A Heartfelt Apology For What I Said About WaPo

Only a few hours after I called the Washington Post a “halfway house for disgraced neocons,” Fred Hiatt and his merry band of nitwits published an Op-Ed by Anne Applebaum, totally discrediting my claim that WaPo was a halfway house for discredited neocons by demonstrating, once and for all, that the newspaper is instead a lunatic bin of delusional neocons. So, I hereby apologize to all halfway houses for disgraced neocons for maliciously comparing them to the Washington Post.
The point of Applebaum’s Op-Ed is that the liberal MSM is hiding from the public the millions of foreigners who are appalled at the election of Obama:
You’ve probably heard stories of swooning foreign reporters, breathless international coverage, fawning headlines in many languages. … Yet there was another, more negative category of foreign response to Obama’s inauguration … . A number of international observers eschewed the general adulation and concluded, simply, that the entire event — the election, the inauguration — was a hoax.
Well, this should be interesting. Let’s see what foreigners Applebaum — who incidentally speaks eleventy-billion point eight six foreign languages as fluently as if they were all her mother tongue — finds to support this claim that a “number of international observers eschewed the general adulation.”
Her first example knocks it out of the park. It’s an article from the English-language version of Pravda.ru, claiming that Obama was put in place by the Republicans as a “scapegoat,” that his term will end early, and that the Republicans will then replace him with their real pick. Of course, the English language Pravda.ru is the respected bellwether of Russian opinion which, on its pages, brings you things like this:
And my personal favorite:
Then Applebaum has a Chinese academic cited in a blog citing another blog saying that
many of his compatriots were confident that the “impossible” election of Obama would be disrupted by “something dramatic, similar to John F. Kennedy’s assassination.”
I’m not so sure why Applebaum sees this as a criticism of Obama but, hey, if you’re manufacturing shit out of whole cloth, you have to go to work with the cloth you have.
But the last foreign critic Applebaum cites is the best:
Al-Qaeda has been looking to discredit President Obama, too, mostly with nasty insults (he’s a “hypocrite,” a “killer,” even a “house Negro”) but also describing him as a front man for the secret Zionist conspiracy. “This is Obama,” said Ayman al-Zawahiri, the group’s No. 2, “whom the American machine of lies tried to portray as the rescuer who will change the policy of America.”
I thought criticism of someone by Al Qaeda was a good thing, particularly from a neocon’s point of view, but apparently Al Qaeda were the only other folks Applebaum could find to support her case that significant numbers of foreigners didn’t like Obama. The question is, after reviewing the current composition of Op-Ed contributors at the WaPo, is there anyone too stupid not to get an offer of column space from Hiatt?
The question is, after reviewing the current composition of Op-Ed contributors at the WaPo, is there anyone too stupid not to get an offer of column space from Hiatt?
I’ll send an email to Michael Gerson. He should know!
If they choose McArdle, no.
Frau Applebaum has done this trick before, attempting to argue that Obama is a yoke on American foreign policy because like four people overseas don’t like or respect him. It’s an odd, baffling trick, a neocon arguing that al-Qaida’s reluctance to accept Obama is somehow an argument against his character. Huh?
Also, Applebaum jeans, boots with da fur.
I mean, if McArdle is hired by the Times, anyone could be a pundit. McArdle could be outwitted by a squid.
Plan A: Obama is too popular!
Plan B: Obama isn’t really that popular!
Heads I win, tails you lose. Let me put on my sunglasses so I can see what they ain’t lookin’ at.
I heard Ann Althouse was rejected by Hiatt.
I’ve got a question for you liberals: why do you always want special rights for the gays and negros? What about normal people? Why do these minorities get to be treated like gods, and beyond criticisc, even if they are immoral (gays) lazy and violent (blacks). They have the same rights as the rest of us, giving them special rights makes them above their rasing and that’s not American.
The amount of concern trolling McArdle and David Brooks would do on those pages would be legendary.
So, I hereby apologize to all halfway houses for disgraced neocons for maliciously comparing them to the Washington Post.
As well you should, TinTin, because halfway houses at least attempt to rehabilitate their residents!
Average USA Observer: Boooooring. Try again.
Shorter Annie Apple Tree: Obama sucks because he couldn’t have gotten elected president of China
“Mother tongue?” Whatever that may be, I’d bet it’s forked.
I’ve got a question for you liberals: why do you always want special rights for the gays and negros? What about normal people?
Why are “gays and negros” not normal?
There’s the answer to your question, by the way.
I can imagine the Post advertising blitz trumpeting her column:
“Have lunch at Applebaum’s! Now serving teh stoopid!”
Reading the entire column, it looks to me like Applebaum lost sight of her original point. It starts out like a typical neocon ‘Obama actually sucks because…” article, but after citing a few crazy-ass people, she ends up saying that these people don’t trust Obama’s election because they suck at democracy. Which a lot of them do, but how is this in any way a criticism of Obama?
At the end, it’s almost like she’s celebrating living in a functioning democracy that doesn’t have to elect old white men, but surely that’s not what she meant to imply, given that she’s a neocon.
I’m not sure if (god help us) “Average USA” was joking, but the thing is, we kind of think that gays and negros are normal people, if that helps clear things up for you.
By normal, I mean white and Chrisitan. The majority, remember? And, if you say they are “normal”, then why special rights? I’m waiting.
By normal, I mean white and Chrisitan.
You mean like Ted haggard? Jeffrey Dahmer?
Arguing with fake Gary under a different name is still arguing with fake Gary.
Shorte Average USA Obsever
“Enjoy this sample from a Klan bulletin”
Hullo? Avg USA? You were waiting?
I’m waiting for Hiatt to hire Pastor Swank and Mickey Kaus. That will square the circle of stupid at WaPo for sure. Op-eds about gays and goat blowing!
Shorter Sadly, No threads: we’ll swallow any forgery, no matter how transparent.
“Al-Qaeda has been looking to discredit President Obama, too, mostly with nasty insults (he’s a “hypocrite,” a “killer,” even a “house Negro”)”
Oddly, that is also what Ralph Nader calls Obama. Who knew Nader was Al-Qaeda?
What the hell is her problem? Of course not everyone likes Obama. I don’t (politically speaking, obviously). What does it prove? It’s not like the US media regularly cites the Weekly Worker (publication of the tiny UK group CP-GB that put a “Obama- World’s leading terrorist” – poster in the post-election edition) and only now, suddenly, fails to quote it.
Oddly, that is also what Ralph Nader calls Obama. Who knew Nader was Al-Qaeda?
Oh, you rotten sonuvabitch. Now we’re going to have to put up with the guy that thinks Nader was worse than Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler and Hirohito combined.
God damn you, this is on your head.
Now we’re going to have to put up with the guy that thinks Nader was worse than Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler and Hirohito combined
Don’t you think Nov 4 might have dampened that anger a bit? I hope so. Not that I’m a Nader fan, I think he’s an idiot and ruined his legacy, but I’m happy to see that controversy just go away.
These foreigners are just regurgitating what they have heard from so many leftists–that America is an horribly racist, imperialist nation controlled by a secret cabal of corporations.
Putin, Al Qaeda, the Chicoms–all share that same belief.
In fact, there’s a lot of common ground between foreign anti-American extremists and homegrown libs, this is just the latest example.
In fact, I enjoy scat porn such as 2 girls 1 cup.
Somebody had meth for breakfast.
These foreigners are just regurgitating what they have heard from so many leftists–that America is an horribly racist, imperialist nation controlled by a secret cabal of corporations.
Yes, but we threw the Bushies out. We should get credit for that.
These foreigners are just regurgitating what they have heard from so many leftists–that America is an horribly racist, imperialist nation controlled by a secret cabal of corporations.
Putin, Al Qaeda, the Chicoms–all share that same belief.
Actually, I’d like to see someone try to disprove that belief.
“Well Pugsley, your well on your way to being a violently lazy pervert so continue as you have and you’ll be sure to reach your goals.”
Actually, I’d like to see someone try to disprove that belief.
Yea. Like, maybe electing a minority President who is fairly unbeholden to large corporations and PACs, who gathered millions of contributions from people who paid less than $100…someone like that would go a long way to reversing that image.
See? You libs only prove my point!
No wonder Obama wants to negotiate with A-mad and the Castro Bros.–they have so much common ground in their ideologies.
We should really start a drive to encourage Hiatt and his ilk to fill the WaPo’s editorial pages (and NYT and LATimes, etc.) with Pastor Swanks and Malkins and Aces of Dorks and Pam Gellars and Pantloads and Renew Americas. Call it a scientific experiment to see how fast the new columnists can (1) kill the newspapers and (2) kill the GOP.
Hey, liberals! Your precious foreigners hate Obama because…. um… he secretly supports Israel!
Boo Obama!
Gerson accuses Obama of “New of Malice”
For extra credit, he accuses Obama of incompetent vetting. (I assume Michael is sorry that Obama hasn’t hired an equestrian judge to be in charge of FEMA, or some such).
Well done, Fred Hiatt.
P.S. Self-described liberal funnyman Richie Cohen’s pathetic torture excuse now has 35 pages of comments, the vast majority of which properly call him out for being a bed-wetting amoral hypocrite.
Call it a scientific experiment to see how fast the new columnists can (1) kill the newspapers and (2) kill the GOP.
I’d miss the Times, to be honest.
But then I’ve been missing it since RW Apple retired.
New Politics of Malice, that is.
A shame Obama can’t run a clean shop like the Bushites.
Don’t you think Nov 4 might have dampened that anger a bit?
Re Average: “I’m waiting.” All of our customer service representatives are busy at the moment. Your call is important to us, so please continue to hold, and someone will be with you shortly. Thank you for your patience.
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said,
January 28, 2009 at 18:08
New Politics of Malice, that is.
A shame Obama can’t run a clean shop like the Bushites.”
Still blaming Bush, I see.
Stop whining. You have the keys to the entire federal government now. You better not screw up! There’s no one left for you to blame.
Ahem. Obama’s own words:
But you’re right, I mean…who does Obama think he is, speaking for Obama like that? Clearly Jonah Goldberg and Brent Bozell know more about the man than, um, the man.
I have sexual fantasies about my mother.
kill the GOP
By the way, I’m not sure this is necessary. They seem to be eating themselves.
These foreigners are just regurgitating what they have heard from so many leftists–that America is an horribly racist, imperialist nation controlled by a secret cabal of corporations.
That’s the most ludicrous, laughably obviously wrong thing I’ve ever read.
Everyone knows they aren’t secret!
I don’t appreciate whatever child is spoofing me. Grow up, children!
There’s no one left for you to blame.
Except for unpatriotic conservatives like you who hate America and the majority of Americans who voted for Obama.
Now, cowboy up & salute the flag! Teacher says it’s almost milk and cookies time!
It is? I remember when A-mad was interviewed, he talked about how the USA is racist, how we imprison too many people, who there are too many people in poverty here, how oppressive we are, how a secret cabal of corporations run the government, etc.
What is the difference between what he says and what, say, Howard Zinn or Michael Moore say? None!
Personally, I’d like to see relations with Cuba normalized.
I’m tired of smuggling in my habanos to smoke in the comfort of my yard.
I thought you libs want to ban tobacco, actor.
he talked about how the USA is racist, how we imprison too many people, who there are too many people in poverty here, how oppressive we are, how a secret cabal of corporations run the government, etc.
What is the difference between what he says and what, say, Howard Zinn or Michael Moore say? None!
Hey, even a blind pig finds a truffle every so often.
Sorry for your damn luck you can’t even do that.
I thought you libs want to ban tobacco, actor.
Nope. I just don’t need to smoke yours along with my own breathing.
Don’t you think Nov 4 might have dampened that anger a bit?
History has shown me that anger like that never dampens.
Nader could be dead for 50 years, and that guy could be on his deathbed himself, and still it’d be “AND THAT FUCKIN’ NADER WAS A JUDAS GOAT WORKING FOR THE HALLIBURTON PUKES!”
I thought you libs want to ban tobacco, actor.
No, it’s conservatives who are into banning drugs for no reason, remember?
So what you’re saying, actor212, is that objectively you agree with the President of Iran.
Personally, I’d like to see relations with Cuba normalized.
