I Have Always Been More Afraid of Marriage Than A Mormon (UPDATED)
Shorter GayPatriotWest, aka Dan Blatt, aka America’s Most Ridiculous Gay Man™, aka The Theoretically Gay Man™, aka The Only Gay Man in Los Angeles Who Hasn’t Had Sex Since He Blew His Best Friend In The Basement In Sixth Grade™, aka The Right’s Favorite Fag™, aka The Gay Neville Chamberlain™:
“Why the big fuss over banning gay adoption? I can
still adopt a watermelon, you know.”
- There is nothing hateful about anyone telling me that I have less rights than they do.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Even though I only occasionally leave a comment over at the Theoretically Gay Patriot’s place, it seems I’ve been banned, as I learned when trying to post a nice little thank you note this morning for Dan. Here’s what Dan didn’t want his readers to see:
Well, Dan, this has been fun. And thanks for all the pie. Where else can you go to watch a bunch of straight commenters defend gay marriage while a bunch of gay commenters (regulars at your site) argue against it. My favorite moment was when one of your more whack-a-doodle-dandy regular commenters compared gay marriage to beastialist marriage. That was great! (Have him get back to us when people are storming city hall to marry their sheep, okay?)
Now I understand your position, at least as expressed in these comments, that you aren’t against gay marriage, per se, but just against courts allowing gay marriage. Many people made that argument during another civil rights struggle that you might have read about. I don’t like, they’d say, putting coloreds in second class schools, per se, but it’s a states rights issue to be decided by the state legislature, not by some activist judges in Washington. We pretty much know what the judgment of history and the courts was on that argument, don’t we? (I wouldn’t be much surprised, however, if some of your more extremist commenters still hold that position).
But, it is most peculiar that after offering that argument to confirm your own second-class citizenship you would do so in a post about a kid who couldn’t read anti-gay Biblical passages in class and then sued over it. Shouldn’t he be petitioning the California legislature?
Anyway, thanks for the entertainment. Keep up the good work even if its real value isn’t quite what you think it is.
Now, I thought that was a lovely little note, and I can’t imagine why Dan would be afraid to let it appear in the comments section. Lord knows, all kinds of other insanity can be found there. Dan really should be grateful for Sadly, No!’s attention because any time we have fun with him he gets hundreds of comments as opposed to his usual eleven or so.
One professor somewhere acts like a dick = advocates of same-sex marriage are not making a case for the social change they seek?
Well hell, pack up the tents and go home.
They look so happy together. I wish they could get married.
I believe Dan is his middle name. His real forename is Bruce. That’s right, Bruce. Why does he not use his first name?
Cuz Bruce Blart, I mean, Blatt makes him sound odd, like a comic book alter ego?
I hear the story about the student suing, backed by Dobson’s group, on the radio. The link to the LATimes article gives only the student’s side of the story, in fragments. I would certainly withhold judgement on what sounds like a heated dispute between two people, before basing a whole column on it. But then, I’m not a right wing blogger.
Where is his left hand?!!
Dan left out a little info about the situation he describes, but it’s in the LA Times article he links to. Seems the student who is at the center of the controversy is a Christian “who considers it a religious duty to share his beliefs, particularly with other students.” Okay, whatever, pretty straightforward stuff. Kid goes off on his faith-based rant, professor over-reacts.
What I don’t get is why Dan, a gay Jew, thinks it’s so important to stick up for the people who think he’s sub-human for at least two reasons. It just doesn’t make sense.
one of his commenters:In answer to Dan’s question, the left labels opposition as “hate” because they are intellectually incapable (or just plain too lazy) to construct intellectual arguments to support their position. By claiming the other side is motivated by “hate,” they seek to dismiss or discredit any opposing viewpoint.
There’s also some projection involved. The gay left hates C-h-r-i-s-t-i-a-n-s and conservatives, and so they project their own hate onto us.
How’s that for a totally non-dismissive, rigorous intellectual argument against the viewpoint of the gay left! AWESOME!
Duck and cover, here comes another wave of wingnuttery.
A homo adopting a watermelon?!? Rick Santorum was right!
What I find amazing about this is, you can’t argue marriage of ANY kind on an intellectual basis.
There is no rational argument that can be made for marriage beyond “social stability”, an argument that at best is qualitative, not quantitative, and has serious flaws even if you accept it as gospel truth.
Indeed, scientific evidence seems to indicate that marriage is in fact a bad and irrational thing (the male genetic drive in nature to recreate is to impregnate as many women of diverse genetic lines to ensure the continuation of the male genome). You’re forcing people into monogamy when the rest of nature seems to indicate that’s an unhealthy 9for the species) posture.
(By the way, I’m not trying to make an eugenics argument, or factor out human intellect and discipline. I’m just stating a simplistic and obvious observation of nature.)
Marriage is almost completely an emotional decision, from either point of view.
Dhalgren’s link: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20090216/us_nm/us_bridgestv_murder
RB, Dhalgren,
Andrew trumped that in the last thread with this:
Isn’t this usually the genesis of our occasional evo-psych and gender flamewars?
I’m not going there. Period. I even said I was making a wholly simplistic statement.
That’s hardly true. The male genetic drive in nature doesn’t preclude him from supporting his offspring. And there are a laundry list of studies demonstrating that children are served best by having multiple adult guardians of both genders. So there is a very good reason for something resembling marriage because it creates social stability.
Men also tend to be rather protective of their mates, so having a policy of pairing off individuals for reproductive purposes can curb the desire to club in your neighbor’s head over a harem of girlfriends.
And then there is the generic benefit of communal living. “Getting marriage” is the functional equivalent of declaring a permanent roommate. And there are a fair number of economic benefits to encouraging shared living space and resource use.
So there are lots of valid arguments for marriage and even a few not entirely irrational arguments for “straight only” marriage. There’s a reason the institution has persisted for thousands of years.
Oh good.
So there is a very good reason for something resembling marriage because it creates social stability.
Qualitative. Quantify this, show me how you can measure that social stability is necessarily a good thing.
I think we need to go back to the traditional concept of marriage in which the woman becomes the man’s property. Or the concept, traditionally adhered to in the traditional United States well into the super-traditional 19th century, by which the man and the woman at marriage merge into one legal entity: the man. I mean as long as we’re going all traditional and all.
Personally, I think marriage ought to be a renewable contract.
Anthony Hopkins, 37, was arrested Monday night at the Inspirational Tabernacle Church of God in Christ in Jackson, Alabama
I would like to point out that Alabama ministers are now two-for-two in the freakiness department, particularly when you include the guy with the wetsuits and buttplug.
RON HART: Hey, what happened to all that hope?
Americans fall into two distinct categories today: those who remember how devastating the policies of Jimmy Carter were, and those who are about to find out.
Sadly, the Obama administration inherited a mess – much of which is his party’s doing and much of which is due to Congress’ ineptitude. To the degree Obama lets the Pelosi nut-job wing of the Democratic Party lead legislation on this financial crisis, he will be doing us a great disservice.
Obama and his media Mini-Me’s have spent an inordinate amount of time disparaging the state of the economy and blaming the free market for its condition, thus ensuring they will receive the credit for any recovery. Market downturns, unemployment, inflation and the like can be attributed to residual affects of the flawed laissez-faire system. Or so goes their thinking. Successes, on the other hand, will be whatever they do.
The economy will recover no matter what Washington does. Obama is just trying to do something, even if it wrong.
The great “Doctor” Jimmy-boom-Beaty, orthopedics’ answer to Henny Youngman, once treated me for a jammed thumb. He said that he could take X-rays, put me in a brace and give me medicine and it would heal in four weeks. Or he said he could do nothing and it would heal in a month. Such is the situation with our economy. Like the Hippocratic oath, Congress should see first and foremost to do not harm.
The problem is the president is prolonging the financial crisis with his constant negativity. What happened to the “hope” promised throughout his campaign? What happened to the optimistic tone? The Reaganesque belief in the individual’s ability to lift oneself up by the bootstraps is notably absent from his actions, but not his past speeches.
Instead of hope, we were given a Cabinet comprised of tax-cheating thugs united in their belief that government is the only answer to our economic problems. They frighten their proletariat with their breathless warnings that $900 billion (which is about what they owe in personal back taxes) must be spent on pet projects, e.g., unions, school teachers, urban mayors’ wish lists, etc., to remedy our economic ills – the very same economic ills caused by similar government spending and entitlements. This stimulus bill is the equivalent of handing us octuplets when we already have more dependants than we can afford.
As Obama said on Feb. 4, “A failure to act, and act now, will turn crisis into a catastrophe.” This negative focus is in stark contrast to his inaugural speech where he said, “We choose hope over fear.”
A West Point grad told me recently that the fundamental tenet in leadership under stress is not to instill fear and point fingers, but rather to inspire confidence. So far, Obama and his Cabinet have not inspired any of us non-media types. Perhaps a little military training would have done him some good.
On the bright side, Obama stepped up and said he “screwed up” on some things. So he will admit mistakes. This differs from the last president who never admitted mistakes and the previous Democratic president who only came clean after DNA testing and a grand jury confirmed what “is” is.
It is my hope that Obama will use this character trait and the reservoir of goodwill surrounding his new presidency to change the course of Congress and this nation by letting free markets sort this out. Government is not the solution, it is the problem. More spending is not the answer. Certainly the answer is not a bill written by Nancy Pelosi giving $250 million in tax breaks to the DNC’s Hollywood movie supporters and funding a Frisbee golf course in the liberals’ only outpost in the south, Austin, Texas.
This recently passed “urgent ” pork or “spend-ulis bill” ($789 billion) is based on a flawed assumption of how our economy works. This is not help. This is the single largest power in governmental history. It is $3,000 of more debt for each of us, handed out to Democratic cronies. Nancy Pelosi will be proud.
Shorter Anonymous:
Sadly, the Obama administration inherited a mess
That’s all you need to say. Now sit down, shut up, and let the adults take over.
even a few not entirely irrational arguments for “straight only” marriage.
Really? I’d like to hear one. I’ve looked and looked for one and not only have I not seen a persuasive argument, I haven’t seen one that looked remotely rational.
Please don’t feed the trolls.
What I find amazing about this is, you can’t argue marriage of ANY kind on an intellectual basis.
How about, broadly speaking: societies recognize that family members have special rights regarding each other, and marriage is an easy way to confer rights to someone who would otherwise not have them, or perhaps I should say it is a way society recognizes that we have the right to choose those to whom we would confer those rights.
Oh great, he’s back to clog up the threads. And so is the copy-paste troll.
Personally, I think marriage ought to be a renewable contract.
With divorce executed by the traditional “I break with thee” (x3)/dog poop on the shoes ceremony.
No, he’s not.
I know that watermelon’s adopted, but still – it looks so much like him.
I would marry you if it were legal and I were shown proof that social stability is a good thing, dear, sweet Killfile. but why, oh why can’t you work on Blackberries?
How about, broadly speaking: societies recognize that family members have special rights regarding each other, and marriage is an easy way to confer rights to someone who would otherwise not have them, or perhaps I should say it is a way society recognizes that we have the right to choose those to whom we would confer those rights.
I’m tempted to agree, to the extent that inheritance is certainly made easier with a codification of family ties. Nothing a will couldn’t establish of course, but marriage does imply certain overrides.
Oh great, he’s back to clog up the threads. And so is the copy-paste troll.
Hee hee – yeah, nothing starts off your day like a good evo-psych kerfuffle.
