Another Look On The Bright Side of Slavery
Posted on February 22nd, 2009 by Tintin
Shorter Selwyn Duke:
Rhesus Monkey (left); American Thinker Contributor Selwyn Duke (right)
- Whites are being heinously persecuted by teh coloreds who do nothing but sing spirituals and whine and moan about slavery but who should just shut the fuck up. If it weren’t for American slavery, their black asses would be stuck back in some dark jungle in Africa or, worse, they’d be slaves to the godless “Moslems.” As it is, Negroes are now here in the United States where they can enjoy the benefits of civilization, all of which were brought about by white people, thank you very much.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
To Dear Hon. Duke:
I have in my possesion a tape whihc may interest of you.
Editor Korir
Hating Whitey
By Selwyn Duke
While many believe that prejudice has diminished over time, it’s not really true. Prejudice is much like the wind: Its direction changes, and the sheltered and well-situated may not sense it, but it’s always blowing on some people somewhere. Put literally, every age has its fashionable biases — and unfashionable people.
This was obvious during the presidential inauguration benediction, given by the Reverend Joseph Lowery. While making a supplication to the Lord, he made the following anachronistic plea:
“. . . help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man, and when white will embrace what is right [emphasis mine].”
Well, I wonder if the reverend has ever asked the Lord why He scourged the world with white people in the first place.
It isn’t surprising that caucaphobia is in fashion. You can demonize any person, group or place; all you need do is focus on the object’s failings to the exclusion of its/his accomplishments. It isn’t even hard to do. To bastardize one of Abraham Lincoln’s lines, if you look for the worst in a group, you’re sure to find it. It’s just as with a person. If I repeatedly disseminated information about your sins and mistakes among the town folk while downplaying your good points, how long would it be before they were chasing you with pitchforks?
So it has been with whites for a long time now. It is not correct to say that history textbooks, documentaries and entertainment inundate us with stories about slavery and civil rights abuses; no, they inundate us with stories about whites’ practice of slavery and abuse of civil rights. There are Hollywood movies such as “Roots” and “Mississippi Burning” but none of note about the Aztecs’ or Shaka Zulu’s domination of neighboring peoples, or the current African slave trade or Zimbabwean “president” Robert Mugabe’s persecution of whites and political opponents. Then, relating the American history guidelines of a prominent textbook publisher, the author of The Language Police, Diane Ravitch, writes:
“European Americans, the guidelines suggest, were uniquely responsible for bigotry and exploitation in all human history.”
This philosophy imbues school textbooks. While featured prominently are the sins of whites, others’ sins are whitewashed. For instance, due to special-interest-group pressure — such as that applied by Moslem activists — examples of slavery perpetrated by non-whites are in short supply or are sanitized. This, despite the fact that Moslem North Africans did at one time capture young boys of both the white and black races, castrate them, and sell them into slavery. And this bias is a continuation of decades of anti-white propaganda of the kind embodied in Susan Sontag’s famous 1967 line, “The white race is the cancer of human history.” It’s an idea that has taken hold.
Only because such attacks exist do I mount a defense of the white race. But I want to preface it with a few remarks. First, don’t ask why I undertake such an endeavor. When the president has a preacher talking about the black, brown, yellow, red and white, it’s silly to ask why I speak of race. I’m not initiating such a discussion, I’m responding. I’m not throwing punches, I’m blocking.
Second, because of this — since I’m refuting those who assign blame by highlighting the sins of whites — it’s necessary that I trumpet whites’ accomplishments. Unlike those I’m refuting, however — who often ascribe the evils they feature to something inherent in whites — I don’t claim there is an innate quality in the race that should be credited with all these accomplishments. On the contrary, I believe the force primarily responsible for Western civilization’s glories is Christianity, but that is grist for a different day.
It’s not hard to figure out where a defense of whites must start: Slavery. It’s the most odd of issues, in that we all thoroughly agree on the wrongness of it yet it is thoroughly divisive. It is the defining grievance of black America, something that apparently imbues millions of black psyches. As an example, I attended a gathering a few years ago at which there was a certain guest, a rather emotive and outgoing black fellow who was very good at relating every topic of discussion, from the meaningful to the mundane, to America’s slavery. It was as if he could channel Kunta Kinte in every conversation.
Yet the reality of slavery is that, along with prostitution, it is one of the world’s oldest institutions. It is mentioned in the Bible and Koran, and, to the best of my knowledge, every major civilization has practiced it. And, if we’re to believe history and Afrocentrists (and I suppose you cannot believe both), the ancient Egyptians were black and enslaved Jews.
Moreover, the Islamic slave trade took at least as many Africans into bondage as did the European variety, and African tribes themselves had slaves and sold them to both civilizations. Additionally, while the word “slave” conjures up the image of a black person in the typical American mind, the term itself is derived from the word “Slav.” This is because great numbers of Slavs were once sold into slavery by conquering peoples. In other words, no group ever cornered the market on slavery because it touched ever corner of the Earth.
Yet, in the history of involuntary servitude, something else should be noted. It is a startling fact: While whites weren’t the first ones to practice slavery, they were the first ones to abolish it.