I’ll second that one. Our Cuba policy is insane.
I don’t appreciate whatever child is spoofing me. My arguments are worthy of serious discussion!
I really hope Obama tries to open relations with Cuba, too. I’d love to get Florida back! 🙂
Let me see if I can sum up the liberal philosophy for you, RS, and make it succinct:
Liberals do not believe in big government, except where big government is the only tool left to us to combat big corporate greed and/or other outsized problems that the marketplace clearly fails in clearing up for us.
Like healthcare. Why should the average American spend $8,000 on top of his taxes for private health care, when Europeans pay less than half of that, AND get better results with government care?
LOL yeah lets put the people who run the post office, the DMV, and the IRS in charge of my healthcare! What a brilliant idea!
Not. Plus, where in the Constitution is the authority to have nationalized healthcare?
is that objectively you agree with the President of Iran.
Jesus agrees with me too. After all, he mentions the poor 400+ times in the Bible. He overturned the moneychangers tables.
Funny, he never talked much about Communism. Why is that, do you suppose?
LOL yeah lets put the people who run the post office, the DMV, and the IRS in charge of my healthcare! What a brilliant idea!
The post office charge you 42 cents to mail a letter. FedEx charges you at least $8.
Sounds like a pretty good idea.
Also, I’d just like to visit Havana, “normalized” relations with the country or not.
I’d prefer it if I didn’t have to wish death on a stable communist nation in favor of mob bosses and corporate fucks getting their hands on a weak Caribbean nation again to exploit, rape and pillage.
Its funny you libs say “oh the government couldn’t help New Orleans” and you want them in charge of your body? LOL!
where in the Constitution is the authority to have nationalized healthcare?
Where in the Constitution is a federally funded national highway system?
LOL yeah lets put the people who run the post office, the DMV, and the IRS in charge of my healthcare! What a brilliant idea!
What’s wrong with the post office? All my USPS shipments get where they’re going impressively fast. And I’ve had no issues with the IRS either. So your “lol gubbamint sucks” shtick doesn’t really hold up to reality as far as I’ve seen.
Its funny you libs say “oh the government couldn’t help New Orleans” and you want them in charge of your body? LOL!
no, we say “the government COULD HAVE helped more” or “should have helped”.
Maybe you need to clean your ears out?
European nations are going bankrupt trying to pay for their pyramid socialist schemes. Ask Germany about their budget. Ask Sarkozy about France’s insane kow-towing to Union Thugs.
Hey Actor212, how would you like to have had Bush and Cheney in charge of your health care?
RedStater75 said,
January 28, 2009 at 18:18
I really hope Obama tries to open relations with Cuba, too. I’d love to get Florida back! 🙂
I’m sorry…did you just insult the thousands of Cuban emigres who moved here for a better life? Weren’t they the Republican base in Dade County after Elian Gonzalez?
Hey Actor212, how would you like to have had Bush and Cheney in charge of your health care?
I wouldn’t have, but that’s the price I’d pay for having Obama and Clinton in charge of it in the bracketing sixteen years.
Hey Actor212, how would you like to have had Bush and Cheney in charge of your health care?
Hey dumbass, they were in charge of it for 8 years, with the net result that it got a lot more expensive and a lot fewer people are able to access it.
Hey Actor212, how would you like to have had Bush and Cheney in charge of your health care?
You’ve got a point there. Maybe we’re actually luck that the party least qualified to provide government services is the one least willing to do so! So now that the GOP is no longer in power, maybe we can get a best of both worlds situation. Nice.
Ask Sarkozy about France’s insane kow-towing to Union Thugs.
Ahhhhhhhhh, France…where the government fears the people and not the other way around…
Wow. That is one pointless stale column.
. . .there was another, more negative category of foreign response to Obama’s inauguration that is worth noting, not so much because of what it tells us about our new president but because of what it reveals about those making the comments.
Russians still don’t get the concept of free elections
The Chinese are still wary of Western social and political ideas
Al Qaeda still hates Westerners
I think I’ll try to sell them a column with googled references that imply that the Scandinavian countries still lean liberal and Saudi Arabia still doesn’t recognize equal rights for women. Oh, and Mexico still doesn’t offer good employment opportunities to most of its citizens.
“Obama doesn’t have 100% international approval rating therefore he sucks” is right up there with “It’s snowing somewhere so that means there’s no global warming” in terms of sheer, unadulterated asshattery. For a minute I feared that Teh Funny would be over once Obama was inaugurated, but now I realize that the lulz are only beginning. It’s much more fun pointing and laughing at the wingnuts now that they are nowhere near the levers of power.
Elections have consequences, bitchez. Hilarious consequences.
As opposed to the free-market juggernaut of the United States with its yearly surplus and zero national debt, of course.
RedStater75 said:
N.C., as a percentage of GDP European nations have a much bigger debt than the USA! Look it up!
“We should really start a drive to encourage Hiatt and his ilk to fill the WaPo’s editorial pages (and NYT and LATimes, etc.) with Pastor Swanks and Malkins and Aces of Dorks and Pam Gellars and Pantloads and Renew Americas. Call it a scientific experiment to see how fast the new columnists can (1) kill the newspapers and (2) kill the GOP.”
Or (3) If anyone will notice.
I’m still waiting for the explanation of why obscene concentration of wealth should be considered the highest virtue, even though it results in less economic activity for all 300+ million of us. There has to be some reason other than blind ideology, right?
“I’m still waiting for the explanation of why obscene concentration of wealth should be considered the highest virtue, ”
Read some Ayn Rand.
Oh, you rotten sonuvabitch. Now we’re going to have to put up with the guy that thinks Nader was worse than Stalin…
Sorry Leon. I really didn’t intend to cause any kind of flame war. I’m unfamiliar with this guy. I just thought that it’s funny that the far left and the far right are echoing the same talking points. That’s weird isn’t it? Maybe there is something to be learned in all that. Don’t know… could be… possibly.
I think it might go something like.. authoritarians are found on the left and the right, and that conspiratorial style thinking (there are no coincidences and we can read minds) is a fallacy we are all susceptible to.
I agree with RedState75 wholeheartedly.
What I want to know is how much support Obama has among weird, hairy females.
Errr, Reddie? European budget deficits, until the banking crisis, ran under 3% of GDP.
American budget deficits were 3.2%
So if Europe is collapsing, America must alread yhave collapsed!
Read some Ayn Rand.
I’m no longer an adolescent, so Rand holds no appeal to me.
Besides, that’s still not an answer as to why something that doesn’t work as well for ANYONE should be the overarching goal of our economic and tax policies.
France’s public debt is 70% of GDP!. Italian debt is over 100% of GDP! You want to emulate that?
There has to be some reason other than blind ideology, right?
Read some Ayn Rand.
Remember to fully read the passage before marking your answer on your scoresheet.
RedTater – “Read some Ayn Rand.”
I did. Back when I was a child. Then I became an adult and left behind childish things. Ayn Rand was a fool, a narcissist and a fascist.
I know of a pyramid scheme!
In this one, firms are allowed to insure each other’s mortgage-backed securities, through credit default swaps. Since the ghost of Ayn Rand would be sad if the government regulated such a thing, no reserves were required to be held for this “insurance”.
Pour on the gasoline via easy money Greenspan, and you have the biggest real estate bubble in history.
Extra credit: when it blows up, blame liberals and the coloreds. The right wing base snorts that up like crack cocaine.
OK, I read Applebaum’s entire column and I can’t figure out the point she’s trying to make, if any. It’s an incoherent piece of rubbish. Bill Kristol should fit in just fine there.
And the trolls here have gotten really boring and stupid lately. I recommend not feeding them until they start saying something actually worth replying to. Thanks.
It is insane to acknowledge unions at all. If they ever learn that they hold the reins of power in any country because they’re the only ones making something, they might actually use that power.
It is however, the height of sensibility to grovel and beg the worthless executive classes whenever they run out of money and fucked over the economy on genuine pyramid schemes, because they threaten to John Galt us and then we’ll really be sorry, and we’ll be the hapless cheerleader crying out after their rebellious leather-jacketed asses, begging them not to go.
The housing crisis was caused by Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and their buddies and Fannie and Freddie being forced to loan to poor people who couldn’t pay the loans back in the name of “diversity” and political correctness.
Any honest observer knows this.
And America’s national debt, before the bailout, was 10/13 of its GDP, a far bigger denominator, I might add.
That’s 77%, RS. I’ll save you the math.
The housing crisis was caused by Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and their buddies and Fannie and Freddie being forced to loan to poor people who couldn’t pay the loans back in the name of “diversity” and political correctness.
Right, because the Democrats controlled Congress in 2003 using the Way Back Machine.
No, our public debt is 40% while France’s public debt is 70%.
We would like it to be known that the next time some American ‘conservative’ spouts some ignorant horseshit about ‘what things are like in Europe’ without ever having read a European newspaper, much less visited any country here, we will consider it an act of war. We don’t comment on the US market price of meth and rent boys or the social demographics of trailer parks, so kindly shut your fucking grunt-holes about our business.
I are serious troll. This are serious theadjack.
Hah, posted that even before it mentioned it was a Randroid. God, these fucking things are predictable.
… I don’t appreciate whatever child is spoofing me. Grow up, children! …
1) Unless you wanted to encourage people to spoof you, that was a mistake.
2) Are you sure you’re not a spoof yourself?
Hey “Europe” which country are you in? I bet it is Holland huh? Your country is going down the toilet thanks to massive Islamic immigration. Have fun when you become part of the North Sea Caliphate!
“Read some Ayn Rand.”
I just did, Sparky. All 1064 pages of Atlas Shrugged. And I expect to be applauded and pitied accordingly.
What shall we discuss first: its obvious (and hilarious) wretchedness as a novel, or the ludicrous, simple-minded, ahistorical, stupidly Manichean nature of its “philosophy”?
Here’s a tip, Red. If you want anyone with half a brain to take you seriously, ix-nay on the and-Ray. Unless you just want to impress 14-year olds.
Then again, you write like a 14-year old, so never mind.
She sounds like she’s also ready to construct a shit moat around her house.
Sorry, this blog post represents a stunning misreading of a column that makes none of the conclusions that the criticism tries to imply.
Applebaum makes no suggestion that she is criticizing Obama (since you took the time to look up her linguistic skills in Wikipedia, you might have wanted to follow the link to a previous WaPo column of hers called “Why McCain lost me,” in which she announces her support for Obama’s election.) The column’s point is EXACTLY to discredit the sources. Your blockquote above deliberately omits that she is pointing these sources out “not so much because of what it tells us about our new president but because of what it reveals about those making the comments,” which comes right in the middle of your deceptive pull-quote.
Commenters – the links are there for you to FOLLOW THEM so that you CAN READ and MAKE UP YOUR OWN MIND, rather than follow along like pathetic little sheep when a good blogger draws uncharacteristically bogus conclusions.
No, our public debt is 40% while France’s public debt is 70%.
I figured you’d be stupid enough to try that, so I saved the links.
United States — GDP: 13.84 Trillion
American national debt – $ 10,676,821,836,651
LOL your own link disproves you! It says debt–even if you include SS, which is bogus–is only 60% of GDP. Moonbat.
Commenters – the links are there for you to FOLLOW THEM so that you CAN READ and MAKE UP YOUR OWN MIND, rather than follow along like pathetic little sheep when a good blogger draws uncharacteristically bogus conclusions.
It’s a comedy blog, dude. Go peddle your stuff elsewhere.
Besides, if we face a debt crisis, isn’t that less of a reason to spend on “stimulus”?
That’s it. Bombing begins in five minutes.
Did I touch a nerve,” Europe”? Care to dispute anything I said?
But SS is not part of the general fund! As you pointed out yesterday, it’s a CONTRIBUTION to your retirement!
So either you lied about Social Security or you lied about the debt, but under either circumstance, you lied about it being only 40% of GDP!
We ARE Europe, Reddie!
It isn’t my fault your civilization is dying cause you made your country too expensive to have children in.
A Debt Crisis created by Georeg W. Bush and the Republicna Party
Wait, wait, wait…
So you’re telling me (well, insulting us in general, but let’s pretend you were just telling us something) that this thread is about some Washington Post op-ed?
