Oh Dear…

The people of New Orleans had better brace themselves- it seems Rush Limbaugh has a plan to save their city!

OK, so most of the plan consists of bashing Democrats. Well, that and using oil revenues taken from drilling in the ANWR to rebuild the Gulf Coast. But on the plus side, he’s got this nifty picture of himself trying to look intelligent and official:

Above: Lacking an actual plan, Rush takes a map of New Orleans and slaps “The Limbaugh Plan” on top. Note the very official-looking pointer stick. Color us impressed.

Incidentally, here’s my favorite part:

The president actually said we’ve learned now that the US military is the one element of our government and the bureaucracy that’s best equipped to handle this. And he went on to say that we need to empower them more in circumstances like that. I thought the left would be throwing up red flags, yellow flags, green flags, pink ribbons and everything. You start empowering the military and those people start having babies out of wedlock. Their cows start having babies. I mean, they just lose it.

Awesome. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go find someone to knock up…


Comments: 31


The transcript is a big mistake. He should skip trancripts if he is going to bluster inconsequentially like that. His definitions of ‘liberal’ and ‘conservative’ have no content whatever. This isn’t surprising, really, because in so far as they have any meaning at all in current usage, it is exactly the reverse of what they meant a hundred years ago, when ‘conservative’ meant retaining a paternalistic, anti-commercial style of governance, inherited from the aristocratic systems of the past, and ‘liberal’ meant letting the market have its wicked way.


Hey c’mon look how clearly he’s gesturing to the top of the sign. Obviously he has a plan. Most of it seems to involve rambling and making up a hilarious fake chart. This is, however preferable to his usual plan of taking an oxycontin enema while eating reams of coldcuts, taking pauses between gulletfulls to smear various civil liberty groups.


This is, however preferable to his usual plan of taking an oxycontin enema while eating reams of coldcuts, taking pauses between gulletfulls to smear various civil liberty groups.

That must be in the plan somewhere. It just wouldn’t be a Limbaugh Plan without some kind of drug abuse.


I tried to read that screed. I mean I really tried. I think I made it about halfway through before I just couldn’t take it anymore and had to quit.
I did catch the part where he wonders when libs will get upset about preznit’s call for more military powers (stateside.) I guess, despite his best efforts to scour the internets for clues, he was unable to find what is clearly right before him.

example 1
example 2

I also noticed that he said he read “the e-mail this morning.” What, does he think email is like a newspaper… that all of them in a day make up a single entity? Then I noticed where he said that he had “reams of e-mail.” Paper is measured in reams, email is measure in bytes, so that explains it. He has somebody print out all of his email. I guess he doesn’t know how to use a computer for even the most basic tasks. Somebody should tell him email is meant to save trees as well as time; printing out every email kind of defeats the purpose. People might as well write letters.

It’s fairly clear that they guy is technologically clueless, and bandying about terms like “e-mail” doesn’t help. He should quit with that.


Bruce, I think it means he sticks his e-mail up his ass.


Of course, none of this will work unless you make room in the budget for him to have an assistant — that is to say, a maid with lots of pockets.


Ah, the beauty of the English language… I was thinking there was some relation between meaning and context there, but I guess not.


Oh, that’s beautiful, Bruce:

Hooded-blade design keeps tip from slipping out of screws, especially when tightening hard-to-reach conduit fittings. Thicker hood is designed for rugged use.

Wow, non-circumcised screw-drivers have come a long way!


Oh shit. Police state, here we come…

“Speaking on the Senate floor Thursday, Sen. John Warner, R-Va., chairman of the Armed Services Committee, said, ‘I believe the time has come that we reflect on the Posse Comitatus Act.'”

Via RawStory.


Clinton’s Anti-Terrorism Warrior Legacy
September 17, 2005 02:33 PM EST

Former President William Jefferson Clinton appearing on NBC’s The Today Show bragged about how his administration thwarted terrorist attacks.
During his interview with Matt Lauer — without the least bit of shame for his obvious lie — Clinton continued to revise history without any questioning of his comments by the mainstream news media (MSM).

