In Which We Choose ‘Something Else’

When Glenn Reynolds does those Instapolls that he does, they’re Instahosted at In other words, we have discovered a wormhole to an alternate universe where Instapundit allows comments

February 25, 2009

INSTA-POLL: So the Tea Party Movement is well underway. And I think there’s a lot to be said for the notion of demonstrating over passing the biggest spending bill in history without even reading it. If that’s not a reason for protest, what is? But should there be further goals? It’s a viral, grassroots movement, so it’s a matter for discussion, not direction. But here are some alternatives — and please discuss in the comments.
What should be the goal of the Tea Party movement?

  • A balanced budget amendment.
  • An amendment to limit spending to a percentage of GDP.
  • Making members of Congress read the next big bill before voting.
  • Something else (discuss in comments).

As Reynolds typed the phrase, “It’s a viral, grassroots movement,” he was saying something that he knew not to be true, intending that the readers of his blog receive false information. The Tea Party thing is being flogged into existence by entities including FreedomWorks, a standard-issue wingnut-welfare foundation with a specialty in online marketing campaigns; the Heartland Institute, a majorly-funded, Chicago-based junk science mill most notorious for its anti-environmental and pro-tobacco work; chumps like these people, and what seems to be a complex admixture between the right’s own transporter-accident copy of the bald cyberfuturist Seth Godin, the Twitter king Eric Odom, and his employer-until-four-weeks-ago, The Sam Adams Alliance.

From Adam Sullivan on February 25, 2009 at 10:29 am.

Get congress to meet outside of DC. Different city each time. Make them easier for you to get to and harder for lobbyists to get to.

Someone’s been reading Heinlein. Problem right off the bat: Ideas that start with a verb in the imperative (“Get…”), or with a phrase like “they should” or “someone ought to,” are probably not crafted with great care.

Also, ‘Adam Sullivan’ sounds like somebody’s name, i.e. the name that a person would have. His younger brother Dylan has a band, and his sister Nicole is considering business school. I grabbed a few of these comments on Wednesday, by the way, with meticulous randomness.

The Sam Adams Alliance is another Chicago-located wingnut foundation, apparently made of compacted, bricked money, that’s with-it about the Facebook, the Twitter, and the free blog hosting on WordPress, and hip to the trolling and policing Wikipedia using multiple throwaway identities. Also ‘citizen journalism‘ — that’s one of those hot, new, up-and-coming grassroots things where you can get people to work for free to get your grassroots message out.

If it’s unclear which of those projects are Odom’s and which are from the Sam Adams Alliance, it’s not because they didn’t explain it to us before deleting that page for some reason; it’s because you can never believe anything these right-wing PR people say, because they lie like Flight of the Bumblebee on the Sousaphone.

Anyway, the Exiled piece linked way up there, on the phrase ‘flogged into existence,’ proposes that Santelli’s spaz on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange was not spontaneous, and was instead choreographed in advance. Evidencing this is the fact that one of the instantly-appearing ‘grassroots’ websites turned out to have been registered by Odom, while another was registered six months ago by a promising local stuntster on the staff of a local right-wing talk radio host.

But hey. Fish will swim, cats will meow, and wingnuts will form activist groups with buntingdraped front ends and a rolling con game in the back. It is their way.

From Eric on February 25, 2009 at 10:29 am.

Why don’t I see public hangings listed?

It being their way, this particular effort — the Tea Party scheme — recalls Reynolds’s nominally bipartisan Porkbusters project, which was abandoned at the apparent peak of its influence for puzzle-confuse reason of why-duh?, and lives on only as a rubric under which Reynolds can investigate certain spending while researching excuses for other kinds.

From JZ on February 25, 2009 at 10:28 am.

Term limits. 1 term and your out. for good.

My 1 term is up and my out? For bad!

As with Porkbusters, behind the Tea Party scam is the old and irresoluble right-wing message that government is always spending too much money, except the military is a thing on which infinite money should be spent by government. The first part of this equation has proven to be a winning avenue of persuasion, with its natural appeal to Joe Taxpayer and the laurels of prudence that the persuaders can display on their heads as they decry waste and lament the human costs of government social engineering, and so forth.

But if Jonah Goldberg is right about anything — and unless we’re talking Spicy Baconator or Angry Whopper I’m not saying that he is — it’s that in Liberal Fascism, one can see the intermingling diversity of socialisms, fascisms, and proto-libertarian leave-me-aloneist philosophies that flourished in the years between the World Wars, before the present binary distinction between ‘liberal’ and ‘conservative’ began to be projected back over history. And as it happened, the thing that most decided the pole of the binary that one would end up inhabiting once the dust had settled from the war wasn’t an identification with the left or the right, per se, or one’s position on the interventionist/isolationist question, but one’s reaction to Roosevelt and the sudden explosion of government spending (and ‘statism’) during the New Deal.

From Bill Wyatt on February 25, 2009 at 10:27 am.

Constitutional limitations on taxation, spending and budgeting (to require all present and future spending to be “on budget”. The constitutional budget and spending provisions should include a requirement that any final tax, budget or spending bill be posted to the internet in final form for general public inspection not less than 10 business days prior to a final vote. They should also include a line item veto for the executive, enforcement by taxpayer suit and a requirement that all final tax, spending and budget votes be “on the record”.

That’s actually not dumb, except in most particulars.

…And in the notion that a sweepingly broad Constitutional amendment can be secured by standing in clumps of dozens with signs that say ‘Teabag the Liberal Dems.’ But it’s not a poisonous burp.

From dossier on February 25, 2009 at 10:27 am.

Extreme focus on corruption in congress: Dodd, Frank, Burris, Pelosi, Rangel, etc. and any Republicans that behave unethically as well.

Ah, there we go. Anyone see any ethical lapses by Republicans? Heh heh, me neither. Now how about that Jumbo Jet Pelosi and her island of tuna slavery

I’ve kept thinking since I realized it that the time between the founding of ‘conservatism’ as an intellectual tradition (in 1953 with Russell Kirk’s The Conservative Mind) and the rebellion of conservative intellectuals against the ‘pseudo-conservatives’ of the American right [point cough cough] was minus-four years.

Seriously, and still in tangent from the New Deal topic, the term ‘pseudoconservatives’ is associated with a famous Richard Hofstadter essay, although this guy says that Theodor Adorno used it first, in 1950. I say Peter Viereck, Conservatism Revisited: The Revolt Against Ideology, in 1949. Viereck was not only a conservative, but literally invented the term ‘conservatism’ in its modern usage. His own attempt toward an intellectual history, Conservative Thinkers from John Adams to Winston Churchill, also supplies the very nice calumny, “pluto-cranks.”

From TarAndFeather on February 25, 2009 at 10:26 am.

No Taxation for Nationalization!

[cough point point cough]

[Back later with Pt II, featuring bad evil Nazis!]


Comments: 826


Extreme focus on corruption in congress



The fact is,

gurgle, choke….


Bring on the crazy, I say.

How can we make sure that Limbaugh flogs this “teabagging” non-stop on his radio show?


Spicy Baconator or Angry Whopper

the Petulant Fishwich?

Emo McRibs?


[BTW, I fixed some horrifying errors of flow and continuity just now.]

[ Rrgh– off to bed!]


because they lie like Flight of the Bumblebee on the Sousaphone.
Youtube link or it didn’t happen.
Otherwise I shall be forced to link to Tuba Smarties.


See Insta & crazy internment camp lady Michelle do their public access show & mouth talking points.

“Common ground.”

“Common ground.”

“Did I say it enough?”


Sousaphones are simply vehicles for ambulatory tubists. Float like a butterfly…


See Insta & crazy internment camp lady Michelle do their public access show & mouth talking points.

100 = huge mob! Really, it is!


The fact is, laugh it up, liberal traiters. The 2nd USA Revolution is underway, and the grass roots you have “exposed” are real, not fake the way all liberal communism is paid for by Soros. This porkulus bill was the last straw and its time for government to stop wasting money, let the free market and free enterprise solve the problem with freedom. We will string up the guilty from lampposts and fagpoles and it will be in the constitution, and you can’t stop us.

St Jesus, King James Version

For there shall arise false Garys, and false trolls, and shall shew great ignorance and shameful stupidity; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect of the sadlynaughts.


See Insta & crazy internment camp lady Michelle do their public access show & mouth talking points.

Yeesh, Michelle looks like she either needs more sleep, or less outwardly projected malevolence. She and Coulter will both see their effectiveness diminish as their sell-by dates get closer and closer.


For there shall arise false Garys, and false trolls, and shall shew great ignorance and shameful stupidity; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect of the sadlynaughts.

Nah, “fagpoles” was a dead giveaway.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Term limits. 1 term and your out. for good great justice.

One would think that this teabaggery would be ripe for culture-jamming.

Wouldn’t one?


Why am I still up this late?

P.S., go see Roy at Alicublog for first-rate coverage of the teabagging:

Also here:


Finally, and for the record, no one on Heartland’s board of directors works for the tobacco, oil, or automobile industries. Walter Buchholtz, a former member of Heartland’s board, was never a “public relations advisor” for The Heartland Institute — that was his title with ExxonMobil, not Heartland. Roy Marden retired from Philip Morris long ago and left Heartland’s Board in 2008. Tom Walton retired from General Motors in 2008. Heartland’s board of directors has 15 members, some of whom were founding members of the organization.

Up this stuff, make it can’t.


I guess we’ve all be hoaxed by CNBC and Santellii with this teabagging thing.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Finally, vindication for all those who truly do read Playboy for the articles.


Does modern conservatism bear any resemblance at all to a ‘revolt against ideology’? I’m not sure that guy counts.


Yeesh, Michelle looks like she either needs more sleep, or less outwardly projected malevolence. She and Coulter will both see their effectiveness diminish as their sell-by dates get closer and closer.

There’s something about both Ann and Michelle that makes them look like Dorian Gray in reverse – as if they have each have a portrait in their attic that gets more attractive, empathic and kind with each passing day, the demonic price they have paid for whatever the hell it is they get out of being such vile assholes.


That’s funny, I buy alot of food from the Dongwon Group… Tho I can’t remember the brands it has off the top of my head. I don’t actually read Korean ^-^;


A sousaphone is a series of tubes. It’s not like a big truck.

McLovin the Abstinence-Only Sex Education Dog

Remember to wait until marriage, kids! That way you won’t get gonoRRRRRRRhea!


Term limits. 1 term and your out. for good.

Damn homonyms! Y does English have to be so hard?


Repulsive , the new spanking brand of in your face soft sell
Toooo big for easy traditional reflexive reptilian fright

Thought , the futile frontier

One small step towards extinction

One largish step towards fooling all the goop all the time

Hobgoblins for every virtue and occasion !
An easy fits all excuse to get out of the house for tasty treats ! Disdain for those who know not of the exquisite pleasure of always , always , always , being right , right , right …


I think the demonstrators would be reassured to know these were not spontaneous, heartfelt eruptions of sentiment, but were carefully planned by their Betters.

The ones that bother to show up, anyway. Let others have social emotions!

They have staked out other ground.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

This is the money quote from “Chaplain Desiree Bernstein”:

‘Almighty God, we were not created for Socialism, we were not created for Marxism, we were not created for sharia law, which is already here!’

Why wasn’t I aware of this rally before it occurred?


Aww, isn’t that cute? The wingnuts want to stage protests after eight years of dismissing protesters as ‘childish’, and now they’re hell-bent on proving it!

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

Heckuva job, Bushie!

Both retired FBI officials asserted that the Bush administration was thoroughly briefed on the mortgage fraud crisis and its potential to cascade out of control with devastating financial consequences, but made the decision not to give back to the FBI the agents it needed to address the problem.

And thanks for voting for this cocksucker twice, Troofus!


The wingnuts want to stage protests after eight years of dismissing protesters as ‘childish’

Well, hell, they’ve got a serious cause, not something trivial like an illegal war! They’ve got the marsh mouse!


The costume is, laughs him above, traiters liberal. The far turns of the E.U.A. is current, and them bases which you “exps” are real, not to counterfeit the manner all liberal Communism is paid for by Serums. This account of the porkulus was the last straw and its hour so that the government stop wasting his money, left the open market and the company exempted to decide the problem with freedom. We will moor above the culprit of lampposts and fagpoles and will be in the constitution, and you it cannot stop us.


Outsourcing Gary, are they?


I’m going to have to go with “something else.”

That something is to be decided in the near future, once we have an opportunity to see if the Obamee Stimulus Package From Hell only ruins our country OR if it drowns our country in a bathtub filled with green jello and marshmallows.


Hey, at least they’re getting on board the Read The Bills bandwagon. Took them fucking long enough. They didn’t seem to have any problem with hastily passed bills when the Republicans were in control, even when a bill Bush signed wasn’t the same one that left the conference.


Consistency is for the little people.

Hemlock for Gadflies

I’m totally down with Instaputz’ idea that Members of Congress should read things before they vote.

Like, well, for example, i.e., e.g., ummmmm, well — oh, National Intelligence Estimates on Iraq’s WMD program come to mind. Or, say, USA PATRIOT ACTs.

Nahhhh — we’ll take the White House’s word for it.


Please explain what is wrong with these options, liberals:

* A balanced budget amendment.
* An amendment to limit spending to a percentage of GDP.
* Making members of Congress read the next big bill before voting.
* Something else (discuss in comments).


From the poll comments section:
How much is going to the illegal alien?

We have got to stand up!
(I’ve had that problem myself a few times.)

And this all-purpose wingnut classic…
I am furious about so much


There should be a constitutional amendment preventing Congress from increasing spending faster than population growth.


There’s a population explosion in my piefilter.


When reviewing the poll comments, don’t miss the one at March 1, 2009 at 3:24 AM.

Shit Moats and Tea Bags for Freedom!


Has anyone even mentioned the fact the first Tea Party was about a tax raise and this stimulus bill has tax CUTS? Howfucktarded can you get?


The constitutional budget and spending provisions should include a requirement that any final tax, budget or spending bill be posted to the internet in final form for general public inspection not less than 10 business days prior to a final vote.

Uh… all bills and resolutions that reach the House or Senate floor are already posted online.


Has anyone even mentioned the fact the first Tea Party was about a tax raise and this stimulus bill has tax CUTS?

Nuh-uh, ’cause it also has tax RAISES for rich people, and as a minimum wage employee who doesn’t pay federal taxes, I feel that this will hurt me somehow in some Reaganomical way, so I’m going to have to vote Republican.


What percentage of income is a “fair share” to pay in taxes?

If you add up local, state, federal income and payroll taxes, I pay half my income in taxes already.

With Obama’s tax increase, and his plan of raising the payroll tax cap, that could increase to 60%!


So SIX out of every TEN dollars I will make will get confiscated by the government!


New York City has eight million people, and guess how many people are responsible for 70% of its operating budget?



And this all-purpose wingnut classic…
I am furious about so much

There is considerable evidence that expressing anger simply leads to more anger. Anger has to be diffused, not fed. Addressed, not indulged in.

The post I linked references an observation that I have seen; that males in our society are told to throttle all their emotions; except anger.

While the right wing likes to pretend women have none.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

She and Coulter will both see their effectiveness diminish as their sell-by dates get closer and closer.

By now, I think their sell-by dates are getting further and further away.


As Reynolds typed the phrase, “It’s a viral, grassroots movement,” he was saying something that he knew not to be true, intending that the readers of his blog receive false information. The Tea Party thing is being flogged into existence by entities including FreedomWorks, a standard-issue wingnut-welfare foundation with a specialty in online marketing campaigns; the Heartland Institute, a majorly-funded, Chicago-based junk science mill most notorious for its anti-environmental and pro-tobacco work; chumps like these people, and what seems to be a complex admixture between the right’s own transporter-accident copy of the bald cyberfuturist Seth Godin, the Twitter king Eric Odom, and his employer-until-four-weeks-ago, The Sam Adams Alliance.

I actually think that for people like Glenn Reynolds, those massive, well-funded entities are the “grass roots”.

The actual peasants are, I dunno, soil bacteria, or layers of rotting vegetation, but whatever they are, they are considered inhuman proto-organisms not worthy of consideration.


So SIX out of every TEN dollars I will make will get confiscated by the government!

Yes, yes – freedom isn’t free, I know. But you digress.

The important question is: how much do you tithe?


that males in our society are told to throttle all their emotions; except anger.
Perhaps my favorite thing about this place is the learning opportunities – thanks WB.

I was brung up to keep my anger on a short chain. I recommend everyone be raised by a “60’s feminist”.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I actually think that for people like Glenn Reynolds, those massive, well-funded entities are the “grass roots”. The actual peasants are, I dunno, soil bacteria, or layers of rotting vegetation…

I agree. It’s not so much that they’ve thought about democracy and decided it was a bad idea, it’s that they can’t really grasp it at all.


Am I supposed to know what “teabag the Democrats” means? I keep forgetting. I already like tea, and have lots of bags at my house BTW, so does this mean I can join? Is somebody going to hit me with a tea bag?

What does it all mean again?


There must be an constitutional amendment which more quickly prevents the congress of the increasing expenditure of than the population growth.


I pay a sh*t-load of taxes myself. And if my government actually does something useful with the money, instead of blowing the sh*t out of brown people worldwide, no-bid contracts to the Bush-Cheney friends, stupid f*cking military spending (star wars, anyone), and does something for me and people like me, you know what?

I’m good with that. If we can do something together jointly that I and my family and friends couldn’t well afford to do on our own, or are unlikely to do given various realities, then, great, let’s do it.


Cough it up, John K


What does it all mean again?
Let Chaplain Desiree Bernstein explain it to you!

From the Village Voice coverage of the New York protest:

“If we do not return to the foundations that made us great, every Ivy League school that declares in almighty God and in Jesus Christ is our trust, we can, we are a nation of Judeo-Christian values (cheers) before sharia takes us over and we become dhimmitudes! Is that what you want?…And I’m asking you now, if we do not invoke the Almighty to come into our midst as we undertake this great assignment, that generations after us would know that we are free because of people like you and me!”

(The crowd eventually tired of Bernstein and encouraged her to cease with a chant of “U.S.A.! U.S.A.!”)

That should make everything perfectly clear.


John K. said,

March 1, 2009 at 16:53

There should be a constitutional amendment preventing Congress from increasing spending faster than population growth

John K said,

March 1, 2009 at 17:44

There must be an constitutional amendment which more quickly prevents the congress of the increasing expenditure of than the population growth.

Recurring bouts of amnesia? See your doctor.


Now I see. Why don’t they just write “The End Is Near” on the signs and be done with it?

Pre-show announcement

At this evening’s performance, the role of Desiree Bernstein will be played by Madeline Kahn.


Why aren’t you libs for a balanced budget amendment?


Because an insistence on balanced budgets would make it impossible to do anything to alleviate recessions.

The GOP failed to balance the budget even when it had ample opportunity to do so and consequently this crisis is worse.


So to “alleviate” a recession you spend the money of your children and grandchildren?


We need to let the market correct itself instead.


The GOP tried to pass a balanced budget amendment in 1995 and the Democrat Party killed it.


* A balanced budget amendment.
* An amendment to limit spending to a percentage of GDP

This just fucking galls me.

I have a very serious question: Why the fuck didn’t you assholes try to balance the budget when you ran the Congress and had a Republican presidency?

The Republicans had, during much of the Bush administration, the most power a single party can have in this country, so tell me why they didn’t work on balancing the budget back then?

I want one, just one important Republican commentator to answer that question. Just one.

I just can’t get used to how incredibly insincere and mendacious the big Republican pundits are. My nature is to assume that people are arguing in good faith even if they seem stupid and insane, but guys like Instapundit, who flog this balanced budget shit ONLY when their guys aren’t running things, have proven themselves to be nothing more then poorly paid admen. Glenn doesn’t believe in this shit any more then the actors in Pepsi ads believe it’s the choice of a new generation.

The way assholes like Glenn have completely and utterly changed their opinions now that a Democrat is in office… I thought I was inured to these crazy assholes, but they just keep finding ways to shock and appall me.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Why the fuck didn’t you assholes try to balance the budget when you ran the Congress and had a Republican presidency?

And not only that, but treat the gigantic Iraq war expenditures as off-the-budget “emergencies” for, um, several years. By then it’s not so much an emergency anymore.


John K, when I was a little girl, my daddy borrowed the money in my savings account, and my sister’s money, to buy a piece of property, which he then sold at a profit, which he shared with us. So, yes, in that case, he was smart to borrow our money.


You’ve got to love the current state of the right. They have a make-believe grassroots movement that doesn’t make any sense (aping the Boston Tea Party to protest tax cuts). They have a real grassroots movement known as the Religious Right, which most of them would probably prefer to ignore, since it’s dragging their party into permanent irrelevance. They just wrapped up several years in power when they could easily have passed every item on Reynolds’ agenda, but made no effort to do so, and only now, when very few people are listening to them, are they making fake noises about a fake movement that they’re very much aware is going nowhere.


So to “alleviate” a recession you spend the money of your children and grandchildren?

This was a line in Jindal’s response to Obama’s recent speech, and as far as I know, Jindal is not a troll. Although… Jindal’s line is even more of a setup then John K’s:

Who among us would ask our children for a loan, so we could spend money we do not have, on things we do not need?

Republicans can still get elected in this country. Think about it.


Scream louder, John K.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Youtube link or it didn’t happen
Your wish is my command.


We need to let the market correct itself instead.

No we don’t.


All the “stimulus” will do is cause massive inflation right as the economy begins to turn around.

Most of the spending doesn’t even take place until 2010, when Bernake says the recession should be over.


Meet wingnut Paul Collins from a Globe comment thread

Paul Collins from Canada writes: Niall Ferguson is part of a very powerful think tank on social and foreign policy. I would like to ask him if he is a husband, or a father. Why? I think if he had a wife, or children, he would be more grounded and project a positive point of view. I feel if you have too much money, you create your own reality. This reality that he is projecting suggests that he needs a psychological evalution. We should be concerned about the mental health of such people who form our policies. There is a reason to the maxim of never trust an unmarried man in business.


All the “stimulus” will do is cause massive inflation right as the economy begins to turn around.

No it won’t.


Massive government spending means the government will print more money, which means inflation.

Ask Zimbabwe or 1920s Germany how that works out!


John K obviously thinks HIS crystal ball is the correct one! Mine says “ask again later.”


Also ask Jimmy Carter.


So to “alleviate” a recession you spend the money of your children and grandchildren?

You spend money and make up the difference five years later. It’s called “planning”.

The current deficit is huge because of the Republicans. You support the Republicans. Deal with it.


So because the Republicans spent too much it gives the Democrats an excuse to spend even MORE?


Also, I notice that, instead of sustained argument, you make lots of little empty bumper-sticker comments with no content in an effort to get attention. You know your position is weak, that’s why.


The clean-up always costs more than doing it right the first time. At least that was true for the plumbing problem we had at our house.


Obama has spent more in his first month than Bush did in his entire eight years.


Ask Zimbabwe or 1920s Germany how that works out!

Play the stupid analogy game somewhere else. This situation is like the 1930s New Deal, not like Zimbabwe or 1920s Germany.

The Americans of the 1950s and 1960s suffered neither crushing inflation nor the ‘generational debt’ from the massive, much more massive per GDP than now, investment FDR made in the economy and infrastructure via the New Deal and WWII-era national development spending.

Cut the crap.


“This situation is like the 1930s New Deal,”

So we will get the recession prolonged then?


“The Americans of the 1950s and 1960s suffered neither crushing inflation nor the ‘generational debt’ from the massive, much more massive per GDP than now, investment FDR made in the economy and infrastructure via the New Deal and WWII-era national development spending.”

But back then we didn’t owe any of our debt to foreigners. Now we owe 45% of our debt to foreigners. That’s a big difference!


Again: Children in the 1950s and 1960s were not bitching about how their parents’ government spent a lot of money in the 1930s and 1940s.

Grow up.


So because the Republicans spent too much it gives the Democrats an excuse to spend even MORE?


Rich people’s taxes will go up because of the recklessness of the GOP and their friends. Of course, the stimulus is half tax-cuts but that’s inconvenient for your talking points so you will never discuss that. Have fun.


But back then we didn’t owe any of our debt to foreigners. Now we owe 45% of our debt to foreigners. That’s a big difference!

No, it isn’t. Stop repeating the code. It convinced no one.

What matters is the investment made in domestic development — not who owes the debt while we massively upgrade the nation.


That generation also didn’t have to worry about entitlement spending spinning out of control and bankrupting our nation.

How many of you have seen this:

Not good, huh?


owns not owes


Also, ask FDR, LBJ, FBI, BBC, Clinton, also!!11!!


Again, look at this graph:

And that was BEFORE the “stimulus”.



John K. said,

March 1, 2009 at 18:25

Obama has spent more in his first month than Bush did in his entire eight years.

The fact is, that is a fact, liberals. Bush saved the crumbling Clinton economy with tax cuts, which are an incentive to invest and create jobs. Obsama takes money from the productive and gives it to the lazy. That’s socialism and we hate that here in the heartland.


That generation also didn’t have to worry about entitlement spending spinning out of control and bankrupting our nation.

That generation saw the biggest increase in entitlement spending ever.

Idiots who bleat about Social Security are idiots. Bleat to someone else. We’re tired of this bullsh*t. You’ve had your way for 30 years. It failed. We reject it. Grow up.


Idiot John K needs to look up “context.”


Like the government accounting office?

“Idiots who bleat about Social Security are idiots”


Oh look, unintentional honesty from the NstaPutz:

And I think there’s a lot to be said for the notion of demonstrating over passing the biggest spending bill in history without even reading it.

Of course I don’t expect the fReichtards to know why they’ve taken to the streets. I don’t expect them to have the tiniest clue as to why they’re urging RealAmericans to dangle their ballsacks over the rearing face of socialism. Still, it’s nice of Mr. Putz to admit they’re protesting something they haven’t read.


By the way, go look at the date on that GAO chart.


Naturally, John K brings up the one entitlement, SocSec, which is easiest to fix. Take a Xanax, will you John?


It is 2007. If they made the same chart today it would be even worse because of BHO’s spending.


Social Security and Medicare are ticking time bombs.