Jesus ben Joseph, I don’t know how I missed that before!
Thanks, guy!
since you took the time to look up her linguistic skills in Wikipedia, you might have wanted to follow the link to a previous WaPo column of hers called “Why McCain lost me,” in which she announces her support for Obama’s election.
This, gentlemen, is what is known as a non-sequitur.
isn’t that less of a reason to spend on “stimulus”?
Ask Herbert Hoover. He tried that.
Hoover didn’t have nearly this kind of massive debt, lib.
Commenters – the links are there for you to FOLLOW THEM so that you CAN READ and MAKE UP YOUR OWN MIND, rather than follow along like pathetic little sheep when a good blogger draws uncharacteristically bogus conclusions.
I did. And she still sucks.
RedStater75 said,
January 28, 2009 at 18:43
Hoover didn’t have nearly this kind of massive debt, lib.
So Bush is worse than Hoover?
Yes, you really touched a nerve with all that stuff you made up. Care to dispute my earlier statement that you are ‘spouting ignorant horseshit’ about a continent that you’ve never visited, met anyone from, or know anything about that you didn’t learn on FOX?
Hoover didn’t have nearly this kind of massive debt, lib.
He also didn’t give a crap about the darkies.
Go read some Mark Steyn, “Europe”. Your countries are dying and soft.
Jesus Christ. At least Coach Urban Meyer is somewhat amusing. This troll sucks ass.
Curiously, of course, under Hoover the national debt as a percentage of GNP rose from 20% to 40%, mostly because tax revenues fell as people were chronically unemployed and businesses failed because people were chronically unemployed and couldn’t afford to buy things.
But I digress…
Ex., they banned displaying Dutch flags in DUTCH SCHOOLS cause it might offend Muslims! LOL!
Go read some Mark Steyn
Right, because anyone who would know about Europe would be from Canada.
I really liked Ayn Rand when I was 16. The idea of a life without having to give a shit about my neighbor was very appealing. Then I grew up.
I later encountered Rand when I was slumming in a freshman-level philosophy class (I needed some random credits). Rand was discussed for about a day, deemed ridiculous by all, and passed over for actual serious scholarship. Wingnuts may think they’re well beyond the curve with this Galt nonsense, but no.
And you still haven’t addressed my Obama quote, not that I expect you to.
Obama says what he says to pull the wool over peoples eyes with the help of the MSM, but hes really a socialist redistributionist lib with radical associations.
The column’s point is EXACTLY to discredit the sources.
This is exactly the reading I got as well.
I still stand by the shit moat crack, mostly because shit moats are funny.
Go read some Mark Steyn
Ugh. No thanks. Even us fruity Europeans in our gimp-masks aren’t that masochistic.
Besides, we already had this little Austrian fella who wrote a book that said pretty much the same thing.
“Besides, we already had this little Austrian fella who wrote a book that said pretty much the same thing.”
Yeah and Europe is still the most anti-semitic place in the West. Its why Jews are being forced to flee France for Israel due to Muslim and Leftist violence against them.
Freud wasn’t that little… oh… oh, you meant the other guy.
Watergate was a long time ago.
Which is better:
A redistributionist who is going to give YOU some of HIS money, or the redistributionist who is going to take YOUR money and line HIS pockets with it?
By the latter, of course, I mean George W Bush. After all, only the rich saw their incomes increase on a real basis under him.
What I want to know is how much support Obama has among weird, hairy females.
Well, I for one worked for his election, voted for him, and sent money to his campaign, and I think I can speak for weird hairy females everywhere.
Europe is still the most anti-semitic place in the West.
Clearly you’ve never been to Connecticut.
I dunno, the Midwest’s pretty light on Jews also. Scares the shit out of us.
Except Idaho, for some weird reason.
yes. no better palce to escape Mslim violence than Israel
The rich don’t take my money at the point of a gun, I voluntarily trade it for goods and services.
The government has men with guns come and FORCE it from me. See the difference morally?
You’re not weird, MzN.
Offbeat, maybe.
FWIW, I think the troll is real. The way it proudly exhorts others to ‘read some Mark Steyn’ and ‘read some Ayn Rand’ is quite touchingly sincere. I think it’s about 16-18 years old max, and is proud of how much all its classmates hate it.
The rich don’t take my money at the point of a gun, I voluntarily trade it for goods and services.
The government has men with guns come and FORCE it from me. See the difference morally?
In both cases, the Treasury Department is charged with enforcing the tax code and Revenooers, T-men, would show up regardless.
Listen, since you “voluntarily” give your money over to rich people like me, I’ve got this scheme, see, and I was hoping you might give me the money for it…
“I’ve got this scheme, see, and I was hoping you might give me the money for it…”
Are you talking about Socialist Security?
Hey Truthie/Redstater75… You used to try that “Post offensively/pretend someone is then spoofing you” schtick on Eschaton, as well as here too. And what always gave it away was that you’d often tend to say you were being spoofed long before anyone had actually got around to doing it, because of that poor self-discipline problem you have… This user name comes from what you recently justified it as doing here at SN!, remember? Something like “I want to get them to soil themselves so everyone can see how filthy they are”. And it’s a justification that’s not changed since you were doing it on Eschaton way back in 2001… you still don’t seem to have learned that people blame the person who first brings the dog-poop in on their heels, not those who choose to point it out.
But keep on trying old chap! In all this time of obsessively trolling, all you’ve achieved is repulsing the average American voter so much that they elected a black man born to a Kenyan Muslim father, with a middle name of Hussein and a surname that sounds a bit like Osama to President of the United States.
And he’s going to be there for another 4 years… until your behaviour between now and then helps guarantee him ANOTHER 4 years!
You have men with guns come to take your money?
Usually, the IRS just sends me some forms to send in the mail by April 15th. Maybe you should start filling those out, and this men with guns problem would sort itself out.
All a y’alls just go read all a this other stuff that will totally back up what I say because I don’t know what I’m talking about, but boy those other folks do, so go read them, you dumb o’ libs.
Who the hell is “Truthie”? What are you babbling on about?
And you know this because of super secret mental powers.
Tell me the difference between taxes and protection money paid to a mob. There is none.
John Gotti never paid for a new highway.
You have men with guns come to take your money?
“Without the Second Amendment, the King of England could just start coming in here and pushing you around! Is that what you want Lisa? IS IT?”
Shorter RedStater
“Let;sreturn to teh guilded age, or possibly the Victorian era”
Hitler and Stalin built highways, so what?
Grown-ups realize that government supplies certain things that private enterprise cannot, and that these things need money to happen.
All right… all right… but apart from better sanitation and medicine and education and irrigation and public health and roads and a freshwater system and baths and public order… what have the Romans done for us?
that America is an horribly racist, imperialist nation controlled by a secret cabal of corporations.
American IS still pretty racist (see, well, you), pretty imperialist (see Iraq) but the corporations that control us are not so secret (see Bush Administration). The last eight years have seen deregulation and free government services for many large corporations, particularly financial firms. Unfortunately they screwed the pooch big time, and now get to be regulated again.
“I’ve got this scheme, see, and I was hoping you might give me the money for it…”
Are you talking about Socialist Security?
OK, OK, if you want to call it that, so long as you realize I’m a private
erbusiness operator…Take THAT, libs! Ha! I win! Surely you will never refute me! I mean, take THAT, libs! Ha! I win! Surely you will never refute me! No, I mean, take THAT, libs! Ha! I win! Surely you will never refute me! No, I really mean, take THAT, libs! Ha! I win! Surely you will never refute me! No, what I really mean is, take THAT, libs! Ha! I win! Surely you will never refute me! No, seriously, what I really mean is, take THAT, libs! Ha! I win! Surely you will never refute me! No, seriously, moonbats, what I really mean is, take THAT, libs! Ha! I win! Surely you will never refute me! Uh, what I really mean is, take THAT, libs! Ha! I win! Surely you will never refute me!
You libs just want to transform America into the Soviet Union.
Hitler and Stalin built highways, so what?
So did Eisenhower, with our tax dollars.
Let’s try again: I’m still waiting for the explanation of why obscene concentration of wealth should be considered the highest virtue, even though it results in less economic activity for all 300+ million of us. There has to be some reason other than blind ideology, right?
You libs just want to transform America into the Soviet Union.
You’re the one supporting wiretaps for everybody there, bucko. You’re the KGB man, not us.
actor212: I’m afraid my friends and loved ones would disagree with you.
Hey RedStater: Shut the fuck up and fuck off already you fuck. You’re a big part of what gives Southern states that Southern-state rep for fucktardery and general fucked-upedness. Fucker.
The reason libs hate private business and the wealthy is because they’re often not too bright people who got useless liberal arts degrees as their “education”, and can’t manage to do better than working at starbucks or being a waiter. If they’re lucky, they become a trial lawyer and mooch off of others.
People who get real degrees in hard sciences and make lots of money are Republicans.
In Soviet Union Security Socials You
Not the Soviet Union argument! I shall never recover!
So did Eisenhower, with our tax dollars.
And therein lies the problem. RedStater wants his highways for free, like the extra Federal money his state gets from blue states. Like most RedStaters, he’s a freeloader and wants somebody else to pick up the tab.
“People who get real degrees in hard sciences and make lots of money are Republicans.”
Like Robert Oppenheimer, Albert Einstein, Jimmy Carter
RS, why do you hate Americans so?
After all, we’re Americans, yet you keep calling us names and accusing us of wanting to tear down this country.
Did you hate your mom for wanting to have you? Did you hate your dad for pumping his semen into her? Do you hate anything that smacks of humanity or compassion?
So Bob Owens and I were charcoal grilling the other day, and a thought came over Bob that the reality of the situation is, liberals just hate America, and that we had elected an America-hater as president. Why you liberals are unable to admit this is because you are ruthless in your hatred of Bush, who has kept us safe.
I bet you all have a bunch of leftist liberal arts degrees in things like art and English.
D.N. Nation’s wife…
I bet you all have a bunch of leftist liberal arts degrees in things like art and English.
And of course, you’d be wrong.
The reason libs hate private business and the wealthy is because they’re often not too bright people who got useless liberal arts degrees as their “education”,
I’m a liberal. I make many liberals look, well, conservative. Yet I have a degree from a top business school with a double major in Finance and Accounting (mom wanted me to be secretary of the Treasury).
How do you square me with your bigotry?
I can honestly state that we would never have suspected the same from the likes of you.
American IS still pretty racist (see, well, you), pretty imperialist (see Iraq)
Well there’s the rub, innit? The wingnut argument is that leftists and Al Qaeda are the same because they like to point out that America is racist and imperialist, whereas conservatives observe due propriety and pretend that it isn’t. The fact that liberals differ from extreme right-wingers of both the Christian and Muslim variety in that they actually think racism and imperialism are bad things is neither here nor there.
It’s all about perception, baby! If you don’t say it, it didn’t happen!
I believe in not feeding the trool.
However, I also think a lot of people on the left ought to get better at stomping on reichtard lying points. The entire “blame the bubble on the Community Reinvestment Act” relies on the fact that real estate finance can be complicated and once you mention mortgage-backed securities and credit default swaps, people tend to doze off.
So here is Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan
Comptroller Dugan Says CRA not Responsible for Subprime Lending Abuses
BALTIMORE — Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan said he categorically disagrees with suggestions that the Community Reinvestment Act is partly responsible for the ongoing credit crisis.
“CRA is not the culprit behind the subprime mortgage lending abuses, or the broader credit quality issues in the marketplace,” Mr. Dugan said in a speech to the Enterprise Annual Network Conference.
“Indeed, the lenders most prominently associated with subprime mortgage lending abuses and high rates of foreclosure are lenders not subject to CRA,” he added. “A recent study of 2006 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data showed that banks subject to CRA and their affiliates originated or purchased only six percent of the reported high cost loans made to lower-income borrowers within their CRA assessment areas.”
John Gotti never paid for a new highway.
No. but he provided the paving material from some of his other operations. I think Jimmy Hoffa is under Rockaway Blvd.
Hey… hey… I bet… I bet you liberals voted for Demmycrats in the last election. HA! Got you there, don’t I? Now go and read some “Archie” comics.
