Can someone tell me…
Posted on January 28th, 2009 by Brad
…why Republicans are attacking Democrats for funding STD prevention? Like, where is the partisan gain in all this? Can you imagine campaign ads that say something along the lines of, “Mike Pence voted AGAINST Barack Hussein Obama’s plan to prevent you from getting a sexually transmitted disease!” In a sane country, this stuff would just not be controversial.
Because, people, you have to be having sex in order to get STD’s.
“In a sane country”…
Answered your own question.
We don’t want us no boneratin’ nohow.
It is gawd’s plan to punish those who enjoy themselves, or otherwise take pleasure in using the bodies that gawd allegedly gave them.
And apparently this won’t be stimulating.
They’re hoping late stage syphilitics would be more likely to vote Republican?
They’re selling arms to the Ayatollahs to raise money for condoms.
It’s the Iran-Contraceptive scandal.
why Republicans are attacking Democrats for funding STD prevention?
Because there’s someone, somewhere, having fun and THEY MUST BE STOPPED!
Because the greatest social disease facing America today is the GOP?
Heh…In Australia the Labor federal government, over a year since defeating the conservatives at the polls, has yet to overturn the previous administration’s ban on aid for overseas charity organisations that provide info to the poor on all family planning options.
This makes Australia the only western nation to have such a policy. Why? Because the Labor government is afraid to antagonize one fundamentalist christian independent senator on who it sometimes relies on to pass legislation through the senate.
Who’s insanerer now?
Who’s insanerer now?
We Americans have a lot in common with our Aussie brethren.
We were booted out of all the decent countries in Europe!
Because these fucks are against spending money on ANYTHING that doesn’t DIRECTLY benefit themselves.
Because these fucks are against spending money on ANYTHING that doesn’t DIRECTLY benefit themselves.
True enough. Most underage boys don’t even have STDs.
Most underage boys don’t even have STDs.
And once Republicans get their mitts on them, not even BVDs.
“Mike Pence voted AGAINST Barack Hussein Obama’s plan to prevent you from getting a sexually transmitted disease!”
I think the GOP version would be “Mike Pence voted AGAINST Barack Hussein Obama’s plan to force your kids to have sex AGAINST THEIR WILL!”
The Republicans are clearly in the pockets of Big Urology.
Republicans are objectively pro-STD.
Before a cure was found for syphilis, there were people who were dead set against a cure being found, because such things would only encourage the filthy and degenerate to continue their filthy degenerate lifestyles. Sexually transmitted diseases are a just punishment for the wicked. This is why God gave us the currently incurable AIDS virus once antibiotics were discovered, and why it is a sin to tell children about condoms and other methods of safer sex.
In short, fundies want you to die.
Because the GOP wants your genitals to fall off. They’re a drag on productivity.
“Now stop playing with your genitals and get back to work!”
They got nothing.
Because they’re all afraid that if they vote in favor of anything that has anything at all to do with SEX!! in any way their dumbshit constit-chew-ints won’t for for ’em no more. And in a retarded state like mine, they’re probably right.
What Celia said. There are actually parents who don’t want their daughters to get the new vaccination for HPV for that very reason.
I’ll say straight up that I loathe those parents.
It’s already been said, but sex is icky, don’cha know. Anything that’s seen seen to be promoting it (even if it’s not really) is fair game.
I once heard part of a recorded speech from some particularly lunatic Fundie “minister” (I’ve long since forgotten which one, though he wasn’t one of the more famous assholes), which was (I quote) “God is great. Sex is stupid.” And this repeated several times, like it was a chant.
As for why the more reportedly ‘mainstream’ Rethug politicians pander to this kind of nonsense: Gotta give the rubes something to froth against while you’re picking their pockets, ya know?
Also, if you help prevent STDs then you’re throwing money at promiscuity and abortions, which Jeezus does not like.
A sexually infected America is a stronger America.
The only cure for Republicanism is abstinence.
Rusty, if I could buy you a beer right now I would.
Irony and satire may be dead, but the Repubs just bulldozed the burial ground and put the remains through a shredder.
The lead Republican spokesman for the “do nothing for the recession except give rich people more money” is Representative Jeff Flake, of Arizona.
And he’s straight outta central casting.
1.2 trillion missing dollars said,
Yep, just keep ignoring me…
Next one’s on you, cur.
Because they can.
And that’s all they can do.
The money spent on STD prevention could be better put to use killing brown people, or buying clothes for Sarah Palin.
Because of the homosexuals, forever.
Because Rush Limbaugh runs the Republican Party now. And, by extension, the media.
I’m surprised Tweety hasn’t started dropping the N-word, just to stay in the boss’s good graces…
They’re all about making you want to come to Jeeeeeezus!
Well. That didn’t turn out quite the way I expected.
But I like it.
I currently live in a Red City in a Red State and you can’t drive more than two blocks without seeing a massage parlor — in fact, they typically double them up like convenience stores: on both sides of the street so you don’t even have to make a turn across traffic.
No doubt the parlors provide their own condoms — so really, why does Big Government have to stick their noses into it?
I don’t think Republicans have any idea that money can be used to hire people to do things, like, consistently. They only understand that money can be invested, after which the Money Gods turn it into more money, unless the Money Gods have become angry and demand a money sacrifice.
That’s the only way it can be even halfway rational for them to claim that family planning services or cleaning up the National Mall don’t “stimulate the economy.” Someone is getting paid to do something, and can then spend that money on goods and services. Thus, economy. Homer Simpson’s brain understands this. Jeff Flake and John Boehner do not.
The so-called “stimulus” bill passed with zero Republican support in the House. You can’t hold us responsible when it fails, libs.
Did someone fart in here?
I had to have this talk with my sister regarding my niece (who has just started college). I eventually said “well, you know also not all sex is exactly consensual” and she began to freak out, but here’s the thing, as if I had compared someone to Hitler. The suggestion that you can get an STD without deciding to have sex is, apparently, an unfair debating tactic or something.
I would almost prefer talking to someone who thinks vaccines “give” you autism.
1.2 trillion missing dollars said,
Yep, just keep ignoring me…
Shit, Junior, I eat you for breakfast every day.
My (sometimes an idiot) niece doesn’t want the vaccine because she’s not going to have sex outside of marriage. It’s her stupid church that has convinced her not to get one, and my sister WILL NOT TALK TO HER about it.
Besides, she says “it will huuuurt. Those shots hurt worse than regular shotst”. Right. I could just shake her, but she’s 6 feet tall and built like a brick wall, and I’m 5’3″ and more round than I should be, so I guess I won’t, but I could tell HER something about shots that hurt, like having to have Procrit once a week, every single week for a year.
Obama Hussein X is getting the repubs all liquored up at the White House tonight. I can’t think of anything snarky to say about that. I’m just so happy to have a prez who isn’t a fucking asshole to every living thing.
I’m just so happy to have a prez who isn’t a fucking asshole to every living thing.
It is nice seeing an adult in charge, innit?
I hope he’s as nice to the Democrats as he is to the Redoublechins. And that he lets the Pubbies know who won, again and again and again, every time they decide they’re going Gingrich on him.
I think the problem is that this is an economic stimulus bill. You know… a bill that is supposed to stimulate the economy.
It’s going to be increasingly hard for them to be mean to him, I think, because he just seems so …. likeable.
Well, the Redoublechins (love that!) are getting paged:
The Future Express is leaving the station…
And they better get on board.
Because the next train is four years away.
YOU OWN the stimulus plan now, Democrats. When it fails (and it will) to end the recession you can’t claim “bi-partisanship”.
The only cure for Republicanism is abstinence.
Just Say No to sex with pro-lifers.
“I would almost prefer talking to someone who thinks vaccines “give” you autism.”