Let’s be clear about this. Slavery was accepted. It was the status quo. It was an institution whose origin was shrouded in the mists of time. It was unquestioned.
That is, until Europeans said “No more.”
It was not Asians who effected this bold and unprecedented social change. It was not South Americans. It was not Africans. It was not American Indians. It was not Aborigines. It was Europeans, that cancer of human history, and they were just as white then as they are today. They gave the world change you can really believe in.
People will try to explain away this historical fact, saying that this striking example of man’s humanity to man has nothing to do with race. I will simply reiterate that the why of the matter is a discussion for a different day. For now, if whites can be demonized without explanation for being one of many groups to enslave Africans, they can be credited without explanation for being the first group to outlaw the enslavement of anyone.
One of the reasons we fixate on slavery that ended more than 150 years ago concerns the effects many believe it has today. This is called the “legacy of slavery,” which, actually, seems not nearly as big a problem as the legacy of obsessing on legacies. Be that as it may, what is the real legacy of slavery?
A leading black journalist, Keith Richburg of the Washington Post, more than a decade ago wrote of his gratitude that his ancestors made it out of Africa to America, even if by the noxious means of slavery. Think about it: Many lament blacks’ economic state in America, claiming it’s part of slavery’s legacy. But that legacy also includes their presence in America. West Africa’s black population’s economic state is far worse than that of American blacks.
In other words, there is no reason to agonize over an event – even an evil one – responsible for your presence in a country that has offered its citizens unprecedented rights and standard of living. (Of course, to be precise, most blacks currently in the U.S. would not actually have been worse off absent slavery. This is because they wouldn’t have “been” at all, as ancestors whose procreation led to their existence would never even have met. The big picture is a funny thing, isn’t it?)
The point is that most people who arrived on American shores were driven here by some kind of persecution. Whatever the reason, however, thank God we’re in the land of opportunity and not languishing in a slum in Asia, South America, Africa or Eastern Europe. So, it’s ironic, but blacks brought here in chains yesterday ensured that their descendants wouldn’t have to wear chains today.
Now we come to prejudice, another supposedly characteristic white fault. Yet the truth is quite the opposite. In reality, racial prejudice is probably found least among whites, due to political correctness.
Most white children are raised today with the idea that it’s profoundly immoral to be prejudiced (I discussed this here). This isn’t to say there aren’t some Archie Bunker types extant, but they certainly aren’t in fashion. Remember, it was mainly white people who originated, promoted and funded sensitivity-training classes, tolerance programs and multiculturalism (come to think of it, I may start hating white people myself). Now, while I consider these abominations to be worse than what they ostensibly remedy, this brings us to a relevant question: Can you think of another group that has gone to the point of self-flagellation to purge prejudice from its ranks? Heck, with how we beat each other up over this, no one really has to worry at all about whites. We’re all black and blue.
Then we have the matter of white achievement. The vast majority of what makes the lives of all races better today — modern science and medicine; our luxuries; Western art, literature, legal institutions; etc. — is the handiwork of whites. Oh, this is simply a matter of circumstance, of opportunity, of a twist of fate, you say? Perhaps. Suffice it to say for now that if President Obama (PBUH) can frame matters in terms of race at his inauguration (and in his books and everywhere else, it seems), I can in an article. And if whites can be ridiculed for their transgressions, they can be recognized for their triumphs.
Yet, despite all this and more, caucaphobia is still not only accepted but often encouraged. And the hypocrisy is stark. The left admonishes against making even valid generalizations or entertaining intellectual discussions about group differences. And indulging stereotyping — that specter of egalitarian nightmares — can fast earn one pariah status in addition to a place on the unemployment line. Why, even the positive variety is off limits. We cannot say blacks are better athletes, even though the sports arena may bear witness to this; we cannot say Asians are more intelligent, even though they have the highest average I.Q. of any major racial group; we cannot say Latinos are good dancers (not sure about that one). The idea is that such beliefs can lead to stigmatization or resentment or, or . . . whatever the theory du jour may be.
But when the matter is whites, even baseless negative stereotypes aren’t thought cause for alarm. A Reverend Lowery can imply that whites are uniquely flawed and immoral, they can be portrayed as the bane of man, as “the cancer of human history,” and it’s ho-hum.
Yet, are we to believe that such demonization magically becomes harmless when whites are the targets? What does history teach about the plight of consistently scapegoated and dehumanized groups? It’s that they almost invariably end up suffering persecution. And given that current demographic trends indicate whites will becomes a minority in America during the lifetimes of many reading this, and given that even majorities sometimes are tyrannized — as Sunnis’ domination of Shiites under Saddam Hussein and the Spartans’ enslavement of the Helots proved — it’s foolishness to dismiss the peril posed by mainstreaming caucaphobia. (In fact, whites already suffer the sting of persecution; I documented some cases here and here).
Yet, that increasingly-maligned dead white male Ben Franklin knew whereof he spoke when he said, “You cannot reason a man out of a position he has not reasoned himself into.” Prejudice is a function of emotion, not logic, and emotion is like darkness, in that it can be blinding. A person who sees only color — and through colored glasses — will have a powerful immunity to facts. Thus, I only expect caucaphobia to intensify.
