Speaking of being back to normal

Picking up where Gavin left off…

Michell Malkin writes:

United Nations Undersecretary-General Jan Egeland–yeah, the same jerk who called America “stingy” during the Indonesian tsunami disaster last year

Of course, that was months ago and by now even a fuckstick a respected journalist and not at all an ethics-impaired blogger like Makin should know that…. sadly, no! (Freeper link!)

No.. er… ah….I would say that ..er….I’d rather say that it is remarkable that we may, we have …um…no country up to the 1%…um..line of foreign assistance in general and we have, I think, three ….um…Scandinavians that have exceeded, and Holland, the 0.7% line of cross national income for assistance…em….We were more generous when we were less rich, many of the rich countries. And it is beyond me why we are. Why are we so stingy really?

Why are we so dumb really?


Comments: 18


Comment 15 on the Freeper list is noteworthy:
“His socialist outlook is obvious from his remark that the pie in finite. In free societies where ownership of property is allowed and voluntary exchange is encouraged, the pie is infinite. Only at the UN and in certain areas of the Iron Range do people still hold these primitive views.”make the pie higher! (GWB)


I thought #4 in that thread was rather astute:
Perhaps if more of the Third World Disaster countries fully observed Christmas, there would be less poverty and more prosperity.
4 posted on 12/28/2004 8:06:34 PM PST by plangent

Yes, only an all-out consumerfest like Christmas will save those swarthy heathens.


Methinks Michelle used to be named “Heather” in high school. Just a hunch.


>>In free societies where ownership of property is allowed and voluntary exchange is encouraged, the pie is infinite.

Infinite pie? That sounds infinitely yummy!


Infinite pie? That sounds infinitely yummy!

I think someone’s been reading too much FafBlog đŸ™‚


Oh Jesus. Just because I can own, buy and sell pieces of pie doesn’t magically make more pie appear, to infinity pie and beyond. Resources are finite, money supply is finite, apparently only bullshit and ignorance are infinite in supply.


“To Infinity Pie and Beyond”… sounds like Thomas Friedman’s next book.

Or how about “Pie in the Sky: the New Science of Limitless Pastry.”

Maybe we could define each dollar as being worth $10 and make everyone ten times richer.


Come on, you reality-based pessimists…when the pie’s just about gone, we’ll find more pie…on Mars!

*ahem*..Mars, bizacthes!..er…Mars, bihatches. Ah, I can’t do it right. Where’s Yosef?


Any second now, we’ll see the wingnut diatribe shift to how ungrateful those being rescued are, whining about FEMA funds being slashed.


Can’t we just make the pie higher?


bullshit pie: no sound tasty


just stopped by to say thanks for the contribution, gavin, and i mentioned the american friends on my blog challenge update…


Hey guys. Hope everyone’s well. I’ve been busy lately, and spending free time getting depressed as shit by storm coverage and now the gas shortage. I hope everyone around here was able to avoid the hurricane as well as their loved ones.


Any second now, we’ll see the wingnut diatribe shift to how ungrateful those being rescued are, whining about FEMA funds being slashed.

After the tsunami, a photo of a boy wearing an Osama t-shirt was the catalyst for the release of all that pent up not-giving-a-screaming-fuck that they had been bravely trying to hold in up to that point. Look for them to run that play again if they can.


by now even a fuckstick . . . like Makin should know that

This brings up an interesting point I’ve been noticing for a while now. It works like this:

1) Wingnuts make dubious statement(s)
2) Dubious statement is thoroughly debunked and proven to be complete and utter bullshit
3) Wingnuts wait a few weeks for the furor to die down

I first noticed this with the “Clinton trashed the White House” story the Bushies were peddling after Chimpy’s inauguration. It was proven to be bullshit, partly with statements obtained from the Bushies themselves. Did that stop the Bushies? Nope. Even today, they’re still peddling this discredited horseshit, and if called on it, will simply wait a bit and then start peddling it AGAIN.

It even makes sense, in a twisted way. If you can keep the opposition answering the same old already-disproven allegations over and over, it keeps them from effectively challenging your current misdeeds.


That debating method is as old as the hills. It works well because large sections of the public (1) cannot remember anything more than three weeks ago (2) have an attention span of three minutes for any given topic.

The only real question is whether Malkin is being consciously dishonest or is just feeble-minded.


I followed your link to Malkin and confess I don’t understand what the hell she wants. She’s complaining because not enough useless crappy floral tributes are being leaned against our embassy gates IN COMPARISON TO what the maudlin American tourists gave in the case of the London bombings? Don’t get me wrong: I think the impulse to do so is dear and kindhearted, but flowers and teddy bears aren’t that meaningful to those hurt by the hurricane. I may have taken a super-large hit of Cynicism LSD, but I prefer to think practically, not sentimentally, in emergencies. Even leaving that point aside, this beotch has a real chip on her shoulder if she’s developed expectations regarding how many floral tributes we should get in a disaster situation and then using that equation to show how the xenos she’s so phobic about are dissing the US.


Lying b*tch. Egeland was talking about all wealthly nations donating less than 1% of their GDP and said “We were more generous when we were less rich, many of the rich countries,” Egeland said. “And it is beyond me, why are we so stingy, really….” As I’d wager she well know.

But like jade says, wait ’til they forget, then recycle it.


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