“Yarr, Skippy, prepare to walk the plank!”
Shock and meow baby!
Shock and paws, you mean.
I just let the citizens of Skippyland know that the kittens would capture their hearts and minds.
Or their nads- whichever works better.
That cat has me nads! Avast ya scurvy puss! Release the treasure!
Kaye Grogan in a cow suit? Isn’t that redundant?
Also, I’m not sure what the word “yarr” means. My pirate dictionary (http://www.talklikeapirate.com/howto.html) didn’t seemed to know either.
You said “Scurvy puss”.
You had me at “Yarr”…
Maybe we should call out the reserves.
Then there is this wet kitty (insert your own sex joke here)
sadly, no! you know we’ve been supporters of you for years now, and wish you nothing but the best in your quest to reach a million.
personally, for savage kittens, we recommend the site we’ve recommended since we first started 3 years ago:
my cat hates you.com.
A counter strike! No!
beware… beware the cute things…
(comments are closed)
David Brooks Free Trade Mustache of Understanding Rod Freaking Dreher Ta Nehisi Coates Tom Friedman u Wisconsin boy makes something that is not good
Shock and meow baby!
Shock and paws, you mean.
I just let the citizens of Skippyland know that the kittens would capture their hearts and minds.
I just let the citizens of Skippyland know that the kittens would capture their hearts and minds.
Or their nads- whichever works better.
That cat has me nads! Avast ya scurvy puss! Release the treasure!
Kaye Grogan in a cow suit? Isn’t that redundant?
Also, I’m not sure what the word “yarr” means. My pirate dictionary (http://www.talklikeapirate.com/howto.html) didn’t seemed to know either.
You said “Scurvy puss”.
You had me at “Yarr”…
Maybe we should call out the reserves.
Then there is this wet kitty (insert your own sex joke here)
sadly, no! you know we’ve been supporters of you for years now, and wish you nothing but the best in your quest to reach a million.
personally, for savage kittens, we recommend the site we’ve recommended since we first started 3 years ago:
my cat hates you.com.
A counter strike! No!
beware… beware the cute things…