Oh, The Editors? That Barrel’s Still Got Some Bottom Left to it. Scrape a Little Deeper Next Time

The Editors quotes some hardcore winger porn over at the Horowitz-sponsored Moonbat Central blog, complete with murder fantasies involving Howard Zinn and Michael Moore (who, as the Editors so deftly notes, is fat). While this was indeed an outstanding find, we have to dock him some points for not going all the way and checking out the responses left in the comments section. Hold on to your seats, kiddos, ’cause I’m about to take you on a very insane ride…

Our first comment comes from a lad by the name of Andrew Walden, who writes:

The purpose of the media?s focus on the worst cases in New Orleans is to demoralize Americans.

Yes, that’s exactly what it is! Leave it to the vile MSM to provide aid and comfort to our natural disasters! (And let’s keep in mind that Mr. Walden posted this on September 2nd, back when there was virtually nothin’ going into New Orleans.)

The reality is that most of the hurricane zone is getting relief?and the media have consciously chosen to ignore that part of the story. Today New Orleans is getting relief as well.

It’s the same thing with Iraq- even though most of the country is a super-happy Bushtopia, the media only focuses on one or two (or 20,000) “dead-enders” who insist on causing trouble. Why is the press out covering starving people when there are schools being painted??!!?!!

Our next poster is the mysterious man/woman known only as subtrrn:

Sometime last year, the NRA magazine featured on their cover something to the effect of ?In the case of a natural disaster or terrorist attack, who would you want by your side: a guy wearing a tee-shirt from some stupid rock band, or a guy wearing an NRA cap??

Well, since the guy with the NRA cap weighs roughly 320 pounds and can’t function on a normal basis without daily injections of Hostess cream filling, I’m gonna take the guy with the band shirt, who at least looks like he knows how to hot wire a car.

Our final, and perhaps looniest, poster calls himself Mark:

liberals are a real Godless bunch!

That is, and always will be their undoing!

The best example, to me, is WWII, where the USA, was outmatched, by two superior armies, on different sides of the world.

How could the USA, and her allies defeat the threat that existed at that time?


Yes, our godlessness is always our undoing, which is why God empowered a godless liberal like FDR to defeat the Nazis. Get outta here, ya maniac!


Comments: 50


Now that’s nutty!


Now that’s nutty!

Yeah, I normally don’t focus on posters in wingnut blogs, because EVERY major blog has some crazy people posting in it (*COUGH!* Marie and BLT! *COUGH!*), but these people seemed extra, EXTRA crazy.


Mark’s comment has caused me, to want to, become reason,able instead of just pointing and, blaming.


Just how does Andrew Walden know that the media “have consciously chosen to ignore that part of the story”? Gosh, I hate to say it, but I suspect that he’s only guessing, and that his guess is based on a knee-jerk attitude such as, “They’re not making the Bush administration’s performance in this horrible natural disaster look good, and so they must be lying!” Also, does he realize that he’s saying exactly what his ilk say about Iraq? (I realize that you already alluded to that, but it’s so dumb that I had to get it out of my system, too.)


Je to the sus, Mark. Of course some odd 30 million dead Soviets and countless Chinese bogging down the Japanese, were these part of God’s Godly plan for the Godliers of Godville? What a maroon!


The best example, to me, is WWII, where the USA, was outmatched, by two superior armies, on different sides of the world.

How could the USA, and her allies defeat the threat that existed at that time?


GOD … and lots of natural resources.

And a big industrial base.

And a huge reserve of manpower.

With the help of Russia, Britain, Australia, China, and miscellaneous other countries.

Against armies that really weren’t all that superior, one of which had over half of it’s divisions tied down on it’s eastern front.

But yeah, mostly GOD.


Perhaps Mark’s. Real name? Is Christopher Walken.


“How could the USA, and her allies defeat the threat that existed at that time?”

GOD? So it was God who let the degenerate atheistic commies tie up 4/5 of the (Christian)German Army on the Eastern front, and who let the heathen Chinese, with more atheistic commies in their midst, keep the greater part of the Japanese Army engaged so that we could tell all the kids and wingers how we saved the world from evil?

I had always thought that it was Bush’s God, oil, that helped the US and her Allies win. We had it, and they didn’t. But God surely planned that as well…


At least twenty percent of the country can be counted on providing a seditious level of psychological comfort for the enemy by falling into one of these four categories: protesters, anti-American cynics; criminals; indifference.
Yes, Indifference == Sedition!!! Hey, why aren’t you paying attention? What do you mean you don’t really care what I think… quit shrugging, dammit!
Yeah, I’d say that includes “at least” 20% of Americans… we know from recent polls that “protesters and anti-American cynics” are around 60%, and “indifferent” has to add up to most of the rest.
The tiny, shrinking, pro-war minority are the only non-seditious Americans left. They have to be even more slobbery frothing insane now that most Americans are busy undermining America with their traitorous indifference.


Moonbiter, that could be easily turned into a Monty Python sketch!


