Shorter Bill Kristol
Posted on February 5th, 2009 by Brad
- Hey guys! Remember me? The guy who told you that invading Iraq and nominating Sarah Palin for vice president would guarantee you electoral success for decades to come? Well guess what! I’m back with some super new advice…
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
GAAAAAAH! He’s got that same shit-eating grin on the WaPo page that he did over at the NYT!
President Obama,
Meet your post-partisan “friends” in the Republican party.
“This is Bill Kristol’s last column.”
…Wasn’t he leaving the Internet or something?
Kristol thought balloon No. 1: “Now, if I can just pass this gallstone…”
Kristol thought balloon No. 2: “What is this ‘bipartisanship’ of which you speak?”
Is it too much for me to hope that someone shoves Sen. Thune’s 636 mile high pile of $100 bills up Kristol’s ass?
Bill Kristol?
Do you mean Billy Crystal, the commedian?
I am sickened and angered at the left-wing media bias that lead WaPo to run the President’s column above Bill Kristol’s.
Well, to be honest…
That there is actually great advice for the GOP. I mean it’s obviously ridiculous made-up hoohaw, but it’s the sort of thing the network talking heads say ALL THE TIME. That there closing paragraph is a perfect distillation of the Village mindset.
And it has the bonus that the last two words are “growth package” – heh, heh.
Kristol thought balloon No. 1: “Now, if I can just pass this gallstone…”
As I’ve said before, I’d go with “Hey, my farts do stink as bad as everyone else’s! I never realized!”
Bill Kristol is actually ghostwriting for Sarah Palin. I give him four whore diamonds.
Uh, no. If the GOP delays it, they’ll be the one delaying it. If the GOP wanted to break this legislation up, they should not have been in the minority.
If the GOP wanted to break this legislation up, they should not have been in the minority.
It only highlights that the GOP is willing to play games with the fate of the nation, while the Dems are not.
Here’s an example where the Republicans are willing to tell the working and middle classes to fuck off, while Obama could have sideswiped this whole process by releasing the governor of New Hampshire from his promise to only appoint a Republican replacement for Gregg, thus insuring a filibuster proof Senate.
If the GOP wanted to break this legislation up, they should not have been in the minority.
But see elections only have consequences when Republicans win.
Obama should just issue a Terror Alert and demand cooperation.
The Terrorists win if the President Obama isn’t obeyed!
Why does Bill Kristol hate America?
In a perverse way, Kristol is indeed serving his real masters well with such an idea: the tsumani of rage & loathing that heads the GOP’s way over this “Obstructionism 2: Electric Buggerloo” plan might very well take a lot of cultural heat off the financial poobahs who’ve been feeling so much of America’s (well-aimed – for a change) tarring-&-feathering-nostalgic bile lately. Of course this is Bloody Bill here, so the odds of it backfiring horribly are about 1 in 1.
Alternative Shorter Kristol: If WE delay your package, that means YOU’RE delaying it – also, neener neener neener, you eat beans & weiners!
By “stimulus”, of course, Kristol means “tax cut”.
And by “policy agenda”, of course, Kristol means “anything other than a tax cut”.
When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Maybe, just maybe, the WaPo is changing course. I mean, c’mon – who in their right fucking mind would hire an oblivious, idiot such as Kristol if they actually wanted to push an idea? No one in the universe, except from those fantasts of the GOP, thinks that Bill Kristol has a lick of sense.
Here, Bill trots out his assigned talking point (emphasis mine): This strategy depends on GOP willingness to slow the process down and to challenge Obama’s arbitrary Presidents’ Day deadline
You know how we do with the trolls: “Shhh! Don’t let them know that five liberals die when a troll bashes its head with a claw hammer”
Yep, I think Bill Kristol flogging the GOP we-hate-America platform is gonna work out just fine.
Why didn’t Obama just do what Paulson did?
Why does Bill Kristol even exist any more? Oh yeah — to prove it’s possible to be wrong more often than Dick Morris.
FYWP. Just FY, that’s all.
Hasn’t WaPo dumped Catfish Mouth yet?
If Bill Kristol wrote a safe sex column for NRO, the Republican Party would have herpes about 10 seconds after reading it.
If Bill Kristol orders soup in the lunch line, order a sandwich.