There has to be a legal way of acknowledging the blended genetic material that is offspring. Prior to scientific ways, marriage was one of those ways.
It’s possible that since DNA determination can nail that down as a separate procedure, marriage will become more of a companionship than a progeny convention. With people living, and remarrying, far past their reproductive years, this could be a further legal consideration.
does imply certain overridesis an endless series of compromises.Fixed.
That is sort of where I was headed with my thinking. It was one thing when marriage was a convention that established a family, and that family became a basis of a society.
On the other hand, there were perfectly acceptable forms of bonding, like tribal, that expanded the concept of family. The concept that marriage is the basis of a society is pretty western, and I’m not even sure it creates the most stable societies.
That adoption looks like it’s not going to turn out well.
There is no rational argument that can be made for marriage beyond “social stability”
This seems to imply that marriage confers no objective advantages in society. The laws indicate otherwise when it comes to everything from taxes to disposal of property at death, & I’d say those are plenty quantitative. I’m neutral on marriage itself, but those facts are made brutally obvious to same-sex couples (in countries that forbid them from marrying) whenever they suffer seperation or the death of one partner. Plainly, laws allowing same-sex marriage wouldn’t “destroy” marriage but lead to more of it – & the absence of such laws leads to enormous (& completely unnecessary) human suffering … so the logical conclusion is that its opponents are either elitists, sadists, or both.
Those laws are an extension of the concept of marriage. It’s a little hard to use those to prove that marriage is quantifiably better than no marriage.
It would be like proving that, because we have a national highway system, the automobile is the best form of transportation.
If you can question whether social stability is a quantitative good, surely you can also question inheritance on the same grounds.
As for intellectual justification for the good of marriage, or at least long term partnerships, how about emotional satisfaction and an incubator for personal growth? Two person interpersonal relationships are often the only form of relationship that forces individuals to adapt and grow.
“Andrew trumped that in the last thread with this:
“Preacher killed wife, stuffed body in freezer”
Is that really trump? Seems more like a full house with an ace in the hole to me.
Are we sure this man is gay or is this a big hoax (straight man poses as gay ashamed man in an attempt to persuade other gays to live an ungay life)?
If you can question whether social stability is a quantitative good, surely you can also question inheritance on the same grounds.
To the extent that it is an outgrowth of the capitalist system, I think you can make the argument for inheritance, if you accept capitalism at its face. After all, what’s the point in profit if you can’t do with it as you see fit?
Not just inheritance: privacy(hospital visitation, medical information, court testimony, etc), some decision-making, shared property rights, there’s a whole passel of rights that have to be stitched together for gay couples to have anywhere close to the rights recognized by society via marriage. Again, my idea is that individuals have the right to decide who has these familial rights, and that “marriage” doesn’t CONFER them, it just recognizes publicly that the INDIVIDUAL confers them. I would agree that our current marriage norm doesn’t capture this, or “gay marriage BAD!!” wouldn’t be an issue.
The spam comments in the “Kathleen Parker Takes a Whack At It” thread are far more entertaining.
(emphasis by yours truly)
The best, really the best part of Bruce Blart’s post is that. If if if. IF he wasn’t such a fucking idjit and IF he didn’t jump at the opportunity to beg “Thank you sir may I have another?” and IF wasn’t basing his whole WAAAAH WAAAAH WAAAH on a pure hypothetical (no, that’s not quite accurate – on a premise that is pretty clearly false as demonstrated in the previous fucking paragraph) and IF…
Sometimes I’m ashamed for my fellow faggots, really I am. I’d apologize for him but he’s too much the asshole to deserve it.
It’s interesting that he lives in LA. He whines a lot about being discriminated against for his conservatism, but if he were to live in a more conservative part of the US, he’d be discriminated against a great deal more – perhaps even in fear for his life. Sounds like he wants all the attention a martyr gets without having to actually suffer at all. He should come here, we give him attention.
I use the term asshole in the pejorative sense. Nothing wrong with being a fan of teh buttseks. Nothing wrong with that at all. Nope, buttseks is just fine. Really, buttseks involving, as it does, teh BUTTOCKS can’t be anything other than….um,….that is….
Now where was I?
The point is that you can do what you want with it, but once you are dead, there is no more you so it really doesn’t matter what happens to the rest. I don’t actually believe this extreme but I do have a healthy fear of inherited wealth and the damage it can do to society. It infers power onto people that could never earn it on their own.
Oh, and Simba B? poop feck arse.
Perhaps Bruce only likes ‘butsex’: a series of whiny hypotheticals engineered to wank off conservative closet cases.
The spam comments in the “Kathleen Parker Takes a Whack At It” thread are far more entertaining.
Where is this thread of which you speak?
The spambots seem to have latched on to this thread, and have been leaving porn-related spam for a couple of weeks now.
“To be sure, some supporters of that traditional definition can be called haters, but not all, not even most.” —- Gay Patriot Dan.
Shorter: Most people who fucking hate my faggot guts are pretty cool.
I suppose he could be a g0y.
Rusty, has no one introduced you to the magical wonders of the comment RSS feed? http://www.sadlyno.com/comments/feed or djur.desperance.net/sadlyno/rss/feed?bad_users=|The+Truth*|The+Fool*|Der+Klown*|Right+Wing+Con* etc. for the more fastidious.
Rusty, has no one introduced you to the magical wonders of the comment RSS feed?
Hey, I just figured out killfile. Baby steps.
If you need a hand, just ask; peeps here are pretty nice for the most part 😉
I bet Dan Blatt loves this ad:
Yep, those gay marriage opponents aren’t haters at all, no sirree. Move to West Virginia, Dan. I’m sure they’ll embrace you.
One other thing I wish to point out is that “traditional marriage” isn’t traditional. At least, not for the THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF YEARS the Christinanity community would have you believe. You are all probably aware of that already. What you may not be aware of is the work of the very fey (and cute, before he died) Yale(?) historian John Boswell. Though he has fallen out of favor in academic circles (most of whom are eagerly sucking Foucault’s cock these days) he made a pretty good case that the early church actually performed gay marriages until about the 12th century or so. Also, while I recommend his books highly, be forewarned that they are written in quite the scholoarly manner – not light reading at all.
Shorter Anonymous:
Sadly, the Obama administration inherited a mess
That’s all you need to say. Now sit down, shut up, and let the adults take over.
One of his posts on a previous thread featured Rush Limbaugh stating that he aspired to be a brainwashing cult leader in the same league as Jim Jones. Copypasta troll isn’t very good at this.
Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.
Just sayin’.
Albert, if the physics thing doesn’t work out you there’s a place for you here.
In the Bible, men had many wives, and concubines too!
Isn’t that the most “traditional” interpretation of marriage, and why aren’t they clamoring for this?
(Hee hee.)
Someone should introduce him to the BDSM scene, that’s a much healthier way to get those cravings for pain out of his system.
You can’t fool me. Those two aren’t married.
Everyone knows a man and a melon cantaloupe.
Argh. That was supposed to be *rimshot*
Honey don’t.
And I’ve dated enough fruits to know.
Marriage is almost completely an emotional decision, from either point of view
The overwhelming emotion was one of fear, as I remember. I just could not stand there with her Dad’s 12 gauge bruising my ribs and retain my sang froid. I don’t know if it was emotional or more of a fright-or-flight thing.
But I can never decide whether to spit out or swallow the seed.
(Awfully quiet in here, ain’t it?)
Don’t you think the kiwis here might take offense?
In the Bible, men had many wives, and concubines too!
What did they do about the quills? They have little hooks on the end, you know.
I have, in the recent past, offered to marry Sadly, No!, but I was roundly handed the mitten and told to take the air.
And I already have a wife, so I thought the offer was big of me.
My attorneys will be in touch.
It is plum quiet in here. Maybe you should write a pome.
I just could not stand there with her Dad’s 12 gauge bruising my ribs and retain my sang froid.
Oh, are we talking the Palin kids again?
By “compromises” I assume you mean “the husband giving up and agreeing with his wife.”
We could write a pome, granite, but where would that get us?
My attorneys will be in touch.
Hungadunga, Hungadunga, Hungadunga, Hungadunga and McCormick.
I may have left out a Hungadunga, but that’s okay — they won’t all be in the office at the same time.
If Dan doesn’t feel he has the right to get married, no one is forcing him to. It’s just pathetic that he feels the need to suck up to people who basically see him as a pervert.
I note with some surprise that t4toby’s comment and mine are still there. Go figure.
SomeNYGuy said,
February 17, 2009 at 20:02
You can’t fool me. Those two aren’t married.
Everyone knows a man and a melon cantaloupe.
You sure wouldn’t want to risk making an apple of yourself.
I may have left out a Hungadunga, but that’s okay — they won’t all be in the office at the same time.
But you left out the most important one!
“Instead of responding to the student with argument, the professor responded with ad hominem attacks.”
ad Hominem attacks? Doesn’t he know that sites like “Sadly, no” (and Lefties, in general) couldn’t exist without ad hominem attacks! It’s they’re way of arguing, hello.
“Instead of responding to the student with argument, the professor responded with ad hominem attacks.”
ad Hominem attacks? Doesn’t he know that sites like “Sadly, no” (and Lefties, in general) couldn’t exist without ad hominem attacks! It’s the way they argue.
Don’t feed the new troll please.
I don’t understand how gay marriage would have any effect on straight marriage. Straight marriage has changed so many times in the USA in the last 200 years that it’s hard to put your finger on what “traditional” marraige might be. Polygamy in Utah, polygamy abolished in Utah, polygamy quietly permitted again, divorce prohibited, fault-based divorce, no fault divorce, common law marriage recognized, common law marriage abolished, ages of consent for marriage ranging from 14 to 18 and beyond, decriminalization of adultery, decriminalization of cohabitation, marriage of first cousins permitted, marriage of first cousins prohibited, women as chattel, women as persons, miscegenation laws abolished, breach of promise laws abolished (yes, it used to be illegal for a man to break an engagement), marriage as a defense to rape, marriage an option but not a requirement for respectability, etc., etc.. None of that was in any way driven by gay marriage. And that’s just the USA in 200 years.
Maybe we mean the biblical model of of “traditional” marriage. But which one? Jacob marries two non-Jewish sisters and has sex with the maids as well? Solomon with 700 wives and 300 concubines? It’s a sin to marry your sister-in-law. Or it’s maybe its required. Divorced women are prohibited from remarrying. Or maybe not. And Jesus hanging out with the guys, and not really interested in chicks? What’s up with that?
Or worldwide? Polyandry and polygyny (think Tibet)? Child marriage? Female genital mutilation as a prerequisite for marriage? Honor killings of errant or disobedient wives? All traditional somewhere, even today. But gay marriage doesn’t seem to be having an effect on any of it.
So why would gay marriage suddenly have an influence on the constant evolution of straight marriage in any way? I’ve asked a lot of straight married people, and they all say that gay marriage has had no effect on their marriages. Some even live in Massachusetts where the gay marriage rays must be the strongest, and one couple just across the border in Rhode Island where the gay marriage rays are still pretty strong. But no, they are still happily married. Will someone explain the cause and effect to me?
“Everyone knows a man and a melon cantaloupe.”
SomeNYGuy: Orange you ashamed of yourself?
Wow, that troll’s name is a blast from the past!
“Hungadunga, Hungadunga, Hungadunga, Hungadunga and McCormick.”