I know this has nothing to do with the post. But had to tell ya brad, Juiceambi did it again. 3-0 yanks 🙂


God and reality have been interfering with the GOP plan for too long now. Let us show our propensity for wars that never end (drugs, terror) with a war on GOD! We have allready gotten a delightful headstart on our undeclared war against nature, so we can easily just call it the war on everything and obliterate all but the most previliged of us. Then the war on space begins…


I know this has nothing to do with the post. But had to tell ya brad, Juiceambi did it again. 3-0 yanks 🙂

Goddamnit I hate that fucking cheater.


It’s important to point out that Michael Moore is fat because obesity is normally the exclusive bailiwick of the Right. I suspect that it may in fact be a requirement.


I hate Giambi too, but he was good before he was dirty and he’s good again now that he’s clean. At least he didn’t lie to the grand jury. I hold my special hatred for Bonds. I really want Bonds to DH for the Yankees. That would be the most amazingly evil team in the universe. Ever.


I’m just ending my posts with G man- just so you losers can think about it.

Oh, Papi’s gonna do it AGAIN tonight. I can feel it.


It’s important to point out that Michael Moore is fat because obesity is normally the exclusive bailiwick of the Right. I suspect that it may in fact be a requirement.Yeah, have any of you seen the gut on Yosef lately? Dude needs the gym or we may have to drop the “H” from THYCWOTI……NAILED@!!


Hot and Jiggly Buddha are not mutually exclusive, GregH. Yosef’s little Santa Claus tub o’ tummy looks great on him, especially with that handlebar mustache. He’s a regular Harcourt Fenton Mudd.



To summarize, Mark: GOD, maybe, but certainly godless commies.


The best example, to me, is WWII, where the USA, was outmatched, by two superior armies, on different sides of the world.

Aside from the resources/commie allies bits noted above, could the fact that the US population already dwarfed the combined populations of Germany and Japan have had anything to do with our victory? The hard part was projecting power so far overseas. There was no way either of them could have taken our mainland without nukes.


Good point Pinko Punko. You know how I tend to get caught up in the beauty mythos and body ideals. If anyone can pull off a little jelly belly it’s our dear Yosef.

Marq, how’s your pop?


As of right now, these two articles are listed right next to each other on Google News:

“Bush assures Talabani US won’t waver in fight against terror”

“US May Start Pulling Out of Afghanistan Next Spring”

Oh, the pain. I’m taking a screencap.


That’s “not”…Mark, that’s, Kaye — “Grogan!”


Re: subtrrn and his/her foolproof Intergalactic Jonah Goldberg T-Shirt Translator (IJGTST, to all you behind-the-times hippies/lefties)…ya gotta give subtrrn some Peggy Noonan shoot-the-looters points.

After all, shooting looters was what the RW First Responders went on record with as the stories of human misery began getting legs in the MSM. Sadly, yes.


Oops. The previous comment was me, not Anonymous
(forgot to sign in).


Jesus wept. I thought right-wingers were at least vaguely familiar with military history. And would thus have dimly realised that the Nazi and Japanese armies were not only inferior in numbers to the US army, but that they were, um, a little occupied in fighting against the Russians, the British and the Chinese at the same time.


Also, wasn’t God on the side of the Germans in both world wars? At least that is what it said on German soldiers’ belt-buckles (“Gott mit uns” – “God with us”).


Besides, God was busy printing dollars and selling them to the yurpeans in exchange for their remaining gold.


The Russian Army was superior to the U.S. army in 1942?

Well, it certainly was *bigger*….which, I suppose, if you are a wingnut with an excessive phallic fixation, probably does automatically mean “better”.

And, to be fair, the reason we won WWII at all is because the Russians died in unfathomable numbers on the Eastern front, as others have pointed out above. But to put it in perspective, almost three out of every five military casualties from the whole of WWII was Russian.

I saw a great quote once from Edward Scheverdnaze where he talked about the effect WWII had on Russian consciousness. He said that his grandchildren, at the height of the Cold War, liked to play soldier, just like a lot of little kids like to do. But despite his country being tied up with the U.S. in destructive conflict, and despite the war having ended well before those kids were born, the bad guys in their soldier games were always German. Never American.

Americans usually have no conception of the import of the Eastern front and the Soviet sacrifice to our eventual victory in WWII.


Welcome to wingnut world.

Horowitz has established a cozy little domain for the lonely, isolated little white man who feels inferior and frightened.

Notice how those who would stand up to government corruption and interference in our lives through infringement upon our rights are vilified by these bathetic, yes bathetic as in falsely pathetic, frightened people for no clear reason other than because archly right wing honkers on the radio and net tell them to.

That is a sign that most of the posters over there are younger males, with little experience in life or in dealing with others in a real world situation.

So much for the psych stuff. Want to see the winger mentality exposed?

Go get a copy of “This Divided State.” In two words; winger-ism explained.


GOD? So it was God who let the degenerate atheistic commies tie up 4/5 of the (Christian)German Army on the Eastern front, and who let the heathen Chinese, with more atheistic commies in their midst, keep the greater part of the Japanese Army engaged so that we could tell all the kids and wingers how we saved the world from evil?

Well, dur! You just answered your own question! What else are those godless furriners good for but absorbing enemy bullets and bombs by the millions so that we wouldn’t have to incur but a fraction of their casualty rates?