I think Jimmy Hoffa is under Rockaway Blvd.
So you don’t subscribe to the Stadium knoll theory?
“is there anyone too stupid not to get an offer of column space from Hiatt?”
What a silly question. Bill Kristol is all you need to know.
Mythbusters proved that one was wrong.
And most rich folks I know either don’t have degrees or have them in Business Administration, so that theory is shot.
Every engineer I know is either a rabid libertarian (the real kind, the kind that is pissed about wiretaps) or a Democrat (duh, who gets bridges and roads built).
Mythbusters proved that one was wrong.
Psh, more NY glamorization.
Hoffa is, if anything, under a concrete slab under an automotive factory in Detroit. You think they’re really going to go to the trouble of moving a dead guy to fucking New York to bury him? Mob guys are, if anything, as lazy a bunch as any right-winger and will go to the place of earliest convenience.
Sorry, but it’s a pet peeve of mine. Same reaction when people say he’s buried under Giants Stadium. Why would they fucking bother?
Frankly, the only reason I think nobody’s fucking found him yet is because of those kind of rumors. Look for him in Michigan, goddamit! New York has enough corpses of their own, we don’t need to import them from the fucking Rust Belt!
Yea, but he was supposed to be meeting with Provenzano of NYC…so why not?
RedStater’s animosity toward those with “liberal arts” degrees is explained by numerous longitudinal studies that show graduates in the humanities have better sexual experiences and longer-lasting friendships and in general are happier with their lives. Thus RedStater’s frustration at having failed his online tech course in dental hygiene, and his abundant free time to troll liberal blogs.
The fact is, here in the heartland we disposed of our mob hits like gentlemen, properly and with a minimum of fuss. We don’t go in for outrageous, liberal-infested plans like sealing someone in concrete at a major stadium.
Well, why would they cart his corpse from Detroit to New York?
I’m sure even Provenzano knew somebody who could get rid of the corpse in Michigan, and not have to get past toll roads, through several states, stinking up their goddamn car with corpse-stink.
It’s just… impractical, is what I’m saying. Even my assumption of “buried under an automotive factory” is for appropriate ends, not anything I think a mob goon who’d be stuck doing the shoveling and burying would go for.
Red Stater’s going to love this. Everyone else, please tell me this is a joke. I need desperately to know that “SarahPAC” is just a hoax. PLEASE!
Also, shouldn’t it be Gary Ruppertino?
Hey MzNicky!
I have an engineering degree. I bet your job consists of saying “would you like fries with that?” a lot, doesn’t it?
I have an engineering degree.
That certainly explains your cold calculated imprecision with numbers.
I have an engineering degree
Electrical, mechanical, civil?
I’m not disagreeing with you, but the fact is, the search extended to NY and the FBI seems to be spending more time poking holes in Flushing Meadow than in the Omni Hotel in Detroit.
Electrical, mechanical, civil?
He hasn’t displayed any politesse so I think we can exclude civil.
Besides, I think his brand of engineering involves putting on a little blue striped cap and overalls.
I’m still waiting for the explanation of why obscene concentration of wealth should be considered the highest virtue, even though it results in less economic activity for all 300+ million of us. There has to be some reason other than blind ideology, right?
I’d appreciate an answer not drawn from the pages of bad fiction written by a bad novelist.
I’ve also never understood the infatuation with degrees. I’ve got a degree in health information management, and I’m unemployed. Having a degree doesn’t mean shit unless you’ve got a job to back it up.
I have an engineering degree.
Barber or clown?
OK, doesn’t really work. But it makes about as much sense as your posts.
I suppose it is possible that RedStater has an Engineering degree. I know a lot of computer people (of which I are one) have Asperberger’s to some extent, which often manifests as a inability or unwilliness to acknowledge financial ecosystems. I expect the same is true in engineering fields.
I don’t have a journalism degree, and I’m paid to fix the numerous and often jaw-droppingly egregious grammatical errors of people who do have journalism degrees.
Is something receiving a percentage on useless comments? Jesus fuck, you idiots.
I’m not disagreeing with you, but the fact is, the search extended to NY and the FBI seems to be spending more time poking holes in Flushing Meadow than in the Omni Hotel in Detroit.
To be honest, my estimation of the FBI’s capacity to deal with mob-related crimes, particularly ones wrapped up in Hoover-esque “what mafia?” legacies like Hoffa’s disappearance is pretty low. They could be looking through Flushing Meadow just because actually looking in Michigan after all this time and finding him would be… shamefully egg-faced.
So, better to just keep plugging away until they think they can get away with calling it “cold”, because, why, they looked all through New York!
Speaking of cold, who wouldn’t want to go to Michigan on bizness this time of year?
P.S. Here in Ohio, we are still under attack by islamosnowflaketerrorfascists.
The point of Applebaum’s Op-Ed is that the liberal MSM is hiding from the public the millions of foreigners who are appalled at the election of Obama
That’s not the way I read it; I thought she was saying that many people under authoritarian governments can’t even conceive of free and fair elections, so they assume Obama’s election wasn’t. It wasn’t Earth-shattering material by any stretch of the imagination, but I don’t think it was as bad as what you took away.
I have an engineering degree.
He’s Choo Choo Charlie! Pass the Good ‘n’ Plenty!
Only if your public debt is a high enough percentage of your GDP.
I have an engineering degree.
What did our latest troll say that (I wouldn’t know, I killfile’d him good’n’early)? Why does this not surprise me?
Me too! In fact, soon I’ll have two!
We’re very sorry. From now on, every comment will be a useful and uplifting comment.
Eat plenty of foods that are rich in fiber!
So, Pravda, a guy citing the Huffington Post citing another article citing an anonymous Chinese intellectual, and Al Qaeda walk into a bar.
Oh, be fair. Applebaum was presenting those “criticisms” to show how ridiculous they are.
Adam’s Applebaum, Mr. Peabody?
No, it’s to show that real democracy is beyond the ken of silly foreigners.
I love Sadly, No! Maybe the election tired me, but I’m firmly of the conclusion that the only reason for conservative opinions on the internet is to entertain us with their delusions. Great thanks for combing through them for the best ones and saving me the trouble.
I read the article a while ago, and frankly if that is what she was trying to show, she could have made it more explicit.
And this redstater is an ignorant, egotistical annoying little creep. He will not be convinced by anything anyone says, unless he hears it from Rush’s fat lips.
He’s Choo Choo Charlie! Pass the Good ‘n’ Plenty!
Given that old commercial has been playing in my head for a couple of days, that’s pretty darn creepy.
We must be on the Red State Trike Force target list.
Where’s my Silly Putty, boy?
See, here’s the deal. Those of us that inhabit reality usually have to be able to correctly translate hypothetical into actual: how to increase profit margins without seriously rejiggering input, how history suggests a region would be best stabilized, how an election is likely to go.
For all your haw-hawing about us naughty no-good liberal arts majors, you’re pretty breathtakingly ignorant yourself – you think the Mufti of Jerusalem was t personally involved in the formation of the Muslim Brotherhood, that the Electoral College is in the Constitution right in between the right to an assault rifle and the right to no queerin’, and further that blacks are lazy, shiftless predators who can only be fended off by destroying the welfare state.
I don’t know what kinda engineer you are (I’d guess software, because I come from a long line of mechanical and electrical engineers and they associate ‘engineering’ with Mormon suits), but I’m willing to bet you’re a walking raison d’etre for arts degrees: any moron could do what Pollock did, but you’d probably choke to death getting the buckets open. You’re not just any moron – you’re a proud moron.
(“What are you trying to do that with your hands for? Ha ha, you fag. This is how you do it. Bookmark this, libs.”)
Yeah, trust him on this one. Applebaum is like if Althouse and Alkon had a Down’s baby and it was inexplicably treated as a policy expert. The amazing thing is that she managed to end the Chinese post without an insightful comment about effeminate Orientals throwing keys down the stairs in lieu of democracy.
Bartender says: “Why the long faces?”
“and further that blacks are lazy, shiftless predators who can only be fended off by destroying the welfare state.”
Cite where I said this, race baiter.
A banner article in today’s Pravda:
Birds are capable of scanning future
“Many nations around the world have many tales about the amazing race of winged creatures – bird-people. Reports about amazing encounters with bird-people appear in our times too.”
You just know some gooper out there read the header for this & ignored the text, & is now doing a happy-Snoopy-dance around the living-room of his/her trailer. IN YOUR FACE, AMERICA-HATERZ!!!11!1!
Neocons, Pravda & Al-Quaeda … wow, talk about your kinky threesomes! They’d have to take out a second mortgage & empty out a hardware store for all the fetish-gear involved.
Ayman al-Zawahiri & Sarah Palin have never been seen in public at the same time … I’m just sayin’.
Too many neurons. She regularly writes before she thinks & thus emits stupid shit that makes Baby Bertrand Russell cry, but you can at least tell there’s an actual conscious intellect in there somewhere – & when she gets it right (see Obama vs. McCain), reading her neocon fanboys’ whimpering orgy of rage & chagrin is pure comedy gold. She’s one little clue away from becoming another John Cole. Megan “Trust Fund Bitch” McArdle on the other hand is a perfect match – Randroid to the death, loves to listen to herself pontificate & doesn’t know her own ass from a hole in the ground.
Not into trolling trolls at the moment (sigh … sometimes it feels like fishing with hand-grenades: too easy & the meat tastes like shrapnel), with one exception:
Applebaum cites ALL of the criticisms – essentially open invitations to a festival of hate – with helpful links, while citing positive viewpoints only in the text itself. Unbalanced & reeks of poisoning the well. A wingnut would loudly loathe her rhetorical approval of the election “fraud” – & then silently thank her for providing all those helpful links. I get the sense that she can hardly wait to begin her “regrets” for voting for that tricky nigra that promised her a good job, bigger jugs, a magic pony & immortality.
So a priest, a rabbi, and a leprechaun walk into a bar, and the leprechaun says Hey, wait a minute, I’m in the wrong joke!
How many people in a selected demographic group does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A finite number. A portion of this number to screw in the light bulb, and the rest to do something stereotypical of that demographic group.
I have an engineering degree.
Please post your SAT scores.
Hey, why are liberals so uncivil?
Bernard Goldberg’s got a new book about in-the-tankiness!
I’m going over to SarahPAC, to bid on the RNC lingerie auction.
I’m feeling lucky! Plus every dollar bid goes to SarahPAC.
To enhance their take, I won’t even request laundering.
He’s not criticizing liberals, just liberal biases and liberal insanity and liberals going too far! Why on earth would liberals interpret that as an attack on liberals?
P.S. Liberals Liberals Liberals.
I’m going to flounce away now, but I’ll be back in a hour with twelve more insulting and completely rhetorical questions!
why do republicans think that everyone is just dying to be rich rich rich?
as long is the cable bill is paid and a bottle of scotch is in the cupboard i really don’t much care if its 20 million or 20 bucks that are in my pocket.
This is not a book about the same old media bias. This time journalists cross a very bright line. This time they stopped being witnesses to history and they were intent on helping to shape history…. Chris Matthews is the most egregious example of media slobbering I have ever seen…”
The Iraq war run-up and the coverage of commander Codpiece, right? So, selective memory and projection walk into a bar…
Right here.
Oh yeah, Chris “Thrill Up My Leg” Matthews is REAL objective. Right. Only if you’re an O-Bot Socialist.
Why, there’s selective memory now!
CM was anti-war from the beginning, and he’s a registered Democrat. He was a speech writer for Tip O’Neil and Jimmy “Stagflation” Carter, for God’s sake!
Hate mail to Annie Appelbaum and lots of it. Just no threats.
That’s not selective memory, it’s just an attention trool.
RedSpate, I think, is jealous that CM got to slobber on about commander codpioece on national teevee. And he could only sit by hissef in his mama’s basement vainfully attempting to scrub the cheetoh stains off his little wangette.
Dear RSS-enabled friends: try Djur’s solution:
Add bad folks at the end of the URL separated by pipes, the trailing * is a wild card.
Mail to Annie Appelbaum, or Fred Hiatt for that matter, will achieve nothing.
Leonard Downie Jr. is the guy to address.