Please ignore my idiot brother John’s ravings. His delusions are practically Kafkaesque!

Oops, gotta run — I think my trial is finally ready to start…


John K is drowning in his own flop-sweat.


obama is not my president and never will be. i’m sorry but he wasn’t elected by real americans.

the people who participate in civil disobedience like this are the real heroes, the greatest heroes except for our military heroes. anybody who scoffs at them is just a sadsack.


Nobody has addressed that graph, and the issue of Medicare and Social Security bankrupting us.


John K. – “Oh my beloved ice cream bar. How I love to lick your creamy center!”

You’re not hitchhiking anymore, you’re riding my friend. Dogbreathfootballleather.


Please ignore my retarded brother John’s ravings. Why, his delusions are practically Kafkaesque!

Oops — gotta run! I think my trial is finally ready to start…


Social Security is incredibly well funded, and its small problems will be entirely fixed by removing the cap on rich people paying into it.

Idiots. The only good thing about this continual bleating is that you’ve all had your ridiculous way for 30 years, 30 years of failure.

Now you’ve lost. Enjoy your tears.


“Social Security is incredibly well funded, and its small problems will be entirely fixed by removing the cap on rich people paying into it.”

So the “rich” will go from paying over half their income up to about 65-70%? How long until they leave the country or move their money offshore?

Medicare is an even bigger problem.

Stag Party Palin

“obama is not my president and never will be. i’m sorry but he wasn’t elected by real americans.”

True. He was elected by real Scotsmen.


So if that projection is based off 2007, why wouldn’t that be George Bush’s fault.


Nobody has addressed that graph, and the issue of Medicare and Social Security bankrupting us

John K. has studiously ignored everything I said. Who shall I complain to?


The latest GAO graph was from April of 2008, when George W. Bush Jr. was still running the country into the ground. I look forward to their updates based on a non-retarded President.

aristides e. lee

obama is not my president and never will be.

because I am a patriotic citizen of the confederate states of america.


John, your home schooling is showing and it isn’t pretty.


aristides, I’m sure you felt exactly the same way about the freedom marchers in the 60’s no?

I think I’m leaving the thread – the stink of fear always gets to me. Plus, some of my Daffodil bulbs are coming up. Spring is arriving.


obama is not my president and never will be.

We really don’t give the slightest sh*t who you think your President is. President Black Hussein Obama X. is gonna school you no matter where you think you is.


So the “rich” will go from paying over half their income up to about 65-70%? How long until they leave the country or move their money offshore?


And yes, millionaires are rich.


a.e. lee– I do believe the Virginia school of states’ rights was on to something and I do think the wrong side won the civil war.

Party Palin–No, he was elected by wine guzzling cheese slobbering liberals who have never been part of the real America.


Why are you for punishing wealth, productivity, and success?


st jesus–a million dollars is hardly rich. even the liberal ny times had an article recently on how hard it is to live on a million bucks a year in manhattan. you should read your own sources.


Why are you for punishing wealth, productivity, and success?

Why do you hate America?™


It’s touching that John cares and worries for the richest in American society. (He’s probably earning $10/hour in some shit job himself, but that won’t stop him from being there for the wealthiest pigfuckers.)


Idiots. Marginal tax rates means that you pay additional taxes only on the f*@%ing margin of your income which rises above the announced bracket.

If you have a 39% marginal tax rate on the highest brackets, once you click into that bracket you don’t instantly start paying 39% on your entire f*@%ing income, but on that PART of your income WHICH RISES ABOVE THAT BRACKET.



The wealthy invest, give you a job, pay by far the vast majority of taxes, and grow this economy but you want to punish them in the name of class envy.

Tearing them down doesn’t build you up.


Pss, hey John K., its all so clear to me now. I’m the keeper of the cheese and you’re the lemon merchant, you get it? And he knows it. That’s why he’s gonna kill us. So we got to beat it, ya, before he let’s loose the marmosets on us. Don’t worry little missy, I’ll save you.

You remind me of my Uncle Eddie.


An example of John’s worrywartying:

TD bank chief’s compensation falls 41 per cent; his pay to total ONLY $8-million for 2008.

Wow, now who in their right mind thinks $8-Million is enough to live on for one whole year. My Godz, the unfairness!


You’ve got to love the current state of the right. They have a make-believe grassroots movement that doesn’t make any sense (aping the Boston Tea Party to protest tax cuts). They have a real grassroots movement known as the Religious Right, which most of them would probably prefer to ignore, since it’s dragging their party into permanent irrelevance. They just wrapped up several years in power when they could easily have passed every item on Reynolds’ agenda, but made no effort to do so, and only now, when very few people are listening to them, are they making fake noises about a fake movement that they’re very much aware is going nowhere.

And this is the “rebirth” they’ve been clamoring for, apparently.


Why do Republicans hate America?

Why do Republicans always love treason, cowardice, sniveling to their benefactors, and neo-Confederacy over our great Nation?

Why have Republicans always despised every part of the Constitution outside the 2nd Amendment?

Why do Republicans hate Americans and America so much?

I guess we’ll never know; however, we’ll just have to keep kicking their asses and leaving them as a bastion of barking idiocy in the white conservative South. As a native Southerner, nothing could be better for the South and the Nation then to continue to get their asses handed to them by the rest of the country.


Where the fuck else is the money going to come from, do you wanna go street to street hassling homeless people for their pocket change, how much do you think you’ll fucking get, not enough to pay for goddamn Iraq.


Tearing them down doesn’t build you up.

Oh yes it does. By the way, why are you still refusing to answer my points?


Why aren’t these people in church? Why are you guys here and not praying to the Sky God this morning? Fear, hate, desperation – soooo un-christian.


Who create jobs in this economy?

The homeless?

Or the rich you hate so much?


Ask the Soviet Union and North Korea how tearing down the rich helped them.


Tearing them down doesn’t build you up.

I agree. I’d feel much more “built up” if the greedy pigfucking shitbag sociopaths of corporate finance were being pilloried.


Figure 1.a.) Graph demonstrating a clear trend that easily-duped conservatives ought to take statistics classes.


The wealthy invest, give you a job, pay by far the vast majority of taxes, and grow this economy but you want to punish them in the name of class envy.

Which is why we need to start supporting the sane rich who want a decent, strong, functioning country and economy instead of surrendering to the most idiotic, retarded, venal rich who want nothing more than to steal everything they can get their hands on which isn’t tied down and flush the nation and its people and its economy down the toilet.


“I agree. I’d feel much more “built up” if the greedy pigfucking shitbag sociopaths of corporate finance were being pilloried.”

Class envy and anger. Why don’t you work harder to be successful instead of hating them?


Consider the Lilies of the Field, neither do they sow nor do they reap…


Those “sane rich” can pay extra taxes anytime they want.

The IRS accepts check or money order!


Is it just me, or are the trolls devolving like Charlie Gordon in the second half of Flowers for Algernon?


Ask the Soviet Union and North Korea how tearing down the rich helped them.

Ask Somalia how getting rid of the federal government and its oppressive taxes helped them.

Ask the USA how letting Republican idiots flush their country down the drain for 8 years helped them.


Also, ask FDR, LBJ, FBI, BBC, Clinton, also!!11!!

And the CIA! And Doris Day! Matt Busby!


Any of you on here can pay more taxes voluntarily if you feel like you aren’t being taxed enough.


I just want to know what the masters of teh Sadly did to trigger a plague of lame trolls.


el cid–we conservatives are the only reason you have “rights” to squawk and flail about. we run the companies that make the money and the jobs. we pay the taxes. we lead the military that is the only reason you have any freedom at all.

don’t make a big deal out of it though. i prefer you just say “thank you” and went on your way, son.


Who create jobs in this economy?

Companies run by people who get paid a decent salary. That’s who.

Why aren’t you answering my points, Johnnie boy?

aristides e. lee

aristides said,
March 1, 2009 at 18:41

a.e. lee– I do believe the Virginia school of states’ rights was on to something

FTFY. (Actually, I had one of my slaves do it.)


What exactly were your “points” St. Jesus?


Is it just me, or are the trolls devolving like Charlie Gordon in the second half of Flowers for Algernon?

More like a dog turd in a thunderstorm.


The government cannot create wealth, it can only take it and re-distribute it.


Class envy and anger. Why don’t you work harder to be successful instead of hating them?

John K supports the likes of Bernie Madoff and not his victims. That’s almost akin to supporting OJ.

Hmmm. I wonder, what does John K think of finance CEOs taking taxpayer money?


No one promotes progressive taxation because they hate the rich, but seriously and don’t just hit me with the same bleep bloop John Galt platitude. In a society where income disparity is rising so high, where do you get the money to do shit?


we conservatives are the only reason you have “rights”



“John K supports the likes of Bernie Madoff and not his victims”

I don’t support people who commit fraud or use force.


Why all the liberal hate for people who fly private jets?

Do you know how many jobs private aviation creates in this country?


John, the finance companies committed fraud. Duh.


The government cannot create wealth, it can only take it and re-distribute it.

Companies cannot create wealth, they can only take it and re-distribute it.


I happen to agree with aristides. We should have let the south secede. Maybe they can do it now, and see how many people care.


itwasntme: I’ve got daffodils springing up all over the yard too. Unfortunately it’s snowing today. Bummer.


Where do all the new boring trolls come from? Once upon a time this site had (however briefly) classy trolling by A-list wingers like Patterico (defending the honour of the Cockslapper).


How I pine for the days when “gay” meant happy, and “teabagging” meant putting another man’s testicles into one’s mouth.


If the wealthiest people are saints who always do the right thing and the poor are envious scum, why are modest hard working income earners now supporting the wealthiest people financially hmmm?


Do you know how many jobs private aviation creates in this country?

How exciting! YOU TOO could grow up to become a stewardess, hot napkin distributor or golden plate dishwasher.


Hey, John, do you know why Canadian banks are solvent and not needing bailouts? Strict regulation by government.

Canada is one of the few countries that didn’t allow deregulation. Result: we’re faring far better than the US and most European countries.


@ john K: “Do you know how many jobs private aviation creates in this country?”

I’m sure I don’t, and I’m pretty sure you don’t, either. After all, iyou did, you probably would have already told us, no?

Truth Before Dishonor

Ok, Johnnie, no more answers for you until you can answer this little riddle:

Why didn’t the Republicans, with strong majorities, backing from Right Wing Supreme court and occupancy of the White House, propose a balanced budget once from 2003-2006?


Who create (sic) jobs in this economy?

Those who provide the stable society and physical infrastructure in which people can effectively pursue economic activity – i.e. the government, i.e. the people. Those who enforce the terms of the social contract, i.e. the government, i.e. the people.

Oh, and the government, i.e. the people.

But, hey, if you want to take off for some truly libertarian country like Somalia so that you don’t have to deal with the rest of us then please, please do so.


Do you know how many jobs private aviation creates in this country?

Unfortunately, this industry is rapidly tanking and jobs are plummeting.


John K. said,
March 1, 2009 at 18:53

I don’t support people who commit fraud or use force.

And that’s why my brother demands criminal prosecutions for the Bush/Cheney administration.


Why all the liberal hate for people who fly private jets?

But we love Al Gore!


Oh, aristides, thank you, thank you for giving me my rights! All along I thought it was the Constitution! You’ve cleared that up for me. *kneels before the almighty aristides*


Where do all the new boring trolls come from?

Nobody’s entirely sure. Possibilites:

1. Weblog Awards
2. Memeorandum
3. Google Blog Search

Or just inevitable with an expanding readership?


Where do they come from? The ranks of the newly unemployed?


They all type the same gibberjabber; they may as well be one troll.


“How exciting! YOU TOO could grow up to become a stewardess, hot napkin distributor or golden plate dishwasher.”

Or mechanic. Or filler station attendant. Or assembly line worker that makes the planes. Or the factory supervisor. Or an oil rig worker that drills for the oil, or a refinery worker that refines the oil that makes the plane fly…


they may as well be one troll.

Ein volk. Ein reich. Ein troll.


“Unfortunately, this industry is rapidly tanking and jobs are plummeting.”

And demonizing the ownership of private jets will make it tank faster and lose more jobs.


Or mechanic. Or filler station attendant. Or assembly line worker that makes the planes. Or the factory supervisor. Or an oil rig worker that drills for the oil, or a refinery worker that refines the oil that makes the plane fly…

… that lived in the house that Jack built!


Canada is governed by CONSERVATIVES.


I may even move to Canada since the US has become so leftist and the Canadians have a great man in Stephen Harper as their leader.


Sigh. Yet another thread taken over by the trolls and the people who respond to them.


Or mechanic. Or filler station attendant. Or assembly line worker that makes the planes. Or the factory supervisor. Or an oil rig worker that drills for the oil, or a refinery worker that refines the oil that makes the plane fly…

Industries create jobs, some of them pay higher wages than others…this is news? (Apparently John isn’t aware of the billions gov’t has always invested to support industries including aerospace.)

James K Polk, Esq.


Why didn’t the Republicans, with strong majorities, backing from Right Wing Supreme court and occupancy of the White House, propose a balanced budget once from 2003-2006?


“Canada is governed by CONSERVATIVES.”

…Which is why Canada must be invaded and destroyed. It will be like Sherman’s March, only to the North, and instead of Sherman, this March will be led by Peabody.


Oh OneMan, you’re no fun anymore.


“Why didn’t the Republicans, with strong majorities, backing from Right Wing Supreme court and occupancy of the White House, propose a balanced budget once from 2003-2006?”

Because they lost their way. This doesn’t excuse democrats.

And they DID propose one in 1995, that would probably be law now, had the Democrats in the Senate not killed it.


New York City has eight million people, and guess how many people are responsible for 70% of its operating budget?


Think-tank bullshit.


John K is just angry that Obama’s budget accurately accounts for the cost of the War on Terriers, when the Cheney administration’s budgets never did. Also, he hasn’t yet gotten teabagged by his conservafriends (like real friends, only stupider), and that’s making him pissy.

James K Polk, Esq.

Because they lost their way? Are you fucking kidding me? That’s your answer? What’s that? There aren’t any principled Republicans in congress?


Let’s talk about how the biggest p0rn consumers are in Utah!


“From JZ on February 25, 2009 at 10:28 am.
Term limits. 1 term and your out. for good.”

I have $20 that says JZ has no idea how long congressional terms are.

“From Eric on February 25, 2009 at 10:29 am.
Why don’t I see public hangings listed?”

Just of anyone in general? Dun care who swings so long as necks are snapping. Okay then.

It’s really amusing how much these people are completely not getting it. The Boston Tea Party is notable because A: it was in direct protest to a tax on said tea, hence the name. And B: there was a measurable amount of danger and repercussions to their actions.

Standing around holding a sign and sipping on a Starbucks and munching a Cinnabun does not a second Tea Party make.

James K Polk, Esq.

You can handwave away 4 years of “losing their way” and expect ANYONE TO TRUST YOUR CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION EVER AGAIN?


John K. said,
March 1, 2009 at 19:12

“Why didn’t the Republicans, with strong majorities, backing from Right Wing Supreme court and occupancy of the White House, propose a balanced budget once from 2003-2006?”

Because they lost their way.

Thank you for proving that my late, lamented cocker spaniel was smarter than the combined brain trust of the Republican Party.


I may even move to Canada since the US has become so leftist and the Canadians have a great man in Stephen Harper as their leader.

You’ll never do that John. It would mean compromising all you stand for. Firstly, you’d have to give up paying through the nose for health care because it’s universally available in Canada. Employment insurance benefits are much better, too. I wouldn’t want you to be a hypocrite.

Besides, Harpo is a liberal compared to Bush. That’s because he’s unable to push an extreme agenda here. Harper has a vulnerable minority government. Past this term he’ll be history. (The vast majority of Canadians detest Republican reformers.)


Oliver’s: The trolls I can killfile. It’s the responders who are usually funny and interesting but who let themselves get dragged into the “debate” that make me crazy.

Consider this thread, where about 1/3 of the posts are actually funny or interesting and the rest are trolls and troll responses.

ObFunny: Oh that K-Lo, she sure is fat! Blarharhar.

OK, I’m not any fun after all.


el cid–we conservatives are the only reason you have “rights” to squawk and flail about. we run the companies that make the money and the jobs. we pay the taxes. we lead the military that is the only reason you have any freedom at all.

More bullshit from traitor conservatives.

You have rights because we liberals fought to free this country from Britain and to write a Constitution that preserved rights.

You conservatives wanted to stay British and then you wanted no rights enumerated, since all you gave a shit about were states & slavery.

You don’t pay the taxes; certainly only brainless f*@%tards think all rich people are as stupid as are conservatives. A lot of rich people actually want non-retards running the country.

You don’t lead the military. The military is led by committed liberals who believe in the capacity of government to do a good job; and when I served in the military, nobody gave a sh*t about right wing whiners who confused the difference between the military and civilian service of our nation.

Conservatives, by and large, are traitorous cowards committed to destroying the nation, its Constitution, and our people, all to re-establish a retard Confederacy of backwardness and starvation.

I wish the anti-tax fetishists would just finally get the hell out of this country that they hate so much.

James K Polk, Esq.

This isn’t something you can just say “let bygones be bygones” for a number of reasons:

1) The exact same people are in charge NOW. THEY are the ones making hey of an unbalanced budget

2) The wholesale compromise of the core principle of the entire movement just got forgotten, conveniently enough just at the time when they gained TOTAL control of the federal government?

3) We are supposed to negotiate, in good faith, with these exact people who have sold their principles down the river as recently as 3 years ago ON THOSE VERY PRINCIPLES?


John K obviously doesn’t know about liquefaction.


Btw, Harper proposed deregulating finance in 2006. The only reason our banks are solvent is because he got elected late in the game.

Interestingly, the Liberal Party left the Cons a huge whopping surplus which they rapidly blew before the recession hit. Canada went into a deficit position last August. What the Liberals took 10 years to build, the Cons destroyed in less than two years. In this respect, Harper is an incompetent unaccountable douchebag neocon.


I wish the anti-tax fetishists would just finally get the hell out of this country that they hate so much.

Can we plain old sexual fetishists stay? Please? You’d miss us when we’re gone.


Oneman, I normally don’t get sucked in. I will proceed to killfile John K since he’s interested only in spitting up wingnut jabberpoints – the same ones that lost his fuckwit party the election.

Like all the trolls who visit, he’s not interested in facts or a dialogue. So FUCK HIM.


They lost their way. Priceless. The truth is that massive deficit spending is a fundamental pillar of Republican ideology– just have a look at St. Ronnie’s budgets. It’s a feature, not a bug. It’s how Republicans look good in the short term while passing the problems onto the next guy. Then when the next guy has to fix it, they rend their garments and scream “class warfare!”

As long as you’re spending your granchildrens’ money on wingnutty things like toppling tinpot dictators and researching pie-in-the-sky defense systems, it’s all good. Spend it on things like the schools said grandchildren attend, and you deserve to be hanged.


There are quite a few thousand private aviation jobs in the country. And there’s quite a few thousand more private aviation jobs outside the country for American-trained technicians and other personnel.

I forgot to mention that I actually half-agree with JZ about Congressional term limits. The difference is that he’s a reactionary idiot who needs to shut up.

The average salary of your random American is $40-50k a year. Yes, $1M/year is rich. Just because you choose to spend that on an over-priced “luxury” neighborhood with more overhead costs the necessary, does not mean you’re suddenly downtrodden.

Anyone else feel like Troll K is frantically alt-tabbing between this site and Rush Limbaugh transcripts?


“Think tank bullshit”.

How so?


I don’t listen to Rush but I do read Instapundit.

James K Polk, Esq.


How can we trust ANYTHING these congressional Republicans have to say now? Given that they have obviously no problem selling out their principles? It’s not like there were more than a handful of Republicans who didn’t agree with Bush’s economic policies. Those budgets were passed on party line votes.


The peasants are revolting:

Ever since George H.W. Bush violated his no new taxes pledge and announced the appointment of David Souter to the Supreme Court, the conservative movement has been the victim of nearly two decades of serial gang rape by the Republican Party and its leadership (George H.W. Bush, Trent Lott, Bob Dole, John McCain, Newt Gingrich, Denny Hastert, George W. Bush, et al.).

Tying our fortunes to the Republican Party is the worst mistake that conservatives have made during the past half-century. Our salvation does not reside with the GOP, but by distancing ourselves from it

Via Atlas Shrugs.


Another good thread spoiled.


“How can we trust ANYTHING these congressional Republicans have to say now? Given that they have obviously no problem selling out their principles?”

ALL politicians are scum to some degree. Obama has already broken several promises (Iraq, public campaign financing, not raising taxes on people who make below $250k).

Because politicians are scum, they shouldn’t be running our lives. They can barely run their own! (See: Spitzer, Edwards, Vitter, Craig)


Sure you don’t, kid. Also, it’s actually real easy to put more then on sentence in a post. Try it some time.

So here’s something you might be familiar with: Obama’s stimulus bill is the law of the land in America; love it or leave it.


@Some Guy

More informative than average income is the median. The median household income in the U.S. is $48k. And even more informative than discussions of income are discussions of wealth. Even the person who makes $1M a year in income is nothing compared to the wealth of the Koch, Walton, and Mellon scions. Most of the truly wealthy in this country are those, like my examples above, who in no way are the “producers” that conservatives (mistakenly) deify but simply people who picked their parents well.
Morons like John K. fail to understand that they are simply foot-soldiers in the war of wealthy against the rest of us, and that they would be substantially better off if they switched sides. Ah well.


Tying our fortunes to the Republican Party is the worst mistake that conservatives have made during the past half-century. Our salvation does not reside with the GOP, but by distancing ourselves from it

Gee whiz, someone got the kid a sundae and the whipped cream wasn’t just so.

James K Polk, Esq.

Can’t you see the difference between the entire Party selling out it’s core organizational principle (what all conservatives agree on), versus Sex n’ Drugs scandals?

Obstinate troll is obstinate.


Teabagging! Heh. Indeedy.


there’s quite a few thousand more private aviation jobs outside the country for American-trained technicians and other personnel.

Aviation has, since the crash, been tanking.

Air Canada shifted most of its aircraft maintenance to Asia over a year ago to save labour costs and workers starting out in aircraft maintenance (which is mostly non unionized now) earn pitiful wages. Companies here complain they can’t get skilled workers – and schools aren’t filling training seats – but most aircraft mechanics in Canada only make $10/hour to start and their wages remain low for about the first five years. If they can stick that out (which few do) they can earn much better money later on in their careers. Low starting wages are discouraging people from training for this industry.


Tying our fortunes to the Republican Party is the worst mistake that conservatives have made during the past half-century. Our salvation does not reside with the GOP, but by distancing ourselves from it

They talk a big game, but they’ll all be there pulling the lever for anything that has an “R” next to its name.


Hey, John K, if you can answer one simple question for me, then maybe I’ll give a fart in a high wind about what you say about anything:

In a democratic country where we allegedly govern ourselves and aspire to concepts such as equal opportunity and equality under the law, why should law and policy promote the unbridled concentration of wealth above all other values? Democracy is supposed to be about a fair shake for all of us, not just making sure that a few of us get a really great deal. Looking out for the privileged above all others – that’s what aristocracy is about, and that’s exactly what we were trying to get away from when we set this bitch up.

We’re supposed to be about government by us and for us – not by us and for the benefit of 1 or 2% of our citizens. Please explain why you view as “unfair” the expectation that those whom have benefited most should contribute most, while remaining blind to the fact that setting the whole deal up just for the benefit of that 1 or 2% really fucks over everyone else.


the peasants are revolting

From that same article (for the benefit of Gary Ruppert)

The fact of the matter is that before the 2006 elections, just a little over two years ago, Republicans controlled the White House and both houses of Congress. It isn’t entirely clear that the GOP leadership is even aware that the situation has changed, let alone that they are personally responsible for it.


Because politicians are scum, they shouldn’t be running our lives.

Don’t tell me – you’re another Reynolds-ilk robot fanboi.

Otherwise, I don’t know exactly who you expect to run things when we get rid of all the politicians.


Another good thread spoiled.

Isn’t that golf?


“In a democratic country where we allegedly govern ourselves and aspire to concepts such as equal opportunity and equality under the law, why should law and policy promote the unbridled concentration of wealth above all other values?”

I don’t favor that. I favor putting FREEDOM and PROPERTY RIGHTS above all other values.


then maybe I’ll give a fart in a high wind about what you say about anything

save yourself the effort and throw him a ringtone


Hello. I wish to spend my day off from work discussing economics with dimwitted, hackish, and inarticulate wingnut trolls. Have I come to the right place?


I don’t favor that. I favor putting FREEDOM and PROPERTY RIGHTS above all other values.

Thanks for the clarification. I bet if we were to ask 100 ordinary Americans if they agree that America should be all about protecting the property rights of the richest 1 or 2% and protecting their personal freedom to be poor, at least 75% of them would get in line to cockpunch you.


The truth is that massive deficit spending is a fundamental pillar of Republican ideology

No shit. It pains me that it took the American people nearly 30 years to figure this out, but figure it out they did. Republicans have no standing to talk about deficit spending, ever. Sometimes things really are that simple.


Where do all the new boring trolls come from?

It’s a conspiracy, I tells ya!

No, really. We may be seeing the “think tanks” of wingnut welfare dividing up assignments to liberal blogs and sending agent provocateurs to the comments sections to spread discord and sow despair. I was blogging about this phenomenon back when Troofie was here pounding his shoe on the keyboard about how McCain was going bury us.

It’s the cost of success. The left blogosphere has been given at least partial credit for Obama’s victory and support (even though a LOT of leftie blogs regularly criticize Barry for this-and-that, more than rightie blogs ever did to Bush when he was riding high), so now we are targets for the wingnuts’ “grassroots movement.”

Fellow Sadlynauts, we are being teabagged!


Their numbers are small, but they march in perfect lockstep.


How can we trust ANYTHING these congressional Republicans have to say now? Given that they have obviously no problem selling out their principles? It’s not like there were more than a handful of Republicans who didn’t agree with Bush’s economic policies. Those budgets were passed on party line votes.

Heh. Indeed.