Actually, I believe Mr. Marx uses the fine law firm of Dewey, Cheatum and Howe.
Or is it Shyster, Flywheel and Shyster?
RobNYNY, I’m in MA, and it’s just AWFUL here; what with the non-stop orgies and abortothons I can’t get ANY sleep.
“ad Hominem attacks? Doesn’t he know that sites like “Sadly, no” (and Lefties, in general) couldn’t exist without ad hominem attacks! It’s the way they argue.”
Yup, that’s all the AngryLeft has now. What with trillion dollar deficits and the coming hyperinflation it’s not like they can defend BHO’s record.
The PorkulusBill is the beginning of the end of America, and a move towards EuropeanSocialism.
RobNYNY – it gets even better. Take a guess as to which of these yoonited states has the lowest divorce rate. G’won, g’hed, take a guess.
what with the non-stop orgies and abortothons I can’t get ANY sleep.
Damn conservatives coming into our territories…
Yup, that’s all the AngryLeft has now
Tsk tsk. those nasty people and their “ad Hominem attacks!” How dare they?
Tintin astutely pointed out Dan’s totally awesome lack of a sex life. It’s likely that not only doesn’t he get laid, he can’t even get a date. I wonder if he’d change his mind about gay marriage if anyone ever showed the least interest in him, dating-wise. I cna’t imagine such a thing happening (his getting a date, that is) but in this crazy world anything is possible.
$1 trillion, down the drain as soon as BHO sings the PorkulusBill.
Just another example of Democrat GenerationalTheft.
It’s only because in the melee that ensued after gay marriage was recognized we can’t remember which of our partners was first.
Tsk tsk. those nasty people and their “ad Hominem attacks!” How dare they?
It really is undignified, wouldn’t you agree?
“The Gay Neville Chamberlain”
May I suggest instead The Queer Vidkun Quisling?
Holy shit, it just occurred to me that the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots happens this coming summer.
“It” in my last comment being divorce in MA. Idle hands = devil’s workshop, so many to do, so little time, etc.
The 2nd Law of Homodynamics deals with this explicitly.
Solomon with 700 wives and 300 concubines?
Just reading that exhausted the hell out of me.
Holy shit, it just occurred to me that the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots happens this coming summer.
I think it’s a shame that some Southerners still celebrate the birthday of a defeated Confederate general.
Oh, wait, wrong thread…
Funny, PeeJ, we posted almost identical comments, one after another.
Does that make me gay?
I really should mind my nym.
Honestly, is there anything more hilariously lame than the Right Wingers new word “Porkulus”? Aren’t they embarrassed by writing it? Surely they don’t actually utter it in public, do they?
You libs should look at the California budget crisis. That’s what happens when liberals run a government for too long.
It beat their other choice, Count Porkula.
All the MassiveSpending the libs promoted over the years in California has finally caught up with them, and they ruined a once great state.
Guess what state has a massive suprlus?
Texas illustrates the success of ConservativePrinciples, while California is the epitome of the LiberalState.
Southern Conservative
This new nym explains a lot.
As far as the dire effect of gay marriages on straight ones. It would finally allow my parents to throw the big wedding party for their gay best friends that they’ve been planning together for over a year now. Definitely free them up for more Wii playing.
Is this a computer program? It looks like it.
It even has CamelCase words. Weird.
“I just could not stand there with her Dad’s 12 gauge bruising my ribs and retain my sang froid.
Oh, are we talking the Palin kids again?”
Just recently, thinking about how McCain chose Palin as a running mate over his buddy Lieberman, it occured to me that Holy Joe must have found out the dreadful news when he walked in on the two of them gettin’ it on. Running over in a Joan Collins-esque snit, he then dragged Madam Moosemeat off of his One Twue Bipartisan Wuv, yelling at the slut, “Woman, get your tits out of my man’s face!” Only to have his heart (such as it is) crushed when John Boy and his new girl sneered that they were an official couple now, leaving ugly old Rape Gurney Joe out in the cold! “I’ve gone as far as I can with you, sister…You’re of no further use to me! Now, beat it! Yer bringing me down!” Oh, how Short Ride fled the scene, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing his weasley little eys out, as St. McCain and Moosilini roared with the cruelest of laughter!
Or so I like to imagine.
Soon Washington D.C. will be governed like Sacremento.
Honestly, is there anything more hilariously lame than the Right Wingers new word “Porkulus”? Aren’t they embarrassed by writing it? Surely they don’t actually utter it in public, do they?
This is the real Porkulus:
I love those cool little buzz-phrases joined together! You should copyright them. You’re like so e-cool, like on the Internet and all. It’s, like so Fresh! I bet you really connect with the Young People that way!
I see where Proposition 13 has come back to bite California in the ass this weekend.
“You libs should look at the California budget crisis. That’s what happens when liberals run a government for too long.”
Ummmm…Who’s been the Governator of Californy for the last several years? That cyborg fellah…What’s his name again? And what Party affiliation does he have? Me forgets…
“Ummmm…Who’s been the Governator of Californy for the last several years?”
A RINO, that’s who.
In any other state Schwarzenegger would be a LiberalDemocrat.
By the by, the Dictionary definition of “Porkulus remains:
“Any sexual act involving Rush Limbaugh.”
Yes, with plenty of Santorum involved.
You libs should look at the California budget crisis. That’s what happens when liberals run a government for too long.
No, you ignorant dipshit, what’s happening in California is that Republican obstructionists refuse to finance the state budget properly. If certain elements of society paid their share, it would be a different story.
“If certain elements of society paid their share, it would be a different story.”
What should “their share”? 40% of their income? 50%? 80%? 100%?
At what point does a person become OverTaxed?
Kids! Tintin has respectfully requested that we not feed the trolls. Let’s be polite and do as our host requests. Besides it’s not nice to taunt caged animals, or to make fun of retards.
Besides it’s not nice to taunt caged animals, or to make fun of retards.
I think they prefer the term “FReeper”.
Yes, SadlyNauts, no troll feeding. It just encourages them to come hijack threads with wingnut talking points that aren’t even relevant to the post or the thread.
I think fake trolls should have a tax rate of 110%.
Wat what point does a person become OverTaxed?
“Ummmm…Who’s been the Governator of Californy for the last several years?”
A RINO, that’s who.
Don’t you just love the the way any actual, registered, rec’d. the nomination & ran as a Republican, from President to City Council member, can be instantly dismissed as a “RINO,” but we on the left are tarred w/ the same brush no matter who it is, from Bob Avakian to Ward Churchill. Not that I necessarily disagree w/ some or all of their positions.
What’s even funnier is watching how Bush is now becoming a RINO because he agreed to push Paulson’s bailout package.
I just could not stand there with her Dad’s 12 gauge bruising my ribs and retain my sang froid.
Eventually I worked out that this referred to some sort of shotgun.
Troll-wise: Are we so weak that they can come here & “hijack” a thread? Whatever happened to majority rule?
I swear, by 2050, Jonah Goldberg’s heirs will tell us Bush beat the Republican Al Gore in 2000!
Comments have to be relevant?!! NOOOOOOOOOO!
“What’s even funnier is watching how Bush is now becoming a RINO because he agreed to push Paulson’s bailout package.”
The bailout package certainly was an example of LiberalSocialism. It’s sad and unfortunate that Bush pushed it.
Smut, do you not have shotguns in your up-side down world? And if you do, are they simply referred to as big, bigger & “Anything you say, sir?”
I wonder if Bush is off the wagon yet.
No, we have rayguns. And flying cars.
Well, they’ve been pulling that “Bush isn’t a real conservative” crap since he failed to impose
ShariaMosaic law once he was in office.Now it’s “He’s not really a Republican?”
Threadjacking is just rude. Our S,N! overlords toil day and night over a hot stove to give us these most excellent posts. Then some shit-for-brains troll comes along and rouses the rabble and the next thing you know there goes another hijacked thread, cheating us non-feeders out of otherwise laugh-a-minute entertainment and forcing us to find something useful to do. I hate when that happens.
Does that make me gay?
You know very well what makes you gay. We’ve discussed this before, young man.
Don’t try to confuse me w/ your over-priced ray-guns. Where’s the flying cars link?
I wonder if Bush is off the wagon yet.
I wonder if he was ever on the wagon.
There’s a wagon?
Also, is Bush even on the wagon? I heerd rumors…..
Where’s the flying cars link?
My monkey butler will contact you shortly with the details.
I note with some surprise that t4toby’s comment and mine are still there. Go figure.
Despite the ribbing he takes here, Dan’s a pretty decent guy. I had a quite civil email exchange with him after something he wrote that I thought was ridiculous. He seems like a good sort, just misguided.
Everyone knows a man and a melon cantaloupe.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:
For children, a woman;
For pleasure, a boy;
But for sheer ecstasy, a melon.
– Old Arab Proverb (courtesy an old issue of the National Lampoon).
I sure do hope so. Having better education and a longer life expectancy sounds good to me.
Why not go back to when the GOP ran the country in the 50’s (aren’t the 50’s supposed to be America’s high point?). 93% top tax rate sounds good to me. At least that’s what it was in 1958.
We are all Hamburgulars, now.
My monkey butler will contact you shortly with the details.
Robot monkey, or are you still kicking it old school flesh-and-blood?
Wow!! He gave birth to that multi-pound watermelon? All by himself? Who’s going to raise it? Doesn’t it take two to raise a well-adjusted, healthy young melon in this society?
Bet it hurt coming out.
Overtaxed troll’s tiny brain is overtaxed.
Cyborg monkey butler. The Kiwis are all over the high-tech.
G’won, g’hed, take a guess.
BTW, excellent Bert Lahr imitation, PeeJ.
Is there any reason why your sockpuppets appear to be getting dumber and dumber? You’re leaving us with the idea that you were really just screwing around the entire time. If you were, good for you, it was a good act. If you weren’t, seriously, get some meds.
Thank you, thank you. I’ll be here all week…..
Why are trolls so bad at spelling?
Prior art on flying cars.
Many of the Democrats’ own leading economists, including Bill Clinton’s former budget director said this spending bill won’t work. And O’s Bank Bailout II proved so lacking that, according to the Wall Street Journal, it had market pros at a securities conference laughing out loud. Instead, this bill is about payouts to teachers unions, Planned Parenthood and those upstanding community organizers at ACORN, who in anticipation are already staging protests at the reeling banks they had helped force into bad loans.
Private capital and business moves the economy forward, not government spending.
Ahh, see, that one sounded a little smarter, Troofy. Good jorb.
$1 trillion, down the drain as soon as BHO sings the PorkulusBill.
You have to admit it was a catchy tune.
It was certainly spelled better.
It occurs to me that the title of this post can be read more than one way. Is it “… than of a Mormon” or “… than is a Mormon“? Cuz those are two like totally different things.
I have known a few morons er, Mormons. In my experience, the ones afraid of marriage are the gay ones.
Hey, Porkulus Bill
What did you kill
Porkulus Bill?
He went out RINO hunting with his donkey and his gun…
Even Bill Clinton’s budget director says its doomed!
The Porkulus will only make the economy worse. The thought of wasteful government spending being stimulative to the economy is one of the most stupid ideas ever put forward.
Our children and grandchildren will have to pay for this deficit!
Has anyone named their band Porkulus Bill yet?
I believe that ACORN should be given $300 billion dollars.
But you have to wonder why it doesn’t talk about the real subject of the thread?
