It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Month…

… because Wilson C. Lucom, an old favorite of Pete at the Dark Window, is back with a vengeance. Let’s hear what everyone’s favorite Newsmax columnist is up to this time:


Should Hitler Have Been Assassinated?
Wilson C. Lucom

The answer to the question “Should Hitler been assassinated?” is a resounding “YES!”

I’m inclined to agree, even though assassinating Hitler probably wouldn’t have prevented World War II since he had an entire government of like-minded nutcases working under him. But watch: Lucom’s about to take a reasonable premise- that assassinating Hitler would have been a good thing- and transform it into a scene from Gimme Gimme Octopus as directed by David Lynch.

No person in his or her right mind should say “no.” It is not immoral to approve the killing of any individual when the State does the killing by judicial order through the death penalty.

What in holy tarnation is he talking about? The death penalty is only supposed to apply to people who have gone through the judicial process and have been found guilty by a jury of their peers. When the government kills someone absent this process, it’s an extrajudicial execution, and is something generally frowned upon by most people (though again, I think many of us could make special exceptions for people like Hitler). Lucom, if you’re gonna advocate assassinating someone, please have the guts to call it what it is.

Some people oppose such killings because they say it is not right to take a person’s life. This is wrong. When you murder anyone, you have taken a human life and you would think twice before taking a life if you knew you would lose your own. If you take a life, unless in self-defense, you should pay with losing your own life.

In other words, killing is only justified in self-defense or whenever the government decides to kill someone.

The American deaths in World War II caused by Hitler were 291,557 young Americans killed in the prime of their lives as the result of one man ? Hitler.

Excellent reasoning. Similarly, the number of laughs brought about by Lucom’s article were several thousand laughs induced as the result of one man’s article- Lucom’s.

For those of you who are having difficulty understanding, here’s an illustration:


Today, the anti-war protesters are complaining about losing the lives of just 2,000 soldiers.

Yeah, what is it with you anti-war types? Don’t you know we lost tons more people in World War II? Now, I’m sure a lot of you will start in with the whole “Saddam wasn’t nearly as dangerous as Hitler” argument, but I’ve got an answer to that! I mean, yeah, Saddam hadn’t tried invading any neighboring countries since 1991, and sure, Saddam was almost totally disarmed and not a threat to anyone but his own citizens, but come on- the parallels are there! Like, they both had mustaches! Any dictator with a sinister mustache is bound to be… sinister!

The WWII deaths and injuries on both sides totaled approximately 20 million. What a monstrous loss of human life and injuries. The Democrats were in power in World War II. The Republicans put aside politics and did not join in protesting the large number of American troops being killed because it would have helped the enemy.

Hey Lucom, ever hear of Charles Lindbergh and Gerald Nye? If you haven’t, here’s a sampler for ya:

In a speech in Des Moines, Iowa, Charles A. Lindbergh claimed that the “three most important groups who have been pressing this country toward war are the British, the Jewish and the Roosevelt administration”. Soon afterwards Gerald Nye argued “that the Jewish people are a large factor in our movement toward war.”

But yeah, Republicans have never, ever protested against a war because they’re so super-patriotic and whatnot.

Protesting still helps the enemy, as Cindy Sheehan is, probably unknowingly, helping the enemy.

The right of peaceful demonstration is one of the most fundamental rights enshrined in the United States Constitution. If you really believe that “protesting helps the enemy,” you might wanna take it up with that well-known terrorist sympathizer Osama ben Franklin.

Because of Hitler, almost 300,000 American soldiers lost their lives; they could have been productive citizens of the U.S., working, raising families, buying houses, cars and other products.

Yes, Lucom, we know already- Hitler was responsible for the deaths of 300,000 Americans who died because of Hitler.

You, the average citizen, have never in 4,000 years started a war.