So what can we do? Well, prayer is always good, so I’ll conclude with one of my own right now. Lord, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will cease the attack, brown will no longer frown, white will be all right — and rhymes will fit the times.
I did a word search through Duke’s article for “Jim Crow” but came up empty. Perhaps my browser is broken.
So that’s troofie.
I know about Jim Crow, thank you very much, I read comic books too.
caucaphobia is in fashion
Fear of shit-stains?
I read comic books too.
A word of advice: don’t try writing them.
Too late. I suppose you’ve heard of a little thing called Liberality for All?
I suppose you’ve heard of a little thing called Liberality for All?
Shockingly, I hadn’t, even though I’m sure it’s all the kids can talk about. But I Giznoogled it and I must say, thank you for opening up a broad new vista of potential mockery.
/blockquote/increasingly-maligned dead white male Ben Franklin/closeblockquote/ i like Ben Franklin. Everybody I know likes Ben Franklin. Ben Franklin thought slavery was wrong. Why does Selwyn Duke hate Ben Franklin?
“Prejudice is much like the wind”
through my tree
She rides the night next to me
She leads me through moonlight
Only to burn me with the sun
She’s taken my heart
But she doesn’t know what she’s done
Now that’s American Thinkin’.
Synopsis of Liberality for All.
But don’t settle for that excerpt. Trust me – it’s all good.
I ggogled “Liberality for All” as well, but when I tried to click through to the links listed the ol’ Baracuda web filter here at work said I could not go. BWF says it falls under the “offensive” category.
The synopsis has president Al Gore and muslim terrorists have focused on wiping out wingnuts.
Apart from the attempted destruction of NYC I don’t see much to complain about in that dystopia.
Wait, you’d really never heard of Liberality for All? Grant Morrison wishes he was as crazy.
Selwyn Duke.
David Duke.The Duke Brothers, Randolph and Mortimer.
This is suspicious….
Boy, the comments on that post. Boy.
i like Ben Franklin. Everybody I know likes Ben Franklin.
That quote of his about God and beer is on the label of half the microbrews in America, and everybody knows only liberals drink microbrews.
God damn you Marco.
Alternate Shorter Selly: I’ve overcome my natural tendency to keep black women chained up in my basement and I demand respect!
Alternate Even Shorter Selly: Aaaieee! There’s a Neeeegro in the White House!
ZOMG, that is the best comic ever. I wanna gotta have it!
Boy, the comments on that post. Boy.
Thank you Sadly, No! for leading the way. Or, if you will, being in the vanguard.
How nice of Troofie to spam the article, making it easier for us to pull quotes out to respond to!
To bastardize one of Abraham Lincoln’s lines, if you look for the worst in a group, you’re sure to find it.
A perfect example of this, of course, is for some idiot to take Pastor Lowry’s quoting an old song and read into it hatred for white people.
Selwyn Duke.
David Duke.The Duke Brothers, Randolph and Mortimer.
This is suspicious….
Don’t forget these fellas.
Hey Selwyn, when people call YOU an ignorant bigot they aren’t referring to every other white person history.
Just so you know…
The vast majority of what makes the lives of all races better today — modern science and medicine; our luxuries; Western art, literature, legal institutions; etc. — is the handiwork of
whites.Arabic Muslims.Fixed that for you, Troofie.
There are Hollywood movies such as “Roots” and “Mississippi Burning” but none of note about the Aztecs’ […]
I refuse to feel bad about this country’s history of slavery and racism until those motherfucking Aztecs own up first.
Selwyn Duke vs. The Mighty Strawman in an EPIC CAGE BATTLE.
I await this asshat’s treatise on how The Holocaust wasn’t really so bad because Pol Pot committed genocide too, therefore genocide is “much like the wind.”
It’s interesting watching this all unfold. The Republicans rode to power on race-baiting and the Southern Strategy. But because of the inroads made by the civil rights movement, and due to the ever-increasing diversity of America, younger generations don’t really respond to the dog-whistle racism. Younger folks tend to think racists are just assholes.
Conservatives by nature are resistant to change, and they’re slow on the uptake. Instead of realizing that things are slipping away from them because the Soft Gooey Middle is scared by Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin, they can’t help themselves from doubling down on the stupid, moving themselves further to the right and soothing themselves with things like “Barack The Magic Negro” and Selwyn Duke columns. I think the Republicans are well and truly fucked in the near future. It’s going to take them a long while to figure out that the old playbook just doesn’t work anymore.
Sean Hannity, G. Gordon Liddy and Oliver North, each uniquely endowed with special abilities
Oh, this is rich!! Let’s see….Hannity will have the Invincible Hair Armour, Liddy will have super powers to bite the heads off rats and other evil-doers, and Ollie will have the Boyish Cowlick of Power to disarm all his opponents.
Nah, he’ll fall back on the fact that some fuckheads say Egyptians were black, therefore black people persecuted Jewish people first, therefore leave Hitler alone. Just … leave him alone! Bwaaaa!