Namely: watermelons, and the barriers to their adoption.
I have always been more afraid of marriage than a Mormon is afraid of marriage
I have always been more afraid of marriage than I am afraid of a Mormon
I have always been more afraid of marriage than I have been a Mormon
Shalom, gentlemen. Blart.
Does anybody know how to contact Rush Limbaugh? His pusher isn’t returning our calls.
Bill Clinton’s budget director founded ACORN.
In any case, the deficit doesn’t matter because Mr Cheney said so. If that’s good enough for him, that’s good enough for me.
Now, back to watermelon adoption.
I understand now. Bruce is gazing at that watermelon with such deep affection because someone has injected it with lots ‘n’ lots of vodka.
“When Ronald Reagan’s face appeared on my tortilla I knew I God was telling me to enter politics.”
~Sarah Palin
Wrong. Our children and grandchildren will be paying for the GOP deficit.
So which is better? A tax and spend Democrat? Or a borrow and spend Republican?
Was that the same one who said NAFTA was nifty? Or was that the one who said Monica gives lousy blowjobs?
No, they were laughing out loud about the bonuses they snuck in before the bailout.
Tom, the troll is a piece of performance art better left ignored. No positions spouted are sincere, responses are better sent to Eliza.
The thought of a tax break being stimulative to the economy didn’t seem to work. But not to worry, this is good government spending, not that wasteful spending you are so worried about.
And what makes you think any of my positions are sincere? And anyway, it is well known that pineapples are much more popular in the gay community.
“Bill Clinton’s budget director founded ACORN.”
Ah. Their pure hatred of ACORN makes so much more sense now, even considering that it was helping minorities register to vote.
I’m not really sure who tintin is, he seems to have come around in about the last 3 months (with no introduction that I caught)
The writing is good, but seriously, on-topic comment threads? What are we now, Firedog lake?
I admit that the trolls have been boring lately, but Sadly has been doing the O/T thread thing as long as I’ve been around here (3 or so years) and it is still seems to be thriving.
This blog works for me because I am so ADHD I cannot stay on-topic (and it has some of the best biting snark on the webz). It would be a shame to have to leave my little corner of the intert00bz because people decided that more regulations were the answer.
O/T rules!!!1!
It would be a shame to have to leave my little corner of the intert00bz because people decided that more regulations were the answer.
You must admit, tainted meat is a health hazard.
We have ACORN.
The right wing has truck nutz.
Which makes for bigger trees?
An adoption is between one or two non-gay adults and one child. If people could adopt watermelons it would destroy traditional adoptions. What would stop people from adopting their dogs. It’s in the Bible, people.
Plus it was lack of regulation as practiced under Emperorator Chimpy I that helped send the economy into the vast sucking void. So.
I think we should give watermelons 3/5 of a vote.
blart! blart blart. BLAAAARRRRTTTT!
Ronald Reagan’s face appeared on my tortilla
Is that what the kids are calling it nowadays? Cuz me no wanty.
Tintin is an S,N! blogger that changed his/her name 3 months ago but has been around much longer here at S,N! Comments speculating as to his/her name will defeat the purpose of the name change and the name will be edited out. But to regular S,N! folks, it should be pretty obvious what my former nom de blog was.
Private capital and business moves the economy forward, not government spending.
You know it!! The economy can tell exactly if money comes from “private capital & business,” & it can tell if it’s “gov’t. spending” money. Then it uses the gov’t. spending $$$ for toilet paper & kindling, while giving the private capital & business money back to private capital & business, leaving those who created the wealth (that is, people who work for a living, rather than management) for PC & B holding the bag.
I’m not sure I get this. Can the child be gay? Can it be one gay adult and one non-gay adult? Can I adopt more than two non-gay adults? Why can’t two children adopt two non-gay adults?
Is that what the kids are calling it nowadays?
You’re thinking of a pink taco.
People have been feeding trolls on the intertubes since I was a noob, back in the gay nineties. Same as it ever was.
Ah. Their pure hatred of ACORN makes so much more sense now, even considering that it was helping minorities register to vote.
Actually it was Wade Rathke.
I just got totally pissed off and blew my top over at G0y(not)Patriot. I think a need a hug from sumbuddy.
An adoption is between one or two non-gay adults and one child.
This is also known as a “Republican Orgy”.
I’d give you a hug but my hands are full of mustache wax.
What about the ACORN-sponsored CRA that forced these failing banks to give loans to people who couldn’t repay them? It’s what started this whole crisis. Those “communist organizers” forced banks to give loans to people who couldn’t repay them in the name of social engineering.
I think a need a hug from sumbuddy.
I know this nice, single watermelon…
YES!!! Soon our plan will have worked and we will all be living longer, healthier, happier lives like they do in Europe! You poor fool! You have fallen into our trap!
No one “is” gay. People choose to be gay so that they can enjoy all the special privileges and benefits thereto appertaining.
No. That would destroy traditional adoption.
If we allowed that then we’re 3/8 of the way down the slippery slope to the presumably slippery floor of a valley in which a person can adopt a highway, or a paramecium can adopt an elevator.
An adoption is between one or two non-gay adults and one child.
So, like, two totally het best buds who are always playin’ ball & ATVing & doing all sorts of manly stuff together all the time could adopt a child? Or two non-gay women, married to two entirely different men, could adopt a child?
Tintin is people!!
So, tintin, I’m confused.
I’m not a regular around here? That will be welcome news to my boss, believe me.
In your defense, however, I am easily confused, which could explain the whole kerfluffle.
You know what’s funny about this meltdown? How everyone points fingers, except at the Republican Congress that pushed for the repeal of Glass Steagal in 1999, as shepherded by Phlil “Count Porkula” Gramm…
Sounds to me like there’s your villian in all this.
Thank god for christians. Life would be downright dull without them.
Wait, we can adopt gay adults?
Hm. That sure would save on my interior decorating costs. I could just pay them an allowance.
Pfft, Christians are nothing. We behead our wives.
Some of us even fly planes to skyscrapers full of thousands of people!
It’s amazing that for all acorns do you never hear about the political activities of oak trees. Do they get it out of their systems early? And what of other large fruited angiosperms?
Thanks Andrew. Then their hatred of ACORN is just because of its mission.
(((PeeJ))) — please accept a nice, warm cyberhug consisting of six curved rows of pixels around your name.
George Soros paid me to give houses to poor people in order to precipitate a crisis that would get Obama elected.
I did, and it worked. And now every household in America will get free melons, pork chops, and giant plastic acorns from the government, to be paid for with an exclusive Republican Tax.
tigris said sperms hehehehehe.
The economy can tell exactly if money comes from “private capital & business,” & it can tell if it’s “gov’t. spending” money.
It’s like homeopathy. If the dollars are agitated in the right way, they retain a memory of how they were previously used, which in turn can have a beneficial or deleterious effect on their next engagement with the economy. A decent money-laundering service can blank out those monetary memories.
I just got totally pissed off and blew my top over at G0y(not)Patriot. I think a need a hug from sumbuddy.
Sorry to hear that, PeeJ. You want us to go over there and kick their ass?
Some of us murder our wives and stuff them in freezers!
Government is not the solution to our problem, government IS the problem.
If the dollars are agitated in the right way, they retain a memory of how they were previously used
I sure hope my girlfriend never gets that dollar I gave the lap dancer…
two totally het best buds who are always playin’ ball & ATVing & doing all sorts of manly stuff together all the time could adopt a child?
According to the laws of movie scripts, a traditional adoptive family requires a minimum of three totally het best buds.
Well, Ronald Reagan’s government sure as damn hell was the problem!
Why is SC wasting his time writing crap that no one here remotely believes?
Does he believe it himself? Maybe he belongs to the 25% of the population that believes it, but then don’t forget that an even larger percentage believes in teh Virgin Birth and that the Flood wiped out the dinosaurs.
I blame the deporable state of our education system.
To be more accurate: government, by me and my friends, IS the problem.
Ronnie, you’re dead. Now get back in that coffin.
Some of us even drop bombs on innocent civilian populations in acts of terror, & aren’t even man enough to die for it the way the Mohammedans do.
Ronnie, only when Republicans are in charge, baby.
Is that watermelon photoshopped? Because I can’t imagine that anyone is stupid enough to pose for such a stupid picture.
And if it is photoshopped, how difficult would it be to ..
make …it….. an ….ACORN?!!!!!!!111111
So what if I’m the one most responsible for melting down the entire US economy. You’re just a bunch of WHINERS.
opie_jeanne said,
February 17, 2009 at 23:32 (kill)
Virgin Birth and that the Flood wiped out the dinosaurs.
Or maybe a flood birth wiped out the virgin dinosaurs… RAPE WAVE!
I believe that’s how you cyber-nauts do the hug thing, right?
February 17, 2009 at 23:33
Some of us even drop bombs on innocent civilian populations in acts of terror, & aren’t even man enough to die for it the way the Mohammedans do.”
Rev. Wright, is that you? Shouldn’t you be at a dinner with BHO now?
Virgin Birth And The Flood would be a good band name.
Or maybe a flood birth wiped out the virgin dinosaurs… RAPE WAVE!
Original recipe, or Crunchy Islamic?
Why is SC wasting his time writing crap that no one here remotely believes?
pat: I don’t know about YOU, pal, but I for one believe EVERYTHING Smut Clyde says.
I now pronounce you, man and melon.
Ooops, the other SC.
There is no SC but Smut Clyde, and his motive is to profit.
Rev. Wright, is that you? Shouldn’t you be at a dinner with BHO now?
Why, yes. We’re going to put on our top hats & beads, boil some missionaries in a great big stewpot, & after dinner have a belching contest. The phrase to be belched will be “We hate whitey.” In the White House!!
After that we’re gonna have a mass cannibalization of lame-ass parody trolls. On the East Lawn. Of the White House, in case I didn’t mention it.
Thou shalt have no false Smut Clydes before me.
Southern Conservative said,
February 17, 2009 at 21:17
I would never doubt the veracity or truthiness of anything that Smut Clyde says. Ever.
Let’s take a poll.
America, what are you more afraid of?
(a) Rev. Jeremiah Wright, or
(b) Republican economic policies.
A show of hands, please?
You mean the dinosaurs were wiped out by the deplorable state of our educational system? Well, they should have gone to Sylvan!
A show of hands, please?
I got a finger for the economic policies.
You mean the dinosaurs were wiped out by the deplorable state of our educational system?
That’s right. There’s a great big sign that says “LaBrea Tar Pits,” but the dinosaurs were so poorly educated they couldn’t read it and walked right in.
Did someone say Rev. Wright?
Gamecock brings more crazy.
(h/t J–)
Cross-posted from two threads ago
That guy that blew up the building in Oklahoma City died, didn’t he? I mean, eventually.
A reminder for all (from the Dep’t. of Redundancy Dep’t.) who don’t know how fucking stupid some in Southern Calif. are:
La Brea translates as “Tar Pits.”
Therefore, “Tar Pits Tar Pits.”
The dinosaurs were confused.
I don’t know about you, but I prefer that So. Cal. stupidity to that stupidity you find in our southern states.
Kinda like teh Rio Grande River?
The dinosaurs were confused.
Only if they were bilingual, so I stand by my original assertion.
Fuck yeah!! I remember Sanford & Son-mania. I remember when Redd Foxx got the “Most Prominent Cultural Icon of the 1970s” award from Reagan at the Kennedy Center. First thing Reagan did after he got out of the hospital after that most epic of fails by Hinckley.
a great big sign that says “LaBrea Tar Pits,”
Should be The LaBrea Tar Pits, for extra specificitude.
