[galt-text=”an Objectivist is a dope that wears thin”]

Shorter “Very” Rich Galen:

randroids in spaaaaaace
Above: Galen enjoys ‘The Fountainhead’, an audiobook read by Scott Rolen

Atlas Raged
Monday, February 23, 2009

  • President Obama has made the fatal mistake of suggesting a means of governance contrary to that of a fictional character in a novel.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


1 – I Am Joe’s Elegant Sentence: “I happened to be watching CNBC when this all took place, although I suspect this may become one of those thinks like Woodstock which, over the years, seven million baby boomers have proclaimed they were in attendance.”

2 – One man’s crisis is another man’s opporotunity.

3 – Where is John Galt?


Comments: 205




And now, on top of everything else, Obama has irritated John Galt.

I am imagining John Galt’s response right now, and hoo boy is it ever imaginative!


And now, on top of everything else, Obama has irritated John Galt.

Reckon what Spongebob Squarepants thinks of the O-ministration. Or Rincewind. Or Major Major Major.




Please, let the right-wing run further into Objectivistlandia.

I mean, we’re living Great Depression 2.0 Brought to You By Alan Greenspan, and these guys want more Ayn Rand?


That’s one massive, patriotic hand.


Rick Santelli’s poutrage was just like Woodstock?


Obama has irritated Magneto and all nuclear weapons will be triggered at 4pm tomorrow.


I made it as far as his reference to Joe the Plumber Fred the Shitwad. Was that dude at Woodstock, too?

And, when he says ‘Woodstock,’ does he mean the real 1969-don’t-eat-the-brown-acid Woodstock, or the lame 1999-Red-Hot-Chili-Peppers-in-lightbulb-costumes Woodstock?


Richard A. Galen (born 1946) is a columnist and Republican strategist and former press-secretary to Vice President Dan Quayle and Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.

Wow, won’t we be sorry when HE goes Galt on us!


Shorter Richie Galen: “Santelli/Plumber 2012”.


Wow, won’t we be sorry when HE goes Galt on us!

I need that quail and newt!


“There was a boy called Jonah Goldberg, and he almost deserved it.”


Scott Rolen could teach us all a little something. Like how steroids work.


Wow, won’t we be sorry when HE goes Galt on us!

How will we pathetic taxpayers ever get along without bold men of vision like him to spend our money on picking fights with sitcom characters to het up the base?

Why don’t they just change it to “Augeas Shat” and be done with it?


It seems my browser has developed (fortuitously) an allergy to ClownHall so I will restrict my comment to saying what an interesting read Havana Nocturne is.

One of my favorite passages details the time when JFK came down to Havana and the mob set him up in a hotel with a prostitute. They installed one-way or two-way mirrors or whatever the fuck those things are called and two big mob guys are watching JFK banging the hooker. First one turns to the other and sez, “Y’know, we should’ve brought a camera.”


And now, on top of everything else, Obama has irritated Pippi Longstocking.


Atlas is done with merely shrugging. Atlas is raging.

He is raging.
He is raging.
And the storm blows up in the wingnuts’ mind.


Okay, I got ClownHall to load (hmm, that sounds both disgusting and appropriate) and read Mr. Galen’s column. I have only one question. What the fuck is he on and where can…

Two. I have two questions: What the fuck is he, where can I get some and how does….

Among the questions I have are…..

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Richard A. Galen (born 1946) is a columnist and Republican strategist and former press-secretary to Vice President Dan Quayle and Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. — Wow, won’t we be sorry when HE goes Galt on us!

Damn. Possibly the two most embarrassing figures in Republican history.

Obama sure does annoy fictitious people, doesn’t he? I was just reading about how he’s stirred the wrath of the Conservative Silent Majority.


The Silver Spoon is a harsh mistress.


The fact is, you liberals will be sorry when we, the hard working people of the USA Heartland, shrug off your burdensome regulations and creativity stifling class-envy model of wealth redistribution.

Without us you are nothing but socialist parasites.


Hey! Pippi Longstocking scares the crap out of me. She was smart enough to invest in gold and she could tie this little twerp into a pretzel is she wanted to. Don’t piss Pippi off.


Don’t piss Pippi off.

That’s got a great ring to it. It’s lyrical man, fucking lyrical.


This is interesting:

Zeus condemned Atlas to stand at the western edge of Gaia, the Earth and hold up Ouranos, the Sky on his shoulders, to prevent the two from resuming their primordial embrace. […] A common misconception is that Atlas was forced to hold the Earth on his shoulders, but this is incorrect. Classical art shows Atlas holding a Celestial Sphere, not a Globe.

So when Atlas shrugs the sky actually will fall. That fits glibertarians pretty well. They think FDR caused the Great Depression, how can one expect them to get Greek myths right?


Does this mean we are no longer going to get the magic free energy from static electricity which makes possible that awesome valley libertarian society in Galtland?


Ouranos = Uranus. So, “Zeus condemned Atlas to stand at the western edge of Gaia, the Earth and hold up Uranus…”

Holding up Uranus completely wrecked ‘im.


Augeas Shat

Kronos Krapped?


Where is John Galt?

According to cinematical.com, the owners of the rights are still trying to assemble the various pieces of his True Foreskin from the squabbling internecine factions of the post-Objectivist schism sects. While they try to suck them for $70 million in production costs, of course.