As much as I’d like to argue with that, I really can’t. No matter how much I accomplish during my life, I’ll probably never have the satisfaction of looking into the mirror and saying, “Y’know what, Brad R.? You started a war- that’s awesome! Have yourself a cookie, you fucking hero!” It will no doubt go down as one of my biggest regrets.



You do not benefit by war. You could lose either your life or your children’s lives in a war. Only when the leaders fear they will be killed will they ever even attempt to stop a war. Any leader anywhere who starts a war should be assassinated.

Whoa. How did we go from saying that anyone who protests a war is aiding and abetting the enemy to saying that any leader who starts a war should be assassinated??? Hey Lucom, who do you think started the second Iraq war (hint: it wasn’t Saddam Hussein)?

With the money wasted by war, we could have had new roads, new houses, better wages, especially for teachers, and a hundred other positive projects adding to the nation’s wealth instead of throwing this money away in a war.

I don’t understand. Lucom has gone from writing a jingoistic far-right anti-Cindy Sheehan screed to writing a peacenik far-left, pro-government spending screed within the span of two paragraphs. Seriously, this just might be the single weirdest thing I’ve ever read.

Who benefits? The “merchants of death” who make the airplanes, the tanks and the trucks, rifle makers, ammunition makers and many others. Last but not least are the leaders of the countries at war. Wars have been with us since the beginning of human time, perhaps over 4,000 years.

For your listening enjoyment, here’s a Brad R. composition that I call “War Pigs 2005.” I hope you like it:

“Generals gathered in their massses!!! (*DUH-DUH!*)
Just like witches at black masses!!! (*DUH-DUH!*)
I don’t think no amount of prayin’… (*DUH-DUH!*)
Can help me discern what Lucom’s sayin’!!! OH LORDY!!!”

And now, back to Lucom:

The politicians greatly gain from war while not risking being killed like you American soldiers. The “merchants of death” contribute millions of dollars through devious methods to the campaigns of the president, the senators and congressmen ? more money than they would contribute in peacetime. The political leaders appear almost daily on television programs, in the newspapers and magazines because of this extra publicity, making it more likely to be re-elected.

Offering $1 billion to create fear in leaders of being killed for starting a war has not yet been a tactic used by President Bush, even though he has said he was using all of America’s resources to fight the war on terrorism.

Gee, I wonder why President Bush hasn’t tried to instill the fear of death in leaders who start wars? Is it because HE HIMSELF STARTED A WAR, PERHAPS?

To the contrary, President Bush is not using perhaps America’s greatest resource, MONEY, to fight this war on terrorism.

Lucom, what do you think we’ve been spending billions of dollars trying to accomplish? Seriously, this is making less and less sense by the minute.

In fishing, it is said that to catch a very big fish you needed very big bait. The State Department presently has a reward law, U.S.C. 2706, offering up to $25 million for catching terrorists. This law has been a miserable failure in catching Osama bin Laden or Abu Musab al Zarqawi. The amount of the reward is much too small.

Y’know, this has been a pretty funny column so far, but I think it’s the very first Lucom article I’ve ever read where he hasn’t once mentioned his hair-brained scheme to defeat terrorism known as the “LUCOM DOCTRINE.”

The answer is to use the LUCOM DOCTRINE.

Ah. I see I spoke too soon.

Briefly the LUCOM DOCTRINE would have the U.S. State Department transfer its “Peace” operations to a new Cabinet-level department, the Department of Peace.

I believe this idea was proposed by one U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich. And if I recall correctly, he was roundly ridiculed and mocked for it.

The head of the new department, the Secretary of Peace, would offer a ONE-BILLION-DOLLAR REWARD for the capture of Osama bin Laden or Abu Musab al Zarqawi. If they are not captured, none of the $1 billion would be paid out.

Well, it’s good to know that the LUCOM DOCTRINE doesn’t endorse paying people money for stuff they’ve never done.

The secret to ending war is to scare all leaders enough that they will never start a war. A leader must believe in advance that if he starts a war, he is sure to be killed or captured for the ONE-BILLION-DOLLAR REWARD.