Thanks for the vote of confidence, Pinko. I always figured if it could work for Barry White, it can work for Yosef.


What I like best is the idea that the left has anything to worry about from a bunch of chickenshits too cowardly to go fight a war they claim to support.

Treat them like you would any other wild animal – just don’t turn your back on them and you’ll be fine. No right-winger ever threw a punch (or took a shot) at someone who was staring them in the face. A Pearl Harbor job on someone who isn’t looking is about as badass as they get.


My. God, can outspin “your” God!


The best example, to me, is WWII, where the USA, was outmatched, by two superior armies, on different sides of the world.
How could the USA, and her allies defeat the threat that existed at that time?

With judicious use of Kaye Grogan’s Freedom Commas.


Well, I never thought I’d be able to identify with Michael Moore on any level, but I do know what it’s like to have someone share their murder fantasies about you on a blog site. The “Sadly, no!” blogger at this site wanted to bash my head to a pulp on hard concrete and then laugh about it, so there was also a sadistic (sadly, yes) element to it. Though my lyrics fall far short of revealing murder fantasies, I now wonder if I may have gotten a little too personal in my criticism of Michael Moore in my song, FarenHYPE 9/11 (released several months prior to Dick Morris’s DVD of the same title). I’d appreciate all of your feedback on this matter. The song can be heard here:
FarenHYPE 9/11: words and music by Dr. BLT (c) 2004, 2005


I don’ think smashin’ yo hayd be sadistic bro’. Not like this is, anyways : pittsburgh cops taser protestor


Rowan, we’re not talking head bashing as in what heavy metal fans do at rock concerts, we’re talking about someone who takes pleasure in the idea of brutally bashing my head to a pulp. What would you call following up that dreamed up act with a fit of laughter? Sounds sadistic to me.


I guess I’d just call it workin’ off steam …


So basically, if an Islamic terrorist strikes with a suitcase nuke, that will signal open season on liberals for enraged conservatives?

Did this guy forget his meds, or is he really this morally bankrupt?


So, am I correct in assuming this is something you would condone? If so, I rest my case.


Just for the record, my last comment was in reference to your last comment, Rowan. Brad R., perhaps you want me to respond to your insult with an insult of my own. Perhaps you haven’t heard that the latest rumor circulating on this site is true—-that I’ve changed my ways and turned over a new leaf. That’s right— I’ve made up my mind to no longer be deleteriously influenced by the cyanide of cynicism. I’m determined to show love where others may be determined to show hate. I’m determined to show respect where others show nothing but disrespect. I’m calling for a truce between all right-wingers and all left-wingers. Let’s join forces and see if, united, we can make a positive difference in this world! Will any of you join with me now and celebrate all that we share in common, little though that may be?


Great to hear that, BLT! I take it you’re all in favour of removing Bush from office now then? That would be the biggest positive difference that could be made by anyone in the US.


Initiate debate, I like that. I’m all for initiating debate, especially when it is intelligent debate and not simply a clustering of ad hominem attacks and vile, vituperative utterances. In answer to your question, i.d., I’m in favour of all sources of the dilatory response in the Gulf region to be openly disclosed and for all directly responsible for needless suffering, anguish and death to be held fully accountable. I’m for a full, bipartisan inquiry if that is what is required to get at the truth. If it is ultimately proven that Bush exercised a gross level of neglect and that individuals suffered needlessly and died as a result of such neglect, I would simply step aside and let justice take place. I cannot and will not defend that which is indefensible. I do believe that conclusions as to accountability should not be made in haste, but that all suspicions be subjected to a full, thorough and objective investigation.


Dad’s been home for about a week right now. He’s pretty weak, seems to have a bit of a cold or something. Had to take him back in on 9/11, ‘cos there was some possibility it was pneumonia. Happily, no! OTOH, it’s kinda like having a 155lb toddler around the house, and I’ve been running around like a headless chicken. Real tired, thus lighter commenting of late. A bit sick myself. At least we weren’t on the gulf coast, ‘cos I have the feeling that it would have been fatal, one way or another.


Hang in there. Our thoughts are with you and your Dad.


What I like best is the idea that the left has anything to worry about from a bunch of chickenshits too cowardly to go fight a war they claim to support. Treat them like you would any other wild animal – just don’t turn your back on them and you’ll be fine. No right-winger ever threw a punch (or took a shot) at someone who was staring them in the face. A Pearl Harbor job on someone who isn’t looking is about as badass as they get. Posted by: Realist at September 14, 2005 03:48 PM

Realist, I love you!


blogger at this site wanted to bash my head to a pulp on hard concrete
Not to worry, Doc. I’m pretty sure your head is harder than the hardest concrete.


Realist, yeah, I guess you’re right. Well, at least it’s not mushy.


Ianua Ditis, I’ve always suspected it and if that Mark guy says it’s so I guess it must be – Gods an ungodly commie.


How does God’s assurance of American victory in WWII foot with His attempts to defeat us in Iraq or with terrorism or hurricanes? Is it because we weren’t so gay back then? I’d like to ask Pat Robertson.


(comments are closed)