Well, first of all, there are a lot of politics around this book. The Ayn Rand Institute and Leonard Peikoff have been notoriously protective of it for years, and trying to make a film that’s going to please both the hardcore Objectivists (those who follow Rand’s philosophy) and the average moviegoer who just wants to be entertained is, in my opinion, just an exercise in futility.
…John Aglialoro, producer and CEO of Cybex, International, who paid $1 million for the film rights to Atlas… also mentions as an aside that they’re trying to get credit for Objectivist David Kelley of The Objectivist Center as a co-producer or writer as well.

While most folks just interested in seeing the film probably couldn’t care less about whether Kelley gets credit on the film, I have little doubt that would be a huge issue for those Objectivists who align themselves with Peikoff and the Ayn Rand institute. For reasons that would bore the average person to tears, Kelley fell out of favor with the Peikoff side of the Objectivist Court some years ago, and I can’t begin to enumerate the various essays, screeds and forum discussions I’ve read among various Objectivists endlessly debating Kelley’s “evilness” (or lack thereof); I can’t imagine the Peikoffians would sit silently on the sidelines with Kelley’s name in the film’s credits.


Poseidon puked.


Don’t make me angry. You wouldn’t like … Hey! I’m talkin’ to you.



Phoebe Pharted.

The People's Liberation Front of Judea



I followed yr cites.

Amazingly, Batista wrote a book called “Cuba Betrayed.” Now that takes nerve.


That’s how Sisyphus rolls.


The Ayn Rand Institute and Leonard Peikoff have been notoriously protective of it for years, and trying to make a film that’s going to please both the hardcore Objectivists (those who follow Rand’s philosophy) and the average moviegoer who just wants to be entertained is, in my opinion, just an exercise in futility.

If there’s not an uninterrupted three hour speech in this masterpiece, it’s just not worth going to.


the Peikoffians

I love this apt patronymic for members of the Ayn Rand Institute, btw.

It sounds exactly like a group of people who are all spluttering as they wipe cherry filling from their eyes cause they got meringue up their nose.


islmfaoscist: Well, presumably it’s just been that much harder to bring Ayn’s glorious vision to the silver screen since 1945 for some mysterious reason.


If they make that film, it will be even worse than Battlefield, Earth.

Who will play John Galt? Drew Carey? The list of libertarian celebrities is almost as bad as the list of conservative celebs.

The Facist Government of Italy

Allo, vee are having un berry nize film chiamato “Il Fountainhead,” yoo lakh it an vee mak see-quail a Cinecitta’, no?


Also, no thread about capital-O Objectivism is complete without Mozart Was A Red.


Can you imagine distilling more than 1000 pages of this overly-constructed straw man argument down to a 2 1/2 hour movie without it being a laughing stock? Especially in today’s economic climate. No wonder they can’t get a screenplay out of the damn thing.


Allo, vee are having un berry nize film chiamato “Il Fountainhead,” yoo lakh it an vee mak see-quail a Cinecitta’, no?

In full fairness to poor maligned Madame Rand, international Jewry is, in fact, a spicy meat-a-ball.


I loved that movie where Eric Stoltz played Nathaniel Branden and Cher played his mom.


Titans tittered?


Hey, I was at the original Woodstock, and I can prove it. I don’t remember anything about it, or the five years that followed.


Atlas Blarted?


Hey, I heard Pippi Longstocking was a Ron Paul supporter.


The list of libertarian celebrities is almost as bad as the list of conservative celebs.

Wow. That … Wow.

It’s like the Mormon thing where they wait until you die and then declare you a Mormon to show how everyone is a Mormon. (I assume this is done for tax purposes.)

Or like the sad but creepy shit at the bar who will not piss off because Eye Contact = Tru Luv.


And now, on top of everything else, Obama has irritated John Galt.

I’ll give him anything, but please Lord, not another 300 page diatribe.


1. One of the most amusing things about the debacle is that capitalism–in the form of the buying & selling of companies–is one of the things that has kept the movie in development hell.

2. I had no idea that Branjelina were Randians, but ew.

3. Yes, the three-hour uninterrupted speech–with no rewrites, damnit!–is absolutely necessary. It will tell people everything they need to know about Rand and objectivism.


Who will play John Galt? Drew Carey? The list of libertarian celebrities is almost as bad as the list of conservative celebs.

That list is hilarious!

It’s got exactly two chicks, one of whom is the 70-year-old Designing Women star, Dixie Carter. The other is former 1990 Most-Hated MTV VJ “Kennedy”, who has a pink GOP elephant tattoo on her butt but considers herself “a Republitarian: a little bit Republican and a little bit Libertarian.” Since then she has married a snowboarder, and her TV career now seems to consist of being guest panelist on the Hollywood Squares remake and Scarborough Country.

It also claims a World Wrasslin’ Federation star, Howard Stern, the real-life guy who inspired Seinfeld’s “Kramer” character, and even Tommy Chong (!) on the basis that ten years ago he once pointed to a poster thrust at him by an obscure glibertarian radio show host who had been pestering him at the airport for 20 minutes to join the movement. Well, I’ve read Chong’s post-jail autobiography, and all I can say to the radio show host is, “Suuuuure, dude, there’s lots of Buddhist libertarians, man, pass that shit over here…”


Again, with the Rand fixation, can someone please explain. Badly written, sub Orwell garbage, and sad fuckers make a philosophy out of it, even turning ‘Galtian’ into a word, for the love of Buddha. And I gave it a go, got through one of them (“the Fountainhead”), only ’cause it was short. “Atlas Shrugged”, I mean, its like torture. I’ve read Harry Potter books that were more insightful. Its about the only book I couldn’t be arsed finishing (‘Filth’ was the other one).