Y’know, it’s a damn shame that our leaders in Washington aren’t following this brilliant plan. Now that I think about it, I don’t know of any American politician with the courage and wherewithal to successfully implement the LUCOM DOCTRINE… well, OK, maybe this guy could:

“If you capture or kill Kim Jong Il of North Korea, my government will pay you a sum of… ONE BILLION DOLLARS!!!”

ONE BILLION DOLLARS sounds much too large a reward to offer, but how much would it if cost if every man, woman and child in the U.S.A. contributed to it? The result will astound you as it astounded us.

Yes, I can just imagine parents all over the country enthusiastically explaining the LUCOM DOCTRINE to their children: “Sorry, Billy, but you get no allowance this week… President Lucom needs this money so he can assassinate Hugo Chavez!”

It would cost each man, woman and child $3.50 ($2 trillion 2005 budget divided by 296 million Americans). Is an American soldier’s life worth $3.50? Does President Bush believe an American soldier’s life is worth $3.50?

Do Sadly, No! readers believe Lucom eats large quantities of lead paint?

The LUCOM DOCTRINE offers one of the best ways to WIN the war against terrorism, by offering a reward the leader’s own bodyguards will kill him for ? $1 billion. If not the bodyguard, the people who find the leader the safe house, the people who bring him food daily, the next-door neighbors, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of mercenaries who are after $1 billion.

This does not mean that the U.S. stops fighting in Iraq. The reward is to be used in conjunction with the troops already fighting there and will result in their returning home sooner.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if not one more American soldier was killed fighting in a war?

B-b-but you just said that even with the LUCOM DOCTRINE in place, our soldiers would still be fighting in Iraq! Now you’re saying that the LUCOME DOCTRINE would prevent soldiers from ever being killed in a war???? I… I…


OK, that’s just about all the LUCOM DOCTRINE I can take for one day. Tune in next week, when I go back in time and review one of Lucom’s all-time classic columns, called “Abnormal Sex Violates Nature’s Laws.” It’ll be a blast.


Comments: 42


It would cost each man, woman and child $3.50 ($2 trillion 2005 budget divided by 296 million Americans).

So how much are we paying, $1B, or $2T?

Is an American soldier’s life worth $3.50? Does President Bush believe an American soldier’s life is worth $3.50?

“Buck-oh-five, buck-oh-five… fredom costs a buck-oh-five.”

Cap'n Yosef, Th' Hottest Young Scourge o' Th' Seven Internets

Yarr, thar be a booty t’ be rewarded fer bringin’ in th’ enemy? Wit tha’ kind o’ loot, I could have enough vessels t’ become Admiral Yosef!!!


Well, we’re paying a billion bucks per leader. But with A TRILLION DOLLAR REWARD, just THINK of how many people we could assassinate!!!1!


BTw- yes the Panthers made us look like shit yesterday. I admit it.


Yes! Since you admit that, I’ll give you back that non-touchdown touchdown by Davis. Man, it must have been a shitty day for you. Pats get spanked, Red sox get spanked, what’s next, have the bruins started playing yet?


I think the next spanking will be that applied by the Wesleyan football team on the Tuft’s Fighting Nerdsoles on Sept. 24th.

Leftenant Lederhosen

“What a monstrous loss of human life and injuries.”

Ahh, yes. I can scarcely tell you how monsterous it was when I lost my injury.

What a monsterous sentence and a pony.


have the bruins started playing yet?

I don’t follow hockey. But I was actually at that Sox game yesterday. I seriously considering demanding Matt Clement refund my money.


Well, maybe we can get Duke to beat BC for you sometime this year (if they even play, can’t remember.)


“Because of Hitler, almost 300,000 American soldiers lost their lives; they could have been productive citizens of the U.S., working, raising families, buying houses, cars and other products.”Someone should have warned Henry Ford about Hitler’s likely effect on car sales, before he published ‘The International Jew’..