But let’s give credit where credit is due: Clinton and his people do TALK a great war on terrorism. Let’s examine Clinton’s record of combating terrorists:

In 1993, President Clinton prevented a bombing at New York City’s World Trade Center. Oh. Wait. The terrorists did succeed in bombing the WTC, killing six and wounding over 100 New Yorkers. So that attack wasn’t thwarted. But at least he visited the site of that horrible terrorist attack. No? You say he never went there?

Okay, Clinton was new in the job. He later distinguished himself as a stong commander-in-chief. Afterall, he did fiercely battle a faction of Al-Qaeda in Somalia right after the so-called Black Hawk Down incident. Oh. Sorry. Actually Clinton pulled out our troops. Well, we didn’t want to lose more soldiers and high-tech weaponry so Clinton did the right thing. What? What’s that you say? Oh, so Clinton didn’t send troops in with tanks, Bradley armored vehicles and high-tech weapons? He sent them in with Hummers, rifles, grenades and launchers, and other conventional weapons? Well, at least he sent them in armed so they could defend themselves.

Bill Clinton then thwarted an attack on Kobalt Towers in Saudi Arabia in 1997, when terrorists attempted … What? No! Really? The terrorists succeeded and killed scores of American military troops and civilians? My mistake.

But he did thwart the simultaneous attacks on our embassies in 1998…. Ooops, my mistake. The terrorists succeeded in that attack. But he did succeed against the terrorists plotting their attack on the US Navy’s USS Cole in 1999. I’m wrong? Really? The terrorists killed how many sailors? Seventeen?

Well, you can’t argue with the fact that Clinton mobilized law enforcement and the intelligence community to work together to identify and takeout terrorists before they struck. What? No way! His Administration prohibited intelligence agents from providing information to law enforcement agencies? What??? Get outa town! His Justice Department increased the height of the “wall” prohibiting the FBI and the CIA from sharing information?

So when did Clinton succeed in thwarting a terrorist attack? The Millennium attack? No way. That one I know isn’t true. Clinton didn’t apprehend a Islamofascist on his way to bomb Los Angeles International Airport. It was achieved by an alert female US Customs agent. Clinton did take credit for it, but the MSM knew that the hardworking Customs agent never received any terrorism alert and took it upon herself to investigate a suspicious looking character coming across the US-Canadian border. Yet, our unbiased MSM decided to allow Clinton and his flunkies to take credit and the Customs agent has been delegated to anonymity. The Customs agent who saved countless lives and property remains unknown in history, but William Jefferson Clinton is being allowed to rewrite history. Terrorism warrior, my foot. The only positive thing is that the brave Customs agent wasn’t disciplined for her use of racial profiling.

Jim Kouri, CPP is currently fifth vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police. He’s former chief at a New York City housing project in Washington Heights nicknamed “Crack City” by reporters covering the drug war in the 1980s. In addition, he served as director of public safety at a New Jersey university and director of security for several major organizations. He’s also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country. He writes for many police and security magazines including Chief of Police, Police Times, The Narc Officer and others, and he’s a columnist for TheConservativeVoice.Com, AmericanDaily.Com, MensNewsDaily.Com, MichNews.Com, and he’s syndicated by AXcessNews.Com. He’s appeared as on-air commentator for over 100 TV and radio news and talk shows including Oprah, McLaughlin Report, CNN Headline News, MTV, Fox News, etc. His book Assume The Position is available at Amazon.Com, Booksamillion.com, and can be ordered at local bookstores. Kouri holds a bachelor of science in criminal justice and master of arts in public administration and he’s a board certified protection professional. Kouri’s own website is located at http://jimkouri.us


Clinton’s Anti-Terrorism Warrior Legacy
September 17, 2005 02:33 PM EST

Former President William Jefferson Clinton appearing on NBC’s The Today Show bragged about how his administration thwarted terrorist attacks.
During his interview with Matt Lauer — without the least bit of shame for his obvious lie — Clinton continued to revise history without any questioning of his comments by the mainstream news media (MSM).

