Atlas Tawks An Blawgs Abawt Bawrawk’s Inawguhration


This is your brain on acetone, kids.

If you wondered what yesterday’s festivities in D.C. looked like to someone who spent the day huffing fingernail polish remover and drinking wood alcohol daiquiris, then come with me over to Pamela “The Audacity of Tits” Geller’s blawg and find out.

Pamela, who voluntarily put on the dress in the picture at right, turned into a fashion critic:

WTF is Michelle wearing? The tablecloth or the curtains? A tablecoth? Geez, the kids should dress her. She’s a nightmare. Too bad some of Palin’s old clothes wouldn’t fit her. These pics are not picking up on the vomit green quality to the tent…. hmmmmm, I wonder if Meesh will donate the material of the dress for a couch I want to reupholster in the basement.

And scroll down through Pammie’s post to the part where she says that the only reason that the media loved the dress is because Michelle is a Negro.

And next Pamela turned herself into constitutional law expert:

Did you see it? The man couldn’t say the oath! He stumbled, he flubbed, he mumbled, he could not remember three words….. three words. Great (no cue cards)

Sheez. Even Professor Winebox admits that it was the Chief Justice who flubbed the oath, which means that Pam wins a rating of 11 out of 10 on the Peters Delusions Inventory and a 14 out of 10 on the Launay-Slade Hallucination Scale.

And then she became a literary critic:

Oh, and another thing. I didn’t like the silly poem Obambi commissioned for this extra special day.

Anybody who can actually type the word “Obambi” with a straight face really shouldn’t be complaining about anyone else’s literary talent.

Pam didn’t like the inaugural address much either:

Obama said: “We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus–and non-believers. Did he say non-believers? It has  always been Christians and Jews (Pammie’s orange highlighting in original.)

Apparently one effect of prolonged acetone exposure on Pam has been the make her unable to tell the difference between her eliminationist fantasies from reality.

Nor did she much like the benediction:

Reverend Joseph Lowery mined the same old, same old, 50-year-old racism charges (*yawn*). No matter what, white man ain’t never going to be no good.

Why, yes, Pam, the best way to prove that nobody is racist and that you, in particular, are a paragon of racial tolerance is to paraphrase Rev. Lowery so he sounds like Uncle Remus.

If only their heads would actually explode.


Comments: 229


Maybe her head imploded years ago and that’s why she writes the dumbass stuff she writes. And who wants to be the Pam creature’s still horked off she didn’t get to be John Bolton’s U.N. queen forever? Also, the problem with the “same old, same old 50-year old racism charges” is because they’re still valid thanks to foul human beings like you, Pam.


Shorter Pammy-cakes:


This is the alternate 1985, isn’t it Marty?


She’s teh hawtest.

Dragon-King Wangchuck, Godless Heathen

I wasn’t overly impressed with The Dress either. The color is fabulous for Michelle, all this “curtains and tablecloth” nonsense is retarded. It was, I believe, -137 degrees Kelvin. That dress struck an excellent balance between practicality and the required glamor for the occasion. But that scarfy-shawl thing? Looks like a life jacket. Dahhhling, I know They are telling you that the outfit isn’t complete without the accessory – but sometimes “incomplete” isn’t a bad thing.


As a former Lawn Guylander, let me tell you something about that dress Pam’s wearing: Bedazzled sheer Milf-Skank Prom Dress Taffeta is the HEIGHT of L.I. Jap Fashion.


A fRighty skull going off would have the destructive power of a claymore mine. Be glad they’re all duds.


I have found the cattiness on the Right to be fascinating. There has been a nonstop attack on Michelle Obama for her looks and her fashion sense. The mouth-foaming might have more credibility (if not more maturity) if the First Lady were not a) eminently hittable and, b) endowed with a very good sense of fashion.

These asshats never know how to pick their fights.

Let’s see the hands of everyone who would choose Mrs. Obama over Mrs. Nuttytits-Oshrygeller for an afternoon of Fifth Avenue shopping, an evening of sparkling conversation, and a night of sweet, sweet love.

Yeah, I thought so.


Let’s see the hands of everyone who would choose Mrs. Obama over Mrs. Nuttytits-Oshrygeller for an afternoon of Fifth Avenue shopping, an evening of sparkling conversation, and a night of sweet, sweet love.

Alas, my hatred for Pam specifically in no way diminishes my LI-bred preference for shrill herpetic milf-skank jewesses, to my everlasting shame.


Apparently one effect of prolonged acetone exposure

Hey, I spent years in college chem lab inhaling all sorts of fun organic solvents, and I turned out okay. *twitch*

my LI-bred preference for shrill herpetic milf-skank jewesses, to my everlasting shame.

Y’know, as someone who grew up in Suffolk (in a white upper-middle-class area, even), I never met very many of said Jewesses and other revolting daddy’s-little-girls until I left the Island. They were all from Nassau.


Unbelievers? You mean, like, Ayn Rand?

In any case, Pammy is no Jew. She is a tribalist who happened to be born in the Jewish camp.


What a sad little person.


As a “white” person I object to the Jewess trying to pass.


I liked the dress, with the coat. Without the coat, I didn’t think the cardigan thing that was worn over the dress was anything great, but with the coat, it added a nice color accent. I thought the whole ensemble looked very Jackie-esque.

Then again, I wouldn’t be caught dead in dress with fake jewels plastered all over fake tits. Which I also wouldn’t be caught dead with – fake tits, that is.


I used to date a woman who looked just like Pammycakes. She was great in the sack, but completely bugfuck insane. She’s on her fifth husband now, and likes to read Ann Coulter (so I’m told).

I dodged a bullet. Or maybe a bullet train.


It has always been Christians and Jews

Or even just Christians . . . you Christ-killing kike.


The pettiness and childishness of the winger brigade is off the charts these days. I hope they keep it up for the next 4 to 8 years.


vomit green?
what’s pammy been eating?


Well, you libruls won’t admit that George W. Bush Jr. is still legally President because Barack Hussein Al Majlis Fred Hampton Obama X used a Indoneso-Kenyan Muslim trick to get out of saying his oath.

Instead what he really did was swear allegiance to the Mau Mau and we will be going into civil war now.


According to Miss Kathryn Jean Lopez, it’s not even Christian now; it’s just Catholic, by order of the Pope. So you guys are going to hell along with the Jews, Protestants, us atheists, etc.


Xenos said,

Unbelievers? You mean, like, Ayn Rand?

In any case, Pammy is no Jew. She is a tribalist who happened to be born in the Jewish camp.

An excellent point. One I was going to raise myself. I thought the objectivists were necessarily god-free. You know, to avoid the “give to the poor” part of every major religion.