Maybe not but there is an awful lot of mercury in our environment these days. Came out recently there is mercury in high fructose corn syrup. I don’t eat sushi any more and I stay far away from top predator sea fish. Here in Minnesota we have a lot of Somalian refugees and we are seeing too much autism from that group. An awful lot of pollutants and pesticides in Somalia. We need to repair the damage that Bush did to environmental legislation.
Oh noes! Don’t throw me in the partisan briar patch! Please!
You’re already in it, “FlipYrWhig” and we will throw you and Dear Leader in it again and again and again into failed Democrat liberal policies.
Hello, Republican Congress in 2010! YES!
tigrismus for the win!
Now how about the Repugs fighting TB funding? That makes the whole STD thing pale in comparison.
“An awful lot of pollutants and pesticides in Somalia. We need to repair the damage that Bush did to environmental legislation.”
You’re blaming Bush for pollution in Somalia now? ROFL! Is there nothign you won’t blame him for?
I know better than this but…. “When it fails (and it will)”. Unless it doesn’t because it isn’t like you’ve ever been right, about anything, ever. But when it doesn’t fail you won’t admit it because deep deep down, you’re a coward.
Even liberal Jim Kramer says the stimulus plan will fail.
Part of the Repugs fight against combatting STDs is that any acknowledging of the development of antibiotic resistance would mean accepting the truth of the Theory of Evolution by Means of Natural Selection.
May I take this opportunity to express my admiration for the present commentariat’s ability to ignore the troll that’s currently trying to infest the site. Kudos to you all.
If you say it all deep and ominous over a black TV screen, with spooky music, it would scare the shit out of some grandpa in Idaho ( you know the type -they get all redf aced about teens doing more then holding hands, but lingers over the teen underwear pages of the Sears catalog- you know, FOX’s demographic)- the type that wouldn’t vote for a democrat anyways
“You’re blaming Bush for pollution in Somalia now? ROFL! “
No, I was just being a bit lazy and didn’t separate my paragraphs. It’s just a blog.
[deep sigh]
noen: Go to your room.
Hats off to Eric Cantor. The next great Republican leader!
MzNicky – Oh crap, sorry about that. I won’t feed it any more, promise.
Oh RedState , we are so scared… Heaven help us, something terrible could happen like we could end up being so incompetent that we melt down the world’s economy, destroy US competitive capabilities – not to mention reputation – on industry and science and getting involved into two quagmire wars….
Oh wait…
Re: The anti-cervical cancer vaccine: I thought it was only intended for adolescent girls who were not yet sexually active? I haven’t really kept up with it, now that my own daughter is grown.
the type that wouldn’t vote for a democrat anyways
The type whose pastor is holed up with a rent boy and a cache of meth!
It is, you’re right MzNicky.
opie_jeanne: How old is your niece? And what’s going on with that vaccine these days?
These folks say up to 26.
Maybe the Repugnicans can form a (gr)ass roots organization called “Americans for Anal Warts”. ‘Twoud describe their candidates as well!
Can someone tell me…
…why our Prezzydent is trying to walk thru windows?
My niece is 24, and not sexually active… you’ll just have to trust me on this. She should have had it a couple of years ago when it first was announced.
Gawrsh Goofy, wtf are you talking about?
The Sarah thing now has an official web site
Sarah Palin’s Official PAC
Why would you want to put tons of STD prevention in an economic stimulus bill? I don’t see how that can possibly be considered appropriate.
Gawrsh Goofy, wtf are you talking about?
He thinks Bruce Campbell won the election.
Campbell ’16!
Sarah should be cramming for the election 4 years from now, if she wants it so bad. She should borrow Bristol’s unused high school geography, social studies, and english books. Heck she should be running her state instead of sucking up sweet, sweet neocon welfare.
He thinks Bruce Campbell won the election.
Campbell ‘16!
Heck she should be running her state instead of sucking up sweet, sweet neocon welfare.
But running her state would go against everything the conservatives stand for!
“..perverting the men who make our laws
Every desire is hidden away,
In a drawer
In a desk
By a Naugahyde© chair”
But running her state would go against everything the conservatives stand for!
You’re right, my bad, it would ruin the whole third world banana republic/Thunderdome/Boss Hogg vibe the red states are are trying to reach.
But running her state would go against everything the conservatives stand for!
Only because he left off the “into the ground.”
That sound you hear is the Overton Window slamming shut.
Because they’ll never be asked about it in any forum that matters in any straight-forward way they can’t weasel out of?
Nah, couldn’t be that,could it?
Kan I Has Preznit Libary, 2?
Details are just coming out about the features and attractions for George W. Bush presidential library. There’ll be a gift shop, a 5 star restaurant, an enhanced interrogation room and even a think tank.
Of course, when the stimulus bill works (and it will. It will!) it will be those long delayed Bush tax cuts that really did the trick!
third world banana republic/Thunderdome/Boss Hogg vibe
Get Bruckheimer on the line… we’ve got a winner!
…and even a think tank.
I thought that’d be like a dunk tank, only you throw brains instead of softballs.
Or maybe, in the Preznitial Libarry’s case, a drunk tank.
Mad Dukes Of Hazzard Thunder In The Tropics?
Karl, it’s time to talk
In sum, the tables have been turned on Karl Rove. He can continue to refuse to cooperate with Congress in their probe of the U.S. Attorney and Siegelman matters, but not without consequences. If he persists in defying the subpoenas, he may be headed to jail.
Where he belongs.
I think Karl would look good in orange. He’s obviously an Autumn…
or is that FALL?
I’m never going to prison, liberals. Suck on it!
…why Republicans are attacking Democrats for funding STD prevention?
It’s just plain cussedness. They’re an ornery lot. They’re contrary, pissy, reactionary, obstructionists.
They’re like the old Dana Carvey character on SNL, the old fart who’d bang on the table at any provocation. “Back in my day, people died from STD’s. That’s the way it was, there was no choice, and we liked it!”
Fucking republicans.
How will we know if it worked?
I’m guessing that it will move things forward a little better than if Obama had done nothing but any benefit will be slow-moving and results will be hard to pin down. It will succeed in some areas and not in others. Some will claim the plan was brilliant, others will say brilliant but flawed and others will call it a total failure.
Who gets to pass judgment and when?
Fucking republicans.
No, thank you!
Well, speaking for me, if I’m not living in a tent by 2010, and selling the cats for scientific experiments, it will be full of WIN.
Keeping the country together will be a tremendous accomplishment, unless we all get sold to China for scientific experiments, which I believe is the ReThug’s Final Solution.
We lost China to Communism to begin with!
Sex is icky icky poo!
I will be the end result of Democrat “stimulus”.
I’m actually glad that House Republicans gave a huge middle finger to Obama so early on. He played his “bipartisan” tune, they didn’t dance, I mean, not unless you call what they do ‘dancing’, and so next time he can come out and say ‘Been there, done that.’ Or, he could just keep doing it again and again.
icky poo! ugh icky sex icky!
sex icky icky icky
icky sex icky icky poo!
Abortion good! Good good good! More abortion! Kill little babies!
icky icky sex icky
Federally fundning baby killing abortion even better, Nancy!
Sex with my wife, Elaine Chao, is icky icky poo!
It’s not true we are antisex. Didn’t you see how we all just fucked ourselves?
I think abortion is awesome. I think we ought to set up a huuuuuuge economic stimulus encouraging those pre-teens attending megachurches to get pregnant from the few existing heterosexual megachurch male preachers (scarce, but you don’t need many), and then get free abortions.
After we get bored of it, we can then burn down all the megachurches and by the light of their flames hold mass gay marriage ceremonies with federally funded Wiccan priests.
We not only want to federally fund infanticide, we think its FUNNY!
You have no idea how long it took Mitch to grow my beard.
You know, El Cid, another good economic stimulus plan could involve the marketing of “Congratulations for your abortion” cakes.
We don’t think infanticide is funny! We just think idiot freaks who think abortion is infanticide are funny!
Really funny! Backwards barking idiots who aren’t much different than snake-handling evolution deniers! That kind of funny!
