Shorter Larry Kudlow
Posted on January 23rd, 2009 by Brad
Tough GOPers Stand Up to Geithner; All GOPers Should Counter Keynesian Stimulus
- The public’s pathetic greed for spending on infrastructure and education has hurt the feelings of our precious rich people so much that they don’t even have the ambition to make money anymore! Won’t someone, anyone in Congress look out for the needs of the poor, oppressed rich people!
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
“Supply-side incentive will bring them back.” Shouldn’t that be “invective”? Either way, FAIL.
These people need to learn a concept called “shame.”
And fast.
Won’t someone, anyone in Congress look out for the needs of the poor, oppressed rich people!
Larry should follow this guy’s advice.
If the rich want to all take their ball and go home, I say let ’em. Then other people who want a promotions will take their jobs. Or are they under the assumption that unlike the regular schlubs, they can’t be replaced?
Once, just freaking once, I wish somebody would ask “Hey, if tax cuts make everything so wonderful, and there have been tax cuts out the yin-yang these last few years, WHY AREN’T THINGS WONDERFUL RIGHT FREAKING NOW?”
I look out for them, right after I attach a battering ram to my car….
Did you guys see this?
A Video with Dr. Helen and the Advice Goddess talking about sex!!!!
/end threadjack
Analogy time:
It’s not enough to loot and plunder.
It’s not even enough to burn everything down when finished.
No, you must cry Victim! and throw rocks at the responding emergency vehicles.
Now you’re a master of the universe.
“Right now capital is on strike” – is he kidding? What, did capital suddenly figure it could get better working conditions?
Well, Mr. Kudlow, you know what we do around here when capital goes on strike? We bring in Federal Treasury scabs. You and your striking capital can go fuck yourselves gently with the gardening implement of your choice.
Merrill just paid out $3-4 billion in executive bonuses, even as they were begging Congress for more TARP funds.
Fuck your phony strike, Krudlow.
The poor, oppressed rich people of Merrill Lynch only managed to steal $4 billion for bonuses in a year they lost many billions more than that. If only someone would look out for the investor class. I’m sure once these guys buy another vacation property in the caymans the economy will start growing again.
If Americans were a bit more exciteable these guys wouldn’t be able to whine about how abused they are because their heads would be mounted on pikes all up and down Wall Street. They ought to shut up before some mob with negative 401K balances gets that idea.
The rich don’t need road and bridge repairs, because they have helicopters.
If Americans were a bit more exciteable these guys wouldn’t be able to whine about how abused they are because their heads would be mounted on pikes all up and down Wall Street. They ought to shut up before some mob with negative 401K balances gets that idea.
In “SiCKO,” Michael Moore makes the point that the reason French workers get so many more benefits and such from their government is that the government is afraid of the people.
Here, we have it precisely backwards.
The fact is, all your criticism of the wisdom of Kudlow cannot change the fact that he is right, and that liberal left socialism is a disaster, and only offering relief to keep banks solvent will actually solve the crisis, and that giving handouts to the unemployed is not a good incentive to work hard.
“Right now capital is on strike” – is he kidding? What, did capital suddenly figure it could get better working conditions?
Capital is marching up and down Wall Street with placards that read “MORE CAVIAR” and “BETTER CHAMPAGNE,” and chanting “NO CESSNA, NO PEACE!”
The fact is, when the real creators of wealth and innovation in our society (hint: it’s not you idiots) leave and go to Galt’s Gulch, you will be screaming for crumbs from their table, and you will have nobody to shake down for your socialism anymore. How will Change-Boy Obama deal with that?
liberal left socialism is a disaster
Dude, Microsoft…MICROSOFT!…just laid off people for the first time in its history, after eight years of ravaging of the American economy by the assholes you support.
Don’t you think it’s about time, after eight years of trying the same shit and coming up with the same failed results, to try something new?
Gary, let me ask you: how much money did you make in the 00s?
I cleared about a million, million and a half before September hit, and even I’m willing to give Obama’s plan a go. But then again, I give a shit about the people around me. Who do you care about, Gary?
The fact is, if the wealth-producing class gets tired of your whining, they will abandon you. They don’t need you, you are a dead weight holding them back. But without them you have nothing.
real creators of wealth and innovation in our society
That would be, um, the workers, Gary, and they can’t afford the villa in the Caymans.
wealth-producing class gets tired of your whining, they will abandon you
And move where, dickless?
giving handouts to the unemployed is not a good incentive to work hard
Where are they gonna go work hard Gary? General Motors? Microsoft? Wall Street?
