Insert title, etc.
Posted on August 18th, 2005 by Gavin M.
By Michelle Malkin
August 18, 2005 10:55 AM
Byron York highlights just how radical Sheehan and her anti-war friends are (her anti-Afghanistan war views were noted earlier here.) Ronald Griffin, a grieving parent who supports the war, talks back to Mrs. Sheehan in the Wall Street Journal. The Move America Forward caravan hits Crawford next week. Drudge, who broke the MSM silence about Mrs. Sheehan’s shifting stories, follows up […]
I hereby name thee Admiral Awesome.
How about Queen of Moronica?
“We must throw off the yoke of monarchy, and make our country safe for hypocrisy!”
How about “colostomy bag,” because she’s more full of shit than a 200-year old outhouse?
tigrismus- the term is “cobag”- and it is massively appropriate here. We coined that term as a gender-neutral replacement for douchebag over at Three Bulls! and have been trying to get people to use it- it is a more sensitive insult, and frankly, more disgusting (no offense Uncle Punko, just back from his colon removal)
Oh, goodie! Though maybe colobag, cobag seems to give them short shrift, and they are not worthy of being so shriven. And that’s me, wicked sensitive to the feelings of others, no matter how full of shit they are.
colostomobag? ‘mobag? co’mo’bag? Maybe comobag? I will send it to the usage dept. for a ruling. I like the extra syllable. Put your input down here for the committee and we’ll address it tonight in session.
We could go with “colomo”, and work in the enormous, mendacious, disembodied anus angle, too…
No you;ve done it. I’m back on Kokomo again. I loved the chocolate starfish part. The Editors have truly been bogarding all the ass that is getting kicked.
Get to work!
It has been 10 days since I first posted on Cindy Sheehan, and after sticking my neck out and taking massive amounts of ongoing abuse and ridicule for giving her the scrutiny she deserves…
Michelle picks on a grieving mother and still has the gall to act like a victim. *blink, blink* Wow. What’s next, tripping blind people and then commending yourself for how bravely you risked your ankle to do it?
I meant to post a while ago, but I’m continually amazed by the glee certain conservatives have for being able to slam a grieving woman who’s lost a child. Like it’s some point of pride and sheer intellectual greatness to be able to actually dig through the gutter to the sewer underneath.
And no, if this were a conservative person out there supporting Bush, I would not hoot and point and laugh about her divorce, or spend all my time thinking up witty, cruel remarks. I would be sad. I am sad. My mother lost my younger brother to cancer (this was before I was born) – she will never get over that. The loss never, ever goes away.
If this were a movie, no one would believe it. Sometimes I think these people have nothing in their hearts.
… Sorry, I know this is usually a funny blog, but I figured I posted so far down no one would care much one way or the other.
er, if it was before i was born, he would be my older brother, even though he was only two when he died and…
gah, my brain hurts, /and/ I’ve just ruined my poignant example.
No, twiggy, if I may call you that, don’t feel sorry. It is that we are too depressed about reality to even deal with it. We would quickly become shrill, instead we stay juvenile. Thanks for the comment.
Pink (wrong kind!) Punk’s website ain’t working! I bet Trollypants broke it! LOL!!!1!!!11!!!
“What’s next, tripping blind people and then commending yourself for how bravely you risked your ankle to do it?”
That sums it up beautifully.
Wow, just, just wow…
So Ms. Malkin, slanderer of wounded veterans, slanders a dead soldier and his grieving mother and she’s shocked, SHOCKED, to find that people hate her?
Well Ms. Malkin, I have a question for you:
If you hate America so much that you’ll attack our veterans and their families, why don’t you leave?
Please do, because we don’t want your pathetic lying ass any more.
And take that asswipe Larry Northern with you.
RADICAL? are you kidding me, you self-loathing pile of turd? only Bush’s most dedicated fraudience can still be amening him now. there’s yet more proof that this mess didn’t have to be so gawdawfully messy:
I still think “ass” is the best way to describe her.
She whines about taking heat for smearing a mother who lost her son in a bullshit war. Fuck that bitch Malkin with Ann Coulter’s dick.
Naah. Too subtle. Next, Michelle will bludgeon to death an Iraq war veteran at Walter Reed…
…with his own prosthetic limb.
She better hurry because I hear Walter Reed is closing.
Can we have a variation of Colobag for online types? Maybe call them Coloblogs?
Wouldn’t “colostobag” work? It scans well, too.
Might I suggest colostobog? Tubesock? From where do I know you?
Colomostomoblogobog. bag.
Rear Admiral, our ranks grow. Soon we will own this bog!!!! BwahhhaahhBwaha
Ugh. I wish a large sea mammal would eat Michelle Malkin.
“Ugh. I wish a large sea mammal would eat Michelle Malkin.”
Once ElRushbo gets weary of leaping for the thrown herring…