It occurs to us that perhaps that’s the how the GOP thinks we will destroy Traditional Marriage. We’re going to have sex (with each other) after we’re married.
I think abortion is awesome.
As a card-carrying liberal, I couldn’t agree more.
“Congratulations for your abortion” cakes
Terrific idea. Now, what would make a nice topping for such a cake?
If I were Obama I’d tuck a little sex poison pill in every bill. The Republicans will jump on it like a terrier on a rat and while they’re being distracted by the thought of vaginas, I’d get what I want.
I like that–it’s not an a-bortion, it’s a yay-bortion!
Democrat policies kill millions of us every year. ;(
We kill lots of babies, but our daddies love us anyway.
Democrat policies kill millions of us every year. ;(
Actually I think you’ll find it’s scalpels, or vacuum cleaners, or something like that, not the policies.
On the upside, thanks to some half-assed troll, we’ve learned that the Dems can pass whatever they want without worrying about GOP support.
Good to know.
WAAAAAHHHHH! We lost and we just can’t handle it!!!!!!
Not sure if they’d be distracted or terrified by the lady parts (Dr. Freud won’t let me type that Latin word, but let’s focus on Republican Congressional problems, thank you) but it would work either way.
No no no, silly. Policies don’t kill unborn babies – gay abortionists kill unborn babies. And look faaabulous while doing it.
Republican Depression hits Girl Scout Cookies.
Policies don’t kill unborn babies – gay abortionists kill unborn babies. And look faaabulous while doing it.
The lavender tailored lab coats are quite fetching, I must admit.
I wonder why the Redoublechins didn’t outlaw borshunz when they had that absolute power that they’ve since piddled away so ignominiously?
Are there many things left under the Sun which Republicans aren’t so afraid of that they don’t pee their pants for once?
It’s amazing how they can pack all that hatred of America and its honored traditions in with so much outright cowardice.
I like to delicately drape my abortion cakes with a dead baby raspberry reduction. Nothing to overpower the cake itself, just a light nappe, you know?
If the embryos are early enough they practically dissolve in a good wine reduction.
If the embryos are early enough they practically dissolve in a good wine reduction.
Yes, but the partial-birth ones are the most Satany.
That is true. If you can’t taste the screams of agony, why bother with a recipe?
What the hell makes you think we want to outlaw abortions? Fuck. If we did that, we’d have nothing but gay marriage to rile up the
marksto where they send us all that money. And gay marriage aint looking likje too good a fundraising cause for us these days. Sheeeit, boy, we need to have that issue – we aint got nuttin else.And, they’re crunchy!
We should offer free (tax-payer-funded) abortions to all Muslims and watch the Republicans go boom.
Shecky, could it be that at least 60% of this “center-right” to “conservative” nation would like the option to be available to them, if needed, & if the X-fascists really tried it, they’d get slapped down so fast, etc.?
oops – obligatory link
If the embryos are early enough they practically dissolve in a good wine reduction.
It’s the alcohol that does it. You haven’t lived until you’ve had a fetarita.
Since the Obama presidency has begun, hundreds of thousands of lost their jobs.
Congrats to Obama for passing the Democrat spending plan without any bipartisan support.
Obama is Jimmy Carter, Part 2.
I don’t know nothin’ about no abortionals, OK?
Just sayin’
Because if you are gonna have teh hotttt monkey sexxx then you gotta pay the consequences.
Are there many things left under the Sun which Republicans aren’t so afraid of that they don’t pee their pants for once?
Streets full of floating dead black people, abandoned to drown after a completely predictable human-made disaster?
o god i’m laughing too hard
The sick people whose hopes of some sort of relief from their suffering has been delayed for years because Bush loves snowflake babies?
He truly is the second coming of Jimmy Carter. Just a black version.
Jimmy Carter promised “Hope and Change”, too, you know!
Okay, I’m going to post a terribly offensive but uproariously funny dead-baby joke. Just giving a heads up. Don’t read it if you are at all sensitive about … well … don’t read it if you are not a depraved bastard. Seriously.
Q: What’s the difference between a dead baby and a breakfast burrito?
A: You don’t come in a breakfast burrito before you eat it.
I believe in feeding trolls–to lions.
Gary, shut the fuck up. I don’t care if you’re fake or real or a 13-year-old avoiding his math homework. Your guys fucked over the economy just like we warned you. You get to say nothing, ever, about the economy. You fucked us over and now the suffering is just starting. Shut the fuck up or we’ll spend the rest of our lives pointing you guys out and looking up to the sky and screaming, just like in Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
You hurt us, our kids, our parents. We’re terrified and you think you’ll get to use this against us? You’ll be lucky to get out of this alive.
Susan, once Obama is done with this economy (three trillion dollar deficits and hyperinflation) people will pine for the good ‘ol days of George W. Bush.
Unless he pulls our asses out of the fire and you people go down in history as the pustule on the septic asshole of American history. You were wrong about Bush’s Boom too, you know. 0-for-0 aren’t good stats.
And by all means, keep bringing up Bush, so we don’t forget what he did.
Welcome back to America — Year 1709.
Susan, once Obama is done with this economy (three trillion dollar deficits and hyperinflation) people will pine for the good ‘ol days of George W. Bush.
Like they pine for Hoover????
I know. It’s like the way it took a few years to show people how awful F. D. Roosevelt’s spendthrift socialist ways were so we could all be nostalgic for Coolidge-Hoover days again.
Why else did Republicans so dominate American politics for a generation after the crash of ’29?
The economy has slumped due to the failures of big government and the left. They mandated giving out lots of loans to people who would never pay them back. Their plan is another New Deal, only worse, which will prolong our economic troubles (much like the New Deal did).
Obama’s Chicago-style plan will pay his friends with billions of our dollars. Obama is the true corrupt politico in Illinois.
You know the difference between aborted babies and dead republicans? Someone will grieve for the dead babies.
But Dick Cheney said that Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter. Two great economic minds there. How can you doubt their words?
Democrat policies kill millions of us every year.
How come the US birthrate keeps rising steadily?
In 1980 they were pining for Dick Nixon over Jimmy Carter, and then we had REAGAN!
Bush is Nixon, Obama is Carter, and it remains to be seen who will be Reagan.
Someone will grieve for the dead babies.
I’d grieve for the Republicans. I’d have to start shooting people!
Bush is Nixon
First true thing this turd has ever said in his life, including his wedding vows.
Obama’s Chicago-style plan will pay his friends with billions of our dollars
Just like Bush’s Texas-style plan, huh?
Gee, Gary AND RedStater…funny how they seem to show up together.
You guys think maybe they’re life partners? Cuz the “Gary” I know is a not-too-closeted gay man in KC…Right, Dav– I mean, Gary?
Obama’s Chicago-style plan
That’s the deep dish pizza plan, unlike the shit-on-a-shingle pizza from Texas.
they were pining for Dick Nixon over Jimmy Carter
Where were they pining? On the Bizarro-world?
They’re really, really gonna hate that the new FDR who launches Democratic leadership for a whole ‘nother generation is the black liberal Chicago community organizer with the Muslim name.
I think Big Pharma ought to be well on the way to inventing the necessary targeted anti-depressant for Republicans with Continual Fail disorder.
Nixon is a lot like Bush, but not in the way you libs think.
They were both destroyed by a hostile media–not because of what they did, but because of who they were. The eastern elites hated them.
Jeez, at this stage I miss Kevin mowing his lawn, my pot-smoking hippie friends!
Same with Palin. The Eggheads hate Palin for the same reason. She doesn’t talk correctly, or go to the right cocktail parties, and she isn’t from Washington, so the elites hate her.
Were you even alive in 1980? Nobody pined over Nixon, dumbass.
Knowing Republicans, they’ll dig up Reagan’s corpse, plop it in a chair, and try to vote it into office. They have nobody else, unless you plan to run Bristol Palin for president.