“The vast majority of what makes the lives of all races better today — modern science and medicine; our luxuries; Western art, literature, legal institutions; etc. — is the handiwork of whites. ”
I just love nutty non-facts like this. NO OTHER POSSIBILITY.
Only because such attacks exist do I mount a defense of the white race.
Only because I am a self-centered jackass do I mount a defense of the white race.
For once, I am grateful to the scroll troll, because I usually don’t click on teh crazy. Having said that, please know that in the future, my response to the scroll troll is: fuck off.
Just days before his arrival in NYC, Bin Laden made a brief visit to Iraq, now a nuclear power that is run by the vicious Uday Hussein.
Sean Hannity just used his bionic arm to electrocute four police officers who were trying to stop a man from liberating a bald eagle! G. G. Liddy complained that Hannity didn’t “save him one!”
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET FREEDOM RING!!!!!!!111!!!!111!!!!1,111,111!!!!!!!!!
From the comments at American Thinker:
Free speech needs to reinstituted as law of the land. We need to be able to say Christmas and Easter again without getting the sneers of shop girls. Perhaps if we were able to say “glory be” and “pshaw” we would hear less of the “fu*k” “sh*t” and “dam*” of modern parlance.
Did I miss the national news story that “pshaw” is a no-no?
Poor widdle conservatives!! They must suffer the slings and arrows of snotty shop girls. Storm the barricades for the right to say “pshaw!” again!
I get it. It’s a timely Carnival post, in which the world is turned upside down, albeit temporarily. Up is down, wet is dry, the king is a servant, the slaves is a ruler, and caucaphobia is destroying America.
Also in the comments, someone referring to the “European species” [emphasis mine] – the mind boggles. Racist? No, not them…..
I think current laws controlling shop-girl sneers are quite adequate.
I feel the need to blogwhore my own review of “Liberality”, which may very well be the worst comic book ever produced…
Favorite Franklin quote of “EEK A MUSLIM!!” conservatives everywhere: “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety”
Favorite of fundegelicals: “The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason.”
Favorite of welfare haters: “What is serving God? Tis doing Good to Man.”
Favorite of neo-cons: “There was never a good war or a bad peace.”
I feel the need to blogwhore my own review of “Liberality”, which may very well be the worst comic book ever produced…
So that comic premiered in 2005, two years after the death of Uday Hussein? Does that mean…
Perhaps if we were able to say “glory be” and “pshaw” we would hear less of the “fu*k” “sh*t” and “dam*” of modern parlance.
Gl*ry b*, I can’t believe he actually wrote that! Psh*w! H*rr*mph!
Here here! RealAmericans who exhibit ignorance of the laws of the land – for example, the First Amendment – should be lowered head first into a vat of all the fear shit the fRighties blasted out when Obama was elected.
Also: Shop girls? I thought that was a British term.
Whenever someone talks about “the white race” as if that’s a meaningful distinction or in some way a real thing, you can be pretty well convinced that this person is a braindead racist motherfucker.
It’s as if these morons wish they could just teleport themselves into an episode of The Andy Griffith Show and never return.
It would probably really gall him to realise that most of the really important foundational technology (that made all the stuff he thinks was invented by white people possible) was invented by, uh, not-white people:
— stone tools, people in the Olduvai Gorge, Africa
— fire, ex-African populations
— pottery, people in what is now China
— textiles, paleolithic people (from Asia) who were then in North America (textiles had a couple of flashpoints of near-simultaneous invention, but I think the NA ones are older)
— the stirrup, people from Eurasia
— the city, people who were from what is now Iraq (ow! that’s gotta sting!)
— writing, people from the Middle East
— first code of laws, Middle East
— historical record-keeping, Middle East
— irrigation, Middle East
— ink, China
— gunpowder, China
— zero, Middle East
— algebra (eek! a scary Arabic word!), Middle East
— alcoholic (eek! another scary Arabic word!) drinks, Middle East
…and that pretty much covers all the technology you need to make modern western civilisation. (Peanut butter, invented by a black man. Hm.)
Interrobang, none of that is true because the Earth is only 6,000 years old…
It’s as if these morons wish they could just teleport themselves into an episode of The Andy Griffith Show and never return.
And don’t we all wish exactly the same thing for them!
There’s only one race on this planet, to my knowledge. I believe it’s called the human race.
When Selly was a kid, his mommy didn’t pay enough attention to him and now he’s an angry young man, raging at the world to escape his vast inner pain. WAAAAAH!
The Chinese also invented paper.
I tried reading the original post over at American Shithead but I only got four paragraphs in before I had to ralph. Hence, I will not be quoting any of the inanities.
Instead, I propose – in the spirit which he demonstrates – a new paradigm of slavery. Under this new world order, it will be recognized that WATB whingers have a history of acting against their own best interests. One wonders why the lord and creator of the universe and everything scourged the world with stupid hateful white people in the first place.