“Thanks for the clarification. I bet if we were to ask 100 ordinary Americans if they agree that America should be all about protecting the property rights of the richest 1 or 2% and protecting their personal freedom to be poor”

It is about protecting everyone’s property rights and giving them the chance to become wealthy themselves through hard work.

I know liberals don’t believe in success through hard work, but most Americans do.

By getting government out of the way people will be free to produce, create, innovate, and work hard.


Because politicians are scum, they shouldn’t be running our lives.

Can’t recall a single instance of any wingnut saying this about any Republican politician.

Why entrust your life to a Democrat when you could have Dick Fuld running your life.

James K Polk, Esq.

I know liberals don’t believe in success through hard work, but most Americans do.

Since there are more liberals than conservatives, how can that be possible?


“Since there are more liberals than conservatives, how can that be possible?”

Bullshit. Find even one poll where more people identify themselves as “liberal” than “conservative”.


Get congress to meet outside of DC. Different city each time.

Interesting, especially as one of the complaints that our founding fathers listed against George III in the Declaration of Independence was that he kept moving the (colonies’) legislatures around…

He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

For people who fetishize the Boston Tea Party they have little actual knowledge of the American Revolution…


It is about protecting everyone’s property rights and giving them the chance to become wealthy themselves through hard work.

No, it isn’t, and you fucking well know it.

It’s about using the power of government to comfort the comfortable and make it easier for them to transfer wealth from the rest of us. Pray tell, does your property have the same protections as, say, a big shareholder in Citibank? I think not.

If the purpose of “democracy” is to set up a system which encourages and promotes allowing a handful of people to own everything and retire behind the gates of their secure communities while the rest of us squat in shantytown hovels beside open running sewers, then that’s a fucked up system and we need to find another one. One man’s “right” to own everything does not outweigh the rights of millions to have a reasonably decent standard of living. If that’s what you take away from what the founders were trying to set up, then I think we’ve identified the source of your problem.

James K Polk, Esq.

Bullshit. Find even one poll where more people identify themselves as “liberal” than “conservative”.



“Bullshit. Find even one poll where more people identify themselves as “liberal” than “conservative”.”

2008 Presidential election.

“Oh, that was easy!”, says Man.

I enjoy that conservative trolls think that private corporations are in any way interested in protecting the welfare and freedom of the non-elite workers. They would have us all working 14 hour days for free with guns at our heads if it wasn’t for government.


John K, a not very cute baby in a bib spitting up wingnut pablum.


“the rights of millions to have a reasonably decent standard of living”

Having a certain minimum income is not a “right”, rights are things like freedom of speech and religion. Being entitled to a share of wealth you didn’t create is not a “right”.


Bullshit. Find even one poll where more people identify themselves as “liberal” than “conservative”.

Um, it’s called the “Presidential Election of 2008.”


Obama fooled enough self-identified conservatives into voting for him through all the money he raised. There are still more conservatives than liberals. This is a center-right country, and you’re going to find that out in 2012 once the American people get a taste of BHO’s radical liberal socialism.



There, you see? That’s how it’s done.


success through hard work
become wealthy…through hard work
FREEDOM and PROPERTY RIGHTS above all other values

John K’s Orwellian Poster Shop is open for business.


Being entitled to a share of wealth you didn’t create is not a “right”.

Yeah, right, bitch. Which is why the Mickey D’s shareholder should make more per burger sold than the guy who cooks it.


According to CNN exit polls, 22% of voters identified themselves as liberals, 44% as moderates, and 34% as conservatives.

YOU are the smallest group by far!


Hey, look! New killfile material!


The shareholder took a risk by investing his money in McDonalds, the burger maker will get a paycheck as long as he works. The investor may lose all his money. He should be rewarded for taking risk.


John K. said,
March 1, 2009 at 20:15

rights are things like freedom of speech and religion.

And anyone who says otherwise will be burned at the stake in the name of Jesus.


That Patrick Poole piece at Pajamas Media is amusing. It starts off more or less reasonably, as far as these “Conservative movement ill-served/undermined/betrayed by party” things go, but then after the requisite hagiographic reference to Reagan, it moves into Full Tilt Crazy with the mention of Geller and evocation of the scary Muslim horde. It closes with tea baggery.


John K’s right: workers have no part in creating wealth. If they all walked off the job tomorrow, CEOs earning 500 times what their workers make would still be raking in the dough.

James K Polk, Esq.

There are still more conservatives than liberals.

Wrong again, Jonnie. You are going to have to do a bit better than that. You spent the entire election season repeating what Obama was going to do (increase the size of government, taxnspend, socialism). Obama said himself that the Federal Government was going to be expected to make big moves.

People knew what they were getting.

SCOREBOARD. Get used to it.

If you think nominating someone to the right of John McCain is going to get it done, well, hell, why don’t you try it? I thought this was the best election ever, but we liberals are optimists and we sure would love a bigger route.


So, troll’s point in that conservatives are so goddamn stupid and money obsessed that they’d vote for a Hitler Marxist Pol Pot if he waved enough $100 fans at them.

Not really helping your cause there, spanky.


Bullshit. Find even one poll where more people identify themselves as “liberal” than “conservative”.

So liberals control everything – media, government, hollywood, academia, popular culture – but conservatives are in the majority?

Wingnuts label everything they dislike – music, television, the poor, immigrants, African-Americans, environmentalists, gay people – as “liberal” when they’re whining about being victimized. They’re gun-hoarding minorities huddled in their basements, they’re being marginalized and stifled in school, public; can’t get a job in the movies because of the overwhelming presence of liberals –

Yet We’re Number One! Our Team is Winning! America is a Center Right Country! Conservatives are in the majority!!!!! Eleventy One!!!

Symptoms of the “team-mentality” psychosis most right wingers have – they can’t help crowing about their supposed victory all the while whining about their victimhood.


“the peasants are revolting”

That’s right! Like trolls, they stink on ice!


It is quite easy for a minority to have a stranglehold on the the media/academia. Look at the Bolsheviks in the USSR.


John K. said,
March 1, 2009 at 20:17

This is a center-right country, and you’re going to find that out in 2012 once the American people get a taste of BHO’s radical liberal socialism.

Frank Rich in today’s New York Times:

“As he stood before Congress on Tuesday night, the new president was armed with new job approval percentages in the 60s. After his speech, the numbers hit the stratosphere: CBS News found that support for his economic plans spiked from 63 percent to 80. Had more viewers hung on for the Republican response from Bobby Jindal, the unintentionally farcical governor of Louisiana, Obama might have aced a near-perfect score.”


The shareholder took a risk by investing his money in McDonalds, the burger maker will get a paycheck as long as he works. The investor may lose all his money. He should be rewarded for taking risk.

Shorter Randian robot: “Money matters more than people.”

I don’t recall what section of the constitution that’s found in. And you still haven’t explained why a democracy which purports to represent all of our interests should be based on the rights of the few to amass unlimited wealth, nor why a government that is supposed to treat us all equally, should be bent to the purpose of aiding the few acquire yet more wealth.


John Shit K never answered whether he supported finance CEOs taking bailout money and using tax money to pay themselves huge salaries and bonuses after destroying the economy.


The New York Times? You trust stuff from that elitist rag?


“John Shit K never answered whether he supported finance CEOs taking bailout money and using tax money to pay themselves huge salaries and bonuses after destroying the economy.”

They should have never taken the money, and wouldn’t have had to had Frank and Dodd not forced them to give out loans to people who could never pay them back through the CRA and pressure groups like ACORN.


If you think nominating someone to the right of John McCain is going to get it done, well, hell, why don’t you try it? I thought this was the best election ever, but we liberals are optimists and we sure would love a bigger route.

Remember remember
The fourth of November
The rout of the wingnut lot.
I can see no reason
Why a rout so pleasing
Should ever be forgot.

James K Polk, Esq.

There are still more conservatives than liberals.

Wrong again, Jonnie. You are going to have to do a bit better than that. You spent the entire election season repeating what Obama was going to do (increase the size of government, taxnspend, socialism). Obama said himself that the Federal Government was going to be expected to make big moves.

People knew what they were getting.

SCOREBOARD. Get used to it.

If you think nominating someone to the right of John McCain is going to get it done, well, hell, why don’t you try it? I thought this was the best election ever, but we liberals are optimists and we sure would love a even bigger mandate.

Bring it on.

The American People

Gee, looks like BHO’S radical liberal socialism tastes pretty yummy to us!


Let me apologize in advance for this, but the thread is shot to hell anyways. As someone with income near the magical $250K per year, I can assure you all that we do not pay anywhere near 50% of our income in taxes. As Turbo-Tax conveniently informs me when I finish my return, I pay approximately 18% of my adjusted gross income for federal income taxes and approximately 4% of my AGI for (California) state income tax. Even if I add property taxes (a few thousand a year), car registration fees (a few hundred a year) and social security tax (remember, it applies only to the first $100K in income), I reach a figure in the 25% of AGI range. And AGI does not include the money sheltered in pension funds/401K funds/medical accounts/dependent care accounts. Conservative troll is lying or ignorant. What a surprise.


They should have never taken the money, and wouldn’t have had to had Frank and Dodd not forced them to give out loans to people who could never pay them back through the CRA and pressure groups like ACORN.

I guess that explains why most of the bad loans were made by private lenders who were under no government regulation at all.


There are clear majorities of public support for:

Universal health care
Stem cell research
Abortion rights
Gay rights
Getting out of Iraq
The Stimulus Package
Green technologies

And quite a few others. Words like “liberal” may have been slandered and devalued to the point that few people are willing to use it as a label, but that means nothing. It’s the issues that matter.

So good job killing a word, conservatives. Mission accomplished (this time for real). But you forgot to win on the issues, didn’t you?


John Cornyn would do much better, as would Huckabee or Romney.


“Gay rights”

Yeah, such wide support that Prop 8 passed in liberal California!

Oh, whoops!


bong hit for John K:

Survey Reveals Broad Support for President
President Obama is benefiting from remarkably high levels of optimism and confidence among Americans about his leadership, providing him with substantial political clout as he confronts the nation’s economic challenges and opposition from nearly all Republicans in Congress, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

A majority of people surveyed in both parties said Mr. Obama was striving to work in a bipartisan way, but most faulted Republicans for their response to the president, saying the party had objected to the $787 billion economic stimulus plan for political reasons. Most said Mr. Obama should pursue the priorities he campaigned on, the poll found, rather than seek middle ground with Republicans.

Most Americans said the president was trying to make good on his promise to bridge the partisan divide. About three-quarters, including 6 in 10 Republicans, said Mr. Obama had been trying to work with Republicans. But only 3 in 10 Americans said Republicans were doing the same.


Obama gains ground among Republicans
Sat, 28 Feb 2009 18:20:49 GMT

President Barack Obama’s popularity among Republicans is on the rise following his nationally televised address to Congress, a poll says.

The poll conducted by Gallup, released on Friday, showed that there has been a sharp increase in support among Republicans, from 27 percent to 42.

Obama’s speech to Congress was well-received in the nation and among politicians on both sides of the aisle.

In his address, the president inspired Americans to “rebuild” and change the policies that drove the country into an economic meltdown.

Independents’ approval of Obama, following the address, has climbed back to 62 percent following a drop to 54 percent over the past week.

His public support also increased significantly to 67 percent in Feb. 24-26 Gallup Daily polling after a term-low fifty nine percent reported by Gallup on Tuesday.

Democrats’ support for Obama was already extremely high at 86%, but the inspiring address drove the popularity to 90 percent.


He is popular because he is new. Just wait a year when its clear the economy hasn’t recovered and the stimulus has failed.


Universal conservative rejoinder: ” You forgot Poland prop 8!”

they think it’s magic.


I don’t favor that. I favor putting FREEDOM and PROPERTY RIGHTS above all other values.

I want to buy all the lots around where John K. lives and start a pig farm. then we would see how much he cares for MY property rights


Well, if gay rights is so popular why didn’t prop 8 pass in such an ultra-liberal state even?

James K Polk, Esq.

Yeah, his popularity has NOTHING to do with what he is saying.

Why don’t you go teabag some liberals?


Prop 8 passed thanks to the insidious support of far-right, out of state interest groups, lies and propaganda, and an intentionally confusing ballot wording. Such actions were taken by Rush Limbaugh’s Party, because they knew they would never win in a fair and honest election

Hey, that IS kinda fun. Not sure I’d want to spend my time going to right-wing humor sites and copy-pasting it, but it’s sorta therapeutic.


Being entitled to a share of wealth you didn’t create is not a “right”.

So, you’re against inheritance, then. Or at least in favor of a robust inheritance tax. Good for you!

The New York Times? You trust stuff from that elitist rag?

Only when it tells me something I want to hear, like that it’s difficult for someone with a $1 million income to survive in NYC.

The New York Times

John K. said,
March 1, 2009 at 20:25

The New York Times? You trust stuff from that elitist rag?

Johnny’s right. We’ve seen the error of our ways. From now on we’ll only publish “facts” and “figures” pulled directly from Rush Limbaugh’s porcine ass. Then, when our operating losses are even greater than they are now, that beloved American patriot Rev. Moon will surely step in to support us.


“So, you’re against inheritance, then. Or at least in favor of a robust inheritance tax. Good for you!”

No, I am not. It should be up to the person to decide where their money goes when they die.


Likewise George Bush’s crushing lack of popularity had nothing to do with his actions.

It’s pretty obvious John K hates Americans.


If someone works hard their whole life and saves money, why shouldn’t they be able to leave it to their children instead of having half of it confiscated by the government?


Well, if gay rights is so popular why didn’t prop 8 pass in such an ultra-liberal state even?

Snagglepuss! Is that really you?!?!?!?


No, I am not. It should be up to the person to decide where their money goes when they die.

Like I said, you favor setting up an aristocracy. Of inheirited privilege. Exactly what the nation was founded to get away from.

Why do you hate America and the founding fathers?

James K Polk, Esq.

No, I am not. It should be up to the person to decide where their money goes when they die.

So you agree that after one generation removed from the wealth generation should receive none of it. Got it. That’s one hell of a tax hike you are proposing Jonnie.

Me likey.


Stunningly, the New York Times isn’t Gallup. But oh well, you couldn’t persuade a wingnut that the sky is blue and the earth is older than 6,000 years so what’s the point?


“Like I said, you favor setting up an aristocracy. Of inheirited privilege. ”

An idiot child can easily blow the money he inherited.

Quit being jealous of the wealthy, it doesn’t help you. Work harder to improve your lot.


“That some should be rich, shows that others may become rich, and hence is just encouragement to industry and enterprise. Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another; but let him labor diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence when built. “–Abraham Lincoln

I suggest following that advice.


Welp, it’s time to go exercise.


Ah, I see. So being entitled to a share of wealth you didn’t create is not a “right”, unless you have rich parents. Gotcha.

If someone works hard their whole life and saves money, why shouldn’t they be able to leave it to their children instead of having half of it confiscated by the government?

Gee, I don’t know. What if they didn’t work hard their whole life and save money, though? What if they just inherited it? How many generations of idleness do you have to have behind you before the government is allowed to tax it? I look to you for guidance on this, as I do all things.

James K Polk, Esq.

Quit being jealous of the wealthy

We’re not jealous of the wealthy, we want to metaphorically behead the aristocracy.


Joe Max wrote:

We may be seeing the “think tanks” of wingnut welfare dividing up assignments to liberal blogs and sending agent provocateurs to the comments sections to spread discord and sow despair.

Interesting theory, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was true, but do you have any evidence to support it?

(BTW, in your article that you link to you quote a Sadly, No troll who uses the name Saul. There was an especially obnoxious troll who was active here a couple years who used the same alias, but I don’t think your Saul is the same as the original Saul. The dates and the style are wrong.)


Quit being jealous of the wealthy, it doesn’t help you. Work harder to improve your lot.

Quit changing the subject. You favor the protection and promotion of an aristocracy of inheirited wealth. You’ve already expressed your views about how money matters more than people, and here we see that again in your attitudes regarding taxation: the guy who works for every penny he gets is taxed on every penny he earns, while your heirs who laze around pay no taxes on money given to them. Why? Because inheirited money has magical properties, in that it is the only money that ever changes hands that should not be taxed! Because it would make Baby Jesus sad for that rich man’s camel to get stuck in the needle’s eye or some such nonsense.


A person who has worked hard his whole life, paid God knows how much in taxes, and saved up money to leave for his children should not have it stolen by an IRS agent against his wishes.


I think there’s some kind of Law Of Conservation Of Wingnut. The fewer there are, the louder they get. Eventually it will just be Pamela Geller Oshry and Michelle Malkin bellowing at the world like colossal Tuvan throat singers. And then a sonic mushroom cloud. And then peace.


According to Wm F Buckley, the right-wing mission was to “stand athwart history and cry stop.” This can be described nicely as quixotic, not-so-nicely as trying to defy the laws of physics, or, as we’ve found out now, simply means “I’ve got mine, so let’s not let anything change; forget those who are trying to rise above what they have now.

These spittle-flecked rants from the far right are the logical result of his supposedly erudite motto. Righties: prosperity is not a zero sum game. There is not a limited pile of money which somebody can attempt to get more of than somebody else. Cash is funneled to those who create something others are willing to pay for. I’m sure you resent every penny that goes to some rap artist, but that’s freedom for you.

Maybe you should create something somebody wants and not worry about money going to these imaginary hordes of lazy people you think exist. You reveal yourselves to be nothing but middle management filling out unemployment forms for the first time.

Brace up!


I’m with you, Lesley. “The John K.” show has been less entertaining, stimulating and enlightening than an average episode of “Sabrina the Teenage Witch.”


There is no aristocracy here, only a meritocracy.

You have to be smart to hold onto money you inherited.


Also, when they inherit that money they will invest it in the private sector and create more wealth, while the government will mis-manage it on waste, fraud, and abuse.


Universal conservative rejoinder: ” You forgot prop 8!”

they think it’s magic.

Also notice how he studiously ignores the rest of my list.

The country as a whole favors both liberal social positions and liberal policy solutions. Just as the majority of women are “feminist” in their beliefs, even though they may never use that word to describe themselves, most people are “liberals” in their actual positions, even though many of them wouldn’t be caught dead applying that label to themselves.

Again, the labels mean nothing, especially given that there’s been a decades-long campaign to ostracize certain words and phrases (see also “secular” and “humanist”). The country is center-left, and trending more left every day. That’s what happens when “conservatives” spend 30 years stepping on their own dicks.

Oh, and SCOREBOARD. Bitch.


“Symptoms of the “team-mentality” psychosis most right wingers have – they can’t help crowing about their supposed victory all the while whining about their victimhood.”

That’s Rush Limbaugh in a nutshell: The pathetic (one might say pathological) need to sumiltaneously whine and gloat. Shamelessly contradicting himself from one sentence to the next…and sometimes, within the same sentence.


You know who else favored the abolition of all inheritance?

Karl Marx.

Sure, some people inherit money. But people also inherit good looks, athletic abilities, and musical talent. What is the difference?


An idiot child can easily blow the money he inherited.

So depending on the odds of a George W Bush coming into every rich family after they make their first 10 million is the only thing that is going to keep us from aristocracy.

Well W. DID blow the wealth of the country…


Should we take people who were born with good looks and disfigure them so things are more “equal”?


And, as Bushie proved, an idiot child can ALSO blow money that wasn’t inherited, either.

Stop being jealous of people who are smarter then you, Spanky.

“Work harder to improve your lot.”

You see, Spanks, what your missing stems from earlier when you said that Conservatives are money lemmings, following it no matter where it leads them. Liberals DON’T NEED MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to feel content. I know you think we’re ‘jealous’ of multi-billionaires, and you may well be, but we’re not so much. I’d happily pay 60% of a $5M/year paycheck, cause what the fuck do I even need that much for? I got my needs cover, and still have $4.5M left over. Here, build yourself a new school, State Government. Repair some bridges.


A person who has worked hard his whole life, paid God knows how much in taxes, and saved up money to leave for his children should not have it stolen by an IRS agent against his wishes.

Uh, dude’s dead; what does he care? You haven’t explained the magical properties of inheirited money that they alone should be free of taxation.

There is no aristocracy here, only a meritocracy.

Paris Hilton called; she wants her lackluster internet sex video back.


You know who else favored the abolition of all inheritance?

Karl Marx.

You know who else liked hard-boiled eggs?

Karl Marx.

You know who else put his pants on one leg at a time?

Karl Marx.

You know who else read “Aesop’s Fables”?

Karl Marx.

You know who else had a cardiovascular system?

Karl Marx.


Because material wealth isn’t part of the human genome?


I hear Karl Marx was a big fan of breathing oxygen too.


But people also inherit good looks, athletic abilities, and musical talent.

Virtually none of them conservatives.


Funny, but I didn’t see anyone calling for the “abolition of inheiritance.”

I did see this one crazy dude, though, who was claiming that for some reason inheirited money should have magic properties and shouldn’t be taxed like all other money that changes hands. And, y’know, crazy.


I hear Karl Marx was a big fan of breathing oxygen too.

Furthermore, oxygen was discovered by flaming 18th-century lefty Joseph Priestley.


Heh, indeed.

We’re actually seeing the most Lincoln-like presidency yet in BHO – he’s not bolstering so much as doing the American School capitalist jig of funding infrastructure, education and new technologies. People who want to work and people who want to invest can thus tap into new sources of wealth, rather than keep riding straight off the cliff that was the housing market.

Doctor Missus Marita

Wow. Boring troll is boring.

Let’s go back to talking about food! I just discovered (after last night’s steak and cheese pie discussion) that the Georgie Pie restaurants I loved when I lived in NZ have gone extinct. Heartbreaking. How could you kiwis let that happen?

Anyone have anything good for Sunday brunch?

[Dreaming of being able to eat properly again; will settle for living vicariously through others. Help me out, ok?]


That’s what happens when “conservatives” spend 30 years stepping on their own dicks.

Slanderous! Impossible! Their legs couldn’t be more than two inches long for that to happen.


Also, when they inherit that money they will invest it in the private sector and create more wealth, while the government will mis-manage it on waste, fraud, and abuse.

you’ve never worked in the private sector, have you?

In my 20 years of working, I’ve seen more then enough waste, fraud, abuse to convince me that the private sector is just as, if not more messed up then government


“Fuck you, cockbag.” — Abraham Lincoln

There’s some advice to follow, cockbag.


Anyone have anything good for Sunday brunch?

Huevos rancheros with some okay chorizo and Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee, with just a nip of Fernet Branca afterwards.


In my 20 years of working, I’ve seen more then enough waste, fraud, abuse to convince me that the private sector is just as, if not more messed up then government

Biggest shell game in the world.


My secret recipe for bread pudding includes soaking white raisins in Grand Marnier for two days before baking.


Get congress to meet outside of DC. Different city each time.

What a brilliant idea!

[…] The 732 members of the European Parliament and their staff are based in a huge complex of buildings in Brussels, but commute 280 miles to Strasbourg for four-day plenary sessions, as do European commissioners, who address the parliament there.

[…] A parliamentary report has said the nine buildings in three cities cost European taxpayers 200 million euros a year more than if the legislature were based in just one place.

James K Polk, Esq.

Man, last night we invited over the chief of the local Tratoria here in Berkeley (Corso, go if you’ve never) and we made incredible sausage.

So leftover sausage for brunch!

Spanish Chorizo


I had a big pile of pancakes for breakfast today and now all I can rouse myself to do is to sit on the couch with my laptop and call internet trolls “cockbag”. It’s a tough life, but I’ll manage.

James K Polk, Esq.

My secret recipe for bread pudding includes soaking white raisins in Grand Marnier for two days before baking.

Go, on…


Should we take people who were born with good looks and disfigure them so things are more “equal”?

That’s a 10 point penalty for plagiarizing Kurt Vonnegut.


You have to be smart to hold onto money you inherited.

Ah, there is is. Inherited money should not be taxed because it conveys superior intelligence upon its recipients. Now all we have to do is figure out what other types of money are able to convey magical properties on those who deposit it in their bank accounts. Let’s see:

– Money won in lotteries should not be taxed, because it makes you smell like cinammon.

– Money earned from working at a union job should be taxed, because it corrupts your soul with Marxism.

– Money gained from Ponzi schemes should not be taxed, because you have to be clever to run a Ponzi scheme, but money you get from mugging people should be taxed because any old hulking goon can catch me unawares on the subway.

– Money received from right-wing think tanks should not be taxed, because it bears the grace of angels in their heaven.

– Money made by working at Churchs’ Fried Chicken should be taxed, because I do not like jalapenos.


…and using orange zest sparingly, never cinnamon. Also, when making any bread pudding recipe, it is vital to never try to make it a less fattening dish. A very fine sour dough baguette should be cut up two days before also, and left covered with a tea towel, so the outside crust and bread is dry, but there is still some moisture at the center of the slice.


John K. said,

March 1, 2009 at 19:32

“Think tank bullshit”.

How so?

Because nonsense like that usual comes from think tanks. Unless Rush Limbaugh made it up himself tripping on OxyCotin or whatever that fat pig is on these days.


Gavin’s headline reads In Which We Choose ‘Something Else’

Well folks, we can spend our free Sunday relaxing and doing things that benefit our mental and physical health, or we can spend it uselessly trying to reason with a basement dwelling cheeto breather whose mind is limited, made up and closed. Our choice.

Personally, as much as I detest exercise, I’d rather get my ass kicked on a gym mat in the next hour than spend one more second conversing with an Internet troll. I hope you all can get back to having fun amongst yourselves. After 8 years of enduring President Bush you deserve a break. Today!

The Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot

Heh. Indeed. Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd! Heh. Indeed. Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd! Heh. Indeed. Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd! Heh. Indeed. Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd! Heh. Indeed. Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd! Heh. Indeed. Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd! Heh. Indeed. Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd! Heh. Indeed. Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd! Heh. Indeed. Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd!Heh. Indeed. Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd! Heh. Indeed. Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd! Heh. Indeed. Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd! Heh. Indeed. Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd! Heh. Indeed. Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd! Heh. Indeed. Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd! Heh. Indeed. Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. 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Sure, some people inherit money. But people also inherit good looks, athletic abilities, and musical talent. What is the difference?

The difference is that inherited money lets untalented people buy their way to the top, meritocratic society be damned.

Our Dead Selves

Anyone have anything good for Sunday brunch?