Come to Ohio and I’ll show you all the shuttered manufacturing plants where people used to work hard.
The fact is, the workers do not produce wealth or innovation. They carry our the instructions of the great men and women who run industry, they are merely tools in the machine. They may be renumerated fairly for their work, but they should not get too greedy or they cost too much and no profit is to be made? so close factory then, how did that work out? Did they open a new one will all their “innovation”? Did they find markets for their product? No. They just know how to follow orders and can’t creat for themselves, which is why they are still unemployed and eating welfare, the socailism.
The fact is, the workers do not produce wealth or innovation.
Oh really?
How many patents does the CEO of Chrysler or GM or Microsoft or ConAgra hold, shithead?
They carry our the instructions of the great men and women who run industry, they are merely tools in the machine
I think you have this right. Would a stupid prole be able to run GM into the ground as efficiently as one of these great wo/man of industry?
I think not, bitches.
+1 Gary
Doesn’t the Kudlow pic deserve this?
25 comments in and nobody’s mentioned it.
they are merely tools in the machine
I’m thinking untermenschen Ruppert knows all about being a tool.
In “SiCKO,” Michael Moore makes the point that the reason French workers get so many more benefits and such from their government is that the government is afraid of the people.
Just like in any halfway decent university, the professors are scared shitless of the students and their end-of-semester reviews.
The fact is, more patents than you, which is zero, and more than 99.9 percent of workers who are just union goons and have no ideas but boss give me more money
Is this guy still smoking crack?
A fucking capital gains tax holiday? Oh yeah, never mind that the market’s cratered and your investments have lost half their worth – if you sell them now, you won’t have to pay any taxes!! Not to mention, but who the fuck is buying right now? Don’t you have to have a buyer in order to sell an asset and take advantage of this tax giveaway? Um…aren’t the people who are so financially distressed that they’d be willing to take huge losses on their investments in return for a tax break the ones least likely to turn around and invest in creating new jobs? Aren’t the people who are positioned well enough to take advantage of this fire-sale of assets the ones who are in the best position to invest in creating new jobs? So why the fuck would you want to give them a different alternative?
And what the fuck-all would any of this do to put more money in the pockets of consumers, without whom you don’t have a fucking economy? What, you gonna sell it to the Chinese? Kudlow, please.
more than 99.9 percent of workers who are just union goons and have no ideas but boss give me more money
You mean like ALPA member Captain Chelsey Sullenberger?
Oh, and I really love this bit of horseshit:
Not only with a cap-gains tax holiday, but also with a much larger capital loss deduction.
Yes, that’s right: the government should let the fucking bridges continue to fall, and instead bail out rich people who made bad investment decisions – people who weren’t using the money they had to create jobs in the first place, which is why we’re where we are right now. I’m sure if we just hand over enough money to make up for everything they’ve lost, this time they’ll do the right thing.
Please add a caption to that photo:
“invisible cocktail shaker”
Hear, hear, Mr. Kudlow! I would also love to see the GOP pump up those good old tax cuts, which have done so much to get us where we are today.
As Napoleon once said, never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
Palin and tax cuts in 2012!
Wasn’t Kudlow one of the wingnut hangers-on who preached all throughout the first half of ’08 that there was no recession, there was no recession, there was no recession?
The fact is, more patents than you, which is zero, and more than 99.9 percent of workers who are just union goons and have no ideas but boss give me more money
So if all those workers just up and quit, like Kudlow suggests capitalists do, who will do the work that creates the wealth that capitalists crave?
And for the record, no, I have no patents.
But I got a SHITLOAD of copyrights!
Is this robo-Ruppert with “The fact is, ” and a random neocon quote generator? What a tool!
The fact is, allowing workers to innovate at their jobs has made quite a few bucks for their companies.
Oh, and FYI: I actually HAVE a patent, and have always been a worker. Must be one of the .1%, I suppose…
Huh! That’s what he looks like. It’s always nice to see Kudlow when he is not face-down, his nose riding rails of coke along a mirror.
Hey, Joe, is that a personal patent or one from your workplace?
If it’s from work, just ballpark: what’s your royalty percentage? 10%? 20%?
But without them you have nothing.
Except a lot of guns.