Explain how Fred Hiatt has destroyed the paper’s reputation, and reference Applebaum, Cohen, Gerson, Kristol, etc. etc.
Also, Katherine Weymouth.
Neocons, Pravda & Al-Quaeda …
RedSpate, I think, is jealous that CM got to slobber on about commander codpioece on national teevee.
and play kissyface to Mitt
Aspirational politics. This is why a man famous for lying about every part of his identity in order to present his insomniac terrors of black Jews stealing his future millions as rational is currently bumming around Israel acting holier-than-MSM instead of begging for booze and scalp wax.
Yeah, no. Didn’t oppose the war, and along with the remainder of the established media dismissed arguments against the ginned-up intelligence as protest fodder.
And you know, because it turns out there were post-1992 nukes in Iraq, the occupation ended without a hitch within six months, and the US is widely feted throughout the world for glorious savior Bush’s bold unilateral action.
They’re saying “boo-ush”, you see.
I bet he’s such a fag for the Democrat party that he wants to have a wank in Adlai Stevenson’s holy egghead shoes.
Jesus Christ, do you actually have any independent knowledge of history whatsoever? I know you people are in the business of being deliberately dishonest, but this level of ignorance goes beyond anything someone could fake. I think if we were to press you over it you’d tell us Munich involved Roosevelt sending a Belgian to inspect Germany’s missiles like some kind of homo.
Again, it’s nice and all if you’re just playing this inside baseball shit with fellow Republicans, but the general public can’t afford to be that ignorant. Keep on thinking Tip O’Neill’s fatness is cutting observational humor territory and see how well you do outside of TN comptroller elections.
Oh, and I’m just going to go out on a limb and say you’re a shit engineer, too. Ford wasn’t this ignorant, and he thought we fought the American Revolution against Spain.
So you’re denying that CM was a speechwriter for two prominent Democrat politicians?
See Alec, that’s why you shouldn’t bother debating the trool.
It doesn’t care if you refute its b.s. Only that you make the effort.
The use of the term “Democrat Politician” makes everything said in a statement null and void, if you’re gonna steal from teh Birchers go with Earl warren impeachment
>>Its funny you libs say “oh the government couldn’t help New Orleans” and you want them in charge of your body? LOL!
It’s funny how the Republicans always confuse “the government can’t do anything properly” with “WE can’t do anything properly while running the government”
Was he a speech writer for Carter and O’Neil, yes or no?
He also ran for Congress as a Democrat in a primary and lost.
If you are anywhere near New York City in the next 7 weeks and have an opportunity to catch Will Ferrell’s show at the Cort Theater, “You’re Welcome, America: A Final Night With George W. Bush”, I highly recommend it. For one thing, it’s hilariously funny. For another, there’s this awesome gag about Bush and Bigfoot that really reminds me a lot of this Anne Applebaum column. In fact, I’m pretty sure Ms. Applebaum must have seen the show, which inspired her work in today’s WaPo.
And Pat Buchanan ran for President as a republican which proves that the Dead Inrtern in Joe Scraborough’s office was a liberal plant
Who the fuck cares? O’Neill is dead and Carter is close to it. My point wasn’t that he wasn’t, it’s that the assertion is asinine – just another of a long series of second-hand talking-points about the eternal perfidy of the Democrat Party. It’s how you pretend to have independent thoughts, and it’s pathetic.
Also, the main reason Matthews had anything to do with Obama was an enormous, well-documented vendetta against Hillary Clinton. You know, kind of like how Rush Limbaugh and your other heroes mysteriously loved the guy until he won Iowa. And like most of the right-wing Dem establishment, Matthews favored the war because war is good for Washington.
He could have fucking written speeches for Dennis Kucinich; what matters is what he does now, which is bog-standard Blue Doggism. (Oh, wait, the Blue Dogs are vicious radicals now, right? I mean, now that they’re probably not gonna cross the aisle to filibuster with your failed party.)
And because the word “Obama” has snuck back into the conversation, I’d like to make sure the little Nazi toady knows that there is in fact a National Association for the Advancement of White People; it’s run by David Duke and isn’t particularly in the business of worrying about whites where they are ethnic minorities (largely immigrant neighborhoods and Southwestern rural areas) and actually face persecution.
Just so you know who the real racists are.
And Pat Buchanan ran for President as a republican which proves that the Dead Inrtern in Joe Scraborough’s office was a liberal plant
And huckleberries make a great boysenberry pie when you can’t find gooseberries!
ITTDGY says:
Comptroller Dugan Says CRA not Responsible for Subprime Lending Abuses
“Indeed, the lenders most prominently associated with subprime mortgage lending abuses and high rates of foreclosure are lenders not subject to CRA,” he added. “A recent study of 2006 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data showed that banks subject to CRA and their affiliates originated or purchased only six percent of the reported high cost loans made to lower-income borrowers within their CRA assessment areas.”
You know, I have acquaintances (banking industry lifers who also ride beemers) on whom I tried this rebuttal and by god they told me that it was still the CRA and low income borrowers and Freddie & Fannie at fault for the whole mess because…they set a bad example for the Masters of the Universe. <–Paraphrase.
Just so you know who the real racists are.
The state legislature in Arkansas, apparently.
“People who get real degrees in hard sciences and make lots of money are Republicans nonexistent.”
I skullfuck Ayn Rand’s corpse without Vaseline
The idea is to force him to actually defend his stupid talking points; when he does, he tends to embarass himself, because he knows nothing. He knows that libtards hate the Constitution because they whine about losing the Electoral College, but he has no idea what actual relationship the Electoral College and the Constitution have to each other or why it’s even significant.
I am a seasoned troll and I do not pick fights without being able to run circles around my quarry. This is not a troll; it is a child.
oooh…good one.
BlackBloc said,
January 28, 2009 at 21:23
>>Its funny you libs say “oh the government couldn’t help New Orleans” and you want them in charge of your body? LOL!
It’s funny how the Republicans always confuse “the government can’t do anything properly” with “WE can’t do anything properly while running the government”
I have an engineering degree. I bet your job consists of saying “would you like fries with that?” a lot, doesn’t it?
RedFaced is quite a gambler. With his track record, he must be hell at the nickel slots.
Anybody who uses “I have an engineering degree” as a bragging point deserves pity, not scorn.
I’d suggest he’s the kind of person who goes to a casino to play the Megabuxx, but I wouldn’t put walking out of a bingo game wearing a barrel past him.
“Anybody who uses “I have an English/Art/History degree” as a bragging point deserves pity, not scorn.”
Not to be a sexist pig or anything (much) (& hey, I like tomboys) but isn’t Ms. Appleknocker there (in an admittedly lo-res photo) rather, how shall I say it, MANNISH looking?
As in, too much testosterone in the womb or something, & a disturbingly macho worldview, desire to swing one’s genitalia over the world in pathetic animal displays, etc.
Seriously, lose what little war paint she’s sporting, cut the hair & let it return to its natural color, & we’ve got a sexually confused weird-o trying to work out it’s identity problems through wing-nut aggression.
You know, I have acquaintances (banking industry lifers who also ride beemers) on whom I tried this rebuttal and by god they told me that it was still the CRA and low income borrowers and Freddie & Fannie at fault for the whole mess because…they set a bad example for the Masters of the Universe. <–Paraphrase.
Speaking of subprime and masters of the universe, here’s another good link.
Ultimately, it probably won’t affect the opinions of the beemer riding banking crew, because the alternative to blaming the liberals and the coloreds would be recognizing the fact that they themselves went mad with greed.
And thanks to the ideological blinders of the shrub administration, they proceeded to blow themselves up. Along with the economy, and such as.
My Fortran wizardry and endless monologues on the brilliance of The Fountainhead make me a big hit with the ladies.
‘English/art/history’ is an interesting way of putting being proud of being as ignorant of civilization as you are of the world around you.
Funny how I don’t have an anything degree – hell, I barely graduated high school – and yet I’m still beating the piss out of you, though. At least I find it funny, but that’s mainly because I’m not you. (Boy, that must be a common line over there.)
My grandfather retired as Vice President of Consumer Loans at Huntington Bank, which is based in your neck of the woods, thunder.
He’s not the type to publicly declare this sort of thing, although he’s hinted at it—but where that industry has gone since he retired close to 20 years ago must really make him sad.
The man started his career as a loan officer, and now has subscriptions to the usual magazines—Fortune, Money, etc. I remember reading an article in one of those publications about the story of a few loan officers inside WaMu during it’s heyday of activity, and all I could think of was that he would have never been able to cut it in that world.
He’s too honest.
Obama says what he says to pull the wool over peoples eyes with the help of the MSM, but hes really a socialist redistributionist lib with radical associations.
Say, that looks like it’s easy.
Obama says what he says to pull the wool over peoples eyes with the help of the MSM, but hes really a rassa-frassin’ fur-bearin’ critter.
Yup, that is easy.
Well, they say they’re ladies. Their avatars have big jugs.
Funny how I don’t have an anything degree – hell, I barely graduated high school
My boyfriend was the same…barely made it out of HS, but he’s more intelligent than a disturbingly large number of college grads.
It was him that made me realize that a college degree translated into jack when it comes to what people are like.
My Fortran wizardry and endless monologues on the brilliance of The Fountainhead make me a big hit with the ladies.
Bedwetter, you have your pick here.
Ayn Rand: because not being able to solicit $5 blowjobs from random Hispanics by shouting ‘la Migra!’ a lot is worse than the Holocaust.
But seriously, I’d like to see the Fortran wizardry come up. My boy djur ain’t passed the bar, but he knows a li’l bit, and my guess is that it’ll be pleasantly unsurprising to see which of actual field-work or $40,000 spent on learning Visual Basic and passing off a two-page ad for The Turner Diaries as literary critique is worth more.
The idea is to force him to actually defend his stupid talking points; when he does, he tends to embarass himself, because he knows nothing.
No he doesn’t embarass himself. He has no shame.
Obama says what he says to pull the wool over peoples eyes with the help of the MSM, but hes really a little teapot, short and stout.
Sayyyyyyyyyyyy, this IS fun!!!.
Engineering is perfect for the daddy-lusting authoritarians, because it involves thinking absolutely inside that box we hear so much about.
You plug variables into a formula you had to look up in your textbook, & you see if, according to the laws of physics or whatever, your bldg., bridge or circuit will collapse, or fry.
The humanities, on the other hand, involve nuance, interpretation, etc. That is, humanity. Original, independent thought. Too much for the rigid-brains.
Make sure to read Mark Stain & Aynal Rand though, because former disc jockeys & seriously disturbed refugees are the go-to people for right wing
thoughtparanoia.For some reason, I feel I should link here.
Anybody who uses “I have an English/Art/History degree” as a bragging point deserves pity, not scorn
Anyone who uses any degree as a bragging point deserves pity, not scorn. And those who use another person’s degree as an insult are defensive and insecure.
“Anybody who uses “I have an English/Art/History degree” as a bragging point deserves pity, not scorn.”
Really? I have a friend who has three English degrees (BA, MA, PhD) and was president of the American Librarians Association. She was even invited to the White House.
But then again, Bush was president, so perhaps you have a point…
Is one of the backup dancers in Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies” video actually a man? How long will Sadly, No! remain silent on this issue?
Simba B said,
January 28, 2009 at 22:06
My grandfather retired as Vice President of Consumer Loans at Huntington Bank, which is based in your neck of the woods, thunder.
That’s true, I walk past Huntington Bank at 41 South High Street Columbus all the time. Speaking of which, it’s stopped snowing, the sun has come out, and I’m off to show my face at work.
All the really rich people like Bill Gates and Sam Walton and Warren Buffett and the Sultan of Brunei have engineering degrees.
“I’m looking for recommendations for my mobile, Lisa. Do you have any?”
All the really rich people like Bill Gates and Sam Walton and Warren Buffett and the Sultan of Brunei have engineering degrees.
So did Herbert Hoover.
Too bad that German guy was a painter and not an engineer, otherwise we could have Godwin’d the thread for the win.
Bill Gates was a drop-out, IIRC.
Anybody who uses “I have an English/Art/History degree” as a bragging point deserves pity, not scorn.
Makes me wish I had a degree in English Art History. Damn my shilly shallying!