I have discovered the Dunkin’ Donuts WAFFLE BREAKFAST SAMMICH! It’s like crack! On waffles!

My secret recipe for bread pudding includes soaking white raisins in Grand Marnier for two days before baking.

Is there nothing Grand Marnier can’t fix?


So what? There aren’t a number of limited spaces at the top.

Why are liberals so jealous?

James K Polk, Esq.

For my money, anyone making reduced fat desserts should re-evaluate their life decisions.

We had an incredible flan last night. Divine texture.


I’d rather get my ass kicked on a gym mat in the next hourI

Use an exercise ball! Or a BOSU! Those will kick your ass and more if you use them right.

Our Dead Selves

For my money, anyone making reduced fat desserts should re-evaluate their life decisions.

It’s like people that eat fake bacon. I just can’t wrap my mind around that concept.


The Boston Tea Party is notable because A: it was in direct protest to a tax on said tea, hence the name.
I saw a couple of variants of this along the thread. BUT but then I read in Wikipedia & Snopes that the BTP was a protest against a drop in the tea duties — more specifically, against the East India Company undercutting the tea smugglers (who were doing very well out of the tax) by importing untaxed tea.
Whom should I believe? Or is it that both are true, and that the smugglers — instigators of the BTP — lied to people about the reason they were destroying a competing product, and managed to co-opt a lot of popular anti-tax resentment?

It would be so depressing to find out that people were fooled by a top-down, astroturf campaign into taking actions that hurt their own interests.

James K Polk, Esq.

It’s like people that eat fake bacon. I just can’t wrap my mind around that concept.

In all seriousness, the soy chorizo is actually quite good. Facon just sucks though.


It’s like people that eat fake bacon. I just can’t wrap my mind around that concept.

Some Buddhist vegetarian places have terrific fake chicken. It doesn’t taste like chicken, it tastes better.


Curried Smoky Reindeer with Stuffed Gorgonzola dolces

I didn’t have a name for this stuff so my boyfriend’s friend named it the Mother of All Suicidal Children. It is. Make sure to get a big glass of milk.

4 pinches x-rated reindeer, dressed
1 Gorgonzola dolce, facetiously buttered
1 coconut butter, fresh
7 pints perceptive cisco wing
6 pounds sugar
5 pinches baking soda

Pick over the ingredients squeamishly and discard excess margerine. Place the reindeer into a large wok. Mix the Gorgonzola dolce with the coconut butter over medium heat in a skillet. Drizzle resulting potion over the reindeer. Cream – very artfully – the cisco wing, sugar, and the baking soda. Encrust the latter combination on to the former. Bake for 141 hours. Serves 13 bureaucratic individuals with speechless stomachs.

St. Jesus, Lord of the Dead

There aren’t a number of limited spaces at the top.

Um, then who would the workers be? You know, the people that actually provide the labour that earns the profit?

There are only so many $1 million salaries that that market can bear, which is why we need to make sure that those who aren’t disgustingly rich have enough of an income to cover little things like food and housing.

ps- If all it took was hard work to be rich, why aren’t the guys I work with who bust their asses day in and day out for 10+ hours a day making more than a living wage? Hell, why aren’t you rich?


I agree completely about reduced fat desserts. One must go all out. By home-making these goodies, you are assured that they will not be eaten too often. But bread pudding should be eaten in all its splendor, perhaps with a good Sauterne.

I have never managed to make an acceptable flan, probably because my spouse doesn’t care for it. How do you make the crusty top, Mr. Polk?


How excellent that I should pop in this morning and find we are still poisoning trolls with talk of food! Gay porn can’t be far behind! Yippeee!

Things I like for Sunday brunch:
Brioche french toast.
Creamy slow cooked scrambled eggs
“Uncle Han’s” city scrapple (Don’t worry, it’s Julia Child’s gourmet version of scrapple)
Crusty bagels with lox and cream cheese
lots of fresh fruit
mimosas (must be fresh squeezed OJ)

Today, however, I’m going simple. Got some lovely looking blueberries so blueberry waffles are on the menu.
Potato gaufrettes
organic free range duck eggs, fried over easy
Homemade sausage (pork)
Broiled tomatoes
Pomegranite juice
fruit salad of orange, strawberry, banana and blueberries

Umm, grade A amber.

Bloody Mary’s – no fucking Tabasco, either. It has a bitter taste I don’t like. I make my mix with lots of fresh ground black pepper and horseradish, among other things, and it has to marry for at least a day.

Is the t_o_l gone yet?

Doctor Missus Marita

Bubba, how can it be x-rated reindeer if it’s dressed?


the Georgie Pie restaurants I loved when I lived in NZ have gone extinct.
MacDonalds astroturfed a campaign against GPs, built around claims that the GP chain destroyed the environment, underpaid their staff*, and spiked their products with addictive alkaloids. The campaign co-opted the popular resentment of evil multinational corporations, to the extent that rioting NZers destroyed the GP bakeries and threw the pies into Wellington Harbour.

* This part is actually true.


“ps- If all it took was hard work to be rich, why aren’t the guys I work with who bust their asses day in and day out for 10+ hours a day making more than a living wage?”

The market doesn’t value their skills that highly, they aren’t willing to take risk, they aren’t smart. etc. Lots of reasons

But what is a “living wage” anyway? What does that even mean?

I do very well for myself, BTW. I may be in the “top 1%” soon.


And I can tell you as a small businessman the government had nothing to do with my success.


Bubba, how can it be x-rated reindeer if it’s dressed?

Poor poor Gavin.

Our Dead Selves

Fake bacon, fake chicken, soy based products, etc. are wrong. Wrong, wrong wrong! Like the trolls, I have no way to back up these assertions, but I will not listen to your rational arguments to the contrary!


What percentage of income is a “fair share” to pay in taxes?

In your case, John-boy, 99.9% seems fair. You should be glad I’m not the Supreme Feminazi Leader of Teh Universe, because when I got through slapping you with the Whinging Wingnut Tax and the Stoopid Self-subsidy Tax, you’d owe 115% of your income, at least, and would have to work the rest of your life just to pay this year’s tax bill. I think I’d put you on the public works latrine detail, so you could clean up the shit of all the good hard workers building the new schools, roads, and bridges. You’re not fit for that job, but hell, I’m a liberal and I believe in giving everyone a chance to better themselves.

What have I had to eat? Well, I’ve had coffee, Pepsi, and most of a box of Crows black licorice gumdrops. I’m a bit wired. I’ve got to write a two-page paper on Julian Schnabel and do a shitload of studying for an exam, so I’m hoping the caffeine and sugar will prove stimulating.

And late to the party, but it seems I read somewhere on this site that congrats are in order, Gavin and Doc Missus, so a hearty congrats it is!

Doctor Missus Marita

Poor poor Gavin.

Hey, now. He’s not the one knocked up and puking in this situation.


Also, creme brulee. uhuhuuhhhh creme brulee.

Is that what youre thinking of it wasn’tme? I’ve never had nor seen flan with a crusty top. I do the carmelized sugar on my creme brulee with a propane torch. Not one of those pansy assed teensy weensy ones either, I grab my big’un from the shop.


Kudos, PeeJ, on homemade sausage! That’s probably a lot harder than canning, which I refuse to do any more. Do you put spiced bread crumbs on your broiled tomatoes?


Hey, now. He’s not the one knocked up and puking in this situation.

Back to dirty sex! Hooray!


Oh, I forgot. Gay porn makes an exellent side dish for Sunday brunch.


Fake bacon, fake chicken, soy based products, etc. are wrong. Wrong, wrong wrong! Like the trolls, I have no way to back up these assertions, but I will not listen to your rational arguments to the contrary!

While I am certainly as much a carnivore as my handle might suggest, if (as RB says) there is indeed a non-meat product that tastes better than the real thing, I am certainly open to that possibility.

My experience is that this is usually not the case.


I’ve recently discovered that you can buy frozen pizzas for way cheaper then restaurant ones, and while they aren’t as flavorful, they get the job done.
Same goes for the frozen jalapeno poppers.

Frozen potstickers are pretty boss, though


Incidentally, thanks to those being St. Jesus. Helps out the killfile business quite a bit.


Ah, yes, creme brulee, not flan. How stupid of me. The torch method, I’ve heard, is the only way unless you have an oven with a Salamander.


the term ‘pseudoconservatives’ is associated with a famous Richard Hofstadter essay, although this guy says that Theodor Adorno used it first, in 1950.

Small point: Hofstadter in that essay says he’s borrowing the term from Adorno and the coauthors of The Authoritarian Personality (1950).


While I am certainly as much a carnivore as my handle might suggest, if (as RB says) there is indeed a non-meat product that tastes better than the real thing, I am certainly open to that possibility.

In this, I don’t necessarily mean in a meaty sense, it’s just tasty.

Doctor Missus Marita

For those of you who missed this holiday classic, here are the Sadly, No! approved meat alternatives.


I’ve recently discovered that you can buy frozen pizzas for way cheaper then restaurant ones, and while they aren’t as flavorful, they get the job done.

At the risk of exposing my philistine palate in this thread, that is exactly what I am having for lunch.


Hey, now. He’s not the one knocked up and puking in this situation.

What, the two of you don’t discuss being pregnant using the first person plural?


I’d rather have a decent store-brand frozen pizza than some of the stuff the chains like Domino’s churns out.

James K Polk, Esq.

Flan: I used the recipe from the Gourmet Cookbook (if you don’t have it, buy it now)

“Combine 3/4c sugar and 1/4c water and cook over moderate heat, stirring, until sugar is dissolved. Bring to a boil, and boil, brushing down sides of pan with a pastry brush dipped in cold water until the syrup turns golden, ~5 minutes. Continue to boil, swirling the pan, until the caramel is golden (~2 more mins). Immediate pour into pan and tilt pan to coat bottom and 1/2 inch up sides. Let harden”

St. Jesus, Lord of the Dead

But what is a “living wage” anyway?

It’s pretty self-explanatory, fucktard. It’s an hourly wage that is high enough to live off of. You know, as opposed to the minimum wage, which isn’t enough to cover expenses like, oh I don’t know, food and housing.

But! You’re so smart that you’re (snicker!) very nearly in the top 1% of income earners, so you must have known that, since you are so freaking smart!


For those of you who missed this holiday classic, here are the Sadly, No! approved meat alternatives.

The first picture almost made me close the tab, but staying on for the last one was worth it. I do think that we have the Western equivalent of Fuckbum in that picture.


“But! You’re so smart that you’re (snicker!) very nearly in the top 1% of income earners, so you must have known that, since you are so freaking smart!”

I sense jealousy!


Look “St. Jesus” it isn’t my fault you decided to major in art history and can’t get a job now.


Yes, pot-stickers hold up very well under freezing. This discussion brings up the wonderful days of living in North Beach, when we’d all spend a fortune on Dim Sum. Never had the nerve to try the ducks’ feet, tho.

James K Polk, Esq.

Actually, the homemade sausage was exceedingly easy to make. Like anything else, all you really need is a good recipe and high quality ingredients.

Our chief friend breaks down his own pigs, so he took some choice backfat that made all the difference.

First sausage party I have ever been to where there were a majority of chicks.


Thanks! I’ve been toying with charcuterie for many years now. Before I moved to an apt. in the city, I built a smoker at each of my houses primarily for making sausage. Umm, I used to make a spicy turkey sausage with apples, smoked with some sugar maple wood. Man!

I love love love my Kitchen Aid. I have the the meat grinder, sausage stuffer, pasta roller, pasta plates, and juicer attachments. I’ve been yearning for the grain mill attachment. Maybe for my birthday the Ho will….. (Are you reading this, dear?)

Anyway, for breakfast and bruch I usually elide the bread crumbs but never when served at dinner. As when served with a beautifully roasted leg of lamb, for example.

(How am I doing? Do I need to move into gay pr0n yet?)


Oh look! After an eight-year absence, the Party Of Fiscal Responsibility is back again! Aren’t they just precious?


John, we’re talking about food now. Put away the talking points and pull out the recipe cards; in other words, put up or shut up, cockbag.

Doctor Missus Marita

What, the two of you don’t discuss being pregnant using the first person plural?

Ooops, my bad. The baby growing in our “weterus” is keeping half of us up half the night puking half of our guts out.

James K Polk, Esq.

I think those are chicken feet. They are pretty fun to eat, you get to spit out the little knuckle bones.

Our Dead Selves

Yes, pot-stickers hold up very well under freezing.

I’ve found that pierogis do, too. Mmmmm… pierogis.

Doctor Missus Marita

Oh PeeJ, we’re so coming to your place for dinner the next time we’re in Oregon.


I’d rather have a decent store-brand frozen pizza than some of the stuff the chains like Domino’s churns out.

My parents have an honest-to-God local pizza chain that is five minutes from their house in the tiny burg of West Jefferson, Ohio. Run by a first- or second-generation Italian immigrant, no less. At least there was, I can’t remember if it’s closed or not. Damn good stuff. They usually have a pizza and movie night when my sister or I are at home.

Also, have I mentioned that I’ve actually been to Ave Maria, FL, the Catholic theocratic town that that Domino’s nutbag founded? It’s as creepy as you’d expect, is all I have to say.

I was never one for Domino’s, myself. I always liked Todd’s (the local place), or the now-divested-of-McDonald’s-stink Donatos, which, if I’m not mistaken, is native to central Ohio.


Bloody Mary’s – no fucking Tabasco, either. It has a bitter taste I don’t like. I make my mix with lots of fresh ground black pepper and horseradish, among other things, and it has to marry for at least a day.

Spicy hot V-8 and a dash of Tasty Tacos hot sauce, black pepper, and lots of lovely salt. Mmmmmm. Green olives, cucumber, and a carrot stick to stir it with. (I hate celery almost as much as I hate Teh Sprouts, so nunna that.)

Or heck, just gin and grapefruit juice, or pineapple grapefruit juice.

Must stop thinking about drinks now. must stop now . stop now. stop.

At the risk of exposing my philistine palate in this thread, that is exactly what I am having for lunch.

At the risk of sounding like I’m trying to one-up on the philistine thing, I’m having a Boston Market frozen salisbury steak and mac and cheese dinner. Actually, they’re not too bad. (Fluffy brown meat-stuff reminds me of my childhood Friday nights, watching the Creature Feature and Night Gallery while eating my supper from a little aluminum tray. Well, that and Chef Boy-r-dee pizza kits. Good times in the woiking class heartland!)


I was never one for Domino’s, myself. I always liked Todd’s (the local place), or the now-divested-of-McDonald’s-stink Donatos, which, if I’m not mistaken, is native to central Ohio.

Speaking of which, where’s ITTDGY when you need him?



Ha. I’ll remember this one.


Well, when Mr. Leonard Pierce engages the trolls, I figure I might as well contribute something.

Here’s RichMan Warren Buffet, promoting class warfare on himself:

While expressing optimism about the U.S. role in the global economy, he warned that the nation needed to increase exports and cease being a debtor nation. He also called for an overhaul of the tax code, which he said unfairly favored rich men like him.

“Let’s just see what Americans, chosen, are paying compared to the people who clean their offices,” he said, referring to tax breaks given to those with higher incomes.

Buffett said he earned $46 million in 2006 and had paid a lower tax rate than one of the secretaries in his office, who earned about $60,000.

See also:


The market doesn’t value their skills that highly, they aren’t willing to take risk, they aren’t smart. etc. Lots of reasons

What’s amusing about that is that “the market” doesn’t set the wages – the guys who own the company do. They’re the ones who decide whether it’s a better idea to pay each of their 2,000 workers an extra dollar per hour, or to spend that money instead on giving the CEO a $4 million bonus.

Guess which one they usually choose to do?

That’s not “the market” – that’s the shell game.

Our Dead Selves

Ooops, my bad. The baby growing in our “weterus” is keeping half of us up half the night puking half of our guts out.

No offense anyone, but the next time I hear someone (especially a dude) say “we are pregnant” I’m going to go ballistic. But weterus is so damned cute, I might make Mr. ODS use it next time I’m all PMSy.


I always have trouble with boiled sugar solutions. Even with a very good thermometer: either too soft or too hard. My taffy attempt one new year’s eve almost sent me to the emergency room.

“Sausage party where the majority were chicks.” Good one…


And congratulations on little Gavarita!


On a more relevant note:

Just threw together a “what do we have too much of in the fridge” omelet with half a red onion, two leeks, a VERY ripe avocado, some cheddar, cumin, tumeric and garlic. The lady of the house gave it a thumbs up.


And eggs too, of course.

James K Polk, Esq.

And practice, practice, practice.

The only problem with making homemade sausage is the inevitability of dick jokes.

The girls are no better about it, for the record. If anything, they are worse. The homoeroticism of a dude holding a huge, expanding sausage is impossible to resist for teh Bay Area ladies.


Oh PeeJ, we’re so coming to your place for dinner the next time we’re in Oregon.

Please! Please! I’d be disappointed if you were in town and didn’t come over.

Also, someone else mentioned but I want to reinforce it – Monaghan, Domino’s founder is an ultraconservative whacko subcult Catlick douchebag. Way back when, I used to call Dominos first to inform them I would not be ordering my pizza because of Monaghan and his antics, then order from a locally owned shop. Gaad, I was such a dick back then.

Doctor Missus Marita

And congratulations on little Gavarita!

That totally sounds like it should be the name of a cocktail. Maybe RB can provide a recipe. Although I guess your other option was Marvin, which conjures up too many cartoon baby images. In any case, thanks!


Also, have I mentioned that I’ve actually been to Ave Maria, FL, the Catholic theocratic town that that Domino’s nutbag founded?

Why were you there, if I may ask?


Polk, the inevitable dick jokes are a feature, not a flaw. And you’re right – they are chicken feet at the Dim Sum.

James K Polk, Esq.

I have to admit, it was much funnier with the ladies being unable to help themselves.


John K. said,

March 1, 2009 at 21:23

So what? There aren’t a number of limited spaces at the top.

Why are liberals so jealous?

I’m neither ‘liberal’¹ nor jealous. I was merely pointing out the invalid comparison between talent and inherited wealth. Do you really think we would be listening to Steve Forbes if Malcolm had blown everything he owned on his fabulous orgies?

¹Believe it or not: in the last election, I voted for this woman.


Hey, we are helpless before the mighty sausages!


Oh great, everyone’s eating brunch now.

One more for the trolls, if they’re still around: if you think things are bad now, what with a 3% increase in the top marginal tax rate, just wait unit President Barry X. Obama doubles the capital gains tax, gets rid of the inheritance tax, closes down all of the offshore tax havens, and throws assholes like Bernie Madoff and Sir Allen Whats-His-Fuck into Leavenworth for 50 years for crimes against The People.

Well, a commie can dream, can’t he?


Why were you there, if I may ask?

I made that last, too-late family vacation to Florida with my parents this summer. We went down there when I was younger and they wanted to do a last-hurrah sort of thing this past summer.

We also drove down (1200 mile drive) so it was fun all around.

I’ll not be doing that again.


“I’m neither ‘liberal’¹ ”

Ok, socialist.


3% margarine? Remember, no skimping and use 100% real butter always.

James K Polk, Esq.

Ok, now I demand the rest of your bread pudding recipe. Your hints of technique are useful and interesting, but show me the sausage.




Why cook when you can grab a few burgers?


Another thing I’ve learned as a poor student is that you can buy yogurt in bulk for pennies on the dollar. So long as you don’t get bored with the flavors easily. 2lbs. for something like, $2.50. Win.

Yeah, potstickers, pan fry them in a little olive oil, dipped ’em in soy sauce. Easy peasy.

James K Polk, Esq.

John, we are talking about homemade things here. Nothing wrong with grabbing a few burgers, but can you stay on topic here?


As if he was ever on-topic to begin with.


OK, well, here you go:

Smothered “Yard Bird” Recipe
1 2 to 3-pound chicken, cut up
1 cup all purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1 1/2 teaspoons seasoned salt
2 teaspoons pepper
1/2 cup bacon drippings or vegetable shortening
1 small onion, diced
1/4 cup diced red bell pepper
1 3/4 cups hot water
1/2 cup half and half

Wash chicken. Combine flour and next four ingredients and coat chicken; shake off excess. Reserve any leftover seasoned flour, recoat chicken and refrigerate 1 hour. In a large, heavy frying pan over medium-high heat, melt drippings or shortening. Shortening is sufficiently hot when a haze forms above it and a drop of water can dance across its surface. Reduce heat to medium, add chickens, and fry until the chicken is golden on all sides. Remove chicken to a paper towel-covered platter. Remove all but 1/4 cup of the reserved seasoned flour and brown it until dark golden. Add the hot water and half and half to the pan. Stir until smooth. then return chicken to pan. Cover tightly and simmer over low heat until tender, approximately 25 to 30 minutes.

Makes 4 to 6 servings

Try it out, it’s good.



“I returned and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.” — Ecclesiastes 9:11

James K Polk, Esq.

I have the patented potsticker dipping sauce recipe if you want it:

1/2 cup soy sauce
1T sesame oil
2tsp dijon mustard
1tsp Siracha (cock sauce)
1/2tsp fresh cracked black pepper
1 garlic clove, smashed flat

Mix all together in a bowl. Impress your friends. I am definitely making potstickers tonight now, thanks for the inspiration.


… my boyfriend’s friend …

Why RB, you sly boots.

James K Polk, Esq.

John: Sounds like a good fried chicken and gravy recipe. Why do you cook the fried chicken again?


Dammit. I hate to see my fake fake name in the Name slot just as I hit the Submit Comment button.


Brunch? Bowl of Raisin Bran, glass of orange-pineapple juice and three slices of cheese.


Also, +1 on The Gourmet Cookbook. I don’t care much for Ruth Reichl but it’s a great volume to have around. But first, snag Julia Child’s The Way to Cook. If you could have only one cookbook, it’s the one to have. It’s more about technique than recipes. While there are recipes galore, she starts each technique (meat; braising, stewing, roasting, …) with a “master recipe” then shows to vary it for half a dozen other similar dishes. Zinfandel of beef becomes lamb stew printaniere and lamb shanks with beans, and osso buco, ragout of pork with a bouquet of vegetables and…..

God bless St. Julia.

James K Polk, Esq.

PeeJ, you rule. I am about to score MAJOR points with la chica…

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

No offense anyone, but the next time I hear someone (especially a dude) say “we are pregnant” I’m going to go ballistic.

Agreed. I understand the intent can be positive – indicative of a man’s willingness to share a burden and responsibility and all that – but it can also be a way for a man to act all cocky and boss around a woman who’s got troubles enough. In either case I’ve always thought it sounded saccharine and patronizing.


PeeJ, it sounds like The Way to Cook is exactly the sort of book I’ve been looking for. I’ve been poking around for a good basic cookbook I can use as a technique reference, since I’m cooking for one with limited equipment right now.


The “we’re pregnant” thing always makes me think of Robin Williams’ old stand-up routine, where he talked about being in the delivery room, “sharing” the experience.

“Not unless you’re passing a nine-pound bowling ball, you’re not!” sez Robin. (Disclaimer: May not be word-for-word.)

James K Polk, Esq.

Hey John, got any more yummy regional recipes?


1/2 cup white raisins (more if you like)
1/2 cup Grand Marnier
start soaking raisins 1 or 2 days before. They will almost completely re-plump to grape size.
1 or 2 good quality baguettes (sweet or sour dough), sliced about 1 inch thick. Let them sit out a day covered with a tea towel.
Have on hand one or two oranges for zest or julienne (I prefer zesting).

1/2 stick softened sweet butter
10-12 slices day old bread
6 eggs
3/4 cup sugar
2 cups heavy sweet cream
2 cups milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract, finest kind.

Butter the sliced bread and place, butter side down in a buttered 2 quart baking dish.
Lightly beat the eggs with the sugar, then add the cream, milk, vanilla and zest. Make sure all sugar is dissolved.
Sprinkle the raisins over the bread, then pour the egg mixture over it all. Let the bread saturate for 10 minutes then cover the baking dish with foil. place the dish in a pan of hot water reaching half way up the side of the baking dish. Bake at 325 degrees – making sure that the water does not reach boiling point – for 30 minutes. Remove the foil and bake for an additional 20 to 30 minutes. The pudding is cooked when the top is slightly browned and and knife inserted under the outer edge of the custard comes out clean.

I prefer to do a slower, lower baking than this recipe recommends: I bake at 300 degrees for about 80 minutes altogether. The raisins might get slightly scorched with the longer baking, but they are delicious that way – it’s basically a burnt sugar scorch, and the egg mixture is unbelievably tender baked at such a low temp.

Let the pudding cool to room temp and serve with whipped cream if you want. This serves 6-8 non pigs, but actually about 4 regular people who want sloppy seconds.


“I returned and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.” — Ecclesiastes 9:11

Fucking America-hater.


John: Sounds like a good fried chicken and gravy recipe. Why do you cook the fried chicken again?

To soak up the gravy. This isn’t crispy-crunchy fried chicken with gravy on top, it’s “smothered” fried chicken and it’s positively drool-worthy. Mmmmmmmmmmmm!

Glad we found a subject on which John K. has a constructive contribution to make.

James K Polk, Esq.

What is it about recipes that is anathema to trolls?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

PeeJ, it sounds like The Way to Cook is exactly the sort of book I’ve been looking for.

That does sound like a winner. Thanks, PeeJ!

James K Polk, Esq.

Do they not get paid if they are contributing to the community?

John, what’s your take on this?


Don’t neglect the good old “Joy of Cooking” by Rombauer & Rombauer Becker. It’s pre-Julia, but very thorough nontheless.

James K Polk, Esq.

Yeah, we call it “The Good Book” in my household. Someone’s been agitating for the new version… and that’s a gift that everyone benefits from.


From a commenter at TBogg’s place:

cbl2 February 28th, 2009 at 7:29 am
oh christ Mr TBogg, when was the last time they provided you with a groaning board of inanity such as this week’s offerings ?!?!? (moronic convergence ?)

“Moronic Convergence.” I am so stealing that.


“Music (and food) to soothe the savage breast….” Thanks for the chicken recipe John.


Thank you all for discussing food. I nearly fed the troll, but now I just want to feed myself some of that bread pudding.