Who will play John Galt?

Surely, Sean Morley – Libertarian. That’d give the role the seriousness it deserves.


I mean, we’re living Great Depression 2.0 Brought to You By Alan Greenspan, and these guys want more Ayn Rand?

“Objectivism can *never* fail — it can only be failed!!!!!”


My favorite entry on the list is Lao Tzu.


“2. I had no idea that Branjelina were Randians, but ew.”

Re: 17th draft of “Atlas Shrugged” screenplay.

Brad and I like the revisions to the script per out request. However, we still feel that our characters come looking like self-absorbed assholes. Please fix.




MrX, don’t read it for the story (which is terrible and full of rape), but for the ideas which are also terrible and full of rape.

It’s clearly all about the rape.


I see Mel Gibson as Galt. Every time an ignorant socialist annoys him, he’ll do his Three Stooges warm-up to violence, ram his head into the nearest wall (the blood splatter filmed in Peckinpahian slow-mo) and then spout 300 pages worth of nonsense.


Pronounced “peck-in-pwn.”


Whoops, looks like I missed the other glibertarian chick on the list. She looks like she could have been hot, but she’s left her acting career behind to Make Millions In Real Estate (And You Can Too) in 90210. Good timing on that career move, but too bad for fans of the erstwhile Shrugged movie.

Maybe Pamela Oshry could be talked into it?


favorite comment on Rand goes to South Park’s officer Bar-Brady after the learns to read (& I paraphrase) via Atlas Shrugged that reading “totally sucks ass”.


In Soviet America, John Galt play *you*!!

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

ram his head into the nearest wall (the blood splatter filmed in Peckinpahian slow-mo) …

Pretty strong (sniff) meat there from Sam (sniff) Peckinpah.

For the hardcore Python geeks.


Man—every man—is an end in himself, not a means to the ends of others; he must live for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to others nor sacrificing others to himself; he must work for his rational self-interest, with the achievement of his own happiness as the highest moral purpose of his life.


Since “economic growth” is today’s great problem, and our present Administration is promising to “stimulate” it — to achieve general prosperity by ever wider government controls, while spending an unproduced wealth…


This is as relevant today as it was when it was published in the L.A. Times in 1962.


“Man—every man—is an end in himself, not a means to the ends of others; he must live for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to others nor sacrificing others to himself……”

Why do you hate the troops?


To Mrs Rand, God be pleased with you,
If you wish your film to be produced in top styled surroundings with first class faculties, might I suggest my company African Press International. Please contact our webcite.
Yours in Christian
Korir arap Sammy
Founder and Editor in Chief.


Salad Days!


Maybe it would be a better idea to bite off a smaller, less muddled, more easily digestible chunk of Objectivism for the first movie, like say The Virtue of Selfishness.

It could work best as a pr0n flick adaptation, cause then it would only need to be 3 minutes long.


Man—every man—is an end in himself, not a means to the ends of others; he must live for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to others nor sacrificing others to himself; he must work for his rational self-interest, with the achievement of his own happiness as the highest moral purpose of his life.

How do you get this from “A is A” again?

It’s gibberish. Tautology after tautology. Who doesn’t want the freedom to do what they want to do? It’s like saying, “I like things that are cool.”

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

It’s like saying, “I like things that are cool.”

Or, as Butt-Head once said, “I hate stuff that sucks.”


Maybe the way to finally drive the stake through the Randians’ place where a heart should be would be to actually drive a wedge, by pointing out, often and loudly, to the Christianists that they are supporting economic theories espoused by an anti-God atheist.


You know, that IS just as relevant today as it was in 1962! And, as you may recall if you’re not a blinkered Randian ideologue, 1962 saw the recession of 1960-1961 end, thanks to Kennedy’s increase in government spending, which improved the GNP, reduced unemployment, and bolstered the infrastructure.


Man—every man—is an end in himself

…said the childless Rand.


Objectivists are pretty amazing. Libertarians are already obnoxious enough, but someone had to say “what if we added a personality cult into the mix, how would that work out?”


“Atlas Shrugged sucks more than anything has sucked before”

Beavis, or was it Butt-head?

Fixed That For You

Obama-bots are pretty amazing. Liberals are already obnoxious enough, but someone had to say “what if we added a personality cult into the mix, how would that work out?


I believe they prefer to be called “Randroids.”


They could give it a modern, catchy title like All I Need To Know I Would Have Learned In Kindergarten, But Instead I Was Home Schooled So Now I’m A Machiavellian Sociopath Trying To Justify My Misanthropy.


Heh. Indeed. I blame the leftards.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Beavis, or was it Butt-head?

Butt-head again. He’s definitely the one with the quotable quotes, being the brains of the outfit.


Five feet of furry? Sick sick sick.


All that an affection for Rand indicates is arrested development, usually both intellectually and emotionally/socially, and typically at the age of adolescence.

The Creative Class

How did that bitch ever get more than 15 fucking seconds?

Let’s review her major characters:

Francisco Anconio d’Sexyguy – greasy not-white-skinned-person who seemingly has a magic schlong.

Dagny Taggart – what a horrible name! Sounds like a grade school attempt at making a dyke name.