Dragon-King Wangchuck, Godless Heathen

Let me clarify, I liked the dress, especially with the coat. The cut and color are great for Michelle. It’s just that thing – kinda puke green – and I’m ashamed that I’ve found any common ground with Juggs and her Chorus or Idiots – shoulda been left at home.

As for the idiots talking about her “weight” or whatever… It was cold out there. Colder than the glares from those “rough men who keep us safe at night”. Colder than the hearts of GOP GOTV volunteers. Colder than Laura Bush – okay maybe not that frigidly cold, but fucking cold nonetheless. What the hell do you look like when you’re wearing your winter coat? A formless, shapeless dark block of nothing.

Michelle had her 45th birthday last week. It was the dead of winter. She looks absolutely amazing. Other than that thing, whatever it was.


The mouth-foaming might have more credibility (if not more maturity) if the First Lady were not a) eminently hittable and, b) endowed with a very good sense of fashion.

And if the previous First Lady, who they all presumably adored, didn’t a) look like an only slightly more female version of her husband, and b) didn’t dress like a rejected extra from a John Waters film.


Also — show of hands — who else went to to see if it was all a dream yesterday? I know I did.


I believe that President Obama (damn that sounds good!) will be giving the winger shit-bags many reasons to collectively wet themselves:

Just a start, but the man is getting to work.


“They were all from Nassau.”

Yes, Till, that would be me. or moi. or mwa.


This is the alternate 1985, isn’t it Marty?

Yep, where Biff is powerful, and corrupt, and married to your mother. Obama really did steal the wingnuts’ collective Gray’s Sports Almanac, the more you think about it.


The dress was great, it was the gloves that didn’t work. Green rubber gardening gloves.


Chop Pammy’s hair off and she is no longer “t3h hawt.” Go on, imagine her with a butch, short, spiky ‘do. And she probably DOES go shopping with Palin, judging by that photo. You know, pre-stolen-RNC-money Palin.

And, darling, we Chosen People weren’t even considered part of society until about forty years ago, just around the time African-Americans started pitching a bitch, so you’d best shut the fuck up.


as someone who grew up in Suffolk

I used to live in Coram (Suffolk County) when I was a kid.

Dragon-King Wangchuck, Godless Heathen

Yeah, I didn’t want to say anything about the gloves. But really, what else could she have worn? And gloves were pretty much mandatory.

Anyways, I’m feeling a little better about finding something that Pammy said which I didn’t consider completely batshit insane (just 95% or so). Her latest tirade is about the Islamofascist persecution of Geert Wilders and contains the following:

Wilders told Dutch media it was a “black day for myself and for freedom of speech.”

Bear in mind, this is because he might be charged with “inciting hatred” for things like:

“I’ve had enough of Islam in the Netherlands; let not one more Muslim immigrate,” he wrote once in national newspaper De Volkskrant. “I’ve had enough of the Quran in the Netherlands: Forbid that fascist book.”

That’s right folks:

The enemies of free speech are closing in, and we have to stand together now and defend it.

Otherwise, no one will be safe when they call for book bannings and the silencing of those raghead ho-mullahs and ayatoll-fags.



Arky said,

January 21, 2009 at 15:52

A fRighty skull going off would have the destructive power of a claymore mine. Be glad they’re all duds.’

Extremely dense skull that fragments, coppled with enormous amount of preshure, hot air and depressed raeg inside. Yep, I think the description is pretty accurate, the effect would be similar to claymore. Their chubby cheetos covered bodies would even direct the blast.

THey propably would have explosive compounds too: Some people make bombs out of fertilizers, and we do know wingnuts are full of shit so it all adds up.


I must need to adjust my tv, because I thought Michelle’s dress was more yellow than green. And I thought she looked great.

Dragon-King Wangchuck, Godless Heathen

The dress was indeed yellow. Very boldly yellow. A perfect color for Michelle. My problem was with that other thing, between the coat and the shift dress. Looked like a scarf or a shawl. Hangs from her neck and comes down to her waist. Green, blocky, looked kinda thick.

I’ve looked at some other photos from the event and the ones Pammy used are in fact the ones that make Michelle look worst. And she still looks great. But that pale, pastel-y green what-ever it is? I dunno, maybe I’m just too old-fashioned and stodgy – I like my shawls in a good accent color – either wrapped around the neck or draped outside the coat.


We should descend en masse on her blog and demand she show her tits.

Bring beads. I bet that would get them out.


Speaking of Michelle Obama’s clothes, one thing I will be very interested to see is her color choices.

To skate the thin ice of skin color, I’m not sure blue is going to be her best color choice, and yet for state visits she might be forced to tone down the unusually bright (for a First Lady) color choices she’s been making.

It is going to be a challenge to the fashionistas and protocol officers of DC.


I used to live in Coram (Suffolk County) when I was a kid.

Then you know why they named it “Suffolk”.

For the rest of the readership, it’s called “Suffolk” because it’s Suffolking far out on Long Island.


I thought the whole ensemble looked very Jackie-esque.

I thought so too, Jennifer. I even said to my wife “all she needs is a little yellow pillbox hat”.


vomit green?
what’s pammy been eating?

Whatever it was, she hasn’t kept any of it down. Which no doubt explains the insanity–all those stomach acid and bile fumes play havoc on a bulimic’s brain.


BTW, Pammy? That Bedazzlered dress? AND those chandelierrings? Ticky-tacky.


The gloves, the cardigan (or shawl, or whatever it was) and the shoes were green – puce, to be exact. The dress and coat were yellow.


Doh. Not puce. Pistachio.


I grew up in Westchester and was surrounded by non-jappy wonderful jewish friends (OK, some of my Scarsdale friends don’t make that cut). It wasn’t till I went to Ithaca College that I saw the true full diorama of the proverbial Jewish American Princess.

On the other sub-thread….please, please, PLEASE….don’t speak of sex with that skank Pammycakes. Out here it’s 4 hours till lunch and I think I’ve already lost mine.


Good one about Suffolk. Sheesh, what a crybaby this woman is. It is going to turn out that the oath was deliberately mangled; in phonetic Luo Obama was swearing “I will be the fierce ruthless dictator who will punish white America with my ebon war club. Whimper, you pigs.”


Doh. Not puce. Pistachio.

I started to say, you must have started celebrating pretty darned early if those gloves looked puce.


The dress and coat were yellow.

Lemongrass, dear, lemongrass (or so a fashion maven talking head said on CNN this morning). Looked yellow to me.


And a very lovely yellow it was.

I liked the olive gloves and shoes, too. Maybe not in that combination, but with something else–camel, perhaps. But still very nice.