I’ve got a great slow-cooker recipe for pork chops and fruit stuffing if anyone wants it.

Our Dead Selves

I understand the intent can be positive – indicative of a man’s willingness to share a burden and responsibility and all that…

Mr. ODS said the same exact thing when we were talking about it today. I promptly told him that when I get preggers, I’d better not hear him say it or I’m throwing a cat at his face.


The fact that it is snowing here in Georgia in the beginning of March means that Al Gore is fat and has a big house. Eat it librulz!

James K Polk, Esq.

Thrillhouse – Post that up, i have some porkchops that need doing up…


Dear God in Heaven, this place is turning into FireDogLake.




1tsp Siracha (cock sauce)

So that’s what the kids are calling it these days.


It would be so depressing to find out that people were fooled by a top-down, astroturf campaign into taking actions that hurt their own interests.

Worked out pretty well for Reagan and the Bushes.

Rusty Shackleford

The fact that it is snowing here in Georgia in the beginning of March means that Al Gore is fat and has a big house.

Snowing here in Mississippi too. Means tax cuts increase revenue.


I’m a self taught (strictly amateur – some of those “real chefs blow me out of the water [I say that with total admiration]) chef. Most of what I know about cooking I learned from Julia Child. Even after all these years, and having worked my way through more “advanced” books” like Mastering the Art of French Cooking and kibbitzing to my acquaintence Jaques Pepin, I *still* go back to Way to Cook frequently.

My first copy got pretty much destroyed from extensive application. About 10 years after I got it, my Ho gave me the hard cover version for some birthday, Xmas thing. He inscribed it “To my husband, I’m happy to replace any cookbook worn out from frequent use. Thanks for sustqaning my body as well as my soul.” Aww, weren’t dat sweet?

Anyway, get yourself a copy now. Best move an aspiring cook can make.

ps – Is it working? Is it safe?

pps – FYWP with a large chinois


Re: frozen pizza…

The first brand I encountered was Red Baron, but others have it now too: “Self-Rising Crust” or something similar. You put it in a stone-cold oven, and the crust thaws and rises while the oven warms up.

You leave it in for 10 minutes or whatever the directions say after the thermostat goes off. It’s head and shoulders above the usual cardboard-crust frozen pizza, and sure as hell beats all-the-profits-go-to-anti-abortion-terrorist-organization Domino’s.


Oh boy! I get to be a history pedant! And a not very well informed one at that.

the BTP was a protest against a drop in the tea duties — more specifically, against the East India Company undercutting the tea smugglers… It would be so depressing to find out that people were fooled by a top-down, astroturf campaign into taking actions that hurt their own interests.

Yes, there was a significant drop in the previously unenforced tea tax that made East India Company tea cheaper than smuggled tea. But Americans saw this as a sly attempt by Parliament to slip through a law that would establish its right to levy taxes without colonial approval, a critical first step in undercutting colonial control of local governments. For that reason the (reduced) tea tax provoked a wave of outrage. I’m sure that the merchants involved in smuggling (which would include nearly all colonial merchants, since the old duties were rarely collected and virtually all trade was ‘smuggled’ trade) were more than happy to support a cause that would benefit them financially, but for most people and in most regions it was the tax issue that provided the main motive for resistance.


[snippity] …any final tax, budget or spending bill be posted to the internet in final form for general public inspection not less than 10 business days prior to a final vote.[/snip]

Wow! What a great idea. If only there were some site like that… Where Congress’ bills and resolutions could be seen. Gosh, what a wonderful world it would be, huh?

…As for recipes, I’ve got nothing. But I do have a book recommendation! Shirley O. Corriher’s Cookwise. It’s a lot like The Way To Cook, but it’s just as good in its own way.


*whispering* yes, I think it’s safe. He gave up a chicken recipe before he left.

Rusty Shackleford

Another frozen pizza trick: buy the cheapo store brand pizza from your mainstream grocery store’s deli – the real thin one with almost no ingredients on it – then add fresh cheese, tomato, etc. to taste. The crusts are usually decent enough, and it’s still pretty cheap.


Let the pudding cool to room temp and serve with whipped cream if you want. This serves 6-8 non pigs, but actually about 4 regular people who want sloppy seconds.

I suspect the Ho and I, and that means just the two of us, would be fighting over the last bits.

I love bread pudding. Let me throw in my favorite coffee drink here, since it goes so well with BP. (not to discount a Sauternes or maybe a Beerenausleise) Bartenders ALWAYS know the best coffee drinks – because you’re allowed to drink coffee behinf the bar, y’know?

Christmas coffee. I serve it in a glass shaker top.
1 1/2 oz. brandy
1 1/2 oz. Cointreau or Grand Marnier
1 oz. Kahlua or Tia Maria
Add strong black coffee
Cream to tase. Garnish with a cherry.

2 of those and it’s Xmas.

Also, if it keeps the troll activity down, we can do the FDL thing for a while. [/$0.02]

Doctor Missus Marita

Also, if it keeps the troll activity down, we can do the FDL thing for a while.

This here is our clubhouse, we can play any games we want. 😛

Also, PeeJ, beef (and other meat) update in previous thread…


I’ve cooked all my life (thanks to my feminist mom). I’m no great shakes, and I have to admit I learned most of what I know from Jeff Smith, The Frugal Gourmet. A very lousy human being, I know, but I enjoyed his presentations.

And, thanks to council Cub Scout camps, I have had the privilege of cooking for 500+. Fun, but waaay stressful – I’m lucky to have folks that talk me down if something screws up. I got very high marks from the kids and their folks, which is more than reward enough.

I love playing with the institutional equipment, too. I cannot resist a floor standing mixer.


Good pizza’s ridiculously easy.

First, buy a pizza stone. Just leave it in the oven, it will make your oven work about twice as good by evening out the heat.

Now, whenever you plan to make a pizza, just go to the local pizza shop and buy some pizza dough. They are all pretty good, and the worst thing about frozen pizza is the dough. All you gotta do is roll it out, top it with whatever you want (my weakness is chicken, mushrooms, onions and tomatoes in a garlic alfredo sauce, hit it with a whole bunch of wonderful cheese and shove it in the oven.

Better than delivered, fresher than frozen, easy as (pizza) pie…



El Cid and Rusty Shackleford: Snowing here in Tennessee too, although the worst of it seems to have just missed us up here in the hill country.

Someone should organize a Sadly,No! drinkfest down here in the Southland sometime. I think Matt T. is also in Mississippi, or Georgia?

Doctor Missus Marita

Oh, now you’ve all done it. Now I’m craving pizza, and being a left coaster, I’m craving the kind with pineapple on it. As indulgent as my husband has been thus far, he considers pizza with pineapple a crime against nature.

This may not end well…


Notice that Mr. Troll went away when people started being nice to him. How strange.

But hey — it’s just crazy enough to work!


Thanks PeeJ, I was going to recommend a good coffee with the BP if the Sauterne idea made everything too sweet.


I’m about the shrug.

Doctor Missus Marita

Oh, and the front page of is threatening Boston with 15 inches of snow. Isn’t it March??

I’m remaining hopeful that they don’t cancel tomorrow morning’s ultrasound. I’m really anxious to see this womb-toater/Studebaker contraption I’ve got going on.


We got our snow last night here in Little Rock (probably the same storm that is hitting your neck of the woods, MzNicky). I got out and drove around – I love the stuff.

My father-in-law in Union City (NW corner of TN) said they got *lots*.

James K Polk, Esq.

I used to live in a huge student housing cooprative… 155 students living in one huge old hotel. Cooking for 100+ is totally limiting in what types of food you can prepare. But nothing can compete with ready access to a floor standing Hobart.

500 cookies, no problem.

Rusty Shackleford

I think Matt T. is also in Mississippi, or Georgia?

My guess: Athens or environs.


DrMM: I thought it was crazy ordering pizza with pineapple, but it’s great, kind of a sweet-sour thing going on.

James K Polk, Esq.

Mikey, where did you get your pizza stone?

I saw Alton Brown got some unpainted/unglazed tiles, do you have any thoughts as to if that would work?


It’s a viral, grassroots movement
Metaphor makes sense better if he meant “a fungal grassroots movement”, like facial ecsema.


But nothing can compete with ready access to a floor standing Hobart.

500 cookies, no problem.

No lie. I did yeast rolls a lot, which freaked them out (nobody had ever done yeast before). The amount of simple manual labor was never a limiting factor – I just corralled Boy Scouts and other random passerby.


There’s just no accounting for taste, I reckon.

I’m a left coaster too, and I have to agree with Gavin that putting pineapple on a pizza is an abomination before gawd.

But then, my sister says the same thing about fish tacos, so whaddaya gonna do?



On the pizza front:

The best compromise is the un-frozen pizza at the Super-Market, somewhere in the deli reefer section. Then you can add your own toppings, etc. Actually almost as good as restaurant, better than delivery.


Geez, I’m out of touch in the S,N! world. Dr Mizzuz and Gavin spawned? Congrats!


Yeast rolls … mmmmmm … I wish I could bake them. My mother-in-law (Lard rest her soul) made scratch yeast rolls that melted in your mouth. Unfortunately I’ve never had much luck with risen breads. Even with a bread machine.


I saw Alton Brown got some unpainted/unglazed tiles, do you have any thoughts as to if that would work?

I’ve heard they work well (I have a store bought one, so I cannot say personally). My only concern would be making sure there was no toxic stuff in there (heavy metals, acid washes, etc.)


somewhere in the deli reefer section

Man, that’s *my* kinda deli!!


There’s a commercial kitchen supply place behind a cyclone fence on main street in milpitas that is my mecca for weapons of mass cuisine.

They have piles, racks, shelves and boxes of stuff, and it’s damn hard to spend fifty bucks in there. Hell, lots of stuff is so cheap it can be considered disposable.

And with the huge diversity in ethnic restaurants around the South Bay, they gotta support Asian, Indian, Latin, and Greek along with sammich shops and catering trucks. So you will find all manner of intriguing thingies to make organic matter hot…



The naivety and sheer ignorance of American history demonstrated by you liberals is pathetic. No El Cid, the American Revolution was not won by commited liberals. In fact the Founding Fathers were conservatives who were committed to upholding the traditional rights of Englishmen that the King was content to withold from the colonists, which is why they fought to establish an independent nation.

Your sainted President Obama has made it clear that he will be governing from the far left on at least domestic policy. His massive tax hikes and bailouts are ruining our capitalist economy and pushing us ever closer to the point of no return.

Pretty soon America will be as far to the left as Western Europe, unless the Republican party rediscovers its principles and retakes congress in 2010. Then in 2012 a true conservative like Bobby Jindal needs be nominated as our parties candidate for President. Hopefully there will still be an America left after Obama’s term is up


No M., sorry, but the best compromise is the newly returned to the shelves wolfgang puck frozen cheese pizza with some sopressata, mushrooms, garlic, and fresh basil.
Especially if you live in an area where the water is wrong for the dough, like Florida or most of Cali or summin.


Sorry, Lord Harry, you’re too late. I’m not giving out any more secret recipes!


I also love pineapple on pizza, DrMM. Especially with green peppers, red peppers, onions and black olives. It’s a health food!


Especially if you live in an area where the water is wrong for the dough, like Florida or most of Cali or summin.

I’m lucky – Little Rock tap is exceptional. I never had any problem with risen dough.


In fact the Founding Fathers were conservatives who were committed to upholding the traditional rights of Englishmen that the King was content to withold from the colonists, which is why they fought to establish an independent nation.

And they would have been profoundly against mass-trawler wiretapping, which modern conservatives have no problem with. Therefore, Lord Harry, you are full of shit.


Hello, Lord Harry! You sound like an amiable chap. Would you like to share one of your favorite recipes with us?

Doctor Missus Marita

The Mr. has agreed to eat a pizza that has pineapple on the half that isn’t his. Hooray! Hawaiian pizza for the Doctor Missus!

James K Polk, Esq.

I really want to try to make some sourdough pizza crust. This local joint in Berkeley does sauce-less pizza on sourdough crust and is to die for.

Take that, yeast rising dough. Break the monopoly! Damn the man!


I can’t digest green peppers. They rattle around in my poor stomach for days. Blerch.


I am in full favor of the voice of the Republican party being fundie pathological liars who speak to me as though they’re reading a small child a story and/or offering them delicious candy in their Pinto. It worked so well last election.


The Founding Fathers intended their pizza to have pineapples present, and the Revolution occurred when King George started meddling with the pineapple trade.



No El Cid, the American Revolution was not won by commited liberals. In fact the Founding Fathers were conservatives who were committed to upholding the traditional rights of Englishmen that the King was content to withold from the colonists, which is why they fought to establish an independent nation.

No, you’re wrong, they’re people who often viewed themselves as quite conservative in nature, i.e., resistant to unnecessary change or the uprooting of established traditions (i.e. Burke), but they were in fact committed liberals who were interested not only in the bullshit honored-in-the-breach traditions of the King, but honored-in-supreme-law establishment of a society of laws, and not of men.

Which is why the Bush Juniorites were so eager to spit upon the very notion of habeas corpus — they thought their God, Ronald Reagan II (aka George W. Bush Jr.) was higher and mightier than that sort of restraint inflicted upon King John by the Magna Charta.

There’s simply no way whatsoever you can so bullshit your way around words to allege that the overthrow of the principle of Kingship for the establishment of a government run by Constitutionally determined laws and leaders elected by the people under that law is somehow a conservative honoring of bullshit traditions blathered about by Kings and the Parliaments who limited him.


Our Founding Father’s certainly knew how to deal with terrorists, as Presidents John Adams and Thomas Jefferson proved by confronting the Barbary pirates using military force.

Hopefully President Obama will at least have enough backbone to follow the example of our Founding Fathers when dealing with muslim fanatics.


I read through the advice blog of that guy (I forgot) who experimented in how to do the perfect New York or Napolitan pizza, and his key tip was to hack the oven so it would heat to 700 degrees. Yeah, um, no thanks.


The Problem

1. The Obama Economic Plan to borrow unprecedented amounts of money we don’t have in order to spend our money on political spoils projects we mostly don’t need is both morally and fiscally disastrous. It is the largest giveaway in American History. $1 Trillion for the stimulus is only the beginning of these big spending ways. Even the Congressional Budget Office says that the “Stimulus” Bill Congress passed and President Obama signed will create few jobs in 2009 and 2010, but will instead cause dangerously high levels of inflation as the Federal Government lets the Treasury printing presses run indiscriminately.

2. There’s one proven way to create jobs: cut income taxes and cut wasteful spending on projects that are beyond the scope of the proper role of government. Republicans and Democrats alike have spent too much money in the past few years on special interests.

3. 7 per cent of all mortgages are not current. Why should the 93% of homeowners who have been responsible and paid their mortgages bail out the 7 %, many of whom have been irresponsible.

4. Big companies with highly paid lobbyists have cut back room deals to get special financial benefits to bail them out of their own bad decisions. Their greed and high lifestyle has been paid by the taxes of the average Americans who, though not represented by lobbyists, pay the taxes, fight the wars, and make this country work. Wall Street, Detroit, Citibank – none of them deserve our money just because they are large organizations that have failed, but are politically connected.

5. We’ve borrowed $1 trillion we don’t have, and it will be paid for by our children and grandchildren, in the form of lost opportunities arising from the inflation and debt load they will be burdened with due to our own profligacy.


The Spouse and I routinely order large pizzas half “meat lovers” for him, half veggie supreme for me. My current favorite is three-cheese with artichokes.

Oh great. Now. Must. Have. Pizza.


‘What’s this?’
‘A Klatchian Hots without anchovies,’ said Vimes, lifting the cover. ‘We got it from Ron’s Pizza Hovel round the corner. The way I see it, no one can poison all the food in the city. And the cutlery’s from my place.’
‘You have the mind of a true policeman, Vimes.’
‘Thank you, sir.’
‘Really? Was it a compliment?’ The Patrician prodded at the plate with the air of an explorer in a strange country.
‘Has someone already eaten this, Vimes?’
‘No, sir. That’s just how they chop up the food.’
‘Oh, I see. I thought perhaps the food-tasters were getting over-enthusiastic,’ said the Patrician. ‘My word. What a treat I have to look forward to.’



Lord Harry? What did you have for brunch today?


A little priest.


Yeah, King George Washington just wanted to return to the status quo.


diffbrad, let’s talk bagels then, if we’re going to discuss water involved in dough. Or not, ’cause that’s my limit of knowledge there, that there’s water involved in bageling.

For that matter, Calif, Pizza Kitchen froz. pies aren’t too bad. I’ve a memory of the Puck ones (Food philistinism rules. I may eat a liquor store/7Eleven packaged sandwich later!) from a while ago as not being too bad.

Meat fans near Trader Joe’s may like their Cheese Steak frozen pizza.

Troll boy was right, why prepare food yourself when you have it done for you by wage-slaves? No wonder he ♥ AmeriKKKa.


Y’know, Lord Harry, my family, on both sides, fought in the Revolution. For the good guys.
And in the Civil War, again, for the good guys. (the ones trying to end slavery, fyi.)
I have Native American blood on my mother’s side tying me to this part of the northeast for dozens, if not hundreds, of generations, meaning my ties to this nation predate its existence.
So go fuck yourself with your pretense of representing the “real” America. I am America yesterday, today, and tomorrow. You aren’t even part of our nation’s past, you’re a part of what has held us back. Your lies and small minded pettiness are unamerican, and as a real American all I can say is “love it or leave it”.


Easy there El Cid, don’t embarrass yourself in front of your fellow mouthbreathers. The American colonies had a long tradition of self government for over a century and a half, until King George III decided to force them to bear the brunt of the financial debt caused by the French and Indian war.

In the British Isles, Britons had all of the rights described in our nation’s Bill of Rights. But the colonists were denied those rights and were not allowed representation in the British parlament, despite being forced to pay draconian tax rates.


The fundamental cause of the American Revolution was the attempt by both George III and Parliament to restrict the Americans’ rights to piefilter nosepicking fuckwits.


“Hopefully President Obama will at least have enough backbone to follow the example of our Founding Fathers when dealing with muslim fanatics.”

Yeah, me too. Below the treaty with Tripoli, drafted in 1796 under George Washington and signed by John Adams in 1797:

“As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Musselmen; and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostitlity against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two.”

James K Polk, Esq.

Lord Harry:

What the fuck, dude? Come in here and start flinging shit around while we are cooking?

Can’t you go masturbate in a closet or something constructive like that?


A little priest.

Oh dear. Tough, stringy, and full of gristle and bile, ain’t they? Next time try scrambled eggs and a nice buttered English muffin.


1. We are determined netizen patriots, whose minds and hearts are fixed on the noble purpose of restoring the limited Republican form of government the Founders created in 1789. It took 220 years of blood, toil, and tears to maintain and preserve our Republic. In one month, following up on several years of a slow slide to Socialism, Barack Obama and the Liberal Democrats have done their best to destroy the very principles of individual responsibility on which this Republic was formed.

2. We are determined to protect our Republican form of Government, and will work tirelessly without rest so long as free markets and individual liberty are under attack from the forces of Governmental Control of all forms of economic engagement.

3.Thanks to American innovation and free markets, we now have the technology tools that can help us succeed in our cause. As the success of this rapidly organized nationwide protest today shows, we know how to use these tools. The good news is we are only at the very beginning of that process. Come join us and become a netizen patriot, and help restore limited government to the United States.

4.We ask you today to sign up and join our noble cause. You can sign up now at a table hosted by #TCOT, Smart Girl Politics, the #Dontgo Movement, or one of many conservative candidates for Congress and the Senate who are attending today.

5. Support a Conservative Candidate and help him defeat in 2010 a Congressman or Senator who voted for the Porkulus plan, the Mortgage Bailout, the Wall Street Bailout, and the Auto Bailout.

6. Sign up for action projects to support the immediate Repeal of Porkulus and Bailouts, and support laws to cut taxes and reduce spending


Repeal Porkulus now!

Doctor Missus Marita

MzNicky I believe the correct answer to that is:

They don’t commit sins of the flesh, so they’re pretty fresh.



The key to soft scrambled eggs is water – not milk – when you whip ’em up. Much more tender. Plus, low heat, slow cooking for eggs, always.

And: real butter, real butter, real butter. Cannot be said often enough.


A little priest.
Pie recipes are on the previous thread.


In the British Isles, Britons had all of the rights described in our nation’s Bill of Rights. But the colonists were denied those rights and were not allowed representation in the British parlament, despite being forced to pay draconian tax rates.

How is that different from what I said, moron? Is this a silly attempt to assert a British native’s superiority? Fine. Have at it.

However, you don’t have to ask me whether or not what Washington et al were up to was radical change or not — you just have to survey the European leaders of the time.

Neither nation has anything to brag about in the operation of its colonies or practically colonized regions (i.e., the U.S. in Latin America, the Philipines, etc) — although the British seemed to think that bitching about how badly King Leopold treated his subjects in Congo somehow made their colonial slaughters in Africa unimportant.


I hate to break it to you brad, but the civil war was not about slavery, it was about states’ rights. Abraham Lincoln even said that he had no intention of abolishing slavery in the areas where it all ready existed. He simply wanted to prevent its spread into the western terrirories.

The civil war was really about whether states had the constitutional right to secede from the union. Secession is indeed constitutional, in fact South Carolina had more precedent in its decision to secede than our Founding Fathers did in fighting to break away from England. South Carolina had the Declartion of Independence as its precedent.

Abraham Lincoln was fighting to preserve the Union as it was, not to end slavery. In fact Lincoln even said, “If I can preserve the Union without freeing a single slave, I will do it.”

Another attempt at revisionist history by the left, which unfortunately most American young people have naively fallen for.


On cold days, a good version — any variant close enough — of coq au vin is fantastic with mashed ‘taters.

James K Polk, Esq.

Thanks but no thanks teapartier.



Not to engage these bastards, but if the King wants you to pay for the F&I war, fought on your colonial soil for your territorial, financial & every other advantage, the proper response is to call for his overthrow, because you ain’t paying for nobody else?

These people have been morons since the dawn of history.
I’m surprised there aren’t daily reports of gun-battles at IHOPs & Denney’s nation-wide, as rabid conservatives trying to split the check draw down on each other, screaming “Don’t tread on me,” etc.

(Oh, that’s right, they talk big, but fold up like ironing boards when it’s time to apply their principles to the real world.)


Secession is indeed constitutional

Good, then secede. Now.


I hate to break it to you brad, but the civil war was not about slavery, it was about states’ rights.

And we have another for the killfile.

Why do conservatives and Republicans hate America and Americans so much? Is it in their genetic makeup to despise the notion of Constitutional government, or are they simply brought up to most idolize neo-Confederate treason?

And why is it that a movement comprised entirely of bed-wetting cowards is suffused with a need to talk so roughly and toughly? Is it that they lack the sexual attention of patriarchal males they are unwilling to openly seek?


President Lincoln is beginning to look worse and worse.

He should have cut the South loose. Lord Harry, please move the South Carolina and secede, will you? But sorry, no more subsidies allowed from the United States government. The illiterate south already sucks up more than it’s share.

Bugger off.


Yes, the colonists were liberals by the standards of the day.

But we are now CONSERVATIVES because we want to CONSERVE their gains for liberty.


There is a difference between an 18th and 19th Century liberal and a modern “liberal” (i.e., Socialist).


I’ve got an idea. Let’s “conserve” habeas corpus. What say?


No offense anyone, but the next time I hear someone (especially a dude) say “we are pregnant” I’m going to go ballistic.

Yeah, dudes, you really don’t have a clue, so just STFU. If you can’t, half the world would be happy to arrange, for you, a perpetual prostate exam for 9 months.


An amendment to limit spending to a percentage of GDP.

When I first saw that I thought it said “GOP”. Sounds about what they’d like.

John K: So the “rich” will go from paying over half their income up to about 65-70%? How long until they leave the country or move their money offshore?

For the moving offshore part, they already did. For the leaving the country part, not soon enough. Fuck the selfish bastards. Let ’em go live in Somalia or some other Randian paradise.


And thus we see that treason is somehow patriotic.

The treasonous states were fighting for their “right” to define African-Americans as property, plain and simple. You can dance around that fact all you want, but reality ain’t following your steps.


But we are now CONSERVATIVES because we want to CONSERVE their gains for liberty.

No, we do. You don’t. You all wanted George W. Bush Jr. to walk around in a flight suit labeled “Super Unitard Executrix” and throw anyone in prison he felt like forever, without trial or even charges, and then let him spank you because you ‘conservatives’ are all weirdo perverts.


Without innovators, risk-takers, and capitalists you wouldn’t have the computer you are typing on now.

How many of you libs would like to have a world without Steve Jobs?


“Lord Harry” – sad.


Without innovators, risk-takers, and capitalists you wouldn’t have the computer you are typing on now.

Exactly. And without decades and decades of publicly-funded computer and internet research, testing, and subsidized establishment, Steve Jobs would have had no chance to learn tricks from Xerox.


Steve Jobs is a liberal. So is Bill Gates.

Now back into the killfile you go, moron.


Bill Gates donated to GWB twice. Look it up.


Of course, by John K.’s logic Israelis should be grateful to Hitler, as without the Holocaust there’d probably be no Israel.


I have read that during the depression hobos would leave cryptic marks indicating houses that were likely to provide free meals or other necessary services.

I’m wondering if there’s something similar on the intert00bz. Some way trolls have of marking certain blogs troll-friendly so that any unbathed belligerent idiot bigot just wandering around the ‘t00bz can know they can walk right into the kitchen here and spew spittle-infused stupid all over the place.

Hand me the formula 409, wouldja?



And so what if Jobs is liberal? He is still an innovative, risk taking capitalist that you want to either tax at a 90% rate for his success or force him to leave the country!


Also, anyone who thinks the computer industry and the internet is the product of free market development needs to return his book of “Capitalistic Nostrums for Dummies” back to the bookshop, as it must be defective.


Did someone just compare Jobs to Hitler?

The internet was helped by DEFENSE spending, something you libs hate.


Steve Jobs? You mean one of the barefooted hippies who started Apple in his parent’s garage?