Nah, just a work patent. I also had to put a bunch of hangers-on on the line for various reasons, but I actually did the work. I DID get a grand and a pat on the head when I filed it, and a nifty plaque when it came through, but that’s about it. Maybe I’ll do one on my own some time. No royalties; what I think belongs to the company, ya know! 😉
Sarcasto FTW!
if we just hand over enough money to make up for everything they’ve lost
But did they really lose? Or did they get even richer selling phony insurance and then run crying to the gubmint when the claims came due?
In other words, Gary’s lazy, demanding workers* are paying Kudlow’s buddies’ bills AND their bonuses.
*BTW, Gary, I invite you to come tell the chainsaw-weilding bushbillies I work with how stupid and worthless they are.
I’m totally disgusted with this bullshit. Look, I know economics is a “science” and all that shit, and I’m just some dumb fucking rube who has to rely on bullshit like “logic” and “common sense” to sort through big complex issues…but has it not occured to any of the oh-so-qualified jaw-flappers that one of the reasons that we do have bridges falling into rivers is because the money that, in a more rational time, would have gone to bridge building via the public treasury (tax collections) instead got sequestered in the hands and investments of the uber-wealthy? When we give Paris Hilton a tax cut of another $250,000 per year and she invests it in Chinese manufacturing, does that not represent a net loss to our economy of much, much more than $250,000 – the government doesn’t collect the money, the bridge doesn’t get built, the guys who would have worked on building the bridge make nothing, the engineering firm that would design the bridge makes nothing, the concrete and steel suppliers make nothing, the heavy equipment rental/dealers make nothing, etc etc etc…and foregoing the bridge repair makes us less economically competitive. Plus we get to clean up the mess and the bodies when the existing bridge falls into the river.
Trickle-down has never succeeded at anything other than exploding government debt and increasing the inequality of wealth distribution. It’s not like either one of those things have anything to do with the shithole we find ourselves in, so by all means, let’s do it some more.
“…and if you can’t pile on the bullshit at least this high, you need more fiber in your diet.”
Economics is a pseudoscience at best. It may be more like witchcraft or magick.
OT: Truthy’s race war well under way.
(P.S. – how do you imbed links?)
That’s what I figured, Joe, and is how I assume most workplace patents are treated unless you physically work in R&D and have an agreement in place.
How many jobs does a Credit Default Swap generate anyway?
Economics is more like a religion than a science.
And I’d bet Troofie went and started that race war just to prove his point.
This guy is, and has been, a colossal asshole. And pretty much wrong about everything.
I watched about 10 minutes of his show last night and there was a panel on that was arguing for “capitalism” (even including Robert Reich). Their point, as best i could gather, was to let the weak banks fail and let the strong survive. There was no consideration for people, just loyalty to the ideal.
The big shots are going to come out of this crisis just fine no matter what happens. Kudlow and his ideological brothers don’t give a crap what happens to people, and are ultimately afraid that “socialism” will limit their power and income.
I don’t know why, but for some reason, whenever I see the phrase “Shorter Larry Kudlow”, I expect to see a picture of Billy Barty.
I’m always amazed by the longevity of the phrase “Trickle Down”, which quite frankly sound like a euphemism for pissing on the middle class and poor.
I mean, it’s cognitively dissonant. It’s rare to see such honesty on the right.
I’m always amazed by the longevity of the phrase “Trickle Down”, which quite frankly sound like a euphemism for pissing on the middle class and poor.
It’s a paean to the peon they pee on.
How many jobs does a Credit Default Swap generate anyway?
OK, there’s the guy who has the risk, the guy who has the money, so there’s two jobs. Then there’s the broker, so that’s three.
Then there’s the army of regulators, accountants, and Federal prosecutors who have to clean up the mess afterwards, so a whole lot of jobs!
Socialism, hell. I’d show these ofays what socialism is – I’d have the banks nationalized faster than you can say “Sweden did it!”. No bank is going to be the first to say they are holding 1.2 Trillion in paper with a real value of about a dollar ninety-eight, so this will drag out and drag out and drag out.
I’d nationalize, send in auditors, get the crap lined out, give the accounting data to Federal prosecutors, and then and only then think about reprivatizing them.
Of course I’d be lynched before any of that could happen, but I’d show these chickenshits some real socialism.
How many jobs does a Credit Default Swap generate anyway?
An infinite number. Since CDSs are imaginary, they can be endlessly be divided, bundled, split, doubled down, etc. ad infinitum. They are a veritable perpetual motion financial instrument. Money moves this way and that, and everyone in sight of the transaction makes money and stays employed.