If Bill Kristol compliments your hair style, shave your head.
If Bill Kristol finds you attractive, hang yourself.
And so on and so on…ecept for the last one as you’re totally dead.
I think that if we just dropped our tax rates to -90% for all people with incomes or dividend yields over $10 Million, then our economic growth would be phenomenal.
Uh, Pat’s passed on.
I’m heading off to the soup kitchen to get a hot bowl of tax cuts and then I’ll go back to the flophouse and throw some tax cuts into the woodburning stove.
Why won’t the Democrats help us poor Americans the way the GOP has been helping us, lo these past 30 years of the Reagan Revolution?
-Homeless Harry
Wuzza-wuzzup, loony libs? I see you’re railing off on Bill Kristol-Ball here at Sadly, D’oh! Well here’s a SPREAD for ya…Boss Bill was RIGHT ON about Super Sarah! The Power Palin was the only reason McCaniacs got close to winning against Obummer’s stolen election, and she’ll be the thing to put us over the top in 2012! Check it, before you wreck it, loony libs! And don’t get me started on how the surge has worked, because you libs can’t take it! Urban out.
Boss Bill was RIGHT ON about Super Sarah!
Which is why she fumbled the oath of office for Hillary, right?
Why does Bill Kristol hate America?
Too many black people, homos and uppity women. Also, poor and middle class people actually expect to be paid attention to from time to time.
The Power Palin was the only reason McCaniacs got close to winning against Obummer’s stolen election,
Only the truly delusional could see a 7 point margin of victory as a stolen election.
I think I liked Bucket better when he was copy-pasting random paragraphs of some C-list wingnut screed. But I do love the new sign-off, very Seacrest.
Y’know, everytime I see Bill Kristol’s ugly fucking face, I’m reminded of Mushmouth from Fat Albert. Dunno why.
Well here’s a SPREAD for ya
Sorry. Coaches and the word “spread” should not go together. Unless said coach expects a very special visit from the cops, the school board and the Department of Family and Child Services.
Either way, such a coach wouldn’t be coaching any longer.
If Obama wants a stimulus, Republicans will give it to him tomorrow. It’s the president’s and the Democrats’ insistence on incorporating a huge and problematic policy agenda in this one bill that’s delaying action. Why then, Republicans can ask, is President Obama delaying a necessary, short-term, emergency growth package?
So if Obama wants stimulus the Republicans will give it to him tomorrow except if it forwards policies the people voted for overwhelmingly rather than the failed policies voters rejected, and if Obama insists on doing what folks voted for the resulting Republican obstructionism is his fault? Sounds like they’ve got Joe the Plumber’s Helper advising them on more than just economics.
Obama ROCKS!
Speaking this morning, after lambasting the GOP talking points, he sez, “Are these folks serious?”
This is excellent news!! For KRISTOL!!!!!
heh, yeah tig. Here’s more of Barack Hussein X:
He plays poker (pretty well, or so I’m told). I think that speech is called a “check raise.”
Also, FYWP.
Every time I see that picture of Kristol, I get the feeling that he has issues.
Man, Kristol really has a “boca chocha”, I wonder if Ace flogs his bishop to pictures of it.
Kristol is an example of the actualy matching the cover- he LOOKS like a smug clueless bastard with a face that looks like he should be at the bottom of bass lake. And he REALLY IS a smug clueless bastard who should be at the bottom of bass lake.
And he REALLY IS a smug clueless bastard who should be at the bottom of bass lake.
Think of the poor bass.
Heh indeezy for sheezy, loony libs! Looks like Obummer’s Sillytiumulus is about to go down in flames, thanks to the great work by DeMinted, Super Sean Hannitizer, The Great One, and others! How’s that for your Change? Looks like the only Change here is the ones in your pockets after Obummer’s socialist tax plan comes to fruition…except it won’t, because the McCaniacs are still holding out for economic laws in Congress! Badoodle-boo-yeah! Urban out.
Sillytiumulus? That’s more a STRETCH than a SPREAD, little badoodle-doo-ya.
Iran tells Obama he must ‘accept’ the Iranian nuke program
Rick Moran
If I lived in the Middle East, I would be building a bomb shelter.