Actually brad, it was Northerners who wanted African Americans counted as 3/5 of a person not Southerners. The North wanted to keep the South’s representation in Congress marginal, so they proposed the 3/5 of a person clause arguing that since blacks were slaves, they were property not citizens.



Thanks to DARPA, Bank of America (invented credit card) & random coincidence, in a moment I will open a window in my browser, make a few clicks, & in 15 – 25 min. walk a few paces to a chain (no, not Domino’s) pizza store, mention my name, & return “home” w/ a medium “pizza” of some type. W/o even reaching for the wallet. Quite possibly some “Hawai’ian” chicken thingy w/ pineapples. Did not formerly like the idea of pineapple on pie, but it works in this case.

Local temp 76°F, skies clear. Will happily exchange for a few hrs. of fun in the snow.


Thankfully, we now have a President who might invest funds in the development o the nation, such that someday we might have another Bill Gates or Steve Jobs to make money off of publicly-developed technology and resources, rather than just a bunch of loudmouth douchebags looting the deregulated Wall Street in the disguise of bullshit investment seance “financial technologies” made up of scam uses of probability statistics.


And John K. should read Aden, Arabie by Paul Nizan.


Nizan was a commie, wasn’t he?


Papa John’s, M.?
That’s not pizza, that’s pizza flavored food product.


Unlike right wingers, liberals who now dominate the federal government will someday no longer have to hide regular research and technology development in the military-industrial complex budget so that retard right wingers won’t freak in fear of gubmit-funded intyarfeerens in the ekonmee.


I prefer Extreme Pizza myself.

For home made, those frozen California Pizza kitchen things are good.


Lookee here, wingnuts – including Jabba the Hut pedophile viagra oxycontin drug addict – raking Jobs over the coals for running a “liberal minded” company and having Gore on the board.


You want a recipe? Try this one on for size:

Marinated Grilled Pork Tenderloin:

Trim excess fat and marinate a 2 – 3 lb. pork tenderloin at least overnight (24 hours or more is better) in the fridge in the following marinade:

Juice of 3 – 4 oranges (about 1 c)
Juice of 4-5 limes (about 1/3 – 1/2 c)
Juice of 1 lemon
2 Tblsp ground cumin
1 Tblsp coarse salt
1 Tblsp ground pepper
1-1/2 Tblsp dried oregano
6 – 8 cloves minced garlic

Grill it – don’t overcook.

Delicious hot or cold. You can make the following glaze to serve with it:

Juice of 1 orange
Juice of 2 limes
2 Tblsp peeled and finely grated ginger
1 c packed light brown sugar
pince of fine salt

Glaze is good on chicken too. I serve the tenderloin with steamed brown rice and steamed sugar peas. Tres yummy.


That is a very good book John K. I should add that you liberals also look up the Politically Incorrect guide to the South. It will dispel any preconceptions you may have about the South being backward and irrelevent.


Actually, Nizan was murdered for being insufficiently dedicated to the communist ideal.
Also, probably, for being the best critic of capitalism since Marx and thus inspiring major jealousy.

Rusty Shackleford

Yeah, dudes, you really don’t have a clue, so just STFU. If you can’t, half the world would be happy to arrange, for you, a perpetual prostate exam for 9 months.

Seriously? I thought that was the preferred way of putting it these days.


My killfile is swollen with rancid wingnuts. I might have to pour some bleach in there.

James K Polk, Esq.

I can never get that brown rice to turn out right. Do you make it in a rice cooker, on the stove or on the range top?


How many of you libs would like to have a world without Steve Jobs?

How long before you’d starve in a world without Steve the Farmer? How well do you think you’d get along without Joe the water department employee? Then your shit would be backing up in the house, instead of here all over the internets.


James K Polk, Esq – I just do mine on the stovetop. I can’t tell you what I do that makes it come out right – it just always does. I have a lot better luck with brown rice than with the white.


I’m trying to conceal my location here!! (Not for any particular reason, just to see if it can be done.) So I won’t say a thing about which entity it might be. But I’ll say that were it not for the convenience (including the almost no human contact) I wouldn’t be w/in a mile of the joint.

And defending myself is cutting into my ordering.


Umm, how is that relevant, Lord Harry?

Btw, you haven’t mentioned yet how the south started the war because they were afraid northern elite libruls were coming to take away their slaves.


Gotta be honest. I can be a food snob, too, but most pizzas from the major chains are still pretty good eatin’ as long as they’re not totally screwed up. And that’s mainly because mozzarella cheese is just damn tasty when hot & melty, even the bastardized mass-production variants, and mass-produced pizza is mainly a mozzarella-delivery-vehicle, with a bit of tomato sauce, partly cooked bread dough, and toppings to spice it up.


For some good recipes go to

The kangaroo sausages were exceptional. I ordered a whole box of different meats for christmas. It was a little on the pricey side, but well worth it.


But El Cid, that’s mostly cornmeal, not mozz.


El Cid – see, I’m in the more sauce/less cheese camp. Too much cheese makes the pizza greasy. I don’t like greasy pizza.

Then again, I probably eat pizza 2 or 3 times a year.

Rusty Shackleford

For my dinner: pizza and wings

For my killfile’s dinner: Lord Harry and John K


El Cid, I stopped ordering from our local chain when I found out that some of kids working in those places add snotzerella.


The pizza industry owes Sadly No a big fat donation.


The local senior health inspector here told me years ago he never eats in restaurants, even the five star variety. He’s seen it all.


Jennifer- that’s cornmeal, not cheese, that makes the pizza greasy.
Real mozz has very little oil in it.


It is relevent brad, because it was the North who wanted slaves defined as property, not the South. The history of the Antebellum South is one of black nannies being treated as part of the family, of black children being considered suitable playmates for white children.

There was no segregation in the Antebellum South, that came as a result of the North’s disastorous attempt at “reconstruction.” Most Confederate leaders, Jefferson Davis included, expected slavery to fade away naturally.


But El Cid, that’s mostly cornmeal, not mozz.

Are you sure?

Rusty Shackleford's killfile



a diff brad – alls I know is, there’s only one kind of pizza I even bother with – the local Iriana’s saucetastic, not overly cheesy mushroom pizza which is asses to elbows with fresh sliced mushrooms. Good eatin’.


Ok, now you’re drifting into fairytales, Lord Harry.
Slavery was not good old fun. No.

El Cid- yup. cornmeal makes the mozz melt faster and more evenly. Try buying some fresh high q mozz and melting it on a piece of bread. No oil, and the consistency is quite different.


For no other reason than your own curiosity, the USDA’s official standards for mozzarella cheese (PDF).


People, you don’t want to know what’s added to your food by the staff.

30 plus yrs. ago I knew a chef @ a Denney’s. He said that if the waitperson, based on customer behavior, requested an addition to the Grand Slam or whatever they were shoving down America’s throats in those days it would happen.

Be just as nice as you can. We’re here all week, & tip the staff, if you know what’s good for you!!


What is the best national pizza chain?

James K Polk, Esq.

My current favorite pizza features chanterelle and porcini mushrooms on thin crust with no sauce and delicious mozzarella.



Take 4 pounds (say 4 1/2 pounds) of fresh Amblongusses, and put them in a small pipkin.

Cover them with water and boil them for 8 hours incessantly, after which add 2 pints of new milk, and proceed to boil for 4 hours more.

When you have ascertained that the Amblongusses are quite soft, take them out and place them in a wide pan, taking care to shake them well previously.

Grate some nutmeg over the surface, and cover them carefully with powdered gingerbread, curry-powder, and a sufficient quantity of Cayenne pepper.

Remove the pan into the next room, and place it on the floor. Bring it back again, and let it simmer for three-quarters of an hour. Shake the pan violently till all the Amblongusses have become a pale purple colour.

Then, having prepared a paste, insert the whole carefully, adding at the same time a small pigeon, 2 slices of beef, 4 cauliflowers, and any number of oysters.

Watch patiently till the crust begins to rise, and add a pinch of salt from time to time.

Serve up in a clean dish, and throw the whole out of the window as fast as possible.


Why conservatives are generally looked upon w/ derision:

What is the best national pizza chain?


Try buying some fresh high q mozz and melting it on a piece of bread. No oil, and the consistency is quite different.

Maybe, but there are also low-quality mass production mozzarellas (often part-skim) which don’t have cornmeal and melt a lot differently than high quality cheese.

Hey, though, I often like the ultra-melty ‘American’ cheese for the more soup-y style, less casserole-style mac & cheese of the South here. Not too often, but it’s still tasty sometimes.


I hate to break it to you brad, but the civil war was not about slavery, it was about states’ rights.

Oh God in fucking heaven. You’ve never lived in Dixie, have ya, boy? With its “Hell No I Ain’t Fergettin’!” and “If Your [Heart] Ain’t in Dixie Get You [Ass] Out” bumper stickers and its Confederate flags draped everywhere and every which way, and those are just the mentionable things? Tell these ubiquitous knuckledraggers the Civil War was about “states’ rights.” You’ll get a blank simian stare and rather rude advice about where you can put your Yankee high-falutin’ talk. Stupid asshole. And I don’t even WANT a recipe from you now!


Jennifer, you should try northern italian style za. No sauce, thin slices of fresh mozz over thin slices of fresh tomato (optional) with whatever good handmade slice-able meat is handy, whatever fresh garlic, basil, peppers, mushrooms, etc work best with the meat, on a thin, light crust, all wood-fired. Completely different from what you like, but it’s what za should be, when made with good everything.
Hell, it doesn’t have to be mozz on that kind of pie. Any meltable Italian cheese will work, just about.


I never said that slavery was fun, I was merely saying that in the Antebellum South it wasn’t as brutal an institution as many people seem to think.

Was slavery despicable? Yes of course it was. However, not all slave holders brutalized their slaves, in fact most didn’t. In the Antebellum South, were considered a valuble resource that needed to be kept healthy and well fed. They were far from being considered expendable.

In many slave holding households, slaves were treated as part of the family. Many slaves were even allowed to own hunting rifles and catch their own food. Though slavery itself is deplorable, it was very much a driving force behind the economy of the Antebellum South, and not at all as barbaric as the Northern newspapers of the time liked to portray it.

Wayne and Garth

Extreme focus on corruption in congress

Unnecessary ZOOM! Unnecessary ZOOM!

Rusty Shackleford's killfile

States have powers. People have rights.


Be just as nice as you can.

That’s pretty good all-purpose advice.

The local Home Show was this weekend, and since the new employers are a sponsor, I thought it a good idea to show my face. Of course I kept running into lots of vendors and people I had worked with on my last job, a lot of them people who had been alienated by my former boss and no longer will do business with him. To a one they’re ready to work with me again, pretty much solely because I was never an asshole to work with. But even with the clerk at the grocery or convenience store, or the kid at the fast food drive-in – why not just be polite to them? I never have understood people who are abusive with waiters, etc. Yeah, so you’re important because you have a better job than the person serving you – and just to remind them of their shitty job, you have to throw your weight around a little to make their job that much shittier.

What the fuck is wrong with some people?


I have tragic news. We are racists.

In fact, our hate, sexual attacks, intolerance, and racism are very frothy. Maybe even foamy.


Here’s from a UK site which has an ingredients list for Domino’s Pizza, and although I didn’t see the cornmean, they have a “liquid cheese” which I guess is mixed in (or maybe it’s in the nasty filled-crust types, I can’t stand those) with some odd ingredients:

Ingredients: Pizza Dough (Wheat Flour, Water, Rapeseed Oil, Sugar, Salt, Stabiliser: E481, Whey Powder, Sunflower Oil, Antioxidant: Ascorbic Acid, Flavouring, Yeast, Cornmeal), Thin Crust Base (Wheat Flour, Malted Barley Flour, Water, Soybean Oil, Yeast, Dextrose, Leavening: Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate, Sodium Bicarbonate, Maize Starch, Monocalcium Phosphate; Preservative: Calcium Propionate, Emulsifier: Soy Lecithin), Liquid Cheese (Cheddar Cheese, Cream Cheese, Water, Garlic, Mixed Herbs, Acidity Regulator: Lactic Acid; Emulsifiers: Sodium Phosphates, Polyphosphates; Preservative: Potassium Sorbate), Mozzarella Cheese, Tomato Sauce (Tomatoes, Salt, Sugar, Spices and Herbs, Garlic Powder, Antioxidant: Citric Acid)

Domino’s own site doesn’t discuss its pizza cheese in its list of ingredients, so I can only assume this information is roughly close for the U.S.


I don’t know that part skim really deserves the name “mozzarella”, tbh. And there’s probably some mix of chemicals or other additive of some kind to assist in meltability. Cornmeal is also plain cheaper than real cheese, so it adds bulk.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

…it’s what za should be, when made with good everything.

I have tried this style of pizza, and it is in fact awesome, but it’s not what I keep coming back to. I can’t cook, so my favorite is from a local Salt Lake City joint called – you trolls will love this – The Pie. Extremely heavy and oily, about a ton of cheese and sauce, toppings applied in ridiculous amounts. I can only eat there about twice a year, because it’s so heavy and my gall bladder yells about it for like a week afterwards.

But we must be careful. Talking about which pizza is The Best can turn the discussion into battling opinions like the music threads. Except that I don’t think anyone will argue that a pizza made in the 1960s holds up well today.


Lady Harry discovers the truth:


I worked in restaurant kitchens for years, all up and down the east coast, and I never once saw a customer’s food befouled. Is it really such a common occurance?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

But even with the clerk at the grocery or convenience store, or the kid at the fast food drive-in – why not just be polite to them?

Agreed. As my mom said, it don’t cost you nothin’. There are enough dicks out there.


Except that I don’t think anyone will argue that a pizza made in the 1960s holds up well today.

I hope it’s at least been in the freezer all that time, otherwise I’d recommend being nowhere near it.


It’s actually supposed to be fairly easy to make your own mozzarella. Barbara Kingsolver talked about it in her food book.

I’m just not big on processed foods. Restaraunt-wise, I’m big into Pei Wei which I’m sure must have a lot of non-food stuff in it but it’s tasty, and it’s not like it’s a Big Mac, so I eat it.


I’m no food chemist, but I think the emulsifiers are probably cornmeal based, or were 10 years ago. The UK probably also has different cheese regulations, too.
I may be speaking based on dated info, possibly.


I worked in restaurant kitchens for years, all up and down the east coast, and I never once saw a customer’s food befouled. Is it really such a common occurance?

I worked in a bunch of restaurants, and at least regarding the kinds of things I could see, no one ever did anything nasty. Now, if the original ingredients were f*@%ed up, or if some prep cook did something while no one else was there, I can’t say.

James K Polk, Esq.

The only cheese I have ever made myself is Indian cheese, Paneer. It was very easy to make, and kind of resembled very firm mozzarella.

Do I need to get some rennet to make mozzarella for myself?


Someone order room service?


James K Polk – I dunno, must consult great gazoogle.


Why are there more comments on Sadly, No! posts than there are people at the conservative “tea-baggin” parties? I wonder how much it would be, perperson, if you took all the money put into the Astro-turf and divided it by the number of people doing the conservative tea-bag?

That’s some expensive tea, or is it the bag which costs so much?

Riddle me that, Rush!

James K Polk, Esq.

Aw man, I wonder where to get citric acid.


Oh, and “Lord Harry” is a fucking liar! Yeah, Harry, I’m talking to you.
There isn’t one fucking word, including “and” and “the” of your post on slavery’s wonders that is not an easily demonstrable lie. It can all be disproved with materials from the time, contemporary accounts.

Shall we start with the Middle Passage?

And, co-incidentally, every word also serves to demonstrate what an ignorant asshole you are, but that’s no news.


To make the best pot of tea. Heat the pot with boiling water. Empty it out. Put in one teaspoon of loose tea for each cup, and one for the pot. Pour briskly boiling water over the tea and let steep for three minutes. When pouring, use a strainer to filter out the loose tea leaves. Use a nice cup and saucer, preferably porcelain decorated with rosebuds or shamrocks . Sugar, lemon wedges and milk should be offered.

Using tea bags is low class.


Just wonderin’ how a morning tea movement would go. Like everyone sits around drinking tea and eating scones and cakes, bitching about the weather and their various hopeless sports teams. It would likely as not accomplish about the same as the teabag teabads and you would actually get something to eat and drink.


Polk- it’s probably just a little lemon juice. Not that I really know, but I also made paneer once and that was the starter.


Get citric acid in the grocery store canning aisle. If you have those in your ultra-liberal enclave.

Or you could order rennet and citric acid from someone online.


I don’t think the total nation-wide teabag turn-out could have been over fifteen hundred, including the Presidents Day shindig in Seattle.

They got 400 in Chicago, apparently sock-puppet central for the whole abortion, 200 in Seattle, 100 (?) in Washington (the week-end of CPAC!!!) nowhere else over a hundred. Cancelled somewhere due to rain? Most of these are their own counts, I b’leeve. Reality may vary.

Blah, blah, blah …


James K Polk, Esq.

Thanks for the tips Jennifer!

If you have those in your ultra-liberal enclave.

My choco rations have increased to 50 grammes per week! All hail glorious leader!


A. Kiwi,there was a roasted pig (head & all, yum) at the Washington Teabag. I think the internment camp lady who’s always screaming brought it.

So you wouldn’t really want to try that, who knows what she‘d do in someone’s food.

And thanks to all the former culinary workers trying to reassure me. Like you’re not all still on the CIA* payroll.

*Culinary Inst. of Amer. But why would they pick & use those initials unless …


Can anyone translate “The world wants to argue with parody trolls” into Latin? “Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur” does not seem quite appropriate here.


Since we’re talking food here, I found this great site for pick-your-own produce state by state, which also has a complete index of how to can, freeze, dehydrate, etc. whatever you pick or grow for storage.

I’m putting the garden back in this year and gonna grow some lovely heirloom veggies. And also, blackberries and/or raspberries.


MB, their revolutionary committee stayed up all night and thought up the pork connection. Japesters!!
Ms. Congenality has no use of the corpse once the blood has been drained.



Rusty Shackleford's killfile

I worked in restaurant kitchens for years, all up and down the east coast, and I never once saw a customer’s food befouled. Is it really such a common occurance?

My best friend worked many, many food service jobs at various levels, including long stints at Pizza Hut, and said he never saw anything like that either. He doesn’t hesitate to eat out anywhere.

James K Polk, Esq.

I’m putting in my garden this year too. Been vermiculturing a plot in the backyard, it’s coming along great. Trying to figure out what to plant.

Careful with the blackberries, they take over. Stick to the raspberries. They are better anywho.

Shell Goddamnit

“FYWP with a large chinois”

Ooooh OW.


Why conservatives are generally looked upon w/ derision:

What is the best national pizza chain?

No shit. John K’s going to wax eloquent on the culinary excellence of (eww) Dominos?

I generally think it’s difficult to find a bad pizza, but the last time I had a Domino’s pizza was probably 6 years ago, at someone else’s gathering, and I was appalled at how dreadful it was. Why would anyone in their right mind order one from them?


Can anyone translate “The world wants to argue with parody trolls” into Latin? “Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur” does not seem quite appropriate here.

Sorry, can’t help. It’s all Heavenly Script to me.


No sheet. Even if Domino’s funneled all their profits (after a better than living wage for the workers) to Hugo Chavez, rather than to Catholic madness, the pie would still be awful.


Just saw this gem upstream:

Paul Collins from Canada writes: Niall Ferguson is part of a very powerful think tank on social and foreign policy. I would like to ask him if he is a husband, or a father. Why? I think if he had a wife, or children, he would be more grounded and project a positive point of view.

If only someone would create a multi-authored database where anyone could look up such details through a network of interlinked computers.
And how do you think it feels
When all you can say is if only
If only I had a little, If only I had some change
If only if only if only.


Holy crap! What is it with these multi-bajillion comment threads lately? Is there a wingnut shortage? Maybe we should thaw a few out, is Buckly still dead?


What is it with these multi-bajillion comment threads lately?


Arguing with idiots.

Standing athwart idiot arguing and yelling STOP!

More idiots.

Desperate attempts to distract the commentariat from arguing with the idiots.

Desperate attempts by the idiots to get responses from the commetariat.

Oh. And Fuckbum….



yah – idiots get stale

Rusty Shackleford

yah – idiots get stale

Just pop ’em in the oven for a few minutes on 350, crisps ’em right up


The fact is, my farts smell like chettos and its making me hungry.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Why would anyone in their right mind order one from [Domino’s]?

Beats me. I had one buddy who insisted on ordering from them, but he finally got over them. It took their utterly fucking up one order, then completely failing to deliver the next – after an hour he called to ask WTF and they told him he had called and cancelled the order.


A lot of people must really regret voting for me. SUCKERS!



Fuckbum? Is that near Bumfuck? I get so cornfussed.

Typical Rightwing Parody Troll

Face it libs, get your history straight. Blacks should be grateful we enslaved them. And basically they are responsible for all crime and graft. And you should be afraid of them, not pitying them. It boils down to, if you see a problem in America, you know squarely where to look for the blame: the so-called “Black community.”

But when I say “we” above I certainly don’t mean me–you can take your white guilt for something a bunch of people none of us are related to (sorry libs, my family came from Denmark–we didn’t own slaves tee hee). Truth is, I’m my own self-made man. I take responsibility for myself and expect nothing from others, and I expect to give nothing to others.

Now another thing: the illegals are ruining our protestant white society, coming over here and leaching off us and sending all our money back to Meximalanduralombiquador. It is high time we closed our borders for good to them. So basically America’s problem comes down to two groups: blacks and illegals.

Now about the “zinger” you libs think you have calling defense spending just a form of socialism. Good luck with that whole sharia law thing, because giving $1 trillion to defense is the only way free markets can thrive in the world.

Otherwise the godless nihilistic Islamofascists would spread their hatred across the globe. So basically without us white free market individualists the three biggest problems in this country are blacks, illegals, and Islamofacsist nuts.

My facts are irrefutable. What have you got to say for yourselves, libs. I dare you. C’mon, bring it!


Ah… no regrets here:

Stevie Wonder and Barack Obama

Coolest. Fucking. Prez. Evar.

And smart enough to know not to wave and make the whole world laugh at you for the dumbfuck you are.


I used to make my own pizza dough in the Kitchen Aid (I’d make 4 at a time coo one or two and freeze the rest, but for several years I’ve been going with Mikey’s method of buying doughs from local pizza emporiums (a lot of grocery stores have them in the deli, too, and in a pinch those frozen bread doughs work OK.
For a cooking stone what you really want is a nice piece of soapstone if you can find it. Try a countertop shop or a tile shop. Nothing will stick to soapstone, you can cook the pizza right on it (or anything else, biscuits, rolls, as Mikey says, it will make the oven work better for everything) Soapstone solves the “hack the oven so it heats to 700 problem too. Soapstone absorbs and transfers heat; any baked goods you put on a soapstone that has has been preheated to 500 will cook through without burning. Your pizza dough and all its toppings will cook through beautifully in about 10 minutes.
I like a good greasy pepperoni pizza but for Jennifer, here’s my white pizza recipe: Spinach, onion, garlic and artichoke hearts chopped and mixed with olive oil and feta. top with some roasted pine nuts and parmesan. You can add a little lemon to the spinach mix, too. And any mushrooms you like, if your kids will eat them. And add more olive oil than you think you need.


First & most important, Congratulations, Dr Mrs Marita, and also of course Gavin!

Forgive me if I’m repeating something I missed in the troll-filth, but the local CVS stocks Sea Bands next to the Dramamine, little wristbands with plastic bumps, which bogus tho they sound actually work well to prevent nausea, including (I’m told) the pregnancy-related kind. Some people also speak well of ginger capsules, but I don’t know what your obstretrician would say about that.

My method of obtaining really tasty pizza is to choose a house within delivery range of the right pizzeria. Around here, that means “Greek pizza”, which is not the thin-crust NYC version, but the ingredients are natural and applied with the proper (lavish) touch. And it’s only right Gavin should submit to (at least watching) pineapple on pizza, since he shares the responsibility for Marita’s digestive problems…

Bruch here, for me, was leftover Singapore stick (no shrimp) from Su Changs (best Chinese restaurant in the north-of-Boston area) and Thomas’s “maple syrup” “bagels” for the Spousal Unit. Guess who grew up in lower upper Michigan and who grew up in the Bronx?

As for “X-rated reindeer”, according to my north-Swedish sister-out-law, that would be all of them. Where she grew up, reindeer are giant hoofed varmints whose whole purpose in life is to leap in front of one’s car when the roads are particularly icy (i.e., from late August till early June). She reacts to the American strip-mall idea of importing “adorable Prancers” for the kiddies to pet the way a New Yorker would react to “Sammy the Easter sewer rat”.

I blame the sudden spate of trolls on Pajama Medias shutting off the money spigot. The local infestation are too lazy and dishonest to go to the work of running their own websites without being bribed, so they’re all hanging around our Sane People site hoping to bring us down to their level. I’m going to have to get my tech person (see: Spousal Unit) to install the pie filter, and I don’t even approve of the concept of pie filters. *Sigh.*


Standing athwart idiot arguing and yelling STOP!
The fact ith, an athwart ith often a thymptom of human papilloma viruth.

Our Dead Selves

On man, I had some excellent spinach & turkey lasagna tonight. It’s not pizza, but it’s damn close…


Grandpa, what were churches like?

“Please Grandpa,” pleaded Max, “tell me some more about the old days.”

John peered over his notepad to see the face of his curly-haired Grandson, “Okay little man,” his eyes quickly scanned the room before he continued, “jump on up here and sit next to me.”

“Timmy’s dads said you are a sad old relic from the dark ages,” said Max. “Why are you sad Grandpa?”

“They said that?” He could feel an angry flush creeping up his neck. “I am sad, Maxy, but that isn’t what they meant.”

“What did they mean, Grandpa? Why are you sad?”

“I’m sad because I remember a time when freedom meant so much more than it does today.” John continued, “A time before the change.”

“You mean, before the Leader and his people?” asked Max.


“But, the change was good Grandpa,” replied Max, “just like it says by the statues at school.”

“Those statues are an abomination,” answered John, “and I don’t mind telling you that the change was not good.”

“But Grandpa… the statues of Mother Pelosi, Father Frank, and Father Reid looking up at the Leader all look very happy,” insisted Max.