Rusty is exactly correct: It’s Magic!
Rusty is exactly correct: It’s Magic!
For once I’m glad the Borg blocks YouTube, because I have a sneaking suspicion I know what that links to.
Yo ho ho.
Rebecca West noted, almost a century ago, that if the poor should ever feel as poor as the rich feel, there will be a most bloody revolution.
It’s magic? I guess I’ll have to believe it’s so.
And what would explain why Kudlow is wiggling his pecker instead of his nose?
To expand on Jennifer’s point above – frankly, when the government allows Paris Hilton to decide what to spend her tax break on, what the nation gets is a series of cute handbags and Swarovski crystal chihuahua collars instead of bridges, tunnels, and sewer lines.
Oh, and there’s also all the blow and meth. Nice of the government to provide tax breaks to rich people so they can strengthen and invigorate the illegal drug industry. Now if only the government could tax THAT revenue, maybe we’d get somewhere.
These fucknozzles remind me of the much-reviled head of advertising at the publishing company where I used to work. Whenever he wanted the design or editorial departments to do something, he’d say,”Remember guys, without the revenue generated by the advertising dept, you wouldn’t have a magazine to work on.” It genuinely never seemed to occur to the prick that without us actually producing the magazine he wouldn’t have a fucking magazine to advertise in, and would probably be employing his marketing skills on a sandwich board in the street outside.
And by the way,. who wrote the Gary post at 16:29? Is the RNC now outsourcing its trolls off-shore in Sri Lanka?
Sooo not clicking through.
But I note that title- and wonder why it was that these “Tough GOPers” stand up to a Secretary-designee but NOT to the feckless, corrupt frakhead who mismanaged this mess in the first place?
It couldn’t have anything to do with party affiliation, could it? Nah, that’d be uncivil and partisan! Only Dems do that.
BTW, today is National Pie Day.
And by the way, today is National Pie Day.
Additionally, FYWP!
Oh, and there’s also all the blow and meth. Nice of the government to provide tax breaks to rich people so they can strengthen and invigorate the illegal drug industry.
Y’know, I’ve always wondered why rich folks do drugs.
I mean, drugs are an escape. Poor and middle class folks, with mortgages or rent hanging over their heads and trying to feed a family, them I can understand wanting to escape. WTF do the rich need to escape from?
Funny thing, when I finally managed to have a bit of spare change in my pocket, I STOPPED doing drugs.
Well, except for that time last year, but she was warm and so was I…
So I read Kudlow’s column and he sure had a lot of “facts”. Where did he get all those cites he put in his column? You don’t think he did any actual… research did he? Hmm, so I look and he has a link to Harvard economist Greg Mankiw’s blob (which link I embed with standard HTML markup) and what do I see? Larry Kudlow cribbed all his “facts” from the Law Prof. Mankiw’s posts “Is Joe Biden disingenuous or misinformed?” and “The Long Lags of Fiscal Policy The Long Lags of Fiscal Policy” together have all the same information in Larry’s post. What a lazy little shit.
Unfortunatly I don’t have an editor like Larry does to proof read my stuff. And… And… I haven’t had nearly enough coffee yet.
Yeah, I got a patent or three. One due to job, two on my own. I also refused a patent – better to (say I convinced the company to not pursue it) – in favor of contributing the IP to an ANSI accredited standards group. And guess what, Garytool Puppert, you very likely benefit directly from that.
God I hate people like you. I mean that, I really do despise you. I’d be very pleased to watch you die painfully.
You really have to give the guy a break though.
He’s never really been the same since he stopped spelling New York
“a knife, a fork, a bottle and a cork“
That’s a lot of emotion to spend on somebody who doesn’t even exist.
During the bad old days leading up to welfare “reform”, my mother used to get very angry at the way the anti-welfare dicks made it sound like the money going to the poor is just disappearing down a rat-hole. The poor, she’d point out, spend every single dime of the money on goods and services, pumping it all directly into the economy. “Whadda they think, poor people are salting that great big check away in their numbered Swiss bank accounts?”
I’d have to say that in a sense Gary does exist as an archetype; therefore, I too would have to say I hate Gary.