A spokesman for the Iranian regime has stated that if the US wants better relations with Iran (and if not, why bother talking to them?) then the United States must accept Iran’s nuclear program – among other impossibilities:
On some issues – such as the removal of US troops from Iraq and stabilising Afghanistan – Iran and the US can find common ground.
Others, particularly Iran’s claim that its nuclear programme is peaceful in nature and so advanced that it has become a fact on the ground, could prove the two sides’ differences are irreconcilable.
“If [US] policies change the two nations will get closer to each other, the two governments will get closer to each other and the chances for dialogue and co-operation will succeed,” said Mr Samareh.
“The policy of [George W.] Bush was to use this [the nuclear issue] as an excuse to stand up against the Iranian nation.
“For there to be change, this policy has to change.” In Afghanistan, he said, Iran was expecting a more robust effort to fight opium production.
Another big concern for Tehran were US attempts to negotiate with elements of the Taliban, the radical Sunni group ousted from power and seen by Tehran as a security threat.
“When the US goes into Afghanistan under the pretext of fighting illegal groups how can it enter into negotiations with them?” said Mr Samareh.
He also pointed to the Bush administration’s support for Israel during conflicts such as the offensive in Gaza against Hamas, which is supported by Iran, and the 2006 Israeli war against Hizbollah, another Iran-backed group.
In both cases the US sought to delay the passing of a UN ceasefire resolution.
“Is the new US administration going to continue these policies? If it does, then nothing will change,” he said.
It is the curse of our times that at the very moment in history where the world must say no to Iran and its nuclear ambitions, we have someone in the White House so enamored of his own ability to be a peacemaker that the chances are very good Iran will realize its nuclear ambitions while the US does not lift a finger to stop them.
Would Obama go so far as to acknowledge this reality and “accept” it?
Why not? If it advances his goal of reforming our relations with Iran, then such a small matter as a nuclear weapon shouldn’t stand in our way to peace.
This does not take place in a vacuum. Smaller countries in the region who were looking to the US for protection from an Iranian bomb must now realize that they are on their own and should plan accordingly. No one believes Obama when he says an Iranian nuke is unacceptable – largely because the president insists on pushing talks with Iran forward – even if it means we must acknowledge the legitimacy of the Iranian nuclear program.
Hey, who wants pie? We can throw the leftovers at Bill Kristol.
I love this new “Anonymous” troll. He out-Matt-McMahons Matt McMahon with the copypasta. Troll minimalism at its finest.
It’s nice to see Coach has given his brain tumor a name.
Though a UF graduate, it’s been years since I paid any undue attention to Gator football. Post Spurrier, why bother, but I do wonder if the real Urban Meyer talks like that.
I doubt it. The reanimated corpses of Bum Phillips and Bear Bryant would rise from their respective graves and kick the shit out of him.
Attention: do not cut ‘n’ paste stuff from Rick Moran for anything except mockery and expect to ever be taken seriously. He is a dipstick.
Matt T,
The question I’ve always had is, what moron Ohio redneck names his son “Urban”?
By Dick Morris
In 1993, President Clinton pushed an economic stimulus package of the then-large amount of $35 billion. Promising to “focus like a laser beam” on the economy, he consulted with his Democratic majorities in both houses in formulating his proposal.
As a result, it was loaded with every possible liberal Democratic spending item and crammed with pork targeted at specific Democratic House districts. Repelled by the pork, not a single Republican backed the bill and, with national public opinion turning against it because of the spending, it failed.
President Obama faces a similar challenge. He needs to re-craft his stimulus package from the ground up. Merely adding a homebuyer tax credit or cutting some spending is not going to be enough. He needs to change a spending bill into a tax cut bill. Republicans will take care not to be enticed by limited concessions.
Obama needs to decide, finally, who he is: a liberal Democrat or a centrist.
Some sort of Catholic deal, as in “Pope Urban,” I would guess.
And Rick Maroon types:
Smaller countries in the region who were looking to the US for protection from an Iranian bomb must now realize that they are on their own and should plan accordingly.
You mean Israel & Pakistan, who already have their own WsMD, you effing moran? What other “smaller countries” need to be protected?
What other “smaller countries” need to be protected?
The Emirates?
