And At These Prices You Won’t Get Many More
Posted on February 20th, 2009 by Gavin M.
Shorter Charles Krauthammer:
Above: Said “I wanna falafel,” so we showed him this.
- The food here stinks, and why are the portions so small?
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Someone please tell John McCain that the election was last year. And he lost.
Elections. Consequences.
Obama’s Supine Diplomacy
My very first thought regarding that title not only earned my place in Hell, it greased the rails I’ll take to get there.
Where is that man’s upper lip?
Putin sure has been pushing us around since November, that’s for sure!
Does anyone still read UpChuck SourKrautScammer?
And, Chuckle’s, the word “supine” barely describes you and the other neo-clown, nitwit brigade for the last 13 years. More like, ‘taking up the ass!’ OK, while SUPINE!!!
You know, I’m wrong plenty of times And I may be fucking stupid. And I’ve lied on occasion. But, I guess I’m not wrong enough, or enough of a fucking stupid lier to get a column at the WaPo.
Freddie, I’m gonna create some REALLY stupid, lying, BS and send it to you over the next few weeks.
Watch out everyone – UpChuck SourKrautScammer’s column will soon be mine!
WTF?!?! Um, the “I got a big fucking dick and will slap all y’alls with it” diplomacy of the past eight years hasn’t taught Krauthammer a thing. In case he hadn’t noticed, the “belligerence for
Oil’sbelligerence’s sake” approach to foreign policy hasn’t been the Winnah they claimed it would be. I mean- that whole Iraq thingwasn’tisn’t exactly a shining moment in US history.I’m sure that the editor’s at the WaPo would have corrected the lack of an “a” in my “Bwhaha,” like they corrected Will’s column.
I’d better proof-read myself then.
Time to read The Whole Thing.
From the State Department’s 2/17/09 press briefing.
Funny how that logic escaped the Reagan administration with respect to Saddam…
He refused to back down because giving in to Russian threats would leave Poles and Czechs exposed and show the world that, contrary to post-Cold War assumptions, the United States could not be trusted to protect Eastern Europe from Russian bullying.
The mighty Boosh, flew to Atlanta as soon as he heard Russia had attacked Georgia.
Although I generally take exception to Klownhammer’s preposterous rhetorical exfartulencies, in this instance I am in complete agreement. It is a stinging blow, an eye-watering slap, that the US women’s badminton team was turned back at Iran’s borders. And we would have kicked the blueberries out of them, too. Not only is our current women’s badminton team the equal of any since the famous Australian side of 1956 that swept the West Indies and China from their dominant positions in the sport, even with the rash of injuries that has plagued them ever since Cheryl Gondwanaland ruptured herself going over the net in Cairo, but the Iranian team has to play wearing flameproof suits with welding masks due to sharia law. Also they are accustomed to the pre-league standard tin shuttlecocks and so constantly overshoot the court with the modern style polymer birdies.
If Obama fails to thrust out his chest, square his jaw, and spit in their eyes for this appalling breach of international sportsmanship, I think we’d better just give up even trying to be a viable superpower any more. The next thing you know they’ll have crocodile-mounted lasers in outer space making Sprint’s cell phone reception blow moose cock everywhere I go. In fact, they may already have begun this program.
Russian aggression!
“Pressuring Kyrgyzstan… Announcing the formation… Planning to establish… Declaring its intention…”
They keep saying things! And making plans! and look over there! Iranian aggression!
“Iran launched its first homemade Earth satellite. The message is clear.”
NOOOO! Well, Obama really dropped the ball, didn’t he? I guess Krauthammer is right to describe the USA as “a grinning Goliath staggering about sporting a ‘kick me’ sign on his back”.
War in space expert Sauerkraut says:
Bullshit. Even were it true, the United Snakes could turn Iran into a glassy radioactive parking lot. And would be justified in doing so.
heh. Ben Tripp said modern style polymer birdies. heh.
Duguid? Seriously? Is that pronounced the way I think it is? If so, I love that name so much I want him cloned to replace every leftover Ms. Kitteneeter and Mr. Babyrayper left over from the Bushies.
And would be justified in doing so.
Uh. No, we wouldn’t.
Maybe I could use “left over” more in one post if I were to try harder. LEFT! OVER!
UiPink, why the hell wouldn’t we be justified in retaliating for what I assume Kraut meant would be a nuclear weapon attack on “North America?”
Not really saying we should totally destroy the country, but if the magic Stars Wars Defense didn’t work against the magic (imaginary) Iran-o-nuke, a proportionate response would certainly be justified.
Oh, Supine. Nevermind.
It’s funny the level of projection in the statement “violence is the only language they understand.”