BTW, Pammy? That Bedazzlered dress? AND those chandelierrings? Ticky-tacky.

It did look kind of … costumey. Or should I say “slut-ty, slut-ty, slut-ty?”

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

And, darling, we Chosen People weren’t even considered part of society until about forty years ago, just around the time African-Americans started pitching a bitch, so you’d best shut the fuck up.

Indeed. It wasn’t horribly long ago that we Irish weren’t “white”, either.

The Goddamn Batman Does His Little Turn On The Catwalk, Yeah The Catwalk

WTF is Shrieky McFrothingchops wearing–the lingerie version of a gem sweater? Like her, it’s relentlessly tacky and painful to encounter directly.


Or should I say “slut-ty, slut-ty, slut-ty?”

You should. Oh yes yes yes. By all means, you SHOULD!


I had the worst sinking feeling today driving to work. I was scanning through the AM and heard what I’m sure is going to be the future. Electing Barry X proves racism is over (if it ever really existed), The Speech proved that Obama is truly the puppet of the insane, unhinged left, and just to top it off- ‘listen to these clips of black people crying at the Inauguration. Blacks are so stupid! Don’t they know there’s no such thing as racism? Oprah exists == no racism!!!”

Everything has changed, everything is still the same.

Plus, the Catholics took over the radio station that used to broadcast Stephanie Miller and now it’s all anti-abortion all the time.

Change! Woo!

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Or should I say “slut-ty, slut-ty, slut-ty?”


Oh, and you kicked ass on Project Runway telling off that whiny kid from Utah.


Ok, I need to go back and look at the photos again, and if necessary run the recording again, because I didn’t even notice the accessory you’re talking about. I saved 4 hours of yesterday, starting when Aretha was introduced. I knew mr opie_jeanne would want to see that, as well as the quartet.

I’m still euphoric from yesterday.


Did he say non-believers? It has always been Christians and Jews

As has been pointed out, it was Christians before they let the Jews in. And it was all Animism before the fuckwit pilgrims showed up.


The kicker is “Only Christians and Jews”/”Oh those intolerant blacks!” in the same screed. Acetone really kills that short term memory.


Ok, now I see it. It doesn’t bother me but the shoes do in this shot. Yesterday I thought they were a much different color.

The commentary below the photo is …. bitchily interesting.


I’m still euphoric from yesterday.

So am I, if by “euphoric” you mean “drunk”.

Over on Slate they’re calling the outfit “chartreuse-y yellow “, whatever that means.


Thank you, TP, for backing me up.

Glen Beck, Fox News.

Someone’s holding back a special reserve of Bitter Swill.

new improved PeeJ, now even more godless!

Poor Pammycakes, with not even one gay guy to take her shopping. No wonder she does White Trash so well.


Criticizing a woman’s appearance is the cheapest, laziest, easiest trick in the toolbox. It’s like telling a man something about him is “feminine”, telling your daughter-in-law her house isn’t “clean enough,” and telling an actor they are guilty of overacting.

They are all subjective judgements impossible to disprove, and targeted at someone’s deepest insecurities.

Wingers will always whine about the Democratic First Lady’s appearance, just as any comment from her that we should be polite will result in shrieks of “We didn’t elect her and she shouldn’t make policy!” and if she hangs a family photo in the White House she’s “spending all our tax money redecorating!”

The fact that Republican first ladies do all this and more without a peep from the same sources means that Wingers are tribal and reflexively stupid.

And that’s all it means.


It is not possible to express how little I care about Michelle Obama’s fashion sense. Not in human tongues, anyway.

I mean, if this is all they really have…


Electing Barry X proves racism is over (if it ever really existed),

Someone’s passed out a new talking point; Jonah Goldberg wrote a post on the same thing.


Euphoric but without the liquid love. I just got over a nasty cold and am still trying to get over the Nyquil.


AND those chandelierrings?

That’s going in the vocabulary…


Thank Cod the Times didn’t bother to print the Doughy Pantload’s opinions today.


telling an actor they are guilty of overacting



new improved PeeJ, now even more godless!

Thank Cod the Times didn’t bother to print the Doughy Pantload’s opinions today.

Did he write a fashion column as well?


“And if the previous First Lady, who they all presumably adored, didn’t a) look like an only slightly more female version of her husband…”

You know, it never struck me before, but you’re right: Georgie Boy and Pickles were not unlike Mickey and Minnie Mouse in that regard. Perhaps she occasionally stood in for him when he was too drunk to appear in public? Might he have done the same? All he’d have needed was some fake eyelashes, a wig and a dress.

Rusty Shackleford

Day one of my new enslavement under Overlord Hussein X hasn’t been too bad so far.


Day one of my new enslavement under Overlord Hussein X hasn’t been too bad so far.

Well, I had to burn my Bible and abort some pregnant Christian moms under the watchful eye of the Islamostapo, which was a slight change from my usual routine. But the hummus is GREAT, so…


“actor212 said,

January 21, 2009 at 17:32

We should descend en masse on her blog and demand she show her tits.

Bring beads. I bet that would get them out.”

Careful what you wish for:


I’m not going over to Atlas_Shrugged_with_Bemusement_at_the_Spectacle_of_Pammycakes_Incensed

Does Pammycakes comment on the dress Michell wore at the Neighborhood Ball and how she looked in it?
Didn’t think so.

Since the success of the Obama administration depends entirely on how good the First Lady looked in the dress she wore for the Inauguration, we’re lucky she looked good.


Pamela Geller uses her blog as a shrieking rant against every Muslim, Arab and Palestinian on the face of the earth. All of them should be dead, dead, dead, as far as she’s concerned. But even if Israel were to straddle the Middle East in hegemony, she’d find something else to shriek about (“Michelle Obama is wearing upholstery fabric!” “Where is Barack Obama’s birth certificate?!” “Barack Obama is a Marxist terrorist!”). She’s a shrill, deluded woman whose conspiracy-based “journalism” drags down the national discourse. She should take her toxic blend of hatred to, say, Myanmar or China or Russia. Maybe then, in a moment of stupifying clarity, she’d know what true terror is.

And, no, Pammy, you are not part of the solution. You are a big part of the problem.



Thankfully, my MIS department’s Websense tracker has that blocked


Rusty Shackleford

Chief Justice Roberts should have used the vault copy of the Constitution.


I have found the cattiness on the Right to be fascinating. There has been a nonstop attack on Michelle Obama for her looks and her fashion sense.

Well remember, they’ve been trying to convince themselves for a goodly while now that this is an attractive human female.

Rusty Shackleford

“Jihadwatch has more.” Who’d a thunk?

Satan's Dirty Underwear

My friend request to Obama at Facebook has gone unanswered. His presidency is a failure already.

