess who I voted for.


This got me in the mood to pop over to see what conservapedia has to say about it. I noticed that at the top it sez he was born in Honolulu. Hmm.

Anyway, I skimmed through and the following caught my eye.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons observed that Obama uses techniques of mind control in his speeches and campaign symbols.

Mind control. Really. I swear I’m not making this up.


Mind control. Really. I swear I’m not making this up.

[Swings watch] Yes you are. Yes you are.


This is why Jabba the Hutt should be the leader of the GOP. Those Jedi mind tricks don’t work on him.


Yo yo yo Sadly No you know what the Mittster’s dishin, it’s wishin on the USA, that’s what what if ya feels me give me a Mitt YEAAAAA-YUHHHHH

You see, Obama wants the Street to fail, it’ll be the final nail in the coffin, he hopes to be offin freedom and liberty for you and me, easy as 1-2-3, ya see, now don’t you pout, who let the dogs out?, it was Mitt all along, why I’m singin this song GIVE ME A MITT YEAAAAAH-YUHHHHHHH


Yeah, but only because he’s mostly deaf because of the Oxycontin abuse.

Dribbling Bull Limpet

Mind control? Wish the Big O would beam a little bladder control my way while he’s at it.


Jabba is a successful businessman who does not want to be held back by government red tape when he feeds his rancor.


The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons observed that Obama uses techniques of mind control in his speeches and campaign symbols.
To be fair, the AAPS has indeed made that claim.
I don’t know what Conservapedia say about the AAPS, but Wikipedia is amusing on the topic.

Articles and commentaries published in [Their Journal] have argued:
* that the Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services are unconstitutional,
* that “humanists” have conspired to replace the “creation religion of Jehovah” with evolution,
* that increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has not caused global warming,
* that HIV does not cause AIDS,
* that the “gay male lifestyle” shortens life expectancy by 20 years.

A series of articles by pro-life authors published in the journal argued for the existence of a link between abortion and breast cancer;[37][38] such a link was rejected by the U.S. National Cancer Institute[39] and is not recognized by major medical organizations such as the American Cancer Society[40] or World Health Organization.[41]

A 2003 paper published in the journal, claiming that vaccination was harmful, was criticized for poor methodology, lack of scientific rigor, and outright errors by the World Health Organization[42] and the American Academy of Pediatrics.[43] A National Public Radio piece cited inaccurate information published in the Journal and wrote: “The journal itself is not considered a leading publication, as it’s put out by an advocacy group that opposes most government involvement in medical care.”[44]

Quackwatch lists JPandS as an untrustworthy, non-recommended periodical.[45] An editorial in Chemical & Engineering News described JPandS as a “purveyor of utter nonsense.”[46] Investigative journalist Brian Deer wrote that the journal is the “house magazine of a right-wing American fringe group [AAPS]” and “is barely credible as an independent forum.”[47]


As I posted over there at “Gateway Pundit,” just you try editing George W. Bush’s Wikipedia page, and get back with us. Wikipedia locks down lots of entry, because vandals mess with them non-stop unless they do.


Obama keeps calling me and asking me to play Solitare.

I hate it when he does that shit.


I can automatically disemvowel myself.


when he feeds his rancor.
What do rancors eat? I would hate it if my pet rancor died.


who let the dogs out?

Well. Mitt, it wasn’t you.

Did you ever get the dogshit stain off the station wagon?

biff diggerence

Good Christ, these two aren’t reproducing, are they?

Pam Atlas's Fabulous Rack

The old leather bag I’m hangin’ off might go Galt, but I never will, boys.



Her boobs are several inches below where I’d expect them to be.
Cunning MIND CONTROL subliminal advertising sponsored by the Combined Ski-Slope Council of Aspen.


Pet rancors can give you worms, same as badgers. So… care in handling is needed.


Good Christ, these two aren’t reproducing, are they?

That’s that look he’s got!

“What was I thinking? I was so drunk, but still! And now she thinks we’re a couple! Shit, and her ex is some kind of gangster who’ll probably want to kill me just to piss her off! OK, I’ll do her one more time but THAT”S IT!”