Clearly the force primarily responsible for Western civilization’s future glory is secular humanism. It is time for we intellectual realist liberals to shoulder the burden. We must protect those poor stupid haters from themselves. The way to accomplish that noble task is, as history and Duke have shown, their enslavement by us.
In generations to come
DavidSelwyn* (what the fuck kind of Christian name is that anyway?) Duke’s descendants – who would not exist had we not enslaved their ancestors because they would not have met had we not harnessed the wind, so to speak – must thank us for recognizing that slavery wasn’t so bad and besides simply everyone does it anyway and that’s why they’re now enjoying nearly as much freddom and opportunity as the smart people.I project that only one or two centuries of enslavement ought to do the trick. But there’s no time to waste – we must act now. It’s for their own good. I can’t wait to get started.
* Selwyn – from old english “friend in the castle”. How appropriate!
And look at all pictures of Jesus. White Guy, Helllooooo?
Selwyn – from old english “friend in the castle”.
I would have guessed “man in the canoe.”
The wingtards claim to semi-deify the Founding Fathers, but if there is one thing their intent was clear about, it was the eventual destruction of slavery in America. Northerners and Southerners alike expected slavery would die out, or be actively eliminated in a couple of generations. Why the wingtards persist in this defense is just crazy.
I hear the authors of Liberality For All offered to make Rush Limbaugh a hero in their comic, but Limbaugh insisted that his special power be the ability to bugger Dominican boys.
He thinks the shop girls sneer at him because he says “Easter”? Man, he has a high opinion of himself.
Sean Hannity just used his bionic arm to electrocute four police officers who were trying to stop a man from liberating a bald eagle!
Funny, wasn’t it the damn hippies who fought the use of DDT who saved the bald eagles? Off topic, I’ve seen about a dozen of them this winter here in NYistan.
For me, the whole racism thing boils down to the notion that this country was said to be founded on the principle that all men are created equal. Yeah, non-whites did a lot of bad shit to each other, but the Aztecs never carried on about their love of freedom.
Now, I have to attend a lecture on the development of Soul Food in America by the head of the “Hate Whitey” department of Marist University. I think I’ll ask him if there are any traditional recipes for braised white fetus with cornmeal dressing.
BBBB out.
The Apostles?
Yep, pure whitey.
Shit, shinola. Don’t trust whitey.
It is a startling fact: While whites weren’t the first ones to practice slavery, they were the first ones to abolish it.
Nope. Missed by a mile on that one as well.
Persia. That’s Iran for gawds fekkin sake! Oh the irony! It burns it burns!
Selwyn? That means you were off by only 2500 years or so.
Jews are just unperfected Whites.
Maybe we could name October ‘Caucaphile Month’.
Think that would make Selwyn braver?
Selwyn – from old english “friend in the castle”.
I would have guessed “man in the canoe.”
I would have guessed “head in the ass”.
Selwyn – from old english “friend in the castle”.
I would have guessed “man in the canoe.”
I would have guessed head in the ass”.
From teh
buttockscomments at American Shithead:Obama is all about revenge and getting even with everyone who ever achieved by the seat of their own brow!
Typo or Freudian mixed metaphor? I know which I’d go with.
Maybe we could name October ‘Caucaphile Month’.
Or how about this. If blacks get Juneteenth, then whites should have their own special day in June as well. I suggest the 2nd. We could call Caucatwo.
poor widdle selwyn is afraid of shopgirls.
these people just persist in exposing their own sad little complexes with everything they write.
call it Caucatwo.
I don’t see why everyone complains about the Black Death. Without it, we wouldn’t have printing presses outside of China.
So freedom of speech = freedom from sneers?
Man, it’s a good thing conservatives never, ever, ever sneer at anything anyone else says. in Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, etc…
So freedom of speech = freedom from sneers
Of course! It also means freedom not to say certain naughty words, and the freedom to make sure nobody else can say them, too.
Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger.
So, Mr. Duke, am I a real patriotic Christian American yet?
Y’now, Selwyn, Bill Ayers is white.
Hide Yer Wimmins!
Hey look! Pure White folks. Can’t get any clearer than that now can it?
Selwyn and Medved both need to hook up and take a tour of African-American colleges and give these “Slavery was Actually Good for the Negroes” speeches. I’m sure they have the conservative courage to do so, right? I mean, they are warriors on the front lines of The Great Culture War, correct?
History trying to make a point?
I think so.
I’m just wondering why Selwyn buttered his face before taking that pic.
Thank you Sadly, No! for leading the way. Or, if you will, being in the
vanguardstormfront.Fixed IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROPHECY
Most of you have probably seen this already, but another of Mr. Dookey’s self-immolations has been discussed by Scott of World O’ Crap.
So Cyrus the Great, the king of Persia back in the 500 B.C.s or so, was a white dude?
I did not know that.
I’m just wondering why Selwyn buttered his face before taking that pic.
“I’ve the whitish blue eye of my Gallic ancestors, the narrow
skull, and the awkwardness in combat. I find my clothing as barbarous as theirs. But I don’t butter my
hairface.The Gauls were the most inept flayers of cattle and burners of grass of their age.