Is that watermelon photoshopped?
It was probably surgically enhanced. That’s the problem with p0rn… young people are disappointed when they encounter a natural watermelon.
A reminder for all (from the Dep’t. of Redundancy Dep’t.) who don’t know how fucking stupid some in Southern Calif. are:
La Brea translates as “Tar Pits.”
Therefore, “Tar Pits Tar Pits.”
Hey, tell that to “The Los Angeles Angels”. Of Anaheim.
Ohio police say a man held a woman captive in handcuffs and an adult diaper for three days while he read Bible passages to her.
Which passages?
Then we could always go to the beach at Playa del Rey.
Or the Camino highway.
To be fair, maybe the dinosaurs thougth it said “beach” and they could get away from the flood.
But to regular S,N! folks, it should be pretty obvious what my former nom de blog was.
And us irregular zombies too.
And us irregular zombies too.
I hear Raisin Brains can help you out with that irregularity problem.
I am so sick of whiny ass dinosaurs complaining about teh language. Iffen they can’t speal English they should stay where they belong
I don’t want no more “Press 1 for Dinosaur” no more.
Memory bested by a zombie.
Welcome to Toby’s world.
And they must have been in a hurry, a panic even, when they realized the rain would never stop until every one of them was extinct. And they ran away so fast they forgot their glasses, so they couldn’t see the sign very well anyway and…
Or maybe they ran into the La Brea for the specific purpose of giving humans SOMETHING TO DISCOVER five thousand years later.
Speaking of regular S,N! visitors, whatever happened to Billy Pilgrim?
[glares in suspicion at nearest zombie]
Because they knew they were not even going to get so much as a footnote in the Bible and this was the only way they could tell their story..
I can count to potato!!
And they ran away so fast they forgot their glasses
Ah, that explains tektites.
Hey! I’m not a zombie, I’m just dumber than one.
Pedant up.
La brea can mean tar, pitch, or sackcloth. So the place could also be the Pitch Tar Pits or the Sackcloth Tar Pits.
“Ohio police say a man held a woman captive in handcuffs and an adult diaper for three days while he read Bible passages to her.”
Which passages?
If it had been me I would have read “Song of Songs,” ’cause it’s sexy.
Zombie Ronald Reagan said,
February 17, 2009 at 23:42 (kill)
Just because the wingnuts dig you up and dance around wearing your stinky moldering skin doesn’t make you a zombie.
Zombie Ronald Reagan said,
February 17, 2009 at 23:42 (kill)
You cannot kill that which is undead…
“Ohio police say a man held a woman captive in handcuffs and an adult diaper for three days while he read Bible passages to her.”
Worst premise for a horror movie EVER.
Great. Now the French undead have invaded S,N!
Hey, tell that to “The Los Angeles Angels”. Of Anaheim.
Maybe the person who came up with the name stutters in alternating languages.
Maybe they should change their name to the The Angels of Los Angeles of Anaheim.
Sackcloth Tar Pits
Catholicism at its zenith. Or band name.
Smut Clyde said,
February 18, 2009 at 0:33 (kill)
Speaking of regular S,N! visitors, whatever happened to Billy Pilgrim?
[glares in suspicion at nearest zombie]
Brains were melted by 3Bulls.
That’s some weapons grade half-assedness, there.
Worst premise for a horror movie EVER.
Even Samuel L. Jackson couldnt’ save it.
t4toby said,
February 18, 2009 at 0:41 (kill)
Great. Now the French undead have invaded S,N!
The French have no word for Undead….
“Ohio police say a man held a woman captive in handcuffs and an adult diaper for three days while he read Bible passages to her.”
Worst premise for a horror movie EVER.
I bet David Vitter would have approved.
Like “Adult” section, explicitly?
And is that library or bookstore, to find the text?
Formerly TC, no?
Who’s got the most Formerly Known Ases to their psuedoname here?
I waited all day for that and here it is and now I’m cranky.
I think I know who tintin is now, but I am still in the dark about why all the secrecy?
It is all very…mysterious.
I wonder if this means I should increase or decrease my THC ingestion?
The article dod not say which verses. If I had to make a guess (and wouldn’t it be irresponsible not to speculate?) I’d say the following were likely recited more than once:
Ezekiel 4:12 – And thou shalt eat it as barley cakes, and thou shalt bake it with dung that cometh out of man, in their sight.
15 “Very well,” he said, “I will let you bake your bread over cow manure instead of human excrement.”
2Ki 18:27 But Rabshakeh said unto them, Hath my master sent me to thy master, and to thee, to speak these words? [hath he] not [sent me] to the men which sit on the wall, that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own piss with you?
Arky has to be up there, as well as Lex.
Speaking of ‘What Happened’.
What is HTML doing these days?
oops. I’m nym-challenged.
I waited all day for that and here it is and now I’m cranky.
Get out the Bible and handcuffs, somebody.
“If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith the LORD of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart. Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts; and one shall take you away with it.” (Malachi 2:2-3)
Are you calling Tintin a nym-phomaniac?
Hey PeeJ, some of us got your back over there at GPW. (Although my last comment seems to have evaporated into the conservative gay ether.)
Even Samuel L. Jackson couldnt’ save it.
I see what you do there.
Crap, you guys have good memories. I can barely remember my old nyms.
Just a zombie, shambling around….
Are you calling Tintin a nym-phomaniac?
Chain him to the radiator!
I’ve been waiting EVEN LONGER FOR THAT.
I wonder if this means I should increase or decrease my THC ingestion?
Increase. definitely.
After all, what’t the worst that could happen? Win several Olympic events?
Right. I have been meaning to add, “Become the most decorated Olympian of all time” to my resume.
Oh Stoner Boy, the chips the chips are calling…
Or pipes, gaddamnit.
Apparently it’s after 4:20 in RB-Land…
I thought you were making a munchies joke, RB.
You know, Mr. Rotten, your name link is broken.
I was making a munchies joke, but fuck man, why the extra effort? It’s like getting up off the couch to change the channel or something.
So, the city of Brea is Tar?
Reaction to Obama’s plan – Dow down 300 – “The government has their hand on the tiller. They’re steering. And that’s the problem — the markets are not confident the proper course has been set yet,” said Henry Herrmann, chief executive officer at investment management firm Waddell & Reed.
zombies suck at html…
Is the spot for a hearty FYWP?
I swear, it’s working in preview. Hey, like it’s news that something in preview doesn’t work in posting.
No loss. Pretend it never happened. Here, let me hold those branes for you….
Nom nom nom.
Thank God the market never dipped under Bush’s reign.
t4toby said,
February 18, 2009 at 1:14 (kill)
You know, Mr. Rotten, your name link is broken.
O toby, you wouldn’t believe how much of my stuff is broken….
Nothing worse than a leper zombie.
You know, Mr. Rotten, your name link is broken.
So is Tintin’s. Broken name links are a new internet tradition.
Nothing worse than a leper zombie.
A zombie messiah?
There are the leper zombies that complain a lot. Not naming names or anything.
Peej, I can’t find any of the posts by Sadlynauts.
Smut Clyde said,
February 18, 2009 at 1:38 (kill)
Nothing worse than a leper zombie.
A zombie messiah?
Screaming Blue Zombies
The fact is, liberals should recognize that thou should not suffer a homosexual to live, it is in the Bible, in Leviticus, so don’t try and debate me I read more than you.
Never mind, I found it.
opie – 33 is me and 34 is PeeJ.
Gary is also aware of all Internet Traditions.
so don’t try and debate me
See, Gary can talk sense..
Who’s got the most Formerly Known Ases to their psuedoname here?
I’ve been going w/ the same one here, but I’ve been known as Doktor Jazs, Brownie the Baboon Man, The Lord of The Fire Escape, Lowell Fungus & a few more I’d have to look up..
All of them pre-internet. I felt it important to cast off the parental slave names I was given.
I been kicking the can around over at GPWs too.
Whoops. Time to switch out of my evil Phil Gramm persona.
That guy that blew up the building in Oklahoma City died, didn’t he? I mean, eventually.
At the hand of the government, not because he was “man enough” to own up to his mass murder.
I don’t know about you, but I prefer that So. Cal. stupidity to that stupidity you find in our southern states.
Stupid is as stupid does. Don’t much matter where you find it.
Please excuse my absence – I been talking sense to the idjits at GPW. Why do I bother? Why do any of us bother?
Thank you, MzNicky, & of course there is question as to who helped him & why he was so promptly offed, rather than getting the chance to squeal.
The fact is, liberals should recognize that thou should not suffer a homosexual to live
Homosexuals living doesn’t cause me to suffer. Leviticus better recognize.
I just printed off Leviticus for a little book review.
42 pages of “and he shall” and “the daughter shall partake of her father’s meat”.
worst book evAr!!1!
The bottom line is Obama will have to do something about entitlements or he will be responsible for the bankruptcy of our nation. Especially with these trillion dollar deficits.
The ideal system would be one in which a woman can get it on with whatever hot male most gets her juices flowing at the time, and her stable, nurturing husband helps her bring up the children and pay for their college.
The bottom line is buttocks.
Snarla: I am intrigued by your ideas, want to subscribe to your newsletter, et cetera.
Peej, you and Bouffant and the others did pretty well but it’s like beating your head against a wall. It’s like talking to a room full of trolls. That troll I mentioned yesterday with the Obamais the antiChrist blog? I got her so annoyed that she was biting the heads off chickens…. well, no, she finally started snapping at us and claiming she hadn’t said what she most certainly had said (Cod, I love copy/paste) and finally the moderators got her to flounce out of the forum. I couldn’t figure out how to post to her idiotic blog, so it’s just as well that I didn’t.
of course there is question as to who helped him & why he was so promptly offed, rather than getting the chance to squeal.
Seems like if he was gonna squeal, he would have gotten around to it in SIX YEARS…
M. Bouffant: Hmmm. Conspiracy theory, eh? Well, never met one I didn’t like, as long as it’s for our side. So — sort of a Jack Ruby thing? Interesting.
The bottom line is Emu?
So what about the surge in Afghanistan? Where’s the “no blood for oil/imperialism” cries on this blog?
Where’s the “no blood for oil/imperialism” cries on this blog?
Down the stairs, turn right, third room on the left. Watch that last step, it’s a doozy!
I’m back. Shall we talk about what makes t4toby gay?
“Zat how long it took? Six yrs?
Kinda like the dips at Gitmo who they’re still trying to interrogate seven plus yrs. after they’ve been in custody.
MzNicky, I find conspthry quite amusing, though I wish even half of it were true. But there was all sorts of talk about second & third men seen w/ McVeigh. (Swarthy men, at that. Iraqis, it was suspected.) So most of the conspiracy theory is rabid weasel, but at a certain point the forces of evil involved come around to the same place: the powerful, too lazy or scared to actually murder us all in our sleep (Minus those of us kept for slavery.) but able (through various conspiracies) to keep the lid on the boiling pot of humanity seeking to break through to a socialist paradise!!
Realist said,
February 18, 2009 at 2:16
Paul Krassner called. He wants the name of his magazine back, & he told you to go fuck one of your relatives w/ a splintery broomstick. I didn’t get which relative/ancestor. Sorry.
Take a fucking look at the history of the Mayor of Kabul, Mr. Hamid Karzai, & his long connection to Union Oil.