PeeJ, antitheist since 1962

Well remember, they’ve been trying to convince themselves for a goodly while now that this is a n attractive human female.



Someone’s passed out a new talking point; Jonah Goldberg wrote a post on the same thing.

And a bunch of the dim(mer) bulbs who take his Pantloasions as gospel truth are freaking out because Goldberg dare suggest Obama being elected is a semi-quasi-sorta good thing.


Also, for the 23 hours and 50 minutes that Obama has been president, I’ve been sick. COINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT! Gateway Pundit and Megan McArdle have more.


Bear in mind also that — whatever Ms. Obama wore — it presumably had to cover a significant amount of body armor.


Well, the photos from the first dance at the neighborhood ball make me think that the White House master bedroom got inaugurated last night. Talk about hawt.


g @ 18:57: I KNOW! Isn’t it great? Especially since the only action that bedroom got in the past 8 years was Fratboy on the exercise bike, watching porn.


God damn it, I wanted to write this. But first I wanted to think it:

“Xenos said,

January 21, 2009 at 16:16

Unbelievers? You mean, like, Ayn Rand?”

It’s full of win.


Obama was in the Oval Office at 8:30 this morning. Don’t think I would been able to do it. Also…one of the big challenges about having Biden as VP is that he’s pretty much going to drink everyone else under the table, so Obama can’t expect to lean on his #2 in the morning.


one of the big challenges about having Biden as VP is that he’s pretty much going to drink everyone else under the table, so Obama can’t expect to lean on his #2 in the morning.

The first rule about Drink Club is, never talk about Drink Club.

Dragon-King Wangchuck, Godless Heathen

Firstly, I agree that criticizing a woman for her appearance, for her fashion taste, is a small and petty thing to do. It feeds the abhorrent notion that the primary import of the “gentler sex” is to “be pretty if you smiled a bit more”. It is a horrible and awful practice – worse than the crime that is the price of beer at sporting events.

That said, the role of First Lady is, by and large, a ceremonial one. Her image, her appearance, her fashion choices are indeed things of consequence – as one of her functions (as First Lady) is to be the stunning and glorious ideal. She is, like it or not, a role-model for women of all ages everywhere.

But, even in the context where her fashion choices are fair game – she passes with flying lemongrass. As much as I personally think she wrecked the look with the offending item – her decision is clearly that she is following her own style. She recognizes that the nature of the historic event necessitates a formal and glitzy outfit, and the one she wore allowed her to be feminine without being girly. The message, it seems, is “be yourself” – a message she managed to pull off without offending anybody that isn’t already batshit insane.

PS for actor212 – I suppose for more serious and somber occasions, she could wear black, which is great on her. And for more serious and not somber occasions she could wear stuff like that purple thing from the convention.


Wow, This week in the SCOTUS ruled in Herring vs US that the exclusionary rule doesn’t apply when the police make an “honest mistake”. Now, the fine men in blue who are so impeccably honest that they call testifying, “testilying!” need only say, “I didn’t mean to violate his constitutional rights, honest injun.” And the former prosecutor who is now wears a robe can break out his/her rubber stamp.

The beauty now it that the same wingnuts who think this is a fine way to run a justice system are suggesting that maybe Obama isn’t the President because Justice Roberts fucked up the oath

Stunned by Insight

That said, the role of First Lady is, by and large, a ceremonial one. Her image, her appearance, her fashion choices are indeed things of consequence – as one of her functions (as First Lady) is to be the stunning and glorious ideal. She is, like it or not, a role-model for women of all ages everywhere.

Your contention has some truth, DKQGH.

For the past eight years, I’ve been married to an overgrown frat boy who loves fart jokes and pays very little attention to me. In fact, I’m expected to constantly inflate his narcissistic ego while he makes foolish choices that destroy lives.

I’ve been coping with pills and buying hideous dresses, but you have shown me there is another way.


PS for actor212 – I suppose for more serious and somber occasions, she could wear black, which is great on her. And for more serious and not somber occasions she could wear stuff like that purple thing from the convention.

Yea, black I sort of took for granted after the speech in Chicago on Election night and that’s de rigeuer(sp?) for funerals, so she doesn’t have a choice there.

Purple. Yes. That would work.

Damn, I feel like I’m on Project Runway suddenly.


I wonder if Pammy realizes that there are more unbelievers in the US than Jews. Or if she would even care.

We all know, however, that she isn’t nearly as upset about the color of the dress as she is about the color of the skin underneath it

Trilateral Chairman

Obama was in the Oval Office at 8:30 this morning. Don’t think I would been able to do it.

Hell, I would’ve fallen over during the first of the ten zillion inaugural balls–assuming, of course, that I’d made it through the fifteen zillion parade exhibits. I actually think that one of Obama’s greatest strengths is his unflappability (at least on the outside) and durability. I don’t know how he does it.


From the small expectations file this from Big Hollywood.
(And by the way, it’s great to see K-Lo finally crack the starting lineup over at Breitbart’s bathroom stall. Her first missive proves she’ll fit right in on Planet Andy):

A lot of you here in Big Hollywood live in the real Hollywood so maybe you have a map to this alternative reality Steven Weber lives in? As I saw the last eight years, whether it was at a convention, in Crawford, on the Mall, or even in Iraq, there were always people speaking freely and often crassly (or with shoes) about the president. And right until the end — George W. Bush was shamefully mocked this morning at the Capitol. Perhaps his” Wings” allow Weber to travel to Stalin’s Russia or Hitler’s Germany, or, contemporarily, Chinese Laogais.

(emphasis mine)

Apparently K-Lo forgot to mention that life under the Bush regime was much more civilized than citizens experienced under the rule of Pol Pot. Hopefully, Cambodian immigrants aren’t offended by the omission.


I don’t know how he does it.



Did he say non-believers?

Yes. Yes he did. Thanks for the shout-out, Barry.


We all know, however, that she isn’t nearly as upset about the color of the dress as she is about the color of the skin underneath it

And the fact that the former flatters the latter eminently well just makes her all the more racistly pissed.


And right until the end — George W. Bush was shamefully mocked this morning at the Capitol.

Look, dammit, Clinton- he of the 60%+ approval rating upon leaving the WH- was given the raspberry treatment from wingnuts at W.’s first inauguration. Enough already, K-Lo.


Michael Kors: It did look kind of … costumey. Or should I say “slut-ty, slut-ty, slut-ty?”

No, actually you shouldn’t. Pammycakes is stupid enough and crazy enough that you can effortlessly mock her all day long without descending to that. Leave that kind of bullshit to the halfwitted right-wing talk-show types, who think it’s “bold” and “fearless” and “transgressive” and “politically incorrect.”