“That’s because they are happy Maxy,” Grandpa John replied. “Why were you talking about me with Timmy’s two dads? Don’t you remember when I told you it would be best to keep our little talks between us?”

“Sorry Grandpa,” Max replied, “I forgot.”

“It’s okay Max,” said Grandpa John, “don’t worry about it.”

“Did you ever shoot a gun Grandpa?”

“Yes,” answered John, “I used to hunt quite a bit when I was a young man. In fact, I had quite a collection of very nice guns back then.”

“You mean you actually had guns in your house?” Max asked, shock in his voice.

“Indeed I did,” answered John. “Back then, you could own more than one gun, and in fact, you could own rifles and pistols too.”

“Why don’t you hunt anymore Grandpa?” asked Max.

“Oh, it got to be too much of a hassle, having to make an appointment at the city gun locker,” answered John. “Anyway, the last time I tried to check out my gun, they said I didn’t qualify for weekday privileges any more. On account of my old job.”

“You mean your old job as a Preacher?” Asked Max.

“Yep,” John replied, “that’s the one.”

“What were churches like Grandpa?” Asked Max.

“Oh goodness, Maxi, the churches were wonderful,” answered John. “They were beautiful places, and people come together there to talk about God and how God sent Jesus to pay for our sins so we could be with God forever.”

“Why did the churches go away Grandpa?”

“It was all a part of the change Maxi,” answered John. “It came later, after the Leader and the others convinced people that religion was to blame for hatred and violence in the world. They said that anti-abortion talk was a severe threat to women.”

“Is that why you got sent to jail Grandpa?” asked Max.

“It was,” answered Grandpa John. “After they abolished Christian churches, I kept on preaching for those who would listen. That’s when they said I was guilty of hate crimes.”

“Mark’s mommy got put in jail too,” said Max. “She was telling some other mommies that it should be okay to have more than one baby.”

“It used to be that way Maxi,” said Grandpa John. “It used to be okay for a mommy and a daddy to have two or three children.”

“Wow Grandpa,” exclaimed Max. “Is that what they used to call brothers and sisters?”

“It is indeed Maxi,” answered John. “I had a brother and a sister. They are both gone now, but we loved each other very much. Some families even had six or eight kids.”


John’s heart fell like a rock into the pit of his stomach. He knew that friends would never knock on his door like that. Max jumped off the couch and opened the door. Two civil enforcement officers stood in the entrance.

“Jonathan McNight?” The male officer stepped into the house as he addressed John; still sitting on the couch.

“Yes,” John replied, “that is me.”

“We have a warrant for your arrest,” the officer continued, “stand up please, slowly, and place both hands behind your back.”

As he complied with the order, John said, “May I ask what this is about?”

“You have been charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor child,” answered the officer. “Sir, you should be ashamed of yourself for filling this boy’s mind with hateful thoughts. Now he will have to undergo retraining.”

John closed his eyes and sighed. He knew that Timmy’s two dads had probably called him in.

“Don’t you realize what you are doing?” John asked of the officer. “Does this change the Leader has insisted on really make you feel good about life?”

“Shut your mouth old man,” replied the female officer, who was now standing at his side. “Speaking of the Leader in a disrespectful manner can be a capital offense. If you keep talking like that, we will add it to your charges.”

John looked down at his Grandson, who was now holding the door open for the officers. He had an impressed look in his eyes that said… I want to be like them when I grow up.

The civil enforcement officers led John toward a VTV (violator transport vehicle) that was parked in the driveway. Max waved goodbye and closed the door. Tears filled the old man’s eyes, as he could just hear Maxi singing inside.

Leader loves me this I know… for my teacher tells me so… little ones to him belong… they are weak but he is strong

Our Dead Selves

Also, very appropriate.


I started making my own pizza about 18 years ago after I ordered Dominos 2 for one things a couple of times for my wife and I and our 2 year old. After we ate both pizzas a few times I realized there couldn’t be much food in those two pizzas and so we started making our own and we couldn’t finish one of our homemade pies. And I have videos of our son in his diaper and cowboy hat helping me put the mozz and pepperoni on the pizza. And I didn’t Tom Monaghan any money for his religious city in Florida.

Our Dead Selves

Dammit, did wordsuck just eat my comment?

Ahem. Trying again.


Grandpa, tell me again why you wear those things in your pants?

The Tea Party Movement

You will be hearing about us for a LONG time to come, socialists!

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

You will be hearing about us for a LONG time to come, socialists!

Indeed, the Sadly, No! crew alone will be making fun of you for a decade, easy.

Jonathan McNight

If you hadn’t guessed, I’m Lord Harry’s wish-fulfillment character who gets to be persecuted and shoot a lot of guns. I also star in his story about a hot four-way with Salma Hayek, Megan Fox and Sean Hannity.


Actually brad, it was Northerners who wanted African Americans counted as 3/5 of a person not Southerners. The North wanted to keep the South’s representation in Congress marginal, so they proposed the 3/5 of a person clause arguing that since blacks were slaves, they were property not citizens.

OK–this is pure unadulterated crap. Congressional seats are constitutionally apportioned on the basis of population. The Slave States wanted slaves counted so they could get more congressmen. The Free States didn’t want slaves counted because they couldn’t vote, so why should they be represented–especially when “their” representatives would vote in the interests of the Slave Power?

The compromise that was reached in order to get the Slave States to ratify the Constitution was counting each slave as 3/5 of a person. Why is this so difficult for you idiots to understand? The injustice for blacks was not in counting them as less than a full person; it was in counting them at all, when their numbers only told against their own interests.

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

Poor Grandpa!

But don’t worry, wingnuts, he’ll be much happier after his Gay Abortion.


He knew that Timmy’s two dads had probably called him in

Where the fuck was Lassie??


Hey, is that mighty scroll from a Jack T. Chick comic book? If it isn’t, it certainly should be.


Grandpa then sighed in amazement that he’d only been busted for tax evasion, when what he always feared was how he’d been caught during his ‘special’ times with Max.

The Republican Congressman to the Page

“Okay little man,” his eyes quickly scanned the room before he continued, “jump on up here and sit next to me.”


The civil enforcement officers led John toward a VTV (violator transport vehicle) that was parked in the driveway.

It’s the little details that make the story.


Where the fuck was Lassie??

In the hot tub with Flipper.


Bubba, how can it be x-rated reindeer if it’s dressed?
The dancing reindeer who advertised unradioactive reindeer steaks in a scene in Hardware were pretty hawt.


You liberals disgust me. I wouldn’t even be here if I weren’t being paid five cents a word.


You libs disgust me. I wouldn’t even be here if I weren’t being paid $1.50 per comment.


five cents a word

well, somebody’s getting ripped off big time.


I just got a call from a friend who’s getting a job with the Obama administration pointing and laughing at Christians, and they may have a position opening up with doing telemarketing for free abortions. I might take it, but I’m hoping something will come available for the new Department of Surrendering to the Mexislamic Hordes, which is going to be built on top of the ruins of the Texas State Capitol, once they get through hiring the Russians to blow it up.


Wrong again, the North considered slaves to be property with no more rights than animals, it was the South who insisted that slaves were human beings. The fear of the Northern delegates was that the South’s black and white population would perpetually overwhelm the North’s ability to influence politics. The South had the opposite view; the North would overpower the South unless slaves were counted.

The debate rarely touched on the humanity of slave trade or owning. Elbridge Gerry of Massachussets put his opinion plainly if indelicately: “Blacks are property and are used to the southward as horses and cattle are to the northward and why should their representation be increased to the southward on account of the number of slaves, than horses and oxen to the north?”

Gerry was being disingenuous in his description of what sounds like a slave-free North. The law banning slavery in Massachussets had not been passed until 1783, just four years earlier.

Oliver Ellisworth of Connecticut- a state that three times had rejected emancipating slaves in the previous decade- said with regard to slavery: “Let every state import what it pleases. The morality or wisdom of slavery are considerations belonging to the states themselves.” Connecticut would not get around to banning slavery until 1848!

James Wilson of Pennsylvania paired up with Charles Pinckney of South Carolina to propose that slavels be counted as three-fifths of a free white man both for representation in Congress and for taxation purposes. At several points during the debate, a Southern delegate would to appeal for full representation of the slaves as human beings, but each time the suggestion was voted down.

In fact, it was the northern states that ran the slave trade. Most of the 500,000 African slaves transported to Southern plantations came in Northern-owned ships. Just like those sailing ships depicted in the state flags of New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Hampshire. The state flag of Rhode Island features a ship’s anchor, which is appropriate because Rhode Island, though the smallest colony, was the biggest slave trader. Records indicate that nearly 1000 slaving missions were launched from Rhode Island ports and more than 100,000 slaves (20% of the slaves imported into America) arrived aboard those ships.

Even decades after importing slaves into the United States had been made illegal by Congress in 1808, one of the largest and most profitable industries in New York City was outfitting slave ships. Others noticed Northern hypocrisy, even if New York officials did not. The British consul reported in 1862 that of the 170 slave trading expeditions outfitted in New York City in the previous three years, at least seventy of them had sailed directly for Africa. Even the threat of impending war between North and South did little to slow the slavers operating out of New York City.

Liberals love to cry racism at the mere mention of the Confederate Battle Flag, which is a symbol of Southern heritage. And yet the Confederate Battle Flag never once flew over a slave ship. Even though slavery is widely considered to be exclusive to the American South, slavery spread across all thirteen colonies. In fact, judging by their own written records and by physical evidence, slaveholders in Northern states like New York, Massachussets and Rhode Island were far crueler than Southern slaveholders, who tended to be more paternalistic. There were economic reasons for this differing treatment.

In the North, slaves were considered profitable imports to be sold to Southern plantations or disposable assets to be held on Northern farms until they literally wore out from hard work. In the South, the thinking was entirely different. Slaves were viewed as a permenant work force, laborers to be protected, nurtured and developed.


What the hell – have you given up on Grandpa?


I’m feeling pretty crappy today, so my noodle soup recipe should be of interest.

Hey! Any of you guys want to contribute to my food blog?



James Wilson of Pennsylvania paired up with Charles Pinckney of South Carolina to propose that slavels be counted as three-fifths of a free white man both for representation in Congress and for taxation purposes. At several points during the debate, a Southern delegate would to appeal for full representation of the slaves as human beings, but each time the suggestion was voted down.

Exactly what I said, thanks for agreeing. The Southern States wanted slaves counted in order to give them disproportionate representation in Congress.

And the rest of your screed–Oh yeah: the 18th Century wasn’t the 21st! Film at 11.


In the South, the thinking was entirely different. Slaves were viewed as a permenant work force, laborers to be protected, nurtured and developed.

and inseminated


Yah, I’m an idiot for doing this. It’s just they’re so tedious.


Wrong again, the North considered pies to be property with no more rights than animals, it was the South who insisted that pies were human beings. The fear of the Northern delegates was that the South’s black and white population would perpetually overwhelm the North’s ability to influence politics. The South had the opposite view; the North would overpower the South unless pies were counted.

The debate rarely touched on the humanity of pie trade or owning. Elbridge Gerry of Massachussets put his opinion plainly if indelicately: “Pies are property and are used to the southward as horses and cattle are to the northward and why should their representation be increased to the southward on account of the number of pies, than horses and oxen to the north?”

Gerry was being disingenuous in his description of what sounds like a pie-free North. The law banning piery in Massachussets had not been passed until 1783, just four years earlier.

Oliver Ellisworth of Connecticut- a state that three times had rejected emancipating pies in the previous decade- said with regard to piery: “Let every state import what it pleases. The morality or wisdom of piery are considerations belonging to the states themselves.” Connecticut would not get around to banning piery until 1848!

James Wilson of Pennsylvania paired up with Charles Pinckney of South Carolina to propose that piels be counted as three-fifths of a free white man both for representation in Congress and for taxation purposes. At several points during the debate, a Southern delegate would to appeal for full representation of the pies as human beings, but each time the suggestion was voted down.

In fact, it was the northern states that ran the pie trade. Most of the 500,000 African pies transported to Southern plantations came in Northern-owned ships. Just like those sailing ships depicted in the state flags of New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Hampshire. The state flag of Rhode Island features a ship’s anchor, which is appropriate because Rhode Island, though the smallest colony, was the biggest pie trader. Records indicate that nearly 1000 slaving missions were launched from Rhode Island ports and more than 100,000 pies (20% of the pies imported into America) arrived aboard those ships.

Even decades after importing pies into the United States had been made illegal by Congress in 1808, one of the largest and most profitable industries in New York City was outfitting pie ships. Others noticed Northern hypocrisy, even if New York officials did not. The British consul reported in 1862 that of the 170 pie trading expeditions outfitted in New York City in the previous three years, at least seventy of them had sailed directly for Africa. Even the threat of impending war between North and South did little to slow the piers operating out of New York City.

Liberals love to cry racism at the mere mention of the Confederate Battle Flag, which is a symbol of Southern heritage. And yet the Confederate Battle Flag never once flew over a pie ship. Even though piery is widely considered to be exclusive to the American South, piery spread across all thirteen colonies. In fact, judging by their own written records and by physical evidence, pieholders in Northern states like New York, Massachussets and Rhode Island were far crueler than Southern pieholders, who tended to be more paternalistic. There were economic reasons for this differing treatment.

In the North, pies were considered profitable imports to be sold to Southern plantations or disposable assets to be held on Northern farms until they literally wore out from hard work. In the South, the thinking was entirely different. pies were viewed as a permenant work force, laborers to be protected, nurtured and developed.


Lord Harry – all talk, no action – so much for Grandpa; sorry, Max.


Max Blumenthal strikes again.


I had a very nice day. After a huge brunch and a few bloody mary’s we joined some friends for homofascistabortisan bowling league fun. The recipes seemed to work well this morning but I see the trolls have become resistant. Or, at least, built up a tolerance.

Time for the gay pr0n then. But as an added agent, like a multidrug cocktail. I see someone tried to get the ball rolling earlier with talk of the 9 month prostate exam. Shall we take it from there?


Lord Harry’s right about the flags, though. I’ve never understood why it was the Beauregard flag that was demonized, instead of the Stars and Bars.

The Stars and Bars was the flag of the political extremists who led the secession movement–it was really just the red-white-red secession cockade from before the war with a blue canton in the corner.

The C. S. Army invented the Beauregard flag because the Stars and Bars was too easy to mistake for the Stars and Stripes at a distance. The accommodation that was reached after the war was to honor the men who actually fought on both sides equally, so the Army symbol should be all right; it’s the political symbol of the secession movement that should be branded as a treasonous manifestation.


The law banning piery
‘Piery’ is NaW. I think you mean ‘piety’.



Guess I’ll try again later…



Piery – v. (bare infinitive form)
Act of soliciting, at seaside meat markets, peformers for gay pr0n


Huh, I thought “piery” might be what trolls do to get piescripted.


seaside meat markets

Does one buy one’s fish & eels on the dairy farms?


El Cid, that was some of the funniest shit I’ve read in a long time. Thanks

Mikey has a food blog? If your cooking matches your descriptions I’d read that. Got any recipes for Brussels Sprouts? I loves ’em!


I have a vision of a PIERY FLYING ROLL.


Tomorrow I’m going to Denny’s for the Octomom Breakfast. Eight eggs, no sausage and everyone else pays for for it.


Wow – I only just read about Santelli being a shill for a prefab “grassroots” cultural ratfuck on TPM, & shazzam – here it is … LOL INTERNETS!

When they came for the derivatives-traders, I said nothing, because I was too busy trying to get one of their molars dislodged from my jackboot …

Malkin claiming that 100 people is “huge” for a protest in Seattle … damn, girl, that’s a bad case of bias you got there. Wonder what that makes thousands (many of whom were painfully well-aware of the cops’ palpable lust to crack their skulls at the slightest provocation) protesting the Iraq Clusterfuck, then? Oh yeah, I forgot – that’s a “Rent-A-Mob” of jobless lesbian Commie marihuana-addicts!

It’s the cost of success. The left blogosphere has been given at least partial credit for Obama’s victory and support (even though a LOT of leftie blogs regularly criticize Barry for this-and-that, more than rightie blogs ever did to Bush when he was riding high), so now we are targets for the wingnuts’ “grassroots movement.”

Fellow Sadlynauts, we are being teabagged!

Remember to wipe your chin!

As someone who thoroughly enjoys making sweet sweet music by putting trolls into the ol’ semantic woodchipper, I have to say they’re definitely going downhill fast. The things about Obama that I (& likely many others here) dislike (like his vote on FISA or upholding the draconian state secrets privilege) are what they LIKE about him (though they often won’t admit it), & what passes for history or political awareness among them is just plain pathetic.

When you’re making even the likes of Herr Trout sound like William F. Buckley, you should just quit while you’re behind. These ones read like they’re co-sponsored by “Ron Popeil’s Pocket Fisherman” & Mattel. I have facial pores that dwarf their reality-tunnel, & that just doesn’t make for much fun … at least not enough to engage in direct responses.

TrollNutz – not all that tasty, actually.


We must now supply a definition for the quite cromulant word spotted at the PIERY FLYING ROLL site, viz. intituled.


Hey! Any of you guys want to contribute to my food blog?

Folks might be more attracted to the idea if you called it trollbane farming.


We must now supply a definition for the quite cromulant word spotted at the PIERY FLYING ROLL site, viz. intituled.

It is never good when I come into a thread, well over six hundred comments deep, and the last comment reads like the above.

What the hell has been going on around here?


What the hell has been going on around here?

Gresham’s Law: The Internet Game, I’m afraid…


Does one buy one’s fish & eels on the dairy farms?
It depends if your taste includes both snails and oysters, MB.


Ranters intitulating – a typical party here at Maison D’Etre.


So the Santelli rant was a plant, huh?



What the hell has been going on around here?

The internet sure can bring out some strange and ahemm…interesting people.


A day when a troll actually contributed a chicken recipe, forced by the sheer weight of good natured food loving liberal scum. Good times.

Malfunctioning Bob "Confederate Yankee" Owens Robot

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McCain’s gonna win. Marxism!Obama’s stealing our guns. Mah char-coal greyull! McCain’s gonna win. Marxism!Obama’s stealing our guns. Mah char-coal greyull! McCain’s gonna win. Marxism!Obama’s stealing our guns. Mah char-coal greyull! McCain’s gonna win. Marxism!Obama’s stealing our guns. Mah char-coal greyull! McCain’s gonna win. Marxism! Obama’s stealing our guns. Mah char-coal greyull! McCain’s gonna win. Marxism!


How’s the teabagging going? Or is it impolite to ask that?

James K Polk, Esq.

You see, we can get along!


“We must now supply a definition for the quite cromulant word spotted at the PIERY FLYING ROLL site, viz. intituled.”

Well I don’t know about you but the last time I had a PIERY FLYING ROLL intituled in me I couldn’t sit down for a week.


A chicken soup recipe? Is that some variation on the reverse double stockholm?


g: Mph mmm fm mff m fmmf m ffmoof*

* read: still “steeping”.


Why aren’t John K. and Lord Harry out teabagging somewhere? Were they grounded today?


It is never good when I come into a thread, well over six hundred comments deep, and the last comment reads like the above.

Not to put too fine a point on it, my precious pecan, but how many times have you come into a thread, well over six hundred comments deep, and found a comment anything like the one you reference? Link or it didn’t happen.

What the hell has been going on around here?

Nothing. Why do you ask?


Oysters!! W/ Tabasco Sauce®.

Also, perhaps, you could look at why ammo is short, courtesy of pajamas media’s go-to gun guy, Goober.

Remember, it’s your patriotic duty to be revolting.

2. Marc Malone:
You left out the very real possibility that some people are dead-serious about preparing for a coming revolution. I’m not kidding. It’s our patriotic duty.

If I weren’t mostly blind and totally decrepit, I would be doing the same. I’m sure there are many who think like me. My trigger would be the Fairness Doctrine, if I were physically able. For others, it might be some gun-control law. Who knows?

Why sure, I’m stocking up on ammo in case they bring the Fairness Doctrine back!!


I never said that slavery was fun, I was merely saying that in the Antebellum South it wasn’t as brutal an institution as many people seem to think.

Oh, for fuck’s sake. Fuck off, you stupid fucktard. Jeezus.


My trigger would be the Fairness Doctrine, if I were physically able.

What? They’re going to storm the barricades if Stephanie Miller gets a couple more stations?

Fucking babies.


My trigger would be the Fairness Doctrine, if I were physically able

Those zany whingers, always going on about their…ahem, triggers. Why they feel the need to continually flaunt their sexual shortcomings is quite beyond me.

Don’t try to deceive us, Mr. Whingnutz, we know your trigger problem has nothing to do with physiology.

Teh Great Gazoogle

A chicken soup recipe? Is that some variation on the reverse double stockholm?
No results found for “reverse double Stockholm syndrome”.


commie, that response is inappropriate, imho. I believe a more appropriate response is “Die. Just do the world a favor and die right now you worthless piece of excess human baggage.”

Don’t mean to snipe, sorry.


Bookmark this, liberals:

Typical Rightwing Parody Troll said,
March 2, 2009 at 4:31

Face it libs, get your history straight. Blacks should be grateful we enslaved them. And basically they are responsible for all crime and graft. And you should be afraid of them, not pitying them. It boils down to, if you see a problem in America, you know squarely where to look for the blame: the so-called “Black community.”

But when I say “we” above I certainly don’t mean me–you can take your white guilt for something a bunch of people none of us are related to (sorry libs, my family came from Denmark–we didn’t own slaves tee hee). Truth is, I’m my own self-made man. I take responsibility for myself and expect nothing from others, and I expect to give nothing to others.

Now another thing: the illegals are ruining our protestant white society, coming over here and leaching off us and sending all our money back to Meximalanduralombiquador. It is high time we closed our borders for good to them. So basically America’s problem comes down to two groups: blacks and illegals.

Now about the “zinger” you libs think you have calling defense spending just a form of socialism. Good luck with that whole sharia law thing, because giving $1 trillion to defense is the only way free markets can thrive in the world.

Otherwise the godless nihilistic Islamofascists would spread their hatred across the globe. So basically without us white free market individualists the three biggest problems in this country are blacks, illegals, and Islamofacsist nuts.

My facts are irrefutable. What have you got to say for yourselves, libs. I dare you. C’mon, bring it!

The only thing I would add: black-on-white crime, bitches! Oh, and Obama is a marxist/socialist/fascist/islamist/the antichrist. Teabagging Forever!!!!!

Now, everyone can ignore the trolls form now on because we know exactly what they’re going to say. And they won’t listen to us, no matter how reasonable, logical, or brilliant we are. So…







commie, that response is inappropriate, imho. I believe a more appropriate response is “Die. Just do the world a favor and die right now you worthless piece of excess human baggage.”

I see your point.


Don’t try to deceive us, Mr. Whingnutz, we know your trigger problem has nothing to do with physiology.

He has a Trigger problem, all right. Damned perv keeps trying to fuck my horse.


They’re going to storm the barricades if Stephanie Miller gets a couple more stations?
Man the ramparts! Ram the manparts!


Try “reverse double super secret triple dog stockholm.”

I’m sure it’s well documented somewhere.


Throw your rubbers overboard, we’re all men aboard.
Men men men men….


No results found for “reverse double Stockholm syndrome”.


What does Google know?


And can we underestimate the movie Pecker for its forwarding of that great American tradition, the Teabagging?

I saw it once in that bar, when someone hits you on your forehead with their balls! All heterosexual women have been “teabagged,” if they had oral sex, or, accidentally, if a guy getting out of bed in the morning has to crawl to the other side! But I exaggerate: people don’t go to that bar to get “teabagged” or anything. Even gay people don’t know the term. It’s obscure, but I hope my movie will make “teabagging” a pastime. [He laughs again.] It’s safe!

Thank you John Waters


That was a great movie. I loved the Lesbian stripper who screamed at her audience. The ending was pretty sweet too.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I hereby dub this thread

The Wreck of the Sloop Troll John K.


I hope my movie will make “teabagging” a pastime.

And now it’s more than a pastime – it’s a movement. A mighty nut-flappin’ movement spreading across this great land.



Lesley said,

March 2, 2009 at 1:16 (kill)

The local senior health inspector here told me years ago he never eats in restaurants, even the five star variety. He’s seen it all.

My mother would never buy a generic drug after talking to an FDA official from the Clinton administration she was treating in the hospital. He basically said, “You can only guarantee you’re getting what you’re supposed to if you buy brand”. Everything else, you pays your money and takes your chances.


Ahhh. Thaks for that link ya big bald thang.

Curously, in the interim I was, myself, delving through the more obscure netherbits of yousytoobsy. For reasons which I can’t explain, I was digging into mellotron music. Which, quite naturally, led me to this which link has nothing what so ever to do with the topic but which I post anyway. Fuck, it’s Sunday night, right?

[You oh-so-advanced people where it’s Monday can just STFU. Here in the center of the universe a.k.a. the YOO ESS AY! it’s still Sunday. OK, maybe not in the entire YOO ESS AY! but who gives a fat flying Philadelphia fiddler’s fuck about you !real Americans anyway. So there it is.]


My mother would never buy a generic drug
In the ideal world, the Appellation system for the different growing regions and labs would have a similar kind of enforceable legal standing as the Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée.


Peej, that just made my weekend. KING CRIMSON ROOLZ!!!!


Now that I think about it, this may actually have some relevance to our situation.

Robert Fripp forever!


Yes, BBB. we turned him! At least until his supervisor, Lord Harry peered over his shoulder.

Elephant Talk!


The wingnuts were all discredited years ago. The Republicans have no more power. Until November, about 66% of the power was Democrat, and now 100% of power is Democrat. All the great misdeeds of the next few years will be supervised by… Democrats.

Will you refuse to consider inconvenient truths, because Democrats are behind the crimes? If so, how does that make you better than wingnuts?


Enraged Bull Limpet

Red Rose tea comes in boxes of 100 bags, readily available in your friendly neighborhood supermarket. For many years, one small ceramic figurine has been included in each box, and these figurines are collected and traded– just check out eBay for “Red Rose figurines” or similar.