“No Blood For Pipelines” might be a more accurate description of resistance to events in Afghanistan.
How’s it going w/ your recruiter, “Realist?” Gonna get that animal molestation charge off your record so you can go & fight for the pipeline? Or is your “surge” participation going to be from behind the keyboard in the basement? (Where the surges will be electrical in nature.)
So M. Bouffant when are you going to go protest The One over his War for Oil?
I bet Obama must be in the back pocket of Halliburton, too!
And Biden must be doing it for the DuPont family.
(Where the surges will be electrical in nature.)
Unfortunately, the same can be true if you’re in Halliburton-built quarters in Iraq.
And Biden must be doing it for the DuPont family.
The DuPonts are typical effete eastern twits – can’t or won’t even fuck for themselves.
So you’re saying that Obama/Biden/Pelosi are all “corporate puppets” just like Bush/Cheney then?
Realist said,
February 18, 2009 at 2:16
So what about the surge in Afghanistan? Where’s the “no blood for oil/imperialism” cries on this blog?
We went to Afghanistan for the imperialism…but we stayed for the ladies.
They are, however, capable of murdering the wrestlers they lust after:
Stupid boring troll is still stupid. And boring.
“So your’re saying [stupid simplistic straw man assertion]?”
Answer: “No.”
Please refer to this comment for any future questions.
And stupid. Oh, you said that already? Well, it bears repeating.
Every single so-called individual on this planet is a corporate puppet. Some of us are just on longer strings. (And some are on strings so short you couldn’t catch goldfish in a bowl w/ ’em.)
Forgot about those so close to their corporate masters that massa has a hand up their poop-chute.
Forgot about those so close to their corporate masters that massa has a hand up their poop-chute.
Betsy McCaughey even looks like a ventriloquist’s dummy!
Inspired By Kittens
Forgot about those so close to their corporate masters that massa has a hand up their poop-chute.
Which brings us back to the picture. And here you didn’t even know watermelons had poop chutes.
I like the original photo better, where Gay Patriot is fondling a male child. Bet that would go over well in Teh Heartland!
And I was accused of being a monster?
some picutes and video of the baby kittens set to the music of arms wide open by creed
Picutes. Monsters!
That kid’s voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard. I probably sounded just like that.
“So your’re saying [stupid simplistic straw man assertion]?”
Answer: “No.”
I’ve been meaning to do a study to see what proportion of blog comments starting with the word “so” are strawmans like that.
I’m guessing well over 70%.
But he’s now well-fed. Unfortunately.
Yeah, but we might’ve just had a drive-by by the ultimate anti-troll.
Hey, I can’t explain it either…
Snorg, I think someone burped him and put him to bed. Fortunately.
So, Xecky…..
Also, Sadly, No should post a link to the SadlyKillfile in the About post, as well as in the side bar. It really does make teh experience much less brain-eating….
I’ve been meaning to do a study to see what proportion of blog comments starting with the word “so” are strawmans like that.
So, what makes you think that?
Take this instead.
So, what makes you think that?
I should say that comments starting with “So you’re saying” are the strawmans, though I imagine a lot of comments starting with “so” go on immediatly to read “you’re saying”.
I saw an avalanche of comments of that form a few years back when I was reading really high-traffic blogs, especially when emotions ran high.
So you’re saying that not all comments that start with “so” are trolls?
So you’re saying this is a low-traffic blog, full of Vulcans?
So, for full disclosure: in real life, I am a troll. I play a human being on the intranets.
So you’re saying that not all comments that start with “so” are trolls?
So you’re saying this is a low-traffic blog, full of Vulcans?
Apparently so.
Sew this is needling people?
As I have sown….
So I’m saying I’ve reaped?
So you guys are just going to ignore the zombie?
effin zombist libs. Bookmark this!!
All this kitten shit! Yes, there’s more than one way to skin a cat. None the less, the best way to do it is while the cat is still warm. Make an incision between the hind legs…
Bruce is gazing at that watermelon with such deep affection because someone has injected it with lots ‘n’ lots of vodka.
Bruce, meet Pamela Atlas.
So you’re saying that it’s time to get BEYOND the punning?
Bruce, meet Pamela Atlas.
But she’ll hate him for being a fag. She’ll call him abusive names, maybe even beat him up.
And he’ll love every minute of it.
So don’t Fear teh Reaper, d00d.
(Now, with more cowbell.)
So you’re saying that it’s time to get BEYOND the punning?
The only thing more depressing than watching the right-wingers drilling new holes in themselves for dicks to be stuck in is watching the Sadlynauts trip over themselves to oblige them.
tigrismus said,
February 18, 2009 at 4:23 (kill)
So you’re saying that it’s time to get BEYOND the punning?
Please phrase your answer in the form of a pun….
Brandi said,
February 18, 2009 at 4:24 (kill)
The only thing more depressing than watching the right-wingers drilling new holes in themselves for dicks to be stuck in is watching the Sadlynauts trip over themselves to oblige them.
So you’re saying that Sadly, No has passed on? Is an ex-satire? wouldn’t voom if you put a thousand zombies through it?
I, um, look at that IT’S SO SHINY! *hides*
Needs more cowbell, tigrismus.
So, what are your thoughts on circumcision?
and less Ferrellgut….
screw it PeeJ, let’s just get into full-on Mac-PC flaming….
Needs more cowbell, tigrismus.
All I’ve got is this krumhorn. And that answers the circumcision question, too…
Cats: better than dogs, or WAY better than dogs?
Did anyone else read the title as “I’ve always been more afraid of marriage than a moron” and immediately think “no, you have that the wrong way round”.
And I have some thoughts on how much better the madrigals of Monteverdi are than are those of Palestrina, my contrapuntal-ass bitches…
Cats: better than dogs, or WAY better than dogs?
If cats = Kirk and dogs = Picard, WAY better.
Damn it, I really should have started those with “So”.
If cats = Kirk and dogs = Picard, WAY better.
Oh no you DINT!
so, tigrismus: Started drinking early, or sampling medication?
Oh, was I supposed to choose only one of those options? Oopsie!
So, the real issue is, was Kirk circumcised? Picard? Deanna Troi?
how much better the madrigals of Monteverdi are than are those of Palestrina
John “Flow my Tears” Dowland = total emo kid.
To re-cap: in the good old days, if you sowed dragons’ teeth, you reaped a bunch of armed soldiers who then killed one another. Now, you sow “So” statements, and you reap strawmen. AND THEY CALL THIS PROGRESS?!
I console myself as best I can with my flying car and by making my monkey butler wear the airport-security costume tonight.
Kirk: yes. Picard: no. Troi: NaN.
Note (in re: cowbell skit):
Troi: NaN.
I take exception.
Not a N…..? Help me out here.
Picard uses a Tandy.
That’s an odd vector for humor.
I had an enterprise model. Some assembly was required.
Not a number. To snip, perchance to scream
When Noah offloaded he told the animals to go Forth and multiply. When the stampede was finished two snakes remaiuned on the ark, looking terribly sad. Noah repeated his dictum and the snakes replied “We can’t! We’re adders!”
thank you thank you I’m here all week
Noah repeated his dictum and the snakes replied “We can’t! We’re adders!”
Was that before or after the werewolves headed Fortran sylvania?
You’ve given me some useful insights – thanks!
That’s German, you know.
William Shatner is not fat — he prefers the phrase “massively parallel processor”.
Noah repeated his dictum
So you’re saying… no, sorry, I got nothing.
PeeJ, I laughed.
Believe it or don’t, I joined the Boy Scouts back in the 70s so I could go on camping trips and catch snakes.
To my mom’s dismay, I was successful. Brought quite a few home, where they did what snakes do best: escape.
One day my aunt met one of my escaping snakes coming down the hallway. She never came back to our house, ever.
It was just a Phaser you were going through
Hacker humourists are machine-choads.
First off, RB, that was the worst, worst video ever. Creed and kittens is like sex and sand.
And you, PeeJ, what with your gay things and queer stuff and such, you’re just…really gay. there. I said it.
Phew! I’m really glad to get that off my chest!
One day my aunt…
So, did you bother to keep collecting or just figure your work was done?
speaking of snakes, we had been remodeling our house. One day I was vacuuming in the basement and I moved a piece of furniture and there were two garter snakes curled up under it. I don’t even remember getting up the stairs, but my husband still remembers my shriek.
So I know where your aunt is coming from.
iron for a bloodstream, and ice behind their eyes.
Phew! I’m really glad to get that off my chest!
C how much better you feel when you process? Just clear out the old pipeline? Isn’t it nice to slow down and cache your breath?
“iron for their bloodstream, and ice behind their eyes”
“iron for their bloodstream, and ice behind their eyes”
FYWP with Seven screaming diz-busters.
Obama and the Pantheon
By J.R. Dunn
It’s best to wait until the end of a president’s tenure before comparisons to earlier presidents are seriously offered. George W. Bush, in light of his tenacity and stubbornness in the face of overwhelming opposition, brought to mind the figure of Harry Truman to many observers in the final months of his presidency. Ronald Reagan stood with FDR in his great popularity and rapport with the American people. Earlier attempts find matches for the two might have come up with Reagan being compared to the dull, hapless Warren G. Harding and Bush to the ever-victorious Teddy Roosevelt. Like all final verdicts, historical comparisons ought to be deferred until all the facts are in.
As with everything else, the Obama cult has turned this stricture on its head. With less than a month in office, the Big O is being compared to not one, but an entire bench of previous presidents. I’m sure it’ll come as a great surprise to learn that they’re one and all members of the A-team in the public mind, the figures who have contributed most to the American legend. There are no near-greats such as Harry or Teddy for Obama — no, for the Messiah it’s Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy. (Only George Washington among the pantheon has been left out. But he, of course, was a slaveholder.)
The embarrassing “Obama Express”, imitating Lincoln’s progress to Washington, simply didn’t take, and would never have been suggested in the first place in a country with more historical consciousness than the United States. Comparing the tall, gaunt, and pleasantly ugly frontiersman to the trim, handsome, and glib son of the islands is asinine on the face of it. It’s as if the British of WW II insisted on comparing Winston Churchill — squat, pugnacious, and pleasure- loving — to the stern, aloof, and austere Wellington. It’s an exercise in missing the point.
There’s also the matter of the horrifying climax of the Lincoln story, the one thing about Lincoln that everyone knows, and not a possibility anyone wants to raise in connection to America’s first black president. Expect this one to die out of its own. (Despite efforts like this from Kyra Phillips of CNN.)
The incredibly dull inauguration speech put an end to any comparisons to JFK. Kennedy entered office amid serious doubts concerning his youth, Catholicism, and family connections. He had just come off a hard-fought campaign against the wily and tough Richard Nixon, emerging victorious by a far smaller margin than most today are aware of. (And perhaps not even that. There’s considerable evidence that those connections of his — embodied in Bootlegger Joe and his mob friends — played a large role in… getting out the vote, shall we put it? None other than Harry Truman stated that as a fact. As God’s honest man among presidents, Truman viewed JFK with open disdain for that very reason.)
Kennedy needed to make an impact, and he used the inauguration, the ultimate bully pulpit, to do it. His address on that occasion remains one of the most powerful on record (also one of the quickest — Kennedy recited it at several times normal speaking tempo. It was cold that day, and he wasn’t wearing a coat). Several of its phrases have achieved immortality: “The torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans”. “We shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty”… and of course, “Ask not what you country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.” If he had done nothing else, if he had survived his term instead entering legend as the prince struck down, Kennedy would still be remembered for that one speech.