I guess Carter was wrong with all his ‘independence from foreign oil’ and ‘energy conservation’ and ‘get away from fossil fuels’ and ‘make human rights the core of foreign policy’ mumbo jumbo.
Thank god Reagan came along to allow Republicans to masturbate to the thought of evangelical generals in Guatemala sending in the U.S.-trained genocidal troops to bash Mayan babies’ heads against rocks & poles & trees and to rape nuns and throw them into pits filled with rotting corpses, but, you know, since the babies had already been born, it was okay.
El Cid
“so next time he can come out and say ‘Been there, done that.’ Or, he could just keep doing it again and again.”
What Obama has said in the past is that he gives his opponents the benefit of the doubt the first time, but if they persist “then I crush them”. He ain’t nobody’s fool. What will happen to the GOP if they continue to oppose him is they’ll find themselves on an island floating out to sea. It will keep getting smaller and smaller until someone jumps and swims to shore.
It’ll be interesting to see where that break point is and who will choose to ride into the sunset. (I know, I’m mixing metaphors horridly, so sue me.)
Oh, I love Sarah Palin. I hope the GOP puts her in charge of the party ASAP and has her run against Obama in 2012. I would soooooo love to see the GOP relegated to a grand total of 5-6 Congressman from Dixie.
Jimmy Carter was all like “Hey America! Life is going to suck form now on, you will have to turn down your thermostat in the winter time and drive golf carts blah blah blah…”
noen: I hope that’s right. It’s possible. But I’ve seen a lot of stupid choices in my life from smart politicians, so I’m not going to assume that stupid is out of the question, not with Obama, not with anyone.
it remains to be seen who will be Reagan.
Of course, Sarah Palin will be the She-Reagan
“[Clinton] came in here and he trashed the place,” says Washington Post columnist David Broder, “and it’s not his place.”
And the AmeriKKKan people were too stupid to tell the difference between the criminal actions of Nixon & Bush, & the Eastern media elite just hating on them & making stuff up, right?
That Nixon feller resigned because the NYT & WaPo editorial boards had him at gunpoint,right?
Stop hating the AmeriKKKan people, you sad loser.
Ah, yes, Jimmy Carter! The man who deregulated America.
Yea, that was a dumb idea, but I suppose the airlines, trucking, and banking industries needed it back then.
Maybe Palin will be. We will see.
Maybe it will be Huckabee, or Pawlenty, or Jeb Bush. Maybe even Newt. We have a wide bench of talent to pick from.
Meanwhile, in other news.. the Post Office is wanting to take another day off.
Granted, there is no real pressing need for a federalized Post Office. Post Office operations can be handled by private business.
Private businesses wouldn’t be $2B in the red delivering mail. For one.
Maybe it will be Huckabee, or Pawlenty, or Jeb Bush. Maybe even Newt. We have a wide bench of talent to pick from.
Maybe if you guys went on a diet…
Wide, yes. Deep? No.
Reagan was all like, ‘Hey, I’m glad to be here in beautiful Brazil!’ when the brainless f***er was in Bolivia.
There’s also Mark Sanford of South Carolina, Gov. Huntsman of Utah, Jeff Flake, Bob Portman, Mike Pence, Eric Cantor.
Granted, there is no real pressing need for a federalized Post Office. Post Office operations can be handled by private business.
For 43 cents, the USPS will guarantee your letter to any destination in the United States.
Fedex charges you ten times that, and still won’t promise they can hit everyplace.
Surrrrrrrrrre! Let’s privatize a working agency!
She doesn’t talk correctly.
Nor does she think correctly (if at all) as indicated by her inability to speak.
Bush went to all those elite Eastern media bias schools, why would they hate him?
Nattering nabobs of negativism, dammit!1!
I say we remove the law preventing the USPS from turning a profit. And then watch as UPS and FedEx cry.
Life is going to suck form now on, you will have to turn down your thermostat in the winter time
That was Nixon, sadpenis:
I would soooooo love to see the GOP relegated to a grand total of 5-6 Congressman from Dixie.
Aw, they could still count on the Mormon vote.
And the one without the second m, of course.
“Bush went to all those elite Eastern media bias schools, why would they hate him?”
Becuase he wouldn’t join with them in hating the heartland. He went down to West Texas, to a ranch, instead of staying up in the stuffy Northeast. He became a true Conservative Republican, not a wimpy Rockefeller Republican like his pappy.
IOW, George W. Bush was a traitor to his Eastern Elite class.
you will have to turn down your thermostat in the winter time
No you won’t. If you have “standards” you’ll just freeze to death w/o complaining.
P. S.: Winter “time?” What do you need “time” in there for, you redundant, illiterate “engineer?”
It’s not working if they lose $2 billion a year
I want that apology in writing, or the entire Party will be sleeping with the fishes.
Uh oh! Looks like we have a fresh urgent report from African Press Int’l on the whitey tapes! C’mon, we’re waiting!
Weed farm
Republican to be Named: 392 Electoral Votes
BHO: 146 Electoral Votes
We have a wide bench of talent to pick from
That’s why you picked loser McCain, loser.
You lost the election because of the economy. You would have won otherwise. Most people don’t care about anything but money. You took away their precious American dollars and they will never, ever forgive you.
I’ll be there with popcorn as righties pee their pants about how it’s so unfair that the black guy beats them so bad again.
No doubt Romney would have been better.
BTW Susan, we still control Texas!
Republican to be Named: 392 Electoral Votes
BHO: 146 Electoral Votes
Awfully early for you to be working on a new “bookmark this, liberals”, isn’t it?
You’re right, its a bit early.
It might be Biden getting his ass kicked since theres a good chance BHO will be removed from office or resign by then.
He does come from Chicago, after all!
Pining for Nixon? Pining for Nixon!?!
Nixon was a friggin’ elitist. You had to get on his enemies list to get wiretapped.
Now Bush, he just wiretapped everybody. Now that’s egalitarian.
By the way, Gary, did you know a Black man is your president?
And why are you criticizing your commander-in-chief in a time of war? Don’t you understand he has a mandate?
Traitor! Go live in commie Russia if you like criticizing your government so much.
We control Texas, Susan!
Is that anything like a wide stance? (gay)
It’s not working if they lose $2 billion a year
How much is the military losing every year?
And careful, asshole…the oil revenues were supposed to pay for this war. YOUR BOYS FAILED! FAILED, IDJIT!
“We” paleface? You moron, every Republican judge in Houston lost his/her election last year. Every fucking one. You even managed to piss off Houstonians, who care about nothing but money, bbq and football.
You sure you want to start playing the outing game, pal?
What’s the matter, Troofie? Feeling left out?
He went down to West Texas, to a ranch
Most conservative Texans I know hate him and his “ranch” with its one head of cattle.
LOL McCain/Palin won Texas, the Gov. is Republican, the Legislature is Republican, the Congressional delegation is Republican, the Senators are Republican.
Oh! And John Cornyn is a rising star. He is another 2012 possibility! He is impressive.
It’s not working if they lose $2 billion a year
Actually, in 2007 they lost 5.1 billion. However the Google tells me that every year prior back to 1982 they’ve at least broken even, and from the early-mid 90’s to 2006 they’ve made a profit; it even got the “government waste” folks up in arms in the Clinton years, demanding lower postage rates.
I’m just so happy to have a prez who isn’t a fucking asshole to every living thing
I’ve never had a bumper sticker on any vehicle I’ve owned, but you just made me reconsider.
Nice to know you’ve got your new “daddy” figure worked out. Maybe he can even win Texas! Won’t you be happy then, as you’re reduced to one state out of fifty in ’12.
STD Prevention = Jobs, actually. All of these earmarks will either create jobs or save existing ones. The workforce is the most expensive component of these programs. (Why is it that tax cuts don’t work again? Oh yeah…hording?)
The real question: Why do Republicans hate working Americans and love joblessness without unemployment insurance?