Hank Rearden – although an amusing, sodomy inspired name, his main ability seems to be his Draculean ability to hypnotize doze weak wimmen and form the basis for multiple rape scenes.

John Galt – who the fuck is he? And why would anyone care?


Obama bot has a huge screw-shaped rotating foreskin that haunts the nightmares of the McCain deadenders.

Yet somehow, they still long for the day the dream will come to completion before their mom wakes them up on the couch yelling that they’re gonna be late for school.


Don’t you see? Raping women is a rational metaphor for raping Capitalism! It’s all so simple!

If women just walked down dark alleys totally naked (what I call the Laissez-Faire system), we’d all be a whole lot better off!


Ganymede gulped.

Apollo appalled.

Wotan wizzed.

Rama dama ding dong.

Fixed That For You

Why all the Instapundit hate?


It’s like the Mormon thing where they wait until you die and then declare you a Mormon to show how everyone is a Mormon. (I assume this is done for tax purposes.)

Depending on how seriously you can take the Wikipedia entry about it, it doesn’t *seem* to be.



Art irritates nature.
The Irritation of Christ.

a pr0n flick adaptation, cause then it would only need to be 3 minutes long.
Are you implying that there is no place in “rational self-interest” for the simultaneous orgasm?


Also, Tantalus was teased.


Look, you libruls just want to make fun of Ayn Rand, but you forget that when she published her fiction books, no one had ever made any sort of arguments about politics and economics and morality and human motivation ever before, in several thousand years of writing, so people of course had to consider and discuss this well-thought-out coherent system of philosophy, economics, and human life in general.


Voltaire Vomited a little in his mouth.


“Look, you libruls just want to make fun of Ayn Rand, but you forget that when she published her fiction books, no one had ever made any sort of arguments about politics and economics and morality and human motivation ever before, in several thousand years of writing, so people of course had to consider and discuss this well-thought-out coherent system of philosophy, economics, and human life in general.”

Yeah, well, at least I still get some love a round here.


bot has a huge screw-shaped rotating foreskin
Series of New Wave SF stories from the 70s along that theme, but the author temporarily slips my mind. It will come to me.


Are you implying that there is no place in “rational self-interest” for the simultaneous orgasm?

Fool! By giving away an orgasm to a woman you are denying her the personal growth that comes from achieving her own self-sufficiency.


Really lame right wing humor.

I found it at Roy’s place.

“$25.00 50 lbs of rice
$11.00 10 lbs of peanuts
$12.00 25 lbs of sugar
$27.00 60 lbs of flour
$34.00 50 lbs of dry beans
$14.00 05 lbs of dried milk
$18.00 6 #10 cans of misc veggies
$141.00 An additional 3 +/- months of grim eats emergency rations

The look on checkout girl’s face when she figures out what’s up….


Lovely sentiment, that they get all warm and squiggly inside imagining that an encounter with them would make a checkout “girl” feel disturbed or intimidated or threatened by their Badass selves. Plus – “girl”, not adult woman employee.

The checkout “girl” is probably thinking this bone-head is just a small-restaurant-owner who lost his Costco card.

also – what kind of idiot buys #10 cans of food you have to refrigerate after opening, if he’s planning to survive the breakdown of civilization? He and his nuclear family are going to get awfully tired of canned corn before they go bad.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

when she published her fiction books, no one had ever made any sort of arguments about politics and economics and morality and human motivation ever before, in several thousand years of writing…

Certainly not in such detail or with such care. You raise a good point!

I think some discussion had taken place, but it wasn’t objective. Nor anywhere near smug enough.


“Nor anywhere near smug enough.”



Series of New Wave SF stories from the 70s along that theme, but the author temporarily slips my mind. It will come to me.

Flesh Gordon.

“I have the power pasties, and I know how to use them!”


More people died from my ideas than Rand’s!

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist


Sorry, Karl. You can’t touch the Randroids for smug.


Karl Marx said,

More people died from my ideas than Rand’s!

And if that asshole Jesus hadn’t had a 2000-year head start I would have beat him too.


Pfft. My ideas killed more people in 140 years than the Catholic Church did in 2,000!


The list of libertarian celebrities …

Wow! Melanie, Sonny Barger, and Lachlan Murdoch!!! How do I join?


$11.00 10 lbs of peanuts

The look on the survivalist boy’s face when he figures out he forgot to pack antibiotics effective against salmonella…



Wow! Melanie, Sonny Barger, and Lachlan Murdoch!!! How do I join?

No worries mate, they already signed you up.


Oh, god, not more of these ‘black book of communism’ twits.

The problem is, the communists never really get to take power until the right wing stupidly eliminates any saner options.

Your right wing douchebags were all in on stopping any Russian government liberalization, so, they have to help bring about the Russian revolution.

Chinese nationalism threatened to seem too liberal to the assholes of the West, so, hey, let’s back even more right wing dickheads so they can get their asses kicked by Mao’s forces.

And everyone’s classic favorites, the warhawks of the Domino theory that tried to get Americans to shit their pants at the prospect that, um, Laos might go commie, had to just keep bombing Cambodia for a decade until the U.S. warhawks handed power to a bunch of lunatic guerrillas who easily picked out the peasants crawling out of the rubble.

It’s why the revolutionary communists always have such respect for the rabid right, since without them, they never get to take power.


Checkout girl’s taunts are nothing when compared to shop girl’s sneers.


More people died from my ideas than Rand’s!