My SO and I have been together for five years and I just now counted the figurines we’ve amassed during that time, diligently stored in a large ziplock bag: there are 93, which means that we’ve scored at least 9,300 teabags over a five-year period. Does that make us liberal?


So I was toying with my basic marinara when…..


Obabo said,

Teabag me, bitch.

Nihilistic Bull Limpet

As for the Fairness Doctrine, IT’S NOT FAIR!

Raging Bull Limpet

I should move to Hawaii or someplace even closer to the dateline, which would afford several additional hours of lonely late-PM posting while most others are still slumbering through the early AMs. Can’t get enough of this perverse insularity!


posting while most others are still slumbering teabagging through the early AMs.

Fixata dentata.

Raging Bull Limpet

Yeah, but can anyone else out there top 9,300 bags over five years?


Do you realize that John K. was posting nonstop for about six hours up there? Guy must have shelves full of cheetos arranged around his computer desk.



Hate to break it to ya, but that first one ain’t KC. Looks like John Wetton at the helm of an 90s comeback thing, but neither Fripp nor Bruford are anywhere to be seen. Alas.

Huge fan, myself. Got to work with them for a bit some years back. This era. My favorite quote was Belew saying “I love this band. If you screw up, all you have to say is ‘It wasn’t me’, and no one can tell.”


Fun site. Look carefully. Don’t be fooled.

Raging Bull Limpet

I waste enough time as it is without hanging out hereabouts during Peak Troll hours. Took about five minutes to skim the first 500-600 comments and dismiss the redundant inanity… lately you’ve gotta cart off way too much poor ore to glean those rare nuggets.


Hate to break it to ya, but that first one ain’t KC. Looks like John Wetton at the helm of an 90s comeback thing, but neither Fripp nor Bruford are anywhere to be seen. Alas.

Yeah, I kept looking at the guitar player and thinking, that doesn’t look like Fripp. Alas.

Raging Bull Limpet

Fun site

Yoicks. Hard to imagine being fooled by that, but fools abound. Probably a good thing inoculation-wise, though…


Throw your rubbers overboard, we’re all men aboard.
I keep trying to sing that to the tune of Bauhaus’s “Spirit”, and it just doesn’t work.


MB, there’s nekkid people over ther. I’m a skeert.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Gots to lurve hte Fripp-o-tronics!

Facchinello, I foolishly offered to cover for a co-worker (the guy who lives a mile away, but is too skeered to drive in the snow), and I may have to ditch the car here and take the bus or train home in the AM. I have actually read the whole damn thread.

Lord Harry needs to be whipped, branded, and forced to work in a hot field for 14 hours.

In the light of this…

Do you realize that John K. was posting nonstop for about six hours up there? Guy must have shelves full of cheetos arranged around his computer desk.

These items are feckin’ hilarious:

I do very well for myself, BTW. I may be in the “top 1%” soon.

And I can tell you as a small businessman the government had nothing to do with my success.

I think he’s really NJtNP. I hope he realizes that the advance is paid against the total sales of the book, and if he spends it, and the book continues to tank, he may need to go back on real welfare, not the wingnut type he’s on now.

Raging Bull Limpet

whipped, branded, and forced to work in a hot field for 14 hours

Ooh, that sounds intriguing… but only if we have a safeword.


That is some weird shit, MB.


More evidence of the intellectual seriousness of the modern conservative movement:

Arrived there via a link from, which says, helpfully:

Do not expect to find arguments against global warming from the website itself, they just showcase cartoon pictures.

Heh. Indeed.


Gahhh!! The same tired “Snow. Or ice. Therefore: Extreme radical climate change is a complete impossibility!!” repeated 40+ times. And about half of them by Stayskal of the Chicago Trib.

cartoon pictures

Hmpf indeed. Redundant maroon.


OT (?) but I believe the lovely hamlet of Ave Maria was mentioned far away somewhere in the mists of time.

And what should I find but a whole page devoted thereto?

W/ video of Sam Brownback. Didn’t look, dunno if it’s funny, have other fish to fry.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Brownback/K-Lo 2012, the Opus Dei ticket.

Deo gratias, bitches!


Unless you are in a big urban area, like New York City, a good rule of thumb is, if they deliver, it’s because the food isn’t that good.

You have to lop off some quality points for the convenience.


Hey! Any of you guys want to contribute to my food blog?

mikey: I do!


The fact is, liberal bias and freedom hate. Media tilts left and pro-Obama, pro-terrorist. Full of anti-capitalist, anti-God rage.

Obama is taring America apart, and we will rise up to defend the heartland from socialism.


The fact is, socialism is no good. Look at the 100 million people dead because of it, or do you idolize Stalin so much you won’t teach our kids the facts? We will, here in the heartland.


The fact is, the USA tea bag party is freedom squared. We are taking back our economy from the socialists and Marxists who were fraudulently elected in November. We will not bend to the one-worlders, or the gays, or the blacks, or the illegal La Raza types.


The fact is, here in the heartland, we think Rush Limbaugh is our conscience and he is a much better speacker than Barry Hussein, who uses a Telepromter and needs Alinski and other radicals to write his empty screeds. Rush speaks from the heart, and for the Heartland.


The fact is, soon Obsama will be impeached for high treason, for the crime of selling the USA out to Socialism and then the Islamists who will walk in and make us bow to Mecca after we have no military left because he has gutted it. We will not bow to any false Gods here in the heartland.


Not that I’m even going to bother reading 700 posts, but something has occurred to me. Politicians talk about “pork” like it is a bad thing. I mean, in a serious recession government spending has to be pretty generous right? So what do we call pork that is twice as delicious as normal? BACON.

We need to re-brand this “pork” thing. Start referring to it as bacon! Who could object to bacon?

In other news, today’s lunch was a bacon butty and 3 litres of merrydown cider.


The fact is, more tax cuts help the economy better than tax and spend socialism, and Obama’s classwar will backfire.


Brownback/K-Lo 2012, the Opus Dei ticket.

The Oedipus ticket?

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

Don’t miss chapter two!

Grandpa escapes from jail, joins the Timothy McVeigh Militia, and leads a series of bloody Sunday morning rampages on Unitarian churches all over Tennessee.


Unless you are in a big urban area, like New York City, a good rule of thumb is, if they deliver, it’s because the food isn’t that good.

I’m not so sure that doesn’t apply here, either, except to the extent that our take out is pretty good, where our restaurants can be excellent.

And even they’ll deliver, for the right price.


Brownback/K-Lo 2012, the Opus Dei ticket.

The Oedipus ticket?

Oh, Gad! Clever anagram, but I did not need that image in my head!

And who’s the Antigone of this sick, sick tragedy? Megan McArdle?


My secret bread pudding recipe calls for white grapes soaked for two days in Saudi oil.


Paul Harvey has died.

Well, wherever he is now, I’m sure he’s looking up at us.

And now you know….the rest of the story.

Rusty Shackleford

Forgive me if I’m repeating something I missed in the troll-filth, but the local CVS stocks Sea Bands next to the Dramamine, little wristbands with plastic bumps, which bogus tho they sound actually work well to prevent nausea, including (I’m told) the pregnancy-related kind.

My wife’s doctor told us that motion-sickness cures don’t work for morning sickness because the causes are different.


Paul Harvey has died.

Didn’t Bauhaus cover this?


Well, wherever he is now, I’m sure he’s looking up at us.



Rush speaks from the heart, and for the Heartland

There’s a reason we call it the heart-land. It’s because the brain isn’t here.


Brownback/K-Lo 2012, the Opus Dei ticket.

It puts Jindal’s Potion on it’s skin or it gets the cilice again!


It’s a lot more heartlessland than heartland.


Paul Harvey has died.

Not nearly as notable as the passing of Lux Interior.

For Youtube addicts, I recommend “TV Set,” “You Got Good Taste” and “What’s Inside a Girl” from the Cramps’ repertoire.


Clicking on some of the links above I discovered that there was teabagging scheduled for the 27th just down the road from me. It certainly didn’t get much notice here. I just went through the local weekend newspapers again but there was no mention of it.

Also, Ave Maria University is just south of me and I appreciate that no one here is passing money along via Domino’s to these idiots.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

General meta-comment about stupid repig sheep trolls who lurk here….

Notice how a lot of them choose quite elitist aliases – “The Truth” AKA “The Authentic”, “Lord Harry”, and even “Gary Ruppert” (since that nym is now a minor celebrity here)

Seems like they have a serious case of Small Penis Syndrome. Like that idiot Red Stater 75 and his “big SUV!”.

We now see one of the root causes of conservative mental illness, as proven in (at least) two scholarly studies: they are losers in every facet of life.


Paul Harvey was a great American, he will be missed.


Oh wait, here it is. Wow! 10 whole people showed up.


Paul Harvey was a great American, he will be missed.

But he didn’t sing “Goo Goo Muck,” so he won’t be missed as much as he could have been.

The Goddamn Batman Is Buying A Round For The House, But Will Himself Stick To His Usual, Red Bull With A Triple Shot Of Espresso

Any organization that uses “Sam Adams” in its title but does not concern itself with the consumption of reasonably decent, affordably-priced ale needs to be tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail.


Posted on a blog calld Freedom Works:

I tried to go to the Ft Myers Tea Party. Whoever Organized this event, heart may have been in the right place, but that was it. Who schedules a political rally in the middle of a tourist area. If your a local in the Ft Myers area, then you know the last place you want to drive here in the middle of the season, is on the north end of Ft Myers Beach. I got to spend an hour & half sitting in traffic mostly. Then when I finally get there, try and find a parking spot. after that I got on my trusty walker, ( got a busted up knee), and off on sand trails I go, and nearly re-busted it a couple of times more trying to find the Tea Party at the park. Ran into a few people also trying to find it. finally gave up and left and saw a half folded over make-shift sign saying it was at the pier. At first wondered what pier they were talking about. Headed over to the main pier, worst place in the whole Ft Myers area to try and park, (even a handi-cap sticker will do you no good here. There is more handi-cap stickers here then there is dirty politicians in Washington. I could see a small group of people (maybe 30) over at a picnic area with a bunch of Obama this and Obama that signs. Drove around the parking lot for 20 minutes hoping to find a parking spot, along with 30 other people, hoping someone would give up one of the maybe 75 parking spots there. A big business in this area is commercial retail place’s will put someone in their parking lot and for a 10 – 20 you can park there. By now it is 12:45 and I can see people are leaving, and I leave, and get to try and get back off the island again. I guess I should look at it on the bright side. I got to to waste 3 hours of my day and a 1/4 tank of gas, understanding why we have so many losers in Washington.


Posted on a blog calld Freedom Works

Freedom Works is actually relevant to this whole Santelli astroturf campaign, the details are in the Exiled Online article that the original post links to.


10 whole people showed up.


after that I got on my trusty walker, ( got a busted up knee), and off on sand trails I go, and nearly re-busted it a couple of times more trying to find the Tea Party at the park.


I wish the Tea Party protests the best of luck. I’ll admit it, we conservatives are not very good at protests like you liberals are. But thats because we have jobs and responsibillities, and are conservative by nature.

But this is a protest that has become necessary. Even though the Republican Congress acted as if they were Democrat-lite when it came to spending, no one can outspend the Democrats. Under the radical leadership of Obama, Pelosi and Reid our Great Republic is turning into a socialist welfare state.

By not allowing the free market to take its natural course, President Obama is establishing a precedent for increased government interference in the private sector. Thus implicitly implying that free market capitalism does not work, and consequently destroying the very economic system that made America the most productive and most powerful nation on earth. The very system our Founders whole-heartedly embraced.

Hopefully, this Tea Pary movement will become our Contract with America and lead the way for conservatives to retake Congress in 2010, which should be our primary goal for these next two years.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

after that I got on my trusty walker, ( got a busted up knee)

… “and I am against “socialized” medicine because … shut up / I already get it” (pick one)

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

I wonder if “Lord Harry” calls himself that because of his (aforementioned) inferiority complex, or if that is just what the name his uncle used for (his uncle’s) private parts when “Lord Harry” was molested as a child.


Actually, my pastor gave me this nickname.

The first time he pulled down my pants to molest me he exclaimed, “Lord, Harry — you have a tiny penis!” and the name just sorta stuck.


If the Republican Party does retake control of Congress, they must not be allowed to abandon their conservative principles. The Republican Party platform should strictly enforced among all Republican Senators and Congressmen.

Any Republican member of Congress who goes against the national platform should be denied reelection support from the RNC which will then be given to a conservative primary challenger, thus weeding our the Rinos from the Congress and ensuring the strict enforcement of conservative orthodoxy.


I’ll admit it, we conservatives are not very good at protests choose one: intelligence, living, having a heart, having a brain like you liberals are.



If the Republican Party does retake control of Congress,

….monkeys will fly out of the collective butts of Middle America.


Yeah, conservatives have never been all that great at protests and demonstrations.


having a brain like you liberals are.

actor212 fails to own the troll.


we conservatives are not very good at protests like you liberals are

That’s why back at the original Tea Party (the one that made sense) you were the Loyalists and we were the protestors.

But thats because we have jobs

Moreso during Democratic administrations than Republican ones.


By now it is 12:45 and I can see people are leaving, and I leave, and get to try and get back off the island again. I guess I should look at it on the bright side. I got to to waste 3 hours of my day and a 1/4 tank of gas, understanding why we have so many losers in Washington.

Badoodaly-BooBOOyYaa!!! You’ve been served a hot steaming spread of Conservatives Uniting Mindlessly!!

Is Astroturf the new Soylent Green?


What is it with you liberals and your outlandish claims to represent the traditions of our Founding Fathers?

Lets go down the list shall we?

1. Freedom of speech: you liberals support hate-crimes laws, the fairness doctrine and imprisoning patriots like Mark Steyn for speaking the truth about Islam. No violation of free speech their. s/

2. Freedom of religion: Lets see, censoring pastors who advise their congregations on which candidates for public office best represent their Christian beliefs, censoring voluntary prayer in public schools and buildings, imprisonment of Christians for sharing their religious beliefs with others (called wittnessing). No violation of relgious freedom their. s/

3. The right to keep and bear arms: Gun control laws at the federal, state and local levels when the constitution explicitly states the right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. Not to mention the Clinton assault weapons ban of 1994, the state bans on the ownership of fully automatic weapons, and the ridiculous ban on the ownership of sawed offf shotguns. No violation of the right to bear arms their. s/

4. Taxes: Our Founding Fathers considered the taxing of ones private income to be tyranny. Yet you liberals enacted the 16th amendment and continue to raise taxes. No violation of our Founders beliefs their. s/

5. Limited government, Federalism, and States Rights: This just keeps getting better and better. The additon of countless federal government agencies, massive spending, trampling on the rights of states and inturding into areas best left to the private sector. No contridiction their. s/

You liberals are either fools, and simply being dishonest if you believe your leftwing political beliefs are anything our Nation’s Founders would have supported. Your sheer ignorance of American history is mindboggling.


Righteous Bubba said,

March 2, 2009 at 18:45

having a brain like you liberals are.

actor212 fails to own the troll.

You missed the subtly of the spoof of an ungrammatic troll, RB.


Hey! Any of you guys want to contribute to my food blog?

I just want to receive deliveries from mikey’s food blog…


Subtlety. grrrrrr…


…and the gun I had built into my walker misfired three times along the way and I used a quarter tank of gas to annoy some treehuggers by driving my Canyonero MUV (Mongo Utility Vehicle) and I couldn’t find anyone at the park until 12:45 and they were all leaving and the guns built into their walkers were misfiring but my walker was out of ammo by this time and I bought a fresh pizza and put it into the freezer to eat later…


By the way, RB…

“not good at….having a brain like you liberals are” actually works.


Speaking of subtlety, shouldn’t my previous post make it clear that I’m a PARODY TROLL?


Will someone give Lord Harrypalms some porn and shut him the hell up?


1. Freedom of speech: See Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 signed into law by Founding Father and President John Adams.

2. Freedom of religion: You’ve got it. If you stay out of political matters too, then your church can also be free of taxes. If, OTOH, your church wants to get all up in government’s grill about something, then watch for a visit from the taxman. Either way, your church still has the religious freedom to do and say what it wants.

3. The right to keep and bear arms: Thought by many Constitutional scholars, as well as the writings of some Founders, to suggest the promulgation of a Swiss-style Federal reserve military in which all able-bodied males of certain age are obliged to own, maintain and be proficient in the use of one or more standardized firearms as part of national reserve military service. Of course, many gun nuts don’t bother to actually enlist.

4. Taxes: Quiz time — where does this appear?
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises

5. Limited government, Federalism, and States Rights: Waa, waa, blah blah blah. We get it. You’re upset and need your diaper changed.


“RW parody troll” is triple redundant.


imprisonment of Christians for sharing their religious beliefs with others (called wittnessing)

There wasn’t a more obvious giveaway that this troll is a fake.


The 36 hour thread. And the trolls have been here through most of it. Hmmm.

That weren’t KC? I didn’t actually *watch* the video, I rarely do. It sure *sounded* like the Court of the Crimson King I used to listen to ca. 1973. Huh. (I deleted the phrase “on vinyl” from this comment. Why would I feel the need to say it, I wonder. Is it automatic? Do I simply expect kids to have no idea what thngs were like before we tamed fire? I have to think about that for a while.)


If the republican party takes again the controlling of the congress, they should not be formed it possible to give their preservation basic rules up. The platform republican ones must exclusively strengthened between all republican senators and congress. Whole member of the republican congress, that goes from the meeting to the national platform, the elevator of the re-election must be refused to that by RNC, which is then given to a preserving introductory quims, so by the transferof harmful grasses our Rinos of the congress and the guarantee bitchslap; use of unorthadox receipt.



You missed the subtly of the spoof of an ungrammatic troll, RB.

and, more embarrassingly,

By the way, RB…”not good at….having a brain like you liberals are” actually works.

Not as constructed – editing “choose one:” out is a lying liberal tactic after all – but you’re so into the troll battles that you don’t know what the fuck you’re writing, so you make up one reason, then another. And you lost.


If the republican party takes again the controlling of the congress, they should not be formed it possible to give their preservation basic rules up. The platform republican ones must exclusively strengthened between all republican senators and congress. Whole member of the republican congress, that goes from the meeting to the national platform, the elevator of the re-election must be refused to that by RNC, which is then given to a preserving introductory quim, so by the transfer of harmful grasses our Rinos of the congress and the bitchslap guarantee; use of more orthadox receipt.


Hey! Any of you guys want to contribute to my food blog?

I’d love to mikey, but after reading dozens of the food comments around these parts (your own in particular), I feel hopelessly outclassed.

Frito pie, anyone?


Frito pie, anyone?

Grilled cheese sandwiches. Mmm. I find using butter in the pan makes them slightly tastier.


actor, I have to question your pr0n theory and offer an alternative explanantion.

Perhaps liberals consume about the same amount of porn as the right whingers but the conservatives are so stoopid™ they pay for it. There’s so much free porn available! Liberals are smart enough to get their pr0n for free.

FYWP with a surplus Saturn V.


Not as constructed – editing “choose one:” out is a lying liberal tactic after all

There was clearly a list there, son. Sorry for your damn luck!



That’s an interesting point and is indeed central to my premise.


Grilled cheese sandwiches. Mmm. I find using butter in the pan makes them slightly tastier.

I did not know one could make a grilled cheese sandwich without butter. Oh, you mean melted in the pan in addition to smeared on the bread? I had heard that some people actually do that and try to pass off the ersatz abominations as grilled cheese sammiches. Philistines.


There was clearly a list there, son.

That’s the point, failure. Made it exist as an isolated phrase and not as a continuation of the sentence’s grammar.

But I won’t troll you any more, you’re an easy mark.


Made it exist as an isolated phrase and not as a continuation of the sentence’s grammar.

Um, dumdum?

Which part of “choose one” was unclear to you? 🙂


Grilled cheese sandwiches. Mmm. I find using butter in the pan makes them slightly tastier.

I’m partial to using Gouda or Gruyere in my GCSs. Surely some conservative will be upset by that.


I’m partial to using Gouda or Gruyere in my GCSs. Surely some conservative will be upset by that.

Fukc that. Grilled Cheese, by definition, is made with either Kraft Velveeta-style or “American”-style cheese analog, with butter on both sides of both pieces of the bread. The addition of sliced tomatoes, while a freakish perversion, is allowable AS LONG AS YOU DON’T TALK ABOUT IT.

FFS, are you using whole-grained bread too?


actor212: Righteous Bubba is right, and you are wrong. Admit it and go on. Not only are you digging yourself in deeper, but by calling RB juvenile names about it you’re making an ass of yourself.


Mature. Cheddar. No fucking argument. Worcestershire sauce is optional to some, essential if you ask me.

What do you mean “pan”? what part of GRILLED cheese sammich dont you understand?


The addition of sliced tomatoes, while a freakish perversion, is allowable AS LONG AS YOU DON’T TALK ABOUT IT.

I believe that a discussion of bunless, cut-weinered sauerkraut eating is called for here.


It sure *sounded* like the Court of the Crimson King I used to listen to ca. 1973.

It sounded quite good, really. Wetton was in good voice and has always done a credible job with the Greg Lake parts, and the Mellotron was front and center. It’s not a very guitar oriented tune, so the lack of Fripp isn’t really so noticeable. The drums are definitely not Bruford, though.

Also, in terms of grilled cheese, this was in town the other week, and sadly, I missed it.

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

Chapter three: federal agents are closing in on Grandpa at the airport, until a mysterious stranger in the next bathroom stall gives Grandpa some foot signals.

Rusty Shackleford

What stryx said at 20:20


Soften butter in microwave oven. Spread liberally over two slices of white or white-wheat bread. Spread mayo lightly over reverse side of one slice of bread. Gingerlly slap mayo-ed slice, butter-side down, onto preheated GRIDDLE. Add 1 slice pepperjack cheese and 1 slice Amurikan cheese. Apply second slice of bread atop the cheese, non-butter side down. Flip and flop until browned and cheese is melted. Then remove from griddle, pry open, and insert tomato slices that have been sprinkled with salt and pepper. If you are a flesh-eater you may also insert a slice or two of precooked crisp bacon. Reclose sammich, slice in two diagonally, put on plate with heapin’ helpin’ of Lays® potato chips and pour a cold glass of milk. Add chocolate chip cookies for dessert. Lie down and take nap.


slice in two diagonally,


I know someone with a song about that, actually.


Grilled Cheese, by definition, is made with either Kraft Velveeta-style or “American”-style cheese analog

No, that would be the “Grilled Cheese Analog Sandwich.” I typically use Cabot Vintage Choice(3 yr, I think), but I’ve done them with the 5 year Old School, too, and OH MY GOD it was good. I don’t use white bread, either, because it is an abomination unto Bob, but use the multigrainiest loaf bread I can find. Diagonally cut is something we can all agree on, though.


Notice how a lot of them choose quite elitist aliases –
Seems like they have a serious case of Small Penis Syndrome.

Someone please tell me this does not apply to Herr Doktorates.


But I won’t troll you any more, you’re an easy mark.

Yes but you don’t get an A+ unless his anger with you spills over into another thread. Sorry but that’s the rule. It’s new and I made it.


Unless you are in a big urban area, like New York City, a good rule of thumb is, if they deliver, it’s because the food isn’t that good.

This is not true in places where it gets very cold, she said, posting from Whitebreadville, Ontario, Canada (pop. 320K), and cursing the minus-twenty-mumble wind chill. If restaurants with good food didn’t deliver, they’d run in the red half the year. Even our non-eat-in places ain’t bad.

My local family-run Vietnamese place around the corner from my house makes life worth living some days. Not only is their Pho broth the nectar of some extremely benevolent Asian god, but their spring rolls are utterly perfect and lightly dusted with the merest sprinking of finely…

powdered crack, given how bloody addictive they are…


A toasty-pie iron is central to my point diet. Contents are sometimes (but not always) black-pudding-related.


Frito Pie

1 small bag (1.25 oz) Fritos corn chips
1 can of Wolf brand chili, no beans
1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 small onion, chopped fine
pickled jalapeno slices

Check your bag of Fritos for freshness — its skin should be glossy, and yield slightly to the touch. Using a pair of scissors or a machete, slit open the side of the bag. Check your can of chili for ripeness — it should be firm and free of leaks. Open the can and nuke its contents. Pour a heaping pile of hot chili into the Fritos bag. Smell cheese for jungle rot — if it smells like feet, put it on somebody else’s Frito pie. If not, apply liberally to aforementioned bag. Sprinkle with onions — don’t bother checking them for anything, you’ve already gone to the trouble of finely chopping them. Check pickled jalapenos for spicy pickliness — they should be wet, and green, and in a glass jar. Toss a few on, or don’t if you’re a big whiny baby. Consume completed Frito Pie with a plastic spork. Wait 1-2 hours. Spend rest of day in bathroom, cursing my name and wishing that my parents had been possessed of the foresight to have an islamogaybortion.

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

Chapter four:

Grandpa gets back home and is dismayed to learn that his grandsons, while attending an anti-homosexual rights rally, have been lured away by the group’s charismatic leader, former Congressman Mark A. Foley.


I can’t eat the onions, or else I really will spend the rest of the day in the turlet.


Junk Food, White Bread, Velveeta!!! Rah rah rah!!!

I may be (I am!) a commie-anarcho-nihilist, but I love the food of heartland AmeriKKKa. (Though I do hate most of the fucks who populate the heartland, & the coasts.)

Seriously. I used to own a Tupperware container especially designed for Velveeta loaves.

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

Chapter five:

Grandpa’s boys escape from the clutches of former Congressman Mark A. Foley, and manage to make it to Alaska, where they get Bristol Palin pregnant.

Mom Sarah Palin angrily demands, “Who told you that you could have sex with my daughter?”

“Everybody!” the boys reply.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Sockpuppet #47 is right. Mature. Cheddar. As big a mark as I am for the provolone, grilled cheese means grilled aged cheddar. But for populist reasons, I use white bread and a huge squirt of ketchup.


Re: Andrew Sullivan’s comment about getting congress out of washington, I recommend watching the “Democrabus” episode of the BBC TV show, “Absolute Power.” Actually, I recommend every episode of that show, but re: Sullivan, that one.


amazing weblog you’ve annex


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