I can’t help but think about the mood of the people. As we find out more about the theft on Wall St., as people come to realize all that bullshit about “tax cuts are great for everyone,” as the crying of Kudlow and his ilk gets ever more pathetic and obviously the work of con artists, the great unwashed masses are thinking that all that wealth really has no purpose. Resentment against the idle rich grows daily. The old chestnuts about “wealth creation” and “rising tides” are ringing more hollowly than ever before.
The common mood vis a vis the rich, the powerful, closely resembles the situation in France. Just before their revolution. Seriously, historians often cite the resentment of wealth without apparent purpose as a major factor in bringing about the French Revolution. No shit.
Will the people rise up? Damned if I know. All I’m saying is that there’s damn sure precedent.
That’s a lot of emotion to spend on somebody who doesn’t even exist.
Which one? Gary Ruppert or God?
The fact is, Gary Ruppert is mad because he’s no longer got disposable income to dispose of on hookers and cocaine. The fact is, he’s no longer got it because CRAPITALISM EATED IT.
Also, there is a “Gary.” The Gary isn’t completely automated. Whoever is behind it, die, don’t delay it eating shit, just die right now.
Hmmm…seems to me that Congress could just pass a new tax provision retroactive for 2008 stating that any bonuses or other incentive pay that were received by employees of firms who received TARP funds are taxable at the rate of 100%.
Not only would this recoup the money, but there would also be the delicious spectacle of Republicans railing against taking back the money rich people stole from the taxpayers.
Seriously, is there any good reason not to do this?
Jennifer, that would inconvenience literally hundreds of rich people. The Nerve!
C’mon JGabriel. Billy Barty had talent.
Seriously, is there any good reason not to do this?
None comes immediately to mind.
I think TARP money should also be handed out in bags that contain those paint-bombs the banks use against robbers, so that the money can be traced.
Kudlow was the first guy I heard him connect the big drop in the market on Inauguration Day to Obama.
Ol’ Larry sure knows his economics.
Seriously, is there any good reason not to do this?
None at all. In fact, I just emailed the idea to Barney Frank and Chris Dodd.
Professor Mankiw is a pernicious shitstain.
Thanks, PeeJ! Barney is definitely the go-to guy on this…it’s got everything he loves: sticking it to the crooks and ratfucking the Republicans.
Hey, LittlePig – stick around a minute…I’ve got a link for you. BRB.
LittlePig – arrrgghh, the website is down right now! But here’s the link anyway – you can try it later.
As a local, I’m sure you have fond remembrances of this.
A Video with Dr. Helen and the Advice Goddess talking about sex!!!!
I liked that video better when it was called “Two Girls, One Cup.”
I heard it this morning, Jen, from your link in a previous post. Oh yeah, I remember.
Please, RB, keep us informed about this guy’s campaign!
LittlePig – even before I found the clip, I still could remember the whole damn song – including the phone number – after 15 years of not hearing it.
Truly a classic.
I thought you were joking so I read Kudlow’s article. You were right. He really thinks the wealthy need more tax cuts. I think it’s time to bring back the 1950’s. If the 94% tax rate was good enough for the GOP under Eisenhower, why isn’t it good enough today? At least that way when companies give $4 billion in bonuses, most of it will come back to the workers.
Hey, Actor, my buddy who’s more connected to things than I am (IT, PacNW) says that Microsoft’s still got about $10B in cash reserves, so they really didn’t need to be laying off those 5000 people. On the other hand, what Microsoft didn’t have anymore was a bunch of purchased subsidiaries who were meekly willing to go along with assimilation into The Borg. Wethinks therefore that The Borg is using the bad economy as an excuse to dump a whole bunch of people they’re not corporately comfortable with, invoking plausible deniability. Look me in the eye and tell me they’re not evil enough to do that.
Same friend is a guy who used to be the IT director at a bunch of big NYC publishing firms and has two patents. I don’t have a patent (maybe by next year, srsly) yet, but I, like Actor, have a shitload of copyrights and other assorted IP. And besides being an employee, I run my own company. If those high-priced whores of capitalism do shrug, good riddance to bad rubbish; there are lots of people out there who’ll be perfectly capable of taking over.
meanwhile, Marc Thiessen’s head explodes:
The Atlas Shrugged fantasy has always been a big deal for the libertarian right, but it ignores the critical fact that anyone who is going to change his or her nationality over taxes has already done so.
Yeah. If the foundation of capitalism is greed then it should be understood that the greediest should not be trusted with their money. They’d still scramble after every dollar: after all, it represents a shiny new dime!
Better not vote for him then!
Memo to the Hannitized: Election’s over. You lost.