People misinterpreting you had a head start. And Marxists have another edge over Randoids in that they’re not totally laughable jokes and pitiful examples of what they claim to exemplify. Think about it, the only really successfully Randoid is Alan Greenspan, and all he’s managed to do is irrevokably wreck a major superpower’s economy for years to come with his hairbrained, Rand-inspired “ideas”. So maybe not a good example.

I mean, come on. Can you really see a group of Randoids stop swinging their dicks at each other long enough to run an ice cream shop much less an entire country. So, yeah, Marxists are only slightly less rediculous than Randoids, but it’s still like comparing who was the better Stooge, Joe Besser or Curly Joe DeRita, ya know?


You mean I DIDN’T wreck a superpower with my hare-brained ideas? Uh, USSR?


Does this mean we are no longer going to get the magic free energy from static electricity which makes possible that awesome valley libertarian society in Galtland?

And of course, they’ve already built and programmed their robot servants to grow the food and clean up after them. They can’t very well dirty their dainty hands with manual labor, nor can they bring any nasty colored people into their libertarian Shangra-La to do the dirty work, now can they?


Interesting question. If Marx’s ideas are to be credited with wrecking the USSR, does he get a plea bargain for the use of his ideas during its creation?


You mean I DIDN’T wreck a superpower with my hare-brained ideas? Uh, USSR?

No.You were dead by a couple years. And Soviet Communism via Lenin, Trotsky, and the rest wasn’t exactly the same thing as Marx’s ideas. Matter of fact, during his life Marx was openly contemptuous of many of his ideological “followers” You should know all this. You actually have read what you wrote, right? I mean, only a total buffoon would come in using “Karl Marx” as a handle and not know what the fuck he was talking about.


So, who gets credit for my million-or-so?

And I am still dead, also.


And how many divisions does Von Mises have?


My ideas had a lot in common with Fascism. Fascism is National Socialism, while I favored International Socialism.


Ayn Rand was great in The Wolf Man.

“Even a man who is pure at heart
And says his prayers by night…”


The “internet users” one is hysterical, but luckily it is dated. It was true for awhile, and very annoying if you were on any large internet forum pre 2000. Who could have guessed that angry loner shut in males (i.e. “libertarians”) would dominate the early world wide web?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Fascism is National Socialism, while I favored International Socialism.

Is this that “Hitler was a vegetarian” argument again?


Just what I thought. Never read any Marx and probably has only the vaguest idea of what any of the words he’s using actually means. Oh, well. Sometimes you can’t only not make a horse drink, you can’t even get him to acknowledge he’s a little parched.


Yes, I butchered a million of my own countrymen because of “communism in one country.”

Silly person.

It all had nothing to do with the status of the Church or estateholders or the Germans wanting access to our copper mines.


Also, isn’t it kind of ridiculous to argue about how bad Marx was when no liberals actually go around invoking his name?

Conservatives get a big wet one every time Ayn’s name comes up, and yet somehow leftists, who HATE being identified with communists and socialists, are the extremists!

Yeah, that makes sense. The people who identify with an hard-line, thoroughly debunked ideology are the “reasonable” ones whereas the people who deny any association with the thinkers representing the extreme of their ideology are clearly “irrational!”

Karl Marx is fucking WMD’s in Iraq and Ayn Rand is fucking collateralized debt obligations! One is a imaginary threat that hasn’t existed in years and the other fucked us all!


Is this that “Hitler was a vegetarian” argument again?

I think it’s more the “Hitler was an atheist” argument. Irrelevent and inaccurate, a wingnut two-fer.


My ideas had a lot in common with Porky’s II.


Never underestimate the profound and lasting influence of Ayn Rand on Alan Cumming’s hairstyle.


Fascism is National Socialism

Boy you really nailed that one. QED.


I was a Darwinist, Vegetarian, for “public health”, ran anti-smoking campaigns, tried to control the Church, heavily regulated the national economy, and hated “plutocrats” and “capitalists”. I also had the big-box stores of the day (department stores).


National Socialism was actually a theory of Mussolini’s, in which he took the argument of socialists and Marxians that there was an inexorable struggle in each nation between the bourgeois class and the proletarian class, and said that, no, no, the classes that are really at odds aren’t different social groups within one nation, but the ‘proletarian nations’ (i.e., the more recently developing capitalist states such as Italy and Germany) had class conflict with the ‘bourgeois nations’ (the older industrial economies such as Britain and France, who were able to jumpstart so much development from colonial gains and Spain’s awful inability to deal with its own profits from thieving from South America).


Names mean nothing.

I mixed together a few rival parties… one supported the Bourbon pretender, another wanted fascism, and another was Catholic.

I called my party stew “Spanish Traditionalist Phalanx of the Assemblies of National-Syndicalist Offensive.” Mind you, it wasn’t as catchy as “National Socialist German Workers Party,” but I had more factions to play off one another than Adolf did.


Spanish Traditionalist Phalanx of the Assemblies of National-Syndicalist Offensive

Great band name.


Flesh Gordon.
“I have the power pasties, and I know how to use them!”

No, I was thinking of Bunch’s Moderan stories.


Glarble barble flargle Marx shlarble nargle Hitler zargle parble hargle margle larble.


Who could have guessed that angry loner shut in males (i.e. “libertarians”) would dominate the early world wide web?

I remember one railing against grants and quoting Heinlein calling the grant-free writers such as himself “real writers”. Except that he was Robert Heinlein and the folks getting grants when he wrote that were people like William Gaddis and Isaac Bashevis Singer.