From them I get: idolatry and love of sacrilege: – oh! all the vices, anger, lust – magnificent, the lust – above all lying and sloth.
I’ve a horror of all trades. Masters and workers, all peasants, ignoble. The hand with a pen’s the same as the hand at the plough. – What an age of hands! – I’ll never get my hand in. Anyway service goes too far. The honesty of beggary upsets me. Criminals disgust me like eunuchs: me, I’m intact, and it’s all one to me!
But! Who made my tongue so deceitful that it’s guided and safeguarded my laziness till now? Without even using my body to live, and more idle than a toad, I’ve lived everywhere. Not a family in Europe I don’t know. – I mean families like mine, who owe it all to the declaration of the Rights of Man. – I’ve known every son of good family!”
I think I’ll ask him if there are any traditional recipes for braised white fetus with cornmeal dressing.
Don’t forget to ask for some Motherfucking Iced Tea!
I suggest that Selwyn market his own line of breakfast cereal: Cauca Puffs. You might say he’s…Koo koo for them.
Or just plain Koo koo.
I’m just wondering why Selwyn buttered his face before taking that pic.
As a true Aryan, he wanted to achieve a ghee whiz look.
On NPR (I think it was yesterday) they had a stroy about the Christian Film Festival in San Antonio. I swear to god, some dumbfuck said “We’re drawing the Maginot Line in the culture wars.
The Ho and I ROFLOAO. And silently wished him luck in achieving his goal.
So freedom of speech = freedom from sneers?
Looks that way. The part that’s really new to me is that shop girls’ sneering is mandated by law.
Let’s see … Hollywood, part of America. As is Mississippi. And the story of the “Peculiar Institution,” as seen in “Roots?” Why, it too is American. (Though not a “movie,” but a “mini-series.”) So Hollywood likes to make movies & mini-series about, oh, American stuff. You don’t really think Smellwyn wants to see movies about anything but members of the “European American species,” do you?
Oh, Shaka Zulu? Um, uh … don’t look over here. You wouldn’t want to see the 1986 American TV mini-series, or the 1987 British theatrical release, both actually titled “Shaka Zulu!” But both those films probably were all sympathetic & stuff to Shaka, & didn’t focus on his “domination of neighboring peoples.” (As if Duke is opposed to that sort of thing.) Probably because the title character wasn’t played by a honky in blackface.
What a tool that Dookey is!
It’s as if these morons wish they could just teleport themselves into an episode of The Andy Griffith Show and never return.
Hey, I wish they could too!
PeeJ, you know it!! The very fact of a “Film Festival” rather than a “New Media Fest” (Not that that wouldn’t be total bee ess anyway) indicates that we are already turning our tanks toward Belgium (Hey, Tintin!) & ignoring their stupid, fixed, fortifications.
Wasn’t The Andy Griffith Show written and produced by
JewsUnperfected Christians from New York and Hollywood?He thinks the shop girls sneer at him because he says “Easter”?
Apparently no one has the heart to tell him the real reason.
Headline of today’s Daily Bugle:
It’s as if these morons wish they could just teleport themselves into an episode of The Andy Griffith Show and never return.
Hey, I wish they could too!
I woudl totally donate to a fund that bought a place for these people to go all John Galt in. as long as they go.
“The Gauls were the most inept flayers of cattle and burners of grass of their age.”
Objection, your honour! Rusty Shackleton’s testimony is not relevant to the case, since there is no evidence that Rimbaud was actually a slave trader!
That it is. (And for a different mill, too. Unless he’s on an all-grist diet.)
And how many of those scientific innovations he thinks “Whitey” made were actually suppressed by Xianity?
Objection, your honour! Rusty Shackleton’s testimony is not relevant to the case, since there is no evidence that Rimbaud was actually a slave trader!
Like most white people, Rimbaud was too lazy. Slave-trading was virtually the sole province of the industrious Mohammedeans and Negroes. Or so I’ve read, lately.
I suggest that Selwyn market his own line of breakfast cereal: Cauca Puffs. You might say he’s…Koo koo for them.
More like Koo Koo Koo if you ask me.
“On the contrary, I believe the force primarily responsible for Western civilization’s glories is Christianity, but that is grist for a different day.”
Yeah, that’s some grist I’d like to see. Galileo would like to have a private word with you, Selwyn.
That it is. (And for a different mill, too. Unless he’s on an all-grist diet.)
his mill grinds slow, but exceedingly coarse. and gets a bunch of gravel in the flour, too.
I guess the jews should all thank Hitler for the “final solution” because it helped push world opinion in favor of the whole “Jewish Homeland” / State of Israel thing.
It would probably really gall him to realise that most of the really important foundational technology (that made all the stuff he thinks was invented by white people possible) was invented by, uh, not-white people:
– stone tools, people in the Olduvai Gorge, Africa…..
Jesus’ cargo shorts, Interrobang — you left out COFFEE.
I weep for Khaldi and his goats.
So, the lecture by Professor Professor Frederick Douglass Opie (how would HE fit into Selwyn’s Andy Griffith fantasy?) was very good. My favorite slide in his presentation was a picture of an integrated Depression Era Chicago soup line sponsored by Al Capone.