But let’s give credit where credit is due: Clinton and his people do TALK a great war on terrorism. Let’s examine Clinton’s record of combating terrorists:

In 1993, President Clinton prevented a bombing at New York City’s World Trade Center. Oh. Wait. The terrorists did succeed in bombing the WTC, killing six and wounding over 100 New Yorkers. So that attack wasn’t thwarted. But at least he visited the site of that horrible terrorist attack. No? You say he never went there?

Okay, Clinton was new in the job. He later distinguished himself as a stong commander-in-chief. Afterall, he did fiercely battle a faction of Al-Qaeda in Somalia right after the so-called Black Hawk Down incident. Oh. Sorry. Actually Clinton pulled out our troops. Well, we didn’t want to lose more soldiers and high-tech weaponry so Clinton did the right thing. What? What’s that you say? Oh, so Clinton didn’t send troops in with tanks, Bradley armored vehicles and high-tech weapons? He sent them in with Hummers, rifles, grenades and launchers, and other conventional weapons? Well, at least he sent them in armed so they could defend themselves.

Bill Clinton then thwarted an attack on Kobalt Towers in Saudi Arabia in 1997, when terrorists attempted … What? No! Really? The terrorists succeeded and killed scores of American military troops and civilians? My mistake.

But he did thwart the simultaneous attacks on our embassies in 1998…. Ooops, my mistake. The terrorists succeeded in that attack. But he did succeed against the terrorists plotting their attack on the US Navy’s USS Cole in 1999. I’m wrong? Really? The terrorists killed how many sailors? Seventeen?

Well, you can’t argue with the fact that Clinton mobilized law enforcement and the intelligence community to work together to identify and takeout terrorists before they struck. What? No way! His Administration prohibited intelligence agents from providing information to law enforcement agencies? What??? Get outa town! His Justice Department increased the height of the “wall” prohibiting the FBI and the CIA from sharing information?

So when did Clinton succeed in thwarting a terrorist attack? The Millennium attack? No way. That one I know isn’t true. Clinton didn’t apprehend a Islamofascist on his way to bomb Los Angeles International Airport. It was achieved by an alert female US Customs agent. Clinton did take credit for it, but the MSM knew that the hardworking Customs agent never received any terrorism alert and took it upon herself to investigate a suspicious looking character coming across the US-Canadian border. Yet, our unbiased MSM decided to allow Clinton and his flunkies to take credit and the Customs agent has been delegated to anonymity. The Customs agent who saved countless lives and property remains unknown in history, but William Jefferson Clinton is being allowed to rewrite history. Terrorism warrior, my foot. The only positive thing is that the brave Customs agent wasn’t disciplined for her use of racial profiling.

Jim Kouri, CPP is currently fifth vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police. He’s former chief at a New York City housing project in Washington Heights nicknamed “Crack City” by reporters covering the drug war in the 1980s. In addition, he served as director of public safety at a New Jersey university and director of security for several major organizations. He’s also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country. He writes for many police and security magazines including Chief of Police, Police Times, The Narc Officer and others, and he’s a columnist for TheConservativeVoice.Com, AmericanDaily.Com, MensNewsDaily.Com, MichNews.Com, and he’s syndicated by AXcessNews.Com. He’s appeared as on-air commentator for over 100 TV and radio news and talk shows including Oprah, McLaughlin Report, CNN Headline News, MTV, Fox News, etc. His book Assume The Position is available at Amazon.Com, Booksamillion.com, and can be ordered at local bookstores. Kouri holds a bachelor of science in criminal justice and master of arts in public administration and he’s a board certified protection professional. Kouri’s own website is located at http://jimkouri.us


Oh goody, I can read the Truth that Clinton never went to New York after the first bombing and thus failed as an anti-terror president(though I thought they arrested those guys and sent them to jail? Silly me) by picking up a conservative hack’s book a discount store. Thanks, Many’, you’ve changed my life.