Glarble barble flargle Marx shlarble nargle Hitler zargle parble hargle margle larble.

Grad student, right?


What I don’t get about the whole “invoking Rand gets the conservatives all wet” is that, despite some of the obvious so-called “fiscal” similarities (don’t spend government money on poor people), her values were really quite different. First, she was an atheist and basically thought religion (okay, religion not called Objectivism) was bullshit. Second, Atlas Shrugged was if anything her critique of inherited privilege and cronyism–the very things that embodied Republican government the last eight years. I guess that’s really an indictment of the modern conservative movement–pilfering of symbols far and wide, uncritically and without any reflection, in order to serve a basic authoritarian purpose.


The party still exists. Amazingly the post-me Spanish Government (ruled by the very PSOE which I ejected by force of arms in 1939) never abolished them.

In the last election, they got about 4000 fewer votes than the Spanish Cannabis Party.


But then, if I cared about elections, I would have stayed in the Canary Islands and done the job I was assigned to do.

I am still dead.


Ewwww….Shaidle…..and Ayn Rand……why so icky here tonight? So many icky things! Why?!?!

OK, has anyone heard of The Cheetah Girls? Because I haven’t except to see these dolls of them. Anyway, I found the dolls online and managed a photoshop, so now I’ll need a pic of Kathy Shaidle to be the next “Cheetah”…..HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Really though, who are these Cheetah Girls other than sluts who dress like….um…I mean, dress like sluts? Is this something else I’m supposed to have pushed on my daughters? Probably safer than Ayn Rand though, right?


and yet somehow leftists, who HATE being identified with communists and socialists

I don’t think I’d go nearly as far as this. There is, after all, a sitting senator who identifies himself as a democratic socialist, whether or not anyone else does, and some of our hosts are of the socialist ilk. Furthermore Newsweek says we are all socialist now.


I guess that’s really an indictment of the modern conservative movement–pilfering of symbols far and wide, uncritically and without any reflection, in order to serve a basic authoritarian purpose.

No, not modern at all – that is precisely what I did in 1936. I believed in the Catholic church, mind you, but the rest was artifice.


Francisco Franco y Bahamonde

How come the site you link to doesn’t have a list of Falangist celebrities? Is Dennis Miller a member?


What I don’t get about the whole “invoking Rand gets the conservatives all wet” is that, despite some of the obvious so-called “fiscal” similarities (don’t spend government money on poor people), her values were really quite different.

It’s a tribal flag, not something to be read and understood. Just like the bible.


Oh, the list of famous Falangists is quite long.

Besides Mister Miller, you have Charo, Fulgencio Batista, Anastasio Somoza, the real Kramer from Seinfeld (their website is lies!) and of course Elton John.


Oh yes, and Admiral Carrero Blanco. can’t forget him.


Oh, the list of famous Falangists is quite long.

And don’t forget the beautiful actress/dancer Lola Falanga.


Weren’t the Falangi an alien race in Star Trek?


Weren’t the Falangi an alien race in Star Trek?

Yes, but the Falangi were actually Carlists.


Actually, Pat Buchanan is quite the Franco admirer. Francisco, not James.

Funny enough, Spain’s conservative party is under a blitz of corruption investigations led by investigating judge Baltasar Garzon, he who pursues ETA without rest and who had Pinochet arrested in England.

Who Is Willie Gault?

This is Speedy Willie, and I’m world class.
I like runnin’ but i love to get the pass.
I practice all day and dance all night,
I got to get ready for the Sunday fight.
Now I’m as smooth as a chocolate swirl,
I dance a little funky, so watch me girl.
There’s not one here that does it like me,
My Super Bowl Shuffle will set you free.


Surely, there must have been, at some point in the long, ignoble history of wingnutarianism, some group of pasty conservatives who’ve actually gone John Galt on society, right? That would’ve been awesome, and it’s sad that we never hear about these things…


Sadly, no-one notices the difference.


Can you imagine distilling more than 1000 pages of this overly-constructed straw man argument down to a 2 1/2 hour movie without it being a laughing stock?
My vote is for a trilogy of 2-1/2 hour movies, directed by Peter Jackson.


My vote is for a trilogy of 2-1/2 hour movies, directed by Peter Jackson.

That last hour when all the lovable characters hug and share their triumphs is going to be so inspiring.


Featuring Ian McKellen as John Galt?


The fact is, most-hated MTV Vee Jay Kennedy has a radio show every week-night on the same L. A. station that proudly presents Pus Limpbow every morning.


most-hated MTV Vee Jay Kennedy has a radio show every week-night

Still more proof that a complete lack of talent, an annoying personality, and open adherence to a dumbfuck system of beliefs are not impediments to a successful career in broadcasting.


Requirements, in most cases.


Really though, who are these Cheetah Girls other than sluts who dress like….um…I mean, dress like sluts?

I have the vague impression that they’re the Disney version of the Pussycat Dolls, if you can imagine a more-highly-commodified tweener version of the commodified softcore-porn ‘originals’. Think of the Monkees, corporatist-friendly advertising aids, plus 40 extra years of mass-media degeneration, blenderized with Barbie *and* the Playboy Channel. And then throw up in your mouth a little.


Surely, there must have been, at some point in the long, ignoble history of wingnutarianism, some group of pasty conservatives who’ve actually gone John Galt on society, right?

Sadly, No!