I asked him if he could comment more on the adoption of New World agricultural products on the African continent, and he answered…
“Good question, blue-eyed devil, as you may know, MUTHAFUCKIN’ cassava was a MUTHAFUCKIN’ plant native to the MUTHAFUCKIN’ New World, but was adopted in many regions of the African continent as a MUTHAFUCKIN’ staple.”
I purchased a copy of his book, which I will lend to a ZOMG!!! gay ZOMG!!!! black friend of mine who is an expert on the history of slavery in New York state.
but that is grist for a different day.
Some people… way with words… not.
(Peanut butter, invented by a black man. Hm.)
But it took a rich white man to add the salmonella to it.
WOLVERINES!!!!GLUTTONS!!!So, slavery isn’t bad if your descendents are rewarded? Let’s make a deal then righties. We get to work your ass sunup to sundown, 6 days a week (and after sundown when there is a full moon). You get no pay, drafty sheds with dirt floors to live in, 1 in a hundred of you gets medical care beyond what you can provide for yourself, poor clothing, enough food to survive but poor quality, plus we can beat you, whip you, mutilate you, brand you, hell, we can kill you for fun if we want without fear of real punishment. Plus we can rape your wives and daughters, sell off your spouse and kids, and treat your family like that for, oh, a couple hundred years. In return, your great-great-great grandkids get to live somewhat better than another family 2,000 miles away. Sound like a good deal to you? I’m not even including another century of Jim Crow and lynchings…
no, thought not.
BTW S.C., contrary to popular belief (aka the rumor I was spreading), it appears that Henry Hutton did not die in a tragic snow shoveling accident.
In the same
imaginaryalternative universe where Joe Wurzlebacher sits up nights worrying about the effects of confiscatory taxes on his thriving young plumbing business, Selwyn Duke gently shepherds his oompa-loompa serfs into an appreciation of the glories of White Kultur. Yet, when these Pale Males share their rosey-tinted phantasies with each other in the agora, we vile liberals rudely point and mock at their humble aspirations! Sadly, the Joes and Selwyns ask each other: Why don’t the liberals want the Bigots to have any nice things?…Other folks have noted but as a Zulu buff, I feel the need to add my bits – There was a 1986 10 part TV mini Series Shaka Zulu that examined the Man’s life (1785- 1925) as he created the Zulu nation from a single small tribe iventing organization (the Impi or Regiment each with their own distinctive costume and sheild patter) the Assergi (a short stabbing spear akin to the Roman Short Sword in use) and the Zulu’s over all battle strategy – known as the horns of the Buffalo where the foe was lured forward, encircled and destroied. His military skill was so impressive that not a few white writers inisted that he must have had help from a visiting European miltary man. (Side note if he’d been able to, the English in 1879 when they invaded Zulu land would have confonted an army armed with guns – he was that smart.)
That said – he was cruel and ruthless on an Ivan the Terrible/Macbeth level – random executions were a constant – and kept his Impis in constant combat to increase territory – which was not reguarded as a flaw when Alexander the Great did it but we’ll let that go.
The Mini Series – later boiled down to a feature film does a fairly decent job at descrbing this period, the curelty and the horror of Shaka’s court is papable if memory serves.
There is also 1964’s Zulu which discribes the 1879 Battle or Rorke’s Drift were some 100 odd British Soldiers held off 4,000 Zulus for 2 days. It’s also notable for it be Michael Caine’s first Starring role.
And there is 1979’s Zulu Dawn which is a prequel to Zulu recounting the events leading up the battle of Isandlwana where the Zulu army defeated the British Invasion force – the worst defeat the British Army suffred in the victorian colonial wars to a foe that wasn’t armed with guns. – The moive does a fairly good job at showing the self rightious civilize the heathen attitude that was amok during the era (later taken up by the nec-cons now that I think about it) and the disater that resulted.
it’s not as good a film as Zulu – actually a bit of mess really – and guys the assargi was held underhanded – but it’s okay.
They where not quite the Sparta of Africa there is a wonderful Zulu saying that goes “if you can walk you can dance, if you can talk you can sing” and there is also Johnny Clegg and Juluka – and much more.
but that’s enough
the Joes and Selwyns ask each other: Why don’t the liberals want the Bigots to have any nice things?
Joe the Plumber has a book out. That’s something.
these Pale Males share their rosey-tinted phantasies with each other in the agora
I read that as ‘angora’, and the resulting mental image has spoiled my appreciation of Maxfield Parrish.
Joe the Plumber has a book out.
American Thinker Reader: I say there, stout yeoman, I need some grist
Sneering Shop Girl: What, grandad?
ATR: I am out of grist and must purchase some for celebration of Easter.
SSG: You want regular or industrial grade?
ATR: None of your lip, girlie or I shall tell you of why you should be grateful of the chance to serve a obviously superior white man like me. Now give me some of the Thompsons Old Peculiar Grist, please.
SSG: We don’t have that no more, it’s got dioxin in it and it kills you. Do you want regular or industrial grade?