“President Cornyn” does sound really good.
Cornyn/Cantor ’12!
Or Cornyn/Steele! Even better!
Oh! And John Cornyn is a rising star.
Big John Cornyn had to speak at a convention,
Oh my, what to say, with all that attention!
He queried his staff, they dwelled on the matter,
‘Til finally they settled on iambic quadrameter!
“A cowboy to narrate! Some bales of hay!”
Then Cornyn responded, “but isn’t that gay?”
“Nay” said his staffers, “It’s rugged, and tough!
It’s hard-working and white; you’ll look crazy buff!”
So Cornyn agreed and they made this video,
It’s shockingly gay; they thought it was witty yo!
Dear god, it’s hilarious, to a cosmic degree,
‘Cause this is what happens when egos run free.
(h/t to Wonkette)
Heeeeeey, maybe you could secede with Alaska! Then when the other forty-eight of us come and curbstomp your asses and do Reconstruction right this time, you can all pine for a new racist, bigoted, idiot traitor’s flag.
Y’all best watch yer damn moufs else somebody might jes’ have ta activate tha Alah-ska National Guard!
Why do Republicans hate working Americans and love joblessness without unemployment insurance?
There are three lurking here that you can ask!
John Cornyn? the guy who voted for Geithner?
Anyways, President Tom Coburn has a nice ring to it.
They’re also 100% more likely to kick white Republican ass at the ballot box in 2008.
Your aggressive brand of stupidity is somewhat amusing, but I think you should not go off and start outing people on this board.
I’ve outted no one, and I defy you to show me where I have.
Now, I need a cup of coffee. Black, no sugar. and MOVE IT, bitch!
And what, exactly, does the Uniform Crime report have to do with anything?
Oh right, it’s time for you to remind us you hate black people. Nearly forgot.
Gawrsh, he’s as big of a clutz as Shrub.
Oh, boys…
What do you think of Big John Cornyn, Susan? Did you vote for his pussy socialist opponent?
Going to pretend you weren’t playing around with “Gary Ruppert’s” identity?
I never outted David Ll– well, you know his real name, so I don’t have to post it.
As for Jena, who gives a rat’s ass? Arkansas, Louisiana, Buttfuck Texas, for all it mattered, the simple fact is that YOU got it wrong Troofie!
YOU fucked up every other fact in your presentation of that incident, but hey, let’s pick on ol’ Actor for forgetting that Louisiana isn’t Arkansas!
I have a wonderful system for cooking with these little buggers. I use a razor and slice them so thin that they liquefy with just a little oil in the pan. It’s a very good system. But I only like to use white fetuses. Is that racist of me?
And dude, you have to go back a MONTH to find a mistake I made, yet you claim I put up my dukes and “swing brainlessly at every target presented to you”?
A month? I’ve probably posted a thousand times here already this week and I’m just getting warmed up, so so much for your “brainless” shit, you twit who can’t even assume a proper nym on an anonymous website!
Gary Ruppert is an escaped alpha version of ELIZA. There, I said it.
“How does Gary Ruppert is an escaped alpha version of ELIZA make you feel?”
But it’s nice to know I so pwn your sorry ass that you feel compelled to keep a diary of my errors.
I assume you realize in a year, you’ll still have that one entry only?
Michelle Obama’s Thesis said,
January 29, 2009 at 4:38
I hate white people.
Ok who the hell is “troofie”?
And yet, the best your candyass can do is to bring up a single insignificant little error from a month ago?
Man, get your head out of your fucking ass, go over to the Great Orange Satan and let them help you tighten the twists on your panties, boy. You get nothing here.
When will Michelle Malkin and Co. make an “I am Gary Ruppert” video?
Cf.: I am Sarah Palin video.
Victimization is F-U-N!
Buttfuck Texas
We do not approve of this childish rhyming insult.
I was referring to Dallas.
Ryan said,
January 29, 2009 at 5:23
Hey I remember finding your Malkinwatch blog. It was pretty quiet around the time I checked in, but are you updating again?
I was referring to Dallas.
Actually from what I understand, from friends who live there, your best bet in the buttfucking department is Austin.
This all seems so very partisan.
Can’t we all agree that this partisanship is the number one problem facing society?
I have a plan to fix this. Everybody should just happily cave in to whatever greedy, shortsighted, evil plan the pukes are currently pushing.
3. Profit!
Dallas actually had an openly gay candidate announce for mayor last year. I’m pretty sure he was beaten in the primaries…the politics of third world states don’t really interest me (sorry, Susan)…but he did run and brought to the attention of the national media a surprisingly large gay community in Dallas.
Idiot troll thinks 40 years of Republicans can be reversed in one election.
You mean Rick Noriega? This Rick Noriega?
Noriega joined the United States Army in 1979 in the wake of the Iran hostage crisis. He became a Lt. Colonel in the Texas Army National Guard, and most recently served in the Afghanistan War that followed the September 11, 2001 attacks.
On his return from Afghanistan, Mayor Bill White requested that Noriega command the evacuee shelter operation at the George Brown Convention Center in Houston, where he oversaw thousands of Hurricane Katrina evacuees.
Are you dissing our brave soldiers, punk?
Infrequently. Too much life going on for these Intertrons.
Noreiga got his ass kicked!
Say that to his face.
If you voted for him cause he is a veteran, you should have voted for John McCain.
Obambi never served.
I bet Big John Cornyn would say it to his face!
Obambi never served.
Neither did Bush, Cheney, or Palin.
Obama also never made recordings for the enemy like a traitorous commiesymp traitor.
Soon you will also have to say “Madame Governor Hutchinson”. HAHA!
“Obama also never made recordings for the enemy like a traitorous commiesymp traitor.”
True. He never did stoop as low as John Kerry. I’ll give him credit for that.
That old bat?
And sorry, we already have a girl in the office.
And the recording is where……?
As opposed to McCain’s, which the entire world heard.
You seriously think that, after all these years of Bush and then Bad Hair Perry doing nothing to improve and much to reduce the state of Texas to ashes, that Kay Bailey “Blonder Than Bush” Hutchinson will win?
oooh, please, PLEASE say we can “bookmark this, libs”!
“Obama also never made recordings for the enemy like a traitorous commiesymp traitor.”
True. He never did stoop as low as John Kerry.
Or McCain. Who according to Alberto Gonzalez, was never tortured in Nam.
“And the recording is where……?”
Kim Jung Il uses Kerry’s Congressional testimony on Vietnam as pro-commie propaganda to this very day!
Kerry never did his under duress of torture. He openly trashed American troops and gave the enemy propaganda in front of Congress. He also faked his “injuries”.
Madame Governor. Bookmark it :).
Kim Jung Il uses Kerry’s Congressional testimony on Vietnam as pro-commie propaganda to this very day!
Right, and Kerry’s getting royalties from this, you think?
And now gary settles down in his Barcalounger, coke in one hand and something else in the other, thinking about Kerry.
President Barack HUSSEIN Obama. Bookmark it.
I want to see you claim Hutchinson will be governor before I bookmark that weak-ass reply.
Kay Bailey Hutchinson will be elected Governor of Texas. BOOKMARK IT!!!
Done and done!
See you next year. Now, you may go.
Hutchinson is so old that her clothes have bustles.
Hutchinson is so old that she could call McCain a youngster.
Hutchinson is so old that when she slapped John Connelly’s daughter, her hand bounced off.
Also, Republicans will gain seats in 2010!
Seats or balls?
You’re complaining about having a senior female as Governor?
You guys foisted Anne Richardson on us! Come on!
Ann Richards, I mean.
She was great. She said Bush the elder was born with a silver foot in his mouth. Heh.
And Bush the Younger kicked her ass :).
She was as old as Hutchinson, except LOOKED about twenty years older.
No, I’m complaining about having a dead female as governor. Which she would be by then.
Oh, yeah, by saying she was gay.
That took balls and brains.
Hey he was just telling the truth!