Promising to “focus like a laser beam” on the economy, he consulted with his Democratic majorities in both houses in formulating his proposal.
…and ended up creating the single largest economy in the history of the world!
Let’s PRAY Obama makes that mistake again!
What other “smaller countries” need to be protected?
All the Sunni theocracies that fund Al Qaeda.
I also lost Congress in 1994.
Curses, you wily Finn! You beat me to the punch…
My socialist health care plan went down in flames the first year of my husband’s administration.
If it’s any consolation, I’m balder than you are. 😉
If it’s any consolation, I’m balder than you are.
Maybe below the collar, but I’d stake my glabrousness against yours any day.
Hm, possibly. I let my hair grow back for the winter.
Still, I’m probably bigger than you are.
Okay, you covered your ass.
Now watch this swing.
Boring troll is boring.
Before you two go any further, make sure the criteria are set in advance. Are we talking length? Girth? LxW? What?
Before you two go any further, make sure the criteria are set in advance. Are we talking length? Girth? LxW? What?
PeeJ, it’s only as big around as a coke can, but it’s kinda on the long side.
Fail & ironic win, all in the same sentence.
Somewhere on another astral plane, a Zen Buddhist monk just came.
Sorry. I had to pee. The water’s pretty deep.
Kristol’s transmission is stuck in wrong and he’s got the pedal to the metal.
Okay, you covered your ass.
Back hair needs shaving.
Kristol is more fucked up than a football bat.
So let me be clear: Those ideas have been tested, and they have failed.
Thank you, Hussein X! I’ve gotten pretty tired of “turning the corner, just need another few years and a few more percent of capital gains tax cuts” kind of hooey.
Back hair needs shaving.
What, and lose my silverback status?
If the pedal won’t go the metal, the metal will have to go to the pedal. Something like that, anyway.
He’s not even getting any love from the Freepers:
To: lewisglad
Shut up Bill. Your track record simply sucks.
2 posted on Thursday, February 05, 2009 11:54:17 AM by Badeye
To: lewisglad
Kristol was hawking McCain for years. He got what he wanted.
As far as I’m concerned he’s toast as far as deciding what happens to the Republican party. I trust him as much as I do McCain.
7 posted on Thursday, February 05, 2009 12:01:49 PM by LeavingNewYork
….and my personal fave:
To: lewisglad
Still carryin’ McCain’s bedpan.
8 posted on Thursday, February 05, 2009 12:04:11 PM by TADSLOS (McCain always has a job as Obama’s Butt Boy when he loses his seat in 2010)
Hokay then. Due to recent events here at the World’s Snittiest Website, I did something I’ve been meaning to do (but not very ardently) for years. I went to the wiki and read the entry on cricket. WTF?
How did a normally somewhat sensible people (that’d be you limeys) manage to create a game with so many variations, such complexity of rules, such utter silliness? Jeebus, it’s weird.
Also, I can understand why the Aussies enjoy it – deliberately getting hit with a viciously flung, hard ball – but I can’t imagine any sane people enjoying it.
Am I missing something?
Stop meddling with my peddling
Fortunately, there are already at least two GOP Senators who are trying to hammer out a compromise with the Democrats. So soon the legislation shall be passed, whereupon we shall crack open the wallets of the conservatives and feast upon the cash and plastic to be found therein.
The rubber stuff found in there shall be left for our conservative detractors. I hear they like the taste anyway.
People say that Cricket imitates life but this is incorrect, it is the other way around. Now the present show ponies known as the NZ team do not encourage one to take an interest but that is because they are more about advertising and fashion, than cricket. The subtleties and infinite variations are what is interesting. It is fiendishly difficult to play it properly and I never could.
Due to recent events here at the World’s Snittiest Website, I did something I’ve been meaning to do (but not very ardently) for years. I went to the wiki and read the entry on cricket.
I spent that time Googling old pictures of Claire Grogan.
I would argue that cricket could only have been invented by a country which, at the time, had the most ludicrous monetary system in known history, including the island of Yap.