Many were expecting the same from Obama. But they got… well, we know what they got. A boring, sincere drone more suited to Harding or either of the Harrisons than any world-changing figure. Several commentators have speculated that this was deliberate, with the aim of toning down inflated expectations. If so, it was a mistake. In the future, the decline of the Obama administration will be dated to that moment. And there will be no references to Kennedy.
So we reach the obvious comparison to FDR, striding into Washington (so to speak) to right a country set askew by the wicked, inept Republicans. It can be said with little exaggeration that everything in Obama’s campaign in some way channeled the spirit of Roosevelt.
Now, Roosevelt is a problematic model. As most of the readers of AT are well aware, his policies did nothing to end or even ameliorate the Great Depression. If anything, they both lengthened and deepened it.
Herbert Hoover raised taxes, tightened credit, stood aside while the Federal Reserve Bank destroyed the American banking system, and willingly signed the Hawley-Smoot tariff act, which effectively curtailed international trade. On taking office, FDR refused to correct these errors. Instead he unleashed such figures as Adolf Berle and Rexford G. Tugwell (diehard admirers of Mussolini), and Harry Hopkins (diehard admirer of Stalin), and looked on benignly as they turned the economy into as close a simulacrum of a totalitarian state as they dared before the Supreme Court stepped in. He then raised both taxes and interest rates, and watched stupefied as yet another crash occurred, equal in magnitude to the first, to leave more Americans unemployed and destitute than when he had entered office. He was at last reduced to begging his cabinet, “Won’t someone tell me what to do?”
In light of this failure, why is the myth of FDR the savior still potent? Because of one thing: leadership. FDR’s insouciant smile, his jaunty cigarette holder, his unquenchable humor and his common touch kept people going long after they were ready to give up for good. FDR held the nation together by sheer force of personality, expressed in brilliant PR ploys such as the fireside chats. The public FDR was the unbeatable optimist. “To reach a port,” he told the voters, “we must set sail — sail, not tie at anchor — sail, not drift.” And again: “We have always held to the hope, the belief, the conviction that there is a better life, a better world, beyond the horizon.”
And not to forget the words of his own inaugural. “First of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”
It is this that Roosevelt gave the country, and this, above all that he is remembered for. He was the man who would not quit. The public never caught a glimpse of a downcast or doubtful Roosevelt, any more than ever caught sight of him in a wheelchair. It can be argued — and I would argue — that it was all carried out in a bad cause, a godforsaken, misbegotten effort to turn the USA into a nanny state. In the end, FDR did far more harm than good. But it can’t be argued that he did not embody leadership in almost pure form.
Compare this to Obama.
“We have inherited an economic crisis as deep and as dire as any since the Great Depression. Economists from across the spectrum have warned that if we don’t act immediately, millions more jobs will be lost, and national unemployment rates will approach double digits. More people will lose their homes and their health care. And our nation will sink into a crisis that, at some point, we may be unable to reverse.”
Or how about this: “A failure to act, and act now, will turn crisis into a catastrophe.”
Or this: “Recovery will be measured in years, not months.”
Nothing less comparable to Roosevelt’s cheerful gallantry can be imagined. These are the words of a man in well over his head, bewildered and on the edge of panic. The Barack Obama of the campaign trail was confident to the point of smugness. That has vanished, and as of yet we don’t know what’s going to replace it. FDR was not afraid to become the focus of national optimism. Obama manifestly is.
(Of course, nothing at all has changed for O’s disciples: “As I watched him give an inspiring speech today about how our generation will truly shape the course of this nation, I realized something. You may think it is a little early to say this….but I believe Obama has already proven himself to be the best president that this country has ever seen.” The speech in question was one of those quoted above, the Florida “ask what your country can do for you” address.)
The president that Obama now resembles is the president who presided over years of economic stagnation, who offered friendship to the bandits of the world only to be slapped in the face, the president who led the country to its greatest humiliation of the past century. And who in the end, wound up blaming it all on his own countrymen.
The voters may well have thought they were putting in Lincoln, or Kennedy, or Roosevelt. But what they got was Jimmy Carter.
One of the first concerts I ever attended was in my first year of college (grew up in bumfuck, no chance to see a show). Went to see Blue Oyster Cult ca. 1976. I actually remember being there though I recall nothing of what happened.
Good times, good times indeed.
FY scroll troll with the Mistress of The Salmon Salt.
Now there’s a naughty little girl who can’t keep her pantheon.
So, did you bother to keep collecting or just figure your work was done?
Nope, I’m pretty sure the snapping turtle came after that. But he was just a visitor, a week in his (way too little tub on the porch) and back to wilds he went.
I found him while wading around in Carderock.
(Silly navy people. While they’re playing with their model ships, there’s all kinds of critters, out there!)
PeeJ, saw them in the post-AOR, pre-cowbell era in a local 300 person club. Stood right the hell up front, and they were pretty good, pretty good.
One thing you don’t realize when they’re on those arena stages; they are kind of short.
I joined the Boy Scouts back in the 70s so I could go on camping trips and catch snakes.
I had the hobby of catching snakes and bringing them home when I was a boy. Good ol’ Mom, she never raised any objections, but one time my older sister’s boyfriend let one of them go, and I was fucking pissed.
ITTDGY, so you’re saying it was snapping turtles all the way down?
Whoa. Must share. Check out our new PeeWee Tabletop Cornhole….
Hot Rails to Hell with dogshit-on-the-doorstep trolls.
erm, sorry if I’m being too gay, t4. I just couldn’t resist that one.
Peej is a cornhole bag.
Shorter tintin: For the good of the community, everyone please change their behavior so we don’t have to ban the sociopath.
Shorter still:
henry lewis is a fascist, but I’m reasonable.
blistering blue barnacles…
If there’s some kind of cornholing other than the frenzied kind I have been mislaid.
I think the deal here is Tintin being less happy at living with current troll policy than the veterans and I’d cut him some slack. I hope the veterans remember that Brad banned annieangel – and good for him! – because he was in a pissy mood one day and the heavens weren’t torn asunder.
Tintin is not just a coblogger, he’s a client!
seriously, he came up through the commenting, and it seems to me he likes to see the give and take amongst the regular zombies, without the rampant stupidity and bigotry that are the only things trolls bring to the party.
On Your Feet Or On Your Knees, Sadlies!!
I hope the veterans remember that Brad banned annieangel…
Yes, and what a fine, fine day that was. Ahhh.
I caught a water moccasin, too.
The day that annie anglerfish was banned was the best day this blog has ever had.
If there’s some kind of cornholing other than the frenzied kind I have been mislaid.
Well played sir! Well played indeed.
The day that annie anglerfish was banned was the best day this blog has ever had.
Heh. Although in many ways the comments still look much as they did back then.
What is all this cornlogging and cobholing?
Smut Clyde said,
February 18, 2009 at 6:12 (kill)
What is all this cornlogging and cobholing?
just another weeknight in the New Liberal Socialist Abort-orgy America….
But those legs!
I personally believe that scientists (and such as) do not realize the amount of pie that deep under sea dwelling creatures consume.
And we should build up their future with more pie.
Welcome to cornholefrenzy.com, your source for regulation size cornhole
boards, bags and accessories. We are committed to producing quality products
that will provide you with years of family-friendly fun!
We are Orlando’s ORIGINAL cornhole store and we hope to be your source for all
of your cornhole game supplies.
I’m guessing that cornhole has a slightly different meaning in Orlando than it does for the rest of us.
At the risk of bringing on a total bummer, not to mention disregarding, disrespecting and diasavowing our non-YOOESSAIAIAIYYEEEE readers, tonight’s Frontline is awesome. I’m hoping I can go to sleep afterwards. Gin will surely help.
ObDisclaimer: the Ho is a PBS semi-sort-of-personage but not in any significant sense.
just another weeknight in the New Liberal Socialist Abort-orgy America….
The New Liberal Socialist Abort-orgy America is elitistically biassed against anyone who is tall, or has not received a knighthood..
The American Cornhole Association has t-shirts, hats, and koozies.
The Audacity of the Obamas
By Lauri B. Regan
Who would have thought that a CEO position would be tiring? And not just any CEO but the President of the United States, the leader of the free world, the Commander in Chief and the Messiah.
Apparently Barack Obama had no idea that all of that hard work would actually be just that — hard work. I suppose he thought the job of POTUS would be just as much fun as the two years he spent on the campaign trail. He must have been under the illusion that the citizens of this great country would swoon over his tax cheating choices for cabinet members and staff, and that the kool-aid buzz evident during the campaign would keep the media brainwashed for the four years of his term.
Unfortunately for Obama, the buzz is quickly wearing off. And apparently, he is realizing that because after just two weeks of living in America’s most famous mansion, what did the Obamas do? They escaped the stress of the job and ran to a local public elementary school to read books with seven year olds. According to the report,
“‘We were just tired of being in the White House,’ the president candidly told the gleeful second-graders at Capital City Public Charter School.”
“‘We got out! They let us out!’ Mrs. Obama said as the kids and their teachers laughed.”
I have to say, I’m not laughing. This was a cute concept in the movie Dave when Kevin Kline and Sigourney Weaver snuck out of the White House one night for some ice cream. But Kevin Kline wasn’t actually the President (although he certainly acted more Presidential than Obama has exhibited over the past several weeks) and Dave was just a movie.
I find this scary. Great leaders do not say after just two weeks on the job that they are tired of being in their office. Great leaders do not complain and they certainly do not have wives that joke about being paroled from living in a mansion. When one student asked the Obamas what it was like to live in the White House, Michelle responded by,
“…delighting the kids with all the perks of life in America’s most famous house: a florist, a bowling alley, a movie theater, even a special place where people make chocolate and candy.
‘You should come visit,’ she said.”
Throughout the campaign, it was abundantly clear the Obamas were completely out of touch with Middle America. Now that they “won,” they continue to exhibit arrogance beyond comprehension. Joking to these students who may very well be economically challenged that they “let” her leave her home where servants make her candy and she can bowl in her basement is one of the most callous and ignorant statements that Michelle has made to date.
Just after the Obama’s field trip, France’s President Sarkozy announced that he may not seek re-election because the job is too tiring. When asked to explain, he stated,
“Because my job is very difficult. It needs a lot of energy, a lot of strength to do it and I have put all my strength into doing it as well as possible.”
Prior to his inauguration, it appeared that Obama was actually up to the task and ready to put all of his strength into doing as good a job as possible (limited as many of us expected that to be). Karl Rove wrote in an opinion published in the Wall Street Journal,
“Mr. Obama’s tendency to work late into the night will also pose problems. Politico.com reports that the White House staff is ‘preparing for a return to long nights, heavy weekend shifts.’ Requiring a senior staff that meets at 7:30 a.m. to work until 11 p.m. or 12 a.m. will quickly cause burnout and diminish the quality of advice and oversight.
Mr. Obama and his team are confident that they can keep the pace of a campaign going in the West Wing, which no one before them has done. That intoxicating idea will fade. The question is how they will deal with the challenges created by their organization of the West Wing’s policy-making apparatus.”