Anyway, I would strongly recommend that anyone in actual influence just fucking ignore the supply-siders: their game has been to cut the state to ribbons, be damned any economic consequences, and the product has been a dangerous maldistribution of wealth and the steady construction of an alternate reality for the rich in which no decision entails any realistic risk.
Trading out safety nets for golden parachutes gets you Yeltsin-era Russia, and the ultimate product of that is Putin.
See, this is why when people run around comparing the various scandalously black people who were part of the inauguration to Jeremiah Wright, I just laugh at them. They’re helpless, aren’t they?
They literally can’t resist their base impulses to wig out over the hated niggaaro and the Dhimmicrat “Party”. I have to imagine that if they couldn’t pull off Clinton outrage looking genuine after being mostly silent on the man until halfway into his term, spending the year and a half before his election screaming about being oppressed by Obama’s ropy dick is gonna sap their efforts to stay relevant real bad.
They’re just gonna be yelling about plagarism and thug thizzles and Baathists and all other kind of inside-baseball crap until the point that their stupid baggage and ideology and pet catchphrases and memes are about as relevant as those of the Free Silverists.
Also, because it hasn’t been said yet: Atlas Shrugged 2: Shrug Harder.
I just had a sickening realization — this “Atlas Shrugged” bullshit isn’t just propaganda. It’s outright blackmail — “Give us the 80s back or we greedy fuckheads will screw you all over out of spite.”
It’s a good thing cooperative businesses tend to work just as well as regular business, and it’s a good thing not everyone in the business sector is an insane Randroid. But considering how back in the 30s, some plutocrats were pushing for an outright military coup against Roosevelt, I think we need to be rather careful.
If you want to elevate “tantrum” to “blackmail” then sure.
Patent, I’m depending on you, son
To pull the family through
Via TPM, the NRCC web site sez:
I’m always amazed by the longevity of the phrase “Trickle Down”, which quite frankly sound like a euphemism for pissing on the middle class and poor.
That’s why Zay N. Smith of the Sun-Times calls it “trickle-on.”
And the sky. Don’t forget that he’s removing the props that kept the sky from falling.
The Wailers first came up with the phrase “trickle down,” during their neo-liberal phase in the early 60s.
Who’s tripping down the streets of the city
Yellin’ at everybody he sees
Who’s reachin’ out to capture a pay-off
Everyone knows it’s Windy
And Windy has stor-my eyes
That flash when he’s telling lies
And Windy has wind to cry
Above the crowds (above the crowds)
Above the crowds (above the crowds)
Who’s tricklin’ down the streets of the city?
Hey, Actor, my buddy who’s more connected to things than I am (IT, PacNW) says that Microsoft’s still got about $10B in cash reserves, so they really didn’t need to be laying off those 5000 people.
It;s funny. When they talked this morning on the news about Thain’s (Merrill Lynch) excesses, the $87,000 toilet and so on, I kept thinking about “Well, that’s a junior broker,” or the $35,000 sink or whatever that was, “Well, that’s a well paid mailroom job”.
No fucking sense of proportion.
As to MS, they should never have gotten into gaming consoles or music players.
I admit to occasionally trickling down the streets of the city. Picked up the habit in Amsterdam.
Trickle down economics always reminded me of the way medieval medicine was practiced
“he’s not getting any better – well let’s bleed him some more”
“another Pint?”
“yes that should do it.’
“Pity they keep dying on you.”
“Yes I don’t understand it – they should get well. Sometimes I think they are just doing it to spite me.”
“true they don’t deserve your care.”
Who’s pissing down the streets of the city
Yellowin’ everybody he sees
Who’s aimin’ out to capture a toilet
Everyone knows it’s Pee on
And Pee on has balls of ironnnn
That flash when he’s telling lies
And Pee on has wind to pass
Above the crowds (above the crowds)
Above the crowds (above the crowds)
He has removed the tool that is singularly responsible for stopping al-Qaeda from flying planes into the Library Tower in Los Angeles, Heathrow Airport, and London’s Canary Warf, and blowing up apartment buildings in Chicago, among other plots.
Funny how that tool failed in the 7/7 bombings…or the Glasgow bombings…or the Mumbai attacks…or the Madrid attacks…or the Sharm El-Sheik attacks…or the Bali attacks.
Hell, I’m American and barely read the news once a week and I remember this shit!
Don’t forget the number of tigers it kept away.