Meanwhile, via WaPo,

Northern New England has surpassed the Pacific Northwest as the least religious section of the country; 34 percent of Vermont residents say they have “no religion.”

DAMN YOU Vermonters! Time to fire up the troops here in the PacNW. We can’t let ourselves be out-atheisted by a bunch of effete maple syrup glugging, Birkenstock wearing, arugula munching Vermonters!


So can WordPress – FYWP.


What do rancors eat?

The guys from the Nazi planet. Or maybe it was the ancient Greek planet?


Weren’t the PaulTards going to turn Vermont into a Libertarian Utopia? How’d that work out for them? Oh….


Northern New England has surpassed the Pacific Northwest as the least religious section of the country; 34 percent of Vermont residents say they have “no religion.”

*shakes booty* Our Portland is less religious than your Portland! w00t!


I.e. we’re the athiest!


Our Portland is less religious than your Portland! w00t!

Well, that ought to cement things.


The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons observed that Obama uses techniques of mind control in his speeches and campaign symbols.

I’m reserving judgement until the American Milk Solids Council weighs in on this issue.


The best part of Gateway Pundit’s blog, aside from the post cheerleading for more stonings, is the cute photo of Former Dear Leader forcing an evil feminazi girl to smell his armpit. Those were the good old days, you’ll never see President Obama showing such grit and determination.


34.7% in NZ, according to the 2006 census.
[Swings booty watch on chain.]


We’re elitests!


PWM pwns PDX.

Also, yay Tintin!


You know, it’s really worth it to me that J t P is still in the news, because everytime I read the word “Wurzelbacher” it makes me giggle.


Speaking of fantastic plastic today is Barbie’s birthday.

What? Doesn’t everyone know that?




(Stalin + Mao) * 6(Hitler/Pol Pot)
——————————————– = Obama
Malcom X + 2(Farrakhan)

Your math is way off. You missed a despot, and you keep forgetting to divide by the black guys. C’mon, how many times do I have to say it? Apply yourself.


Speaking of fantastic plastic today is Barbie’s birthday.

Making her kiss Ken is getting kinda gross.

Stag Party Palin

Damn, she looks like she just flew out of the Ark. I’d turn away, but I want to watch the Gateway Albino turn to goo.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Your math is way off. You missed a despot, and you keep forgetting to divide by the black guys. C’mon, how many times do I have to say it? Apply yourself.

RWS, you forgot to factor in the “Mugabe” constant.


I see what you did inside the parentheses after “Pam Geller” in the caption, M. Tintin.

It is to larff.


Huh. Atlas “SHRIEKS” blinky-blinks in Firefox but not in Safari.


Oooh, what is the tag for blinking on and off like that? Cool.


Plus: Why does Safari suck so much more than Firefox? It’s slowwwwwer. And I always have to re-enlarge the S,N and my home pages in Safari, whereas Firefox remembers to keep it enlarged just the way I like it. On the other hand, when I click a link then click back to S,N Safari thoughtfully returns me to the point from whence I journeyed, whereas Firefox unceremoniously dumps me back at the top of the thread. What to do, what to do? I wonder if someone might suggest something.


andrew sullivan comments on conservatism and abortion:

Many of us who were part of the conservative movement were very sympathetic to the reminders of the horror of mass abortion


I wonder if someone might suggest something.

Don’t use Safari.


“Many of us who were part of the conservative movement were very sympathetic to the reminders of the horror of mass abortion but got a boner when an aggressive war was launched.”


“mass abortion”?


There were priests involved.


Also MzNicky: middle-click everything. Opens another tab, and tabs are awesome, and use Tab Mix Plus because it rules.


the horror of mass abortion

It’s a typo. Sullivan meant to say ass abortion, as in aborting people’s asses.

That really is horrible. An ass is a terrible thing to waste.


I don’t know what this “middle click” that RB speaks of ( I trust it’s not related to that finger); but tab enhancers (hee hee) are swell. If, MzNicky, you like to be conservative in these matters and right click, the “open link in..” add-on provides similar fun.