If Hutchinson sneezed her face would fall off.
Hey guys, I’ve been out of the loop for about a month, what with vacation and the accompanying coterie of illnesses that somehow seem to strike me every time I spend seven or eight consecutive hours packd like a sardine in a crushd tin box breathing the recycled air out of 199 sniffling sneezing coughing achy headed jackwads, but anyway … where is mikey?
Richarson had more balls than most guys, including drunks who ruin our economy while starting wars.
Also, Republicans will gain seats in 2010!
That’s a possibility. The party in power tends to lose seats in a midterm election.
Except…I’m not sure voter anger at the Republicans has subsided yet. There are still a few Senators who haven’t stood for re-election since 2004.
You guys don’t even have anyone to run against her! LOL!
Right, nobody will run for governor.
Try harder. You’re falling behind.
I mean nobody with a snowball’s chance in hell!
Chris Bell? He already lost against Rick fucking Perry!
You guys don’t even have anyone to run against her!
He has a point, Susan. Republicans in Texas have this habit of failing upwards.
Georgie Dubs bought the “ranch” in 1999, just before running for President. He’s moving the hell out now that he’s no longer president. One might think that might indicate that it was not an essential component of his very authentic hardscrabble Western cowboy persona.
I mean nobody with a snowball’s chance in hell!
Like Obama didn’t have a chance?
The guy from Journey?
He hasnt been around much, but he is posting at his blog.
True, Republicans do tend to occupy offices that are beyond their capability to handle.
Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ, you guys are growing some weak-ass trolls over here! You’ve gotta use fish fertilizer and then prune back weak little shoots like this if you expect the main trunk to do anything.
Been a while since I’ve done one of these.
This one’s a goodie too!
Obama didn’t win Texas, genius.
If the market hadn’t crashed McCain would be President today.
True. Too bad Republicans are incompetant losers who crashed the market.
No, Fannie+Freddie with the CRA crashed the market.
Hey, remember when the Republicans were going to win the election because Obama talked about tire gauges?
Hey, remember when the Republicans were going to win the election because Obama talked about tire gauges?
Yeah – it was right after all the student’s abandoned Obama for McWorse.
ALTIMORE — Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan said he categorically disagrees with suggestions that the Community Reinvestment Act is partly responsible for the ongoing credit crisis.
“CRA is not the culprit behind the subprime mortgage lending abuses, or the broader credit quality issues in the marketplace,” Mr. Dugan said in a speech to the Enterprise Annual Network Conference.
“Indeed, the lenders most prominently associated with subprime mortgage lending abuses and high rates of foreclosure are lenders not subject to CRA,” he added. “A recent study of 2006 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data showed that banks subject to CRA and their affiliates originated or purchased only six percent of the reported high cost loans made to lower-income borrowers within their CRA assessment areas.”
Let’s highlight that for the cosmically unintellectual engineer among us:
“Indeed, the lenders most prominently associated with subprime mortgage lending abuses and high rates of foreclosure are lenders not subject to CRA,” he added.
If the market hadn’t crashed McCain would be President today.
Flagrant myth is flagrant.
Hey, remember when the Republicans were going to win the election because Obama talked about tire gauges?
Refresh my memory. I was dealing with health issues back then.
Was that before NotJoe the NotPlumber was outted as NotBuying the NotBusiness he would NotBeTaxed on? Or after?
You guys foisted Anne Richardson on us! Come on!
Somehow, Republicans win office (w/ help from the courts, disenfranchising voters, & so on) yet Democrats are foisted on the people.
How does that work out?
From The BIg Picture:
Some people actually look at the data, while others foolishly parrot talking points. Consider this Federal Reserve Board data, compiled by McClathcy. It shows that:
More than 84% of the subprime mortgages in 2006 were issued by private lending institutions.
Private firms made nearly 83% of the subprime loans to low- and moderate-income borrowers that year.
Only one of the top 25 subprime lenders in 2006 was directly subject to the CRA;
Only commercial banks and thrifts must follow CRA rules. The investment banks don’t, nor did the now-bankrupt non-bank lenders such as New Century Financial Corp. and Ameriquest that underwrote most of the subprime loans.
Mortgage brokers, who also weren’t subject to federal regulation or the CRA, originated most of the subprime loans.
The “Blame Fannie/Freddie/CRA” crowd, do provide a service: I know anyone who repeats this meme is an empty headed parrot, a mindless drone without an ability to think. This is a huge timesaver, as it has allowed me to dismiss many of the ditto heads I might have otherwise wasted time on.
So whoever came up with this silly talking point, despite your lack of concern for facts and your attempts at muddying the waters — thanks! You’ve saved me an enormous amount of time in identifying people not to bother reading, and to ignore.
If the market hadn’t crashed McCain would be President today.
And if monkeys didn’t fly out your butt, you might be President!
Flagrant myth is flagrant.
It works if you change it up a bit:
Since the market crashed, McCain isn’t president today.
Actually, I guess that’s not exactly provable. There are probably lots of reasons why McSame isn’t the president – although only one matters: Fewer people voted for McCain than for Obama. And the really important thing to remember is that Obama won.
Y’know, it’s like saying the Giants would have lost the Super Bowl if whatisface hadn’t made that amazing catch late in the fourth quarter.
It happened, deal with it, Reddie. The market crash solidified for a lot of people how inept and incompetent the Republicans and in particular, the Bush partisans, were in handling the economy.
Sorry for your damn luck, son.
Everyone knows McCain lost because he has a girly middle name.
As much as one can be sure on the intrawebs, mikey’s been posting @ TBogg’s as “mikeyhemlok.”
Maybe he’s tired of the troll-feeding. Or the trolls.
Girly middle name & three “I”s after his name, for some reason.
I thought it was because he’s from Arizona. You know how those people are.
And by that, I mean, riddled with skin cancer.
Girly middle name & three “I”s after his name, for some reason.
I think they’re the three “i”s from “I’m an elitist.”
The Texas state GOP is eating itself from the head down. Their fragile remaining lead by two seats in the state leg is hopeless. They might hang on to the largely ceremonial governor’s seat one more term based on sheer name recognition, but Texas’ Hispanic population proportion is growing every year, and they can’t stand the GOP’s fear and loathing of all things Teh Messican. In the most recent poll here, 62% of Texans support Obama’s tenure so far.
Can somebody please point RedFaced down to the Wal-Mart employment office, and get his out of his mother’s basement and off this blog?
Gary Ruppert said,
Congrats to Obama for passing the Democrat spending plan without any bipartisan support.
Clinton passed his bill without any republican votes, too.
This new troll is entertaining. Watching it get slapped down repeatedly, even while wildly changing subjects, is like the scene at the beginning of Once Upon A Time In The West where all the “fearsome” bad guys get easily gunned down by DeathWish.
Good news from Tejas, then. I remember my grandparents, from Kerrville, of Bavarian (think Munich, beer-hall Putsch, &c.) descent, Southern Babtists who were amazed in 1968 (I think) that they might actually vote for John Tower, a (Gasp!) Republican.
Maybe he’s tired of the troll-feeding. Or the trolls.
Understandable. Though somehow I’m having a great time watching Susan o’Texas beat seven kinds of hell out of this one.
You guys foisted Anne Richardson on us! Come on!
Do you mean Ann Richards?
You’re an ignorant putz, RedFaced.
We don’t have basements in the south, and attics are not habitable. No doubt Gary is at the dining room table, trying to concentrate while his sister plays with her Barbie dream house.
g, I believe the correct usage, as spotted at Candy’s web log, is “Mall*Wart.”
Though I’d be willing to bet that he’s already been fired from Mall*Wart. More than once.
Didn’t posses the “people” skills required to be a greeter. It’s quite obvious.
I’m having a great time watching Susan o’Texas beat seven kinds of hell out of this one.
Of course I’m enjoying all the other folks kicking it too, but Susan was doing the heavy lifting there for a while. Sometimes the troll-bashing is teh fun.