From List of the Day, the Twenty Worst Songs Ever Recorded. And what have we here?:
Why are we even taking seriously a troll who uses the term “Chicoms”? I mean, c’mon people – that shoulda been a red flag (hey-oh! *badump-cha!*). Point and laugh, but don’t engage.
The thing I hate most about history majors is how they never shut up about their infernal history degrees.
Is a Chicom like a chic comedy? Like a funny chick flick?
Is Sex in the City a Chicom?
Point and laugh, but don’t engage.
Awwww, but it’s like playing with the bassett hound puppy with the floppy ears and the big ol’ paws! You can’t get enough of him tripping himself up!
Second City might qualify as Chicom…
Simba B,
You think he writes INTERCAL programming?
I would like a ‘red flag term’ to be “liberals” when used in that certain way to refer to anyone to the right of Father Coughlin.
Still, you have to admit “infernal history” sounds like an interesting course of study.
Left, dammit. Left.
Totally WordPress’ fault.
Anonymous at 21:41 is me, goddamnit.
These guys really aren’t total assholes. But yes, they refuse to believe that any of this can be blamed on their industry, their class, their preferred mythology of the invisible hand, etc.
It was also rather painful going to the beemer club’s Saturday breakfast meetings during the election season, let me tell you. My eyes rolled so far back into my head one morning I had to ride home backwards.
Any list of worst songs ever recorded that doesn’t include “Indian Reservation” by Paul Revere and the Raiders isn’t worth the electrons that comprise it.
I count myself lucky to have no idea of what you speak, Rusty.
“They took the whole Indian nation…”
Also: “Kicks just keep gettin’ harder to find…Before you find out it’s too late/Girl you better get straight..”
Fortunately I can’t remember any more of the lyrics.
For you, t4toby:
Worst Song Ever
t4t, the Raiders (the Paul Revere version, not the Al Davis’s) are a vital piece of NW musical history. Sure, they’re no Sonics, but you should wallow in them for a while.
Or was it: “They took the whole Cherokee nation?” Whatever.
Though I wear a shirt and tie, I’m still a red man deep inside.
I remember having to sing that in elementary school Vocal Music class. I had no idea it was a “real” song at the time.
Any list of worst songs ever recorded that doesn’t include “Indian Reservation” by Paul Revere and the Raiders isn’t worth the electrons that comprise it.
I always thought it was called “Cherokee Nation.”
Hey libs, when I’m online you can’t tell that I have really small man parts.
Actor, I think it had a subtitle like “(Lament of the Cherokee Nation)” or some such.
I’m sorry, but I must disagree.
The Pina Colada Song is the worst. song. EVAR!!!
Real scientists scoff at engineers. Unless it’s the choo choo kind, then they think it is pretty cool.
Interestingly, or not, Rupert Holmes of “Pina Colada Song” fame is now a best-selling author and playwright.
Which is lame compared to being a software engineer or something like that, but is still pretty good.
All Saints, “Never Ever”.
But Jennifer, the girl in the ad turned out to be his own lovely lay-deh!
Can’t you see how utterly ironic that is?
Deep, man, that song is so deep!
Go ahead and hate your neighbor, go ahead and cheat a friend
Bubba, I’ll see your “Never Ever” and raise you “One Tin Soldier.”
These foreigners are just regurgitating what they have heard from so many leftists–that America is an horribly racist, imperialist nation controlled by a secret cabal of corporations.
Just because everyone says we’re racist and imperialist doesn’t mean we’re not racist and imperialist.
I’m thinkin’ this is pretty close to what gets RedShit75 through the night.
Or is it the visions of rough men ready to do violence? Not that they’re mutually exclusive.
“Click! It’s painful!”
Bubba, you are one slick mo-fo! Do the hamsters know you’re fucking w/ them?
Rusty, I’ll see your “One Tin Soldier” and raise you “Eve of Destruction”.
Okay Johnny, don’t make me reach for my “The Night Chicago Died.”
Actor, I think it had a subtitle like “(Lament of the Cherokee Nation)” or some such.
I guess I just remember the chorus:
Cherokee Nation!
Cherokee Tri-ibe!
So proud to live
So proud to diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie
For an adolescent who was struggling with self-esteem issues, that sort of stuck in my head.
Has no one ever heard “Muskrat Love”?
But Jennifer, the girl in the ad turned out to be his own lovely lay-deh!
It’s first of all a bad song. There’s nothing to recommend hearing it, because it’s hackneyed and uninteresting musically.
But the crowning achievement is that it’s a song about two lowlifes who are both too shallow to just dump each other plotting to cheat on one another. How shallow are they, you ask? Well, so shallow that they never knew shit about one another like “liking pina coladas, getting caught in the rain and making love at midnight in the dunes on the cape”. Presumably they never did anything but fuck, and that was so unsatisfying that they were seeking out other people to fuck while keeping their options open.
A shitty song about shitty people.
This one time, in a psychotherapy group I was in back in the ’80s?, with about five other women?, the shrink asked that whoever’s dad is an engineer, please raise her hand? And every one of us raised our hand.
Must I post more All Saints lyrics from the same goddamned song? MUSKRAT LOVE MAKES SENSE!
You know, come to think of it, there’s nothing secret about that cabal whatsoever. They’re doing it right out in the open.
“Write it to me in a letter babe..”
Indeed. As if any of those silly Englishwomen could read.
Jennifer: it was 1979. That’s just the way it was.
Hah! “The Night Chicago Died”? A mere jingle. Mention it not, lest I unleash the awesome awesomeness that is “Total Eclipse of the Heart”.
“But Jennifer, the girl in the ad turned out to be his own lovely lay-deh!” so the pina colada guy was really M. Night Shyamalan?
Have you all forgotten American Pie?
That is one funny song to Suicide Karaoke a friend.
Who knew it had 14 verses?
and now that I’m hearing it, Indian reservation is pretty bad, but not in a Scott Stapp sort of way.
“Kicks just keep gettin’ harder to find…Before you find out it’s too late/Girl you better get straight..”Fortunately I can’t remember any more of the lyrics.
M. Bouffant: You are indeed fortunate. I can sing the whole song. Badly, but with all the lyrics intact. Although may I interject at this juncture my previous observation that Mark Lindsey was teh hawt as you kids say.
In that photo of Applebaum, why does it look like Nosferatu is sneaking up behind her?
“RedStater75” @ 22:42
As always, wrong.
Dammit, RB!
What the fuck was that? Where do you even find such a thing?
Top comment on Youtube:
That pretty much sums it up.
Forever’s gonna start tonight.
Also, new ep of “Life on Mars.”
It’s like TLC dipped in flour and powdered sugar.
Back on topic: for Ms. Applebaum.
Topic? after 300 comments it no longer matters.
But props for the Tribe.
That one had me rooted on the spot in horror instantly, from line 1:
What the fuck does that mean?
um… Afternoon Delight.
But props for the Tribe.
Back atcha for the sweet TLC reference.
· $650 million for digital TV coupons.
· $6 billion for colleges/universities – many which have billion dollar endowments.
· $166 billion in direct aid to states – many of which have failed to budget wisely.
· $50 million in funding for the National Endowment of the Arts.
· $44 million for repairs to U.S. Department of Agriculture headquarters.
· $200 million for the National Mall, including grass planting.
· $400 million for “National Treasures.”
How is this “stimulus”?
Obviously she needs to figure out what questions she needs to know before she, uh, answers them?
Great Googly-Moogly, there’s bi-partisan booze at the White House, now that Can’t-Handle-a-Drink Bush is ugly history.
What will be the reaction to alcohol in the dump? And will we see any Tom DeLay moments? A loosened tongue on the way out the door, announcing to FoxNews that “Obama ain’t so bad, for a ni…”
It smells like turd in here all of a sudden.
Speaking of Rupert Holmes, he’s also responsible for this abomination:
Now this may be the worst song ever, but I’m not sure its in the same class as the others discussed above.
I smell bacon, and its coming from the Democrat Congress.
I con, cur.
I always thought MacArthur Park was a song that opened previously unimaginable new vistas of craptacularity.
Hey, knock it off with the bad songs and pay attention to my trollery!
The fact is, shut up, that’s why.
Okay Johnny, don’t make me reach for my “The Night Chicago Died.”
She ran calling Wiiiiiildfiiiiiiiiiiiiire o/~
Don’t make me drag out “Seasons In The Sun”
Oh shit, “MacArthur Park.” Sonic excrement.
How is this “stimulus”?
C’mere, and I’ll show you.
Different men have differing definitions of “good government”.
On the national scale we see that democrats believe that “good government” means spending trillions of dollars on activities that are not related to our economic stimulus, and many republicans disagree.
We see that “getting money back into the hands of the people” makes sense to democrats, where republicans believe that “not taking money out of the hands of the people” is more prudent and a lot less expensive.
Wow t4toby, that vid made may day. Was it from Mr. Show?
I smell bacon, and it’s coming from “Democrat Pork”‘s butt.
Different men have differing definitions of “good government”.
On the national scale we see that democrats believe that “good government” means spending trillions of dollars on activities that are not related to our economic stimulus, and many republicans disagree.
We see that “getting money back into the hands of the people” makes sense to democrats, where republicans believe that “not taking money out of the hands of the people” is more prudent and a lot less expensive.
Mark Lindsey was teh hawt as you kids say
Yezz, he was popular among the young ladies of my day, as well as the girls w/ whom I hung about.
I like that chimp song. And MacArthur Park has that awesome middle break, although Donna Summer’s version has to up the ante.
I have no idea. Just another gem from my buddy at List of the Day
I can’t decide if it is one of the awsomest of all awesomes or the rankest of all ranks.
No one’s cut the defense budget yet, right?
Have to agree with the Hammer inclusion on the list.
Who knows how to spend your money best: you, or another person?
And MacArthur Park has that awesome middle break
Sorry, the only reason to listen to MacPark is to hear Richard Harris (that’s the original Dumbledore to you kids out there) hit that high note at the very end.
Prepuberty, with my balls in a viseclamp and gnawed at by a rabid bat, I couldn’t have hit that. To this day I can’t figure out how he did.
I even tried to drink myself silly and sing it. Nada.
Who knows how to spend your money best: you, or another person?</i?
Other people. That’s why we donate to charity.
Obama says what he says to pull the wool over peoples eyes with the help of the MSM, but hes really SPARTACUS!
Oh fuck.
For God’s sake, do NOT cite the “C” band. Not here.
There’s enough ugliness in the world already … don’t give him an excuse to multiply it.
Tiffany, 1984: “I Think We’re Alone Now.”
I’m sorry I had to bring it up. Try to forget it – if you can.
This should help.
I thought All Saints were Prussian Blue until I saw the black chick.
Oh, gawd. MacArthur Park is dreadful
And I can’t stop singing, “chimpanzee riding on a segway….”
When you donate to charity, is it voluntary or by force?
If you think the government doesn’t have enough of your money, why not voluntarily pay more in taxes? I heard the IRS accepts checks and money order.
We see that “getting money back into the hands of the people” makes sense to democrats
A lot more than Republicans spending what they didn’t have in the first place, yes.
“Kung Fu Fighting”
“Billy, Don’t Be A Hero”
“Joker” by Steve Miller…wtf is “pompatous”?
When you donate to charity, is it voluntary or by force?
Don’t pay your taxes. It’s voluntary if you believe St Ron Paul.
I can’t hate “Afternoon Delight” because in my mind it’s always sung by the Circle Jerks.
Don’t make me drag out “Hungry Like the Wolf”.
So “The Night Chicago Died.” reminded me of another flaming ass of suck song, “Seasons in The Sun.” Funny thing was I had both of these songs on the same k-tel album.
I didn’t know Owen Wilson was in the Melvins.
If its by force, its no different from theft.
Why not voluntarily pay more taxes since you don’t think the government gets enough of your money?
No fair starting “Worst Song Ever” contest before 5:00 Happy Hour.
Seasons in the Sun is Teh worst pop song ever.
We had joy
We had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the hills that we climbed
Were just seasons out of time.
Okay, you asked for it. Vicki Carr’s “Let It Please Be Him.” Oh dear God.