That would be like G.W. Bush’s staunch apologists/trolls here actually going to fight in Iraq.

That would’ve been awesome, and it’s sad that we never hear about these things…

It would be totally like “Lord of the Flies”, but with pudgy, pasty middle-aged guys, instead of innocent children, and a gulch instead of an island, and bags of Cheetohs — oh, never mind.


El Cid, I’ve got a strong dollop of respect for Baltasar Garzon. Man’s a bit of a loose cannon, but quite fearless in going after anyone he considers to have done wrong. Bless his little cotton socks – the world could do with a few more of him.

My vote is for a trilogy of 2-1/2 hour movies, directed by Peter Jackson.

Smut, nooooo! Then I’d have to lose all respect for Peter Jackson, and how could I do that? Life would no longer have any meaning. I mean, the man who went from Braindead to Heavenly Chreatures – who else could manage zombie-o-rama to dark arthouse, and with such panache?

Fie, I spit upon your suggestion, Smut. Maybe you need to watch Bad Taste or Meet The Feebles again sometime soon, to rediscover respect for your Kiwi dead-set directorial legend?


What I don’t get about the whole “invoking Rand gets the conservatives all wet” is that, despite some of the obvious so-called “fiscal” similarities (don’t spend government money on poor people), her values were really quite different.

One of my favorite such misconceits in recent memory is mistaking The Incredibles‘s moral message for Objectivism. The Big Bad is a self-made superhero – the implied moral is aristocratic. Rand would be cheering Syndrome on.

And when you manage to come in as less morally coherent than Ayn Rand, you’ve got a problem. Whether or not that problem is bigger than not having a single gag Moore or Lee didn’t write forty years ago is up to you.

[PS: Seriously, guys: if you feel compelled to feed the troll, use a name starting in ‘St. Jesus’, no matter whether you feel you’re being reasonable about it or not. Some people seriously want to be able to killfile away the effusion of bullshit at the root, and it’s our job to help them at least somewhat.]


Oh, the list of famous Falangists is quite long.

Besides Mister Miller, you have Charo, Fulgencio Batista, Anastasio Somoza, the real Kramer from Seinfeld (their website is lies!) and of course Elton John.

It’s worth pointing out that not just Dennis but also Frank Miller are big on Phalangist Phun.

Also, in my brief, dark career begging alumni for money on the telephone, I once had to call a man named ‘Francisco Franco’. I felt incredibly relieved he wasn’t home; how do you even start a conversation like that without sounding like you’re pranking him out of the phone book?


Surely, there must have been, at some point in the long, ignoble history of wingnutarianism, some group of pasty conservatives who’ve actually gone John Galt on society, right? That would’ve been awesome, and it’s sad that we never hear about these things…

I’m not so sure about the pasty part, but one might be able to make an argument for the Somali pirates.


Surely, there must have been, at some point in the long, ignoble history of wingnutarianism, some group of pasty conservatives who’ve actually gone John Galt on society, right? That would’ve been awesome, and it’s sad that we never hear about these things…

Well, I don’t know about the pasty part, but one might be able to make a case for the Somali pirates.

Yo, ho, ho.


Karl Marx is fucking WMD’s in Iraq and Ayn Rand is fucking collateralized debt obligations!

You got pictures of that?


Yes, but the Falangi were actually Carlists.

Perhaps it was a dream I had, but was there a recent thread here about what politics Superheroes/Star trek races had?


Maybe you need to watch Bad Taste or Meet The Feebles again sometime soon, to rediscover respect for your Kiwi dead-set directorial legend?
My imaginary version of ‘The Fountainhead’ was also directed by Peter Jackson. The role of Howard Roark is played as a giant ape — created with motion-capture and CGI — who ends up climbing his own architectural masterpiece and destroying it in order to save the purity of his vision, before he is shot down by biplanes.


MrX, I believe there was a comment or three on the subject, but which post I can no longer remember.


Best Atlas Shrugged parody I’ve seen:


A quote: “Yes Dagny, you silly silly woman, I may seem a slacker to you, but after ten pages of explanation you will know that it is you who slack and it is I who serve a higher cause which will not be explained for another seven hundred pages.”

Seriously, two of the “heroes” in Atlas Shrugged are a guy who goes around blowing up ships loaded with foreign aid, and a South American copper baron, i.e. a member of one of the most viciously rapacious groups in the whole history of predatory capitalism. That, along with her paeons to cigarettes (ironically she died of lung cancer), tells us everything we need to know about Rand’s moral compass.


If you haven’t been keeping up with what Peter Bagge’s been doing but you like his old stuff and want to keep liking it, DO NOT go and read his cartoons at Reason Online. Seriously, don’t.


Atlas can just FUCK OFF and never come back.


Let me get this straight… they are threatening to have corporatists go and live in a gulch somewhere.

Where they have to get their own coffee.

I perceive a hollow threat.


I love the “Nazi’s were leftists because they called themselves ‘National Socialist'” argument. It’s a sure sign the person saying it knows almost zero history and can be ignored. For the benefit of the rare troll who can be educated, the Nazi’s came out of the Freikorp movement, a VERY right-wing World War I German veterans groups that hated 1)socialists 2) liberals 3) Jews 4) anybody to the left of the Kaiser.

For the Freikorp vets to suddenly turn into hardcore “real” (i.e. leftwing) socialists would be like the The National Right to Life Committee suddenly deciding that NARAL was too wussy on abortion rights…


Oh, wait. Tony Atlas is raging? Okay, now I’m worried.