Oh. I thought he meant we’d be justified if Iran had the capability to hit us with a nuclear missile. In which case we’d have to turn most of the world into a parking lot.
Michelle (Malkin) Bachmann has done opened her foolish ignorant yap again.
She said ACORN is getting $5 billion in the stimulus package, as well as a few other whoppers. Have to question if the collective (I said “collective!!”) IQ of the Sixth District of Minn. is any higher than the District’s number.
Is it better when elected representatives of the Ninny Party smear themselves w/ their own poop, or better when the self-appointed/Fred Hiatt-appointed pundits smear themselves in their recent meals?
Hey Throathummer, how about that Palestinian election Boosh wanted so bad?
Heh, Ben Tripp said exfartulencies,heh.
No, no, it was actually me saying we’d be justified if, in magic land, the Low Earth Orbit satellite launcher did hit NorthAm w/ one of the unicorn nukes the Iranians got going. Implying Mutual Assured Destruction.
Not in any way saying a pre-emptive thing is justified.
Kudos Gavin. That’s really exellent, the “lays out” bit. Have you been saving that or is that a masterful fotochop*?
* I have zero knowledge or skill in image manipulation so I apologize if that’s a stoopid™ question.
Also, the only such s/w I ever used was GIMP; I do not want to promote some patent-laden commercial abomination like..whatever the hell it’s called.
Cripes, Israel can do it themselves if it came to that. If the Iranians really would be stupid enough to use one fission bomb against a country with an arsenal of thermonuclear devices, I don’t see the security problem.
(And they aren’t working on a bomb, today I’m just not up to constructing a properly formatted statement in the future-stupid-subjunctive. Gaah!. The FT was pushing this in yesterday’s edition: If Iran collected all the enriched Uranium it’s ever made, and it had a facility for reprocessing that into highly enriched Uranium–ZOMG! They’d have enough for a single, really small nuke. If they also had the designs for a bomb.)
Shorter Mo: Paternalistic nationalism gives me the pip.
Gordon Duguid (DOO gud)
Hey, gud enough for government work.
So, in Chuckie’s world, the U. S. puts “Anti-Iranian” Stars Wars crap in Poland & the Czech Republic (What, the Iranians are going to shoot at Poland ’cause it’s got so many Jews, not a one of whom was killed in the [imaginary] Holocaust?) & Russia doesn’t think this is a good idea?
That is, an “anti-Iranian” missile shield on essentially the Russki border. (That’s the Bush DoD for you, huh? By the way, has Iran ever made a threats against Poland or the Czech Republic?) And Russian reaction to this is “bullying?”
Not that the Russians aren’t a bunch of fascioligarchs, & hateful scum, & generally stupid, but even a moronic jerk nation needn’t put up w/ missiles on its border. And since when has it been our duty to protect Eastern Europe from the other half of the Warsaw Pact? Free market, baby. You can’t compete, you die. (Of radiation poisoning, if not direct immolation.) Let’s not have any “moral hazards” where we have to pay their mortgages or defend them from “bullying.”
Ruh-roh,M. Bouffant,a nuclear unicorn!
Damn, Snort, there is truly nothing new under this tired old sun.
Funny, if Herbert West actually came up with that re-animation serum, Kraphammer would be the first one voting for Zombie Reagan as President-for-Unlife.
Speaking of pwnage (or was that the last thread? whatever…) and since it’s a slow day here (now that Brucie seems to have finally desquatulated the premises…update: no, he’s still throwing his red herring stuffed straw dolls around)
Okay okay I’m getting to it already. Sheesh.
WH Press Secretary Gibbs shows how its done.
The best part of his column, for me, is his willful misunderstanding of Biden’s (somewhat ham-handed) point. Biden says, essentially, “There will be a Cuban Missile Crisis-level issue that needs to be resolved.” Something major.
The fact that the US women’s fucking badminton team might not get to play an exhibition match does not qualify, unless they were all executed on the border.
No ill will intended towards the US women’s badminton team, of course. They are lovely people, with fine strong calves.
He lost it in a diving accident.
That picture has to be photoshopped. I mean, c’mon, Mccain & Foreign Policy Vison in the same headline? Who would do that?
Remember when Russia was soooo intimidated by the blustery and bold Bush/Cheney administration that they let Georgia walk all over them and were afraid to respond?
Oh wait…..
Remember when China was so intimidated by the Bush/Cheney bluster that they were afraid to go near a US spy plane for fear of retaliation?
Remember when Iran was so initimidated by the Bush/Cheney bluster that they were afraid to buzz US warships with their small boats and stopped their nuclear enrichment and were afraid to bad mouth Israel?