Hey has anyone gone to look if RedFaced is over on his own blog bragging about how he’s doing over here?
I can’t go there while I’m at work, and I’m actually pleased that the feeling of being constrained from visiting viral right wing blogs has carried over into my home intertoobz practices.
mikey (aka ‘Mikeyhemlok’) has lately been a fairly regular visitor to Spencer Ackerman’s blog over at FDL. See the comment to this post, for example.
Yup. It’s one of those little shibboleths (like ‘Roosevelt was responsible for the Great Depression / saw Pearl Harbor coming’ or ‘Brown was just judicial activism’) that are so extraordinarily out of touch with reality there’s no possible way to believe them without being a complete Goddamn idiot. The rapidly dwindling number of political operators who take lightning-fast recall and recitation of Limbaugh dialogue as an asset are thrilled by it, and it makes good ass-cover for rich white guys; on the other hand, it’s so obviously wrong that it just takes pointing out the obscenely wrong numbers, causality, and history involved for even the most ignorant observer to conclude that the walking bullhorn is worthless and should be ignored.
Kay Bailey Hutchinson will be elected Governor of Texas. BOOKMARK IT!!!
Okay, and you’re welcome to it. The Governorship of Texas is a pretty weak office. Not much power, and hardly anything to do. I’m sure she’s going to make quite an impact.
There’s something at FDL besides TBogg & open threads consisting of wretched, moribund hippies wishing each other “good [insert daypart here]” & describing their herbal tea & gardens?
“BTW Susan, we still control Texas!”
Talk about a booby prize. God had to invent oil because Texans are so dumb they couldn’t make a living selling beef to the army.
On the other hand, once you’ve signed your soul away to register @ FDL, you might as well use the “privilege” as much as possible.
I signed up and still can’t comment there, so fuck ’em. Too much trouble. I miss the old Tbogg.
There’s something at FDL besides TBogg & open threads consisting of wretched, moribund hippies wishing each other “good [insert daypart here]” & describing their herbal tea & gardens?
Sure – there’s the “Frist!” thing.
BTW, how ya been, M. Bouffant?
The Governorship is constitutionally more or less limited to being charismatic and white on camera. All of the actual power in Texas resides in the office of the Lieutenant Governor, who is elected separately.
Shit, I think of Texas the way most people think of surprise farts and I knew that.
There’s something at FDL besides TBogg & open threads consisting of wretched, moribund hippies wishing each other “good [insert daypart here]” & describing their herbal tea & gardens?
Ackerman was clearly despondent after being sacked by those shits over at TNR several years ago, but while bouncing around a few sites – Think Progress, TPM Muckraker (I may have those out of order), finally FDL along with his main gig at Washington Independent – the boy seems to have found his own voice. Mikey brings a very useful perspective over there, given the theme of the joint.
Speaking of STD prevention, Virgin Ben has found employment at Breitbart’s stable for unemployed waiters. Today’s column is titled:
Shockingly, I found Ben’s column to be uninteresting and tasteless.
On the other hand, it received guffaws from Gutfield and Mr. Stage Right proving that Andy has another soldier in his ongoing War on Talent.
PS: you better damn well hope the Dems lose seats in 2010; it’s the biggest likely concentration of Dem:GOP retirements, open/appointed seats, and local scandals. If you break even in 2010, you’re going to be facing a supermajority in the Senate before the term is out, and something tells me that the Grand Old Party lacks the war chest or public interest to run a respectable campaign in non-fragile House seats.
And so, by 1920, would whites be drowned under the tide of swarthy Italians, Irishmen, Slavs, and Jews.
If only someone had warned us about how terrible they are at governing themselves, we would never have fallen for the Communist scheme to destroy the Aryan race.
Black black black black.
Incidentally, I suspect that the demographic shift process (in which right-wing rule renders more people poor and the people already poor more desperate) is only a partial explanatory factor for 2008. VA is an excellent example: there has been nothing like the growth of the DC suburbs necessary to turn it into a swing state yet, and Nevada shouldn’t have started looking like California until the 20s at the earliest.
The GOP lost the suburbs, who have clearly lost the will to protect white civilization from the dusky hordes, and even now the One sets up miscegenation camps and tours the nation impregnating real working Americans’ wives, mistresses, and chauffeurs.
Sic semper vello mortem nativists.
Once whitey lives up to the lies of the Constitution, & stops actively discriminating against the less-whitey, maybe some of the so-called lockstep voting won’t be so lockstep, but that’s asking a lot of whitey, who doesn’t like to give up many of his privileges.
Hey, you know what I thought of today?
This: If there’s anything a Republican would hate more than a black guy or FDR, it would be a black FDR.
Suck it, bitches!!!!
Latest Gallup Poll:
Per Nate Silver of, these five states represent 2% of the US population. from GOS
Someday, anthropologists will create dioramas of some weedy lot flying the Confederate flag, with a Palin/Limbaugh campaign sign out front and a meth lab out back. Small children will crowd near, gape-mouthed at the exotic creatures depicted there.
“What are they, Papa?”
“Those were Neanderthals, honey.”
“Those were Neanderthals, honey.”
Hee hee – soon may the day come.
Though I have to admit I’m mighty annoyed by living in one of those museum states – Utah, probably the staunchest of all. This place is authoritarian down to the marrow.
I have a friend who spent a couple of years there. It wasn’t until she came back to New York that she realized how many high necked item were in her wardrobe, and how her lipstick had faded to barely pink.
She mentioned that there was someone she knew, and, as she told it, “In any other place, he would have been gay. But I don’t think even he knew it.”
I wasn’t born a New Yorker; I’m a Hoosier. A few years back I visited my hometown that we left when I was six, and it had a big billboard asking if passing motorists knew Jesus. The Green Goddess dressing was leprechaun green; because it’s supposed to be green, by gum. Food coloring is a big thing there. Many of the women are mis-matched at the waist; normal seeming up top, but with Hottentot lower bodies. And there is no bookstore; just for asking, we got told, “You aren’t from around here,” and then the cold shoulder.
Dear Merciful FSM; I couldn’t have lasted there. I would have gone mad in some way.
A bad way.
Last I saw of mikey was him getting extremely upset over the response to the Nick Kristof column and saying we’re all scary lockstep thinkers.
Yup, that was his last post. More’s the pity.
djur, right you are, forgot about that.
Of course, I take nothing seriously, so that sort of thing wouldn’t bovver me.
Dear Merciful FSM; I couldn’t have lasted there. I would have gone mad in some way.
I doubt I could have stood living anywhere in Utah other than Salt Lake City, which is still backward by civilized standards but much more cosmopolitan than the rest of the state (including the town where I grew up). My workplace is also very liberal, which makes the whole setup tolerable.
My current gig is going to last a couple more years, and possibly longer. If it ends at that point, I’ll look into moving, possibly even overseas to where “socialist” isn’t a dirty word. I’ve traveled Europe and Asia some, and there are places in both where I’d likely be employable and I wouldn’t mind hanging around.
And there is no bookstore; just for asking, we got told, “You aren’t from around here,” and then the cold shoulder.
“Whatcha readin’ fer?”
Hey, guys, I’ve got it sussed! Red Tater just found out about the McCain campaign’s “troll a liberal blog and win a tote bag” program.
“Troll a liberal blog and win a tote bag” – ha! I bet there are plenty of the bags left, even though they promised to give the excess to charity.
And there is no bookstore; just for asking, we got told, “You aren’t from around here,” and then the cold shoulder.
Yikes – I don’t think I’d even unpack my suitcase in a town like that. Though not the capitol city of literacy, Salt Lake City has one pretty solid bookstore, or two if you’re into local oddities.
The fact is that this manure pile of a bailout will do nothing to stop a depression, it’ll just make it a depression with hyper-inflation.