I love it when Marie, er, God, er, Many’ leaves stink bombs like this in the comments section. Kouri is, of course, a resident columnist for Renew America. That’s about all anybody needs to know.


Geez, wingnuts really don’t get this whole internet thing, do they? Hey Many, a link would have done fine. No need to post the entire article, twice.


Wow–Marie had a sex-change operation! She’s mine now, boyz! Bwahh-ha-ha-ha-haaaa!!!!

On second thought–nevermind! Still not interested.


Double damn you too!

I was juast wondering why all the sacred calves were wandering around.


Wow, that was an impressive double post. So, what we need is a total police state, where everyone is monitored, and freedom is eliminated in the name of security.

In my lifetime the Soviet Union (up until its collapse), there was virtually no terrorism. It wasn’t until freedom was introduced that terrorism began to creep into the Russian society.

I just wonder what that could mean?


Oh my god, Jeff, and we’re in the process of spreading freedom* in the middle east even now! Stop us before we democratize again!

*not spreading freedom.


So when did Clinton succeed in thwarting a terrorist attack? The Millennium attack? No way. That one I know isn’t true. Clinton didn’t apprehend a Islamofascist on his way to bomb Los Angeles International Airport. It was achieved by an alert female US Customs agent. Clinton did take credit for it, but the MSM knew that the hardworking Customs agent never received any terrorism alert and took it upon herself to investigate a suspicious looking character coming across the US-Canadian border.
Hmmm… You mean the customs agent… *did her job*??? GASP! Christ the way this goes on you’d think Bush was paradropping into khandahar and capping uday and kusay in the head himself. Commander codpiece wouldn’t leave his 200 foot thick concrete/adamantium bunker unless all brown people were 500 miles from him. (Except of course for his main squeeze Condi.) Hey marie… Er “many” I mean of course: Presendencies are measured in corpses. Corpses lined up around the white house, rotting in the rose garden. Let’s take a head count… those with heads that is.
US Military Deaths – Afghanistan 230
Iraq Coalition Casualties: Contractors – A Partial List Total: 264
And my oh my what have we here, even the precious mass of cells you call the unborn, or fetus warriors or whatever retarded name you have for them now are suffering under Commander denial“Under President Bush, the decade-long trend of declining abortion rates appears to have reversed. Given the trends of the 1990s, 52,000 more abortions occurred in the United States in 2002 than would have been expected before this change of direction. “


Subject: FEMA’s response

Dear Friends and Family,

I just got home from 15 days in New Orleans and the surrounding areas. I am tired, and I am emotional. But mostly I am angry. I am angry at the news – the TV stations, the newspapers – for what I view is a grossly misrepresented placement of blame. For those of you who know me, you know I work for FEMA as an “intermittent employee” of a disaster response team. My team, called VMAT or Veterinary Medical Assistance Team, is part of the response branch of FEMA known as the National Disaster Medical System.

Let me tell you how “awful” FEMA’s response was from someone who was there on the front lines working for FEMA.

President Bush declared a state of emergency prior to Katrina’s landfall due to its strength and location. This is not normally done before a hurricane makes landfall. Damn good work by George W in my honest opinion. This opened the door for our federal teams to pre-deploy assets in nearby locations so that we were ready when Katrina did hit. I was contacted by FEMA before the hurricane hit, asking for my availability and to place me on alert. Many teams were moved into the region including 2 VMAT teams. My team was mobilized immediately after landfall and I arrived in the area before New Orleans had completely filled with water, before we even realized how bad it was truly going to be. FEMA responded immediately and with unprecedented numbers of responders. There were DMAT teams inside the Super Dome before the levee broke. Never before had so many FEMA teams and personnel been sent into a disaster.