Alright, this game sucks.
Remember when N. Korea was so intimidated by the bold Bush/Cheney plan to um, not talk to them, that they immediately destroyed all materials in their nuclear bomb program?
uh-oh, better stop encouraging them Gibbs.
Gee thanks, asshole.
Wait, he’s still whining about Star Wars and missile defense. I know the Nixonite Bushies pushed him to half-heartedly revive that crap in Eastern Europe, but I thought that for the most part, the True Believers in that drug-induced fairy tale had all long since retired into exile.
I guess it’s par for the course at a time when the Republican Party believes that they can only rise to power if they adopt the brilliant vision of Herbert Hoover’s economic policy. Ooh, bring back Free Silver and the delicate Free State/Slave State balance. We’ll give statehood to DC and Puerto Rico and there can be 3 South Carolinas.
Ben Tripp: I love you! I’ve only ever said that to three people, including yourself. Mikey, you, and of course, my Husband.
Oh, I just like to keep the invective going against Euros, even Eastern ones.
And I’ve had a fair amount of contact w/ Russians in SoCal, having lived in West Hollywood, their capital on the coast. I understand that in the Soviet Union they had to be loud, obnoxious, cut in lines, etc., before the borscht is gone, but many haven’t seemed to realize they aren’t even in Russia any more, let alone no longer in the Soviet Union.
And I despise all groups, identities, etc. Fascism, all of it.
And I despise all groups, identities, etc. Fascism, all of it.
I prefer to think of it as granfalloonery.
I prefer to think of it as granfalloonery.
Yeah, those guys are the worst.
Would somebody please tell Chuckles and his pals that world affairs don’t always mirror a game of Risk?
Are McCain’s foreign policy visions psilocybin-induced?
Where is that man’s upper lip?
Where is anything whatsoever that distinguishes that man from a corpse?
Guess racial stereotyping based on anecdotes is totally fine when it’s done to people you don’t like. Got it.
Can the right please make up their minds?
I mean, it was just yesterday they were insisting we take Putin’s advice on how to run the country.
Guess racial stereotyping based on anecdotes…
give me some racial stereotyping based on SOLID STATISTICS!!!
One joins in the cheers for ben Tripp. “kick theblueberries out of them’ is very good. But damn that badminton snub must hurt, martinis will be being snorted into all over teh Hamptons.
I wonder if Krakpipehammer will now bring up The Palinator and how she can keep an eye on that side of the world from her front porch.
References to the Cuban missile crisis do not belong in such close proximity to Krauthammer’s explanation of why it is a good idea for Superpower #1 to install missiles in a small country close to the borders of Superpower #2.
The “wingnut” article in question was actually pretty informative. hates this guy for criticizing Obama, but is OK with his assertion that violent domination of Russia and its former Soviets by force is a good thing.
As long as we worship the politically correct elected official, any violence waged by America against the world is justified. This goes without saying.
You all read Chomsky and agreed and congratulated yourselves for being so smart, and now you’re all cheering for the evil empire.
wut ru talking about, obama is good. the taleban and al qaeda are evil, 9/11 changed everything. russia is communist and its ideology is bad. everything that happens in the world is all about ideology, bush invaded iraq to defend his father.
nothing ever happens in history for struggle over resources. it is ideology every time. there is always more resources than anyone needs, because there’s always better technology, so we never know how much resources we have.
water, oil, everything. there’s always more than we think. it’s forever, because of economics.
Oh my, my Pole’s exposed! hehe
The hammer of the kraut
Will drive our ships to new lands
To fight the horde, singing and crying,
“Karbala, I am coming!”
Yep, racial stereotyping is stupid and wrong and evil.
But national or cultural stereotyping is perfectly fine, though. Got it.
Usually, when I hear someone complaining that a foriegn nationality is being “loud and obnoxious,” the rationale is that the bastards have the temerity to actually talk to each other in their own language.
Sometimes laughing with each other while doing so! If they’re not going to speak English to each other, then why don’t they keep their voices down! Why, it’s like they’re not even ashamed of it! Oh, and this one dude cut in front of me, and I’m pretty sure he was Russian, so they’re all assholes!
I had a roommate who would always point to the one Mexican family on the block who had a filthy yard full of junk cars, who would play their music loud and stand around in that yard drinking beer all the time. Why, look at what low-class, drunken and lazy slobs Mexicans are! This of course required ignoring the 6 other Mexican homes on our block whose houses and yards were much nicer kept than our own. But they didn’t reinforce his stereotype, so to him they were invisible.
“There’s only two things I can’t stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures… and the Dutch.” -Nigel Powers