Do-It-Yourself Obama Pushback Kit

America is on the brink of economic ruin and the Republicans are still running wild. When will Obama start standing up to them? Insert these phrases into the press conference or interview of your choice!

Sound clips taken from the audiobook, Dreams From My Father, as read by the author. [Cf., cf.; idea guaranteed not hiked from Mike Milliard at the Boston Phoenix.]


Comments: 28

Rusty Shackleford

The second one isn’t working


Is it fixed now?

Rusty Shackleford

Is it fixed now?

Shit yeah cracka. Propz


Sorry, lemme fix the cf.


Poor Lindsay. He’ll have to seek out John McCain and Joe Lieberman for solace.


Dammit, I didn’t know the Phoenix had done that already. Now it looks like I was copying them.


The internets is a many-splendored thing. Thanks, PeeJ and Gavin, for the laugh.


Just wanted to repost this from the “Mysterious Mysteries” thread, because it’s too good to disappear (yet):

LittlePig said,
February 6, 2009 at 18:00

Funny how Grover had no real problem with pouring billions down the rat hole in Iraq. I never seem to hear anything about pissing all that money away on the news.

Pay Raytheon billions for missles that don’t work? Hey, no problem!

Pay some money to build bridges? Oh, hell no! Don’t waste mah tax money!

I think conservatives want the country to fail so they can pay third world wages here and lose the transportation cost.

That’s what really gets me whenever the Rs complain about all this spending in the stimulus bill. We’re getting close to the $trillion mark in spending on Iraq and Afghanistan. Every Republican supported funding those wars without complaints,and questioned the patriotism of any Democrats who wanted to add any kind of accountability measures whenever Bush demanded more money. A trillion dollars pissed away and hundreds of thousands of lives lost for a bullshit war in Iraq and a war of revenge in Afghanistan for which that our military admits to having no exit strategy whatsoever. Fucking awesome, dudes!

A trillion for war, but not one cent for tribute – unless you’re a fucking plutocrat.


And, oh yeah – that is the funniest fucking shit I have ever heard in my life! My admiration for President Obama has increased considerably.


If the GOP isn’t careful, they’re going to hasten the day when we see the President come back out as Hussein Obama al Majlis Fred Hampton Elijah Muhammad X, with a black leather jacket, black turtleneck, black jeans, black Ray-Ban’s, black beret, and a rifle on his shoulder.


Now, if he’d only talk that way to Reps…
“Step off, bitch! I’m running this show.”


Oh, and the Secret Service will, of course, be replaced by… the Soul Sistah Secret Security Squad, or SSSSS!


All hail President Pottymouth!

And, via TPM, don’t miss the latest episode of “Lindsay Graham, Drama Queen!”


And, via TPM, don’t miss the latest episode of “Lindsay Graham, Drama Queen!”

Methinks the lady doth protest too much.


El Cid: Hey presto


And now, presenting Margaret Dumont in the role of Lindsay Graham:

(Clutching perals to his boo-sum) “How DAAAARRE You!!!!!”


Does President Barry Hussein X kiss those little girls of his good-night with that pottymouth? I mean really. I’m shocked and appall–

Hahahaha! Just kiddin’. I didn’t think I could love the guy more than I already did. But I do. Now. Also, Lindsey Graham: big douchebag or biggest douchebag?


tigrismus: Shut yo mouf.



“Pearls”, dammit! I must retire to the fainting couch myself now for a good flogging!


Hey, Margaret Dumont. This is outraaaaaageous.


“Captain Spaulding!!!”


I just KNEW I would find the best coverage here of President PottyMouth.


Hrrmph. I see PeeJ scooped me by a few hours. I did have an independent source, though.

Ah, well.


Can he use that word?

Yes, He Can.


Thanks for the tip, ron, but this site has had problems in the past with various WordPress plugins so I’d imagine our hosts are reluctant to add any right now.


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