Posted on September 24th, 2005 by Brad
Take OK Cupid’s super-fun poltics quiz!
Here’s me (I’m officially a “Strong Democrat”… back in undergrad, I was a full-blown socialist… so at this rate, I’ll be writing columns for WorldNetDaily within a few years…):
You are a Social Liberal (80% permissive) and an… Economic Liberal (31% permissive) You are best described as a: Strong Democrat Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid |
Here’s Oliver Willis. Here’s John Cole. Here’s John Amato. This is so much fun!
OK, now I have to go watch the Red Sox’ season collapse. See ya.
I’m still a socialist…
Still a socialist, damnit. When will wake up and smell the coffee?
My favorite phrase:
limits on logging make it harder for loggers to log logs.
How do smart lumberjacks get in synch on the two-man cross-cut saw? They use logorithms! Ha ha!
I’m a Strong Democrat, bordering on Socialist, and on the right side of Gorbachav’s nose.
Smack dab in the middle of the social scale- but that’s because they don’t allow nuance on stuff like abortion and dueling and whatnot.
You are a
Social Liberal
(86% permissive)
and an…
Economic Liberal
(18% permissive)
You are best described as a:
and here I thought of myself as sort of center-y
goddamn far left MSM leading me astray
You are a
Social Liberal
(86% permissive)
and an…
Economic Liberal
(18% permissive)
You are best described as a:
and here I thought of myself as sort of center-y
goddamn far left MSM leading me astray
You are a Social Liberal (71% permissive) and an…Economic Liberal (15% permissive)
You are best described as a: Socialist
wow, I thought I was a moderate FDR Democrat.
Whoops- I accedently answered the “Blind Patriotism is Very Bad” question the opposite manner I wanted, turns out my score is like this:
You are a
Social Liberal
(61% permissive)
and an…
Economic Liberal
(10% permissive)
You are best described as a:
You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness. loc: (43, -150)
modscore: (6, 37)
raw: (934)
I’m a Socialist, leaning towards Democrat (68% social, 20% economic).
Sounds about right, actually.
Jeepers, I think that I am the pinkest of you all!Social Liberal(80% permissive)- Economic Liberal(10% permissive). How’d that happen?
Is it OK if I start refering to you all as “Wingers?”
Hey Commies look at me! Social Conservative
(6% permissive) and Economic Conservative
(96% permissive). You are best described as a: Fascist!!!!!1! LOL
Hey GG, what type of nuance are you looking for on the dueling question? …..Only if it’s between two World Net Daily writers?
The dueling part was a joke- but the abortion part wasn’t (which is surprising, I find, because abortion is a guarenteed laugh).
That said, I would totally splurge on the Pay-Per-View for “Crazy Zell” Miller v. “Hardball Chris” Matthews or “Batshit Insane” Kinsolving v. “The Ubermench” Helen Thomas.
The former with pistols at thirty yards, the latter a cage fight with a length of chain to each contender.
Gee Asshat, you’re such a Red- only 96%?
What, you aren’t in favor of feeding children who make fun of bald men to bears? Puss.
I wound up on the bad end of the socialist scale and right exactly on Hillary Clinton’s nipple.
That graphic obviously sucks.
Apprently i’m a Democrat.
Which is great, ‘cuz i’m not.
73% over 26%.
I think it was the dueling question that threw me off, I’d LOVE it if duels were legal, difficult, but legal and public.
91 and 6 percent, hardcore socialist.
It’s funny, ‘cos I was a moderate Republican once upon a time (back when there were still moderate Republicans). Robertson, Gingrinch, Bush, and Cheney have done strange, strange things to me.
they have done strange things to America, friend.
Speaking of which, though, someone just challenged me to a duel.
and the Sox win. Still a game out. I no need to take yo stinking test.
say ‘ello to my leetle fren!!!!!!!!
Umm, here’s Vladi G.
“It’s wrong when environmental regulation puts people out of work, like when limits on logging make it harder for loggers to log logs.”
Now that’s frickin’ rhythmic.
It almost reminds me of a certain woodchuck. “Woodchuck Wingnuts”
I got 81% social liberal and 25% economic liberal. But actually these definitions are real cardboard cut-outs. By the way, if you want to read a really malignant little screed by our own little brit wingnut, Julie Burchill, check this out:“What Allah Wants, Allah gets”The brit papers have largely stopped publishing her because of the rabidity of her racism.