A country that had this as its currency exchange…
1 farthing (the lowest value coin) = 1/4 penny
A ha’penny (Half penny) = 1/2 penny
1 penny = one of the basic units (1d)
Threepence or Thruppenny Bit = 3 pence
Sixpence = 6 pence
1 shilling = 12 pence
1 florin = 2 shillings
A half-crown = 2 shillings and 6 pence
1 crown = 5 shillings = 1/4 pound
1 pound = 20 shillings = 240 pence (£1)
1 sovereign = a gold coin with a face value of one pound (about .24 ounces of 22 carat gold)
…would HAVE to invent cricket, if only out of sheer embarassment!
(you missed the guinea)
…the term guinea survives in some circles, notably horse racing [1] and in the sale of rams, to mean an amount of one pound and one shilling (One pound and five pence in decimalised currency, equivalent to 21 shillings).
Watching cricket straight is like watching baseball while tripping.
You’re right, ckc, I did. My error.
You forgot groats.
More groat clusters please
browing groats?
(you missed the guinea)
Yo, vecchio, that’s a slur!
Don’t forget the Guinea: 21 shillings. Just so they could quote prices with the 5% luxury tax added without doing any arithmetic.
Can’t type fast enough to get in first. Need more Blart!
In cricket’s defense: the geometry and rules are epiphenomena. What makes cricket a leisure-class sport as opposed to baseball is that when you get a hit, you don’t have to run unless you think you can make it. That’s why cricket matches have been known to last three days. I think the world is big enough for both models.
Oh well done.
Note also the existence of double florins (4-shilling coins) in late Victorian times, and — unless Someone Is Wrong On The Internet — a two-penny coin issued in 1797.
…you don’t have to run unless you think you can make it
With cricket, I might not have failed high school gym!!!
This is getting so bad I’m going from crossword puzzles online free to jigzone. That is all.
a two-penny coin issued in 1797.
I always thought that was what “tuppence” was. Was it really just any combination of coins that added up to 2d?
“They argue with umpires,
They cheer when they’ve won,
And they practice beforehand
Which ruins the fun”
Nowadays the hipsters say “tuppage”.
I would argue that cricket could only have been invented by a country which, at the time, had the most ludicrous monetary system in known history…
Now that you mention it, they also invented the Jaguar XJ Series III which had something like 220 body stampings*.
*at a time when unit-body cars elsewhere were designed with < a couple dozen at most.
something like 220 body stampings
Surely this observation belongs in the “sexual-humiliation-by-female-masters” thread.
Nowadays the hipsters say “tuppage”.
And I say that no man, woman or child shall ever take a tuppin’ liberty with me, no sir!
Did the sex offender halfway house get a new computer? There have been alot of trolls on S!N as of late.
Nowadays the hipsters say “tuppage”.
In the eighties I remember we called things that cost 2 cents “tuppular”.
a country which, at the time, had the most ludicrous monetary system in known history…
I remain unconvinced that a monetary system qualifies as ‘ludicrous’ unless it involves asset-backed synthetic security markets, Collateralized Debt Obligations, and liquidity crises.
The shame is that the Brits buckled and caved to the decimal forces not long before every cash register turned binary … coulda kept the good old system that built the empire.
That’s semi-serious — the big argument for decimalization was the cash registers of the late 1960s.
I also learned an important lesson when the half-dollar (aka half-crown, or 2/6) was taken out of circulation in 1970: I got one in change from the corner store and said, hey, no fair, and the guy said he’d take it back tomorrow, and he did. Our little section of Oxford kept circulating non-legal tender happily for months. Aha! So that’s what money is …
Dammit, cricket is not meant to be understood! You’re supposed to find it all goddley gook, then the English can feel superior. Sadly the colonies turned out ( well the smart ones, that didn’t chuck tea into the sea) to be quite good at it.
Not to mention the procedure for repairing Lucas electrics:
Verify that the position of the stars is favorable, kill three chickens and cast their bones, circumambulate the car/bike thrice deosil then thrice widdershins whilst chanting “Oh mighty Prince of Darkness! A boon for your servant I beg of thee.”
Is WP a Lucas product?!?
well, some of us chucked no tea, but we still suck at cricket (but stay out of the corners with us)
As for ludicrous monetary systems, how about the U.S. $1 gold piece that looked like a fish scale, and as I know from sad experience, can blow away right out of your hand and never be seen again?
Cricket hasn’t been the same since they introduced time limits …
unless Someone Is Wrong On The Internet
Nothing has ever been wrong on the Internet, EVAR!