“Chimp/Segway” my ass, the very next vid is worse: “Hamster on a Piano (Eating Popcorn)”
Sorry, MzNicky
I couldn’t resist. Slow day at the office.
The antithesis of bad music:
If its by force, its no different from theft.
So don’t pay a dime of your fucking taxes!
Now shut the hell up! We’re discussing important shit here!
Depends. You a Mormon*?
*Or other tithing-required, Great Sky Fairy-believer.
I’m an atheist.
“It Must Be Him,” rather.
Not that Hungry “like the wolf” doesn’t totally blow. But you could at least get laid to it. No one ever got laid to “Seasons in The Sun.”
“Smell like I sound.” Awesome. Rio had “It means so much to me, like a birthday or a pretty view.”
“So don’t pay a dime of your fucking taxes!”
If I do that, I will go to prison. So I’m forced to.
Hey, if you don’t think the government is getting enough, why not pay more?
Wind Beneath My Wings?
The Rose?
I should know. I had to sing both of them in a family friend’s wedding.
And yes, I sang down the octave. It was a truly humbling experience.
I’m sorry.
You folks are missing the most godawfulest song of all time.
I mean, come ON! A dog stuck on a surfboard out at sea!?
Yo, anonymous?!?
Get on topic or go away!
If I do that, I will go to prison. So I’m forced to.
Well, then shut up and stop whining about paying for things you don’t want to!
If you’d like, we can cut your taxes by pulling out of Iraq, which would save you a LOT more than Obama’s health care plan.
Now shut up and eat your pie.
Do you think the government takes too much, or not enough of peoples money, actor?
Why not voluntarily pay more taxes since you don’t think the government gets enough of your money?
Actually, I do 😀
No one ever got laid to “Seasons in The Sun.”
Maybe to its B-side…
Democrats and their silly fixation with poor and middle class people are ruining this great nation.
Republicans believe in “not taking money out of the hands of the people,” by which we mean “taking money out of the hands of the bottom 95% and putting it into the hands of bank executives.” Surely you can see the wisdom in this.
Do you think the government takes too much, or not enough of peoples money, actor?
I think the government should do more for us. If that requires more taxes, I’m for it.
Democrats and their silly fixation with poor and middle class people are ruining this great nation.
Reddie. Shut up and put up a bad song, you silly little man!
Good, get all your other friends who believe that government doesn’t have enough money to do the same and you won’t have to raise taxes on those of us who don’t want them raised!
That does it. I’m going nuclear –
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go – by Wham!
$650 million for digital TV coupons.
How is this “stimulus”?
Don’t know if the digital converter coupons are in the “stim” bill or not, (nagunnah trust that jerk) but you’d think all the Red Staters, w/ their foil wrapped clothes hangers atop their double-wides (if they’re lucky) would want this to get off the ground, so the “Hee Haw” reruns won’t be interrupted.
Another in a series of hilarious cultural stereotypes.
No one ever got laid to “Seasons in The Sun.”
I’ll have to try that once. A pity fuck. I can see getting a pity fuck.
Put the record on. A small tear wells up in my eye. The woman I’m with shoots me a worried look.
I wipe it away, then smile. I let another tear well up. She asks what’s wrong.
Tell her this song was playing when my twin sister was killed in a kiln accident (Animal House reference).
The rest is a slam dunk.
Living in the greatest country on earth should be free, libs.
Good, get all your other friends who believe that government doesn’t have enough money to do the same and you won’t have to raise taxes on those of us who don’t want them raised!
All men were created equal!
Or those black people with their malt liquor and fried chicken! Har har!
Oh wait, only prejudice against rural white people is acceptable.
Oh wait, only prejudice against rural white people is acceptable.
Oh yes, paying a bit more in taxes if you make a $250,000 is so much like being lynched!
Apologize, Anony!
The antithesis of bad music:
No kidding. I have to admit to being a late convert to the Church of Stevie, because I didn’t like the “Ebony and Ivory” stuff that was all over the radio when I was growing up, but when I heard “Past Time Paradise” my opinion was totally changed.
It’s hard being a white man in America.
Don’t make me get Smut Clyde in here with his “Weapon of Limned Destruction”!
BedWetter75 said,
January 28, 2009 at 23:40
It’s hard being a white man in America.
Well I make it harder!
Has anyone raised the specter of “Mister Moonlight”?
The Beatles proved they could suck like teh rest of us.
Affirmative Action said,
January 28, 2009 at 23:41
Well I make it harder!
Hey, he said it!
That’s what she said.
The only thing for which we should be paying taxes is incredibly expensive wars of foreign occupation.
Well, at least I’m Constitutionally mandated unlike welfare and pork.
I can always post Manowar again…
Promote the general welfare.
5:00 Happy Hour
It’s always 1700 somewhere.
MajorKong said,
January 28, 2009 at 23:44
Promote the general welfare.
That isn’t what we meant.
It’s hard being a [stupid] white man in America
The only thing for which we should be paying taxes is incredibly expensive wars of foreign occupation
And useless army bases in the red states that never get attacked by anyone so that they can drain our tax dollars for no real reason.
We had to defend our selves against the Iraqis after they attacked us on 9/11. It says so in the constitution.
The founding fathers were also against a standing military. Just sayin’
We should harvest the organs of the poor and store them on behalf of bank executives who need organ transplants.
It’s hard being a [stupid] white man in America
The highest office you can hope to attain is forty-third president.
Every bank executive should be allowed to club a homeless person to death on the way to work in the morning. To do less would be socialism.
Actually now that we are in charge, Anonymous, we are just going to voluntarily charge *you* more in taxes.
It’s to make up for the Red States taking more from the coffer then they give.
When the Red States stop running a federal tax gap, we will stop garnishing your wages…
Elections have consequences, baby.
The rich are evil and we should tax all incomes at 100% over $100,000.
Even harder than being a white man in America is being a rich man in America. It is hard.
Will the war on strawmen never cease? WHAT DID THEY EVER DO TO YOU?
Hey, President Polk makes a good point, you know–when are you red staters gonna get off of the government tit? Pull yourselves up by your own bootstraps, and all that.
The sun beams down on a brand new day
No more welfare tax to pay
Unsightly slums gone up in flashing light
Jobless millions whisked away
At last we have more room to play
All systems go to kill the poor tonight
Kill kill kill kill kill the poortonight
I can always post Manowar again…
You are an evil, evil man.
The rich are evil and we should tax all incomes at 100% over $100,000.
Can I get an exemption? I’ve been solid blue since Paul Revere and the Raiders released “Indian Reservation”.
That’s not (I hope) the “Man-o-War” that a couple of ex-Dictators (Peron & Hussein, I think) were in, is it?
The rich are evil and we should tax all incomes at 100% over $100,000
The way things are going I don’t think this is going to be a problem for most of us soon.
‘Can I get an exemption? I’ve been solid blue since Paul Revere and the Raiders released “Indian Reservation”.’
Oh sure, no problem. We are using the precedent of the previous generation and enriching our friends’ coffers at the expense of the taxpayers.
But since we won the 2008 election, only people not registered Democratic are going to be taxed.
Happy days are here again!
Taxes are theft and therefore inherently wrong. That’s why no governments in the history of the world except Democrat administrations in America have ever taxed their people.
Did somebody say Dictators?
That’s why no governments in the history of the world except Democrat administrations in America have ever taxed their people.
Or as Jesus put it, “Render unto Caesar that which is salad.”
Sorry, t4toby, but any worst * ever list that doesn’t include Billy Joel is illegitimate. It doesn’t even have to have anything to do with music. It could be world’s worst drivers for instance. What’s the matter with the car you’re driving? It’s in Joe D’s grandmother’s living room, asshole. That’s what’s wrong with it.
That song is right up there with his worst but there’s about 10 others that could easily go on that list. Probably the worst thing about living on Lawnguyland is that you can’t go to a goddamn karaoke bar without some simple minded fuck belting out a BJ tune within five minutes of your arrival. That’s if he’s not already singing it when you walk in. But at least then you can just walk right the fuck back out the door without wasting money on a drink or getting caught in a conversation with someone.
Did this come from our humble comments section?
It may be more insane than bad. Also.
I thought that was “Render unto Caesar that which is Romero.”
some simple minded fuck belting out a BJ tune within five minutes of your arrival
Hey, I don’t belt! I croon!
I thought that was “Render unto Caesar that which is Romero.”
Do you mean Brutus’ speech: “Friends! Romero! Catwoman! Lend me your ears!”
Tedious troll is tedious.
Please, for the love of god, stop feeding the trolls (I’m looking at you, actor212. He keeps flinging the feces RIGHT AT YOU when you don’t hand over teh cheetoz).
I think Picture C is the future of Picture A.
He keeps flinging the feces RIGHT AT YOU when you don’t hand over teh cheetoz
Yea, I know. He’s like the rabid hamster I never had.
Used to have a crush on Dawn from En Vogue.
BJ sucks, Film at eleven.
I do, however have a little place in my heart reserved for “only the good die young.” If not only for my age at the time it was released and for the fundy thumping I was getting at home at the time.
Um, how are taxes mandatory? You can always leave the country and not pay them.
I always heard it was hard out there for a pimp. Now white folks are complainin’ too?
Sheeeee-it…I guess that’s the Bush Depression for ya’.
BJ sucks, Film at eleven.
There’s a cultural context he has to be placed in to understand why he was so popular, particularly in the New York area.
He seemed normal. He wasn’t disco, by any means, but he was also non-threatening in a non-punk way. And he wasn’t as gay as Manilow.
Plus, he played piano, so he was our answer to Elton John.
I liked his early stuff, like the Cold Spring Harbor album or The Stranger. I think he jumped the shark when he married Brinkley and started exploring his doo-wop roots.
Kokomo by the Beach Boys may not be the worst song ever, but I honestly think it’s the song I hate the most.
Try getting laid to this, puny Earthlings.
Ok the A-bomb of the the worst song ever.
Yes I was shouting.
Can we get a new and improved thread now.
“I’ve never been to me” is the preferred treatment for priapism, and it is more painful that an 18 gauge needle with a 20 cc syringe.
Oh, we do have a new thread, now I will have to listen to “I’ve never been to me.” I’m so happy.
Try not getting slapped to this, ordinary losers.
Chronic EarHurt File: I regret to say that Frank Zappa was actually partly to blame for inflicting this on the world … a delightful ditty called “Orange Colored Sky” that he wrote &/or produced – that freak would do ANYTHING for a quick buck … yes, Robin “sings”! You get 100 bonus Ironman Points if you can stand it for more than 30 seconds (Ironman Points are not redeemable for cash or merchandise).
A pretty good choice, but the Smurfs did it too.
He seemed normal. He wasn’t disco, by any means, but he was also non-threatening in a non-punk way. And he wasn’t as gay as Manilow.
Plus, he played piano, so he was our answer to Elton John.
Exactly. It’s like he was created in a laboratory of suck for people who not only couldn’t appreciate Dylan but found Springsteen inaccessible.
Republicans are traitors. They put their party before their country.
Smurfs? Muppets, yes,
Hey! My first “concert” ever was ManOWar. I think it was around 1986 at “The Thirsty Whale”.
WTF was I thinking???
Yeah, they did a variety of Chipmunkalike records which were sheer pain. So I listened to them.
More than you need to know about Orange Colored Sky. Screamin’ Jay’s version is pretty good.
You know what? Purple dead freak puppy up top makes me long for the big slab of horse dong meat that was in the side-bar advertisements for that last six months.
Good times, good times.
“No, our public debt is 40% while France’s public debt is 70%.” – RedStater75
Once upon a time, far far away, there was a land called Australia. In the land of Australia, there was a universal health care system called Medicare, and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme which subsidised medications. Australians knew they and their fellow citizens could afford medical treatment. And they all lived happily ever after with their 15.4% national debt per GDP.
All I remember about Mark Lindsey was that he was the reason Lamborghini initially wouldn’t sell the Countach to anyone they didn’t know and hadn’t dealt with before, after he totalled four Miuras in a row. I used to see him around on the road in a yellow Lotus Esprit, but I gave him a wide berth.