Thousands or millions of us will starve to death, starting with elderly and infants. More will die due to the inability to get basic medications. Others will die from untreated injuries. And more will die from those diseases we currently associate with refugee camps – typhus, coliform, and so on, because as more and more become homeless, tent cities will continue to grow, and the sanitation problems that come with them will be mammoth.
No hyperbole. No joke. President Obama will turn America into a third world country.
Oh, GR, your fantasy is gawd’s way of winnowing out the weak, so only the strong will survive to unite against Islamofascism, science, & a coherent sentence, under Dear Leader Palin.
Why so worried?
America’s savings rate has been hovering in and around the negative for the last decade; for the first time since the death of the Grange, most Americans are debtors. Seriously, though, keep on telling us to cry our hearts out about our just financial masters being robbed of our credit debt. Sure that’ll work out great for you.
Has been a disturbingly regular and underreported feature of the Bush administration. Up until 2006, the Republican Party’s MO comprised basically looting anything resembling a safety net to hand over to high-risk investors. Now it is whining about the Democrats not doing so.
Fun fact: the destruction of local infrastructure under Republican rule has resulted in exactly this, alongside with the long-standing problem of private/insurance-driven healthcare making American health among the worst in the developed world. Outside of the echo-chamber, nobody who actually faces the various perils you describe would associate them with Obama; they’ve been going on and getting worse under Republican rule, and if he doesn’t fix them they’ll throw him out in another Dem’s favor. You had your chance, fuckers, and you spent it giving handjobs to CEOs. Better luck next lifetime.
Oh yeah. We’ll be too busy holding you responsible for everything else that failed–including the economy that made this whole farce possible.
After all, Dubya had eight whole years to wreck it all by himself, and by gosh, he SUCCEEDED. It was his only success, and you people, by virtue of being dumb enough to vote for him, helped it along.
Own it, conservatard.
all the “fearsome” bad guys get easily gunned down by DeathWish.
Hey, Death Wish 2 was on AMC tonight. Easily the worst-crafted major motion picture I’ve ever seen. But at least now I know what it’s like inside the heads of wingnuts, who are sure the only thing standing between the hordes of queer-punk-black-rapists and their innocent daughters and housekeepers is their guns, pockmarks, and scraggly mustaches.
I probably shouldn’t admit that I don’t miss mikey.
Most of the Deathwish movies are based on fact. For one thing, it showed the effects of Gun Control. Such as when the homeowners gave up their gun, and were robbed the next night.
GR, immediately above, must be bogus. Or his IQ is descending more rapidly than his testicles.
actor212 said,
January 29, 2009 at 4:20
Democrat policies kill millions of us every year.
How come the US birthrate keeps rising steadily?
Because abstinence-only education doesn’t work.
The GOP & Orwell’s Anti-Sex League = seperated at birth?
President Obama will turn America into a third world country.
Did you just emerge from a coma, or what? Reagan beat him to it by 25 fucking years – & it didn’t even take him 5.
Clinton started to bring it back to something resembling modern civilization … but Commandante Codpiece Georgie-Porgie “fixed” it, much like a veteranarian will “fix” your pet for a fee.
When you get done fapping to your fantasy of Mad-Max-style Epic Obama Fail, you might want to take a whole fucking minute out of your busy day to think about what your nation is really going to turn into if you & all your fellow neocon pinheads (whose blind allegiance to a corporatist cipher like Bush CAUSED this shit to go down in the first place, like being the sycophantic enablers of an economic Katrina) decide to sit on your thumbs & gloat as it gets worse, instead of doing anything positive or constructive to help make things better. Ever wonder what it’d be like to see cholera make a comeback in America? Let your civic infrastructure keep going pear-shaped as you whine for MOAR tax-cuts, & you may just get to find out.
If you do, be sure & thank the Waffen-SS-loving, death-squad-praising, union-busting prick who smiled into the cameras as he cooked your goose to a cinder:
“Government is not the solution to our problems. Government is the problem.”
– Ronald Reagan
Jimmy Carter promised “Hope and Change”, too, you know!
After the Reichstag fire, Hitler declared a “war on terror”.
For one thing, it showed the effects of Gun Control. Such as when the homeowners gave up their gun, and were robbed the next night.
When my job goes overseas I’ll have to sell all my guns to pay the bills anyway. And I’ll lose all my stuff much more effectively than any burglar could ever do.
If the market hadn’t crashed McCain would be President today.
And if Bush hadn’t stolen the election Gore would have been President in 2000. Ah, the vicissitudes of fate.
My favorite Ann Richards quote, which was accompanied by a loud derisive guffaw, from when Dubya first announced he was running for president: “George W. for president?!! Who the hell would vote for that stupid drunk!!”
McCain totally would have won if it weren’t for the economic crash and if it weren’t for Sarah Palin being stupid all the time and if McCain hadn’t flipped out the week of the crash and suspended his campaign but didn’t and if McCain hadn’t yelled out “That One!” and if McCain hadn’t gone all far right to win the ‘base’ of the Republicans and if Palin hadn’t accused Obama of pal’ing around with terrorists and if John McCain hadn’t listened to Bill Kristol telling him he needed to pick Palin and if they hadn’t made brainless NotJoe the NotPlumber their campaign spokesman and if McCain hadn’t spent several weeks lying so bluntly and so badly that the media which worshiped him for two decades had to call him out on it…
Except for that and a few other things, McCain totally would have won.
The GOPers are actually correct about one thing: Barack Obama will be the undoing of the Republican Party.
Because abstinence-only education doesn’t work.
You mean all those aborted babies are simply being replaced?
Instead of poor liberal brown babies, we’re seeing All American white babies, like Bristol Palin’s?
You’d think Republicans would be jumping for joy and enshrining Roe v. Wade!
Gary Ruppert said,
January 29, 2009 at 8:08
Damn. I had noon in the pool of “What would Republicans use in place of a terrorist attack to try to scare people into voting for them?” This bastard made Blondesense win!
Gary, scaring people is hardly a way to get people to vote for you consistently. Now, you’ve become the boy who cried wolf.
Make that “little boy”. You know what I mean, right, Da– I mean, Gary?
“You’d think Republicans would be jumping for joy and enshrining Roe v. Wade!”
Well, seeing that they haven’t actually lifted a finger to actually do away with The Worst Decision in the HIstory of the Supreme Court, I’m pretty sure they’re happy keeping Roe around as a means of continually duping the bulk of their idiotic base.
You have a point, ‘ize. Thirty five years of scaring people, you’d think that would have run its course.
Busy night, huh?
And this comes from one of the same Reich-tards who piss and moan on Breitbart about “Big Hollywood” not giving them enough moronic crapaganda to masturbate over.
What do you mental midgets think all those slasher movies are, if not conservatard bullshit passing itself off as entertainment? The inevitable pattern in all of them is that “liberals die because they’re promiscuous/wimps/Satanists”.
What do you mental midgets think all those slasher movies are, if not conservatard bullshit passing itself off as entertainment? The inevitable pattern in all of them is that “liberals die because they’re promiscuous/wimps/Satanists”.
And yet, most of them take place in The Heartland that Gary “comes from”.
Big Hollywood Butthurt, folks. You keep forgetting the name.
“Hollywood Has-Beens and Never-Weres”?
“This new troll is entertaining. Watching it get slapped down repeatedly, even while wildly changing subjects, is like the scene at the beginning of Once Upon A Time In The West where all the “fearsome” bad guys get easily gunned down by DeathWish.”
Actually, RedSimpleton’s “contributions” here rather remind me of Peter Griffin’s comment to his wife that one time: “Lois, fat men aren’t fat. Only fat women are fat!”
*hoses down the trolls and their verbal diarrhea*
You people are making my life increasingly difficult. There’s a reason we don’t keep those food pellet vending machines in this zoo. The only way to keep them docile is utter starvation.
I can’t quit this job in this economy, but you people may make me.
Which, by his definition, should make them liberal-free. Sadly, NO!