Now, get back in the basement to get your granola crumb ration.
Farm-boy that I am, I went Googling for “tupping dye” (also known as Raddle), and came across a forum discussion on “When are you tupping?” — which is the kind of question that people are reluctant to ask face-to-face.
That’s some good shit right there. I once won a game of balderdash by knowing the meaning of “widdershins.”
Did she jump when you slipped that gold piece into her thong?
get your granola crumb ration.
Tragically, my granola crumbs get all mixed up with the other particles of stone and soil on the basement floor, and I don’t know grit from granola.
Okay, now that’s just spooky! What are next Saturday’s lotto numbers?
Smut, I don’t, as the kids say, “LOL” very often, but that was sheer genius!
The thread seems to have gone in a different direction — I don’t have time to read it all — but I just need to say one thing about “shorter” Kristol: the only shorter Kristol I want to see is him without his head. Oh wait….
The thread seems to have gone in a different direction…
I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore, Toto!
I remain unconvinced that a monetary system qualifies as ‘ludicrous’ unless it involves asset-backed synthetic security markets, Collateralized Debt Obligations, and liquidity crises.
South Sea Bubble?
I once won a game of balderdash by knowing the meaning of “widdershins.”
That sort of thing is one of the main impeti for my adventures in personal lexical expansionism. But then, I’m an elitist SOB.
I blame the proximity to His Wrongness William Kristol but I did, indeed forget Canada when it came to cricket, as not chucking tea but still having no interest. My bad.
However that pales into insignificance beside forgetting the Philadelphian cricket team who were pretty good by the standards of the day.
My apologies to all concerned.
In cricket’s defense: the geometry and rules are epiphenomena
Cricket is quantum mechanics?
Jaguar XJ Series III
Ah, the best of British engineering found all over the roads…
Speaking of cricket, y’know what was a good movie?
“Lagaan: Once Upon A Time In India”.
Cricket as a historical sports picture + Bollywood song & dance numbers.
You don’t see that shit everyday, let me tell you.
That picture of Kristol… I knew I’d seen that expression somewhere before.
Mussolini’s headquarters in Rome.
Oops… second try.
I was once told that the only things the Brits ever got right were the Spitfire and the Austin Mini Cooper.
I once won a game of balderdash by knowing the meaning of “widdershins.”
Remember that ‘widdershins’ and ‘deosil’ take on each other’s meaning when you are in the Southern hemisphere. And when our economy goes down the gurgler, it turns in the opposite direction.
Der Bloody Kristol can suck my Schwanz anytime, jawohl!
GAAAAAAH! He’s got that same shit-eating grin on the WaPo page that he did over at the NYT!
The grin of a door to door sales fraud.
My father has a whole bunch of ‘silver thretny bits’ that they used to bake into the Christmas cake back in the olden days when he was a lad. I don’t know what they were worth then or if that’s even the real name but he’s held onto them for 65 years. Try asking that guy for extra allowance money and see what it gets you.
How did a normally somewhat sensible people (that’d be you limeys) manage to create a game with so many variations, such complexity of rules, such utter silliness? Jeebus, it’s weird.
You mean, worse than baseball………
and another thing, don’t criticize our old money when you guys still cant be arsed replacing your 1$ with a coin fer christs sake…
and what is it with all that change you get, get rid of the penny & the five cent bit, whatever its called………..
best coin of all, though, was the old 2.5 Guilder coin in NL…
Hey, as I said on a previous thread, you can’t fail to love a game that has positions like deep fine leg and silly mid-on. Plus it’s a grand excuse for five days of concentrated boozing in the hot sun.
Also, poor and middle class people actually expect to be paid
attention tofrom time to time.Fizzled, although both interpretations are accurate.
and another thing, don’t criticize our old money when you guys still cant be arsed replacing your 1$ with a coin fer christs sake…
Obviously, you missed that we’ve had a gold dollar coin for almost a decade now…
It’s OK. So have most Americans.
The Wise Ones – Python, Monty – tell us that cricket was invented to give the village idiots something to do with their liesure time.
Continuous Profile Kristol
And did someone say South Sea Bubble? Oh yes!
I posted the Dutch view of it but the cartoons are explained in English.