No, I can never embed links like RB, I’m dysfunctional that way.


Energy is terminated mass.


Opera no blinky.

Also, wordpress won’t let us mere mortals, we poor peons use blink tag.



Firefox unceremoniously dumps me back at the top of the thread…

Your lucky, Firefox has locked up my piescript & I cant get it open again. My scrolling middle finger has rarely been so active……… bit like the gateway pundit is feeling this morning !!!


I just shut and open my eyes very rapidly, but I am from Godless NZ.
Would a rancor give you wormwoods? I’m only asking I don’t own a rancor, it followed me home.
I felt ashamed I felt Id let you down
No pangolin wind couldn’t change a thing
Couldn’t change a thing no, no

-From the forehead of Rod Stewart.


Your lucky, Firefox has locked up my piescript & I cant get it open again.

Tools>Greasemonkey>Manage User Scripts. Make sure it’s enabled.


Oooh, what is the tag for blinking on and off like that? Cool.


I think we had blink tag in comments, once upon a time.

I seem to remember a day-long bender of HTML abuse, leading to confiscation of our executive washroom keys, but my memory is imperfect and that might have happened somewhere else. To someone else. I’m pretty sure I was there, though. Not really sure, but pretty sure.


I had to sell my pet inwit because it kept agenbiting.

Rusty Shackleford

Question for fans of SEC football…does the actual, real life guy Urban Meyer really talk like that?

We won’t know for a couple of years. His utterances are completely muffled by Tim Tebow’s butt cheeks.


I had to sell my pet inwit because it kept agenbiting.

And now you are filled with remorse?

What about a callipygian? They are quiet and pleasing to the eye.


In fact I am filled with remoras. The fish shop was selling them cheap.


….AAARGH, not the fish!!!!


That is the Remuera Remora shop?

Did you get sucked in by their slick advertising?


Geeks. Klingons again.


MzNicky, thank for the Firefox tip. Extra cool, Tintin!!

Try Chrome, it’s fast & usually goes whence I clicked, I think depending on how much clicking is done on the linked page. No blinking though.

And they claim they ‘ll be offering full screen soon/eventually, which is my only other big complaint about it.


Thank you Mr. Righteous Bubba for that useful information. I shall attempt same, even though I am Internetually DUM.


Get a brain, remorans!


Ew. What’s wrong with her face?


Get a brain, remorans!

The Remoran attaché is squirming.


I thought once upon a time, we could even have pictures appear in our comments.

But maybe that was Wonkette.

In any case, does not work any more for plebes. Here or there.

P.S. I made it back from Toledo, alive! Tomorrow I fly to PDX. If it was fun, they wouldn’t call it work.

Chief Editor Kofir

Wire the sum of U.S. $20,000 (twenty thousand) to my account and I will provide authenticated definite proof that Obama is the Antichrist.


Sounds to me like Hoft has just earned himself a new career … as a Chicago City Comptroller.


As the saying goes in the Diplomatic Corps — Attaché, attaché, all fall down.


A plague on those diplomats


Luxury! I read SN in my comfy chair with IE 5.1 on my PowerBook 1400 with a 2G flash drive in the PCMCIA port.

It has the advantage that it crashes on any wingnut site.


IE 5.1 on my PowerBook 1400 with a 2G flash drive in the PCMCIA port.



Looking at that pic of ShriekingHarpy puts me in mind of those episodes of Doctor Who where the department store mannequins came to life and started killing people. Someone ought to look into that.


While we’re snarkling on appearances, it appears that while pammycakes uses only the finest Simulated Hyuman Hair&trade, Holt’s haircut looks like he photoshops it in.


We shouldn’t respond with long defenses. This is pure bunk! If the right doesn’t understand their stupidity and I am tired of trying to explain it. Who am I to stop my forward movement to help educate those who don’t want to understand. Move on.. Nothing to see here.


Michael Jackson has tits now? That is a genuinely disturbing photo.


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