One thing you must understand, the DMAT, VMAT, and DMORT teams that make up the National Disaster Medical System are NOT “first responders”. Our job is to supplement overwhelmed communities if needed. The initial responsibility lies with the state. If they become overwhelmed in the aftermath of a disaster where their local hospitals, medical, veterinary and mortuary assets cannot handle the magnitude of the disaster, we come in and augment their resources. It takes 24 to 48 hours to mobilize the federal assets in normal circumstances. We come from every state in the US, leaving our jobs and families behind at the drop of a hat to help where ever it is needed. Our cache of equipment and medical supplies must either be moved from our home base or from the federal warehouses in Maryland by truck or plane. This takes time. But we were there before Katrina hit and many more arrived immediately after even before knowing the full scope of this disaster.

So why is FEMA being blamed? I’m not exactly sure. I really am not. Yes, FEMA was overwhelmed. God sakes how could it not be? This hurricane has been the largest natural disaster the US has had on record. Nothing can compare. We train and train for almost anything. We try to be ready. But no one was ready for how bad this truly was. I am sure there were some bad decisions made high up, of that I cannot deny. It was a logistical nightmare to get the teams placed and the supplies sent in. Some stuff arrived too late. But, seeing how hard the FEMA employees worked to help the people and animals of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama it makes me angry and very, very sad to hear us put down so bad on TV and in the news.

One day, just a couple days after New Orleans was under water, I was stationed in the New Orleans airport. This is where I was the first week. The airport was where all the buses and helicopters that were rescuing people from the city brought them first. They came in the thousands to the airport and went through lines holding their last bit of possessions, which included a small amount of clothing or keepsakes and often times their pets. Yes, they got to bring their pets with them on the buses and helicopters. I know because I was there. I saw them. They came in and were triaged by FEMA medical personnel. Minor injuries or illnesses were treated with the utmost care and love by FEMA DMAT teams and then they took their place in line through concourse C to board planes to shelters where they could receive follow up medical treatment. The very ill were moved into the D concourse area for more thorough medical care and support in a true MASH hospital set up right there inside the airport. I walked through this area frequently and watched as DMAT members held the critically and gravely ill peoples’ hands, cared for them, helped them in so many ways trying to save their lives and to comfort those who could not be saved.

I walked through feces, urine, blood and vomit covering the floor of the airport. I watched custodians working tirelessly to clean up the floor even though it was soiled again as soon it was cleaned. People were handed water and food as soon as they arrived. Those who were well, moved through an endless line to concourse B to board both commercial and military planes going to shelters in other states. I walked the lines of concourse B, C, and D as did other members of my VMAT team to provide any needed veterinary care to the pets who were evacuated with their families. We cared for stray animals that arrived at the airport too. See, the coast guard and military helicopters were picking up stray animals if they had room when they would rescue people from the city. FEMA personnel did everything possible to comfort and care for the people of New Orleans. I know because I was one of them, and I did everything I could for them, and I saw with my own eyes what the others were also doing.

This is a photo on the FEMA website. What you don’t see here is that this little dog is sitting below the hospital gurney of his master who was critically ill inside one of the DMAT MASH tents. I walked through this medical tent to check on the dog with a couple other members of my VMAT team. The nurse had given the dog a dish of water and was feeding him some crackers. We promised the man we would bring back some food for his dog. He was very thankful as he laid there with IVs going. I returned a few minutes later with one other member of my team, bringing a Ziploc bag of dog food. When we arrived they were moving him to a different stretcher because he needed to be medivac’ed out on a helicopter for more intense medical care. The helicopter pilot told us he cannot take the dog unless its in a crate. I stepped up to talk to the very ill man. I asked him if he would let me care for his dog while he went to the hospital. He grabbed my hand and had tears in his eyes as he begged me to help him take his dog with him because it was all he had left in the world. There was nothing else. I looked into this man’s eyes as he cried. He was a middle aged white man with cuts and scrapes all over him. His face was puffy and feverish with infection. I then looked at the DMAT nurse and the Coast Guard pilot. Both looked back at me with very grave expressions and each asked me to please find a crate for the dog so he can go with the man. My teammate and I both knew right then that this man may not make it and we had to make sure he he got to spend as much time as possible with his dog. There was no way we were going to make him leave his dog behind. We took off running and found an empty crate. It was a bit too small for the dog, but would work temporarily. We returned and found the pilot waiting for us with the man. Once we got the dog in the crate and on the stretcher with the man, he again took my hand and thanked us as we cried together. He said “you have no idea what you have done for me and I will never forget it” Then he was wheeled away toward the waiting helicopter.