Man, Cyclops looks old in that picture…the ruby red energy blasts of youth have turned cataract blue.


So if the “National Socialists” were Socialists, I guess the DPRK is a democracy because they have “Democratic” in their name.


Also, “objectivists” are objective. Sigh, the rest of us remain mired in subjectivity. A = it depends on your perspective.


Anyone ever read Mary Gaitskill’s “Two Girls, Fat and Thin”? It’s not real good, and it’s got the usual heavy doses of Gaitskillian S&M, but it features a sort of parody of Ayn Rand and Objectivism that’s mildly entertaining. That’s all I have to contribute to this thread.


Well, and this: Excellent job of troll-ass-kicking. I do love to see you smart guys school these dickwads and then watch as they slither away. Lovely.


It seems like every conversation about Ayn Rand takes too long to bring this up:

The Unlikeliest Cult in History


Anne–ahh, thank you. These Cheetah Girls are terrible! But I saw the slutty animal print clothes and knew just who it reminded me of.

MS–I should read that as I’ve never read any Rand, a parody will do at this point. I already hated Rand in college based solely on the people who were obsessed with her books. I even know a fan whose dog is named “Dagny”…HAHA


Paul Blart, Mall Shrugger.


I almost forgot this real life proof of Rand’s ideas:

The John Galt Corporation of the Bronx, hired last year for the dangerous and complex job of demolishing the former Deutsche Bank building at 130 Liberty Street, where two firefighters died last Saturday, has apparently never done any work like it. Indeed, Galt does not seem to have done much of anything since it was incorporated in 1983.

And this:

The John Galt Corporation was effectively fired this week by Bovis Lend Lease, the general contractor overseeing the work at the former bank building. A criminal investigation also has begun, conducted by the Rackets Bureau of the office of Robert M. Morgenthau, the Manhattan district attorney, and the city’s fire marshals to determine who was responsible for the deadly array of problems at the building, including a severed standpipe that denied the doomed firefighters essential water.


Dragon-King Wangchuck

Atlas Shrugged
directed by Uwe Boll
starring Vin Diesel as John Galt
Jason Statham as the Evil John Galt Parasite Cyborg
Kevin James as John Blart, John Galt’s plucky sidekick
and a cast of thousands of CGI effects.
Objectivistly the Greatest Movie in History!!!!


President Obama has made the fatal mistake of suggesting a means of governance contrary to that of a fictional character in a novel.

I think Jesus’ “People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” (1 Timothy 6:9-10) trumps Rand.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

And now, on top of everything else, Obama has irritated John Galt.

Is there a lotion Obama can use to soothe irritated John Galt (like a Cheetos-Mountain Dew paste or something). I know you’re supposed to ignore it, but it never seems to go away. At least he doesn’t have swollen Howard Roark or inflamed Ender Wiggin.


More proof, as if any were needed, that Libertarianism is essentially a high school after-class club whose members are mainly concerned with the legitimacy of the club itself:

“Friends of Libertarianism

(Celebrities who have not publicly declared themselves libertarian, but who have said good things about libertarians or libertarianism.)”

(Not bad things! Good things!)


My vote is for a trilogy of 2-1/2 hour movies, directed by Peter Jackson.

I look forward to the Elven queen Dagny Taggart’s multi-minute barrel race through the pine trees of Galt’s Gulch.


Is there a lotion Obama can use to soothe irritated John Galt?

I would think anything that cures jock itch…


Ayn Rand, Eine Volk, Eine Fuhrer…


Atlas Shrugged
directed by Uwe Boll

Is there a prize for ‘Sickest, Most Depraved Imagination’ we can award to Dragon-Wang Kingchuck>

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Surely, there must have been, at some point in the long, ignoble history of wingnutarianism, some group of pasty conservatives who’ve actually gone John Galt on society, right? That would’ve been awesome, and it’s sad that we never hear about these things…

I think it has happened, it’s just that they went all “Donner Party” on each other after realizing that they couldn’t generate unlimited power from moonbeams, and all their can openers were electric.

The whole “going Galt” fantasy is an awful lot like the juvenile “I’ll fake my own death and see how they fall apart when I’m gone” fantasy.


Atlas Shrugged — the computer game.


Atlas Shrugged — the computer game.

Already been done, I think.


My ideas had a lot in common with Fascism. Fascism is National Socialism, while I favored International Socialism.

Ladies and Gentleman – Doughy Pantload is in da house…..

Dragon-King Wangchuck

‘Sickest, Most Depraved Imagination’
I ain’t even begun. Wait’ll you see my outlines for the porn versions:

The Fountain of cum from head. About an architect who “explodes”.

And then there’ll be a batch of Solo Girl vids from the Objectivist series.


Of course, it being Germany, you were allowed to eat sausage and all kinds of pig meat if you were a vegetarian.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Of course, it being Germany, you were allowed to eat sausage and all kinds of pig meat if you were a vegetarian.

My brother says Ohio is like that too. If a dish has vegetables in addition to the meat, it’s vegetarian.


My brother says Ohio is like that too. If a dish has vegetables in addition to the meat, it’s vegetarian.

Come to Madison County, where you can have any vegetable you like as long as it’s corn.


That was a photo from my very excellent one-man show: “Data – My Life with Captain Picard.” Ran for one plane flight and then folded.


objectivism checksum error



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