It’s like this. Suppose that there’s some black guy you really, really dislike, and you want to insult him. OK, so you go and call him a “n****r.” Well, you’ve succeeded in insulting him, all right – and in the bargain, you have also insulted every other black man, woman and child in hearing range. Congratulations!

Now substitute “slut” for “n****r,” and “woman who might possibly be sexually active” for “black man, woman and child” in the above paragraph, and you might see what I’m getting at.

Dragon-King Wangchuck, Godless Heathen

I’ve been coping with pills and buying hideous dresses, but you have shown me there is another way

Okay, maybe not a role model for ALL women, everywhere – but at least some women, in some places or something. Anyways, I thought my first paragraph was enough of a magical “gender issues awareness” shield that I’d have been able to get away with “I LOVE BOOBIES!!!!!” next. Sheesh, you feminists are so touchy.

Also, I guess it’s good for you that JiSM3 got trounced as badly as he did, imagine having to step up your pill-popping to keep with the current fashion.


Now substitute “slut” for “n****r,” and “woman who might possibly be sexually active” for “black man, woman and child” in the above paragraph, and you might see what I’m getting at.

Got any phone numbers to share?

Dragon-King Wangchuck, Godless Heathen




OTB and Till – I grew up in Hauppauge. My brother (Suffolk cop) was at a Letterman taping once. Years ago, Dave used to go out in the audience and talk to the guests. He doesn’t really do this anymore. Anyway, my brother was pre-selected by the show for Dave to talk to and they told him: “Remember, Dave makes the jokes”

Dave comes out and makes small talk with my brother and asks him where he is from.

Hauppauge, my brother replies.

What does that mean?

Exit 56 in Algonquin

The audience really laughed and Dave looked like he smelled a bad fart.

Trilateral Chairman

Yea, black I sort of took for granted after the speech in Chicago on Election night and that’s de rigeuer(sp?) for funerals, so she doesn’t have a choice there.

Purple. Yes. That would work.

There must be precedent either from other world leaders (and their wives) or from Condi Rice. Granted that Condi and Michelle have different roles and styles, but one could at least get some insight into color choices.

I actually don’t see a problem with a royal blue, but if you saw how I dress, you’d know not to trust my fashion sense whatsoever….


Now that there is funnay, Ben!


I don’t know how he does it.

Dissentient androids. Maybe clones.

Mark my words, we’re going to start seeing him in more than one place at the same time.


No matter what, white man ain’t never going to be no good.

Pam wouldn’t have been “white” in my neighorhood.


Heh. Does she know about the IKEA chairs in the WH yet?

[haven’t been able to find many credible reports but word is out that people saw IKEA chairs being moved in]

Rusty Shackleford

IKEA? Is he moving in his old dorm furniture?



I went right to the source. We can get a good look at what her own choices would be:


No matter what, white man ain’t never going to be no good.

Not at the rate that Pammycakes is going, no. But once she’s gone…

BTW, does a double negative equal a positive when a wingnut says it, or do the terms all cancel each other out?


Michelle would look fabulous in that pale champagne gold color. She’d also look really good in a toned-down lime green color, and warm pink/coral colors. True blue probably isn’t her best color, but she’d look good in the warm blues – medium teals, robin’s egg, etc.


Susan of Texas said,

January 21, 2009 at 18:22

Electing Barry X proves racism is over (if it ever really existed),

Someone’s passed out a new talking point; Jonah Goldberg wrote a post on the same thing.

Racism is over, except for the victims of Liberal Fascism, of course.


Has Pam’s silcone brain transplant rejected her yet?



Michelle would look fabulous in military fatigues while holding an AK-47 and wearing a necklace of caucasian ears.

Rusty Shackleford

Germany losing WWII proved anti-semitism is over.

Dragon-King Wangchuck, Godless Heathen

Michelle would look fabulous in military fatigues while holding an AK-47 and wearing a necklace of caucasian ears.
Funny thing, though. She would. Fucking HAWT -is what that would be.


All in favor of Pammy being forced to wear a burqa ( 24/7 raise your Quran.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> Exit 56 in Algonquin

Having lived in E. Hampton for one summer, while also doing years of Suffolk weekending when I lived in Manhattan, I find this hilarious and spot-on.

Now I live in another strange land where you indicate your residence by exit number – New Jersey. This is an important addition to the 3,477 things I was already aware of that NJ & LI have in common.


Michelle would look fabulous in military fatigues while holding an AK-47 and wearing a necklace of caucasian ears.

I’m thinking dressed like Pam Grier in a bad 70’s blaxploitation film. Not to imply there was such a thing as a good 70’s blaxploitation film.


Especially since the only action that bedroom got in the past 8 years was Fratboy on the exercise bike, watching porn.

Would be binding and chafing, no?

[Exit 88]


Also…one of the big challenges about having Biden as VP is that he’s pretty much going to drink everyone else under the table, so Obama can’t expect to lean on his #2 in the morning.

I thought Biden didn’t drink? Perhaps I’m the least informed person here after all 🙁

Anyway, I thought Michelle looked good, although I’m not sure what the flappy thing around her neck was. But, flappy thing or no, Pam’s comments just look pathetic, and I think she’d make ugly petty comments if Michelle had been attired in cloth woven from the hair of gods and delivered to her by angels. It seems as if she’s jealous that this woman attached to a president she hates is getting more positive attention than, for example, her. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if she thinks any woman that isn’t her had better have a really good reason for getting more positive attention than she gets. Merely being the wife of the new president apparently doesn’t cut it


Not noticed is that Obama’s description of the U.S.:

“We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus–and non-believers.”

Is nearly identical to Melville’s description of the crew of the Pequod in Moby Dick.

Trilateral Chairman

Now I live in another strange land where you indicate your residence by exit number – New Jersey. This is an important addition to the 3,477 things I was already aware of that NJ & LI have in common.

There is a very good reason for this; Pammy would be (almost) as home in Bergen County as on the Island.

[exit 117, once upon a time]


I thought Biden didn’t drink? Perhaps I’m the least informed person here after all 🙁

Shoot, I had forgotten that. Biden doesn’t drink because his family has a history of alcoholism.

Biden’s goofiness thus comes naturally.


Doug – well, Moby Dick is either his favorite book (or favorite by an American author, I can’t remember now) so I’m sure that was no accident.


Or it could be Obama showing his latent Trekkie-ness.


Jennifer — is that true, Obama is a Melville fan?

I just found the similarity striking, except Melville says “Hindoo”


If only their heads would actually explode.

Amen, brother!