So, at the end of this day…a 29 hour shift that I spent at the airport, I arrived back at our bunk location – a building on the campus of LSU where we slept on the floor – and I got to see the news on one of the cable networks. I was absolutely outraged at the reports of the lack of response by FEMA. I changed to another cable news network and saw the same thing there. What they don’t mention when they talk about FEMA is the people that make up FEMA’s response, working countless hours, pouring their very heart and soul into this response despite being slammed and criticized all over the news.

I cried with sadness and anger at how we are viewed all over the world. I am a FEMA responder who cannot wear my FEMA badge in public in Louisiana because everyone thinks we are so terrible. Do they even yet mention how hard we have worked for the people and animals of Louisiana? No, maybe they never will.

Just yesterday the radio was criticizing the fact that FEMA had so many trucks filled with water and supplies that were just sitting somewhere and was costing $600 per day each to sit and wait. Does anyone realize this is the right thing to do? There is already a tremendous amount of water and supplies in the areas. The reason there are trucks waiting full of more supplies and water is so they can move at a moments notice to where ever they are needed at any time. Would they rather have the extra supplies sitting in a warehouse where they would have to wait to secure trucks, then load the supplies and water, then move them out? Hell no. They complain about the lack of quick response by FEMA but yet don’t get the whole concept that these supplies and water sitting in trucks ready to go is for quick response and now they criticize FEMA readiness without realizing it. The contradictions in the news is ridiculous.

Now 13 days after I first saw the news reporting how awful FEMA is, I still remain proud to be a member of FEMA, and I am proud of the work I did in New Orleans and I am proud to work for the federal government headed up by a strong and brave president. It was not easy, and things may not have gone perfectly, but we did and continue to do amazing work there even if no one knows it because they will only look at what went wrong instead of so much that went right.

Jodi Witte

Veterinary Technician/Logistics Officer
VMAT-1, Veterinary Medical Assistance Team
FEMA Response Branch
US Department of Homeland Security


So Marie-
If FEMA bares zero blame, why did Mike Brown resign? Really, I want to hear the answer to this.


Marie Jon’ is giving me flashbacks to “Broken Glass.”


From the VMAT website: AVMA was asked to share the following?
VMAT-1 expresses their disappointment with FEMA because logistical needs have not been met. Thanks go to the American Veterinary Medical Foundation (www.avmf.org) for their financial support during this time of crisis. Quote from VMAT, “If it weren’t for the funds provided to us by AVMF, we would not have the supplies that we need for our Hurricane Katrina response, thank you!”


she’s back, hooray, maybe Dr BLT can convert her to Orthodoxy.


Gads, Rush didn’t even bother to coordinate his smears. Just tossed ’em out there. He’s just going through the motions now.


Marie Jon’ and co., now we are getting onto first hand testimonies, you should check this one: linky


Gosh. A FEMA Vetrinary Technician was nice to a sick man and his dog.

That means FEMA really DID do everything right. I take back everything I ever said.


Why does AVMF hate America?


I’m surprised more of you aren’t piling on old Rush Limbaugh. C’mon fundy phobes, where are you when you are needed most?


Rush is so 2004


Is that the best insult you can come up with for a man you folks love to hate? C’mon, you can do better than that! That’s such a tepidl, mild insult—-one so bereft of passion. It’s something a fair weather fan might say about the band, Rush, after listening to their 323rd album.


(comments are closed)