So, if Germans had assassinated Hitler, would Lucom have reviled them as “helping the enemy”? If another country placed a price on Bush’s head, would he see that as somehow different? Tell me again how awful moral relativism is, why don’t you, Mr. Lucom?


So, if Germans had assassinated Hitler, would Lucom have reviled them as “helping the enemy”? If another country placed a price on Bush’s head, would he see that as somehow different? Tell me again how awful moral relativism is, why don’t you, Mr. Lucom?

I don’t think moral relativism enters into it. In Lucom’s world, assassinations really are the key to establishing a beautiful utopia full of flowers and puppies.


Assassinations are always good, no matter who the target? I doubt he would agree with that, I get the distinct feeling he believes assassinations are good only when people he personally finds naughty are killed.


Sorry to be serious for a second, but I don’t buy the whole “It would have been right to assassinate Hitler” argument. Of course, the question changes completely depending on when you ask it: in 1920 when it would have had most effect in preventing WWII and the Holocaust, you wouldn’t have had any justification for killing him. Arguably, the German state could and should have killed him after the Putsch, but again, if you’re anti-death penalty (as I am) you can’t really justify it then either. By the time you can really justify it, ie somewhere between 1932 and 1936, just killing him almost certainly wouldn’t have prevented either WWII or the Holocaust – the Nazi party was already too powerful and the ideology of racial superiority too ingrained. Furthermore, I would argue, killing him at that stage would actually have been counterproductive – it was Hitler’s insistence on opening up a second front (not to mention declaring war on the US) and Hitler’s insistence that the allies would invade via Calais that lost him the war. Another leader would not have made all those mistakes.


And Brad – rhyming “masses” with “masses?”



in 1920 when it would have had most effect in preventing WWII and the Holocaust, you wouldn’t have had any justification for killing him.

Except that you would have gone there in a time machine from the Future, so you would know all about the horror to come, which would justify the assassination. Duh!


I wonder if Ozzy ever mumbles to himself, “You mean I couldn’t have come up with a different fucking word in that first line? Jesus Christ, if I’d know I was going to be singing it for the next 35 years, I would have said “Generals dressed up in their brasses, just like witches at black masses” or “Generals cooking up nerve gasses, just like witches at black masses.” Anything but “masses” and “masses.”


Some people oppose such killings because they say it is not right to take a person’s life. This is wrong.

Nothing like replying to someone’s personal, moral belief like the sanctity of human life with, “This is wrong!”

The Marquis de Sade was anti-death penalty. What does that say?!


It would cost each man, woman and child $3.50 ($2 trillion 2005 budget divided by 296 million Americans).

Could someone explain this to me? $2 trillion divided by 296 million gives $6,756.76. Where does $3.50 come from?


It’s the $1 billion divided by the 296 million.


D’oh! Thanks.


You’re wecome. His throwing the $2 trillion was needlessly confusing, but the rest of the article set no standards for coherence, either.


Who the hell are the Bruins?

at least someone re-named it the Boston Garden.

I was pulling for Arena Football to replace the NHL as well.


Well, I think where Lucom was going with this mess was “9/11.” You know, as a starting point-i.e., “The Iraq war started on 9/11.” Shrub has been whompin’ on that deceased equine quite a bit again of late, and Lucom is obviously one of the kool-ade-drinkers. So in his mind, calling for the assassination of leaders who start wars doesn’t apply to our beloved Chimperor.
Either that or the LUCOM DOCTRINE only applies to brown, swarthy people, Democrats, non-Christians, and queers.


“Wilson C. Lucom” sounded like such a phony name that I had to run it through the Internet Anagram Server to see what he was really trying to say. I thought for a minute he was Dr. BLT — LO, MUSIC CLOWN! — but the lyrical Dr. Sammich just doesn’t rise to his level of incoherence.

For a while, I considered that maybe he was just telegraphing his general writing demeanor — COLUMN: I SCOWL.