The angle that had not occurred to me until reading of Michelle in camo &c., is that perhaps the source of HammyPammy’s um…frustration is that she just can’t stop thinking of Michelle in hiking boots, jeans and a flannel shirt. Playing softball. I can only speak anecdotally here but in my experience, lipstick lesbians tend to go for the butch dykes. And get all nasty on classy wymmin who are their objects of unrequited lust. And no one with a lick of sense would deny that M. O. is a very classy woman.

Just a thought.


I didn’t know about the Melville, how interesting. Personally, I was hoping Obama would sound his barbaric YAWP over the roofs of the world. But that’s just the way I roll.


I’m fascinated that Obama chose to say “non-believer” instead of “atheist.”

Non-believer is a fairly antiquated and uncommon expression; and it carries a different tinge and weight than “atheist.”

I’m officially fascinated.

Too bad the guy will never get elected.



Fortunately for my fantasy life, it’s fairly well-known that pammy doesn’t swing that way…

Wait, did I just say that? Ew!


If only their heads would actually explode.

It would be a festival that looked like strawberry ice cream, with hair.


Doug – according to the Telegraph UK, Moby Dick is his favorite book.


***Super News Alert***

Our bff Jonah Goldberg is on NPR’s Talk of the Nation call-in radio show starting in a few minutes. Anyone feel like pulling tails?


Doug – according to the Telegraph UK, Moby Dick is his favorite book.

Clearly racist: why are we not surprised that Blackman Obomber wants to read about harpooning white whales?


Which leads me to use the interducts machine to find out more trivia about the O’man. I find this: He owns four identical pairs of black size 11 shoes

Size 11! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Be still my beating heart!


BDIII said,
January 21, 2009 at 21:03 (kill)
***Super News Alert***



Now I live in another strange land where you indicate your residence by exit number – New Jersey. This is an important addition to the 3,477 things I was already aware of that NJ & LI have in common.


That’s just training for the New World Order where the Chinese have bar-coded all the Stop signs in Matawan…


PeeJ – yeah, I know. But I did find some of it pretty interesting – like Obama thought about being an architect, likes Scrabble, and collected comic books.

He’s…gasp…a cool geek!

One of us…one of us…


All in favor of Pammy being forced to wear a burqa ( 24/7 raise your Quran.

I still think she should wear the outfit she was forced to wear in Strawmen of Gor as Slave Girl Pammy.


***Not Exactly Super, But still a News Alert***

New website, Raging Wingnut Hardons.

According to their mission statement: Although not a religious organization, we work for the glory of the Lord Jesus, in whom we put our trust and salvation. We work for the appreciation and preservation of United States of America — which was created in covenant with the One True Living God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Let HIM be praised!

Thank goodness they’re honest, eh?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

It has always been Christians and Jews

Funny, it used to be Congregationalists and Episcopalians.

The Islamofacist steering commitee in my neighborhood appointed me muezzin… I’ll be trading last call for call to prayer.


Jennifer — thanks for that tip about Moby Dick being a fave of Obama. I am totally bowled over. This makes some sense to me. Melville created the Pequod to be a microcosm of the entire world and every religion and “pagan” religion. The harpooners, Dagoo, Tashtego and Queequeg are Black West African, Gay Head Wampanoag Indian, and Maori Headhunter. All pagans. And the Ahab, Starbuck, Stub and Flask, the “normal” white folk assigned to keep the whole enterprise afloat and on dime.

Hmm …


***Not Exactly Super, But still a News Alert***
New website, Raging Wingnut Hardons.

What insights might these noble conservatives have for me?

Hello world!(0)

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!


One of us…one of us… Now that evokes a truly bizarre film.


Now that evokes a truly bizarre film.

HAH! I was thinking of a Simpsons episode which I’m sure drew from that source.


Ah – here is the right clip for Jennifer’s reference.


That’s just training for the New World Order where the Chinese have bar-coded all the Stop signs in Matawan…

Wow, I had forgotten about that classic piece of wingnuttery. When I first heard about the roadsign conspiracy, all I could imagine were Chi-Com tanks rolling down Main Street with giant barcode readers on their turrets.


Codec Obama Alpha has been released.

This site will provide instructions.

“”I am a Hebrew,” he cries – and then – “I fear the Lord the God of Heaven who hath made the sea and the dry land!” Fear him, O Jonah? Aye, well mightest thou fear the Lord God then!


Who cares about the dress. George H.W. Bush’s hat was freaking awesome. He was ready to shoot Cheney right in the face.


Well, I was just sworn in and I’m here clearing links out of my computer so I can fill it with the “serious” stuff, and I saw Sadly No sitting there, forelornly. I figured I’d stop by one last time to wish y’all well before I’m completely crushed by work (which, unfortunately, won’t involve rabid pelicans, not even badgers). Anyway, carry on (as I know you will).

Adios, chums.

Turbine Yukon Palin

I will hear no criticism of a lady who can — and does — wear lemongrass and pistachio, and looks delicious while doing it.

And not from right wing observers whose very own recent First Lady consistently looks like she was parasailing the balmy breezes of vicodin and vodka for the last eight years (and who could blame her?). Who, in more than one photo-op, looked as if she were on castors and appeared to be rolled from state event to state event while clutching Bush in a suit-wrinkling death-grip.


Please excuse if someone else has posted this, but the beginning of the Colbert Report’s inauguration day show made me laugh real hard.


Re: Moby Dick similarity:

Anyone know the exact quote offhand, or at least what chapter it’s in? I would be mondo impressed if that line was a literary allusion that went over everyone’s heads.


Hmmm, I didn’t know Elaan of Troyus was able to see the inauguration.


There is a very good reason for this; Pammy would be (almost) as home in Bergen County as on the Island.

Ooooh you better shut uppa the mouf before you gets whats comin to ya, mister.

(exit 165)


The wingnut snark is pretty rich, coming on the heels of a first lady whose fashion choices seemed to be aesthetically inspired by equal parts Marcel Duchamp & Cosplay.

No doubt about it: Michelle Obama definitely needs to take taste-tips from someone who thinks orange highlighting quotations is tres chic.

WTF is Michelle wearing? The tablecloth or the curtains? A tablecoth?

You spell every bit as well as you dress, honey – so why don’t you sit down with a nice big cup of STFU?


I thought Michelle looked fab. I think the scarfy thing was probably for warmth, so she could get by with a light coat. I do the same thing.

Yes it’s shallow with so many problems facing the country right now, but Michelle does have great fashion sense. She likes simple, classic silhouettes, strong colors, and she knows how to flatter her curvy figure. Her chic style will be a welcome change from frumpy dumpy Pickles.


But the ship, having her full complement of seamen, spurned his suit; and not all the King his father’s influence could prevail.