ATR: I shall take my business elsewhere!! Ungrateful immigrant!!
30 seconds later
SSG: So you were really after She-Male Sexcitation?
ATR: Just for the articles.
If american slavery hadn’t existed, africans would have had to wait until the 1880s to come to America, coming through Ellis Island immigration with the Italians and the Irish. After all they all had a lot in common, they weren’t white enough according to the english that were already here.
Joe the Plumber has a book out.
Absolutely fucking Heroic!!
Selywn Duke said,
February 22, 2009 at 19:45
“I suppose you’ve heard of a little thing called Liberality for All?”
No, but I’ve heard of a little thing called YOUR PENIS!!! hahahahahahaw haw!!
Duke’s column is a symptom of extreme unwillingness to divorce himself from prejudices and prejudgment. Entertainment-wise, I’d rather have him review The Autobiography of Malcolm X.
(My) Shorter Selwyn Duke: “Nation of cowards”? Try, “nation of slaves”!
WANTED: Single White Female to help me shoulder the white man’s burden and dab my brow as I continually refute the mud people who dare to suggest that the white man is less than 100% perfect.
Species not important.
You’re right. If I’d thought longer (or if FY, WP had an ‘edit’ function) I would have phrased it “Why don’t the liberals want the Bigots to own any nice things?… “
… into which category any book-shaped object “authored” by JTP would not fall.
*grabs tintin’s hands*
Right. Giving the credit for Western Civilization to Christianity and “white people” is ignorantly naive. For one thing, it ignores the fall of Rome – which happened under the Christians’ watch, not the Pagans’ – and the resulting Dark Ages, representing almost a millennium of not just no progress, but negative progress in all of those areas of human endeavor. They forgot how to make fookin’ concrete, for Zeus’s sake! If the Christians hadn’t driven the greatest organized technological civilization the world had yet seen into utter ruin and collapse, we’d probably have fusion power and manned bases on Alpha Centuari by now.
Take credit for that, asshole.
The other thing, as g is pointing out, is that if it weren’t for the Islamic Arab scholars of Alexandria and Baghdad preserving the science and philosophy of the Pagan Greeks, Egyptians and Romans through the aforementioned Dark Ages, we wouldn’t even be as far as we are today. And it was the “free thinkers” of the Renaissance and Enlightenment over the objections, denial and persecution of the organized Christian Church that finally kick-started real science and philosophy, and hence “Western Civilization”, again.
Like Ghandi said: “Western civilization? I think it’s a very good idea.”
Dear Mr. Duke: No way, pal. I hear you have a tiny penis.
For a similar argument, see here.
Eric Holder is taken to task for the fact that he doesn’t have a job.
Dear SWF: It is a well known fact that the dark hued heathens known as “Arabs” created numbers and math specifically so that you (an easily confused female) would think I have a tiny penis. By the standards of a little known ancient European society it really isn’t that abnormally tiny at all. I urge you to cast off the biases of our relentlessly caucaphobic society before it is too late.
I purchased a copy of his book, which I will lend to a ZOMG!!! gay ZOMG!!!! black friend of mine who is an expert on the history of slavery in New York state.
As a gay black man, I too like studying young black bucks also–for historical purposes of course!
Also, too, I am just absolutely stunned that you all left “caucaphobe” hanging out there with not one pun ZOMG!!!! Guess maybe you’re all just tired, huh?
Oh and I’ve got a question. I posted my comment above at 9:25 eastern but it says I did it at 4:25. Is Sadly No based in the middle of the Pacific Ocean?
“On the contrary, I believe the force primarily responsible for Western civilization’s glories is Christianity, but that is grist for a different day.”
If I’m not mistaken, Christianity was created by a fellow named Jesus Christ and a bunch of other semitic Middle Eastern guys, in the same region where those brown people invented mathematics and uh, navigation.
Dem dusky ay-rabs was also responsible for things like filtered water (through several layers of silk, apparently), invented soap, and washed frequently (unlike some western europeans, who considered bathing unhealthy).
To say nothing of contributions like that of the mighty al Khwarizmi. Hey, I’m a maths geek, I’m allowed to venerate him. He’s a legend, matey.
Chimpevil, Sadly, No! is based simultaneously in MInsk, Harare, and Bucharest. Only the wiles of one who has sold his soul to satan knows the secrets of being in three places at once.
Human rights? The Iranians ( did it first, followed by the Indians and the Arabs.
Representative government? I guess the English get this one for the Model Parliament of Edward I in 1295… oh, wait, no – the Iroquois Confederation beats them out by 150 years (August 31, 1142)! (
Only because such attacks exist do I mount a defense of the white race. But I want to preface it with a few remarks. First, don’t ask why I undertake such an endeavor.
Oh, trust me, we don’t have to.
Even shorter Duke: Michael Jordan would have been running around Africa with a bone in his nose if it wasn’t for the gift of slavery.
My Wikipedia biography is written in a rather breathless fan-boy style that brings its neutrality into question, but apparently I “was perhaps the first emperor in human history to ban slavery….
Take that, Cyrus of Persia!