In the end, though, I realized he is simply a desperate man shouting out his painful self-loathing: COSMIC NULL… OW!


hey 296 million people ponying up $3.50 each is $1,036,000,000. Who gets the extra $36 million?


Don’t be shtupid
Be a shmarty
Come and join
The Nazi party

I’m with Ginger on this one. The question itself, “Would it be morally acceptable to assassinate Hitler?” is not a test of one’s morals, but of one’s world-view.

Those who believe that killing Hitler would have prevented WWII are top-down, authoritarian, control freaks. They think that somehow Hitler transformed Germans into Nazis with some magical beams of charisma shooting from his eyes. In fact, it’s the opposite; the German people created him.

Assassinating him would be the worst idea, because we know we can beat Hitler. It’s the craven little Karl Rovian schmuck that would take his place that you have to worry about.

Personally, I understand Pat Robertson advocating the assassination of foreign leaders. It’s a chance to say ass twice, and get away with it.


I suppose if Hitler had been assassinated, the NSDAP would have fallen into the hands of its left-wing faction, actually, which would have formed a serious alliance with Stalin, and the combined forces of Germany and Russia would have conquered the entire planet. This is still the thesis of the so-called “Eurasianist” movement, which includes the clownish National-Bolshevik Party of Edward Limonov and also the highbrow Alexander Dugin, though the latter is really more of a two-faced Putin ideologue.


Heck, Dan Someone, if we have a time machine we can go back to 1910’s Vienna and get Hitler set up as a modestly successful painter.

Or go back to 1889 and convince his abusive shitheel parents to give baby Schikelgruber up for adoption and get him raised right somewhere else by grateful, loving parents. Who knows how he’d turn out then?

Of course, you’d get a WWI where Germany won and France was the economic basketcase looking for a new sense of purpose…


And Brad – rhyming “masses” with “masses?”


Can’t give Brad credit for that one, which came from the drug-addled brain of none other than OZZY!


Wars have been with us since the beginning of human time, perhaps over 4,000 years.

4,000 years? Lordy, that’s a long time! Did he count all the generations in Numbers himself, ya think?

Moral: even in a loopy squirrelshit rant on a completely different topic, nutbar young-earth-ism will raise its dinosaurs-in-Eden head.


Ozzy didn’t write the Sabs lyrics, the bass player, Geezer Butler did (in most cases). Ozzy came up with the vocal lines. So direct your scorn properly, people!

The WWII deaths and injuries on both sides totaled approximately 20 million.

As Tbogg often laments, can’t these clowns take 30 seconds to use Google? The Russkies alone had 20-22 killed, many others wounded. Total body count for WWII is around 55 million.


He lays the responsibility for all of World War II at Hitler’s feet? Come on! The Japanese had been in China for a couple of years before the Fuhrer even came into power.


Wilson Lucom was a wise man. And when you look back at only the past 40 years of war and termoil in the world — there is one thing that is duplicated throughout– and this is Islamic hate. All war has been started by the Muslims. I feel Wilsom Lucoms plan should of been adopted (Neutron Bomb Plan)

RE: Hitler — he worked with Muslims to help move the jews to the prison camps — and to this day Muslims still teach their children to hate non-muslims. And it’s not just jews — it is any non-muslim. Look at the Lebanese war! Muslims took over a christian country (very similar multi cultural country until Muslims took over) — look how Muslims are controlling the Middle East — WAKE UP!

Saudi’s donate millions to our American universities — and start Islamic classes that preach anti-semtic and ant-american garrble. They are brainwashing our collage kids. It’s sad — that greed has taken over so much of America.

I respect President Bush so much — he has the best interest of US at heart always — even when it’s not Politically Correct — I admire a man that can follow through and standup to evil. America is a super power — not a pussy footer — we need more men like President Bush — and all Americans should be thankful for all he has done for our country and the world.