Either they deliberately elide the truth out of malice, or…
They really only register those facts congenial to them because accepting the truth is not only painful but goes against their ideology. Since the ideology cannot be questioned, reality must give way.
The fact is, if the wealth-producing class gets tired of your whining, they will abandon you.
HA! There’s no weeping in the books in Gary’s home
The worst thing really is that, as has recently been pointed out and as was until recently almost legally forbidden to acknowledge on the Hill, torture does not produce good intelligence. SERE and other tactics were designed to counter Soviet torture methods – which were used almost exclusively for extracting actionable confessions and propaganda.
A KGB man would have been fired for pulling on Western agents what the right considers an invaluable tool for fighting terrorism. You pull someone’s fingernails out and they’re gonna say whatever you want to hear to make it stop.
In general, rapport-based intelligence-gathering (never descending to the level of torture, at worst ‘good cop bad cop’ kind of stuff) works a hell of a lot better for getting intelligence. Torture just gives well-born sadists something constructive-feeling to do.
The Atlas Shrugged fantasy has always been a big deal for the libertarian right, but it ignores the critical fact that perpetual motion machines don’t coalesce out of moonbeams.
The Goddamn Batman Submits His Amusing Photo Caption For Your Approval said,
“Right at the punchline of the joke, Larry realised that he had forgotten the exact height of the pianist”.
Well, for one thing, none of those happened in the United Snakes, therefore they don’t count. Maybe whatever it is that’s “kept us safe” only works on threats to This Great Nation of Ours™. Foreigners can just lump it.
M, that would be a valid point IF Theissen hadn’t said this: He [Obama] has removed the tool that is singularly responsible for stopping al-Qaeda from flying planes into the Library Tower in Los Angeles, Heathrow Airport, and London’s Canary Warf, and blowing up apartment buildings in Chicago, among other plots
Nevermind that he misspelled “Wharf”
Righteous Bubba:
Intended blackmail, then.
Sure, cut the marginal tax rates on the super rich. Then install a maximum salary cap. After all, as cokey Kudlow’s own experience proves, rich people can’t be trusted with too much money. And on that note, he’s got a lot of damn nerve judging anyone else’s past behavior as embarrassing.
Interesting article on the salaries of financial “wizards” over time
If Atlas shrugs, the world will only remember one thing: ATLAS IS A FICTION, AND SO IS JOHN FUCKING GALT.
That’s what the facts is.
caption: with Obama’s stimulus it will get this big!
JGabriel: I’m always amazed by the longevity of the phrase “Trickle Down”, which quite frankly sound like a euphemism for pissing on the middle class and poor.
From the first day I heard awful phrase that I wondered, why didn’t they use the friendly word “percolate” instead? “Perk” for short, adjective form “perky”. Think of all the positive associations: fresh-brewed coffee, work-goodies, Patty Duke. You know how proud these right-wingers are of their way with words, but sometimes I’ve got to wonder.
Or maybe it’s just one of those rich-frat-boy jokes they think us dummies are to dim to catch.
You put the web address you want to embed into a cyber-sandwich of a-tags … “a href=” & “/a” … but use the trusty pointy-brackets, … not quotes.
So this happens, instead of having to type or paste “” … which SHOULD show up in preview (& if you’re neurotic like me, you can test-click to see if it works first) … & you get to feel like a l33t h4xx0r for reals at no extra cost!
Won’t someone, anyone in Congress look out for the needs of the poor, oppressed rich people!
I see them from the ferry, trapped in their pockets of affluence.
One reason not to tax the bonuses 100% is because I work at one of these companies and so do most of my friends. These companies employ 10’s of thousands of middle class workers who count on these bonuses to pay the bills. If you want to tax executive bonuses, I’m all for it but a portfolio accountant starts at around 35k per year and these jobs are already shifting to India and China and even Poland. The guy at my company who is mostly responsible for our problems (or at least the guy who took the blame) was fired last year but was handed a $14,000,000 parachute. The little guys work hard and thanks to them my company turned a large operating profit last year and that is what our bonuses are based on. I wouldn’t want GM line workers to lose their benefits either. With the market in the shitter, there will be a lot more layoffs this year already. Anyway, I don’t mean to whine like a republican, I just wanted to remind everyone that the vast majority of employees at these companies are not rich and had nothing to do with causing the current situation.
Oh, and the standard bonus for your average employee at my company is 2.5-3.5%
Thanks jim!