But my suspicion, based on Obama’s behavior to date, is that Obama does not really plan on working hard at all — he plans on delegating. And what could prove this hypothesis better than the way in which he delegated possibly the most important legislation of his administration to the devices of Nancy Pelosi. While Nancy and her money hungry colleagues toiled day and night adding more and more pork to the spending bill, the Obama’s were taking a break from the rigors of just three weeks in the White House to vacation at Camp David.
“You can see that during the summer it’s going to be a nice place to spend a lot of time. Hit a few golf balls. Played a little basketball.”
And since Michelle has already announced to the country that Barack will require everyone to work hard, she was kind enough to recognize the work of the government employees that will be maintaining their vacation home by noting that,
“Some of the greatest adventures that we experience in life here in this nation, like family vacations, and camping, and hiking, and fishing, if you’re blessed to have access to those resources, are possible because of the work that you do right here in [the Department of the Interior]… And Barack and I and the girls, as you may have read, just had a little retreat away. We visited Camp David for the first time, and got to experience the beautiful, the beauty of those grounds, and it was just wonderful to get a bit of a break and to spend some quality time as a family in nature.”
I have no doubt that the employees at the Interior Department to whom Michelle was speaking were pleased to hear that the Obamas were able to “get a bit of a break” because they are “blessed to have access to those resources.” I just wonder how pleased the citizens were to hear that in these trying times, when few can afford a family vacation, that the Obamas have already taken two at taxpayer expense.
Yes, a weekend at Camp David was not enough of a rest for the First Family. They required a weekend in Chicago in order to celebrate Valentine’s Day this past weekend. It would seem that Michelle was not satisfied with the White House chef that she hand picked to cook for her for the next four years so after just a brief ride on Air Force One, the Ones found themselves snuggling in a corner booth at a swanky restaurant in their home town.
Under normal circumstances, I do not imagine that anyone would begrudge the Obamas a weekend in Chicago, but these are far from normal circumstances. According to the President, a failure to quickly pass his stimulus package would have resulted in catastrophe for the country. And Congress diligently obeyed the Messiah and passed the 1100 page bill without time to even read it. Hence, it must have been that Obama pulled a muscle in his signing hand while playing basketball the previous weekend at Camp David because wheels up on Air Force One occurred after the plan was passed by Congress but without the President’s signature.
The Obama’s have never truly experienced hard work despite their rhetoric requiring the citizens of the country to prepare themselves for years of it (someone has to earn a living and pay taxes so that the Obamas will be able to vacation at whim and elaborately celebrate superfluous holidays).
The extravagances that the Obamas have enjoyed in their first few weeks in office are turning into the bitter pill that the rest of the hard working Americans will have to swallow over the next four years. Americans are losing their jobs, being warned of impending catastrophe and the Obamas are acting like self-entitled royalty. They have yet to earn their position as First Family, let alone the perks that go along with it.
Get ready for the sequel to Obama’s autobiography “The Audacity of Hope.” At this rate it will be called “The Audacity of Laziness.”
The American Cornhole Association has t-shirts, hats, and koozies.
I am a satisfied customer….
Uh, mostly the navy or what?
Copy ‘n’ paste is a great technique for folks who can’t spell. Or form a coherent sentence. Or think.
scroll troll needs to Join the ACA.
I’ve always wondered if SmutClyde and Brave Sir Robin were not the same kitten.
Our brothers and sisters in the military are in the forefront of spreading the game where ever they go.
But a good condom helps to keep it in check.
“See my Bubble!? It’s SOOOOOOO shiny! Wanna hear how shiny it is?”
J— said,
February 18, 2009 at 6:23
The American Cornhole Association has t-shirts, hats, and koozies.
Heh, indeed.
Every serious Cornholer needs this handy cornhole accessory.
Ever been in the middle of an excit’n game of cornhole and forget who’s win’n. It happens all the time in our family, especially after a few of our favorite beverages.
We know from experience that an excit’n game of cornhole can muster-up a serious thurst. Experienced cornholers know that it can be difficult to find the perfect spot to rest your favorite beverage.
To solve these age-old cornhole delimas, our engineers have come up with the perfect Cornhole score count’n device ergonomically located on the top of our Cornhole beverage holders.
“We have completed another great year of Cornhole. This year saw our membership exceed 25,000 members. Our membership is truly worldwide. Our brothers and sisters in the military are in the forefront of spreading the game where ever they go.”
Uh, mostly the navy or what?
Don’t ask, and I won’t tell.
Copy ‘n’ paste is a great technique for folks who can’t spell. Or form a coherent sentence. Or think.
Yes, but it makes it easier to scroll past the incoherent blather.
So you are saying that there is a good community around here somewhere? But I’ll bet you still can’t get a decent cup of coffee.
We know from experience that an excit’n game of cornhole can muster-up a serious thurst.
I think you misspelled that last word. Let me correct it:
We know from experience that an excit’n game of cornhole can muster-up a serious thrust.
The German Hot-tubbers Association has Ja-Koozies.
My theory: if it takes more than one press of the “PgDn” button to get past a comment, the comment was written by a moron. It probably isn’t universally true on all blogs but I think it is always true on this one.
So you are saying that there is a good community around here somewhere?
No, not around here.
No, not around here.
Tres Toros!
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© is obviously on the payroll of Big Emu.
He may just suffer from Logo-Rhea.
I guarantee that your investment in Tulip bulbs will be repaid fourfold and in very short order!
I guarantee that your investment in Florida real estate will be repiad fourfold and in very short order!
I guarantee that your investment in internet commerce will be repaid fourfold and in very short order!
I guarantee that your investment in______________
Can anyone even spell Santayana?
Also, BTYWP with a coarse spike spike tulip bulb!
Also, BYWP.
Also, BYWP.
Also, BYWP.
Also, BYWP.
Also, BYWP.
Also, BYWP.
Also, BYWP.
Also, BYWP.
Also, BYWP.
Also, BYWP.
Also, BYWP.
[that’s enough as I don’t wish to exceed the PgDown rule]
Also, brother can you spare a watermelon?
Ich bin Cornholio!
Cornholio will be strange, stout, in yellow stockings, and cross-garter’d, even with the swiftness of putting on.
Wikipedia informs me that the character of Cornholio was inspired by a Sir Thomas Posthumous Hoby, which is surely the BEST PURITAN NAME EVAH.
Copy ‘n’ paste is a great technique for folks who can’t spell. Or form a coherent sentence. Or think.
Or read, apparently. Cause the shit this troll pastes is the lamest shit EVAH! If you’re going to copy n’ paste, you should at least violated the copyright of conservatives who can actually write.
Guy/gal doesn’t have enough time to find one who can write.
Dok, that was “Malvolio,” a character written by the Mike Judge of his day, Will Shakespeare.
Or read, apparently. Cause the shit this troll pastes is the lamest shit EVAH! If you’re going to copy n’ paste, you should at least violated the copyright of conservatives who can actually write.
The piece about Obama being a total failure because he hasn’t earned the place he is in today, takes too many vacations, and was reading a book to children while important things may have been happening in the white house was ok. The satire was a little too thick, but I gave it a wan smile.
That is as may be. But as for Sir Thomas Posthumous Hoby, I am not making him up.
What kind of sick fucker would name a child “Posthumous”? Our doktorling Maculata doesn’t know how lucky she is.
The piece about Obama being a total failure because he hasn’t earned the place he is in today, takes too many vacations, and was reading a book to children while important things may have been happening in the white house was ok. The satire was a little too thick, but I gave it a wan smile.
OK, I had to go back and read the thing, and according to Ms. Lauri B. Regan(!):
The Obama’s have never truly experienced hard work despite their rhetoric requiring the citizens of the country to prepare themselves for years of it (someone has to earn a living and pay taxes so that the Obamas will be able to vacation at whim and elaborately celebrate superfluous holidays).
Shorter Lauri B. Regan: Mr. and Mrs. Obama, shiftless n****r and welfare queen, respectively.
If I ever cooked a Bacon Explosion, I would call it “Shakespeare”.
Well, it’s obviously true. Those lazy Obamas. I mean, look at how rigorously the previous president worked.
And how disrespectful of the White House Chef – they actually went out to dinner one night! Shocking! Why, it flies in the face of the great Republican tradition of never wanting to
offendgive the servants a night off.I would ask to see the vault copy of that Shakespeare.
The Obama’s have never truly experienced hard work despite their rhetoric requiring the citizens of the country to prepare themselves for years of it
I really wish that Obama would buy a ranch and pose with some brush in front of it. No, that’s been done. Maybe he could buy a fast food joint and do photoshoots in front of the register. He could call it the “Whopper White House.”
Appropos of nothing: a blast from the past. I love Canada.
I really wish that Obama would buy a ranch and pose with some brush in front of it. No, that’s been done. Maybe he could buy a fast food joint and do photoshoots in front of the register. He could call it the “Whopper White House.”
Or he could paint the White House black.
Free your mind, so your behind can follow.
Smut, not denying the existence of Sir Posthumous Hoby, just explaining that you had your Corn-hole & your Mal-vole confused.
On this side of the world, we say you don’t know your ass from your elbow. Not you, one, rather.
Fewer rights, not less rights. Do I have to do everything around here?
Is Blatt raising melons for the General?
To be particularly pedantic, ” The La Brea Tar Pits” actually translates as “The The Tar Tar Pits.” Which is pretty bad; but the christawful anglicized mispronunciations in LA are what really drive me batty. See, I moved there after freelancing around South America, and speaking Spanish pretty fluently.
It took me two years to reconcile “Los Feliz” (The Happy Ones) with this strange place that the locals kept pronouncing as “Las FEEL-ahz.”
Not that that matters, seeing as how the California legislature seems hellbent on fucking the state into some hitherto-unknown level of Hell, previously inhabited only by the ifrits that swarm in Pammycake’s imagination. Any over-unders on how long it is in California before we have our first riots? I’m taking June 20 – three months after the next massive spike in option-ARMs resets, and something like 250,000 homes go into foreclosure.
Also: so.
Homeowners, alas, have pretty much had it all beaten out of them. If you’re stupid/ignorant enough to have bought into the American nightmare, gotten married, reproduced & gone into some arcane arrangement w/ a bank wherein you share a house until they want it back, you’ve been pretty well programmed to take what you’re given & to believe that all will get better & continue to get better forever, as long as you don’t interfere w/ your betters.
That said, if there are riots, I’m getting my share this time. No watching looting on tee vee this time around. It’s looting tee vees!!
As a vegetarian, I would only prepare a Bacon Expulsion.
Failed TV writer Bart Perlunsky weighs in on the same travesty that got Dan’s Fruit of the Looms all twisty. He’s outraged!
Failed TV writer Blart Perlunsky
Fixed yer post.
Wow, Jennifer totally reasoned those fuckers a new asshole on the comment thread at GPW. Absolutely fantastic stuff, but clearly falling on willfully deaf ears.
Jennifer, if you see this (and even if you don’t) – you are AWESOME!
The kinds of sick fucks who’d name someone “Posthumous” are also the same kinds of sick fucks who’d name someone Cotton, Increase, Sin-denie, Continent, Abstinent, and No-merit. Jus’ sayin’.
Or “Usually Sober”, come to that.
1. actor212, prop 13 bites californian in the ass on a daily basis.
2. i once saw a bunch of the bones from the the tar tar pits! they are stored in a rather peculiar place at uc berkeley. they smell quite tarry, and when no one was looking i touched one. i felt really guilty about it but since it was only half-wrapped in an old newspaper, i decided that my finger wouldn’t contribute serious damage. and it was awesome!