Killers like Hitler, Sadam and all Islam should be stopped. Good should prevail over evil. What these dictators did in history was WRONG. American has to stand up and say NO MORE! Isreal has been dealing with the Muslims for centuries — and it’s all the same story — Muslims HATE jews, christians, anyone that is non-muslim. WAKE UP people! This is another reason we should ban all ties to saudi arabia and any other ARAB state — stop buying oil from them. Canada/ mexico/ usa could take care of our oil needs and let us also focus on alternatives. We need to stop the funding to Middle East — not simply because high gas prices – that is crazy — because Muslims need our $$ to keep the terror going — and we feed right into that. AMERICANS start standing up for yourself – and start supporting our Country! If you have sympathy for the Muslims – then go live in their country — THEN you will appreciate our freedoms. WAKE UP!

Have we forgot the World War II lesson that appeasement never works, and the principle of warfare, Know your enemy! I wish we had more people like Wilson Lucom who have such great ideas and are not afraid to say them — simply because it may offend someone.


Mary Daultry
Proud American

The Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot


Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Dude, where’s my recession? The tide has turned on Obama!


The Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot
Proud Malfunctioning Robot


Mary Daultry
Proud American

I wonder which of Bush’s great accomplishments makes Mary the most proud?

Legalizing torture? Suspending habeas corpus? Charging wounded GIs for their damaged body-armor? Guitar-pickin’ while New Orleans drowned? Threat-levels that only seemed to go UP when his ratings were going DOWN? Trying to sell a Port Security contract to Dubai? Watch-lists? Free Speech Zones? Wiretapping? Giving up golf for the troops? Joking about searching for WMDs in the Oval Office while Americans died in Iraq? Walter Reed Hospital? Abu Ghraib? Valerie Plame? Catastrophic failure to prevent 9/11 OR bring Bin Laden to justice? Ruining America’s reputation in the rest of the world? Gonzales? Foley? Rove?

It is a mystery.


I wonder which of Bush’s great accomplishments makes Mary the most proud?

Legalizing torture? Suspending habeas corpus? Charging wounded GIs for their damaged body-armor? Guitar-pickin’ while New Orleans drowned? Threat-levels that only seemed to go UP when his ratings were going DOWN? Trying to sell a Port Security contract to Dubai? Watch-lists? Free Speech Zones? Wiretapping? Giving up golf for the troops? Joking about searching for WMDs in the Oval Office while Americans died in Iraq? Walter Reed Hospital? Abu Ghraib? Valerie Plame? Catastrophic failure to prevent 9/11 OR bring Bin Laden to justice? Ruining America’s reputation in the rest of the world? Gonzales? Foley? Rove?

It is a mystery.

Imagine a heroin addict whose parents think the world of him; they actually foil interventions because he’s too good for that kind of thing, and besides his friends obviously don’t care about him. They’ve basically taken the fairly reasonable act of parental love and, in inappropriately using it, cheapened the experience for everyone.

It’s like how they think gay marriage works, only for real.

Republicans: they’re why the country you once loved is turning tricks in Little Italy. And they couldn’t be happier.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I’m assuming that Wilson C. Lucom is just a little senile or prone to typos:

Wilson C. Lucom is a former assistant to U.S. Secretary of State Stentenius Stettinius.

Secretart Stettinius of FDR’s and Truman’s cabinet. Thus Wilson C. Lucom was working for the Gov’t sixty years ago – meaning he is in the very rarified class of thing not older than John McCain, although his call to use nuclear weapons against terrorist harboring nations was from the end of 2001 – so at the time he may have been close in age to what McCain is now.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Also prone to typos, my secretart. But she’s good at taking dictation.

The Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot

I’m guessing this was a post-n-run that resulted when someone did a Google search to make sure no one was making fun of their dood.

The Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot

Oh, and Heh. Indeed. Etc.


he has the best interest of US at heart always

Which “us,” idiot?

I’m a rich white guy, he ain’t got MY best interests at heart. I want to see my country strong and prosperous, and right now, my grandmother could take out a small city….


(comments are closed)