It is not possible to express how little I care about Michelle Obama’s fashion sense. Not in human tongues, anyway.
I kind of like the idea of an alien language with a huge vocabulary and syntax for discussing the depths and the subtle distinctions within one’s unconcern, apathy, boredom etc.
Sadly, it would not not make for a particularly action-filled ST:TNG movie.


I kind of like the idea of an alien language with a huge vocabulary and syntax for discussing the depths and the subtle distinctions within one’s unconcern, apathy, boredom etc.

It’s called Russian.

bad trek pun goes here

Hmmm, I didn’t know Elaan of Troyus was able to see the inauguration.

Had I known what self-abuse was when I first set eyes upon the Elaan, I would’ve never made it out of puberty alive.


Sadly, it would not not make for a particularly action-filled ST:TNG movie.

So, you mean most of the ST:TNG movies, then.

pseudonymous in nc

Jonah Goldberg wrote a post on the same thing.

While S, N! has a niche in trawling the depths, here’s the thing: we don’t have to give a fuck about the top-tiers of wingnut welfare cases any more.


And I don’t think it’s nice of y’all a-making fun of Laura Bush ’cause she ain’t hawt like First Lady Michelle Obama is. You live with that weasel-lookin’ dickbag for a couple decades, and you’d frump up, too. I ain’t never been able to look at that poor woman with nothing but pity, especially now because you know from now on, she’s got Former President Bush all to herself.

Bless her heart.


It’s called Russian.


In Russia boredom discusses you.

Dragon-King Wangchuck, Godless Heathen

Atlas Update

Yes, YOU READ THAT RIGHT. Obama called Abbas, first thing in the morning at 8am. Then he called Olmert, Mubarak and Abdullah – in that order.

Holy fuck. Imagine, a POTUS who actually tries to do shit. Twenty hours after being sworn in and he’s already done more than Bush did on the whole Israel-Palestine thing. Although to be fair to Georgie, I hear that he had Abdullah on the speed dial.


by the way, Day one seems to going pretty well so far. New lobbying/lobbyist limits, new mandate on FOIA, pay freezes….

I’m liking it all so far.


I can’t believe he called the Palestinian FIRST! Ohmygod! This is CLEAR evidence that B. Hussein Obama is a Sekrit Muslin terra wrist with intentions of drowning the Jews in Isreal in the Red See!

Is there a prize for channeling my inner nutcase?


drinking wood alcohol daiquiris
— Ah, but what kind of wood?
— It’s a hickory daiquiri, Doc.


DKW, thanks for that. Day One is going even better than I thought!

they’re chanting over there: impeach impeach impeach


You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> Bless her heart.

Everybody knows how El Chimpo has a nickname for all the people he knows. I would like to know what his nickname for Laura is.

My best guess would be “Zanny”, as in Xanax.


Wow, what an incredibly bitter, angry, delusional and petty woman Pammy is. And look at the joy her followers (commenters) take in insulting the First Lady’s physical attributes. Now she’s updated the post to insult transsexuals, I see.

It might be fun to laugh at someone like Pammy, all decked out in her cheap plastic fake baubles and cheap plastic fake tits, but she sounds dangerously unhinged. Maybe someone needs to call the nutty house.


“they’re chanting over there: impeach impeach impeach”

What took them so long?


What took them so long?

Well, Springer was on, and then “Wheel Of Fortune” and before you know, it’s naptime and the day’s just flown by.

Dragon-King Wangchuck, Godless Heathen

Is there a prize for channeling my inner nutcase?
B. Hussein O. to Abbas: Allah Akbar, Komrade Abbas. The Palestinian Weather Liberation Underground plot to steal all of AmeriKKKa’s guns is well under way. Remember to start distributing snorkels for when we drowned Israel in the Commie Red Sea. Also, never trust anyone over 30.


B. Hussein O. to Mubarrak: ‘sup, Homes. Crackers dint suspect a thing. Even when we called it the Brotherhood, Whitey dint care. And now that I’m Prez. – DEATH TO AMERICA!!!!!

B. Hussein O. to Abdullah: Yo, last guy left a note for you – it’s a check-a-box. You want it , or should I toss it with the trash?


she sounds dangerously unhinged.

About par for the course with these sorts. I mean, we aren’t calling them nuts for nothing.


– It’s a hickory daiquiri, Doc.

*snapping finger*

So THAT’S why the mouse ran up the clock!


BTW, I thought that Laura Bush’s nickname was “Pickles”? However, I really really don’t want to think about how she might have come by that.


Which leads me to use the interducts machine to find out more trivia about the O’man. I find this: He owns four identical pairs of black size 11 shoes


I’m 11…TRIPLE E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And they say black men are bigger…HAH!


Dragon-King Wangchuck, Godless Heathen said,

January 21, 2009 at 23:02


Always a bridesmaid, never the bride…

Dragon-King Wangchuck, Godless Heathen

Snark of the Day comes from a TPM reader:

“The first Republican member of Congress who cries “Wolverines!” on the House or Senate floor has to be considered the front-runner for the 2012 Iowa caucus.”


Well, I was just sworn in …



we don’t have to give a fuck about the top-tiers of wingnut welfare cases any more.

This goes back to my point tho. They aren’t going away. We’ll have the same cast of yahoos being published and on the teevee, and there will be no corresponding expansion of actual left wingers. These shitheels will be invited into the national discourse and asked to explain just why it is that the D’s are so fcked up and can anyone explain how Obama has failed so badly?

The breathless repetition of right wing talking points will spew forth from every over-produced ‘news’ show with chyrons blandly scrolling misinformation masquerading as facts, and the Giant Elf et al. will be pontificating from high, their poorly digested bitter swill contaminating whole oceans of ideas.

The Overton Window will move 10cm to the left for approximately [a really short time] and then what? Politicians will do the expedient thing and accept the feckless media line which the owners of the means of production use to continue their relentless transfer of wealth to themselves.

Our new funky blackalicious Karellenist overlord got elected.

Jonah the Pantload still gets paid to make shit up.

Change. Mmph.


pammy talks fashion! criticism from a broad that is one face lift away from picking belly button lint out of the top of her head and sporting a brazilian goatee. awesome.


Childhood’s End reference FTW.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Oh, you Suffolk people have no idea how good you had it.

Growing up in Long Beach, I not only remember all of our neighbors being Pamela-esque princesses, but many of my aunts and female cousins have transformed into them over the years.

The most depressing part is that you don’t even have to be Jewish in Long Island to become an JAP. It just seems to settle in naturally because of the surroundings.


WTF is Michelle wearing? The tablecloth or the curtains?