Of course, Nathan Hale had Paul Revere and the Raiders, but at Shoreline we had Merilee Rush, the real “Angel of the Morning.” (Don’t laugh–she had something when you saw her in person that just didn’t record, somehow.)
for some reason I read:
Putin, Al Qaeda, the Chicoms–all share that same belief.
as Puffins, Ql Qaeda, the Chicoms…
I really shouldn’t start the martinis before 6pm
Wichita Lineman
I only know of this song from a Simpsons episode.
For the troll (sorry):
I have an engineering degree.
Yeah, engineer…
“MacArthur Park” Is pretty icky as well. I’d rather staple my tongue to the door then listen to that.
Listen to that.
People who get real degrees in hard sciences and make lots of money are Republicans.
Sorry dude, bachelors in physics and electrical engineering, masters in computer science and a life long liberal
Damn – those martinis are really having an effect….
I can’t believe that We Built this City hasn’t come up yet.
People who get real degrees in hard sciences and make lots of money are Republicans
Yeah like these guys.
I can’t believe that We Built this City hasn’t come up yet.
HA! Some bank used that rancid riff in a commercial:
“We built this business, we built this business to build your dreeeeams!”
Good point. Check out these lyrics from Starship, formerly Jefferson Starship, formerly Jefferson Airplane:
I think when that song came out the baby boomers officially Jumped hte Shark.
5oo and frist!
It’s hard being a [stupid] white man in America
Weird that it’s so popular, then, innit?
I can’t believe nobody mentioned the horrible, awful, sickening failitude of the song Billy, Don’t Be A Hero. That song sucked.
Billy don’t be a hero
Don’t be a fool with your life
Billy don’t be a hero
Come back and make me your wife.
This one’s funnier with visuals.
I used to love both “Seasons in the Sun” and “The Night Chicago Died”.
I was 7 years old, so I don’t need to apologize.
Worst song evar according to me = “Spirit in the Sky.”
Although that one about “I said over and over and over again, this dance is gonna be a drag” seriously gets up my nose.
Really? That rocks.
Really? That rocks.
I dunno, it makes me crazy. (shrug)
I need to catch up reading this thread, b/c others that I dislike more than S in the S have been mentioned, e.g. One Tin Soldier. Feh.
I don’t get this post. Applebaum wasn’t criticising Obama or the ‘msm’, she was dissing other countries for being so far behind the times they couldn’t concieve of his election. Which is probably stupid in its own right, and especially her apparent denial of the Jewish conspiracy, but you appear to have missed the sense of the article.
Goodness gracious you kids have been busy.
I have to put “Afternoon Delight” as the worst, with “Shannon” a very close second.
“Spirit in the Sky” is a fabulous song! Nina Hagen did a great version, but I love them all.
I can sing all the verses to “American Pie” AND “Wichita Lineman”, so I can’t really put them in the bad bin.
Afternoon Delight, redeemed. At least I think so.
I had a hippie teacher who made us sing that song. Killdozer does a good version of it.
Pretty much anything by “Air Supply” gets me looking for wrist slitting implements.
One Tin Soldier.
Billy Jack, bitches!
Yes you can, Piggie.
Have you ever had to do American Pie at karaoke?
The novelty wears off real fast.
I love “Spirit in the Sky.”
I love “Spirit in the Sky.”
Heh, I reckon I’m the oddball here. I do agree with pretty much everything everyone else has suggested as teh horrible.
I didn’t want to have to do this to you youngsters, but you’ve pushed me too far tonight.
Way back in the early ’60s there was a dreadful singer by the name of Lee Dickie who put out the most godawful harangue of a “pop” song ever recorded, and if anyone from any time or place can top this one, well by cracky I’ll eat my hat is what I’ll do. It’s called “Patches,” and this is its final stanza:
I hear a neighbor tellin my father
He said a girl name of Patches was found
Floating face down in that dirty old river
That flows by the coal yards in Old Shanty Town
Patches oh what can I do
I swear I’ll always love you
It may not be right But I’ll join you tonight
Patches I’m coming to you
Now git offa my lawn and go to bed.
I always loved the zoomy guitars.
BTW, here’s the awful truth:
Also “Leader of the Pack,” just to make sure. This video is so wrong in so many ways.
Yeah, “Spirit in the Sky” rocks even though it’s a jeezis toon. All any one needs is fuzz & reverb!
Lurkbot: Merilee Rush & the Turnabouts, weren’t they? I always liked her version, having heard it before any others.
You must’ve growed up w/ KJR & “Pat O’Day?” (I’m thinking.that was his name.) He was the afternoon drive DJ, promoted shitty concerts, etc.
Later, when we turned into hippies, there was a “Pat O’Day Is A schuck” bumper sticker & we all listened to the FM station that simulcast another crummy top-40 station during the day, but went “Underground” from 1800-0600. KYA or KOL. (One of those is in San Fran., one in Seattle. Can not remember, will not google!
MzNicky, I remember that well, from those two or three teen tragedy songs of the era.
It had a very positive social message, as the narrator was from the correct side of the tracks, & “Patches” wasn’t, which is why she offed herself.
Wasn’t it?
Samples from a very fine cover album:
Which reminds me of this, which also benefits from “visual stimulation”.
I listened to that execrable “Shannon”, but it was worth it, because it led me to this.
Killdozer butchering “Hush” in a very funny way. Good video too.
How about “Brandy”? I always thought that sucked big time.
M. Bouffant:
Yes, Pat O’Day was the KJR DJ. You had KJR fans (me) and KOL fans. Then KOL FM came on the air to play “Underground Rock.” The Songs THEY Don’t Want You To Hear™. Actually, all this meant was songs that ran over three minutes, like the long version of Light My Fire.
Yeah, it was Merilee and the Turnabouts. “Merilee and the Spartans” on the model of “Paul Revere and the Raiders” wouldn’t have sounded so good. She used to play Pier 70 all the time, and in addition to having the greatest ass I have personally ever seen in my life, she was truly a great live act.
Then a little later, Heart was at the Aquarius Tavern every weekend for a $1 cover. Great times….
That Casey Kasem thing has some interesting fair use history. Casey Kasem is cooler than U2.
gawd!!! Conway T. is one sick ol’ perv, & I’m not referring to the greasy pompadour & pink leisure suit, either. But I think he’s just trying to keep the mike cable from getting away. Those things have minds of their own.
Almost tempts me to watch the permed Conway Twitty perform “slow Hand.”
Killdozer’s nothing compared to Twitty, on the perv scale.
Negativeland was a great group.
Didn’t they put out that Pepsi album, promptly earning a lawsuit?
I remember some guy who called himself “Robin Sherwood” (& it took me literally yrs. to “get” it) on KOL. He would play entire album sides (I don’t recall any advertising when it first went “underground”) & the only reason he sticks in my mind was a time he said something like, “Hey kids, here’s a familiar sound,” and then sounded as if he were one-hitting a biiiig reefer. After which he played an album side.
Negativland was pretty spooked after all the U2 bullshit. I don’t think they’ve been sued again. Great live shows.
Anyone know where to find the Dino & Jerry radio adverts out-takes? Thoseare pretty good, in the Casey Casem vein. Funny, not angry, but you’ll want to hear Dino or Jerry call the other a “cocksucker.”
What the fuck would Charles Krathammer be otherwise?
I haven’t heard Dino & Jerry. Heard this? Lots on YouTube.
Here ya go.
This is even more than I’d heard on a cassette many yrs. ago.
“read some Ayn Rand”
Why are republicans so enthralled by a Russian aristocrat? I mean, isn’t that the ultimate example of elitism and antithesis of the American agrarian ideal?
Nope, I still haven’t found what I’m looking for.
Still haven’t found it.
Ewwww, Patches. A low point in the history of rock, to be sure.
Then Gary Lockwood on KJR used to do a daily report: Hollywood Reporter: FAAACT IS STRAAAANGER THAN TRUUUTH!!!” I think that should be the GOP’s new motto!
“Tell me the difference between taxes and protection money paid to a mob. There is none.”
“I like paying taxes. With them I buy civilization.” Oliver Wendell Holmes
It’s like he was created in a laboratory of suck for people who not only couldn’t appreciate Dylan but found Springsteen inaccessible.
I can’t really argue with this in hindsight, LIG. I pardon myself because I spent a night drinking with him in Roslyn. I don’t think the stars have quite dimmed from that evening.
Weirdness from the dawn of time: Vaughn Monroe does Black Denim Trousers.
Did somebody say Dictators?
Did any of y’all read the new Yorker piece about Janet Reno playing Johnny Cash on the jukebox at Handsome Dick Manitoba’s place?
Do you remember when the Beijing Evening News fell for an Onion story? Who knows what their outlets are digesting today from certain American political content?
“Sweet Home Alabama”. Blows almost as much as Ayn Rand, but not quite.
I’d say anything by Jimmy Buffett sucks pretty bad. There’s only so much you can sing about getting drunk on the beach.
There’s only so much you can sing about getting drunk on the beach.
yea, but when you’re drunk on the beach, you can’t get enough of the music.
I can’t believe anybody else remembers Killdozer. Now that was a band.
“You call this piss coffee? I’d rather drink from the dick of a goat.”
The pig was cool!
I knew him from school!
Knuckles the Dog (Who Helps People) can still make me weepy.
Ohio Express: “yummy yummy yummy I’ve got love in my tummy.” Just kill me now.
But I hate McLean’s “American Pie” so much that I couldn’t stand being dead so I couldn’t hate it.
Ohio Express: “yummy yummy yummy I’ve got love in my tummy.”
That was the 1910 Fruitgum Company, I think.
Touch My Bum.
Jerry Rafferty “Right on Down the Line”.
Game. Set. Match.
Ohjeez, Johnny Gentle?
How weird, I’m reading Lennon’s biography and am up to the Scottish tour bit. Talk about coincidences.
Are you discounting Steve Miller’s “Abracadabra”? I recall local DJs saying things like “Some people don’t like this one, but…”
“I’m reading Lennon’s biography”
Which one? There’s like 50 of em, and they all range from painting the man as a saint to painting him as the evilest prick to ever walk to planet (at least insofar as how he screwed over his first wife and Julian).
Paging Dr. Suck.
Oh, wait. This is even worse.
On your knees, purveyors of suck, and bow down to METASUCK.
Or should the second phrase start “open your mouths for”?
Are you discounting Steve Miller’s “Abracadabra”?
In which the Shelley of our times, after great success rhyming “Texas” with “facts is” in an earlier opus, rhymes “abracadabra” with “reach out and grab ya”?
Not a chance.
Gloria Estefan mooning over Jason Patric while Harold Ramis chases her in plaid shorts and a tuxedo jacket.
Brain hurtz
This is just vile.
Big & Rich gargle Satan’s testicles.
The real reason Paterson appointed Gillibrand? She didn’t inspire this. He’s blind but he’s not deaf, motherfuckers.
From that YouTube post:
I actually like a lot of Neil Diamond songs (Live at the Troubador is pretty great) but that’s a little much.
Yes, but a lot of Neil Diamond suxxxxxx. And also I remember his appearance in “The Last Waltz” as an oddly downer moment in an otherwise wonderful rockumentary.
Sure, but things like this are a lot of fun plus he gets actual feminist props: that skronky lead guitar is Carol Hunter.
I’m only familiar with the Clarence Carter “Patches”, which is soulful, if mawkish.
“Patches, I’m depending on you son…”
As for the Paul Revere & The Raiders hate upstairs, let me just say that “Hungry”, “Just Like Me”, “Sometimes”, and “Good Thing” are enough to make up for “Indian Reservation” a thousandfold. And for a preachy anti-drug song, “Kicks” isn’t all that bad, though it’s no “Out Of Step” or “Straight Edge”..
I like Neil Diamond, but I swear only ironically.
Always thought he wrote “Daydream Believer” but it turns out it was “I’m a Believer” that he wrote. Both fine tunes, but I’m a little disappointed.
re: suckage
and everything steve miller ever touched, even by accident
I’ll see your “Patches” and raise you to the limit: Jimmy Cross: “I Want My Baby Back.” This will take 3:22 out of your life, and if you’re like me, you’ll listen twice (6:44). A Williams Family Favorite.
“Hot dang! PAY DIRT!”