Well, i know i’m an islamofascist; Sean said as much. But the quiz doesn’t offer that as an option. Weird, i know.
Social Liberal (75% permissive)
Economic Liberal (18% permissive)
loc: (93, -119)
modscore: (11, 45)
raw: (1442)
Well put me in a pantsuit and call me Hillary!
This site is just a rip-off of the UK site Political Compass, but with an American bias. I received a similar result though.
I’m a socialist. The commissars are going to be so disappointed with me for this.
Shit–I thought my “Social Liberalism” score would be higher. I guess I shouldn’t have admitted that I think most people are stupid. Though I tied Dominic in the economic liberalism area, cobags!
75% and 23% – Strong Democrat.
I’d have to argue that one – I vote for the Dems only because there’s not a Kumbayah-singing Dope-smoking Faggot Commie Party, or at least there’s not one that stands a chance of winning anything.
And having the Dems in charge is marginally better than having the GOP in charge. Therefore, I vote for the Dems.
What I really want is a “none of the above” choice on the ballot. If “none of the above” gets the most votes, they have to come up with a new slate of candidates and hold another election.
I won’t argue with my score (flat-out socialist), but I object to the placement of some of the “famous people” in that graphic. There’s no way that Hillary Clinton’s left tit is as liberal as I am!
OTOH, I’m also sitting on Ghandi’s shoulder, which is kind of neat. Yep, me and the Mahatma like that [crosses fingers]
Apparently I’m a socialist.
But this was my favorite question on the quiz:
It’s wrong when environmental regulation puts people out of work, like when limits on logging make it harder for loggers to log logs.
“It’s Log, it’s Log, it’s big, it’s heavy it’s wood –
It’s Log, it’s Log, it’s better than bad – it’s good!”
Socialist, & I’m in my 40’s. I’d argue with that – pretty libertarian for private life, socialist public policy, except against most abortion (don’t consider a morning after pill abortion) & most gun control, against Kelo.
Basic position is that government has almost no business in your personal life, but has a duty to regulate public policy. Guess that makes me an anti-Republican.
Well, I came up socialist, but I suspect astrology charts are more accurate. (At least they don’t consider moderate to strong capitalist leanings a prerequisite for anarchism.)
Big surprise, I’m a socialist too.
Social Liberal
(83% permissive)
(Apparently, I shouldn’t have objected to letting people engage in cage deathmatches if they want to. Man, that’s a liberal policy? News to me.)
Economic Liberal
(3% permissive)
Beat that!
I think I preferred the quiz that put me to the left of Jesse Jackson. Which may not sound like much, but he was their most extreme left point.
To which my response was, “You’re kidding. *That* moderate?”
You are a Social Liberal (76% permissive)and an… Economic Liberal (10% permissive)You are best described as a: Socialist
“I would dictate that…no one of inherited wealth can hold important offices.”
?TJB from Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
Sorry for double post but I just realized my little chart dot is right over gandhi’s heart 🙂
Oh, yeah-forgot to mention–I was rated as a Socialist, which, actually is a term I have often used to describe my views of things, so I’m fine with that. I don’t view the term as some epithet as many Americans do, I kinda have a more European view of it. But the Famous Persons bit did seem a bit off. I was on Hillary’s right shoulderish, and she’s way more centerist than I am. Plus, Darth Vader isn’t a fascist? WTF?!?
Darth Vader is totally a totalitarian leftist, in the second movie he was waxing about how he wanted to free all the slaves by forcing their masters to give them up, and Amiportman said it “sounds like a dictator.” He was a caricature of Frederick Douglas (black robo-gear, voice of James Earl Jones), and Palpatine was Lincoln.
‘Cuz, ya know, being forced to do whatever the master says without even being paid isn’t tyranny or anything, but forcing slavemasters to free their slaves is dictatorial.
It categorized me as “Socialist”. As an anarchist communist I was unhappy with the assumptions of many of the questions.
You are a
Social Liberal
(66% permissive)
and an…
Economic Liberal
(15% permissive)
You are best described as a:
You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
Howdy ho, fellow Socialists! On the Famous People map, I’m dangling below Hillary’s right ear–in fact, I could be an extension of her earring.
You are a
Social Liberal
(65% permissive)
and an…
Economic Liberal
(16% permissive)
You are best described as a:
You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness. loc: (56, -125)
modscore: (10, 39)
raw: (1336)
More or less accurate. I can go for being a true socialist, as opposed to a “definition distorted by the USSR” socialist. Its true.