No, this is what she would have worn if she had worn the curtains.

Why would a wingnut want to insult an icon of Southern style?


Growing up in Long Beach, I not only remember all of our neighbors being Pamela-esque princesses, but many of my aunts and female cousins have transformed into them over the years.


Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Wrooooong coast.


Oh sh*t. Here come the gay Mexican black Muslim helicopters from the United Nations of Amero to impose vegan socialism on us all.

Hitlery Clinton just got confirmed, with only 2 brave patriots sticking up for freedom and against the Arkansas-Wellesley hegemony.


It’s not like Laura Bush wasn’t fond of wearing whatever was at hand for important occasions.


Wrooooong coast.

No no! The dance club in Lido Beach. I spent many…at least I think I did, the 80s were a blur…nights there trying to get laid by the self-same JAPs!

At least I think they were Princesses. They could have been Princes.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico



This is more what wearing the curtains would look like.



That fucking place. I was always getting dragged there by friends in the ’80s. Wednesday nights in the summer were cool though because it was lifeguard night so I’d get free admission and one free drink. But I recall the crowd there being more Massapequa than Five Towns. So Guidettes rather than JAPs to trade one slur for another.

My Father’s Place FTW.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Has anybody cared to inform the whackjobs and wingnuts on their blogs that we MUST, according to their own rules, support unquestioningly a President At War?

Any comment-in-waiting suggesting that would get shit-canned in about 12 picoseconds. This little fact really brings home, to me at least, just how deranged and scared of reality that the nutjobs and repigs are.


As for the Christians and Jews, not one of our first 5 presidents were either one. We had three deists and two Unitarians. Not a believer in Jesus in the bunch.


Dave comes out and makes small talk with my brother and asks him where he is from.

Hauppauge, my brother replies.

What does that mean?

Exit 56 in Algonquin

“I grew up in Massapequa, which is an Indian word meaning ‘by the mall’.” — J. Seinfeld


I kind of like the idea of an alien language with a huge vocabulary and syntax for discussing the depths and the subtle distinctions within one’s unconcern, apathy, boredom etc.

That would be Vogan.


She should look up the Bush women’s fashions from the 2005 inauguration.


They love being miserable, and we’re happy to oblige.


I’d love to be a cab driver in Manhattan. I’d pick that bitch up and have a convenient breakdown in Harlem…no, not Harlem, the South Bronx.


Photos of the Inaugural Gall are now available for funny hats to be added thereto.

To work, Photoshoppers!


Also, GOATS.

Dragon-King Wangchuck, Godless Heathen

What the hell is wrong with David’s left eye?
Also, did David Vitter bring a date?


What’s Mickey Kaus doing there? HE’S A LIBERAL!!!


I almost feel bad for Pam. She looks like she hasn’t had any plastic surgery done for months.
Maybe she hit that point where all the reputable ‘doctors’ are telling her, “enough”.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

I’d love to be a cab driver in Manhattan. I’d pick that bitch up and have a convenient breakdown in Harlem…no, not Harlem, the South Bronx.

Fuck that, drop her off in Forest Hills and watch her have an aneurysm with all the Hasidic Jews that think Zionism is bullshit.


“Wow, what an incredibly bitter, angry, delusional and petty woman Pammy is. And look at the joy her followers (commenters) take in insulting the First Lady’s physical attributes. Now she’s updated the post to insult transsexuals, I see.”

How dare Pammy attack Ann Coulter!


apparently Pammy “used to be Christians and Jews” isn’t much of a historian. I would assume “used to be” encompasses 1786, when the Virginia general assembly enacted the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, authored by Thomas Jefferson in 1779. He recalls the debate thus: ”
Where the preamble declares that coercion is a departure from the plan of the holy author of our religion, an amendment was proposed, by inserting the word “Jesus Christ,” so that it should read “a departure from the plan of Jesus Christ, the holy author of our religion.” The insertion was rejected by a great majority, in proof that they meant to comprehend within the mantle of its protection the Jew and the Gentile, the Christian and Mahometan, the Hindoo and infidel of every denomination.” –Thomas Jefferson: Autobiography
Sounds a lot like Obama’s speech yesterday. Pammy, on the other hand, sounds more like Westbrook Pegler


I’m currently visiting Taiwan and michelle’s dress was discussed on the nightly news here. It appears it was designed by a Taiwanese designer and is a big deal.

By wingnut logic, does this mean that Pammy is now anti-Taiwan and a massive Chicom supporter?


Michelle would look fabulous in military fatigues…

Srsly? Given how good our new First Lady (and yes she IS!) looks in ivory, teal, and chartreuse? She’s what fashionistas back in the 80s called an “autumn” and she’ll also be gorgeous in navy, rust, scarlet, chocolate, olive, khaki, and all the other earth tones. Or, as my late mother used to say, “If they’ve ever made a uniform from it — that’s her color.”

Don’t know if it’s been mentioned on the national news media, but the Inaugural dress designer, Jason Wu, was best known until this morning as a designer for high-end collectible fashion dolls, a/k/a ‘barbies for grown-ups’. Yes, Pamela would have been in a faaar better fashion place if she’d spent the last decade buying little vinyl models instead of silicone…


M. Bouffant–

Yes, I remember that dress too! My mother was a big Carol Burnett fan; I believe that sketch was called “The Wind Done Gone” or something like that.


Good god Mrs. Frum is a misshapen freak.

With discolored teeth and gingivitis. Shudder…


Wonder what happened to Pammy’s ex, all caught up in some car-dealer cash laundering scam?


Everybody knows how El Chimpo has a nickname for all the people he knows. I would like to know what his nickname for Laura is.

My understanding is that her nickname was “Lumpy”, ie the lump in the blanket.


I almost feel bad for Pam. She looks like she hasn’t had any plastic surgery done for months.
Maybe she hit that point where all the reputable ‘doctors’ are telling her, “enough”.

Nah, she’s well on her way to Michael Jackson slit-for-nose meets “Lion Lady” facial disfigurement. Love the line about her picking belly lint outta her head & vaselining up her cleft chin.

First commenter to use the phrase “meat curtains” wins a free barf bag.


My Father’s Place FTW.

First place I saw The Police. I have some warm feelings about it.

But I had more fun at American Blues and Heads & Tails.


Fuck that, drop her off in Forest Hills and watch her have an aneurysm with all the Hasidic Jews that think Zionism is bullshit.

Fuck that! Strap her to the front of the Mitzvah tank and force her to listen to that megaphone all fucking day.


One thing is for sure about Pamela. She was right about Michelle’s dress. It was the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen on someone’s body.


“This is counterfeit Viagra,” Ashton said. viagra


(comments are closed)